Training Hunter Tatum Throne

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Hard Hits 13

Training Hunter

When Officer Hunt er Wolfson is ordered by Chief Rask for SWAT
t raining, he balks at t he com m and. A geek at heart , he prefers t o
do his j ob in t ech support behind t he scenes.

Lt . Phoenix Drake has one j ob t o do—t o get Hunt er ready for t he
field. Aft er t he first session, he realizes t hat Hunt er w ill do
everyt hing in his pow er t o fail his SWAT t raining. Det erm ined t o
find out w hat ’s going on, he crosses t he line wit h Hunt er. Will
Hunt er becom e his subm issive or w ill he have t o use every t rick in
t he book t o seduce him ?

Hunt er know s t hat Phoenix w ill bolt once he finds out about his
past . He j ust can’t t ake t he pain of anot her broken heart . As he
pushes Phoenix aw ay, he quickly discovers t hat he’s m aking t he
biggest m ist ake of his life. Will his Dom forgive him and t ake him
back before it ’s t oo lat e?

Ge n r e : Alt ernat ive ( M/ M, Gay) , BDSM, Cont em porary

Le n gt h : 30,705 words

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Hard Hits 13

Tatum Throne



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2016 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-144-6

First E-book Publication: March 2016

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For the Throne boys. Always.

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Hard Hits 13


Copyright © 2016


Officer Hunter Wolfson wanted to die. He was sick but couldn’t

move from the couch. A loud pounding sound came from far away
but he couldn’t lift his body to give a fuck and find out what was

Something was very wrong.
There. Again. That loud pounding in his head as though someone

was trying to sledgehammer the way out of his temples or into his
apartment. But he wasn’t in his apartment. Was he?

“We’re losing him! Hit him again!”
Hunter stared at a spot on the ceiling, sick and tired of trying to

ignore the knocking. He tried to roll over but it felt as though a
million-pound weight was on his chest. Everything felt off all of a
sudden. If he just closed his eyes, he knew everything was going to be


. There it was again. The yank and pull on his chest as

though someone were trying to wake him up. Damn them. He was so
tried and just ready to be done.

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Training Hunter


“We’re losing him!”
“Oh, my God…do something! I can’t lose him. Not like this.

Bring him back to me.”

“Charge. Clear.” Thunk. “Get him out of here!”
Hunter was floating—softly higher and higher.

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Tatum Throne

Chapter One

Six Months Earlier

Hunter licked his lips and bit the lower one. He was a fucking

geek bitch in heat. Standing on the observation tower with Chief Rask
at his side, who was looking all sentinel, Hunter lifted his binoculars,
training them on the object of his obsession. For the last three years,
the gorgeous and beautiful Lt. Phoenix Drake was his obsession. He
had captured his heart in passing so many years ago when he had
needed an IT favor.

His heart raced when he saw him put his body to work. He

swallowed hard when his mouth began to water at the thought of
running his tongue up and down the long length of that man’s cock—
any part of that man would do. He would take whatever he could get.

Camp Tack was busy with their annual SWAT games. LEOs

came from all over the country to compete in rounds where only one
team would advance. So far, District Four was advancing. They had
one more heat this afternoon, and then the party would begin.

“They’re looking good out there,” Chief Rask said.
Hunter stifled a moan. “Yes, they are.”
“Are you coming out to the party tonight?” Rask asked.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided.”
“Just because you work in the background, doesn’t mean you’re

not one of us.”

Hunter lowered the binoculars. He hadn’t ever considered himself

a member of SWAT before. Not really. He was the guy in the
background who everyone forgot about. He was the geeky tech guy

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who no one noticed—the man who made all their high-tech gadgets
work. The guy who no one paid attention to—ever. “I don’t know.”

“You are. Never forget that.”
Chief Rask had an honest way about him that made everyone feel

like they belonged. There were too many times where Hunter didn’t
feel like he fitted anywhere. He really didn’t have any close friends.
Fear kept him from reaching out to anyone. He was tired of being hurt
when they found out he was gay. He didn’t need anyone. He had a
good life. He was just quiet and preferred to stay at home reading a
book rather than go out and party all night.

That thought had him remembering his eviction notice. Yeah, it

was an illegal eviction, but he didn’t want to fight it. The landlord
found out he was gay and didn’t want anything to do with him. All of
his shit was now packed in the back of his Range Rover while the few
bigger pieces were in storage. He’d managed to hide the fact he was
living out of his car and the police station for weeks now.

Rask patted his shoulder. “You should come out. The guys would

love it.”

“I’ll think on it.”
Rask pinned him with a hard stare. “Don’t think too long. You’ll

miss out on everything.”

His life felt as though it was on the cusp of something big, just

then. He couldn’t explain the feeling. It was as though his fate was
finally going to change for the better for him.

The chief’s words felt more profound than they should have been.

Lately, Hunter felt as though he was missing out on life, on love, and
on everything that mattered. Distracted by the offer to go out with
them, Hunter set down the binoculars and moved his hand over his
laptop to wake it up. Rask leaned his palms onto the top of the rail,
making his forearms bunch.

Rask glanced over his shoulder. “We could use you.”
“Excuse me, sir?”

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“We could use you in the field for coordinating communications

on SWAT.”

He was serious. “I’m better suited for desk duty.”
Rask looked him up and down. “You’re still a police officer. You

just haven’t had the right field opportunity. I’ll put the order in when
we return to the district.”

“I’m not anything like these guys.”
“No, you’re right. You’re something that these men will never


Hunter laughed. “What’s that?”
“You’ve got mad computer skills and you’re excellent at

connecting the dots. I know you’ve been working cold cases for a

He’d been caught. “They needed the help.”
“Yes, they did, and because of that you solved two cases. That’s


If Rask read his file, he’d know why he preferred to stay out of the

field. “I don’t know.”

“I know you’re capable. We’ll have you do the three months of

shadowing if it will make you feel more comfortable, but we both
know you’re current on all your weapons and tactical training.”

His chief’s confidence in him made him nervous. That had him

moving away and looking out at the field. The problem was, he had a
secret crush on one of the hottest men in SWAT. Not that the guy
noticed him, ever. Hunter was only on scene for tech support for the
games. Normally, he sat in his office and waited for shit to fail before
anyone paid him any attention.

“If you read my file, you know why I prefer to stay out of the

field,” Hunter said.

“I have. Your past doesn’t define you.”
A gut-wrenching pain made him suddenly breathless. Panic

welled up inside of him before he could stop it from happening. He
closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He was safe. He was

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Training Hunter


safe. He didn’t like to think about the day he lost everything he ever
loved. He’d almost died trying to save his brother from drowning, too,
and thought about dying many times over after that day from his
abusive father. He was fucking afraid of dying. Who lived like that?
Tears misted his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away.

“I can’t get past it.”
“Perhaps, one day, you will.”
Still reeling from his past taking hold, Hunter pulled his gaze

away from Rask and focused on Lt. Phoenix Drake. Unknowingly,
this man was now his lighthouse in the storm he was standing amidst.
Ever so slowly, the past melted away as Hunter grounded himself
came back to the present.

The man was all alpha with thick, muscled thighs that put a hurt

on the fabric of his tactical pants. The fact that those thighs rolled into
an even better, athletic ass made him perfect in his mind. He went by
Phoenix to all his close friends. Hunter wasn’t close to Phoenix. He
only called him Lt. Drake when they had the chance to speak, which
was only when his equipment was fucking up.

Phoenix’s jet black hair caught wind, blowing over his forehead.

Dark facial hair covered his jaw, just enough to give him a defined,
masculine edge. He looked like a goddamn fashion model, and Hunter
wanted to curl his body around his and tell him all his fantasies. That
thought had his prick flooding with heat.

The man was a modern day warrior who could have anyone he

ever wanted. Hunter didn’t stand a chance. The dude probably wasn’t
even gay. Sadness filled Hunter’s heart when he realized that nothing
would ever happen between them. It wasn’t easy being gay in
Cincinnati. He wasn’t out and didn’t plan on coming out anytime

“Have you ever told anyone about what happened?” Rask asked.
“It’s not a really good conversation starter.”
“No, but you’re eventually going to need to trust someone with

what happened.”

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Tatum Throne

Not many wanted to know the truth of how he’d almost died at the

hands of his father’s abuse—all his boyfriends bolted when they
found out. His mother hadn’t been so lucky. His father was rotting in
a jail cell. Next chance at parole was set for six months from now.

“It’ll be okay. I didn’t mean to push.”
“I’m solid. Really.”
“I know you are. You’re staying overnight for the night OP,


Hunter started to inwardly panic when he thought about staying

overnight with his crush for the first time ever. His dick wasn’t safe to
be around right now. It could not be trusted. “I’m planning on it.”

Rask went to the edge of the tower again. He stared down at his

men like a general preparing to go into battle. He had complete
control. The moves he made with his officers were always right. As
Hunter turned his gaze to Phoenix, he suddenly felt as though his
entire life was about to change and there was nothing he could do to
stop it from happening. The urge to run took hold of him, making his
heart pound wildly. He was fucked—so utterly fucked that he wanted
to hide forever.

* * * *

Lt. Phoenix Drake was a hot, sweaty mess and needed a shower.

He lifted his water bottle, squirting water over his face. The cool
reprieve was not enough. The scorching summer training days were
brutal. He wanted that shower, but it wasn’t going to happen anytime

Warmth from the sunshine rained down upon his face. He put

everything into training for game day. Lives would be on the line.
Phoenix downed his water and popped the lid back on tight. He
looked out over the courtyard at Camp Tack. The games were finally
over. They would have one more night operation tomorrow, but that

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Training Hunter


was it. As he looked around, he caught sight of Hunter packing up his
equipment for the day. Hunter made sure every training ran smoothly.
At his side was Chief Rask, who whistled him over with two fingers
and the universal sign for get your ass over here.

Phoenix dropped his water bottle to the ground where his bag was

and jogged over to the tower. Instead of going up the stairs in the
middle, he climbed the outside toward the top. It was a good fifty feet.
The free climb felt good on his tired muscles. The wood was hot and
smooth beneath his palms. It’d been awhile since he had a good,
challenging climb that made his muscles go to work.

Rask leaned over the side. “You know we have stairs.”
“Stairs are for the lazy.”
Phoenix leaned back on his arms, resting and taking the

opportunity to look up at his destination. His eyes locked with
Hunter’s, which were suddenly were filled with something dark and
dangerous Phoenix hadn’t seen in a man’s eyes in a really long time.
Want. Caught momentarily off guard by the intrigue in his eyes,
Phoenix was glad his eyes were shaded by his ball cap. He did not
want Hunter to see the mixture of surprise and desire within his own

Rask glowered. “You falling is a workmen’s comp claim and time

off work that I don’t want to have to pay your stupid ass for.”

“I won’t fall,” Phoenix said.
“Famous last words,” Rask said.
“Would you prefer if I climbed down and took the stairs?”
“Get your sarcastic ass up here.”
No choice but to go up, Phoenix continued his free climb toward

Hunter, who had to move backward when he got to the top. Their eyes
locked. The vein in Hunter’s neck was thrumming. For the first time
in his life, regret wormed its way into his heart. He did not get
involved with any men he worked with—ever. They wouldn’t be
fucking anytime soon.

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Tatum Throne

Phoenix wasn’t even breathing hard when he swung his leg over

the rail when he got to the top. He dropped down to his feet with an
impressive jumping move that made Hunter’s eyes widen. Phoenix
winked at the guy as he settled in against the rail. He couldn’t resist
the urge to flirt with the man, even if they weren’t going to be having
sex anytime soon.

“You should be careful,” Rask said.
“I always am.”
As a Dom, he didn’t act recklessly, but in his professional life he

loved to take risks. Taking a risk with a potential lover wasn’t his
MO, but there was something seductive about the way Hunter was
looking at him that he couldn’t deny. There was so much sexual
energy vibrating just beneath the surface of Hunter’s muscular frame
that he knew he needed to break the tension before it broke the man.

“You beckoned, sir,” Phoenix said.
Rask shook his head at his sarcastic tone. “I need a favor.”
“I’m listening.”
“Wolfson is going to join us in the field. I want you to get him up

to speed with tactical training, special operations, and protocol,” Rask

“Well, nothing’s decided yet,” Hunter said.
Across the tower, Hunter looked like he was trying to backpedal

out of a situation he wasn’t so sure he wanted to be involved with.
Phoenix looked him up and down, loving the way that Hunter seemed
to squirm beneath his firm stare. The fact that he broke away first told
Phoenix that he was definitely a submissive one. Phoenix kept his
gaze locked firmly on Hunter as he asked Rask, “Do I have final say
on if he’s fit for duty?”

“Absolutely. I want him prepared to run tactical communications

in the field,” Rask said.

There was a nervous shake to Hunter’s head that Phoenix picked

up on. He loved projects. In fact, he was an excellent training
instructor. The guys on SWAT and undercover often came to him for

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Training Hunter


private training sessions when they were going for their yearly fitness
evaluations. “Okay, then. I’ll make it happen.”

“Whoa, wait a minute. Don’t I have a say in this?” Hunter asked.
There was cold panic in Hunter’s eyes. What had caused it? There

was something more than just the physical attraction they were
feeling. Before Phoenix had a chance to figure it out, Rask took back
control of the conversation.

“You have. Now, I’m having mine. You’ll report to Lt. Drake

tomorrow morning,” Rask said.

Rask whirled around. “And you, make sure you use the stairs next


“Sure thing, Chief.”
With that, Rask headed down the steps, muttering to himself about

cocky, arrogant officers. Phoenix watched until Rask was out of
earshot. He did not want his chief to hear what he was about to say to

Ignoring him, Hunter went back to packing up his equipment with

a nervous edge that made Phoenix wonder what was going on with
the guy. He didn’t know the man to ever be so nervous around him, or
anyone, for that matter. The man was suddenly shy and wouldn’t meet
his gaze. That had Phoenix wondering what the heck was going on.
Was he pissed off?

Trying a different approach, Phoenix said, “There’s really nothing

to be afraid of. We’ll protect you in the field.”

Hunter chuckled but he still wouldn’t meet Phoenix’s hard stare

that would put most men on notice. That had Phoenix moving closer,
purposely putting himself in Hunter’s field of vision as he packed his
gear up off the table with a little more interest than he’d seen in the
past. Most men, or women for that matter, didn’t dismiss him so

Usually, everyone gave Phoenix a second, third, or even fourth

look as they got closer to him. Hunter was another story. And right

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then, Phoenix wanted to know what his story was. What made him so
guarded that he ignored everyone around him?

“Are you going to the party tonight?” Phoenix asked.
“Probably not.”
“You should.”
Hunter lifted the corner of his lip in a cynical smile as he looked

up at Phoenix for an honest answer. If an honest answer was what he
wanted, then Phoenix was going to give him one. “I want you to be

A blush started at the base of Hunter’s neck and rocketed skyward

so fast that it left Phoenix completely stunned. Their eyes locked and
something passed deep within Hunter’s that left Phoenix feeling
momentarily stunned and shocked at how quickly the moment had
turned into something so sexual. He wanted to pin Hunter to the top
of this tower and rip his clothes off, then fuck him until neither one
could remember their names nor why they were there.

“Sorry, but I can’t. Thanks anyway.”
He stammered when he was embarrassed and frazzled. It was cute

and unnerving. It was as though Hunter couldn’t speak to him while
their eyes held. Phoenix used his body to block his way down the
stairs and reached out, taking one of the cases in his hand.

“Please, I insist.”
Their eyes brushed again, but didn’t hold. For the first time,

Phoenix noticed that Hunter’s eyes were a steel gray. His blond hair
was a bit wild with curly tendrils that fell at the nape of his neck.
Dark freckles skimmed across Hunter’s face, adding to his intrigue.

Maybe it was the excitement of the day, or perhaps it had

everything to do with the fact that he hadn’t been laid in a really long
time, but Phoenix decided then that he wanted Hunter. He was going
to break every rule in his book and go after the man. It was so wrong.
They could either be fired, or investigated by Internal Affairs. And he

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Training Hunter


was going to do everything in his power to have the man, if he would
have him.

“I don’t need the help, or you, for that matter.”
His words were sharp and would have put a normal man off, but

they didn’t deter Phoenix at all. In fact, Phoenix liked the chase of
someone who was playing hard to get. “I wasn’t offering myself.”

There, again. He blushed as though there was something more

going on than a simple conversation between two coworkers.

“I didn’t mean it that way. God, is your ego so big that you think

every man and woman wants you?”

Oh, it was on. Phoenix set the case he’d taken down onto the

ground, blocking the staircase. He came in close, forcing Hunter to
take a step back. Phoenix was taller by a few inches, but not by much.
Where he was broad and muscular, Hunter was lean with tight
muscles—like a runner. Hunter’s eyes went wide as Phoenix
purposely used his size to keep him in place.

“You interested in my ego?”
Phoenix smiled, knowing before he did the effect it would have on

Hunter. A blush moved over his cheeks again, but there was
something more this time. There was fear. Hunter was obviously gay,
and he wasn’t out. It was time to put the man he wanted at ease.
Phoenix reached up, brushing his hand over his jaw gently and
moving it toward his hair.

“Hold still.”
“What? Why?” Hunter asked.
“You have a tick on you.”
The breath Hunter had been holding was let out in a quiet whoosh

of need and desperation. When he laughed, it lit up those gray eyes.

Hunter licked his lips and his eyes grew heavy as he regarded

Phoenix as though he were his everything. No sub had ever looked at

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him that way. They needed to be careful. It was too easy to get caught
by someone looking. Phoenix pulled abruptly away.

“I want you to come out with the team tonight.”
Hunter shook his head. “I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
Phoenix smiled easily. “Because I want you to. Technically, Chief

Rask has put me in charge of your wellbeing. That includes your
mental health. I need you to come out with us tonight.”

With that, Phoenix backed away, picking up the case. It was time

to step away and give Hunter some breathing room. If he were being
honest within himself, he would admit that he needed some air and
some distance, too.

As a Dom, he always had control over every situation, but when

he looked at Hunter, he forgot all about the rules—guidelines he
trusted not to break in the heat of the moment. Things were heating up
way too fast between them when they should have been slowing
down. When they were at the bottom of the tower, Hunter touched his
arm. Phoenix wasn’t prepared for the physical reaction his body had
at his warm touch. His arm muscles immediately tensed and his cock
flooded with heat.

