exams firstcert test10

First Certificate Masterclass
Unit Test 10
1 Rewrite each sentence using the word in bold so that the second one has a similar
a He s always leaving his dirty clothes on the floor. leave
I wish his dirty clothes on the floor.
b I didn t go to university and now I can t find a job. gone
If only to university, I d be able to find a job.
c It rains a lot and I don t like it. rain
I wish so much.
d I regret not buying the mobile phone. had
If only the mobile phone.
e I can t find anyone to patent my idea. could
I wish someone to patent my idea.
f We don t have a dishwasher and I d like one. wish
I a dishwasher.
g It s a pity I threw away her phone number. thrown
I wish away her phone number.
h You re always interrupting me when I m speaking! wouldn t
I wish me when I m speaking.
i I regret telling you about it. only
If you about it.
j I can t afford to go on holiday. wish
I afford to go on holiday.
/20 marks
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
a I d rather you (try) it yourself first.
b It s time we (stop) working so hard. I m so tired.
c I d rather (go) by myself.
d It s time (have) lunch.
e It s time you (take) the car to have it serviced.
/5 marks
3 Join the words together to make compound adjectives that fit the sentences below.
king fat produced wearing sized made hard free home mass
a Most furniture is these days, not handmade.
b These new walking boots are very .
c ice-cream is better than shop-bought.
d There is a version of the chocolate bar if you re trying to stay slim.
e My new bed is very spacious.
/5 marks
Unit Test 10 Oxford University Press 1
First Certificate Masterclass
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word given.
a He ll be a inventor one of these days. FAME
b My new winter boots are very . COMFORT
c The website had some information. USE
d Becoming an inventor means having ideas. CREATE
e It s to send your product to various companies. ADVISE
f Some scientific experiments can be . DANGER
g The table is  someone has spilt orange juice on it. STICK
h Always wear clothing when handling chemicals. PROTECT
i The current climate means keeping prices low. ECONOMY
j It s an area with a lot of factories. INDUSTRY
/10 marks
5 Complete the table.
verb noun
invent a)
b) discovery
produce c)
d) appliance
instruct e)
/5 marks
6 Complete sentences 1 5 with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the list.
carry back carry through carry on carry away carry out
a I want to working for as long as possible.
b They ve a survey into people s shopping habits.
c Whenever I come here, it me to my
school days.
d I get so during the sales that I don t notice how much I m
e We ll need a lot of money to us to the
end of the holiday.
/5 marks
Total /50
Unit Test 10 Oxford University Press 2
First Certificate Masterclass
6 a carry on
Unit Test 10 key
b carried out
c carries (me) back
1 a he wouldn t leave
d carried away
b I had gone
e carry (the plan) through
c it wouldn t rain
1 mark for each correct answer
d I had bought
e I could find
f wish we had
Total marks: 50
g I hadn t thrown
h you wouldn t interrupt
i only I hadn t told
j wish I could
1 mark for each correct answer
2 a tried d to have
b stopped e took
c go
1 mark for each correct answer
3 a mass-produced d fat-free
b hard-wearing e king-sized
c home-made
1 mark for each correct answer
4 a famous f dangerous
b comfortable g sticky
c useful h protective
d creative i economic
e advisable j industrial
1 mark for each correct answer
5 a invention d apply
b discover e instruction
c production
1 mark for each correct answer
Unit Test 10 Oxford University Press 3


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