Many mon have sol down many rulos for tlio gnidanoe of their followmen, but theso soem to bo about as suro a road to Health, Streugth and Ilappincss as may be found auywhere. Tliey aro by Prof. Boyd Layuard, of England:
1. Amid orory lcind of csecss, espeoially in eating and drinking.
2. Do not liro to cat. Soleet those ali-monts most suitable for nourislung the body, and not tboso likely to impair it.
•2 Look upon fresh air as yonr best friond. Inbale its life-giring oxygon as much as pos* siblo during the day: wbiło at nigbt sloop with tbo bodroom window opon at tbo top for a spaoo of at least four or five incbes.