z analizą i oceną informacji oraz publicystyki na temat pracy Sejmu, dokonywaną przez Kancelarię Sejmu i redakcję analiz prasowych.
W ciągu przeszło czterdziestu lat KSP przeżywał okresy wzlotów i upadków, zależnych od klimatu politycznego i pracy Sejmu. Po zmianach ustrojowych, jakie nastąpiły w Polsce w 1989 r. i wyborach parlamentarnych, nie odbyły się nowe wybory do władz klubowych i Klub Sprawozdawców Parlamentarnych nie wznowił działalności. Przyczyn tego zjawiska można upatrywać w gwałtownej transformacji, jaka dotknęła polski system prasowy w ciągu ostatnich 11 lat, oraz słabej integracji środowiska dziennikarskiego.
Agnieszka Dmowska
Development of the Parliamentary Reporter’s Club (PRC) in Warsaw at the Sejm of the Republic of Poland should be associated with earlier initiatives leading to the integration of the journalistic community between the years 1916-1919, such as the activities of the press club at the City Council, Political Reporter’s Club at the Council of State and the creation of Journalists’ Syndicates. Parliamentary Reporter’s Club was the first professional journalistic organization. Member journalists had exclusive rights to cover the work of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland. Thanks to the initiati ve of a group of journalists, especially thanks to the former Vienna parliament reporter, Władysław Bazylewski, right from the very bcgin-ning the PRC was an organization having it’s own statute, very formalized and having a li-mited number of members. Organization norms and disciplinary regulations were brought together in a collection of disciplinary norms of the Parliamentary Reporter’s Club in Warsaw, standardised and published in 1929, and described in the paper.
The paper contains also biographies of selected PRC members. Often, because no rese-arch materiał was available, it is only limited to information about which press titles they worked for. The paper gives also the PRC structure from 1927 until World War II. Finally the attempts are presented to reactivate the PRC in the years 1946, 1956 and 1982. Intensive activity alternated with suspension of organization work, depending on the current political situation in Poland. After the 1989 parliamentary elections in Poland the Parliamentary Reporter^ Club had not renewed its activity. The purpose of the paper is to demostrate the be-ginnings of Polish parliamentary reporting and the special role, which the PRC had played among other journalistic organisations between the wars. It also attempts to describe the internal structure of the PRC and to outline figures of the journalists, who had been actively taking part in its works.