Tatum Throne Branding Eli

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Rough Riders 5

Branding Eli

After a year of working undercover in Mexico, Eli Riley is running
for his life from the drug cartel. He never expects that a border
patrol agent with an attitude for justice and a hard cowboy edge
would be the one who takes him down.

Border Patrol Agent Wesley “Wes” Payne pulls a car over. He
quickly realizes that things are not right with the guy’s story. Wes
has spent a lot of time focusing on his career. That changes when
Eli comes into his life. All he’s thinking about is tying Eli to his bed
and taking him to his hard limit. As an experienced Dom, he’s
ready to take Eli on as his sub.

With a hit out on him, Eli knows that anyone standing next to him
is going to get burned. Unable to deny his attraction for Wes, he
falls hard on his knees to be his sub, but he knows the moment
won’t last forever.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary,
Length: 32,539 words

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Rough Riders 5

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-266-9

First E-book Publication: August 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For the Throne boys. xoxo

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Rough Riders 5


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

The hardest part about getting away was not getting caught. Eli

Riley was about to get trapped and there was nothing he could do to
stop it from happening. He gripped the steering wheel to the BMW
with his left hand as he downshifted with his right, coming to a stop.
The borrowed car had Nevada plates.

He sat idling in line at the American border with Mexico taunting

him like a spurned lover in his rearview. He tightened his hand
nervously on the wheel and on the stick. Wind blew through the open
window, but it didn’t do much to cool the oppressive heat. America
never felt so far away. Sweat dripped down his back as he watched
Border Patrol agents methodically search each car. He hoped to God
that his brother, Dade, wasn’t working the border. He couldn’t risk
having his family exposed like this.

The car inched forward as another vehicle was let back into the

US. What was taking so long? After months of working contract for
the DOJ, he was almost home. Almost. He wasn’t sure if he lost his
tail before the turn for the border—there was good chance that he
hadn’t. He adjusted his side mirror, seeing nothing of the car that had
chased him for the last two miles.

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Branding Eli


Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. He looked

forward, squinting into the fading sunlight. His headlights reflected
off the bumper in front of him. The sensation of being stared at
fluttered over his skin a second time. It was as though someone was
watching him. It no longer felt as though it was coming from behind
him but from someone in front of him. He scanned the border and the
agents working guard duty. No one was looking at him.

Another drip of sweat slid down Eli’s temple as he thought about

the possibility of the cartel catching up to him. He pissed too many
people off. He couldn’t go back—not again. He’d been lucky to get
away with his life. He was a dead man if he stepped foot in Mexico
again. It was time he got out and got out for a long time. As a
contractor for the DOJ he had the luxury of picking and choosing the
operations he wanted to do. The money had been worth it at one
time—not anymore.

After a year of undercover work, he was ready to take that long-

overdue vacation he’d been putting off. He wanted a life that was
normal and easy and without the stress of being caught up within a
drug cartel. Eli was cool and calm despite the nervous energy
pumping through his veins. He inched his car forward and stopped in
front of the border. It was finally his turn. This border agent was now
the only person who stood in his way of getting home.

The lights around the station were nearly blinding as he handed

over his passport. The agent looked at his passport as another agent
with a German shepherd circled around the car. Tension vibrated
through Eli’s body. He didn’t have a chance to do a thorough sweep
of the car before borrowing it. As the dog passed by the trunk, Eli
glanced into his rearview mirror. The dog stopped and jerked his
attention to the car behind him.

There was a hit but it wasn’t on his car. The dog whimpered,

sitting down in front of the beater in line behind him. The driver
jumped out of the car, running back toward Mexico. The other two

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guys in the car were ordered at gunpoint to get out of the car. The
border agent handed Eli back his passport and waved him through.

“Welcome home,” the agent said.
“Thanks. It’s good to be going home.”
Eli sped into Eagle Pass, Texas as though the devil were chasing

him. Freedom never tasted so good or so pure. He glanced in his
rearview relieved to see that no one was following him. He smiled as
he pushed the speedometer up past the limit. Laughter spilled from his
lips. He was really fucking home. Things were finally going right for
a change and falling into place perfectly. Eli glanced in the rearview
and sped up.

He was just outside the city of Eagle Pass when flashing lights

appeared behind them.

It shouldn’t have surprised him that a cop was pulling him over.

Despite the urge to flee, he pulled the car over. This wasn’t Mexico.
Eli watched as the border-patrol agent pulled up behind him and
stepped out of his SUV like a cowboy dismounting a horse. With an
edgy swagger, he walked up beside the BMW, shining his flashlight
inside the car. Eli gripped the wheel as he looked into the backseat.
He couldn’t believe he was home and had gotten pulled over. This
was definitely going to fuck up his night. Eli lowered his window as
the border agent walked up to the window.

“Evening, mind telling me what the big damn hurry is?”
The border agent’s voice was deep and dark and sent a shiver

down Eli’s spine, and wrapped tightly around his cock. It’d been so
long since anyone had caught his interest with just the quick drawl of
their voice. Despite it being dusk, there was little light shining down.
The officer’s face was cast in shadows, and he couldn’t quite see him

“I’m just happy to be home.”
“Are you now? Does this mean you don’t obey the law?”
“I do my best to follow it.”

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Branding Eli


“Going ninety?” He smiled and it sent a shiver through Eli’s body

that made him stupid. “How about you step outside the vehicle where
we can chat. Nice and easy.”

The border agent backed up so Eli could get out of the car. He was

bigger than Eli expected. At five eleven, Eli didn’t consider himself a
little guy, but next to this agent he was tiny. The agent was all brawny
muscle and probably close to six five.

“Is this your car?”
Their eyes locked. “No.” It was borrowed and perhaps slightly

stolen, but he was not about to tell the border agent that. “A friend
lent it to me.”

Not really a friend either, but an explanation wasn’t really

necessary. Eli could see he wasn’t buying the bullshit he was
shoveling. The border agent’s warm hand slid up the inside of his arm
as he led him back to stand in front of his patrol car.

“Put your hands on the hood.”
“Am I under arrest?”
“No. I’m just doing this for my safety.”
Eli glanced over his shoulder, catching a good look at the border

agent for the first time. Damn. Dark black hair brushed his forehead.
He had gray eyes that lingered on his. He was really good looking.
The kind of good looking that made Eli do some really stupid things
when he was drinking. Thank goodness he hadn’t been drinking
tonight. He was easy and stupid and easily stupid when he was around
a hot guy. The border agent’s hands were rough and bit at his skin as
they smoothed over his body, snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Any weapons on you?”
Eli closed his eyes as he felt the border agent’s hands move down

over his cock and adjust his balls. His rough handling made him think
about being a submissive again. He longed to have a Dom take
control of his body, but he knew that wasn’t in the cards for him right

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Tatum Throne

now. Love had fucked him over and he was being served up with
consequences of his ex’s actions.

“What’s your name?”
“Eli what?”
The border agent looked down at him in a funny way and then

merely went on doing his job. “What has you coming to the States?”

“I’m a US citizen.”
The agent nodded but he still didn’t trust him. He pulled out his

handcuffs and locked them down on his wrists.

“Hang tight. Do you mind if I search your vehicle?”
“Have at it.”
Fear made his heart race as the agent went to work. Eli leaned

against the hood of the car as the border agent methodically went
through the BMW. He looked in the seats, compartments, and
everything and everywhere things could be hidden. There was a good
chance there was probably something illegal in the car. Eli should’ve
thought about that before he stole one of the cartel’s vehicles. He was
hell bent on getting away from the men who were chasing him that he
hadn’t thought clearly about all the possibilities.

His nerve was getting the better of him as the agent move around

to pop the trunk. He circled around the back. God, he hoped there
wasn’t a body in there. He’d been lucky to get through customs in
Mexico. There was a good chance someone had recognized the car
and let him through without a search. Eli held his breath and bit his lip
as the agent opened the trunk. He glanced inside and looked back at

“Mind explaining this to me?”
Eli closed his eyes as he felt sweat drip down over his back. He

did not want to know what was in the trunk. Eli opened his eyes and
met those piercing gray eyes again. “No clue. You tell me.”

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Branding Eli


Something passed between them. It was hard, dark, and seductive.

Compassion moved through his eyes. Eli wanted to explore and feel
that chemistry again but not here, not like this. “Can you tell me
what’s in the trunk of this car?”

“I’m not standing over there. I don’t know what’s in the trunk.

How about you tell me,” Eli said.

There was a good chance he was going to be arrested and charged

for something he wouldn’t want to be. It was his own damn fault for
being in such a fucking hurry and not thinking about his actions. He’d
forgotten protocol when he grabbed the car to get away. He should
have trusted his handler and used procedure to get out of the country.
Now, he knew that that was a mistake and there was nothing he could
do to go back and fix it. Eli sighed, looking at the border agent who
was now staring at him and waiting. He didn’t know what to say or
how to get out of this mess. The agent leaned back comfortably
against his car and crossed his arms. They stared at each other.

“I guess we’ll wait,” he said.
Surprise moved through Eli. He frowned hard and stared back at

the border agent. “I have no idea what’s in the car.”

“Not my problem.”
The truth of who he was and what was going on was hanging on

the tip of Eli’s tongue. He wanted to trust that the border agent
wouldn’t blow his cover out here in the desert, but he knew he
couldn’t. The risk was too great—especially if the men who were
chasing him caught up. What if they had gotten across the border too?
What was he going to do then? How was he going to protect this
border agent and himself?

“You don’t want to do this.”
“Maybe I do.”
Their eyes warred. Eli got comfortable on the front of the agent’s

SUV. They weren’t going anywhere for a long time.

“You might want to call for backup,” Eli said.
“Why is that?”

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“Well, it doesn’t look like either one of us are going anywhere

anytime soon. I think you’re going to have a tough sell with your
superior’s questions as to why you handcuffed an innocent person
instead of following procedure.”

“What do you know about my procedure?”
“I know enough to know that you’re not following it,” Eli said.
The border agent got up off the trunk of the BMW and came in

close. “Is this how you want to play things?”

“Yes, it is.”
There was sweat and dust in Eli’s eyes from the wind that

suddenly kicked up. This border agent was about to teach him a
lesson. Eli was quite certain it was one he wouldn’t readily forget.

* * * *

The man standing in front of Wesley Payne had military stamped

all over him. There was something seductive about the way this man
was getting under his skin. As a Dom, he liked to think he had control
of every situation in his life. Clearly, that was not the case today.
Without warning, Wes thought about taking this guy on as his sub.
There was a defiant northern streak about him that made Wes want to
tame him with leather and ropes. As a cowboy, he could tell which
ones were from the north and who grew up on a working farm in the

The night was hot and sticky. Wes was thinking about rolling

around in some cool cotton sheets with this man. He was stunned that
looking at this guy made him think about sex instead of his job. He
didn’t know Eli Riley or what he was capable of doing. He was
obviously a criminal.

Given the opportunity, he could see him running if he turned his

back. Wes was not about to give him the chance at all. He was going
to do his job, arrest this defiant asshole, and go home with a really

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Branding Eli


bad case of blue balls tonight. He would probably jack off to the
sound of his sultry voice.

“So you’re really not going to tell me,” Wes said.
The man shook his head and shrugged as though he didn’t have a

care in the world. “I don’t know what’s in the trunk.”

Wes came in close to the guy. He smelled like sex and need. Wes

had to resist the urge to throw him against the hood of his SUV and
fuck him hard. That thought brought him up short. Wes couldn’t
remember the last time any man had caught his interest—let alone a
man on the job he was arresting. This was going to be a problem and
he knew it, but there was nothing he could do to stop it from
happening. He wanted what he wanted when he wanted. That meant
he usually got everything he wanted out of life. The defiant edge in
Eli’s blue eyes turned Wes on. His auburn hair was cut short but not
military and freckles were scattered all over his face. Wes wanted to
know if those freckles flowed like a waterfall over his cock. The
corner of Eli’s mouth ticked up as he looked up at him from beneath
his lashes. He was flirting.

“You’re under arrest.”
“For what?”
“You know.”
Given how complacent he was, Wes roughly turned Eli around

and pushed him up against the hood of his SUV. Maybe that would
get a rise out of him. Nope. Unable to hold back, he pushed Eli’s
forehead against the hood by pressing on the back of his neck. He
wasn’t about to let him up anytime soon. The move had caught Eli’s
jeans, pulling them down low on his ass. Several inches of his ass
crack showed, giving him a clear view of his ass and rim. Wes
tightened his hand on the back of his neck as he pushed in close with
his hips to keep him subdued. As Wes’s gaze moved south over his
crack, he unconsciously licked his lips. It’d been a little over two
years since he took on a submissive. Wes was shocked that it had
been that long. Way too long. What the hell had he been waiting for?

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Somehow he knew he’d always been waiting for the right person

to come into his life. Was Eli the one? What the hell was wrong with
him? When he left the house, he obviously left his brain at home and
put his dick in charge.

He clicked on the radio on his shoulder to let dispatch know what

was going on. “Twenty-four-nineteen to dispatch. I need a tow truck a
mile south of Rabbit Run. I’m bringing a suspect in on suspicion of
illegal firearms.”

“Copy twenty-four-nineteen.”
After calling it in, he looked down at the man he was arresting and

saw that he wasn’t resisting at all. In fact, he had arched his ass out
and spread his legs wider in submission. The move had caused his
jeans to ride lower as he arched his ass. The heat of his ass cheeks
pressed against Wes’s hips. Searing heat flooded down through his
cock as his gaze moved over his ass cheeks and anus. He couldn’t
believe that he was getting sexually aroused on duty. There was a fine
line he knew he couldn’t cross and he was dancing on it—hard.

Despite the heat, dust, and sweat of the scorching night, Wes

could smell Eli’s cologne. It was the most intoxicating scent he’d ever
experienced on a man. A slight whimper eased from Eli’s mouth and
vibrated over the hood of his marked vehicle. He had almost missed
the sound but he heard it. He knew what this man was feeling as he
was feeling it himself. He tightened his hold on Eli, not wanting to let
him go anytime soon.

“Are you sure you don’t have weapons on you?”
“No. I don’t.”
Wes moved his hands down over his ass, grabbing his pockets

roughly. He squeezed both of his ass cheeks, purposely pulling his
cheeks apart to stretch his rim. He grabbed them harder than
necessary and pinched his skin beneath. As he slid his hands down the
inside of his legs and up over his cock, he heard Eli moan again.
Wes’s cock kicked out hard at the possibility of getting ass. He
rubbed his hands over his balls and prick, purposely being rougher

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Branding Eli


than he needed to be. It was then he felt his hard dick against his
palm. It was trapped between his leg and the seam of his baggy jeans.
Wes swallowed hard. He was a big and thick one.

“Feels like you got a weapon in here now. Are you hiding


“Fuck no.”
“I don’t believe you. Feels like you got the butt of a gun in here to


Eli groaned again as Wes tightened the grip on his shaft. He

purposely stroked it up and down slowly as though he were trying to
figure out what it was. Wes’s heart was hammering as he bit his lip,
trying to keep control of a situation that was quickly spiraling out.
Wes brushed his hand down the button fly on his jeans, pushing his
fingers through those button holes, through the window of his boxers,
and caressing his cock. It felt like a gun.

“You have a weapon in here.”
Wes popped the buttons on his fly like ammunition going off.

When the button fly was open, he popped the button that held his
jeans up. The top of his jeans spread, giving Wes complete access.
With his bare hand, Wes moved his fingers down over his pulsating
prick. He worked it up out of pant leg. The heat of his cock moved
over Wes’s fingers like a desperate lover.

Eli moaned. “What the fuck?”
Wes’s hand froze when he realized what he was doing. He knew

Eli wanted it, but still—he knew it was wrong to yank his chain like

“That’s not a gun. It’s my cock.”
“Yes, it is.”
Wes leaned in close to the guy, whispering his lips along the curve

of his ear. The temptation to lick and bite his ear was an
overpowering chant he had to deny. Rather than succumb to the
desire, he pulled abruptly away. He jerked Eli to a standing position
by grabbing the hair on the back of his head.

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“Mind telling me why you’re fucking aroused right now?”
“Because you’re touching my dick.”
A violent vibration rocked through Wes’s body as he struggled to

keep his cum from unleashing and whipping Eli’s ass cheeks. Still on
the edge, Wes gripped Eli’s dick and gave it a hard, punishing stroke
to prove he was the one in control. Before he could process what was
happening, Eli reacted by shoving his dick into his palm by bucking
his hips like a wild stallion that needed to be broken. He got just the
reaction he wanted. Wes wanted him begging for more. A whimper of
frustration escaped his lips, and he mumbled something that Wes
couldn’t understand. He was like honey in his hand. He wanted so
much more than a quick hand job on the side of a desert road. Wes
rubbed his palm over his cockhead, giving him a soft stroke. It was
then that he felt the wetness of pre-cum leaking from his tip.

Had he not been at work, Wes would have taken this further, but

he knew that he couldn’t. There were things he needed to do first—
like his job. He had to know what the fuck this man was doing with
an arsenal of weapons in his trunk. His hand reluctantly pulled away
from his throbbing cock and shoved it back into his pants, buttoning
his fly.

“Eli Riley, you’re under arrest.”
A gasp of surprise echoed from Eli’s parted lips. “What for?”
“You know exactly why.”
He pulled him around to the back of his SUV and opened the

door. He ducked his head and eased him inside. Eli sat with wide
eyes, looking through the window at him as though he had just been
betrayed. Yes, he had been betrayed and Wesley felt really guilty
about it, and there was nothing he could do to make it right. He had to
arrest this man and find out what he was doing with the weapons in
his trunk. Wes walked away from his SUV, taking a deep breath to
ease the pressure in his cock. It didn’t help at all. Relief to the
pressure in his cock wouldn’t be happening soon enough. He went

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Branding Eli


back to Eli’s car and looked down at the weapons. The tow truck
pulled up and loaded the car up onto the bed.

“Take it back to the station. It’s evidence,” Wes said.
“Will do.”
It took everything for Wes to look at the man in his SUV.

Through the windows of his vehicle, his eyes locked with the suspect
he’d groped. The only thing on Wes’s mind now was remaining
professional. He had a job to do. He was taking the car in as evidence.
And when he got back to the border-patrol station, he was going to
question the man to find out what the hell was going on. Wes got
behind the wheel, turning over the engine and putting it in gear. He
glanced back in the rearview mirror. Eli had slouched back against the
seat with a surly look on his face, and he wasn’t talking. It was for the
best. He didn’t want any more lies from this man. As a Dom, he
wanted the truth only.

There were too many questions running through his mind as he

drove to the border-patrol station and pulled around back. Like what
the hell was he doing with all those guns? The vehicle was most likely
stolen, too. Was he working for the cartel? Whatever was going on
with him, Wes was going to find out all of it. He entered the code to
open the gate and pulled through to the open garage doors. He parked
the SUV and glanced into his rearview again. Eli was refusing to meet
his gaze. That burned. Wes sighed. Was the man embarrassed by what
happened between them? Looks like he was. He hated how things had
gone down between them. Normally, he wasn’t so touchy feely with
his frisks. There was no way that he could fix the mess he made now.
Wes got out of the car and helped Eli out of the backseat.

