Training Kevin Tatum Throne

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Hard Hits 14

Training Kevin

When Lt. Kevin Philips is accused of stalking his ex-boyfriend, he’s
subjected to an internal investigation that could potentially ruin his

chance for a coveted position on SWAT. When his case is assigned
to one of I.A.’s most notorious investigators, Kevin knows he
doesn’t stand a chance.

Det. Wyatt Rome is given his last case in I.A. before he slides into
his new role as Detective with District Two. As a personal favor to

Chief Rask, Wyatt investigates the allegations made against Kevin.
He quickly discovers that all is not as it seems.

As a Dom, Wyatt knows how to take control in every situation.
When Kevin refuses to answer his questions, he needs to take

drastic measures to get his target to open up. With Kevin denying
everything, will he finally submit or will Wyatt have to break the
rules—and the man?

Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary
Length: 28,756 words

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Hard Hits 14

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2016 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-207-8

First E-book Publication: May 2016

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For the Throne boys. Always.

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Hard Hits 14


Copyright © 2016

Chapter One

Lt. Kevin Philips felt a chill race down his spine. He slowed his

footsteps as he approached his car. He was shaking inside and out. He
stared down at the blood that had been smeared on the side of his car
and wondered if it was human or not. His ex-boyfriend had found him

It had been a really long time since he’d felt this way. Not since

he had broken up with his ex-boyfriend six months ago. He went to
the trunk and popped it, taking out a bottle of water from his gym bag.
He squirted the water on the blood. Relief mixed with the tension in
his shoulders as he washed it away. He hated Jeff for fucking with

Over the last several months, there had been signs that Jeff had

been back in his life. Mostly, it was times like this when Kevin was
alone that he felt as though he were being watched. Even now, he
couldn’t shake the feeling. He unlocked his car and got inside, quickly
reengaging the locks just as fast. His heart was hammering in his
chest. He hated feeling this way. His ex-boyfriend had done a number
on him.

It was why he wasn’t in another relationship right now. Darkness

surrounded the car. He was a fucking cop. He wasn’t supposed to be

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Training Kevin


scared when he was alone. Part of the problem was he couldn’t shake
the sensation that he was being followed. Now he was afraid of his
own shadow lately.

He’d been on edge all day. He’d awakened early in a cold sweat

as though someone was looming over him while he slept. There were
just a few things out of place when he woke up. Unable to shake the
feeling, he’d been paranoid for most of the afternoon. After a long
day of work, he wanted to be able to relax. Right now, he couldn’t.

He started the car with a shaky hand, determined to put this night

behind him. He would not be victim to Jeff again.

Instead of going home, Kevin drove across town to his favorite

gay bar. The music was loud and exactly what Kevin needed to
recharge. He went up to the bar to order a drink. He found a place in
the corner with his back to a wall and an exit to his left to scan the

At one point in time, he would’ve looked for someone to keep him

company overnight. Not anymore. That was exactly how he met Jeff.
Over a short few months, his whole entire life and heart had been
ripped apart. At first, Jeff had been nice and kind and sweet. It was
the little things that made him fall hard and fast, like buying flowers
and making dinner. When Kevin’s job got in the way of their time
together, Jeff’s true personality came out. Jeff would text and call
repeatedly, accusing him of cheating. It would always end with them
fighting. Kevin tried to make it work because he thought he was in
love with Jeff. That all changed when the physical abuse started.

At first, Kevin had tried to justify it all, but there was no

rationalization for hurting the person you love the most. The night he
left, he slipped out in the middle of the night, leaving behind all of his
furniture and the things he couldn’t carry. He had taken the clothes on
his back, headed for a hotel, and checked in under an anonymous

He was a police officer. This shouldn’t have been happening to

him. He couldn’t believe he had become a victim of domestic

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violence. The only mistake he made was not telling anyone he worked
with what was going on. Instead, he tried to forget and play it off as
everything was okay. Now, he was certain that Jeff was back in his
life and following him. The man was a freaking doctor. He had
everything to lose by pulling this shit.

Kevin took a long drink of his beer. He wished he could go home

and feel safe, but he couldn’t—not after last night and not after he just
found blood on his car. Going home meant he had to face the fact that
Jeff had found him and had probably been in his apartment while he
was sleeping and vulnerable.

Instead of going home, he knew he’d be looking for a new place

tomorrow. He was running scared. Jeff wouldn’t let go. Jeff would do
everything in his sick, twisted power to track him down again and
make him pay for leaving.

Men like Kevin were not supposed to have stalking ex-boyfriends

who were psychologically torturing him. Tomorrow, he would need to
go in and talk to Chief Rask about what was going on. The last thing
he wanted was for this to threaten his chance at a position on the
SWAT team. Kevin ran his hand through his hair, trying to shake off
the feeling that he would never be safe again.

Why was everything going wrong? Kevin looked down at his

beer. He had finished it. He wanted two or three more, but he knew he
shouldn’t. Instead, he should go home and pack a few things before
Jeff came back. He hated being so afraid and so alone all at once.

When he was in his car, Kevin took a steadying breath and pulled

out into the night. He headed back across town to his apartment, very
aware of the headlights now following him. It didn’t look like Jeff’s
car, but the man was smart. When he broke up with him, the text
messages and calls started almost immediately. Kevin had to change
his cell phone number twice. He wasn’t sure how Jeff was getting his
number. More importantly, he wasn’t sure how Jeff was finding him.
Someone at the station was probably unknowingly giving his stalker

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Training Kevin


the info, thus even more reason for him to tell the chief about how
messed up his life was right now.

After driving around the block and going several different ways,

the car that had been following him turned toward the highway. Relief
moved through Kevin’s body. He did not want to deal with Jeff
tonight. Kevin pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex.
He sat there for a long moment looking around. Darkness surrounded
the building.

One of the things he didn’t like about this place was the fact that it

had really piss-poor lighting. He’d taken it because he could pay
month-to-month which meant it was easy to leave. There was no
long-term lease to have to break when Jeff found him. After a long
time looking around the building from the safety of his car, Kevin got
out and headed toward the front entrance.

The double glass doors were shitty and never locked. He couldn’t

justify getting a place with more security when he knew he’d be just
leaving when Jeff found him again. He unlocked the door to his
apartment and quickly locked up behind him. His heart was
hammering as he pulled the chain behind him and engaged the extra
lock he had put in. He was tired of living this way. He was tired of
being afraid of his damn shadow when he himself was a police
officer. He was better than this, but he was freaking afraid.

The last threatening text message he had received from Jeff was

four months ago. He vowed to come after him when he least expected
it. Right now, Kevin was expecting it. Everything felt as though it was
building steam and he would have to confront Jeff. Kevin was not
emotionally prepared to do that—not yet.

Without turning on the light, Kevin examined his apartment as

though it were a crime scene. He was searching for the subtle
differences, something just out of place or moved. He couldn’t see
anything but he knew that it didn’t matter. Jeff could have come and
gone easily and taken something. The man was like a freaking ghost
haunting him.

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Tatum Throne

There were days when he thought about taking out a restraining

order, but he didn’t. If he took one out, everyone he knew and worked
with would find out. That was the last thing he wanted. He did not
want anything to jeopardize his chance to get on one of the most elite
SWAT teams in the country.

Shaking off the bad vibes, Kevin headed into his bedroom and

flipped on the light. He was grateful for the blackout curtains that he
had installed shortly after moving in. They made him feel safe when
he was alone. Kevin undressed and headed for his nightstand. He
pulled open the drawer and reached in for underwear.

He froze.
Just inside, laying on top of his underwear, were pictures that Jeff

had taken, unbeknownst to Kevin, when they were having sex. They
looked as though they were stills from a video. His heart plummeted.
With a shaky hand, he lifted up one of the pictures and flipped it over.
On the back written in permanent ink was a note from Jeff. It said,
Come back to me and no one has to know. Come back to me or I tell
everyone. Come back to me or I will kill you, my love.

Panic raced through Kevin’s heart as he dropped the photo to the

ground reaching for his gun as he did. “Come out of here now! Come
out now!”

The only sound was the sound of his heart beating in his ears and

his blood thrumming through his veins. Silence echoed back. Jeff was
not there, but he was toying with Kevin nonetheless. Tears began to
fall from his eyes. He felt broken.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, laying his gun on the

nightstand. He felt pushed to the edge. He wanted this over. He was
tired of the games. He wanted Jeff to stop tormenting him. What the
hell was he going to do? What was he going do to stop this from
getting out?

No one knew that he was gay, and the last thing he wanted was for

everyone at work to find out he liked to bottom. Kevin had only

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Training Kevin


picked up one of the photos. He knew he had to look at all of them to
find out exactly what Jeff had on him.

Taking a deep breath, Kevin headed back to the drawer and

moved the rest of his underwear aside. What he saw made his heart
sink. Photo after photo showed him performing sex acts on Jeff. The
ones with him in high heels made his cheeks burn. He was not a man
who normally cross-dressed ever, but Jeff had come home with the
heels and asked that he put them on while they fucked. Determined to
please his lover, Kevin had put the heels on and done everything Jeff
had asked of him.

That was before the controlling and abusive behavior started. That

was before Kevin found out exactly how Jeff was. That was before
the threats of violence turned into physical violence. Kevin had
thought he was in love and had found the man of his dreams. Instead,
he had found his worst nightmare.

Kevin gathered up the photos. Finding a lighter, he went into the

bathroom and flipped on the shower. As the water rained down, he set
the photos aflame. He wanted no memory and no evidence of what
had happened between them. This was not love.

After the photos were destroyed, he went into his bedroom and

packed his clothes. He couldn’t stay there tonight. He didn’t feel safe.
There was only one place he knew to go where he felt completely
safe, and that was the police station.

His shift wasn’t supposed to start for another ten hours but he

wasn’t about to go to a hotel for the night. He’d find a place tomorrow
or after everything cooled down with Jeff.

As Kevin left his apartment, he headed for his car, looking around

as he did. He didn’t see Jeff anywhere. He threw his duffel onto the
passenger side seat and started the car. He drove straight to the police
station and parked. He then went in through the back entrance and
near the Training Center. No one was there this time of night, and
most wouldn’t show until shift change.

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Tatum Throne

Up on the third floor, there were empty offices. Kevin took the

back stairwell up to that floor and headed down the hallway. He was
going to sleep at the station until he found a place to stay where he
felt safe. He shut and locked the door behind him in one of the empty
offices that had an old couch. As he laid down on the couch and
stretched out, he tried not to think about how fucked up his life was
right now.

As his mind was starting to drift to sleep, he heard the sound of a

cell phone chiming. A shiver raced down his spine. He knew it was
Jeff. He pressed the button indicating one message had been received.
As the message came up, Kevin’s heart sank. It was picture of him at
the gay bar. It was a long time before he fell asleep.

* * * *

Detective Wyatt Rome juggled his coffee and his messenger bag

as he headed into District Two headquarters. Excitement pounded in
his veins as he moved. He had one more day in IA, but he wanted to
get a head start in his new position. He headed through the entrance,
going to the front desk to talk to the officer behind the glass

“I’m Detective Rome. I’m here to see Chief Rask.”
A buzzer sounded behind the door to the right. “He’s expecting

you. Do you know where his office is?”

“Yes. Thank you.”
As he made his way through the hallway to the open bullpen

where dispatch was located, he passed by a lieutenant who looked like
he’d had a rough night. His blond hair was mussed and there were
shadows under his velvety blue eyes as though he didn’t sleep much.

The hairs on the back of Wyatt’s arms stood on end as he brushed

past him. The feeling caught him momentarily off guard, causing him
to take a harder look at the man who was passing by. He recognized
him from the Homeland Security trainings he went to last year with a

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Training Kevin


few of his coworkers. Even then, the man had caught his eye but he
never had a chance to talk to him.

Their eyes locked and something closed off within the lieutenant’s

as he passed by. Before Wyatt had time to fully process the
interaction, Chief Rask was coming his way, and by the look on his
face, he was not happy. Wyatt had only seen that look one other time

Wyatt offered his hand. “Chief.”
They shook hands. “Let’s get to my office. I need to pull you in

on something. It’s sensitive.”

They headed toward his office. Something was really wrong. He

shut the door behind him.

“I have Det. Royce in a meeting with a Dr. Jeff Hood. He came in

here this morning to file a formal complaint against one of my men.”

“What’s the accusation?”
Chief Rask sighed heavily, sitting behind his desk. “Stalking and

harassment after a failed relationship.”

Shock vibrated through his system. “Who?”
“Lt. Kevin Philips. I want you in on the questioning of both men.

This is going to go to IA. I think this is going to be your last case.”

“Sir, I really don’t think that’s a good idea. Some of these cases

can drag out for months.”

“I need you to do this as a favor to me. I don’t trust anyone else to

take this case with Internal Affairs. So, can I count on you?”

Wyatt hesitated only a moment. He couldn’t get the haunted

image of that officer from the hall out of his mind. “Sure.”

“Good. This stays between us and Det. Royce.”
“Not a problem.”
“Let me show you to your office.”
Wyatt followed Chief Rask out and they headed toward where the

other detectives were stationed. “This will be your desk.”

Wyatt looked around the office, setting his messenger bag next to

the desk. The chief indicated for him to follow with a nod of his head.

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Tatum Throne

He took one last drink of his coffee before throwing it out and
followed Chief Rask out the door.

“They’re still in interrogation. We’re going to watch from the

other room.”

When they were finally behind the two-way mirror, Wyatt started

listening in on the conversation. He took a hard look at the man who
was making some pretty severe accusations. Men like that didn’t go
around throwing allegations out if they weren’t warranted. Wyatt took
a notebook from his pocket, followed by a pen. He started to take

The chief headed for the door. “I’ll let you get to work. Keep me

posted on what you find out.”

With that, Wyatt openly studied the man. His hard, angular face

was of a person who exuded confidence and strength. It completely
went against the fact that he was playing the victim. Something didn’t
add up with the situation. He was lying about something. Wyatt could
see it in his body language, the way he would look away to the left
and the way he wouldn’t meet the officers’ eyes directly.

“You’re certain about wanting a restraining order?” Det. Royce


When the interview looked to be about over, Wyatt left the room.

He waited just outside the hall for the detective to come out.

“Mind if I ask him a few questions?”
Det. Royce nodded. “Be my guest.”
Wyatt opened the door and held the man’s gaze as he crossed the

room. He sat down across from the man and their eyes locked. Wyatt
stared at him for several hard seconds before he started. “I’m Det.
Rome. I’d like to ask you a few questions about the officer stalking

“Please do.”
“How did you two meet?”

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Training Kevin


The question seemed to catch the man off guard, and that was

exactly where Wyatt wanted him. “At the hospital where I work.”

“He was a patient?”
“And how long did you two date?”
“Almost a year.”
“I’m guessing that you were intimate?”
“Yes. We were, and I’m glad you brought that up, honestly.”
“Why is that?”
“He has some pictures that he sent me that he’s blackmailing me

with. He’s threatening to make them public. He’s…please. Help me.”

Jeff’s voice broke with emotion. Wyatt didn’t believe it was

genuine. “Do you still have those pictures?”

“Yes, I do.”
“I’d like to see them for evidentiary purposes. Would you happen

to have them on you?”

“Yeah. I wasn’t sure if I needed to bring them as proof of what he

was doing to me.”

Wyatt waited as the man went through his coat pocket, pulling out

a small envelope. He handed over the envelope with a steady hand.
Wyatt opened it, looking at the pictures inside. He flipped through
them, seeing very intimate photos with Jeff and Lt. Philips. “Do you
mind if I keep these?”

“No, not at all.”
“One more thing.”
“Where do you live?”
“Just outside of Indian Hill.”
“Thank you for your time. I’ll be in touch.”
“Are you going to arrest him for doing this to me?”

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Wyatt slid his business card across the table. “Right now, this is

an open investigation. I’ll be in touch when I know something more.
Until then, just stay away from the man.”

“You tell him to stay away from me.”
Anger flashed within Jeff’s eyes. He was definitely ticked off

about something.

Wyatt left the room. He saw Det. Royce coming back with

paperwork for Jeff to fill out. “Have you talked to Lt. Philips yet?”

“That’s next on my list. You want to sit in on this with me?”
“I think that would be a good idea.”
After waiting for the detective to finish up with Jeff, he finally

came out ten minutes later. He escorted Jeff out and then headed back
to the bullpen where Wyatt was waiting. “I just sent Philips a
message. He’s waiting in interrogation room C for us.”

Wyatt followed Det. Royce down the hallway. “I’ll let you take

the lead on this, if that’s all right.”

“That works for me.”
They headed into the room to see Lt. Philips looking really

nervous. His arms were crossed and he was leaning back in the chair
as though he’d rather be anywhere but there. He was bouncing his leg
up and down. His blond hair was messed as though he ran a few
hands through it. Dark freckles were scattered across his nose and
cheeks. Wyatt hung back by the door where he could openly watch
them. He leaned his shoulders back against the wall.

“What’s this all about?” Kevin asked.
Det. Royce sat down in one of the two open chairs across from

Kevin. “We have reason to believe you’ve been stalking an ex-
boyfriend. A restraining order has been put out on you by Dr. Jeff
Hood. Mind telling us what’s going on?”

