exams firstcert test08

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 8
1 Change these sentences / questions to reported speech.
a  I m going to the cinema with Joy, said Liz.
to the cinema with Joy.
b  Have you heard their new single? Jane asked me.
their new single.
c  I saw Martin at the concert, Sally told Mary.
Martin at the concert.
d  Do you want me to get you a newspaper? Tom asked Jack.
to get him a newspaper.
e  I ll email you, Karl said to Andrew.
email him.
f  I ve been using the Internet, Hannah said.
the Internet.
g  Could you give me your phone number? Helen asked Lee.
his phone number.
h  Did you listen to Radio 4 today? Rose asked Tom.
to Radio 4 that day.
i  We were watching a film when you phoned, said Sean.
when I phoned.
j  How much is the CD? I asked the salesman.
the CD was.
/20 marks
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the
word in bold.
a  Let s go and see the new film at the cinema, said Mike. suggested
Mike the new film at the cinema.
b  Don t walk along the railway track, the official said to me. warned
The official along the railway track.
c  If I were you Jane, I d forget about him, said Sally. advised
Sally about him.
d  Close your book Tom, the teacher said. told
The teacher his book.
e  I ll pick Sally up from the station, said Mary. offered
Mary from the station.
/10 marks
Unit Test 8 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
3 Complete the sentences using a word or phrase from the list.
in short in fact although on balance however
aI like watching TV, I don t want satellite as it s too
b It s not the best quality computer. , it s cheap.
c He s intelligent, he writes well, and he works hard. , he s a
good journalist.
d Their CD is brilliant. , it s their best one yet.
e I ve considered both sides of the argument, and, , I prefer the
old system.
/5 marks
4 Join the words together to make compound nouns then match them with a
description from below.
credit make lecturer site key down case university card shop
off music up board break assistant take shop book web
a You can use this to pay for things in shops.
b This is someone who teaches things.
c The time when a plane leaves the ground.
d You get information from this on a computer.
e This is something you keep books on.
f This is someone who works in a shop.
g You use this to put information into a computer.
h The failure of a marriage is an example of this.
i Mascara and lipstick are examples of this.
j You can buy CDs, tapes and books from here.
/10 marks
5 Complete the sentences using so or such.
a It was ________ an interesting film.
b The equipment is ________ easy to use.
c It s ________ an expensive computer.
d The meeting was ________ long I fell asleep.
e It s ________ a good advertisement.
/5 marks
Total /50
Unit Test 8 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
5 a such d so
Unit Test 8 key
b soe such
c such
1 a Liz said she was going
1 mark for each correct answer
b Jane asked me if I had heard
c Sally told Mary she had seen
d Tom asked Jack if he wanted him
Total marks: 50
e Karl said to Andrew he would
f Hannah said she had been using
g Helen asked Lee if he could give her
h Rose asked Tom if he had listened
i Sean said they had been watching a film
j I asked the salesman how much
2 marks for each correct answer
2 a suggested going to see
b warned me not to walk / warned me
against walking
c advised Jane to forget
d told Tom to close
e offered to pick Sally up
2 marks for each correct answer
3 a Although d In fact
b However e on balance
c In short
1 mark for each correct answer
4 a credit card
b university lecturer
c take-off
d website
e bookcase
f shop assistant
g keyboard
h breakdown
i make-up
j music shop
1 mark for each correct answer
Unit Test 8 Oxford University Press 3


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