“Are the cuffs too tight?”
“I’m good.”
Despite his reassurance, he adjusted the cuffs anyway to make

sure they were not biting into his skin. He led Eli in through the back
door and headed down the long hallway to processing and booking.
He was just entering processing when he caught sight of his director,

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Sam Peters, talking with Dade Riley. There was an odd look in
Dade’s eyes as he glanced over at Wes and the man who was in his
custody. Dade’s eyes went wide with shock, and he came for the pair.
Before Wes could stop it from happening, Dade grabbed Eli, giving
him a hard hug.

“I thought I lost you. I can’t believe you’re finally here,” Dade


Surprise moved through Wesley as he looked at the two men.

Were they together? Were they lovers? Wesley wanted answers to all
of those questions right now. He didn’t like the way that Dade was
handling his suspect. He knew that he was going to get the answers he
wanted even if it meant he had to arrest Dade for interfering with his

Wes’s hand tighten down possessively on Eli’s arm. He didn’t

know what the hell was going on with this little reunion but he sure as
hell was going to put an end to it. Out of the corner of his eye, he
caught sight of Sam Peters looking at all of them. Wes reached out
and gave Dade a shove to his shoulder, pushing him away.

“Back off, Riley,” Wes said.
Dade looked between Wes and Eli, assessing the situation and the

fact that he was under arrest. “What’s going on?”

“Let me process him and then we’ll talk.”
Frustration rushed through Dade’s face and he opened his mouth

to say something but he thought better of it. He finally looked at Eli
again with cold, hard anger in his eyes. Without warning, Dade pulled
back. “I can’t believe you didn’t let me know you were okay.”

Dade cocked back his arm and his fist came flying at Eli’s jaw.

His fist hit with a hard hit that knocked Eli back off his ankles. Before
he could fall to the floor, Wes caught him within his arms. Just as
Dade was about to turn away, Wes grabbed him by the shirt and held
him off.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Wes asked.
“He is,” Dade said.

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Branding Eli


Chapter Two

The warmth of blood seeped through Eli’s mouth. He resisted the

urge to spit it out on the floor. He couldn’t believe his brother actually
hit him and hit him hard. He hoped and prayed it would knock some
sense into him but he was sure it wouldn’t. With his work with the
DOJ, he couldn’t just go around telling anyone anything about what
he was doing. It was vital to national security that he kept his mouth

“Both of you are not going to do this here,” Peters glared. “In my

office. Now.”

Eli felt a shiver of anticipation rock through his body when the

border agent’s hand tightened down on his arm. This was obviously
not protocol because some of the other agents were giving them funny
looks. There was something about the way Dade hit him that put him
on edge. When they were growing up, they often got into fistfights.
Half the time it was over friends. What was unusual was the fact that
they were doing it at Dade’s workplace. This was not good for him
and both of them knew that.

Careful to give Dade lots of room as they walked, Eli felt

miserable as they headed into Peters’s office. He didn’t know how to
make this right, and he knew he wasn’t about to make it right today.
He couldn’t change what he did for a living or fix Dade’s hurt
feelings over the fact he’d been gone for a year. The door shut behind
them like a bell signaling the next round of fighting.

“You should have told me,” Dade said.
“I couldn’t. You know that. I couldn’t risk it.”

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“You should have made an effort to let me know you were going

away for work,” Dade said.

“What’s going on?” Wes asked.
“I think I’ll just invoke my right to remain silent.”
Clearly, Dade didn’t appreciate that as he sent a glare in his

direction and then slid his gaze over to Wes. Eli was not about to hash
this all out in front of these men when anything and everything could
be used against him in the court of law. Fuck public opinion. Unless
Dade was about to get over his hurt feelings, they wouldn’t be having
this conversation now. Ever since he joined the DOJ and went
through specialized combat training, he knew when and how to keep
his mouth shut. And he was going to do that right now.

“Give us a minute,” Dade said.
“Not going to happen after you punched him,” Peters said.
With that, Dade didn’t seem to like the fact that he was now in

timeout. They were not having this conversation here now anyway, no
matter how hard he tried to push the issue. They would have it later in

“You just need to get over it. You’re not going to get the answers

you want and I can’t give them to you right here,” Eli said.

Still unrelenting, Dade came in close, lowering his voice. “You

made a mistake by going away like this and not telling me. You broke
something and you’re not going to be able to fix it.”

Dade stormed out of Peters’s office and slammed the door hard.

The diplomas on the wall jumped violently. Eventually, he knew that
Dade would get over it.

Peters looked at the arresting officer. “Process him. I want to get

to the bottom of this. I expect a detailed report.”

“Yes, sir.”
“I’ll call the DOJ now,” Sam said.
Sam picked up the phone. “You go find out what the hell is going

on with Dade,” Sam said.

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“Will do,” Wes said.
There was a long drawn-out way the cowboy talked. Yes, he was

definitely a cowboy despite being dressed in uniform. That intrigued
Eli greatly. He wanted to know how this cowboy was outside of work
too but he knew that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. He was
arrested and he’d be lucky if he made bail by the morning.

* * * *

They were brothers. It was clear to Wes he had missed the telltale

signs that now he knew he couldn’t. Their auburn hair was almost
identical but Eli’s freckles were darker and more prominent on his
face. Sam came up behind Eli and put his hand on his shoulder, giving
it a squeeze. He whispered something in Eli’s ear that Wes couldn’t

Eli nodded his head. “Thanks.”
“I just need to do my job,” Wes said.
There were tears misting Eli’s eyes. Something within Wes

softened. He wanted to protect him. Since there was nothing he could
do to comfort him here, he led him back to processing. Somehow he
wasn’t surprised that Dade was waiting for him when he entered
processing. He needed to talk to him alone about what his brother was
caught with.

“Have a seat. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Any other time he would have wanted to have this conversation

with Dade in private but that wasn’t a possibility right now. He came
in close to him and stayed out of sight from Eli.

“What’s going on?” Dade asked.
“I pulled him over for speeding just inside the border. He had

weapons in his trunk.”

Dade’s eyes went wide. “You got to be kidding me.”
“Nope. There’s enough for him to be thrown in jail for a really

long time.”

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“Show me,” Dade said.
Fear rushed through his eyes and it cut through Wes hard. “Follow

me.” They headed into the evidence hangar used for processing
vehicles. The BMW was sitting in row four. “He was driving the

“He was driving this?”
Disbelief twisted his lips. “That’s not his ride.”
“He said it was a friend’s.”
This wasn’t going to be easy for him. Wes opened the driver’s

side door, popping the trunk. He circled around back, meeting Dade at
the trunk. He lifted the trunk. “There’s at least thirty semi-automatic

“The serial numbers look like they’ve been scratched off.” Their

eyes locked. “They’re not Eli’s.”

Would he feel the same way if Eli wasn’t his brother? “They were

in his possession.”

Dade paced away, running his hands through his hair. “This can’t

be happening. It’s not possible that they’re his.”

“It is.” Tears misted though his eyes. There was no way of easing

his pain. “Look, I’m just doing my job. I’m sorry about all of this.”

“There has to be something we can do to work this out.”
“I wish there was a way but there’s not.”
With time, Dade would accept the truth. Wes had a job to do. He

was not about to let family or other things get in the way of doing that

“This can’t be happening. I’m sure it has to do with his contract

work with the DOJ,” Dade said.

“He works with the Department of Justice?”
“Contract. It’s why I never know what shit is going on in his life,”

Dade said.

Given how he was the arresting agent, Wes knew he couldn’t get

emotionally involved. But he was. “How long was he gone?”

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“A year. He never told me he was going or what he was doing. I

was told it was fucking classified when I tried to look for him,” Dade

“Let me work this out with Director Peters. I’m sure it will all get

sorted out.”

At one time Wes would have ignored his gut instincts and

followed the rules. Tonight, he wanted to toss all those regulations
aside to make sure everything worked out. Despite his reassurance to
Dade, Wes wasn’t so sure it would get sorted out. As far as things
stood, the law wasn’t on Eli’s side. Dade headed back in through
processing as though he had a lot on his mind.

Wes slammed shut the trunk of the beamer. He’d deal with the

guns later. He went back into processing. Eventually he would get the
truth out of Eli. How he was going to do that he wasn’t sure. Eli was
sitting in the chair as though he had the weight of the world on his
shoulders. There was something weary within his eyes. He looked as
though life had fucked him over. DOJ. Fuck. He wondered what he
did with them in his spare time.

Wes sauntered his way over to Eli. “Stand up.”
He helped Eli to his feet and headed over to one of the private

processing rooms. A small glass window gave anyone passing by a
chance to look in to see what the hell was going on inside. Despite the
viewing window, it was still private. Wes inwardly groaned when he
thought about what he had to do. He needed to strip search Eli before
he could take him for his booking photo. Wes came around behind
him and unlocked his handcuffs. Eli rubbed his wrists out.

“I need you to undress,” Wes said.
“Excuse me?”
“I need to do a strip search before I can take you back for your


“I don’t think so. Not going to happen.”

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Wes gave him a hard stare that made most suspects cower. He was

sure that he had been trained with that look when he went through the

Wes came in close. “You don’t want me to make you undress.”
Something passed within Eli’s eyes before he glanced away. Eli

finally reached behind his back and yanked his T-shirt over his
shoulders. He took off his boots and froze. His hands hesitated at the
button fly of his jeans.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Take off your


Reluctantly, he unbuttoned his fly and dropped his jeans to the

ground, leaving his black boxers on.

“Take off your boxers,” Wes said.
“I think you’ve already gotten a good feel for things down there.”
“Now I want to see exactly what I got a feel for.”
Eli hooked his thumbs into the band on his boxers. He slipped

them off and dropped them on top of his jeans. When he stood naked
in front of him, it was clear that he wasn’t hiding anything at all. Wes
walked around him. Hard, contoured muscle rippled as he tensed his
muscles. Wes licked his lips as he thought about taking him on as his
submissive. There was nothing weak about being a submissive. It
took great strength and trust to hand complete control over to
someone else.

“Bend over.”
There was no hesitation as he bent forward, arching his ass out

and spreading his ass cheeks. Eli’s rim was tight and pink. There was
definitely nothing hiding up there.

“Stand up. Get dressed.”
“The humiliation is over?” Eli asked.

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Their eyes locked. “This isn’t about humiliation. It’s about me

doing my job. And about me seeking out answers as to why you have
enough weapons to arm a small militia in your trunk.”

“They’re not mine.”
“Like I haven’t heard that story before.”
“I can’t tell you anything about my job or what I do. It’s


Wes let his gaze go heavy as he searched his face. His eyes

scanned down his muscled chest. Auburn hair tapered low over his
abs. There were old scars and bruises on his abdomen as though he’d
been in a fight recently. It looked as though there was a horror story
behind every one of those scars. But he knew he wasn’t going to find
out tonight.

“I’ll be ready to listen when you’re ready to talk.”
“I can’t.”
Wes set the jail jumpsuit on the table. “Put this on and come with

me when you’re dressed.”

While Eli dressed, Wes stepped out of the room to clear his head.

He needed the distance to think clearly. When he was around Eli, he
wanted to forget all about protocol and do the wrong thing. He wasn’t
a border agent who normally did that. After several minutes, Eli
knocked on the door to signal he was dressed. Wes opened the door.

“What now?” Eli asked.
Wes locked the chains around his waist, and locked his hands in

the cuffs at his sides. “Come with me.”

He led him through the long hallway back toward booking.

Cowboys didn’t usually land men like Eli. There was something about
Eli that made Wes want to do stupid things. There was something
about his story that didn’t add up. Wes knew when he should ask
questions and when he should hold back. It was clear that this time he
needed to hold back until Eli was ready to talk. He didn’t like the fact
that it felt like Eli was getting away. It left a bad taste in his mouth.

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He wasn’t an agent who normally got felon crushes but he was this

* * * *

Eli was taken through a long hallway into the booking area. His

fingerprints were uploaded into the system and he stood there waiting.
It was a long time before their eyes locked again. Eli knew exactly
what he was seeing. He wasn’t on record anywhere in the system. It
had nothing to do with the fact that he had never been fingerprinted
before. It had everything to do with the fact that he was above their
pay grade.

“Who are you?”
“I believe I have the right to remain silent.”
“That’s your right.”
He was led away from the booking area to a holding cell. The

officer followed him inside and came around, unlocking his cuffs.

“You’re not going to give me trouble, are you?”
“No trouble at all.”
“Hang tight.”
“Thanks, I will.”
There was a slight sarcastic edge to the agent’s voice that

intrigued Eli greatly. He wondered what this man did in his spare
time, but he knew he wasn’t about to find out anytime soon. A shiver
of anticipation tingled over Eli’s spine. There was a dark edge to the
way the officer was looking at him. It was as though the agent was
still looking at him as though he was still naked.

Those beautiful eyes seemed to undress him. It was no secret now

that Eli had a big dick. He was bigger than the average guy. A hard
shiver vibrated through Eli’s body when he thought about the
possibilities of what could have been had they met at another time and
place. He just couldn’t go there and let it himself get his hopes up and
have his heart crushed again. He’d been down that road before, and he

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was not about to love anyone ever again. His ex, Gage, had been an
asshole in the bedroom. Eli had coded more times than he ever had
with anyone when they had sessions. Gage took things past the edge
in a harsh, sadistic way that was nothing about the lifestyle. The crazy
fuck had gotten off on hurting him. He wasn’t about to let anyone do
that to him again.

Now, he had his work and that was the only thing he needed.
The agent licked his lips nervously as he came in close, lowering

his voice. “You know this will go easier on you if you just tell me
what’s going on.”

Unable to look away from the agent’s wet lips, Eli said, “I invoke

my right to remain silent.”

“Your bond hearing will be in the morning.”
“Can’t wait.”
Eli eased back into his private cell. He knew that once his

fingerprints were uploaded into the system it would flag his handler at
the DOJ. She would come for him and they would get him out. He
just never imagined he would end up in an American jail cell and not
a Mexican one. He always thought a hit would be put out on him by
the cartel and his body would end up in a mass grave like all the other
people who betrayed them. He’d been lucky to get out of Mexico. It
was a war zone down there—at least some parts of it were. Not all.
Eli watched as his arresting border agent walked away. He couldn’t
help but let his gaze move down over his ass. He had a hard, tight
athletic ass.

Long, lean strides took the agent away. There was a tight swagger

to his hips that was pure cowboy. This man was probably used to
getting his way all the time. That had Eli thinking about the fact that
he was a submissive. It’d been a really long time since a Dom took
control of him—not since the one who had betrayed him. Tears
misted through Eli’s eyes when he thought about the last session he
had with his Dom and how it did not go well. He’d been more of a
sadist than he ever told him. He had hurt Eli in a way no man ever

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had. Eli was not about to let anyone get close to him ever again. He
didn’t trust men anymore. All he trusted was the job.

Eli lay back on the bunk, making the plastic mat squeak. It was

more comfortable than the dirt floor he called home in Turkey for two
years. He closed his eyes and waited. He hoped his handler would get
there soon. He was hell-bent on getting out tonight. He did not want
have to bond out in the morning. Eli closed his eyes as his mind
wandered over to caress the border agent who had arrested him

Two hours later, the sound of the jail cell door opening awakened


“Get up. Someone is here to see you.”
The sound of Payne’s deep voice was like a caress to the

underside of his cock. Eli swung his legs from bed and looked up
beneath his eyelashes at the agent. Behind him was his handler with
the DOJ. Melissa don’t call me Missy Dane was mid-forties with dark
hair and a bad attitude when she didn’t get her way. She looked
royally pissed off for being summoned in the middle of the night to
come get his ass. Her hands were planted on her hips while her
manicured nails dug into the fabric of her designer skirt. Despite
being well-dressed, she looked like she had just come from the arms
of a lover. Her lips were swollen and rosy as though she’d been
kissing someone for the last hour and her hair was a bit ruffled. She
did not look happy at all.

“Come with me,” she said.
Eli didn’t hesitate at the snap of her words to follow along. Payne

didn’t look too happy about the situation at all. He followed her to the
processing area where his bagged clothes were tossed at his chest.

“Here. Get dressed. You’re coming with me,” Melissa said.

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Chapter Three

The woman didn’t have to say she was CIA but Wes suspected

she was. Not many women or men had this type of power to pull his
case right from his fingertips without him having a say at all. Wes
fumed inwardly as he thought about this guy getting away. He didn’t
like it when the good guys were really the bad guys. He followed
them as they headed out into processing.

“Thank you, Agent Payne. That’ll be all.”
He’d just been fucking dismissed and there was nothing he could

do about it. He watched as Melissa Dane and Eli crossed the parking
lot and got into her SUV. Just when Eli was about to get into the
passenger side, he glanced back over his shoulder at the border-patrol
office. Their eyes locked. He thought about all the work he had to do
tomorrow with the Rough Riders and how he had gotten sidetracked
by this man—now all of it was for naught.

He wanted to find Dade and demand answers but he knew he

didn’t know anything more. He knew that Peters didn’t have many
more answers either. Wes ran a frustrated hand through his hair. It
was two hours past quitting time. He went to shift change as normal
but he had stayed on to finish the paperwork up on Eli—not that it
mattered now. He went to the locker room and changed out of his
uniform. He showered up and dressed in a pair of worn jeans and T-
shirt. He put his Stetson on and slammed shut his locker door. He was
fucking tired and ready to go home.

An hour later, he was on his way, feeling miserable and fucked for

letting this one get away. Wes was almost home when he stopped at a
red light just across from the all-night diner. He saw the black SUV

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that Eli and Melissa had disappeared in sitting in front of the diner.
Through the windows, he caught sight of Eli and the woman talking.
She didn’t look happy and neither did Eli. Wesley was about to drive
home but he couldn’t. The light turned green but instead of driving
forward, he turned left into the diner. He parked around the side of the
building. He wanted to see where they were going after this.

Ten minutes later he got his answer when Melissa came out and

got into the SUV alone. She drove away. Where the fuck was Eli? He
wanted all the answers from him tonight. A few seconds later, he saw
him crossing the street and heading toward the only motel in town.
Wesley knew all about that hotel. The local police usually got called
there nightly to settle some form of disagreement for services for hire.
Wes watched as Eli went to the main office and got a room. A few
minutes later, he headed down the long front walkway toward his
room at the end.

After several seconds of indecision, Wes drove across the street

and parked in the lot. He gripped the steering wheel of his truck for a
few moments. He shouldn’t go up to his room. This was not his
problem but he felt as though it was. Wes adjusted his Stetson as he
went up to his hotel room. His cowboy boots clicked against the
wooden steps leading up onto the cement walkway. After taking a
deep breath, he knocked. The door opened. Eli was standing on the
other side wearing only jeans that were riding low on his hips.

“I was wondering if you were going to get the balls to come over

here,” he said.

