Tatum Throne Hard Hits 04 Training Levi

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Hard Hits 4

Training Levi

Detective Levi Maden is good at breaking SWAT rules. After a bad
call in the field that jeopardizes a child’s life and leaves Levi

injured, he’s forced into the SWAT retraining program. Levi is not
interested in retraining. He knows he made the right call.

Lt. Brayden Temple quickly discovers that his next trainee is in

need of more than rules and regulations. Levi needs someone to
help him walk through the fear that has suddenly developed from

his near-death experience. The last thing Bray expects is the
connection he has for Levi. Bray is a Dom and wants Levi as his


Levi wants Bray as his Dom, but is afraid of moving on with a new

man. After years of looking, he’s vowed not to have another man
until he finds The One. Now, the strong, stoic Brayden Temple has
come into his life, refusing to go away.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM
Length: 31,306 words

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Hard Hits 4

Tatum Throne



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-033-6

First E-book Publication: June 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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This book is dedicated to the Throne boys. They are a wild group who

often distract me and keep me grounded. I love you all so very much.

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Hard Hits 4


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Detective Levi Maden knew his time was up.
It was like a clock was frozen in time. Everything slowed down

and became crystal clear in his mind. These were his final moments
on earth. There wasn’t denial or even emotion. He accepted his fate.

The ice beneath Levi’s feet started to crack. There wasn’t the

necessary four inches of thickness beneath his feet to carry his weight.
Splinter cracks fanned out, popping and cracking the thin ice.
Motherfucker, he was going to fall through, but there was no time to
worry about his polar plunge into the Ohio River or the fact that it
would most likely kill him. Ten feet away a young boy stood on the
cracking ice. His gloved hands were wet. Tears and fear kept his eyes
trained in wild circles on Levi.

Behind the kid a gray wash of dead trees crowded the

embankment. Two of the kid’s friends were there. Ice had fallen that
morning resulting in schools closing throughout the city of Cincinnati.
That gave kids the perfect opportunity to get into trouble.

Two cardinals chased each other through the dense brush, finding

a nearby perch to watch the action. Big, white, fluffy puffs of snow
started to fall. Ice popped again, snapping as though a timer was
going off.

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Training Levi


“I need you to trust me,” Levi said.
“What’s your name?”
On the other side of the embankment, Kody’s friends were

watching. Their faces as gray as the sky above them. Levi edged
forward. The rope tied around his waist had been grabbed from the
trunk of his car on the fly. The people on the embankment behind him
were strangers untrained for a water rescue. They held the other end
of the rope as they waited for rescue to arrive. Levi probably
should’ve waited, too, but he knew there was little time to wait.

“I want you to come to me,” Levi said.
Kody shook his head “no.” Levi edged closer. Up on the Big Mac

Bridge arching between Kentucky and Ohio, cars had stopped, lining
up on the side of the road. Off in the distance, the wail of sirens cut
through the quiet. White puffs of air steamed from the kid’s open
mouth. It was fucking cold inside and out.

“It’s going to be okay.” Levi moved forward despite the stinging

protest of the ice. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”

“The ice!”
“I know. It’s not thick enough.”
“They dared me!”
“It’s okay. You’re not in trouble. I did the same thing when I was

your age.”

“You did?”
He was always taking risks as a young one. “It was why my mom

never left me home alone.”

Behind the kid, a frantic parent arrived, screaming Kody’s name.

The boy turned. A man grabbed the woman, holding her back from
rushing onto the ice.

“Mom! Mom! I’m okay!”
“Don’t move!” Levi warned.

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Tatum Throne

The kid swung his head back around. Behind Levi, rescue was

getting organized on the hillside and embankment. Cracks splintered
beneath the kid’s feet. Water rushed to the surface, grabbing at the
kids gym shoes. Levi’s time was up. It didn’t mean that Kody’s time
would be, too.

“Kody, I want you to listen to me. I want you to trust me, okay?

Can you do that?”

There was cold, hard determination in the boy’s eyes. He wanted

to live. Everything around Levi faded away. There was nothing left
but him and the kid. Every time the ice snapped, the kid jumped.

“I want you to run to me. Come to me!”
There was no more time to fuck around. The kid was going to fall

through. The rope wasn’t long enough to reach. Everything slowed
down as the boy dug his feet into the slippery ice.

“Run to me!”
The boy’s shoes slipped on the ice as he sprinted to Levi. Ice

cracked fast, water rushed to the surface. Levi reached out, grabbing
the kid by the arms. “Trust me.”

The ice beneath Levi’s feet started to break away. Levi swung the

boy around, swinging his feet up off the ice. The kid’s big blue eyes
were locked onto his as Levi swung the boy around and off the ice.
His feet went airborne. His body horizontal.

“Trust me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
The ice beneath Levi’s feet shattered. Levi flung the kid across the

ice with all his might. The kid slid belly down, forty feet across the
ice toward the embankment. The rescue team grabbed the kid as Levi
fell through the ice, plunging into the frigid water. The rope tightened
around his waist, swinging him under the lip of the cracking ice. The
rope snapped. Levi’s hands grabbed for the ice he fell through but it
was like sliding them down a wet pane of glass. There was nothing to
hold on to.

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Training Levi


Water rushed up, pulling him down. Levi kicked to the surface as

the icy water numbed his body, but the current had moved him down
several feet. There was nothing but a wall of ice above him, holding
him prisoner. Levi surfaced to the ice, pushing on it with his hands.
He reached for his gun, bracing his feet against the ice. The trigger
snapped, but misfired due to the icy chill. The gun slipped from his
numb fingers, floating downward to an icy grave. Levi skated his
body along the underside of the ice as darkness teased at his
peripheral. He’d taken a solid breath before he’d gone under, but it
wasn’t enough. The icy water contracted his body, pushing his last
breath from his lips.

On the other side of the ice, orange suits worked frantically above

him to break through the ice. The ice shattered into white fragments
that struck him in the face. Levi kicked hard toward the surface. This
time water rescue pulled him out, dragging him into the rescue dingy
sitting on the ice. Levi was flipped onto his back. A loan hawk circled
above the river as though he knew death was silently waiting. Levi
coughed up water, struggling for a solid breath. His lungs hurt from
the raw air he pulled deep inside.

Above him Detective TJ Raines hovered above his head, blocking

out the view of the hawk. He was part of their homeland security
trained water rescue team. “Goddamn, Maden. Anderson is not going
to be happy with you. That was just in time for the four o’clock

The corners of Levi’s lips twitched. “Did they get my good side?”
“There’s no good side to your ugly mug.”
“The kid?”
“He’s getting a hot chocolate now.”
Relief poured through Levi’s body, but it was short-lived. Raines

was right. The chief was not going to be happy with him for his little
stunt. They were pulled to shore. The ice beneath them cracked away
as they were dragged along. God help him, Levi knew he’d be better
off dead than dealing with the chief.

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Tatum Throne

Chapter Two

Levi hated emergency rooms. It was the antiseptic odor that got to

him the most. He didn’t want to go. He was warming up in the
ambulance sitting off on the side of the road and refusing to get going
to the hospital. Levi went to stand.

“Sit your ass down,” Parker ordered.
Dr. Parker Woods doubled as a SWAT doc and emergency room

doctor. He happened to be on with the water rescue team for Levi’s
little stunt.

“I’m good. I don’t need a trip to the hospital.”
Parker glared, crossing his arms. “You still have to sign the form

stating that you’re refusing treatment to get out of here. It may take
me a while to find it. I think they’re here somewhere.”

Levi stood. Things went topsy-turvy. He leaned against the wall

of the ambulance as his hand touched the bandage on his forehead. He
sat back down. Outside the ambulance, Chief Anderson argued with
someone to open the ambulance doors so he could see him. Through
the windows, Levi saw the bridge looming above the ambulance. Past
that he saw the icy river below. A shiver vibrated through his body,
causing his mouth to go dry. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath,
but the memory of that cold coffin consumed his body. He opened his
eyes, suppressing the gasp of air he wanted to take as he surfaced
from the memory.

Fuck him. He did not like this post traumatic crap that was giving

him a hard time.

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Training Levi


Parker opened the doors, but stopped Anderson in the doorway. “I

don’t want to deal with your heart issues today. Calm the fuck down.”

Anderson’s nostrils flared. “I’m cool.”
Levi did not want to go a few rounds with Anderson, but home

was through the chief, who was now blocking his path. A headache
was starting at his temples. Levi wondered if the head drama was
from the graze he got when falling through the ice?

“You didn’t fucking wait for water rescue,” Anderson growled.

“You’re SWAT. You know the rules.”

“There wasn’t any time.”
“Do you fucking see the camera crew behind me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Does my face look like it was made to be in front of a fucking


“No, Sir.”
Across the roadway, there was a television crew giving a live

interview. The camera was trained on the ambulance before it panned
down to the river. The five o’clock news was probably replaying the
rescue. The kid had been taken to the local children’s hospital for

“This is a fucking headache for me.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Your actions could’ve gotten you and the kid killed.”
The cuff on Levi’s arm tightened and started to take his vitals

again. Parker was there waiting for the readout to come through.

A man appeared over the chief’s shoulder. A shiver raced through

Levi’s body. He recognized the guy. It was Brayden Temple. He was
the one in charge of the retraining program within the department. He
was known for breaking men down and building them back up.

The truth was that Levi had heard things about Lt. Temple that put

him on edge. Like the fact that he was ex-military who at one time
worked for the Department of Defense. He specialized in audio and
video enhancement. He never talked about what he did for the DOD.

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Tatum Throne

Temple was also known for his heroics in the field. When he was

out of the country on vacation in Ireland, he saved a group of school
kids from an armed gunman. He was an international celebrity who
was often called to give talks on violent crime. Levi knew all about
him. He was a hero. Their interaction within the department was
limited, but that didn’t stop Levi from getting a good sense of who he
was. The guys liked to talk, and they talked a lot about Temple. There
was a lot of hero worship and disdain for the guy.

Most said that Temple was known for giving orders and expecting

them obeyed without question. Levi thought he was fucking hot.

What the fuck was he doing here?
“Your heart rate is spiking,” Parker said. “I think you need a trip

to the emergency room.”

Levi let his gaze linger on Temple. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“I don’t like this spike all of a sudden,” Parker said.
Temple’s dark black hair was shaggy, as though he’d put off a cut

for the last several weeks. A goatee wrapped around his chin. He was
a hundred percent stone cold with heat blazing in his blue eyes. There
was also concern in the man’s eyes that Levi didn’t understand.

“Are you listening to me?” Anderson asked.
Anderson’s voice hammered on with a bang-bang that gave his

headache a workout. Levi tuned in late, noticing his brain had a bit of
a lag going on. It was kind of like a really bad internet connection that
came with public internet. This page was not loading quickly and
there were a lot of pictures not pulling up.

“What?” Levi asked.
“I said, you’re going through the retraining program with Lt.


“What the fuck? I don’t need to be in the RIP.”
“It’s the RP,” Anderson corrected. “If Temple says you’re fit for

duty, then you can have your job.”

“Just throw a little more intervention in there and you could call it

the RIP.”

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Training Levi


“I kind of like that idea,” Anderson growled.
Holy fuck. His job was on the line. Leave it to Anderson to want

to fire him for breaking protocol to save a life.

This was so not fucking happening, but it was. Levi’s eyes were

trained on the guy over the chief’s shoulder. Deep down, he knew he
did the right thing that saved that kid’s life. He’d do it over again in a
heartbeat. Had he not been on his way home from the grocery after
his shift, he wouldn’t have seen the kid struggling on the ice. They’d
be searching for a body.

Anderson looked at Levi as though the house had just fallen on

the wicked witch’s cousin and he needed to write up the report.

“I lost my gun in the Ohio. I need a new one.”
Chief Anderson sighed, looking up at the snow falling from the

night sky as though he wanted to retire, buy that boat to sail around
the world with his wife, to live out his golden years in bliss. When he
lowered his gaze, Levi saw the hard look of a career cop who
wouldn’t ever retire willingly. He’d die at his desk first. Parker
ducked out of the ambulance.

“That’s the third gun in five years you’ve lost on duty,” Anderson


Levi grinned. “Yeah, but we’re not keeping track.”
“I’ll put the order in. You report to Temple at nine tomorrow

morning, after you swing through to talk to Andrea.”

“It’s standard operating procedure to have a psych evaluation after

any near miss in the field. Understood?”

Rumor had it that Andrea was good at reading past all the bullshit

people tried to put in her face. She was going to mark him for therapy
for all this post traumatic shit if he didn’t get it together fast.

“Crystal clear.”

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Tatum Throne

The chief turned and cursed when he saw Lt. Temple hanging off

to the side. “He’s your problem now. I’ve got RAT crawling all over
my ass about this one.”

Parker sat down next to him in the ambulance, taking his vitals

again. Levi shook his head as he looked at Parker. Lt. Temple came
forward, pulling a card out of his pocket.

Levi ignored him and asked Parker, “What’s TJ up to tonight?”
“Cursing you for making the save before the guys even got a

chance to suit up.”

“I can see that.”
Temple was done being ignored. He stepped forward. “Brayden

Temple. I’m sure we met at the briefing I gave a few months ago.”

Levi took the card he was holding. He remembered that briefing

very well. Temple went over the roll of the new retraining program
the chief sanctioned. The first time Levi saw Temple, he felt his entire
body melt into the chair. He’d never felt that way about any man
before or since. That simple crush was now a constant reminder of
what Levi wanted but couldn’t have. Now, Levi was going to have to
deal with him face to face. Their fingertips brushed accidentally with
the pass of the business card. His were hot despite the chill of winter.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, but I don’t feel like socializing until

tomorrow. Thanks for the card.”

Levi tested his legs, pushing his feet into his wet shoes. He was

wearing a set of tactical pants and a T-shirt someone found in their
car. His wet clothes were in a plastic bag on the floor of the
ambulance. He was feeling like he wanted to sleep for the next year.
There was no chance he was sticking around to tell Parker thank you
for the Band-Aid. He wanted to get the hell out of there and home into
a nice hot bath that lasted all night long. Maybe he’d even curl up
with that new King book he bought six months ago but was putting
off reading.

Water squished in Levi’s shoes.

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Training Levi


Levi brushed past Temple, feeling really off balanced, but to his

surprise hiding it well enough. At least, he thought he was. Temple
had a frown working overtime on his forehead. He hung back to talk
to SWAT doc Woods.

Newly fallen snow covered the streets. The cold air constricted

Levi’s lungs. Levi thought about his family, all the while knowing
that today’s adventure would create a flood of calls from everyone.
Lucky for him, he thought it through to leave his cell phone in the car.

He looked around at the last of the first responders closing up

shop. Levi took a break on the walking thing until the bridge in front
of him stopped moving left and right.

A shiver raced over the nape of Levi’s neck as though he were

being watched. He glanced over his shoulder to see Temple talking
with Parker, but watching him closely.

Levi was under the bridge’s support beams when he realized that

his car was parked on the other side of the river in Kentucky. Fear
skipped through his body when he thought about taking that long
walk across the bridge. He was terrified of heights. Levi wasn’t just a
little afraid. He was bone crushing frightened of fucking heights.

It was snowing harder now. The roads were getting covered,

leaving only two tracks from tires following the lines. Cincinnati
winters were unpredictable. They could be bitterly cold or unnaturally
mild. There were days when it was mid-forties, and then the next day
it was snowing with five inches on the way. After a few minutes, the
bridge finally stopped moving. Levi started walking toward his car

A hand came down upon Levi’s shoulder. A flash of heat moved

through Levi’s body. He didn’t like anyone touching him, but this
time it was different. The sensation didn’t last long and didn’t linger.
Maybe it was due to his polar plunge and his body’s sudden craving
for heat. That thought had Levi looking at Lt. Temple in a new way.

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Tatum Throne

All of a sudden he was seeing Temple naked, spending the rest of the
night warming him up.

Levi cleared his throat. He couldn’t meet those blue eyes again.

“What can I do for you, Lt. Temple?”

“Let me give you a ride back to your car.”
Levi hesitated before agreeing. There was kindness in his eyes.

Temple was the type of guy who was built for off-road excursions. Up
close, Levi could see the hard lines on his face and the rigid cut to his
jaw. There was also an aloofness about the man that gave him a
mysterious vibe that peeked Levi’s interested. He couldn’t remember
the last time any coworker had caught his attention so thoroughly for
more than work reasons.

He really wasn’t up for the walk along the highway. Right now,

all he wanted was someone to take care of him for a few minutes.

They headed for Temple’s Jeep on the side of the road. “My car is

on the Kentucky side of the river. Covington exit.”

Temple leaned in and started his Jeep. His gaze moved over Levi

as though he were considering something important. Temple removed
his coat, handing it over to Levi.

“Use this to keep warm while the Jeep warms up.”
It was an order Levi gladly obeyed. Temple’s North Face coat was

warm and soft. Heat moved over Levi’s chilled skin. He found
himself inhaling deeply, memorizing the exotic scent of the man he
didn’t know. Something delicious stirred inside of him. It’d been so
damn long since he’d had a man. Through the window, Levi watched
Temple clear off the windshield. He found himself searching his left
hand for a ring. There wasn’t one, but that didn’t necessarily mean
that he wasn’t married or tied up with a woman. He glanced around
the inside of his Jeep. Change was tossed inside a cup holder. There
was a duffle bag in the backseat. It was neat and orderly.

Temple finished cleaning off the snow and hopped back into the

Jeep. He blew on his hands warming them up before he merged with

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Training Levi


the slow moving traffic. They needed to drive into the city to turn
around to get to the other side of the highway. Temple cranked the
heat on high.

“Look, my job isn’t to second-guess your actions in the field.

That’s RAT’s job. My job is to review your training and make
recommendations for retraining you.”

“What training is involved?” Levi asked.
“I’ll make that determination after we start work tomorrow.”
“How long is this going to take, Lieutenant?”
“A few weeks, tops.”
Weeks. The news was getting better and better. A few minutes

later, Temple rolled up behind his car. Levi reluctantly slipped
Temple’s coat off of him. He wasn’t ready to get back into the cold
again. “Thanks for the ride, Lieutenant.”

“If we’re going to be working together, then we need to get along,


Determined to get out of there, Levi dug his keys out of the plastic

bag with his wet clothes. “You’re the only thing standing in my way
of doing my job. So do what you need to do and let me get the fuck
on with it.”

Levi opened the car door. He rounded the front of Temple’s Jeep,

slipping in the snow. Levi reached out, grabbing the front of Temple’s
Jeep before he did a face plant in the snow. Temple flung open the
door and rushed around the side. He slipped his arm under Levi’s.

“Easy now.”
Levi couldn’t resist the temptation to use Temple as his crutch. He

leaned on him, noticing the difference in their sizes for the first time.
Temple had a few inches of height on him and was a little bit broader
in the chest. A flash of heat seared through Levi’s body as Temple
shifted him closer out of the wind, stirring something deep within his
cock. Levi licked his tongue out over his lower lip. He knew then that
getting involved with Brayden Temple was going to rock his world in
a really bad way.

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Tatum Throne

“I’m good.”
“Let me drive you home. I’ll make sure your car makes it home


“I’m okay.”
“You’re not steady on your feet. I should take you to the


“No fucking hospital.”
“Then I’m taking you home.”
No, he wasn’t okay when he was standing so close to Brayden

Temple. Levi hoped Brayden couldn’t feel the racing of his heart
through the thick layer of his coat.

“I’ll be okay.”
Temple’s warm hand slipped firmly over the back of his, taking

his keys from his palm. “I’ll sleep better tonight knowing you made it
home safely.”

“Fine. Drive me home.”
Temple walked him around the Jeep and opened the passenger

side door for him. Their legs tangled a bit as Levi sat into the Jeep.
Temple shut the door and rounded the Jeep, sitting behind the wheel.

“Let’s get you home before you get sick, too. What’s your


Levi rattled it off as he dropped his head back against the

headrest. He couldn’t admit it out loud, but he was glad Temple was
driving him to his place. He wasn’t safe on his feet and sure as shit
wouldn’t be safe on the road. His eyes grew heavy and before he
knew what hit him, he was asleep with the gentle swaying of the Jeep.

