Training Pact Tatum Throne

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Hard Hits 15

Training Pact

Agent Pact Abbey is in town for training with the CPD District Two
when Chief Rask asks him for a favor—to locate a missing officer.

Breaking the rules of interrogation, Pact will do everything in his
power to find Trek.

Sgt. Trek Vance has made a fatal mistake in the field by getting

too close while doing surveillance. Knocked out, he wakes up to
discover he’s quickly running out of air and time. When his broken

cell phone connects to the man looking for him, Trek holds on

Pact is a Dom who isn’t looking for a submissive until he saves
Trek’s life. Only in town for three short weeks, he shouldn’t get

too close, but he can’t help himself. While Trek falls fast and hard
for Pact, he knows they are making a mistake by hooking up. It’s
not possible to fall in love in three short weeks.

Or is it?

Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 23,886 words

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Hard Hits 15

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2016 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-638-0

First E-book Publication: December 2016

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

If you have purchased this copy of Training Pact by Tatum Throne
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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For the Throne boys, always. I want to give a special thank you to

my amazing editor for their excellent work on this book as well as
their encouragement! It’s greatly appreciated!

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Hard Hits 15


Copyright © 2016

Chapter One

Water dripped onto the middle of Trek’s forehead. Drip. Chills.

Drip. Slide. Sgt. Trek Vance blinked open his eyes, searching for light
but there wasn’t any. Everything hurt. The pain was mind-numbing.

What had happened? He was in trouble and if he didn’t get out of

this he was going to die. Darkness surrounded him. His legs and
wrists were bound with duct tape. Fear twisted through his gut as his
heart started to race. He was fucked if he didn’t keep calm. How long
had he been out? And more importantly, where the actual fuck was

He snapped the duct tape from his wrists and worked fast at the

tape around his ankles. His fingers were shaking despite working hard
to stay calm. When he was free, he took a moment to collect
himself…to think.

It was his birthday today. He was turning thirty-six and had

nothing but work to show for it. He’d never married or had kids. Of
course, he wasn’t the type of guy who would marry a woman. He was
gay and alone for the last two years.

Work had been an excuse for his love life being so bad. Now that

he was about to die he was wondering if it was all worth it? Right

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now, he wasn’t so sure. He had always wanted kids but he always
thought there would be time. Now, it was all gone.

He thought back to the last hour, trying to make sense of what had

happened. He had been following the doctor as a favor to Wyatt and
lost the guy. On a hunch, he doubled back toward the guy’s house and
parked on the street. When a light clicked on inside the house, Trek
had gotten out of his car and headed around the side.

Seconds later, it was lights out for him.
Even now, his head was ringing with a slight headache from being

struck from behind. That had him running his hand over the back of
his head, feeling the bump and sticky wetness of blood. He was lucky
to be alive. He pressed the spot. It was sore.

Trek rolled over, looking around. Light filtered through a crack

above him. He reached up, smoothing his hands over the wooden
slats. Dirt above him sifted through the rotting timber, raining down
upon his face. A chill raced over his skin. He was below ground. He
hoped to God, if there even was one, that he wasn’t buried.

Panic made him suddenly feel sick. He worked hard to try to keep

his gut from lurching but he couldn’t. He gagged several times,
spitting out dirt and fear next to him. When his gut finally settled,
tears misted his eyes. He did not want to die on his birthday—not like

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Chapter Two

Agent Pact Abbey was on his way back to his hotel when his cell

chimed with a message. He reached for his cell, taking it off his belt
and glancing at it as he drove. As he read, a chill raced down his
spine. It was Chief Rask. The man never called for personal favors
unless shit was about to go down or already had. Fuck.

He slowed his car and dialed Chief Rask’s cell. His long-time

friend picked up on the second ring. “Rask.”

“This is Pact. What’s going on?”
“We have a problem.”
A second chill raced over his skin, causing Pact to grip the

steering wheel tightly. “I’m listening.”

“You know about the stalking situation. Well, the doctor finally

made a move but I can’t get in touch with Sgt. Vance. I think
something’s wrong. I can’t get ahold of him.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing. I’ll swing by his place. There’s probably a

reasonable explanation for him not contacting you.”

“He was tailing the doctor.”
Pact’s gut twisted as he clenched his cell phone. This was not

good. He listened as the chief rattled off the address. “I’ll call you
back after I swing by his place.”

“Thanks, Pact.”
Pact gripped the wheel of his Navigator as he pulled a U-turn in

an empty parking lot. Sgt. Vance’s place was ten minutes out. Pact
made the drive in five by taking back roads. Nervous energy pumped
through his blood as he shut off his vehicle and headed toward the

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front door to Vance’s house. All the lights were off inside. His car
was missing. From what he knew, Vance lived alone.

Out of caution, Pact glanced through the windows, seeing

moonlight slant across the hardwood floors. Well, Trek Vance didn’t
live completely alone. There was a black cat with a white lightning
bolt down its nose with even more splashes of white on its front paws.
It mewed as it jumped onto the windowsill.

Someone was hungry. Pact knocked and rang the bell several

times. When Vance didn’t come to the door, he tried the handle. It
was locked up tight. He went around the side of the house, heading up
the back deck to the single door. It, too, was secure. Pact glanced
around, seeing a small fake rock in a garden by the deck. He flipped it
over, finding a silver key.

The key slipped easily into the deadbolt lock. Pact went inside,

checking for the beep of an alarm. Relief moved through him when he
realized there wasn’t one. “Where are you, Trek?”

From the looks of things, it appeared that he hadn’t yet been home

for the day. The cat ran through the kitchen doorway and started to
circle his legs. Pact leaned down, scratching the cat behind its soft
velvety ears, making him purr.

“You look like a Bolt.”
“So, where is he? Did he tell you where he was going tonight?”

The cat meowed loudly. “Hungry?”

The cat rushed toward a pantry door, pushing it open. Pact found a

bag of cat food and poured enough in the cat’s dish for a couple of
days. He gave Bolt fresh water, too. With the cat settled down eating,
Pact moved through the house. A sense of urgency fussed through his
system. He felt as though he were running out of time. The sensation
was unnerving. He didn’t like to open a case this way.

Hardwood floors yawned from room to room. It was tidy and neat.

Mail was strewn on the foyer floor from where the mailman had
dropped it through the slot. It looked like several days’ worth stacked

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up. Worry had Pact going up the stairs, all the while knowing he
wouldn’t find Vance. The man had not been home for a while.

Pact’s cell phone chimed with a text as he found the master

bedroom. He glanced down. Chief Rask sent Vance’s cell phone
number to him.

As he moved into the master bedroom, he dialed the number by

swiping his finger over the screen on his phone. He listened to the
buzz of the line as he looked around. The room was military clean.
The bed was made. It was clear he lived alone and liked things
orderly. He went to the closet and flipped on the light. The walk-in
closet had built in shelves. The only sign of it being used were the
jogging shoes kicked off in the corner by a gym bag that was
unzipped and spilling out. At the end of the closet there was an
updated bathroom.

An electric toothbrush stood sentinel in the corner. When Pact

turned, something glinted, catching his eye as he headed back through
the closet. He slid the panel all the way open and he froze. There was
a series of metal chains and handcuffs that looked as though they
were used for sexual purposes. As a Dom, he knew what everything
in this closet was used for. Still, Vance could just be into kink. So
many couples were nowadays.

Yes, please. Hurt me.
The thought rocked through the rational side of his brain. Pact felt

his ears burn with heat and his rim tingle as his cock filled to the point
of discomfort before he could stop it from happening. His cock flexed
out roughly, causing him to smooth his hand down over his fly to
adjust. He had no idea if Sgt. Vance was gay but this sure as hell had
him wondering what the man did with those chains in his spare time.
He just hoped he got to ask him in person.

Pact closed the closet door, taking a steadying breath. His heart

was racing for a man he barely knew. Another wave of urgency
pushed him forward. He finished his sweep of the house—not seeing

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Training Pact


anything out of order. Bolt met him in the hallway at the top of the
stairs, mewing. “Sorry, big guy. You’re going to have to stay here.”

Bolt eyed him, twitching and jerking his tail as he raced down the

stairs. Several minutes later, he was locking up and heading across
town to the doctor’s house. There was already a patrol car at the
scene. Pact found Vance’s car parked down the street. He clicked on
his flashlight, looking inside—nothing was out of place.

He headed back to the car, dialing Rask. He picked up on the first

ring. “Did you find him?”

“No, you?”
The chief sighed heavily. “No. Get down to District Two. I want

you in on this interview. And meet me at the back entrance.”

Pact turned over the engine and gunned it. “Okay. On my way.”
When he pulled between the metal fencing to the back entrance of

District Two, Chief Rask was outside waiting for him. Pact fell into
step with him as they entered the back of the building and down a
long narrow hallway.

Pact had known Rask for a long time. He considered him one of

his childhood friends. They had both spent their summers in the
muddy creeks of the Tennessee valley. He would do anything for the

“I need you to get some answers out of him. We need to find Sgt.

Vance. I’m almost one hundred percent certain that Dr. Jeff Hood had
something to do with it. We brought him in for attempted murder and
stalking of one of our own.”

They hesitated outside of processing and the interview room.

“You may not want to be in here for this.”

“I’ll wait outside.”
“Give me ten minutes. Don’t worry. He won’t be suing the


“Do what you need to.”
The doctor was cuffed and slumped in the chair behind the table.

There were no cameras or mirrors in this interview room. Pact came

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in close, leaning down onto the table with his palm while his free
hand held the back of the guy’s chair.

“Where is he?”
“Sgt. Vance.”
A gleam filtered through his cold eyes. “I don’t know who that


Pact grabbed the back of his neck, giving it a hard squeeze. “We

can do this one of two ways, the hard or the harder. Which one will it

“I want my lawyer.”
Pact backed off and circled around the table. “Sure thing. What

kind of doctor are you?”

“I just finished my fellowship as a trauma surgeon.”
“So, you work with your hands.”
Before the guy could reply, Pact snaked his hands across the table,

yanking up the cuffs and giving them a hard twist. Jeff cried out as his
body came across the table. Pact leaned onto the cuffs, putting tension
on his wrist to cut off circulation.

“Now, tell me where he is.”
“My house! 145 Beechwood.”
Twisting the cuffs more he asked, “Where at the house?”
“Backyard. Bunker.”
Pact leaned down, grabbing the guy by the neck. “If he’s not

there, I’m going to come back and break your fingers one by one.”

“He is! Jesus!”
Armed with the new information, Pact let go of the man and

watched him slump into the chair, clutching his wrist.

“Fucking asshole!”
Pact glared as he went toward the door. Chief Rask was outside as

he opened the door. “He’s at the doctor’s house.”

“Let’s go.”
“Give me Vance’s cell.”

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Training Pact


Chief Rask rattled it off. “I’ve been trying his cell with no


As they headed for the back entrance, Pact dialed Sgt. Vance’s

cell as he pushed his palm against the door. Still, there was no answer.
“I’ll meet you there.”

“I’m two minutes behind you with my men.”
Pact ran to his car as he was hanging up his cell. He put the

address into his GPS. It was a few minutes away. He hit the gas as the
rain started to hammer the roof of his car. He had a nagging feeling
that he was running out of time.

* * * *

Where was it? Trek heard his cell phone going off again. He

couldn’t find it within the darkness of the pit he was in. He searched
frantically as he heard the ring cycle start to end. “Fuck. Call me

He waited. His heart was banging against his ribs. The darkness

was all consuming as he tried to hang on to the person who was
calling him—willing them to ring him again. Relief moved through
his blood when his cell started to go off. Fear left him suddenly
immobile as he realized the cell was not in the room with him. He
flipped up onto his back, kicking his feet out at the wooden slats
above his head. He hit it over and over, splintering the wood as the
ringing of his phone echoed just beyond his reach.

As the board splintered, Trek reached out and pulled at the broken

slat. With sweat dripping down his brow, he broke through just
enough to slip his body through the opening. On the dirty floor, Trek
saw his smashed cell phone glowing and ringing. It had obviously
been stomped on. He grabbed the phone, trying to answer it before it
dumped into voice mail.

“I’m here!”
“Sgt. Vance?”

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A deep male voice sounded very far away but it was the only

person he had to hold on to. “Who is this?” He struggled to hear the
man’s voice as he gave his name. “I can barely hear you. My phone
was damaged when I was…abducted.”

“Stay…on…hold on to the line.”
“You’re breaking up. Where are you?”
Cold fear went through Trek as he looked around. He wasn’t sure

where he was. Silver metal surrounded him like a steel coffin in a half
dome shape. It looked like an old fallout shelter from the sixties.
There was a green couch and a small table but no food or water

Panic raced through him as he realized there was a good chance

he wasn’t going to get out of this alive. “I don’t know.”

“It’s okay. Just tell me what you see.”
He tried to steady his racing heart. Lights barely illuminated his

surroundings. “I’m in some type of underground bunker. I was held in
a box that I kicked open.”

“Are you hurt?”
“No. I don’t know where I am. I don’t know where you can find


“Just stay calm. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“I don’t see how it will be.”
“Just give me a chance to the get you out of this.”
For some reason, Vance had the urge to laugh. Before he could

stop it from happening, laughter spilled from his lips. “You and I both
know that I am not going to live through this.”

“You’re to be singing a different tune when I rescue you.”
“Is that so?”
Something raw and sexual zipped through Trek’s body, causing

his cock to fill with heat. The feeling left him speechless. He couldn’t
believe this man’s deep voice could practically send him over the
edge. It had been a really long time since any man had caught his

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Training Pact


interests. It was clear to him that the stressful situation had sent his
body into overdrive and his mind into the gutter.

“Are you still there?”
The sound of the man’s deep voice knocked him out of his

thoughts. He finally was back to the present and the fact that he
wasn’t going to get out of this anytime soon. “Can you trace my

“We have you in a two-mile radius.”
“That could be here.”
“I can hear the sarcasm in your voice.”
“Can you?”
The line was starting to break up. Outside, Trek thought he could

hear the sound of rain in the distance. “I think I’m losing you.”

A chill raced through Trek’s body as the line went dead. He

gripped the phone tightly as he pulled it away from his ear. All hope
left his body. How was he going to get out of this alive?