“Yeah, actually I do.”
“You better start talking. IA has already been informed and you’re

in a lot of trouble.”

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Training Kevin


Shock moved over the officer’s face, but he still wasn’t talking.

Wyatt couldn’t blame him for clamming up. They all stared at each
other for several long beats. Lt. Philips really wasn’t going to say
anything to them.

“Give us a minute,” Wyatt said.
Det. Royce looked at him hard before leaving the room. Yeah, he

got the message. They needed to do everything by the book. “Are you
going to tell me what’s going on?” Wyatt sat down across from him at
the table. Still, he didn’t say a word. “Would you like to speak to a

Surprise moved over the lieutenant’s face. “You really think that’s


“I guess it depends on what you’re willing to tell me about what’s

going on.”

The lieutenant leaned forward, resting his head in his palms and

running his hands through his silky blond hair. Finally, he lifted his
gaze. “I need you to believe what I’m about to say.”

“I’m listening.”
“He’s stalking me. He’s coming to my apartment and going

through things. He’s been harassing me for the last six months.
Things are escalating. I’m not usually one to be afraid, but I’m afraid
of him.” Disbelief moved through Wyatt. Out of everything he’d
expected, this was not it. He couldn’t believe that this lieutenant was
truly afraid. He carried a gun. He was trained in Israeli martial arts.
Something didn’t add up here. One of them was lying and Wyatt had
to figure out which one it was. If he had to put money on it, he
would’ve guessed that both were not telling the complete truth. The
good old doctor was holding back and so was Kevin.

“You’re afraid?”
“Yes. You believe me, don’t you?”
He did but he wasn’t about to tell Kevin that. “I’m here to figure

out the truth of what’s going on.”

“What happens now?”

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“Chief Rask asked me to do a formal investigation.”
“You’re with IA?”
“I am. You’re my last case before I move over to homicide with

District Two.”

Wyatt usually didn’t give the men he was investigating so much

personal information. A small part of him wanted to reassure Kevin
that he would do his best to find out what was going on. This
investigation would slowly pull Kevin’s life apart.

“Are we finished here?”
“We are now. I’m going to need you for more questioning later,

though. Here’s my card. Call me if you need anything or if he shows
up again.”

Hope flashed through Kevin’s eyes before he closed it off.


As their eyes locked, Wyatt was determined to find out everything

that was going on. “I’ll be around when you need me.”

“I’m free to go?”

Relief seemed to move through Kevin as he stood up,

leaving the room. Wyatt followed him out where he headed back
upstairs to find Chief Rask. He wanted to give him a personal update
about what was going on. The chief’s door was open and when he
saw Wyatt coming toward the room, he waved him inside.

“Go ahead and shut the door.” Wyatt did as asked and stood

across from the chief’s desk. “So what do you think?”

“Neither one of them is being completely honest. I’m going to

withhold giving an opinion until I’ve investigated things further.”

“Do you think he’s fit for duty?”
“I think he’s going through something right now. I would refrain

putting him on SWAT until the investigation is over.”

“Here’s his file. I want you to go through it and report back to me

with your findings. How long do you think this investigation is going
to take?”

“I’ll do my best to have things wrapped up in a couple of weeks.”

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Training Kevin


“The sooner the better. I don’t want this thing to be leaked to the

media. Can you imagine the shit storm? That’s the last thing any of us

“I can agree with you on that one.”
Wyatt headed out of the room with Kevin’s file tucked under his

arm. He went to one of the open conference rooms and shut the door
behind him. Since he was new, he was still flying under the radar.
Yes, there were trainings and sessions he needed to attend, but
nothing pressing.

Today was all about finding out what was going on with Kevin.

He sat down, flipped open this file, and started at the beginning.
Kevin had gone through training like any other new cadet. He had a
four-year criminal justice degree from the University of Cincinnati
and had gone on to do another year of forensics work in an
accelerated master’s program.

His love was fieldwork, though. He didn’t like to be cooped up in

the lab. He was the liaison for the field officers who collected
evidence. There were several letters of recognition for closing cases.

By the looks of things, Kevin was moving up the ranks. He had

everything going for him. His life shouldn’t have been falling apart.
Wyatt usually didn’t follow his target so closely, but he was going to
now. He knew if he got closer to Kevin, he’d find out what was really
going on, and that was what he was going to do.

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Tatum Throne

Chapter Two

Kevin was inwardly shaking as he watched the man who held his

life in his hands move down the hallway.

Intense. That was how he would describe his interaction with

Detective Rome. The way he looked at Kevin made him feel
vulnerable in a way no man ever had before. It was different than
what he experienced with Jeff. This man was going to cause him
trouble in his professional life—the kind of trouble he did not need
right now. What was he going to do?

Det. Rome looked like he wanted to call all the shots in Kevin’s

life. That frightened him in a way that Jeff did not. Shaking from his
encounter with Rome, he went back to his office and got to work on
some files he was late on. He wasn’t surprised when the phone rang
moments later. It was his chief. He’d been putting this conversation
off for a long time.

He reached for the phone, but he didn’t want to answer it. He just

couldn’t deal with this all right now. Eventually, he knew he had to,
but he couldn’t stomach the thought of his life being picked apart
again. He hated the fact that Internal Affairs was looking into his life.
More importantly, he hated the fact that Rome was the one doing it.

Instead of getting back to work, he went down to the Training

Center to find TJ. He was working with a group of cadets. Kevin
didn’t want to intrude but he had no choice. When TJ caught sight of
him coming his way, he broke off his work with the men. The look on
his face when their eyes made contact was not good. Chief Rask must
have gotten to him already.


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Training Kevin


Kevin followed TJ out of the Training Center where he indicated a

spot in the hallway where they could speak privately.

“Any word on when I can start my training?” Kevin asked.
“Chief Rask doesn’t want you starting your training yet. He wants

you to start bomb training first. Is that going to be a problem?”

“Do I have a choice?”
“Probably not. Well?”
“I’ll do the training.”
“Good. I think that will be the best thing for you. How’s

everything else going?” TJ asked.

“Couldn’t be better,” he lied.
TJ frowned hard. His long, dark hair was pulled back in a low

ponytail at the back of his head. “You know I’m here for you if you
ever need to talk.”

“Yeah, I know.”
As he passed by, TJ tapped him on the shoulder with his palm.

Kevin had to resist the urge to shy away from his touch. After his
experience with Jeff, he didn’t like anyone touching him—ever.

He didn’t want to think about everything that was wrong with his

life and hash it out with TJ in the hallway next to the Training Center.
All he wanted to do was forget about everything that was going
wrong and focus on the man who was now investigating his life. What
was he going to do when Rome found out about the pictures?

The thought of him seeing those pictures made his stomach turn.

Kevin was a private man, and he did not like to advertise what was
going on in his personal life. He had little control over anything right
now. He just needed to get started on his bomb training and not worry
about the rest.

He headed up to his office and shut the door behind him. After

signing into the system for his training courses, it was hard
concentrating for the rest of the day. He couldn’t keep hiding upstairs
and pretending that life was going to be okay. Instead of sleeping at
the station again tonight, he was going to find a place to stay and be

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safe. If it happened to be a hotel, that was fine with him, he would
work it out the best way he could. Jeff wasn’t about to ruin everything
in this life. He’d make sure that the man would pay for what he was
doing. Kevin would not be his victim anymore.

As Kevin headed out for the evening, he avoided his coworkers

who were making plans. As he left the building, he glanced back over
his shoulder, looking around. He did that all the time now. He didn’t
like the fact that he lived his life as though Jeff was going to pop out
of the shadows from anywhere. Rome was going to do his
investigation, and until that was settled, Kevin’s life would be picked
apart. He got into his car quickly and locked the doors behind him. He
took several deep breaths, trying not to feel the anxiety that was
bubbling up beneath the surface. He started the car and left the
station. As always, he was checking the mirrors for any sign of
someone following him. It didn’t look like anyone was there, but he
couldn’t shake the feeling that Jeff was watching him from a distance.

Kevin drove across town, picking a hotel with lots of security. He

wanted to feel safe tonight. If that meant he had to spend lots of
money to do that, he would. As he parked his car in the parking
garage beneath the building, where it couldn’t be seen, Kevin headed
toward the elevators that would take him up to the front desk. He was
going to check in under an anonymous name. That was something his
police badge got him and was worth its weight in gold. He would
sleep easy tonight, and he wasn’t going to be scared of Jeff coming to
find him.

When he got to the room, Kevin moved around, trying to settle in

for the night. He went to the window and parted the curtain, looking
down at the city below. He had a view of the skyline looking out over
northern Kentucky. The lights were romantic. Too bad he wasn’t
going to trust another man to come into his life.

Insomnia was a side effect of having been in a broken

relationship. Instead of going on to bed, he needed to get out for a
little while. He should have gone for a run or done something positive

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Training Kevin


for himself, but he just couldn’t. He wanted to get out and forget
about all the crap that was holding him back in his job.

For the first time in months, Kevin wanted to get laid. In fact, he

wanted to do it tonight. He wanted to have a one-night stand. There
wouldn’t be any more long-term relationships for him. That thought
had him going to the shower and stripping out of his work clothes.

He got under the hot spray and scrubbed his body with the herbal

bar of soap he found in the shower. After washing up quickly, he
dressed in a pair of relaxed Levis and a black T-shirt. He put on his
leather jacket, zipping in condoms and a bottle of lube on the inside

When the elevator dinged and it was time to step inside, Kevin

froze. What was he doing? He shook his head and got inside. As the
elevator went down, he had a sudden feeling of dread. What if he ran
into Jeff? He’d purposely left his Glock locked up in the safe in the
hotel room. He was scared, but he did not need his gun to keep Jeff
out of his life. He closed his eyes, trying to convince himself that
going out to clear his head was the right move.

He wanted to go back upstairs to get his gun. He should. He

shouldn’t. Why wasn’t he?

The elevator dinged.
He was going to go to the bar tonight. Fuck all the men in his life

giving him shit. He wasn’t going to get drunk, but he was going to
have just enough to drink to have a good time and to find somebody
who was interested in spending a few hours together.

* * * *

Wyatt wasn’t sure what was going on with Kevin. When he saw

that Kevin was leaving for the day, Wyatt packed up quickly and
headed out the door, following him. It wasn’t easy, considering Kevin
was acting paranoid as hell that somebody would see him. He spent
an extreme amount of time looking over his shoulder as though he

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were afraid someone was watching him, or more importantly,
following him.

Red flags were going off in Wyatt’s mind. Kevin was running

scared. Was it the fact that he was being investigated by IA? Wyatt
didn’t think so. Kevin was frightened as he got behind the wheel of
his car. Wyatt got in his car, turning it on fast. He had to work hard to
keep from being seen when following him.

After a ten-minute car ride into the heart of downtown, Kevin

pulled off into an underground garage. It was a garage for a five-star
hotel. What the hell was going on? Determined to find out, Wyatt
parked his car on the street and waited. It wasn’t long before he saw
Kevin’s silhouette inside the foyer. Why was he staying in a hotel?

This did not add up at all. For a man who was supposedly stalking

an ex-lover, he sure wasn’t acting like he was a stalker. Stalkers
didn’t stay overnight in expensive hotels with tight security. They
followed. They hid in bushes. They broke into houses. Wyatt was
beginning to see the big picture here. Kevin was running scared from

Still, he had a job to do. He couldn’t dismiss Jeff’s allegations

without checking everything out. After about thirty minutes, Kevin
moved through the foyer of the hotel again and disappeared through
the side where he had entered. Five minutes later, he pulled out into
traffic and Wyatt followed him. Where was he going, and more
importantly, why was he leaving the safety of this expensive hotel?

He followed Kevin across town to a bar. He went inside, and

Wyatt quickly shut off his car and followed him inside. Seeds was one
of the most notorious gay bars in town. The music was loud and
vibrated the walls around him with a thick base.

After paying the entrance fee, he looked around, trying to find any

sign of Kevin. It wasn’t long before he spotted him at the bar ordering
a drink. Wyatt blended into the background and placed an order with
a waiter who came by. It didn’t go unnoticed by the waiter that he was

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Training Kevin


ordering something nonalcoholic. The waiter gave him a once-over
before walking away.

The space between him and Kevin gave him plenty of opportunity

to watch what was going on. It was clear that Kevin was there looking
for a good time. Wyatt clenched his jaw when he thought about it.
The thought of this man hooking up with some random stranger
pissed him off for some reason.

It wasn’t long before someone took a bite of the bait Kevin was

casting out over the crowd. The guy was bigger than Kevin, but not
by much. Wyatt had at least a good twenty pounds of muscle on him
and another seven inches of height. The guy looked like the type who
wouldn’t use a condom when he topped. The fact that he just assumed
Kevin was a bottom said a lot. The way Kevin was casting those long
looks at the guy told Wyatt that he probably was a bottom.

Somewhere along the way, Wyatt had laid claim upon Kevin, and

he was not about to let anyone else have him.

After a short conversation between the pair, Kevin was taken

toward one of the bathrooms down the long hallway at the back of the
bar. Shit. Wyatt knew exactly what was going on, and he was going to
stop it from happening. They were going to hook up in one of the
bathroom stalls. That fucking pissed him off even more.

As soon as they started for the hallway, Wyatt got up and crossed

the bar. He was not about to let Kevin have a pity fuck in the
bathroom with some stranger. With the blood rushing in his ears
making them ring, and his heart pounding, Wyatt crossed the bar. It
felt like it took forever to work his way through the crowd. He rushed
down the hallway, looking for the bathroom. He went to the closed
bathroom door, grabbing the handle.

The door had long ago shut, and it was locked.
Noises echoed from inside the bathroom. It sounded as though the

two were kissing. Wyatt put his shoulder into the door and it gave. He
looked around and went for the second stall door that was now closed.

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The handicapped stall was larger than the first, with plenty of room to
move around. Wyatt kicked it in, smashing the lock on the door.

Shock and surprise moved over Kevin’s face as their eyes


“Who the fuck are you?”
Wyatt grabbed the stranger by the shirt without answering,

pushing him out of the stall. “Get out of here. Now!”

The guy looked between the pair before he decided that it was

best to let go of whatever he thought he was going to get tonight and
leave. “Whatever, dude.”

When they were finally alone, Wyatt pinned him with a hard stare.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“What I do in my spare time is none of your business.”
Wyatt could see that he wasn’t going to get anywhere with

Kevin—not like this. With blood pumping hard through his veins, he
suddenly became very aware that his cock was rock-hard. That
thought had him pushing Kevin up against the wall. Suddenly, he felt
as though he had no control over what was going on with him.

Not cool. As a Dom, he always had to have control.
He used his body to push Kevin up against the wall. With their

lips inches apart, Wyatt was about to break all the rules and didn’t
care. Kevin’s eyes went wide, and he licked his lips. He looked as
though he knew he was trapped and there was nothing he could do
about it. That was fine with Wyatt. He wanted Kevin right there
within his arms. As long as he had him within his sight, he knew he
could protect him.

Wyatt groaned. “Fuck.”
“What are you doing to me?” Kevin asked.
Wyatt didn’t have an answer for that, at least not a good one.

Instead, he brushed his mouth against Kevin’s, kissing him
passionately. He loved the sound of Kevin’s muffled voice as Wyatt
took control of his mouth by swallowing his words. Kevin’s hands
pressed against him, grabbing and pulling him closer so that there was

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Training Kevin


nothing separating them. He never imagined their first kiss being in a
dirty bathroom. He hated that.

Time spun out, blurring everything around them. Wyatt lost all

track of time as the kiss went on and on. He thrust his tongue deep
within Kevin’s mouth, loving the way their tongues flicked together.
He felt Kevin’s thick cock press against his leg. The shocking feel of
his prick was a wake-up call for Wyatt. He had just crossed the line
and there was no coming back.

He had quite possibly made one of the biggest mistakes of his

career. With that thought in mind, Wyatt broke his mouth away,
taking a much-needed rest. He did not like the way Kevin was looking
at him. He didn’t like the way there was lust spinning out between
them. He didn’t like the way he put that look within Kevin’s eye.

He was a Dom. He only took on submissives. How was he going

to make the situation right before he totally fucked it up? Right now,
he didn’t see a way out of the mess he created. Kevin’s lips were wet
and raw from their passionate kiss, and still parted as though he was
waiting for Wyatt to take control again.

“Fuck.” Wyatt put his hands on his hips. He looked at the broken

bathroom stall door. “Fuck.”

Without warning, tears misted Kevin’s eyes. Wyatt came in fast,

grabbing his jaw and kissing him hard. He slid his hand down Kevin’s
neck, collaring him with his palm. When Wyatt finally came up for
air a second time, he had made his decision.

He wanted Kevin and he was going to do everything in his power

to make him his sub.

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Chapter Three

Kevin looked at Wyatt, unsure of what to do and what was

happening. Shock vibrated through his body at the way Wyatt was
handling him and the fact that his body was responding. The feel of
Wyatt’s hand around his neck was comforting and seductive.

Kevin’s cock was throbbing for release. The tip of his cockhead

was peeking out the top of his jeans. Pre-cum leaked from his swollen
slit. He couldn’t stand the way Wyatt was looking at him right now,
like there was regret and disbelief rocking him to his core. Ever so
slowly, Wyatt pulled his hand and his body away.