Shock went through Wesley’s system. No one ever dared talk to

him the way this guy did. He took off his Stetson and felt the way his
cowboy boots sunk into the carpet as he entered the shady hotel room.
He closed the door behind him with a solid thunk of the metal door
hitting an old brick frame.

“We need to talk,” Wes said.
“About what?”

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There was an innocent edge to his voice that Wes just wasn’t

willing to believe. There was cold, hard experience in the way Eli
moved. Somehow he knew that he wasn’t as innocent as he was trying
to pretend to be. “What were you doing with all those weapons?”

“I have a duty to protect the Constitution and the people of the

United States of America. I don’t have a duty to give you the answers
you want.”

“We can do this the hard way or the easy way.”
“Stepping over your boundaries though, aren’t you?”
Eli crossed his arms, looking defiant as all get out. He was

completely attractive and just Wes’s type. There was a wall around
him now, one that Wesley knew he wouldn’t be able to break down
without getting a little rough.

“You’re off duty now…Shouldn’t you be heading home?”
Wes knew he should be but he couldn’t. “There’s something about

you that makes me want to break all the rules and break them hard
and fast. I should really go, but I don’t like the way your agency
stepped in when you were breaking the law.”

“Define breaking the law.”
Wes let out a slow, easy breath as he tried to keep his cool. “I

want to know why you were crossing the border with enough guns for
a small militia.”

“Would you even believe the truth if I told you now?”
“Yes, I would.”
Eli shook his head as he paced through the cramped hotel room.

After a long time, Wes leaned up against the wall, crossing his arms,
waiting. “I want to know everything.”

Their eyes locked. “I can’t even tell my brother everything. How

am I supposed to tell you?”

“Which agency do you work for?” Wes asked.
“I’m contract. That means I have no online history and I work

completely off the grid.”

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A shiver raced down Wesley’s spine when he thought about the

danger this man would be putting himself in. Not many men had the
ability to fight for their country and never receive any recognition at

“What does that mean?”
“It means that I’m invisible to everyone. I don’t exist.”
“Your brother reported you missing.”
“I know and that nearly got me killed.”
Wesley paced in close. “You don’t trust me. I can see that.”
“You think?” Eli laughed. “I can’t trust anyone. Not even my


Unable to look away, Wes let his gaze move over Eli’s face

marked with hard lines and a few battle scars on his jaw. “Who are

Something within Eli’s eyes faltered for just a brief second before

he shut it down. “That’s none of your business.”

Wes put his hands on his hips. “I can tell you don’t trust men. I

want to know who hurt you.”

Eli started to turn away, but Wes reached out and grabbed him by

the arm, keeping him there. “There’s enough energy between the two
of us to light up a city. I want to know who hurt you and why.”

“It’s none of your business. It’s best if you just go.”
All of the sudden, Eli’s gaze filled with tears. He had broken this

man without even trying. That set off all of Wesley’s warning signals.
He wanted to know how he could help Eli. He had to figure out how
he could get him to trust him with everything.

“This isn’t about me,” Eli said.
“It’s about you and me now. Our lives have intersected for a

reason and I’m not about to walk away from you,” Wes said.

Surprise moved through Eli’s gaze as his mouth dropped open as

though he were astonished by what Wesley was saying. It was all
true. He wouldn’t walk away from this man without finding out how
and why he was in danger.

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“Tell me.”
“No. You need to get out of here.”
Eli pulled his arm away but Wesley was refusing to go. “Why?”
“Just go.”
He backed Eli up against the wall, blocking him in with his hands

planted on either side of his chest. “I guess we’re going to do this the
hard way.”

Their eyes locked. He could see Eli’s heartbeat fluttering fast

beneath his artery in his neck.

The tip of Eli’s tongue snaked out, licking his lips nervously.

“Please don’t do this,” Eli said.

Eli’s gaze was silently begging for more but his words were

putting him off. Wes knew that this man was desperate for the touch
of a man but he had to tread carefully. Someone had hurt him. The
scar ran deep and it was one that wouldn’t heal easily with time. Very
slowly, Wesley smoothed the backs of two fingers up the front of his
neck and over his Adam’s apple. He felt his Adam’s apple bob up and
down when he swallowed anxiously. Wes moved his fingers up
beneath his chin, feeling the stubble of his five o’clock shadow nip.

His lips were soft, full, with freckles dusted over them. He

smoothed his fingers back and forth over those lips, watching as Eli
opened his lips.

“I want to kiss you,” Wes said.
Eli groaned inwardly. “I’m broken. I’m not able to be a good

lover to anyone right now.”

“Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do to get

over something painful.”

“I can’t do this. Not again.”
“You are and you can.” Eli bit his lip and looked away as the heat

of a blush moved over his cheeks. “Are you not out?”

Eli shrugged. “Not with my coworkers at the DOJ.”
Despite Eli’s protests, Wesley slowly came in closer, using his

body to hold Eli up against the wall. All of his long, lean muscle

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pressed up hard against Wes’s chest and legs. Eli’s gaze widened
slightly but he didn’t resist the advance. A hint of panic was in his
eyes. Their eyes held as he lowered his lips against his. It was then
that they kissed softly, in a sweet, unhurried way. Wes quickly broke
his lips away, looking at Eli to make sure that what he was about to
do next was okay.

Eli moaned as Wes pulled away. A shiver raced through Wes as

he lowered his lips and kissed him passionately. He flicked his tongue
deep within Eli’s mouth, loving the feel of his tongue flexing up
against his. A frustrated groan echoed through Eli’s body as Wesley
smoothed his hand down his side, lightly skimming his hands over his
flexed abs. His skin was on fire beneath his palm. Wes smoothed his
hand up those hard ridges, flexing his thumb over Eli’s pebbled
nipple. Whatever resolve he felt inside snapped when he felt hands
grab his arms. Wes broke his mouth away, leaning down to suck his
hard nipple into his mouth. Eli moaned as Wes swirled his tongue
around the tiny piece of heaven, showing what he wanted to do to his
cock. Wes smoothed his hand down, grabbing his ass.

Wes did not want to stop kissing this man anytime soon. It wasn’t

like him as a Dom to take control of a sub outside his playroom. Wes
broke his lips away his nipple, kissing his way over Eli’s jaw. They
were both breathing hard. It was then that Wesley knew he had just
crossed the line—one that he wouldn’t be able to jump back over
again anytime soon. Any other time, Wes would have taken control.
This wasn’t a normal situation at all—far from it actually.

“I should go,” Wes said.
Eli nodded. “You should.”

* * * *

People didn’t normally kiss like the world was ending after just

meeting. Eli’s heart was hammering for all the right reasons. The
sensuous glide of Wes’s hand over his abdomen was a reminder that

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he was not the one in control. Wes pulled away and was standing
there not moving and staring at him. .It was the most mind-blowing
experience he had felt in his entire life. Eli’s heart wouldn’t stop
racing as he licked his lips. He didn’t know how or why this was
happening between them.

Right now, he didn’t want to look at the consequences too closely.

His handler wanted him to go back into the field but he wasn’t ready
to. He needed time to debrief and decompress. What was he going to
do when he had to walk away from this man? He wasn’t sure if he
was going to be able to handle falling in love again. His heart couldn’t
take it.

Eli moved away from Wes, hoping that some physical space

would help him think clearly. It didn’t. Eli paced nervously through
the room. He should have ignored the knock on his door. He should
have been running away from Wes instead of running toward him. Eli
ran a frustrated hand through his hair, trying to get ahold of his racing
heart, but was having a really hard time of it.

“I can’t be with you. This can’t happen,” Eli said.
“Why not? To me it looks like it’s already happening between us

and there’s nothing either one of us can do about it.”

Eli moved away from Wes. When he looked at him, he forgot all

about his responsibilities. He pressed his hands against the wall,
trying to get a sense of balance he didn’t feel inside.

“This shouldn’t happen between us. I’m going to have to go away

again for work. You have to understand that I won’t stop being who I
am for anyone,” Eli said.

Wes crossed the room with that easy cowboy swagger that really

turned Eli on. This man he had just met was suddenly the most
important thing in his life. Everything else around him seemed to fade
away. Tunnel vision could get him killed in the field.

“You’re running from me.”

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It was true. He was. Eli swallowed hard and had a really difficult

time forming the words he needed to say. “This isn’t good for either
one of us. I can’t be with someone my brother works with.”

“Here’s the thing…neither one of us work with the other. This

could work.”

Eli shook his head. “I don’t think so. You need to go home and

forget about me.”

“You need to talk to me.”
Wes came in close, sliding his hand up the back of his neck. A

shiver rocked violently through Eli’s body when he thought about
those hands on other places of his body. His cock throbbed hard. Wes
came in closer, purposely using his body like a weapon of mass
destruction against him. Their eyes locked and heat passed within
Wes’s gaze.

“I’m a Dom. I don’t take orders from anyone. I’m used to giving

them and having other people obey.”

Eli swallowed hard. Cold shock went through him. He had met

another Dom. After going through everything he had in his previous
relationship, he wasn’t about to fall easily into Wes’s arms. He made
a promise to himself that he would not be a submissive to another one

“Say something,” Wes said.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I know you’re a submissive. I can tell. You have that look in

your eyes when you look at me.”

“What look is that?”
“The demure and innocent one mixed with experience. It’s the

kind that makes me want to take control and fuck the innocence out of

“I wasn’t expecting all this tonight.”
“Neither was I.”
“You should probably go.”

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“You keep saying that and I’m still standing here. I’m not

planning on leaving your side for a long time.”

Wesley reached out and caressed his cheek. Eli closed his eyes,

loving the feel of Wes’s hand against his cheek. How was he
supposed to trust this man he had just met? He didn’t know how.
There were so many things that were out of control within his life that
he didn’t know how to give control to anybody else right now. He
wasn’t safe for anyone at the moment. He didn’t know if the cartel
was going to come for him. The best thing he could do for his family
and for everyone around him was to leave town. He knew that he
needed to debrief first. That meant he had to leave Eagle Pass and this
man he just met behind.

“There are some things I need to do…Some things I have to do

before anything can happen between us,” Eli said.

“Like what?”
“Things with work. I have to leave town for a little while. You

have to understand.”

“For how long?” Wes asked.
“It won’t be long. I just have some loose ends I need to finish up

with work.”

“You’ll come back?”
Eli wasn’t so sure right now. For some reason when he looked at

this man, he just might come back to town. He couldn’t fall in love
again. He had to protect himself from getting hurt a second time.

“I don’t know when I’ll be back,” Eli said.
“I still think you’re running from me.”
“It’s my choice to do that. I’m protecting you by letting things


“Maybe I don’t need your protection. Have you thought about


“Everyone around me is a target right now. That’s not going to go

away anytime soon.” Their eyes locked again and something intense

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passed between them. It was so powerful that Eli couldn’t hold onto it
for very long without wanting to hold onto those eyes forever.

“I can’t be with you. I’m sorry.”
“Then I guess we’re at an impasse.”
“It looks that way.”
Wes sighed. “I don’t normally do this with men I just met. There’s

something about you that I can’t let go. I don’t know what it is, but I
know you feel it, too.

“Okay.” Wes backed away. “We do things your way. But if the

shit gets real, we do things my way. You understand?”

Eli’s mouth dropped open. He didn’t want to think about the

ramifications of what Wes was saying. “Fine.”

Eli wanted to trust this man with everything but he couldn’t. He

needed to just let him go and walk away. It would be safer for
everyone involved. He had put Dade through too much shit as things
stood. They needed to let things cool off for a long time before they
would be able to speak again. Wes headed for the door. He opened it
but he glanced back over his shoulder.

“You know you should start trusting people. You never know,

they may surprise you,” Wes said.

The door shut behind Wesley and Eli breathed a deep sigh of

relief. He wasn’t sure if he dodged a bullet or took one. Either way, he
knew he had to get out of Eagle Pass by daybreak. Eli wanted to trust
Wes but didn’t know how. He wasn’t about to trust the stranger he
didn’t even know…not tonight. One kiss didn’t mean anything, he
told himself. The two or three that followed were obviously just a
physical response from going so long without. He just wasn’t sure if
he would be able to stop playing the fantasy over and over in his mind
while he was falling asleep tonight. The only thing he should have
been thinking about was getting out of Eagle Pass before the cartel
came looking for him.

Melissa had said that a car would be waiting for him in the

morning. It would be one for him to use as needed. At least the DOJ

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was good for one thing, they didn’t turn their back on their operatives,
contract or otherwise. Eli lay back on the lumpy bed and tried to
breathe a sigh of relief but he didn’t know how. When he close his
eyes, he saw his ex’s sick and twisted lips coming at him. He couldn’t
scrub the image from his mind despite trying so desperately to replace
the image with Wesley’s. He moaned, rolling over as he begged his
brain to catch up to what his body was feeling for Wesley. Tears
misted Eli’s vision as his eyes opened to the dark room. He focused
on bringing Wesley’s image up in his mind. It was then that he closed
his eyes again. He groaned in relief when he saw Wesley instead of
Gage there.

It was going to be a long time before he forgot about the kiss he

shared with Wesley. It would be a much longer time before he forgot
about the way Wesley manhandled him when arresting him. Just
when he was about to nod off, there was another knock at the door.
Eli jumped up from the bed, knowing all the while that it was Wes on
the other side. His training had him glancing out the break in the
curtain in the front window just to be sure. He saw Wesley standing
on the other side of the door, looking annoyed and frustrated. Rather
than just rush to the door, Eli looked past Wes and at a slow-moving
car driving past. It was an older model Lincoln. A shiver of fear raced
through his blood when he saw the way the guys in the vehicle were
scanning the parking lot as though they were looking for someone.
Unnerved, he waited until they passed to go to the door.

There was a little too much eagerness in Eli’s step as he opened

up the door. “What are you doing here?”

“I left something behind and I forgot to give you something, too.”
Wes came in fast, grabbing his head and kissing him passionately.

His Stetson got bumped back as he took him fast and hard with a
rough kiss. The tip of Wes’s tongue pushed deep inside, stealing his
breath away. Eli was off balance and his dick was screaming for
release as Wesley broke his lips away.

“Just one more thing,” Wes said.

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“What’s that?”
“You should know that I don’t ever take no for an answer. You

need to be prepared to say yes to me eventually. I just thought you
should know.”

Wes sauntered away, heading down the long corridor and out into

the parking lot to his truck. Eli was tempted to follow him but he
knew he couldn’t. He stepped back into the shadows of the room,
stroking his hand over his cock. He bit his lip as pre-cum throbbed
from his tip. There was too much that had happened in Mexico, and
he wasn’t about to put anyone else in danger. The best thing he could
for his brother and Wes was to leave Eagle Pass at sunrise. It was the
only thing he could do.

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Chapter Four

The next morning, sunshine was hitting Wes in the face as he

went inside the stable to feed the horses. He was standing in the
stables when a car pulled up. It wasn’t long before he figured out that
it wasn’t the one person he wanted to see. No, it was Eli’s brother
Dade behind the wheel. Wes finished up feeding the horses and
dusted off his hands, setting the empty bucket down. He headed out of
the stable, tilting up his Stetson and offering Dade his hand, giving it
a firm shake.

“What can I do for you?” Wes asked.
“We have a problem.”
“What’s that?”
Dade took a long, steadying breath as they headed toward the

house to talk. “It’s about my brother Eli.”

“Oh? What’s going on?”
Was felt every one of his senses on edge. Despite Eli’s protests of

needing space, he had claimed the man. It was as though they had
always been lovers and they were finally coming home to each other
after a long time away.

“He left town. I don’t know where to find him. I’m so afraid

something happened to him again.”

Wes immediately thought about his work in Mexico but he didn’t

want to say that to Dade. He didn’t want to worry him at all. “I’m sure
it’s work. He was at the diner with his handler last night. He
mentioned something about going to debrief or something like that.
He was afraid he was followed into Eagle Pass by the cartel and of us
getting injured.”

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“He told you that?” Dade asked.
“Not in so many words but I read between the lines.”
Dade walked away, running his hand through his hair. “My

brother can be such an idiot. Did he say when he’d be back?”

Wes shook his head. “Nope.”
“He doesn’t like to trust anyone and that pisses me the fuck off.

When he needs somebody the most he plays tough guy and walks
away from him them.”

“It sounds like he’s done a lot of walking away lately.”
Dade nodded. “It sounds like you two made some sort of

connection. Do you think you can try to talk to him?”

“I can try.”
“I don’t like how he left again without tell me where he was going

and what he was doing.”

“He seems to be very independent. He doesn’t seem to be the type

of guy you need to worry about.”

Their eyes locked and Dade sneered. “Yeah, I get that, but he still

needs to tell me what’s going on.”

“You should just give him some space right now. I’m sure he’ll

come around eventually.”

“What if he doesn’t? What if he leaves again and doesn’t tell me

where he’s going?”

“It’s a risk you’re going to have to face eventually. Give Eli a

chance to come back. If he doesn’t, then you know you need to

“I will.”
“You on duty tonight?” Wes asked.
“Yeah. I have to get in.” Dade headed back to his SUV but

stopped to call over his shoulder, “Are you working tonight?”

“Yes. I decided to fill in for James.”
Dade shook his head as though he wanted to say something more

about Eli. “I’ll see you later at shift change.”

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Wes breathed a deep sigh of relief as Dade left. It wasn’t quite

relief that he was feeling. It was more uncertainty about Eli. The man
didn’t want to trust anyone—not even his family who was there for
him. That bothered the hell out of Wes, but there was nothing he
could do to get Eli to see things through his eyes.

After doing chores he was a hot mess. Wes headed inside and

showered. He had planned on taking his horse, Coco, out for a ride
but he didn’t feel like it now. His mind was completely focused on Eli
and how he had left town. How was he going to contact him and
convince him he needed to come back? How was he going to wait for
the man to come to his senses? This was impossible. For the first time
in his life, he didn’t know what to do with a lover, but he knew he had
to do something. He wasn’t a man who normally sat around waiting
for a lover to decide what they wanted. Wesley always took action.
He always made the decisions and now he was left waiting for a
misbehaving sub to decide.

Wes shook his head. He wasn’t even a sub. They had only shared

two kisses. It was why he felt as though he couldn’t walk away
without repercussions. After trying to get on with the day, he
couldn’t. He decided to go into work early and detail his car. When he
went out to the evidence hangar, it was then that he saw that the
beamer was gone. He went to the evidence log and saw that Melissa
Dane had had the beamer picked up two hours after she left with Eli
last night. Wes ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He should have
stayed and done the work on the beamer last night. His mind was
distracted as he went to shift change. It wasn’t a good place to be
when he needed to focus on his work, when his life was on the line
every night.

After shift change, Wes followed Dade out of the room to catch

up with him privately. He followed him back to his office. He looked
lost and distraught. Wes went into his office.

“Dade, what’s wrong?”
“I just heard from Eli.”

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“What did he say?”
“They’re putting him in protective custody right now. He

wouldn’t explain to me what’s going on.”