The sound of running water trickled above his head. He chased

down the source, finding a small stream of runoff filling the bunker.
He frantically tried his phone but he couldn’t get a call to go out.
Panic constricted his throat, threatening to send him into a stress
induced asthma attack he hadn’t had since childhood. He stared down
at the phone, willing it to ring again. Silence echoed painfully back.

He tried the phone again. It rang. He heard the man on the other

end pick up. “I’m here.”

“Hello? I can’t hear you. Are you there?”
“I’m here!”
“I still can’t hear you. Stay on the line either way.”
Rainwater dripped down over Vance’s face. He searched for

something to stop the water from coming in. He found a pillow from
the couch and held it up above him. The water rushed around the
pillow despite plugging the hole. Water filled around his ankles. It
was as though a downspout outside was being directed into the

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Tatum Throne

bunker. A river was now streaming down over his hands. It was futile
to keep trying to plug it.

The water was now up to his knees, dirty and cold. Trek backed

away from the wall, letting the pillow fall away. There was no way he
was plugging this hole. The phone was wet and gripped in his pale
right hand. He was inwardly shaking. He could still hear the man’s
voice on the other end.

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Training Pact


Chapter Three

Pact came to a screeching stop outside the doctor’s darkened

house. He stared at it as the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.
In the dark eerie glow of evening, rain hammered the house into
submission. The old house looked like something out of a horror flick
despite its trendy neighborhood. Vance could be anywhere.

Before he jumped out, he tried to call the phone again. He heard it

connect but Vance’s voice sounded really far away. “Can you hear the

“Yes, it’s pounding right above me.”
On a hunch, Pact raced toward the back of the doctor’s house,

looking around for any disturbed grass—anywhere it may have been
trampled down. Lightning flashed across the sky, catching a glint of
silver in the grass and sparking fear to chill his entire body. He slid on
his knees, reaching for that piece of silver, grabbing at it but it
wouldn’t budge.

“I think I found you. Is the water coming in above you?”
“Hold on for a little bit longer. I’ll get you out of this. I promise.”
Despite his reassurance, Pact wasn’t so sure he would be able to

save this man’s life. The more he dug out the embankment, the more
dirt he found. He could be ten feet down for all he knew. Water
pooled around his knees as he dug. Lightning flashed above the sky
with thunder chasing after it like a spurned ex-lover. Within the flash
of light, Pact caught sight of a shed. He ran for it, yanking the door
open and grabbing a shovel. Probably the same shovel the good old
doctor had used to bury Vance alive.

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Over his shoulder, he heard sirens scream into the night. Vance

just needed to hold on for a little bit longer.

* * * *

Trek wanted to run and beat his way out through the barricaded

door but he knew he couldn’t. He was trapped. Way on the other end
of the phone, there was just a man who was desperate to find him.
Trek wanted to survive. He wanted to find out who this man was on
the other end of the phone who was trying to save his life.

Right now, he wasn’t too sure he was in the right state of mind to

live. His head hurt and his entire body shook with adrenaline. The
water continued to rise around his knees. There was a good chance he
wasn’t going to make it out of this steel coffin.

He dug deep down inside of himself, going to the depths of his

very soul to figure out a way out of this bunker. He did not want his
brothers to pull his lifeless body from this watery grave.

On the other end of the phone, he heard the sound of the man’s

voice, steady and strong with an edge of panic. Above him, dirt
shifted. Mud started to fall through the cracks in the roof.

Trek heard the sound of shovels hitting the top of the bunker,

echoing loudly as water rushed into the bunker. On the other end of
the phone, he heard the man’s voice come through.

“We found you. Are you okay?”
“I’m hanging in there.”
“How’s the water level?”
“It’s rising. It’s up to my waist now.”
“Don’t worry. We’re going to get you out of this.”
Trek wasn’t too sure. The disruption of the bunker around them

had caused the water to come in faster and stronger. “You need to
hurry. It’s rising faster.”

Trek backed up when he heard the sound of shovels hitting above

him and then he heard the sound he never thought he’d be so glad to

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hear in his entire life. It sounded like a jackhammer or something
more powerful. Jaws of life ripped into the bunker.

Before he could see anything, he saw the faces of his rescuers

reaching for him. Just as strong hands grabbed for him, water rushed
around Trek, dragging him under, pulling him down deep into the
watery grave. His eyes focused on the steel blue eyes that were above
him. They were stunned and frightened, just as scared as he was to be
drowning this way. The man reached down, grabbing for his arm but
his hand slipped through.

The man jumped into the bunker, grabbing him around the waist

and pulling him up. They were face to face and chest to chest. Trek
was breathing hard and holding on tight to the man who suddenly was
his strength. He wasn’t a man who normally leaned on anyone and
here was this man he didn’t know who he wanted to hold on to

Tears rushed to Trek’s eyes when he realized that it wouldn’t be

possible. Just because he was saved by this man it didn’t mean they
were going to spend a lifetime together. If anything, it would make
every encounter they had after this a very awkward situation. Trek
was glad his face was wet. He didn’t want to look so vulnerable in
front of the men he worked with.

Above them, the team surrounded them and quickly pulled them

out of the water. Trek was dragged out onto the grass and took slow
deep breaths. The man who had saved him was looming above him,
checking for any sign of problems. The entire time the man who
saved his life stayed at his side.

Chief Rask rushed over to his side. “You okay?”
His rescuer glowered. “You need to get to a hospital.”
“No hospital. I’m fine.”
“You should listen to Agent Pact Abbey,” Rask said.
The man who was giving the order and who had saved his life

frowned hard and deep as though he didn’t look like he was going to

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take “no” for an answer. In fact, it was then that Trek realized he
wasn’t local law enforcement at all. In fact, that slow, southern drawl
told him that he was from down South—way South. “Who are you?”

“Someone who happened to be in the right place at the right

time.” And then he winked.

Something deep within Trek began to solidify, and he wasn’t

about to let go of that feeling ever again. Trek glanced at the chief.
“Did you find Kevin’s ex-boyfriend Dr. Hood?”

“We got him. He’s in custody. He abducted Kevin at Camp Tack

and did a number on him.”

“Is Kevin okay?”
“He was shaken up. It’s going to be okay after a while.” Chief

Rask shook his head. “I can’t believe the doctor abducted you.”

“I can’t believe I gave the doctor a chance to.”
“At least you’re safe now. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“I hope so.”
Trek was very aware of the man who saved his life off in the

distance who was getting checked out by the paramedic. “Who’s

“A friend. He’s in town for SWAT training. He works for the

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.”

Vance nodded his head. So he had been right in his assessment,

this man wasn’t from around here and in fact he probably wouldn’t be
around for long. There was a good chance he wouldn’t be getting his
happily ever after—not with this man.

Chief Rask tapped him on the shoulder. “You sure you don’t want

to go to the hospital?”

Trek shook his head, rubbing his hands through his wet hair. “No,

I don’t.”

He was coming down off the adrenaline rush and there was a good

chance he was experiencing trauma but he didn’t care. He had enough
training experience to know what he needed to feel better. He just

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needed a warm shower and his bed right now. “I just need to get home
and get out of these wet clothes.”

Chief Rask nodded his head. “You and me both. It’s been a long

few days, and I don’t want to replay this anytime soon.”

As Trek looked across the yard and the rain covered trees

separating him from Pact, there was a good chance he would be
replaying this moment in his dreams for a very long time. He wasn’t
about to say anything more to Chief Rask. He didn’t want him to
know how much the TBI agent had shaken him to the core.

* * * *

Rain hammered down upon Trek as he tried to make sense of the

last forty-eight hours. Chief Rask had moved toward Pact to speak
with him privately. Trek had almost died and the man who had saved
him was now watching him closely. After speaking with the chief,
Pact nodded his head and came back toward him.

He wouldn’t leave him as Trek leaned up against his unmarked

police vehicle. Chief Rask was speaking but his jumbled mind
wouldn’t make sense of the words until the word hospital knocked
him upside the head again, ringing his bell back to reality.

“No hospital. I’m fine.”
“Bullshit. I want you checked out.”
Chief Rask turned his gaze away from him, which was exactly

what Trek wanted. He did not like all this fucking attention because
he had screwed up in the field. Rask spoke to the man at his side but
Trek couldn’t make out what he was saying. It was as though he was
purposely keeping him out of the loop. Finally, the chief pinned him
with a hard stare that would have made most men question their
ability to do their job.

“Pact is going to take you home. Make sure he gets there.”
“I will.”

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The chief moved away, leaving Vance alone with the guy he owed

his life, too. He needed to thank him but every time he tried to form
the words a lump appeared in the back of his throat and tears stung his
eyes. God, he wasn’t one to ever cry and here he was about to start
bawling like a little kid who couldn’t play with the grownups.

“Ready to get going?”
He was. That man’s voice was still steady and calm. Why

wouldn’t he just leave him alone? “Yeah. I’m tired. It’s been a long

“I’ll follow you home.”
Shock momentarily went through Vance’s mind. He hadn’t

expected the guy to give him what he wanted—peace and quiet—time
to be alone. “Sure.”

As Vance got behind the wheel, those tears again threatened him

at gunpoint. He pressed his fingers tightly to his eyes before sticking
the key into the ignition. From behind him, he saw headlights come
on so he pulled out onto the road, heading past all the crime scene
tape that was now blocking off the road and the doctor’s house.

He drove across town to the old house he’d bought a few months

ago. There were renovations he’d been working on for months. The
house was livable but in a state he wouldn’t want anyone to see. As he
parked in the driveway, he saw Pact pull in next to him, shutting off
his car. Before he could send him on his way, the guy was locking his
car with the keyless remote and heading up the walkway behind him.

“Thanks for following me home. I’m good.”
“The chief gave me orders to make sure you’re okay. That means

I’m staying the night.”

“Uh. I don’t think the chief meant that you had to stay.”
“Yes, he did. You want to call him and argue this?”
He didn’t.

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So, he turned and unlocked the door with the man who was

suddenly his shadow following him inside. When he locked the door
behind him, Vance completely fell apart. His knees went weak as he
crumpled to the floor. Strong arms came around him, catching him
before he fell on his head. Soft sobs shook his shoulders as Pact held
him tightly to his chest, sitting both of their asses on the floor. Vance
gripped Pact’s shirt tightly as he cried into his strong shoulder. The
impact of the last two days hit him so hard that he was an emotional

“Let it out. I got you.”
Soft words whispered across his ear. Those warm lips continued

to flutter words of encouragement. One of those strong hands moved
into his hair, softly caressing his neck and head. After a long time, his
sobs and tears ended. He became very aware of the fact that Pact was
still holding him closely—not letting him go anytime soon. He heard
the steady beat of Pact’s heart beneath his ear. One of those warm
hands caressed his jaw and cheek, wiping the tears away.

“You okay?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
Those fingers lifted his jaw until they were eye to eye. Everything

around Vance faded away and his heart started to race for other
reasons. His cock flooded with heat as his body awakened to this
stranger’s touch. He didn’t even know if the guy was gay. He bit his
lip as he worried about making the wrong move. As Pact’s eyes held
him, he looked as though he were torn.

“I’m okay.”
Still, Pact said nothing. He only held him tighter.
A roaring started within his ears as Pact leaned down and brushed

his lips across Vance’s. They were hot, full, and demanding. A quiet
moan of desperation whispered from his mouth as he fell hard into the
stranger’s kiss. He didn’t want Pact to let him go anytime soon.

* * * *

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Pact shouldn’t be doing this. What the hell was he doing? Vance

had been traumatized. The last thing he needed was this complication.
Taking control of this man felt so right as he kissed him hard and
passionately. Those needy hands gripped his shirt. He couldn’t recall
the time any man had needed him like this. Before he could stop
himself, he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into Trek’s mouth,
flexing and twisting it with curiosity.

He wanted to taste the man that he almost lost before knowing. He

wanted to give him a little bit of happiness within the storm. As the
kiss went on and on, making him dizzy, Pact knew he had to hit the
brakes before they both did something they would regret in the
morning. As he reluctantly broke his lips away, Pact felt Vance chase
after him for more. Pact held Vance’s face with his palms. Neither
one said anything. Hungry eyes silently pleaded with him for more.
Vance’s lips were swollen and wet from their kiss. Without warning,
he felt Trek’s hand smooth over his cock.

The simple word hit him so hard that a shot of cum rocketed from

his cockhead, staining his briefs. “Not now. Not like this.” He stilled
Vance’s seeking hand, gripping it tightly. “You need time.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.”
“It’s not that. I just want to take it slow. You’ve been through a lot


He hated putting on the breaks when Trek needed him so

desperately but he wanted his lover thinking clearly when he took
control of him. Abruptly, Trek pulled away. He had hurt him but he
knew he had to be sure before he took him on. Standing up, he headed
up the stairs of the old house. He knew without a doubt that Trek was
upset with him. Fuck.

Frustration had Pact running both hands through his hair and

down over his face. He looked down, putting his hands on his hips as
he stared at his throbbing cock through his tactical pants. He had no

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plans on staying long in Cincinnati. He was only here to train with
SWAT and then head back to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
He shouldn’t start anything with a guy he wouldn’t be able to be with
in the long run. It was a foolish move. Not to mention that it could
ruin both of their careers.

When he heard the shower click on, Pact followed him up the

stairs and into the master bedroom. His place was neat with masculine
modern tones. It honestly looked like the guy opened up a catalog and
ordered everything he saw in the pictures. That thought brought a
smile to his face. A soft purr echoed from around his feet as Bolt
curled around his ankles in a slow dance. Pact leaned down picking
up Bolt, giving him a scratched on his head.

With a quick glance around, Pact headed toward the bathroom,

seeing the door ajar. He glanced inside. Trek was standing with his
head hung under the shower and his palms pressed against the tile.
Strong hard lines of muscle were visible through the long glass panel.
The bathroom had been recently renovated—new tile, new shower,
new tub in the far corner. Bolt wiggled in his hands, so he set him
down. Jealousy stole Pact’s breath away as Bolt went into the
bathroom, getting an up-close view of Vance.