“What was that about?” Kevin asked.
Wyatt ran a hand through his hair, refusing to answer him. Kevin

wasn’t sure how to make this thing right. It had all gone sideways in a
matter of seconds. His mind was still spinning from the fact that
Wyatt had been following him. Shame heated his face. Had Wyatt
seen him pick up the stranger in the bar? Their eyes locked. He had.

“Come with me now,” Wyatt said.
He was serious. He just wanted Kevin to follow him out of this

bathroom. Where to then? Kevin knew he wasn’t going to get the
answer now, so he had to obey Wyatt if they were going to save some
face. What other options did he have?

As he followed Wyatt through the hallway, he let his gaze fall to

Wyatt’s ass. His jeans were snug around his athletic ass. As he
followed him, Kevin kept his gaze trained on his ass, like a fucking
dog in heat. God, it’d been a long time.

Near the bar, Kevin saw the man he had picked up. The guy didn’t

look too happy about how things were left in the bathroom. He started

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Training Kevin


to approach, but Wyatt was right there pushing him away. Wyatt
pulled out his wallet and pulled a few hundreds from his pocket,
giving them to the bartender.

“For the bathroom door.”
The bartender looked at the other guy before taking the money.

“Thanks. I didn’t want to call the cops.”

“You didn’t have to. I am one,” Wyatt said.
It was clear to Kevin that Wyatt would be the one who was always

in control, and that terrified him. He knew how easy it had been for
Jeff to take over his life. He did not want it to happen again. For the
first time in his life, he wasn’t sure how he was going to trust
somebody he just met. It was shocking, considering what he was
going through with Jeff, but there was something about Wyatt that
made him want to trust him completely.

Perhaps it had everything to do with the fact that he was law

enforcement, too. Most likely that was the case. Wyatt wouldn’t be
the type of man who would fuck him over in the end. LEOs always
had each other’s backs.

They headed through the packed bar and went out into the night

but stopped on the sidewalk just away from the entrance of the bar.

Wyatt came in close. “I want you to go home.”
He was serious. If they were going to pretend like nothing had

happened in that bathroom, he wasn’t about to entertain Wyatt
anymore by inviting him back to his hotel room.

He wanted to get home and beat his dick off until he felt better

about his life. In fact, that was what he should have done instead of
going out to the bar. Now he knew that it was a mistake to go out.
Mistakes were just piling up around him, but there was nothing he
could do about it right now.

“Fine. I’ll go home.”
As he turned heading for his car, Wyatt reached out and grabbed

him by the arm. “Don’t think this is over between us.”

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The threat was very clear. “I don’t know what you thought

happened in that bathroom, but I didn’t want it to happen with you.”

Wyatt flinched as though Kevin had struck him hard. Right then,

Kevin hated the fact he had put that look on Wyatt’s face. Wyatt was
only trying to protect him, wasn’t he?

“Be careful with your words. I don’t want you to regret them.

Now go home.”

The order was given in such a way that it was impossible to

disobey. Kevin didn’t want to stand on the sidewalk, arguing with a
man he barely knew with his cock so hard he was quickly going into
blue balls.

He turned away and headed for his car, not looking back, but he

was certain Wyatt was watching him. As he got into his car, he locked
the doors. He stole a glance out the window as he started the engine,
seeing Wyatt heading for his car. Kevin pulled into traffic with Wyatt
following. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but he sure as hell didn’t
expect the man to follow him back across the river into town.

He thought about trying to lose him, but he knew that was silly

and pointless. He parked in the garage of the hotel and went up to his
room. If Wyatt came up, that was fine with Kevin. They could duke it
out in privacy, but right now he didn’t want anything to do with the
man. He only wanted to beat his cock off until he forgot how to

All he wanted was a few moments to forget about Jeff and the

embarrassment of having Wyatt kiss him when he was hard. All he
wanted was time away to forget about how quickly his life and career
were falling apart. He knew things weren’t good. The IA investigation
was going to go down as a permanent mark on his record. People
would remember. No one forgot this type of investigation and rumors
would spread.

As he rode the elevator up alone, he felt his cock start to deflate.

The excitement of the moment was quickly dissipating. He slid his
hand down over the front of his pants, giving his cock a harsh

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Training Kevin


squeeze. He didn’t want to lose momentum now. He was so close to
being alone.

As he stepped off the elevator, shock moved through his body

when he saw Wyatt standing in the hallway. He froze in his tracks
like a deer caught in headlights. Wyatt’s arms were crossed as he
leaned up against the wall. He looked so definitely handsome and
ready to take control. That scared Kevin. He did not want to be alone
with this man in his hotel room, but he had to man up and find out
what the hell Wyatt wanted now.

Obviously, he didn’t want Kevin to have a good time tonight.

Why else would he have cock-blocked him? Without saying a word,
Kevin moved through the hallway, heading for his room. He inserted
his key into the door as Wyatt followed. As the light turned green,
Wyatt reached in front of him and opened the door, guiding him
inside. The move momentarily caught him off guard.

Wyatt closed the door behind him and immediately locked it. He

turned Kevin up against the mirrors and kissed him hard and
passionately. Fear and uncertainty raced through Kevin’s blood as he
realized what was happening with Wyatt. If he got involved with the
man who was investigating him, it could spell disaster for both of

Right then, he didn’t care. He lost himself in Wyatt’s powerful

kiss. His hands became frantic as they moved over his strong,
muscled chest and down over his athletic ass. He did not want to let
go of this man or this moment ever again. As the kiss went on and on,
Wyatt muscled his tongue deep inside Kevin’s mouth, taking
possession of him completely.

Just when he thought it couldn’t go any further or he would fall

even more deeply, Wyatt broke his lips away. Their gazes locked and
Wyatt stared into his eyes. His dark brown eyes were dilated with

“Why are you staying at a hotel?” Wyatt asked.

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There was nothing he could say to Wyatt to make him realize that

he couldn’t go home. There was no safety at his house. He needed to
stay at the hotel until Jeff stopped following him. As he looked at
Wyatt, he felt safe. He didn’t know what to tell him, so he tried the

“I can’t go home.”
There, he said it. He should have been able to tell him everything,

but he couldn’t. He was embarrassed. He thought about those pictures
he’d burned, and he was very aware that they weren’t the only ones
floating around out there. It was only a matter of time before they got
out. It was what Jeff wanted. It was why he had left them in his
apartment for him to see. What was he going to do now?

“I want you to come home with me where I can protect you.”
Wyatt was serious. When Kevin looked at this man, he had a

really hard time saying no. He knew he needed to stand his ground
with him. If he were to go home with Wyatt, he would be
compromising his investigation. In all honesty, the investigation was
more important. He needed to keep Wyatt on the case because he
knew Wyatt would give him a fair shake.

Over the years, he’d heard stories about Wyatt. He was known for

being ruthless in solving cases at all costs. Kevin trusted him, though.
Deep down, he knew Wyatt was a man who wouldn’t let him down.

“It’s more important for you to stay on my case than it is for us to

start a relationship and risk you being thrown off of it.”

“I don’t like the idea of leaving you here alone.”
“I’ll be okay.”
Wyatt didn’t look like he was going to believe him. He looked as

though he wanted to stay the whole night. Something deep inside
Kevin started to cave. He wanted Wyatt to stay. What harm would it
cause? If he just stayed for a little while, Kevin wouldn’t be so afraid
of Jeff finding him.

* * * *

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Training Kevin


Nervous energy had Wyatt looking around Kevin’s expensive

hotel room. He needed to put some distance between him and Kevin.
“I’m not leaving here without you.”

Kevin ran his hand through his hair as he paced into the room

behind him. He looked as though he was afraid to talk openly.

“You can trust me.”
“Can I?” Kevin asked.
Jeff had obviously done a number on him. He didn’t look like he

was one to trust easily. Wyatt gave him a few long seconds of a hard
stare, wearing him down, and Kevin eventually spoke again. When
his eyes met Wyatt’s again, there was cold fear in them.

“I’m afraid.”
He didn’t need to go on for Wyatt to understand who and what he

was afraid of. It was obvious that Jeff had used the law against his
victim. Filing a false police report was a criminal offense.

Wyatt wasn’t sure how he was going to proceed with Kevin. The

man looked as though he had secrets to hide. “How long were you
with Jeff?”

Kevin sighed heavily as he crossed the room. “Are we really

going to do this now?”

“Yes. We are.”
He shook his head. “Almost a year.”
For some possessive reason, Wyatt felt as though he had to know

everything. “How did you two meet?”

“I was injured. I met him at the hospital where he worked.”
“Were you living together?”
“Yeah. That’s when things changed with him.”
Wyatt heard his voice break. He clenched his jaw when he

realized Kevin had been a victim of abuse. He was going to pay the
good doctor a visit here soon. “How?”

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Heat moved up over Kevin’s neck. “He became possessive of my

time. He’d call me, text, expected me to be with him every second of
the day or know where I was every minute.”

“Did he hit you?”
Silence echoed back. “I’d rather just not talk about all this.”
Tears were in Kevin’s eyes. Emotion moved through his voice.

Wyatt’s heart started to beat out of his chest as he realized how much
Kevin was hurting, how he probably was hooking up with that guy in
the bar to forget about everything. By stopping him, Wyatt had fucked
up his night.

“Before I do anything further with you, I want to make sure that

your relationship with me is going to be solid.”

“How are you going to be with me when you’re investigating


He had a point. Wyatt didn’t want to worry about all the details,

but he had to. “I know I’m investigating you. We’ll find a way to
make this work.”

“And what happens when Chief Rask finds out?”
“He’s not going to find out.”
Kevin laughed as though he wanted that little tidbit in writing. “I

don’t even know you.”

“You didn’t know that guy in the bar either.”
All the laughter in Kevin’s eyes faded away. “And I’m just

supposed to trust you?”

Kevin shook his head. “This is crazy.”
“I can protect you, Kevin.”
“How do you plan on doing that? Spending every minute of every

day with me?”

“Yes, if that’s what it takes.”
Wyatt needed to show him that he would do everything in his

power to protect him from the other men in law enforcement and in
his personal life.

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Training Kevin


“I can’t ask you to mess up your life for me.”
“I just need you to trust me on this matter.”
Wyatt crossed the room and caressed Kevin’s jaw. He was so

tempted to kiss Kevin again, but he didn’t want to give in to their
attraction now. He knew then if he kissed him, they were both going
to fall into bed together and they would be up all night. That was the
last thing he wanted to see happen. It was clear that Kevin needed a
little more than a one-night stand.

Still, he seemed like he was holding back. There was more to the

situation, and he needed the whole story if he was going to be able to
help him. The problem was Wyatt had already mistakenly started to
blur the lines—way too much.

He was worried about Kevin. He could see the strain within

Kevin’s face and the fact that he probably hadn’t had a good night’s
rest in a really long time.

“I don’t want you to spend the night at this hotel.”
“I don’t have any choice in the matter.”
“Yes, you do. I want you to come and stay with me until this thing

is settled.”

Kevin’s life was on the line and he needed help. Jeff was

escalating, and he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.

“We both know you’re in danger. It’s only a matter of time before

Jeff finds you here.” It was true and he knew it.

“You really think Chief Rask is going to go for us rooming


“Let me deal with the Chief.” Finally, Kevin looked as though he

was about to trust him. It was a step in the right direction. “I’ll talk to
Chief Rask about your training, too.”

Kevin hooked his thumbs in the front of his jean pockets as he

leaned back against the wall. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He wasn’t ready to leave yet. “Have you eaten?”
“Not yet.”

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Wyatt went to the phone. “I’ll order room service. You want

anything special?”

“Anything. I’m open.”
After ordering some burgers, Wyatt slipped off his jacket, getting

more comfortable. He could see the move didn’t go unnoticed by

“You must think I’m pathetic,” Kevin said.
“I don’t. You’re just in a rough spot right now.”
“I guess.”
Kevin’s cell phone on the nightstand started to buzz to life. He

went to it and picked it up. His face went pale.

“What’s wrong?”
“It’s him. I don’t know how he got my number again.”
“Answer it and put it on speaker.”
Kevin’s hand shook. Wyatt reached for the phone, answering it by

putting it on speaker before it dumped into voice mail. He nodded
toward Kevin.

“What do you want?” Kevin asked.
“Hey, babe. Missing me?”
The sound of Jeff’s seductive voice put Wyatt on edge. He hated

how afraid Kevin was.

“No, I’m not.”
Jeff chuckled. “Did you like the gift I sent you?”
Wyatt narrowed his eyes on Kevin. What was Jeff talking about?
“Fuck you. Leave me the fuck alone!”
Kevin snatched the phone out of Wyatt’s hand and hung it up,

throwing it across the room where it bounced off the hotel chair.

“I needed to know,” Wyatt said.
“Now you do. What are you going to do about it? How are you

supposed to protect me from that? I don’t even know how he’s getting
my cell number!”

“I’m going to talk to Chief Rask tomorrow morning about it.”
“It’s not going to make any difference.”

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“Yes, it will. Trust me.”
Kevin nervously moved toward him. “What happens tonight?”
“Tonight, we get some rest. We’re not going to rush this thing

between us.”

Wyatt unlaced his work boots and laid back into the bed. He

offered the other side of the bed.

“I need to grab a quick shower,” Kevin said.
He headed for the bathroom where Wyatt heard the sound of the

shower clicking on. He frowned. His hair was damp. Why would he
want another shower? The realization hit him so hard that it had
Wyatt jumping out of bed and taking four quick strides to the
bathroom. The door was partially open. He pushed the door open with
his hand.

Through the fogged glass Wyatt could see that Kevin’s hands

were pressed up against the tile as he hung his head under the water.
Smooth, corded muscle rippled as he moved. He was perfect in every
way. As he turned to rinse, Wyatt caught sight of his long, thick cock.
Absently, Kevin smoothed his hand down his abdomen and even
lower over his prick.

Wyatt bit his lip, trying to resist the urge to follow him into the

shower. Light flashed across his chest, revealing his pierced nipples.
Each nipple was pebbled hard with a bar beneath. Unable to deny the
urge, Wyatt entered the room, watching as Kevin continued to stroke
his aching cock. Kevin bit his lip, stifling a moan of pleasure that
escaped his parted lips. Wyatt’s dick was throbbing as he adjusted it.
He wanted to undress and join Kevin in the shower but knew now was
not the time.

Instead, he shut the bathroom door and crossed the tile in two easy

strides. Their eyes connected through the glass. Lust spiraled through
Kevin’s eyes as his right hand slid up and down his aching dick.

“Look at me and say my name when you come.”
“Oh, God.” Kevin’s face twisted up in pleasure as hot spunk shot

from the swollen slit on his cockhead. “Wyatt!”

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Wyatt moaned, opening the glass door. With the water hitting his

clothed body, he pinned Kevin up against the tile, kissing him hard.
He thrust his tongue deep into his mouth, loving the way Kevin
moaned in submission. Kevin’s fist continued to work his cock as he
unloaded his spunk onto Wyatt’s shirt. When his hand stilled, Wyatt
broke his lips away.

“Let me suck you,” Kevin said.
He wanted Kevin to but they couldn’t. Not until they set some

clear boundaries. He was a Dom. He needed a submissive. “Not yet.
We need to get some rest. It’s getting late.”

Disappointment spiraled through Kevin’s eyes before he closed it

off. “Sure.”

Wyatt shut off the water as Kevin left the shower. As Kevin

wrapped the white terrycloth robe around his waist, Wyatt was certain
he had made a mistake by letting him go.

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Chapter Four

Kevin’s cell phone was buzzing as he pulled into District Two’s

parking area. News of the restraining order must have gotten around
the station. He was still feeling all warm and fuzzy from waking up
next to Wyatt. They had shared a sweet and unhurried kiss that could
have easily turned into something more but Wyatt had intentionally
pulled away.

When Kevin headed through the bullpen, everyone was giving

him funny looks. No one was speaking to him, either. He frowned
when his cell started to blow up with text messages. He had expected
something but not this. This was something else. There was one from
TJ telling him to check his e-mail. What was going on?

He went to his office, determined to put the investigation behind

him. He powered up his laptop and went straight to his e-mail. The
room started to spin. There were fifty new e-mails from someone he
didn’t know. His cursor hovered over the e-mail. There was an
attachment with it. He had a bad feeling about it. Still, he couldn’t
hide his curiosity as he opened the e-mail. Shock vibrated through his
body when he saw one of the pictures he had burned flash before his
eyes. Whatever was happening, it brought up a download, too.

The sound of him being fucked echoed through his office. He

muted the noise, but the damage was done. Another box popped up
saying the message had been forwarded.

“What. The. Fuck.”

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He went to his sent e-mail, seeing that everyone in his inbox

within the department had been sent the picture with audio. “Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. No!”

With a shaking hand, Kevin reached for his office phone and

dialed upstairs to the tech department. The line buzzed several times
before someone answered.

“This is Hunter.”
“This is Lt. Philips. I have a porn virus that just spammed a

message someone sent me to everyone in the department.”

“I’ll be right down.”
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. “Come in.”
Hunter appeared in the doorway, carrying his laptop that he set up

next to his. “Let me take a look.”