“Where is he at?”
“I don’t know and he wouldn’t say.”
All of a sudden, Peters showed up behind Wesley. “In my office,


“Just me?” Wes asked.
“Just you.”
Wes’s gaze locked with Dade’s. “I’ll be back in a little while.

We’ll figure this out.” Wes headed away from Dade and went up two
floors to Director Peters’s office. His office door was open. He shut
the door behind him as he went inside.

“What’s going on?” Wes asked.
“You’re still interested in the Rough Riders program, right?”

Peters asked.

“Yeah, I was planning on it but just got busy. What’s up?”
“I just got word from the DOJ. Remember that official, Melissa

Dane?” Peters asked.

“Sure. She was pretty hard to forget.”
“She wants to put Eli into protective custody out here while they

sort this mess out with the drug cartel.”

“Do you think it’s a good idea to bring him back to Eagle Pass?”
“No, it’s not, but he has no choice in the matter and neither do


“They could put him in Colorado. I don’t think it’s a good idea to

bring him back here, sir.”

“No, it’s not. That’s why we’re going to station him in Glory

Hole. Your place is out there, isn’t it?”

Glory Hole was one county over and not nearly far enough away

from the Mexican drug cartel in Wes’s honest opinion. “Sir, with all
due respect, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

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“The psychologist handling his case wants him placed here. He

wants him where his family and friends are. You will be a good
support for him.”

“Won’t that put him in danger?”
“Most likely it will, but that’s why he’s under strict orders not to

see anyone until this thing passes.”

“Okay then. When’s he getting back into town?”
“Most likely tomorrow. Your place is the old Sturbridge House?”
The Sturbridge House was seventy acres of hardcore Texas land.

It had been in Wes’s family for the last four generations. His
granddaddy had turned the place into a museum and had written his
will so that Wesley couldn’t change half the interior without threat of
damnation in the fiery pits of hell. Wes always wondered what his
granddaddy would think about his gay grandson carrying on the
family legacy. He would probably turn over in his grave if he ever got
married—not that Wes had plans to ever tie the knot.

“Yeah. I inherited it from my granddaddy four years ago.”
“Exactly, and it’s the last place they will come looking for him

despite it being on the border. It’ll give us a chance to look at the
border from a different angle. Maybe we’ll see something new we
haven’t seen yet.”

“Okay, I’ll do it, but Dade needs to know that I’m going to be

protecting him.”

“No, you can’t tell him. It will only put him at risk.”
“I’m not going to lie to Dade. He’s been searching for a year for


“You don’t have a choice in this matter.”
“He has to know.”
“You’re not going to listen to me, are you?” Peters asked.
“No, I’m not.”
“Okay, but I can’t guarantee that he won’t get hurt by knowing

this information.”

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“That’s a risk both of us will have to take. I’ll protect Eli and you

guys can do the rest.”

“It sounds like a plan.”

* * * *

Eli’s debriefing was taking longer than he wanted. He sat in the

room with his hander as she paged through his report on his case in
Mexico. A frown made her thin eyebrows narrow toward her eyes.
Melissa Dane didn’t take bullshit from anyone. She was the one who
recruited him for contract work with the DOJ. He trusted her
completely. After a long time, she finally closed the file and folded up
her hands.

“We have a problem,” she said.
“What is it?”
“The cartel put a bounty on your head.”
“Fuck.” Eli sat back. He wasn’t surprised by what he was hearing.

How was he supposed to get out of it now? “We both know that
there’s nothing I can do about this.”

“No. The best thing we could do is put you back into the field

with another assignment out of the country. One far away from

Eli folded his arms over his chest. He couldn’t believe he was

being reassigned after all the work you put into the bringing down the
X-14 division of the Mexican cartel. “I don’t want to be reassigned
right now. I would rather wait until everything settles down before I
leave town.”

She narrowed her eyes on him as she drummed her manicured

fingers on the file. It sounded like nails being pounded into a board or
his coffin. He shivered at the possibility of the cartel catching up to

“What are we going to do about this?” he asked.

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“The only thing I can do is to put you under protective custody

until this thing dies down.”

“It sounds like you’ve made up your mind already,” Eli said.
“I put some feelers out with some contacts I have and I think this

is going to be the best thing we can do for you at this time. Your
safety is my priority.”

“I’m putting you under protective custody with the border


“Excuse me? I’m not interested in a desk job.”
“It’s not a desk job. It’s field work. It’s the best thing we can do to

keep you working and watching the border. You’ll be stationed under
the Rough Riders program. It also gives us an in with the agency that
we’ve wanted for a long time.”

“Not interested.”
“Any of these men crossing the border could be out for you. You

will be able to hop on them before any of our agents do,” Melissa

It was an angle Eli hadn’t considered. He could work with them

along the border and wait for the cartel to come for him. “Huh.”

“Do we understand each other?” she asked.
Eli was officially putting himself out for bait. “I think this is a

brilliant idea. It could work.”

“Will the border agents know I’m still working undercover?”
“No, they won’t. You need to keep what you’re doing private.

Even from the ones who love you. It’s the only way to keep everyone

His brother wasn’t going to be happy about this but there was

nothing he could do. “I’m in.”

“I know you’re angry about this, but I think it’s the best thing we

can do for you.”

“Where am I being assigned?”

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“Just outside Eagle Pass. Sam Peters is to the director of the

Rough Riders. I believe you two met the other night.”

“Yes, we did.”
“Good. I think this will work out perfectly. You’ll be working

with a border agent but they will be watching the border and you’ll be
watching for the cartel.”

“I think this will work. How far outside of Eagle Pass will I be


“We’re putting you in Glory Hole. It’s one county over. We’re

putting the word out so the cartel has an idea of where you are and
comes for you.”

“I’ll be ready when they do.”
She slipped him a piece of paper. “I would hope so. Trust me, Eli.

We got your back on this. Always.”

Eli nodded as Melissa left the room. Eli looked down at the paper

she had handed him. It was an address of where he was supposed to
show up to later on that night. Eli needed to hit his storage locker.
There were things he needed if he was going to be stationed along the
border for a while. He drove just outside of the DOJ headquarters in
Dallas to his storage unit. When he started leaving the country for
missions, it was easier to get rid of his place and put all his stuff in his
unit. It also meant he didn’t have to worry about an apartment while
he was out of town. Eli parked his car and went to his locker inside
the building, opening it up. The ten-by-ten unit was half full. He
didn’t bother keeping any furniture when he moved in. It was mostly
his clothes, weapons, and workout equipment he really just needed to
get rid of. His punching bag sat in the corner. It was one of the things
he missed most about not having his own place at night.

All Eli could think about was Wesley and the kiss they shared as

he went to the gun cabinet, unlocking it. He got his Glock and several
magazines. He wondered what Wes would think if he knew he was
coming back to Eagle Pass. That kiss had him thinking about taking
up Wesley’s offer. What if he fell for him? Eli did not want to risk

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getting hurt again. He wouldn’t be able to handle another broken
heart. With the guns and clothing in his duffle bag, He locked up the
storage unit and headed back to his SUV. There was no looking back
now. The cartel put a bounty on his head and that meant he had to
wait them out. He knew it would be risky for them to come across the
American border but they would try. He would be ready for them this

After packing everything up in his SUV, Eli started driving south

toward Eagle Pass. It was a seven-hour drive from Dallas. Six if he
pushed the speed limit. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk getting
pulled over again. Melissa wouldn’t be happy with him if he did.
Many hours later, he drove through Eagle Pass. He was tempted to
stop and see Wesley at the border station but he didn’t. He drove on to
Glory Hole and to the old farmhouse that was practically a nature
preserve and museum now. Lucky for him that the US government
owned it—at least he suspected that they did. Eli turned down the
long gravel driveway.

Around the side of the farmhouse there was an unmarked border-

patrol SUV. Eli recognized it as one that had been just outside the
station when he was brought in for booking. The agent was already
there and waiting for him. Eli shut off his SUV and grabbed his duffel
bag from the back. He rolled out his shoulders and neck as he
stretched from the long drive. He headed up the front walk and
knocked on the door. He was looking around at the land circling the
house. Way off in the distance, barbwire and steel fencing separated
the border. After a few seconds, the door opened. Eli looked up into
the face of Wesley Payne and knew he was in trouble.

“What are you doing here?” Eli asked.
“I’ve been assigned to you.” He opened up the door and stood

back. “Are you going to come inside?”

It wouldn’t be a good idea to go inside. If he did, he suspected this

man would ruin him forever. It was the last thing he wanted but he
couldn’t walk away from this assignment now. It was his only chance

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he had of catching the men who put a hit out on him. If he kept
focused and stayed calm, he would be able to get the men who were
after him. He had to trust Wesley to do that.

“I’m coming inside.”
“Good, I was hoping you would. Let me show you to your room.”
A feeling of being home washed over Eli, leaving his feet planted

in the grand foyer like a deer caught in headlights. He looked around
at the mirrors in the entrance way and the flower arrangements sitting
in front of them. Eli walked over to smooth his fingers over the tips of
one of the lilies. They were real. His gaze moved over Wes’s face.

“This place is incredible. How did we land this place?” Eli asked.
“Proximity to the border.”
They headed upstairs. There were about ten rooms upstairs along

the hallway. The house was as immense and grand as it appeared to
be from the outside. Antique pieces were everywhere. The house was
gorgeous. It was the kind of place they Eli had always hoped of living
in but he realized that this place was not forever.

“How long have you been here?” Eli asked.
“I got here about twenty minutes ago. I spoke with Sam about

what was going on and he wanted me here when you arrived.”

Eli couldn’t help but letting his gaze move over Wes. “And what

is your understanding about the assignment?”

“My only job is to protect you and I plan on doing that,” Wes


An uncontrollable heat passed through Eli’s body as their eyes

connected. Wesley opened up the door to his bedroom and he went
inside. The large king-size bed sat in the middle of the room. This was
not a room they would be sharing—he would make sure of that. Eli
set his bag down next to the bed. He looked at Wesley, who was
looking through the window at the property that yawned away from
the house.

“What?” Eli asked.

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“I was wondering if you’d really come back. I was hoping you


Eli swallowed hard. “Why is that?”
“It’s not going to be easy to fuck you if you’re not even in the

same state as me.”

A gasp shook through Eli’s body. He wanted to find out more but

Wesley walked away. “Get settled and have some dinner when you’re

Wesley headed out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Eli

sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked down at his hands and
discovered they were shaking. It had nothing to do with the fact that
he was scared about the cartel. This had everything to do with the fact
that he was afraid that Wesley would want something more with him.
Eli knew he couldn’t open his heart again. What the fuck was he
going to do if he fell in love? That was the last thing he wanted to do.
It would ruin him.

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Chapter Five

After settling everything in, Wes went downstairs and headed

toward the kitchen. He wasn’t sure how he was going to deal with Eli
tonight but he knew he had to do something. Several days had gone
by since they had last seen each other and all Wesley could think
about was having another taste of Eli’s sweet lips again. He wasn’t a
Dom who normally obsessed over lovers but he was this time. There
was something wounded about Eli that made Wesley want to protect
him at all costs. Heat moved through his cock when he thought about
taking him on as his sub tonight. Work should have been his priority,
but it suddenly wasn’t. All he could think about was pleasing Eli.

The sound of Eli’s light footsteps came down the stairs. He came

through the hallway and pushed open the swinging door that led into
the kitchen. The swinging door swung back and forth as he entered.

“Hungry?” Wes asked.
“I’ve made some lunch.”
Yes, he was starved. Wesley could see that Eli hadn’t had another

man in a really long time. There was something about the way he
wouldn’t meet his gaze. It put Wes on edge as he waited for their
gazes to caress. He wanted to find out why he was so shy and afraid.
He suspected another lover had obviously hurt him and hurt him
deeply. They sat down at the table together as Wes put the sandwiches
from the sub shop on the table. Neither one spoke for a really long

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Finally, Wesley let his knee brush against Eli’s under the table.

“So what are we going to do about this?”

“About what?”
“About this sexual tension between us. You can cut it with a

knife. I think we both need to get it out of our system once and for all.
What do you think?”

Eli shook his head as he sat back, pushing his plate away from

him and crossing his arms.

“Not a good idea. We need to keep this professional between us.”
“One time.”
“You’re afraid of me. You won’t meet my gaze.”
Slowly, Eli lifted his gaze to meet Wes’s. A shiver of anticipation

went through Wesley’s cock when he thought about Eli on his knees
sucking it. “One time?”

“Yes, one time only.”
“Are you going to be satisfied with only having me one time?” Eli


“I would have to be.”
Their eyes locked and something solidified within Eli’s blue eyes.

Something Wesley knew he shouldn’t define.

“What do you say? I know it’s been a long time for me. Has it

been a long time for you?” Wes asked.

Eli looked away. He looked out the window as he played with a

potato chip on his plate. “It’s been over a year for me. Almost two.”

“Well, I think that settles things for both of us then. What do you

say? Will you let me have you one time?”

Eli looked up at him as though he had fear and self-doubt in his

eyes. “It’s going to make working together harder.”

Wesley came in close, picking up his plate and looking down at

him. “You should know that there’s no working together at all. This is
about me protecting you and protecting only.”

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“I thought that as a border agent you’re supposed to protect the


“When you came across my border you became my responsibility,


Eli fidgeted nervously with the napkin he left on the table. He

looked away, still not answering Wesley’s question. Wesley took the
plates to the sink and rinsed them before putting them in the
dishwasher. He turned around, crossing his cowboy boots at the
ankles and waiting.

“So, will you have sex with me one time?”
“Are these horses out in the field yours?”
“Yes, they are.”
“They’re beautiful.”
“I like my horses the same I like my men.”
“You do. How is that?”
Their eyes locked and time stopped. “Well-muscled, hard, and

ready to be ridden.”

“Oh God. What if I can’t do this?”
Eli stood up and pushed away from the table and went to the

window. Wesley came in from behind and wrapped his arms around
his waist, pulling Eli in close. He couldn’t ignore the way he jumped
at his touch. He was pretty tense as he eased back into his arms.

“Who hurt you?” Wes asked.
“Because I will hunt them down and kill them for making you

afraid of my touch.”

Eli sighed. “It’s too complex for me to even to talk about.”
“Try me. I want to know.”
After a long time, Eli said, “My ex was a Dom. He wasn’t a gentle

or kind lover.”

Unable to contain his rage, Wes worked his jaw hard as he

thought about what he should say. Wannabe Doms did so much

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damage to trusting submissives. “I’m sorry. Please know that I will
be. You were his submissive?”

“Yes, I was, but it wasn’t a good relationship. I found out quickly

he was a sadist who didn’t care about how I felt. He was violent and
he used manipulation to control me. He took things the wrong way
and wasn’t really into the lifestyle.”

“I’m so sorry, babe.”
“It’s hard for me to trust anyone now. I can’t put myself out


“I understand you need time to heal. Give me a chance to help you


Eli sighed within his arms. It was a start. “I don’t know how I


“You just have to take it one step at a time. Eventually you’ll feel

ready to trust someone completely.”

“I hope so.”
“I won’t hurt you. I can promise you that. You’ll be begging for

release when I take control of your cock.”

A shiver went through Eli and rippled down over Wesley’s cock.

Wesley moved his hand over Eli’s prick and felt the heat of his hard
stick beneath his button fly. It was exactly how Wesley wanted him.
He wanted him ready for something more. Wesley slowly turned him
around in his arms and backed him up against the wall. He kissed Eli
passionately, pushing his tongue deep within his mouth and licking it
hard. He wanted Eli reckless and ready. It wasn’t long before Eli was
grabbing at him roughly, moaning for more. Wesley took their kiss
deeper, loving and showing him how everything could be if they were
together. It was clear to Wes that he had never done this before with
anybody, not like this—not in the same way.

Wes was breathing hard when he finally pulled away. “I’ve been

waiting for four days to do that to you. I can’t believe you made me
wait so long.”

“We shouldn’t do this,” Eli said.

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“We should. One time. That’s all I’m asking for,” Wes said. “If

you don’t want me after one time, that’s fine. We’ll go our separate
ways and I promise I won’t ever bother you again.”

Eli worried his lip with his teeth. “I don’t know.”
“All I’m asking for is one night and if I’m not exactly what you

want, then we won’t do it again.”

“I can’t love you. I’m not going to be able to love you. You have

to understand that,” Eli said.

“I’ve never fallen in love with any submissive before. I doubt we

will fall in love this time.”

Disappointment flashed within Eli’s eyes. Why was he

disappointed? Wesley wasn’t sure but he knew he couldn’t hold onto
that now. He wanted an answer from Eli and he wanted it now.

“So? One time and one time only and then you can decide if you

want more.”

Very slowly Eli lifted his gaze and their eyes met. He nodded his

head. “Yes to everything. One time. That’s all I can do.”

“Are you ready for this?” Wes asked.
“I’m ready.”
Wesley looked Eli up and down. He knew that he was ready for so

much more. His cock was heavy and pressing against the fly of his
pants. It was time that he went to work on him. Yes, this was going to
be one time but it was going to be one really long time. He was not
about to let go of Eli for at least twelve hours.

* * * *

They were really going to do this. Nervous energy zipped through

Eli’s body as he waited for Wes to give him an order. He honestly
couldn’t believe he was really doing this again with a man he just

“I’m going to get a daypack. We can go for a hike,” Wes said.

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Relief mixed with surprise moved through him. The thought of

work immediately put him at ease. He wasn’t ready to get naked for
Wes again. “I’ll go get one, too. I’d like to see the property.”

“You sound like you want to work.”
“I want to know every angle.”
“Remember, I’m here to protect you. Don’t do anything foolish.”
“I won’t.”
Eli went upstairs to his bedroom, getting a backpack and his

weapon. They met up in the kitchen where Wes was packing snacks
and water. He handed over several bottles. Eli wasn’t about to tell
Wes that he was armed. He wanted to be prepared for anything they
encountered near the border.

Wesley held out his hand and offered it to Eli. After several

seconds of thinking, Eli reached out his hand and held on tight.
“Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” Eli asked.
“You think too much. You need to let go for a little while. We’re

just going for a walk. That’s all. Have you ever visited the grounds
here before?”

“No, I haven’t. I’ve passed by a million times. I’ve always

wondered what it was like.”

“It’s beautiful country. Let me show you around some.”
“You don’t need to be nervous. I won’t hurt you,” Wes said.
“It’s still hard for me to let go.”
Wesley held Eli’s hand tight as he led him through the back of the

house and out into the gardens behind. They walked through the
gardens all the way down past the stables. Eli didn’t understand why
Wes wanted to hold his hand. It was so intimate and sweet and unlike
anything a Dom had done with him before. When they got further
toward the stable, Wes let go of Eli’s hand to navigate the rough

“We’ll head out on ATV.”
“Sounds good.”

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“There are some amazing canyons through here that you have to

see. It’s really not safe to hike them alone,” Wes said.

