Rozdział 32

Disclaimer: Not mine!

Author's Note: Ha! We finally learn what's wrong with Harrykins! Yay! Though most of you have already guessed why Harry is so sick, but hey, I think the characters have right, too, to know it. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews I got, you are great! And you make me happy! And I no longer have any cookies, but it was worth it.

32. NEWS

Harry comfortably sat on "his" bed in the infirmary while Madam Pomfrey ran several diagnostic spells over him, frowning more disapprovingly with every result.

"I can't find anything wrong besides the usual", she finally declared, "What were the symptoms again?"

"Nausea, dizziness, abdominal cramping, trembling, vomiting", Harry enumerated, "Sleeplessness, anorexia and headaches, but that's the usual."

"I wonder...", the nurse fingered her wand before she gripped it tighter and performed one more spell, after which a light golden hue surrounded Harry's belly, "Oh, my..."

"What is it?", Harry asked nervously, "Is it bad?"

"Oh, Harry, I don't know how to tell you. Maybe you should better sit down", the small boy was even more confused- he was already sitting and Madam Pomfrey only ever used his first name when she thought he couldn't hear her, "It may be difficult to understand, but in the Wizarding World, wizards that is, can... Wizards, who are in a homosexual relationship... They can get pregnant."

"I know that, but...", Harry's face crossed a look of first realisation and then horror, "I can't be pregnant, please, tell me I'm not."

"I'm sorry, Harry, but you are", the school nurse patted his hand consolingly, "You're about four weeks along."

"But, but,...", Harry sniffed to hold back the tears, "I can't be pregnant."

"Do you want me to leave you alone for a moment?", the small boy nodded absent-mindedly and the normally stern witch walked into her small office.

How could that happen? Why did it have to happen? He was only sixteen, he couldn't raise a child. No child deserved to have him as a father. That's why he had asked Tom to use some contraception... Tom! What did he do? The one time he had put his trust in someone he had been disappointed. He didn't even notice that he was crying.

"Are you okay, Mr. Potter", over half an hour had passed and by now lunch break was over, afternoon classes had started, "I found this book on male pregnancies for you. It's rather old, but there haven't been to many cases in the last few years. Do you want me to make the checks now or would you rather wait till everything has settled a little?"

"Could you just tell me which rules I have to follow so as not to endanger the child?", Harry said in a throaty voice, slightly hoarse from crying, "I need some time to come to terms with this."

"Of course", she smiled kindly down at her charge, "You should eat regularly, but that's what I have told you for several years now, so I'll content myself if you eat enough and with enough I mean, at least double of what you have eaten until now. You should avoid kicks or punches or curses towards your abdomen. You shouldn't drink any potions or inhale the vapours. I already wrote two notes to Professor Snape and your husband so that they can adapt their lesson plans. You need to watch your temper and avoid stressy situation, although I know that's a lot to ask. All in all if you look after yourself, it should be fine", she handed him two slips of paper, "I expect you in one week at the latest. And if you have anymore questions, I'm always there for you."

Harry nodded and slid to the floor, trying a small smile as he left the infirmary, but he knew he still looked horrible. He still had a bone to pick with a certain someone.

He forcefully knocked at the door to the Defence against the Dark Arts classroom, not waiting before he pushed it open in the same manner, marching towards the red-eyed wizard, who had previously enjoyed the shocked silence and frightened looks of the third year Ravenclaws after revealing his identity.

"Harry", he asked surprisedly and more than a little concerned when he saw the tear-stained face, "Is something wrong?"

"Yes", Harry hissed dangerously at him, "You are! Read this will you and then explain it to me."

He confusedly accepted the crumpled piece of paper, noting that it was written on an attestation paper and reading the few choice words twice before he looked up at his fuming husband. He could now understand that Harry was agitated.

/Harry, I didn't know you were a bearer.../

"I fucking told you and I asked you to do something so that this wouldn't happen", Harry's magic crackled around him like lightning.

/When did you tell me, Harry, the Dark Lord asked confusedly.

"Directly after our wedding and you bloody well agreed. If you were not going to do it you could have at least told me", Harry sneered.

