Tatum Throne Hard Hits 2 Training Ryan (MM)(1)

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Hard Hits 2

Training Ryan

Forced to dominate his professional life, Dr. Ryan Barrow has
always wanted to be a sub. Late one night, Ryan flies out with the

Air Care team to save wounded officer Trent Lakeland. As the
night fades away, Ryan feels heartbroken at the possibility of
never seeing Trent again.

Trent is a Dom that will no longer be able to hear the words of any
sub he takes. He can’t believe that a head injury has left him deaf

and suddenly feeling alone. Things change when Trent is put in
charge of training Ryan for his new position as a SWAT doctor.

Ryan is lovesick for Trent and secretly wants him as his Dom. As
they both fight the undercurrent of passion, Ryan knows there is

no way they can be together. Trent proves him wrong when he
starts Ryan’s submissive training.

Ryan has given Trent his body to dominate, but can he give him

his heart, too?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 30,807 words

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Hard Hits 2

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-649-2

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For my boys.

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Hard Hits 2


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

The wop, wop, wop of the helicopter’s rotor blades cut the choppy

nighttime air.

Dr. Ryan Barrow looked down on the scene from his seat in the

helicopter. Paramedics on the ground were frantically working on the
officer. Things were not good. The gunshot wound to the officer’s
head was serious enough for them to call for a care flight right before
a thunderstorm was due to hit. They didn’t have much time before
Mother Nature would cut loose and ground their flights. Rain was
already starting to hit the glass. Lightning splintered across the sky a
mile out. They were going to cut this one close.

From his position, his cop looked lifeless. Fear, anger, and

resentment tore through Ryan’s heart before he clamped it all down to
do his job. He couldn’t think with emotion. He had a job to do.

Adrenaline pumped through Ryan’s veins. Waiting out the landing

was always the hardest part of the job as a flight doc. He wanted to
jump out of the helicopter with the team before they even landed. The
tall grass went flat under the downward gust of air hitting the ground.
As soon as they were inches above grass, Ryan tore open the side
door despite the protest of his pilot. He ducked under the blades. The

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rest of the team was a few steps behind. He had his medic bag in his
right hand as he raced across the field.

Ryan slid to his knees. His blue flight suit collected dirt and mud

as he took over.

“Dr. Barrow, what’ve we got?”
Ryan listened as the paramedic rattled off vitals. Ryan made his

own assessment. “What’s his name?”

“Trent Lakeland.”
Bullet holes were in the officer’s shirt. Ryan slid his gloved hands

over the holes, feeling the hard bulletproof vest beneath. Officer T.
was written on his shirt. His gaze went to officer’s head. He
looked familiar. Ryan couldn’t recall where he’d seen him before, but
he was certain he knew this man.

Heavy gauze covered the wound on Lakeland’s head. Ryan lifted

the edge of the gauze, taking a glimpse. He always expected the
worst. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he saw that the
damage was done mostly to the right ear. There was no entry wound.
They needed to go. Head injuries tended to bleed hard even in the
best-case scenarios.

A minute later, the flight team had him strapped down to a

backboard, carrying him to the helicopter. Ryan slipped on his
headset to communicate with the team. The whirl of the rooters
starting back up buzzed in the background. Nurse Jen cut away
Lakeland’s clothes. Trent was starting to come to.

“Trent, can you hear me? I’m Dr. Barrow. You’ve been injured in

the line of duty. We’re taking you to the hospital now.” The cop
moaned, lifting his hand to his head. “Strap him down.”

Jen worked his free arm down, strapping it to the gurney. Ryan

got another look at the injury. Lakeland most likely had some internal
damage to that ear, and a concussion on top of it. There was another
impact injury to the back of his head below his other ear. His vitals
were good despite the impact injury to his head. Ryan put on his
stethoscope, listening to Trent’s chest. Slowly, Ryan lifted his gaze to

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his patient, who was watching him closely. Another zap of familiarity
coursed through Ryan’s blood. Why couldn’t he place him?

“Make the call to trauma. Let them know we have a gunshot

wound and an impact wound to the head,” Ryan said.

Jen grabbed for her phone and dialed.
Ryan reached down, squeezing Trent’s hand to reassure him that

he was going to be okay. Trent grabbed on tight, not letting go until
Ryan had to pull away. They landed on top of the hospital. The team
on the ground had the back doors open. They lowered the gurney to
the ground, locking the wheels. Wind whipped around the hospital as
they raced across the rooftop, into the elevator, and down into the
emergency trauma center. Neurology and the trauma surgeons were in
the room waiting as they passed their patient off. Ryan gave his
assessment to the trauma doc. He glanced back at Trent and saw his
blue eyes locked on him. Ryan got out of the way.

“Ryan, you okay?” Jen asked.
Was he okay? Ryan couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew the

officer from somewhere, but he couldn’t place him at all. “It’s hard
letting them go.”

“We have to be ready for the next flight,” Jen said.
If the storm didn’t ground them first, Ryan thought. “I know.”
Doctors surrounded the bed. This patient was going to live. Ryan

was sure of it. He was damaged, but alive. Ryan wondered if he’d
ever see him again. Ryan snapped off his gloves and washed up. He
was drying his hands when his beeper went off. They were flying out
again despite the approaching storm.

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Chapter Two

Doctors surrounded his bed. Panic raced through Trent as he saw

the flight doc who brought him in backing away. He didn’t want him
to go. The doc hesitated, but was quickly pushed out of the way. Trent
felt as though there were bricks stuffed in both of his ears. He looked
frantically around, searching for where the doctor went. Trent saw
him across the room talking with a woman. Just then, the doc glanced
over his shoulder. Their eyes connected. The doctor glanced down,
unclipping a beeper to read. The look on his face changed
dramatically. Trent knew that look. It was work mode. It was then he
walked away. Trent knew him from somewhere. Had he pulled him
over for speeding one time?

Something was seriously wrong with his hearing. The right ear

was registering nothing. The left whined with a high-pitched drone
that he wanted to swat away, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to. A
shift in pressure made Trent’s left ear pop. Pain ricocheted down his
neck. He cried out. The ringing in his ear ended. He couldn’t hear
anything at all. He could see the doctor’s lips moving, but he couldn’t
understand a damn word. The doctor flashed a penlight into his eyes.

“I can’t hear anything,” Trent said.
The doctor on his right snapped his hand at a nurse who whirled

away and returned with a small whiteboard. The doctor wrote on the
board, and it was put in front of him.

Can you hear anything we’re saying? the doctor had written.
Cold fear sliced through Trent. He started to shake his head no,

but the neck brace stopped him from doing something stupid. “No. Is
it permanent?”

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The doctor took back the board and wrote, We’ll have to run some

tests. Your ear has some heavy damage from the bullet. You did
something to the underside of your left, too. You’ll need some
stitching up. You have a concussion. We’ll be keeping you for
observation for a few days.

A few days.
Something cool was given through the IV in his arm. Trent knew

it was something to take the edge of pain off. His head pounded. His
head spun with pain. Sweet relief melted through him. He didn’t want
to close his eyes, but he did. Maybe this was all a bad dream. Maybe
he had overslept, missing his shift. Maybe he hadn’t taken a bullet to
the head like a rock skipping off water and then a header into their
suspect’s car windshield. Just maybe he’d wake up and everything
would be all right.

Sunlight marched across the room, slapping Trent in the face to

wake him up. He couldn’t remember the last time he slept so hard and
so well. He opened his eyes to the bright light that came with all
hospital rooms and realized the good sleep had everything to do with
the pain medication they’d been giving him for the last few days.
Trent sat up, reaching for the phone before he remembered that he
couldn’t hear a damn word anyone was saying. Frustration had him
slamming it down, and annoyance had him wishing he could hear the
crunch of plastic on plastic. There was a pen and a pad of paper next
to the bed glaring back at him.

A woman in a white coat and a man dressed in street clothes came

into the room. Her lips moved as she handed him the pad she was
writing on. Trent read the words as silence echoed around him.

I’m Dawn, the social worker on the neuro floor, and this is Cole,

an interpreter the police department has hired. I’m here to talk to you
about some sign language classes.

“I don’t need any sign language classes,” Trent snapped.
The social worker flinched. Silence echoed in his head. He hated

how he couldn’t hear his own damn voice, but could feel the violent

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rumble of it in his chest. It was like being underwater with no chance
for surfacing. Two days ago, the doctor had gone on and on about
nerves, the structure of his ears, and the damage done. Bottom line, he
was broken. He couldn’t be fixed.

Cole used his notebook to write something, and he shoved it into

Trent’s face. I don’t give a fuck if you want my help or not. You’re
going to need it.

Trent thought about his job with the K-9 unit. He was going to do

everything in his power to get back to the job he loved. The last he
heard, TJ was caring for Shadow while he was laid up. His work with
K-9 wasn’t the only thing Trent had to worry about. On the side, he
helped his sister, Mia, in her photography studio when she needed it.

Cole raised one of his dark-blond-tipped brows. Tall and thin, he

looked barely twenty-five. He was right. Trent needed help to get
through this tough spot in his life.

“Fine. I’ll do it,” Trent said.
The social worker wrote something in her notebook and gave it to

Trent. I’ll let you two get acquainted.

Cole pulled up the doctor’s chair next to the bed. He wrote in his

notebook. Let’s start by learning the curse words.

The social worker left in a wake of Chanel No. 5. Trent tested his

nose, inhaling the woman’s perfume again. Maybe it was true about
his other senses taking over for his lack of hearing. Then again he
couldn’t ever remember a time when he noticed a woman’s perfume.
It was a man’s natural scent that did it for Trent.

The notebook was pushed onto Trent’s lap. Cole had written five

words. Fuck. Shit. Damn. Bastard. Pussy.

Cole lifted his hands and signed, “Fuck.”
Trent lifted his hands and mimicked the word with both hands.

His hands felt clumsy and stiff. Cole signed the word again. This time
he showed him how to position his hands better and how to
emphasize the word. It took Trent three tries, but he finally got the
movement down. Cole grinned and started on the next word.

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They flew through the curse words. Cole took a piece of paper out

of a folder. It was the alphabet. They started with A. Trent frowned,
unable to concentrate fully on the task at hand. That doctor on the
flight team had looked so familiar. Trent wondered if he was ever
going to see him again. He hoped he would.

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Chapter Three

It was all for charity, Ryan reminded himself as he undressed,

leaving only his black boxers on. Ryan headed into the cool studio to
watch Parker finish up his shots. Ryan froze. It was the cop their
flight team had picked up seven months ago. Trent Lakeland. The
cop. His photographer. Recognition followed memory. They’d been
using Mia Lakeland as a photographer for their calendar shoots for
years. Trent often helped Mia in the studio. That was how he knew

Ryan checked Trent out. He looked good. Trent’s right ear was

damaged, but the trauma surgeon did a good job of putting it back
together. Ryan was certain if he’d gotten close enough, he could see
the scars from the impact injury below his left ear. Trent was
beautiful. He had honey-blond hair cut military short around the sides,
but kept it a bit longer on top. It was nothing like Ryan’s coal-black
hair that was way overdue for a cut. Ryan suspected that Trent only
bothered to run his hands through his hair after he stepped out of the
shower to spike the blond strands on top. A faint scar curved around
Trent’s right forearm and disappeared under his rolled-up dress shirt.
A few days after he was shot, Trent was released from the hospital.
Ryan had reviewed his chart to see the outcome of his visit.
Permanent damage was done to both ears. He was now deaf. There
was some question around surgery for his left ear to regain some
hearing, but it wasn’t recommended at this point.

Trent must have felt Ryan’s eyes caressing him. At that moment,

he lowered the camera in his hands and looked over his shoulder.
Surprise made his eyes go momentarily wide. A slow grin lifted the

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corner of his lips as Trent’s appreciative gaze went from Ryan’s head
to his toes. A shiver vibrated through Ryan’s body at the way Trent’s
gaze turned possessive and a little bit hungry before he turned back to
the set. Ryan studied the man at Trent’s side. Who was he?

Parker was given the all done. His long hair was down around his

shoulders and not back in his trademark braid.

“Hey, Ryan. I didn’t expect to see you this week,” Parker said.
“I leave for SWAT training tomorrow.”
Parker grimaced. “You’re going to get your ass kicked.”
“I’m ready.”
“I was thinking next year we should do the calendar shoot on

location. Maybe Maui,” Parker said.

Distraction kept Ryan’s gaze half focused on Trent. Mia was

helping Trent adjust chains in their hands. Ryan’s gaze dropped to
Trent’s ass when he stepped onto a stepladder to work a chain around
a tree. He had a really nice ass. The kind a guy could sink his hands
into. “That’s a great idea.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll even help you coordinate the shoot. I

gotta run. Have fun!” Parker teased.

Coordinate? What the hell had Ryan just agreed to? Another set

was being used for Ryan’s shots. There were chains mounted off a
wooden forest scene. Ryan felt his cock kick out, punching his cotton
boxers. The BDSM scene was a fantasy Ryan had always wanted with
a lover. He longed to be a sub. Shyness had kept Ryan from telling a
lover that he longed to be spanked, whipped, and restrained while he
was being fucked, sucked, licked, and taken. He was about to get
teased with the fantasy with Trent. God help him, this wasn’t going to
be easy to get through.

Mia dusted her hands off on her jeans as she came across the

studio. “Ryan, it’s been ages.”

“I can’t believe how fast a year goes by.”
“You ready?” Mia asked.

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No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t prepared to do what he needed to do in

front of Trent. “Yep, I’m ready.”

“I promise it won’t be painful. We’re professionals.”
Ryan let the corner of his mouth tick up. “Looks a little kinky.”
Mia grinned. “Kinky can be fun. We’re going to need to oil you

up, too.”

Ryan’s gaze cut to Trent. A bottle of oil was in his hands. He’d

forgotten about the oil and the water bottle they used some times to
spray his skin to create those perfect shots with shadow and light.

Ryan grinned at Mia. “Can’t wait.”
Mia laughed, tossing back her head. “Don’t worry, big guy. I’ll let

my brother do all the touching. We don’t want your hands or mine
oiled for the shots.”

“Who’s the guy?” Ryan asked.
Mia glanced over her shoulder. “He’s a friend of my brother’s.

You remember Trent?”

“Yeah, I do.”
“He had an accident seven months ago on the job. He works with

K-9. He lost his hearing. Cole has been working with all of us to learn
American Sign Language.”

Ryan wondered if Trent remembered that he was the one who

brought him in to the emergency room that night.

Trent nodded for Ryan to come onto the set. Warm oil was poured

onto Ryan’s shoulders, and it skated down his chest. He’d groomed
that morning, so that his chest hair was as short as possible. Trent’s
hand was hot as he rubbed the oil over his chest and shoulders.
Shivers pranced down Ryan’s spine as he tried not to enjoy the feel of
Trent’s hot hand changing direction and moving onto his abdomen.
Ryan couldn’t look at Trent as his hand moved north again, and his
thumb rubbed over his nipple. He always had sensitive nips and
instantly responded to the sensual touch.

Ryan’s pecs flexed hard under Trent’s palm. Ryan sucked in his

breath when he felt Trent’s nail purposely flick over his hard nipple.

