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Precursors of organization and management emphasized that employee productivity is determined by the degree of their satisfaction AT Work. Many studies of predecessors showed that a change in working conditions does not have a decisive influence on the development of productivity.
However, in the case of employment of people with disabilities the role of this factor increases dramatically. There is therefore a need for research on the needs of people with disabilities in the workplace that allow employers to introduce adeąuate changes in the organization of the work process.
The aim of the article is to present contemporary pyramid of needs of the worker with a disability. The model was constructed based on the classic theoret-ical Solutions (Maslow's pyramid of needs and Hawthorne experiment), taking into account the results of pilot studies by the authors.
The article uses a professional and life experience of co-authors: listener of doctor studies at the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Kraków - as a student with hearing disabilities and lecturer responsible for cooperation with students with disabilities in the Chair of Management Process.