“I can take the case,” Hunter said.
He didn’t give it to him. “Where’s your car?”
“This way.”
They headed over the walkway to the gravel covered parking lot.

Hunter drove an expensive midnight black Range Rover. Those
vehicles were a cool ninety grand on a good day. They were one of
his dream vehicles. How could he afford a car like that on a cop’s

“Nice car.”
Hunter’s shoulders stiffened. “Thanks.”

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He popped the back and they put all of the equipment into the

trunk. Hunter moved around the side, opening the passenger side
door. “I need to take off here. Where are you guys meeting?”

It became very clear to Phoenix that Hunter was not staying at

Camp Tack for the weekend. Disappointment spiraled through his
mind before he could stop it. “About seven at the Old Time Bar and

“Okay, I’ll try to be there.”
“You’re here tomorrow, too, right?”
“Just in the afternoon.”
“Hm. Okay. See you tonight.”
Phoenix turned away from Hunter, all the while resisting the urge

to turn around and watch the man go. Instead, he listened as the
Range Rover fired up, and the sound of the gravel crunch as he drove

God, he really needed that shower. A hot one with another man

sucking his cock off while he pounded his dick deep into that sub’s
mouth. That wouldn’t be happening anytime soon—at least not while
he was at work. Man, it’d been way too long for him since he’d had
sex. He normally didn’t go so long between submissives, but
something in him had changed. He just wanted something more.

That had him thinking of Hunter as he crossed the courtyard to the

cabins. He wanted to get laid tonight.

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Tatum Throne

Chapter Two

Nervous energy pumped through Hunter’s blood as he stepped

into the packed bar. He spotted Phoenix right away. It was hard to
miss the guy. He was fucking beautiful. The kind of man who could
have easily been a cover model. He was perfection in every way

As though he sensed someone watching, he suddenly turned and

looked toward the doorway that Hunter was occupying like a possum
caught in a trap. His heart started to pound wildly as Phoenix moved
away from the game of darts he was playing with some of the other
guys on SWAT and headed his way. Determined to play it cool, he
headed for the bar, Phoenix meeting him there. He ordered a beer.

“So, you made it.”
“I did.”
“One more day of tactical training. Should be a good one,”

Phoenix said.

Unable to meet his gaze, Hunter took the beer and they headed

toward the game of darts where Phoenix took up his game. As he
watched, TJ came in close to chat. “I heard you’re joining us in the

“Word travels fast.”
“It does when you’re one of the best. Chief Rask is making the

right call here.”

Laughter spilled from Hunter’s nervous lips. “How can you be so

sure I’m not going to fuck up your perfect situation?”

He couldn’t help but study Phoenix as he said those words. TJ was

watching him closely as he looked over at him.

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Training Hunter


“You got the skills. We just need you to work your magic in the


An easy smile parted Hunter’s geeky lips as he looked at TJ.

“Well, Phoenix has the final say in what happens. I just might not
pass his training.”

“He does, but I know you’ll make the cut.”
TJ’s words rattled him to the core. He felt as though everything in

his life was changing so fast that there was no way he could stop it
from happening—that scared the hell out of him. Right now, Hunter
wasn’t so sure he wanted to pass Phoenix’s training to make the cut.
In fact, he was going to do his best to fail every one of his tests. It just
might work to keep him at his desk job where he ultimately wanted to
be. He did not want to have a panic attack in the field. He did not
want the guys at work to know that he was damaged goods.

What would Phoenix say when he found out how broken he was

inside? He would run. Just like all the men in his life did. Once they
discovered he was so damaged, they all ran. Always.

From the corner of his eyes, Phoenix slid his gaze sideways,

giving Hunter a long look that terrified him. Unnerved, Hunter
downed his beer and headed for the restroom. He needed to get away
from Phoenix and that intense stare that made him want to drop to his
knees and wrap his mouth around his cock. The hallway was dimly
lit. Hunter pushed open the bathroom door to find two stalls and a row
of urinals. He headed for the urinal. Just as he zipped back up his fly,
he caught sight of Phoenix heading toward him. His hungry stare
caught him off guard and nearly floored him.

“Hey,” Hunter said.
“I hope you’re not thinking about leaving.”
Uncomfortable with the close quarters, Hunter went for the sink,

catching sight of Phoenix in the corroded mirror. He took a wide
stance at the urinal, causing Hunter to bite his lip and wish he’d taken
a little bit longer to piss. The sound of the urinal flushing snapped
Hunter out of his lingering thoughts, but he wasn’t fast enough to pull

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his gaze away from Phoenix’s firm, tight, athletic ass. Phoenix had
officially caught him staring. He focused on shutting off the water and
grabbing a paper towel.

“No, I was planning on sticking around for a while.”
“Good. We were going to go over our night operation for

tomorrow. I want you to sit in on the meeting.”

He was serious. Hunter already had tactical plans laid out for

tomorrow. Now, it sounded like Phoenix wanted him hands-on and in
the field. “Sure.”

Pain ricocheted inside of Hunter, welling up from deep inside. He

took a steadying breath but it was too much to bear. It was always like
that when the past slammed into the present with enough force to
leave him breathless. He closed his eyes and took a breath before he
opened them again. When he did, Phoenix was looking at him closely.

“You okay?”
“Yeah. Just tired.”
When he opened his eyes, Hunter realized that Phoenix had come

in close. The door opened with a bang, hitting the wall with enough
force to have Phoenix backing away. The moment was over before it
even began. Relief moved through Hunter’s shoulders, causing him to
slump against the sinks. As Phoenix headed toward the door, he
glanced over his broad shoulder, giving him a long, possessive look
that would have had his knees knocking together had he not been
gripping the sink to keep his ass from hitting the floor.

Phoenix held open the door. “Coming?”
He swallowed hard. “Yeah.”
Phoenix cut a pathway through the crowd back to their tables. A

few of the guys were getting ready to head back to Camp Tack.

“I’ve set you up in one of the cabins,” TJ said.
“I wasn’t planning on staying the night.”
“You are now. We need you ready for the night tactical operation

tomorrow,” TJ said.

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It was settled in Phoenix and TJ’s minds. He was not getting out

of staying at Camp Tack. He should have been relieved that he didn’t
need to sleep in his car, but he wasn’t. When they cleared out of the
bar, Hunter headed for his car. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw
Phoenix heading his way.

“I rode over with TJ. Can I catch a ride back with you?” Phoenix


Phoenix slid into the passenger seat as he started up his car. “Nice


The hard, corded muscle beneath Phoenix’s tactical pants was a

huge distraction as Hunter headed down the darkened, narrowed road.
He had a way of distracting Hunter like no man had ever before. He
could feel Phoenix’s beautiful blue piercing eyes studying him within
the shadows of the car. That had Hunter tightening his hold on the
steering wheel.

Sexual tension vibrated just beneath the surface of Phoenix’s

chiseled profile. The man’s heavy-lidded gaze was too much for
Hunter to deal with. His cock flooded with heat when he thought
about Phoenix pounding his dick into his ass. When he pulled into the
parking lot at Camp Tack, Hunter didn’t need to glace over at Phoenix
to know that he was watching him closely.

All he could think about was Phoenix pulling him in close and

kissing him until he forgot about everything bad that had happened in
his life. When he met Phoenix’s intense gaze, he knew that all that
waited for him was a broken heart. They wouldn’t be breaking any
beds together anytime soon.

* * * *

“It’s late. I should show you to your cabin,” Phoenix said.

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Hunter got out of his car and grabbed his duffle from the backseat,

but not before Phoenix noticed all the other stuff in his trunk that
wasn’t work related. He was on the path heading toward the cabins
before Phoenix could fall into step beside him. Phoenix could tell that
he was running from him.

“Looks like you know the way.”
“I do.”
There was a hard edge to Hunter’s voice that set off alarm bells

within Phoenix’s head. “Seeing anyone?” Phoenix asked.

The question seemed to catch Hunter off guard. “Not right now.


Hunter stopped by the edge of the cabins. “Why not?”
“Just haven’t been interested in anyone. I don’t like messy

affairs.” There was a long pause that Phoenix hung on to as he
thought about what he was going to say. “You should know that I’m

Hunter’s mouth fell open. “You’re gay?”
“You don’t need to be afraid of me. I won’t take advantage of


His eyes widened as though he didn’t believe him. Hunter looked

visibly shocked at how open Phoenix was being with him. “I’m not
afraid of you taking advantage of me. Are you out?” Hunter asked.

Phoenix shrugged. “Not with everyone. Just some I can trust.”
“How do you know you can trust me?” Hunter asked.
“Because…you’re gay, too.”
Hunter shook his head back and forth. “I don’t usually tell people.

How can you tell that I’m gay?”

Phoenix’s gaze became serious. “You look at me like you want


“You’re wrong.”
“Am I?”
“Yes. You are.”

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Phoenix grabbed him by the arm and muscled him into the

shadows by the lamppost. He loved having complete control over
Hunter. It felt so good to have control over a potential lover again.
When they were in the darkened shadows, he came in close, closing
his mouth over his and kissing him passionately.

The impact of his mouth against Hunter’s took him off balance.

Phoenix wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him in close
before the impact of the kiss could send Hunter falling backward onto
his ass. As Phoenix deepened the kiss, a sweet moan of pleasure
vibrated from Hunter’s mouth. He swept his tongue deeper into his
mouth. The hit of their tongues flexing together was too much for
Phoenix to handle. Without warning, Hunter started to whimper and
struggle out of Phoenix’s arms. He shoved Phoenix away.

Phoenix came in close. “Tell me who hurt you.”
Pain ricochet through his eyes. “Don’t do that again.”
Off in the distance, a train horn blew. Wind whipped Hunter’s hair

over his forehead. He was gorgeous in a sweet and innocent way.
Phoenix’s cock was thrumming. Someone had done a number on
Hunter’s head and heart, and now Phoenix was paying the price for it.

“I’m sorry. I won’t kiss you again.”
Tears started to mist through Hunter’s eyes before he turned away.

As he headed alone toward the cabin, Phoenix knew he had royally
fucked up. When he saw Hunter disappear into his cabin, Phoenix
headed for the shower of his own. He needed to deal with the raw,
thrumming need racing through his veins. Hunter had awakened him
and the fire burning deep within him wouldn’t extinguish anytime
soon. He slammed open the door to his private cabin and headed for
the shower. He wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.

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Chapter Three

The next morning Camp Tack was buzzing with activity. After a

rough night, Phoenix got going early, avoiding Hunter as much as
possible as he and TJ set up the night OP. That didn’t stop him from
watching Hunter from a distance as he set up communications in the
tower with Chief Rask at his side. Over the last few hours, he
replayed their first kiss over and over.

“Did you hear what I said?” TJ asked.
“I’m moving some bunk assignments around due to Cleveland’s

SWAT showing up late.”

“Dude what is wrong with you?” TJ asked.
“You’re off this morning.”
“I’m solid.”
He wasn’t. He was distracted with Hunter. That thought had him

training his binoculars on Hunter. He licked his lips as mind humped
the idea of kissing Hunter again. He wondered if Hunter was as
twisted up as he was. There were dark shadows under his eyes. He
had obviously slept poorly the night before, too. Phoenix reluctantly
lowered the binoculars. He should have been forgetting about Hunter
and concentrating on work but he couldn’t.

At dusk, their coordinated night OP began.
Night operations were going well. Phoenix looked through his

night vision goggles as SWAT worked magic and circles around their

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competition. Hunter was coordinating dispatch for the training

Phoenix pressed his radio. “Switch to channel three, TJ.”
“Copy, switching to channel three.”
Phoenix wanted to talk to TJ privately about the fact that Hunter

wasn’t taking a hands-on role in the training. “I want Hunter in the

“Copy that. Get his ass out here and start his training. Marco is up

in the communications tower.”

Phoenix switched off of channel three and headed toward the

communications tower. With fifty pounds of gear on, Phoenix started
his free climb up the side, loving the way that he used the darkness of
night to cover his climb up the side. They didn’t notice his presence
until he was up and over the side.

Marco fell backward off his chair when he took him by surprise.

Disbelief moved through Hunter’s eyes.

“I see you still don’t like to take the stairs,” Hunter said.
Instead of answering Hunter’s accusatory tone, he looked at

Marco. “I need you to handle communications for the rest of the

“Sure. What’s going on?”
“I need Hunter to start his field training tonight.” There was

something within Hunter’s eyes that put Phoenix on guard. “You

“You got this up here, Marco?” Hunter asked.
There was a slow pause. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Phoenix stepped back. “Good, let’s go.”
Relief moved through Phoenix as he headed down the stairway,

listening to the sound of Hunter’s footsteps following behind. He
wanted this man in the field and taking his orders tonight. They
headed toward the locker room deep within the gym where they

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conducted indoor training sessions. He led the way into the locker
room, finding a pair of black tactical pants and a SWAT shirt.

He looked Hunter up and down. “Undress and put these on.”
“Right here?”
They were in the open common area of the locker room. There

were dressing rooms in the back, but Phoenix didn’t want to deal with
showing Hunter where they were. “Here is fine with me.”

As Hunter undressed, Phoenix went to his private locker and

shucked off some of the gear he wouldn’t need to train him. When he
shut his locker door, he turned around in time to see Hunter pulling up
his tactical pants. All of his breath left him when he saw that Hunter
wasn’t wearing a shirt. His chest was chiseled and completely smooth
and free of chest hair.

Phoenix thought about the dark hair that he had to keep trimmed

short on his chest—just short enough to cover some of the scars from
three childhood surgeries on his trachea and esophagus. He loved it
when his submissives were smooth and perfect in a way he was not.

It wasn’t just the fact that he was smooth that caught his attention.

Hunter had tribal tattoos that twisted around his chest and seemed to
lick at the six pack he had. Not to mention the biohazard symbol on
his chest was fucking hot. Who knew he was hiding that much under
those clothes? Phoenix vowed to never judge any man he was
interested in again.

Their eyes locked and for the first time since their lives had been

thrown together, there was sexual confidence in those eyes. Hunter
hooked his thumbs into the front of his tactical pants as though he
were waiting for something. Before Phoenix could stop himself, he
was across the cool tile and muscling him up against the lockers by
pressing his legs and chest against his. They were inches apart.

“Don’t fucking look at me like that unless you have permission

to.” A gasp sounded from the back of Hunter’s throat. “If you don’t
want me kissing you again, you don’t ever get to look at me that

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Hunter licked his lips nervously. “Sorry.”
“No, you’re not fucking sorry. This is how tonight is going to go.

You’re going to do my training and do it well. Clear?”

“We’re clear.”
Phoenix’s radio spun to life, breaking the moment. He pulled

away abruptly. “Get dressed.”

He took a deep breath as he headed out of the locker room. His

cock was pulsating within his tactical pants. Phoenix firmly adjusted
it as he waited for Hunter to come out. When the door opened,
Phoenix headed for the training session outside.

Special operations were running a mass casualty field operation.

There were actors playing victims within the urban setting. Usually,
Hunter was out of the way as he ran communications. Hunter looked
like a dear frozen in the headlights.

“Snap out of it.”
Hunter blinked as though he were waking up. “I’m not made for


“Yes, you are.”
They headed toward the action where TJ was setting the stage.

Hunter was immediately pulled into the mix. Phoenix fitted him with
a shoulder radio, clipping it to his shirt. Phoenix was going to do
everything in his power to test Hunter and to find and take him to his
hard limit. He wanted to prove to Hunter that he could do it. He knew
that as long as Hunter trusted his instinct in the field, everything
would be okay for him. He did not understand Hunter’s lack of
confidence, and he wanted to shake him to the core.

Tonight was all about proving to Hunter that he had what it took

to become a member of SWAT, and to run communications for them
in the field. If the man didn’t trust his instinct, he didn’t know what he
was going to do to prove to the man that he could do it. They had
already crossed the line once. Phoenix had no intention of crossing
that line again—if he could help it.

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As tactical got underway, Hunter fell right in line behind him.

Taking up communications where he knew he should. It impressed
Phoenix. He knew Hunter had what it took to be in the field. Now, if
he could only prove to Hunter that he was meant to be at his side.

As the training exercise became more intense, sweat broke out on

his temple. He seemed more unsure and unsteady as he thought
through what he needed to do. Phoenix crossed his arms as he stood
back and watched him work. He was clean and concise as he worked
with dispatch and communication, listening as TJ repeated orders.

It should have all been going well, but there was a crack within

Hunter’s composure. Phoenix had pushed him too hard, and he was
sorry for that. He didn’t want the man to break before he had a chance
to mold him into the SWAT communications expert he could be.
Hunter started to pull away emotionally and physically from the field
training exercise. Phoenix knew he had to intervene before he cracked
completely. And that’s exactly what he was going to do.

“Come with me.” Phoenix took him away from the night

operation and headed for the main building. He found a private
conference room and shut the door behind them. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not cut out for this. I can’t work in the field.”
Shock vibrated through Phoenix as Hunter turned away from him

and headed toward the door. Phoenix grabbed hold of his arm and
stopped him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Just stop.”
There was pain and hurt within Hunter’s gaze. “Tell me what’s

going on.”

There was uncertainty within his eyes. “I can’t handle it.”
“Yes, you can. You just need to trust your instinct.”
Ignoring Hunter’s plea to stay away, Phoenix stepped in close,

knowing he had to tread carefully so he didn’t scare him away. “The
first step taken in any new adventure is always the most difficult.”

Hunter blinked several times. “Sexy and smart. You’re killing me


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A grin lifted the corners of Phoenix’s lips. The urge to kiss Hunter

was an overwhelming one he couldn’t resist. He knew he needed
Hunter’s consent before he stepped in and took what he wanted
though. Phoenix licked his lips purposely, hoping that Hunter would
notice the move.

When his eyes lowered to his lips, Phoenix bit the corner of his

lower lip before releasing it on a sigh. Lust spiraled through Hunter’s
eyes before he shut it off. Outside, operations were wrapping up. It
wouldn’t be long before everyone would be heading to bed. Time was
slipping away. He didn’t have long before Hunter would find an
excuse to run from him again.

“Operations have finished for the night.”
Hunter nervously crossed his arms. “I guess I haven’t passed your


“Not yet, but I have confidence that you will.”
“I’m not so sure.”
“Trust me.” Not wanting to scare him away, Phoenix headed

toward the door, opening it. “We should get back.”