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Ryan lifted his gaze to Trent’s as his hand went south, but he quickly
looked away. He didn’t want Trent to know how much he liked the
rubdown and how much he wanted more of it. The pad of Trent’s
thumb thrust inside his belly button, causing sensations to lick their
way down to his cock. Heat flashed through Ryan’s body when he
sensed Trent hesitate inside. He rocked his thumb as though he were
rocking over his anus. Ryan’s prick pounded hard, purring with the
need to release. At least Mia wasn’t around to see how much Trent’s
touch was affecting him.

Ryan’s gaze flicked up to Trent’s. Ryan found him watching him

closely. The corners of hips lips lifted. Trent poured more oil onto his
palm and worked his hand down each arm and over his hands. Ryan
closed his eyes as Trent kneeled down onto his haunches, putting his
head at cock level. Ryan felt Trent’s hands worked slowly up his leg
with a firm, seductive touch. Ryan bit his lip when he felt Trent’s
hand play with the low edge of his boxers. When Trent finished, Ryan
felt wired and ready for the shoot to be over. He was going to need a
week’s worth of cold showers to forget all about the massage Trent
gave him.

Trent put him into position. The chains were looped around each

wrist and pulled tight along the fake tree. Trent stepped back,
checking the light as Mia lifted the camera.

Ryan tried to keep his focus off of Trent, but he couldn’t. He

wanted the man, always had. Ryan’s gaze followed Trent as he
hovered over Mia’s shoulder. Cole was at his side.

Ryan needed to come.
He tried to remind himself that the photo shoot was for charity

and not giggles. Ryan had started the calendar shoot after a silly bet
ten years ago when he was in medical school. Since then, their hot
docs calendar had taken on a life of its own. Ryan groaned, unable to
believe how twisted up he was for a man who probably had a lover
and didn’t know he was alive.

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Ryan fought against the chains wrapped around his spread arms.

No, he wanted to come with Trent sucking him off. What the hell was
he doing thinking about his former patient, Trent Lakeland, sucking
him? This was so not the time or place to think about sex. Ryan
couldn’t help his thoughts. It helped his shots if he thought about sex
while he worked. It put the right look in his eyes.

Ryan’s cock pounded within his tight boxers. He closed his eyes,

centering himself as the shutter of the camera continued to click.

A grunt from Trent had Ryan opening his eyes. The command

was simple. Eyes open.

Cole tapped Trent on the shoulder and signed, “God, he’s hung.”
“Shut up, Cole,” Trent whispered.
Ryan’s cousin was deaf. Trent and Cole didn’t know he knew

American Sign Language. Ryan preferred it that way. He wanted to
know what Trent was saying about him. Trent’s gaze moved down
over Ryan’s body and settled on his tight briefs before moving back
up. The corner of Trent’s mouth ticked up as he signed with one hand
while the other held the light meter.

“I’m bigger,” Trent signed.
For the love of fuck, those silent words made pre-cum drip from

the tip of Ryan’s cock. Ryan flexed his muscles, making his eyes heat
with unleashed desire for the man who didn’t know Ryan wanted him.
Lust pounded through his veins as he wrapped the chains tighter
around both wrists.

“How does he do that?” Cole signed. “That’s amazing. He looks

like he wants to devour you.”

Trent stopped him and asked about a sign. There was some back-

and-forth with finger spelling as Cole taught the word devour to
Trent. Cole touched his mouth with his left hand before motioning
with his left and right away from his chest as though he were really

Trent lifted his hands. “He’s good. Very good. I love watching

Mia shoot him. I love his tattoos.”

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Heat seared over Ryan’s body. He edged forward, making his

dark hair fall over his face, hiding the blush that wanted to come

Mia lowered the camera and half turned away. She waved her free

hand. “Oh, Ryan. Um, you have a wardrobe malfunction. I’ll have
Trent fix you up.”

Ryan glanced down to where she was waving her hand to see that

the head of his cock had peeked out the top of his boxers by his hip.
Heat moved up over Ryan’s cheeks. It was one thing to have a hard-
on, it was another to flash it to the world. Mia signed to Trent, asking
him to fix Ryan’s boxers. She then walked off the set, pretending to
check shots on her laptop. Ryan just prayed he didn’t shoot his spunk
when Trent touched him. Ryan took a deep breath, trying to get
control of his wild emotions.

“I’d love to hit that hard,” Cole signed. “Want me to adjust


Trent grinned, but there wasn’t any amusement in his eyes. “I’ll

hit you, if you touch him.”

“Possessive much? I noticed you’re not using your voice in front

of him either. Didn’t we talk about this? Use your fucking voice.”

“I noticed you’re using yours a little too much.” Trent’s gaze

turned serious as he looked at Cole. “Possessive? With him, I am.
He’s mine. I’ll fix his cock. Tell him.”

What the hell? Did Ryan read that right? Trent just marked his

territory with Cole. The comment sent a seductive chill through
Ryan’s body, making the chains rattle.

“Trent needs to adjust your cock for the next set of shots. You’ve

punched out the top,” Cole said. “You okay with that?”

Ryan met Trent’s blue eyes and nodded once. “Have at it.”
Cole chuckled as he turned away. “Nice. I think we’d all like to

have at it with someone like you.”

Trent came in close, moving his hand over Ryan’s hard prick

through the cotton. Ryan sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth as

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Trent gripped him by the shaft and pushed him down below his
waistband. Ryan stared over Trent’s shoulder as Trent’s gaze was
trained south, pretending that it was just another day at the office.
God, Trent smelled good. A frustrated groan came from Trent,
causing Ryan to look down to see what he knew was going on. His
cock wouldn’t obey Trent’s tugs to stay down.

“Fuck me,” Trent mumbled.
“Use some tape to keep him in,” Mia called, holding it up.
Cole appeared with a roll of tape, explaining to Trent what Mia

said. Cole grinned and said, “Sorry, big guy. Just the briefs, not your
cock. Unless you can start thinking about baseball.”

Ryan rolled his eyes as Cole passed the tape over to Trent. “Do


Trent ripped off a piece of double sided and worked it into the

inside part of his band, pressing it to his skin. Ryan gritted his teeth as
he felt the back of Trent’s fingers brush accidentally over his searing
cockhead. Trent looked over his work before stepping back to allow
Mia to start shooting again.

Right now, Ryan didn’t feel good. Pain vibrated around his balls.

Trent was keeping him balanced on an erotic edge with every flick of
his eyes. With each click of the shutter, Ryan wanted Trent more. Mia
lowered the camera, ending the photo shoot.

“Great job, Ryan. I got some really good shots,” Mia said.
Trent unlocked Ryan from the restraints. Ryan rolled out his

shoulders as he walked off the set.

God, he couldn’t believe he was still doing these photo shoots for

charity. If all went well, after this weekend he’d be certified as a
SWAT doc, too. He was almost back to the dressing room when a
hand came around his arm.

Ryan’s heart raced as Trent looked down at him. A grin tugged at

the corner of his lips. Cole was nowhere around.

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“Good job today,” Trent said.
“Thanks,” Ryan said. “See you next year.”
Trent frowned.
A year. They wouldn’t be seeing each other for a whole year.

Ryan suspected that Trent was gay, but he had been hesitant to ask
him out. He’d been wrong before and had gotten burned by asking
before knowing. Ryan felt his mouth opening before he realized what
was happening.

“I was wondering,” Ryan began.
Trent’s eyes narrowed and focused on his lips. For the briefest

second, Ryan had almost forgotten that Trent was deaf when he
looked at him that way. All he saw was Trent, and everything else
faded away. He knew sign. He could chat with him in sign, but he was
afraid to admit after this photo shoot that he knew ASL. Trent took
his cell phone from his pocket. He typed in something and held it up.

Give me your number. I’ll text you later, okay?
Ryan took Trent’s phone and added his number. He handed Trent

back his phone. Trent nodded as he turned away. Ryan headed to the
dressing room. Would he text later? Forget about if and when he’d
text later. The real question was would he have reception at the
training camp to get the call?

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Chapter Four

Morning sunshine reflected off of Ryan’s sunglasses. Ryan slung

his duffle bag over his shoulder as he shut the trunk of his car. Camp
Tack was out in the middle of nowhere in Southern Ohio. On the way
in, Ryan passed an Amish farm and an old sign that pointed toward
Serpent Mound. Woods surrounded the gravel road. Off in the
distance an obstacle course started on the edge of the forest with a
series of complex ropes and ladders. The obstacle course disappeared
into the thick green leaves of old-growth trees.

Four guys were hanging outside a welcome center. They had the

same hard edge that came from years of military experience. A table
was set up on the porch for check-in. SWAT recruiter, TJ Raines, was
manning the table. Parker’s TJ. Only a short few weeks ago, Ryan had
helped TJ move into Parker’s house.

“You found us,” TJ said.
Ryan shook TJ’s outstretched hand. “I’m glad to be here.”
“Let’s get you signed in, and then we’ll head out to the bunks

you’ll be staying in.”

“Sounds good.”
The sound of gravel spinning out had Ryan looking over his

shoulder. A golf cart pulled up, and two of the recruits grabbed their
bags and hopped on. Ryan signed in and grabbed his bag.

“You can wait for a cart to come back around or hike it out to the

cabin,” TJ said.

“I’ll head toward the cabin.”
“You’re in number nine.”

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He skipped the wait and hiked it toward the disappearing golf

carts. A few minutes into his hike, a German shepherd came to a
excited stop next to him along the road. A K-9 vest with a gold
SWAT emblem was on the black fabric. The dog licked excitedly at
Ryan’s hand. A high-pitched whistle had the dog sitting down on its
rump and sticking its ears up, at the ready for the next command.

Ryan did a double-take at the man jogging up alongside the dog.
Ryan’s mouth dropped open, and his heart started to race. Black

tactical pants and a navy T-shirt stretched over his muscled chest.
There was a silver badge clipped to his belt buckle and a gun on his
hip. Ryan swallowed hard.

Cops turned him the fuck on. It probably had to do with the

handcuffs and the natural-born, power-induced trips some cops liked
to take. Trent was a really hot cop. What the hell was he doing here?
Would he be here the entire week?

Trent whistled through his teeth and indicated for the dog to scoot

to his side. The dog obeyed his command. Trent gave him a rub
behind the ears.

“What’s his name?” Ryan asked.
Trent’s eyes fell to Ryan’s lips. He took his cell phone from his

pocket and typed. He held the phone up to Ryan. Shadow. He’s been
with me through K-9. I train SWAT docs and civilian liaisons full-time

Now. Life had changed for him. It probably crushed him. Ryan

was sure that the “now” part had everything to do with the injury that
left Trent deaf. Was he sidelined in the field now? Trent offered to
take the overnight bag off Ryan’s hands. When Ryan hesitated, Trent
lifted a brow, and the corners of his lips lifted in an amused grin.
Ryan slipped his bag from his shoulder and handed it off to Trent.
There were so many questions Ryan had that he didn’t know where to
begin or how to start.

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Before Ryan could get the nerve to ask, Trent was walking toward

a row of cabins. Trent released Shadow, and he took off running in
the field after something he caught scent of. Trent pointed to a cabin
and led the way. Beaver Skull Cabin number nine was their stop.
Trent opened the door and waited for Ryan to go inside. Shadow blew
past both of them, sniffing around inside before he circled back

Dust particles floated through beams of sunshine. Empty bunk

beds lined the small cabin, but they were pushed off to the side. Water
had leaked in from the roof, and caution tape was up. Another room
sat off to the right with two bunk beds. The bunk on top was already
taken. Trent pointed to the private room.

Ryan knew he needed to clear the air on his knowledge of ASL.

He dropped his bag and sleeping bag onto his bunk. Trent was waiting
in the hall. Over the last five years, they’d gotten to know each other
through the charity photo shoot. This should’ve been easy, but it
wasn’t. Ryan felt as though he’d lied to Trent by not telling him about
knowing ASL. Concealing the truth was a dirty bit he shouldn’t have
participated in. Now it was going to screw up their relationship.

Trent’s arms were crossed as he leaned against the wall, waiting

and watching.

“Hey, I need to tell you something,” Ryan said.
Trent’s brows lifted as he read Ryan’s lips. He pulled his cell

phone from his pocket and typed. He held up the phone for Ryan to
read. No worries about the charity calendar. No one knows that I help
Mia take photos for it. It’s cool.

“It’s not that,” Ryan said.
Trent’s gaze went to Ryan’s lips and lingered. He typed. Can it

wait until later? You’re late for urban combat training.

Ryan felt his gut twist. Why was this so difficult? He nodded.


They left the cabin with Shadow leading the way. Ryan wondered

why Trent wasn’t talking when he knew he could. He suspected that it

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all had to do with Trent’s inability to hear. Trent indicated the way
with a nod of his head toward a huge barn-shaped building. They
crossed the courtyard in silence.

Inside, there was a state-of-the-art training facility. The class was

just starting to get underway with a dozen officers on the mats. TJ
was in the front of the room. They bypassed the mats for the locker
room. Trent pointed to a locker with his last name on it. He mouthed
the word change. Trent left the locker room. Ryan changed into the
police-issued tactical pants and T-shirt.

Trent was waiting for him on the mats, and the interpreter that

traveled with him was there, too. Cole nodded.

“How long have you been with SWAT?” Ryan asked Trent.
Cole signed what Ryan said to Trent.
Trent lifted his hands and signed, “I’ve been part of the K-9

division of SWAT for six years. I’ve been a certified instructor for the
last four years. I’ve just moved over to training permanently a month

Cole glowered at Trent. He poked his two index fingers into his

neck, asking Trent where his voice went. Trent called him an asshole
in sign. Cole translated for Ryan.

“Nice,” Ryan said.
“This is combat tactics that are used in SWAT. Your job is to stay

back, watch, and listen. Never get in the way of a SWAT situation.
You’re there for medical purposes only. Your job is to stay at the
truck unless needed. Always.”

Cole repeated half of it.
“Got it,” Ryan said.
Cole lifted his brows and half turned so Trent couldn’t see his lips.

Sonofabitch, you know sign? How long?”

Their eyes locked. Ryan couldn’t believe his mistake. “My cousin

is deaf. That’s how I know.”

“Trent doesn’t know, does he?” Cole asked.

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Cole’s gaze turned hard. “You need to tell him, or I will. It’s bad

etiquette to eavesdrop.”

“I will. Just give me a chance. I didn’t think it’d be an issue.”
“No, I’m sure you didn’t.”
Trent whistled to indicate that the team was heading outside.

“Watch. Learn.”

Cole glowered. “What did he say?”
“Watch and learn,” Ryan repeated.
Cole ran a hand through his hair. “I guess you didn’t really need

me this weekend.”

Outside there was a windowless building used for training. The

SWAT training team suited up. Trent headed to another spot where
another set of vests were.

“These are your police issued. Put these on. Bulletproof vest.”
“Yep,” Cole said.
“Stop being a fucker about this,” Ryan said.
“I wouldn’t have to be if you weren’t being a fuckee.”
Ryan chuckled as he put on his helmet, buckling it. “I’ll do it

when the time is right. Now is not the right time to explain things. I
promise, I’ll tell him.”

Trent knocked on his helmet, getting his attention. He signed,

“You’re up.”

“I’m not here in the evenings. Tell him tonight,” Cole whispered.
Cole shook his head. “God, you two are fucking perfect for each

other. You know sign, but are refusing to use it, and Trent can talk,
but wants to be a stubborn shit and not use his voice.”