Kevin got out of his office chair as Hunter sat down to work some

magic, but it was obviously too late when his phone started ringing.

“Let me,” Hunter said. He reached for the phone but didn’t yet

answer it. “You go lock that door before anyone opens it.”

“Yeah. We need to put this fire out and I don’t want any other


Hunter picked up the phone. “This is Hunter from IT.” He

listened. “I’m working on it, sir. Yes. I know. He’s here. No, he can’t
make any statement about it now until he talks to his Union rep.”
Hunter hung up the phone. His fingers flew across the keyboard on
Kevin’s laptop and then transferred to his own.

“Who was that?” Kevin asked.
“The chief.”
Frustration had Kevin running a hand through his hair. “I’m never

going to be able to show my face again.”

“You don’t need to explain. I heard what’s going on.”
“Oh, God. Everyone knows?”

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“A few of us do. The chief has us investigating Jeff to build the

case against him.”

Relief moved through Kevin. “Can we delete the e-mails before

anyone sees them?”

“Technically no, but I’m creating a block that will prevent it from


Fifteen minutes later, knocking sounded on Kevin’s door and then

the handle was tried. “Lt. Philips?”

It was Wyatt. Hunter shrugged when Kevin looked at him. His

hand was shaking as he reached for the door. The memory of last
night still burned brightly in his mind. It was the first good night’s
rest Kevin had in a really long time. Had Wyatt seen the picture with
the audio? God help him if he had.

“Good, Hunter is here. How’s it going?” Wyatt asked.
“We’re about there. If someone opens the e-mail, it won’t play the


“What about the pic?” Wyatt asked.
“Won’t open.”
Wyatt looked as though he wanted to take control of the situation.

He came into Kevin’s office as though he wanted to protect Kevin.
Across the room, Hunter gave him a hard stare.

“I have the situation under control, Detective Rome.”
Despite what Hunter said, Wyatt crossed the room and got behind

his desk, looking over his shoulder as Hunter worked on his laptop.
Kevin didn’t have to read his mind to know that he was looking at the
photo of Kevin’s bare ass. Kevin did not like how Wyatt was seeing
that embarrassing picture.

After a long time, Hunter sat back, relaxing in his office chair.

“Well, it’s done and taken care of. It doesn’t mean he won’t try to
send another photo, but at least I’ll be able to stop them next time.”

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It looked as though the fire was out, but still those e-mails were

floating around. Who knew how many in his department had seen the
photo? He didn’t want to think about everyone hearing the sound of
his voice as he got fucked by Jeff.

“Thanks, Hunter. I’ll be sure to let you know if we need anything


“Sounds like a plan.”
Hunter got up, collecting his laptop as he headed out of the room.

When he was finally alone with Wyatt, Kevin braced for the impact of
what he would say.

Their eyes locked as Wyatt closed the distance between them to

stand in front of him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone
has a sex life.”

Still embarrassed, Kevin lowered his gaze. It was difficult for him

to look at the man he was openly lusting over. Wyatt continued to
advance on Kevin until he felt cornered in his office. He was forced to
look up into Wyatt’s beautiful face as he felt his heart race out of his

Ever so slowly, Wyatt lowered his mouth, kissing him

passionately. Their lips moved in a wild, rocking embrace. Before he
could stop himself, Kevin was grabbing at Wyatt’s shirt and pulling at
it frantically so he could slide his hands over Wyatt’s hard abdomen.

As Kevin’s hands skimmed over Wyatt’s arms, it was as though a

primal urge to take him had taken over. He didn’t want this moment
end. As the kiss rolled on, Kevin became suddenly aware that his
phone was ringing off the hook.

Reluctantly, Wyatt broke his lips away. Kevin looked up at Wyatt.

“We shouldn’t be doing this now.”

A soft moan escaped from Kevin’s parted lips. Things were going

too fast and neither one had the ability to control it. “I want you to
take control of me. Tonight.”

Wyatt’s face darkened. “I normally don’t get involved with

anyone I work with.”

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“Neither do I, but I want you involved with me.”
Wyatt could see that he had long ago crossed the line with Kevin

and there was no turning back now. He was always upfront with his
lovers upon first meeting them. “There’s something you need to
know. I’m a Dom and I’ll only take on a submissive.”

“I’m a bottom.”
Wyatt groaned. “We’ll be perfect together. If we’re going to be

together, you need a safe word to use if things get too intense.”

“What’s my safe word?”
Neither one could let go. Strong hands move down over Kevin’s

ass. He felt Wyatt pull his ass in close so that their dicks hit together.
The move caught him suddenly off guard. A sweet moan of
desperation escaped his parted lips. A low groan escaped Wyatt’s
mouth as he crushed his lips over Kevin’s again.

He heard the sound of footsteps and voices outside his office door.

He knew he should have stopped kissing Wyatt, but he couldn’t. He
didn’t want to. He wanted this moment to last forever. He wanted to
forget all about his stalker. He wanted to have something special with
Wyatt, even only for a little while.

As if sensing what he needed, Wyatt smoothed his hand down

over the front of Kevin’s tactical pants. His hand gripped Kevin’s
cock, stroking it through the material. A shot of pre-cum echoed out
from the tip of his cockhead. Before he could stop it from happening,
he was flexing his hips up into Wyatt’s insistent hand. Without
missing a beat, Wyatt urged him down onto his knees, pushing his
crotch into Kevin’s face.

A moan escaped Kevin’s parted, hungry mouth. A strong hand

fisted into his hair as Wyatt took control of him. “I am your Dom.
You will do as I say. Always.”

“Yes, Sir.”

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“Now you’re going to suck my cock until you forget how to say

my name, and the only name you will ever say in my presence in
private is Master.”

His Dom’s words turned him on so fast and hard that he was

shooting his spunk into his boxers before he could stop it. As his
orgasm spun out, Wyatt shoved his cock deep into his mouth. The tip
of his cockhead hit the back of Kevin’s throat with a muffled gagging
sound. It was exactly what he wanted. He loved the taste of his Dom’s
cock in his mouth.

As Wyatt stroked faster and faster, the tip of his cockhead went

deeper and deeper down Kevin’s throat. Desperation had him wanting
to taste Wyatt’s jizz skipping across his tongue before his Master
could stop him. He gripped his Master’s ass, holding on tightly as his
mouth bounced over his cock. He used his entire body as leverage as
he pumped in and out of his mouth.

Just when Kevin thought he couldn’t take anymore, he heard a

knock at the door. He felt every muscle in Wyatt’s body stiffen, but
that didn’t stop him from undulating the underside of his Dom’s dick
with his tongue that was half in and out of his mouth. He used his
teeth to grab tightly onto his cockhead so he couldn’t remove his cock
entirely from his mouth. Kevin tasted a shot of jizz fly across his
tongue as Wyatt started to orgasm.

“Yeah?” Wyatt asked.
“Chief Rask wants to see you in five minutes.”
“I’ll be down in a minute.”
“I’ll let him know.”
With that, Wyatt stroked his dick deep inside of Kevin’s mouth,

taking back control. Heat pumped through Kevin’s mouth as he felt
Wyatt let go. The salty-sweet taste of Wyatt’s spunk raced over his
tongue. He moaned, sucking every last drop of his Master down. Line
after line of his jizz skipped across his tongue and spiraled down his
throat. When Wyatt finished coming, Kevin licked his cock clean.

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Training Kevin


When he was done, Wyatt pulled him up and pinned him down to his

“Don’t move.”
His words were harsh and spoken on a low, husky note, giving

him no room for disobeying him—not that Kevin ever would. He
wanted to know exactly where his Master was leading him. Wyatt
trapped Kevin’s legs between his, standing above him as he worked
his belt off. His Glock and holster knocked against the desk as Wyatt
unbuttoned his tactical pants, unzipped his fly, and yanked down his
black boxers that were now stained with a white hash mark. His cock
kicked out when his Dom released it, moving his boxers below his

When he was completely exposed to his Master, Wyatt took

something from the side pocket of his tactical pants. A spool of dark,
thick string was in his hand. Kevin’s heart started to race as Wyatt
made a slip knot, looping it around his shaft and pulling it tight at the
hilt. When it was snug around Kevin’s shaft, he wrapped the black
string around his balls and cock two times, crisscrossing it two times
across his balls, too.

He then wrapped loops around Kevin’s throbbing prick, all the

way up to his cockhead, where he made one last tight loop just below
the head of his penis. His Master cut the rope, tying the string off. The
rope around Kevin’s dick was acting as a chastity belt. He was so
hard he could feel his heartbeat in his cock.

“Do not remove this rope until we are along again tonight,” Wyatt


He helped Kevin up, stuffing his prick back into his tactical pants

and replacing his holster. Kevin looked down at the front of his pants,
seeing his cock angled toward his pocket and even going with the
crease in his pants. The angle and crease hid the bulge of his erect and
bound penis.

“Let’s go talk to Chief Rask.”

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Panic raced through Kevin’s mind as he thought about walking

through the hall of the station with the rope locking his cock down.
He fell into step behind Wyatt, feeding off his confidence, which he
didn’t quite feel inside. As they moved through the halls, he realized
quickly that no one gave him a second glance the way he thought they
would. They headed for Chief Rask’s office where the door was open.

“Both of us?” Wyatt asked.
“Just you. I’ll talk with Lt. Philips later.”
Wyatt looked over his shoulder. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
Kevin was having a hard time walking normally through the

bullpen. He avoided the main hallway and took the stairs toward his
office, all the while holding his junk as he took the stairs two at a
time. He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle anyone stopping
him in the hallway. All he wanted to do was to get back to his office
before anyone decided to have a conversation.

After leaving Wyatt, he was only interested in figuring out where

he was going to stay tonight. Of course, Wyatt wanted him to spend
the night at his home, but Kevin wasn’t comfortable with that, to be
honest. He wanted someplace where he could step back and think
about how fast his relationship with Wyatt was spinning out of
control. If Chief Rask found out, what would happen to both of their
careers? They surely would be reassigned and that was the last thing
he wanted to have happened.

When he was back within the safety of his office, Kevin went

straight to his desk. He sat down with a groan as he adjusted his cock.
He was still throbbing. He wanted more time with his Dom. He hated
how needy he suddenly was for Wyatt. How was he supposed to
move on when he had just gotten out of a bad relationship with Jeff?
How was he supposed to trust Wyatt with his life and his body?

It was all too much for him to handle, and he needed a step back

and think. That meant he needed to find a place to stay tonight. He did
not want to stay with Wyatt. A small part of him was frightened of

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Training Kevin


what would happen when they were together tonight. He knew Wyatt
wanted him, and God help him, he wanted that man, too.

Distracted by thoughts of his new lover, Kevin wasn’t able to

focus on anything in front of him. He had an hour left of work and
found himself staring off into space, wondering if he was making the
right call to get involved with someone so quickly. He wanted to go
find Wyatt and see what Chief Rask wanted, but he knew he couldn’t.
He wanted to keep their relationship private.

With that thought in mind, Kevin reached for his laptop and did a

search of places to stay for the night. He didn’t like the idea of staying
at the same hotel two nights in a row. His only option would be a
hotel again. The thought of Wyatt tracking him down made nervous
energy pump through his veins. What would he do to Kevin tonight if
they stayed together?

Kevin jumped when the phone rang, knocking him out of his

thoughts. He reached for the phone. “This is Lt. Philips.”

“You’re coming to my house tonight.”
There was a long pause of hardcore silence on the other end of the

phone that made Kevin’s heart race. If he told his Dom “no,” he
surely would be in trouble for it. He waited impatiently for Wyatt to
say something else.

“I can’t.”
The only sound of his disapproval was a low groan from the back

of his mouth as though he were growling.

“I will see you tonight at my house, and you better show up.”
Wyatt was serious. There was no way he could get out of this.

Wyatt wanted him there and he would need to show up. Kevin wanted
to be a man who could protect himself, but clearly that was not the
case. He loved how Wyatt protected him, and that frightened him
greatly. He was a fucking cop. He should have felt safe when he was
by himself. Jeff had fucked him up. Royally.

“Okay. I’ll be there. How’d your meeting with the chief go?”
“It got delayed. I’m waiting outside his office now.”

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“Okay. I’ll see you tonight.”
Kevin still wasn’t sure if he was going to show, but he knew he

needed to tell Wyatt something to get him off the phone. He was
nervous when he talked to Wyatt. There was something about the man
that made him feel like he couldn’t speak his mind without messing
up. He wanted to impress Wyatt. He couldn’t recall a time any other
man had made him feel so vulnerable by just speaking to him.

By the time he got off the phone with Wyatt, Kevin’s hand was

shaking. He was still aching and uncertain of how long he could
handle the rope around his prick. He was working on a serious case of
blue balls and was glad Wyatt wanted to see him at the end of their
shift tonight. He needed to go over there for some much-needed relief.

He hated the fact that he was being led around by his cock, but

there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening. He had
given his body to his Dom, and he had to trust him. Even though he
was frightened of Jeff, he needed to get over it so it wouldn’t ruin his
relationship with Wyatt.

He wasn’t a man who normally jumped from relationship to

relationship, but there was something about Wyatt that told Kevin he
could trust him. He only hoped that Wyatt wouldn’t break his heart in
the end. He glanced at the clock on his laptop. He still had a half hour
before his shift ended.

He pulled out his cell phone and texted Wyatt, asking for his

address. Seconds later, it came through. Nervously, Kevin set down
his phone and thought about what was going to happen when he saw
his Dom again tonight. He was so ready for relief. He felt like his
cock was going to explode and there was nothing he could do to stop
it. The very thought of his Dom taking him had his cock clenching
hard, and a shot of pre-cum ejaculated into his boxers. He wanted
Wyatt tonight.

* * * *

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Training Kevin


Wyatt was waved inside by the chief when he finished dealing

with the urgent matter that came up.

“Shut the door behind you,” Chief Rask said.
His gaze locked with Kevin’s as he shut the door. “What’s up?”

Wyatt asked.

“I’ve just spoken with Hunter. Now, I want to know how things

are going with your investigation,” Chief Rask said.

All Wyatt could think about was the rope twisting and binding his

lover’s cock. He wanted Kevin to come home with him tonight.
Would he? There was a good chance he wouldn’t. With a mental
head-slap, Wyatt shook away his thoughts and crossed the room to sit
across from the chief.

“I think Jeff is lying and really stalking Kevin.”
“Can you prove it?”
“Not yet, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to soon.”
“Good. Keep close to Kevin.”
“Sir, you should know that Kevin is afraid to go home. I need to

ask you a favor,” Wyatt said.

“What is it?”
Wyatt couldn’t believe he was about to ask his chief for

permission to do something that was crossing the line, but he knew it
was better to ask permission with the chief than to try to get away
with things. They had been friends for way too long for him not to be

“You should know that Kevin is staying in a hotel. He’s afraid of


“Yeah. I want to be able to watch him closely, so I want him to

stay in my guest bedroom at my house.”

The chief frowned as he considered what Wyatt was saying. After

a short time, he nodded his head. “I think that would be a good idea. I
want you to watch him closely. The fact that you don’t trust Jeff tells

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me that there’s more going on than either one of us know. This man
could very well be dangerous.”

“I think he is. I will let Kevin know that he can stay with me.”
“Do you think he’ll go for it?” Rask asked.
“I don’t know.”
“I want you on the clock for this.”
Wyatt froze. “Excuse me?”
“I want you to be paid for protecting Kevin.”
“Sir, that really isn’t necessary. I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking

overtime pay for this.”

“It’s the only way I’ll let this situation happen. We clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
Worry raced through Wyatt as he left his chief’s office. He didn’t

want his time with Kevin to be paid for. If Kevin found out that he
was being paid to protect him, it would surely destroy what they were
building together. He didn’t want any confusion about what was
happening between them. As he crossed the office bullpen, Wyatt was
tempted to seek out Kevin but he knew he shouldn’t. He needed to get
a little bit of work done before he went home tonight.

After making arrangements with Kevin, he finished up work and

headed out for the day. As he went into the parking lot, he looked
around for any sign of Kevin’s car but didn’t see it. That was fine
with him. He was hoping that Kevin was on his way to Wyatt’s place.
If he wasn’t, they both would be having problems. He didn’t want to
spend hours tracking him down.

Relief eased Wyatt’s mind as he pulled up outside of his house

and saw Kevin’s car parked on the street. He got out of his car and
headed toward the front door. At the same time, Kevin got out of his
vehicle and followed Wyatt inside. Sweat was dripping down his
temple. He looked like he was in a lot of pain from the rope he had
tied around his cock.

Guilt rose to the surface again. He usually didn’t push a new lover

so hard so fast, but he certainly had with Kevin. They went inside and

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Training Kevin


they dropped their stuff just inside the foyer. Wyatt pushed him up
against the door and kissed him hard and passionately. A moan of
desperation echoed from Kevin’s hungry mouth as Wyatt kissed him
hard. Wyatt moved his hand down over Kevin’s cock, giving it a hard
pull to make sure the rope was still in place.

A groan escaped Wyatt’s lips when he realized the rope was in the

exact same place he left it nearly two hours before. He stepped back,
loving the way Kevin was trying to follow him for more kisses.

