15923 Jak pisać po angielsku StronaG

15923 Jak pisać po angielsku StronaG

Zawiadomienie o kontroli jakości Notification of a quality control examination

Stahlexport GmbH Taunusstr. 12-14 46119 Oberhausen Germany

2nd May 20..

Dear Mr Meier

Our Order 19345692 TI

Thank you for your fax of April 25 in which you stałe that the Steel plates will be ready for dispatch and awaiting shipment in a fortnights time.

In our L/C we stipulate that we reąuire a commercial invoice, the B/L and the insurance certificate for shipment CIF Bangkok together with a ąuality control report. As regards the latter we have entrusted the company we name below with ąuality control and they will be contacting you in the next few days. They are:


Societe Generale de Surveillance German Office Hamburg

Would you please enclose this company's assessment with the documentation to be presented to both the issuing and the advising banks.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Steel piąte stalowa płyta await shipment oczekiwać załadunku na statek

fortnight dwa tygodnie stipulate zastrzec L/C = letter of credit akredytywa commercial invoice faktura handlowa B/L= bill of lading konosament insurance certificate certyfikat ubezpieczeniowy

quality control report raport kontroli jakości

entrust powierzyć assessment tu: sprawozdanie, oszacowanie

documentation dokumentacja issuing bank bank otwierający (w kraju importera) (przy akredytywie) advising bank bank awizujący (w kraju eksportera) (przy akredytywie)

Skierowanie reklamacji klienta do towarzystwa ubezpieczeniowego

Referral of customer complaint to insurance company

Your ref.:UNG/009.92.1 5 May 20..

Budapesti Vegyi Muvek Budapest XII Radnoti Miklos Utca 23 1367

HUNGARY Dear Mr Zold

Thank you for your letter of 28 April in which you give details of damage to 3 drums of bitumen delivered by ourselves to your company on April 19th. We regret the inconvenience caused and feel you acted correctly by having the damage assessed by your insurance agent.

We have looked into the matter and examined the driver's log for the trip in ąuestion and have discovered that our vehicle was involved in a minor accident. The case is currently in the hands of our lawyers and should be settled by the end of the month. Our insurance cover provides for indemnification for any eventuality so we would therefore reąuest you to approach our insurers, whose name and address are as follows: Accident Insurance Europę Insurance House London EC1A 4WW England.

Please ąuote policy No. GLX/342-00/93.

We trust the matter will be settled to your satisfaction in due course.

Yours sincerely EUROFREIGHT LTD

lnconvenience niedogodność act correctly postępować właściwie have the damage assessed zlecić ustalenie szkody

look into the matter badać sprawę log tu: książka odbytych jazd vchicle pojazd be involved być włączonym lawyer prawnik

insurance cover ubezpieczeniowe pokrycie ryzyka

indemnification odszkodowanie eventuality ewentualność approach tu: zwrócić się do policy polisa



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