“What does that make you?” Ryan asked.
“The dumb motherfucker in the middle who has to deal with both

of you.”

Ryan chuckled. “I think you’re on to something.”
Cole glowered.

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Ryan could feel Trent’s eyes on him as he crossed the dewy

morning grass to join the team. They ran through tactical maneuvers
with Ryan, being told where to stand. The team went through the
building, clearing it. Unless someone got hurt, Ryan’s job was to play
standby and listen to communications on the radio in his ear. They ran
maneuvers up until lunch, simulating four worst-case scenarios.

As Ryan removed his vest, he caught sight of Cole and Trent in

the training center. Cole’s hands were flying. They were arguing over
something. Trent was in the way, making it impossible for Ryan to
see what the situation was all about. Were they lovers?

The thought of Cole and Trent together nearly knocked Ryan onto

his ass. He gritted his teeth as an image of Trent topping Cole flashed
through his mind like lightning breaking open the night sky. Ryan
headed for the pair, purposely interrupting their lover’s tiff.

“You should’ve told me,” Cole said.
“I was going to,” Trent signed.
Cole stabbed his two fingers into his neck, indicating for Trent to

use his voice. “Use your voice. Don’t limit yourself.”

Cole’s eyes zeroed in on Ryan, causing Trent to look over his

shoulder. “What’s up?” Ryan asked.

“Nothing,” Trent signed.
“Fucking voice,” Cole signed. “Use it with everyone.”
“You okay?” Ryan asked Cole.
Disgust swam through Cole’s eyes as he shook his head. “Ask

Trent if you want to know what’s bothering me,” Cole said.

Cole stormed off toward the cafeteria. It was clear he wasn’t

coming back anytime soon. This sure as heck wasn’t nothing.
Annoyance lingered in the air around Trent. Their eyes met. Ryan
wasn’t sure if this was the time to confess the truth about his lie about
knowing ASL. Trent took his cell phone from his pocket and typed.
He lifted the phone up to Ryan.

Cole thinks that I’m using him as a crutch. He wants me to speak.
“Do you have any hearing?” Ryan asked.

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Trent’s gaze was zeroed in on his lips.
He typed into his phone and held it up. Nothing in my right ear.

With my left, it sounds like you’re at the end of a long tunnel. It’s
muffled. I get most of it from lip reading.

Trent tilted his head, showing Ryan the damage to his right ear.

He typed. I need Cole for work or I can’t do it. I mentioned that my
doctor was talking cochlear implant for my good ear, but my cochlea
has hardened. Cole wants me to get a second opinion.

“You wouldn’t need Cole if you got an implant?”
Trent shook his head no and typed. I’m not a good candidate.
“Why don’t you speak?” Ryan asked.
Trent paused uncertainly. He sighed. “It bothers me that I can’t

hear what I say. It’s like talking under water,” Trent said. “Cole wants
me using my voice all the time despite not hearing.”

His voice was rough and had a deep, rich cadence. Trent frowned

as though he wanted to say more but was holding back. He was self-
conscious about not being able to hear his voice.

“You have a beautiful voice,” Ryan whispered. “You should.”
Slowly, Trent lifted his deep-blue eyes up over Ryan’s face,

making Ryan’s heart race and his breath catch. Ryan knew he was
crossing the line as he looked longingly at Trent.

“Cole is right. You need to use your voice.”
“It’s not easy to speak without being able to hear it,” Trent said.
“It will get easier.”
Their eyes locked. Ryan felt himself melting for a man who he

shouldn’t want. He had to get out of there before he did something
he’d regret later. A few inches separated them. Ryan was tempted to
lean in and kiss him.

“I have to go,” Ryan said. He looked away. He had to get out of

there before he did something crazy like kiss Trent.

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Chapter Five

Trent needed to get laid.
His heart pounded for all the right reasons as he watched Ryan

walk away. They would be good together. Trent was sure of it. Over
the years, he saw the way Ryan looked at him and wanted him. In
front of the camera, Ryan’s true emotions came to life. He couldn’t
hide what he was feeling inside.

Shadow sat down at his side. Trent rubbed his hand over the dog’s

snout and felt the whimper at the back of Shadow’s throat. “Yeah, I
know, boy. Let’s get out of here.”

Trent should’ve followed the group into the cafeteria for dinner,

but he couldn’t. He shied away from group interaction now that he
was deaf. He missed the camaraderie of being part of the group. TJ
kept tabs on him, making sure nothing changed, but it was clear to see
that things had changed. Trent wasn’t the same man physically that he
was before the accident, but at the same time he was. Trent hiked out
through the woods and down to the stream, giving Shadow a chance
to run before he had to put him to bed.

Gray clay packed the embankment. Trent got down onto his

haunches, running his fingers through the clay. He watched the water
babble along, but couldn’t hear a word it said. He spread his fingers in
the water, imagining the rushing sound as the water flowed through
his fingers. Shadow walked the edge, cutting through the stream.

Cole and Ryan were right. He needed to use his voice. He felt

isolated by not using it when he could. He lost his hearing, not his
ability to speak. It was time he used it all the time. Life was awkward
enough having to navigate it without the ability to hear.

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High-pitched noise overwhelmed what little hearing remained in

Trent’s left ear. A bird landed on a tree off in the distance. Trent
could see its beak move as it chirped. He longed to hear, but he was
getting used to having no hearing at all. He knew he wasn’t a good
candidate for a cochlear implant. According to the doctor, his cochlea
in his left ear was hardening. He accepted that. He was moving on.
Work was accommodating the changes and putting him where he
could accelerate without limitation. Trent missed the action of the
field, but being out there during standoffs wasn’t going to help his
fellow officers. Shadow was now working missing persons cases and
low-level searches with him. It was still police work, but it didn’t
come with the same adrenaline rush that SWAT gave him. The
problem was Trent wanted things he couldn’t have back, and that
burned. He was still figuring his new life out. When the lights went
out at night, Trent felt broken.

Their in-house psychologist, Andrea, said that this was all normal

and that it would take time for him to transition into this part of his
life. The sign language was coming easier. His hands were finally
nimble, and his memory was getting better. Every once in a while he
got stuck on a word, and Cole would help him out.

During his last session with Andrea, she suggested that he try

dating again. Who would want someone who was broken? Trent
didn’t like how she pried that part of his life out of him, but somehow
she managed. Trent wasn’t sure if he was ready to take that step. He
wanted to. He knew he needed to. Trent was a man who had to have
sexual release, and he hadn’t had any in a really long time. The last
time he had sex was before his injury, and even that was with an ex
who came back into the picture for a few weeks. As soon as he got
injured, his ex split. It was better that Trent knew now before things
had gotten more serious.

Birds hiding in the forest suddenly took off. Ryan.
He was walking with his head down and his hands stuffed in the

pockets of his tactical pants. Trent’s heart started to race. What about

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Ryan? What if they dated? What if he took that next step with
someone who he knew was crushing on him? The feelings were
mutual. Why couldn’t they go there for a little while? Trent knew it
was wrong to cross that line with someone he was training. He could
lose his job if anyone found out. Interoffice romance was not tolerated
on the police force. If he was lucky, they’d only transfer him if their
relationship came out. Why the hell was he thinking about a
relationship with Ryan?

Trent stayed where he was, watching Ryan move with grace and

athleticism. Trent felt like a hunter watching his prey walk
unknowingly into the trap he set. Something was on Ryan’s mind.
Trent was willing to bet it had everything to do with the blossoming
attraction between them. Something had Ryan suddenly looking up to
where Trent sat. It was probably a noise. Trent wondered if he was
going to have to chase Ryan if he ran again. A thrill danced over
Trent’s skin. He loved the chase. He loved the way Ryan looked at
him. Trent wanted to see that look on Ryan’s face when he was

He wanted Ryan, and he was going to have him.

* * * *

After training all day, Ryan had hiked down to the stream he

heard through the trees. Twilight was on the horizon, casting
everything into deep gray shadows. Ryan was almost to the stream
when he heard the sound of splashing ahead. Shadow was jumping
through the water. He hadn’t meant to walk so far or for so long, but
Ryan needed the fresh air to clear his head.

He caught sight of Trent down the trail and on the other side of

the stream. Shadow jumped across the pathway and came charging for
Ryan. He jumped around Ryan’s legs. Ryan reached down, giving his
ears a scratch. Slowly, Ryan lifted his gaze to Trent. Heat seared
through Ryan’s body. Trent smiled and gave Ryan a little wave of

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hello. Ryan closed the distance, crossing the stream where the large
boulders were sticking out. He came within a few feet of the man he
couldn’t stop fantasizing about over the last few months.

Now was the time for Ryan to tell Trent the truth about knowing


Trent’s blue eyes yearned with a deep, aching need. Desire welled

up so hard and fast within Ryan that he couldn’t control the burn of
longing and want firing through his blood. His brain shut down as his
cock took control of the moment. This was leading Ryan down a
dangerous, curving path. The warning signs were posted on both sides
of the road, but Ryan was about to ignore all of them as he blew past.

“You like the sound of my voice?” Trent asked.
Ryan nodded as Trent’s eyes focused on his lips. “I do. You

should talk more.”

Trent half shrugged as though he maybe would. “I don’t have the

same confidence I had before I was shot.”

Wind howled through the trees, shaking the leaves. Trent would

never hear the sound of wind or leaves ever again. Thunder rumbled
through the valley. Ryan lifted his hand, brushing the back of his
fingers over Trent’s damaged ear. It wasn’t pretty. The surgeon had
put him back together, but not the same way. Trent laced his fingers
over Ryan’s, stopping him. Their gazes locked.

“You’re the same man you are before you were hurt,” Ryan said.
“You were there that night,” Trent said. “I remember how you

held my hand.”

“Yeah, my flight team picked you up.”
Ryan was very aware that they could be caught holding hands at

any moment. Awareness coursed through Ryan’s body as he took a
step closer to Trent. His heart pounded as his gaze lowered to Trent’s
beautiful, full, and manly lips. The lower one was fuller than the top,
promising soft, erotic kisses that would last long into the next year if
he let it go that far. Ryan knew he was about to lose control and do
something stupid. Trent lifted his other hand, brushing his palm over

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Ryan’s cheek. Ryan turned his lips into Trent’s palm, kissing him

Rock formations and a low-lying cliff anchored the stream. Trent

walked Ryan backward until his shoulders hit up against the rock

“Trent,” Ryan whispered.
Trent lifted his palms up, cupping Ryan’s jaw. The tips of his

fingers slid down over Ryan’s neck. Ryan knew he wanted to hear his
voice with his hands.

A low growl sounded from deep within the back of Trent’s throat.

The sound turned Ryan the fuck on. Ryan wanted this, and he wanted
it now.

Trent lowered his mouth and nipped, biting Ryan’s lip and

sucking it into his mouth. Ryan’s cock flexed out hard as his tongue
flicked into Trent’s mouth. Trent groaned as their bodies melted
together. Ryan held on tight, kissing him with everything he felt but
was too scared to admit. They grabbed at each other hard. Trent
angled Ryan’s head, taking the kiss deeper. Ryan felt Trent taking
control and loved it. He wanted Trent in control of what happened
next. The tip of Ryan’s cock brushed against Trent’s hip. Ryan
groaned as Trent purposely thrust his hips over Ryan’s shaft. The
move felt so good. Ryan knew he was losing control and didn’t care.
He waited for far too long for this kiss.

Pre-cum dripped from the end of Ryan’s aching cock. Trent was

taller and bigger with thick muscles. Ryan was four inches shorter and
built with tight, sinewy muscle. They were matched perfectly.

Lightning snapped across the darkening sky with thunder

stomping behind. Ryan reluctantly pulled away. Stolen kisses in the
woods were not a good idea. They could get caught, and that would
be the end of it for his training. There were questions in Trent’s gaze.
Ryan smiled, reassuring him that he liked what he tasted.

“We should get back for dinner,” Ryan said.

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Ryan didn’t want to get back. He wanted to stay in Trent’s arms.

Starting this here and now was a mistake neither one of them could
afford. Trent put his forehead onto Ryan’s. He lowered his hands to
Ryan’s shirt, pulling him in closer again. They shouldn’t kiss again,
but Ryan wanted just one more tonight.

Their lips connected. Trent’s were hot, wet, and possessive.

Another groan escaped from Trent as Ryan parted his lips, flicking his
tongue into Trent’s mouth. A slow, fiery burn seared through Ryan’s
body as Trent shoved him up against the rock formation. He became
lost in Trent as their kiss deepened. Trent drove his fingers into
Ryan’s hair, threading them tightly into his dark strands.

The edge of Trent’s hard cock pressed in tight along Ryan’s. It

was then that Ryan knew how much Trent wanted him.

Ryan reached between their bodies, stroking Trent’s cock through

his tactical pants. A deep groan vibrated through Trent, and the sound
of it made Ryan’s cock tighten down painfully. His balls pulled up
close to his cock. He was so close to coming that it hurt to hold it

Trent suddenly pulled away. Ryan heard the sound of his belt

unbuckle and his zipper fly south. Another sound of desire mewed
from Trent as he pulled his heavy cock out of his pants.

“Suck me, slave,” Trent whispered.
Slave. Ryan wanted to be his sex slave in every way imaginable.

If he had it his way, he’d slave away on Trent for hours. Ryan kneeled
down, taking Trent’s big cock in his hand. He lowered his mouth,
licking his way over Trent’s cockhead. He teased Trent with slow,
sensual licks as though he were licking an ice cream cone on a hot
summer day. He wanted to suck him hard, but he purposely held back.
Trent’s hands fisted tight into Ryan’s hair, taking control of how his
cock got sucked off. Ryan handed control over willingly as his tongue
lapped, sucking him deeper. He took him in as far as he could and
twisted his lips off again. Ryan’s free hand played with Trent’s big
balls, loving how he groomed his hair short. A groan sounded within

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the back of Ryan’s throat as he took Trent’s big cock deep. He hoped
the vibrations shivered down Trent’s cock. Ryan squeezed his balls
possessively as the tips of his fingers rubbed Trent’s perineum.

A snap in the dark forest had Ryan stilling abruptly. Ryan

squeezed his hand over Trent’s ass, not wanting to stop, but knowing
he should. Trent tightened his hand into Ryan’s hair as he looked
around. Their eyes met, with Trent nodding that it was okay. Ryan
heeded his silent command to continue. Ryan worked his tongue in
long flipping and whirling strokes that swirled over Trent’s pounding
cockhead. Ryan heard Trent’s breath coming in and out of his nose
like a raging bull in heat. Ryan knew Trent was trying to keep quiet
and keep his orgasm from thundering away. Ryan listened for more
sounds, but he heard nothing more.

They were absolutely alone.
Ryan knew Trent was close. He could feel his dick throbbing in

his mouth. Ryan grabbed his shaft, holding it tight as he sucked the
tip. Trent lifted Ryan to his feet and shoved him hard against the rock
face. Their mouths connected in a dark and dangerous kiss that felt so
dirty and so right that it should’ve been wrong. A light shined through
the forest, cutting the darkness in half before making it whole again.
Whoever was out there wasn’t close. They were up near the cabins.
Ryan stepped back, rubbing his hand over his mouth. They shouldn’t
have kissed. He shouldn’t have let it go so hard for so long. One kiss
shouldn’t rock his world, but somehow it felt as though it had.
Thunder rumbled across the valley. It wouldn’t be long before the
summer storm broke hard. They needed to get back.

