exams firstcert prog9 12

First Certificate Masterclass
Progress test 3 Units 9 12
Use of English
A For questions 1 15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D)
best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Around 200 million people are 0 in tourism worldwide, making it the largest
industry in the modern global economy. It is estimated that three-quarters of a
billion people 1 on holiday each year, and industry planners 2 this
figure to double by 2020. Some of the biggest beneficiaries are less developed
countries, 3 it is often their main source of income.
, along with the economic benefits, this mass movement of people has
resulted in threats 5 the environment. People often forget the damage caused
by carbon emissions from aircraft, which 6 directly to global warming.
Deforestation has cleared 7 in order to build hotels, airports and roads, and
this has destroyed wildlife. In some areas, water shortages are now common
of the need to fill swimming pools and water 9 courses for tourists.
By pushing up prices for goods and services, tourism can also be 10 to the
people who live in tourist destinations.
In response to these concerns, some travel operators now offer environment-
friendly holidays. Many of these aim to reduce the negative 11 of tourism by
promoting only hotels that have 12 in equipment to recycle waste and use
energy and water efficiently. Increasingly, tourists are also being reminded to show
respect 13 the customs of the people 14 countries they are going to
visit, and to support local businesses, such as restaurants and shops, which depend
tourism for their main income.
0 A paid B used C employed D occupied
1 A go B travel C move D leave
2 A hope B believe C expect D think
3 A which B whom C where D when
4 A However B Although C Therefore D Furthermore
5 A at B on C for D to
6 A act B result C cause D contribute
7 A land B earth C space D place
8 A thanks B due C because D since
9 A tennis B golf C riding D volleyball
10 A dangerous B destructive C offensive D harmful
11 A reasons B effects C objectives D achievements
12 A installed B chosen C invested D bought
13 A for B to C with D at
14 A whom B their C that D whose
/15 marks 15 A from B on C of D to
Progress Test 3 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
B For questions 1 5 below, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word
given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There
is an example at the beginning.
0 I haven t seen John for several weeks.
since I last saw
It s several weeks John.
1 I regret spending so much money on that dress.
I wish I an expensive dress.
2 Unless the train is late, they ll arrive at eight o clock.
They ll arrive at eight o clock provided
3 My grandmother used to live in this house.
This my grandmother used to live.
4 There s no beer in the fridge  it looks like they drank it all last night.
They beer last night because there is
none in the fridge now.
5 I ll come to the cinema with you this evening if my cold gets better.
Unless my cold improves, I the film with
/10 marks
Progress Test 3 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
C For questions 1 15 below, read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of
the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.
If a line is correct, put a tick ( ). If a line has a word which should not be there,
write the word. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
The importance of fathers
0 We can tend to think of poverty as the main cause of violent
00 crime. However, research from both sides of the Atlantic shows that fathers

1 may be the most important factor in preventing to children from turning
2 over to crime. In the United States, children from better-off families were
3 compared with ones who from families with lower incomes. Children from
4 both groups that lived with their fathers also committed the same number
5 of crimes. In the United Kingdom, a study was carried out of comparing
6 a group of boys who had never been accused of not any crimes
7 with another group were living in a detention centre after committing crimes
8 such as assault and stealing vehicles. All the boys had difficulties at
9 the school and came from large families that didn t earn a lot of
10 money. The biggest difference between from the groups was that fifty-five
11 per cent of the  good boys lived with their fathers, while only four
12 per cent of the  bad boys did it. Eighty per cent of the
13 well-behaved boys said how they felt close to their fathers even if they
14 didn t live in the same house. It seems that by having a father
15 who takes an interest in his children encourages youngsters not to break the law.
/15 marks
Progress Test 3 Oxford University Press 3
First Certificate Masterclass
D For questions 1 10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end
of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line . There is an
example at the beginning (0).
I am always 0 dubious whenever futurologists tell us how we will be DOUBT
living several years from now. Their 1 of jet-pack travel and robot PREDICT
maids came to nothing. More recently we were promised the 2 PAPER
office, 3 television and the end of high-street shopping. In some INTERACT
cases, they are wrong because 4 progress has been slower than anticipated. SCIENCE
Airplanes, for example, are barely more 5 than they were fifty years ago. COMFORT
In others, the experts have 6 the number of things that must ESTIMATE
go right before an 7 changes our lives. It takes more than INVITE
just one bright idea  thorough 8 is needed when developing a new SEARCH
product. In 9 , social and psychological factors determine whether or not ADD
a new product or service will be 10 adopted. WIDE
/10 marks
Total /50 marks
Write an answer to one of the questions below. Write your answer in 120 180
words in an appropriate style.
1 The local radio station in your town is planning to broadcast a new one-hour
programme once a week in English, aimed at people of your age who are
learning English. The radio station has invited listeners to write reports
suggesting what kind of material they would like to hear included in the new
Write your report.
2 You subscribe to an English-language magazine for students of your age. Every
month the magazine invites its readers to send in a short article describing what
they themselves do to help the environment in their area.
Write your article.
Progress Test 3 Oxford University Press 4
First Certificate Masterclass
Progress Test 3 Key
Use of English
A 1 B 9 B
2 C 10 D
3 C 11 B
4 A 12 C
5 D 13 A
6 D 14 D
7 A 15 B
8 C
B 1 hadn t bought | such
2 (that) the / their train | is / arrives on
3 is the house | in which
4 must have | drunk all the
5 will not / won t come | to / and see
C 1 to 9 the
2 over 10 from
3 who 11
4 also 12 it
5 of 13 how
6 not 14 by
7 were 15
D 1 predictions 6 underestimated
2 paperless 7 invention
3 interactive 8 research
4 scientific 9 addition
5 comfortable 10 widely
Progress Test 3 Oxford University Press 5


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