“Undress before I rip all your clothes off.”
Kevin didn’t need to be told twice. Ever so slowly, he unlaced his

boots and set them aside. He pulled his tactical shirt off by grabbing
the back collar and yanking it off in one easy move. He dropped his
pants, stepping out of them. He stood before Wyatt naked with only
the rope tied around his throbbing dick.

When Kevin was completely naked before him, every muscle in

his body was flexed hard. His cock was red and ready and wanting.
Pre-cum dripped from the tip of his cockhead and onto the wood
floor. Temptation had Wyatt taking a step forward, checking the rope
with a gentle tug that tightened the knot around Kevin’s shaft and

He needed to show Kevin that he could trust Wyatt, and how good

they would be together. With that in mind, Wyatt led Kevin upstairs
and toward the back of his house where the guest bedroom was set up.
The extra room was actually his playroom. He opened the door and
turned the lights on low, allowing Kevin’s eyes to adjust to the
darkness of the room. When he realized what he was seeing, a slow
groan echoed from Kevin’s lips. The room was painted a deep
burgundy red. There were floggers arranged on the wall. There were
even more dildos and butt plugs in the built-in shelves in the closet.
They were all brand-new and ready to be used.

“What are you going to do to me?”
“Nothing that you don’t want me to do to you.”

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Wyatt led Kevin into the center of the room and used the restraints

hanging from the ceiling to lock his wrists above his head. He
checked to make sure Kevin’s circulation was good and that he was
comfortable. He wanted Kevin to be ready for this long session

As Kevin waited for him, Wyatt turned to the closet and changed

out of his work clothes. Normally, he would have showered and taken
time to pamper himself a little bit but not today. He wanted to make
sure Kevin was ready and relief came to his cock soon. It had already
been way too long—longer than he should have gone.

Wyatt went to the table and snapped open a bottle of lube,

smearing it onto a butt plug. He came back, sliding his hands down
between Kevin’s ass cheeks. He ran his thumb across Kevin’s rim,
loving the way Kevin moaned in response. As Kevin arched his ass
out, Wyatt pushed the butt plug into his ass. He moaned. He was
breathing hard. He was so ready to come, but Wyatt didn’t want him
to come yet. He wanted to show Kevin how good it could be.

Wyatt went into the closet, opening up a drawer. He picked up a

blindfold. His gaze locked with Kevin’s as he crossed the room. He
wrapped the blindfold around Kevin’s eyes, loving the sharp intake of
breath that Kevin took as he tightened it down. He kissed his way
over Kevin’s shoulder and neck and whispered his lips up to Kevin’s

“I’m going to show you how good it will be to focus on your

pleasure as you submit to me.”

A sweet groan sounded from Kevin’s parted lips and the chain

above his head started to shake. Wyatt went to the table and picked up
another item. He chose a leather flogger and headed over to Kevin.
With the leather tip, he ran it across Kevin’s cock, loving the way his
pre-cum dripped onto it. The gentle stroking of the leather was
enough to send a shot of jizz flying into the air, arching and landing
on the floor.

“You will ask for permission before you come. Always.”

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Training Kevin


“Yes, Master.”
It was exactly what Wyatt wanted to hear. He moved around

Kevin, removing the butt plug. He rubbed his cock up between
Kevin’s ass cheeks, using the lube and his sweat to get a good rhythm
going. He bumped and grinded his lubed cockhead against Kevin’s
rim, tempted to enter him without a condom.

Oh God.
He really wanted to enter him raw. He had never taken anyone

without a condom before, but now as he held this man in his arms, he
wanted him raw, and he was going to have him no matter what.
Before he could stop himself from doing it, Wyatt groaned, pushing
the tip of his cock into Kevin’s ass. He froze, feeling the way Kevin’s
ass muscle tightened around his cockhead. He shouldn’t have been
doing this without a condom.

* * * *

Every muscle in Kevin’s body was flexed hard. Sweat dripped

from his body, mixing with his pre-cum. The feel of Wyatt’s cock
pressing between his ass cheeks and just beyond the outer edge of his
rim was too much. He felt his Dom’s cockhead push slowly and
deeper into his body. He knew his Master wasn’t wearing a condom,
but he didn’t care. He had always been safe with every lover up until
now. He wanted this risk with Wyatt. He wanted to feel every inch of
his cock spreading his ass wide.

There was something about Wyatt that made Kevin trust him

completely. He didn’t care what the end result would be. As long as
he had Wyatt, he knew he would be okay. He stilled as Wyatt pulled
his cock away. He heard the bottle of lube snap open, squirt, and
smooth over his Dom’s cock.

Wyatt pushed his cock in slowly again, wetting Kevin’s ass.

Again he pulled his cock out, lubing it more and slowly pushing it
into his ass. He was experienced. When Kevin felt Wyatt’s dick hit

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hard against his prostate, he knew it was over. He was crying out and
begging for permission to come before he had a handle on his
emotions. Kevin felt weak in the moment and disappointed in himself
for not being able to hold out longer.

“Please, may I come?”
He felt Wyatt tense, gripping his ass cheeks as he struggled to

keep control. Kevin’s dick was throbbing painfully hard.

“Come for me.”
With that, Kevin let go as his Master started thrusting hard into his

ass, pulling his hips upward so he had to get onto the tips of his toes.
His ass cheeks bounced with each thrust of his Dom’s cock. He cried
out as he came hard, sending his jizz flying across the room. He had
hoped to hold out longer, but he just couldn’t. It was way too much.
Tension still vibrated through his cock as pain shot through his dick
from being hard for so long.

He moaned as he felt Wyatt continue to hit against his prostate.

His free hand reached around, removing the rope tied to Kevin’s cock.
He slid his right hand up and down Kevin’s shaft, tightening and
twisting his hold. It felt so good to have his Master manhandle him,
and before he could stop it from happening, a second orgasm tripped
over the first.

What little spunk remained shot from his cockhead, arcing across

the floor. He was breathing hard as Wyatt’s arms came around him,
and he continued to fuck Kevin roughly in the ass. It felt so good. He
felt so safe. He loved the feel of this man taking control of his body.

After Kevin finished coming, Wyatt’s hands moved down off of

his cock and smoothed up over his abdomen. Those rough hands
raced across his pierced nipples, pinching them several times before
he moved his hands down over Kevin’s ass cheeks. Ever so slowly, he
felt his Dom pull his cock from his ass. He was certain that Wyatt
hadn’t come yet. He could hear him move around the room.

It sounded like Wyatt was wiping off his cock, but Kevin couldn’t

be sure. There was a rustling of clothing. When Wyatt came back, he

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moved Kevin’s body so that he was arching back. A bar was put
behind his lower back so that he wouldn’t move. Despite coming so
hard, Kevin’s cock was still waving in the air. The tip of his Dom’s
cock pressed against his lips. He opened his mouth wide as he felt
Wyatt press his cockhead against his lips. He opened his hungry,
greedy mouth, taking all of his Master’s cock inside.

He groaned as he felt the tip of Wyatt’s cock strike against the

back of his throat. It felt so good to have his Master thrusting his cock
in and out of his mouth. As he was taken hard, Wyatt’s balls slapped
against his forehead. He inhaled deeply, loving the way that his
breathing would get cut off with every deep thrust. He loved giving
head. He was good at it. He had an oral fixation that could only be
satisfied by someone else’s dick. He wanted to reach around and grab
Wyatt’s ass but knew that wouldn’t be happening. His Dom was in
complete control, and Kevin loved it.

“I love fucking you. I love sticking my dick in and out of your

tight mouth.”

A low groan echoed from Wyatt’s mouth. Kevin could tell that he

was close to coming. Wyatt smoothed his hand down over his neck,
squeezing the front of his throat. The move made Kevin’s dick clench.
He used his tongue, licking and sucking hard. He wanted to make his
Dom blow his wad all over his face.

Kevin tightened down his hold on his Dom’s throbbing prick. He

moaned, sending vibrations down over his lover’s cock. That was all
it took. A cry of passion rumbled from Wyatt’s mouth as he came
hard, sending line after line of jizz skipping across Kevin’s tongue.
Kevin happily sucked it all down. He loved the taste of his spunk
more than he loved the taste of anything else in this world.

It was a long time before he was released from the restraints. He

waited for his Master to come down from the wild ride. They were
both breathing hard from the encounter. As he heard Wyatt move
around the room, excitement pumped through his veins. Despite
coming so hard, he was still wanting and ready for his Dom to touch

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and play with him, and he wasn’t disappointed when Wyatt came
back, smoothing something down over his cock. He knew instantly
what it was.

Chains were smoothed around his cock and balls. They moved

around the back of his ass, sliding between his ass cheeks and creating
a chastity belt. It felt so good to have Wyatt take control of him.
When Wyatt was done putting the chains on Kevin’s cock and around
his ass, Kevin was picked up and released from the restraints. Wyatt
led him to the other room blindfolded. He heard the sound of water
running and what sounded like a shower.

Steam billowed up around him as he was pulled inside the shower.

Kevin wanted to remove the blindfold, but he was not the one in
control. He was dependent on his lover, and he loved it. As the water
hit his body, a moan escaped his parted lips as his Master came in
close to hold him.

Their mouths connected in a hungry kiss that brought Kevin’s

body alive again. He wanted to feel everything with his Dom. Ever so
slowly, the blindfold was pulled from his eyes, and he opened his
eyes to see Wyatt watching him closely. There was something in
Wyatt’s eyes that Kevin couldn’t define but he was desperate to

“Have I pleased you?” Kevin asked.
“Yes, you have.”
After a long shower together, they went into his bedroom, where

they settled in for the night. Kevin didn’t know what he expected to
happen but he was relieved when Wyatt pulled him in close on his
king-size bed. He wrapped the blanket around his body, feeling safe
and protected. He did not want this moment to end. There were so
many things on his mind, but he didn’t know how to bring them up
with Wyatt. The relationship was so new and so confusing.

Were they even monogamous? Did Wyatt have other lovers?

Kevin felt Wyatt’s hands tighten down on him as he drifted off to

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“Am I the only one?”
Relief floated over Kevin’s body as he drifted off to sleep. They

both had to work in the morning. He didn’t want to think about how
confusing everything was getting, or the fact that his SWAT training
was on the line. The fact that Wyatt’s investigation was still going on
would mean disaster if their relationship was found out. He did not
want to leave this man or his job.

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Chapter Five

The next morning, Wyatt woke up with the feeling that he was

alone in bed. His alarm was just going off and he reached over,
turning it off. A few seconds went by before he inhaled the scent of
hot coffee coming from downstairs. He followed the scent of coffee
and bacon into the kitchen. Kevin was standing naked in front of the

“Morning. This is a nice way to wake up.”
He gave Kevin a kiss on the back of his neck that sent goose

bumps racing over his skin. He loved how those pierced nipples were
pebbled hard. He was tempted to reach around and stroke Kevin’s
hard cock several times but he resisted. Instead, Wyatt reached for a
piece of bacon and gobbled it up.

Their eyes locked and something smoldered within him. He

wanted to take Kevin right there on the kitchen table and let the food
burn. The urge was so powerful he felt his cock kicking up behind his
boxers before he could stop it from happening.

“Why aren’t you dressed?” Wyatt asked.
“You didn’t give me permission to get dressed. Are you giving me

the order to get dressed?”

The fact that he was being completely submissive turned Wyatt

on. He groaned, backing Kevin up against the island and kissing him
passionately. His cock bumped with Kevin’s. He wanted to take this
thing further, so he did.

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Their tongues dueled together, and Wyatt lost complete control. It

was a long time before either one came up for air. When they finally
did, they were both breathing hard.

“We’re going to be late if we keep this up,” Wyatt said.
“I can be fast for my Master.”
“Can you?”
A whimper of pleasure spilled from Kevin’s hungry mouth. When

Wyatt realized what Kevin was offering him, he knew he had to
move. He wanted them to be together fast. Normally, as a Dom, he
took their sessions seriously, always mapping every session out to the
slightest detail. This was not planned. He knew it could get out of
control fast if he didn’t stop himself.

Still, the temptation was too great, and they were both ready. His

only regret was leaving the lube in his playroom. He turned Kevin
around, spreading his thighs wide as he bent him over the island. He
was very aware of his cock pointed down toward the floor. Pre-cum
dripped from his cockhead onto the hardwood.

“Do not move.”
“Yes, Master.”
With Kevin’s ass cheeks spread wide, Wyatt smoothed his hands

down over his athletic bottom, spanking him hard. He loved the sound
of his hand slapping against that sporty ass. It turned Wyatt on so
fucking hard. As he spanked his submissive, Wyatt became very
aware of the fact that Kevin was enjoying the spanking way too much.
So he upped the intensity.

Wyatt wanted to prove to Kevin that he could go further and

further to that hard, blissful edge he so desperately craved. With that
thought in mind, Wyatt reached for a spatula and started spanking him
harder. He used the plastic head of the spatula to cup his balls, giving
them a hard shake.

A moan of pleasure escaped from Kevin’s hungry mouth. When

he was good and ready and sweating with every muscle tensing and
relaxing between hits, Wyatt tossed the spatula aside.

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“Do not move.”
With that, Wyatt went back to his playroom, grabbing the bottle of

lube and hurrying back to the kitchen with long, powerful strides.
They didn’t have much time before they both needed to get to work.
With Kevin bent over the island, Wyatt wet his fingers with lube,
sliding them between Kevin’s ass cheeks and over his rim. A
strangled cry of pleasure spilled from Kevin’s parted lips as he
gripped the island like a good submissive.

As he pushed two fingers into Kevin’s tight hole, Wyatt knew he

wouldn’t be able to stop anytime soon. Fuck being fast. He pulled his
fingers out, slipping more lube over his cock and gently pushing it
into his lover. A growl of pleasure escaped Wyatt’s parted lips as their
bodies joined together.

That was when Wyatt stopped thinking about everything and just

enjoyed what was happening to both of them. He used his thick thighs
to brace himself as he pumped and thrust his hips in and out of
Kevin’s ass. The sound of their bodies slapping together was too
much. He looked down, watching his cock disappear in and out of
Kevin’s ass as their hips hit together. Kevin’s ass cheeks rippled from
each hit of Wyatt’s hips.

Before he could stop himself, Wyatt was reaching down, grabbing

hold of Kevin’s dick, jerking it and twisting it several times. He
smoothed his hands up over Kevin’s abdomen. He slid his hand
around the front of Kevin’s neck, pulling him back so that he could
kiss his wet lips.

“Please! Please…may I come?”
Kevin started begging to come and it was over. Wyatt felt his balls

pull up as his spunk twisted up from his balls. He shot his load deep
within his submissive. Kevin cried out when he felt the hot cream of
his Master enter his ass. He was begging to come.

“Oh, fuck. May I come?”
“You may come. Come for me, sub.”

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Kevin cried out hard as his orgasm spun from his body, sending

his jizz flying to the floor between their feet.

It was a long time before either one was able to speak. Wyatt

wasn’t expecting to suddenly feel so possessive of Kevin, but he did.

“I don’t want anyone ever again but you,” Kevin said.
The truth of the situation hit Wyatt fast. What would Kevin think

if he knew Wyatt was being paid to spend this time together? Would
he feel betrayed? There was a good chance he would.

“I feel the exact same way.”

* * * *

Wyatt was the first one to leave the house. Kevin had a little bit of

time before he needed to be at work, so he took advantage of it. That
had him heading for his gym bag and changed into workout clothes.
He loved to go for a run before work. It’d been a long time since he
did something for himself.

He popped in his earbuds and headed toward the forest

surrounding Wyatt’s house. He stretched out for a few minutes before
taking off in a slow jog. Morning sunshine rained down upon him. It
felt so good to be out without worrying about something going wrong
or thinking about Jeff. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t
frightened of what Jeff could do to him. He was certain that he was
safe and it felt so good. He didn’t want to think about Jeff and the
pending investigation with work.

Today, he was supposed to go in for his SWAT training.

Excitement coursed through his veins when he thought about it. He
was ready. The news had come in early through text from TJ, and it
was exactly what Kevin wanted to hear.

The forest was beautiful in the morning sunshine. It had rained in

the night, making everything dewy and new. He was going for a five-
mile run today. He knew he was pushing his body but he needed to
train hard if he wanted to make the SWAT team. He was just coming

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around back toward the house when he noticed a car passing slowly
by Wyatt’s place.

Had Jeff found him?
He was terrified. It had been a while since Jeff had tried

anything—well, not since the photo he’d shared with Kevin’s
coworkers. Fear rocketed through his blood, and he picked up the
pace. He did not want to be alone without his gun. Suddenly, he felt
foolish for leaving it back at Wyatt’s home. To his relief, the car
drove by, but it was short-lived. He glanced at the driver and saw the
profile of his ex-boyfriend. He picked up the pace, running toward
Wyatt’s house.

How had Jeff found him? And more importantly what was he

going to do now that Jeff knew where he was? By the time Kevin
went through the side door, closing and locking it up behind him, he
was shaking hard. Tears formed behind his eyelids, falling down over
his cheeks. He didn’t like feeling so vulnerable. He didn’t like how
Jeff was psychologically fucking him over.

Something needed to give. He didn’t care what that thing was, but

it needed to happen. Kevin went toward the front of the house,
looking out the front windows. The car was gone. Maybe it wasn’t
really Jeff. Maybe he’d gotten it wrong.

