exams firstcert test01

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 1
1 Underline the correct words in italic.
Tom Hi Sarah, it s Tom 1 are you doing / do you do anything tonight?
Sarah Hi Tom, 2 I m meeting / I ll meet Jean but I m free tomorrow.
Tom Shall we meet up / Will we meet up?
Sarah Yes, there s a good film on at the Odeon.
Tom What time 4 will it start / does it start?
Sarah 7.30. The only problem is that my car s broken down. 5 I m going to have /
will have it fixed sometime next week.
Tom Don t worry 6 I m going to pick you up / I ll pick you up about seven.
Sarah Great, oh by the way, how was your holiday?
Tom Good. 7 I ll probably go back / I go back next year.
Sarah Jean and I 8 will talk / are going to talk about our holiday tonight. I expect
we ll go back / we re going back to Spain, we normally do. By the way,
did you know that Jean 10 is having / will have a party next week? 11 She ll
be / She s going to be twenty-one, she s been really busy organising things.
I think she needs someone to organise the music for her.
Tom I m doing it / I ll do it! I ve got some great CDs that I think 13 she ll
like/she s going to like. Anyway, 14 I ll see / I see you at seven tomorrow?
Sarah Yes great. Sorry, I ll have to go now Tom, I ve just spotted some black clouds
and I think 15 it s going to rain / it s raining. I must bring my bike indoors.
/15 marks
2 Complete each sentence with either the future perfect or the future continuous
form of the verb in brackets.
a In two years time, we (be) married for forty years.
b This time next week, I (fly) across the Atlantic.
c By this time next month, I (finish) my course at university.
d In years to come, women (have) children at a later age than now.
e By the year 2050, the average size of the family (decrease).
/5 marks
3 Complete sentences a e with the correct form of the phrasal verb from the list.
bring down bring back bring round bring up bring in
a In many societies, women are responsible for children.
b The school has a new rule for students who arrive late.
c Coming here today has happy memories of my childhood.
d The department s policy is intended to the rate of divorce.
e When Jean fainted, we managed to her
with a glass of cold water.
/5 marks
Unit Test 1 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
4 Complete sentences a j with a suitable adjective. The first letter has been given.
a An a person is willing to take risks and try new things.
b A c person tries very hard to be more successful than other people.
c A g person likes giving their time/ money to other people to make
them happy.
d An i person likes doing things for themselves without other people s
e A l person dislikes work and physical activity.
f A m person cares more about money and possessions than anything
g An o person believes that only good things will happen.
h A s person understands other people s feelings and problems.
i A s person tries to be honest and truthful.
j A s person is friendly and enjoys the company of other people.
/10 marks
5 Match the meaning of get in sentences 1 5 with its more formal equivalent in a e.
1 I couldn t get you on the phone, even though I tried several times.
2 We got the train because it was quicker.
3 Did you remember to get me a newspaper?
4 Sorry, I didn t get what you said. Can you say it again?
5 By the time we got there, Tom had already gone.
a buy b arrived c contact d caught e understand
/5 marks
6 Rearrange the letters in brackets to make a suitable word.
a A decides if someone is guilty or innocent. (y r j u)
b A learns at school. (s a c l s)
c An watches a play at the theatre. (i a d c e u e n)
d A plays a sport. (m t e a)
e A gathers in a public place. (d c w r o)
/5 marks
7 Complete the gaps with the correct form of lay or lie.
a Thanks for the table.
b He on the bed and went to sleep.
c Let s the map on the ground and have a look where we are.
d I always know when he s because his cheeks go red.
e When was the last time you to protect yourself?
/5 marks
Total /50
Unit Test 1 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
6 a jury c audience e crowd
Unit Test 1 key
b class d team
1 mark for each correct answer
1 1 are you doing
2 I m meeting
3 Shall we meet up
7 a laying c lay e lied
4 does it start
b lay d lying
5 I m going to have
1 mark for each correct answer
6 I ll pick you up
7 I ll probably go back
8 are going to talk
Total marks: 50
9 we ll go back
10 is having
11 She ll be
12 I ll do
13 she ll like
14 I ll see
15 it s going to rain
1 mark for each correct answer
2 a will have been
b will be flying
c will have finished
d will be having
e will have decreased
1 mark for each correct answer
3 a bringing up
b brought in
c brought back
d bring down
e bring her round
1 mark for each correct answer
4 a adventurous f materialistic
b competitive g optimistic
c generous h sensitive
d independent i sincere
e lazy j sociable
1 mark for each correct answer
5 1 c 3 a 5 b
2 d 4 e
1 mark for each correct answer
Unit Test 1 Oxford University Press 3


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