A hand slid over Levi’s shoulder as a cold wind hit him in the


“We’re home.”
A grin tugged at the corner of Levi’s lips. In his sleep-induced

state, he really liked the sound of those words coming from Temple’s

“Are we already?”

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Training Levi


“Yeah. Let me help you out of here.”
The snow was thicker out on the eastside of town, but the roads

were salted and cleared. Temple slipped his hand under his arm as he

“I’m okay. Really,” Levi said.
“I’m at least walking you to the door.”
Something tightened down inside Levi’s heart. He never had

anyone want to take care of him before. He wasn’t used to putting his
trust so completely into someone else’s hands.

Lt. Temple grabbed the wet bag of clothes and shut the door to the

Jeep. Temple took a moment to take in the outside of Levi’s big
farmhouse. They shuffled up the snow-covered walk to the
wraparound porch. Levi searched for his car keys, but realized that
Temple still had them. Temple pulled them from his coat pocket.

“Do you live alone out here?” Temple asked.
“I do. I love the peace and quiet.”
“How many acres do you have?”
“Twenty. Only three are cleared.”
“Is that barn way over there part of your property?”
“Yeah it is.”
Levi hesitated in the doorway. He wanted to invite Temple in for

some hot chocolate. That thought gave him pause. What the hell was
he thinking? Who the hell invites someone in for hot chocolate? The
bump on his head was probably way worse than he suspected.

“Thanks for the ride.”
Temple’s gaze went past Levi and into his home. “You sure

you’re okay?”

“I’ll be good.”
“I don’t mind coming in for a few minutes.”
“Really. I’m good.”
Temple lifted his hand. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Levi smiled. “Three. Six if you count the double vision I’m still

having.” Their eyes locked. “I’m kidding.”

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Tatum Throne

A smile cornered Temple’s lips as his laughter echoed from his

mouth. A ripple of pleasure shivered through Levi’s body. He liked
Temple’s smile, but he loved his laughter more.

“Good night, Detective. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”
“See you.”
Temple walked to his Jeep, not looking back until he sat behind

the wheel. Levi reluctantly closed the door. He pressed his forehead
against the door, closing his eyes. What the fuck was he doing falling
for a guy he couldn’t have?

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Training Levi


Chapter Three

Old war injuries sucked. Bray rolled out his shoulder, trying to

loosen the stiffness out. He sat back in his office chair, pausing the
DVD of Levi’s heroics on the ice. Bray stared at the paused screen on
his laptop. As soon as Levi was pulled onto the embankment, he’d
defiantly got to his soaking-wet feet and stripped off his long sleeved

The cameraman had zeroed in on Levi’s bare chest. An eight-pack

traveled down below the waist on his low riding jeans. There were
muscled ridges that defined his hips. What the hell were those
muscles called? They were definitely not love handles. They were
more like love ridges.

Detective Levi Maden’s file was open on Bray’s lap. His psych

evaluation was fresh off of Andrea’s desk and onto his. She cleared
him for duty, but flagged him for possible stress-related issues due to
the fall into the ice. He read. Detective Maden appears to be
minimizing the psychological impact of this near-death experience.

Bray’s gaze went back to Levi’s personnel file. Levi had started

the traditional route. He entered the police academy after getting a
degree in criminal justice. Never married. No kids. He lived in a
farmhouse way out on the east side of the city. Bray wanted to know
more about the personal. Was he seeing anyone?

Bray looked over his information to see who his emergency

contact was. The corners of Bray’s lips twitched when he saw that he
had listed the chief as his emergency contact. So there was no one
stable in his life who he’d list as a contact. Interesting.

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Tatum Throne

After yesterday, he was probably going to have the ladies beating

down his front door. An attractive guy like Levi probably had many
women waiting for a chance at him. Bray’s gaze went up over the
police-issued glossy in his file. He’d smiled for his photo. Those eyes
staring back at him were a sparkling gray, almost innocent. His hair
was a silky brown. Light caught auburn highlights in his hair. There
was a polished eager quality to the young officer in the picture. This
was not the same man who Levi Maden was now. Maden had the hard
cynicism that came from too much time in the field and a little bit of
lost faith in humanity. Bray had seen it a thousand times before. Levi
Maden was close to burning out after seven years on the force.

Bray gave his computer a wake-up call. Social media was all over

the incident. Maden was becoming a viral sensation. Chief Anderson
wasn’t happy about it. He preferred his SWAT team to work with the
silent quality of black ops. What he got instead was a bunch of guys
who couldn’t seem to stay out of the spotlight no matter what they
were doing.

Temptation had Bray hitting play on the DVD again. He watched

the entire video, up until the moment where Maden took off his shirt

Jealousy gave him a swift kick in the ass when he thought about a

woman wrapping her hands around that sculpted body. Bray was so
far in the closet that the door was padlocked. One thing Bray wasn’t
good at was reading the signs. He couldn’t tell who was gay and who
wasn’t. Most people got a feel for that sort of thing. He never picked
it up. There were signs that Bray could tease out over time, but it
wasn’t something he could figure out overnight. He got to the answer
by process of elimination. Half the time he waited until the other man
made the first move. Yeah, he knew he was a pussy when it came to
his love life, but he didn’t care.

Bray’s gaze watched the way Levi walked away from the

embankment. There was a hard, cocky swagger to Levi Maden. He
was so Bray’s type. Bray shut off the media player on his laptop. He

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couldn’t watch any more of this now. He ejected the CD, putting it in
the sleeve. Bray swallowed hard. It was way past the time for their

Bray knew when he was getting stood up. It didn’t feel nice. He

tried Detective Maden’s cell phone. It flushed him into voicemail.
Bray suspected that that pipe was clogged and wouldn’t be flowing
again any time soon.

There were other cases on Bray’s plate to work on today. He

didn’t have time to chase Levi down. He could run, but not hide
forever. Bray spent the rest of the day working on other pressing
matters. He followed up on two of his trainees who were on
probation. Despite all the busy work, Levi was on his mind the entire

It was late in the evening when Bray needed to take a walk to

clear his head. Levi was due in his office hours ago, but never showed
or called. Bray ended up in the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee.

On the way back to his office, Bray detoured through the training

center to get his mind off Levi. It didn’t work. The center should’ve
been empty at this hour, but it wasn’t. Someone was using the bars to
do a mean set of pull-ups. Bray froze just inside the doorway. Sweat
glistened off of their rippling muscles. A tattoo done in black and gray
swirled around his back and disappeared around his right side. Bray’s
heart rate kicked up a few beats. It’d been a really long time since he
had indulged in temptation.

The guy jumped down, shaking out his arms. He turned.
It was Levi, and he wasn’t alone. Honest surprise flowed through

Bray’s body. This was the last place Bray expected to find Levi.

Off to the side, a woman with long flowing red hair paced. She

wore a white blazer and a pencil skirt with a slit up the side that
showed off her long legs as she walked. Any other guy would’ve
spent time loving those legs from afar. They didn’t do anything for
Bray. The woman looked like some type of corporate lawyer. She
looked as though she was giving Levi an earful about something, but

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Levi wasn’t having any part of it. They didn’t see Bray enter through
the side door. Bray knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t
help himself. He wanted to know what had her so riled and him so

“You can’t keep doing this shit, Levi. I can’t take it anymore. I

don’t like seeing you on the news like this. You could’ve called me.”

“Give it a rest, Cedar. I have Anderson on my back and now this

Temple guy. I don’t need you in the mix, too. I didn’t want to worry
you by calling.”

The girl ran her hand through her long hair. She settled on

crossing her arms and angrily pouting. Levi didn’t move to comfort
her. Bray wasn’t sure if he was relieved or annoyed at his lack of
concern for Cedar’s feelings. She finally gave in and moved to Levi
as he wiped his face with a towel.

“I just hate this,” Cedar said.
“I know, babe. It’s not going to be forever. We’ll get through this


“You won’t lose your job, will you?”
“I won’t. Promise.”
She shook her head. “Just straighten the fuck out, okay? I hate

getting these damn calls from the people I work with. It’s

From Bray’s vantage point, he couldn’t see the woman’s tears, but

he knew from the quiet sniffling that they were falling. Levi ran his
hand through Cedar’s hair, pushing it away from her face. He
whispered something quietly that only she could hear. She pulled
away, shaking her head. She obviously disagreed with whatever he
had said.

Disappointment spiraled through Bray when he realized that

Cedar was probably his girlfriend. He let out an unsteady breath. It
wasn’t easy working all day long with some of the hottest guys on the
planet who had girlfriends and wives. Bray had accepted a really long
time ago that he probably wouldn’t find a lover working in law

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Training Levi


enforcement. Cedar walked away, grabbing her purse off one of the
benches. Her heels were sharp on the hardwood around the mats. Levi
watched her slam out the side door on the opposite side of the training
center. Levi threw his towel across the room, cursing as he did.

With the reflection and angle of the mirrors, Bray could see Levi

but he couldn’t see Bray. Bray let his gaze move over Levi’s chest.
He hadn’t seen that tattoo in the video. Maybe there were more worth
seeing. Levi glanced over his shoulder. Bray came further inside the
training center.

Their eyes locked. Levi sneered irreverently and glared, looking

up under his long, dark eyelashes, daring Bray to take control of him.
Levi looked absolutely mouth-watering when he looked at Bray that
way. It kind of reminded Bray of a sub behaving badly. Bray gave
Levi an easy nod.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Bray said. “Girlfriend?”
Defiance flared through Levi’s eyes. Normally, Bray would’ve let

the glare go unchecked, but seeing how he was retraining Levi, he
couldn’t let it go. Bray needed to set clear boundaries before things
went further.

“What are you doing here?”
Bray set aside his coffee and crossed his arms easily. He didn’t

like his questions being ignored. “You stood me up. So I thought I’d
take a walk.”

“You found me. Good for you. You’ve earned your girl scout

badge for tracking.”

Oh, nice. Bray loved the way he defied authority. It actually

turned him on. Levi took up shop on the bar above his head again. He
did another set of pull-ups that put a really nice emphasis on his
muscles. Levi rubbed his hand down his goatee. “You ready to talk to

Up. Down. Up. Down. “I don’t need to be retrained.”
“It was the chief’s call, not mine.”
“Man, this is bullshit.”

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“The faster we get through this, the faster you’ll get back to your


Levi jumped down again, shaking out his arms. Man, he was

pumped up and edgy, Bray thought. Bray knew he was going to have
to do something drastic to get Levi’s attention. Defiance lingered in
his eyes. Levi crossed his arms.

“Fine. Retrain me. Mold me into a perfect soldier.”
Bray lifted the corner of his mouth. He came in close. “I’ve been

watching the video of the incident on the ice. I’m impressed. Not
many would be willing to do what you did.”

“It’s part of the job.”
“You were off duty.”
“You never stop or turn off being a cop.”
Levi didn’t look comfortable with the praise. “No, you don’t.”

Bray paced the gym, picking up a staff, twirling it around. “Let’s fight
for it. What do you say?”

“Excuse me?”
“If you win, I write up your report by the end of the day and your

retraining is over. If I win, you play by my rules for as long as it
takes. So what do you say?”

“I’m game.”
Bray picked up another staff, tossing it through the air to Levi

who caught it easily. He indicated the mats in the middle of the room.
A flash of heat sparked within Levi’s eyes. They circled each other.
Bray gave Levi lots of room to show off his skills with the staff,
flipping it around. Bray was ready for the battle, but he wasn’t so sure
he was prepared to deal with the fallout. They fought, dodging,
blocking, and hitting with the wooden staffs. Bray flipped his staff up
under Levi’s legs, taking him down to the ground.

Surprise and chagrin moved over Levi’s face. It was clear that no

one had ever gotten the better of him on the mats. Bray flipped the
staff out of Levi’s hand, disarming him. Bray held out his hand to
Levi, offering to help him up off the mat. Levi took his hand, yanking

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Training Levi


Bray across the mat, mounting him with a mixed martial arts move.
They fought hard. The sound of Bray’s shirt ripping echoed within the
training center. Shock bitch slapped Bray, distracting him. Oh, it was
so on, he thought. Buttons flew across the mat and into the air.
Several hit the mirrors, flying back onto the mats like glass raining
down. Bray’s hands slipped off of Levi’s bare skin. Levi had an
advantage, being shirtless.

Bray flipped around, getting Levi in a hold from behind in three

easy moves. Bray’s legs were wrapped around Levi’s waist and his
arms were worked up around Levi’s arms and neck.

Heat moved through Bray’s body when his lips brushed across

Levi’s ear. Bray knew it was wrong when he pressed his mouth to
Levi’s ear but he couldn’t resist temptation. He liked the feel of their
bodies pressed so tightly together. “This is where you submit to me.”

“Is that what you want?”
“You’re not backing out of our agreement, are you?” Bray asked.
They were skin to skin. Bray’s chest pressed against Levi’s back.

The heat of his breath blew across Levi’s ear. A shiver vibrated
through Bray’s body. Bray could feel Levi’s heart hammering away
with his. Levi reluctantly tapped out. Bray released him. It was over,
and he won big.

* * * *

This was complete bullshit. Levi couldn’t believe he lost the

match with Temple. He’d been distracted by Temple’s muscled body
pressed up against his. No, that wasn’t completely true. The first
distraction had come after Levi had ripped open his shirt. Nor, could
he shake the feel of his ass pressed up against Bray’s cock, making
his rim tingle. Levi rushed toward the locker room to shower. Bray
followed him to deal with the cut on his brow. Out of the corner of
Levi’s eye, he caught Bray wiping his brow as he leaned onto the skin
and looked into the mirror.

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Maybe Levi needed to be retrained with a few more kicks to his

ass for his inability to think before he acted. Humble pie tasted best
served warm. Levi glanced at Brayden. He felt bad about hurting Bray
and tearing his shirt. Not to mention he ruined his smooth, perfect and
ruggedly beautiful face. A shiver vibrated through his body as the
memory of Brayden’s goatee brushing over his ear played like smooth
jazz through his mind. He really liked the way those silky hairs
teased. Levi loved the way it felt so exotic on his skin. He’d never
dated anyone with facial hair before. Levi let his gaze dance over
Brayden’s face one last time. Levi wondered if he went by Bray or
did he prefer Brayden? He liked the sound of it in his head. An
apology tap-danced on the tip of his tongue. Levi leaned onto the
sink. He wasn’t sure why this was so hard. The words sounded easy to
say in his head. Through the break in Bray’s shirt, Levi saw a well-
defined abdomen covered in dark chest hair. Levi’s breath caught. A
deep muscled line cut the center of his six-pack. A thin dark happy
trail started at his navel and took a slow dive south.

Levi cleared his throat and looked away. He had to stop looking at

what he couldn’t have and had no right to want or fantasize about. “I
think I owe you a shirt.”

“We’ll call this one collateral damage.”
There was kindness in Bray’s eyes as the corners of his mouth

turned up. He was charming and reasonable, too. Hot water rushed
over Levi’s hand as he wet a paper towel. He turned toward Bray,
wiping his brow and cheek where blood had dripped.

“Here. You missed a spot.” Levi was surprised Bray actually let

him wipe his brow. “I thought I had you there.”

“You had the advantage without a shirt. You should’ve had me.”
Levi came in closer. Bray was a stoic, stubborn man. He was all

alpha. Levi sensed that these still waters ran very deep. “You’re quiet
when you’re not discussing work.”

Their eyes met.

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Something seductively dangerous passed through Brayden’s eyes.

It was the same look Levi saw in Brayden when they’d got onto the
mats to fight. Levi wondered what it would be like to have that look
for other reasons. Temptation had Levi letting his gaze fall to
Brayden’s full lips. He loved the way they were outlined by that dark
goatee. When Levi raised his eyes back to Brayden’s, he knew that
the slip in composure had just outed him. There was honest surprise in
Brayden’s face. Levi knew that he’d just crossed the line and there
was no going back. Brayden pulled away, taking off his shirt. He went
to his locker where he switched out his shirt for another one.

“I think we’re done for the day,” Temple said.
Yes, they were. Levi had royally fucked things up with that one

forbidden look. How the hell could he be so foolish and so naïve? The
truth was Levi was embarrassed for wanting someone he couldn’t
have. It was the fucking story of his life, living in the most
conservative town in the Midwest.

Levi grabbed his shower kit, towel, and a change of clothes. He

needed to put some distance between them, but he needed a shower
more. Hopefully, by the time he was finished, Temple would be gone
and that slip in composure forgotten.

“Have a nice night, Lieutenant.”
“You, too.”
It didn’t go unnoticed by Levi that Brayden didn’t bother looking

up from his locker as he walked by. Yep, Levi had fucked this
situation up. Big time. He headed for the privacy of one of the shower
stalls and undressed. He pulled the heavy duty vanilla shaded curtain
closed and turned on the spray. Levi hung his head under the hot
water, leaning a palm up against the wall. Hot water rushed down
over his body, grabbing at his hard cock.

He closed his eyes and pictured Temple in his mind. A rush of

heat flooded his cock, causing his dick to grow hard. Levi groaned
inwardly as he smoothed his hand down over his cockhead, giving it a
punishing squeeze. It’d been a really long time since he took care of

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business, but he was not about to take care of it at work. Levi washed
up quickly. He wanted to pick up dinner before he headed home and
forget all about his encounter with Brayden Temple tonight.

Levi shut off the water, dried off, and dressed quickly. He grabbed

his duffle out of his locker and yanked back on his work boots.

He cut through the back stairwell into the employee parking lot,

hoping to avoid Temple if he was still working. He opened up the
outer doors, getting slapped in the face with an uppercut of cold air.

Piles of snow were all over the street. Levi felt as though he lost

not only the match, but part of his heart, too. He’d always been
attracted to the strong, silent type. Levi caught sight of Brayden
crossing the parking lot. They were leaving work at the same time.
Levi still felt bad about going so hard on Temple. He didn’t deserve
the dirt. Levi caught up with him in the lot.

“Lt. Temple.”
“Call me Brayden.”
A chill raced down Levi’s spine. Anticipation heated his blood.

“Brayden.” Levi repeated his name, testing the taste of it on his lips.
He liked the sweet sound as it rushed like sweet nectar over his
tongue. “About the fight…”

“It’s not a big deal.”
The snow was starting to fall in big heavy clumps on the ice-

covered street. City streets were always the last to be plowed or
salted. Highways were always the first to be done.

“I didn’t mean to take it so far. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”
Puffs of white air came from Brayden’s lips. They were full, rosy

lips. The kind Levi knew he could sink his teeth into. Brayden’s eyes
narrowed slightly as though he’d just picked the thought from Levi’s
brain. Or perhaps it was written all over his face. Levi couldn’t hide
his feelings about anything.

“You’re passionate about what you do. I get that. So am I.”
“Is that your professional opinion?” Levi asked.
“Yes. It is.”

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Training Levi


Levi watched Brayden walk away. He liked the way he moved in

long-limbed strides. It was the kind of walk that made a person take
notice. Levi headed to his car, starting it up as he cleaned off the
several inches of snow that had fallen during the day. Chilled, Levi
sat inside the car. Headlights cut across the parking lot as Brayden’s
Jeep hit the street. Levi put the car in gear. He was going to follow
Brayden. He wanted to know what he did on a Friday night for fun.

* * * *

Traffic was light as Levi pulled out into the street. Several cars up,

Brayden was stopped at a traffic light. It was so wrong to follow
Brayden that it felt right. There was something secretive about the
man. It was impossible to ignore. Stalking a coworker shouldn’t have
been on Levi’s to-do list, but he couldn’t resist the temptation. Levi
followed him to Clifton, where he parked his car down one of the side
streets. Levi circled around, looking for an open spot. He found the
last one. Slush splashed up over Levi’s boots as he stepped out of the
car. He reached for his pack of cigarettes in his black leather jacket
when he remembered he quit a month ago.

A block down, Brayden was walking along the sidewalk. He cut

around the corner. Levi followed him, all the while wondering where
he was going. They passed by the movie theater and several
restaurants. He headed down another side street. By the time Levi got
up to the corner to look for Bray, he lost him. Levi had no choice but
to head back to his car and go home.

Levi reversed his steps along the sidewalk to his car. It was

fucking cold out. He was hungry. Not to mention, he probably
shouldn’t have followed his coworker after they left work. Levi dug
his keys out of his car and reached for the handle. There was still ice
stuck to it.