* * * *

It was going to rain soon. Trent could smell the rain on the air.

Ryan was right. They should get back, but he didn’t want to. Not yet.
Trent’s cock pounded hard for a release that would only come when
he was alone. Ryan had a talented tongue. Moonlight cut through the

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leaves of the old-growth trees, pulling red highlights out of Ryan’s
dark hair.

He wanted him. Always had and probably always would at this

point. God help him, he loved how smooth and cultured this man was.
For the first time in his life, a lover looked at him as though they
knew him completely, as though he were whole, as though the fact
that he couldn’t hear didn’t matter.

Trent muscled Ryan around. He wanted Ryan as his sub. He

wanted Ryan in his playroom, strapped to his table with wax dripping
from his nipples, over his abdomen, and down his happy trail. He had
a trunk full of new toys he always imagined using on his next lover.
He wanted to use every one of them on Ryan. Would he want to be
his sub? Would he let Trent dominate him? Ryan cupped his face.

“I have a confession,” Ryan said.
Trent lifted his brows as he read his lips, thinking the worst. The

worst being that Ryan already had a lover. Ryan dropped his hands
away and lifted them again.

“I know ASL,” Ryan signed.
Trent frowned. All this time, he knew sign language? The

conversation at the photo shoot took on a whole new cosmic meaning.
Surprise slapped Trent in the face like a bucket of cold water, but the
effect didn’t last long. This was a good thing. Trent thought it was
cute that Ryan was so worried about the confession.

Ryan lifted his hands and signed, “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you

before now.”

“It’s cool, babe,” Trent signed.
They had gone to the edge with one simple kiss. Trent wasn’t a

man who normally got off on just a kiss. This was the first time he
lost control without being in his playroom. He needed control.
Control and safety was all he had, and he needed it.

“I’m sorry. I lost control. I shouldn’t have come on so strong,”

Trent signed.

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Ryan smiled, and the tilt of his full, soft lips made Trent’s heart

melt. Trent wanted more of this man. For the first time in Trent’s life,
he felt like a wild horse racing out of control. Trent needed to rein his
emotions in before he messed up things between them.

Ryan grinned. “It’s okay. I’m good.”
Things were going to get complicated this week. How was Trent

supposed to keep his hands off Ryan in their free time when he was
supposed to be training him? This was going to end poorly, but he
didn’t care. Work relationships never ended on a good note. Trent was
going to do everything he could to make sure that what was going on
between them didn’t end.

Rain started spitting between the leaves. They were protected

under the overhang of the cliff side. They needed to get out of the
woods and back to the safety of the cabin before they got lost or
stranded. Lightning snapped across the sky, splitting the sky open.
Shadow was curled up under the rock overhang. Trent whistled, and
he jumped up.

They hit the trail, running hard back to the cabins.
They were muddy and soaking wet by the time they made it back.

Trent was second-guessing his choice to bunk with Ryan. How was
he supposed to get to sleep tonight with Ryan sleeping next to him?

Trent ran a hand through his wet hair. There was only one

bathroom with two showers. The thought of Trent getting naked with
Ryan at his side had his cock hardening fast. Ryan licked raindrops
off his lips. Trent wanted to be doing all the licking off that would be
happening tonight.

“You go first,” Trent signed.
He was going to take Shadow to the training center to clean off.

* * * *

Ryan was dried off and in fresh clothes when he got out of the

bathroom. He expected Trent to be in the cabin waiting for his turn.

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He wasn’t there. He was gone. Things were going to get awkward if
they didn’t work out what happened. One foolish kiss and a blow job
later shouldn’t be the end of their new friendship or their new work
relationship. At least, Ryan hoped it wouldn’t be.

Ryan was starting to suspect that they came from different worlds.

There was so much he didn’t know about Trent that he wanted to
know. It wasn’t that he just wanted to know. He needed to know.
Ryan ran a hand through his wet hair. He had to find Trent. He was
running. Why else had he disappeared?

Ryan did a quick loop around the camp, going into the training

center. Trent was nowhere to be found. A couple of the guys were in
the recreation room playing cards, while a few others were on their
laptops. Ryan asked around about Trent, but no one had seen him. On
his way back to the cabin, Ryan checked the parking lot. His car was
there. Maybe Shadow needed another walk?

He decided to head back to the cabin. He was tired.
Ryan couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned. It was late into the

night when his eyes finally caved to the rhythmic beating of his
sleepy heart.

Hours later, the shower clicking on in the men’s bathroom stirred

Ryan from his sleep. He rolled over, seeing Shadow conked out on a
blanket on the floor. His gaze went to the light outlining the door and
the shadow passing underneath. Trent was probably naked behind that
door. Ryan swung his legs from the bunk bed. The cement floor was
cold beneath his feet. Ryan’s heart raced. He knew he was about to do
something stupid. He was going into that room on purpose. This
wasn’t a good idea, but he didn’t care. He wanted to ask Trent why he
took off. Most of all, he wanted to know if Trent was okay with
everything that happened between them.

Cool nighttime air struck him in the chest. He thought about

slipping a shirt over his head, but he didn’t want to. His pajama pants
hung low on his hips, showing a hard outline of his cock that hung

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heavily against his leg. Ryan’s feet were moving before he could stop
himself. He opened the door to the bathroom and locked it behind.

The light in the shower stall rained down from the ceiling. Trent’s

body was shadowed onto the curtain. His legs were spaced wide, and
one hand was braced against the wall as though he could push it
down. Trent’s head hung underneath the hot spray. Between the break
in the curtain, Ryan let his gaze slide down the long length of his
body to his cock. He sucked in a harsh breath when he saw Trent’s
hand locked around his hard dick. The water beat Trent’s rigid body
as his hand stroked up and down his prick. Watching Trent satisfy his
need was a dirty high he shouldn’t indulge, but he couldn’t stop
himself from watching.

Ryan’s cock kicked out, punching out of the top of his pajama

pants. By the rhythm of Trent’s fist and the muffled breathing into his
arm, Ryan knew that he was close to coming. Jealousy marched up
Ryan’s spine and sat down on his shoulders. He wanted to be the one
rocking Trent’s cock off, but now wasn’t the time or place. A grunt
tore from the back of Trent’s throat as he came hard, collapsing onto
his braced arm for support. Ryan was almost positive he heard Trent
mumble his name in the throes of passion.

Ryan shut off the light, leaving only the soft glow of a lone

security light. Trent’s head whipped around, and his hand ripped aside
the curtain.

Trent groaned as their eyes locked. “How long have you been

standing there?”

“Long enough,” Ryan signed.
Ryan wanted to drop his pajama pants to the floor, but he didn’t.

Not yet.

They were really going to do this here and now. Trent shut off the

water. He didn’t bother with the towel as he stepped out onto the old
tile. Despite having come a moment before, Trent’s cock was long,
thick, and rock hard. Ryan licked his lips, remembering the sweet
taste of him in his mouth and wanting more of it. Ryan crossed the

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tile, meeting him in the middle. Neither one moved. It was as though
they were both waiting for the other to cross the line first, but hadn’t
Ryan already by locking them in the room together?

“Kiss me,” Ryan whispered.
Trent grabbed his wrists, wrestling Ryan back against the wall.

Ryan’s cock whipped out, smacking against Trent’s wet legs. Trent
pinned his hands up by his head, muscling him into place with his
thick thighs and predatory stare. Ryan’s heart pounded. They kissed
hard. Ryan was the first to flick his tongue out and into Trent’s
mouth. Desperate and urgent, they kissed as though they would be
caught at any moment. Ryan wanted to be taken hard and spanked

All of a sudden, Trent pulled away, leaving Ryan’s mouth chasing

after his for more. A blush heated Ryan’s cheeks as their gazes

“Not here. Not like this. Our first time will be slow. I want to take

my time with you. I want you as my sub,” Trent said.

Ryan’s mouth fell open. There was no way he could get through

the rest of the week without release. Every time he looked at Trent, he
got a raging hard-on. He was going to be taking a lot of cold showers
with them rooming together.

“Well?” Trent asked.
Ryan nodded. “I want you.”
“I know you do,” Trent whispered.
Trent leaned down and kissed him with a seductive ease that

spoke of years of experience in keeping control. Ryan didn’t want
control. He wanted to lose it and have rough sex. Trent pulled away
with a wicked gleam in his eyes. He reached down, stroking Ryan
through his pajama pants, purposely avoiding the tip that was pointing

“It’s your turn to take a shower, babe,” Trent signed.
Slowly, Trent pulled away and waited. Ryan teased his thumbs

beneath the waistband of his pajama pants, all the while loving how

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Trent’s gaze eased down over his abdomen. He flexed, revealing an
eight-pack he worked really hard to get over the last year. Lust
skipped through Trent’s heated stare. Ryan dropped his pants to the
floor, stepping out of them. He stroked his hand over his cockhead,
rubbing pre-cum down his shaft. Ryan went to the shower, leaving the
curtain open as he turned on the hot water.

Ryan arched back, wetting his hair. He heard Trent’s approving

groan and knew that he liked the way his long cock reached up past
his navel. Ryan ran his hand over the soap and slicked his hand over
his cock. He pushed his balls back with his left hand as his right
pumped his cock. He twisted it up and down, slowly. Ryan’s eyes
lifted, meeting Trent’s heavily lidded gaze. Water cascaded down
around his body, hitting his cock. He tortured himself with a slow,
easy rocking motion.

“Come,” Trent commanded. “Come!”
Trent’s voice echoed off the walls. Ryan’s orgasm twisted up fast

and hard, taking control of his body. He shuddered violently as he
came, shooting his spunk into the falling water. Ryan felt his cheeks
flame. He usually wasn’t so quick on the release.

Trent crossed the room and kissed Ryan possessively, flicking his

tongue inside and taking his mouth deeply. Trent wrapped the back of
his hand behind his head. It would be so easy to pull Trent under the
water with him, but he knew he shouldn’t. Ryan’s lips were puffed
and swollen by the time he pulled away. How the hell was Ryan
supposed to get through the week without touching Trent again?

Trent picked up his towel, wrapping it around his waist. He leaned

in, giving Ryan a hard smack on the ass that sent his cock bouncing
up and down. Heat spread on his ass cheek, leaving him wanting for

“Night, babe. Dream of me.”
Ryan’s mouth dropped open as he watched Trent walk out. He

was using his voice with him. Ryan’s heart raced hard. The sound of
Trent’s voice turned him on fast and hard.

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Chapter Six

The week had flown by. The warrior black-hawk obstacle course

was two miles of rough terrain. Mud, ropes, walls, and wire lines
crisscrossed along the ground and in the trees. Mud coated Ryan’s
body as he crawled his way under the wire. Ryan was breathing hard
as he stood up and stared at the wall. Shouts erupted from the other
side of the wall. Someone was down. Ryan ran around the other side.

Jones was on the ground. His leg was twisted around funny at the

knee. Dislocation, has to be, Ryan thought. Ryan ran to his side,
sliding onto his knees in the mud.

“What hurts?” Ryan asked.
“My knee.”
Ryan smoothed his hands over his leg, feeling his kneecap locked

out of place. “Hold him. I need to reset his knee. Hold still.”

Jones screamed as the kneecap popped back into place. “You’ll

need to get this checked out. You probably tore or damaged the
ligaments around the kneecap.”

Ryan stabilized his leg with a splint from his pack.
They called an ambulance in, and twenty minutes later it rolled

up, taking Jones away to get things looked at. TJ clapped Ryan on the
back. “You have good instincts in the field. You’re perfect for our

The team was breaking to clean up before lunch. There was mud

all over Ryan. He headed with the rest of the team toward the cabins.
The adrenaline rush of helping out a colleague started to crash his
system. The past came slamming up so fast that it nearly knocked

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Ryan to the ground. He could deal with the aftermath of injuries, but
could he deal with witnessing them, too?

Sunshine and miles of blue-on-blue sky echoed out through the

forest. They’d taken the four-wheelers out, riding the trails along the
eastern ridge of Grandmother Mountain. Lane’s brown hair cascaded
in the wind, whipping behind her head. She was driving with a
reckless abandonment that made Ryan nervous. She needed to take
the turns slower or she was going to flip. Ryan called her name to get
her attention, but his voice was lost on the wind. He sped up, trying to
catch up to her.

“Slow down, Lane!”
She glanced back over her shoulder, laughing and smiling

wickedly. “No!”

She should watch where she was going. She turned back. Her

laughter carried on the wind like tiny drops of rain misting the air.
Ryan loved her. She was his best friend. He wanted to ask her out, but
something was missing. He didn’t understand how he could love her
and want her as his friend, but not be physically attracted. All of his
classmates were dating, it made sense that they would, too.

Rocks and gravel spun out from the four-wheeler’s tires as Lane

took a curve sharper than she should have. Fear ricocheted through
Ryan as the quad’s tires tipped onto two wheels, sending Lane flying
through the air. The quad rolled on top of her, coming to a stop in the
ditch. Lane lay face down on the pathway, lifeless. Ryan screamed,
coming to a quick stop on the path.

They were in the middle of nowhere. Ryan flipped her over. Blood

dripped from her nose. He couldn’t save her. He knew he couldn’t
save her, but he had to try. He lifted her, placing her on his lap and
drove down the mountain to get help at the ranger’s station. The
thump-thump of the helicopter’s blades echoed through his mind as
he watched the helicopter the ranger called in take her away. He
watched it fly over the mountainside and out of sight.

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He later learned she died of a liver laceration. There was nothing

anyone could’ve done to save her. By getting her down the mountain
so quickly, he’d given her family time to say goodbye. Lane’s death
haunted him. Every time he saved a life, he thought of how he
couldn’t save Lane.

Someone shook his arm, waking him from his past. Tears

shimmered in Ryan’s eyes. It was time he let Lane’s death go. It was
about time. Trent’s concerned gaze made him feel broken and

“What’s wrong?” Trent frowned as he signed. “You did good out


Ryan blew past him, heading for the privacy of the cabin. He

wasn’t going to break down in front of the men whose lives he would
be saving. Ryan went straight to the shower, stripping down out of his
muddy clothes. The door opened with Trent following him inside.

“Talk to me,” Trent insisted.
Not even the soft sound of Trent’s voice could get him to answer.

Ryan shook his head no, dipping his head under the hot spray to hide
his tears for Lane. Muddy water ran off of his body and swirled into
the drain. “I couldn’t save her,” Ryan said and signed at the same
time. “I couldn’t.”

“A friend,” Ryan signed.
“You can’t blame yourself,” Trent said.
Ryan closed his eyes. “Easier said than done,” Ryan said.
Trent whistled, getting Ryan’s attention. Their eyes clashed.

Trent’s hands start to move. “It’s easy to blame yourself when there’s
no one else doing it for you.”

Their gazes held as Trent waited for him to say something. What

did he know about the pain that came from hurting a friend? Had he
not taken Lane out that day, she’d be alive.

“You’re a good doctor. One of the best ER docs,” Trent said.

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Ryan shut off the water, grabbing a towel to wrap around his

waist. “How do you know that?”

“You saved my life.”
“I’m not the man for this job,” Ryan signed.
“You are. You’re the only man for this job,” Trent said.
Ryan shook his head no. “I’m leaving.”
“Don’t quit.” Trent shook his head, running a hand through his

hair. “I thought I knew you. I didn’t think you were a quitter.”

