exams firstcert test04

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 4
1 Underline the correct words in italic.
When I was at school, everybody 1 must / had to wear a school uniform, although
ties weren t compulsory, so we 2 didn t need to wear / needn t have worn them. We
could choose if we wanted to wear a jacket, so I did although I 3 shouldn t / needn t
have. I liked this system, because it meant people 4 didn t have to worry / needn t
have worried about very strict discipline and we respected the rules. Things are
different these days. My daughter attends a school where pupils 5 must / need to
wear a full school uniform. They 6 mustn t / don t have to wear any jewellery, they
don t need to / mustn t eat in class and they 8 have to / need to do what they are
told at all times. I think schools 9 need to / mustn t have strict rules. Parents 10 need
to / don t have to be able to have confidence in the authority of the school. Luckily,
my daughter is a sensible girl, so I 11 don t need to / mustn t worry about her too
much. The only problem I ve had was when she wore a pair of earrings to class,
which she knows she 12 needn t / mustn t do. I 13 had to / must go and see the
headmistress and tell her she wouldn t do it again. She knows she 14 should / has to
respect the school s rules and she doesn t like it when I check her ears each
morning. She always says  mum, you 15 needn t / mustn t do that because I promise I
won t wear them again .
/15 marks
2 Rewrite each sentence using the word given, so that the second sentence has a
similar meaning.
a When I was sixteen, I couldn t stay out late at night. was
When I was sixteen, I
stay out late at night.
b A dictionary can be used in our English classes. are
We a dictionary in our English classes.
c They couldn t have lunch at home. to
They lunch at home.
d I m not allowed to take my driving test until I am eighteen. be
When I am eighteen, I my driving test.
e Can we smoke here? to
Are we here?
/10 marks
Unit Test 4 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
3 Underline the correct word in italic.
a Why do you always arrive late / lately?
b What have you been doing late / lately?
c It s wide / widely known that Gucci is a famous fashion designer.
d The window had been opened wide / widely to let in some fresh air.
e Models have to work hardly / hard to become famous.
f Are you on a diet? You ve hard / hardly eaten anything.
g Don t play so roughly / rough with Tom or you will get hurt.
h The number of people sleeping roughly / rough on the streets is increasing.
i Information is freely / free available on the Internet.
j Children under two travel freely / free.
/10 marks
4 Complete sentences a e with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the list.
put on put out put forward put across put off
a I thought he some interesting new suggestions in the
business meeting.
b I m always visits to the dentist. I hate drills.
c George has a lot of weight since he stopped smoking.
d Her written work is excellent. She her ideas
so well.
e Don t worry. I ll drive to the station myself. I don t want to
you .
/5 marks
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a word from the list.
stare watch notice gaze look
a I ve never before how blue his eyes are.
b at that building over there! It s beautiful.
c I at her in disbelief.
d Do you want to television tonight?
e They lovingly at their new baby.
/5 marks
6 Complete the sentences with a part of the body. The first letter has been given.
a You shrug your s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you don t know something.
b If you stub your t _ _ on something, it hurts.
c Fortune tellers can predict the future by reading other people s p _ _ _ _.
d A watch can be worn on the left or the right w _ _ _ _.
e When my husband asked me to marry him, he got down on one k _ _ _.
/5 marks
Total /50
Unit Test 4 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
5 a noticed d watch
Unit Test 4 key
b Look e gazed
c stared
1 1 had to
1 mark for each correct answer
2 didn t need to wear
3 needn t have
4 didn t have to worry
6 a shoulders d wrist
5 must
b toe e knee
6 mustn t
c palms
7 mustn t
1 mark for each correct answer
8 have to
9 need to
10 need to
Total marks: 50
11 don t need to
12 mustn t
13 had to
14 has to
15 needn t
1 mark for each correct answer
2 a was not allowed to
b are allowed to use / are able to use
c were not allowed to
d will be able to take
e allowed to smoke
2 marks for each correct answer
3 a late f hardly
b lately g roughly
c widely h rough
d wide i freely
e hard j free
1 mark for each correct answer
4 a put forward
b putting off
c put on
d puts (her ideas) across
e put (you) out
1 mark for each correct answer
Unit Test 4 Oxford University Press 3


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