All of a sudden, Levi was shoved up against the side of his car.
“Why are you following me?”

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Bray’s voice was dangerously low. Heat seared through Levi’s

clothing as Bray’s thick muscles pressed against his chest. Brayden’s
hands were anchored on the roof of his car.

“Who says I’m following you?”
“I know you are.”
Levi knew when it wasn’t a good idea to smile at Brayden. Now

was the time to play things cool. “Maybe I want to know more about
the man that’s retraining me.”

“You don’t need to know anything about me.”
“Afraid of what I might find out?”
“Maybe there are things I don’t want you to know about me,”

Brayden said. “Go home, Levi. That’s an order.”

The slap of Brayden’s heated words were like a stroke along the

underside of Levi’s cock. Levi’s breath caught deep in his chest as his
cock flooded with heat. He couldn’t deny the pull of attraction. The
need to kiss Bray was overpowering. He wasn’t supposed to be
suddenly infatuated with the man who was supposed to be retraining
him, but damn him he was.

“You can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do after hours,


“The fuck I can’t. Go. Home.”
“No, Sir.”
There was something dangerous about the way he was getting the

blow off. There was something even more deadly about the way Levi
was challenging Brayden to another fight. Levi knew he shouldn’t be
doing this, but he couldn’t resist the temptation to get beneath
Brayden’s skin the same way he had gotten under his. Levi’s eyes
dropped to Bray’s full lips. They were so close that Levi could
practically lick out and taste them.

“What the fuck are you doing, Levi?”
A flash of heat spiraled through Brayden’s eyes every time Levi

used the word sir. He wanted to see that spark again. “Admiring the
view, Sir.”

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Training Levi


He chuckled, a dark and dangerous sound. “We are not going to

do this.”

“Do what, Sir?”
“We’re not going to cross this boundary.”
“What boundary, Sir?”
Brayden edged in closer. “The one you’re trying to cross.”
Levi searched his face, but couldn’t read him. “I’m not the one

crossing the boundary, Sir. You’re the one that followed me back to
my car.”

“Stop calling me sir.”
“Just keeping those boundaries, Sir.”
“I don’t want to hear that word coming from your mouth.”
Brayden shook his head. “Why did you follow me? Is there

something you want from me?”

Levi lowered his voice to a submissive crawl. He looked up from

beneath his dark lashes, all the while knowing how his eyes turned
sexy. He couldn’t deny the pull of attraction he had for Brayden.
“Yes, Sir.”

The lone word snapped hard between them, causing Levi’s cock

to tighten painfully. Levi couldn’t believe they were having this
conversation. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to put what
he wanted out there. His heart raced as his mouth went dry. This
wasn’t something Levi ever did. “You, Sir.”

There was a long pause. Brayden frowned. His gaze moved over

Levi’s face.

“You can’t have me. I’m retraining you.”
The cold car chilled Levi’s back. Heat seared from the break in

Brayden’s North Face jacket. Levi wanted to run his tongue down the
hard line of muscle that rippled over Brayden’s abdomen. “I’m not
asking, Sir.”

“You want me?” Brayden asked.

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“God, yes.”
“I don’t know. I just do.”
They stared at each other in the cold, twenty-degree air. Brayden

looked as though no one had ever laid it on the line for him so openly

Brayden leaned so far in that his lips whispered along Levi’s ear.

“We shouldn’t do this.”

“We won’t get caught.”
“Stop making such a persuasive argument.”
“Trust me,” Levi whispered.
“You’re the one who shouldn’t trust me.”
Brayden slid his hand up the front of Levi’s neck, giving him a

possessive stroke and squeeze. The move sent erotic chills coursing
through his body. Levi’s cock flexed hard, punching up against the fly
of his tactical pants.

“I trust you completely. I’d do anything to have you. Anything…”
Laughter teased from Brayden’s lips. “You should be careful for

what you wish for.”

“You don’t scare me.”
“You should be afraid of me.”
He wasn’t afraid. Intrigue had him running his hands up under the

break in Brayden’s jacket. Levi slipped his hands over Brayden’s belt,
feeling his badge and gun. He moved upward. Hard muscle danced
beneath the tips of his fingers through the soft cotton shirt he wore. It
was wrong to go so far without permission, but Levi was past the
point of reason. He always got what he wanted when he wanted it.
And he wanted Brayden.

Levi dropped his lips to Brayden’s neck, brushing them slowly

back and forth to heat his chilled skin. “I can handle what you’ve got.
I’m not a virgin.”

All of a sudden, Levi was spun around and pushed against the car

door. A gasp escaped Levi’s lips when the shock of Brayden’s hard

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Training Levi


cock pressed between his ass cheeks. “You can’t handle me. I’ll be
the only one doing the handling.”

Brayden thrust the tip of his cock up over Levi’s anus through the

fabric of their pants. He was long and thick and hot against Levi’s

“I want you to handle me,” Levi said.
Hot kisses were placed along the nape of Levi’s neck. The nape of

his neck was his most sensitive erogenous zone. Brayden lapped at
the back of his neck, sending shivers racing through his heated blood.
God, he needed Brayden. He wanted him fast and hard, long into the

“Tempting. But not going to happen. You wouldn’t be a very

good submissive for me.”

Submissive. Brayden was a Dom. BDSM wasn’t something Levi

knew anything about. Curiosity had him wanting to know everything.
“I’d be a very good sub for you.”

“Doms choose their subs very carefully. You wouldn’t be able to

handle what I need to do to you.”

“Tell me, Sir.”
“I like to spank. I like to flog. I like to tie up. I’m a sadist who

likes to take my lovers to the point of ecstasy and keep them there for

Visions of Brayden taking control of him in the bedroom made his

cock contract tightly. A shot of spunk spiraled up from his dick before
he could lock his orgasm down. “Oh fuck. Your words just made me
fucking come.”

Brayden groaned. “I don’t take lovers I work with.”
“Then I’ll quit.”
Brayden chuckled. “We both know you won’t do that.”
“Take me as your sub.”
“I’m giving you one warning to fuck off, Detective. This is not

going to happen between us.”

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“If this isn’t going to happen, why is your cock pressed up against

my ass.”

“It’s not my cock, it’s my gun. This is my cock.”
Brayden shifted his hips, moving his legs so that they braced the

outside of Levi’s. How could Levi have gotten the feel of his cock so
wrong? Brayden’s cock was thicker, longer, and hotter. All of a
sudden, Brayden pulled away. He whipped Levi around, shoving him
up against the door. They were face to face with their eyes wide open.
Levi couldn’t look away. He lifted his hand, caressing his fingers over
Brayden’s face. His facial hair was silky soft and surprisingly stiff.
Levi let his hand trail down the front of his neck.

A groan echoed from the back of Brayden’s throat. On a curse,

Brayden dropped his mouth to Levi’s lips, taking control with one hot
kiss. Surprise had Levi parting his mouth for more. Warm, wet lips
danced with Levi’s. The brush of Brayden’s goatee was a teasing
caress. Sweet nips and licks moved over Levi’s mouth. With each
stroke of their lips, Levi moaned with a forbidden longing that echoed
through his body. Their lips pressed together, getting closer with each
touch. Pure raw lust raced through Levi as Brayden flicked his tongue
over his, diving deep into his mouth. Levi groaned, whipping his
tongue against Brayden’s.

All of a sudden Brayden pulled away, leaving Levi shell shocked

and wanting. They were both breathing hard.

“You got what you wanted. Now go the fuck home,” Brayden


It’d been too long since Levi felt the comfort of another person

touching him. Brayden let go and walked away. Levi slumped against
his car as he watched him head down the sidewalk. Levi got into his
car, brushing his hand over his throbbing cock. He was going home
and taking a really hot shower. He was tired of being cold.

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Training Levi


Chapter Four

Bray couldn’t look at Levi without thinking about the kiss they

shared the night before. He noticed the way Levi dodged his gaze
when their eyes brushed. Most of all he loved the way Levi looked at
him when Levi thought that Bray wasn’t looking at him at all.

“Well?” Bray asked.
“Adapt. Improvise.”
They were going through company policy. The binder on Levi’s

lap was brand new and all his. Over the next two weeks they would
go through it page by page.

Levi ran his hand through his brown hair. Frustration ran two

lights in his gray eyes. “I suppose wait for SWAT. Isn’t that the
answer you’re looking for?”

“No. Don’t just give me the answer I’m looking for. Tell me what

you’ll honestly do in the field.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do until I’m at the scene.”
“That’s fair. I want you to understand that it’s not always

necessary to wait. You’re not suicidal, right?”

Levi glared. “No. I’m not suicidal or homicidal. There’s no

question about risk when there’s a life on the line.”

“I get that. I want you to understand that your choices have impact

at the end of the day.”

“I’m not trying to get myself or anyone else killed in the field.”
Bray leaned back in his office chair, making the hinges protest. It

was almost time for lunch. It was a good place for them to break.

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“That’s good to hear. Let’s take a break for lunch. We can finish
chatting over lunch. Do you have plans?”

Levi’s eyes widened briefly with surprise. “Oh, I packed. You?”
“I’m grabbing a sandwich from the deli across the street. Where

do you want to eat?” Bray asked.

“Probably my office. I want to catch up on some things.”
“Okay, I’ll see you in a few.”
Bray didn’t give Levi a chance to protest. He grabbed his jacket

and headed out the door. Snow was piled up curbside. Cars were
jammed between the drifts. Bray crossed the street and ordered a
chicken salad sandwich on pretzel bread. He grabbed a soda and a bag
of chips, too. As an afterthought, he ordered two blueberry tarts. Bray
headed back into the cold and waited on the sidewalk for the light to
change. Traffic was heavy with the lunch rush moving through the

He looked up at police headquarters. The gray building was small

compared to the surrounding buildings. A block over, the jail took up
space. Bray knew he was using lunch as an excuse to prolong his time
with Levi. He wanted to know more about things that were in no way
work related. Last night’s kiss was branded on his mind and his lips.
Levi’s lips were sweet and sensually soft as they yielded to his mouth.
It was wrong for Bray to want to kiss detective Maden again, but he
wanted to.

Slush kicked up over his boots as he went across the street and up

the staircase to headquarters. Bray went to the elevator, heading
upstairs to Levi’s office. The door was open. Bray knocked on the
door and waited for Levi to see him.

“Come on in.”
Levi’s lunch was on his desk. Small wooden boxes were stacked

up in a set of four in front of him. A bottle water sat on his desk.
Bray’s gaze went to the stack of boxes that Levi was taking apart.

“That looks interesting,” Bray said. “Did your mom make your


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“Sushi. And no, I made my lunch.”
There were no personal photos in Levi’s office. His office was

stamped hard from years of overuse and funding cuts. Everything
looked as though it fell out of the eighties and didn’t bother
upgrading. The only thing missing was the big red typewriter that beat
cops once used. This was the older part of the building where the
Tactical Defense Team was housed.

Levi stared at Bray’s lunch like he was looking at road kill that he

wanted to shovel off the side of the road. “That doesn’t look healthy.”

“It’s chicken salad. It’s healthy.”
“Mayo slapped on boiled chicken isn’t healthy.”
“It has grapes, walnuts, and celery in it. That’s all good for you.”
Levi lifted a brow. “That bread probably has a thousand

milligrams of sodium in it.”

Bray took a big bite and smiled. He purposely softened his face to

show Levi how good it was. “It’s so good.”

“That’s a heart attack.”
“Says the man that leaps before he looks.”
The corner of Levi’s mouth lifted. “I suppose we both have things

we need to work on.”

Bray watched Levi use chopsticks to pick up the seaweed-

wrapped sushi, dipping it into a thick green sauce before eating it. He
watched his mouth go to work. There was something really sexy
about the care he took in eating. Bray liked the fact that he made his
lunch. Levi caught him looking. He lifted another piece of sushi with
his chopsticks.

“Do you want to try it?”
“Sure. Is that seaweed?”
“Nori paper. It’s edible seaweed.”
Levi offered the sushi roll, using his hand to cup it so it wouldn’t

fall onto the papers on his desk. Bray leaned forward, keeping his
gaze trained on Levi as he opened his mouth. Levi unconsciously

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licked his lower lip as Bray closed his lips over the chopsticks. Rice,
slices of avocado, and thin slices of carrot were wrapped in seaweed.
It was really good.

This is healthy.”
“It’s good.”
The compliment seemed to spark through Levi’s eyes. Bray sat

back, watching Levi carefully. The vibe was there and impossible to
ignore. Bray couldn’t remember the last time he pursued someone he
worked with. He made a policy of not dating anyone he worked with.
It could lead to awkward moments if they broke up.

“Do we need to talk about it?” Bray asked.
Levi was slow to lift his gaze up to Bray’s. “About last night?”
“Yeah. I think we should.”
“If you’re looking for an apology for me following you and what

happened after, I can’t give you one.”

“I don’t want an apology.”
“What do you want?” Levi asked.
A blush crept up Levi’s neck and landed solidly in his cheeks. The

innocent blush turned Bray on.

“Do you, Sir?”
Something clicked deep within Bray’s heart. He was tired of

playing the field. He wanted a long-term commitment. Was that man

“Yes, I do.”
“How are we going to do this, Sir?”
“It wouldn’t be appropriate for us to date while I’m retraining


“Your retraining will be up in two weeks. Do you think you can

wait that long to have me?”

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Levi looked up from beneath his long dark lashes. “I’d do

anything to have you, Sir.”

“I love it when you call me sir. It turns me on.”
“I know you do, Sir.”
“I think we’re done for the day. I’ll see you later.”
“Later, Sir.”
Two weeks was a really, really long time. Bray wasn’t sure he

was going to be able to wait that long to take Levi as his sub. He sure
as hell wasn’t going to make this time easy for Levi. Over the next
two weeks, he was going to secretly teach him about what it meant to
be a submissive.

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Chapter Five

Levi looked down at the floor. The pen in Brayden’s hand had

accidentally slipped from the tips of his fingers. It rolled, landing
under his desk. Levi sat across from Bray with the training binder on
his lap. The square break beneath the desk gave Levi a good view of
the pen that had landed between Brayden’s spread legs. Brayden had
a strong, manly way of sitting with his thick thighs spread wide.

There was a seductive gleam in Brayden’s eyes. “Can you get that

for me?”

Levi set his binder on the desk as he got down on his hands and

knees. He felt his heart rate kick up twenty notches as his gaze moved
from the pen on the floor and up over Brayden’s legs. Levi let his
gaze land solidly on Bray’s cock. The thick bulge behind Brayden’s
dress pants told him exactly what he, too, was feeling. The
undercurrent of attraction was becoming a constant player in every
interaction they had alone together.

“Can you find it?”
The husky sound of Brayden’s voice had Levi’s pulsating cock

jump to attention. Of course, Levi knew he’d always be at the ready
for Brayden to take command. “Yeah, I see it. It’s a little out of my

Brayden’s hand moved over his cock, adjusting the thick stick in

his pants. Levi’s mouth watered as he thought about taking that cock
deep within his mouth. He bit his lip, trying to resist the temptation to
crawl his way under the desk. Bray’s hand stroked again over his dick
with his thumb rubbing the tip as though he were flicking on a lighter.

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“Is that better?”
“Yeah, I think it is.”
Levi’s fingers wrapped around the pen, but Brayden’s boot came

over it, holding the pen in place. The order to stay put was very clear.

“Did you find what you’re looking for?” Brayden asked.
It was a tight squeeze, but Levi was able to turn to his side to

scoot under the desk. Levi lifted his hand, smoothing it up the outside
of Brayden’s leg. He eased his face in Brayden’s crotch, inhaling the
scent of all male. He closed his eyes and imagined they were
someplace else. The heat of Brayden’s cock seared through the thin
fabric. Levi rolled his chin and nose around Brayden’s cock, rubbing
as much of it as he could get. Brayden’s fingers threaded through his
hair. Levi tongued his soon-to-be lover through his pants, using his
lips to rub him hard.

Voices carried through the closed office door. Brayden’s fingers

tightened. A knock sounded on the door. Levi whipped his head back,
knocking his elbow on the desk as he scooted out fast. At the last
second, he grabbed the pen. Levi was in the office chair with the
binder covering his lap before the door opened.

“Come in,” Brayden said.
Hunter from logistics was in the doorway. His auburn hair had a

patch of white blond in the front that hung over his forehead.

“This is for Detective Maden. It’s that profile you wanted on your


Levi took the file. “Thanks.”
“Call me if you need anything else.”
“I will.”
The door shut with a quiet click. Levi lifted Brayden’s pen,

tipping it up onto the edge of his lips. He unconsciously tongued the
tip as he flipped open the file on his lap. Brayden cleared his throat.
Levi reluctantly pulled his gaze away from the file.

“I think we need to finish what we started here.”

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Levi realized the pen was in his hand. He gave Brayden a sheepish

grin as he handed it over. “Found your pen.”

“Yes, you did.”
Brayden grabbed Levi by the wrist, yanking him over the desk.

Papers scattered. A cup of pens went flying off the desk, hitting the
wall. Levi grabbed the armrests of Brayden’s office chair before he
landed on Brayden’s lap. Their mouths were inches apart. Heat
speared through Levi’s body. He loved how so fucking strong
Brayden was.

“We shouldn’t do this here,” Levi said.
“I make the rules. You follow the rules.”
“I’ll follow them, Sir.”
Levi cursed under his breath as Brayden nipped out with his teeth

and tongue. “Give me an order to obey.”

“Kiss me.”
Levi groaned, brushing his lips back and forth on Brayden’s. They

were hot and soft and damn near perfect. They were full and yielding.
“Yes, Sir.”

Brayden threaded his fingers through Levi’s hair, tightening his

fingers down tight. Their lips connected and they both closed their
eyes, falling into each other completely. Levi’s lips melted with
Brayden’s. Heat licked through Levi’s body as his cock filled and
tightened. He slid closer, teasing his cockhead out the top of his pants
as he slid across the desk. The tip of his cock touched the cool oak of
Brayden’s desk. Their lips brushed and moved with a sweet sucking
sound that made Levi want to attack. Noises out in the hallway had
them both suddenly pulling their lips away. Levi reluctantly edged off
of Brayden’s desk. He picked up the file.

“Ah, I have some calls to make on this case. Can we catch up

later?” Levi asked.

“I think that would be a good idea.”

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Heat continued to pound through Levi’s cock as he hiked it fast

back to his office. Damn that interaction between him and Brayden.
It’d been so wrong to take it so far, but it felt so good. Levi shut his
office door, melting back against it. He closed his eyes as the memory
of Brayden’s cock pressed up against his face skipped through his
mind. That heady scent of a man’s arousal always turned him on fast.

Levi dropped the file on his desk, waking his computer. He sat

down, trying to think about everything and anything that didn’t have
to do with Brayden’s cock. He wasn’t having any luck focusing. The
phone on Levi’s desk rang. He reached for it.

“Detective Maden,” Levi growled.
A husky chuckle sounded on the other end of the line. Levi looked

at the line, seeing that the extension came from in house. It was

“You sound frustrated, Detective.”
“I am, Sir.”
“There’s nothing I can do about that right now.”
“I know, Sir.”
“You left your training binder. I’ll bring it down later.”
Levi’s heart skipped a beat before it started speeding away.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Levi hung up the phone. There wasn’t a lot of time before he

headed out for the day. Levi grabbed the file off his desk. He was
going to make a copy of the profile to write up some notes. He went
down the hallway to the copier that he shared with the rest of the
floor. The giant beast didn’t always like to work. The door shut
automatically behind Levi as he went inside the closet-size space.
Office supplies lined the shelf behind him. He flipped open the file,
taking the pages out. He set them down on the paper feeder and hit the
green button. The first page was sucked inside.

Levi looked around at the shelves as the printer rumbled. On the

final page, it made a grinding noise that flashed the error light.

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“What the hell is wrong with you…you worthless piece of crap!”
Levi got down onto his haunches and opened the front of the

printer. The inner workings were a greasy mess of ancient hardware.
The copy of the printout was stuck between some gears. Levi slipped
his fingers between the teeth, trying to yank the paper out.

