exams firstcert test06

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 6
1 Complete the sentences with an infinitive or -ing form of the verb in brackets.
a I managed (buy) some tickets for the concert.
b They admitted (be) there when it happened.
c Have you considered (move) house?
d We can t afford (go) on holiday this year.
e I ve given up (try) to remember his name. My memory is terrible!
f We regret (inform) you that your application has been
g I really need (sleep) for at least eight hours a night.
h (Smoke) is bad for your health.
i I can t stand not (be) able to sleep at night.
j He intends (travel) around the world next year.
k I love (watch) old films on TV.
l I hope (win) the competition.
m Have you thought about (start) your own business?
n Did you agree (go) with her?
o (live) in a city can be stressful.
/15 marks
2 Underline the correct words in italic.
a I stopped to have / having a rest then carried on studying.
b He went on talking / to talk about his plans even though we d lost interest.
c Don t forget posting / to post my application form.
d I ll always remember seeing / to see Tom for the first time.
e I tried to send / sending her flowers but she still won t talk to me.
/5 marks
3 Write which verb can go with each of the nouns in the sentences.
a interest / an argument / hope.
ba game / a joke on someone / music.
ca problem / a crime / a puzzle.
da goal / good results / an ambition.
ea decision / a bed / a mistake.
/5 marks
Unit Test 6 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
4 Match the sentence beginnings a j with suitable endings 1 10.
a I succeeded 1 of the crime.
b Let me pay 2 of someone famous.
c She apologised 3 in passing the driving test.
d He s capable 4 for everything?
e The price of oil fell 5 to study at night.
f You remind me 6 for swearing.
g James was punished 7 by $3 yesterday.
h I prefer 8 of finishing the exam on time.
i Why do you always blame me 9 for speeding.
j He was wrongly accused 10 for you.
/10 marks
5 Match a verb on the left with a suitable adverb on the right.
a argue 1 hard
b listen 2 soundly
c drink 3 passionately
d sleep 4 attentively
e work 5 heavily
/5 marks
6 Complete the sentences with an adjective. The first letter is given.
a There s going to be h _ _ _ _ rain in the south.
b There was a rise in s _ _ _ _ _ _ crime in London last year.
c There will be some s _ _ _ _ _ wind in the north tomorrow.
d She was a c _ _ _ _ friend until we had that silly argument.
e Gardening can be h _ _ _ work.
/5 marks
7 Correct the words in italic in these sentences using a word from the list in a
suitable form.
take reach cause express find
a We acquired a solution to the problem yesterday.
b Please say your opinion as clearly as possible.
c I m performing my final exam tomorrow.
d She s made enough problems already.
e It s going to take us ages to achieve a decision.
/5 marks
Total /50
Unit Test 6 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
7 a found d caused
Unit Test 6 key
b express e reach
c taking
1 a to buy i being
1 mark for each correct answer
b being j to travel
c moving k watching
d to go l to win
Total marks: 50
e trying m starting
f to inform n to go
g to sleep o Living
h Smoking
1 mark for each correct answer
2 a to have d seeing
b talking e sending
c to post
1 mark for each correct answer
3 a Lose d Achieve
b Play e Make
c Solve
1 mark for each correct answer
4 a 3 f 2
b 10 g 9
c 6 h 5
d 8 i 4
e 7 j 1
1 mark for each correct answer
5 a 3 d 2
b 4 e 1
c 5
1 mark for each correct answer
6 a heavy d close
b serious e hard
c strong
1 mark for each correct answer
Unit Test 6 Oxford University Press 3


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