/But... I can't remember you saying something like this, Tom tried to reason.

"'I'll take care of everything. Don't worry'", Harry aped him, "What was I supposed to think about that, huh? If you hadn't heard me, then why did you say that?"

/Shit,... I didn't understand you, I just thought you were nervous, Tom tried to embrace Harry as an offer of peace, but the younger wizard snarled at him, daring him to come any nearer/I'm sorry./

"Then why the fuck didn't you ask?", he had never heard the small boy curse so much, "I trusted you! You ruined my life."

/Shh, It's not that bad, if you don't want it, there's still time for an abortion, Tom hadn't foreseen Harry's reaction to his last sentence: The Gryffindor's magic had somehow manifested surrounding him with crackling blue flames and at his last words Harry almost sprung in his face and slapped him, leaving three angry red stripes, where his magic had burned him: "You will not murder anyone else from my family, Voldemort. You'll damn well take responsibility for that."

Before the Dark Lord could recover from the shock, Harry had stormed out of the classroom, banging the door shut- the Ravenclaws were even more frightened than before, but it didn't amuse Tom anymore.

"Mr. Potter, care to enlighten us why you chose to grace us with your presence half an hour after the lesson started?", Severus had a difficult time to continue speaking after he got a good look of Harry's red-rimmed eyes; Harry silently handed over the second paper, wiping away some of the tears, "Mr. Potter, if you would accompany me to my office? Mr. Malfoy, you're in charge."

He led Harry through the inconspicuous door behind his desk, shielding him from the nosy looks as best as he could.

"Oh, Harry", he gently wrapped his arms around the trembling boy after he had locked the door behind him, "Shh, we'll work something out. Shh, I'm sorry. Come, sit down."

Harry started to sob uncontrollably: "I don't want to be pregnant, Severus."

"Yes, I know", the Potion's Master rubbed Harry's back as he hoped soothingly, "We'll work something out. Shh, don't cry. It'll be fine."

"How could it possibly be fine, Severus", Harry sniffed, "How?"

"I don't know, but we'll find a way", Severus assured him, "Does the Dark Lord know about it."

"Why did he do that to me?", Harry's whole body trembled, "I trusted him."

"It's quite uncommon for a wizard to be fertile, Harry. No-one probably expected you to become pregnant..."

"I told him. I told him. Why didn't he listen to me?", Harry cried into his robes, "He doesn't want this child..."

"Do you want it, Harry?", he asked gently, sighing as Harry shook his head: "No, the poor child. To have such parents and then no-one wants it... But I can't just kill it, I can't, Severus."

"I'm sure you'll be a great father, Harry, I really do", Severus carded his long fingers through the wild locks, "You just need to get used to the idea to have child. Don't give up just yet, okay?"

"Okay", Harry sniffed.

"You can stay in here for the rest of the lesson", Severus offered, "Swelling Draught brewed by a horde of moron-like sixth-years isn't exactly safe. Do you want Draco to keep an eye on you?"

Harry nodded, reluctantly loosening the grip he had on the Potion's Master's robes, and curled up in the large armchair that stood near the fire.

Severus kissed the top of Harry's head lightly, something he had never in his life done before, and then stalked back into the classroom: "Mr. Malfoy, please be so kind and prevent Potter from blowing up my office. He has the instructions for the Calming Draught you are to brew", the young Malfoy heir mumbled displeasedly as it seemed, but gathered up his things hastily and disappeared in the office not before sending his godfather a worried look.

"Harry, Merlin, what is wrong?", the blond crouched down in front of the shivering boy, trying to decipher the look on his face.

"Everything", Harry cried, "I'm pregnant and Tom hates me and the child and I don't know what to do..."

Draco was at a loss for words for a moment and used that time to squeeze into the armchair besides Harry, pulling the smaller boy into his lap: "Hush, don't cry. Why would you care what Tom thinks about you, Harry? My family will always be there for you and any child of yours... Don't cry anymore, please? I'll look out for you, you don't have to worry about anything..."