As Hunter passed by, his arm brushed against his. Phoenix was

not prepared for the complete physical reaction his body had. His
cock flooded with heat and his mouth watered to suck his sub’s cock.
The fact that he wasn’t yet his sub put him on notice. He wouldn’t
take anything from Hunter until he was completely ready, but he
wouldn’t be waiting long. He only had so much patience.

He followed Hunter back toward the cabins. Shock ran through

him when he realized that they were sharing the same cabin tonight.
That meant they would also be sharing the shower. TJ had mentioned
in passing this morning that they would need to move some bunk
assignments due to more attending the night operation this year. He
didn’t think this would happen.

Unable to follow him inside, Phoenix headed toward the woods to

take a much needed deep breath. He ran his hand through his hair,
trying to forget all about the way Hunter would be changing and

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having a shower. As the light clicked on within the shower, Phoenix
headed back toward the cabin. He was going to change and go straight
to bed.

At least, that was what he was telling himself he was going to do.

He undressed and looked down at his throbbing cock. Instead, he
grabbed his towel and shower kit and headed toward the shower.
Armed with a six pack and cold, hard determination to knock
Hunter’s guard down, Phoenix made sure that Hunter saw him as he
walked completely naked into the shower room. There were six stalls
with tile dividers and no curtains.

Hot water rained down upon Hunter as he stood within the open

shower stall. His mouth hung open in shocked surprise as his gaze
landed on his prick. Phoenix gave him a hard stare as he crossed the
room and purposely took a shower stall where Hunter would have a
full view of everything. From the corner of his eye, Phoenix saw as
Hunter whipped around, trying not to take advantage of what he had a
chance to see.

Hunter shut off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist.

He took two steps toward the door before he stopped abruptly.
Phoenix could see another crack in his composure. They were both
lucky that everyone would be leaving early tomorrow morning to go
back to the real world.

Hunter turned and took several steps forward before he stopped.

“You’re a fucking bastard.”

Naked and feeling a little too confident, Phoenix left his shower

stall and crossed the tile to stand in front of the man who so
thoroughly caught his attention. He could see the sharp intake of his
breath as he was cornered next to the bench in the middle of the room.
He let his gaze fall on his neck where he saw his vein thrumming

“I can be exactly what you need me to be if you give me the

chance,” Phoenix said.

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Hunter moved around the bench backing away toward the door.

Determined to make a move, he hunted him down, pinning his back to
the door. When he was trapped, Phoenix took advantage of the
moment to prove a point. He could see the outline of Hunter’s thick
shaft beneath the towel with the tip of his cockhead starting to peek
out. That simple edge made Phoenix’s mouth water with a hunger he
hadn’t felt in a really long time.

“Leave me alone.”
“I know you want me. You’re hard for me.”
Hunter swallowed roughly as he tried to regain his composure. A

moan of pent up frustration escaped his wet parted lips. With his
target in sight, Phoenix hooked his finger into the towel and gave it a
seductive tug. The terrycloth towel slipped off his narrow hips and
fell to the floor at their feet. His cock slapped out, hitting against

Shock and confusion moved through Hunter’s eyes as he

struggled to fight back what he was feeling. Their dicks bump
together. Pre-cum leaked from Hunter’s tip, dripping seductively
down his ridge, reminding him of the way an ice cream cone melted
in the summer. Stunned by his thick, long size, Phoenix used his
cockhead to rub up and down his shaft. As he flexed his hips, he
skimmed his lips up over the curve of Hunter’s ear.

“I know you need me.”
A sigh escaped Hunter’s mouth as he slumped against the door.

With his palms on either side of him and against the cool wooden
door, Phoenix used his hips to thrust and stroke his cock along
Hunter’s. Frustration burned brightly within Hunter’s eyes as he
skimmed his lips over his cheek to see how thoroughly he was
effecting him.

“I want you as my bottom.”
Another groan whispered from Hunter. “We need to stop before

we do something we’re both going to regret.”

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Tilting up his chin with his thumb while smoothing his palm over

his throat, Phoenix leaned in close as their cocks tangled together. “Is
that what you really want?”

With his palm gripping his neck, Phoenix felt their dicks thrusting

back and forth. He squeezed his neck just enough to let him know he
was the one in control. As he thrust his cock, Phoenix moved his free
hand down over Hunter’s balls, giving them a possessive squeeze and
to feel how big they were. Excitement pumped through his veins
when he realized how large they were.

“Too bad. I wouldn’t mind having you getting a taste of my load.”
A violent shudder went through Hunter’s body, causing the balls

in his fist to pull up and his shaft to tighten down. A milky white shot
of cum burst from his tip, landing on Phoenix’s chest. Hungry for a
taste of him, he reluctantly let go of his balls and slid his fingers
through that jizz. He lifted his fingers to his tongue, tasting Hunter’s
spunk as his eyes stayed locked on his target.

“I did not give you permission to come.”
Something snapped within Hunter’s eyes. “And I didn’t give you

the right to fuck with me.”

Ducking out of his hold, Phoenix stepped back, letting him go. He

left the shower room, slamming the door. Regret moved through
Phoenix’s mind. He hated shattering Hunter’s resolve, but he needed
to do something to rattle his cage. He went back and shut off the
shower, wrapping the towel around his waist. The line of jizz still
dripped down his chest. Again he touched that spunk, bringing his
finger to his lips. He closed his eyes and moaned as the salty sweet
taste of his load fluttered over his tongue. It’d been way too long
since he had gotten a good taste of anyone.

He went to find Hunter to apologize, but it was too late. Hunter

was gone. His bunk was empty and his duffel wasn’t there.


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Phoenix dressed and took off outside toward the parking lot.

Hunter’s car wasn’t there. Frustrated, he ran both hands through his
wet hair. He had just royally fucked up. He’d be lucky if Hunter
didn’t report him to H.R.

* * * *

A whimper of desperation escaped Hunter’s parted lips as he felt

Phoenix’s hands caress his ass cheeks. He arched his hips out,
exposing his hot rim to his lover. He moaned as Phoenix tipped his
cockhead up against his rim, pushing inside. He was so fucking close.
He was ready to explode.

A horn sounded, startling Hunter out of the moment with his

lover. What the fuck?

Hunter startled when the horn went off again. He was awake. It

took him several moments to realize he wasn’t within Phoenix’s arms,
but in his car, slumped across the front seats. His head had hit the
horn when he rolled over.

There was a crick in Hunter’s back as he sat up. He slept all night

in his car—uncomfortably. He should have stayed at Camp Tack but
the thought of sleeping so close to Phoenix did a number on him. Ever
since he laid eyes on that massive cock as he strutted into the shower,
he hadn’t stopped thinking about taking that chance with Phoenix. He
even dreamt about having sex with him.

He looked down at the bulge in his tactical pants. He had a hard

on that would kill him if he didn’t take care of it. Jerking off in the car
wasn’t what he wanted to do, but he had little choice. He sat up. It
was early Saturday morning with dawn not yet on the horizon. He had
found a secluded area off the road to pull his car over to sleep. Dark
trees surrounded him. Off in the distance, he saw the sign for a nature

Every thought was on Phoenix as he unbuttoned his fly and

lowered his zipper. He’d been in such a rush to leave Camp Tack that

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he hadn’t bothered to put on boxers. His dick sprung free from his
pants, hitting against the steering wheel. He struggled to get the lube
from the console. He squirted some in his hand and moaned as he slid
his hand up and down his quivering shaft, pinching the tip as he
pulled his fist upward. Pre-cum dripped from his cockhead down over
his knuckles. It wasn’t long before he was arched in his seat, jerking
off so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

Desperation was twisting through his body. He wanted to hear the

sound of Phoenix’s voice as he came. That had him reaching for his
cell phone even before he could process the thought. He found his
number and hit call. Relief poured through him as it went straight to
voicemail. It was exactly what he wanted. The sound of Phoenix’s
voice echoed through the car. His balls pulled up tight against the
base of his shaft. He was so fucking close to exploding. He just
needed the sound of his affliction’s voice to get him there.

Hunter moaned when he heard the message start. “This is Lt.

Phoenix Drake. I’m unable to take your call. Please leave a detailed
message and a number where I can reach you. I’ll get back to you
when I can.”

“Oh, fucking…God. I’m coming.” Somewhere in the dark, sex-

fogged section of his mind he heard a beep that indicated he was
supposed to leave a message. Too caught up in the moment, he jerked
his hand up and down his shaft, pumping his hips. “I’m coming so
fucking hard for you.”

Hunter bit his lip as his orgasm spun through his dick that his

entire body convulsed, sending his jizz flying upward like a geyser.
Line after line of cum landed on his steering wheel and black tactical
pants. He was out of breath as he looked at the mess on himself and
down at his phone. Belatedly, he realized that the message was still
going. He scrambled for the phone, shutting it off.

“Holy fuck,” he whispered.
He slouched into the seat, stuffing his cock back into his pants. He

grabbed a wet wipe, cleaning up. He was so fucking embarrassed. He

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just hoped to God Phoenix wouldn’t realize it was he who left the

Several seconds later, his cell phone buzzed. Lt. Phoenix Drake

was calling him back. Hunter could feel the heat of embarrassment
climbing up his face. He swallowed hard as he reached for the phone,
still feeling the effects of his orgasm just moments before. “This is

“I just saw that you called. Where are you?”
There was no indication that he’d yet listened to his voicemail.


“I want to apologize for last night.”
“Don’t. I shouldn’t have said anything either.” With lust still

thrumming through his veins, Hunter knew he had to get off the
phone. “I’m about to head somewhere. Can I talk to you later?”

“Sure. I’ll call you later tonight.”
Hunter hung up the phone before he could reply. He just wasn’t

ready to deal. He pulled up the Internet on his phone. The only thing
that should have been on his mind was apartment hunting.

Since he had the day off, Hunter needed to get it done today. After

sending out several messages to see places, Hunter started his car and
headed back into town.

Worry about Phoenix listening to his voicemail had him not

paying attention to where he was driving or where he was going.
Hunter was now officially lost on the west side of town. He pulled a
U-turn in the middle of the road after checking to make sure no one
was coming. As he traveled down the road, he couldn’t shake the
feeling that he was being watched. He’d had the feeling ever since he
got off the phone with Phoenix.

That one kiss with Phoenix had shaken him to the core, and he

didn’t feel like he was going to get any stability back anytime soon.
For the first time in his life, everything felt as though it were spinning
out of control, but when he was standing next to Phoenix the spiraling

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stopped. He felt grounded. Whole. He hadn’t felt that way in a really
long time.

With Phoenix handling his SWAT training, it felt as though he

was losing his independence all over again. He hated the fact that he
was so unsure of himself. He gripped the wheel tighter. He didn’t
want to think about going into therapy. The past and those demons
needed to stay in the past. He was not going to go there again.

Wind shook the car. It was a chilly summer day. Autumn was just

around the corner. It wouldn’t be long before winter was hitting the
city. Hunter reached over to the passenger seat, and picked up the
piece of paper he had written the address for the last apartment on. He
looked around, still not able to find the location of the apartment.
Before he knew it, a cop car rode up his ass, tailgating him. It wasn’t
long before lights were flashing in his rearview mirror.

What the fuck? He was getting pulled over. It was probably for

that U-turn a minute before. He came to a stop and waited for the
police officer to come to his window. As the black and white pulled
up behind him, he thought of Phoenix and how he would know he had
gotten stopped. Yep. It wouldn’t be long before everyone in the
department knew about this traffic stop. He rolled down his window.
As the officer sauntered up, Hunter tried not to thinking about the
impending ticket or the fact that he had to declare that he was a police

He glanced at his side mirror, catching sight of the officer’s

muscular thighs. A shiver raced down his spine. Only one man he
knew walked that way and it was the last man he wanted to see right

He didn’t have to look up to know that it was Phoenix on the other

side. What was he doing on patrol? And more importantly, what was
he doing following him?

Reluctantly, Hunter met his gaze, but didn’t feel like he could

hold it for very long. When Phoenix looked at him, it did something
to him. It shook him to his very core. He felt vulnerable and exposed.

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He felt like Phoenix could see his deepest desires and wanted to fulfill
every one of them.

That one kiss had left a trail of promises in its wake. But

experience told Hunter that those promises would turn into tears and
they would do everything to break his soul. He could not love another
man again. Phoenix had to understand. Hunter pushing him away was
the best thing he ever did.

Those flashing lights continued to ricochet within Hunter’s

rearview mirror. Fucking hell.

That deep voice echoed through the nighttime air, sending a chill

of sweet anticipation down Hunter’s spine. Phoenix wasn’t going to
make this easy on him.

“Evening, Lt. Drake. I didn’t know you ran patrol.”
“I usually don’t. I was on my way to take this car to the shop for

servicing as a favor to TJ.”

Phoenix put his palm on the edge of his door. He pulled his

flashlight, directing the light onto a paper sitting on the passenger
seat. He saw the number for an apartment complex nearby. Hunter
was sure that he memorized the number before clicking off the light
and putting his flashlight back onto his belt.

“Mind stepping out.”
“I’d rather not.”
“Step out of the car so we can talk.”
So, this was how Phoenix wanted to play things. Fine with him.

He’d submit to his rules for now. He got out of his car, shocked when
Phoenix slammed his car door shut. Unsure of what to do, Hunter
knew he had to obey. He was shocked when Phoenix led him away
from his car and toward the patrol car.

“Where you headed?” Phoenix asked.
“To look at an apartment.”

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As Phoenix pressed Hunter’s body against the hood of the patrol

car, all Hunter could think about was how this was going to affect his
career. “Are you arresting me?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”
Hunter knew without a doubt that Phoenix was walking a fine line

with him. There was something about the way he looked at him that
tore his soul apart. Phoenix’s hands were rough and demanding as
they moved across his clothed body. He could only imagine how
rough and demanding they would be when they were naked. That
thought sent a shiver racing down his spine. That shudder flexed over
his rim, making his dick instantly hard. The fact that Phoenix was
going to arrest him was turning him on and it shouldn’t have.

He was pulled up so that they were facing each other. Again,

Hunter became very aware of their size differences. Phoenix was
wider, stronger. He could easily break him. In a small part of Hunter’s
mind, he wanted Phoenix to break him. He wanted to be taken to his
hard limit until he was coding his safe word, but secretly wanting
Phoenix to go on past that. Hunter never had a man who fulfilled
every promise with him. He was certain Phoenix would, but could he
trust him? There was a good chance he couldn’t.

A second unit pulled up. The humiliation was continuing. Phoenix

went over to talk to them for a few seconds before the car pulled
away. It was obvious that Phoenix wanted to deal with him alone.

“You should realize that I’m technically not on duty.”
Surprise moved through Hunter. “You’re not?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Then why are you giving me trouble?”
Those piercing eyes burned deep within his soul. It was clear why

Phoenix was giving him a hard time. He was just as sexually
frustrated as Hunter was feeling inside. Knowing he shouldn’t, Hunter
purposely stepped forward, brushing his body against Phoenix’s thick
thighs . He could tell that Phoenix was equally annoyed and turned

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“You shouldn’t have done that,” Phoenix said.
“Why not?”
“Are you afraid of me?”
“No, I’m not.”
“You should be.”
Right then and there, Hunter wasn’t afraid of him, but deep down

he was. He’d been psychologically and emotionally burned once.
Another time would quite possibly kill him.

“Hands on the hood.”
What the fuck? He was serious. Disobedience was not an option.

Hunter placed his hands on the warm hood. “Is this really necessary?”

“Do you have anything on you that could injury me? Any


Phoenix’s rough hands started to frisk his chest and down over his

hips, jerking his tactical pants around. Hunter’s cock flooded with
heat. Those strong hands moved down over his legs, purposely
coming in close to his balls, jostling them. And then he moved them
to the front where he grabbed his meat with a quick, jerking motion.
Phoenix froze when he realized that their encounter was turning him
on fast—not to mention that he was now gripping his cock like it was
a weapon. When he realized what he was grabbing, Phoenix finally let
go after a firm yank that sent a shot of pre-cum into his black tactical

A moan of pleasure echoed deep in his chest as he tried to

suppress the sound from Phoenix’s hearing. Hunter’s pockets were
emptied and his wallet was placed on top of the hood.

“I want to know what you’re doing with all that money.”
Hunter knew he didn’t have to explain the money in his wallet. He

didn’t have to explain the fact that he was so afraid of being poor that
he carried a large amount of cash on him. He didn’t have to explain
that he felt frightened and inferior at the fact that he’d grown up dirt
poor. He was so afraid of being deprived again that he saved every

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dime he made and invested wisely to the point that he was wealthy
but didn’t advertise it.

“Having money isn’t a crime.”
Phoenix didn’t seem to like that answer. What was he supposed to

say? It wasn’t illegal to carry so much cash. Or was it? He could
easily inform I.A. of what was going on and the fact that he had a
large amount of money on him. The questions had already come
about his vehicle. He had gotten it used at an estate sale. It was
practically new and had low miles on it. Hunter still couldn’t shake
the feeling that Phoenix didn’t trust or believe him.

With his hands pressed against the hood, Phoenix brought out his

cuffs, locking them down on his wrists.

“I’m doing this for my safety.”
Fear reverberated through his heart. He did not like being locked

up. “Is this really necessary?”

“What do you think?”

* * * *

Phoenix pulled his small flashlight out, shining it into his wallet as

he looked through his personal things. Why was he being such a dick
to Hunter? God, didn’t he have enough problems to deal with?
Phoenix started pulling everything out of his wallet and setting it onto
the hood. First came out all his cash. He stood there counting it.

Annoyed that Hunter had run from him, Phoenix used his body to

hold him in place next to the patrol car.

“Do you always carry fifteen hundred dollars in your wallet?”
“How much do you usually carry?”
“Four grand.”
Why was he carrying so much cash? He shouldn’t have had that

much on him considering he’s…what the fuck? Two condoms.

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Phoenix’s fingers tightened down on the foil. The thought of Hunter
slipping that latex over his cock or someone else’s nearly had him
punching the hood of the cruiser. He did not want to think about
Hunter having sex with anyone else. He dropped the condoms onto
the hood as though he were showing his hand of cards. A dark blush
crept up Hunter’s neck, revealing just how he felt about Phoenix
playing with his condoms.

