New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 6 Test
Audio scripts
Track 13: Pronunciation Test for Unit 6
a) met seen spent
b) lost drunk done
c) been eaten heard
d) flown bought shown
e) grown worn taught
Track 14: Listening Test for Unit 6
[Mile (20 something man); Tracy (woman)]
Miles: I'm a tour guide. I have to take groups of tourists on trips around Europe and Britain. It's fantastic. It isn't very well paid, and it's really hard work, but the tourists are generous and I get some good tips. They're usually really friendly and fun. I love it! I meet people from all over the world, and travel all over Europe. Every week I can take time off to travel on my own. I've actually visited all the capital cities of Europe. I got the job because I knew a lot about art and history. The only bad thing is I have to wear a uniform - a horrible brown jacket and hat. I hate brown, and I look really silly in the hat!
Tracy Six months ago I had a great job as a telesales person, but I lost my job and had to find a new one. So at the moment I'm working full time as a cook in a hospital, and I hate it. It's awful. I have to get up really early to get a bus and get to work by 5.00 a.m. to get breakfast ready. I have to prepare 400 meals by 6.30 a.m. Imagine the smell of eggs that early in the morning! My boss is awful, too. We can only take a break once a day, and then we have to ask permission. I've never worked so hard in my life. In fact I've never had such a terrible job. I hate it.
New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 6 Test Audio scripts p1
� Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007