The door over Levi’s shoulder opened. Levi worked his fingers

over the paper, trying to pull it out. “Copier’s broken.”

Levi pivoted on his haunches to warn the next person of the

copier’s problems. He froze. It was Brayden and he didn’t look like
he was about to make copies.

* * * *

He was on his knees. Bray shut the door behind him and walked

over to the copier. Levi started to stand, but Bray quickly stopped him
by putting his hands on his shoulders. He smoothed his hands
downward and back up to his neck. Bray could feel the throbbing beat
of Levi’s heart through the vein below his ear. With the pads of both
thumbs, Bray tilted his chin up. The door to the copier stood between
them. Bray couldn’t resist him any longer. He needed Levi, and he
wanted him now.

“Stay on your knees.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Bray planted his legs wide. “Unzip me.”
Levi’s eyes flared with surprise as they dropped down to the

zipper of Bray’s pants. His hands were steady as he slowly clasped
the tag to lower it. Levi leaned in, using his hand to muscle him out.

“Not your hand. Use your mouth.”
A groan tore from the back of Levi’s wet lips. “Yes, Sir.”
Bray watched Levi’s lips caress him through his cotton boxer

briefs. He used his lips to lower the fabric. His tongue licked up the
underside of his cock. When he got to the tip of his cockhead, Levi
sucked his lips over him. It was then that Bray’s cock sprung free.

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Levi sucked him in deep, undulating his tongue as he lowered his
head. Bray threaded his fingers through Levi’s hair, guiding him as he
sucked him off. Levi swirled his head off and came back down,
sucking him harder. Vibrations rattled his cock when Levi moaned
deep within the back of his throat.

Laughter carried through the hallway. Bray heard the sound of

footsteps just outside the door. He tightened his hold on Levi’s hair
and reluctantly pulled him off his throbbing cock. All of a sudden the
door opened. Bray glanced over his shoulder. Levi pivoted out from
the copier with the crumpled paper in his hand. Hunter was in the

“Copier still isn’t running. It’s going to take me a while to get it

going,” Levi said.

Hunter sighed. “That fucking thing is constantly breaking.”
“You might want to try the one down in archives. They seem to

have a good one,” Bray said.

“Sounds good.”
The door slammed automatically behind Hunter. Bray’s cock was

still stuck in fourth gear. He was ready for Levi to take over again.

“On your knees, sub.”
Levi was shaking as he sucked Bray’s cock back inside his hot

mouth. Bray couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure that erupted
from his mouth. A sudden sense of urgency took over, he could feel it
in the way Levi attacked his cock. His tongue rippled just beneath the
tip of his cockhead. Levi’s hand held his shaft tight. Bray’s balls
pulled up close to his prick. He was so close to coming. Levi seemed
to sense the tension in his throbbing prick. He worked it hard with his
lips, mouth, and tongue. Bray grabbed Levi’s hair with both hands as
his orgasm shattered through his body. Hot spunk shot from his dick
as Levi sucked his way down.

“Swallow me.”
A groan of pleasure moaned through Levi as he obeyed his order.

Bray’s legs were shaking from coming so hard. He wanted more of

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Levi, but he knew now wasn’t the time or place. They’d taken the risk
once. They couldn’t take it again. Levi slowly licked his way off his
still-hard cock. Their eyes met. Levi’s were wide with something
more than surprise. Bray knew exactly how he was feeling. He felt it,
too. There was something powerful within the moment that Bray had
never felt before with anyone. It awakened something possessive deep
within him.

Bray pulled Levi up by his shirt, kissing him passionately. He

flicked his tongue with Levi’s, showing him how much he enjoyed
their interaction and how much he wanted more. They both were
breathing heavily when Bray pulled away. Bray held Levi’s face in
his hands, smoothing his thumbs over his high cheekbones.

“This last week of training isn’t going fast enough,” Bray said.
“No, it’s not, Sir.”
He gave Levi one last sweet kiss that lasted longer than it should


Reluctantly, Bray let go of Levi to muscle his cock back into his

pants. Despite coming harder than he ever had before, his cock was
still stiff for more. Bray couldn’t wait to see Levi tomorrow. He
wanted more time with Levi outside of work, but now was not the
time. Something big would have to happen to throw them together
outside of work before Levi’s training was over. Right now, Bray
didn’t see that happening at all.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Bray said.
“Night, Sir. Dream of me.”
Bray paused in the doorway, looking back at Levi. Their eyes

locked. Bray had a sudden urge to reach out and protect Levi from an
invisible enemy. He tried to shake the feeling as he stood there but it
wouldn’t go.

“What?” Levi asked.
“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
Levi grinned. “See you later.”

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Chapter Six

A guy in a ski mask had a gun pointed at Gina’s face.
“What the fuck?”
The cut of Levi’s headlights across the front of the grocery had

the gunmen swinging around. He ducked behind the counter with

Levi had swung by the mom-and-pop grocery on his way home

from work to buy cat food. The hole-in-the-wall grocery was more
like those old time stores one would typically find in the country.

This was the first time Levi had walked up on a burglary in

progress. He reached for his cell phone in the cup holder and had a
moment of indecision. He knew he should call the crime in, but he
knew he had to wait. Levi dropped his cell in his pocket. He knew
when to play things safe. He was going inside like he hadn’t seen the
guy now behind the counter. Levi knew it was the only way to keep
Gina safe.

The bell above Levi’s head chimed as he went inside. His gaze

automatically went to the counter. Gina’s eyes were wide with terror.
She was in her sixties with straight white hair.

“Hey, Gina.”
“Hey, Levi. I haven’t seen you in ages.”
Her voice was high with fear. Levi nodded once that everything

was going to be okay. “Been busy with work.”

She laughed nervously. “Yeah, I saw you on television how you

saved that kid from falling into the ice.”

Levi went through the aisles toward the cat food, grabbing the

biggest bag they had. He dropped the bag on the checkout counter.

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“Just doing my job.”
Gina rang up the cat food. Levi pulled cash from his wallet to pay

for it.

“Do you still need me to look at the bathroom doorknob?” Levi


“Oh, while you’re here. Can you take a look at it for me? It fell off

a little while ago.”

“Sure. Do you have a screwdriver?”
“Mick’s toolbox is in the back.”
Levi picked up the bag of cat food and went toward the back. He

pretended to work on the door.

“All fixed, Gina. I’m going to head out the back here and take

your garbage out.”

“Thanks, Levi!” Gina called.
He hunched down to see the counter. Out of the corner of his eye

he saw Gina’s face twist up in fear. He opened and closed the back
door to make it sound like he left. Levi flipped open his cell phone
and dialed 911. He set his phone down on the floor and moved toward
the back of the store. He left his gun holstered as he got closer. He
couldn’t risk a shot with the gunman pointing a gun at Gina. The
gunman was up, pacing.

“Open the drawer!”
Gina backed up, raising her hands. “Please. Please. Don’t hurt


Levi let his gaze drift to the windows. A car was now parked

facing the road, engine running. There was a girl behind the wheel.
Levi eased around the aisle. He had to take the suspect down.

“Calm down, lady, and just give me the money!”
Levi rushed the robber, slamming him into the display to the left

of the counter. Chips and bottles exploded as they went to the ground.
The gun in the robber’s hand smacked against the hardwood floor,
causing a round to fire into the refrigerator doors. The guy fought

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Levi’s hold. Levi flipped him around, pressing his face into a bag of
exploded potato chips.

“I’m a police officer and you’re under arrest.”
Blood dripped down the side of Levi’s temple. Sirens pealed in

the distance and the woman behind the wheel got nervous enough to
gun it away from the scene. She didn’t make it far before she spun the
tires out, flipping into the ditch across the street.

Levi cuffed the robber, sitting back on his haunches.
Gina rushed around. “Thank you, Levi! You saved me! You’re a


Compliments were hard for him to take. Levi was certain it had to

do with not getting many as a child growing up. His folks were just
not into building self-esteem. They gave him a roof, clothes, and food,
but that was where things stopped. Perhaps that was why he loved the
idea of building a home for his lover one day.

He then spent the next hour explaining to the Brown County

Sheriff’s office what happened. He was driving home when he
realized he’d forgotten the cat food. Moose was going to get a can of
tuna tonight.

Darkness surrounded his farmhouse. He wasn’t used to getting

home so late. Moose was waiting on the front steps as he headed up.
She started in with a round of complaints.

Levi reached down and gave her a rub. “Yeah, I know, girl.

You’re getting tuna tonight. You know you could’ve hunted mice in
the barn.”

She meowed a final complaint and swished her tail.
Levi unlocked the door, letting Moose inside. He flipped on the

lights and headed toward the kitchen. Over the last eight months, Levi
had renovated the entire house. He was finally finished. Everything
was polished and or new from the light fixtures to the antique claw-
footed tub in the master bathroom upstairs. He went to the kitchen
cupboard, grabbing a can of tuna. He dumped it onto a plate for
Moose and set it on the floor.

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“Don’t get used to this.”
She meowed as she sunk her teeth into the tuna.
The adrenaline rush of taking down the suspect was starting to

crash his system. He decided to skip dinner and head upstairs for a
shower. Levi undressed, looking at the knick on the side of his
temple. The bandage was tinted red. Steam filled up the bathroom as
he turned the water on high. Levi hung his head under the hot spray,
letting his muscles go loose. He thought about the encounter between
him and Bray in the copy room a few hours ago. Lust spiraled through
his body and landed solidly in his cock. His cock flexed hard,
growing thick and long fast. Levi flexed his cock, causing it to hit
against his abdomen. He needed release, but he wanted Brayden
more. The urge to skip the rub down and call Brayden to come over
was a temptation he knew he had to ignore.

Levi slipped his hand over the soap and washed down over his

cock, gripping the base tight. He flexed his hips in and out of his left
hand, throwing his head back as his right hand searched out his anus.
Levi rubbed the tips of his fingers over the rim of his anus. The
sounds of his groans echoed off the shower walls. He loved using his
non-dominate hand to stroke his cock off. The sensation was one of
the most sensual things he loved doing to himself. He rubbed his fist
up to his cockhead, moving it slow as his fingers dipped down to
caress his perineum.

An image of Bray naked, taking control of his body flashed

wicked hot through his mind. Levi longed to be with Brayden. He
couldn’t remember a time where any man had captivated him so
thoroughly. Levi was close. He could feel his orgasm building. He
was almost there. His balls tightened up close to his body. Levi licked
his tongue out over his lips, catching and biting his lower lip as his
hand and hips moved faster. He was right there and so fucking close.

Downstairs, the doorbell rang.
The sound was so jarring that it knocked Levi’s orgasm back to

low gear. Levi’s heart was hammering. He still gripped his cock tight.

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He wanted to finish. The doorbell sounded again. This time it was
followed up with a persistent knock. The kind that came from law

His curse echoed off the tile. Levi washed up quickly, wrapping

the towel around his waist. His hair was still dripping wet as he came
down the stairs, answering the door. Brayden was standing on the
other side. His gaze went from Levi’s head to his toes.

“Are you going to let me in?”
Levi swallowed hard as he let Brayden inside. Brayden looked

around. Bray shut the door behind him, closing out the cold air
blowing inside. He grabbed hold of Levi’s wrist as he started to move
away. Taking control, Bray walked him back against the wall,
brushing his lips over Levi’s neck.

“Do you normally answer the door in only a towel?”
Levi felt his cock press up against Brayden’s dick. “For you I do,


“I wanted to wait, but I can’t. I heard from Chief Anderson about

what happened at the grocery tonight. You didn’t wait.”

“There wasn’t time, Sir. Am I in trouble?”
“I had to make sure you were okay.”
“I am, Sir.”
“I had to see for myself.”
“What do you want of me, Sir?”
There was desperation in Brayden’s voice. Levi could feel the

emotion vibrate through Brayden’s body. A groan of longing tore
from Levi’s throat as Brayden kissed him, taking control of his mouth
with his lips and tongue. Levi yielded to his kiss, melting. Brayden
released his wrists to smooth his hands down Levi’s sides. He
grabbed his ass through the towel, pulling his ass cheeks wide. Levi
twined his arms around Brayden’s neck, flicking his tongue over his

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Bray yanked his mouth away. “Upstairs.”
Levi turned toward the stairs just as Brayden hooked his fingers

into the towel, yanking it away. He dropped it to the ground. Levi’s
heavy cock bounced free, slapping against his abdomen.

* * * *

Levi’s pubic hair was groomed short around his shaft and heavy

balls. Bray bit his lip as he watched Levi’s ass move up the stairs. He
had a strong, athletic ass that came from hours upon hours of working
out. Bray hunted him down the long hallway to the master bedroom.
Levi’s home was so much more than Bray had ever expected.
Antiques were furnished throughout the house. His bedroom was no
exception. His sleigh bed was carved out of oak and appeared to be
turn of the century. Heavy curtains draped ceiling to floor. Thick ties
held the velvet material aside. A four-foot wide wall separated the
two windows.

“Stand facing the wall.”
“Yes, Sir.”
The way Levi said Sir had Bray’s cock kicking to get free. Levi

went to the wall were he put his palms against the smooth red finish.
Levi spread his legs wide, arching his ass out temptingly. He was
such a fucking tease.

Bray took off his messenger bag slung over his shoulder, dropping

it onto the bed. The sex toys and chains clinked together as the bag
settled. There was enough in that bag to give Levi hours of pleasure.
Bray couldn’t wait to go to work on his lover.

The sound of the zipper breaking away on the messenger bag

echoed within the quiet room. Bray took great care in removing each
toy, leather flogger, chains, and cock chain from the bag. Bray went
to the curtain on the left, taking the tie off. He looped Levi’s left hand
into the tie and secured it again to the hook in the wall. He did the

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Training Levi


same with his right hand and the curtain on the right. Bray tugged on
the rope, making sure Levi couldn’t free himself.

He undressed, all the while watching Levi’s muscles begin to

glisten with sweat. Bray walked back over, caressing his hands over
Levi’s prick.

“Do you want me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
The ass was one of Bray’s favorite parts on a man. He loved how

perfect Levi’s ass was. Bray rubbed his hand over his perfect behind.
He so wanted to spank his lover, but he couldn’t yet. There was more
Bray needed to do first. He needed to put Levi’s submission chain on

The belly chain was modified to go around Levi’s shaft. Bray had

seen it at a sex shop when he was traveling in Easter Europe during
his time in the service. He knew he had to have it. The thin chain was
the size of a sturdy necklace. Bray had tried it out years ago on
himself. It was a fucking beautiful thing to experience. It had felt so
good on Bray’s cock.

A shiver went through Levi’s body as Bray slid the chain down

over his sub’s dick. He pulled the chain taut around his shaft, lifting
his balls to place them in the second beaded loop. He drew the chain
around Levi’s waist, connecting it at the top. The ends hung limply
between Levi’s ass cheeks. Bray found the leather collar from his bag
and wrapped it around Levi’s neck. He went back to the bag and took
a black blindfold out. Bray covered Levi’s eyes.

He kissed his way down over Levi’s neck, licking his ear into his

mouth. Bray nipped at Levi’s ear, sucking and licking his lobe. His
fingers rubbed between Levi’s ass cheeks and down over his anus. He
rubbed hard while his right hand reached around to stroke his cock.
Bray pulled away when he felt Levi’s cock kick out like he was going
to come.

“You do not have my permission to come.”

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“No, Sir.”
Bray thumbed his way over his anus again, giving him a stroking

caress. Levi moaned, arching out his ass in search of more. Bray
chuckled. He was feeling the same way.

“Have you ever been spanked before?”
“No, Sir.”
“Good. I want to be your first.”
“I want you to be my only, Sir.”
Something tightened down painfully in Bray’s heart. It was as

though Bray wanted for something he never knew he longed for but
always secretly wished he could have.

Bray slid his hand over his lover’s ass, squeezing it tight. He

pulled back his hand, slapping Levi’s ass hard. “Do you want more?”

“Yes, Sir.”
“You can’t have more until you pick a safe word.”
Bray hooked his finger into the chain, pulling it tight. From

experience, he knew the cock ring was tightening around his shaft.
Bray slapped Levi’s ass again and again, watching his balls bounce
back and forth. Heat reddened his ass. He loved the way Levi’s cock
flexed up hard as though searching for something to sink into. Bray
let go of his lover, going back to his duffle. He found the glass toy
from the bag. The glass toy was cool to the touch. Bray brought it
over to Levi and rolled it over his ass, chilling his heated skin. Levi
moaned as Bray thumbed the rim of his anus.

“Oh, fuck, Sir.”
“You like that?”
“God, yes.”
“I can tell you do, babe.”
Bray set the thin glass cock aside. He kneeled down, licking his

way up over Levi’s perineum. Bray pulled his ass cheeks open with
his thumbs, seeing Levi’s hairless anus. He was hairless and beautiful
around his anus as though he’d groomed just for him. Bray licked the

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rim of his anus, flicking his tongue up and down and side to side. Levi
arched back for more. Bray could feel himself losing control. He
gripped the chain, pulling it tight as he licked over Levi’s anus. Bray
kissed his way over Levi’s ass, biting him with a loving nip. He stood,
slapping Levi on the ass.

The leather flogger had two rectangular strips on it that snapped

together as they struck skin. Bray rubbed the black leather over Levi’s
ass before pulling it away and bring it in hard. Levi cried out with the
hit. The double slap echoed within the room with each strike. Levi’s
ass was red with heat. Bray rubbed his hands over Levi’s hot ass,
loving how responsive Levi was to his touch.

Bray tossed the flogger aside as he picked out another toy to use

on Levi. The glass butt plug was perfect for what he needed to do.
Bray sucked the cool glass, warming it with his tongue. He went to
stand behind Levi, rubbing the butt plug between his ass cheeks. Levi
moaned when he centered the glass on his rim. Bray wrapped his hand
around the front of Levi’s neck, giving his neck a squeeze as he
pushed the plug into his ass.

“Stand with your legs together.”
Levi pulled his legs in, making his ass cheeks squeeze the plug.

Bray walked back to the bed, picking out another flogger. This one
had several leather straps that hung from the end. Bray walked behind
Levi, placing sweet kisses along his broad shoulders. He pulled away,
striking the flogger across Levis ass. Levi cried out as pleasure tore
through his body. Sweat glistened Levi’s skin, wetting the leather
flogger with each passing strike.

Bray came in close again, kissing Levi on the back of the neck.

“Are you ready for me?”

“Yes, Sir.”
Heat moved over Bray’s cock as he slid it up and down between

Levi’s ass cheeks, using pre-cum for lube. Levi moaned as the tip of
Bray’s cock pushed against the butt plug. Bray slipped his fingers
between Levi’s ass cheeks, taking the plug from his ass.

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Bray pulled away and lubed his cock. He thought about the pack

of condoms he had in his bag. At the last second, he grabbed one,
ripping the foil and sliding it on. He centered the tip of his cockhead
on Levi’s anus. He pushed in slowly at first, but Brayden couldn’t
resist taking control fast. Levi cried out as he pushed all the way in
fast and hard, owning him. Levi’s body was slicked with sweat. His
wrists were wrapped tight around the rope. Bray held him tight, not
moving as he felt Levi shiver on his cock. Levi arched his ass back,
wanting for more.

“Please, Sir.”
Bray dropped his head to Levi’s shoulder, loving the sound of his

lover begging for more. He wanted to take things slow the first time,
but it was clear that this first session was going to be a short one. “Do
not come.”

“Oh, fuck, Sir.”
He grabbed Levi’s hips, pumping in and out fast. He was so

twisted up for Levi. His cock throbbed painfully with each rushing
beat of his heart. He was losing control. Bray was about to come. His
balls pulled up tight, preparing to fire off his spunk. He stopped
thrusting and held his cock still. It was too late. He was about to
come. At the last second, Bray yanked his cock out of Levi’s ass and
pulled the condom off. Bray slapped his throbbing cock between
Levi’s ass cheeks, thrusting it up and down as he squeezed his ass
cheeks together. Cum shot out of Bray’s cock, shooting over Levi’s
ass and back. Bray cried out as his orgasm stole his breath away.

“Did you come?” Bray asked.
“No, Sir.”
Bray bit his lip as he groaned his approval. “Good. I’m not

finished with you yet.”