With the memory of their last encounter burning its way through

Phoenix’s mind, he reached for his cell phone when he felt it buzz to
life. It was a text from TJ about meeting him at the garage to pick him
up soon. As he was putting his phone away, he noticed the voicemail
indicator in the corner. He dialed his voicemail and waited as it took
him through the prompts.

“Oh, fucking…God. I’m coming.” Long pause where he heard the

sound of flesh smacking bare flesh. The heavy sound of labored
breathing and a needy whimper as Lt. Philips jacked his cock off on
his voicemail. “I’m coming so fucking hard for you.” There was
another long pause. “Holy fuck!”

The message cut off. Phoenix’s cock flexed out, punching the

inside of his tactical pants so hard it left him breathing roughly. He
saved the message and then hit the speaker button as it replayed.

“Mind telling me about this.”
“Oh, fucking…God. I’m coming.” Long pause where they heard

the sound of flesh smacking bare flesh. The heavy sound of Hunter’s
labored breathing and a needy whimper as he beat his cock off. “I’m
coming so fucking hard for you!” There was another long pause that
made Hunter squirm. “Holy fuck!”

“Turn it off!”
Intrigued, Phoenix put his cell phone away very aware of the fact

that Hunter had finished himself off the following morning after their
encounter in the bathroom. Heat still mixed with embarrassment on
Hunter’s cheeks. Using the moment to his advantage, Phoenix moved

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his hands passively over his body, causing Hunter to groan as he
jostled his dick.

“Where you heading?”
“I was on my way home.”
“Were you really?”
Phoenix set his wallet on the hood and felt the pockets of his jeans

a second time. There was nothing left there to feel except his tight,
athletic ass. Phoenix knew that Hunter had secrets and he hated the
fact that the man he wanted wouldn’t completely trust him.

“Well, I’m actually going to look at an apartment to rent.”
He pulled Hunter around so that they were facing each other. “Are

you now?”

Annoyance moved through Phoenix. He had pulled him over on

purpose because he was tired of the shit Hunter was pulling. He was
deliberately trying to fail his training with SWAT, and he didn’t like
that at all. That thought had him thinking about the spare room he had
upstairs. He removed Hunter’s cuffs. He picked up the contents of his
pockets and systematically handed it all back to Hunter.

He drew a business card out from his front pocket and scribbled

an address on the front. He didn’t expect Hunter to take the offer, but
he was going to try anyway.

“I know of a place. You should check it out.”
Shock moved through Hunter’s eyes as he took the card. Phoenix

was very aware of the way their hands brushed as he took the card.

“Drive safe.”
He waited until Hunter got back behind the wheel. As he walked

back to TJ’s patrol car, Phoenix couldn’t help but wonder what kind
of trouble Hunter was in. Most guys didn’t carry that much money or
have all their belongings in the back of their car. That had Phoenix
questioning if he even had a place to stay. Temptation had him

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wanting to follow Hunter, but he knew he had to give him some space
if he was going to get him to do what he wanted.

Phoenix grabbed his cell phone and dialed the number to the

apartment complex. When the landlord answered, Phoenix did
something he couldn’t believe he was doing. “Hi, this is Lt. Drake
with the CPD. I understand you’re meeting a man named Hunter to
show him an apartment.”

“Yeah. He was due here ten minutes ago.”
“Do me a favor and don’t rent to the guy.”
“Mind telling me why?”
“He’s bad news.”
“Thanks for the heads up, Officer.”
“No problem. Have a nice evening.”
Disgusted at himself, Phoenix hung up the phone. He was heading

home just in case Hunter decided to see the spare room he had for

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Chapter Four

Later that night, Phoenix was shocked when he heard the knock at

the door. In all honesty, he was stunned that Hunter had taken so long
to get there. He had already showered and changed into a pair of blue
jeans and a T-shirt. His hair was still damp from his shower. He went
to the front door and opened it. On the other side, Hunter looked
surprised and confused that he was seeing him there.

“You gave me your house address? I can’t…unfucking


“I have an upstairs apartment you can rent.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m not renting a room from you.”
Phoenix stiffened his shoulders. He didn’t care if Hunter wanted

to rent the room or not. He was offering him a place to stay. He
couldn’t believe he was turning it down. “At least take a look at the
room before you decide,” Phoenix said.

Hunter appeared as though he didn’t want to trust him but he had

no choice. He was obviously desperate. He looked like a man who
needed help but was too afraid to ask for it. “At least come on in and
take a look at it.”

After several seconds of not being able to decide, Hunter stepped

through the doorway and Phoenix closed the door. “This way.”

Phoenix led the way through the old Tudor house he bought years

ago in Hyde Park when it had gone into foreclosure. Off-white stucco
and dark wood accented the outside and it was nestled on a quiet
street, surrounded by other houses. Dark hardwood floors spilled from
room to room. “There’s a third-floor upstairs I’m not using. It’s
completely private.”

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Their footsteps were heavy on the stairway as Phoenix led the way

upstairs. Hunter didn’t say a word. Phoenix was curious to know what
he was thinking. He wanted to know what he thought about his home.
For the first time in a long time, Phoenix had a potential lover
walking through his house. Too bad Hunter didn’t see it the same way
that he did.

He opened the door to the third floor he had renovated as a

separate living space. Everything anybody would want was right here.
It was even furnished. “It’s completely furnished and ready for you to
move in. The bath is the second door in the hallway here.”

Hunter looked around, unsure of what to say. Phoenix studied him

closely, trying not to pressure him, but he wanted him there. “So what
do you think? You want to rent the place?”

“How much?”
“Two hundred a month.”
Hunter laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s ridiculous.

You can’t cut me a deal like that.”

“Yes, I can. You’re practically family.”
The comment seemed to stun Hunter before he shook his head. “I

really need a place to stay. Fine. I’ll take it.”

“I need to grab my things.”
“Want some help?”
“No. I’m good.”
Before he turned for the door, Phoenix reached out and stopped

him. “You’re forgetting this. It’s a key to the front door.”

Hunter looked down at the key he was holding up. He took it

without meeting his gaze. “Thanks.”

They went downstairs together. From his vantage point at the

front windows, Phoenix watched him go to his car, popping the back.
Several duffle bags were pulled out and a single box was in his arms.
Phoenix went to the door to open it before he even asked.

“Is that it?”

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“It is.”
There were questions burning within Phoenix’s mind, but he knew

he wouldn’t get that far with Hunter tonight. The man had secrets—an
expensive car and a lot of cash in his wallet. What was going on with
him? And the fact that he barely had any possessions at all. Where
was he putting his money? Was it all going to that car and in his
wallet? It didn’t matter. Not right now.

Phoenix took the box from his arms before he could even protest.

He shut the door behind them and they headed upstairs. It was getting
late. Really late. They both had to work tomorrow morning. After
getting Hunter settled, Phoenix headed toward the doorway. “Since
you don’t have any food with you. You’re welcome to use my kitchen
until you get settled.”

“Thanks. I appreciate this.”
“You don’t have to worry about things between us.”
“I’m not.”
His words were coming a little too fast and a little too hard. It was

clear that Hunter was worried about that stupid kiss. Phoenix had
pushed him too far. “Look, I’m really sorry about what happened. I
shouldn’t have kissed you.”

Hunter’s shoulders stiffened but he didn’t say a word. After a

while, he turned and looked at him. “I liked it. I loved it too much. I
think you know how much I enjoyed it.”

The admission rocked Phoenix to his core. No submissive had

ever been so direct with him. Of course, they hadn’t drawn the lines
defining their relationship yet. And it was too early in the relationship
to even define things, but Phoenix knew he needed to take back
control and show Hunter just where things stood.

Phoenix crossed the room and stood directly in front of Hunter

purposely using his size to intimidate him and back him into a corner
he couldn’t escape from. “You should know that I always get what I
want. And right now, I want you.”

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Hunter’s eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. He looked as

though he didn’t know what to say or how to say it. His mouth opened
and shut several times before he nodded his head. A slight whisper
came from him. “I want you, too.”

It was all Phoenix needed to hear. With the admission still burning

on Hunter’s tongue, he closed the distance and kissed him ruthlessly.
He used his tongue to invade and attack Hunter’s mouth, owning his
senses. He held him tightly against his long length. He didn’t stop
kissing him until Hunter was bent backward and clinging to his broad
shoulders. Everything Phoenix ever wanted was right now in this
moment. He had never wanted any man so desperately before.

He felt as though he was throwing out all the rules from his

playbook he used when he took on a new submissive. That scared the
hell out of him. He always had his rules. He always had his playbook.
With Hunter, all that was changing and that frightened him. The kiss
intensified with frantic, wet sucking noises that echoed within the
room. Phoenix’s heart was pounding wildly and his dick clenched.

Pre-cum slipped from his tip and cranked out before he had the

chance to stop it. He wanted this man and there was nothing he could
do to stop it. After a long time, Phoenix finally broke his lips away. A
moan of desperation sounded from Hunter. His lips were bruised and
his cheeks were flushed. It was clear that the kiss had affected him
deeply, too.

“It seems that I’ve done it again.”
Hunter bit his lip and nodded once. His eyes moved over

Phoenix’s face and settled on his lips. “I want you to do it again.”

A moan sounded deep within Phoenix’s body as their eyes

connected again. Their mouths collided in an intense, penetrating kiss.
Phoenix pushed him up against the wall and moved his hands down
over his ass, squeezing it tightly. He wanted to show Hunter how
good it could be between them. He wanted to take this thing as far as
he could. Something inside of him snapped, reminding him that he
was a Dom who needed to have control.

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Ever so slowly, he broke his lips away from Hunter’s. Regret

filled his heart. “There’s something you should know before we go

“What’s that?”
“I’m a Dom. And I only take on submissives.”
Hunter’s mouth fell open, and his eyes went wide again. “I’ve

never been a submissive before.”

* * * *

Hunter could see that Phoenix was emotionally and physically

pulling away due to his admission. It was just as well. Hunter was
afraid of becoming a submissive. He didn’t like the idea of handing
complete control over to somebody else. So what did this mean for
them? He had no choice. Well, he did have a choice. He could walk
away from Phoenix forever, but that was the last thing he wanted to

Instead, he took a step forward asked him, “Tell me what I need to


“First rule, no touching your cock without my permission.”
A tremor of lust spiraled through his body. He bit his lower lip,

licking it. “Fuck me.”

Phoenix reached up and caressed his cheek. “Not tonight. You’re

not ready to have me. Not to mention, we both have to work
tomorrow. I don’t want out first time together to be rushed. Sleep well
and remember our rule.”

A shiver raced through Hunter’s body as Phoenix left him alone.

He thought all about the long evening alone he had ahead of him as he
listened to Phoenix’s heavy footsteps going downstairs. He gave in to
the restless energy flowing through his body. Hunter tried to settle
into his new place. He turned on the TV Phoenix had put in the room
and got the Internet going on his laptop. It wasn’t long before he
decided to change and shower. He grabbed his things and head toward

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the shower in the hallway. He undressed and got the hot water going.
He stared at himself in the small round mirror over the sink. What did
Phoenix see in him? There were so many other guys at work who
were a thousand times more attractive.

A shiver of need raced through his body as he stepped naked

under the hot spray. His cock was ready and hard at the hot memory
of Phoenix taking control of that steamy kiss. He smoothed his hand
down over his throbbing prick, whimpering with need as he stroked
his shaft. He thought about how he was breaking Phoenix’s rule and
guilt fluttered through his mind. How would he know?

Hunter took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He reluctantly

released his quivering dick. Pre-cum leaked from his tip, mixing with
the water. He bit his lip as the water beat the tip of his cockhead,
sending a shot of cum arching through the air. He groaned, stopping
himself from orgasming completely. Pain rushed through his cock. He
would not come until his Dom gave him permission. He flipped the
hot water to cool, hoping it would ease his pain. It didn’t. Frustrated,
he shut off the water and got out, wrapping a towel tightly around his
waist. He stared at his disobedient dick.

Tortured with need, Hunter slipped on his pajama pants and a T-

shirt. He wanted Phoenix. He wondered what he was doing.

It was close to midnight. It’d been a long time since he’d bothered

to eat. So, he headed downstairs to find the kitchen that Phoenix had
graciously said he could use. He made a quick sandwich. As he was
standing in the kitchen eating, he heard the sound of Phoenix’s voice
carrying through the house. He headed to the hallway and found a
door cracked partially open.

Hunter opened the door, seeing a long hallway that led to the back

of the house. Quietly, he moved along the hallway. At the bend in the
hall, he looked around expecting to see Phoenix somewhere nearby,
but he didn’t see him. He only heard his voice. It sounded like he was
talking to someone on the phone.

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Hunter’s heart pounded as he moved. He felt as though he were

spying on Phoenix. The hall opened into a living room with a big
screen TV and a comfortable couch. Hunter walked through the living
area and headed toward what he thought was a study. He froze in
place when he saw Phoenix wearing only those tight jeans. That
wasn’t the only thing that caught his attention.

It was a playroom used for sex.
There were paddles positioned along the wall, leather strips,

chains, cuffs, ball gags, and even long glass wands that looked like
butt plugs. Curiosity had Hunter entering the room even though he
hadn’t asked for permission. When their eyes locked, Phoenix
finished up his phone call.

Finally, he cleared his throat nervously. “What is all this stuff?”
Controlled heat moved through Phoenix’s eyes. He looked as

though he was about to say something but was keeping it under

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come down here. I just thought I

heard something.”

Hunter could hear himself stammering and hated how shy and

unsure he was at times. He liked to think that he could find his words
when he needed them, but right now he couldn’t. Right then, Hunter
had no words at all. Heat moved across his face as Phoenix’s gaze
traveled up and down his body.

“What do you want to know?”
The tension in his shoulders began to relax. He went over to the

wall and picked up one of the floggers, feeling the weight of it. “Do
you use this on lovers?”

“I have.”
“Do they like it?”
“They do.”
Phoenix crossed his arms, accentuating his muscled biceps.

Hunter nervously put the flogger back. “Do you like using it on

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“I do. All of them.”
“Which one is your favorite?”
Hunter felt his heart start to beat wildly as Phoenix moved over to

the wall to look at the various floggers. He wanted to run away and go
back upstairs to the safety of his private room. The thought of
Phoenix using one of these floggers on him made his dick flex. Pre-
cum spiraled through his cock, leaking from his tip as their eyes

The leather of a woven flogger caressed the palm of Phoenix’s

hand before he picked it up. “This one.”

Hunter licked and bit his lip nervously. He wanted to feel the

sensation of that flogger falling across his skin. He wondered what
Phoenix was going to do as he circled around with that flogger in his

“Take off your shirt.”
The order sent a shiver racing through Hunter’s cock. Hunter

lifted his arms, pulling his T-shirt over his head. He dropped it to the
floor as the cool leather of the flogger smoothed over his skin.

A shudder raced through his body when the flogger moved over

his nipples and pulled back, stroking him with a hard slap. A moan of
pleasure escaped his lips before he could stop it. Phoenix took that
flogger and tilted up his chin until their eyes met.

“This is what I do. I’m a Dom. I take control of you in the

bedroom. I take control of you in your life. And you submit to me

A sigh rushed through Hunter’s body. “I will.”
Something within Phoenix’s eyes snapped. He looked as though

he were losing control fast. He pulled away and turned from him. He
looked like he was breathing fast. Without warning, he turned back
around and their eyes locked. “Undress. Now.”

Hunter’s cock was straining as he dropped his pajama pants to the

ground. His boxers followed quickly behind. He’d never gone so far
so fast with anyone, but he was now. There was something about

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Phoenix that made him want to do everything he said. Without fear.
He wanted to obey all of his orders without question and that scared
the hell out of him.

As he stood there looking at Phoenix, waiting for his next order,

he felt something shift between them. He lowered his gaze, waiting
patiently for Phoenix to make the next move. He was certain that this
was what a submissive was supposed to do. He would wait for his
lover to take control.

“First, we need to do a body inspection to see if you are worthy of

becoming my submissive.”

Hunter did not want to question him. He never had his body

inspected by anyone before. Not even a doctor really. Phoenix circled
around, eyeing every part of him. Finally, his hand came up, snaking
in gently to touch and pull on his balls and cock. The pad of
Phoenix’s thumb raced up over his cockhead, rubbing across the tiny
slit. A moan of desire escaped Hunter’s mouth.

Phoenix let go of his cock, making his dick snap back against his

abdomen. “Your job is to be silent when you’re with me and to stay
focused. You will only answer me, “yes, Sir.” Understand?”

He was going to obey Phoenix fully. “Yes, Sir.”
His eyes caressed his skin again. “Get down on your hands and


Hunter acted as ordered and got down. He arched his ass out

without being asked. Phoenix came behind, looking at his rim. The
cool leather of the flogger raced up and down between his ass cheeks.
Finally, Phoenix took his thumb and rubbed it over his rim. Hunter bit
his lip desperately trying to keep from moaning. He knew he had to
learn to maintain control, and Phoenix was the only one who could
teach him that restraint.

He felt as though Phoenix was going to break him down. There

would definitely come a time in their encounter where he would be
lost within the throes of passion and completely crumble. When that

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happened, Hunter knew he needed Phoenix there to catch him when
he fell.

He felt Phoenix pull way. He waited for the next order. He waited

so long that he wasn’t certain if it would come again. And that scared
him. He wanted Phoenix to give him orders tonight. He wanted to feel
his body sliding against his. He held perfectly still as he waited. He
saw Phoenix walk around, diming the lights. A shudder of need raced
through Hunter’s cock. They were about to get it on hard.

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Chapter Five

Phoenix was hungry for the man on his hands and knees. As a

Dom, he wasn’t so normally out of control. He took a steadying
breath. He wasn’t even in his leather. He looked back at Hunter who
was patiently waiting for him. They had to settle things up first.
Phoenix came in close, getting down on his haunches and tilting his
chin up with the flogger.

“You need a safe word. Just one word to use if things get too

intense for you.” Hunter nodded his head. “You have my permission
to speak.”

Relief eased the tension in Hunter’s shoulders.
Nice. Phoenix loved the way Hunter’s body relaxed. He circled

around, slipping the tip of the flogger around his ass as he moved. He
took the leather tip and slid it up and down over his spine, watching as
his body shivered with goose bumps and came to life. He slipped the
flogger off his ass, feeling the weight of the air whip around it. He
brought it back, striking his ass with a slight hit, watching a small red
mark move across the muscle. Hunter started to moan but stopped
himself. He held his position. Phoenix struck him several more times,
watching as his balls bounced back and forth and pre-cum leaked
from his dick.