There was also a dressing room in the middle with a closet with

mirrors on either side. All of it shaped in a T. The heat of their kiss
lingered on his mind. Temptation had him wanting to undress and to
get into the shower with him. Instead, he opened the bathroom door
and leaned his shoulder against the frame, waiting to make sure that
Vance was doing okay.

With the creak of the door, Vance glanced over his shoulder.

Their eyes locked before he glanced away. There was a tremble in the
way he moved.

“Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah. You can go.”
“I’d rather stay. I made a promise to the chief that I would look

out for you.”

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Tension vibrated through his shoulders as he shut off the water

and wrapped a bright white towel around his waist. The contrast was
striking. Vance was tall and thickly muscled. He was taller than most
of the men he normally dated. In fact, he usually went for guys who
were lean like runners. Vance was different and that was what made
him so intriguing.

“I’ll take care of dinner.”
A few minutes later, Pact was downstairs standing in the kitchen.

It was in a state of being renovated. He headed for the fridge and
opened the door. It was pretty much empty. That had him pulling out
his cell phone and finding the number for a local Chinese restaurant
that delivered late. After ordering for two, he heard footsteps on the

“I hope you like Chinese.”
“That’s perfect.”
Loose fitting jeans, bare feet, and a T-shirt that clung perfectly

made Pact’s mouth water. He was hungry for this man. “Nice place
you have.”

“I’ve been slowly working through renovations.”
“It looks great.”
“You want to talk about what happened?”
He half shrugged. “I’m okay.”
Pact didn’t believe him but knew he couldn’t push Vance until he

was ready to talk about things. He knew the gist of it. Bolt circled
Pact’s feet again, so he picked him. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“Samson likes you. He usually doesn’t like the guys I bring


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Letting his gaze go heavy, Pact let it wonder up over Vance. “Are

there a lot of guys you like to bring home?”

Vance blushed. “Uh. Not really. A few over the last several


Reluctantly, Pact turned his gaze toward the cat in his arms. “I

thought for sure you were named Bolt.”

The cat mewed, making Vance chuckle. “I think he prefers Bolt.”
This time the cat started to purr. Vance came toward them and

reached out, petting the cat’s ears. When Pact felt their hands brush, a
jolt of awareness coursed hard through his body. God, he wanted this

The doorbell rang, jolting them both apart. Vance stepped away as

Pact let Bolt jump from his arms. Pact paid for the takeout, bringing
the bags into the kitchen. There was a strange look on Vance’s face
when he came back.

“You should go.”
“I’m staying.”
“I don’t want you here.”
Very carefully, Pact set the food down on the table. He turned

toward Sgt. Trek Vance and backed him up against the kitchen sink,
blocking him in. A few inches taller, Pact used his height as an
advantage to reassure Trek that everything was going to be okay.
“You’re emotionally wounded tonight. Let me take care of you,

He could see that Trek’s heart was racing. “Let me take care of


Trek nodded but wouldn’t look at him. That had Pact smooth his

hand down over his jaw, tilting it up. He smoothed his thumb over his
lower lip, wanting more. The tip of Trek’s tongue snaked out, licking
and tasting his thumb.

“God, you’re making this hard on me.”
Trek’s hands moved over his hips, pulling him in close so that

their hard pricks could rub together. Pact gritted his back teeth.

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“Have sex with me,” Trek begged.
A moan of desperation vibrated through Pact’s chest. He could

easily fall into this man’s arms for the night but he wasn’t ready for
an awkward morning. He did not want to fuck this opportunity up by
sleeping with a man he was supposed to be taking care of.

With regret filling his heart, he leaned in, taking another taste of

the man he so desperately wanted. The kiss spiraled out of control
with Trek gripping him tightly, pulling at his shirt as he tried to get it
off of him. He wanted to make this man come hard while he shouted
his name. It was so wrong but it felt so fucking right.

They were both breathing hard as Pact broke his lips away,

leaning his forehead against Trek’s. For the first time in his life, he
didn’t want this moment to end. Around them, the kitchen was a mess
from knocking the bags of Chinese food onto the floor. He wanted to
bend Vance over the kitchen table and take him hard but he couldn’t.
Not like this. Not tonight.

* * * *

It was late into the night by the time they finished eating. Both

were tired. Vance looked across the living room at the way Pact was
pacing like a guard dog. “You want the couch?”

“Sure. Go ahead and get some rest.”
“Look. I’m sorry about tonight. I didn’t mean to be so needy with


Pact pinned him with a hard stare. “I like the way you need me. I

just don’t know if we should be together like this.”

“I understand. Thanks for being here for me tonight. I appreciate


“No problem. I know you would do the same for me.”
Vance set a pillow and blanket on the couch that would barely fit

the man who needed it. Unable to stay in the room any longer, Vance
went upstairs. He couldn’t handle being around this man he just met

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when all he wanted to do was fuck him. God, what was wrong with

All of a sudden, he couldn’t control the urge to fuck. It probably

had everything to do with the fact that he almost died tonight. With a
heavy heart, Vance climbed the stairs and went to bed. Unzipping his
jeans, he dropped them on the chair next to the bed, pulling off his T-
shirt as he went. He fell into bed face first, falling into a deep sleep.

Sometime in the night, he woke up with a start. His heart was

racing. He’d been drowning in his sleep as he gasped awake. The
nightmare was still chasing after him as he saw a dark silhouette cross
his bedroom. He moaned, backing away, convinced he was still
asleep. Strong comforting arms came around him.

“Shhhhh. I got you.”
Pact. It was just Pact. He clung to him, very aware of the fact that

he was sweating from the nightmare and his heart was racing. When
his heart had finally calmed down, Vance pulled away, running a
hand through his hair.

“No worries. It’s what I’m here for.”
Their eyes locked. Vance felt his cock fill with heat, making him

rock hard. The tip of his cockhead flexed out the top of his waistband.
He was grateful for the darkened room. He didn’t want to embarrass
himself in front of a man he felt so much for.

“You okay, now?”
“Yeah. I’m good.”
Still, he didn’t leave. Taking a chance, Vance lay back down,

taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He felt the bed shift but
didn’t dare open his eyes. He didn’t want to know if Pact was leaving
or staying—either way it terrified him. He did not want to be alone
but didn’t know how to tell the man he just met that he wanted him to
stay. Either way, he was screwed. The blanket was pulled up around
him and a hand caressed his cheek.

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“Sleep well. I’ll be here until morning. Call for me if you need


“Thanks. I will.”

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Chapter Four

Trek leaned heavily on the sink in the men’s bathroom at work.

His hand was shaking as he thought about the antianxiety meds the
doctor in the hospital had prescribed. He didn’t like the idea of being
medicated nor did he like the possibility of sexual side effects
interfering with his love life.

Not to mention that he would have to declare what he would be

taking to the psychologist during his debrief. That thought alone had
him twisting away from the sink and taking a deep breath. He didn’t
want to be drugged—not on any level. He had to have complete
control even if there were nightmares keeping him up at night.

With his decision made, he turned back toward the sink, splashing

cold water on his face. He leaned on the sink, looking at his ragged
features. There were dark circles under his eyes despite sleeping hard
last night. There were worry lines around his eyes and lips. Usually
clean-shaven when he left for work, he was now sporting a dark
shadow of a beard. Vance grabbed a few paper towels and wiped up
his face. He could do this, he told himself as he tossed the paper in the
trash and headed for the chief’s office.

Nervous energy whispered down Vance’s spine as he navigated

the halls. It wasn’t just his meeting with Chief Rask that had him all
jacked up. He was anxious about seeing Pact again, too. He couldn’t
shake the thought of the kiss they shared the previous evening. It
could have easily gone further but Pact had put on the emergency

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As he got to the chief’s office he saw their new hire behind the

desk. Brandy looked cool and calm despite having a million things to
do on her desk.

“You wanted to see me?”
Chief Rask was going through some files on the conference table

in his office. “Close the door behind you.”

Vance didn’t like the way the chief wouldn’t even look up at him

as he crossed the room. “What’s up?”

“I don’t want you riding alone right now. I’m assigning you a


Vance scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m not a rookie

you can jerk around. I—”

“No, you’re not. You’re one of my best officers and I can’t risk

your mental health until you’re completely solid to get back to work.”

“I’m ready.”
“You’re not. Until your partner gives me the okay, you will be

riding with a partner or I’ll assign you to writing nothing but parking

Sadness and disappointment crept over him like a dark flowing

liquid, teasing him with impending doom. Never once had he been
considered incapable of doing his job and doing it well. “Who?”

Their eyes locked. “Pact.”
The word shot out of Vance’s mouth before he could stop it from

happening. Disbelief had Chief Rask’s eyebrows shooting up and
knitting together in a sharp frown of concern. Yeah, Vance knew how
it probably sounded. Defensive, belligerent, and not to mention a little
bit of insubordination thrown into the mix, but damn. What was he
going to have to do to prove to everyone that he was fine?

“Seriously, Vance?”
“Just tell me.”
“Pact will be your shadow until I say otherwise.”

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He didn’t want it to be this way but there was nothing he could do.

He stared at the man he’d been friends with for the last two years. He
never expected to have a falling out like this. “I don’t need a

“Do this for me.”
“Today, if you want to get back to work.”
He did. Through the long window of the chief’s office door,

Vance saw the last man he wanted to see. The thought of that
passionate kiss made his ears burn and his cock flood with heat. With
the sudden impact of Pact’s presence being felt in his cock, Vance
leaned forward and smoothed his hand down over his cock to adjust.
He wasn’t usually so responsive to any man—at least he hadn’t been
in the past.

As he looked the alpha male up and down, Vance became very

aware of what he’d always wanted from a man but had been too afraid
to ask. He’d always wanted a lover to take complete control of him in
the bedroom. He longed to be a submissive but had been too
embarrassed to ask a lover.

Pact made it very clear that he would be everything he wanted if

he just asked. Vance wasn’t ready to ask. He was too worried about
getting burned. He wasn’t one to fuck the man he worked with.

As Pact came into the chief’s office, their eyes locked. He could

feel the curiosity burning within Pact’s. Did he not know that they
were now tied together at the hip?

“I’m glad you made it, Pact. Sgt. Vance will be running tactical

drills with you as you train with SWAT. And in return, you’ll be
riding patrol as Vance’s partner.”

His face remained cool and calm at the chief’s words. How could

he remain so calm? They couldn’t become lovers if they were
working together. They were both screwed.

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“Sounds like what we talked about. You okay with that?”
“Do I have a choice?”
The chief’s voice cut like an emotional knife that gutted him. He

didn’t like to feel so helpless and so needy. He wasn’t a man to hide
behind anyone.

“I’m solid.”

* * * *

Pact was living on borrowed time. It was only a matter of days

before he would leave Cincinnati and travel home to his life in
Tennessee. That thought had a pang of sadness moving through his

The next three weeks was going to fly by in a way that would

have him questioning every aspect of his life—he knew that without a
doubt. He didn’t want to leave Cincinnati and the man he’d just met.
Going home was the only option he had left. What else was he
supposed to do? All Pact could think about last night was the kisses
that they had shared. Now, Vance wouldn’t meet his gaze. Something
was very wrong.

“You were gone when I woke up.”
“I had to get in for an early meeting. Did you find the note I left?”
“I did.” He stopped in the hallway. “Look, we don’t need to spend

every waking minute together just because we’re riding together for
the next few weeks.”

“I’m going to be your shadow whether you like it or not.”
Tension vibrated off of Vance’s wide shoulders. It felt like a

lovers’ quarrel. Today, Vance was wearing a dark navy uniform with
his police issued belt around his hips. The badge alone was enough to
put the brakes on things. Pact stepped back as he pushed through the

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Training Pact


hallway, heading away. He was not about to stop him. Vance needed
some space if things were ever going to turn around between them.

Instead of following the man he wanted, he headed for roll call

underway in the conference room. They were going through a missing
person’s report as he stepped into the room, taking a seat in the back.
Chief Rask was at the front of the room. Annoyance raced through
Pact’s mind as he saw Vance in the hallway outside. He moved past
the room, heading out toward his patrol car without him. Catching his
attention, Chief Rask nodded for him to head out. Pact made it outside
just as Vance was starting his patrol car. He opened the passenger side
door, scooting inside.

“Next time lock it if you don’t want me around.”
“I never said I didn’t want you riding with me.”
Their eyes locked. “You’re not ready yet. You should be meeting

with the psychologist.”

“It wasn’t a shooting.”
“You were held captive.”
“I’m fine.”
“I’m here when you need me.”
“You’re only here for the next three weeks. What happens then?”
“I’m only a phone call away.”
Plus, another six hours away.
“Maybe things will change and I’ll stay here.”
“I doubt it.”
“What scares you more, me staying or you falling apart without


Vance’s mouth fell open. “We have a job to do.”
“Then let’s do it.”
They rode out together, doing the job with Pact letting Vance take

the lead. When their shift was over, they headed for the locker room
to change. Vance wasn’t speaking to him and Pact didn’t like it. How
was he going to make things right between them? Why was Vance

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angry with him? He was certain it had everything to do with the fact
that he had put the brakes on their relationship.

Changing out of his tactical clothing, Pact headed for the shower

with a towel around his waist. He tried to forget all about the fact that
Vance was already under the hot spray of one of the shower heads.

Tomorrow, they would be going over SWAT tactical training.

Pact was ready. He wanted to get his training underway. It was why
he was there. He didn’t want to feel anything for Vance, but he did.
That thought had him glancing through the break in the outer curtain
and deep within the shower stall where Vance was.

All the air left him as though he had gotten sucker punched. He

caught sight of Vance, hanging his head under the spray. His cock
was filled to the point of breaking. Despite being fully aroused, he
wasn’t stroking his prick. He let it bounce around beneath the hot
spray as though he were silently willing his cock to just be done with

At any moment, Pact knew he could be caught watching his

partner. That thought didn’t have him moving on. Instead, it had him
looking over his shoulder to see if they were really alone in the locker

Voices carried from the other side but no one was in the shower

area. They were pretty much alone. Knowing he was making a
mistake, Pact ducked inside Vance’s shower stall, watching him. He
examined him closely. Vance hadn’t heard him enter.