Bray untied both wrists and turned Levi around. He took him to

the bed, bending him over the end. He took the silk scarf from his bag
and slid it across Levi’s ass. He wrapped the scarf around Levi’s cock
and slid the ends up between his ass cheeks, tying it to the chain.

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Levi’s cock twitched, knocking up against the underside of the curved
footboard. Bray could see that he was close to coming.

“Do you trust me?”
“Yes, Sir. Completely.”
Bray moved him away from the bed. The lounge in the corner of

the room was perfect for what he was about to do. He led Levi to the
lounge chair.

“Lay down.”
Levi obeyed. His thick cock was throbbing with pre-cum dripping

down the side. Bray restrained his arms up by his head, tying his
wrists together. He tied both ankles to the legs of the chair. Bray
brushed his fingers over Levi’s cock, loving the way it jumped up and
down. Heat spiraled through Bray’s cock, making him hard again. He
rubbed lube over Levi’s cock. A gasp of surprise shot from Levi,
causing his hips to flex up off the chair.

“Take me, Sir.”
Bray straddled Levi, lifting his throbbing prick up high. He

centered Levi’s cock on his anus. “Do you want a condom?”

Levi bit his lip. “No. I’m clean.”
Bray always used condoms. This relationship had gone from a

little bit casual to really fucking serious in less than two seconds.

Levi arched up toward his ass as Bray slowly sat down on his

thick cock. Bray groaned as Levi’s cock filled his ass. Bray slipped
the tips of his fingers beneath the chain attached to Levi’s cock,
pulling him up. Levi’s hips pounded up into Bray’s ass in quick, short
strokes that sent Bray’s cock slapping against his abdomen. Bray let
his gaze travel up over Levi’s muscled abs. God he loved his tattoos.
His face was pulled tight in pure ecstasy. For reasons Bray didn’t
quite understand, he reached up, yanking the blindfold from Levi’s
eyes. Levi cried out as their gazes locked.

“Come for me,” Bray ordered. “Come.”
Passion tore through Levi’s face, crashing through his eyes. Levi

slammed his cock up high and hard into Bray’s ass. Bray loved riding

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his lover. He loved how out of control Levi was. He loved how Levi
was balanced on an edge he couldn’t quite reach.

Levi cried out as he came hard. Bray hopped off of Levi’s dick

and grabbed hold tight of his cock. Five arrows of cum shot over
Bray’s chest. Levi was breathing heavily as he collapsed into the
chair. Their eyes met. A slow grin ticked up the corner of Levi’s full,
sweet lips. Bray couldn’t resist the temptation to kiss him. He leaned
down, kissing him completely.

“I liked that, Sir.”
“Call me Bray when we’re not making love.”
The sweet sound of Levi rolling his name off his lips made

something tighten down in Brayden’s heart. He untied Levi and held
him close. Bray brushed his hand up and down Levi’s shoulder,
listening to the quiet sound of his breathing.

“I should go.”
Levi slid his arm around Bray’s waist, holding him tight. “You


Bray kissed his temple. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow. You

won’t go saving the world while I’m gone, will you?”

“Not tonight. I’m too tired.”
Bray chuckled. “Good. I don’t want to hear about you on the


Levi yawned. “You won’t tonight. Promise.”
There was sleep in Levi’s gaze. He loved that satisfied sleepy look

in his eyes. Bray slid out from his arms, dressing quickly. He knew if
he didn’t hurry he’d want to stay. Bray leaned in, giving him a kiss.

“Get some sleep. I need you ready for work tomorrow. We’re

going off-site for the next three days.”

“Do I need to pack for overnight?” Levi asked.
“I would.”
Cold nighttime air chilled Bray’s skin as he stepped outside. He

looked up at the moon breaking through the clouds. He couldn’t

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remember the last time he was so happy. He looked around the
farmland that surround Levi’s house. He wondered how much land he
owned. There were only a few short weeks until spring. Brayden was
certain it was beautiful in the summer. Bray glance back toward the
front door he locked behind him. He didn’t bother gathering his toys.
He was planning on coming back to use all of them again.

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Chapter Seven

Levi had a spring in his step when he came into work the next

day. He knew it had everything to do with having Bray tie him up. He
opened the glass door to District Four and was buzzed through to the
bullpen. He went to his office to hang up his jacket and messenger
bag. He got out his key to unlock his office door, but stopped.

Copies of the Cincinnati Enquirer were plaster all over the door.

Levi’s mug shot was on the front page. Hero Cop Saves Woman From
Robber. A few of the guys had copied the picture off the internet and
photo bombed themselves into the background. Then there were
others of Levi photo bombed into their pictures. He shook his head,
trying not to laugh. The guys in visual enhancement had talent.

After hanging up his coat, he took his coffee and headed back

downstairs to the morning briefing. Chaos erupted when Levi showed
his face in the room. All the usual suspects were there, TJ, Trent,
Cole, Evans, Seth, and all the other guys that made up SWAT. The
cheering should’ve been a sign that Chief Anderson wouldn’t be
happy. Anderson came in and slapped a file onto the podium.

Levi lifted his hands to quiet everyone as he took a seat in the

back. “I’ll be signing autographs all morning.”

“Quiet the fuck down. You sit down,” Anderson ordered. “I’ll let

Temple deal with you later.”

The crowd grumbled with a loud “Oooo.”
Across the room, Levi caught sight of Brayden watching him

closely. Levi sat down next to Seth, leaning in to whisper. “Isn’t it
about time the chief retires?”

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Training Levi


“I heard he’s building a boat called the ark. He won’t retire until

he’s finished and collected two of everything,” Seth said.

Levi chuckled as he glanced around the room. His gaze

inadvertently settled on Brayden again who was studying him. The
tips of his fingers brushed down his goatee in a lazy, seductive way,
over and over again. He was slouched in his chair with that trademark
heavy lidded gaze. The memory of his goatee rubbing between his ass
cheeks sent a flash of white-hot desire through his body that landed
solidly in Levi’s cock. Levi had to beat off twice this morning, once
while he was still in bed and another time in the shower. Annnnnnnd
it still wasn’t enough. He needed Brayden.

Anderson was going over CPR training for the week.
Seth leaned in to whisper, “How’s your retraining going?”
“Good. I can’t wait for it to be over.”
“No doubt. I’ve heard Temple can be difficult to work with.”
“He’s not too bad. It’s just time consuming. I want to get back to

real police work,” Levi replied.

Seth smiled. “Police work seems to find you.”
The door behind Brayden opened with the leader of the TDT, Lt.

Mason, coming inside. The guy leaned over Bray’s shoulder to
whisper something in his ear. Jealousy marched up Levi’s spine and
sat down on his shoulders, squeezing his windpipe. The emotion was
so out of character for Levi that it left him momentarily wondering
how he was going to deal with the deep feelings he had for Brayden.
He wasn’t one to get possessive of the men he dated, but he was now.
Curiosity had Levi watching the exchange unfold.

Brayden’s gaze moved across the room to look at Levi in a

speculative way before he got up and left the briefing. They took their
conversation out into the hallway where they stood by the door for a
few minutes before heading off down the hall. Levi watched the two
men through the windows until they were out of sight.

“What’s Mason up to in TDT?” Levi asked.

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“I heard he’s in need of a K-9 officer. They’re down a man with

Sparks retiring.”

“Huh. Wonder who they had in mind?”
“Trent’s been filling in for now,” Seth said.
Levi’s gaze went to the interpreter who went everywhere with

Trent. Cole’s hands were giving the play-by-play of Anderson’s
version of what the perfect week would be like. Too bad they didn’t
live in a perfect world, Levi thought. Cole’s flamboyant expression
was enough to put a smile on Levi’s face. Anderson was in no way
that cheery.

An hour later, Levi was heading back to his office. He decided to

bypass his office and head for the gym. He was restless and little bit
tired of all the retraining business. He was ready to be done with it.
He was certain Brayden was feeling the same way, too. It wasn’t a
good idea for them to be working so closely and screwing around on
the side. There was too much chance of them getting caught.

The short walk down to the training center wasn’t enough to clear

Levi’s head. He went down one more level where they trained the K-9
dogs. Trent was downstairs running drills with Shadow. Trent put
Shadow at the ready, unclipped his leash, and went to the car showing
him where to search on the vehicle parked inside the garage. Trent
came back to Shadow’s side and gave him the command to search the
areas he indicated. Shadow jumped up and sniffed around the truck.

Off to the side, Cole stood with his arms crossed. His blonde hair

was always a hot mess as though he ran his hands through it on the fly
as he ran out the front door in the morning. Levi went over to Cole.

“Do you ever get bored?” Levi asked.
“Not hanging around you guys. There’s just too much eye candy

to look at.”

Their gazes locked. Levi suspected that Cole was testing the

waters to see if they could openly talk about it. Levi indicated the
guys on the far side of the K-9 division with a nod of his head. “See
anything over there you like?”

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Training Levi


A slow grin lifted the corners of Cole’s lips. “Who’s the tall guy

on the right?”

“Mac. He’s married with four kids.”
“The good ones always are.” Cole sighed. “What about the guy

with dark hair and the crew cut?”

“What’s his name?” Cole asked.
“Master K-9 officer Luke Duncan.”
“Any bitter ex-wives I need to be aware of?” Cole asked.
“Not with Duncan. I’m not sure if he’s gay though. He doesn’t

talk much either way.”

“I’m sure he’s not. It would be my luck.”
The door to the K-9 training center opened with Brayden coming

inside. He came over to Levi.

“You’re with me. Let’s go,” Brayden said.
“Where are we going?”
“Off-site to train at Camp Tack today.”
A chill of anticipation raced down Levi’s ass, causing his anus to

tingle. Levi was positive that they weren’t going anywhere to fool
around, but he couldn’t help it that that was the first thought in his
head when he saw Bray. They went past Levi’s office to grab his coat
and then they were out the door. They went to Levi’s car first to grab
his overnight bag. Levi was riding shotgun in Brayden’s Jeep when he
finally got the courage to ask Bray about what they would be doing.

“We’re doing winter survival exercises for the next two days.”
Two days? “I need winter survival training?”
“Yeah, you do. Your instincts are good. I just want to smooth

things out.”

“Have nothing to keep you from doing the training with me.”
Levi snapped his mouth shut. He could hear the finality in

Brayden’s voice. There was no way he was getting out of the survival

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They headed outside of the city to Camp Tack. Fresh snow had

fallen the night before and coated the trees and ground.

“More snow is coming in tonight,” Levi said.
“Yeah, I know. That’s the point. The TDT is running drills out

there. I want to see how you do under stress again when faced with
the elements.”

The Tactical Defense Team was Homeland Security endorsed and

trained. They were a group of elite SWAT members from all over
district four’s police department. Everyone within the department
wanted a chance to work with the TDT.

An hour later, they arrived at Camp Tack. The snow was

beautiful. There was a crisp, fresh quality to the country air. This
wasn’t Levi’s first time out to the camp for training. Everyone in the
department did time at the camp for SWAT and TDT training.

“We’re bunking together. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

Bray asked.

Through the break in Bray’s North Face coat, Levi could see the

black sweater he wore. He looked dangerous, sexy, and hot when he
wore black. Levi had to swallow a few times before he could answer
with pure and clean thoughts. “No problem.”

“Good. I don’t want any distractions while you’re training out

here. I want to make sure you’re fit for active duty before I sign off on
your retraining.”

Something soft passed through Brayden’s eyes. “It won’t be

forever, babe.”

“I know.”
“I want more with you. I just don’t want to jeopardize our careers,


The department was a big place. Private lives weren’t looked at

too closely. Levi was certain that hookups happened more often than
not. Their eyes met. In that moment, Levi wanted to kiss Bray, feeling
their cool lips touch as their hot tongues danced together. He had to

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Training Levi


look away or he was going to do something stupid. Levi reached into
the back of the Jeep to get his bag at the same time Brayden reached
inside for it. Their hands brushed. A deep, painful yearning moved
through Levi’s heart as their hands touched. Levi meant to pull his
hand away, but couldn’t. Bray’s warm hand was strong and soothing
as he stroked the back of his hand.

“I like the feel of your skin on mine,” Brayden said.
A rush of desire shot through his blood. Levi’s cock filled,

striking out against the fly of his pants. “Oh, fuck.”

“There’s no reason why we can’t talk while we’re here, okay?”
“Yes, Sir.”
A seductive chuckle sounded deep within the back of Brayden’s

throat. “Nice. Let’s get inside before they start wondering about us.”

Levi followed Brayden toward the barn-shaped building to get

their room assignments. It was going to be a really long two days.

* * * *

Brayden’s heart stopped beating when he found out that they were

assigned to the honeysuckle cabin. There was something completely
erotic about the word, not to mention that this was the only cabin built
on the other side of the grounds. They would be absolutely alone.
Bray stared at the TDT coordinator, trying to keep his face tight.

“We’re filled on this side of the grounds. You guys don’t mind the

hike, do you?” Mason asked.

“No problem.” Bray turned to Levi, taking his bag. “I’ll take your

bag. You can head over to orientation.”

After a five-minute hike in the snow, Bray got to the cabin. He

dropped their bags on two open bunks. They would be alone for the
next forty-eight hours. Bray knew he was going to have a tough time
keeping his hands off Levi when they were alone. He couldn’t risk
raising suspicion by asking for another cabin. He scrubbed his hand
through his hair, hoping he didn’t screw things up. Bray hiked it back

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to the main building. He found Levi suiting up for their outdoor
activities. Bray’s only job was to assess how Levi did. Andrea was
concerned about some psychological fallout from the icy plunge into
the Ohio River, but as far as Bray could see, Levi was fine.

They ran outside drills on the frozen lake all afternoon. Levi’s

face was pink from the cold and physical activity. He was suited up in
the traditional black tactical that went with the TDT. They were
simulating an ice rescue. Levi was out on the ice with two other guys.
A system of ropes was locked into the harnesses built into their
uniforms. Bray was on the embankment near the dock. From his
vantage point he could see the lifeless dummy being dropped out onto
the ice. The dummy was two hundred pounds of solid weight on
precariously thin ice.

“We’re ready!” Levi called.
Mason slid across the ice, nailing it when he fell on his ass. “The

ice is starting to go!”

Everything happened fast. Bray’s heart pounded within his chest

as he saw the dummy fall through the ice. His mind flashed back to
the video of Levi saving the child and falling through. Bray had to
blink to see that Levi wasn’t the one falling through the ice. The team
in the dinghy skated out to do the rescue. Levi was in the boat,
working lead on the rescue. The dummy was too heavy for one person
to yank into the boat now that it was waterlogged. It took two of the
guys working together. The team was pulled back onto the
embankment. They took the lifeless dummy to the secondary team
waiting on the embankment.

Brayden’s heart was hammering. It wasn’t easy to see the man he

loved go to work. He did great. Snow started to fall again. They were
wrapping up shop for the day. The team headed back to the training
center to put up their water gear. Bray was freezing from being out in
the cold so long. He waited just inside the center for Levi to come out.
Their eyes met as Levi headed from the locker room.

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Training Levi


Snow crunched beneath Bray’s feet as they headed back together

to their cabin. The snow was starting to come down heavy. They had
a break before dinner. Bray opened the cabin door. Heat blew down
from the vent above, pulling them both inside.

Levi unzipped his coat. “Well? How did I do, Sir?”
“You did great out there,” Bray said.
Bray went to his bunk to get things ready for when he crashed for

the night. He needed the distraction. He couldn’t look at Levi right
now without feeling so completely lost. He couldn’t tell Levi how
twisted up he was inside when he saw him go to work again on the
ice. He felt so helpless and out of control. Levi was trained. Bray
knew he could do his job and do it well.

Levi placed his hand on his arm, getting his attention. Bray closed

his eyes. He didn’t want to lose control, but he knew he was. Bray
turned, grabbing Levi by the shirt and shoving him against the wall.
Bray fisted his hands in Levi’s shirt. He brought his lips in close to
Levi’s mouth. Their lips whispered together, but they didn’t kiss.
Bray loved the feel of their breath mingling together.

“I can’t stand the sight of you in danger,” Bray said.
“No, Sir.”
Bray felt his heart hammering. He wanted to kiss Levi, but knew

they shouldn’t cross the line. “You go in hot with little regard to
yourself. The thought of you getting hurt…”

“I’ll be safe, Bray.”
Would he? There was something dangerous about the chances

Levi took when he was in the field. Levi licked his lips, causing his
tongue to flick out against Bray’s lower lip. The sweet taste of Levi’s
tongue brought all of Bray’s body alive. Bray’s cock filled fast and
hard, flexing down along his pant leg. He edged his legs between
Levi’s. Bray groaned when their bodies melted together.

“Kiss me,” Levi said.

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“I want to tie you up, spank you hard, and fuck you until you

come harder.”

Levi moaned. “Please, Sir.”
“I want to plug you in the ass with toys. I want to lick every part

of your body.”

“Please, have me.”
Bray loved it when Levi begged for him. Bray growled, dropping

his lips to Levi’s. They kissed passionately. Bray flicked his tongue
across the edge of Levi’s lip, taking his sweet time to enjoy the feel of
their mouths working together. Levi’s hand reached between them,
rubbing his hand over Bray’s cock. It was going faster than Bray was
comfortable with. They were expected at dinner. Anyone could come
along and find them embraced. Bray yanked his mouth away.

“Unzip me.”
A groan sounded deep within the back of Levi’s throat as he

reached for the fly on Bray’s pants. He kneeled down. Bray threaded
his fingers into Levi’s hair as he worked to muscle his thick cock out
from his boxers and pants. Bray gasped when his cock sprung free,
hitting Levi in the chin. Levi stroked him up and down with his hand.
He thumbed his cockhead.

All Bray could think about was bending Levi over the back of one

of these beds and sinking his prick into his ass. He wanted to unload
his spunk in Levi. He wanted a long time alone with Levi.

“I love how dark your cock is, Sir. I love how thick you are, Sir. I

love how your cockhead fills my mouth, Sir. I love how hot you make
me feel, Sir.”

Bray’s knees went weak. He had to stop himself from falling by

hitting his palm against the wall. “Suck me.”

Levi worked Bray’s cock into this mouth, taking him deep. His

tongue swirled around his cockhead, taking lots of time to explore his
ridges. When he was nice and lubed from Levi’s deep kisses, Bray
pulled his prick from Levi’s mouth. Bray pulled Levi up, bending him
over the back of the bed.

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Training Levi


“Hands behind your back. Interlock your fingers together.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He yanked down Levi’s pants and boxers, exposing the top four

inches of his ass. Bray spread his ass cheeks wide. He knew he
shouldn’t have Levi here like this, but he couldn’t resist the
temptation to have his lover now. The need to have his lover
outweighed any consequence of them getting caught. Bray spread his
ass cheeks, rubbing his thumb down over his anus. He leaned down,
rubbing his goatee and wet lips between his ass cheeks. Bray licked
out, flicking his tongue around Levi’s rim.

A desperate moan escaped Levi’s lips as he arched back into his

tongue. Bray wanted more time to lick his way over Levi’s ass and
down over his balls, but there wasn’t any time. Bray loved using his
goatee on his ass when he licked his rim. Now wasn’t the time to do
everything he wanted on Levi. Bray was hard and Levi’s ass was
ready. Bray braced his feet on either side of Levi’s legs, loving the
feel of muscle on hard muscle even if it was separated by clothing. He
centered the tip of his full, wet cockhead on his anus. His heart
hammered as he slowly pushed inside, stretching his lover. Levi’s
pants hit the front and back of Levi’s balls as he thrust inside and out
of his ass. The bang, bang of his balls against Levi’s leather belt was
like nothing he’d ever experienced before as a Dom. The sensation
had him thrusting harder than he normally did, lifting his ass up high
off the bed.

Levi’s satisfied groans echoed within the quiet hum of the cabin.

Bray grabbed his hips, using them as leverage to flex his prick in and
out of Levi’s ass. Bray came in tight, pushing his cock in all the way.
His cock throbbed hard with a quick tick, tick that pulled his balls up
tight. He was about to come hard. Bray worked his hand inside Levi’s
pants, grabbing his shaft. Levi quaked as Bray pumped his shaft up
and down. Bray wanted him to come first.