He loved the way his prick was throbbing for more—straight out

and rubbing against the six pack on his abdomen. Phoenix adjusted
his cock beneath his jeans. He knew there was a reason why he didn’t
bother putting on a pair of boxers after his shower. He needed the
freedom tonight. Phoenix couldn’t touch Hunter or he would lose

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complete control. He had to use the flogger to keep his hands busy.
Once he touched Hunter’s skin and they had skin-to-skin contact, he
wouldn’t be able to stop touching him. He would want more. And he
could tell Hunter wasn’t ready to go there. Not yet.

Phoenix set aside the flogger and moved toward the butt plugs. As

always, with each lover he got a new set of butt plugs in every color,
shape, and size. He did not want any memories associated with past
lovers. These were all brand new and waiting to be used on Hunter.
He picked up the smallest—four inches and tapered wide in the
middle. It was the perfect size to start off with—not too big and not
too small. Thick.

He lubed the butt plug and moved the butt plug up between his ass

cheeks. He pushed the plug in and out, and then pushed it deep into
Hunter’s ass. He could see his legs shaking from the insertion of the
plug. He could hear the quiet desperation within Hunter’s body. Once
the butt plug was inserted fully and pressing against his prostate, he
went and picked up another flogger. He proceeded to whip the flogger
against Hunter’s ass, loving the way his balls bounced back and forth.

Hunter’s eyes were filled with passionate tears. It wasn’t because

of being hurt. It was from being so caught up in the throes of passion.
Lust scorched through his body and landed within his eyes. Phoenix
could see the look of utter bliss on his face. He had seen it so many
times before with other submissives. He was lost. He was getting
closer and closer to that special thing that always comes with a good
Dom. Soon, he wouldn’t be able to speak, only feel. He was going
into sub space where he was in pure erotic ecstasy. That was exactly
where Phoenix wanted him to be. But before he got there, he knew he
had to get him off the floor and on his feet.

“Stand up.”
Hunter stood up on his shaky legs and waited for his next order.

Phoenix was impressed with the fact that the butt plug was staying in
place. It took talent to keep a butt plug positioned in your ass as one
moved. Hunter clearly had some experience. Phoenix was impressed

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by his composure, but he wanted to break it. He wanted to break
Hunter down and build him back up into the submissive he wanted
him to be. Phoenix needed to change things up and do things that no
man had ever done before.

He reached for the silver handcuffs hanging along the wall,

snapping them onto his sub’s right wrist as he lifted it up over his
head. Phoenix linked the cuffs around the metal bar above his head
and locked his left wrist above. He checked his sub’s circulation,
making sure his fingers were not turning purple.

Satisfied, Phoenix kept his hands on his hips as he watched his

submissive. When Hunter was ready, he went to his toys and found
the blindfold. He came back, covering his sub’s eyes, taking away his
ability to see. Slowly he moved his lips across his ear and came in
close. “You’re not to make a sound.”

To prove his point, Phoenix came in fast, kissing him possessively

and purposely taking his breath away. He loved the way every muscle
in Hunter’s body tensed and vibrated for more. Hunter had willingly
come into his playroom, and he was going to show him how good
things could be. Phoenix smoothed his hand down over his chest,
feeling the wild beat of his heart beneath his palm. Hunter was lost
and that was exactly where he wanted him to be. “You don’t have
permission to come until I tell you.”

Hunter nodded his head. “Yes, Sir.”
Phoenix stepped back and looked down at his cock. My God. He

never had a submissive who was so big before. He couldn’t believe
the fact that Hunter was hiding something so massive beneath his
clothing. He was a good nine inches long with a thick and tapered
shaft. No man had ever made him want to suck cock before. Phoenix
considered himself fairly large at ten inches, but this was something
else. His mouth watered as he looked down at his sub’s swollen shaft
and cockhead leaking with pre-cum.

As a Dom, he never sucked cock. Never. It was rule number two

of his. But here he was, looking at his sub and feeling like a thirsty

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man stepping out of the desert for the first time in weeks. He wanted
to suck cock and drink from that fountain all night. He wanted to get
down on his hands and knees and take what he always denied himself.
But he resisted. Just barely. Instead, he stepped forward and smoothed
his hand up and down that solid flesh. He loved the way Hunter’s
body tensed even more. He loved the way a shot of pre-cum
ejaculated into his palm.

Phoenix used his cream as lubricant as he moved his palm up and

down over the tip. This was, by far, the most impressive submissive
he’d ever had. And he was going to do something he normally didn’t
do. He pulled Hunter’s dick up high, loving the sound of the cuffs
clinking against the metal bar.

Unable to deny himself a second longer, Phoenix hooked his sub’s

legs up over his shoulders, putting his sub’s cock right where he
wanted it.

With his dick at his mouth level, he sucked that big cock into his

mouth and wrestled it down his throat. He twisted his head up and
down, tasting wildly what he wanted so desperately. A shot of pre-
cum ejaculated into his mouth, sliding down his throat. It’d been too

Way too long since any man had come against his tongue. Here he

was a Dom, losing control. Desperate to take things further, Phoenix
knew he had to slow down. He sucked his mouth off that giant cock
and eased his sub’s legs off his shoulders and down onto his shaky
feet. His cock was wet and ready.

Shaken by what he did, Phoenix turned away, running a hand

through his hair, looking at himself in the mirrors that circled his
playroom. The taste of his sub’s cock and spunk still played
seductively over his tongue. God, he wanted to taste his prick again.

Over his shoulder, he saw Hunter breathing wildly, desperately

waiting for something more. His sub was inwardly struggling for
release. He moved around Hunter, smoothing his hand down the front
of his abdomen as he stepped in behind and circled his hand around

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his giant cock. He stroked his dick roughly up and down, loving the
feel of his hips flex as he moved.

As he stroked Hunter’s cock, Phoenix pulled the butt plug from

his ass and set it aside. He smoothed his hands up, over Hunter’s
nipples, giving him a hard tweak. He pinched them so roughly he
knew that he would bruise them. He wanted to see if Hunter would
code on something so simple. And he didn’t. Admiration moved
through Phoenix’s mind as he watched how Hunter took the fact that
he was inflicting pain with pleasure.

Phoenix bucked his hips against Hunter’s ass, loving the feel of

his jeans rubbing against his ass cheeks. He unzipped the fly and
dropped them to the ground so he was standing naked behind his sub.
He pressed his cock between his sub’s ass cheeks and pushed his ass
cheeks together against his throbbing prick. He stood there for two
agonizing minutes, breathing deeply, watching how it affected
Hunter. His sub was starting to break with the feel of his Dom’s cock
pressed up against his rim. He could feel him trying to buck his hips
and move his cock but Phoenix wouldn’t let him. He was going to
take control of this before he came.

He was not done with his sub tonight.

* * * *

Hunter was shaking—inside and out. He wanted to explode. He

knew he wouldn’t be able to come until his Dom gave him
permission. They had crossed the line again. There was no going back
this time. His Dom moved his hands over his body. He couldn’t
believe that he was actually involved with a Dom.

Thankful for the blindfold, Hunter wanted to look at him, but

knew he wouldn’t be able to without shooting his spunk. He wouldn’t
be getting off when he wanted to. He felt Phoenix’s cock between his
ass cheeks slide up and down over his rim. His Dom teased him with

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that dick. He wanted him, but he wouldn’t ever be in control. The tip
of Phoenix’s prick brushed against his rim again.

He knew if he arched his ass cheeks out just a little bit more then

he would be teasing his Dom. But he couldn’t. Phoenix was gripping
his hips too tightly, and he was pressed too firmly against his cock.
There was no chance of him getting off now—not without his Dom’s

Hunter stifled the moan that wanted to escape his parted, wet lips.

He felt as Phoenix brushed his lips against his neck and shoulder,
biting playfully there. He kissed his way up over his ear and licked
and kissed him seductively. He slid his hand up to his nipples again,
and he gave them a painful squeeze.

The reaction was instantaneous within his cock. His aching prick

slipped, and clenched so tightly that a shot of pre-cum ejaculated from
his tip. Another followed, chasing the shot of jizz across the floor.
Hunter was under his complete control and the fact that he hadn’t
been able to control his spunk made the situation between them

Without warning, Phoenix pulled his body and his hands away.

“You shouldn’t have done that. I’m going to have to punish you now
for not obeying me.”

Heat raced through Hunter’s body as he tried to imagine the

ramifications of what would be happening next, but he couldn’t. What
was Phoenix going to do? And, God help him, he wanted Phoenix to
do everything with him. As he waited for his punishment, Phoenix
moved quietly across the floor. Hunter strained his ears, trying to hear
what his Dom was doing. Quiet rustling sounded within the room. He
jumped when he felt something hot and warm move down over his

It was looped over his balls and tightened so quickly that he felt

the blood get trapped there. The impact was instantaneous on him. He
wouldn’t be able to come anytime soon. Despite his dick throbbing,
Hunter felt as though his orgasm and jizz was trapped inside. What

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was gripping his cock? He was desperate to know. This would make it
impossible to come. It created sensations that rippled over his cock.

Without warning, Hunter felt something wooden brush against his

ass cheeks. He heard the quick sound of wind going around and
through the paddle as it was pulled away and came back down,
smacking against his ass cheeks. A moan of pleasure escaped his lips
before he could stop it. Phoenix slid his hand up over his neck, giving
it a soft squeeze as he titled his neck back. He was telling him to be
quiet in not so many words.

God help him, Hunter wanted to obey him in every way

imaginable. Again, Phoenix paddled him, making his prick jump with
every hard hit of the paddle. Despite flexing, he felt the pleasure build
faster within his shaft, but he couldn’t come.

After several long minutes of paddling, the paddle was taken away

and it came to rest with a clank as though his Dom had thrown it
aside. Emotion moved through Hunter as he thought about his Dom
losing control and fucking him roughly. It wouldn’t be happening
now. There was something systematic about the way Phoenix used
him and controlled him. He had something to prove.

“Open your mouth.”
Hunter did as ordered and opened his mouth wide. Shock vibrated

through his system and his mind when he realized that a gag ball was
forced inside. The leather strap was secured behind his head. He bit
into the ball as he tried to grasp what was happening between them.
Phoenix wasn’t anywhere near him and he wanted to scream his
Dom’s name until everyone in the neighborhood knew who he was.

Breathing deeply, Hunter tried to control his racing emotions and

his spunk that was threatening to squeeze from his cockhead. He
wanted to come so bad. He wanted to orgasm but it wouldn’t be
happening. Not until Phoenix gave the order. He waited for his Dom
to come back. His heart raced with sweet anticipation.

Lost in thought, Hunter lost his Dom’s movements. He jumped

when he felt his Dom’s strong hands move over his prick, taking the

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cock ring off. Relief moved through his shaft when he felt the blood
rush to his cockhead.

He felt his Dom’s hot fingers move over his ass cheeks, squeezing

hard. One of his hands slipped between his ass cheeks, rubbing over
his rim. One of his wet fingers probed deep within his ass. He
moaned, arching out. It wasn’t long before there were two fingers
going in and out, and in and out. Hunter groaned again as he arched
his hips, taking every ounce of pleasure his Dom was giving him.

Just when he couldn’t take any more one of those fingers pressed

against his prostate with long seductive licks. An orgasm rocked
through his body and sent his jizz flying.

And then again, Phoenix pumped his fingers in and out of his ass.

Phoenix moved his hand up over his neck and placed his lips against
the curve of his ear.

“Come for me, baby. Come hard, sub.”
Hunter’s ab muscles flexed as his orgasm stole his breath and

every thought away, sending his spunk flying. His mind and his body
was blown as he shot his load. He imagined it shooting into the air
and landing in thick lines on the floor. When he was completely
spent, he hung heavily from his cuffed wrists. Phoenix held him up,
keeping him from falling to the ground. He heard the sound of
clicking within the lock of the handcuffs. The cuffs came off, and he
collapsed in his Dom’s arms.

Phoenix took off his blindfold and removed the ball gag. He was

totally spent. Hunter was very aware of his Dom’s cock vibrating,
against his abdomen. The fact that Phoenix hadn’t satisfied himself
weighed heavily on his mind. Didn’t Phoenix get excited by him? He
wanted to ask but he couldn’t. He looked at Phoenix with admiration
and love. For the first time in his life, he saw someone who he
wanted. Right then, he was afraid he was going to screw it up before
it even began.

“Now you know what I’m capable of. You shouldn’t come down


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Phoenix was throwing a boundary in his face. It felt like a slap

and it burned. Bitter betrayal flashed through Hunter’s mind and
heart. He felt used.

“It won’t happen again.”
Phoenix grabbed his mouth and kissed him ruthlessly. This kiss

spiraled through his entire body, making Hunter want for something
he couldn’t have. Hunter was breathless by the time Phoenix pulled

“I know you want it again. It won’t be this easy the second time

we’re together. Better make sure it’s what you want. Because this is a
taste of what I’m capable of.”

Hunter went down onto his knees fast, sucking Phoenix’s giant

prick deep in his mouth. A strangled groan of pleasure echoed from
his Dom’s parted lips. A strong hand tightened in his hair. “You do
not have permission to suck my cock.”

A strangled cry went up from Hunter’s throat as Phoenix pulled

his dick away. Phoenix slapped his cock several times against his lips
as punishment for taking things further without permission. When he
was done, tears of frustration burned in Hunter’s eyes. He wanted

“Why won’t you have me?” Hunter asked.
“You need to go. Now.”
Hunter knew he had to obey. If he was ever going to have Phoenix

again he knew he needed to learn his role and the rules of the game.
He just hoped he could fix the fucked up piece of himself before he

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Chapter Six

The next morning, Phoenix was up before dawn. He wanted to be

out of the house and at the station before Hunter was. To his surprise
when he got to the station, he discovered his submissive had beaten
him there. So obviously he was feeling the same way about what had
happened between them. Phoenix hadn’t expected to feel so intensely
for Hunter. Their eyes brushed but Hunter didn’t hold his gaze for
long—that worried him.

Across the bullpen, he saw Hunter getting a cup of coffee and

headed in the opposite direction toward the stairwell that would take
him to the second floor where his office was.

“Hey, Phoenix, got a minute?” TJ asked.
“Sure. What’s up?”
He handed over a packet of training information. “This is the stuff

I want you to hit on with Hunter. I’m worried about him.”

“He’s solid.” Phoenix looked down at it absently. His mind was

on the session from the night before. “He’s just new.”

“I thought it may be nerves. So, could you go over this with him?”
“Sure, not a problem. I can get to it this afternoon.”
TJ nodded. “Sounds good.”
Phoenix couldn’t imagine catching up with Hunter now. He

needed the space and the time to comprehend how badly he treated
Hunter the night before. He usually wasn’t so dismissive when
working with a new submissive. He typically took his time breaking
them but there was something about Hunter that made him forget all
about his rules. Phoenix was about to head toward his office, but
something kept him lingering. He had to catch up on some paperwork

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but that could wait a few more minutes. He just needed to get it all
squared away before he started training Hunter this afternoon.

Damn. Those lines were starting to blur. He had always vowed

never to get involved with anyone he worked with. Here he was
involved—balls deep—in a situation he wasn’t about to get out of
anytime soon. What was going to happen when they finally broke up?
It wouldn’t be good. It was why Phoenix never worked with one of
his submissives.

A serious conversation caught his attention on his way to his

office. He caught sight of Parker in his flight suit. He was obviously
passing through the office on his way to talk to TJ.

“Tell me it isn’t true,” Parker said.
Phoenix couldn’t help but dawdle, listening in on the

conversation. It wasn’t often the man swung in to the CPD. His
concern put him on notice.

Nervous laughter sounded down the hallway from Lt. Philips. “I

don’t want to talk about it.”

Parker and Philips moved to the other side of the bullpen going

through some paperwork.

Intrigued, Phoenix lingered in the doorway pretending to add

sugar to his coffee. What was going on? He had to know. Lt. Philips
had a reputation of being aloof and invincible to his coworkers. For
some reason, he was even more closed off today.

Looking for an explanation, Phoenix went to chat with his old

partner. Amy looked up at him expectantly.

“What’s going on with Philips today?”
Her face fell. “Lt. Philips has a stalker. I guess he’s being accused

of doing the stalking. His stalker used the law to find him.”

“I.A. is looking into it now.”
“Okay, keep me informed.”
“I will. It’s going to be weeks before we know anything.”
“Sounds like.”

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He wanted to stick around for the story, but was intrigued

nonetheless on how Hunter was doing. Phoenix headed for his office.
He had to get his head in the game to finish his work before he
confronted Hunter about last night. Truthfully, he needed to
apologize. And he needed to do that first. He set the training books
down on the desk by his coffee. He mentally adjusted his balls and
headed upstairs where Hunter’s office was in the back of the building.
He navigated the hall without seeing much of anyone yet. It was still

Phoenix went to Hunter’s office, surprised to find the door closed.

He tried the handle and was relieved when he found it unlocked. He
opened the door and stopped when he saw Hunter moving his hand
down over his crotch to adjust his cock. Their eyes locked and
something snapped within him which he didn’t know how to control.
He closed the door behind him and leaned back against it.

“Stop that now.” A warm blush lifted up over Hunter’s neck and

cheeks. He opened his mouth to speak but Phoenix silenced him with
a hard stare. “I didn’t give you permission to do that.”

Something within Hunter’s eye melted Phoenix’s heart. Never had

a submissive seemed so delicate and innocent to him before. Phoenix
hated himself for being so rough with his submissive the night before.
He needed to set the boundaries of their relationship. He did not want
this thing to mess up their careers—not when he was so close to
getting everything he ever imagined and wanted in life.

For the first time, he was certain that he might have a real chance

at love with this submissive, and he did not want to let him go yet. He
has known Hunter for several years but it was as though his love for
him had only been awakened a few days ago. It was all too strange
and new for him.

“You made yourself very clear last night. We’re not at your house.

We’re here at work. I can do anything I want.”

“That’s not how it works. When you’re in my presence I have

complete control over you. Always.”

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A shiver raced through Hunter’s body when he had spoken.

Phoenix loved how he had that effect on his sub. He circled around
Hunter’s desk and grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled
him in close. He kissed him possessively, slipping his tongue deep
into his mouth and threading his fingers into his hair. He purposely
tilted his head back, moving in closely until he could do nothing but
submit to him. He loved owning his sub.