Distracted by his fear, Kevin went upstairs and showered quickly.

He dressed in his tactical uniform and finished getting ready for the
day. He strapped on his Glock, checking it as always. It felt good to
be armed again. He headed outside to his car and got inside. He was
no longer shaking from the fact that Jeff had found him.

He drove to the station. He knew he needed to let Wyatt know

what happened. As he came in through processing, Kevin took the
stairwell upstairs to the bullpen. Through the glass windows of the
conference room, he caught sight of Wyatt in the middle of a meeting.
There was no time to talk now.

Through the glass, their eyes connected. Wyatt seemed to zero in

on him, seeing that something was wrong. Kevin hated how he was an

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open book with his lover, but there was nothing he could do about
that now. He wanted Wyatt to protect him. He wanted his Dom to
take care of him.

Kevin went up to his office and started glancing over his day

planner. First thing first, he needed to go down to the Training Center
to meet with TJ. He was going to start his training. He headed through
the office, all the while looking for Wyatt, but he didn’t see him. The
fact that Chief Rask had given him the go-ahead meant the world to
him. It meant that he’d believed something, or at least part of Kevin’s
story about what was going on with Jeff.

After changing in the locker room, Kevin headed into the Training

Center to find TJ. He was already there working with another group
of SWAT recruits. It felt good to be among them.

Kevin worked hard for an hour and finished up by heading toward

the shower. He was a hot, sweaty mess. He normally didn’t like to
take a shower midday, but he needed it. He was just getting out of the
shower when Wyatt caught sight of him. He came through the locker
room as though he were on a mission, pulling Kevin aside.

“What happened?”
“I thought I saw Jeff.”
“When were you going to tell me?”
“I just did.”
The look on Wyatt’s face spoke volumes. He was not happy with

Kevin at all. He couldn’t keep pretending that everything was okay,
but he didn’t want to break down in front of his Dom. He was a
submissive, but he was strong in his professional life. He did not like
being a victim of any circumstances the way he was now.

“I need to tell the chief.”
“Don’t do it.”
“Let me handle this.”
Kevin reached out and grabbed Wyatt’s arm as he turned to go.

The look on Wyatt’s face left Kevin feeling powerless. Wyatt came in

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fast, pushing him up against the lockers, kissing him hard. Kevin was
afraid that someone would see, but apparently Wyatt wasn’t.

Ever so slowly, he broke his lips away and looked at Kevin. “I

want to protect you. Let me do that.”

With that, Wyatt left him alone in the locker room. He slumped

back against the lockers, trying to figure out what he needed to do. All
he could think about was work and the fact that Wyatt was probably
now in danger from Jeff. The thought of his lover being harmed by
his ex-boyfriend scared the hell out of him.

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Training Kevin


Chapter Six

Wyatt wanted to have another conversation with the doctor. He

did not like how Jeff had found Kevin again. He was worried about
Kevin. The situation was escalating, and that scared him. Nothing
frightened Wyatt more than a loose cannon who would do anything to
have what they wanted.

With that thought in mind, he went to his desk in the open

bullpen. He hated how he didn’t have a private office. He went to his
desk and flipped over his notes on the case he had open, and then
reached for his phone. He was calling in a favor. He needed to have
somebody following Jeff at least for a little while. The phone rang
several times before it was picked up.

“This is Vance.”
“I need to talk to you. Can you meet me in the shift change

conference room in five minutes?”

“Sure. I’ll be right down.”
Five minutes later, the only man he could trust was coming

through the door. Sgt. Vance was built like a gladiator. He was also
wicked smart.

“What’s up?” Vance asked.
“I need a favor. I have a case I’m working on and I need someone

doing some surveillance work for me.”

“Tell me what you need.”
“Have you heard about the case with Lt. Philips?”
“Yeah. Who hasn’t heard about this one? Do you really think he’s

done all those things he’s been accused of?”

“No. He hasn’t. It’s why I need you on this case.”

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Over the next twenty minutes, he told Vance exactly what he

needed. He would do intense surveillance on Jeff to make sure that
Kevin was safe. “I want to know everything, where he is and what
he’s doing at all times.”

“Consider it done.”
“Thanks, and Vance, keep this between us.”
“Will do.”
When Kevin was at work, Wyatt was certain that he was safe, but

he wasn’t safe from the cyber war that Jeff had unleashed upon him.
Wyatt was almost positive that there would be another attack before it
was over. Whether that came as a physical or emotional attack, he
didn’t know.

Wyatt finished up for the day. He needed to find Kevin to find out

what his plans were for the evening. He wanted that man by his side
at all times and did not want to let anything happen to him.

Kevin wasn’t in his office as he went by. Where was he? Wyatt

was worried. He knew he shouldn’t have been, but he was. Wyatt ran
a hand through his hair in frustration. He took the stairwell lower and
heard laughter coming out of TJ’s office.

Jealousy spiraled through his mind before he could stop it from

happening. He normally wasn’t a jealous and possessive Dom, but
when it came to Kevin, he was. The man had to learn boundaries.
That was what Wyatt was going to teach him tonight. When they were
alone in his playroom, Wyatt was going to show Kevin exactly how to
only focus on him.

All the laughter ceased when he came into the room. Kevin’s eyes

narrowed on his, but he quickly looked away. It was clear that Kevin
knew that he had done something wrong and it displeased his Dom.
That was okay. He was still learning, but he needed to know what was
expected of him inside and outside the bedroom. In fact, Wyatt was
going to brand Kevin as his, and he was going to do that tonight.


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Training Kevin


“We were just discussing his training at Camp Tack this week,”

TJ said.

Wyatt nodded his head, but he wasn’t interested in Kevin’s

SWAT training right now. His attention was on Kevin and on the fact
that he needed to get him alone fast. The desire to take control of
Kevin’s body was an overwhelming chant within his mind. He wasn’t
normally so obsessed with a submissive and that frightened him. He
hated how his submissive was flirting with another man.

“We’re planning on heading out to camp this week.”
“That sounds like a good idea.”
As Wyatt headed out, he heard Kevin’s footsteps follow behind.

“I’m walking you to your car.”

“It’s not necessary.”
“Yes, it is. In fact, I think you should ride with me until this

matter is settled.”

Kevin’s eyes went wide before they settle back down again.
“Yes. I’m serious.”
With no room for argument, Kevin couldn’t say anything without

getting the wrath of his Dom. Wyatt was okay with that. He did not
want Kevin disobeying any orders given professionally or personally.
As they headed out for the day, they went for Wyatt’s car. Kevin got
into the passenger side without argument but he was quiet. Silence
spoke volumes. Wyatt hated how he put that silence into Kevin’s
mind. He didn’t like to be so demanding, but he needed to protect
Kevin. The only way he could do that is if Kevin trusted him

As they headed back toward his house, Wyatt realized that Kevin

no longer felt safe there because he had seen Jeff. They were going to
go someplace else. They needed to. Wyatt didn’t like to run, but he
was. He was going to protect his submissive.

“Where are we going?”
“Out for a little while. I’ll keep you safe. We’re not going to run


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It was all Wyatt needed to say. He could see Kevin visibly relax in

the passenger seat. He was going to take care of his submissive and
protect him from everything tonight.

* * * *

Nervous energy vibrated over Kevin’s body. When he was around

his Dom, he always found himself on edge and ready to be given an

Kevin glanced at Wyatt’s strong profile. God, he was beautiful.

He was the kind of man you saw stepping out of the pages of a
magazine spread. “Where are we going?”

“Someplace where we can unwind for a little while.”
Kevin trusted Wyatt completely, but he was a still a little jazzed

up from seeing Jeff earlier in the day. He hated how much control his
ex-boyfriend still had over his life. The city lights zipped by in a blur
as they drove across town to the bar where Wyatt had caught Kevin in
the restroom with the other guy.

He swallowed hard when they pulled up outside the brand new

gay nightclub in Newport. It wasn’t anything like the gay bar Wyatt
had caught him in. This place reminded Kevin of a private club.

Walking in with Wyatt by his side sent a shiver of expectation

racing through Kevin’s blood. He couldn’t wait to be pulled out onto
that dance floor and taken into Wyatt’s arms. He wanted Wyatt to
claim him in front of everyone.

The truth of the matter was that he wanted a long-term

relationship. He wanted to marry Wyatt. He was in love, and most
importantly, he wanted a family. As he looked at Wyatt, he wondered
if he wanted the same thing or if he was just looking to dominate
Kevin in the bedroom. Wyatt caught Kevin looking at him closely.
Like always, it seemed like he was trying to read Kevin’s mind.

Most days, Kevin would have told him what was on his mind, but

right now he couldn’t. The relationship was too new and things were a

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Training Kevin


little too hard with Jeff. His stalker wasn’t too far from his mind every
day. Right now, he was always on notice and always at the ready. As
a police officer, he prided himself on being that way for others but
was having a hard time reconciling the fact that he had to be that way
with himself. He just wanted Jeff to go away and leave him alone.

Wyatt slipped his hand possessively over Kevin’s and led him out

onto the dance floor, pulling him in close. The music was loud with a
lot of bass, but Wyatt was smooth. He purposely held back when
Kevin wanted him closer. After several agonizing minutes, Wyatt
finally pulled him in close, wrapping his arms tightly around Kevin.
Kevin’s cock was already filled with heat and ready to be taken. He
hated how needy he suddenly felt for a man he barely knew. He
angled his head toward Wyatt’s neck and inhaled deeply, smelling the
scent of his aftershave and his skin. The man was delicious.

Before he could stop himself, Kevin planted several kisses on

Wyatt’s neck, flicking his tongue out to taste his skin. A low grumble
vibrated deep from within Wyatt just as his hands tightened down on
Kevin’s back. Every muscle within Kevin’s body flexed hard as he
felt a shot of pre-cum ejaculate from his cockhead. He moaned low
and hard, sending vibrations over his parted lips and onto his Dom’s

Wyatt dropped his mouth to his ear. “Careful now.”
Kevin knew he was crossing the line, but he wanted to. He wanted

his Dom to take control of him, and he knew he was being a bratty
submissive. He rubbed his hips against his Dom’s cock, purposely
trying to tease him into doing something more. Wyatt’s hands moved
down over his ass, giving it a possessive squeeze.

“I told you careful now.”
Kevin purposely nuzzled his lips against Wyatt’s throat. He

wanted to be rubbing something else. “Please.”

Wyatt cursed beneath his breath. “I didn’t want to do this here, but

it’s clear you need to be shown some discipline.”

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With that, Wyatt led him off the dance floor, heading for the

darkened hallway that connected to private rooms. A bouncer stopped
them from going down the hallway. After a brief conversation, Wyatt
was let through with Kevin. Wyatt had paid for a private room. He
shut the door and locked it.

The room was no bigger than five feet by eight. It was a tiny

closet, but big enough to do something private. Before he was given
the order, Kevin got down on his knees, silently begging his Dom to
let him suck his cock.

“You are a horny sub.”
With that, Wyatt released his prick from his jeans. His cock

sprung out, striking Kevin in the face. Kevin opened his hungry lips
and his tongue snaked out, licking his cock from tip to balls. He
moaned as Wyatt pushed his cock deep within his mouth. He loved
the taste of Wyatt’s pre-cum skipping across his tongue.

A moan of pleasure echoed deep from within Kevin’s mouth

before he stopped it from happening. He wanted to make his Dom
come. He wanted to taste the salty sweetness of Wyatt’s jizz flowing
over his tongue. He wanted to please Wyatt in every way possible.
Just when he thought Wyatt was going to come, he pulled Kevin up to
his shaky feet, bending him across the spanking bench that was in the
middle of the room.

He muscled Kevin’s pants down and spanked him hard. The tip of

Kevin’s cockhead smacked against his flexed abdomen as Wyatt
spanked him over and over again. He bit his lip. The need to come
was an overpowering chant within his mind. He looked back over his
shoulder, watching as his Dom took control. He was so close.

Their eyes locked and something snapped within Wyatt. From his

pocket, Wyatt pulled a bottle of lube and wet his cock. The tips of his
fingers smoothed over Kevin’s rim, ruining him for all other men.
Two of his fingers pushed inside, wetting his ass. Kevin moaned,
loving the feel of Wyatt’s long, strong fingers pressing against his
prostate. He was so fucking close.

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Training Kevin


A shot of cum snuck out of his cock before Kevin could stop it

from happening. Every muscle in his body was shaking from the need
to release. Wyatt tipped his cockhead up against Kevin’s rim, slowly
pushing it inside. Kevin could feel the big head move past his rim and
deep within his ass. It felt so good to be taken.

A strangled cry of pleasure rose from deep within Wyatt as he

pushed his cock deep inside Kevin. Everything around them faded
away, leaving only Kevin being taken by his Dom. The feel of
Wyatt’s balls striking against his was too much for him to take.

“I’m close.”
He wanted to feel his Master’s spunk shooting within his ass. He

bit his lip, trying to keep his spunk from shooting across the room.

“You have permission to come.”
“Oh, God!”
Kevin came hard, shooting his spunk from his cockhead. Six long

lines hit the wall in front of him. It was a long time before he stopped
coming, and when he finally did, he collapsed within his Dom’s arms.

Ever so slowly, his Dom pulled his cock from his ass and spun

him around, kissing him possessively. When Kevin finally opened his
eyes, he saw Wyatt watching him closely. For the first time in a really
long time, Kevin felt like he could fall in love.

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Chapter Seven

As he held Kevin, Wyatt had a deep sense of foreboding. It wasn’t

often that he felt this way, but when he had a gut feeling about
something, he took heed of the warning. He probably shouldn’t have
taken Kevin out to his favorite club, but he wanted to take Kevin
someplace special to get his mind off things. Now he felt vulnerable
and unsure of his decision to do so.

Wyatt helped Kevin stand back up, purposely taking his time to

make sure Kevin was okay with what had happened between them. It
was clear that he was. They didn’t need a lot of spoken words to tell
him what Kevin was feeling deep inside.

He could see that Kevin was falling hard for him, but was Wyatt

ready for all that? Right then, he wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t a man who
thought about the long-term with any submissive, but Kevin was
different. This entire fucking situation was unlike anything he
experienced before. As they headed back into the club, Wyatt decided
that they needed to go.

“We’re leaving?”
Kevin frowned, but Wyatt didn’t want to have this conversation

with his sub right here, right now. They had to get out of there. He felt
as though they were being watched, but he couldn’t find the source.
He took Kevin’s hand in his and led him out to the parking lot and
went straight for his car. He put Kevin safely inside, came around the
other side, and got inside.

He still had Sgt. Vance watching Jeff, but it wasn’t enough. He

checked his phone for text messages and saw that he had a few. Jeff
was working overtime at the hospital, and he’d left an hour ago, but

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Training Kevin


Vance had lost him. That wasn’t like Vance, but still, Wyatt couldn’t
shake the feeling that they were being watched. He drove out into
traffic, heading home. Twenty minutes later, he was pulling up into
his driveway. He stared at the house for several moments before
shutting the car off. He went inside and disengaged the alarm before
reactivating it.

Kevin looked at him closely. “What’s going on?”
“I have Sgt. Vance watching Jeff.”
Annoyance went through Kevin’s eyes as he ran a frustrated hand

through his hair. He paced into the living room, bracing his hands on
the back of the couch that faced the fireplace.

“This isn’t ever going to end.”
“It will. I’m going to take care of all of this for you.”
Wyatt wanted Kevin to trust him completely. That was all that he

could ask for.

He came in close, kissing his sub possessively, loving the feel of

Kevin’s tongue submitting to him. Wyatt moved his hands down over
his sub’s ass, giving it a squeeze and pressing his hard body up
against Kevin’s cock. He was so ready to take his sub again. He was
going to tie Kevin up in the swing and show him how good they could
be together.

After a long kiss, Wyatt stepped back. “Undress for me.”
There was no hesitation within Kevin’s eyes as he started to

undress. Wyatt loved the way he gently set his boots aside and slowly
took off his jeans and T-shirt. He slowly eased his boxers down,
revealing his hard prick. He was just as ready as Wyatt was to go

“Get on your hands and knees.” Kevin didn’t hesitate as he got

down on his hands and knees. “Stay.”

Wyatt went to his playroom and got a set of chains, collar, and

butt plug. He came back, seeing Kevin waiting for him. Wyatt slipped
the thin, gold chain around Kevin’s hips, between his legs, and around
his cock. He connected the chain to the wet butt plug and inserted it

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deeply into Kevin’s ass. When he was satisfied with his work, Wyatt
moved the collar around his submissive’s neck and hooked the chain
from his collar to the butt plug in his ass.

A moan of pleasure echoed from Kevin as Wyatt checked the

tension on the links. He took a leash and locked it to the collar as he
stood up. He gave Kevin a little tug to follow him. Kevin crawled on
all fours behind him like a good submissive up into his playroom.
When they were inside his playroom, Wyatt unsnapped the leash from
the collar. He was very aware of Kevin’s hungry eyes following him
across the room.

Wyatt undressed and got the swing ready. “Stand up and come


Kevin obeyed without hesitation. Wyatt had him get into the

swing facing forward with his body hanging above the floor. He tied
up Kevin’s arms and legs with rope. When he was finished, Wyatt
checked Kevin’s circulation, making sure he was not uncomfortable.