The words stung hard. Ryan knew he wasn’t a quitter.
“It’s your choice. You can stay or go. I’m not keeping you here,”

Trent said. He started for the door but stopped short. “We go to the
bar to celebrate the end of the week tonight. I hope you’ll come.”

Trent opened the door and left. Ryan was being played hard. Trent

knew how to sway him with the sound of his deep, sexy voice. The
urge to pack everything up and go home was an overpowering chant
in his mind. Ryan ran a hand through his hair. He was going to go to
the bar tonight. After that, he’d decide whether or not he wanted to
stay a part of the SWAT team.

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Chapter Seven

Vick’s was a country-western bar on the outside of town. The

parking lot was full as Ryan pulled his Audi in an open spot around
the back of the building. Music chased the door as Ryan opened it and
stepped inside. Pool tables were at the front. Balls clacked and spun
across the table. Ryan had every intention of leaving, but at the end of
the day he couldn’t quit once he committed to something.

The team was off in the far corner. Beers were on the table. The

waitress was taking empties away as she sashayed through the crowd.
The music was loud, and the dance floor was crowded. It was the kind
of place where guys got their asses kicked for looking at a girl the
wrong way. Ryan made sure to keep his eyes in check as he moved
through the crowd. Cole wasn’t around.

The team knew some sign. From afar, Ryan noticed how they

used simple signs to communicate with Trent. Ryan’s eyes locked
with Trent’s as he crossed the room. Trent smiled, nodding as Ryan
joined them at the table. He sat next to Trent.

TJ grinned. “Just got the news on Jones. Dislocation. Nothing

torn. You’re a hero.”

“It was nothing,” Ryan said.
“It was everything to us,” TJ said.
Beneath the table, Ryan’s knee brushed with Trent’s. The zing of

electricity was a dirty and dangerous high they shouldn’t have been
indulging in at the bar. The rush was too great. Ryan’s heart
hammered. He wasn’t out, and he suspected that Trent wasn’t either.
They ordered another round of beers, and Trent nodded toward the

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open game of darts. Trent typed into his phone as Ryan picked the
darts out of the board. Trent showed Ryan his phone.

If I win, you give me complete control of what happens next. I

want to teach you to be my sub.

The corners of Ryan’s mouth lifted as he thought about losing on

purpose. Trent’s gaze lowered to Ryan’s lips. “Deal.”

Ryan handed Trent his darts and then went first, tossing his darts

one at a time. Ryan stepped back as Trent took his turn, beating Ryan
easily. Trent grinned. Ryan knew this thing would be more than just
submissive training with Trent.

“Best three out of five?” Trent asked.
“Sounds good,” Ryan said as he signed.
They played five more rounds with Ryan losing terribly. At

midnight, they cleared out, heading back to Camp Tack. After just
one beer, Ryan was thinking clearly as he headed into the cabin he
shared with Trent. Ryan was searching through his bag for his pajama
pants and T-shirt when he looked through the bunks, seeing Trent pull
his shirt over his head. Ryan’s mouth went dry as he saw the muscles
in Trent’s back ripple and his jeans go south. He wanted this week to
be over. He wanted time alone with Trent to explore all the feelings
he’d been denying himself for so long. Ryan wanted Trent to force
him up against the wall and spread his legs wide. He wanted his balls
to swing as Trent spanked him hard. Ryan’s cock flexed, punching up
against the fly of his jeans with a bad attitude.

Ryan looked away. He couldn’t torture himself like this. Trent

walked around the bunks and whistled to get Ryan’s attention. Ryan
couldn’t look at him when he was feeling so sexually twisted up.
Trent came in close, brushing the back of his fingers over his cheek.
Ryan closed his eyes and took a steadying breath that didn’t make
him feel steady at all. Trent slipped his hand over the back of his
neck, pulling Ryan in close.

Their eyes met before their lips connected passionately. Ryan lost

himself in the soft movement of his lover’s lips. He wrapped his arms

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around Trent’s waist, pulling him in tight. Trent pulled back. Ryan
was breathing hard. He knew they had to be careful, and they weren’t.

“Not here. We could get caught,” Trent whispered.
Ryan felt all the air leave him as he leaned back against the wall.

He watched Trent pace around the cabin. In less than twelve hours,
they’d be going back to their separate lives. They’d maybe see each
other during SWAT missions. Trent kept his walk back and forth. It
was like he wanted to say something more.

“It’s okay,” Ryan signed.
“It’s not okay. We need…”
Trent shook his head and crossed the room, taking Ryan’s face in

his hands and kissing Ryan hard. Their eyes met. Trent put his
forehead against Ryan’s. It was then Ryan knew that life would keep
getting in the way. There was no way they could be together. Their
lives were too complicated. Most of all, Ryan was thinking about the
humanitarian trips abroad he took twice a year. He wanted to take
Trent with him when he went to Peru and Costa Rica. He wanted a
life that included his lover. Was Trent that person?

Trent pulled away physically and emotionally. Things were

starting to feel over before they even began. Ryan knew that this was
good-bye, and he didn’t like it at all.

“We don’t have to figure this out now,” Trent signed. “Okay?”
“No we don’t,” Ryan said as he signed.
Ryan already missed the sweet, erotic sound of his voice.

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Chapter Eight

Trent sat across from detective Seth London in Seth’s office.

There were awards and his diploma on the wall behind him glaring
back. No personal pictures of anyone were in his office. Cole was
hanging off to the side by the wall, acting as interpreter. Cole still
wasn’t happy with him and was driving his point home by making
him use his voice today. When Trent had signed at the beginning of
their meeting, Cole stabbed his two fingers into his neck to tell him to
use his fucking voice and then crossed his arms. So here they were.
He was being forced to use his voice at work when he wanted to be a
pussy about it.

Seth ran a hand through his red hair in frustration. “I want you on

RAT,” Seth said.

Cole signed what Seth said.
Trent tried to pick his jaw up off the carpeted floor, but he was

having a rough time of it. Right now he was catching flies, as his
grandmother used to say. He couldn’t say he saw this one coming at

“Well?” Seth asked.
“I don’t think so,” Trent said.
“You’d go up in pay grade.”
Trent read what Cole signed. “I can’t be bought.”
“It will get you back into the field, where you and I both know

you belong.”

Trent glowered at Cole as he read his hands, but the face was

meant for Seth. That was a low blow. “I like what I’m doing now.”

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Seth sat forward, clasping his hands. He wasn’t bad looking for a

redhead, but he just wasn’t Trent’s type. There was too much alpha in
him. He wouldn’t be a good sub. “Training civilians?”

Cole’s hands and face dripped with sarcasm. “I’d rather be

training inmates than working with the Risk Assessment Team,”
Trent said.

By the look on Seth’s face, Trent could see that he drove his point

home with the annunciation of his voice. The corner of Cole’s mouth
ticked up.

“I could use someone with your background to act as a liaison

between RAT and SWAT.”

Trent shook his head as he read Cole’s signs. “Not a good fit for


Frustration had Seth leaning back in his chair. “Okay, then. Can

you think of anyone within the department who might be interested?”

Trent started to raise his hands to sign. Cole shook his head and

stuck those two V’d fingers into his neck. Trent had the urge to break
his hand, but knew it wouldn’t help things. “Your best bet would be to
go outside the department.”

“Why is it the SWAT guys don’t like RAT?” Seth asked.
Trent glanced from Cole to Seth. “No one likes a Monday

morning quarterback telling them their plays stink. Thanks for the
invite, but I have to pass.”

“No hard feelings.”
Trent stood. Cole headed out of the office first. The only thing

that was on Trent’s mind was Ryan. His dark hair. His sensual smile.
Those bedroom eyes that made Trent want to go to work on him for
hours and hours. He wanted to see him tonight. Well, not just see him,
Trent thought. There would be a lot of touching, sucking, kissing, and
fucking if Trent had his way with Ryan. Trent wondered if he was
working or if he was sitting at home with nothing to do. Either way,
Trent wanted to find out before he left work.

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Out in the hallway, something caught Cole’s attention. Fear made

Cole’s eyes go wide. Trent zeroed in on the commotion down the long
hallway. Lt. Evans lost control of her suspect. Chief Anderson jumped
in to help. Her gun was grabbed by the idiot trying to get away. Evans
took the suspect down, but not before a shot was fired. Trent shoved
Cole out of the way.

The bullet ripped through Trent’s shoulder, spinning him around

and sending him flying back against the wall. Glass shattered over
Trent’s head, raining down upon him. A second shot was fired. Blood
seeped down his arm. This was not good. Pain ricocheted through his
shoulder before everything went numb. Chaos erupted through the
hall. Cole hunched down, putting pressure on his shoulder.

Their eyes met. By the look on Cole’s pale face, Trent knew

things were bad. Life without Ryan flashed through Trent’s mind.
Years of lazy Saturday mornings gone, long romantic dinners
vanished, and the chance of kissing Ryan one last time seemed like it
was so far away that it was untouchable. Trent felt dizzy and unable
to focus. The smell of blood did that to him. He didn’t want things to
end before they ever began. He wanted a chance to love Ryan. His
eyes grew heavy. He wanted the chance.

* * * *

Parker looked happy. Love did that to a person. It also made them

temporarily insane and unable to make rational decisions. Being in
love was not the time to commit to anything like buying a house or
moving in. Ryan was not a fan of moving in with a lover. The
everyday ruined the excitement of things. Ryan and Parker were in
their flight suits, waiting for the next call to come in through the
emergency room. They stood in the triage room. Their patient was
sleeping on the gurney between them. The bed sore on the elderly
woman’s leg was a case of neglect.

“This looks infected,” Ryan said.

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“Looks like it,” Parker agreed.
Ryan frowned. “Where’d she come in from?”
“That nursing home on the west side.”
Ryan got to work on cleaning the wound. Some days it was all the

same, treat and repeat. “They should shut that place down. It’s a death

“They won’t,” Parker said as he passed gauze pads over. “Are you

coming to the wedding?”

“I wanted to. You guys set the date?”
“We’re still working it out. I have some family that wants to come

in from Boston,” Parker said.

“Are you registered anywhere?”
“Not yet. I put TJ in charge of that.”
Ryan hesitated over asking the next question, but he had to know.

“How’s living together going?”

The corners of Parker’s mouth lifted. Secrets flashed through his

eyes. “It’s fun.” Parker glanced up from his work on their patient’s
other leg. “Haven’t you ever lived with anyone before?”

“Never have. Never want to.”
“When you find the right person, you’ll want to, trust me.”
Thoughts of Trent flashed through his mind. Was he the right

person? Ryan pictured sunlight streaming through the windows of his
apartment while they cuddled on the couch. A shiver vibrated down
his spine. Ryan knew those lazy days would never happen. A pang of
sadness made him feel suddenly very alone and irrationally scared.

Ryan finished cleaning the wound and covering it up. He snapped

off his gloves and went to wash his hands. “Where are you going for
the honeymoon?” Ryan asked.

“A bed and breakfast in Maine.”
Another overwhelming sense of sadness and loss took hold of

Ryan. He couldn’t shake the feeling. He looked down into the water
as tears misted his eyes. Why was he so heartbroken? “Nice.”

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Long shifts had a way of catching up with Ryan and making him

feel like last week’s leftovers sitting in the fridge. The emergency
room was quiet. Not that anyone was talking about it. No one dared
used the Q word without invoking the curse that came with
emergency rooms. Ryan charted on the computer as he kept replaying
the moment he left Trent at the camp. There were no promises to call,
no promises of anything. Things were left in lover’s limbo. Ryan
thought about texting Trent, but every time he picked up his cell
phone, he lost his nerve.

Voices carried down the hallway. Two nurses were talking about

how slow they were. Not good. Some things shouldn’t be discussed in
an emergency room. Ryan’s beeper went off. He looked down,
reading the text that came through from the field.

Cop vs. bullet. Estimated time of arrival is five minutes.
Ryan’s heart started pumping as he immediately thought of his

new SWAT family and of Trent. There were at least three shootings a
week in Cincinnati. He couldn’t jump and think the worst every time
one came through the doors. Deep down he knew this time was
different. This time it was a cop.

Ryan clicked out of the computer screen, looking over at the

triage corridor as the nurses got ready. The wail of the ambulance on
approach carried through the emergency room awning, growing
louder and louder as they pulled up next to the building. The trauma
surgeon, Dr. Mathews, was swinging through the doorway just as the
outer doors pushed open with the paramedics coming in with their cop
on a stretcher.

What the heck was he doing in the field? He was supposed to be

behind the scenes and out of the line of fire.

Blood seeped through his clothes. Ryan’s heart hit the floor and

shattered as he rushed to meet the team. He was sitting up on the
stretcher. Their eyes locked. He was conscious. That was a good sign.

“What’ve we got?” Ryan asked the paramedic.

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“Gunshot wound to the upper left shoulder. There appears to be an

entry and exit wound.”

“It’s just a scratch,” Trent said.
“Let me take a look.” Ryan moved aside the bandages. “Sarah,

call interpreter services for our patient. We need a sign language

“Lots of blood for just a scratch,” Ryan signed. “What

happened? I didn’t think you were on the front lines anymore?”

Trent glowered as though he didn’t like the fact that he was

sidelined. “A suspect was brought in for questioning. There was a
struggle between him and the arresting officer. He got the officer’s
weapon. He got two shots fired before he was taken down. I got hit by

Dr. Mathews took a look. “We’re going to need some X-rays.”
“X-rays,” Ryan said as he signed.
Trent nodded. Staff was moved out of the trauma room as X-rays

were taken. Ryan watched the computer monitor as they came out.
Nothing was broken.

“There doesn’t appear to be any major tissue damage. I think this

can be closed without putting him all the way out,” Dr. Mathews said.

“I got it,” Ryan said.
Sarah popped her head into the trauma room. “No one from IS can

get here for another twenty minutes.”

“I’ll let the patient know,” Ryan said.
Ryan lifted his hands to sign. “We can take care of this with

stitches,” Ryan said. “No one from interpreting services can get here
for another twenty minutes.”

“It’ll be okay,” Trent said.
Ryan didn’t want to look too closely at the fact that Trent was

using his voice. He loved the sound of it. He hoped Trent wouldn’t
stop using it. “Are you in a lot of pain?” Ryan asked as he signed.

“It stings. It’s not too bad,” Trent said.

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Ryan looked as though he didn’t believe him. He slipped on

gloves and got out the antiseptic to clean the wound. Trent hissed
when the solution made contact.

“We can close this with stitches,” Ryan signed.
Ryan hit him with a local anesthetic, numbing the area. Trent

winced. “Sorry,” Ryan said.

Trent looked down at his shoulder as Ryan worked. Other scars

were on his abdomen from old wounds. A black tribal tattoo of a
dragon circled his left arm. Ryan pulled up the rolling stool as he
eased the bed back to work. Trent was good at hiding his emotions
and playing the tough guy. Or maybe it was the fact that he still had
his gun and badge on his belt that made him look so irresistible.

Bright light shined down on Trent’s wound. Ryan adjusted the

light to see better. Ryan knew Trent trusted him with his body, but he
wanted him to trust him completely. They’d said their goodbyes at
camp with no plans to see each other. There wouldn’t be a next step if
Trent kept his distance. Ryan was certain that the next move rested on
his shoulders. He was suddenly desperate to have Trent again. He
couldn’t let Trent go without plans to see him. This bullet had been
too damn close to taking him away before they got the chance to
figure things out.