Every muscle in his arms, abdomen, and thighs was straining

hard. As he stood there quietly waiting for Vance to recognize that he
wasn’t alone, Pact decided then that he wanted him. Nothing was
going to stand in his way from having another taste of Sgt. Vance.

* * * *

Tingles moved down Vance’s spine as he flexed his shoulders,

rolling out his neck. He was thinking about heading out to the bar

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Training Pact


tonight to pick someone up. He didn’t normally use sex to forget but
he was thinking about it tonight.

If Pact didn’t want him, he was going to sure as hell find a man

who would keep him company for a few hours. It would be the only
way to get Pact off his mind—he was sure of it.

Again, he felt a tingling sensation caress down his spine as though

someone were watching him. He bit his lip as he imagined Pact in the
shower with him. He didn’t want to spoil the moment by opening his
eyes to discover that the man he so desperately wanted wasn’t there.
No man had ever before turned him down.

Of course, there had been times when schedules didn’t work out

but he’d never been pushed away the way Pact had done to him.
Those pushes had Vance wanting the man he couldn’t have even
more. He wanted to be ridden hard. He wanted a Dom to take control
of him. He was a submissive without direction. He needed someone to
take complete control of him to feel whole.

Most men he had dated didn’t understand his need. They had tried

but they were not Doms. He toyed with joining one of those dating
sites but he wanted to find someone real. Now that he had, the man
wanted nothing to do with him since they worked together. Arching
out his hips, Vance imagined Pact taking control. He wanted to be
spanked. He wanted to be tied up. He wanted Pact’s complete
attention. He wanted to be used for hours. He wanted everything that
Pact could give him for the next three weeks. Even if they didn’t end
up together, he wanted those three weeks together.

“What are you waiting for?”
Now his imagination was speaking to him and he loved it. The

words had been whispered from a very close distance. Sure that he
had imagined the words, Vance looked over his shoulder. There, Pact
was standing and looking at him intently. Beneath his white towel, his
cock was straining hard.

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A distinct wet spot was now dripping from his cockhead. Gasping

as though he were waking up from a hard sleep, Vance stepped back,
hitting his backside against the cool tile. His cock was heavy as he
stared at Pact, wanting everything from this man.

“Tell me to go.”
Pact’s voice was heavy and smoky from pent up frustration. He

took a step forward and didn’t stop advancing until they were face to
face, inches apart. The towel that hugged his hips had fallen to the
ground in the shower at their feet.

Their cocks bumped together. Vance was clearly aware of the fact

that Pact’s cock was so much bigger and thicker than his was. Feeling
defeated, Pact pressed both of his palms against the tile as he used his
cock to pin him to the tile.

“Tell me to go.”
“I’m a Dom. Once I take you on, you’ll always be mine. I plan to

ruin you for all other men. Do you really want that?”

“Get on your knees, sub.”
With the command heavy in his husky voice, Vance went to the

floor with his knees hitting the wet towel as he went down.
Instinctively, his mouth opened, readying to take on his Dom’s cock.
As he moved forward, a tight hand twisted into his thick hair,
stopping him.

A smile titled up Pact’s wicked mouth as he twisted his hand so

that their eyes could meet.

“I didn’t give you permission to suck my cock, sub.”
To drive his point home, Pact pressed the tip of his cockhead up

under his chin, pinning his head back so that he couldn’t open his
mouth in punishment. Trek’s prick throbbed, dripping with pre-cum
down his shaft, around his balls, and mixing with the hot water
rushing down his body. As he waited for permission or the next
command, Trek became very aware of the throbbing beat of his

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Training Pact


Dom’s cock against his jaw. Pact was feeling just as twisted up as he

* * * *

Pact was losing complete control as he watched his throbbing

cock beat steadily against his sub’s neck. He could feel the throbbing
heat of his sub’s blood rushing just beneath. It’d be so easy to push
his cock deep within his sub’s mouth. So easy.

They shouldn’t be doing this here. As he looked down into

Vance’s earnest face, he could see him silently pleading to be taken.
No sub had ever silently begged so hard. There was anguish within
those eyes as though he was frightened—not of Pact but of the
situation ending.

The situation intensified, becoming passionate in a way that it

never had with anyone before. Vance’s hungry mouth was open,
dripping with water from the shower raining down upon them. With
no restraint left, Pact smoothed his finger around Vance’s hungry lips.

“Suck my finger.”
That hungry mouth circled around his middle finger, sucking hard,

undulating his tongue beneath his knuckles. Vance had a really, really
talented tongue. With his finger buried up to his knuckle, Pact rubbed
his throbbing prick under the smooth edge of his jaw and over his
neck. If Vance kept sucking his finger the way he was, he was going
to shoot his spunk over his sub’s face.

The thought of his cum dripping from his sub’s face nearly made

him lose control. He wasn’t a Dom who normally wanted to see his
spunk dripping from a lover’s face. As a shiver raced through his
blood, a shot of spunk raced from his cockhead, shooting out his tip
and racing across his sub’s jawline.

A moan of pleasure echoed from Vance’s closed mouth, vibrating

over Pact’s finger as his sub’s mouth moved up and down over his
finger. Unable to take any more, Pact pulled his finger from Vance’s

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mouth. He wanted to shove his cock deep within that hot mouth but
he couldn’t—not here—not like this. He wanted this man alone with
him. With that thought in mind, he gripped the back of Vance’s neck
tightly, pulling him in close as he leaned down to whisper into his ear.

“Go home and wait for me.”
Surprise and disappointment raced through Vance’s eyes. “Yes,


“Good, sub.”
He reached around Vance, shutting off the water. Vance reached

for his towel and headed out of the shower, leaving Pact completely
breathless and his heart hammering hard. No sub had ever affected
him so deeply. With his playroom almost six hours away, he needed
to make plans for his lover tonight. He had to make a few stops before
he headed back to Vance’s house. He needed to make a portable
playroom and set it up at Vance’s.

First stop was going to be the hardware store. He needed to get

some chains to make restraints. He was going to teach Vance what it
took to be a good submissive. He just hoped he wasn’t pushing him
too hard and too fast so close to the trauma he had suffered. Deep
down, he knew that Vance needed this and needed him. It was the
only way he knew he would feel safe.

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Chapter Five

Nervous energy pumped through Vance’s blood as he tried to

make sense of what was happening between him and Pact. He wasn’t
coming. Where was he? Had he changed his mind? Hours had gone
by. Frustration had Vance locking up and turning off the lights. He
was done waiting for a man who was hot and cold.

As he went upstairs, he couldn’t ignore his disappointment. When

he reached the top of the landing, he heard a knock at the front door.
Excitement pumped through his blood as he turned, heading back
down the stairs. When he opened the door, he froze. Chief Rask was
standing on his steps, looking rather annoyed.

“You skipped your psych evaluation.” Before he could respond,

his chief pushed his way inside his house. “Where’s Pact?”

“I haven’t seen him since earlier at work.”
“I asked him to stick with you.”
“Well, I told him he doesn’t need to hang out every second with

me. You didn’t need to come out here to tell me to get to my
appointment tomorrow.”

The chief ran a hand through his hair. “Have you ever thought that

maybe I’m feeling guilty about you getting hurt?”

“I’m sorry? Really, I’m fine.”
“Pact told me about the nightmares.”
“Yeah. I don’t want you hurting over my mistake.”
“It wasn’t your fault I got hurt.”
“Everything that happens to my officers falls on my shoulders.”

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Anguish went through the chief’s eyes. “I need to make sure. Let

Pact stay by your side for me.”

“Who is he to you?”
“A friend. Just like you are.”
Chief Rask patted his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. He left him

alone with his thoughts. Where was Pact? Their relationship was so
new that he didn’t even have the man’s cell number. Worry had him
going to the window where he saw Chief Rask heading toward his

At the same moment, Pact pulled into the driveway. Relief moved

through Vance. What had taken him so long? The two men chatted for
a few minutes in the driveway. Annoyed, Vance was tempted not to
let him inside but he couldn’t stay away. He went to the door and
opened it as he came up the walkway.

“Hi. Sorry it took me so long. I got hung up.”
“SWAT training starts tomorrow. Are you involved with SWAT?”
“Actually, I am. I’m one of the trainers set to work tomorrow.”
“Cool. That’s not going to be a problem, is it?”
“For us? I don’t think so. I think we both know what this is.”
“And what is it?”
“We’re just having a bit of fun for a few weeks.”
“No. I’m planning on ruining you for all other men. Are you okay

with that?”

A sweet shiver of anticipation moved through Vance’s spine. “I

think I’ll have to be good with that, Sir.”

“I like the way you submit to me.”
Pact set his bags on the floor and danced him back against the

wall. He kissed him eagerly, wanting more. This thing was moving
fast—faster than it had ever with any other man Vance had been with.
Would he really be able to let him go three weeks from now?

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As Pact took control of him, he knew he was completely lost to a

man he barely knew. He wasn’t about to question it. He was just
along for the ride for the next few weeks. They both knew what they
were getting into with this.

* * * *

As he held Vance in his arms, Pact didn’t want to think about

what tomorrow would bring. All he wanted to do was to hold on to
this one moment in time—even if it was the wrong thing to do. He
pressed him back against the wall, leaning down and brushing their
mouths together.

Their tongues tangled as Vance sighed into his kiss. He submitted

completely, swooning against his chest. He could easily take him here
and now in the foyer. They were both breathing hard as Pact surfaced
from the kiss.

“Sorry I took so long to get here.”
“It’s okay. I would have waited all night for you.”
He could see questions in Vance’s eyes and he wanted to answer

all of them right now but he wanted his sub to trust him. “Are you
ready to do this?”

“You know there’s no going back, right?”
“I know. I can handle it.”
Pact smoothed his hands down Vance’s arms, squeezing his hands

tightly before lifting them to pin them above his head. He pushed his
hips against his sub’s, slipping his leg between his. He could feel his
sub’s heart beating wildly as he took control of his body. “You like
this, don’t you, sub?”

“Yes, Sir.”
“You want me, sub?”
Vance bit his lip. “God, yes.”
“When was your last sexual encounter, sub?”

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The question seemed to surprise his sub. “Four months ago.”
“Do you use condoms?”
“Every time.”
“Good. Now, I want you to go upstairs and get undressed. We’re

going to do a body inspection.”

Ever so slowly, Pact backed away, letting go of his submissive.

Without hesitation, his sub undressed in the foyer, dropping his
clothing to the floor before heading upstairs. As Trek went upward,
Pact picked up the bag full of toys he had bought for their evening
together. He had to go to several places before he found everything.
But now he was fully equipped to handle his sub tonight.

As Trek waited patiently in the middle of the room, Pact pulled a

blindfold from the bag. He didn’t want Trek to see his face as he
worked. He wanted to look at his lover without restraint. As he
smoothed the blindfold around Vance’s eyes, he could hear the sharp
intake of his breath. He was clearly nervous about what was going to
happen between them. Good. He wanted him to be filled with

Once his eyes were covered, Pact took off his shirt, leaving on

only his jeans. He took a riding crop from his duffle bag and
smoothed the leather tip over his sub. Goosebumps pebbled on his
skin. God, he was so muscular.

Hard corded muscle gave way to a beautiful body. His hard pecs

were amazing. Even his nipples were flicked hard with anticipation.
Dark chest hair spilled over that chest, tapering lower to a fine line
that led toward his hard cock. Looking at his prick, Pact’s mouth
watered in sweet erotic anticipation.

Trek’s cock was thick and wide, arching up toward his navel.

With every beat of his sub’s heart, his cock throbbed. Pre-cum
surfaced on his tip, curving down around his shaft. With the smooth
leather edge of the flogger, Pact caught that drip. He lifted the flogger
to Vance’s mouth.


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Trek moaned as his tongue snaked out, tasting his spunk. His

tongue savored that one salty drip as he moaned for more. Pact’s dick
contracted hard at the memory of Trek sucking his finger. He wanted
his sub on his knees, sucking him off. The thought of ramming his
prick down his sub’s throat was too much. Pact had to gain control of
the situation before it was too late.

Instead of dropping his jeans, Pact got back to work, doing his

body inspection. Trek’s body was flawless. Perfect in a way his would
never be. Pact wasn’t embarrassed by his flaws but he didn’t want
them to be a distraction the first time they were together. That made
what Pact was about to do easier. He wanted his sub to stay
blindfolded for their first encounter.

Shivers raced over Trek’s skin as he moved the flogger down over

his balls, tapping them gently. He slipped the flogger over his ass,
loving the way his sub arched his athletic ass out for more. That had
Pact pulling the riding crop back, spanking him hard. A red line
appeared across both butt cheeks.

Temptation had Pact reaching down, smoothing his hand over his

ass. He loved the feel of his athletic ass beneath his palm. Determined
to take complete control, Pact locked his handcuffs around Vance’s
wrists, hearing the sharp intake of his breath as he locked his wrists
down tight.

“Trust me, sub.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“We need to go over the rules for your safety,” Pact said.
“Yes, Sir.”
“‘Hot’ is your safe word. I want you to use it if you feel things get

too much for you to handle, psychologically or physically. Don’t be
afraid to use it. You won’t disappoint me. I want you safe.

“I do, Sir.”
“Let’s begin, sub.”

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With that, Trek relaxed into the cuffs now locked above his head

from the chains Pact had tied off from the exposed beam in the house.
He truly was perfect in every way physically. At one time a man like
this would have intimidated him as a Dom—not anymore. Pact
usually went for the shy guys—the ones who lacked confidence. Trek
Vance was an Alpha male who wanted to be a submissive. That
intrigued him greatly.

With his sub’s cock dripping with need, Pact circled around,

admiring his thick thighs. If Trek could have seen him, he would have
seen his animalistic stare. Everything became primal as he looked his
sub up and down as though he were his prey. His sub licked his lips,
biting his lower lip in sweet anticipation. He came around to stand in
front of his sub, using the tip of his riding crop to bounce his
cockhead up and down.

Trek’s body jerked hard, shooting his hips forward. Pact tossed

his flogger aside and went back to his duffle bag, grabbing a small
thin chain he spent the last hour customizing as he sat in his car. Pact
circled the modified chain around his sub’s waist, down between his
sub’s legs and around his submissive’s cock, shaft, and balls. He
pulled it in tightly, trapping the blood in Vance’s throbbing rod.