“Come for me.”

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The thick searing cock in Bray’s hand stiffened hard. Spunk shot

from Levi’s cock, landing all over Bray’s hand.

“Nice. I love it how you obey my commands.”
Bray gripped his hips again, thrusting his prick in deep. At the last

second, he pulled his cock out of Levi’s ass and pumped his shaft,
unloading his cum between his ass cheeks. Bray pulled him up,
turning him around and kissing him possessively. He needed Levi
more than he ever needed any man. That scared the hell out of him.
Bray’s emotions were all over the place as he pulled away.

“We can’t do this here again. There’s too much risk.”
“We can wait.”
The dark stubble on Levi’s chin was rough against Bray’s palm.

He couldn’t imagine a life without Levi, but he wasn’t sure how to
make a life with him.

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Chapter Eight

Sexual fantasies kept Levi’s mind racing all night. He imagined

swimming naked in crystal clear water with Bray catching him as he
beat off. And then Bray punishing him for going off alone and taking
care of his dick without permission. Levi couldn’t get sleep to come
as he rolled into the lumpy bunk. He was twisted up and needed
release again. He glanced at his watch on the nightstand. It was a little
after midnight. Levi knew he needed rest. They would be running
drills again in a few hours. He needed to be ready for everything they
threw his way.

He closed his eyes, but a dark wall of icy water clouded his vision.

He opened his eyes, making the water disappear. The flashbacks
usually happened when he was falling asleep. If he opened his eyes
right away, he wouldn’t dream about the death trap that nearly took
his life.

Across the room, Bray slept solidly. The man’s head hit the pillow

and he was out. Not Levi. His mind played hopscotch over the day he
had and then over the next day to follow. Levi sat up, rubbing his
stomach. Dinner had been slop catered in from the dive down the
street. He couldn’t remember the last time he ate processed foods. It
was not agreeing with him. He didn’t plan this overnight well.

Levi slipped out of bed not intending to get back in anytime soon.

He walked over to the window. He needed to think about the reality
of what was going on between him and Brayden. What was going to
happen when their fling was over? It was very clear to Levi that this
wasn’t a long-term relationship for Brayden. All the signs were there,
he didn’t ever talk about the future or things he wanted past the sexual

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relationship. That alone was a sign to Levi that this was all about sex
and nothing more. Doubt shook a cigarette out of his pack, lighting it
and blowing the smoke in Levi’s face. God he needed a smoke.
Smoking was the last bad habit he had to purge from his body. He
hoped that Brayden wouldn’t actually be the final thing.

Levi closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against the cool

wood of the cabin wall. He turned away from the wall and dressed
quickly. He was going out to the dock. He wanted to prove to himself
that he wasn’t afraid to be alone near the frozen pond.

It was dark outside but there was a lighted pathway for half his

walk to the pond. Snow crunched under his feet. His heart raced as he
made his way across the camp. He couldn’t deny himself this walk.
He felt compelled to give the icy water the finger before he went back
to sleep. He was tired of the flashbacks that happened every night. His
budding relationship with Bray had been a distraction, but Levi knew
it wasn’t enough to make the flashbacks stop.

Darkness surrounded the pond. Thick, lifeless trees edged up to

the water’s edge and dock, giving him complete privacy from anyone
that happened to look out a cabin window. Tracks still surrounded the
area they had worked that morning. Freshly fallen snow covered the
dock, making it slippery as Levi walked to the edge. He leaned upon
the safety rail, hearing the old wood creak under his weight. He nailed
his elbows on the snow-covered wood as he leaned. The hole in the
ice seemed bigger now that he saw it from this vantage point. Levi’s
mind flashed back to the save on the Ohio River. This time he saw the
moment without the audio. The kid. His friends. His mom screaming
silently from the embankment. The ice cracking. The need to hurry or
they both would be dead. Could he have done anything differently?
Should he have done something different?

Levi should’ve cast the kid the rope and had him tie the line

around his body. But was there time to do that? No. There wasn’t any
time. The ice was breaking way too fast. Levi stared out on the ice.
He looked down through his hands, relieved to see that they were

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steady. Levi was a strong swimmer. He wasn’t afraid of water, but he
was afraid of the coffin of ice that nearly killed him.

He never heard Bray’s footfalls until they fell upon the dock. Levi

glanced over his shoulder to see concern working over Bray’s face.
Bray’s hands came around Levi, bracing them on either side on the
rail. He came in close.

“What are you doing out here?
“I needed to clear my head. I’m having flashbacks when I close

my eyes.”

“Have you thought about talking with Andrea about it again?”

Bray asked.

“I don’t need to. I’m solid.”
“I know you are, but it’s okay to ask for help if you need it.” Bray

brushed his goatee over Levi’s neck. “Is there something else?”

Levi shivered from the silken strands of Bray’s goatee brushing

over the erogenous zone on his neck. He thought about opening his
heart to a man he just got involved with. How could Levi fall so hard
and so fast? Levi felt vulnerable, safe, and wanted when he was in
Bray’s arms. That terrified him. He couldn’t imagine losing Brayden.

“I’m needy, Sir. I haven’t been needy for anyone in a really long


Brayden held him tighter. Levi leaned back into his arms, loving

the feel of their bodies melting together. Snow started to fall in giant
clumps. Bray dropped his lips to Levi’s ear, smoothing his lips over
the soft edge. Levi smiled as Bray’s warm breath blew over his ear.

“I like you needy for me. It turns me on.”
“What happens after all this is over?” Levi asked.
“Once your retraining is wrapped up, we can begin together.”
A deep chuckle sounded within Brayden’s chest and rumbled

through to Levi’s. Bray turned him around. “Yes. Together. Now,

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come back to bed. You have one more day of drills. I can guarantee
that tomorrow is going to kick your ass.”

“It doesn’t scare you that I’m needy?” Levi asked.
“I love a man that needs me. It means I complete him.”
Levi’s knees went weak, causing him to sway forward into his

lover’s strong arms. Love filled Levi’s heart. The sensation threw him
off balance. He couldn’t remember a time when he loved anyone. All
the men he ever dated had been nice enough guys, but none of them
challenged Levi the way Brayden did. Levi loved being his sub. He
hoped that Bray didn’t grow tired of his innocence in the bedroom
and move on to someone more experienced.

Bray dropped his lips to Levi’s, kissing him sweetly. “Go to bed,

babe. We can worry about the rest later when we have more time to
talk about it.”

They headed back to the cabin together.

* * * *

The leader of the TDT, Mason, was fucking insane, Levi thought.

Morning sun shined down through the trees and reflected off the
newly fallen snow. Levi was about to give voice to the thought in his
head when another one of the crew said it before him. Levi was trying
to catch his breath, which wasn’t easy considering there were four
inches of fresh snow on the ground piled onto the six that were there
before. It was a cool ten degrees outside.

Levi stared up at the iced ropes course and felt his stomach swim.

Heights fucking did him in a hundred percent of the time. The course
was a good seventy-five feet in the air. The conditions were perfect
for getting fucked up. Levi did not want to set foot on that course if
his life depended on it.

“I’m not fucking going up there,” Levi said.
Bray came in close, crossing his arms. “You would go if

someone’s life were in danger.”

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“Fuck no.”
“You would,” Bray said.
Levi glared at Bray. Yeah, he was right and they both knew it. He

wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of being right by agreeing
with him now. Yeah, he was feeling like that.

“Lt. Temple. We’ll need your assistance for this drill,” Mason

said. “Evans, I need you, too.”

The corner of Bray’s mouth ticked up as he stepped forward to get

suited up in the safety gear. A sinking sensation spiraled through
Levi’s belly. Brayden was going up. He was their rescue. It was not
safe. This was crazy. Levi was about to point that out when Bray
came up to him again.

“If you don’t do this, I won’t sign off on your retraining.”
The warning was like a spank to his ass. Levi looked back up to

the ropes and the spikes of ice hanging from them. When the wind
blew they struck together like a wind chime. “You may be up there
for a while.”

“No, I won’t. This challenge is timed.”
What the fuck? Levi got the message. They didn’t always have the

time in the field to make the save. He of all people knew that. The
pressure of saving a life put a lot of strain on the situation. They were
trying to recreate the situation with Brayden and Evans. By the looks
of things, Bray was playing the bad guy and Evans was playing the

Cold morning air slapped Levi in the face. He knew what he

needed to do. He was going to get the job done fast and thoroughly
just like he did in the field. After this time though, he was going to go
throw up. That’s how much he hated heights.

The simulated hostage situation was happening on the platform

about a hundred feet above ground. Levi was up first. Evans’s long
brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. Bray’s arm was wrapped
around her neck in a choke hold and his finger was pointed at her
head in the shape of a gun. Levi climbed the ladder slowly, taking his

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position in the make-believe shit storm. He was shaking on the inside
as he went wrung by wrung upward. His boot slipped on the top rung
as he scaled the top. Levi pointed his fake weapon, but quickly put up
his hands in surrender.

“Let the girl go,” Levi said.
“Call off your dogs or the girl dies!”
The platform was a sheet of ice. The safety lines holding them all

in check didn’t feel like enough.

“You have to let me help you. I can’t do that unless you let the

girl go.”

Bray pretended to look around at the cops surrounding the place.

He flung Evans forward, and she slipped her way across the platform
into Levi’s arms. Bray advanced with his finger pointed.

“Bang! Bang!” Bray shouted.
Levi grabbed Evans around the waist, swinging them both off the

platform and into a free fall that had Evans screaming in his ear. The
safety line spun out before it caught, swinging them back against the
canopy of dormant trees. They hung fifteen feet from the ground,
swaying in the wind. Evans’s eyes were wide as she caught her
breath. She was shaking within Levi’s arms.

“You okay?” he asked.
“I will be when my heart gets back into my chest,” Evans said.
“Jesus, Levi. What the fuck was that, Maden?” Mason asked.
Levi didn’t want to glance up at Bray, who was standing on the

edge of the platform, watching him closely. He did anyway. “An end
to a very complicated situation.”

The corners of Bray’s lips ticked up. He could see that he had

impressed Bray with that move.

“You could’ve warned me,” Evans said.
“You would’ve hesitated and then we’d both be dead,” Levi said.
“Okay, someone lower Maden down and Evans back up!” Mason


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A grumble tore from someone on the team. “Come on! That’s

fucking cheating. You can’t let him get away with that.”

Someone else added, “Yeah, you wouldn’t necessarily be roped

off in a situation.”

“It’s called thinking outside the box,” Mason said. “You have to

consider all options to save a hostage. Even your protective
equipment. Good work, Maden. No one uses that move again. I want
options, people!”

“Maden should go again,” Bray said. “I want to see what else he

can do.”

“Okay then. Get back up there, Maden! I want you to work this as

though you weren’t roped in,” Mason said.

“Got it,” Levi said.
Levi headed back toward the ladder, making his way back up to

the platform. Evans and Bray took up their positions again. This time
Levi knew how he was going to end the standoff and it wasn’t going
to be pretty. As before, Levi tried negotiating the release of Evans, but
this time Bray refused to let her go. Levi edged forward.

“Let her go.”
“If you want her, come and get her,” Bray taunted by edging her

toward the edge.

“Stop!” Levi yelled.
“Too late!”
Bray pushed Evans off the edge, causing her safety harness to spin

out as he pointed the fake gun on himself. Levi rushed the edge,
sliding on his belly like he was sliding over home plate to catch
Evans. His arm snaked out, grabbing her arm. Evans swung back
toward the platform. Levi dug his free hand into the gap between the
boards just before he went flying off, too. Evans reached up, grabbing
the platform with her free hand.

“Does this count as a save?” Levi called.
“I think it does,” Mason said.

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Two hours later, Bray was down and finished playing the bad guy.

Levi couldn’t ignore the look of approval he saw in Bray’s eyes. He
liked the fact that he’d impressed Brayden with his jump off the
platform and his quick save of Evans. It nearly scared him shitless,
but Bray didn’t need to know that now.

Bray came over, taking off his safety helmet. “I thought you were

afraid of heights.”

“How did you know that?”
“It was written up in your personnel file. You had to put your

fears down when you went through the police academy.”

He’d forgotten all about that. “I guess I’m not afraid of anything

when it comes to you,” Levi said.

“We’ll see about that.”
“Will we, Sir?”
“Yes, we will. Tonight.”
They would all be going home within the next three hours.

Tonight wasn’t good. He had plans. “I can’t see you tonight.”

“I have something I need to do. We’ll have to make it later.”
Questions formed within Bray’s eyes, but Levi couldn’t answer

them now with so many people around. They really shouldn’t be
having this conversation with so many of their coworkers within

* * * *

Bray knew that Levi was shutting him out. There was something

going on in Levi’s personal life that was weighing heavily on his
mind. They headed back to the cabin to change before lunch. Snow
crunched beneath their feet as they headed away from the rest of the
group. The sky was a dark gray with the sun shining behind the
clouds. The trees were stripped bare. Pine trees were covered in snow,

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weighing down their branches heavily. Bray could see deer tracks and
spots around the pine trees were the deer had nested overnight.

They had one more set of drills before they were officially done

for the day. Bray couldn’t let go of the fact that something was going
on in Levi’s personal life that was overshadowing his professional

“Who is she?” Bray asked.
“Cedar? Is she your girlfriend?”
The question seemed to surprise Levi and throw him off his stride,

but he shook his head. “Not anymore. I mean we were once. I tried
dating her. I wanted to fit, you know? It just didn’t work.”

“No, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to be something I wasn’t. Did

you sleep with her?”

Levi blew out a weighted breath as though it was something he

was embarrassed about. “It was five years ago, Bray. My coming out
was why we broke up. She knew I wasn’t into her and it was more
than just the physical. I knew I was gay, but I was in denial about it. I
didn’t know how to deal. I tried dating Cedar to figure it all out.”

“Was she upset?”
“At first. We took things pretty far. She felt used.”
“How far?” Bray asked.
Their eyes met. Regret passed through the shadows around Levi’s

irises. “We slept together twice. We did anal both times and the entire
time I was thinking about guys.”

“Yeah. We’re friends now, but it took a while for her to figure

things out. I do love her. I think I always will, but just not in that

Silence echoed between them as they finished their long walk

back to the cabin. Bray stuffed his hands into his pants pocket. He
watched the blue jays play within the thicket. Spring was right around

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the corner, but winter was getting one last hit in before the weather

“I came out in college to my family,” Bray said.
“What? Wait? You have a family? I thought you were this soldier

made out of the latest and greatest government-issued weaponry.”

“There’s more truth to that statement than you know,” Bray said.

“I went into the military, but that whole don’t ask crap was bullshit. I
thought if I got out things would change.”

“Not so much, eh?” Levi asked.
“Not really. It’s just civilian life now.”
“Did you grow up around here?” Levi asked.
“Yeah, but I didn’t have it perfect. I went to live with my

grandparents when I was ten. My parents went to prison for dealing.
Someone was killed.”

“Shit. I’m sorry.”
They were back at the cabin. Bray looked at the blue weathered

boards and imagined them on a home he built. “I always wanted a real
home. My grandparents tried to do their best, but they were older.”

“Maybe you’ll have one someday.”
Bray looked at Levi and saw his future staring back. His heart

started to race. He tried to play it cool, but felt himself failing
miserably. “Do you think so?”

“Yes, I do.”
Bray shook his head. “I’m your Dom. I’m the one that’s supposed

to be taking care of you.”

“You do take care of me, Sir. Maybe it’s about time you let me

take care of you.”

It sounded like a promise he wanted Levi to keep.

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Chapter Nine

It was dark by the time Levi got home from Camp Tack. Levi’s

boots crunched in the snow. It felt odd coming back to his house
alone after spending two days with Bray at Camp Tack. He parked his
car. He already missed Bray. He checked his cell phone, hoping for a
missed call or text. There wasn’t one. Levi got out of his car, grabbed
his shit, and headed up the front walk.

He hunched down, looking at the daffodils that were starting to

spring up through the ground and snow. The deer had munched the
tops off. Levi swung his keys in his hand as he jumped up onto the
porch. It was a good feeling to be home and to be home to good food
waiting for him in the fridge. The mail was tucked under his arm and
his overnight bag was in his left hand as he opened the front door.

Levi dropped his bag in the living room. He closed his eyes,

listening to the quiet hum of the clock ticking in the kitchen. His big
old farmhouse felt empty without Bray. He nearly reached for his cell
phone when a knock sounded on his front door.

Hope made his heart race. Levi wanted Bray to be on the other

side of those doors. He opened the door.

Brayden’s hand was pressed against the doorframe. He looked

absolutely predatory with that look of heat in his eyes. He came in,
slamming the front door and locking it behind him. The house was
still dark but was losing the quiet, lonely quality Levi felt moments

“Miss me?”
“Fuck yes.”

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Levi loved it how Bray muscled him up against the stairs, leading

him back until he was submitting. Their mouths connected in a
hungry kiss. Levi opened his mouth, moaning when Bray stuffed his
tongue inside. Levi threaded his fingers into Bray’s hair, licking his
tongue across Bray’s. Heat flashed through Levi’s body, landing
solidly in his cock. He felt his prick thicken, squeezing tight as he
flexed it hard against his fly. Bray’s cock brushed over Levi’s as their
cocks rubbed together.

Bray yanked his mouth away, pinning Levi’s wrists back by his

head. “I’ve been so fucking hungry for you.”

Levi felt the same way. “Why are we still dressed?”
“Good question. Undress for me.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Levi pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. The rest of his

clothes hit the floor fast. The entire time Bray watched him with that
heavy-lidded gaze that promised dirty moments.

“Turn around and get on your knees. Eyes forward.”
The order came fast from Bray’s parted lips. Levi heard the

rustling of Bray’s clothing and knew he was getting undressed. He
couldn’t resist looking. A spank came across his ass, knocking his
hard dick into the edge of the stair.

“I said eyes forward.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Bray’s hands smoothed over his hips and down over his ass,

purposely avoiding his rock-hard twitching cock.

“Lean forward. Spread your legs.”
Levi obeyed, taking his knees all the way to the corners of the

stairs. His ass was so open and tingled with anticipation. Levi’s heart
hammered as he waited for the next order to come.

“God, you’re flexible. How did I miss this?”
“Yoga, Sir.”
“Aw, fuck me. I think we need to talk more.”
“Yes, Sir. We do.”

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Levi sensed Bray coming in close. He heard the creak of the stairs

as Bray kneeled down. His hands caressed over Levi’s ass with his
thumbs brushing down between his ass cheeks. Levi’s cock flexed,
causing pre-cum to spit twice from the tip of his cockhead. He sucked
in a harsh breath as Bray licked his tongue down over his anus and his
facial hair pressed in close. Bray’s tongue flicked over his rim as his
thumb teased lower to rub over his perineum. The sensation made
Levi melt forward into the stairs and his ass arch out. The wicked heat
of Bray’s tongue twirled and flicked over his tingling anus.

All of a sudden he felt Bray’s tongue push hard against his rim.

Levi cried out with pleasure, making his body shake. Just as he felt
his anus start to open, Bray pulled his talented tongue away and
darted it back, over and over again. The teasing lasted a really long
time. The rim of Levi’s anus felt wet and tingled for more. Levi’s
cock pushed hard against the edge of the stair it was trapped under.
Sweat glistened Levi’s skin. His arms shook from trying to hold his
body up and his ass out. Bray’s goatee rubbed seductively between
his ass cheeks as his tongue continued to flex and dominated the edge
of his anus.

Bray pulled away. “Don’t move.”
“I won’t, Sir.”
Bray climbed over Levi, sitting down on the stair above his head.

Bray’s throbbing prick was in Levi’s face. His mouth watered and the
tip of his tongue licked out over his top lip. He wanted to suck
Brayden. Levi leaned in to inhale his lover’s scent as Bray smoothed
his long arms down Levi’s back, grabbing at his ass. He pulled away,
spanking him hard. Levi cried out as his ass stung, heat surfaced, and
his cockhead knocked against the stair.

“I want to suck you, Sir.”
Bray groaned. “You have my permission.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
Levi licked his tongue over Bray’s cock, sucking him deep.