When he was finished thoroughly kissing his submissive, Phoenix

broke his mouth away but kept his fingers locked within Hunter’s
hair. Passion and lust was within Hunter’s beautiful gaze. Phoenix
knew he was going to fuck this thing up if he pushed him further here
at work. Hunter had secrets that he needed to give up before they took
this thing further. Phoenix was certain he needed to talk to Chief Rask
about what was going on with him. The two men had a special
connection. Hunter was clearly comfortable with the chief.

As he looked within Hunter’s secretive eyes, he decided he would

have to ask Rask today about what was going on. He had to know
everything about his submissive. “If I catch you touching yourself
again at work, you’ll be in trouble.”

“Will I?”
“Yes, you will.”
Hunter’s eyes closed off. “Yes, Sir.”
The words were said with a sarcastic edge. It put Phoenix on

notice. He tightened his hands within Hunter’s hair again for
emphasis. “You make me want to take you here and now, but that’s
not going to happen.”

Phoenix turned abruptly away, and left Hunter’s office. He’d

come there to apologize, but he clearly had done more damage than
good. Behind him, he heard Hunter’s office door lock. The tips of his
lips turned up in a small smile. He was half-way down the hall when
his cell phone chimed. He pulled it out, seeing a text from Hunter.
What was his submissive up to now?

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He smoothed his thumb over the message and it pulled up. All the

air left him and his shoulder fell against the wall. Hunter’s hard dick
was in full view. Phoenix’s mouth watered. This picture was just
taken. He recognized Hunter’s tactical pants and saw his officer chairs
in the background. God, help him. He wanted to kick in Hunter’s
office door and spank his sub for being so disobedient. There were
other things he needed to do first.

He went downstairs and headed straight for Chief Rask’s office.

Relief moved through his shoulders when he realized that the chief
was in and they could talk. He tapped on the door with his knuckles
and waited for the chief to look out.

“Come in.”
Phoenix opened the door and went inside. He closed it quietly

behind him. “I need to ask you a few questions about Hunter before
training gets underway.”

The chief sighed, dropping his pen and leaning back in his desk

chair. “I had a feeling you were going to come to me about this.”

“Oh yeah?”
“I had a feeling you might want to know what’s going on with


“Yes, I do.”
“Hold on. Let me get his file for you to read.”
Phoenix paced impatiently around the chief’s office as he waited

for him to come back. He handed over his file and Phoenix sat down,
reading through it. Shock vibrated through him. He could not believe
what he was reading. Surprise was completely replaced with concern
and empathy for the submissive he was treating so roughly. My God.
What had he gone through and how had he survived?

He looked up at

Rask. He thought for just the briefest of seconds he saw tears within
the chief’s eyes. After he lost his brother, his father blamed him and
abused him physically and verbally for years.

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“Hunter doesn’t want anyone to know…anything.”

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* * * *

Hunter was still shaking inside from his encounter with Phoenix.

When the man struck, he hit hard, turning his insides to liquid heat.
His hands were trembling. He couldn’t believe he sent his Dom a
picture of his fully aroused dick—on a fucking work phone. He tossed
his cell phone onto his desk, muscling his prick back into his tactical

He was feeling emotionally strung out from his time with

Phoenix. This thing needed to stop at work. They couldn’t be caught
like this together kissing and doing things in his office. If anyone
found out, they would both be fired. He couldn’t risk Phoenix’s
reputation or his job.

Hunter got to work and the day flew by quickly. It was in the

afternoon when Phoenix called his office. His hand shook as he
reached for the phone. “This is Hunter.”

“I need to see you in my office.”
A shiver of anticipation raced through his body. Phoenix wanted

to see him now. The thought of going to his office made him want to
jump up and run, but he couldn’t. His feet and ass were firmly
planted. “Now is not a good time.”

He heard the sharp intake of Phoenix’s breath on the other end of

the line. “It’s about your training. I need to see you now. Meet me in
the Training Center in ten minutes.”

The line went dead. Phoenix wasn’t going to give up on this

training thing. That meant Hunter needed to go through the results
again. He would pass just enough so that he got to keep his job.

He sighed, closing his eyes. He hung up the phone. He just wasn’t

cut out for this. What made him think he could ever become a police
officer? It was why he hid himself within technology and data
collection. He preferred the work behind the scenes. Knowing that he

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couldn’t get out of seeing Phoenix, Hunter got up and headed for the
Training Center. He ignored all his coworkers as he went.

He was feeling salty about how Phoenix left him. He did not want

to have this confrontation with Phoenix—not now, and especially not
at work. He was heading toward the Training Center when he heard
voices just inside of it. One voice was Phoenix’s, and the other, he
couldn’t recognize. Who was in there with Phoenix? He glanced
through the long windows while hanging back where he couldn’t be

Another officer stood across from Phoenix, working out heavily

without a shirt as he lifted weights. Sweat glistened on the officer’s
chest. Hunter recognized him as one of the new recruits. On the mats,
there were even more men and women working on ground fighting.
Phoenix’s arms were crossed with his biceps bulging, emphasizing his
tattoos. He looked impressed by whatever the man across from him
was saying. Jealousy ran through him like an out of control train.

What made him think this well-muscled man would ever want

him? What made him think this man would ever love him? He

Phoenix wouldn’t ever love him. He wouldn’t ever look at him the

way he was looking at this recruit now. Instead of going into the
Training Center, Hunter slipped around the corner and turned on his
heel and left. He wouldn’t play witness to what was going on between
the two men. He’d deal with Phoenix later—on his terms. Not now.
He didn’t have to obey his orders at work. He was training him, yes,
but he was not his master when they were at work. He was not his
Dom at work.

Through the windows, Phoenix caught sight of him and it was

over. He couldn’t run. He summoned his courage and opened the
door. As he approached the mats, Hunter took off his work boots and
set them aside. Phoenix guided him toward an open area on the mats.

“We’re going to brush up on takedowns today,” Phoenix said.
“I’m not going to be that hands on in the field.”

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“You never know. Since everyone is paired up, you’ll work with


Hunter’s heart started to beat wildly. “Sure.”
Without warning, Phoenix reached out and grabbed him by the

shirt, forcing him to react. Desire welled up inside of him as Phoenix
muscled him to the floor.

“Fight me. Don’t wait,” Phoenix said.
As Phoenix came down on top of him, Hunter instinctively

wrapped his legs around the man who he so desperately needed to
fuck. He twined his arms into Phoenix’s, breaking the hold on his
shirt. With his arms free, Phoenix worked his arm under his leg,
unlocking his legs and flipping him to the mat where he pinned him
from behind. The feel of his solid shaft pressing against his rim was
too much. He froze as his cock kick out. He moaned as strong arms
came around him.

Phoenix pressed his lips against his ear. “Never give up when

you’re down.”

A moan of pleasure vibrated past his lips as Phoenix edged his

cock up and down over his rim. Annoyance moved through him and
he dug his feet in, pushing against Phoenix but it was no use. He was
too strong and too big. Without warning, his Dom let go, rolling off of
him. He reached down, helping him up.

“Not too bad.”
“Let’s try again.”
He reached out, grabbing him again. This time, Hunter ducked

around him, putting his legs behind Phoenix’s as he flipped him to the
ground. Shock and surprise moved through Phoenix’s eyes as he
looked up at him from the mat. Laughter spilled from his eyes as
Hunter offered his hand, helping him up.

“Nice move.”
Hunter smiled. “I have a few.”
“Wait for me.”

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Phoenix released the class but several of officers hung around to

talk to him.

Instead of waiting, Hunter took the stairs back up to his office. He

packed up his shit and punched out for the day. It was close enough to
quitting time as it was. He headed out the back entrance and went
straight to his car. He started it up and left for the day. Hunter was
very aware he was running but he didn’t care.

Five minutes after he left the building, he felt the vibration of his

cell phone in his pocket. Before he could stop it, Bluetooth picked up
the call. He saw the number flash across the screen and knew instantly
it was Phoenix. His hands tightened down on the wheel. He would not
answer this call. He should.

Frustration raced through his mind as he saw the call go into

voicemail a few seconds later. Then it started ringing again. Phoenix
was not giving up on him. But he’d be damned if he was going to
follow all his orders blindly at work. He was not a dog to be ordered
around. He was a submissive. There was a big fucking difference in
his mind. He just hoped Phoenix would understand why he needed to
take a breather.

He just couldn’t go there now. He had too much going on in his

head—too many thoughts and too many insecurities and too many
damn memories of what had happened to his brother. No man
deserved that kind of baggage, and neither did Phoenix.

The man had no idea what he was bringing to his doorstep, and he

was not about to leave it there for him to see.

Unable to ignore him any longer, Hunter answered the call.


“Where are you?”
“I’m on my way home.”
“I ordered you to wait for me. Come back to the station. That’s an


Hunter’s mouth fell open. He was serious. “Okay. I’m on my way

back. Sorry, Sir.”

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“See you soon.”
Nervous energy pumped through Hunter as he drove back to the

station. He found his Dom in the lot waiting for him next to his car.
He shut off the engine and got out, crossing the lot. Phoenix got into
the front and cranked over the engine. He stared at Hunter through the
open look.

“Get in.”
When Hunter scooted inside, the doors locked. Phoenix reached

over and handcuffed him with his wrist in front. “I can’t believe
you’re treating me this way.”

“When you act like a fool you’re treated like a fool.”
Hunter’s mouth burned with words he wanted to say but knew

Phoenix wouldn’t have any of it. “Why?” “Because you disobeyed
my direct order. And that’s criminal to me.”

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Chapter Seven

Phoenix wasn’t certain how he was going break through to

Hunter. He needed him to trust him. Somehow, and in some way, they
had gotten off on the wrong foot and he needed to pull him back into
trusting him.

They drove through the city to his place. In the passenger seat,

Hunter was sulking and staring out the window with the cuffs
pinching his wrists. Phoenix inwardly sighed. What was he supposed
to do? How was he supposed to tell him that he could be trusted?
They needed to get away and head out for a night on the town.

There was something within Hunter that needed to be reset. It was

as though he were sinking in the ocean and only Phoenix could save
him. It was settled then. Phoenix had some days off. He was going to
show him how good it could be between them.

He drove back to his place and parked the car. From the back seat,

Phoenix could see surprise moved across Hunter’s face. Phoenix got
out and opened the door. He reached inside and unlocked the cuffs
pinching his wrists.

“Come with me.”
There were unasked questions within Hunter’s eyes, but he

seemed torn between wanting to obey him and the possibility of what
could happen between them. When they were alone, Phoenix set his
keys on the table just inside the entrance hall.

“Go upstairs and pack a bag.”
“Where are we going?”
“Someplace where you won’t need clothes all weekend.”

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Heat moved within Hunter’s gaze as though shocked at what was

about to happen. He hesitated only a moment before going upstairs to
pack a bag. A few minutes later, he came back down. Phoenix was
ready to go, too. Hunter had several bags packed and had changed out
of his work uniform. They headed outside and went back to his car.

As he drove out of the city to the country, Phoenix glanced over at

his sub. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”

“I’m not.”
Phoenix reached over and slid his hand over his sub’s thigh,

feeling the muscles beneath clench. “I make you nervous.”

“You do.”
“Why is that?”
“I don’t understand why you would want someone like me.”
With that comment, Phoenix tightened his hold on his thigh.

“You’re fucking sexy as hell and don’t know it.”

Right now, he didn’t want to think about what would happen

Monday morning when they had to go back to work and they had to
pick up the training they left off with on Friday. Tonight was all about
proving to Hunter that he needed to be broken.

Hocking Hills was his favorite location to bring a submissive.

They were way off in the middle of nowhere where he could scream
and wouldn’t be heard. The sadistic part of Phoenix wanted to push
Hunter to his breaking point there. He pulled up outside his cabin he
had bought four years ago and turned off the car.

“God, yes.”
With his admission, Phoenix leaned across the seat, wrapping his

hand around the back of Hunter’s neck. He eased in, smoothing his
lips across Hunter’s, feeling his sub melt into the seat. Hunter
moaned, opening his mouth to Phoenix’s seductive tongue. He flicked
his tongue deep into Hunter’s mouth, loving the way he submitted to
his kiss.

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A groan of pleasure sounded low in his gut as his cock flooded

with heat. He was hard as he smoothed his hand down over his sub’s
fly, adjusting his dick. He was shocked to find that Hunter’s cockhead
had popped out of the top of his jeans and was weeping with pre-cum.
Knowing when to back off, Phoenix pulled away. He didn’t want his
sub to shoot his spunk yet.

There was tension in Hunter’s shoulders as they entered the cabin.

Nighttime noises circled around them, giving them the feeling of
complete isolation. When he closed the door behind them, Phoenix
locked it. He didn’t want any interruptions. He wanted to prove to
Hunter that they could be truly alone and be themselves with each

With a control he wasn’t feeling inside, Phoenix said, “Undress

for me.”

Hunter moved to the center of the room. He looked around

nervously. “This is your place?”

There was a bookshelf, couch, and several other pieces of

furniture. It was one room, and in the back there was a bath and a
bedroom that was mostly a playroom. He did not want to scare him
off by showing him that room yet. It was nothing like the one he had
at his house.

“I’ve given you an order, sub.”
Hunter undressed, slowly, seductively.
Phoenix watched the line of his muscles flex and bunch in his

backside as he moved deeper into the cabin. Before he realized what
was happening, Hunter was heading toward the bedroom.

Unable to control his sub, Phoenix knew he was going to have to

do something to keep Hunter in line. He flipped on the low lighting in
the back part of the cabin and watched Hunter’s reaction as he entered
his playroom. The St. Andrew’s Cross was the main piece of

“You’re an experienced Dom.”

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“I am.”
Phoenix moved behind Hunter, smoothing his hand down over his

arms and kissing his way over the back of his neck. A moan of
pleasure escaped Hunter’s lips when he flicked his tongue over the
sensitive skin at the base of his neck.

“I won’t hurt you.”
“I know that.”
“Just trust me.”
Phoenix moved around to stand in front of him. Their mouths

connected in a heated kiss. He used his mouth to put Hunter in a sex-
induced fog. He broke his lips away, pulling him toward the cross.

He positioned Hunter in the middle of the room, putting him in the

swing where it made him lean forward and expose his ass. His feet
dangled off the floor. He locked his wrists down by using the chains
that hung form the leather straps on the swing. He gave him a push
that sent him swinging back and forth. There was laughter in his voice
but fear lingered within Hunter’s eyes as he watched him move across
the room.

“There is fear in your eyes.”
“I’m sorry.”
Hunter closed his mouth abruptly, as though he were cutting off

what he was about to say. Phoenix needed an answer from him before
they went further.

“Tell me what’s going on in your head.”
“I don’t want you to think differently of me, Sir.”
The truth of it rocked Phoenix to the core. He was ashamed of

where he came from.

He knew what was within Hunter’s file, but he didn’t know all of

his past. What had happened to him as a child shouldn’t have
happened to anyone. What else was lingering within him to cause
such despair? He had to know. He didn’t want there to be anything
between them—nothing at all. He circled around and brushed his
hands over his chest.

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“Tell me.”
“I can’t, Sir.”
Phoenix stepped back. He pulled his T-shirt off and slipped off his

shoes and socks. He saw the way Hunter’s gaze immediately fell to
his well-muscled chest and the visible scars that where lined like a
map. “You should know I read your file. Chief Rask insisted that I

“You shouldn’t have. You have no right.”
“Yes, I did. I’m training you. I need to know you’re solid in the

field. I can’t train you unless I know everything that’s going on with
you. Tell me.”

“There’s something that happened when I was a child…I saw my

brother drown. My parents blamed and abused me for it.”

“I’m so sorry.”
The devastation within Hunter’s eyes cut right through Phoenix’s

soul. It was clearly something he would never get over. There were no
tears. It was as though he’d long ago shut that part of his life off. He
couldn’t imagine what he thought about every time he looked in the

“I am damaged goods.”
“No, you’re not.”
It was clear that Hunter truly believed he was damaged from his

childhood abuse. He hated to see how Hunter had pulled away
emotionally in that moment. He knew he had to do something to show
him he could have it all together. Phoenix thought about all he needed
to do. With his jeans low on his hips, Phoenix moved over to the
drawers where he kept his floggers. He picked a leather crop with a
braided end. He smoothed the leather crop over his ass cheeks as he
came in from behind. The chains above him clinked as he shivered.

Before he could stop himself, he smoothed his hand over his ass

cheeks. Phoenix’s cock was ready.

Hunter’s cock was granite and throbbing. Pre-cum dripped onto

the floor. With his ass swinging in the wind, he came in close,

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spanking him hard. He watched as his balls bounced back and forth
and his dick jumped up and down. A moan of pleasured echoed
within his playroom. Phoenix loved the sound of it. He liked the way
his sub was finally letting go. Phoenix smoothed his hand over his
ass, spanking him on the bittersweet edge of violence. He loved the
ripple of his ass cheek as his hand hit—how his ass became redder
with each strike.

It felt so good to take control. The only thing better was that

Hunter was trusting him completely. He watched as heat moved over
his sub’s face as desire took over. He flipped the tips of his fingers
over his rim and rubbed. He loved the look of pure raw bliss over
Hunter’s face as he arched his ass out. His cock was waving below
the swing, through the hole it was trapped inside of. He saw Hunter’s
dick twitch and shiver.

Phoenix reached out, squeezing his cock. “I did not give you

permission to come.”

Sweat dripped from Hunter’s body as he tried to keep control.

Phoenix pulled his hand away, spanking his sub until he was a mess
of need and lust. He kept going until sweat broke out on his brow and
dripped down his temples. This entire session was supposed to be
about breaking Hunter, but something inside of him was shattering.

Phoenix went to his toys and picked out a new butt plug. He had

five different sizes and he reached for the middle one first. Taking the
bottle of lube, Phoenix smoothed two of his fingers with the warm
gel. He moved his fingers over Hunter’s rim and pushed one inside.
Hunter moaned, causing Phoenix to pull one finger out. He squirted
more lube on his fingers, then pushed two back inside. He wanted to
be sure Hunter was wet and properly stretched before he took him.

When he was very wet and ready, Phoenix moved the long,

tapered butt plug slowly inside. He watched as Hunter arched his ass
out, relaxing into his touch. Yes, he was a very good submissive.
Phoenix was going to do his best to give him everything he wanted.
For the first time in his life, he wanted a submissive forever but only

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if Hunter would love him in return. He shouldn’t have been breaking
his rules but he was. It had started at work and now it was happening
in his personal life.

