exams firstcert extra02

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit 2 Extra activity
Annoying habits
1 Read the statements about other people s annoying habits. Decide whether each of
the phrases in italic describes something which is mildly annoying, rather
annoying or really annoying.
2 Read the statements again. Tick if you agree with it. If you don t, write another
phrase in the disagree box to describe how you feel about that annoying habit.
Compare and discuss your answers with your partner.
a I hit the roof when I see someone dropping litter in the street.
b I get cross when people switch the TV channel over without asking.
c I lose my temper when I find out someone has been gossiping
about me.
d It makes my blood boil when someone cancels an arrangement
at the last minute.
e It bugs me when people eat with their mouths open.
f It s a nuisance when someone starts reading my
paper/magazine/book over my shoulder.
g It infuriates me when I see someone writing graffiti on public property.
h It gets on my nerves when someone s mobile phone goes off in
the cinema.
i It drives me up the wall when someone interrupts me when .
I m speaking
j It winds me up when someone pushes into the queue in front of me.
k It irritates me when people play loud music on their
personal stereos.
l It s a drag when someone borrows my things without asking me.
3 Discuss these questions with your partner.
Which of these things do members of your family do?
Which of these things do your friends do?
Which of these things do you do?
Unit 2 Extra Activity Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
Unit 2 Teacher s notes and key
Annoying habits
Activity Individual/pairwork
Aim Vocabulary connected to feeling annoyed and speaking
Time 20 30 minutes
Number of students Any
Before class Photocopy enough worksheets for every student in the class.
1 Give a worksheet to each student in the class and tell them to read the instructions
to task 1. If necessary, give one of the answers (hit the roof = Really annoying) as
an example.
Possible answers
Mildly annoying: It s a nuisance, It s a drag, It irritates me, I get cross
Rather annoying: It winds me up, It gets on my nerves, I lose my temper, It bugs
Really annoying: I hit the roof, It makes my blood boil, It drives me up the wall, It
infuriates me
2 Preteach any necessary vocabulary (queue, graffiti, gossip, litter, interrupt, go off).
Do an example of the activity with them (Number 1: agree: tick box/Number 2:
disagree: cross out  I get cross and replace with  It s a nuisance ).
Tell the students to go through the worksheet individually. When the students have
worked through the activity, tell them to compare and discuss their answers with
their partner. Give students time to talk about their personal experiences.
Ask the class how they felt about the annoying habits. Which were mildly, rather or
really annoying?
3 Students discuss the questions about themselves, their friends and their family,
giving examples.
Unit 2 Extra Activity Oxford University Press 2


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