Trek moaned. Pact went for the lube, flipping the cap open and

squirting some of the liquid on his two fingers. Standing at his sub’s
side, Pact smoothed his fingers down between Vance’s ass cheeks,
rubbing them over his rim. Panting, Trek moaned, turning his mouth
against his arm to stifle his pleasure.

With the chain between his sub’s ass cheeks brushing his fingers,

Pact pushed it aside, slipping his finger deep into Trek’s ass to wet it.
His sub cried out, tightening his rim around Pact’s finger. He was
tight. He arched his hips out, taking Pact’s finger deeper. He circled
his free hand around his sub’s prick, fisting his hand up and down. He
was quickly realizing that he was losing control. Unable to stop, he let
go of Vance’s cock and unzipped his jeans, stepping out of them. As
his throbbing prick bounced free, it smacked against Vance’s thick

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thigh. He loosened the chain, pushing his cock up against his sub’s

“Suck my dick, sub.”
Trek whimpered, opening his mouth wide as he sucked him hard.

Pact twisted his hand into Vance’s hair, loving the way his lips
gripped him hard. His tongue undulated under his cock head,
spending a shot of spunk flying across his tongue. That little bit of
jizz sent a cry of pleasure over his mouth. Vibrations moved down
over his dick, making his balls pull up tight.

“Make me come, sub.”
A cry echoed out from his sub’s mouth as spit dripped from his

shaft and down around his balls. Pact felt his balls pull up tight as he
watched Vance’s swollen cock smack up and down against his
abdomen. As he started to blow his wad, Pact reached down, grabbing
his sub’s cock, and stroked it hard. Pact shot his load deep into his
sub’s mouth, loving the way it skipped over his sub’s tongue. Vance
moaned as he swallowed all of his spunk down.

Despite shooting his wad, he saw that his sub had not come. He

waited until Vance licked him clean before pulling his cock from his
sub’s mouth. Vance was breathing hard. Pact was glad that his sub
was blindfolded. He didn’t want his sub to see how affected he was
by their encounter. He was inwardly shaking.

No sub had ever made him feel this way before. No sub had ever

affected him so deeply. He came in close, wrapping his hand around
the back of his neck and kissing him hard. His sub groaned as their
tongues dove together. The kiss spiraled out into something deeper,
something possessive.

As their cocks rubbed together, Pact reached down, tightening the

cock chain around his sub’s prick. Vance moaned, coming hard. His
spunk shot upward over his chest and over his Dom’s cock in five
wicked hot lines. When he finished coming, Vance collapsed into
Pact’s arms.

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Chapter Six

Trek was completely spent. He wasn’t sure how much time had

gone by. And for the first time in his life, he didn’t care. All he
wanted was to feel this moment again with Pact.

Ever so slowly, Pact slipped the blindfold from his eyes. When he

opened his eyes, he saw Pact watching him closely with a strange
look on his face. “Did I please you, Sir?”

“Very much.”
Doubt edged its way into Trek’s mind before he could stop it. He

wanted to please his Dom in every way imaginable. To his surprise,
Pact led the way into the bathroom, turning the shower on. They
stepped in together under the hot spray. Pact took control of him,
washing him with the hand-crafted soap he bought from a local
company. Trek was very aware of what little time they had together.

Betrayal rushed through his body. What would Chief Rask think if

he knew they were doing this together? It could ruin everything for
both of them.

With his Dom in control, Vance loved the feel of his hands in his

hair, touching and caressing him. He closed his eyes, swaying close to
his new lover. He wondered why they hadn’t gone all the way. He
wanted his Dom to top him but he didn’t know how to beg him into

After they finished washing up, Pact led him toward the bed

where he turned down the covers. As he scooted in beside him, he
curled in close, wrapping his body and legs around his Dom. Worry
had him afraid to speak to his Dom. Worry had him afraid of what

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Training Pact


would happen when they had to ride together and work together

He smoothed his hand over Pact’s chest, feeling unusual bumpy

skin. Within the darkened room there was no doubt in his mind that
he was feeling vicious scars. As he leaned up, Trek kissed his lips
over those scars, looking up for permission from his Dom.

“What happened to you?”
“I was injured in the line of duty two years ago. I was saving a

kidnapped woman from a house fire.”

Trek stiffened as he kissed his way lower over his Dom’s

abdomen, loving the way his cock was like a heat seeking missile.
“Did everyone make it out okay?”

“Yes. I was the only one injured.”
“I’m sorry.”
As his hands slipped around his muscled chest and down over his

Dom’s thighs, he felt the way the scars extended lower. He’d been
badly burned. Without warning, Pact stopped his seeking hands,
flipping him over and pinning him to the bed. Their cocks were flexed
hard, pulsating against each other as Pact kissed him hard before
breaking his lips away.

“What are you doing to me?”
“Loving you.”
Pact groaned. “You’re not going to fall in love with me over the

next few weeks. As your Dom, I forbid you to fall in love with me.”

Shock went through Trek’s body. He had fallen in love with

Pact’s voice the first time he heard it on the phone. Pact had been his
beacon within the eye of the storm. He’d saved his life. He couldn’t
deny the way he was feeling—even if he had to keep the truth from
his Dom. He didn’t like the idea of lying to his Dom but he knew he
had to be patient if he was going to get him to love him.

“That’s an order you have to obey if you’re going to be my

submissive. Understand?”

“I do, Sir.”

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“Good. Now, I think I need to teach you how to focus on your

responsibilities as my sub.”

Trek’s heart was hammering hard as Pact knelt over his chest,

tying his hands to the bed with the silk straps he had tied around each
post on the bed. Trek couldn’t deny that he was feeling vulnerable but
he felt safe within his Dom’s arms.

A ball gag was brought down over his mouth. He opened his

mouth on a sigh as Pact pushed the ball into his mouth. He secured
the leather straps behind his head. To his surprise, Pact rolled his
knees back, arching his hips up to expose his rim.

He then tied his ankles down to the long ends of the straps coming

off his wrists. Trek was certain his Dom was going to top him. His
heart hammered with bittersweet anticipation. He wanted his Dom to
take him raw, without a condom. From the corner of his eye, he saw
Pact move across the room to the duffle bag he brought with him. He
pulled out a butt plug and lube. He lubed the four-inch tapered butt
plug and came back to the bed.

With his ass so exposed, he tipped the plug up to his ass and

pushed it deep inside. With the plug pushed all the way inside, every
muscle in his body was flexed tight. Sweat broke out on his temple as
he saw his Dom move away. Where was he going? Why wasn’t he
topping him? He was so desperate to have him. His cock was
thrumming with heat, pulsating against his chest.

Pact went to the end of the bed and stood there, crossing his arms.

“Don’t move.”

There was no way he could possible move an inch. He was at his

complete mercy—totally submitted to his Dom. Who was now again
wearing jeans so that he couldn’t see how he was affecting him. His
rim clenched tight against the butt plug. Pre-cum wept from his tip,
sliding down over his flexed abdomen. Trek wanted his Dom to take
him. Instead, he was just watching him intently.

The feel of his gaze moving over his body was enough to get him

off. The shocking truth of it hit him as hard as his palm had on his ass.

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Training Pact


His rim milked the butt plug in his ass, holding and pulling it inside
tightly. As he held it tight, he flexed his cock, slapping it hard against
his abdomen with short hard hits that echoed through the bedroom.
Pact groaned, hooking his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans.
Vance tightened his teeth down into the ball gag as he slapped his
cock faster and harder against his abdomen.

Without warning his balls started to pull up tight. The move didn’t

go unnoticed by his very observant Dom. Pact leapt onto the bed like
a panther coming down onto its prey. He grabbed hold of his cock
tightly, wrapping his fist around his Trek’s cock as he stroked him
off. He looked at his Dom as he took control of his prick like a

With anxious eyes trained on his lover, Vance waited for

permission to come. The tip of his Dom’s thumb rubbed over the slit
of his cockhead like the rough edge of a lighter, flicking it on and off
until he got it to flame. As his dick started to convulse, Pact gripped
his cock tightly.

Trek whimpered, quietly begging to come but permission

wouldn’t come. Pact brought him closer and closer to the edge but
kept purposely backing off. His Dom went on and on, teasing him
until his balls ached from not coming. Sweat dripped from his body as
tension radiated throughout. He wouldn’t let go until his Dom gave
the word.

Trek could see him silently assessing his abilities to focus and


“Come for me. Come now.”
A groan of pleasure tore through his body as he came, shooting

his spunk across his chest and face. As he opened his eyes, Trek knew
that he was in love and there was nothing he could do to get his heart
back. Pact took care of him by untying his restraints. When he was
finished wiping his chest off, Pact pulled him in close and kissed his

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“Go to sleep. I’ve put you through a lot of training tonight. We’ll

have more to do tomorrow.”

A slow smile curved Trek’s lips. Yes, he had and he loved it. He

held Pact tight. He wanted him for as long as he could have him—
even if it were only for three weeks. As he drifted off to sleep, Trek
listened to the steady beat of his Dom’s heart and held the silky scar
that wrapped around his abdomen.

* * * *

Pact could see that Trek was nervous around him as they sat in

their tactical briefing. He wouldn’t meet his gaze. That was fine with
him. He didn’t want the implication that something was going on
between them.

Today was the day he was starting his training with SWAT. This

was what he was here to do. He couldn’t be distracted by Trek. As the
tactical advisor for his department at the TBI, he needed to learn what
he could over these next three weeks to justify this trip. Still, he
couldn’t get his mind off of Trek and the fact that he hadn’t had sex
with him last night.

Yeah, their session had gone on for a long time but that hadn’t

satisfied his urge. As he glanced over his shoulder, he saw Chief Rask
sitting down behind him. When the meeting finished up with plans for
the rest of the day’s trainings, the chief leaned forward.

“How’d it go, yesterday with Vance?”
“Good. I think he’s going to be okay.”
“He seems distant. I want you to stick with him while he works

through this.”

“You know I’m going to only be here for three weeks.”
“About that.”
Pact didn’t have to ask. He could see what was brewing within the

chief’s mind. “You want me to stay?”

“Would you if I offered you a job?”

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A little catch fluttered within Pact’s heart. What if he stayed here

in Cincinnati?

The chief patted his arm. “Think about it. We could use a man like

you on our team.”

Across the room, his sub glanced at him. He could see the

unasked questions lingering within his eyes. “I’ll think about it.”

“Good. I think you’d be a good asset to our team.”
Pact didn’t want any complications. There would be a lot of those

between him and Trek if he stayed around in Cincinnati. He tapped
his pen on the legal pad in front of him several times. There was a lot
to think about. He liked what he did down in Tennessee but he wasn’t
truly happy.

There wasn’t anyone or anything waiting down there except for

his job. He dropped his pen on the notepad and stood up. The new
group of recruits for SWAT was going downstairs to the training
center. Pact followed along.

To his surprise, he saw that the locker room was taped off and

contractors were going in and out of there. Pact hung toward the back
of the room as the new recruits took their places on the mats. Trek
was up front, taking complete control. It wasn’t anything like the
submissive he was in the bedroom.

The differences were night and day and that turned him on. He’d

never dated anyone within his field before. He always went for guys
who were physically weaker than him. Trek was his equal in every
way. As the training got underway with ground fighting and take
down techniques, Pact couldn’t help but notice the way Trek fought

He couldn’t deny the way his black tactical pants stretched tightly

over his hips and thighs. Pact wanted him again. Jealousy stole his
breath away. He didn’t like the idea of anyone else touching his sub.

The fact that even a work training exercise would make him

jealous shocked him more than he wanted to admit. As they paired up,

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Pact quickly realized that he didn’t have a partner. Trek headed his

“You’ll work with me.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Pact rolled his shoulders out as he got ready to do hand to hand

combat with his sub. A thrill of excitement pumped through his body
as everyone spread out, giving them all room. The hard look in Trek’s
eyes told Pact that he wasn’t going to go easy on him. This role
reversal was thrilling to feel with a submissive. He wanted to see what
it would feel like to give his sub a bit of control outside the bedroom.

“Make the first move.”
Pact’s words were barely out of his mouth before Trek was

moving on him, grabbing him by the front of the shirt and attempting
to sweep his legs out from under him. The move knocked Pact off
balance but didn’t take him down.

The full impact of his sub’s body against his turned him on fast

and hard. Pact’s cock flooded with heat, getting trapped down the
long length of his pants leg. Shocked by his physical reaction, Pact
gave him the upper hand by letting him take him to the ground. When
their bodies hit together, Trek’s eyes widened in surprise.

Shock moved over Trek’s face when he felt his cock press against

his abdomen. Knocking his sub mentally off balance, Pact flipped him
over, getting him in a choke hold from behind, wrapping his legs
around him. Pact purposely edged the tip of his cockhead over his ass,
pushing hard between his ass cheeks to nail him in the rim.

A rough groan sounded from deep within Trek’s chest but he

didn’t tap out. Pact took the opportunity to add more pressure upward
to his neck so he couldn’t speak easily, all the while still protecting
his airway. He felt his sub start to relax into his touch. The realization
that he was enjoying their interaction pissed him off in a heated way.
He wanted his sub to give his all in the field—even when training.
Pact pushed his lips against his ears, whispering at the top curve of his

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Training Pact


“Fight me.”
No response.
Across the room, everyone was busy working on the techniques

that Trek had taught that they paid no attention to them. Pact took the
opportunity to nip hard with his teeth at the top of his sub’s ear.

Again, Trek groaned, causing a shot of pre-cum to shoot from the

tip of Pact’s cockhead. He wasn’t normally so responsive to any
submissive—and he had enough experience to know what his body
was capable of in his playroom. With his teeth locked down on the
top of Trek’s ear, he licked his tongue out to taste his heated skin.
God, he tasted so good, like soap and pure raw male.

Temptation had him licking his way down over the back curve

until he got to his earlobe where he sucked hard, nipping with his
teeth to get a reaction out of his sub. When one wasn’t coming, Pact
pressed hard against his rim, trying to get a rise out of his submissive.
He didn’t like how broken he was feeling within his arms. He wanted
him to fight.