“Are you ready for me?”
“God, yes!”

* * * *

Hunter wanted Phoenix to take complete control of his body, but

he was holding back. It was clear that the session was something
about breaking him down, proving to his Dom that he could submit.
Hunter was learning fast about what he had to do and he was going to
do everything in his power to make sure he obeyed Phoenix.

As the butt plug entered his body, Hunter moaned, forgetting all

his worries. He held his body completely still as he felt sweat break
out over his heated skin, followed by a shiver of goose bumps. He felt
so vulnerable and exposed to Phoenix. He absolutely loved it.

After the butt plug was deep within his ass, Phoenix came back

with a leather flogger and started hitting his ass cheeks, moving it
higher up over his back. After several minutes of flogging, he set the
flogger aside and came back with a leather collar. Phoenix stood in
front of him. It was then that Hunter saw that Phoenix was completely
naked as he stood before him. He clipped the smooth leather collar
around his neck, tightening it to his skin.

It wasn’t pinching at all, but it was enough to show him that he

was no longer in control. A long chain knocked together as it was laid
over his spine and moved down between his ass cheeks. The chain
was clipped onto the butt plug in his ass. As he moved his neck he felt
the butt plug give.

“Don’t move.”
Hunter moaned as Phoenix pushed the butt plug deeper. His

response was immediate and intense as the butt plug was forced

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between his ass cheeks, making him squeeze his rim so that the plug
would not move.

“Chin up.”
He lifted his head on Phoenix’s order, then lowered it again when

he felt the butt plug press against his prostate. Sensations washed over
him. Hunter wasn’t so sure how much more he could take. He’d never
been taken so fast before, but he knew they were still beginning.
There was so much more that they would explore tonight.

As if sensing he was on the edge, Phoenix took control of his dick


A cock ring was moved down over his throbbing prick, trapping

the flow of blood, and forcing him to hold out longer. Relief moved
through Hunter when he realized he wouldn’t be coming anytime
soon. The fact that he hadn’t gotten Phoenix off last time they were
together weighed heavily on his mind.

As a submissive, he wanted to please his Dom in every way and

didn’t want to be held back. The smooth edge of the flogger came up
under his neck, lifting his head. Tension vibrated through him as he
clenched his ass cheeks to keep control of his hold on the butt plug

“Stop thinking so much and start feeling.”
The order was given on a husky note that Hunter knew he had to

obey. It was true. He was thinking way too much and not enjoying the
pleasure of having his Dom work his body. It was then that he let go
completely of every thought and started feeling what Phoenix was
doing to him. His eyes were on Phoenix as he moved around the

The man was fucking beautiful. He was gorgeous in every way.

The thought of him finally mounting him sent a shiver racing over
Hunter’s skin. He wanted to be taken by his Dom.

Phoenix covered him in more chains. The length of chain was

wrapped around his hips and locked into the butt plug in his ass. More
lengths of chain were wrapped around his legs and balls, locking into

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a device that was around his cock. It felt so much like a chastity belt.
Phoenix stepped back and looked at his handiwork, checking every
connection of the chain.

Hunter noticed that Phoenix was taking his time tonight and that

scared him. Hunter struggled to remain in control of his body. His
dick was throbbing and it felt like pre-cum was leaking from his tip.

“Open your mouth.”
His Dom pushed his dick in with one thick, solid move. Hunter

loved having Phoenix’s cock so deep within his mouth. He sucked
eagerly on him, trying purposely to take him over the edge. He
wanted to see what would happen when Phoenix lost all control. It
wasn’t long before he found out.

Strong hands came up beneath his chin, squeezing gently to take

back control. He used his hand to guide the tempo of his dick
thrusting within Hunter’s mouth. He loved the way the tip of his
cockhead hit the back of his throat and slipped deeper down. A shot
of pre-cum shot from Phoenix’s prick, sliding across his tongue. He
swallowed his spunk down before his Dom could deny him the

Before he could stop it, a moan sounded deep within Hunter. As

punishment, Phoenix took his cock away.

“You shouldn’t have done that.”
Disappointment moved through him when he realized he had

upset his Dom. He watched his lover walk away from him and come
back slowly. This time he had something in his hands and it looked
like a cane. It came down hard across his ass cheeks several times.
Sensations vibrated over his rim. He was so close to coming. Several
more strikes landed across his ass before the cane was pulled away.

“This time you will learn to focus.”
Phoenix pushed his cock deep into Hunter’s mouth, thrusting to

the point of gagging him, cutting off his breathing with every stroke
of his prick. Again, Phoenix reached down and gently squeezed his
neck, forcing him to take his cock deeper. Hunter undulated his

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tongue, forcing it across Phoenix’s swollen cockhead. Relief poured
through him as he felt another shot of cum land across his tongue.
Hunter moaned, sucking eagerly on the tip of his cockhead, hoping he
could get him off. Phoenix squeezed his neck, forcing him to stop

Frustration moved through Hunter as his Dom pulled away. He

moved around to the back of Hunter’s ass and removed the butt plug.
He heard the sound of a lube bottle opening and closing. He didn’t
have to look over his shoulder to know what was coming. He’d
braced for impact and froze when he realized it wasn’t coming.

Then, without warning, his ass cheeks were spread wide. Phoenix

pushed his cockhead against his rim and thrust deeply inside, sending
sensations over his prostate. He cried out. The urge to orgasm was so
painful that it hurt to hold it back.

Hunter felt himself coming. Line after line of come rocketed

across the cabin floorboards. He moaned as his ass cheeks bounced up
and down with every thrust of his Dom’s cock. His dick hit against
the leather swing, sending his jizz upward. When he felt Phoenix stop,
he knew something was wrong.

“Stop clenching.”
The order from his Dom sent an involuntary tightening around the

cock shoved up his ass.

Hunter groaned as he felt Phoenix’s balls pull up tight. He came

deep within his ass, and it felt so good. It was a long time before
Hunter was able to speak again. It was an even longer time before
Phoenix pulled his cock from his ass. When he did, Hunter felt
suddenly alone. He wanted his Dom back again, and he would do
anything in his power to have him there again tonight.

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Chapter Eight

The most important part of any session was taking care of his

submissive. Phoenix knew what he needed to do. He unlocked the
chains and helped Hunter up from the leather swing. He took him
outside to the hot tub and got it going. They both got in, easing their
aching muscles.

Phoenix came in close and kissed him possessively. After a long

kiss, they pulled away and held each other. Phoenix loved the way his
sub sat between his legs, back against his chest. He smoothed his
hand down to Hunter’s, joining them together.

Hunter’s fingers skimmed over his arms. “How did you get the

scars on your chest?”

“Surgery a few days after I was born. My trachea and esophagus

were joined together improperly. They call it TEF. I’m fine now. I
just have battle scars.”

“You wear them well.”
“I’m glad you like them.”
He pulled him in a little bit tighter. “Why couldn’t you tell me?”
Hunter stiffened within his arms. He knew he shouldn’t bring up

the subject, but he knew this was the biggest thing that held them
back from being together. He eased his hands over his shoulders,
working out the kinks in his muscles.

Hunter sighed heavily. “I don’t want to bother you with my


“You’re not bothering me. I want to know more about you.”
Hunter tried again but his voice cracked. Phoenix waited, knowing

Hunter would come around. He finally started again, his voice way

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stronger this time. “I have panic attacks when I think about what

“I understand.”
“No, you don’t. It’s almost impossible for me to go into public

places. I’m afraid of dying. I’m frightened of encountering somebody
who I won’t be able to save.”

“Like your brother?”
The man needed some confidence. Phoenix had seen it before.

The young guys coming through the department were all damage
men. They had something to prove and someone from their past they
wanted to protect. It was clear that Hunter was carrying a lot of
baggage from his past.

“You should know Chief Rask told me so I could help you.”
Hunter stiffened within his arms. He instantly pulled away and

looked around.

“You mean?”
His words were accusatory. Phoenix hated how they had this

between them. “Chief Rask thought it would help train you better.
Stop pulling away from me.”

“You used the information to get closer to me—to use me—to

take me. You just wanted to sleep with me!”

“That is not what happened.”
Hunter came in fast, striking his hand against his chest. Phoenix

reached out and grabbed his jaw and muscled him up against the side
of the hot tub. Their bodies were slick against each other as he held
him close. Something snapped within him as he took control of his

“Do not ever hit me again.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You will be if you ever do it again.”
Something in Hunter’s eyes broke him. He hated putting that look

there and hated this divide between them. “Don’t run from me.”

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“I’m sorry I can’t be the man you want me to be.”
There were tears in Hunter’s eyes and they quickly fell across his

cheeks. Phoenix knew he had to do something. He came in close and
kissed him softly and gently, encouraging Hunter to kiss him back.
When he wouldn’t, Phoenix broke his lips away. Regret moved
through Phoenix’s soul as he looked at Hunter. The man was
completely shutting him out physically and emotionally.

“I’d like to go home now.”
He muscled him up against the side of the hot tub. “Don’t run

from me.”

“I don’t know how to trust you.”
He slipped his fingers into Hunter’s hair, tilting up his chin. “You


Tears filled his luminous eyes. “I can’t. Please don’t make me be

with you. It hurts too much.”

Phoenix had never experienced this situation with a submissive

before. He was completely coding out on him and telling him now.
Phoenix did not take from any submissive. If he was not willing, then
he was not going to be with him.

Phoenix shut off the hot tub and got out. He reached for a towel

and wrapped it around his waist as he went inside. He was frustrated
with his sub as he quickly dressed. He didn’t bother packing up any of
his things.

After several minutes, Hunter met him in the hallway. “Let’s go.”
They were silent as they drove back to his place. Phoenix parked

his car on the street just in case Hunter wanted to leave. He went
inside, completely ignoring Hunter and the deafening silence between
them. He didn’t know how to fix it as he’d never had this situation
with any submissive before. He was not about to change things
tonight. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Jack and
headed out onto the porch.

He didn’t bother with a cup and took several swigs out of the

bottle as he sat, enjoying the burn as it went down. He was shocked at

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the fact that his cock was still semi-hard. He ran his hand through his
hair, looking up at the back of the house and the light that was on.

After a long time, that light went out, but Phoenix was certain

Hunter was not yet asleep. How had he gotten here so fast? How had
he screwed things up so royally? Phoenix shook his head as he leaned
forward and put his hands against his face. He wanted Hunter back
within his arms so he could show him everything would be okay.

Instead, he had to think about going into work tomorrow and

telling TJ things were over. He couldn’t train him to be in the field.
He had crossed the line. That had him thinking he needed to talk with
Chief Rask, too. He needed to know the situation and get advice on
the best way to handle it. It would mean, possibly, the loss of his job,
but he didn’t care. He could be reassigned, that was fine with him. He
knew he wouldn’t be able to face Hunter again. Not the way he
screwed things up so thoroughly.

* * * *

Despite turning off the light, Hunter couldn’t sleep. He closed his

eyes, tossing and turning in his bed. He made the biggest mistake by
pulling away from his Dom. He wanted to be within his arms, telling
him all the bad nightmares that kept him up at night. He couldn’t. He
went to the window and brushed aside the curtain slightly so Phoenix
wouldn’t notice.

Down on the deck, Phoenix was drinking. He was torn up inside.

Hunter disliked how he had pushed his Dom away. Hated how he had
put that look on Phoenix’s face. Still, he didn’t know how to
apologize. He didn’t know how to pick up where they left off. He
should’ve just been honest with him and not upset with the fact he
talked with Chief Rask about what was going on.

The chief always had his back and he trusted him completely. The

way he had told Phoenix about his past meant they both were on his
side. Instead of going downstairs to tell Phoenix how he felt, Hunter

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turned away. He needed to leave. He needed to find another place to
stay. He couldn’t bring himself to pack his simple belongings and go
now. Instead, he went back to bed and tossed and turned all night.

Sunlight hitting him in the face, woke him up. He looked at the

time. He was late for work. He jumped out of bed and showered fast.
He was dressed and ready to go within fifteen minutes. He headed
down the stairs and hesitated. Phoenix had obviously left for work

It was just as well that they didn’t cross paths. Hunter wasn’t sure

what he would say or how to act. He drove across town to the station
and parked his car, going in through the back entrance. As always, he
settled into his morning routine, forgetting all about what had
happened. He got his coffee and was crossing the bullpen when he
caught sight of Phoenix talking with Chief Rask.

They looked like they were in deep discussion. As he moved past,

he saw surprise on Chief Rask’s face. His gaze connected with his
before he could move away. There was a flash of shock within his. He
knew immediately that Phoenix had fessed up about having sex with

Devastated and embarrassed, Hunter left the room and went to the

sanctity of his office and locked the door behind him. He took a
steadying breath as he tried to think about the cold cases he was
working on, but it wasn’t enough to distract him.

When the phone rang, Hunter immediately looked to see who it

was before answering. It was coming from Chief Rask’s office. He
answered the phone as he normally would. He would eventually have
to talk to him. “This is Hunter.”

“Just wanted to let you know I’ll be assigning your training over

to TJ for the time being.”

“Phoenix didn’t seem to think you would pass under his training.”
“Chief, I don’t think I’m the right man for this.”

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“Stop being a pussy and man up. You need to take back control of

your life. Stop making excuses for what you want and go after it.”

The words struck him. The chief was making a clear assessment

of what was going on between him and Phoenix. “Sir, do you really
think that’s a good idea?”

A long sigh came through the phone. “I know you’re making a

mistake by not going after what you have to.”

And there it was. They were both making a mistake. “Just finish

up your training and get in the field. It’s where the SWAT team needs

“Yes, sir.”
Hunter was feeling more confident about what he should do. An

hour later, the phone rang a second time. This time it was TJ. “Hello,
this is Hunter.”

“Get your ass down to the Training Center. Now.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hunter ran a hand through his hair and went down to the Training

Center where he headed straight for the locker room. He would
approach this like every other job. He could do this job without the
distraction of wanting Phoenix. He changed into his workout clothes
and headed toward the mats where the training session was already

TJ was instructing the other men about takedown procedures. He

dismissed the two men he was working with and came in front of

“You don’t need to tell me what’s going on. I already know. But

before you try to fuck the situation up any more than you already
have, you need to get your training squared away. The next time
we’re called into the field, you’ll be going.”

Hunter nodded his head. “I understand.”
TJ came in close. “I don’t think you do. Phoenix isn’t like this.

He’s never given up on anyone. Ever.”

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Shock and sadness radiated through Hunter’s body before he

could close it off. “I didn’t know that.”

“Let’s get to work.”
Hunter nodded. The next three hours TJ gave him an intense

training workout going over detailed specifications, communications,
and drills of scenarios of what could happen in the field.

At the end of it, TJ came in close with his hands on his hips.

“Experience is the best thing you’ll gain by working with SWAT. I
want you in the field every time.”

“Yes, sir.”
Hunter was tired as he was dismissed. He headed for the locker

room and stripped-down. As he was passing in front of the mirrors, he
saw the bruises on his hands and thighs. The memory of Phoenix
giving him those marks flooded his system. He wanted Phoenix to
make more on his body. He had never wanted any man so desperately
before. He went to the back of the locker room stepping inside the
shower, turning it on fast as emotion flooded his system. Pressing his
hands against the wall, he started to cry.

He had truly fucked things over for himself and for Phoenix. He

wanted a chance of making it right. The water was hot as it ran down
over his head and shoulders, loosening stiff muscles. Desperate to feel
anything, he reached down, stroking his hand over his cock.

It felt so wrong and so completely right as he took control over

himself within the confines of the shower. He wanted his Dom to be
the one stroking him now. With the memory of his tongue taking him,
he stroked himself harder and faster, twisting his hand up and down,
trying to reach a peak he desperately needed, but that wouldn’t come.
The more he tried jerking off the further and further his orgasm went

He needed his Dom. He had to find him and had to find him now.

His cock would only obey Phoenix and that scared him.

Hunter shut off the water and got dressed again. He passed

through the Training Center and up into the bullpen, his hair still wet

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and damp. He looked around for any sign of Phoenix but didn’t see
him. He was reaching for his cell phone as he moved through the
office. When he was alone in the stairwell again, he waited for his
Dom to pick up. When the ringing stopped and jumped to voicemail,
disappointment spiraled through Hunter.

“Hey, it’s me. I wanted to talk. I’m sorry. Really sorry about how

I left things. I know you guys were just looking out for me. Call me.”

He was going to find Phoenix to apologize in person about what

had happened. That had him taking the stairs to his Dom’s office. As
he moved down the hallway, he finally understood that he needed to
submit fully to him in all areas of his life if they were going to make
this thing work between them.

As he came to his office door, his cell phone buzzed to life with

an emergency text. SWAT was being called into the field for an
emergency training session. He wouldn’t have time to talk with him
now. Despite the text, Hunter knocked on the door—no answer. He
was not around.

The SWAT team met downstairs just inside the garage where the

SWAT units were held. Phoenix was there but he wouldn’t look at
him. Hunter knew he had to get closer tonight.

It took several hours to get through the training scenario before

they broke off for the night.

Afterward, the SWAT team was meeting up at the bar, but

Phoenix wasn’t going. They were all changing in the locker room.
Hunter waited for the men to disperse before he went over to talk with
his Dom. He had stripped off his fatigues and was now only wearing a
towel. It was clear he was heading toward the shower when Hunter
blocked his path.

“Please talk to me, Sir,” Hunter said.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“I think you know we need to talk.”
“Get out of my fucking way. You’re no longer my submissive or

my problem.”

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The words stung more than he wanted to admit. Hunter snapped

and slapped him. He should have stepped away but he couldn’t. He
wanted his Dom to take back control of him now.

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Chapter Nine

Phoenix’s cheek stung. He needed to get away from Hunter before

he did something foolish and stupid that both of them would regret.
He was walking a fine line here with his job and this man.

Hunter was blocking his path, purposely not moving so he

couldn’t get through. Phoenix came closer and closer but he held his
ground. He should’ve admired him for standing his ground, but right
now he wanted him gone.

Beneath the towel he could feel his cock flood with heat from the

memory of his sub’s touch—the memory of skin against his was too
much to bear. He had to get away from him. He moved around
Hunter, going for the shower and turning it on. He wasn’t surprised
when Hunter followed him but lingered outside.