"I don't want this child, either", Harry sobbed, "I don't want it, Draco, I'm sixteen, I can't take care of a child. And I can't abort it, it never did anything wrong, how could I possibly kill it?"

"You won't be alone, Harry", Draco hugged the delicate boy closer to himself, "I'll be there and Severus and my parents and your godfather and even the Dark Lord once he's got over his shock. He loves you, Harry, I really think, he does and he won't leave you alone with this."

"I'm afraid, I'm so afraid, Draco", Harry buried his head deeper in Draco's robes, "Why did it have to be me?"

"Because you're Harry Potter", Draco chuckled, brushing away the tears, "Didn't you say so yourself? Nothing is ever normal with you, so it is perfectly normal."

Harry sniffed pitifully, but tried to smile.

Meanwhile the first lesson of double Potions had ended and Tom was finally able to dismiss those annoying third-years. His cheek burned like hell and he was incredibly worried about Harry. He hadn't meant it like that! He just wanted to help! And who could possibly guess that Harry would tell him something like that the one time he hadn't really listened? He quickly walked through the hallways, weaving through all those annoying students, who mostly parted respectfully in front of him, and harshly knocked on the Lestranges' door.

"Mylord", Rudolphus looked quite surprised, when Voldemort with a bruised cheek knocked at their door, "Is something the matter?"

"Yes, obviously", Tom was in no mood for pleasantries, "You have to find Harry."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?", Rabastan had also appeared next to his brother.

Voldemort sighed: "At first, he thought that I tried to humiliate him, then I said something and he thought I just disrespected him, which was slightly better and then I made a huge mistake and now he thinks I'm a heartless bastard. It's not my place to tell you what exactly happened, but I believe he would like your support right now. So go find him."

He turned away before they could question him anymore and mentally prepared for his last class, unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the picture of Harry's tear-stained face in front of his eyes.

The Lestrange brothers needed over twenty minutes to finally locate Harry in the dungeons and just knocked on the Potion's classroom, not having the patience to work out a more subtle way.

"The door's open. If you expect me to make a deep bow and roll out the red carpet for you, you can wait a long time", Severus barked through the door, while he threw powdered unicorn hooves into Bones' potion just in time to prevent an explosion.

"Severus, have you seen Harry?", Rudolphus asked, staring intently at the other wizard.

"He's in my office, attempting to brew a Calming Potion with Mr. Malfoy's aid, though I doubt it will be any good", Severus sneered, "Feel free to join them. Oh, and Rudolphus, keep away from all ingredients, we wouldn't want to air Hogwarts more thoroughly, now would we?"

"Funny", Rudolphus remarked, "I'll make a note to laugh about it once I have more time at my hands", Rabastan had already vanished into the next room and the older brother followed suit.

The sight was quite cute actually. The Malfoy heir sat elegantly sprawled in the black leather armchair near the small-burning fire, with a cat-like curled up Harry in his lap, gliding his hands through the unruly black strands while talking to Harry in a low voice: "You know, I don't think that babies are all that bad. I have a cousin twice removed, she's about seven now I think, but she and her parents used to visit us quite often so that Mum and Mathilde, that's the mother by the way, could chat away. I always had to look after her, but after I while I really looked forward to their visits. Not that I complained less, mind you, that would have been disadvantageous. But she really was cute, with the Malfoy good looks of course- our whole family is more than good-looking, I'm sure you have noticed", it always made Harry laugh when he talked like that and now too he received a weak chuckle, "Where was I? Oh, yes, nice little bugger she was, with blond hair and blue eyes and she always made those gurgling noises instead of laughing. See, babies aren't that bad..."

"Very convincing, Draco", Harry sniffed, "Let me sum this up: Malfoys are good-looking and babies make gurgling noises. Well, that helped a lot..."

"Don't be like this", Draco whined, "It's not like I'm an expert on this either", the blond looked up confusedly when Rabastan cleared his throat, "Oh, I didn't see you there. Like to offer some kind of advice?"

"We might, but could you inform us maybe what caused this beforehand? The Dark Lord was rather vague...", Harry stiffened and curled up even tighter, big tears once again rolling down his cheeks.

