exams firstcert test07

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 7
1 Rewrite the sentences using the passive.
a They re going to open the sports complex next week.
The sports complex .
b The USA manufacture a lot of sports equipment.
A lot of sports equipment .
c They re building some tennis courts in the park.
Some tennis courts .
d Johnson wrote a book about playing tennis.
A book about playing tennis .
e You can play football indoors or outdoors.
Football .
f The council has just submitted a plan to improve the area.
A plan to improve the area .
g They were cleaning out the swimming pool yesterday.
The swimming pool .
h We will teach you how to play squash.
You .
i We can reserve a seat for you in the front row.
A seat in the front row .
j The British build some Formula 1 racing cars.
Some Formula 1 racing cars .
/20 marks
2 Rewrite the sentences to make them passive using a suitable form of have.
a The hairdresser cut my hair yesterday.
I by the hairdresser yesterday.
b The manicurist has painted my nails.
I by the manicurist.
c A mechanic is going to service my car tomorrow.
I tomorrow.
d A decorator is painting my kitchen at the moment.
I at the moment.
e The supermarket delivers my groceries.
I by the supermarket.
/5 marks
Unit Test 7 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
3 Complete sentences a e using the correct form of a phrasal verb in the list.
come apart come round (x2) come across come up with
a I the rackets by accident while I was tidying the attic.
b The committee have a plan for a new sports centre.
c The equipment was so old it in my hands.
d It took Jones over an hour to after his crash.
e She to my flat for a coffee last night.
/5 marks
4 Rearrange the letters to make a suitable word.
a Football is played on a (c i h p t)
b Tennis is played on a (u c t o r)
c Swimming is done in a (o l o p)
d Running is done on a (k t a c r)
e Golf is played on a (e s o c r u)
f Boxing is done in a (g i n r)
g Cycling is done on a (r c a t k)
h Gymnastics is done in a (m g y)
i Motor-racing is done on a (i c r u c t i)
j Ice-skating is done in a (k r i n)
/10 marks
5 Complete the sentences using a suitable prefix from the list.
semi under ex pre anti mid
a The new stadium was opened by the -president of the club.
b The team won the game because their -match preparation was excellent.
c I m afraid I m -hunting because I think it s cruel.
d I m only -dressed. Give me a minute to find something to wear.
e He s rated as a hockey player. He s better than people think.
f He caught the ball -air and then scored a goal.
g age drinking is not allowed in the UK. The legal age is eighteen.
h Vegetarians are -meat-eating.
i He s -professional at the moment, but he ll soon be fully qualified.
j He s an -England professional footballer. He s retired from the game now.
/10 marks
Total /50
Unit Test 7 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 7 key
1 a is going to be opened next week.
b is manufactured by the USA.
c are being built in the park.
d was written by Johnson.
e can be played indoors or outdoors.
f has just been submitted by the council.
g was being cleaned out yesterday.
h will be taught how to play squash.
i can be reserved for you.
j are built by the British.
2 marks for each correct answer
2 a had my hair cut
b have /  ve had my nails painted
c am/  m going to have my car serviced
d am/  m having my kitchen painted
e have my groceries delivered
1 mark for each correct answer
3 a came across
b come up with
c came apart
d come round
e came round
1 mark for each correct answer
4 a pitch f ring
b court g track
c pool h gym
d track i circuit
e course j rink
1 mark for each correct answer
5 a ex f mid
b pre g under
c anti h anti
d semi i semi
e under j ex
1 mark for each correct answer
Total marks: 50
Unit Test 7 Oxford University Press 3


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