exams firstcert rev02

First Certificate Masterclass
Revision activity 2
Complete the questions with the correct prepositions, then ask your partner the
1 What do you think can be harmful the environment?
2 When was the last time you complained something?
3 Which charity would/do you contribute money ?
4 What kind of things do you worry ?
5 How often do you feel fed up things?
6 What do you believe ?
7 Do you think people are always responsible their own actions?
8 Has anyone ever caused any damage something that was yours?
9 If you won the lottery, what would you invest the money ?
10 Which is better you  a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian diet?
11 Are you different the other members of your family? How?
12 Which laws in your country are you opposed ?
13 Who do you depend ?
14 Which famous person do you have respect ?
15 Do you think there should be a ban smoking in public places?
16 Have you ever done anything you didn t think you were capable
17 When was the last time you felt angry someone? Why?
18 What kind of films are you interested ?
19 What kind of food are you keen ?
20 What kind of music do you listen ?
Revision activity 1 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
Revision activity 2 Teacher s notes and key
Activity Individual/pairwork
Aim Students revise adjective/verb/noun + preposition
combinations introduced in First Certificate Masterclass.
Time 15 20 minutes
Number of students Any
Before class Photocopy enough worksheets for each student in the class.
1 Use the first question as an example. Write harmful on the board and elicit to.
Check they understand the meaning of  harmful to .
2 Students complete the gaps with the missing prepositions, then compare their
answers in pairs. Check the answers to the activity with the whole class.
3 In pairs, students interview each other using the questions on the worksheet.
1 to 8 to 15 on
2 about 9 in 16 of
3 to 10 for 17 at
4 about 11 from (to is also possible) 18 in
5 with 12 to 19 on
6 in 13 on 20 to
7 for 14 for
Revision activity 2 Oxford University Press 2


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