That had Pact flipping him over off of him and rolling out. He

wanted to walk out of the training center and do this some place more
private. Instead, he was squaring off with his sub again. Trek’s neck
was flushed red from arousal.

There was a bulge behind the zipper of his tactical pants. Yeah, he

knew his sub was just as aroused as he was. Pact wanted him hot and
bothered for the rest of the day. He wanted him ready for tonight.

As he approached, Trek attacked again, taking Pact down in an

effortless move, making him realize that his sub had been holding
back the first time. Winded from the takedown, Pact took a few
seconds to regain control.

When he did, he was on top of his sub, pinning him with his legs

over his muscled chest. Out of sight from the rest of the group, Pact
released Trek and pushed his hard cock into his face as he stood up.
Flustered, Trek ran a hand through his hair as he stood up.

“Nice moves, Agent.”

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Trek walked away, checking on the rest of the recruits’ tactics. As

Pact watched his sub work, admiration wormed its way under his
skin. He was an excellent teacher, giving constructive feedback where
necessary. That thought had Pact thinking about staying in Cincinnati.
Could he?

There were pressing cases in Tennessee but nothing that couldn’t

be handled by other agents. As the training finished up, Pact was
ready to change and head home for the evening. He wanted to be
alone with his sub.

Sexual tension vibrated through his body as he worked hard to

keep his cock in check. If he looked closely, he was certain he would
see the faint white stain of pre-cum on his black tactical pants. He was
just lucky it wasn’t visible to the men around him.

As the training ended, the group was redirected to the old locker

rooms upstairs on the second floor. Sweat was cooling against Pact’s
skin as he peeled his shirt from his body. Half the recruits had just left
without bothering to change. Pact had purposely hung back to see
what Trek was doing. When they were alone in the training center,
Trek came up to him.

“I’m training you. Don’t make this awkward for us.”
“Don’t hold back again and maybe I won’t.”
A blush raced up Trek’s neck. “You’re playing a dangerous game

by fucking with me at work.”

“Careful. You’re still my sub, Trek.”

* * * *

Everyone called Trek by his last name. Most didn’t know his first

name. The fact that Pact knew his first name and loved to use it turned
him on. When they were alone in the training center, Pact moved in
closer. “You should cut your hair. It’s getting into your eyes.”

“I can handle it.”

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“I don’t like it in the way.”
“I still managed to pin you on the mat, Sir.”
“I think we’re going to need a rematch.”
His words dripped with heat. He was serious. Pact wanted him to

ground fight here and now. As Trek considered the ramifications of
what he was saying, Pact moved away, taking off his shirt. All the air
left him. He fought dirty. Damn dirty. The muscles in his back rippled
as he moved his arms down, to toss his shirt aside and put it on top of
his bag.

As his Dom turned around, Trek felt his cock flood with heat. He

would do anything for his Dom. Temptation had Trek wanting to fuck
with his Dom. To do that, he, too, took off his shirt. Pact’s eyes
narrowed dangerously.

There was something in the way that he was looking at him that

told Trek he was in way over his head with this man. That thought
had him wondering what Pact saw in him.

Knocked off balance by the beauty of his Dom, Trek barely

registered the fact that Pact was moving until he was on top of Trek
and pinned to the mats. He should have fought back but he loved the
way his Dom was touching and manipulating his legs into a tight hold
that spread his ass cheeks apart.

With his ass cheeks spread wide, Trek’s eyes went dreamy when

he felt his Dom’s fingers slip between his ass cheeks to play with his
rim. The palm of his hand held something small. It didn’t take him
long to realize that his Dom was slipping anal beads into his ass. With
his Dom holding him tight, Trek felt his cock clench hard as a wet
finger slipped into his ass to massage his prostate.

“Oh, fuck.
It took all his power not to cry out as his orgasm spun through his

body. All Trek could do was hold on tight to his Dom as he rode wave
after wave of pleasure. He’d never come so hard before in his entire
life. When his cock finished twitching, he opened his eyes to see Pact
smiling devilishly.

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“Good, sub. I want you ready anytime I want you.”
“Yes, Sir. I am yours.”
“That’s right. Only mine.”
Pact helped him up to his shaky feet. The anal beads were still

deep inside his ass. With his ass cheeks clenched tight, Trek was
certain his Dom wouldn’t be taking them out anytime soon. A wicked
grin moved over Pact’s face as he grabbed his towel, heading toward
the locker room. There was a good chance his sub was going to tease
him for the rest of the night.

As Pact disappeared into the locker room, Vance was stopped in

the hallway by Chief Rask. “How’s Pact doing?”

“Good. He’s picking up things fast.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Chief Rask crossed his arms. “I saw

you guys putting in some extra time. Keep up the good work.”

“Yes, Sir.”
Trek couldn’t meet his gaze as he moved by. He was certain that

his boss had seen more than he was letting on. The fact that they had
almost gotten caught put Trek on edge. His Dom promised to protect
him and he knew he wouldn’t do anything to put either one of them in
danger. Trek smiled as he went to the locker room. He wanted a few
more minutes alone with his Dom if he could.

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Chapter Seven

Power and confidence radiated off of his Dom. His quiet,

authoritative demeanor put Trek on edge. Not to mention that he
looked at him with a heavy-lidded stare that promised to make him
scream his Dom’s name when they were alone together.

Earlier that morning, Trek took time to look up the guys going

through SWAT training. He was shocked to find out that Pact was a
true-life hero. He had many heroic actions within the field—some of
which made national news. He had turned down a job offer with the
FBI and even the Secret Service, saying he loved what he did. There
was no way that Pact would ever give up his work at the TBI. He was
going to leave him and that thought made him sad.

As he swung into the locker room, Trek stopped when he saw his

Dom alone. Pact had his clothes off and a way-too-small towel
wrapped around his waist as he came in close.

“Do I make you nervous?”
Trek suddenly couldn’t meet his intense gaze. He felt suddenly

weak kneed and a bit unbalanced from all the attention his Dom was
giving him. The urge to run had him taking a step backward, only for
Pact to take one toward him. All the air in his lungs left him and it
was suddenly difficult to breathe.

“We shouldn’t be doing this here.”
“Lucky for you, we’re alone.”
“Anyone could walk in at any minute.”
“Better decide what you want then.”

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Pact had him pinned against the cool tile walls of the old locker

room. Every muscle within Trek’s body was screaming for more. He
longed for his Dom’s rough touch. Still, they needed to be careful.

“Do you trust me?”
“Then don’t worry. I’ll protect you, sub.”
“I know you will, Sir.”
Their lips brushed together as Pact lowered his, taking control of

the long hot kiss that made him lose balance. He smoothed his hands
around Pact’s waist, loving the feel of the corded muscle beneath his

When the door to the locker room opened, Pact broke his lips

away and pulled back. Before he even opened his eyes, he heard Pact
heading for the shower. Trek turned back to his locker, trying to
regain what little he had left of his composure. His prick throbbed for

Pre-cum wept from his dick in a thick hungry stream. He wanted

his Dom. Just the thought of having him made his mouth water. He bit
his lip, trying to make his cock deflate.

“Trek, you okay?”
“Sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.”
Trek glanced over his shoulder at TJ, who was helping him run

the training sessions this time. “What’s up?”

“I could say the same with you. I saw Pact get the better of you on

the floor. That’s not like you.”

“I thought I would go easy on the guy.”
“He won’t learn anything that way. Make sure you challenge


That was easy for TJ to say, considering he didn’t know that Pact

was his Dom. He didn’t like the idea of topping his Dom in any way.

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“Plans for tonight? Parker and I were thinking about getting the

guys together for poker.”

Was it Friday already? Trek couldn’t believe how fast the week

had gone by. “Sure. Sounds fun.”

“Great. Make sure you bring Pact.”
“Okay, I will.”
As Trek shut the locker door, TJ moved away, pulling out his cell

phone as he did. His long hair was pulled back in a single braid that
hung to the middle of his back. The guy was too observant. Had he
seen anything that happened on the mats? If he had, he didn’t say
anything, to Trek’s relief. He wanted to get a shower but he didn’t
trust himself to get naked right now when his Dom was so close by.

With that thought in mind, he grabbed his bag and headed toward

his office. He had a few things he needed to do before he left for the
day. One of those things happened to be his damn psych evaluation
which he was going to cancel and reschedule for a later time.

Yeah, he knew he was avoiding the issue but he didn’t care. He

was putting what happened behind him.

“Avoiding me?”
Trek sighed as he saw Amber in his office chair. “I’ve been busy.”
“Too busy for me to give you the okay to return to full duty?”
“Chief Rask has Pact babysitting me.”
Amber came around his desk. Her long dark hair brushed her

shoulders and her dark rimmed glasses were pushed up high on her
nose. She crossed her arms, as she considered what he had said.
“How’s that going?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Uh-huh.”
“I’ll stop in sometime after this training session is over.”
“When will that be?”
“Three weeks.”
She sighed. “Okay. I’ll give you the time you need.”

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As Amber walked past him, Trek couldn’t help but feel like he

was under a microscope. He didn’t like anyone questioning his
abilities in the field. When the door shut behind her, Trek sighed
heavily and went to the chair behind his desk, sitting down. He was
grateful for the moment alone to think.

When he was with Pact he couldn’t think clearly—he could only

feel. He leaned forward, running his hands through his hair.

There was a soft tap at his office door. His heart started to race. If

he didn’t answer, would they go away? He needed a few minutes

There was a second knock, this time more persistent. The idea of

his Dom tracking him down sent a shiver racing down his spine and
landing over his rim, making it clench in anticipation. He wanted his
Dom to top him and take him without controlled restraint. His office
door locked automatically when it was closed.

The handle was tried, making Trek’s heart race even faster and his

palms sweat. He was nervous about seeing Pact again. The way he
had so brazenly messed with him on the mats had done a number on
him emotionally.

Seconds later the door knob went silent and relief moved through

his blood. Not wanting to hide all night, Trek got up and flipped off
the light, gathering his messenger bag to leave for the night. As he
did, his office door opened and shut quickly behind him.

Within the darkness, a dark silhouette moved across the room. A

strong hand came down over his mouth, pushing him back against the
wall. The impact left him stunned as he looked up at his Dom’s
strained face.

“I don’t like you avoiding me, sub.”
A punishing hand moved over the front of his pants, stroking his

cock through the thick fabric. A soft whimper of desire bubbled up
through Trek’s chest as his prick hardened so fast that it popped up
over the waistband of his tactical pants. Heat flashed through Pact’s
eyes when he felt him harden.

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Betrayed by his desire humming through his dick, Trek fell under

Pact’s complete control. Mesmerized by his rough hand unzipping his
fly, Trek groaned when Pact’s hand clamped down around his shaft,
gripping him painfully hard.

Pre-cum leaked from his tip as blood became trapped in the tip of

his cockhead. The urge to flex his hips up into his Dom’s palm was an
overpowering chant within his mind. Instead, he didn’t dare move
until his Dom gave him an order. The heat of Pact’s breath fanned
against his cheek as he struggled to keep control. Trek knew exactly
how he was feeling—except his feelings were charged with love.

The idea of Pact never loving him tore him apart but he wasn’t

going to worry about that now. They had a few weeks to have a little

Pact’s thumb moved over his cockhead, rubbing his tip in a slow

circular motion, using his pre-cum as lube as he moved. He was so
twisted up by what his Dom was doing that he barely noticed how his
hand slid down the front of his neck to squeeze it seductively.

A chill raced over his skin as his Dom toyed with him. Everything

he’d always wanted in a man was standing in front of him and in a
few short weeks he would be gone. That thought tore him apart. So
much so that a tear slipped from the corner of his eye, racing down his
cheek. Surprise moved through his Dom’s eye as his thumb moved
over his jawline to catch that rogue tear.

“What’s wrong, sub?”
The words wouldn’t form. Only a lump in the back of his throat


“Answer, sub.”
The truth was on the tip of his tongue. Instead of answering, he bit

his lip. He didn’t want his Dom to push him away if he learned of the
truth. He loved Pact. He loved everything about him and in a few
short weeks he would be gone. The thought of losing him wrecked
him inside and out.


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The word spilled off his Dom’s tongue like gunfire. He had

disappointed his Dom and that killed him. With his cock throbbing in
his Dom’s hand, all Trek wanted to do was forget about the future for
a little while. He wanted to just feel his Dom’s powerful body against
his. He wanted to be topped and taken all night long. Trek didn’t want
to feel so vulnerable in front of a man he had mistakenly fallen in love

* * * *

His sub was crying. Why was he so upset? He hadn’t hurt him. In

fact, he was so twisted up that he could feel his cock pulsating within
his palm. Pact didn’t like the idea of his lover being upset when they
were together. He only wanted him to be thinking about what he was
feeling when they were together—nothing else.

“I’ve hurt you.”
“No, Sir.”
Pact leaned down, kissing his sub hard, plundering his mouth with

his tongue. He wanted to make him scream into his mouth as he came
hard. That thought had him pulling and stroking his sub fast and hard.
He broke his lips away abruptly. “Do not come until I give you

A whimper echoed from his sub’s parted lips.
With his hand still around Vance’s neck like a collar, Pact pulled

his sub away from the wall where he had him anchored. His sub
followed eagerly behind. Pact pushed him against his desk, pinning
both of his hands onto the desk at his hips. With his cock jutting
upward, Pact backed away from his sub, who was looking suddenly

“Tell me what’s wrong.”
Tears shimmered within Trek’s eyes. “I need you.”
“I know, sub. You’ll have me. I won’t disappoint you.”

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“I know, Sir.”
Unable to hold back any longer, Pact pulled his sub around,

bending him over the desk. He pulled Trek’s tactical pants down,
shocked to discover that his sub wasn’t wearing any boxers or briefs.
The idea of his sub walking around with nothing holding his cock
back made him insanely jealous at all the possibilities.

With five inches of his ass cheeks exposed, Pact slid his hand

down over his sub’s ass, giving it several hard squeezes. He pinched
his ass cheek hard, reddening the skin. His sub shivered beneath his
palm. Pact pulled his hand back and spanked him hard several times.
With every hit of his hand, his sub’s hips flexed forward, hitting his
cock against the underside edge of his desk.

