exams firstcert extra04

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit 4 Extra activity
How fashionable are you?
Work in teams. Answer the following questions as quickly as you can. You will
compete with an opposing team to see who knows the most about fashion.
1 Write down two things which you can wear on your head.
2 Write down three things which you can wear on your feet.
3 Write down four items of jewellery.
4 Write down two things you can wear to do sports in.
5 Write down two types of pattern.
6 Write down three types of material.
7 Write down something you wear to sleep in at night.
8 Write down a) what women go swimming in and b) what men go swimming in.
9 Write down three things you can wear to keep you warm in winter.
10 Write down three things you can wear on your legs.
11 Men wear shirts and women wear ________?
12 What is the name of the thing that children wear to school and men wear in the
13 Write down something that is made out of wool?
14 Write down something that is made out of leather?
15 Write down the name of a famous fashion designer.
16 Write down two types of make-up.
17 What do people wear to protect their eyes from the sun?
18 Write down something men can wear to an interview.
19 Where would you find a collar?
20 Write down something you can keep in a pocket?
Unit 4 Extra Activity Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
Unit 4 Teacher s notes and key
How fashionable are you?
Activity Two teams
Aim Students learn/revise vocabulary related to fashion.
Time 15 20 minutes
Number of students Any
Before class Photocopy enough worksheets for each student in the class.
1 Divide the class into team A and team B. Give out a worksheet to each student in
both teams. Students select a secretary from their team who will write the answers
to the questions.
2 Set a time limit. Students discuss the answers to the questions and the secretary
writes them down as quickly as possible. When the time is up, stop the students.
3 Explain the rules. Each team has the chance to win points by supplying answers to
questions 1 20. In some questions, a set of answers is required and, to win a point,
teams must be able to supply a complete set of answers (either 2, 3 or 4). Each
team takes it in turns to answer the questions. If a team gets the question correct,
they win a point. If a team fails to answer a question correctly, the other team can
try to answer, and, if they are correct, they win a point. The team with the most
points at the end of the quiz wins.
1 cap, hat, top hat, scarf, bowler hat, 11 blouses
12 a uniform
2 sandals, shoes, boots, flip flops,
13 jumper, waistcoat, sweater,
trainers, socks, slippers
pullover, skirt
3 watch, ring, necklace, bracelet,
14 boots, shoes, skirt, trousers
earrings, brooch, ankle chain
15 Armani, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Dolce
4 tracksuit, trainers, shorts, leotard,
and Gabbana, Prada, Valentino,
5 check, stripes, spots, plain, Gucci
6 denim, leather, silk, acrylic, lycra, 16 lipstick, eyeshadow, blusher,
wool, cotton mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss
7 pyjamas, nightdress 17 sunglasses
8 a) bikini, swimming costume 18 at the top of a shirt/coat/T-shirt
b) trunks
19 a suit, a tie, a shirt
9 coat, scarf, gloves, boots
20 money, keys, chewing gum, tissues
10 shorts, tights, trousers, jeans, socks,
Unit 4 Extra Activity Oxford University Press 2


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