CAMPUS CAFETERIA STAFF, FRONT ROW: Bcrnicr Mcadrick. loidUe IYluquln. Mlldrcd Cutrkh. BACK ROW: Anno VanU. and Dorothy Finn.

Cafe provided meals for hungry students

The nursing Staff of ihc Harold L. Kłchards school system consisted of a qualified reglstered nurse at cach of the three huildings. Mrs. Middaugh, Mrs. Klchardson, and Mrs. Schult/ took tarę of the medlcal nceds of the students. Kach was alert for any health problems In the school, and often dealt willi in-Jurles ranging from abrasions to broken bones. Although no ora! medicatlon could l»c givcn, they dld thelr best to relieve dis-comfort. The nurses* offlces were modern and wcll-equipped.

The cafeteria Staff was madę up of thirteen regułar entployees serving the students in three buildings. Ncarly 1000 meals were sold in an avcrage school day, and it was the stall who prepa red the nutrltious meals. Students aldcd In the operation of the dishwasher which was run at least oncc during cach lunch period, clcaning over 2000 dishes on a normal day. Milk, Julce, rolls, and doughnuts were available to the students before first period in the cafeteria.

NORTHWEST CAFETERIA STAFF: Konr Ctnillo, GraceSchuii. Joan Miudman and Mrrrdłth WhiUiry.




NORTHEAST CAFETERIA STAFF: Paullnc Vnn llook, Edith Scłiult/, Manha Mautka, and Yolanda Jankuskl.



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