They fired up the ATVs and headed out. Dust kicked up behind

them as they went off trail. The pastures around the farmland met up
with a forest. A stream cut through the forest, but it was practically
dry from lack of rain. Off in the distance, there was a spring with trees
hanging over it. They came to stop along the edge of the water. Wes
dismounted his ATV like a cowboy dismounting his horse. He
adjusted his Stetson. Eli followed Wes’s lead and got off his ATV. He
followed him around to the bank.

“There’s a system of caves underground. The water pools below

and it never dries out.”

“It’s majestic.”
A faraway look took over Wes’s face as he got down on his

haunches. He squinted into the sun. “It is.”

“You seem to know a lot about this place.”
Their eyes locked but Wes didn’t really answer his question.
“I’ve always had this fantasy,” Wes said.
“Oh, what’s that?”
“I’ve always fantasized about going skinny-dipping in this pond.

Would you do that with me?” Wes asked.

Nervous energy moved through Eli when he thought about getting

naked again with Wes. He should probably take this out but he
couldn’t. “Go ahead. I’ll keep watch.”

The corner of Wes’s lips quirked up. “It’s not safe to swim alone.”
“You look like an experienced swimmer.”
“Get in the water with me,” Wes said.
The way he gave the order made Eli want to instantly obey.

Instead of answering, Eli reached for his T-shirt.

“Just so we’re clear…this does not count as our one time.”
“How will I know when it counts?”

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Wes came in close, wrapping his hand around the back of Eli’s

neck. Eli closed his eyes, loving the feel of Wesley’s hands taking
control. He pressed his lips across his ear and sighed deeply.

“You’ll know because my dick will be inside of you. And just so

we understand each other, it won’t just be inside your mouth, but deep
within your ass.”

Heat moved through Eli’s body when he thought about Wes

taking control of him. It had been so long. He was starved for
something more and beautiful with the man he just met.

“Strip. We’re going swimming together,” Wes said.
Eli stripped out of his clothes and waded into the cool, crisp

water. The heat, dust, and sweat from the ride slipped away. The
water was so clean and clear that he could see fish swimming below.
He didn’t understand how this natural spring was so lost and beautiful
in the heat of Texas but it was. The caverns must have kept the water
from evaporating. Eli swam out, loving the feel of the sun kissing his
chest. The sun was just starting to bend low in the sky as he looked up
at the blue skies above him. Off toward the west, gray clouds were
starting to pile onto one another. Rain was on the horizon but it was
miles out.

Wes dove into the water and swam toward him. Wes wrapped his

arms around him, pulling him in close.

“So I’m now part of your fantasy?” Eli asked.
“You are now.”
Their mouths met in a hungry kiss. Eli sighed, loving the feel of

Wes’s hands moving all over his body. He loved the feel of his hands
smoothing down over his ass cheeks, pulling them apart. He loved it
even more when the tips of his fingers played over his rim, rubbing
him with raw heat. Wesley broke his lips away, kissing his lips down
over his neck.

Eli groaned, arching away and biting his lip. “I love that.”

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“I can tell you do. Tonight is all about my fantasy and bringing

you along for the ride. This is just the beginning of a very long and
intense journey between us.”

“Oh, God.”
Wes slipped his hand down over Eli’s cock. “You are so fucking

big. I nearly came when I saw your cock in processing.”

Eli loved the feel of his pulsating prick within Wes’s big hand. He

loved arching and pumping his hips up into his touch. Eli groaned,
wanting more than Wesley was probably willing to give to him then.
Eli knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t take it further. This was all
about teasing and bending him to his submission. Just when he
thought he was about to come Wes released his cock. It snapped back
against his abdomen. Their hard cocks pressed together, pulsating and

Eli reached down, grabbing onto Wes’s thighs, holding him tight.

Wes reached between their bodies, gripping both of their cocks within
his big hand and stroking them hard. He leaned in close, kissing Eli
passionately. When he was so twisted up and begging for more, Wes
broke his mouth away. He grabbed Eli’s hand, leading him to the
edge of the riverbank.

“On your hands and knees.”
Eli quickly obeyed, arching his ass out. They were both dripping

with water as Wesley smacked his ass hard with his hand. He spanked
him, watching the way his balls bounced back and forth. Eli loved the
way his heavy dick stomped against his abdomen with each punishing
hit of Wesley’s hand. He was so fucking hard that he couldn’t believe

Wes pressed his thumb down over his rim. Eli loved the way it

stretched and gave around his thumb. He wanted Wes to push his
thumb deep within his ass but he knew he shouldn’t yet. Eli knew that
Wes was not about to waste this moment on a quick fix and high by
shoving his cock deep in his ass. He wanted his Dom to take complete
control of the situation and take him over the edge and gently push

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him over. That was exactly what Eli needed the first time they were

Eli knew that once Wes had a taste of him, he wouldn’t back off

again. “What are you doing to me?”

“I’m giving you exactly what you wanted. You’re going to be

ready for all of it.”

Eli’s arms were shaking from holding himself up and getting

spanked so ruthlessly. Just when Eli knew that he was balanced on the
edge, Wes pulled his hand away. He stroked his hand down over his
balls, giving them a sweet caress. He loved the feel of his cock
pulsating within Wes’s hand as he stroked him hard. Eli was
desperate for more. He wanted everything with Wes. The possibility
of falling for Wes should have frightened him, but it didn’t. Eli knew
he wasn’t about to get laid until his Dom was ready to take him there.

Wesley continued to spank him and Eli arched back for more. He

loved the feel of Wesley’s thumb pressing against his rim. He wanted
it deep within his ass but he knew it wasn’t about to happen. Eli
glanced over his shoulder, whimpering for more. Wesley stopped
spanking him and his hand moved down over his cock, giving him a
punishing milking. Hot juice sprayed over his fingers and hand. His
first shot of pre-cum squirted over the tips of his fingers. He was
shocked that he was starting to orgasm but he stopped at the last

Eli groaned as Wesley gripped his dick hard. “You will not come

until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

Eli nodded his head and bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. “I

understand, but I don’t know if I can hold back this time.”

Wes groaned. “You will hold back. You will not come until I give

you permission.”

A moan of desperation shook from Eli’s wet and parted lips. He

moaned as he felt his hot juice spiraling down his dick. He knew he
had to stop it from happening. At the last second, he stopped his cum
from shooting from his thick dick but it was really fucking hard. It

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hurt like a motherfucker, too. It was a long time before he could open
his eyes and start breathing again. His entire body shook from the
exertion of keeping his spunk in his balls.

“What are you going to do to me now?” Eli asked.
“I haven’t decided.”

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Chapter Six

“Please, take me,” Eli said.
All of Wes’s resolve was slipped away. “You’re not ready.”
Wes felt as though they were completely alone and that nothing

else existed. He looked down at Eli and knew he had a decision to
make. There was something magical and mysterious about the lands
they were on. Over the years, Wes grew up listening to his
granddaddy talk about the old days. More often than not, his
granddaddy had that faraway look that came with age and experience
when he told stories of battles that were fought there. It didn’t help
that they often found bodies when people crossing got lost within the
canyons. Wes didn’t understand it but he knew that spirits lingered
within these canyons and the forest around his family’s property.

All Wes could think about was taking Eli on as his submissive. He

knew that he shouldn’t have taken him so roughly and so out-of-
control. He was out of his element by doing this outside. He didn’t
have any of his equipment he liked to use on submissives there. There
were no ball gags, no leather, and no cuffs—nothing to tie his lover
down with. He did not plan this well at all.

Out of the corner of his eye, Wes caught sight of vines twisting up

from the stream below. He yanked them out of the water and from the
tree trunk it was wrapped around. He was going to use them to tie up
his submissive.

“Hands behind your back.”
Eli groaned, complying willingly. He got up on his knees as Wes

tied the vines around his wrists. When he was done, he pushed on the
back of Eli’s neck, pressing him down to the ground.

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“Arch up your ankles.”
Eli whimpered as he flipped his ankles up. Wesley tied his ankles

to his wrists. He was completely submissive to him now and hogtied.
Wes loved the way that Eli was tied up. He was vulnerable and ready
for him. Wes moved his thumb down over his rim, licking it hard. He
loved the way Eli stretched his legs wide and as far as the vines would
let him go. Wes grabbed for his daypack, pulling out a condom. He
ripped it open with his teeth and rolled it down over his cockhead and
down over his shaft. He bit his lip, shaking with sweet anticipation as
he tightened it down around the base of his cock. He pulled the lube
out of the bag, too, and smoothed it down over his shaft. He groaned,
tightening his hold on his balls as a shot of pre-cum landed in the

Wes looked down at the corded muscles on Eli’s back and

groaned. His gaze went over his hot rim and as he pushed up against
that sweet spot with his cockhead. Wesley knew he was losing control
and losing control fast. There was nothing he could do about it but
have Eli right now. Wesley spanked his cock against Eli’s ass cheeks,
loving the sound of him groaning with every hit of his cockhead. He
didn’t stop spanking him with his dick until he was begging
incoherently for more.

“Please take me! Please take me!”
Wesley tipped his cockhead to his rim and held on tight to his

hips. He was about to push his cock inside. He pressed the tip of his
cockhead against his rim, watching as his rim gave way. Just when he
was about to enter him, he pulled back with a control that made him
an excellent Dom.

“You’re not ready for me.”
“I am! I’m ready for you!”
“No, you’re not,” Wes said.
Wesley lubed his fingers and pushed one inside his ass, stretching

him wide and pushing gently deep. He loved the way Eli shuddered
for more and arched his ass out. Wesley pulled his finger out and

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pushed two fingers back inside, going deep. When he thought Eli was
ready, he pulled his two fingers out and went back inside with a third.
He loved the way Eli chased his fingers as he fucked him up the ass.
Wesley continued to finger Eli, loving the feel of Eli arching his ass
out against his knuckles. He didn’t stop taking him until he was a
quivering mess of need. Wesley pulled his fingers out and smoothed
them down over his shaft, tightening them down over his balls.

He didn’t expect this to go so quickly or so fast but it was. There

was nothing he could do to stop it from happening. Again, Wesley
tipped his cock against his rim and pushed it inside. He loved the feel
of his channel pulling him inside and the way he held onto his hips.
He pressed in deep within his ass as he pushed his thighs wide. Wes
held onto Eli’s hands and ankles as his hips bumped against his ass
cheeks. He started to set a smooth rhythm for both of them.

“Love how fucking ready you are,” Wes said.
“Only for you.”
Wesley started to pump his hips with short, hard strokes, lifting

his ass up off the ground. Eli pleaded for him to take him roughly.
“Harder! Faster!”

Wesley hit him with short pumping strokes, loving the feel of his

balls slapping against Eli’s. With each hit of his cock deep within his
ass, their balls slapped together and Eli’s cock hit against his thighs.
Just when Wes was about to come, he pulled his cock out and pulled
off the condom. He sent the condom flying into the air as he pressed
his cock between Eli’s ass cheeks. He pushed Eli’s ass cheeks
together with his hands as he rode his cock up and down over his rim.
With each hit of his cockhead against his rim, his rim gave a little bit,
teasing him to enter.

For the first time in Wesley’s life, he was considering going in

raw. He never went raw with anyone. He always used a condom.
Always. It was better to be safe. With each hit of his hips against his

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subs, the temptation was riding Wes hard. The feel of hot skin on skin
was too much for him.

“Come back inside of me! Please!”
It was too much. It was so overwhelming that Wes was about to

lose control. “I took off the condom.”

“Oh fuck. Come inside of me anyway. I don’t care how you are.”
“I care about my sub. I want to protect you.”
With great restraint, Wesley leaned down on his arms and kissed

the back at Eli’s neck, running his tongue down over his spine. A
shiver raced through Eli’s body as Wes slowly flipped his hips up
over Eli’s rim. The tip of his cockhead rubbed over his rim with each
punishing stroke. Wes knew he was losing control but he didn’t care.
He had Eli losing control too and that was exactly where he wanted
him. As he stroked his cock up and down with the lube, making him
slide easily, Wes knew he was about to come. His orgasm spun up
from his balls, taking away all of his control.

Hot juice shot from the tip of his cockhead, flying up over Eli’s

back. Eli spread his hands wide, grabbing at Wes’s cock as he came
hard. The feel of Eli grabbing at his cock was too much for him. Wes
pushed his cock up into his submissive’s hand, loving the feel of him
grabbing him hard. White-hot lines of spunk shot into his hand,
smoothing down over his sub’s palm. Wes couldn’t recall a time
when he had come so hard. He slowly got up on shaky knees, flipping
his sub over. Eli’s cock was pounding against his abdomen.

“It’s your turn now,” Wes said.
Eli was shaking with need. Fear intertwined with excitement in his

eyes. Wesley gently stroked his cock. He liked the way Eli bit his
bottom lip, arching into his hand. That spot on his lip was wet and

“I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
“I know you won’t hurt me. You’re making me feel so good. I

love the way you’re handling me.”

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Wesley began to stroke his cock, smoothing his hand over his tip.

He loved the way Eli arched into his hand. He grabbed him harder,
taking his cockhead roughly.

“Am I hurting you?”
“No, not at all! I don’t want you to let go of me!”
“I won’t. I promise.”
Wesley normally didn’t kiss his submissives during a session—

not as a Dom. But temptation had him licking his lips and leaning
down and kissing Eli’s soft lips. Usually when he was in a session, he
didn’t kiss. It was one of the ways he maintained control over his
subs. There was something vulnerable about Eli that told him he
needed a sweet kiss as he popped his cock off. Their lips met in a
hungry frenzy of need. Eli flicked his tongue roughly against his,
making Wes want to take control. As Wes fisted his hand around Eli’s
cock, he gently stroked his hand up and down up over his cockhead.
Eli arched back his head, crying out as he got closer and closer to the
edge. Hot spunk shot from his cockhead, landing against his chest. He
was breathing hard when he opened his eyes again.

“Thank you,” Eli said.
“You’re very welcome.”
There were questions within Eli’s eyes that Wes didn’t know how

to answer. Not right now. He didn’t want him to decide right now
about what he wanted. It was one time and one time only. There was
nothing more than what happened tonight. He wanted Eli to be able to
trust again and to do that he needed to back off now.

* * * *

Eli was breathing hard as Wesley took the restraints off his wrists

and ankles. The vine had twisted and pushed against the skin but it
wasn’t hurting at all. It was the most seductive thing Eli had ever
experienced. Eli lay back on the bank, loving the feel of his skin
touching the mossy green grass. Wesley was clearly satisfied. Eli

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liked the way he was completely relaxed. When Wesley lay back, he
crooked his arms behind his head. Eli turned toward him and cuddled
in close. He could tell that the move caught Wesley off guard but he
wasn’t about to pull away. He rested his head on his shoulder,
listening to the way his heart beat against his ear. Ever so slowly,
Wesley’s arm came down to hold him close. “I don’t normally hold a
submissive after a session.”

“Oh? Why is that?”
“It’s just something I’ve never done before.”
“It sounds like you’re doing things with me that you don’t usually


“I am and I don’t know why.”
Eli didn’t want to look too closely at the ramifications of what he

was saying. What was different about their experiences together? He
didn’t know but he didn’t want to find out either. He couldn’t risk
getting his heart hurt again. The crash and burn would not be worth it
a second time. Thunder rumbled off in the distance, echoing through
the canyon. Wind kicked up, flowing through the trees.

“Rains are coming,” Wes said.
“It’s getting late. We should probably get heading back before it

starts,” Eli said.

“We should. The canyon can be hard to navigate when it’s dark


They both stood up with Eli reluctantly pulling his hands away

from Wesley. They dressed quickly as thunder rumbled through the
canyon again. Lightning flicked across the sky. It was about to storm
and they were going to get caught in it. They were heading up through
the edge of the canyon when lightning exploded across the sky again.
Rain started hammering them. Within seconds, they were drenched.

“It’s not safe to go back right now,” Eli said.
“No, it’s not. We’re going to have to take refuge in one of the

caves over here.”

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They ran toward one of the many cave openings. They were both

breathing hard by the time they ran inside. Eli ran his hand through
his wet hair.

“Mind bunking up with me for the night?” Wes asked.
“No, not at all. I think I can handle it.”
“I think you can handle it, too.”
Their eyes locked and something shivered through Eli’s body that

had nothing to do with the cold rain. Wesley wasn’t going to press
him for anything more. It was clear that he would stick to his word of
having only one time together. It didn’t stop Eli from wanting him
desperately. It was as though Wes was waiting from something from
Eli first. Lightning flashed through the sky momentarily illuminating
the dark cave. Rain hammered the entrance to the cave.

“Does this cave flood?” Eli asked.
“I don’t know but we’re going to find out.”
They headed deeper inside the cavern. Wes came in close. Eli felt

his hand come down around him.

“Scared? You’re shivering.”
“No, I’m not scared at all. Just chilled.”
“Come in close. We can’t risk you getting hypothermia out here.”
Eli took advantage of the fact that Wesley wanted to hold him. He

eased back against his chest, loving the feel of his warmth heating his
skin. Eli wasn’t a man who normally needed someone else to take
care of him—not the way he used to.

“Looks like we’re going to be out here for a while,” Eli said.
“I’ll get a fire started.”
After their long day of fucking, Eli was tired and hungry. He was

glad that they had brought a daypack along. Eli eased down on the
cave floor as Wesley started the fire. The smoke traveled out the
entrance. Light from the fire glowed between them. Wesley’s tanned
skin was highlighted with dark golden embers.

“So what was it like working down in Mexico?” Wes asked.

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The question completely surprised Eli and momentarily caught

him off guard. He couldn’t tell anybody what he did for the DOJ—not
really. Most didn’t want to know anyway. “It was undercover work. I
made some enemies. There’s not much more that I can say about it.”

“How long were you undercover?”
“A year.”
Wesley nodded his head in understanding as he eased back against

the smooth cave wall, pulling Eli to his side. “Was it dangerous?”

“Like all things, there’s an element of danger with it. Especially

when you’re working law enforcement.”

“Have you ever been shot? I saw the scars on your abdomen and


“A few times. I did some work in Turkey, undercover stuff, too.”
“How long have you been contract with the DOJ?”
“About five years now.”
“And before that?”
“I was in the Navy.”
“Why did you leave?”
“It gave me more opportunity to do what I want and love. Had I

stayed within the Navy, I wouldn’t have the same chances.”

“It sounds like it’s dangerous work.”
“It is.”
“Does Dade know what you do?”
“No. I couldn’t tell him everything. I’m not supposed to tell

anyone where I am or what I’m doing.” Eli studied Wes’s face. He
was really interested in him. “Tell me your story,” Eli said.

“What do you want to know?”
“I’ve been with the border-patrol agency for seven years now. It’s

all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

“You’re good at it.”
“Yeah, I am. I like meeting people and working with law


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“I understand. It’s a rush you can’t deny.”
“Yes, it is.” Wes’s hand tightened on Eli’s shoulder. “Are you


“Not at work. Nobody has asked me out, and frankly I’ve never

dated anyone who I’ve worked with.”

“Smart,” Eli said.
“I’m guessing that you have dated somebody you worked with?”
Eli glanced away, remembering how his heart had been broken.

