Pytania 2 do fotografii matura ustna angielski rozwiązania

1. Do you like to learn? Why?

Yes, I like learning so much and I think learning is very important for me. During learning I can feel that I can do more things and I know more .

2. What lessons seemed the most interesting to you at school and why?

I think that English lessons are the most interesting, because I like learning languages and when I can speak and write in English it's easier to communicate with people from other countries.

3.What should people do to avoid everyday stress?

They shouldn't take care about everything and just live their life.

4. What are the duties of a responsible pet owner?

- taking care about his/her pets -washing up his/her pets -going out with his/her pets

5. Why do people go to the theatre? What makes you think so?

People go to the theatre to see plays/ musicals and get away from their problems. During plays they can relax and see a lot of famous actors.

6. What are the most comfortable ways of travelling and why?

For me the most comfortable is travelling by plane, because I can relax there and feel like at home. It isn't tiring.

7. Do you like spending your holiday with your family? Why(not)?

No, I don't like. I prefer to spend my holiday with my friends, because with them I can do what I want and feel free.

8. Would you like to be a teacher in the future? Why(not)?
Yes, I'd like to be a teacher because it's easy. Teacher just have to inform student's about the important information. It isn't as tiring as other jobs.

9. Do you think camping is an ideal way of spending holidays? Justify your opinion.

No, it isn't. It's uncomfortable and during camping I can met a lot of horrible worms. I hate it.

There is cold into a tent.

10. Why do people usually move houses? Give your opinion.

Because they want to find a good job near their houses. Probably they don't like their place of living or just don't like their neighbors.

11. What type of art do you like? Why?

I like music, because it brings me to a new utopia. It is the best way of explain feelings. During listening to it I can relax and forget about all. Just be in my own little world.

12. Should people practice sports? Why(not)?

Yes, they should. Sport is healthy and it can help to keep fit. You can build your character during playing sport.

13. Why in your opinion is it important to develop computer skills?

Because the technology is developing all the time and when you have to get a good job you have to know a computer. Additionally you can communicate by the Internet with your friends and family without going out.

14. How can we help people in difficult situations? How can it be done?

We must be tolerant. People in difficult situations often have to talk with someone and feel that someone is with them and take care about them.

15. What do you think we should or shouldn't do to stay healthy? Why?

-shouldn't smoke -should exercise regularly -should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits

-should avoid every stress

16. How important is sport to you? Why?

For me sport is very important. I like riding a bike. It makes me happier and helps to keep fit. I can feel healthy during cycling.

17. Is it important for a young person to their own room at home? Why?

Yes, it is. Young people should their own place where they can have their own place to make a mess and feel freedom.

18. Would you like to do the job of a reporter? Why?

No, I wouldn't. I'm too shy to this job, additionally I'm not as talkative as should be a reporter.

19. How do you usually spend your free time?

During my free time I can do whatever I want. I call my friends and we walk outside, talk and listen to our favorite music and just relax.

20. Do you like it is better to do your shopping at markets or supermarkets? Why?

I like doing shopping in small supermarkets, because there are always cheap and fresh products and I can find it whatever I need.

21. Do you like getting presents? Why?

Yes, I like it so much. When someone gives me something I can feel that I'm important and he or she thinks about me. It's nice feeling.

22. Which stage of life do you find best and why?

Childhood is the best stage of life for me. During it people don't take care about all and just be happy, without problems.

23. Where do you like to work in the future and why?

I'd like to work at school as a teacher because it's easy. Teacher just have to inform student's about the important information. It isn't as tiring as other jobs.

24. Do you like travelling abroad? Why?

Yes, I like, because during travelling abroad I can meet a lot of new people from other countries and they can say me something interesting about their culture and I can see a lot of beautiful landscapes.

25. How do you keep in touch with your family when you are away?
I always have my cell phone with me so I can call them all the time, but when I am too far to call them I use an Internet and call them by the Skype or just use the Internet to do it.

26. Who should prepare family meals? Why?

I think family should prepare meals together, but when the father can make it, he should make it, because men cook better. I like when my father make a dinner, it's delicious.