Bray’s hands moved down Levi’s back. A groan tore from the back of

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Levi’s throat as Bray spanked him over and over. The hits caused him
to lose control of Bray’s cock and it slapped against his face. Pre-cum
shot out of Bray’s throbbing prick and landed on his lips. Levi licked
out, tasting his lover’s sweet juice. Bray squeezed his ass, pinching it
hard. Levi whipped his tongue over Bray’s cockhead, sucking him
hard. He twirled his tongue over the hard ridges of his cock, loving
the heady taste of his man.

Bray’s finger pushed between his ass cheeks, rubbing over Levi’s

wet rim. Levi edged forward, feeling his prick knock hard against the
underside of the stair. His mouth worked overtime on Bray’s cock.
Bray’s hand threaded tightly into Levi’s hair, stopping him. Bray’s
cock beat wildly against his tongue. He undulated his tongue over the
tip of Bray’s cockhead.

“Oh, fuck. Stop!”
Levi obeyed his lover’s order, but he was tempted to keep going.

Bray’s hand reached down to palm Levi’s cock, tugging and rubbing
it hard. Bray lifted Levi’s mouth from his cock and kissed him
passionately. Levi felt that one kiss all the way through his body,
branding it on his heart. Bray pulled away.

“I’m not done with you.”
“No, Sir. You’re not.”
“Stay on your knees.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Bray’s footsteps were light on the stairs as he ran up them. Levi

heard him rush down the hallway to his bedroom. Levi thought about
all those special toys Bray had left the last time he was over. Bray
returned dressed in black leather straps that hugged his hips and
emphasized his throbbing cock. The black leather came around his
shoulders, attaching to the leather belt around his hips. Ropes of chain
hung from the belt as though they were waiting to be used. Bray held
a new toy in his hand. Levi now regretted not going through the bag
Bray left behind.

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The cock was bright blue and was huge with nothing fancy about

it. There was a bottle of lube in Bray’s other hand. He positioned the
cock on the side of a stair, giving it a push so that it suctioned against
it. The cock was pointed right at Levi’s hungry mouth.

“Suck it.”
Levi worked the cock into his mouth as Bray came up behind him.

Bray worked the leather collar in his hand around his neck, clipping a
length of chain to the collar. Levi moaned when he realized he was
being leashed. Levi heard the flip of the lube bottle snapping back
into place. God, that sound made his cock weep with pre-cum. Levi
held still as Bray edge his cockhead over his anus. His rim tingled
with anticipation as Bray shoved his cock inside, lifting Levi’s hips
up high. The impact sent Levi’s mouth down upon the cock and his
prick slapping against the stair. He groaned as Bray’s hand came
down upon his neck, holding him in place as took his ass. Their balls
slapped together with a bang-bang motion that Levi loved to feel.
With each thrusting move, Levi felt the smack of cold chains on his
ass. The rough edge of those chains hit the smooth, sensitive side of
Levi’s ass. The sensation was painfully sweet and nearly made Levi’s
spunk fly. Levi wanted to feel those chains hitting his ass as he came.

Bray’s free hand reached around, stroking Levi’s cock with tight,

firm tugs. He let go to grip their balls together, pinching them tight.
The sensation was painfully sweet and made Levi want to shoot his
hot cum from his dick. Levi sucked hungrily at the cock as Bray took
his ass and played with his balls. The old wooden stairs creaked with
their movements. Levi could feel Bray’s entire body shaking as he
lost control. He released Levi’s balls, gripped his hips, and pounded
his ass with quick thrusts. Levi loved hearing the sound of their
bodies slapping together. Bray’s prick stiffened hard. He pulled out.
Levi reached between his legs, grabbing his Dom’s cock. A groan of
surprise and disbelief escaped Bray’s lips as Levi’s hand locked on to
Bray’s cock. He pumped Bray’s dick as he unloaded his spunk onto
Levi’s balls.

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His lover’s cum dripped from Levi’s balls. Levi’s prick still

thumped with a need he’d never experienced before.

The order was made on a husky breath. Levi got to his feet and

was rewarded with several spanks to his ass.

“Yes, Sir.”
“Crawl on your knees.”
Bray held the leash in his hand, giving it a tug to get Levi moving.
Levi followed his Dom to his bedroom on his knees. Bray

slammed the door shut. Levi bit his lip as his gaze moved down over
Bray’s ass. The cap of the lube bottle flipping open again drew Levi’s
gaze away from his lover’s athletic ass.

“Lie back on the bed.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Bray wrapped the leash around the bed post. Levi’s cock stood out

straight as he flexed it hard. Bray lubed his cock with his free hand
and set the bottle aside. Bray walked to the curtains, taking the ties
from the wall. He came to the bed, securing Levi’s right hand to the
bed. He walked around, securing the left hand as well. The bag of sex
toys and leather sat open on the floor next to the bed. Levi watched as
Bray went through it. When he was finished, he held up a ball gag
with the tips of his fingers.

Bray mounted the bed, straddling Levi. He worked the ball gag

into his mouth, securing the leather strap. He centered Levi’s cock on
his rim.

“You may have me.”
A cry of pleasure tore from Levi’s throat as he used the ropes for

leverage and sunk his aching cock deep within Bray’s ass. He held
still, loving the feel of heat around his cock. He bit into the ball gag,
pressing his tongue against the smooth rubber.

“Open your eyes.”

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The order came from far away. Levi felt drunk on Bray’s passion.

He opened his eyes and held Bray’s gaze as he started to fuck his
Dom. Bray gripped his cock, pumping it and keeping himself hard as
Levi fucked him. Levi’s balls pulled in tight. He was so close to
coming hard.

Levi bowed off the bed, pushing his cock in deep. He felt his

orgasm twist up from the base of his cock. He felt the tight pulling
motion of Bray’s ass as Bray worked him hard. He cried out as cum
shot from his dick into his lover. Levi collapsed onto the bed, dick
throbbing deep within Bray’s ass. They held each other for several
moments. Bray massaged his hands over Levi’s chest. Neither one
was ready for the encounter to be over. Bray leaned forward, taking
off the leather ball gag. He untied Levi’s wrists and collar last. Bray
slipped off of him and collapsed beside him in the bed.

Bray held him tight, pulling the covers up over them. “I can’t wait

to see you do yoga.”

Levi chuckled. “I’m really good at the downward dog position.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“Am I, Sir?”
“Very much. I love that about you.”
There was that love word again. Bray said it without thinking,

Levi suspected.

Levi felt exhausted in a very good way. His body felt thoroughly

used. His ass felt as though there would be bruises in the morning, but
he didn’t care. He loved getting spanked hard. He cuddled in closer to
Bray, loving the way he held him tight. Bray pulled the covers up
higher. Levi smoothed his finger over the rough edge of Bray’s
nipple. He leaned forward, kissing and sucking at his nipple. Levi
loved licking those nips. Their legs were twined with the chains
attached to Bray’s leather pressed against his legs. Their breathing
was matched. Everything felt absolutely perfect. So much so that Levi
didn’t want to ruin the moment by talking about what came next.

“You’re thinking.”

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“How do you know?” Levi asked.
“You fidget when you think. I noticed it when I first met you. It’s

nothing obvious. It’s just something your fingers do when you’re
thinking. What’s on your mind?”

“I want more with you.”
The hand that was caressing Levi’s shoulder tightened. Bray’s lips

skimmed his temple. “Do you?”

“What kind of more?”
Levi was certain that Bray could feel the rapid beat of his heart as

they cuddled close. “Everything you’ll give me.”

Bray held him silently. Levi felt Bray’s heartbeat kick up beneath

his palm. “I’ve frightened you.”

“No. I’m just surprised. I think we should take it slow for a little

while. I don’t want to screw things up by moving in.”

Levi felt his heart sink in a painful way. It was true. He wanted

Bray to move in with him. It definitely wouldn’t be happening
anytime soon. Levi pulled away, swinging his legs out of bed. He was
angry and hurt and lonely and heartbroken.

“I’m in love with you, Bray.”
“I know, babe.”
“Why can’t you tell me the same?”
Bray sighed heavily. “It’s not that easy for me. It’s complicated.

I’m not one of these guys that can just let go.”

“I think you better go. I wouldn’t want to complicate things


“Levi. Don’t do this to us.”
“I’m not doing anything, Bray. I’m giving you exactly what you

want. Your freedom. We’ll keep this thing easy for you.”

Levi grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on. He wasn’t about

to watch Bray walk away from him emotionally and physically.

* * * *

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Bray felt his life spinning out of control as he watched Levi button

his pants. God, the man looked good in nothing but relaxed fit. The
tribal tattoo around his side rippled as he put his muscles to work.
Bray wanted Levi back in bed. He wanted to wake up tomorrow
morning and have his lover in the shower before they went to work.

Reality was that things would never be that simple. Bray wasn’t

the type of guy who could just tell his lover what he wanted.

Bray got out of bed, realizing too late that his clothes were sitting

downstairs. “I warned you. I told you that I was a Dom.”

Levi ran a hand through his hair. “You warned me and I accepted

you for who you are and what we are together. I just need more.”

“I know you do.”
Tears misted Levi’s eyes. “Then why can’t you give it to me?”
“I don’t know. I think we need to take this slow,” Bray said. “I

don’t want to rush things and ruin what we have.”

“Nothing will ruin what we have unless we let it,” Levi said.
“You’re wrong.”
“How am I wrong?”
Bray paced. “There are things you don’t know about me. Things

that may change your mind about who you think I am.”

“Nothing about you will change how I feel. I love you, Bray.”
Bray knew there was no good way to tell Levi the truth. “I’ve

slept with a lot of men.”

Levi’s eyes went a little wide and his face a little pale. Bray hated

how he put the uncertainty on his face.

“It doesn’t matter to me how many people you’ve been with.”
“Oh, it will. It always does. You’ll get curious. You’ll start to

wonder. I’ll tell you. We’ll fight about it and we’ll break up.”

“Just tell me then. I’ll prove to you it doesn’t matter who and how


“I’m not proud of it, Levi.”
“You’ve kept track?”

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“Yes. I always thought that it mattered as a Dom to prove how

many people I’ve been with. Now, I know that I was wrong.”

“Tell me. I promise I won’t push you away.”
“Almost three hundred.”
“Whoa. A bit more than I thought.”
The light in Levi’s eyes died a little. Bray knew that look. It was

the same one that always came right before his lover left him.

“I shouldn’t have told you.”
A chuckle sounded deep within the back of Levi’s throat. “Here I

was worried about the ex talk. Were they all boyfriends or just fuck

Bray felt exposed as he stood naked before Levi bearing his soul.


“I’ve had four.”
Bray knew he needed to tell Levi everything. “You were the first

I’ve never used protection with.”

Levi’s lips twisted. “I guess that makes me special.”
Bray knew that Levi was innocent and sweet. By the look on

Levi’s face, Bray knew he could add ruined to that list. “I should go.”

“Yeah. Probably. I mean it doesn’t matter to me how many times

you got off with other guys. Were any of them threesomes?”

“No. I don’t roll that way.”
Relief seemed to relax Levi’s shoulders.
“Yeah, it’s late. We both have a busy day tomorrow,” Levi said.
Bray couldn’t let go yet. He walked across the room and kissed

Levi passionately, showing him how much he loved him.

“Thanks for tonight,” Bray said.
“Anytime, Sir.”
Bray had totally fucked up. He knew it as he turned away, going

downstairs and dressing. Bray pulled on his North Face coat and
headed outside. He stood on Levi’s front porch, breathing in the cold
nighttime air. He was trying to figure out how he got there so fast. He
knew he wanted Levi for something more, but was too afraid to go

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there with him. The truth was, Bray didn’t feel like he was good
enough for Levi. They were so different and yet fit so perfectly. God,
he fucked this up fast. That was something Bray was really good at.
Pissed off at himself for being so stupid and so afraid to take the next
step, Bray went to his Jeep.

He gunned his Jeep out of Levi’s driveway and hit the highway

fast. He knew he was running, but he didn’t care. Bray needed
distance to figure this thing out with Levi. He headed home. He
grimaced when he thought about his crappy little apartment. It was
nothing like what Levi had. Levi had a real home. A tear cornered
Bray’s eye when he thought about spending Christmas with Levi. He
could see them snuggled up next to the fireplace in the living room,
making love to ring in the New Year.

Bray slammed his hand against the steering wheel as he pulled up

in front of his apartment. He didn’t want to be alone, but he didn’t
know how to take the next step with Levi without feeling pathetic. He
reached for his phone. He was calling off of work tomorrow. He just
couldn’t face Levi again so soon. Not before he had a chance to figure
out what he wanted.

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Chapter Ten

The snow was melting, creating puddles of water everywhere.

Water splashed up over Levi’s work boots as he headed into work.
Levi woke up that morning missing Bray something fierce. He
couldn’t help it. He always knew he’d been needy when it came to
loving another man. Levi looked around the parking lot. He couldn’t
find Brayden’s Jeep anywhere. He wondered why he was running
late. Levi checked his cell phone. There were no missed calls.

It was a typical Friday morning. Levi needed to get into the

morning briefing or he was going to be late, too. For some odd reason
he lingered outside, watching the morning traffic go by. Kids were
walking along the sidewalk, heading up the street to the local public
school. They were waiting along the corner, laughing and chatting the
way kids do. The hair on the back of Levi’s neck stood up.

Levi headed toward the group fast. The light was about to change.

His heart flew up into his throat when the little girl in front took a step
off the curb before the light fully changed. She screamed as the truck
came racing toward her. Levi raced out into the intersection, grabbing
the girl on the fly. Tires screeched. The corner of the truck caught
Levi’s leg, sending him spinning into oncoming traffic. Levi rolled,
cradling the girl in his arms as they went down near the curb on the
other side of the street. Cars screeched to a sudden stop.

Pain shot through Levi’s body as his head smacked against the

pavement. The girl’s brown eyes were wide with fear as they looked
down at him. The gravity of the situation hit her hard and she started
to cry. Levi’s vision swam as he worked hard to keep conscious. The
tap to his head must have been worse than he knew.

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“You’re okay. Shhh. You’re okay.”
Levi wished he could’ve said the same about himself. He couldn’t

move to get up. Witnesses poured from their cars to help the girl to
her feet. They tried to do the same for Levi, but he shook his head no.
It hurt too bad to move.

Someone ran into the police station. Officers poured out of the

building when they realized it was one of their own. Anderson’s face
suddenly appeared above him.

“What the fuck, Maden?”
“I tripped in the crosswalk. I think I hurt my leg.”
“The fuck you did. Looks like you hit your head harder than you

thought. You’re going to need stitches.”

A siren wailed in the distance. “Where’s Temple?”
Confusion had Anderson calling the paramedic over. “He took the

day off. He’s not supposed to be in until next week.”

A tear slipped from the corner of Levi’s eye. Something was very

wrong with his side. “Chief?”

“I think I need to get to the hospital…now.”
Levi felt his body numb and his eyes roll back into his head. It

was lights out.

* * * *

Levi was sitting up on the gurney, wondering why he was given a

second chance. The quiet hum of the heart monitor told him he was
going to be okay as soon as they released him from the hospital. All
of sudden, the door to his room burst open and slammed shut.
Brayden stormed across the room, relief and fear pouring through his

“Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”
“I was in surgery. Then there was my time in the post anesthesia

care unit. I think they call it the PACU. By the time they got me to my

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room, they pumped me so full of meds that I didn’t know how to use
the telephone. I think it’s called a landline. There are some wires
attached to the wall if you want to try it.”

Bray came in fast, silencing him with a passionate kiss to his lips.

He slowly pulled away. “Are you okay?”

“I’m bruised as shit and I now have a steel rod in my leg, but I’m

good. Miss me, Sir?”

“I almost lost you yesterday.”
“You didn’t.”
“It was too close.”
“I’m here. Nothing is going to happen to me.”
Levi loved the feel of Bray’s hands on his face. “I’m taking care

of you as you recover. Don’t even try to deny me or I won’t sign off
on your retraining.”

“Okay, Sir.”
Levi loved how Bray took over running interference with the

medical staff and all the visitors from the station who wanted to barge
their way in. Someone had brought an empty bottle of root beer,
labeling it piss jar. It sat proudly on the stand next to his bed. Physical
therapy came in and screwed with him. The pain meds kept the pain
in check.

He zoomed up and down the hallway in his walker with Bray

following behind with a wheelchair. It was going to take him weeks to
get his balance back and longer before he’d be able to walk on his
own. He still had good range of motion with the leg despite the steel
rod that made up his femur. Although the doctor said he might walk
with a limp. Levi was going to work hard to prove them wrong.

Levi knew that Bray was going to be with him every second as he

learned to walk again. He loved Bray for that. Bray helped him back
into bed.

“So when do I get out of here?” Levi asked.
“The doc says you can get out of here sometime next week as long

as you keep up with your physical therapy.”

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Levi worked his ass back into the bed and Bray sat on the edge.

Their hands touched. Levi felt the heat of want pass through his body.
He couldn’t wait to be alone with Bray again. Levi thought about
telling Bray that his birthday was coming up, but he didn’t want to put
that obligation onto him. Things were better between them, but not all
the way back to where they had been.

“You’re thinking hard,” Bray said.
“I was hoping that you’ll stay with me while I recover. I don’t

have anyone that can help me navigate the stairs, you know?”

“I’d love to, babe.”
“You really don’t mind?”
“You’re mine, Levi. All mine. I take care of what’s mine.”
Levi longed to hear those three special words on Bray’s tongue,

but they just weren’t there. Maybe one day, with time, Bray would
know that it was okay to say them.

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Chapter Eleven

It was Levi’s birthday. Bray’s hands were stuffed into his pants

pockets as he stared at the black velvet box sitting on the display
counter. Lights sparkled off the chain. He was feeling as though life
was about to change in a good way. He left Levi at home, saying that
he was running a quick errand to the grocery store.

The sales woman picked the chain up from the box. “Would you

like to try it on?”

“No. It’s not for me.”
She grinned wistfully. “A friend?”
“Ah, I’m sure they’ll love it.”
His sub had comforted Bray in the hospital. The role reversal was

so surprising. Bray should’ve been the strong one, comforting and
reassuring Levi. God, they were so perfect for each other. How could
Bray be so blind to the next step for so long?

Bray had looked at everything and still he came back to the chain.

He glanced at the price tag. “I’ll take it.”

The woman grinned. “I’ll ring you up. Would you like me to wrap


Bray tapped his credit card on the glass countertop. Snow was

falling again outside on the downtown sidewalk. The purchase of the
platinum chain wasn’t an impulse buy. It was well thought out. When
he saw it in the catalog weeks ago, he immediately pictured it around
Levi’s neck. It was almost a choker. It would hang over the ridges of
his collar bone perfectly. Most of all it looked like a collar his sub

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should be wearing all the time. He couldn’t wait to see Levi’s reaction
when he gave it to him tonight.

Bray felt a shiver of need course through his body and land solidly

in his cock. It’d been two weeks since they’d done anything physical.
It wasn’t from lack of wanting to on Bray’s part. He just wanted to
show Levi that he could take care of him without having sex. Now,
Bray was tired of waiting. He wanted Levi again. He was fully
recovered. There was no reason why they couldn’t start back up their
sexual relationship.

He slid his card across the counter and waited for it to go through.

The money wasn’t an issue. He was good at banking his money.
There wasn’t much he needed. He needed Levi now. The sales
woman slid his card and the receipt across the counter. Bray signed,
taking the blue bag she offered. Bray headed out into the cold,
thinking of the heat of Levi’s body warming his tonight.

Romance wasn’t something Bray knew how to do well. It didn’t

come naturally or instinctually to him. Today was the day Bray was
going put his heart on the line for Levi. His heart raced. The last two
weeks had put everything into perspective. He almost lost Levi. The
need to protect Levi was an overpowering desire he couldn’t ignore. It
was something more than heart. It was something hardwired into his
DNA. He loved him. He wanted him.

Bray thought about his crappy condo and the sad looking lemon

plant in the corner. He didn’t have much. He always had the bare
minimum. He didn’t need much, but now he needed Levi. Bray
checked his watch. Levi was probably wondering where he was at. He
hadn’t said anything about his birthday, but Bray had seen it in his file
weeks ago and made a mental note about it.