“Yeah, it didn’t go well at all. It’s best not to date someone you work
with at all. I won’t be making that mistake again.”

Eli pulled away from Wes’s warmth and paced to the cave

entrance. Wes came up behind him, wrapping a protective hand
around his waist.

Rain hammered just outside the cave entrance. Down below in the

canyon, it began to fill with rushing water. “How long do you think
before it goes down?”

“Don’t know but it’s not going to be too long. We have enough

supplies for a few days if we need.”

“Do you think they will send somebody to look for us?” Eli asked.
“I’m supposed to check in with Director Peters every day. He just

might, if I don’t contact him.”

With that, Wesley went for his cell phone to check service. “No

service out here. We can wait this out. It shouldn’t be that long.”

“Probably not. Either way, we got good company.”
“Yes, we do.”
Eli went back to the fire as Wesley dug into his pack, looking for

stuff for dinner. “Hungry?”

He was starved but he didn’t want to dig into the provisions just

yet. “Not too bad.”

“Take a granola bar.”
They shared the chewy granola bar. There were no awkward

moments between them at all. Eli was figuring out quickly that he

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could trust Wesley and that scared the hell out of him. He was not
ready to have his heart broken again—nor was he ready to completely
trust him, but he did. There was something about Wesley that made
him think about things he didn’t normally think about. He trusted him
and that scared him. That was way too close to loving someone for his

As the fire died down, they snuggled in close again. Eli was just

on the edge of sleep as the rain began to fade. He curled his fingers
into Wesley’s shirt, loving the smell of his hot skin and laundry
detergent. He wondered then if he had someone else on the side. He
didn’t think about that at all. It was a mistake he couldn’t risk making.
He had to know. He had asked.

“Is there anyone else?” Eli asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you seeing anybody else?”
“No one at all. You’re the only one in my life at this point.”
A chill raced over Eli’s skin. It was then that he thought about

how they were going to be together for only one night. Was Wesley
already finished with him? He hoped to God he wasn’t.

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Chapter Seven

Wesley was up early the next morning. He looked out over the

cave entrance and down into the canyon below. It was still flooded
and they were still stuck. They had enough food and water to last
several days. He was certain that the water would recede by then. He
glanced back over his shoulder and saw that Eli was still sleeping. His
gaze wandered to his pack, too, realizing that he was out of condoms.
He hadn’t expected to have sex with him outside, had planned on
being within his playroom. He hadn’t planned for anything
impromptu the way that it was all occurring now. The condom and
lube in his pack had been there out of habit.

Wesley ran a frustrated hand through his hair when he thought

about all the ramifications of what they were doing. He was tested and
was clean and he suspected that Eli was too, but still—they never had
that conversation. The one that said they had both been tested and
trusted in each other completely. And that they were monogamous to
each other. Wes went deeper into the cave, sitting down next to Eli. It
wasn’t comfortable but it was enough for him. Eli sighed in his sleep,
curling up against him. He loved the way his submissive secretly held
him when he didn’t realize the way he was. It felt so good to be held
by a sub.

He didn’t want to disturb Eli, but he loved the feel of his arms

around him. He felt the heavy hard stick of his cock, pressing against
his thigh and knew he was experiencing his morning wood. Despite
having their agreement, temptation had Wesley stroking his hand
down to feel his cock. It wasn’t long before Eli groaned in his sleep,
biting his lip. He was still out cold. And that was exactly the way

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Wesley wanted him right now. He wanted him torn up and lost in the
feeling of what was happening and not thinking too hard about
tomorrow or the next day or the next minute.

Wesley watched his face closely as he snapped open the button on

his tactical pants. He slid the zipper down and muscled his thick cock
out of his pants. It was so wrong to be doing things without his
consent but temptation had him wanting to see how far he could take
it before Eli woke up. Ever so slowly, Wesley began to stroke his
prick, pinching and squeezing his cockhead. He loved the way Eli
pumped his hips in his sleep, jerking his cock in and out of his hand.
It wasn’t long before Wesley’s dick was rock hard and ready. He
muscled his prick out of his pants and pressed his hot cock against
Eli’s. He heard Eli moan and his eyes fluttered in his sleep.

Just then his eyes started to crack open and their eyes locked.

“Fucking take me and take me now!”

Wesley leaned down, kissing Eli hard. He didn’t understand why

he needed to kiss this sub so intensely, but he did. It should’ve
unnerved him about how possessive he was becoming but he didn’t
care. He just knew what he needed and he needed Eli now. Suddenly,
Wesley pulled away.

“Undress,” he said.
Eli’s sleepy eyes snapped open and he quickly undressed,

throwing his clothes to the ground. He pressed his hands to the cave
wall as he arched his ass back. It was exactly the way Wesley wanted
him and he did it without even given an order. Wesley smoothed his
hand down over Eli’s ass, spanking him hard. He loved the way his
ass cheeks rippled with each punishing hit of his hand. He loved the
way his balls bounced back and forth and his cock slapped against his
hard abdomen. With each hit of his hand, he smoothed his other hand
down over his balls, giving them a squeeze. It turned him the fuck on
the way Eli groaned as he milked his cock from behind. It was all
going too fast and Wesley was coming undone. Things were spinning

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so far out of his control that he knew he wouldn’t ever be able to reel
himself back in. Wesley stopped spanking him and undressed.

“On your back,” Wes said.
Wesley couldn’t ignore the husky raw emotion within his voice as

his sub obeyed. Eli got on his back on the cave floor, using their
clothing as a bed. Wesley knelt down, spreading his thighs over his
head. He spanked his dick against his lips, watching as pre-cum shot
from his cockhead and over his mouth. Eli stuck out his tongue,
catching the tip of his cockhead and sucking him hard. Wesley
grabbed his head and guided his dick down deep within his mouth. He
loved how Eli struggled to take him down all the way. Wes heard the
sweet gurgling sound of his cockhead hitting up against the back of
his throat.

The sound almost nearly made him come. Their eyes locked and

quiet desperation shot through Eli’s pupils as they connected soul to
soul. Wes felt his heart shatter as the truth of what was happening was
revealed to him. He was falling hard for Eli. The impact from the fall
would leave him unable to take on any other submissive. Eli moaned,
sending vibrations down over Wesley’s throbbing prick and snapping
him back to reality. He was not falling in love. This was all about the
sex. It was what Eli wanted. No attachments. He loved the feel of his
balls bouncing against Eli’s chin as he thrust his hips and cock deep
within his throat. Wesley knew he couldn’t keep this pace up for
much longer without coming. With his dick throbbing hard, Wes
pulled it out of Eli’s mouth. Eli was misbehaving and used his teeth to
grab hold of his ridge, desperately trying to suck him back inside his
hot mouth.

Sensations spiraled down over his cock, sending a shot of pre-cum

deep within Eli’s mouth. Wesley groaned, pulling his cock out of
Eli’s mouth. “On your hands and knees. Now, sub.”

Wesley gave Eli a punishing smack to his ass when he took a few

extra seconds to get settled. He snapped open the bottle of lube,

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smoothing it generously down over his cock. “I’m out of condoms.
You should know that we have to do this raw.”

“I’m clean.”
“Once I take you, no other man can have you. Do you


Their eyes locked and a shiver vibrated through Eli’s body. “Yes!

I’m yours. Only yours.”

Wesley tipped his cockhead against his rim, loving the feel of his

dick pushing inside deep. Wes arched his head back as he shoved his
prick deeper within Eli’s ass. He groaned as his hips settled against
his ass cheeks. He gripped his hips tightly to keep his cum from
shooting from his dick. It felt too good. It was so wrong. He didn’t
know why he had waited so long to have a sub raw. Perhaps he had
secretly been waiting for the right man to come along. Maybe this
time he found the one. That thought had Wes looking down over Eli’s
rippling muscles on his back. Was he the one?

He had to completely dominate Eli. He thrust his dick in hard with

short strokes, taking him with an abandonment he never took any sub
with before. He loved how open and seductive he was against his
skin. He really liked the way Eli arched his ass out like a fucking
professional, but he wasn’t a professional. Eli was sweet and innocent
and kind and had been through a lot with another lover. Wesley held
him tight, licking his lips down over his ear.

“Mine. Only mine. I get to fuck you anytime I want. You’re mine

and I get to take control. Do you understand?”

“Yes, only yours.”
It was then and only then that Wesley knew he could release. He

had total dominance over Eli and now he knew he had everything.
Wes’s orgasm spun up from his balls, pulsating through his shaft and
shooting from his cockhead as he came hard deep within his sub’s ass.
When he was finished coming, he pulled his dick from Eli’s ass. He
was still rock hard despite coming.

“Get on your haunches,” Wesley said.

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Eli turned away from the wall and got down on the balls of his

feet, spreading his thighs out. His dick hung low with his balls by his
ankles. He arched out his ass. Wes loved the way he was subservient
to his orders.

“I want to watch you bounce your cock off.”
“Fuck. I’ve never done that before in front of anyone.”
“I want to see you do it right now.” Wes sat back against the cave

wall. “Look at me as you stroke it.”

He watched as Eli bit his lip and lubed his cock, preparing it to be

stroked. Wesley had complete control of his emotions and feelings.
He loved the way Eli gripped his hard shaft, stroking it with long,
hard strokes. He didn’t stop jerking his cock until he was coming
hard, shooting his spunk across the cave floor. Their eyes locked and
something dangerous passed between them. He wasn’t going to be
able to let go of this sub anytime soon, and that scared the hell out of

* * * *

Eli was shaking from his encounter with Wesley. He was fucking

amazed that he wasn’t embarrassed by jerking his cock off in front of
his Dom and by his order. He felt so out of control and confused with
what was happening between them. He couldn’t look too closely at
the fact that they were becoming lovers and something more than just
Dom and sub. Eli had had enough relationships to know that this was
different than the normal Dom and sub relationship. It felt a lot like
love and that rocked him to the core. Wesley came in close, pulling
him up onto his legs and kissing him hard. He stroked his tongue in
deep, kissing him possessively as he threaded his fingers into his hair.

This was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before and knew

he wouldn’t experience again. Eli was certain that he didn’t know
how long this thing would last between them but it was burning hot
and fast right now. What was he going to do when it ended? He didn’t

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have an answer for that. His heart was going to be broken and there
was nothing he could do to stop it from happening. Eli broke his lips
away, waiting for Wes’s next command. He pulled him in close,
holding him tight. Several minutes went by before he let go. He
grabbed a bottle of water and squirted off his hands and cock.

After they were completely cleaned up, they dressed and sat down

for breakfast. Neither one spoke of what happened between them.
“How’s the water outside?” Eli asked.

“It’s too dangerous for us to try to cross the canyon right now.

We’re going to have to wait until it settles down some.”

“Are we expecting any more rain?” Eli asked.
“Not that I know of, but you never know in this part of Texas. The

weather can be rough sometimes.”

“How’s your cell service?” Eli asked.
“No bars at all. My battery is just about done, too. Looks like

we’re stuck for a while. I’m sure that Peters is out looking for us by
now. I haven’t reported in for the last twenty-four hours.”

“He’s probably sent out the cavalry by now.”
“You think we can swim it?”
“The waters in the canyon are too rough. We’re stuck until they

go down. It will probably be another day at least before the water

“I was thinking the same thing.”
Noises echoed with the raging water in the canyon. Eli trained his

gaze up on the ridge across the way. He frowned. He thought he saw
someone up there but wasn’t sure. He went to his daypack and pulled
out the binoculars. He went back to the cavern edge and looked.

“See someone?” Wes asked.
“Yeah. But it’s not anyone we know. Take a look.”
Wes trained the binoculars up at the ridge. “Fuck me.”

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“Looks like. They’re using the rain as cover to cross. Those

fuckers.” Wes laughed, passing over the binoculars. “Take a look at
this. They seem to be arguing over something.”

Eli looked through the binoculars. A shiver of fear made his heart

skip a beat when they saw the man in charge push the guy in his
hands toward the edge of the ridge.

“Oh, fuck. They’re going to kill him.” He passed the binoculars

back to Wes. “Here.”

A scream tore from the man as he was tossed over the edge and

into the raging waters of the canyon. There was nothing to do to help
the guy as he surfaced facedown in the rough waters.

Temptation had him looking longingly at his daypack. His gun

was locked down tight there. He was tempted to shot a warning shot
up into the air. Logically, he knew that they couldn’t risk giving their
position away. They were trapped. It was better to let them go for

“They’re gone,” Wes said.
“I’m sure there will be more passing through.”
“Me, too. I’ll keep an eye out. We need to be careful.”
Eli didn’t want to the look too closely at what had happened

between them but he knew he couldn’t deny how he was feeling
inside. He looked over at Wesley and saw how beautiful he was and
how caring he was with him after they made love. He couldn’t deny
what was happening between them. It felt a lot like love. Their eyes
locked and Wesley smiled that big beautiful smile that had caught
Eli’s heart. It’d been so long since he let anybody love him and that
frightened the hell out of him to do it now, but he suspected that
Wesley was worth the risk. He wouldn’t hurt him and he wouldn’t
purposely harm him at all.

“Tell me more about what you do with the border-patrol agency,”

Eli said.

“I normally just work with organizing the schedule with the

Rough Riders program. Lately, Peters wants me active in the field

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with the Riders. He doesn’t want me just sitting on the sidelines while
all the other guys do the work.”

It was the program Melissa hade mentioned before he had come

out here. “Rough Riders? Tell me about the program. What is it you
guys do?”

“We watch the border from private land,” Wesley said.
“Do you have any family in this area?” Eli asked.
“No one anymore. It’s just me. I have some cousins scattered all

over the US, but my parents are gone. What about you?”

Eli looked away as he thought about how scattered and

dysfunctional his family was. “We’re not close. That’s really all you
need to know.”

“Did they shun you when you came out to them?” Wes asked.
“Pretty much. I came out when I was young. My brother Dade

did, too. I think it was a double whammy for both of them. They
couldn’t accept the truth at all.”

Wesley shook his head. “It’s amazing how closed-minded some

people are. No offense to your family, but you would think they
would love you regardless.”

“Some were unable to get over their hateful views. It’s just the

way it is.”

Despite getting along so well, Eli wondered if they would be able

to live with each other. Now that they were bunking together he had a
feeling that life would be different. It wasn’t easy living with
somebody else. Little things could get on the other person’s nerves. In
fact, because of that, Eli had never lived with a lover. Not one of his
Dom’s had offered the possibility and he had always accepted it.

“Have you ever lived with anybody?” Eli asked.
“I haven’t, you?”
“I haven’t either. This is the closest I’ve come to living with


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Wesley went to stoke the fading embers on the fire to warm up

some water. He then brought out a small thermos and a packet of
instant coffee.

Eli laughed. “Coffee?”
“You always need to be prepared.”
“Like the Marines.”
Eli loved Wesley’s easy way about him. Despite taking control of

the sex, the relationship outside was nothing like the one he ever
shared with a Dom. Yes, at times he could be a submissive and
subservient, but he felt like Wesley’s equal and that changed
everything. It made him love Wesley even more. The fact that the l
word shot through his brain brought Eli up short. He was shocked that
he was thinking about love and loving Wesley. What was he going to
do when things fell apart? What was he going to do when they went
their separate ways? He would go back on assignment eventually and
they wouldn’t see each other again. This was just a short little
interlude that would eventually end.

“What are you thinking about?” Wesley asked.
“Nothing important, why?”
“You look sad. Is everything okay?”
There was genuine concern in Wes’s eyes. “I was thinking about

how eventually work will take me away from you.”

Wesley’s brows rose in surprise but he quickly nodded. “I

understand, babe. Life will change for both of us. We’ll find a way to
make it work.”

“So what is this? What’s happening between us?”
“This is us just as being together. It is what it is now—nothing

more and nothing less.”

Disappointment spiraled through his body. He couldn’t explain to

Wesley how he was falling in love after just a few short days. It had
never happened to him before. In fact, he never believed in love at
first sight until he met Wesley. Completely caught off guard, it made
him feel helpless and out of control. Eli didn’t know how to make

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sure that when he walked away from Wesley that his heart wouldn’t
be broken. Right now, he was certain that if he walked away from
Wesley he would definitely end up with a shattered heart. He
wouldn’t be able to put back the pieces again.

“Are you a coffee drinker?” Wes asked.
“I drink it here and there.”
He took the cup Wesley offered and took a sip of the caffeine. It

tasted good and it tasted like home. It was then that Eli realized that
wherever Wesley was would be his home. He never had that feeling
before. He lived out of a duffle bag, from country to country, always
moving, always changing. Now things in his life had suddenly come
to a stop. He was no longer traveling or rushing around. He was
creating a home and a life with Wesley. They respected each other.
He made him feel welcome, secure, and calm. He made him feel
loved. Their eyes locked and a shiver went through Eli’s body when
he thought about what they had just done together. He never had a
Dom leave his spunk deep within his ass. The fact that he had turned
him on. He couldn’t wait until they were together again.

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Chapter Eight

It was nightfall by the time the water in the canyon began to

recede but it was too dangerous for them to leave at dusk. They didn’t
have the right equipment to navigate the dark tunnel at night. Wes
didn’t mind staying a little while longer with his sub.

“The water’s receding,” Wesley said.
“That’s great.”
“It is but we won’t be able to go out tonight. It’s just too

dangerous. We’re going to have to stay here for another night.”

“I think I can handle that,” Eli said.
“I figured you could, too. That’s why I thought it best just to wait

until the terrain was safe to navigate.”

“What do you think Peters is going to say when he finds out

we’ve been here all along?” Eli asked.

“He’s going to kick my ass. What about your handler, Melissa?”
“She’s not going to be too thrilled about it but she’ll deal with it.”

Eli went further into the cave. “How far do you think this cave goes?”

“Probably too far for us to navigate. It’s too easy to get lost and

turned around in a cave. We probably shouldn’t venture too far. We
can come back when we have the right equipment sometime on our
free time.”

“I think that sounds like a great idea,” Eli said.
Wes sat down next to the fire. Eli came up to his side. Eli sat in

front of him easing back against his chest. A sigh escape his parted
lips. Wesley eased his hands down over his shoulders and gently
started to massage them.

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Eli groaned. “That feels so good. It’s not easy sleeping on this

sandy and rocky floor.”

“No, I’m starting to feel it, are you?”
“Yeah, I feel it, too.”
Off in the distance, thunder rumbled again. “Oh fuck,” Eli said.
“Yeah, I heard it a while back. There’s another storm on the

horizon. We might be here a little bit longer.”

All Wes could think about was their dwindling provisions and the

fact that they didn’t have enough water. They’d have to venture down
into the canyon and that was just too dangerous right now. They could
easily slip and hit their head, and Wesley wouldn’t be able to carry Eli
out of this convoluted system of canyons by himself. It was better to
risk waiting until morning despite being without food and water.

“We’ll be okay. We can get out in the morning, trust me.”
“I do trust you.”
Eli’s hand came around Wesley’s and gripped his tightly. He

looked down at their joined hands and another sigh escaped his lips.
Wesley pulled Eli up, giving him a soft kiss.

