finalement d’autre objet que de concourir a 1’amelioration du niveau de vie de tous les hommes, ce qui est en verite le but que nous poursuivons tous ici.
Je veux maintenant donner la parole a M. le President Skempton, au nom du Comite Executif.
Mr A.W. Skempton : During the course of the past week we have had a great number of points before us. However, one of our most important functions is to elect our new officers for the forthcoming period. In this way we ensure the regeneration of our Society and its futurę wellbeing.
I have the greatest pleasure in telling you that at its second meeting the Executive Committee unanimously elected Prof. Arthur Casagrande as the ncxt President.
As you know, we also have a Vice-President for each of the continents, and the following have been elected : Africa, Mr Mitchell; Asia, Dr Rao; Europę, Dr Bjerrum; North America, Prof. Zeevaert, South America, Dr Costa Nunes; Australasia, Mr Birrell.
There is one other point that the Executive Committee decided upon which is of first-rate importance and which I should mention : that the Secretariat will remain, as before, in the hands of Mr Banister. At the closing session at the meeting in London in 1957 Prof. Terzaghi spoke in glowing terms of Mr Banister’s work. During the past four years I have had ample opportunity of confirming that, as always, Prof. Terzaghi’s opinions are extraordinarily accurate. No one except a person who has acted as President of this Confe-rence, and of this Society, can have any conception of the extraordinary amount of work that Mr Banister succeeds in doing and the very great help he gives to this Society, and notably to the President personally. My task has been madę infinitely easier by Mr Banister’s quiet efficiency, which he always exhibits, and I think although you have already indicated by your applause that you are aware of the services he has rendered our Society, I would very much appreciate it if you would show in no uncertain way that we are abso-lutely delighted that he will be continuing in this office.
I shall now ask Mr Banister if he will present a summary of the Executive Committee meetings work other than the appointment of officers, with which I have already dealt.
The Secretary : The report of the Executive Committee, which I will now read, is as follows :
Report of the Executi?e Committee
The Executive Committee elected the Venezuelan Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering as a member of the Society.
Sub-committees : Three committees were appointed at the Fourth Conference. I will deal with each in turn.
(10) The Executive Committee is composed of :
(a) the President;
(b) the Honorary President and the Past Presidcnts;
(c) 1 Vice-President for Europę (Turkey to be considered as
a European member),
1 Vice-President for Asia,
1 Vice-President for Africa,
1 Vice-President for North America,
1 Vice-President for South America,
1 Vice-President for Australasia;
(d) one delegate from each National Society in good standing.
The President is nominated by the outgoing President, the Honorary President and the Past Presidents.
The Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the Executive Committee. Their mandate shall expire after each International Conference. Thcy shall be eligible for re-election.
The Sub-committee on the Classification of Geotechnical Literaturę has prepared a report, which they have tocomplete in six months’ time. It will then be communicated to all national societies for comment, after which they will prepare a finał report. The Executive Committee expresses its gratitude tojthis Sub-committee and to Mr Flodin, the Secretary, for the work they have done.
The Sub-committee on Notations and Symbols presented a report, which was adopted. The report will be published in the third volume of the Proceeding of this Conference. The Executive Committee expressed its appreciation to the Committee, in particular to Mr Kerisel
The Sub-committee on Static and Dynamie Penetration Test Methods presented an interim report, and it was agreed that the committee should continue its work. The Executive Committee expressed their thanks to Prof. Vargas and the members of the committee for their willingness to continue this work.
Two new sub-committees were appointed and these sub-committees have been given terms of reference requiring them to report nine months before the next Conference.
The first sub-committee is on Soil Sampling. The Chairman is Dr Kallstenius of Sweden and the members are Mr Aitchison, Australia, Mr Fokuoka, Japan, Mr Osterberg, United States, with Dr Hvorslev as Special Adviser.
The other sub-committee was on Definitionsand the Chairman is Mr Kerisel of France. The members are Dr Bishop, United Kingdom, Prof. Fadum, United States, Dr Brinch Hansen, Denmark, Mr Jakobson, Sweden, Prof. Schultze, Germany and Dr Ter-Stepanian of the Soviet Union.
A resolution was madę on languages, in the form of a recommendation to the organisers of the Sixth Conference that it would be advantageous if additional languages were introduced in the following manner : (a) the summaries of the papers published in the volumes of the Procecdings printed in English, French and one additional language; this language is to be chosen by the host country, (b) during the orał discussions in the technical sessions speakers may use the language of the host country or German, Russian or Spanish, in addition to the official languages (English and French). The translations, however, will be into English and French only. These recommendations were madę subject to the host country’s finding them practicable, both techni-cally and financially.
The next item was an amendment to the Statutes of the Society - para. 10, which deals with the composition of the Executive Committee. I will read the Statutes as amended and just mention the implications, because I expect you have no copies. Paragraph 10 is changed to read as follow :
(10) Le Comite cxćcutif comprend :
(a) le Prćsident;
(b) le President Honoraire et les Anciens Prćsidents;
(c) 1 Vice-President pour 1’Europe (la Turquie fait partie de
l Vice-President pour 1’Asie,
1 Vice-Presidcnt pour l’Afrique,
1 Vice-President pour l’Amerique du Nord,
1 Vice-Prćsident pour l’Amćrique du Sud,
1 Vice-President pour TAustralasie;
(d) un delegue par Societe Nationale remplissant les conditions prćvues par les Statuts.
Lc President est dćsigne par le Prćsident sortant, le President Honoraire et les Anciens Presidents.
Les Vice-Prćsidents sont ćlus par le Comitć Executif. Lcur mandat cesse au terme de chaquc Congres International. Ils sont reeligibles.