The light tap of his cockhead slapping his desk made him hard.

Pact wanted to punish him for being disobedient but he loved how his
sub would use his body when he was under his control.

With that thought in mind, Pact licked two fingers generously and

smoothed them down between his ass cheeks to rub over his rim. He
loved the way his sub arched his ass back, trying to spread his cheeks
wider so that Pact’s fingers could go deeper. Pact leaned forward,
smoothing his lips over his sub’s ear. “Soon.”

Again, his sub whimpered as he rubbed his rim. It was all too

much. For the first time in his life Pact was out of his element. He
always followed one basic rule as a Dom and that rule was to do no
emotional harm. He prided himself on having a good read on his
submissives. He wanted to make sure that he took extra good care of
his sub tonight. It was the most important thing his sub needed. That
thought had him hesitating.

They needed to finish what they started someplace private. He

needed to have complete control and in this place, and he did not. As
he looked down at his sub’s cock, Pact saw that it was dripping with
pre-cum like a leaky faucet. Those drips hugged his shaft, curling
around it until it caressed his balls. Pact smoothed his free hand down
over his balls, caressing them tightly. He heard the soft intake of his

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sub’s breath. His dick was pulsating beneath his touch. Pact slid his
fingers over his perineum, rubbing it with the pads of his fingers.

As Pact slid his hand back up over his sub’s balls and shaft, he

became very aware of how his sub was responding to his touch. The
thought of his sub with another man nearly took him over the edge.
He didn’t want another man to touch his sub ever. No one had ever
affected him this way.

Just outside the office door, voices carried through. A light knock

sounded. Stepping back, Pact let go of his cock, letting it hit against
the desk. Trek groaned with the impact of his cock hitting the edge.
Trek pulled up his pants. His face was flushed with lust. Pact flipped
on the light as he opened the door. A man with blond hair stood on
the other side.

Trek sat behind his desk. “Hey, Hunter. What’s up?”
“I have that info you asked for on the Grange case.”
As Trek took the papers from the man, Pact became instantly

aware of something that was going on. Had his sub dated this man?
Or, even more importantly, had he slept with him? What was wrong
with him? Pact wasn’t usually the jealous type when it came to sexual
histories. He usually wasn’t so consumed with his sub’s.

Of course, he never saved one of his sub’s lives in the field before.

Yeah, that was probably the reason why they had such an intense
connection. Love hadn’t anything to do with it. Pact didn’t fall in
love. He never did. In fact, most of his previous lovers had accused
him of being incapable of the emotion.

As he shut the door behind the guy, Pact leaned against the door.

Trek wouldn’t meet his gaze. Guilt edged its way toward the surface.
He had pushed harder than he had planned. “You okay?”

His question seemed to affect his sub deeply. “I’m cool with this,


Still, there was sadness within his sub’s eyes. He didn’t want his

sub sad about anything.

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That had him thinking about the poker game TJ mentioned when

he passed him in the hallway.

“TJ invited us out tonight. I think we should go.”
“Is that an order, Sir?”
“Yes, it is. Come here and drop your pants, sub.”
He was still fucking hard. Taking the thin gold chain off from

around his neck, Pact wrapped it around his shaft and balls, creating a
cock ring that would keep him semi hard for the next few hours. He
wanted his sub to have a reminder of their encounter tonight.

* * * *

By the time they got to TJ and Parker’s penthouse, it was early

evening and the sun was just starting to set. Pact parked in the
underground garage where TJ had instructed him. Fall was right
around the corner if the hot days ever ended. As they moved upward
in the elevator, temptation had Pact wanting to take his sub’s hand.
That thought had him thinking about the cock ring firmly around his
shaft and balls now. The bell dinged when they got to their floor.

Laughter spilled from inside the apartment. At his side, Trek

stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong, sub?”
“I don’t want to do this. I can’t.”
Pact reached down and took his hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

“I’m right here. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”

“The guys look at me like I’m…broken.”
“I know. You’re not broken. Be strong. What happened to you

does not define you.”

Uncertainty went through Trek’s eyes before he nodded. Pact rang

the bell and TJ answered.

“You guys made it. Come on in.”
Pact followed Trek inside, planning to make the most of the

evening getting to know his submissive. He wanted to get a good idea

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of how he relaxed. The last few days had been intense. He wanted to
make sure he was okay before they moved further with their

TJ made introductions with Pact and several of the guys who he

recognized from the SWAT training.

When Pact turned around, he saw that his sub was gone. Where

had he gone? Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Trek
heading down the long hallway toward the kitchen. By the time
Pact got to the kitchen, Trek was in a better mood. Pact was trying to
figure out what had turned his mood around when he came face to
face with the object of his attention.

Fear raced through Pact’s blood. He could very easily lose this

man if he let go of him too quickly. That was the last thing he wanted
to happen—not yet. The realization of it hit him so hard and fast that
it left him feeling breathless as he stood within the doorway. From
over the rim of Trek’s glass, their eyes connected. The intensity of the
moment was not lost on Pact.

There was no way he could leave without breaking this man’s

heart—right then he hated himself for having to return home in three
weeks. It wasn’t fair to his sub, but it still wasn’t a reason for him to
stay. Was it?

* * * *

The windows were tinted. Trek was suddenly relieved that no one

could see in with the darkness of his unmarked. After the game night
at TJ’s and Parker’s, Pact had driven him back to the station. With the
rain hammering down, it gave him the illusion of privacy he so
desperately needed.

Without warning, the passenger side door opened with Pact sitting

down, running his hand through his hair. For the first time, he was
seeing that he was an emotional mess. Without saying a word, Pact
reached over and put his hand onto his forearm.

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Training Pact


The heat of his palm was too much to handle. Outside, the storm

whipped around him. Trek wanted to fall into Pact’s arms and stay
there for the rest of his life. That thought brought him up short. No
man had ever gotten his attention that way.

Now that he had, Trek wasn’t so sure he should have been training

him with SWAT. He wanted to tell Pact to leave him alone, but he
held on strong as wave after wave of emotion moved through his

When they were finally alone, Pact slid his hand up his arm and

around the back of his neck, turning toward him as he did. When they
were face to face, Pact’s steel blue eyes looked deeply into his. All the
air left Trek’s lungs in a quiet whoosh. His heart hammered. He was
desperate to taste Pact’s lips against his.

“You’ve had a bad experience tonight in the field.”
“I’m okay.”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
“Because you’re my Dom. You want to take care of me.”
Surprise furrowed his brows. “I do want to take care of you.”
Trek bit his lip when he thought about how Pact would be leaving

in a few short days. He couldn’t believe how affected he was by this
man. He knew he wouldn’t ever be able to get over him going home.
Annoyance flashed through his blood when he felt his cock kick out
and harden. He moved his hand over his fly to adjust.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself, sub.”
“Punish me, Sir.”
“Is that what you want, sub? You want me to punish you?”
Trek moaned when his Dom’s strong hand reached over and

roughly adjusted his throbbing prick. He groaned, swaying back
against the seat as his Dom took control of his body. Too bad it had to
happen in the parking lot of where he was working. His Dom fisted
his fingers into his hair.

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“You should really cut your hair. I don’t like how I can’t see your


Trek flipped back his hair with a shake of his head. “Only for you,


“That’s right. You will only do things for me, sub.”
Pact muscled out his prick, making it hit against the cool leather

of the steering wheel. As his cock pounded against the leather, Trek
became keenly aware that they were walking a fine line that could get
both of them kicked off the force. He didn’t want to lose his job or his

Still, he knew his Dom was the one in control. He didn’t want him

to stop what he was doing anytime soon.

Pact pulled a pair of handcuffs from his belt, locking them down

around his cock and balls. He then cuffed the other end to his wrist.
“Drive home, sub.”

Trek started the car with a shaky hand. He wasn’t surprised his

Dom wanted him to drive home like this. If it pleased his Dom, he
would do anything for him.

When they got home, Trek pulled into his driveway, parking the

car. Darkness and trees surrounded the house. There wasn’t another
house within spitting distance.

With his cock quivering, Pact gave his dick a short yank that had

him climbing over the seat to follow him out of the car. With his
tactical pants hugging his hips low, his Dom led the way inside. Trek
was desperate. He wanted his Dom. Now.

As the door locked behind them, Trek became very aware of the

fact that his Dom was distant. Was this his way of breaking it off? By
pulling away when he so desperately needed him to be close? He
needed to feel his Dom’s skin. He wanted to taste it beneath his
hungry lips. As his Dom led him upstairs, Trek knew he wouldn’t be
coming anytime soon. Pre-cum dripped from Trek’s tip, leaving a drip
line of spunk up his wooden stairs and down his hallway. When they

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were alone in his room, his Dom went to his closet, sliding open the
doors to reveal his collection of toys.

“Are these yours, sub?”
“Yes, Sir. I’ve been waiting to use them when I found the right

Dom, Sir.”

Something flashed within Pact’s eyes as though he lost all control.

He muscled him down to his knees. “Suck me, sub.”

A hungry moan erupted from Trek’s wet lips as he opened his

mouth and sucked hard on his cock. Pact twisted his hands into his
hair, using his grip as leverage to pump his hips. With each hit of his
thighs against Trek’s chest, his Dom’s cock went sliding deeply down
his throat. He loved it when his Dom’s fat prick cut off his breathing,
sending his head into a buzzing fit. His Dom knew exactly how he
was affecting him.

When Trek moaned, sending vibrations down his cock, Pact

backed off and sent his hot load flying down his throat. The taste of
his salty jizz flying across his tongue made his cock flex out against
his Dom’s leg. Trek jerked his hips, sending his cum flying upward.
Trek drank every drop of him down, not stopping until he had
completely cleaned his Dom with his tongue.

“Did I please you, Sir?”
Pact growled low in his chest. “Fuck yes, sub, but you came

before I gave you permission. You will need to be punished.”

“Punish me, Sir.”
Pact released his cuffs from his cock and slowly pulled out the

anal beads as he released the cock chain from his hips. When he was
completely free from his restraints, Pact had him place his hands
against the cool tile. He chose a flogger from the closet and tapped it
several times on his arm to feel the biting sting before smoothing it
over Trek’s ass.

With the mirrors surrounding them, Trek watched anxiously as his

Dom adjusted his ass, making him arch it out perfectly before he
swung the flogger down over his cheeks. Trek moaned, loving the feel

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of his Dom punishing him for his disobedience. With each hit, the
power of the strike intensified, biting hard and giving pleasure. Trek
had never felt such sweet bliss before.

To his amazement, his cock grew hard again, bouncing with every

hit of the flogger. With half lidded eyes, Trek secretly watched his
Dom work on his ass. It felt so good to have a lover take complete
control of his life. Without a doubt, Trek knew that he could hand
over every aspect of his life to his Dom without question. He just
hoped his Dom would want to control him that way.

With every hit of the flogger his arousal grew. Trek turned his

mouth into his arm, trying to stifle the moans of pleasure coming from
his mouth. A clatter sounded across the room when his Dom tossed
the flogger aside and pulled out a bottle of lube. He slathered lube
over his palm, stroking his huge cock several times. He tipped his
throbbing dick up between Trek’s ass cheeks, pushing his cockhead
against his rim. As Pact pushed slowly inside his ass, Trek knew that
he was completely lost. No other man would be able to satisfy him
this way.

His Dom muscled his fist around his aching dick, stroking it hard

as he pumped his cock into his ass. Without warning, Pact let go of
his cock and started spanking him hard between thrusts.

“Please. Please. May I come, Sir?”
“Come for me, sub.”
Trek cried out as his cum sputtered from his dick, hitting the tile.

Warm wet heat flooded Trek’s ass as he felt his Dom’s dick release
inside of him. When they both were finished, Pact slid his hand up his
neck, squeezing it possessively as he kissed his sub hard. No other
man could ever make him feel this way. Ever.

He was boned.

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Chapter Eight

It was the middle of the night when Trek heard his cell phone ring

and buzz across his nightstand. At his side, Pact stirred, waking up,
too. Trek picked it up, answering.

“Hello? Okay. On my way.”
Within the darkness of the room, he could see Pact’s brows

furrow. “What’s going on?”

“There’s a standoff and SWAT was called in.”
“I’m going with you.”
“You’re not trained for the field.”
“Okay, I’ll stay out of the way but I’m going with you.”
Trek could see that Pact was going with him whether he liked it or

not. Trek dressed and minutes later they were out the door and
heading to the station to get ready to roll out. As lead negotiator on
the scene, Trek took control as they got to the house in the fancy part
of town. Indian Hill was known for affluence. Mansions dotted the
hillside. Police cars littered the front driveway. SWAT doc Woods
was falling in step beside him as they went to the officer who called
in SWAT. All of Trek’s attention was on the English Tudor in front of

“What’ve we got?” Trek asked.
“Domestic situation. The parents are divorced. The husband

forced his way into the house. Wife has an order of protection.”

“We’re not sure if they’re in the house.”
“Shit. Has anyone called the house?”
“Not yet.”

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Trek reached for his cell phone and took the number the officer in

charge got from dispatch. Trek watched the house impatiently as the
phone rang. Just when he thought it was going to flush him into voice
mail, a shaky voice answered.

“Are you okay?”
“Yes. You need to leave. Everything is fine.”
“If everything is okay, how about you come out and talk to us.”
“No. You just need to go.”
The line disconnected. “We’re going to have to go inside. My

team is ready if you are.”

“We’re ready.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Trek saw thick dark smoke coming

from the upstairs of the house. They approached from both sides of
the house. Trek was going in near the garage. He kicked in the door
and swept the four-car garage as he moved through. When he got to
the house door, he tried the door but it was locked. He kicked this
door in, too, going inside.

When he moved through the door with TJ two steps behind, he

caught sight of the ex-husband holding the wife by the neck. Before
he could even process the move, the ex swung around, pointing a gun
at them. Trek froze when he heard the shot fired, over his shoulder. TJ
pushed him out of the way, firing twice.