“What is that for?” Eli asked.
“I can tell there’s something on your mind.”
Eli shook his head as though he were thinking but didn’t want to

say just yet. Wesley didn’t want to push him. He knew that with time
he would tell him what he was feeling deep inside. He knew that his
last lover had wounded him deeply. It would take a long time for him
to get over and completely trust somebody again.

“I never expected to find somebody like you.”
“I never expected it either. Sometimes life throws you a curveball

and you just have to hold on to the bat a bit tighter to make a
connection with it.”

“You’re not uncomfortable are you?” Eli asked.
“No, I’m fine. I like having you in my arms.”
Wes kissed his way over Eli’s neck, loving the salty taste of his

skin. His hands traveled down over his abdomen and into his pants,

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caressing his cock. It wasn’t long before Eli was hard and ready for
something more. Wesley couldn’t recall the last time he had been so
quick between sessions like this. He couldn’t remember a time even
when he didn’t have any of his normal things to use on his
submissive. He loved to chain and spank the innocence out of his
submissives. He also liked to do some role-playing, too. He wouldn’t
be able to do any of that tonight. He preferred his sessions in the
comfort of his bedroom. Eli groaned, arching his hips up into his
palm. Wesley loved the way his big dick slid like silk through his
hand. His moans echoed off the cave walls as Wesley’s hand slid
down past his balls to stroke over his rim. Wesley groaned against his
ear, kissing the curve of his ear as his fingers played with his rim.

“I like that,” Eli said.
“I can tell you do.”
With his right hand, he gripped Eli’s cock and his left moved over

his rim. Wesley took control of his body, loving the way he pumped
his dick in his hand. His hard cock pressed between his ass cheeks
begging to be released from his tactical pants and shoved deep within
his sub’s ass.

“Stand up,” Wesley said.
Eli was quick to obey. Eli dropped his clothes onto the floor. He

stood naked in the cave. “Press your hands against the wall,” Wes

Eli pressed his palms on the wall as he arched his ass out. Wesley

smoothed lube over his cock and edged it up against the rim of his
ass. He came in deep and held on to Eli tightly. He bounced his cock
hard against his ass, taking him in short strokes.

“You’re my dirty little bitch. You love being taken outside.”
“Yes, I do!”
Wesley bounced his hips deep against his ass, pumping his shaft

in and out of Eli’s rim. He didn’t stop until he was coming and
shooting his sperm deep within his lover’s ass. He was breathing hard
by the time he came back down. He pressed his forehead against Eli’s

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shoulder, loving how strong his submissive was. He slowly pulled his
dick from his ass and adjusted his balls. He didn’t normally do what
he was about to do but he wanted to find out what that big day would
taste like. He wanted to know what it would feel like having that big
dick sliding down his throat.

“Arch your ass back…against that rock over there.”
Eli lay back against the rock, thrusting his hips up. He flexed his

dick, waving it in the air like a mesmerized snake. Wesley came down
with his lips around his cockhead, sucking him hard and fast. He
pushed his head down his shaft, sucking roughly and flicking his
tongue up over his slit. He loved the way Eli groaned, flexing his hips
up and shoving his cock deeper. His hands grabbed at his hair,
pushing his hips up high. Wesley pushed two of his fingers against his
rim and pushed them deep within his ass. He rubbed his thumb
against his perineum. It was all the pressure Eli needed. His cock
started erupting, shooting hot spunk from the tip of his swollen

Wesley groaned as his hot spunk squirted into his mouth. He

sucked him down, not stopping until he finished coming. Their eyes
connected as Wesley licked off his cock. As a Dom, he didn’t
normally suck cock. Eli had him doing things he didn’t normally do.
And that scared the hell out of him. He slipped his lips off of his cock
and their eyes held. There was sweet admiration within Eli’s gaze.
Wes kissed his way up his chest and their mouths caressed in a
passionate kiss. When he finally pulled away, Eli looked confused
and worried.

“What the fuck is happening between us here?” Eli asked.
“I don’t know but I don’t want it to end anytime soon.”
“Neither do I.”

* * * *

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After another long night of heavy rains, the canyon was too

flooded to escape through. Sunlight was finally breaking through the
clouds high above.

“We have to climb up the canyon wall to the cliff above to get out

of here,” Wesley said.

Eli agreed. “It’s going to be the only way out.”
“How good are you at climbing?” Wesley asked.
“I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, let’s see what we have.” Wesley looked out over the edge

of the cliffs above. “It looks like a good thirty-foot free climbing. Do
you think you can handle it?”

“I should be okay. It looks like there are some good handholds.”
“I was thinking the same. We can’t stay here another night. We

have to go.”

“No one’s coming to look for us up here,” Eli said.
“They’re not. They’re not expecting us to be this far out in the


Wesley packed everything up and he headed toward the edge of

the cave. “The morning sun already dried out the rock and it looks
like smooth sailing north. You go first,” Wesley said. “I’ll spot you.”

Eli headed out onto the ledge using his feet and hands to climb up

the angled wall. It really was an easy climb. He knew that they could
easily make it to the top. As Eli started to climb, Wesley followed him
out onto the ledge. He looked up, grabbing handholds. It was easy
climbing but he didn’t want to take anything for granted. It was way
too easy to lose his balance and fall the fifty feet below.

“It’s a good climb. You’ll be okay,” Eli said.
He was ten feet to the top when the sun started beating his back

hard. He gripped the rock and slowly eased over the top. His
adrenaline and muscles were pumped as he mounted the top. Wesley
was right on his tail climbing up. Eli instinctively reached down,
grabbing his shoulder and helping him top out.

Their eyes met. “I’m glad we climbed out of the cave.”

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“Me, too. I’m starving. Let’s head back to the house and wash up.

We can go hit the diner afterward.”

“That sounds like a fantastic idea, I’m starving.”
They headed back to their ATVs and climbed on. “I need to check

on my horses when we get back.”

“Do you think they are okay?”
“Yeah, I always leave a bit extra in the stable. Peters probably

checked on them, too, when I didn’t report in.”

They hit the trail back to the house. Instead of heading straight for

the house, Wes went to the stable to check on Coco, River, and
Lightning. They all had fresh hay and water but were out of oats. He
filled up the feed with Eli’s help. After they finished with the horses,
they headed up to the house. Just inside Wesley dropped his gear by
the front door and stripped while Eli did the same.

“Food or shower first?” Wes asked.
“Shower. I’m doing okay.”
“Me, too.”
They headed into Wes’s master bedroom and he went straight for

the shower. When he turned around, he realized that Eli wasn’t with
him. Eli was standing naked in the middle of his bedroom. He knew
his blue eyes were wide with fear as they looked around his playroom.
It was obvious to Eli that Wes didn’t keep the lifestyle a big secret.
No one probably ever came into this room anyway. There were
leather collars, chains, candles, floggers, whips, and a bridle to do
pony play.

It was then that Eli knew how hard his ex had hurt him. His ex

had obviously destroyed something beautiful inside him that wouldn’t
ever be fixed. When he looked at all the BDSM shit that Wes had, he
felt like he was having a panic attack.

Wes crossed the room. “Eli, look at me.”
Their eyes met. “I didn’t know you were in to all this kink.”
“I’ll never hurt you. Don’t you trust me?”
“I do.”

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“Then let me have you.” Wes kissed his way gently over his lips.

“Let me collar you and show you how good we can be together. Trust

Eli moaned when Wes nipped at his ear and slid his tongue over

the curve. While Eli was twisted up, Wes went to the closet, getting
out a brand new collar. He came to stand in front of him.

“I bought this years ago. I’ve secretly been waiting to use it on the

right one.”

He showed Eli the collar as he came in close. There was a little

less fear as he looked down at the leather studded collar. Eli closed
his eyes and moaned as Wes put the collar around his neck, tightening
it down gently.

“It’s on. How do you feel?”
“Think you can go a step further with me?”
Eli licked his lips nervously as he desperately wanted the next step

but was afraid to take it. “Yes.”

A shiver of anticipation unfurled within Wes’s eyes. “I was

hoping you would say that.”

He went back to the closet and came back with a cock chain. He

slipped the loop down around his shaft, balls, working the chain
around his hips, between his ass cheeks, and hooking it onto the loop
at the base of his shaft. He then got a second cock chain and brought
it out. Eli groaned, licking his lips as his gaze went down over Wes’s
abdomen and cock. The blood was already starting to catch in his
shaft, making him rock hard.

Every one of Eli’s muscles seemed to flex hard as Wes smoothed

the cock chain down over his shaft. He threaded his balls through the
secondary loop, pulling the chain tight but not painfully. Eli moaned,
closing his eyes and swaying against his chest. Wes worked the chain
between his ass cheeks, around his hips, and locked it down tight.

“Feel good?”

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Their eyes locked and a shiver raced through Eli’s blood. “God,


Worry creased Wes’s forehead. “Did you code with your ex?”
Tears misted through his eyes. “Yeah.”
“What did you call him when you were together?” Wes asked.
“I can promise you that you’ll never have to code with me. I still

want you to pick a safe word.”

Eli bit his lip as he thought about it. As he considered his options,

Wes’s palm smoothed down over his shaft with a sensuous glide.

Wes smiled. “I’ll work hard to show you that I’m your perfect


“I can’t wait.”
“Get on your hands and knees.”
Eli shivered as he got down on his knees and rocked forward on

his hands. With his heart hammering, his eyes followed Wes intensely
as he went to the wall, picking out a leather riding crop. He came
back, smoothing it over Eli’s ass cheeks. The cool leather was a
reminder that he wasn’t the one in control. Wes eased down on his
haunches, smoothing his hand down over Eli’s cock and giving
several sweet milking tugs that had Eli’s hips flexing forward.

“When we’re together, you’ll call me ‘Sir.’”
“Yes, Sir.”
The cool leather smoothed over his ass. Eli arched his ass out,

silently begging for his Dom to spank him. He was rewarded with a
light tap to his ass checks with the riding crop.

“Mm, more, Sir.”
Eli arched his ass out wide and again Wes lightly tapped his ass


“Harder, Sir. I can take it. You won’t break me.”
Wes leaned down, nipping at his ear. “I’m teaching you how good

it can be.”

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“Break me, Sir.”
“Maybe I like you a little wild. I don’t want my stallion broken.”
It was then that Eli stopped thinking and let his Dom take

complete control. He was lost in the feeling of cool leather smooth
over his ass. He moaned with each soft hit, wanting Wes to increase
the pressure. Wes snapped the riding crop over his ass. The biting
sting made his rim tingle. Finally, Wes was giving him more of what
he wanted. The last hit of the riding crop bit his ass cheeks hard,
making his balls pull up tight between his legs. Heat moved over his
cool ass cheeks as pre-cum leaked from his tip.

The riding crop came up under his chin, lifting his head up. “Will

you join me in the shower?” Wes asked.

“You know that if I do that neither one of us will get out of here

anytime soon for dinner.”

Wes came in close, giving him a rough kiss. “Maybe I like the

idea of washing up with you. Come with me, sub. You’re mine.”

Sweet anticipation rippled through Eli as Wesley led the way into

the bathroom, turning on the hot water. He undressed and stepped in
first. Eli followed him. And it was then that he realized he would
follow him anywhere. He’d do anything for him. He would die for
him. It seemed so silly to think but he would protect Wes by giving up
his life if he had to.

“Wash me, sub,” Wesley said.
He loved the heat and the warmth of the water loosening up his

aching muscles. Eli eased down onto his knees as he grabbed the bar
of soap. He worked it over his Dom’s feet, thighs, and the inside of
his legs, purposely missing his cock as he did. Dust, dirt, and sweat
clung to the soap bubbles, drifting down his legs and rinsing off into
the water. Eli loved the way Wesley’s cock bumped against his lips
and face. He was already hard and ready for more. They were they
both were. Eli washed his cock, stroking it hard and roughly. He
flipped his thumb over the tip of his cockhead. Eli looked up at
Wesley, arching his head back to drink the clean water flowing off his

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hard prick. Eli sucked his cock deep within his mouth and started to
suck him off. It felt so good to have his Dom let him take control of
his thick cock. Without asking permission, he slipped his fingers
under his Dom’s cock chain between his ass cheeks and gave it a firm
tug, tightening it down on his shaft.

Memories of the hot nights they shared together flashed through

Eli’s mind as he sucked his cock. He had never given so much to any
Dom before. Eli gripped Wesley’s hard shaft, using his hand as he
sucked him deep in his mouth. He loved the feel of his cockhead
bumping against the back of his throat. He knew Wes was close to
coming when he stilled his bobbing head with hand in his hair.
Despite being still, Eli continued undulating his tongue beneath his
cockhead. He loved the feel of his throbbing dick pulsating within his
mouth. A shot of cum hit the back of his throat as Wesley worked
hard to keep his spunk from flying. Eli moaned, sending vibrations
down over his stick. Eli’s free hand caressed his balls, purposely
trying to bring his Dom over the edge.

“You’re going to be punished if you keep this up,” Wes said.
Reluctantly, Eli pulled his mouth off of Wesley’s cock. Water hit

him in the face as he looked up as his Dom. “Punish me.”

Wesley pulled him up by his arms and pushed him against the tile.

The cool tile felt good against Eli’s hot chest. Eli loved the way he
purposely roughed him up, pulling his thighs wide and the chain
between his ass cheeks aside as though he were opening a well-read
book. The tip of Wesley’s cockhead pressed against his rim as he
slowly slid inside, using the water and his sub’s spit as lube. When he
finally hit home, they groaned in unison. Eli arched his ass out as
Wesley used his fingers to pinch his nipples, purposely squeezing just
enough to take control.

Eli loved it when a Dom played with his nipples. With each hit of

Wesley’s hips against his ass, the tip of Eli’s cockhead hit the tile
wall. The sensation was mind-blowing and quickly brought Eli to the
edge of coming. He knew he needed permission first.

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“I’m close.”
“Come for me, sub. Come for me hard.”
Wes’s hand slipped up the front of his neck, arching his head

back. Eli groaned as his dick hit the wall over and over again. It was
then that he came hard, shooting his spunk in hot white lines against
the blue Victorian tile. Wesley reached around, gripping his cock tight
as he came. Eli felt Wesley’s cock stiffen harder and his spunk shot
deep within his ass. They were both breathing hard as they came
down from the ride. Wesley kissed his way over Eli’s shoulder as he
held on tightly.

“I’ve never had a submissive like you before,” Wes said.
Eli melted back against his chest. “I’ve never had a Dom love me

the way you do.”

“I love the fact that you’re mine.”
“I trust you completely and I know you’ll never hurt me.”
The only way Wesley could hurt him at this point was by walking

away. He didn’t want either one of them to walk away from each
other but he knew that sometimes life got in the way and things
happened. As they rinsed off, Eli took a lot of time and pleasure in the
fact that he loved being there with his Dom. It almost felt dreamlike,
as though the moment might be taken away by waking up. Eli knew
he would cherish the moments he spent with Wesley forever.

He didn’t know what would happen to him or to Wesley, but he

knew that he had these memories to cling to. Eli smiled as Wesley
came in close, giving him a possessive kiss. His hands caressed his
jaw tenderly.

“Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry for real food,” Wes said.
“Me, too.”

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Chapter Nine

They were just finishing up dinner at the diner when they were

heading out into the parking lot. Without warning, a car came to a
screeching halt in front of them. All of Wesley’s instincts were on
high alert. A man in the car swung the back door open. Wes went to
reach for his gun but he wasn’t fast enough. Eli was already walking
behind him when he tried to turn and push him to the side. One of the
men pulled out a gun and aimed it at Wesley’s head. He didn’t fire.

“This isn’t your argument. Step aside.”
Wes knew he needed to back down. He held up his gun and set it

on the ground as he moved aside. Guns were pointed at Eli and he
was given an order he couldn’t disobey. “Get in the car! Now!”

The man’s heavy accent told him that they were obviously

working for the cartel. Eli’s eyes were wide as he had no choice. Time
felt as though it were stopping as Eli looked at Wesley for help. Wes
couldn’t move without putting them both at risk. They both knew that
Eli shouldn’t go with them—that it was a death sentence to go to a
second location.

“I’m headed for the back seat of the car,” Eli said.
The sound of Wesley’s voice had him missing a step. Their eyes

locked but there was nothing either one could do.

“Get in the car!”
Eli was shoved into the backseat and the car sped away. Wesley

was on the phone before he could process the move. He called it in
with dispatch as he rushed to his SUV. The car was heading toward
the border but Wesley was certain they were not crossing back into

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Mexico now. They were going somewhere else. Wesley gave chase to
the car, staying far enough behind so they wouldn’t know they were
being followed. Wesley was on the radio with dispatch as he told
them what was going on and how Eli was taken. He gave a
description of the old Lincoln town car that looked like it fell out of
the nineties.

Wesley couldn’t believe that he let Eli go without a fight. He was

stunned that Eli went willingly, too. With a gun pointed at their heads,
they had no choice but to obey the men. Wesley was certain that
whatever happened, Eli would never be the same. These men were out
for blood and to make an example out of him. He had to stop them if
he could. Traffic up ahead had the Lincoln coming to a stop. With
them boxed in, they had no option but to sit and wait. Wesley gripped
the wheel looking straight ahead into the car. There were four men
with Eli sandwiched between two in the back. He couldn’t quite make
out everything but he could see that he was still sitting and that meant
he was okay—at least he hoped it did.

The light changed and they moved through the traffic. Wesley

continued to follow and it wasn’t long before he heard the sound of
sirens off in the distance. Wes clicked his radio. “Twenty-four-
nineteen. Dispatch, we’re heading north on I-60.”

The driver of the Lincoln realized that they were being followed

by Wesley and the cops were on their trail. He cut through traffic,
narrowly missing four cars in an intersection. Wesley’s heart stopped
when it went faster and faster and his SUV worked hard to keep up.
Cops pulled in front of him, taking over lead on the chase. Wesley
knew he couldn’t be in control of this. He had to let his coworkers do
their job.

Without warning the Lincoln crashed into an embankment and

flipped several times. Wesley’s heart stopped as he thought about Eli
in the car and the fact that he would be seriously injured from not
wearing a seat belt. What was he going to do? How was he going to
be able to help him? Wesley came to a tire-piercing stop next to the

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accident scene. There was debris all over the place. Eli was still inside
the back of the vehicle though. Wesley went to the broken rear
window and screamed his name.

“Eli! Stay with me! No!”
Wesley reached through the window, pressing his fingers to his

carotid artery in his neck. He felt the strong steady beat of his heart
despite what he had just been through. There was blood dripping
down his face from what looked like a broken nose. Fire erupted
beneath the crumpled hood of the car. Smoke billowed through the
car. Wesley pulled Eli through the open window and out onto the
grassy embankment. Local law enforcement circled around him as
sirens wailed in the distance.

“Stay with me! Don’t let go! I’ve got you.”
From faraway, Wesley heard the sound of sirens and other police

officers taking over. Wesley let go of Eli as they went to work on
him. Wesley paced away, running his hands through his hair in
frustration. It was then that that he caught sight of Dade rushing his
way. Wes grabbed onto Dade before he could get to his brother.