Ryan stitched the wound closed, front and back, taking more time

than he needed to do the job. He covered the wound with bandages.
Ryan snapped off his gloves and washed his hands. He dried them off.

Relief poured through Ryan’s body. The situation could’ve been

worse, but Trent was safe. Inside, Ryan was shaking from the near
miss. The fragility of life was something that he faced every day. He
couldn’t let Trent go without plans to see him again.

“You’ll need an antibiotic. Over-the-counter pain medications

should give you some relief, too,” Ryan signed and spoke. “Any

“No allergies.”

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Ryan knew he was stalling. “You need to wear a sling while

things heal. Let me grab you one.”

A few minutes later, Ryan returned with a sling. He helped Trent

into it, working the straps over his shoulder.

Ryan brushed the back of his fingertips up over Trent’s forearm.

He couldn’t believe he almost lost Trent before they ever had a
chance to start. Physical relief was replaced with an intense longing to
see Trent and have some alone time with him. He wasn’t ready to let
him go or for this to be over. Voices carried over his shoulder from
staff walking by. Ryan glanced through the break in the curtain, but
they kept going. He took a deep breath.

“I want to see you,” Ryan whispered.
Trent’s eyes dropped to Ryan’s lips, and Ryan repeated the words.

“I want to see you.”

Trent reached forward, grabbing the pen and notepad out of

Ryan’s flight suit pocket. He wrote his address on the pad. He handed
it back to Ryan.

“My on-call shift is over in twenty-four hours,” Ryan signed.
“I’m off work at seven,” Trent said.
“You should take time off to heal,” Ryan said as he signed.
Trent grinned. “I’d rather be at work.”
Ryan’s heart raced as he watched his lover ease up off the gurney.

He wanted to take care of Trent. He couldn’t wait to see him and to
hear the beautiful sound of his voice whispered against his ear. A
flash of desire flowed through his body. It was going to be a long

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Chapter Nine

Trent lived in a loft downtown. Ryan pulled up next to the

building, parking on the street. It wasn’t the best area of town, but it
was being revitalized. Ryan showered and changed at work in the
locker room. He had a swing in his step as he rang the doorbell.
Would he hear it?

A few seconds later Trent opened the door. Shadow stood by his

feet. “Hey,” Trent said.

Ryan let his gaze travel up and down Trent. He was wearing a T-

shirt and jeans. His feet were bare. Ryan noticed that he wasn’t
wearing his sling like he was supposed to be. He stepped back, letting
him inside. “The bell?” Ryan signed.

“It’s linked to the light in the foyer. It blinks when you ring it.”
“Cool. Are you resting that shoulder?” Ryan asked as he signed.
“It’s okay. Stiff.”
Ryan reached down to pat Shadow’s head.
Dark-red brick made up the walls in the foyer, and old refurbished

wooden floors spilled through the loft. Candles were lit in the living
room, and the lights were low. A wall of glass went from the second
floor to the first in the back of the loft. A small cheese wheel covered
in a black ash rind sat on a cutting board on the island in the kitchen.
A bottle of red wine was sitting next to the cheese. Trent opened the
bottle and lifted up a wineglass. The light caught the dark, rosy liquid.
Ryan took the wine and looked around the apartment. It was quiet
with the low sound of the television in the living room. A Saturday
night football game was on. Shadow padded off to sit in his dog bed
in the living room.

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“Hungry?” Trent asked.
Ryan lifted his wine so that Trent couldn’t read his lips this time,

but at the last second chose not to hide how he felt. “For you.”

Trent smiled as he brought his wine to his lips. “Are you now?”
“Starving,” Ryan said as he signed.
Trent set his wineglass aside. There was something hard in his

gaze that Ryan didn’t know how to read.

“I don’t know if you’re ready for what I have to give you,” Trent


“Use your voice,” Ryan said as he signed. “I love hearing it.”
Trent grinned. “Maybe you need to earn that right.”
Heat flashed through Ryan. He signed with his left hand as he

spoke, “You’re not my first lover. I’m experienced.”

Trent shook his head. “It’s not that. I’m a Dom, Ryan.”
Ryan’s mouth went dry as an image of Trent dominating him

popped into his mind. The memory of that one spank to his ass
flashed through his brain, shutting down his ability to think clearly.
He wanted to go there. Ryan wanted Trent to spank him until he came
hard. Trent’s words bounced around his brain like an out of control
bouncy ball. Trent circled closer.

“I have a need to dominate my lover. I need a submissive in the

bedroom. Have you ever been a sub?” Trent signed.

Ryan shook his head no. The thought of being under a lover’s

control turned him the fuck on. He wanted Trent to control what
happened between them. Trent came in close, kissing Ryan on the lips
with a teasing, soft kiss. Ryan’s cock hardened at the thought of Trent
doing so much more to him in the bedroom.

“Teach me to be your sub.” Ryan’s hands shook as he signed.
Trent touched his cheek with his palm. “You need to know what I

like to do to my lover. Then you can decide.”

“Use your voice,” Ryan begged.
“I like to spank. I like to use toys. I like to use whips, handcuffs,

chains, and leather to tie my lover up. I like to have them perform

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tasks. Is that what you want? Can you handle going through my
submissive training?”

“Yes.” Ryan moaned as Trent brushed his hand down over his

cock. “God, yes.”

Their lips connected as Trent slipped his hand behind Ryan’s

neck, taking possession of the kiss. Their tongues flicked together,
dueling for dominance. Trent pulled his lips away, pacing the room.
Ryan went to the window. Lights from the city twinkled in the night.
It was romantic.

“You have a lot to learn if you want to be my sub,” Trent signed.

“I don’t want to scare you.”

“You won’t.”
The candles on the table flicked, as though air had suddenly

blown through the window. Trent crossed the room, taking Ryan’s
shirt in his hands and ripping it open. Buttons flew across the room.

“You will stay,” Trent ordered. “Get naked, sub.”
There was no chance of Ryan going anywhere. Trent watched him

as though he were a master watching his servant perform for him, and
it turned Ryan on hard. Ryan undressed, liking the way Trent noticed
his heavy cock. Ryan twisted his hand around his cock shaft,
smoothing it out as he grew harder. He awaited Trent’s next order.

“Lie back on the table.”
The dining room table was made of a sturdy oak. Ryan lay back

on the table, with his legs dangling off and his cock pointed north.
Ryan swallowed hard as Trent left the room. Several minutes ticked
by before Trent returned with a delicate chain hanging from his

Black leather chaps hugged his legs. Ryan wanted to run his

fingers all over that leather as he sucked Trent off. His thick cock
hung heavy, glistening with lube in the candlelight. Ryan licked his
lips. He reached out, wanting to grab hold of Trent’s cock, but was
out of reach. He knew he wouldn’t get a chance to suck cock this
time. This time was all about Trent’s needs. Ryan wanted to fulfill his

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needs. He would do anything and everything Trent needed to get him

“Stand,” Trent ordered.
Ryan stood on shaky legs. Trent wrapped the cold chain around

his cock shaft, lifting his balls to put them in the chainmail. Ryan
sucked in a harsh breath as his cock tightened with the need to come.
Cold shivered over his cock, making pre-cum drip from the tip of his
cockhead. Trent trailed the chain ends down between his legs and
slipped it up the crack of his ass. Ryan’s heart hammered. Trent
locked the chain ends down on the chain around his shaft. Trent gave
the chain a tug, and the chain pulled his ass cheeks apart. Ryan
groaned as Trent placed a hand on his chest while his fingers rubbed
over his anus.

“On my table.”
Leather straps were used to tie Ryan’s arms to the legs of the

table. Ryan groaned as his cock was teased into Trent’s mouth. He
licked, but didn’t linger long. His cock slipped from Trent’s mouth
and slapped against his abdomen with a whack that sent pre-cum
shooting up over his belly button.

Trent picked up a lit candle.
Candle wax dripped over Ryan’s chest as Trent held it over his

nipple. Trent rubbed the massage oil over his abdomen. He smoothed
it down over his thighs, purposely missing his cock. Ryan groaned as
Trent suddenly pulled away but returned quickly with a butt plug in
his hand. A thrill of need had his cock and balls tightening up in the
chainmail. Trent rubbed lube over the butt plug and tilted it up over
Ryan’s anus. The tip centered on Ryan’s anus just as Trent fisted his
big hand on his cock. Trent slid his hand down Ryan’s cock as he
pushed the butt plug into Ryan’s ass.

It felt so good. Ryan was breathing hard as Trent pulled out the

plug as he stroked Ryan back to the tip of his cockhead. He stroked
him down again as he pushed the plug up into his ass. Ryan moaned

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as he spread his legs wide, taking as much as Trent was willing to

Sweat glistened on Ryan’s body as Trent released his cock. Trent

stepped between his legs, edging Ryan’s legs apart. Trent gripped
their cocks together, stroking them with both of his big hands. Ryan
arched into his touch, taking the sweet torture as Trent stroked them
both. There wouldn’t be any chance of them getting off like this.
Ryan knew Trent would keep torturing him until he was begging for
release. Disappointment spiraled through Ryan as Trent let go of their
cocks. Trent leaned down, sucking Ryan into his mouth. Somewhere
in the back of Ryan’s mind, Ryan knew Trent was using his tongue to
unroll a condom over his big cock. A condom. Ryan swallowed hard.
Trent was going to let him top from the bottom. Ryan wrapped his
hands around the leather straps that bound his wrists as Trent sucked.
As suddenly as he started sucking cock, he pulled away.

Trent straddled Ryan on the table, lifting up Ryan’s cock and

centering it on his anus. Trent eased down on Ryan’s pounding dick.
Trent’s hand fisted over his hard prick. He stroked his cock as he took
control of Ryan’s dick. Ryan arched up, pumping hard and fast into
Trent. The metal chainmail slapped up against Trent’s ass and table as
he took him hard. Trent reached around, grabbing Ryan’s balls by
slipping his finger through a thin chain on the chainmail. Trent took
control of how he pumped in and out, using the chainmail to guide his

Ryan loved how Trent used the chainmail to control his cock. The

chain slipped over his anus when Trent pulled up and released when
he yanked down. The hot friction rubbed seductively over his
perineum. Trent took him slow, not letting him pound his prick the
way Ryan wanted to. Sweat dripped from his brows as he took the
sweet torture Trent was giving him. Ryan’s arms flexed tight as he
pulled on the straps that held him down.

Trent grinned seductively as their gazes locked. Ryan’s gaze

lowered over his lover’s body. That dragon tattoo that circled Trent’s

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arm had a tail that flicked over his pecs. Trent’s body wasn’t perfect.
The scars worked over his abdomen were a story Ryan was desperate
to know. Ryan’s eyes landed on Trent’s cock, loving the way he
pleasured himself with quick, pumping strokes that centered on the tip
of his cockhead. Trent twisted his finger into the link, tightening the
chain cock ring around the base of Ryan’s shaft.

It was too much. Ryan couldn’t control the need to come any

longer. He thrust up hard, coming.

“Trent…come for me.”
Ryan watched as Trent cranked his big cock off, shooting cum up

over his chest. Ryan was breathing hard as he felt Trent ease up off of
him, taking the condom off for him. His arms were released, and
Trent helped him sit up. The cock chain around his balls clanked onto
the table as he sat. Ryan loved the heavy weight of it on his cock.
Trent gave him a possessive kiss that seared through Ryan’s body.

“Stay the night,” Trent insisted.
Ryan would do anything to hear the sound of his voice whispering

against his ear. “Okay.”

This relationship was going from zero to a hundred miles per hour

in less than forty minutes. What was Ryan doing putting his heart on
the line again?

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Chapter Ten

Sunlight eased in through the windows like someone sneaking

back into the house after a wild night of partying. Soft cotton sheets
rested beneath Ryan’s head. He heard Trent’s steady breathing in his
ear. There wasn’t a good time to tell Trent the secret about his past,
but Ryan knew he had to. It was time that they had the talk that came
with every new relationship. This one involved more than the usual, I
like you and you like me, so let’s fuck
. This involved a list of reasons
why they couldn’t be together. Ryan should’ve told Trent the moment
they got together, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t lie to Trent. He loved

The truth hit him hard. He loved Trent for so long but had been

too afraid to take that next step. He was too afraid of everything
falling apart now that he had everything he’d always wanted. Ryan
rolled over, looking at Trent’s chest. The big white bandages were no
longer on his shoulder. They were now covered with large rectangular
Band-Aids. Trent’s eyes cracked open. Trent smiled when their eyes
met, but he quickly frowned.

Ryan smoothed his hand over the scars on Trent’s chest. “How

did you get these scars?”

Trent grinned. “I was a rowdy teenager. This one was a bike

accident. I got this one running into a fence. There had been a nail
sticking out of the fence, and it just sliced through. A few of these
were from SWAT training.”

Their eyes met.
“What’s wrong?” Trent asked.

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“I have something you need to know about me,” Ryan said as he


Trent raised a brow as he sat up on his elbow. There was no easy

way to tell Trent the truth. He had to know.

Ryan’s hands were steady as he signed. “I was sick with…cancer.

Four years ago.”

“You’re okay now?” Trent asked.
Ryan hesitated for a second. “Yes, but that could change…five,

ten, twenty years from now.”

“Or you could be fine?”
Ryan shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t

ask you to live this life or burden you.”

He couldn’t bring himself to tell him that he had recovered from

cancer, but there was a good chance it could come back this year, next
year, or maybe even five years from now.

Some couldn’t deal with having a relationship once they knew he

had once had lymphoma. Facing death often put the brakes on fast.

Trent sat up, alarm going through his eyes. “What are you

saying?” Trent asked.

Ryan lifted his hands and said, “I don’t think we should do this


“I could get hit by a meteor falling from the sky tomorrow. It

doesn’t mean we should stop seeing each other.”

Ryan signed, “Trent, be reasonable.”
Ryan signed as he spoke. “I have doctor visits, tests, scans,

biopsies, and lab results to wait for. It will never end. Never.”

“You’re trapped by your circumstance. I get that,” Trent said.
Ryan ran a hand through his dark hair and down over his five

o’clock shadow. Tears misted Ryan’s eyes. Trent didn’t understand
how bad it was, and how bad it got during Ryan’s darkest days. How
sick he was. How cancer pushed him to the edge and dangled him off
the side before he was pulled back in safely.

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“I’m sorry. I have to go,” Ryan said.
Trent jumped up from the bed, stopping Ryan by shoving him

against the wall. “I decide who I love, who I fuck, and when this thing
is over. You are my sub.”

The searing heat of Trent’s pissed-off voice was like a spank to

his ass. Ryan’s mouth dropped open and snapped shut fast. A thrill
danced over his skin. Trent was serious. He would be the one
deciding when things ended.

The order instantly made Ryan’s cock hard. He saw the heat of

passion flash in Trent’s blue eyes when he hooked his thumbs in his
boxers. There wasn’t much to take off. Ryan slid his boxers to the
floor, stepping out of them.

“Kneel, sub.”
Ryan teased Trent by hesitating a second before he got down onto

his knees. His cock flexed hard, giving the air a one-two uppercut that
would’ve knocked a man to the ground. Trent brushed his hands
through Ryan’s hair, tilting his chin up.