27. Do you think we can judge people by the way they look? Why?

No, we can't do it. The way they look doesn't show what they have inside. We just have to be tolerant and accept the person, no matter how he/she looks like.

28. What is your idea of a modern man?

A modern man should be handsome, but he should have something in his head. He should to know how to behave in all situations and take care about his woman.

29. What is the role of sports in young people's lives?

Sport is very important for young people. It helps keep fit and when young people practice sport they can be healthy.

30. Which is your favorite season of the year? Why?

My favourite season of the year is summer, because I love when is hot and sunny. Additionally during summer we have a lot of free time and we can just relax, sunbathing, etc.

32. Is an animal's life in zoo a happy one? What's your opinion?

No, it isn't. The animals in zoo can't feel freedom and are far away from their areas.

33. Do you agree that nowadays people are not interested in doing sports? Justify your opinion?

Yes, I agree. Today people are lazy and they prefer a sedentary lifestyle. They prefer to watch sports, not to practice it.

34. Why isn't classical music as popular as pop music?

Because pop music is trendy today. There's a lot of pop concerts and people listen to what's trendy, not what's old.

35. Would you like to be a volunteer helping the disabled? Why(not)?
Yes, I'd like. Disabled people needs our help. Sometimes they just need to talk with someone or feel important. Disabled people are still people, not animals. They need our help and we have to help them.

37. How do you usually spend your free time? Why?

During my free time I can do whatever I want. I call my friends and we walk outside, talk and listen to our favorite music and just relax, because friendship is very important for me.

38. What are the advantages of shopping in little local shops?

Shopping in little local shops has a lot of advantages. I like it, because there are always cheap and fresh products.

39. Is tradition important in your life? Why?

Yes, it is. Without tradition e.g. I couldn't feel the magic of Christmas or Easter. It is very important to know what to do in important days and tradition shows it.

40. What is your idea of good holidays?

An ideal holidays we should spend far away from home, without parents, with someone who's important for us in a place where we like to go. Silence and relax - I love it.

41. Do you think demonstration can change anything? Why(not)?
Yes. it can. We can do everything whatever we want, if we are in a big grout. We live in a democratic country so we should do everything for the good of the nation. A lot of people can do more than one person.

42. What is your favourite household duty? Why?
Putting away things that I don't need. It's easy, fast and we have a place for the next one.

43. Should mothers of young children stay at home or work professionally? Why?

They should stay at home. Young children grow up and need a lot of care. They should be with their moms until they are little.

44. What job would you like to have in the future ant why?
I'd like to work at school as a teacher because it's easy. Teacher just have to inform student's about the important information. It isn't as tiring as other jobs.

45. How do you like to relax? Why do you choose this way of relaxation?

When I want to relax I just go to bed and sleep, listen to my favourite music or walk away from home. It helps me to forget about all my problems.

46. What presents do you like getting for Christmas?
I love practical or useful gifts, e.g. clothes or PC accessories, because I can use it later.

47. Why is it good to spend weekends out of town?

Because far away from the town we can relax, forget about all and be far away from our town life.

48. Should young people help with the housework? Why?
Yes, they should. During it they can learn how to do some things, it can helps them in the future. They can learn how to clean up, how to be a good house wife or something. It is very useful.

49. Why has computer become so popular at school?
Computer is very useful today. It can do everything whatever we want. It can helps us with the home works without any problem. We must know something about it if we want to get a good job in the future.

50. What do you do to reduce stress?

When I want to reduce stress I just go to bed and sleep, listen to my favourite music or walk away from home. It helps me to forget about all my problems.

51. How has the role of a father changed in recent years?
Today we can see dads with kids at parks. They have a lot of time for their children. Few years ago they thought only about work, not about their family.

52. How can disabled people be helped by their neighbors?
Disabled people needs our help. Sometimes they just need to talk with someone or feel important. Additionally we can help them with shopping or cleaning up the house.

53. Which country would you like to live in and why?
I would like to live in Poland, because here is my place. I'm the patriot and only here I can feel good.

54. What is your favourite kind of restaurant? Why?
A good restaurant should have all international dishes. I like to eat all, so if I want to eat sushi or chicken soup I want to eat it without going to other locals.


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