“He’s alive. Let them do their job,” Wes said.
Their eyes met. Tears misted through Dade’s eyes. Wes worked

hard to keep it together, too. Those eyes were so much like he Eli’s,
but they didn’t have that hard, cold cynicism that came from working
undercover for years on end.

“Let them do their job. They’ve got this.”
Dade nodded once and backed away. They followed Eli to the

hospital. Wesley, Dade, and Sam Peters were in the waiting area as he
was taken into surgery. It was several hours later by the time the
surgeon came out.

“What’s the damage?” Peters asked.
“There was some trauma to his spleen but we managed to control

the bleeding. He shouldn’t have to have it removed. He has a broken
arm that orthopedics had to surgically set but everything’s going to be

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okay. It should all heal up in a few weeks. Until then he needs to take
it easy.”

“I’ll make sure he does,” Wes said.
It was then that Wesley saw Eli’s handler Melissa there. She was

distraught as she rushed into the waiting area. He needed to have
conversation with her about the situation with Eli. Wes didn’t want
him going back into the field when he was banged up mentally,
emotionally, and physically.

“How is he?” Melissa asked.
“He’s hanging in there. A broken arm they had to surgically set

and some bruising to his spleen.”

“Thank God he’s alive.”
“I don’t want him going back into the field,” Wes said.
She raised her dark brows. “Then what do you suggest? He’s

contract. This is what he’s born and bred to do.”

“He needs another position within your department. I don’t like

the idea of him getting hurt like this.”

“I’ll see what I can do but it’s ultimately his decision, not yours,

not mine,” Melissa said.

Wesley nodded okay. “We’re in agreement then. We don’t want

to see anything bad happen to him.”

Her brows shot up but she nodded her head in understanding. “I

see. I’ll make arrangements as best as I can. But I can’t promise you
anything. It’s his decision.”

“Yes, it is.”
The nurse came back into the waiting area. “I can take two back at

a time. He’s been transferred up to a medical floor.”

Dade looked at Wesley. “We’re going back first,” he said.
Relief poured through Wesley’s body as he headed up to see Eli.

He was still heavily sedated. He looked pale and a little shaken, but
Wes knew he was going to be okay. Wesley slipped his hand over
Eli’s, loving the feel of his warm hand within his. It was then that he
knew everything was going to be okay. He was never going to let go

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of Eli’s hand ever again. He’d make this thing between them work.
Come hell or high water in the canyon, he knew he would make it
work. They had survived everything thus far and there was no turning
back now.

Dade smiled. “You love him.”
Wes had forgotten that he wasn’t alone with his sub. “I do. I love

him very much.”

“I think you’re perfect for him.”
Wes smiled. “That means a lot to me.”
Very slowly, Eli blinked his eyes open. Their eyes locked and a

hard shiver raced through Wesley’s body. “Hey, babe. Welcome

“Hi. What happened?”
“You were in an accident. Do you remember?”
“The car. The cartel.”
“Yes, they’ve been all taken into custody. Two didn’t make it,”

Dade said.

Eli nodded his head, groaning as he tried to move his injured arm.

“My arm?”

“Broken. You were lucky,” Wes said.
“Damn lucky,” Dade added.
“I’m not feeling so lucky right now.”
“You will when you see the car that you were in. You’re lucky to

walk away and survive at all, considering you weren’t wearing a seat

Eli smiled. “I guess I’m down to seven lives now.”
“Yes, you are.”

* * * *

Instead of going home with Wesley, Eli was discharged with his

brother, Dade. He felt like a third wheel sleeping in the guest
bedroom. He didn’t want to intrude on Dade’s private life. So that had

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him thinking about other accommodations. In fact, he was hoping that
Wesley would call, but he hadn’t since he’d gotten out. He needed
him. Wesley was tying things up with work but still—it felt kind of
like a blow off. Tired of sitting around, Eli showered and got dressed
for the day.

Despite the bruises and broken arm, Eli went to the border-patrol

office to find Wesley. He was limping along through the front doors
of the office when Sam Peters saw him.

He sighed. “What are you doing out of bed?”
“I just came here to talk to Wesley. Is he in?”
“He’s in his office right now. I’ll show you where. Come with


Eli followed Director Peters through the long corridor. He looked

over his shoulder at him and smiled.

“I’ve been talking with Melissa. You know that the DOJ and

homeland security have been known to contract. Have you thought
about working with the border patrol?”

It surprised Eli. He hadn’t considered it at all. “I haven’t thought

about it.”

“We have an opening in the Rough Riders program I think you

would be perfect for it, considering all your experience with the
Mexican cartel. I’m quite positive that you could tell us a few things
about your experiences of how they run drugs.”

“I think I’d like that a lot,” Eli said.
Then again, Eli wasn’t sure if he should work with his lover, too.

At this rate, he wasn’t quite sure where things stood between them. It
felt as though things were over and that scared the hell out of him.
Through Wes’s open office door, their eyes connected. A smile
caressed Wesley’s face but it quickly changed into a hard frown.

“What are you doing on the bed?” Wes asked.
“I came here to see you. We need to talk.”
As he came into the office, Wesley shut the door behind them for

some privacy. “You should know that Sam offered me a job.”

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“Are you going to take it?” Wes asked.
Their eyes locked. “I don’t know. I guess that depends on how

you feel about it. Do you want me working here with you?”

Wesley ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how we can

work together and be together. I don’t think it’ll work out honestly.”

Disappointment spiraled through Eli’s body. He was thinking the

same thing, but he didn’t want to voice it. “I understand. It’s probably
best if I take another job. I’ll be close to my brother and his family if I
stay. It’s about time that I got to know him again.”

Eli was tempted to ask how Wesley felt about him staying in town

but he felt as though he couldn’t. Even though they were standing a
few feet apart, it felt as though they were miles away.

“Look, I feel as though we should talk about what happened

between us,” Eli said.

“It’s not necessary. We knew what this was when we both went

into it.”

“I understand you don’t want anyone to know what happened

between us,” Eli said.

Wesley came in close, pushing him up against the wall. “Do you

really think I care what other people think about us? I don’t. All I care
about is you.”

“I don’t see how we can be together and work together.”
“You’re right. We can’t. I’ll be your supervisor if you take the


Eli couldn’t stop the sarcasm dripping from his voice. “That’s just


“Let me worry about this, not you. It’s my responsibility as a Dom

to take control and make sure you’re okay. Are you going to let me do

Eli wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. He wasn’t sure how he

could love him and be with him at the same time. He wasn’t sure how
it would work out and that scared him. The alternative was too

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horrible to think about. He would have to go on with his life and not
have love and the man he cared about.

Eli nodded his head. “Okay, we’re doing it your way. What are

your terms?”

“Do you think this is really about terms anymore? You know it’s


“Then what is it about?” Eli asked.
Eli wasn’t about to tell Wes that he loved him first. He had been

in that situation too many times before and gotten his heartbroken.

“I don’t know if I can be with you if you can’t say how you’re

feeling,” Wes said.

“Me? You’re the one that has terms.”
“Eli, this is for you to decide, not me. I won’t push you into

anything you’re not willing to commit to. When you decide what you
want, come back to me. I’m not in a position to make you do anything
that you’re not ready to do.”

Frustration went through Eli’s body. Why wasn’t Wes making this

easy? He felt like he didn’t know how he was going to come out on
the other side. All he had to hold onto was Wesley and it felt as
though his Wesley was walking away from him.

“Don’t do this to me,” Eli said.
“I’m not doing anything. This is your decision to make. I want

you to be happy with whatever choices you make. I won’t tell you
what you need to do or what job you need to take or if you’re in love
with me. You have to come to all of that on your own terms and

“How do you feel about me?” Eli asked.
Wesley smiled. “I’m not going to tell you. You need to figure it

out on your own. Until then, I don’t think we should see each other.”

Shock and disappointment vibrated through Eli’s body. He was

astounded that Wesley was pushing him away. How had they gotten
to this point? How had everything gone so completely wrong? It was
as though everything he always wanted was slipping through his

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fingers and there was nothing he could do to hold onto his Wes. He
opened up Wesley’s closed office door and walked away from him.
Tears rushed through his eyes as he tried to focus on the hallway he
was going through. He didn’t want anyone to see him crying. He
needed to get out of there before he completely fell apart.

All he had ever wanted was the comfort and love of his Dom.

Now, he knew that that wasn’t going to happen and there was nothing
he could do about it. A wall of sunshine hit Eli in the face as he came
through the front doors of the border-patrol agency. He walked to his
SUV and sat inside. He felt as though everything was slipping
away—everything he worked so hard for.

At one time, all he had was the job. Things had changed after he

met Wesley. He loved that man. He loved him with everything. How
was he going to convince him that they were meant to be together? Eli
glanced back at the building as tears ran down his face. He felt
completely lost and confused and helpless by how Wesley was
suddenly treating him. He felt so hot and cold. He felt as though his
Dom did not love him. Perhaps he didn’t. But still it was all up to Eli
what he was going to do next. He started the SUV, mentally
readjusting his balls, and got back into the game. He knew what he
needed to do.

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Chapter Ten

Days went by, and Wesley was concerned. He had hoped that Eli

would make his decision and come back to him. It was clear that that
was not the case. He got into his truck and drove away from home. He
was going out for a night on the town to clear his mind. Honestly, he
just needed a hard drink to steady his nerves. He was worried about
Eli and the fact that he hadn’t contacted him. Dade had said he was
acting funny when he returned home after they chatted. Wesley did
not like that at all. What was he going to do if he ran? Wesley knew
the answer to that. He would chase him down. He would make him
his own.

Wesley drove to the only gay bar in Glory Hole. He went inside.

Country music vibrated through the bar. He ordered a drink and was
completely lost in thought. As he was bringing the bottle of beer to
his mouth, he looked over his shoulder and caught sight of Eli sitting
in a booth. Their eyes connected. There was something serious about
the way Eli was looking at him. Wesley adjusted his Stetson and
headed toward Eli. He was going to sit down across from him, but he
stopped in his tracks when he saw a man sitting across from him. It
was his brother. Dade. Wes had no choice but to scoot in next to Eli.
He wasn’t sure if Eli would scoot over to make room, but he did.

The long length of Eli’s thigh pressed against Wesley’s. It felt so

good to feel his hot muscles pressed against his even if there was
clothing between. It felt like home. Beneath the table he ran his hand
over his, giving Eli a squeeze.

“Hey, Wes. I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” Dade said.
“That makes two of us.”

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For the first time in Wesley’s life, he felt at ease. As though

everything was falling into place. All he had to do now was make sure
that Eli was on board.

“So have you told him?” Dade asked.
Eli shook his head.
“Told me what?” Wesley asked.
“I’m taking a job with the border patrol. I’ll be working with the

Rough Riders program.”

“You’ll be working under me then.”
“Something like,” Eli said.
Beneath the table Eli held on tight. It felt so good. Wesley let go

of his hand and ran his arm along the top of the booth to pull Eli in
close. He whispered his lips along the long curve of his ear.

“I love you. I love you so much,” Wesley said.
Eli pulled away and their eyes met. There were tears in his eyes.

“I love you, too.”

Their lips met in a hungry kiss that had Dade looking away. When

he finally looked back there was a smile on his face.

“You guys need to either stop or get a room.”
“I think we’ll be doing both later.” Wesley looked over at Dade.

“I know you guys are living together but do you mind if he moves in
with me?”

“No, not at all. Take him. All he does is mope around my house

and call your name in the middle of the night when he’s dreaming.
It’s getting a little awkward if you know what I mean.”

A light blush came over Eli’s cheeks. “Yeah, I have a tendency to

talk in my sleep.”

“I noticed that too when we were in the cave.”
“Cave?” Dade asked.
“We took a hike down to the canyons and got caught in the rain.

We waited it out in a cave.”

“So that was why Peters was so pissed off that he couldn’t find

you guys for a couple of days.”

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“Yeah, we were stuck there for a while. We had to climb out,” Eli


“I’m glad you both made it out safely.”
“Me too,” Wes said.
Now that Wesley had everything he had always wanted, he was

not about to let Eli get away so easily tonight. He leaned in close to
Eli and whispered against his ear.

“Let’s go home. I feel as though I haven’t seen you in days.”
“You haven’t. I’ll catch you later, Dade,” Eli said.
“Sounds good. You two have fun.”
“I’m sure we will,” Wes said.
Wesley held Eli’s hand as he made his way through the bar. He

went to the side of his truck and held the door open as Eli got inside.
He went around the truck and headed home. He was finally going
home with the love of his life. He finally had everything he always
wanted and knew he would have.

“What are we up to tonight?” Eli asked.
Their eyes locked and a grin pulled Wesley’s mouth wide. “What

do you think we’re doing?”

Eli laughed. “That’s all you ever do with me. I’m starting to think

you won’t take me to the movies or on any hot dates.”

“Trust me, there will be time for that. I just want to make sure you

get settled into my place first.”

They swung through Dade’s house and he packed up all of his

stuff. “This is it?” Wes asked.

“The rest is in storage.”
“Okay then.”
They went back to Wesley’s. The sun was just starting to set as he

pulled in to the driveway.

“What are we doing here?” Eli asked.
“This is my place.”
“All of this is yours?”

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“Yes. It’s been in my family for generations. Now, I want to share

my home with you.”

He was officially moving in and it felt good. Wesley loved the

way Eli put his things next his in his drawers. He loved the fact that
there was plenty of room for both of them. Their eyes met.

“What?” Eli asked.
“I love you. I love you so fucking much that it hurts.”
“I love you, too.”
Their lips met in a hungry kiss that had both falling back on the

bed. Wesley spun Eli around, taking care of not hurting his broken
arm. He pinned him to the bed. When he finally came up for air, he
looked down at Eli and smiled.

“I love you so much.”
“Me, too.”
Wesley knew he had everything he always wanted within his

arms. He knew that now but Eli was working with him with the
Rough Riders and that would complicate things. He wasn’t worried
about it. He knew that everything would be okay. As long as he had
Eli within his arms things would be perfect. For the first time in his
life, Wesley was completely happy. Not for what somebody could do
for him but what he could do for somebody else.

“You make me happy and I like making you happy too,” Wes


“That’s the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me,” Eli said.

“I like that about you.”

“What’s that?”
“I love the fact that you tell me how you’re feeling when we talk,”

Eli said.

“Me, too, babe.”
Wesley snuggled in close to Eli. Wesley was happy. He loved Eli

and he had Eli’s love, and that was all he ever needed.

* * * *

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Eli woke up to what sounded like a stampede outside Wesley’s

bedroom window. He jumped out of bed, pulling his jeans on as he
went to the window looking outside. Down below Wesley and a
group of cowboys were running cattle into some pens. Shock vibrated
through Eli’s body. Wesley looked like a real-life cowboy out there
on his horse as he took control. He knew he was a border-patrol agent
and he was a cowboy. Despite putting on the uniform, he was still a
cowboy and that turned Eli on. Eli was just pulling on his work boots,
forgetting his shirt as he stepped out onto the back porch. He didn’t
care who saw him standing there with his cup of coffee, looking out
over Wesley’s land. It surprised him to see Director Peters out there
with a younger guy in a cowboy hat. Who was he? Wesley swung his
legs down over his horse and tied him up to the fence. He dusted off
his hands and looked back over at the house. Their eyes connected
and Wesley waived. After what seemed like a long time, the cowboys
helping Wesley took off in their trucks. Wesley came toward him and
they crossed the back garden to meet halfway.

“So you’re in the cattle business now?” Eli asked.
“I rent the land. Many farmers don’t have as much green grass as I

do out here. It makes for a little extra income I can save.”

“I like that about you.”
“What’s that?”
“I like finding out new things about you every day. It keeps things

interesting,” Eli said.

“Yes, it does.”
“So who’s the guy with Director Peters?” Eli asked.
“Oh, that’s Finn. He’s Peters’s son. I’m going to be working with

him in the office here soon.”

“Is that right?”
“They brought him in to deal with all the intel coming in from the

couriers. He does a lot of work with the DEA from what I
understand,” Wes said.

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Tatum Throne

Eli frowned hard.
“What’s that look about?” Wes asked.
“I’m not so sure I like you working with someone so good


“Maybe a little bit.”
“You don’t need to be. I’m only yours.” Wesley backed Eli up

against the side porch where no one could see, giving him a
passionate kiss. “You don’t need to worry about Finn. I’m sure he’s
not going to be staying in Eagle Pass very long.”

“What makes you say that?”
“Finn doesn’t get along with Peters at all. They can’t be in the

same room without eventually coming to blows.”

“Wonder why that is?”
“No idea.”
Wes came back in for another kiss. Eli loved the way Wesley’s

hands moved down over his ass, giving his ass cheeks a firm, hard
squeeze. When their lips finally broke away their eyes met.

“I think we have to talk about some form of punishment for you

sucking me off the other day,” Wes said.

“Yes, we do.”
“What do you think that should be?”
“I have some ideas.”
“Do you now?”
“Yes, I do.”
Wesley came in close, giving him another rough, hard kiss that

stole his breath away. Eli sighed against his chest, loving the feel of
his Dom’s arms holding him close. He loved the fact that every day
was a new adventure with Wesley. When he finally broke his lips
away, their eyes met again. Eli was nervous about asking his Dom
about marriage, but it was something he had always wanted and
hoped for.

“How do you feel about marrying me?” Eli asked.

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Branding Eli


Wesley picked up his Stetson and readjusted it. “I never expected

to marry anybody, to be honest.”

“How do you feel about marrying me?”
“I think I like that idea. I really do. I also like kids, too.”
A big grin stole Eli’s breath away. Eli loved the way Wesley took

control of him and held him tight. They held each other closely in the
morning sunshine. Eli realized he had everything he always wanted
within his arms. He never imagined that the day he raced across the
border in a stolen car he would find his love and his home, all in the
same place. He knew that he could be the person he needed to be with
Wesley and Wesley would let go and let him be that person. He was
safe and happy. He was home.

“You’re thinking too much again, sub.”
“I know I am. I can’t stop thinking about how happy I am when

I’m around you.”

“It puts me on edge to be honest,” Wes said.
“Why is that?”
“It makes me think you’re planning something that you shouldn’t


Wesley pulled Eli in close, taking him toward the watering hole so

they could rinse off. “I’m always plotting when I’m with you.”

“What are you planning?”
“I’m planning our next sessions and everything I like to do with


Wesley groaned, pulling Eli in close. Eli slid against Wesley’s

chest, loving the feel and smell of his hot body against his. He had
everything he always needed right within his arms.

“I love you, Wesley.”
“I love you, too.”
Eli didn’t need to think about the future or be so afraid of it

anymore. He had everything. He was happy. That was all that
mattered to him now. Everything else didn’t matter. If nothing else
came of his life, he knew that he would cherish this moment in time

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forever. It was as though everything he ever worked for was finally
coming together.




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, and one rowdy hamster named CJ. She also
has a pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her office.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find me on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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