Phoenix got under the shower, feeling his cock strain from the

pressure of wanting his submissive again. He cranked his hand over
his prick, stroking himself off. The feel of his hand was no longer
enough. He needed his sub—even if it was at work.

It was the last thing he should’ve been doing, but he wanted him

and there was nothing he could do to stop himself from taking him.
He pushed aside the curtain to see Hunter standing in the dressing
area. Naked.

He flipped Hunter over, pushing his head down against the bench

as he spread his ass cheeks wide, then spanked him sadistically. “I
told you that you would be punished if you struck me again.”

Hunter moaned, submitting to his touch by arching his ass out

further. Frantic, Phoenix reached for his bag, finding the lube. He
flipped open the cap, smearing it generously on his cock. He wet two

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fingers, pushing them slowly into his sub, turning them gently to wet
him. He pulled out his fingers and added more lube, pushing three
fingers in. A moan escaped Hunter’s parted, hungry lips.

With his cock ready, he aimed his cockhead against his rim and

pushed deep within Hunter’s ass. And then he stood still, leaving his
dick deep within his ass, he waited. Sweat broke out between their
bodies, and pre-cum from Hunter’s prick dripped like a leaky faucet
with an audible splat against the white tile as he waited.

Phoenix reached around, grabbing his cock, thrusting his hand up

and down. He heard the sound of other officers within the locker
room. Phoenix immediately released his dick and squeezed his ass
cheeks, silencing him. He lifted him up and wrapped his hand around
his mouth, taking him aggressively. With a slap of his hips against his
ass, Hunter moaned quietly.

He put his lips against his ear and said, “You won’t disobey the

orders I give you anywhere, anytime, anyplace.”

A whimper sounded deep within Hunter as he thrust his dick deep,

with short powerful strokes. This thing was getting too far out of
control. Phoenix was certain he couldn’t reign himself in. They had
gone too far too fast. Deep within the locker room, they heard the
sound of locker doors opening and closing, and voices carrying
through the hall.

“Hey, Phoenix are you in here?” Lt. Philips asked.
Phoenix never lost his rhythm as he continued to pound Hunter’s

tight ass . “Yes, I’m in the shower.”

“Your car is out here double parked. You need me to move it?”
“The keys are in my locker.”
“Okay, I’ll grab them.”
He spread his legs wide, using his thighs to pin Hunter against the

tile. Before long, he was pressing him up against the wall. He pulled
Hunter’s mouth around and their lips met in a passionate embrace. He
reached his free hand down between their legs and squeezed his balls

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“You will not come until I give you permission to.”
Hunter nodded his head, whimpering. Over the next twenty

minutes, Phoenix continued to fuck him with intense strokes, and then
he felt Hunter starting to break. He was close. They both were. As
Phoenix’s cock started to spasm, he whispered his lips across his ear.

“Come from me. Come for me now, sub.”
A moan of pleasure escaped Hunter’s lips which Phoenix silenced

with a hand across his mouth. Phoenix released his load deep within
his submissive as five white hot lines splattered against the tile. They
were both out of breath by the time they finished.

Phoenix couldn’t believe he took his sub there—not at work and

not like this. He normally had more control. It was clear that there
was something going on here neither one of them knew how to
control. Regret filled him.

“We shouldn’t have been together like this,” Phoenix said.
“I wanted you to do that to me.”
Phoenix came in fast, kissing him passionately and thrusting his

tongue deep. He broke his lips away and looked at Hunter with a
smoldering gaze. “When you say things like that, it makes me think
that we’ll be together forever.”

“It’s what I want with you.”
Phoenix pulled away. “You shouldn’t be with me. I’m not what

you need.”

“You are everything I need, more.”
They showered together with Phoenix mentally chewing over

what he needed to do. When they were done and dressed again,
Phoenix knew he needed to say something while they still had the
privacy of being alone within the dressing stall.

“I can’t be your boyfriend and work with you,” Phoenix said.
“I know you love me.”
Phoenix shook his head. He didn’t know how to handle this here

and now. He had to find a way. For the first time in his life, he was
confused about how to handle a submissive. All of his submissives

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usually came with contracts and negotiated times, places, and how,
why, and when—none of that was happening now.

This was too much like a relationship. He did not do relationships.

But when he looked at Hunter he saw his future. That had never
happened to him before. Now that it was, he didn’t want this feeling
to ever end. But he knew that Hunter needed to heal himself before he
could be with him.

“I do but I need you to do something for me,” Phoenix said.
“I need you to let go of the past before we can be with each


Emotion vibrated through Hunter’s eyes. “Yes, Sir. I’ll figure out

a way.”

Hunter turned away and left him. He needed Hunter to heal before

they could be together. Right then, he wasn’t so sure he would.

* * * *

One month later, Hunter was going back to work after a leave of

absence. Hunter had taken his Dom’s words to heart. He knew he
needed to work through and to move past all the pain lingering from
his younger brother’s death.

He was ready to see his Dom and thank him for being there for

him. It was as though he needed somebody to practically slap him in
the face and tell him that it wasn’t his fault and that it was okay to
live. Phoenix’s words had struck home. Over the last four weeks, he
had gotten his life together and stopped holding onto the past. It
wasn’t easy admitting to himself that he was using his brother’s death
as a crutch. It wouldn’t bring his brother back.

What was said and what had happened no longer keep him from

living his life, and it would no longer define his life. He was no longer
going to blame himself for what happened. He was an adult with an
awesome career and an awesome job. He knew he could have it all

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with Phoenix if he just took the chance. And he was ready to fully
devote himself to his Dom and to love him completely.

He caught sight of Phoenix heading to his office, and he followed

the man. He knocked on the door lightly, Phoenix giving him
permission to enter. Their eyes locked. Emotion played through
Hunter’s heart as he saw the way his Dom’s eyes lit up.

“Shut the door.”
Hunter closed it gently behind him.
“So, you’re back?”
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m ready. I let go of things. I

need you.”

“You do?”
Hunter’s heart was beating wildly in his chest as his gaze held hid

Dom’s. “Yes.”

Phoenix crossed his office quickly. He stood there for several long

seconds before reaching out and kissing him. His tongue swept inside
Hunter’s mouth, knocking him off balance. He gripped his shirt tight,
loving the way his Dom took control of him. He wanted his Dom to
bend him over his desk and take him roughly, but he knew they didn’t
have time for that now.

Phoenix pulled away. He ran his hand across his jaw. “I’m so glad

you came to me. I’ve missed you.”

“I love you, Phoenix.”
The sound of their emergency text messages going off distracted

them from the moment together. SWAT was being called out and
Hunter was with him this time. “You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
They headed down to the meeting point after grabbing their gear.

SWAT did their walkthrough of the event and divided quickly into
two groups, then loaded onto the trucks. The entire process took less
than five minutes. Several police cars had already been dispatched.
They were going in hot and heavy and they wouldn’t be out of it
anytime soon. Phoenix and Hunter sat across from each other on the

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benches within the truck. When they arrived, Hunter got started on
setting up field communications.

He took note of the number of men who were wired up on his

monitor. Everybody was online, even Phoenix. They moved closer to
the target house, and took up their positions. Hunter looked up at his
mobile display unit, TJ coming in close.

“You got this,” TJ said.
“Yes, I do, sir.”
They all took up positions and Hunter sat back ready and waiting

for anything he needed to do. The backdoor of the truck was open as
he and TJ observed the situation from inside. From what Hunter
understood, a man was inside holding his wife hostage and wasn’t
coming out anytime soon.

Hunter was on pins and needles as he saw Phoenix taking up

position to enter the house. His video feed gave him a clear view of
everything going on. They circled the house. Phoenix was still
communicating with his team, saying that he could see a man inside
pacing with woman on the floor. Several long seconds ticked by as
they waited for anything. The man was on the phone with the SWAT
negotiator, trying to calm him down, but it didn’t seem to be working.

Nervous energy pumped through Hunter’s body as he tried to

make sense of the situation going down. As much as he wanted to be
calm and controlled, he felt as though his panic was rising to the
surface. He had to get a grip. He stepped out of the truck for several
seconds, taking a few deep breaths.

Across the road, SWAT Doc Woods was waiting with the

ambulance. Their eyes locked and Parker nodded his head before
Hunter looked away. Everything was going to be fine. As he circled
around the truck, the men started to move, taking control of the
situation. He looked down the road, holding his tablet as he watched
the scene unfold inside the house.

They busted down the front door. Shots were fired. More shots

were fired through the window. Hunter felt a weird burning sensation

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in his chest. He looked down and saw blood. What was wrong? How
had he gotten shot? He was wearing a bulletproof vest. What was
going on? He staggering behind the truck before falling to the ground.
He looked over at SWAT Doc Woods when his tablet slipped from
his fingers shattering on the ground.

The sound of voices rang within Hunter’s ears. He heard

Phoenix’s voice calling to him. It was as though somebody was trying
to break down his front door, but he couldn’t get up to answer the
damn thing before they did.

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Chapter Ten

Phoenix looked across the parking lot in time to see SWAT Doc

Woods lean over Hunter on the ground. Everyone had been accounted
for around them and was safe. Everyone except for Hunter. Phoenix
took off across the street, sprinting down several houses. He slid onto
his knees as the man got to work to get his bulletproof vest off.

“What happened?”
“Some shrapnel from a bullet hit him.”
“Shit.” He pushed Hunter into the field and ultimately got him

killed. “You have to do everything in your power to save him.”

“I will.”
SWAT hadn’t lost anybody yet in the field, and he wasn’t about to

lose anyone now. Phoenix could see the cold, hard determination in
Parker’s eyes as he went to work on Hunter. His shirt was ripped open
as a heart monitor was attached to his skin. There was a dark bruise
over his chest as though he’d been hit by something directly on his
heart. Superficial blood trickled from another wound on his side.

An irregular beat was bouncing across the partible screen. He

heard Parker mention that the hit of the bullet against his heart caused
an irregular rhythm that could kill him. They were going to shock him
back into a normal rhythm.

TJ got in his way, pulling him back. “You’re too close to this. Let

them work.”

Yes, he was. Before he could stop it from happening, tears misted

his eyes. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration as he moved
away. “It’s all my fault.”

“No, it’s not.”

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They looked at each other. Phoenix could see understanding, fear,

and frustration within TJ’s eyes. Both were feeling the same way.
They had pushed Hunter into the field and it had gotten him severely
injured. As he looked back at SWAT Doc Woods, sirens flew through
the air as they loaded him up into the ambulance. Hunter was being
taken to the hospital.

TJ grabbed his arm. “You’re riding with me.”
They headed toward his car, traveling across the city toward the

hospital. Everything in his life felt as though it had suddenly stopped.
Phoenix knew that if he didn’t have Hunter in his life, he wouldn’t
want to live. He wouldn’t be able to. He needed Hunter to make his
heart beat. The realization shook him to his core. He had to make sure
Hunter survived this.

The last four weeks without his submissive had nearly broken

him. He was not about to lose the man he loved now. The realization
of how he felt struck him so hard it left him momentarily breathless.
Hunter had told him that he had loved him before they went in to the
field. Distracted by the text, Phoenix failed to say those three precious
words back. He vowed he would never forget to say them ever again.

“You think he’ll live?” Phoenix asked.
“Don’t say that again. And, yes, I do.”
TJ was right. He had to be strong for Hunter in this moment.

When they got to the hospital, Hunter was already being taken out of
the ambulance. Forced to wait it out as he was taken inside the trauma
center, Phoenix and TJ headed for the waiting room so the nurses and
doctors could do their jobs. Everyone gathered around them when
Chief Rask came over to Phoenix and put his hand on his shoulder,
giving him a gentle squeeze.

“They said we can see him now.”
Relief moved through Phoenix as they crossed the waiting area

together. Knowing that he had no family, Phoenix wanted to be there
for Hunter through his recovery. Whatever it would be. He was not
about to leave the man he loved.

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To his surprise, Hunter was sitting up and smiling. “Hey. I guess I

failed my training.”

“Don’t ever do that again.”
Hunter gave him a sheepish grin. “I wasn’t planning on it anytime

soon. What happened to the girl?”

“She made it.”
Hunter nodded his head. “Then we did our job well.”
Relief moved through Phoenix when he realized Hunter was going

to be okay. One by one the team came in to see Hunter before they
left. After the rest of the team left, Phoenix sat on the edge of the bed
and reached out and grasped his hand. “You know I love you, don’t

Hunter smiled. “I had a feeling you did. What does this mean for

us now?”

“I’m guessing we’ll eventually need to make this thing


The thought of marriage made a smile move over Hunter’s face.

Phoenix didn’t care if anyone saw as he leaned forward and gave
Hunter a soft kiss. He loved this man and he was going to make sure
everyone around him knew it. Hunter blushed scarlet.

“I love how you do this to me.”
“So do I.”
The chaste kiss had sent his blood pressure skyrocketing. The

nurse bustled inside the room and admonished Hunter for not taking it
easy. Phoenix sat back as the nurse checked his vitals.

“When can he go home?”
She looked over at Phoenix and smiled. “The doctor said

tomorrow morning at the earliest.”

Phoenix was going to make sure everything was in place for

Hunter to come home with him. He needed this man by his side for
the rest of this life. And if that meant waiting until tomorrow, he
could do that.

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After the nurse left, Phoenix settled back in next to Hunter. “You

better control your blood pressure some.”

“Yes, Sir.”
A smile drifted across Phoenix’s face as he looked at Hunter.

Despite being pale from the event that happened, he was strong in
spirit. He had everything he wanted right by his side, and he wasn’t
about to let go anytime soon.

Several minutes later, Chief Rask came back into the room. “I

need to see you outside.”

Phoenix headed out and waited for the chief to follow him. Their

eyes locked. “You should know a reporter got into the hospital and
snapped a picture of you two kissing.”

“You got to be kidding me.”
“I’m not.”
Phoenix didn’t care. “It is what it is. It might even make the front


Chief Rask smiled. “I had a feeling you were going to say that.”
“What does this mean for my job?”
“A promotion might be in order. I can’t have team members in

relationships working in the same department now, can I?”

“I don’t think you can. Does it come with a pay raise?”
“Oh, I think it does.”
Phoenix went back into the room, excited about the news. He

looked at Hunter and saw that he was fast asleep. That was fine with
him. He wanted him to retain his strength and be ready for the next
session they had.

* * * *

Hunter looked across the living room as Phoenix tidied up. It

seemed so simple and so romantic. He crossed the room and looked
up at him. Phoenix glanced down at him and leaned over to give him

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a sweet kiss that he felt all the way down to his toes. For the first time
in Hunter’s life, he felt happy. Really happy.

Everything was perfect, but there was something off about

Phoenix. The entire day had been busy. He ran out for something and
came back later than Hunter had expected. When Phoenix came back,
he seemed tense and unsure. Hunter did not want to ask him what was
going on, but he was tempted to now.

TJ and Parker were coming over. Most of the guys from the

SWAT team would be there within minutes. Hunter didn’t like all this
tension between them. “Hey, is everything okay?”

Phoenix shook his head. “I didn’t want to do this now.”
“Oh my God. You’re breaking up with me. I should have seen it

coming. I’m not good enough for you. My God, you’re so beautiful.
You’re perfect. Why would I ever think someone like you would want
to be with me forever? I feel so foolish. So freaking stupid.”

Phoenix grabbed him by the shoulders, giving him a firm shake.

“If you don’t shut that beautiful mouth of yours, I’m going to shut it
for you with a ball gag.”

Hunter’s mouth fell open and shut a few times. “You’re not

breaking up with me?”

“What’s bothering you?”
He reached into his pocket and pulled something shiny out.

Hunter looked down at his hand. Shock and confusion rippled through
his mind. The chain was gold and beautiful and perfect.

“I want you to marry me. I want you collared for me for the rest of

your life.”

Tears gathered in Hunter’s eyes as he nodded his head. “I love

you. I love you so much. Yes, I will marry you.”

Hunter was finally having his happily ever after and everything

was perfect. Phoenix kissed him slowly, leaning back against the

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couch. They were both breathless by the time he pulled away. “I wish
nobody was coming over. I want you all to myself right now.”

Hunter felt the same way. As the men arrived, they fired up the

grill and headed outside. Halfway through dessert, Phoenix came to
his side and whispered something in his ear.

“Get upstairs and get naked. Wait for me.”
A delicious sensation vibrated through Hunter’s body as he

thought about what his Dom was going to do him when they were
alone. With all the men downstairs and enjoying themselves, Hunter
excused himself, went upstairs, and stripped. He waited impatiently
for his Dom. His cock was throbbing for him. It was an hour later
before Phoenix managed to get upstairs.

Hunter was beyond relieved when his Dom crossed the room and

caressed his cock with a loving, soft touch. But there wasn’t anything
soft about the way he was looking at him. He was all hard and
sadistic. Hunter liked him this way. Phoenix gripped his cock roughly,
giving it a painful squeeze that made every muscle in Hunter’s body
contract and his balls pull up tightly.

“That’s for making me horny when the SWAT team was here.”
He was under his complete control and that was exactly where he

wanted to be.

Hunter stood up on his shaky legs, loving the way his Dom tied

his arms above his head and locked a spreader between his legs. He
was forced forward so that his ass arched out, exposing his rim
completely to his Dom.

The session was long with Phoenix hitting him with several

different floggers.

Pre-cum leaked from his tip as he struggled to maintain control

and keep his spunk from shooting across the room. His body was so
ready. His Dom pushed his wet fingers into his ass, pressing against
his prostate. His fingers were quickly pulled out and his thick cock

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shoved deep inside. He pounded his ass with short hard thrusts that
made his balls bounce and his cock strike against his abdomen.

Before he could stop himself, he was begging for permission to


“Please, may I come?”
“Come for me. Come for me now!”
It was then, and only then, Hunter was able to let go. His jizz went

flying across the room, landing on the black comforter like hash
marks. Deep inside his ass, he felt his Dom let go and shot his hot jizz
deep inside.

“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
For the first time in Hunter’s life, he had everything he ever

wanted. He just hoped everything would always be so perfect.
Phoenix’s strong arms came around and held him close. The gold
chain moved around his neck. He liked being collared by his Dom and
couldn’t imagine being anyplace else.



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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, two rowdy rabbits named Coco and Fluffy,
and one hamster named Scampers.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find her on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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