“You will call me master. It’s time you learned your place as my


“Master,” Ryan whispered.
Ryan turned his cheek into his palm, kissing Trent’s hand. He

loved him so very much but didn’t know how to tell him without
scaring both of them.

“I won’t let you give up on us,” Trent said.
Ryan’s dick quaked as he awaited Trent’s next move.
“Get on your hands. You need to be punished,” Trent ordered.
Ryan felt Trent caress his balls as he kneeled down and waited.

His cock clenched hard, making pre-cum drip from his dick as he
heard Trent moving around the room. Trent walked in front of Ryan,
swinging a paddle in front of him. A violent tremor of erotic
anticipation fluttered through his body. He wanted Trent to paddle
him, fuck him, hug him, and love him before the night was over. The

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smooth wood was rubbed over his backside before it was pulled
away. Ryan felt the whack of wood smack his ass. His cock bounced
up, hitting his flexed abdomen. Pre-cum left a wet spot on his skin
before his cock jerked back. Trent rubbed his hand over his warm,
stinging ass, rubbing his thumb down over his anus. Ryan relaxed into
his touch, arching his ass back. Trent chuckled at his eagerness to
please both of them. The sound of his laughter was so unexpected that
the sensual hum of it nearly made Ryan come. Ryan loved the deep
vibration of his laughter. Trent smacked Ryan’s ass again, taking his
excitement to another level. He cried out as the next hit nearly made
his spunk fly. Trent’s free hand rubbed over his ass, heightening
Ryan’s sensations. Another whack sent Ryan’s balls bouncing back
and forth. Trent smoothed his hand down over his perineum.

Ryan felt his orgasm building hard.
Just when Ryan knew he couldn’t take anymore, Trent tossed

aside the paddle. He kneeled between Ryan’s legs, centering his
cockhead on his anus. Ryan bit his lip as Trent pushed his cockhead
into his ass.

It was all too much. Ryan’s orgasm twisted up his cock, shooting

cum out his dick. Ryan reached between his legs, grabbing Trent’s
balls tight as his spunk shot. Trent grabbed his hips, flexing his cock
in and out of Ryan fist. Trent cried out as his orgasm made his
muscles flex tight. They were both breathing hard as Trent kissed his
way over Ryan’s back and neck, nipping his ear into his mouth. Ryan
eased up into Trent’s arms, collapsing into bed with Trent. Ryan
couldn’t believe Trent wouldn’t let him go.

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Chapter Eleven

Trent didn’t like being ignored. He wasn’t angry at Ryan. They

both were busy with work and were having trouble finding time to
meet up. Last night, Ryan started ignoring Trent’s text messages.
Things needed to change if they were going to make this relationship
work. They had to find a way to spend time with each other.

The chainmail cock ring hung heavily in his pocket. His sub

would need to be taught a lesson in respect. Trent waited in his car
outside the hospital. Ryan’s car was in the parking lot. His shift ended
in ten minutes.

They were going out tonight for dinner. Trent bounced his hand

on the steering wheel as he caught sight of Ryan crossing the parking
lot, head down and black bag slung over his shoulder. His hands were
buried deep inside his pockets. Trent pulled his car around, rolling
down the passenger side window. He whistled, catching Ryan’s

“Get in,” Trent said.
Ryan hesitated before opening the door. He slung his bag into the

backseat as he sat down.

“What’s up?” Ryan asked, signing.
“You’re coming with me,” Trent said.
Ryan signed as he spoke. “Where?”
They drove out of the hospital entrance and headed toward the

highway. Trent reached into his coat pocket and handed over the cock

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“Get hard and put this on.” Their eyes met. Trent purposely used

his voice to drive his point home. Trent could see that Ryan was
unsure. “Do it here.”

“Right here and right now?” Ryan asked as he signed.
Darkness pressed against the tinted windows of Trent’s car. He

watched from the corner of his eye as Ryan pulled his big cock out
from his pants. Want spiraled through Trent’s blood, filling his cock
as Ryan stroked himself, using pre-cum as lubrication. He worked
himself until he was rock hard.

Ryan slid the chain down his cock, lifting his balls into the

chainmail. Trent bit his lip as he watched Ryan tighten the soft chain
links around so that he would stay hard until he came. He linked the
chain around his legs and clipped it to the ring around the base of his

“Now, pull up your pants,” Trent ordered.
Trent could see the erotic discomfort on his lover’s face as he

processed his punishment for not texting back. They were going out
for pizza. Trent pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine. He
leaned across the seat and kissed Ryan, slipping his tongue deep into
his mouth. His jacket covered the front of his pants.

They went into the pizza joint and were seated at a booth. Sweat

dripped down the side of Ryan’s temple as pain mixed with pleasure.
They ordered a pizza to split. Pure, raw sexual agony lingered in
Ryan’s eyes. They ate quickly, and an hour later they were leaving.
Trent smiled when Ryan headed straight for the car as he paid the bill.
Trent eye-fucked Ryan as he got into the car.

“Where do you live?” Trent asked.
Ryan stroked his cock through his pants as he signed the name of

his street with finger, spelling, “Loveland Trails in Mt. Washington.”

Trent drove to the other side of town. Ryan lived in a small two-

bedroom house. Ryan rushed to the front door, opening it up. The
scent of leather hung within the air. The house was comfortable with

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modern furniture. Shoes were kicked off by the front door, a coffee
cup and magazines were on the coffee table. A big flat-screen TV
took center stage on the wall in the living room. Trent walked around
as though he owned the place and his sub.

“Undress,” Trent ordered.
A sigh of relief escaped Ryan’s lips as he undressed. The cock

ring still held his cock erect. Ryan stroked his dick, making pre-cum
weep from the tip.

“Nice place.”
Moonlight glinted off the small kidney-shaped table in a bar room

off the living room area. Ryan continued to stroke his cock, forcing
Trent into having to deal with him before he came too quickly.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch your cock.”
The crack of his words across the room made lust visibly snap

through Ryan’s body. Ryan stroked his prick and signed with his right
hand as he said, “I guess you’ll have to punish me, master.”

“You love to disobey me. Hands down, babe.”
Ryan lifted his hands and signed as he said, “So stop me.”
Trent growled and crossed the room, grabbing Ryan’s wrists to

stop him from stroking his cock off. He pushed him up against the bar
table. Heat seared through Trent’s shirt. Their hearts pounded. They
kissed hard and passionately. Their tongues flicked as Trent
dominated and nipped. Trent pulled away, taking the blindfold from
his pocket. He slipped it over Ryan’s eyes. Trent turned Ryan around,
taking the thin strap of cloth from his cargo pants. He tied up Ryan’s
wrists behind his back. Trent laid his hand on Ryan’s side to feel the
vibrations of his voice as he caressed Ryan’s cock.

With a shaky hand, Trent took the small bullet-shaped vibrator

from his jacket, slipping it through the mesh chainmail. He flicked the
remote on, and vibrations made Ryan’s dick vibrate hard. This was
going faster than Trent planned. He was quickly losing control as he
dropped his pants to the ground and stripped out of his shirt. He
grabbed Ryan’s hips, edging the tip of his throbbing cockhead into

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Ryan’s ass without a condom. He always used condoms, but not this
time. This time he wanted to own Ryan completely. He wanted to
make him his. He wanted to brand him with his cock and mark him
for no other man to ever have again. Trent snapped open the lube,
rubbing it over his heated cock. He pushed his cock into Ryan, taking
him. There was no time for control as Trent completely lost it. He
took Ryan hard, reaching around with his right hand to stroke Ryan’s
pulsating prick.

It was then Trent knew that Ryan was his drug. He’d never be

able to let him go. Trent wrapped his arm around Ryan, feeling the
vibrations of his labored breathing. He held him tight as he stroked
Ryan’s cock, taking him to the point of ecstasy and stopping. Ryan
was on the edge and desperately wanted to fall off. Trent could feel it
in the way Ryan’s body shook. The feel of his lover on the edge was
too much. Trent started coming hard. He thrust in and out.

At the last second, Trent pulled his cock out, shooting his spunk

across Ryan’s ass as he came. Trent turned Ryan around, easing him
back onto the table as his mouth came down on his throbbing cock.
One suck and a flick of his tongue was all that Ryan needed to come.
Trent eased his hand up Ryan’s chest, feeling the vibrations of Ryan’s
cries of passion as his mouth worked over him. Hot sprays of Ryan’s
cum shot over Trent’s hand and Ryan’s chest.

They were both unsteady. Trent eased Ryan up to his feet, taking

his blindfold off. He untied his hands and released him from his
chains. Trent smoothed his hand behind Ryan’s neck, bringing their
mouths together. Their eyes locked as he pulled back.

“I have to work in the morning,” Ryan said.
“I should go.”
Ryan smiled. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for tonight,” Trent said.
Trent could see that his lover was putting the brakes on things.

There was something about the chase that got Trent off. He didn’t
mind chasing his lover. He’d chase him as far as he needed to. Trent

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was not about to give up on Ryan. Not yet. He had more plans for
Ryan’s submission training.

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Chapter Twelve

Ryan’s first SWAT call came in the early dawn. The beeper on his

nightstand had him wide awake in less than ten seconds and out the
door within five minutes. Hazmat was called to a home for a chemical
cleanup on the west side of Cincinnati. Ryan stood inside the
perimeter. All he could think about was Trent as the team worked.
Morning sunlight cut between the houses. Ryan put on his sunglasses
as he waited out the team inside the Cape Cod.

Ryan longed for more with Trent, but knew happily ever after

wasn’t in the stars for him. Life threw him a curve with the cancer. He
couldn’t bring that to Trent’s doorstep despite what they wanted or
were feeling.

Yes, he had work as a reason to avoid Trent, but that wouldn’t last

forever. Avoiding the future was the only way he knew he could
safeguard his heart. Trent said he wanted to be there through
everything that revolved around his health, but could Ryan really trust
him to be when the going got tough?

Thank God Trent wasn’t on the scene. That was a distraction

Ryan didn’t need right now. Ryan did a double take as Trent pulled
up just as the CSI team did. Exasperation had Ryan looking up toward
the blue sky. The universe had a wild sense of humor. Ryan tried not
to stare as Trent got out of his car. He opened the back door, and
Shadow jumped out of the back. He petted Shadow before snapping
the leash onto his collar. They got to work, going into the back of the
house. Ryan moved to catch a glimpse of the team as they worked.

They cataloged the materials lined up as Trent walked the

perimeter in the back yard with Shadow sniffing things out. Shadow

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sat down, signaling a hit outside a shed. Trent whistled to another
officer, getting his attention. Shadow finished up searching, not
finding anything else.

Trent lowered to his haunches, giving Shadow a rubdown. He

glanced across the yard, catching Ryan’s stare. Ryan felt the power of
that one predatory look all the way down to his toes. It was as though
cupid had just shot an arrow through Ryan’s heart and lassoed it tight.
Ryan felt owned. Lord help him when Trent looked at him that way,
he wanted to be owned by Trent for the rest of his life.

They were on the scene most of the day. Another SWAT doc,

Parker, came to the scene to relieve Ryan. He was getting into the car
when his cell phone buzzed.

Ryan checked his phone. My house 9 tonight.
A shiver echoed down Ryan’s spine. He couldn’t go willingly to

him again. He needed to stop seeing him. His lab results weren’t even
back yet. What if his cancer had returned again?

No, Ryan wouldn’t be seeing him tonight. Ryan shut off his

phone. He couldn’t talk to Trent right now. It was easy for Ryan to
avoid Trent for the rest of the day. He had a shift at work. He finished
his shift at the hospital and then went straight home. Nine o’clock
came and went. Ryan went straight to the basement to do a quick
workout. He had to forget all about his want and need to have Trent

Earbuds were stuck deep in Ryan’s ears, and the music was turned

up loud as he pounded the treadmill. Sweat glistened on his skin. He
long ago had taken off his T-shirt. The red lights on the treadmill
flickered. What the hell? Ryan eased up on his run. Power suddenly
went out on the treadmill. Ryan glanced over his shoulder. Trent held
up the power cord before dropping it to the floor.

Ryan grabbed his towel, wiping off his face and chest. He tossed

it over the rail of the treadmill.

Ryan signed as he asked, “How did you get in here?”
The corner of Trent’s lips lifted. “I picked the lock.”

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God the sound of Trent’s voice did things to him. Did Trent know

what effect it was having on him? Could he see how it made him want
to strip naked and crawl his way over to him? All Ryan wanted was
Trent naked and his cock in his mouth. Ryan’s heart pounded hard.

“Why are you ignoring me?” Trent asked.
Ryan signed as he spoke. “I’m not. I was waiting until I got my

lab results.”

“Talk to me. What did the doctor say?”
“Nothing much. I have to wait on lab results,” Ryan said as he


Trent crossed the room. “You’re shutting me out.”
“I know.”
Trent paced back and forth. “I know you’re scared.”
Trent’s voice had softened, and it did something to Ryan. There

was love in his voice. Ryan was afraid. This had everything to do with
protecting Trent from getting hurt. He couldn’t and wouldn’t drag
Trent through treatments, hospital stays, and near-death experiences.
Ryan grabbed the towel, wiping his face again.

“You don’t want me. I’m damaged goods.”
“Why are you afraid to love me?” Trent asked.
Ryan ran a hand through his hair. He couldn’t do this now.
“Who hurt you?” Trent asked.
Ryan brushed past Trent, heading to the shower upstairs. They

were not having this conversation now. It was wrong to ignore Trent,
but he couldn’t bring himself to talk to him about the possibility of the
cancer returning. Trent followed Ryan upstairs, but he didn’t stay.
Trent was leaving. It’s exactly what I want. Ryan flipped on the hot
water as he tried to convince himself that he was protecting Trent, but
was he really protecting him? He showered, pressing his palms
against the tile as he dipped his head under the hot spray.

After a long time, Ryan shut off the water. He wrapped the towel

around his waist and shaved, all the while telling himself that sending
Trent away was what he wanted. His heart wept for Trent. Ryan

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changed into sweats and a T-shirt. He went downstairs. Trent was on
the couch. He had ordered takeout. A movie was on the television
with the caption on. Dinner was on the table. The candles were lit.
Trent got up from the couch and went to the table, pulling the chair
out for Ryan. He crossed the room and sat down.

“What is all this?” Ryan asked as he signed.
“Part of your training.”
Surprise vibrated down Ryan’s body as Ryan lifted his hands to

sign, “What training is that?”

Trent smiled wickedly as he picked up his fork and said, “Your

submissive training.”

Shock waves rippled through Ryan’s body. Ryan didn’t know

what to say. He lifted his fork and started to eat.

“I’m your Dom. You’re my sub. It’s about time you started acting

that way.”

Ryan loved the idea of submissive training. The idea of

submissive training made his cock grow thick and hard. Ryan decided
to purposely challenge Trent. He signed, “I don’t think it’s necessary.
I know who’s on top in the bedroom.”

“Over the next few days, we’ll see how submissive you are.”
Trent’s voice dripped with sexual heat. Ryan loved it. The words

were a threat meant to scare Ryan. For the love of God, it did scare
the life out of him. Trent was serious about the submissive training.
The truth was this was his first time playing at BDSM. He knew what
he always fantasized about and wanted in the bedroom. He trusted
Trent completely to lead the way. All he had to do was follow
willingly. If that meant being on Trent’s leash, that was exactly where
he wanted to be.