Wyatt went to his drawer in the closet and got a flogger. He came

back flipping the flogger around his hands before smoothing it over
Kevin’s ass cheeks. He gave Kevin several hard hits, loving the way
his cock and balls bounced up and down as Wyatt struck him. A moan
of pleasure echoed within the room.

Wyatt couldn’t help but look down at Kevin’s rim. It was still red

and ready to be taken. Before he could stop himself, Wyatt threw the
flogger aside and reached for the bottle of lube. He flipped open the
cap on the lube and slipped some down over his cock, wetting his
throbbing dick. He stood behind Kevin and tipped his cockhead up
against his rim, and ever so slowly, he pushed his way inside.

When he was buried deep, he held on tightly to the rope, wrapping

his hands around the rope and using it as reins to fuck Kevin hard.
The feel of his submissive ramming back against his cock was too
much. Wyatt bucked his hips while loving the feel of his sub bounce.
He looked down at his submissive arching his ass out against Wyatt

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as he was taken. He was loving this rough ride, and he wasn’t about to
stop it anytime soon.

Kevin’s soft whimpers echoed within the room. “Please…please. I

need to come!”

“Fucking come for me!”
Kevin cried out as his cock jerked hard. Wyatt reached around,

milking Kevin’s throbbing prick with his fist. Kevin’s entire body
shook violently as he came hard, sending his spunk flying over the
hardwood floor. White hash marks lined the floor by the time he was
finished orgasming. Like a Dom winning a trophy, Wyatt didn’t want
to wash his floor anytime soon.

He wanted to hold back, but he knew he couldn’t. Wyatt cried out,

coming hard and sending his jizz flying deep within his lover.

After a long time, he released Kevin from the restraints, taking

him to the shower. He turned the shower on hot and they both got
inside. He was surprised when Kevin reached for the bar of soap and
started cleaning him. He wanted to be the one taking care of Kevin,
but his submissive was the one who was taking care of him. Their
eyes locked. He wouldn’t be able to live without Kevin. The
realization hit him so hard that it left him breathless.

* * * *

The next morning, Kevin left the house early for work. Wyatt

wasn’t too far behind either, but they made sure to arrive separately.
Kevin had a plan that he needed to discuss with Chief Rask. He
needed this plan to be kept from Wyatt. He hated keeping secrets
from his Dom, but he knew if this thing was going to work, he had to
make sure Wyatt wasn’t involved with it. He hated himself for
keeping this secret, but he knew it was the only way to get Jeff out of
his life for good.

He knocked on his chief’s door. “Got a minute?”
“Sure. What’s going on?”

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Kevin shut the door behind him. “I need a favor. I want to fake

my death to draw out Jeff.”

“Do you know what you’re asking me?”
“Yes, sir. I do. I’m hoping you won’t tell Wyatt, either.”
Chief Rask narrowed his eyes on him. “There are so many things

that could go wrong with this.”

“I’m very aware of that, sir, but I think it’s the only way to get my

stalker away from me.”

“Faking your death. Shit. But what happens when he finds out

you’re still alive?”

“Sir, I think it’s the only way for us to catch him in a crime.”
“And what crime is that?”
“I think it’s going to drive him over the edge to find out I’m dead.

It will be the only way to get him to do something stupid.”

“And why do you want to keep this from Wyatt?”
“I have my reasons.”
Chief Rask looked as though he was going to fight him on this

issue and that was the last thing Kevin wanted.

“I don’t like this at all.”
“I knew you wouldn’t, and that was why I wanted to talk to you

about it. I need to do something.”

This was crazy. That was the look that the chief was giving him.

Yes, Kevin knew it was out there, but it was the only chance to take to
get away from Jeff. He didn’t know why, but he just knew if he faked
his death, something would give and snap within Jeff.

“And when were you planning to do all this?”
“I figured I have my training with SWAT at Camp Tack this

week. Why don’t we make a big deal of it and have me get into a little
accident there?”

“Okay, but then TJ and some of the guys have to know.”
“Fine. I need everybody to think that I’m gone for a few days.”
Chief Rask shook his head. He really didn’t like this. Could he

blame the man? He really couldn’t. This was fucking with everyone’s

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emotions and it was going to be hell when everyone found out that
Kevin wasn’t dead.

“Okay. I’ll get TJ on this.”
It was exactly what Kevin wanted to hear. “Thank you, sir.”
“I just hope we don’t live to regret this.”
“We won’t.”
Kevin left his chief’s office. Tonight he was supposed to be

packing up and leaving for Camp Tack. He was ready to get on with
his SWAT training, and he was ready to be done with Jeff. What was
going to happen when Wyatt found out that he was alive and that he
had faked his death? The man was not going to be happy. Could
Kevin blame him? No, he couldn’t.

As he headed out of Chief Rask’s office, Kevin cut through the

bullpen, catching sight of Wyatt across the room. As always, the man
looked like he was a hunter and tracking him. It felt so good to have
his Dom’s protection. As he went to his office, he had a sudden
sinking sensation about what he should and shouldn’t do. He felt
guilty about all this, but what other choice did he have in the matter?

A few minutes later, there was a knock on his door. Every muscle

in Kevin’s body tensed. It had to be Wyatt. “Come in.”

To his surprise, it wasn’t his Dom. It was TJ. He didn’t look

happy. He shut the door behind him and crossed his arms as he leaned
up against it.

“What the actual fuck?”
“I’m guessing you talked to Chief Rask.”
“I have, and for the record, I don’t like any of this.”
“What else am I supposed to do?”
“Not fuck with everyone.”
“Trust me on this. Jeff is going to go nuts when he finds out I’m

dead. That’s going to make him do things he wouldn’t normally do.
It’s going to send him into a spiral.”

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TJ shook his head as though he didn’t believe Kevin, but he was

going to trust him anyway. “You should know my husband, Parker,
works with Jeff.”

“Parker is aware of the situation and he doesn’t trust Jeff either.

There’s already been an internal investigation going on with Jeff at
the hospital. It seems that he’s been involved in some things that I
can’t discuss.”

“Still, I need to make this happen. I can’t live my life in fear.

Jeff’s going to get pissed and send another cyber-attack against me
and I do not want that to happen.”

TJ nodded his head. “I completely understand, but for the record I

think you’re making a mistake by not telling Wyatt.”

“It’s my mistake to make.”
“He’s not going to be happy when he finds out you lied to him.

We need to do this another way.”

Kevin locked his gaze onto TJ. He obviously knew more about

their situation than he was letting on. Kevin had been careful about
keeping their relationship a secret, but it was clear that he hadn’t been
careful enough. “What do you think you know?”

“I know enough. I know you don’t want to fuck this thing up with


It was true. He didn’t want to mess things up with Wyatt but he

had to take back control of his life. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Let me think on it. Faking your death is not the answer, okay?”
“Fine. I just need to do something.”
“I understand.”
As TJ left him alone with his thoughts, Kevin couldn’t help but

feel like he was making a mistake.

Later that day, he packed up and got ready to go. He was driving

out to Camp Tack tonight. Wyatt wasn’t planning on going with him.
He had work to do. That was fine with Kevin. He needed a little break

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from his Dom. He needed to get this thing with his ex-boyfriend
settled if he ever was going to be able to move on.

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Chapter Eight

Wyatt didn’t have plans to head out to Camp Tack, but he was

going to anyway. He didn’t like how secretive Kevin was suddenly
being. He’d been standoffish at work all day. Wyatt felt like the man
was trying to pull away from him and that scared him.

As he drove down the long, winding gravel drive up to camp, the

SWAT team was already out there running drills. TJ was along the
sidelines, watching them as they used the canopy overhang, rappelling
from platform to platform. It only took Wyatt seconds to spot Kevin
within the crowd. The sunlight was fading quickly into dusk. He
parked his car, shutting off the engine and getting out.

Wyatt had brought his stuff to spend the night. He was hoping to

catch a few moments alone with Kevin if it were possible. He crossed
the courtyard and headed straight for the team. TJ gave him a quick
nod before he looked away. What the actual fuck was that about? TJ
wasn’t one who normally avoided his gaze. What was going on?

Everyone was acting weird lately, and he didn’t like it.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you.”
“I thought I might stop by to see how Kevin was doing.”
“Kevin’s doing fine.”
TJ wasn’t normally was so standoffish. What was going on?

Wyatt narrowed his gaze behind his sunglasses, trying to figure out
why TJ was acting the way he was.

“Are you staying the night?” TJ asked.
“That’s the plan. I thought I might stay for a while.”

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“Well, you should know that we don’t have the room for you to

spend the night.”

He was serious. This was the first time he ever came out to camp

and they told him to leave. He did not like this one bit. He was going
to find out what was going on if it killed him. “I can sleep in my car if
I have to.”

TJ’s lips twitched. “I knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“You going to tell me what the hell is going on?”
TJ crossed his arms, tapping his fingers on his bicep. “I told Kevin

that you wouldn’t be happy.”

“About what?” Wyatt asked.
“Kevin planned to fake his death to draw out Jeff.”
Fuck. “Seriously? Please tell me you talked him out of it.”
“I did. He’s desperate finish this thing with Jeff. That’s not a good

place to be in.”

Wyatt stared at his sub. He obviously wasn’t doing enough to

make Kevin feel safe if he felt the need to go to drastic measures.
“No. It’s not. We’re in agreement there. How did you talk him out of

“I told him that we would come up with another plan to draw out


“Have you?”
“Not yet.”
“Let me handle it,” Wyatt said.
TJ nodded. “Will do. Keep me posted if you need anything.”
After the training exercises were over, Wyatt took a few seconds

for Kevin to catch his breath. He looked good out there. When he was
certain that Kevin was ready, Wyatt went over and chatted with him.
“You looked good out there.”

There was a shy quality to Kevin’s voice. As a Dom, Wyatt liked

the way his sub was so obedient around him, but something was going
on. He could feel it in the air, and he did not like what he was feeling.

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With all focus on Kevin, Wyatt followed him toward his cabin. Kevin
went straight for the shower and Wyatt was pleased to see that he was
alone. He took the opportunity to follow Kevin in the shower without
getting undressed. He watched as Kevin got beneath the hot spray and
he nearly moaned as his cock kicked out hard.

He wanted to take his sub, but now was not the time. As water

rained down upon Kevin’s body, worshipping it, Wyatt wished he
could run his hands down over his athletic body. Kevin was so
fucking beautiful. The man was sexy as hell and knew it, too. The fact
that he would submit completely to Wyatt turned him on. He didn’t
know of any alpha male like this who would submit so easily in the

Wyatt thought about how long it’d been since he’d eaten ass. He

wasn’t a Dom who normally sucked cock and ate ass but right now he
was fucking craving it. Kevin’s eyes lit up in surprise when he turned
around seeing Wyatt watching him so closely.

“I didn’t know you came in.”
Wyatt let his gaze go heavy as he worked it up and down over his

sub. “What’s your schedule?”

“I think we have one more training session after dinner and then

I’m free.”

“I like the sound of that.”
As Wyatt closed the distance between them, he knew he was

about to break his rules. He didn’t normally fuck around with a
submissive at work, but he was about to. He flipped Kevin around,
pushing him up against the side of the tile. He loved the way Kevin
inhaled a sharp breath as Wyatt took control of his sub. He spread his
ass cheeks wide, smoothing his wet fingers between Kevin’s ass
cheeks and rubbing them over his rim.

Kevin moaned, arching his ass back completely. Before Wyatt

could stop himself, he kissed his way over Kevin’s shoulder and
down his spine. He didn’t stop licking his tongue down over his

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Training Kevin


tailbone until his tongue was walking across his rim. A sob of
pleasure escaped Kevin’s parted lips.

Before he could stop himself, Wyatt was grabbing hold of Kevin’s

ass cheeks, spreading them wide. He was loving, lavishing, and
worshiping Kevin’s ass. He wanted to feel his sub come hard. Just a
thin curtain separated them from anyone who could walk into the
locker room. He didn’t want to risk either one of them getting caught,
but he couldn’t stop himself from taking his submissive there.

He stood up, kissing his way over Kevin’s back again. When he

got to his mouth he kissed him possessively, taking complete control
of his sub. He wrapped his arms around Kevin’s neck, purposely
cutting off his breathing as they kissed. He loved the fact that Kevin
had nipple rings. He loved running his palms over his pecs.

The sound of the door opening had them both freezing. They were

protected within the stall, but still, Wyatt was worried that they were
going to get caught. He tried to quiet their breathing as he pressed his
cock slowly into Kevin’s ass. A low whimper echoed from Kevin’s
mouth, causing Wyatt to cover his mouth with his palm.

The sound of voices reverberated within the locker room but that

didn’t stop him from fucking his submissive. He fucked Kevin slow
and hard, and didn’t stop until both of them were coming powerfully.
Wyatt’s entire body convulsed as he felt Kevin let go within his arms.

* * * *

Goosebumps pebbled over Wyatt’s skin. Kevin loved the way

Wyatt held him so close. They shouldn’t have been doing this
together, but there was nothing stopping either one of them. He hadn’t
expected Wyatt to show up for his SWAT training. Now that he was,
Kevin was having second thoughts about pulling away from his Dom.
He didn’t want to upset his Dom and lover.

“There’s something I need to tell you.”

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Wyatt lifted his fingers and put them up to his lips. “It’s going to

have to wait until later.”

Later was going to have to work for Kevin. Wyatt was already

pulling away from him and leaving the locker room bathroom. After
he finished showering and got dressed, Kevin went to find the rest of
the guys. They were all milling about and having dinner in the
cafeteria. Kevin bypassed all of them and went for TJ. Their eyes
locked as Kevin approached him. Again TJ shook his head. He wasn’t
happy about the situation either, but what else were they supposed to
do? When they were face-to-face, TJ let out a long sigh.

TJ’s gaze went past Kevin to Wyatt as he moved through the


TJ reached out and grabbed him by the arm as he started to pass

by. Their gazes locked. “Your safety is my priority.”

Across the cafeteria, Wyatt was watching them closely. All of a

sudden, Kevin did not like the focus being on him. He needed a few
minutes alone to gather his thoughts. “I’m going outside to take a
deep breath.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”
As Kevin crossed the cafeteria, he felt Wyatt’s eyes on him. He

headed out the back door toward the pathway that led toward the
forest. He needed a few minutes alone to think. If they weren’t going
ahead with this plan, he didn’t know what he was going to do to get
Jeff away from him. He needed an out. He glanced over his shoulder,
looking into the cafeteria windows and seeing Wyatt talking with TJ.

Emotion welled up deep inside of him. He was tired of everyone

looking out for him and everybody telling him what he could and
couldn’t do. It was so completely ridiculous, but he needed to go for a
long walk. With the sunlight fading fast, he headed out into the trees
away from all the chaos of camp.

He just needed a few minutes alone. Just a few.

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At the sound of his name, he turned and glanced over his shoulder

in time to see something flash in front of his eyes before striking his
temple. Everything inside Kevin’s body froze up tight as stars
bloomed behind his eyes. He stumbled backward. Jeff was the last
person he expected to see here now. Jeff was coming toward him.

Afraid, Kevin took off at a zigzagging run, but he didn’t make it

far before Jeff tackled him from behind. Kevin fought him, but it was
useless. Jeff had surprised him and had gotten an advantage by hitting
him in the head with something. His head was ringing as he fell hard
to the ground. The warmth of blood dripped down over his brow.

Somewhere far away, he heard the sound of his name again. This

time, it was Wyatt searching for him, but it didn’t matter. He knew
Jeff was going to kill him before Wyatt even found them. With
everything in his body, Kevin fought Jeff, but it was no use. Jeff’s
once-beautiful face was twisted into a hate-filled rage that sent a
ripple of cold fear over Kevin’s heart. Everything around him went
black and he faded fast into the deep forest of unconsciousness.

* * * *

A little while later, he woke up to the feel of his feet dragging

along the ground. He wasn’t certain how long he’d been out but it
didn’t feel like it’d been that long—well, long enough for Jeff to put
duct tape on his mouth and around his wrists.

The rustling of leaves and sticks moved around him. He looked

up, seeing the fading moonlight high in the sky, and he knew it was
really late. His first thought was of Wyatt and the real possibility that
he wouldn’t be seeing him anytime soon.

All of a sudden, Jeff stopped dragging him. Jeff leaned over him,

looking at him closely. His wild eyes stared down at him and fear
coursed through Kevin’s blood.

“Oh, good. You’re awake. I was hoping I get to talk to you while I

bury you alive.”

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Cold fear sliced through Kevin’s heart as he thought about the

man he wanted and wouldn’t be able to see again.

Jeff circled around him, taking his time as he moved. “You know

it didn’t have to be this way.”

Kevin tried to work the duct tape off his hands, but it didn’t

budge. Terror came over Kevin as Jeff unzipped his pants and
whipped out his cock. Kevin turned his head away as tears misted
through his eyes, expecting to be raped. What came instead was even
more shocking. Jeff pissed on him. Right in his face. He coughed,
turning his face into the mud, but the heat of Jeff’s piss hit him in the

Not ready to give up, Kevin kicked out, knocking Jeff off his feet.