The ex went down with the wife crumpling at his feet. Trek was

shaking as he hit the wall. The bullet had struck his arm, going
through to the wall behind him. He was shaking as TJ called for
SWAT doc Woods to come inside.

“Are you okay?” TJ asked.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“Just a scratch.”

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Trek got back onto his feet and followed his guys to the ex. He

was down but the wife was okay. As SWAT doc Woods rushed into
the house with his gear, Trek got out of the way.

“I’m good,” he said as Woods approached fast. Trek didn’t want

to think about how quickly things spiraled out of his control. He had
given the order to go in fast. Now, he was questioning that decision as
heat moved down his arm.

At his side, Pact appeared, looking really concerned. He led him

outside to a marked cruiser where he helped him out of his tactical
gear and shirt. His vest was ripped in the upper corner where the
bullet had passed through it and over the side of his arm.

“You’re going to need stitches for that.”
“Dr. Woods can do it when he’s finished inside.”
“You should go to the hospital.”
“Too much red tape. Woods can do it and just file a field incident


Pact shook his head. “I don’t like it when you disobey me.”
“I’m sorry, Sir.”
“You will be. Later, when we’re alone.”
A shiver raced down Trek’s spine as his Dom wrapped his arm

with a field dressing to keep him from bleeding all over the place.

After the ambulance took the injured ex away, Parker came over

and took a look at his arm. “You won’t need stitches. I can close this
with strips.”

He cleaned his wound and put butterfly strips over it.

* * * *

This was going to be their last night together. Pact was going to

make the most of it. Trek was clearing the dishes from the dining
table. He was quiet tonight. When he was at the sink, Pact moved in

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behind him and kissed his way down over his neck, swirling his
tongue as he went.

Trek moaned, swooning back. Pact slid his hand down his chest

and thick thighs. He loved how responsive his submissive was. It was
distracting. It was intense. It made him want to forget everything and
just fuck his sub until they both forgot their names.

“What are we doing here?”
“I’m taking control of you, sub.”
He wanted to take things slow but his body was speeding things

up. This pissed him off. He usually had more control. He pulled out
one of the dining room chairs.

Trek removed all his clothing, waiting expectantly for another

order. He loved the way his sub would obey without hesitation. No
sub had submitted to him in that way before. It turned him on hard
and fast. Pact adjusted his cock, feeling pre-cum leak from his tip as
he did.

“Sit, sub.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Naked, his sub sat down with his balls resting on the wooden

chair. HIs cock was sticking up and waving with every beat of his
heart above his navel. Walking around the back of the chair, Pact
pulled a silk scarf from his bag and wrapped it around Trek’s eyes,
blindfolding him. He heard the sharp intake of his breath as he did so.

Now, he wanted to restrain him. Taking several lengths of rope,

Pact tied each wrist to the back of the chair. He then tied each ankle,
making sure not to cut off circulation. He wanted his sub comfortable.
Pact undressed and moved in close to his submissive so that he could
spank his mouth with his cock. Trek moaned, opening his mouth for

Unable to deny his sub, Pact pushed his cock deep into his mouth,

loving the way his sub struggled to take his massive prick all the way
down. Spittle dripped from his chin as he sucked possessively on his

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dick. It was all too much for him to handle. Shaking roughly from
trying not to come too fast, Pact pulled his dick from his sub’s mouth.
Pact grabbed the lube, wetting his fingers. He slipped his hand down
below Trek’s cock, searching out his rim.

When he found it, he inwardly sighed when he felt the way his

rim yielded so eagerly. With his fingers toying with his rim, Pact
reached down and pinched his nipple hard, making it pebble. Flicking
it hard, he pinched and kneaded the soft mound.

Pact turned abruptly away. He was lucky his sub was blindfolded.

He didn’t want him to know how twisted up he was inside and out for

As he gathered his breath he turned around, looking at the sweat

glistening off his sub’s body. Even within the low lighting of the
dining room, he could see his muscles straining for release. Annoyed
by his own personal lack of control, Pact stepped forward and untied
his sub’s ankles and wrists. He grabbed him by the cock and pulled
him up to a standing position. When they were face to face, he
wrapped his right hand behind the back of his neck and pulled him
forward, kissing him roughly.

When he was finished roughing up his sub’s lips, Pact stroked his

sub’s cock several times. Temptation had him wanting to suck on his
dick but not like this. Pact led him toward the living room where he
bent him over the side of the chair he pulled out from the wall. He
kicked his legs apart as though he were about to frisk him hard. When
he was spread wide, he pushed his neck down until his forehead
touched the seat and his ass was arched out wide.

With his rim completely exposed, Pact grabbed the lube and wet

his cock. He thought about the condoms he had in his bag. He should
have been using one but he didn’t want to this one time. Just once in
his life he wanted to feel every part of a submissive. He tipped his
cockhead up to his rim, pressing in slowly and watching his cockhead
disappear. Every muscle in his sub’s backside relaxed as he pressed
inward. Trek moaned, trying to push back but Pact kept his thighs

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spread wide and his hands clamped down on his hips so he couldn’t

With every inch of his cock disappearing, Pact was losing all

control. When his shaft was pressed in tight, he held still, feeling his
sub’s body quiver in sweet anticipation.

Headlights flashed across the front windows of the house.
“Don’t move, sub.”
His warning was acknowledged with a muffled response. “Yes,


Minutes later the doorbell rang but Pact wasn’t going to answer it.

With the cover of darkness settling inside the house, Pact fucked his
sub with short hard strokes that had his ass bouncing up and down.
Pact’s balls were pulled up tight as he nailed his submissive to the
back of the chair.

Again, the bell rang but he wasn’t about to go get it. That thought

had him thinking of something devious to put his sub through. Pact
reached for his sub’s shirt that was flung over the table, slipped it over
his head and pulling him up into a standing position.

“You’re going to answer the door, sub.”
“Hot. Hot, Sir.”
A low chuckle sounded deep within his throat. “Really, sub?

You’re going to code now? This is going to be fun. Trust me. Do you
want me to stop fucking you, sub?”

Pact started to pull his cock from his ass. “No! Please don’t stop!”
“So, you’re not coding, sub?”
“No, Sir.”
With his cock buried deep in his sub’s ass, Pact had him walk to

the front door. “See who it is.”

Shivers raced through his sub’s body as he leaned on both hands

to peer out the peephole. “It’s one of the new guys to District Two—
officer Command Rask.”

“Is he related to Chief Rask?”
“Probably, Sir.”

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“What’s he doing here, sub?”
“I don’t know, Sir.”
Pact reached around and gave his sub’s prick several twisting

pulls. “Well, sub…open the door and find out.”

Trek moaned hard before swallowing the sound.
Pact stood behind his sub as he opened the door with the chain on.

Trek leaned forward, resting his forearm on the frame and arching his
ass out. A grin twisted over Pact’s lips as he grabbed his sub’s hips
and started to thrust in and out.

“Hey, Command. I can’t chat right now. I’m not feeling…too


With the angle of the door, Pact could see Command’s puzzled

face through the peephole as he fucked his sub.

“Chief Rask asked me to stop by to see how you are doing. I

wanted to talk to you, too. I was having some cold feet about joining

“Oh, yeah?”
“That and I heard you took a pounding in the field.”
Pact thrust harder. “Still feels like I am.”
“You okay?” Command frowned. “You sound funny.”
“Yeah, I think I’m coming…down with something.”
“Well, I’m here, so let me in so I can tell Chief Rask you’re


“Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah….um…what were you saying about


“You sure you’re okay?
Pact pounded him harder. “Yes!” Trek cleared his throat. “Fuck,


“Well, I’m not leaving until you let me inside. You look like

you’re delirious and burning up with fever.”

Temptation had Pact, gripping his sub’s weeping cock as he

stroked his dick in and out of his sub’s ass.

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“God…no! I’ll be fine. It’s just hot! I just need to go…take a cold

shower if you know what I mean.”

“Well, it is a bit warm but I wouldn’t call it hot,” Command said.
“It’s probably just too hot in here.”
Command didn’t look like he was buying what he was selling or

catching the hint. “You’re sweating. Want me to take a look at your

Pact squeezed so hard on his sub’s cock that a shot of cum landed

on the door.

“Hey, what’s gotten in to you?” Command asked.
“You don’t want me to answer that right now. Got to go!”
With his hips blocked by half the door, Pact gripped him tight and

started to drive his prick deep into his sub. Trek slammed the front
door shut and pressed his palms and forehead to the door. Pact
grabbed his hips and pumped his thighs with hard strokes that quickly
sent him over the edge. When he came hard, he heard his sub cry out,
shooting his spunk on the front door in three hot lines of jizz.

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Chapter Nine

Pact was leaving. His packed bags were sitting by the front door.

Trek couldn’t believe how fast the last few weeks had gone by. He
didn’t want Pact to leave but he didn’t know how to make him stay.
This decision would impact his entire life. He didn’t want him to
make a long-term decision over something that wasn’t supposed to

With his hands hooked on the front of his uniform belt, Trek tried

to think of something to say. The last few weeks had been the best of
his entire life. He didn’t want to beg his Dom to stay with him. Tears
misted in his eyes as Pact carried his bags to his car. They had done
little sleeping the night before.

Their session had gone long into the night with the understanding

that it would be the last time they would be together. Despite going in
with that understanding, Trek couldn’t help but feel his heart
breaking. He wanted to run after his Dom and make him stay—to
promise to be a good submissive for him.

As the trunk of Pact’s car shut, it awakened Trek from his

thoughts of the night before. Pact came back up the walk and into the
foyer, shutting the front door behind him.

“I’d like to see the renovations when you’re done. Maybe I can

come up sometime in the fall.”

“That would be nice.”
Pact smiled and leaned down, brushing his lips across Trek’s.

“Good-bye, Trek.”

His heart broke into a million little pieces that he wouldn’t ever be

able to put back together. Pact looked cool and calm and collected as

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he got into his car and drove away. He didn’t want to hate the man he
loved but right now he did. Trek was gutted.

* * * *

Walking away from his sub was one of the hardest things Pact had

ever done in his life. He thought about the job offer Chief Rask had
formally given him in writing the day before. All that was waiting
was his signature. He didn’t want to get Trek’s hopes up by telling
him about the job offer. He wanted to meet with Chief Rask first and
disclose his relationship with Trek. He didn’t want anything standing
in the way of them being together.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly as he saw Trek in his side

mirror. He could see him trying to remain composed. He was hurting.
Trek wore his heart on his sleeve. His sub was in love with him. He
knew the exact moment it had happened, too. He had saved his life.
That bond would never be broken between them.

Pact pulled his car to a stop outside District Two. The marble

building was in the heart of downtown Cincinnati.

A few blocks over was Fountain Square. The city was exciting

and involved in a lot of revitalization in Over the Rhine. Sundays
were the best day to see city life in action. That thought had him
thinking about the prohibition tunnels beneath Elm Street that had yet
to be explored. Could he do that all while working and being a Dom
to Trek? He always had a plan to walk away but something was
holding him back. Probably the fact that he felt happy—really happy
for the first time in a long time.

Rain drops hit his windshield, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He had to go inside and talk with Chief Rask—even if it was just to
thank him for all he had done over the last three weeks of training.

As Pact went into the front entrance of the station, he was

immediately recognized by the duty officer. She buzzed him back.
“I’m here to see Chief Rask.”

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“Have you decided?”
“I think there’s something you should know before I give you my


“What’s that?”
“I’m in a relationship with another officer in your district. I think

it could cause some complications if you didn’t know about it.”

Chief Rask leaned on the corner of his desk as he crossed his

arms. “Are you asking for my blessing?”

“I’m aware of your department’s policies on this type of situation.

I’m not asking for any special favors.”

“I take it all on as a case by case situation. This isn’t something

you’ll be fired for. So, will you stay on board with us?”

“You should know it’s Trek.”
“I know.”
Shock went through Pact’s system.
“Don’t look so surprised. I know how to read my men. I could see

that he’s in love with you.”

“I’m not sure if we should work together.”
“Nothing’s going to come of it if you leave.”

* * * *

Trek had a hard time concentrating when he clocked in at work. It

took him two times to swipe his badge as he came to the back of the
building. He wasn’t steady. He thought about going to see the
psychologist for an emergency session. He’d managed to put Amber
off for weeks. If he saw her now, she would probably ground him for

That was the last thing he wanted to happen. He wanted to throw

himself into work and forget about the man who was walking away
from him. From across the room, he caught sight of his Dom leaving
Chief Rask’s office. He thought he would have been long gone by
now. The fact that he was still hanging around put Trek on edge.

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It hurt to see the man he loved walking away but right now he

wasn’t walking away, he was heading straight for him. Trek couldn’t
do this here and now. He felt himself breaking apart. Instead of
talking to his Dom, Trek headed for the stairway, pushing the door
open fast and heading upward. He was just entering the code to the
roof of the building where they had a small atrium when a strong hand
came down on his arm, spinning him around.

Surprise moved through Trek as Pact kissed him hard, forcing his

tongue deep into his mouth to plunder and steal his breath away.
Trek’s heart was hammering. They could be caught at any moment.
He felt his body instantly respond to his Dom’s touch. When Pact
broke his lips away, their eyes locked.

“What are you doing?”
“I’m staying.”
“I love you, sub. I don’t want any man to have you but me. I’m

not going anywhere.”

Everything he’d always hoped would happen was. The man he

loved was going to stay. Trek clung to his Dom. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. I love you, sub. You’re mine.”
Pact leaned down and kissed him sweetly. “I’ll see you later.”
Trek slumped back against the wall. He couldn’t wait to see his

Dom later on tonight.

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Chapter Ten

Pact spent the last few days packing up his apartment and moving

everything up to Cincinnati. Trek was at his side as he finished
unpacking. Everything felt perfect. “Plans for tonight?”

“I was thinking we could watch a little TV and chill instead of

going out.”

Pact danced in close to his sub. “I think I love that idea.”
He kissed him softly, brushing the back of his hand over his jaw.

“You’re the first man I’ve ever fallen in love with.”

Tears wet Trek’s eyes. “I love you, too. I’ve never met anyone

like you.”




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, three rowdy rabbits named, Snowball, Coco
and Fluffy, and one hamster named Scampers.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find her on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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