68306 s&h 135
liaiso tlie body slowly nt arnrs lengętli. holil tłu* position a moment, and thcn lower ir jnst as slowly. At tlić beginuing a few times will sufłice for tliis exercise, as it will be founcl very exhaosting, and exliaustion is one of Ihe tliings to be aroided in physical oulture that is iutended to be of any value.
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s&h 135 STRENOTH AND HEALTH 135 A GENKltAL MOYEMEAT—No. 2 liaiso tlie body slowly nt arnrs lengętli.s&h 095 STRENOTH AND HEALTH S».i TUK FIX<!KI*S—No. 2 Place the pahns of (lie liands clnse to-&quo21312 s&h 105 STRENOTH AND HEALTH 105 THE AR MS. There iii‘c» huudreds of exercises for the deyelopw61441 s&h 173 STRENOTH AND HEALTH 173 BHKATHING—No. 5 From a position witli the hands iu front, palms&h 095 STRENOTH AND HEALTH S».i TUK FIX<!KI*S—No. 2 Place the pahns of (lie liands clnse to-&quos&h 105 STRENOTH AND HEALTH 105 THE AR MS. There iii‘c» huudreds of exercises for the deyelopwent ofs&h 173 STRENOTH AND HEALTH 173 BHKATHING—No. 5 From a position witli the hands iu front, palms toge72395 s&h 137 STUENGTH AND HEALTH 137 CUEST AND ARMS—No. 1 Another siniplo moyement- which, wliilc ls&h 137 STUENGTH AND HEALTH 137 CUEST AND ARMS—No. 1 Another siniplo moyement- which, wliilc liaving45989 s&h 143 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 14 THE HKIDGE For a bark and neck dereloper there are few inoTcmen= ! U Aviation. Travel and Tourism Pułure of Health and Healthcare E v Ii I iIfi lii // ««111 //20194 smpb 60 MR. HFE 1JCE Mtrtdet—felg and pow-erful, herr thcy arc. And Health, Ino! No roattrr&nb20214 s&h 083 83 STHKXC!TH AND HEALTH ditions infiuitely morę unfarorable tliau tliose with wliieh l20241 s&h 127 127 STRENGTH AND HEALTH CtłEST AND BACK—No. 2 Itaise the body up nith effort, nsing (l2 institutionss IRAT (Research Institute for Troplcal Agriculture), IEHVT (Animal Produetion and Heacp 08 POSTURĘ AND HEALTH lly Arnold H. Kegel. M. D. CommiMionrr of Health. Chicago. III. OOD POSTURĘcp 66 DOCTORS AND HEALTH must also bc rccognizcd by my rcaders th.it sickness amongst physiciarts67486 s&h 129 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 129 BACK AND STOMACH—No. 1 For a weak bark or a stornach tliat is81425 s&h 111 111 STRKNGTH AND HEALTH THE LEGS Stand on (In* toos, arnis at the sides, and lenn forwwięcej podobnych podstron