He parked his jeep in front of Levi’s house, bringing everything

inside. Bray had hid the Tiffany bag in one of the brown grocery bags.

“I’m home,” Bray said.
“I’m in the living room!”

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Levi’s shirt was unbuttoned as he sat on the couch. Bray’s eyes

went from his face to his chest. Bray went to the kitchen, setting
everything down. He went back to the living room and leaned down
to Levi. They kissed. Bray took control, owning Levi’s mouth with
his lips and his tongue. He started to pull away, but came in close
again when Levi tightened his hold on his shirt. Bray broke his lips
away, resting his forehead onto Levi’s.

“I’ve missed that.”
Levi’s confession did something to Bray’s heart. “So have I.” He

stepped back, running his fingers down the outside of Levi’s arms.

Bray took off his coat, making himself comfortable by going to

the refrigerator. “I went to the store for you.”

Levi buttoned his shirt. “Thanks.”
From the corner of his eye, Bray watched as Levi used the arm of

the couch to balance as he stood. The wince of pain on his face was
the only sign of his discomfort. He limped into the kitchen, not using
the cane he was supposed to. Levi opened the fridge door.

Take out cartons lined the inside shelves of the fridge. “You’ve

been feeding me take out?”

“I’ve been only buying you the good stuff. You haven’t

complained much.”

“It must have been the pain meds. How long has some of this stuff

been in here?”

“Probably too long.”
Levi started opening things up and giving them the sniff test,

before tossing them into the empty garbage can. “Processed foods are
bad for you.”

“You should always eat fresh when it’s in season.”
“You make me a better person,” Bray said.
Levi whipped his head around. “Do I, Sir?”

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The corner of Bray’s mouth lifted in a knowing smile. “Yes.”
The island separated them. They were playing the word game that

turned Bray on fast.

“It’s about time you admitted it, Sir.”
“What is it you want me to admit?”
“That you have deep feelings for me, Sir.”
They were right where Bray wanted to be in conversation. Levi

lowered his gaze in that seductive way that turned Bray on. “Perhaps I

Something dark and dangerous flashed in Levi’s eyes when Bray

purposely danced around the three words Levi longed to hear. They
weren’t difficult words to say. Honestly, they were the first time Bray
would ever be using them with a lover.

“What are we doing tonight?” Levi asked.
The question had Bray thinking about the gift stuffed in the

grocery bag. “I have a few things in mind since it’s your birthday.”

“You know?”
“I read it in your file.”
Understanding had Levi smiling. He strolled around the island,

coming in close. “Did you get me anything for my birthday?”

“I was thinking you need a birthday spanking.”
“I do, Sir. I’ve been a very naughty while I’ve been recovering.”
Bray pulled him toward the couch. “Have you?”
“I’ve been thinking about the things we’ve done together. I like

how my ass has bruises after our long sessions.”

Bray’s cock was flexed hard, pushing against the fly of his jeans

as though it could blast out with a single shot. He sat back into the
loveseat, spreading his legs wide so that Levi could see his thick
outline of his dick. Bray edged his arms over the back of the old

“Yes, Sir.”

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Levi got them both off by taking his sweet time about removing

his clothes. The reward was so worth the wait. Bray felt his breath
catch deep within his chest when he saw every inch of Levi’s smooth
skin. The man used health and vitality like a weapon against him. He
was a perfect example of the male form. Bray was in shape, but
nothing like what Levi appeared to be. Bray let his gaze slide down to
Levi’s throbbing prick. With every beat of his heart, he could see the
tick, tick, tick of his cock. Levi purposely flexed his prick, making
pre-cum slide down the middle. Bray’s eyes followed that drip all the
way down to the man’s heavy balls.

Bray unleashed his cock, peeling back the corners of his jeans to

free his prick.

“On all fours across my lap. Will that hurt you?”
“No. I’ll be okay, Sir.”
Levi was quick to obey. The tips of their cocks brushed as Levi

positioned his body perfectly. Bray rubbed his ass with his right hand,
sliding his palm down to caress Levi’s balls. A shudder vibrated
through Levi’s body as he slipped his fingers between his ass cheeks
to rub his anus. Bray swung his hand back, coming in to spank Levi.
The impact sent Levi’s balls bouncing and his dick jumping against
Bray’s. Levi groaned deep within the back of his throat as Bray
rubbed the spot he struck. Bray pulled his hand back again, hitting
harder on the other cheek of his ass. Their cocks hit together again.
Levi sunk lower on his knees and arms so that their cocks were closer.
Bray spanked him over and over, listening to the cries of pleasure that
tore from Levi’s parted lips. Sweat glistened on Levi’s body. Bray
could see that he was taking him to a sensual edge and dangling him
off. He rewarded his obedience with a caress of his palm over his

“Fuck me, Sir. Please.”
The begging whimper was too much for Bray. He could feel

himself wanting to lose control, but he couldn’t yet, not until he took

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Levi to a higher level. With the tip of his thumb on his left hand, Bray
rubbed over the rim of his anus. With his right hand, he squeezed his
ass cheeks, pinching them hard. Levi shuddered violently as their
cocks rubbed against each other. He arched his ass back into Bray’s
hands, lowering his cock further onto his. The tip of Bray’s cockhead
smoothed over Levi’s cock, landing solidly into Levi’s navel. The
slap of skin on skin was a shocking reminder of where Bray wanted to
sink his cock. The thought of pushing his lubed cock into Levi’s ass
had Bray shivering.

Bray yanked his right hand away, spanking Levi harder. With

each slapping impact of his hand, Levi grunted his approval.

“Kneel on the back of the loveseat.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Your leg okay?”
“Perfect, Sir.”
Levi pressed his cock between the slit in the leather between the


“Nice. Ass up.”
The husky sound of Bray’s own voice was a reminder of how

close he was to losing control of the situation. Levi was quick to obey.
Bray pressed his hands on Levi’s ass cheeks, spreading him wide.
Levi’s anus was bare of all hair. He’d gotten waxed recently. It turned
Bray on fast. Bray kneeled down, leaning in to lick his way over
Levi’s perineum. He followed the trail north to his anus, licking his
way around the rim of Levi’s anus. He could tell by Levi’s breathing
that he loved the sensation of having his ass licked passionately. Bray
teased his lips and tongue lower, kissing Levi’s balls. Levi flexed his
ass in and out, sending his cock in and out of the leather loveseat.
Bray pulled away, undressing. He walked around to the other side of
the loveseat so that his cock was at Levi’s mouth level.

“Lube me with your mouth.”
A ravenous moan escaped Levi’s lips as his mouth came down

upon his cock. Bray ran his fingers through Levi’s hair as he took his

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cock deep, licking and swirling his tongue everywhere. Bray
tightened his fingers into Levi’s hair, stilling him from sexing him
further with his mouth. He slowly pulled his cockhead from Levi’s
sex-puffed lips. Bray came around the loveseat, mounting Levi from
behind. He gripped Levi’s hips as he centered his cockhead on the rim
of his anus. Bray pushed his swollen cock into Levi’s ass, taking him
in short, hard thrusts.

“Tell me, sir. Tell me.
Levi begged for the words that wanted to spill from Bray’s lips as

he fucked his lover. Bray’s cock flexed hard. He had to slow this
thing down, but he couldn’t. With each thrust of his cock into his
lover’s ass, Bray emphasized the words Levi longed to hear.

“I.” Thrust. “Love.” Thrust. “You.” Thrust.
He said it over and over, thrusting his lover’s ass up and into the

back of the loveseat. Levi was crying out in primal animalistic way
that made Bray fall harder for the man. Bray reached around with his
right hand, taking Levi’s cock from between the break in the leather
couch. He gripped him hard, pumping his cock with the sweat slicked
over his hand.

“Take me, Sir. Take me hard.”
Bray was the only one who was supposed to be giving the orders.

He could feel his spunk threatening to erupt from his cockhead. Bray
cranked his hand down hard on Levi’s cock. “Come.”

Levi cried out, arching his back hard. Bray pumped, flexing his

cock in and out of Levi’s ass. He was so close to coming, but he
wanted Levi to come first. Levi’s prick kicked out hard, stiffening.

“Oh, Sir.”
Hot spunk slipped over Bray’s hand as he pumped his lover off.

Bray’s cock hardened and he came. Bray pulled his cock out,
watching his cum shoot over his lover’s back. He collapsed onto his
arms, getting close to Levi’s back. He kissed Levi’s neck, licking his
way over his ear.

“I love you,” Bray whispered.

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“I love you, too, Sir.”
The tips of Bray’s lips lifted. He loved hearing Levi use the word

Sir when they were together to emphasize the dynamic of their
relationship. He kissed his way over Levi’s shoulder.

“Shower with me.”
They went to the bath. Bray took the lead, starting the hot water.

“Go ahead and get in. It is your birthday after all.”

Bray wet the loofah, squeezing body wash into the massager. Levi

pressed his arms against the wall, hanging his head under the hot
spray as Bray washed him with slow, sweet strokes. Levi took the
loofah, washing Bray with the same care. The water was just starting
to cool when they stepped out of the shower. Bray wrapped the towel
around his waist and went to turn down the bed. His heart hammered
as he picked up the Tiffany bag. A few seconds later, Levi came out
of the bath without his towel. Levi’s gaze went to the bag in his hand.

“Happy birthday.”
Surprise had Levi’s brows lifting. “Tiffany?”
Levi slowly crossed the room and took the bag gently. He took the

box out, unwrapping the blue bow and paper from the box. He opened
the velvet box inside. Bray felt his heart hammer out of his chest.

“It’s beautiful, Sir.”
“Do you really like it?”
“I love it.” Tears misted Levi’s eyes as he lifted them to Bray’s.

“It’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“It reminded me of us.”
“It’s perfect.”
Bray lifted the chain from the box and helped Levi put it on. He

brushed the tips of his fingers over the platinum. They kissed, taking
it slow, sweet, and deep. Love was in Levi’s eyes when Bray pulled
away. They cuddled into bed. Bray held him tightly. The thought of
losing him scared the hell out of him.


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Bray could hear the sleepy sound of his voice. “I was thinking that

we should move in together.”

Levi turned in his arms. “You were?”
“Yeah. What do you think?”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting all of this so soon. Can I think

about it?”

Disappointment spiraled through Bray’s body. He felt his heart

break just a little bit before he cut the emotions off. It was the only
way he could keep his heart from shattering into pieces. Bray
smoothed his hand up and down Levi’s shoulder. He loved the way
Levi twined his leg over his.

“Take as much time as you need.”
After a moment, Levi asked, “What were you thinking? My place

or yours?”

Bray had always wanted a home like Levi’s. It was so warm and

inviting. It felt welcoming. “Yours.”

Levi brushed his cheek over Bray’s pec. “What about your


“I’m renting. It won’t be a problem.”
Hope lingered in Bray’s heart. He didn’t want to get his hopes up

tonight. He kissed Levi’s temple. “We don’t have to worry about it
tonight. We have the rest of our lives to figure this thing out.”

Levi smoothed his fingers over Bray’s chest. Bray loved the feel

of his lover safe within his arms. There was nothing more perfect in
the entire world. For the first time in Bray’s life, he knew what
happiness felt like. He hoped that Levi would give him a second
chance and would want to move in together.

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Training Levi


Chapter Twelve

Levi was heading into work despite the doctor’s protest. He could

do desk work no problem all day long. He knew he was using it as an
excuse to put some distance between him and Brayden while he
figured the logistics out of him moving in. He knew he could trust
Bray. It was just that everything was falling into place so perfectly.
Levi never imagined it happening that way at all.

Rain was beating the hell out of the last days of winter. It was

supposed to be snowing within a few days. Levi jogged from his car
through the rain into the station to prove that he could. Pain danced
around his new leg, but it wasn’t anything unmanageable. Beneath his
tie, Levi felt the heat of the chain Levi gave him around his neck.
Levi couldn’t settle into work. He couldn’t believe that Bray wanted
such a strong commitment. Moving in felt like the right thing to do.
Levi just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. They worked in
separate departments. Bray had signed off on his retraining. There
was no reason why they couldn’t work out the long term.

Levi stopped at his office for a minute before he headed into the

audio visual room. Hunter was working on enhancing the video from
the bank robbery. Trent’s interpreter, Cole, was at his side. Levi
raised his brows at Cole.

“I thought you hung with Trent,” Levi said.
“I’m a trained expert in lip reading,” Cole said.
Levi shut the door behind him, sealing out all sound. The

soundproof room made Levi feel like they were in a bubble. It felt
good to be back on some of his cold cases. He was working the armed
robbery division while he recovered.

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Tatum Throne

“How’s it going?” Levi asked.
Hunter looked up from his laptop. “The video is grainy. I can’t get

a good angle on your suspect.”

Levi picked up the printout from the tray. “This is the best you’ve


“It’s a start.”
Hunter leaned back in his chair, making the springs scream. He

locked his hands behind his head. “Are you doing the auction?”

Oh, God. How could he have forgotten about the charity auction

that put law enforcement up to the highest bidder? “I haven’t decided.

“Hell yeah. Anything for charity.”
“When is it?”
“Not for a few weeks.”
Good. There was time to get out of it if Levi wanted to. Maybe

he’d be working a case that night. “Let me know if you get anything
else out of that video.”

“Will do.”
Levi headed out of the office with his face focused on the printout

in his hands. He turned the corner, running into someone. A strong
hand came around Levi’s arm, balancing his ass before he hit the

Bray’s eyes danced with amusement. “Careful there.”
“Hey.” Bray looked as though he wanted to say something else,

but he was holding back because they were at work. Levi ran a
nervous hand through his hair. “I signed that form you needed. Do
you have time to head to my office to get it?”

Bray checked his watch. “I have time.”
They took the stairs to the third floor. Levi led the way down the

hallway to the last office on the right. He unlocked the door and Bray
followed him inside. He looked around. There were boxes of files on

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Training Levi


the client chairs. Levi went to his now file-strewn desk and started
looking for the form he needed to give to Bray.

He found it and handed it over. Bray’s eyes were filled with

longing as they looked at Levi. Something clicked, falling into place
within Levi’s heart.

Bray groaned. “Don’t say that here.”
Levi walked around his desk, coming in close. “You are my

superior, Sir.”

The warning on Bray’s tongue should’ve kept Levi in place, but it

didn’t. Levi loved the teasing warning that hinted of punishments to
come if he didn’t do as his Dom requested. “I’m saying yes.”

“Yes. I want us to move in together. When is your lease up?”
“A few weeks,” Bray said.
Levi came in close, lifting his hand to Bray’s face. He loved the

feel of his goatee. “We can start moving you in this weekend.”

“I can’t wait.”
Desire stole his breath away when Bray dropped his gaze to his

lips. Levi purposely licked his tongue over his lower lip, remembering
the succulent taste of his lover. The need to taste Bray was
overpowering. Levi looked up from beneath his long lashes. A groan
tore from deep within Bray as he danced Levi back against the wall.
The frames on his wall bumped, swinging off center. Something on
his half bookshelf knocked over, falling to the carpeted floor. Bray’s
mouth dropped over Levi’s. They grabbed at each other, kissing
frantically. Their tongues dueled passionately. Everything Levi ever
wanted was right in his arms. He couldn’t believe that life was finally

A knock sounded on the door. Levi went to open it. Hunter was on

the other side.

“Hey, I got a good view of your suspect,” Hunter said.

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Tatum Throne

“Good work.”
Hunter lifted the paper in his hand. “I was able to get a better view

of the guy from a surveillance camera across the street from the bar.”

“Nice. This is something I can use.”
Levi closed the door, drinking Bray in with a slow and steady look

that made him want to get naked. He tossed the paper onto his desk,
knowing that he’d get to it later. Bray grinned, coming in close. They
linked their hands together.

“Do you really want to wait until this weekend to start moving?”
“I was thinking I’d pick up some moving boxes on my way home

from work tonight.”

“I like the sound of that.”

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Training Levi


Chapter Thirteen

Levi was standing at his kitchen window, waiting for his lover to

return. He sighed as Bray’s Jeep pulled into his long driveway. He
loved it when Bray came home.

Bray was on his last and final load of things from his condo. They

spent the last week moving his furniture into storage. Levi came
through the mudroom connected to the breezeway to meet Bray in the
driveway as he pulled up in his Jeep.

He shut off his Jeep and hopped out.
“Is this everything?” Levi asked.
Bray gave him a brushing kiss. “Yeah. Everything. You can’t get

rid of me now.”

Bray popped opened the trunk of his Jeep. They spent the next

fifteen minutes unloading the boxes from the back and putting them in
the spare bedroom to go through later.

Everything in Levi’s house had a purpose and a place. He grew up

with the bare essentials. So having a home with everything just so
made him really happy. Homemade beef stew was simmering on the
stove. Late morning sunshine caressed the budding trees in the front
yard. It was almost lunchtime. The tulips in his garden were just
starting to peek from the ground.

Levi spent most of the morning moving things around in his closet

to give Bray space to put his things away. He loved making room in
his dresser, too, for his pants, socks, and boxers. A smile crept over
his lips when he thought about doing their laundry, folding it, and
placing it neatly away. He couldn’t wait to take care of Bray.

“Hungry?” Levi asked.

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Tatum Throne

“The soup’s ready.”
“Smells good.”
Levi dished up two bowls and sliced some bread to dip into the

drippings. He poured them some sweet tea. Bray was watching him
closely as he served them both.

Levi smiled. “What?”
“I like this. I never had any of this growing up,” Bray said.
“I like taking care of you.”
Their hands brushed. “I was thinking we could stay in and watch

that new James Bond movie.”

“I’d love that,” Levi said.
“How’s the leg?”
“Getting better every day.”
There was more Levi wanted to say, but he was having trouble

expressing how happy he was to his lover. Bray came up behind Levi,
wrapping his arms tightly around his waist. He gave him sweet kisses
down his neck. The chain around his neck was warm from his body
heat. He liked this. He loved the way he felt when he was with Bray.
He loved how he made him a better person. They sat down at the table

“Do you think we’re going to get in trouble at work for this?”

Bray asked.

Levi was silent for a long time while he thought about it. He

wanted to believe that the people he worked with were tolerant and
accepting. That at the end of the day the men and women he worked
with weren’t homophobic.

“I hope we won’t. We shouldn’t worry about it.”
“We need to be careful,” Bray said.
“We can just tell work we’re rooming together.”
The lie felt dishonest, but there was nothing they could do about it

as long as they worked together. The department was big enough that
they could get along with no one ever knowing that they were lovers.

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Training Levi


Neither one of them were out. Regardless, they needed to be careful
since they worked together.

“That would work.” Bray cleared the table to rinse the bowls and

to put them in the dishwasher. “Let’s not worry about this right now.”

Levi wrapped the rest of the bread back up. Bray came in close,

blocking him in from behind at the counter. Bray dropped his lips to
the curve of Levi’s neck. He placed whisper-soft kisses over the
sensitive part of his neck.

“I think we need to think about other things right now.”
“Like what, Sir?”
Bray groaned. “Like how much I like being here with you. Like

how happy I am. Like how I love how domesticated you are. It turns
me the fuck on.”

“Does it, Sir?”
“God, yes. I want you in nothing but an apron tonight when you

cook for me.”

“I think I like that, Sir.”
“I have something for you.”
Levi grinned. “You do?”
“I was saving this for the right moment. I think that moment is


Bray pulled a black velvet box from his hands. Slowly, Levi lifted

his gaze up to Brayden’s face. Bray got down on his right knee.

“Will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me, Levi?”
Levi looked down at the open box. Tears rushed to his eyes as he

closed the distance between them. A diamond pendant hung on a tiny
clasp. Levi was certain it would hook perfectly to his choker.

“Yes, Brayden. I’ll marry you.”
A flash of white-hot desire moved through Levi’s body as

Brayden jumped up, kissing him passionately. There was so much
more they needed to organize in the house, but Levi didn’t care. They
would get to all of it eventually. Levi wanted to know everything
about Bray that came from living with another person.

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Tatum Throne

He wanted everything with Bray. He always imagined his

farmhouse filled with the laughter and happiness of a family. He
couldn’t believe he had everything he’d always wanted and never
knew he was looking for until he found Bray.




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, and two rowdy hamsters named Nibbler and
CJ. She also has a pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:
Find me on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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