"Great", Draco hissed at them, "Look what you've done. It took me over an hour to calm him this far."

"Don't be angry", Harry sobbed, "Don't be angry, please, Draco, don't."

"Shh, I'm sorry", Draco once again patted the smaller boy's back, "Can I tell them, Harry?"

"Yeah", Harry whispered and pressed even closer, "But don't be angry."

"Maybe, you should take a seat", Draco suggested while he summoned a blanket from Severus' bedroom and covered the once again trembling boy.

The older men did so obediently, stretching the armchair into a small sofa, and each took a seat next to the two students, expectantly looking at Draco: "Well, to make it short. Harry's pregnant and it's the Dark Lord's fault in more than one way."

"Okay, could you elaborate a little it might have been just a bit too short", Rabastan said, "What did you mean with 'in more then one way'?"

"Harry told him to use contraception so that this wouldn't happen, but he apparently didn't understand and said something that Harry took as an agreement", Draco explained, sighing as Harry started to cry harder, "Today when Harry found out he went to confront the Dark Lord about it, who told him he should get an abortion. And that's what leads us here..."

"Oh, Harry", Rudolphus gave the Gryffindor an awkward embrace, since he wouldn't let go of Draco, "We're sorry, but we'll help you and the Dark Lord looked really sorry when we met him. He probably just didn't think about what he said. It won't be that bad."

"Of course it will", Harry sniffed, "Men are not supposed to be pregnant. Women are supposed to. Men are supposed to marry and take care of their wives and their children and then finally die of a heart-attack because they grew too fat to move away from the television. And if grown men aren't supposed to be pregnant sixteen-year-old boys are even less supposed to carry a child. And even if men were supposed to be pregnant, the other father isn't supposed to hate the child or his husband and everyone is supposed to say: 'Congratulations' and not 'I'm sorry' or 'It's not that bad'. So tell me again that everything will turn out just fine."

"Harry...", Draco said cautiously, "I'm sure the Dark Lord doesn't hate you, nor the child. Do you want to know what my father said when he found out that my mum was pregnant with me? She told me once when Dad was incredible angry with me. She had planned it out perfectly. She wore her best dress and had prepared a candle-light dinner and when he came home she sat him down and smiled at him and said that she had some good news for him. He nodded at her while sipping his wine. My mum looked deep in his eyes and said: 'I'm pregnant, honey. Your son is growing inside of me.' And he put down his glass and said in a cold voice: 'I'm still waiting for the good news.' Then he got up and walked out of the room, banging the door behind him and as soon as it clicked shut he fainted. I'm rather proud of myself for accomplishing that", Draco smirked, "But the point is, Harry, that he loves me and my mum and that he would do anything for us. So I tell you again that everything will turn out just fine."

"Really?", Harry peeked up from under black bangs, "Lucius fainted?"

"Yes, and if you intend to use it as blackmail, I would have to defend the family honour and deny it vehemently", Draco smirked.

"Do you think that my father fainted, too?", Harry asked insecurely.

"Maybe, I didn't know him", Draco shrugged.

"Actually, he didn't", Severus supplied from the doorway, after he had dismissed the last students, "Evans decided to drop the news on him in the headquarter while everyone was eating. Your father nearly choked and Black fainted, it was quite amusing, especially as Alice Longbottom chose the same evening to reveal her pregnancy to everyone. I've never seen so many shocked wizards in my life... I think your father was more worried that Evans would scream at him. Are you feeling better, Harry?"

Harry nodded, then shrugged: "I can't change the fact that I'm pregnant so I just will have to deal with it."

"Don't talk like your life is already over", Draco chastised sternly.

"It looks to me like you're already dealing with it", the Potion's Master remarked, "Look at your hand."

Harry confusedly first looked at his left hand, which was tangled with Rudolphus' right and then at his other hand that protectively rested against his stomach.

A gentle smile spread over his face: "Yeah, I think you're right. It's just this child doesn't deserve all this..."

"Neither do you, Harry", Rudolphus said.