He screamed as Jeff pressed a Taser to his chest. His body convulsed
as he fell to the ground.

Jeff leaned down. “I even took care of that officer who you guys

had following me.”

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Chapter Nine

Wyatt couldn’t find Kevin. He’d left a mere ten minutes ago, but

he never came back inside. Where was he? Wyatt started asking
around, but no one had seen him.

He tried to keep the panic from taking over his rational thoughts,

so he went into police mode. He had to be around there somewhere.
They were out in the middle of nowhere. There was no chance that
Jeff found him out here. Was there?

After checking the restroom, Wyatt started to really panic

inwardly, but he kept his cool. Where was he? “Have you seen

It was always the same response. “No.”
He reached for his cell, dialing Sgt. Vance. There was no answer.

That wasn’t like him. Why wasn’t he picking up either? He had to
know where Jeff was.

Pacing, Wyatt didn’t see Kevin come back inside. Wyatt went out

of the cafeteria and headed for his cabin. He slammed open the door,
looking around. “Kevin, are you in here?”

No answer at all. That had him leaving the dorm and circling

around the cabin. He stared out at the forest. As he headed toward the
trail, he thought he heard something, but he couldn’t be sure. All the
hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Wyatt took off down the
trail. Something was not right here. As he rushed through the forest,
he knew he couldn’t stop until he found Kevin. He had to be out
there. Wyatt was sure of it.

Off in the distance, he caught sight of a car running. It didn’t take

him long to recognize Jeff’s SUV. What he saw sent terror raining

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down through his body. He regretted not being armed. Instead, he
knew he needed to use his body to stop Jeff from taking Kevin away
from him. Jeff was struggling to put Kevin in the trunk of his car.
Duct tape bound his face, arms, and legs.

Wyatt came out of the dark and threw a punch at the back of Jeff’s

head, knocking him into the trunk door. He grabbed Jeff by the shirt,
spinning him around and slamming him into a tree. Jeff hit hard and
collapsed to the ground. That didn’t stop Jeff. He kicked out, hitting
Wyatt in the shin and making him stumble backward from the blow.
They fought hard and dirty.

Several punches connected with Wyatt’s face as he hit back even

harder. He kicked and punched Jeff, taking him to the ground. He
heard a moan as hard hits connected with Jeff’s face. It took Jeff
several seconds to stand back up. Wyatt relished the fact that he was
taking all his anger and aggression out on the man who had totally
destroyed Kevin’s life. Wyatt wanted to make him pay for all of it. He
knew he shouldn’t have been escalating the situation, but he couldn’t
help it.

He could see Kevin watching him with wide, fearful eyes. He

wanted to show his sub that he would protect him at all costs. That
thought had Wyatt kicking and punching and wrestling Jeff to the
ground. He wrapped his arm around Jeff’s neck, cutting off his

He lowered his lips to his ears and said, “You’re never going to

have access to my lover again. You’re never going to touch him, and
every time you’re getting raped in a jail cell, you’re going to think of
me fucking you over.”

Jeff tried to get into his pocket, searching for a gun or knife.

Wyatt grabbed his wrist and pinned it at the back of his head, and sat
on him. TJ caught sight of them and came at him fast, sliding into the
dirt and struggling to pin Jeff on his face. The commotion of Wyatt
asking where Kevin was had some of the guys out there searching

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Training Kevin


with him. They knew what was going on and it wasn’t long before
more came running down the trail.

TJ sat up, cuffing Jeff. Wyatt glanced at TJ for the briefest of

seconds before his gaze went to Kevin, who was trying to get out of
the trunk of Jeff’s car. Wyatt jumped up and ran for the love of his
life. With gentle hands, he wrapped them around Kevin’s face,
making sure he was still breathing okay. Relief rushed through his
body when he realized he was going to be okay.

He picked Kevin up out of the trunk and got him to his shaky feet.

There were tears within Kevin’s eyes. Wyatt hated the fact that he
hadn’t been there to protect the man he loved so much. Had he been a
little bit faster, he would have been able to see that Jeff had been
stalking him. He would have been able to protect Kevin from the pain
and suffering of having an ex-boyfriend and stalker try to kill him. As
he looked Kevin over, Wyatt silently vowed to spend the rest of his
life protecting the man he loved.

“Are you okay?”
Kevin nodded his head. Wyatt gently removed the duct tape from

his mouth. TJ came to assist, flipping a knife out of his pocket to cut
the duct tape off Kevin’s legs and hands. When he was completely
free, Wyatt hugged him hard and didn’t let go for a long time.

“Do you want to go to the hospital?” TJ asked.
“No. Just have the doctor check me out. I think I’m going to be


If he had been just a few seconds later, all of this could have been

so much worse. He was so glad to have the man of his dreams at his
side. He couldn’t believe he had come so close to losing everything,
and he was not about to let go of Kevin anytime soon.

* * * *

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Kevin held on tightly to his Dom as they took Jeff away. He

blinked several times as he looked up at Wyatt’s bruised and muddy
face. Off in the distance, the sound of sirens echoed in the night.

Wyatt leaned down and pressed his forehead against Kevin’s. “I

thought I lost you.”

“Are you okay?”
“Yes but Jeff said he did something to Sgt. Vance.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure he’s okay.”
Several hours later, Kevin was finally alone with Wyatt again. He

had gone through the long, painstaking interrogation and writing of
his report. They needed things in order if Jeff was going to go away
for a long time.

When they were alone, Wyatt took Kevin into the shower of his

cabin. They both undressed and got underneath the hot spray. Tears
formed rapidly within Kevin’s eyes as he finally broke down for
everything that had happened between them. Wyatt grabbed onto him
and held him close, letting him cry all over his shoulder. It was a long
time before he finally settled down and felt like he was going to be

“It’s over,” Wyatt said.
“It’s really over?”
“He’s never going to hurt you again. I’ll make sure of that.”
From the sound of Wyatt’s determined voice, Kevin was certain

that Wyatt was going to make sure Jeff went away for a very long
time. It was all he could ask for. He was finally safe and protected and
feeling loved. That was all he ever needed and wanted.

Heat from the shower and the fear of almost dying had Kevin’s

cock filling with blood. Their eyes connected and it was over. Wyatt’s
hungry mouth searched him out and they kissed hard and

The memory of Wyatt taking him only hours before scorched

Kevin’s mind. He wanted everything with his Dom right then and
right there.

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Training Kevin


“Are you sure? Is it too soon?”
“I need you. I need this.”
That was all his Dom needed to hear as he nodded his head once.

He muscled Kevin up against the tile and kissed him passionately. It
was a long time before either one of them came up for air, but when
they finally did, Wyatt reached over and shut off the water. He
reached for a towel, wrapping it around his waist as he led Kevin into
the other room.

Kevin wasn’t sure what to expect but Wyatt was being gentle with

him and that was the last thing he wanted.

“Don’t be gentle with me. I need you and I need this. I don’t want

you to change how you see me.”

Wyatt reached for his cuffs, grabbing them out of his bag, and

linked them up around the end of the bed, checking Kevin’s wrists for
proper circulation as he got started.

A moan of pleasure echoed from Kevin’s parted lips as Wyatt’s

hands moved down over his ass, giving him a firm, possessive
squeeze. The thought of never seeing his Dom again or having him
again tore at his heart. He was so afraid of losing Wyatt, but he was so
glad he had him within his arms.

“Spread your legs wide and lean forward.”
Kevin did what was asked without hesitation. He arched his ass

cheeks out as he glanced over his shoulder. Wyatt smoothed a leather
flogger over his ass and started to flog him. The biting sting of the
flogger on his ass was exactly what Kevin needed to feel. He loved
the way Wyatt took complete control over him.

As Wyatt smoothed the flogger over Kevin’s ass cheeks, spanking

him with it, Kevin felt Wyatt’s hand come around and give a tight,
twisting pull on his cock. It was too much too soon. A shot of pre-
cum ejaculated from his cock, landing on the bunk below. A moan of
pleasure formed on his parted lips as Wyatt smoothed the pads of his
fingers between those ass cheeks and rubbed them over his rim. He
moaned as one of those fingers slid easily deep into his ass.

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Tatum Throne

Another whimper of pleasure escaped his lips as Wyatt guided his

wet cock deep inside Kevin’s ass with his finger still inside. The
pressure against his prostate was too much. He was so fucking hard
and ready to come.

Wyatt removed his fingers, grabbed Kevin’s hips, and started to

fuck him hard. The slap of his hips against Kevin’s ass cheeks sent
Kevin’s cock bouncing up and down against his abs with a smack,
sound. With every hit of his cock against his abs, it sent a shot
of jizz racing over his skin and through the air.

He couldn’t help it. He was so ready. Wyatt moved his hands onto

his hips, grabbing him hard as he said, “Come for me, sub.”

Kevin arched his ass as Wyatt pounded him hard. His cock

sputtered hard with his orgasm. Wyatt reached around, stroking his
dick hard as stream after stream of spunk shot from the tip of his
cockhead. It was then that Wyatt finally let go and came hard, too.

They were both breathing hard as they came down from the wild

ride. Wyatt turned Kevin in his arms and kissed him passionately.
“I’m so glad I have you. I’m never going to let you go ever again.”

It was exactly what Kevin needed to hear in that moment. “I love

you so much.”

“I love you, too.”

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Training Kevin


Chapter Ten

Later that week, they were in the conference room for roll call.

Wyatt was across from Kevin, trying not to dominate him with his

Chief Rask was at the front. “And Lt. Philips is back with us


Cheers erupted in the room. Wyatt smiled. That man is mine.

Their eyes brushed before Kevin glanced away.

Everyone at work was still buzzing from what happened at Camp

Tack. There was a lot of congratulations going around and patting on
the back for Wyatt, TJ, and Kevin. The worst thing that had ever
happened to both of them was now turning into one of the best things.
Chief Rask made a big deal of it as he stood in front of them room.

“If any of you are having problems in your personal lives, please

come and speak with me confidentially. I’m always here for you.”

Wyatt didn’t like all the fanfare and attention, but he could see

that it was helping Kevin break through the ice of what had happened
to him. There were times were Kevin seemed to withdraw, and Wyatt
hated that. He wanted his sub to feel secure and safe again, but all of
that was going to take time.

That evening, they had plans to celebrate his induction onto the

SWAT team. They were heading out to the bar for a few drinks and a
few laughs. It was exactly what Kevin needed to unwind. As the shots
flowed, Wyatt made sure that everyone knew that Kevin was his.
From the looks on everyone’s faces, they were okay with it. He
wanted everyone to know that at night he was going to be at Kevin’s
side to protect him.

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A few hours later, they were on their way home. For the first time

in weeks, he could see Kevin relaxing as he pulled up in front of his
house and parked the car. He leaned across the seat, wrapping his
hand around Kevin’s neck as he gave him a possessive kiss that he
fell all the way down to his toes.

When Wyatt broke his lips away, he could see a spark of heat

flash within Kevin’s eyes. He hoped it would always be that way.
“Let’s go inside. I have a surprise for you.”

“I don’t think I like surprises at all anymore.”
“You will like this one. I promise you.”
They headed up the path, with Wyatt leading the way. When they

came inside, Wyatt led him to his bedroom where he gave him an

“Take off your clothes.”
It was clear that he hadn’t expected his Dom to take control of

him this way tonight. When Kevin was completely naked, Wyatt
crossed the room with a blue Tiffany box and held it gently in front of
him. Kevin’s eyes went wide as his shaky hands reach for the box. He
opened it up and a moan of pleasure escaped his lips.

A bright smile spread across his face and his eyes lit up. With

gentle fingers, he skimmed the top of the chain that was inside.

“Do you like it?”
“I absolutely love it.”
“I hope you would, and I hope you’ll never take it off.”
The silver chain would lay flat against his skin. Wyatt took it out

of the box and put it around his neck, smoothing it around his
collarbone. It was perfect, and the man who he loved was perfect.

“This makes you mine. Forever. And I want you to marry me.”
Kevin’s hungry gaze searched his face. He nodded his head,

swallowing hard. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”

Wyatt took Kevin into his arms. He was going to show him

exactly how much he loved him. He led him to stand beneath the
exposed wooden ceiling beams, positioning his arms and legs with the

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Training Kevin


ropes so that he was suspended by his ankles. Wyatt worked a rope
around his cock and balls, tying him up to the beam. He tied the ropes
around Kevin’s arms and legs, making him completely immobile.
When he was upside down and hanging like a bat, he was right where
Wyatt wanted him.

When Kevin was completely exposed to him, Wyatt went to get

the bottle of lube. He lubed up the butt plug and gently inserted it into
his sub’s ass. He worked a chain around his hips, cock, and balls. He
loved the chastity ring that Kevin would always keep in place when
he was outside their playroom.

It made Wyatt feel good that his lover would completely submit to

him in every way imaginable. With the butt plug deep within Kevin’s
ass, Wyatt circled around and arched Kevin’s head back, slipping his
cock deep inside his mouth. He loved the feel of Kevin opening his
mouth wide as he sucked Wyatt’s dick inside. He loved the sound of
his breathing coming in hard, strong sucks as he closed Kevin’s
airway off with his big cock.

Wyatt backed off and slowly pushed it in again. He loved the

quiet whimpering sounds his sub made as he sucked Wyatt’s dick.
Wyatt watched as his prick moved in and out of his sub’s mouth. It
felt so good—too good. Before he could stop it from happening, he
felt a shot of jizz race over his submissive’s tongue. A moan of
pleasure escaped Kevin’s lips as he realized what he was doing to his

That made him suck harder and faster on Wyatt’s cock. To stop

him, Wyatt reached down and gave his neck a possessive, gentle
squeeze. Wyatt instinctively knew he needed to take control of Kevin
before he got out of control. Kevin moaned in response and backed
off on his cock. Wyatt came around and removed the butt plug. He
moved his cock forward and tipped it up against Kevin’s rim.

He pushed his cock deep within his sub and grabbed hold of his

hips as he came inside. He fucked Kevin hard. He loved the way the
tip of his cockhead pumped up against Kevin’s prostate. His cock was

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hard and ready and throbbing. He looked down at his submissive’s

It wouldn’t be much longer before he came. He wanted to see his

lover come hard, sending his jizz up flying over his abdomen. He
reached down and fisted Kevin’s cock in his palm, stroking it up and
down. He rubbed his thumb across the tip of his cockhead, loving the
whispers of pleasure that came from a submissive.

After hours of edging, Kevin was getting out of control. Wyatt

knew he had to put him out of his misery and let him come. “Come
for me.”

A groan erupted from Kevin’s hungry mouth as he cried out with

every thrust and pull on his cock. He came hard, sending spunk flying
up over his abdomen. When he finished coming, Wyatt looked
proudly down at a submissive.

He loved Kevin. He loved him so much.

* * * *

Life was perfect, Kevin thought as he pulled into Wyatt’s

driveway. Kevin loved being with his Dom. At work, they were
completely professional. Well, at least they tried to be. There were
times when they both fell short. It was fine with Kevin, but he knew
they needed to be careful. That was why Kevin made sure to stay
away from Wyatt when they were at work during the day.

As Kevin opened the front door, he picked up the mail that had

fallen through the slot. He flipped through the mail, sorting out the
junk mail, but his hand paused when he saw an envelope from the

Overtime pay was always paid through the mail. His hands shook

as he flipped around the envelope several times. He couldn’t recall
Wyatt working any overtime over the last few weeks. They had
always been together. The realization of it hit him hard. He froze.
Chief Rask had paid Wyatt to stay at his side.

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Training Kevin


Embarrassment flooded his system. God, he was such a fool. How

could he believe that Wyatt truly wanted him when he was being paid
to be with him? He went upstairs. The day was ruined. Everything
was ruined. How was he supposed to look Wyatt in the face when he
knew Wyatt had been paid to stay with him?

The sound of the front door opening and closing told him that

Wyatt was home from the grocery. How was he going to face him and
talk to him about this? He just couldn’t. He was so fucking

“Hey, babe.”
Tears misted through Kevin’s eyes when he turned to look at his

Dom. He clutched the envelope in his hand. “When were you going to
tell me about this?”

“Chief Rask insisted that he pay me. The money didn’t mean

anything at all. I was going to protect you regardless.”

“How am I supposed to believe that when you got paid to fuck me

on the side?”

Wyatt crossed the room with quick strides. He grabbed the

envelope out of Kevin’s hand and ripped it three times, dropping the
pieces onto the floor. He pushed him up against the wall and kissed
him possessively, taking all of Kevin’s breath away.

“I love you. I have always loved you from the first moment I saw

you in the bullpen, passing by me on my first day of work. I fell in
love with you and only you. There is nothing you can do to stop me
from loving you.”

Surprise and shock moved through Kevin’s body. He truly loved

him. It was all the reassurance he needed. “I’m sorry for doubting
you. I just—”

“You had no idea. I completely understand how it looked. Trust

that I love you and always will love you.”

Kevin melted against his Dom. Shock moved through his system

as Wyatt easily picked him up and took him to the bed, easing him

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down onto it. He kissed Kevin hard. It was going to be a long time
before they came up for air and that was fine with him.



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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, two rowdy rabbits named Coco and Fluffy,
and one hamster named Scampers.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find her on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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