As it became obvious that Harry wouldn't reply, Severus suggested going up for dinner and everyone agreed, though Harry did with some reluctance and allowed Draco to slip his arm around his waist as they walked through the dark hallways. Rudolphus and Rabastan walked next to the two and Severus in front of them, partly to preserve his reputation and partly to scare away all the students, who might have been in their way.

/Harry, I'm sorry, Tom got up from his seat as soon as the four wizards walked through the double doors shortly after Severus had strode to the head table imposingly/Please, can we talk? I know what I said sounded bad.../

"Oh, don't worry it's fine", Harry said evenly.

"Really?", Tom asked hopefully, not having expected Harry to give in so easily.

"No, Tom, it's not fine, but maybe now you know what it feels like if someone just ignores what you say", Harry hissed dangerously, "And what you said didn't only sound bad, it definitely was. And don't touch me", he glared at Tom's hand that had moved to grab his hand.

"Please, I know I made a mistake", Tom almost pleaded abandoning the snake language since Harry refused to answer in Parseltongue- a sure sign that he was angry- he at least wanted to speak the same language as his husband, "And that it's my fault entirely, but I want to fix it", he once again tried to hug his younger husband, but Harry seemingly panicked laying one hand protectively on his stomach/You will not kill my child. You will not, Harry backed away with wide fearful eyes and then ran out of the hall.

Voldemort wanted to follow, but Draco sneered at him: "Don't you think you have upset him enough for one day?", and jogged after the fleeing boy.

The Dark Lord slumped as much as he allowed himself to do in public, bowing his head defeatedly. Harry feared him!

Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling merrily as he piped a "Trouble in paradise, my boy? You lose, I win." in his ear.

But he wouldn't lose Harry, he couldn't. Fine, so Harry hated him at the moment, it could have been worse, he would just have to work a bit harder- a lot harder.

He looked up hopefully, as the double doors swung open, half way through dinner. It was indeed Harry accompanied by the blond jealousy factor number one, who supported the smaller boy and led him to the Slytherin table to where Blaise was keeping them seats.

Harry put up little resistance, which he was entitled to after throwing up all of his breakfast and the little lunch Madam Pomfrey had forced down his throat and didn't look up once. Draco was trying to make him eat, but Harry just tuned him out, the thought alone of food made him nauseous again.

Of course the blond noticed that after a while and instead of shouting at his one-time-nemesis he picked him up easily and carried the half-asleep boy out, not before sending Blaise a meaning full glance, who quickly gathered up some sandwiches and followed them.

"You're going the wrong way", Harry mumbled, "If you carry me all the way down to the dungeons, I will have to walk thirty-six staircases up again."

"You will stay in our room tonight", Draco decided, "You're not going back there to be pestered by some ignorant Gryffindorks. You had enough commotion for one day."

"But Tom said...", Harry started hesitantly, but the blond interrupted: "I think the Dark Lord still owes you a lot and if it consoles you, I'll inform him of this arrangement once you're asleep."

"Thank you, Draco", Harry settled more comfortable in his arms and was asleep before they even reached the Slytherin common room.

The two older boys brought him up to the dormitory they shared (money sure is useful most of the time) and tucked him into Draco's bed, placing a glass of water and the wrapped sandwiches on the night table before they went back to the common room.

"So, Draco, care to explain to me what this was all about?", Blaise answered innocently, poking Draco in the ribs.

"Swear on your family honour that you won't tell anyone else", Draco demanded, while he put up the strongest privacy spells he knew.

"What has got in you? You know that I always keep silence", Blaise raised an eyebrow questioningly, "But if you insist: Yes, I swear on the Zabini family honour to not relay anything to anyone else."

"It's just, it's not really my place to tell you, but I want you to help Harry, so...", he explained Harry's situation, "And now we have to help him."

"We will", Blaise agreed, "We have to find out what he didn't want to tell us on the train. If our assumption is right he needs help with more than just the pregnancy..."

Okay, I feel in the mood for a bit of blackmail right now, so here it goes: If I get over forty reviews you'll get a really long chappie tomorrow (over 8000 words) and if I get under forty I'll cut it into two and you'll get two chapters with about 4000 words (not at the same day of course!). So it's in your hands now. Don't disappoint me!


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