Ryan used the food as a reason not to answer Trent right away. He

finished eating and wiped his mouth.

“Well?” Trent asked.
Ryan signed as he said, “I’m all in, Trent. I always have been with


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“Then why are you running?”
“I won’t run from you anymore. I promise.”
Trent took their empty dishes to the sink. Ryan knew this night

would lead to the bedroom. Trent gave him a long, sweet, erotic kiss.
Ryan felt breathless when he pulled away.

“I’ll call you soon. Be ready for your first test,” Trent said.
Ryan fell back against the counter as he wondered how many tests

there would be. The front door opened and shut quietly. Ryan was
stunned Trent wasn’t staying the night.

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Chapter Thirteen

Ryan dropped the carton of eggs on the floor with a curse. He was

on edge and distracted as he waited for Trent’s call. That call didn’t
come at all. Ryan hunched down in the grocery store, picking up the
broken carton of eggs. He handed it off to the store clerk, who
happened by to help him with the mess.

This was ridiculous. Ryan had to pull it together. He grabbed

another carton of eggs and headed straight for the checkout. He was
standing in line, staring at the cover of a magazine when his cell
phone chimed. His heart started to race as he pulled his phone from
his pocket. He touched the screen, pulling up the text. A heated blush
crept up Ryan’s neck as he read. He didn’t respond to the text. He was
heading out to his car when the second text came in. Ryan packed up
his car and got behind the wheel. He checked his phone again. Trent
wouldn’t be put off for long. Ryan had to obey his Dom’s order or
there would be erotic hell to pay in the bedroom. Ryan read the text

Come over now. Clean my floors naked, wearing only your cock


He couldn’t believe he was doing this. Ryan’s cock flexed

painfully hard as he drove home. The thought of himself cleaning
Trent’s tile as he watched turned him the fuck on. A groan escaped
his parted lips. He knew it would lead to making love. Ryan rushed
home and put the groceries away. He drove straight over to Trent’s
and rang the bell. Trent opened the door. Annoyance flashed through
his eyes.

“What took you so long?” Trent asked.

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Ryan stepped inside and signed, “I was at the grocery.”
Trent shut the door behind. “Take off your clothes and get to


Ryan stripped off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans, slipping them

down. His cock sprung free from his boxers. He was rock hard as he
crossed the room to take the cock chain Trent was holding out for
him. He slipped on the chainmail ring around his shaft and down over
his balls, hooking it in place. Trent crossed the room, testing the chain
by pulling it tight. Ryan groaned as the ring around his shaft
tightened, making his cock flex hard. Trent rubbed his hand down
over Ryan’s cock as pre-cum spilled from the tip.

There was a bucket, a sponge, and soap on the counter. Ryan

bypassed the cleaning soap and went for the all-natural fruit extract
hand soap. He filled the bucket with hot, soapy water. Trent sat in the
living room with his arms over the back of the couch. His gaze was
heavy lidded. The tile in the kitchen was spotless. Ryan got down on
his hands and knees. He started to scrub, making sure that Trent had a
view of his ass and his balls hanging between his legs.

Ryan sat back and rinsed the sponge, lifting it up over his head to

drip soapy water down his chest. Trent groaned as water cascaded
over his hard pecs and abdomen. Ryan went from scrubbing the floor
to soaping his chest. He worked his hand down over his hard cock,
rubbing it roughly. He pumped himself as his eyes fucked their way
over Trent to tempt, tease, and try to take back control of the
situation. Trent crossed the room, grabbing Ryan by the cock. Trent’s
eyes flared when Ryan shook his head no.

Ryan waited for his punishment. Trent picked up the sponge,

dipping it into the bucket. He rinsed water down over Ryan’s
shoulders as Trent washed and stroked his cock. Ryan wanted more
but knew Trent was teaching him a lesson in arousal. Trent stroked
his cock softly when he wanted it hard and fast. Trent rubbed his
thumb over Ryan’s cockhead. Ryan bit his lip. His cell phone on the
island lit up as it buzzed.

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“Who is it?” Trent asked.
Ryan checked the caller ID. It was a friend of his from college,

Seth London. “A friend.”

“Answer,” Trent ordered. “Talk to him.”
Ryan answered. “Hello?”
Trent started working him hard. Ryan barely heard Seth’s voice as

he talked about getting together for wings, drinks, and to watch the
game tomorrow.

“You there?” Seth asked.
“Yeah, I’m not sure if I can come,” Ryan said.
Trent’s lips lifted in a seductive smile.
Seth’s voice cut through the phone. “Come on, man. You have to

come. I need to talk to you.”

Ryan bit his lip. “I have stuff to do.”
Seth laughed. “What stuff? We both know you have no life

outside of work.”

“I have to go. I’m getting busy here. I have to get off now,” Ryan


“What’s that noise?” Seth asked.
“I have to let you go now. Someone’s banging on my back door,”

Ryan said.

“Stop fucking around and come out with me,” Seth said.
“I’ll think about it. I’ll call you later.”
Ryan hung up the phone and cried out as his orgasm exploded,

raining his spunk all over the clean and soapy, wet floor. Trent kissed
his way over Ryan’s neck. Desperation had Ryan reaching for Trent’s
cock. He wanted to suck Trent off. Trent moved around, unzipping
his pants as he stood in front of Ryan.

He practically attacked Trent’s cock, sucking him hard and taking

him deep. Ryan hugged Trent’s legs and ass tight as he worked his
shaft with his tongue and mouth. Trent’s hands threaded through his
hair, guiding his motions. Trent flexed his hips, working Ryan’s
mouth and hands.

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Trent groaned when Ryan rippled his tongue just beneath his

cockhead. “God, yes. Don’t stop doing that, slave. It feels so good.”

The sound of Trent’s deep voice encouraging him on shattered

through Ryan’s heart.

“Faster. Harder,” Trent ordered.
Ryan obeyed Trent’s command, sucking the tip of his cockhead

hard while he rippled his tongue around Trent’s swollen cockhead.

Trent stiffened hard. Ryan released Trent’s cock, pumping him

with his hand as he came hard across his chest. Ryan was shaking as
Trent helped him up, holding him tight.

“I’m in love with you,” Ryan whispered against his lover’s neck.

Trent lifted Ryan’s chin to read his lips. “I think I’m falling in love
with you.”

“I know, babe. I know,” Trent whispered.
The softness of Trent’s voice made Ryan fall harder. There was a

wicked gleam in Trent’s gaze as he handed him his clothes. Ryan
knew he wouldn’t be spending the night tonight.

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Chapter Fourteen

Ryan was off for the next two weeks. He had planned on taking a

trip out of town, but now that things were going strong with Trent, he
was sitting at home waiting for him to call. Trent never called. Ryan
was almost positive he scared Trent away with all the I love you crap.

That had him picking up the phone and calling Seth. He answered

on the second ring. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Hey, Ryan. I’m out right now. Can I call you tomorrow?” Seth


There was noise in the background. “Sure. Everything okay?”
“It will be. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Ryan hung up, knowing Seth wouldn’t call him tomorrow.

Whatever was going on, he didn’t want Ryan involved now. For the
next hour, Ryan flipped through channels on the television as he
waited for Trent to call. He played with his cell phone, feeling a little
lovesick. Ryan picked up his cell phone one last time, but there was
no message waiting for him. Ryan was over it. He was going to bed.

It was midnight when his cell phone buzzed on his nightstand,

waking him up. Ryan opened the message.

Come over and make my bed.
Ryan’s heart started to pound. He swallowed hard as his cock

immediately flooded with heat. He grabbed his cock chain and slipped
on his jeans, not bothering with boxers. He pulled on an old college
T-shirt, too. Ryan drove over to Trent’s. Nighttime air chilled his skin
as he got out of the car. He didn’t know what to expect with this
second test, but he knew he was up for the challenge.

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Trent didn’t come to the door after Ryan rang, so he tried the

handle and went inside. Ryan locked the door behind him with a quiet
click. The lights were off. Rose petals were all over the floor. Ryan
followed them upstairs to the bedroom. Candles were lit everywhere.
Trent was naked on the bed. His body glistened with warm light.

“Undress,” Trent ordered.
Ryan took his time pulling his T-shirt over his head. He

unbuttoned the fly to his jeans and slid them off by the door. Trent
groaned when he saw the cock chain around Ryan’s throbbing prick.

Bondage jewelry was on the nightstand by the bed. Leather cuffs

and a collar in black leather and silver were waiting to be used. Trent
swung his legs out of bed, picking up the cuffs from the nightstand.
He cuffed Ryan with the leather straps and then put the collar around
his neck. Spikes were nailed around the middle of the collar, giving it
a shiny, gothic look.

“You wore your cock chain. Nice.”
The big king-size bed was a mess. Ryan let his gaze travel over it.

He signed, “Do you want me to make the bed?”

“Yes. You are my sex slave.”
Trent stroked his cock as he watched Ryan pull the sheet tight,

tucking it in. Ryan purposely lay across the bed, brushing his
throbbing prick up against Trent’s pillows. A spot of his pre-cum was
left on his pillowcase. Ryan circled the bed, taking his sweet time to
adjust the other side of the sheet. He worked the edges in tight before
reaching for the black comforter. Ryan plumped the pillows, setting
them on top of the comforter and arranging the extra. Ryan knew he
was taking his sweet time. It was his little bit of sadistic revenge.

Ryan waited next to the bed with his cock throbbing for a release

that wouldn’t be coming anytime soon. He awaited Trent’s next order.

“Come here, sub,” Trent ordered.
A harness was clipped to the ceiling. Trent directed him to the

harness, where he had him sit into it. His body swung through the air
as his feet left the floor. Trent gave him a rocking push through the

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air. Ryan couldn’t see Trent but sensed him standing behind him. He
circled back around.

They kissed. Ryan flicked his submissive tongue along the rough

edge of Trent’s dominate tongue. Trent reached around, stroking his
hands over his ass. His fingers were wet with lube as they searched
out his ass. Trent rubbed his fingers over his anus, stimulating his ass.
Their lips broke away.

Ryan groaned as he tightened his hands into Trent’s shoulders.

Trent worked his hands up Ryan’s forearms, locking each wrist into a
restraint attached to the swing.

Trent walked away and came to stand behind Ryan. Warm, wet

hands moved over Ryan’s ass, squeezing hard. Ryan felt the tip of a
butt plug edge into his ass. The plug was small and hard and felt so
right in his ass. It didn’t stay long. Trent removed it. Another plug
was edged up to his anus and pushed into his ass. This one was
bigger, wider, and so much longer. Ryan shook with sexual frustration
as his cock wept with pre-cum. Trent gave the swing a push, sending
Ryan rocking through the air again.

“Trust me,” Trent said.
“I do.”
Across the room, Trent watched, stroking his cock as he did.

When the swing stopped moving, Trent crossed the room with yet
another butt plug. He removed the one in Ryan’s ass and put the even
bigger, longer, and wider one inside. This one was at least the size of
Trent’s big cock. Trent left it in his ass and walked around, slapping
him in the ass with his throbbing cock. Trent circled around, rubbing
his dick in Ryan’s face. Ryan licked out, catching Trent’s cock in his
mouth. He sucked, twirling his tongue over Trent’s hard ridges.

The harness rocked as Ryan sucked on Trent’s cock. Trent pulled

his cock from Ryan’s mouth. Ryan wanted more. He looked up into
Trent’s smoldering eyes. Trent walked around, pulling the last butt
plug from his ass. Ryan shuddered as he waited for Trent’s next

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move. A leather riding crop snapped in Trent’s hand as he walked
across the room.

Ryan relaxed into the swing as Trent smoothed the thick leather

over his skin. The smack of leather against skin sent Ryan’s balls
bouncing wildly. He loved the feel of being flogged. Heat warmed his
ass as the biting sting of leather against skin started to fade away. A
second smack, this time harder than the first, struck him evenly across
the ass. Ryan moaned. It felt so good to feel his cock bounce as Trent
took control. Suddenly, the crop was gone and Ryan was left

Trent came up behind him. It was then that Ryan realized he was

at the perfect height for Trent to enter him. Trent’s cock slipped over
his anus as he reached around to fist his hand over Ryan’s pulsating
cock. Pleasure stole Ryan’s breath away as Trent entered him in one
slow stroke. At the same time, Trent stroked his hand down over
Ryan’s cock. Trent’s fingers grabbed his balls, too. Ryan lost control
as Trent pumped in and out of him hard as he stroked off Ryan’s
cock. Trent’s free hand held the side of Ryan’s chest to feel the
vibrations his voice made as they made love.

It was too much. Ryan’s orgasm shot up from deep within his

cock, shooting his sauce up over his chest. Trent groaned as Ryan’s
dick continued to kick out like a wild bull. Trent cried out. Ryan felt
Trent’s orgasm spiral up. He felt Trent pull out. Shots of hot spunk
fired up over Ryan’s back. Trent was breathing hard as he leaned
down over Ryan’s shoulder to kiss him. They kissed passionately,
with their tongues fighting for the top spot. Ryan felt off balance as
Trent helped him to stand. He was led to the bed where Trent pulled
him down on top of the covers.

Ryan gave Trent a long kiss. Ryan’s hands were not steady as he

signed, “I should go. I have clinic at work tomorrow.”

“Night, baby.”
There was a big satisfied grin on Trent’s face. Ryan could see that

he’d played right into his sensuous hands. The truth was, Ryan didn’t

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care. It was exactly where he wanted to be. Ryan regretted leaving,
but he knew he couldn’t stay if he was going to get to clinic on time
tomorrow. Ryan felt suddenly uncertain where this thing with Trent
was leading. A small part of him hoped that they would move in
together. This was the first time Ryan felt like he could go to that next
level with someone. Ryan no longer recognized the man he was
becoming. Love must change a person for the better, Ryan decided.

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Chapter Fifteen

After a long shift in the emergency room and a few hours in

clinic, Ryan swung by the new deli by his house to pick up dinner. He
was looking over the menu when he caught sight of someone he knew
sitting at a table in the corner. He grabbed Seth’s attention by waving
as he headed that way. He looked preoccupied with something.

“Hey, Seth.”
“Ryan. It’s been a while.”
They shook hands. Seth’s red hair was a darker auburn than when

he last saw him a few months ago. Ryan sat down at the table with
him. “What’ve you been up to?”

“Not too much. How about you?” Seth asked.
“I just started working as a SWAT doc with district four. Work

with the flight crew keeps me pretty busy, too.”

Seth looked away. “I’m not surprised I haven’t run into you at

headquarters. That place is a madhouse.”

“Are you doing good?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah, things are great. Listen, I better run. I’ll call you, and we’ll

do that drink. Now that I know you work with SWAT, I know how to
track you down.”

Seth headed out the door and down the block. Something was

bothering Seth, but Ryan knew he wasn’t the person who was going
to be able to reach him this time. Ryan grabbed his to-go order when
it was called and headed home.

Ryan was just walking up to his front door when he saw the

package leaning against the wall. He juggled the box as he opened the
door. The return address was for Trent’s house. The box wasn’t

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heavy. Ryan took the package into the kitchen, dropping it onto the
counter. He ripped open the brown paper and slit open the plastic tape
that held it closed. Ryan’s heart pounded with excitement as he pulled
out the packing paper that was stuffed inside. Ryan opened the card.

Put me on and come over for a party at 7 tonight.
What kind of party would they be having?
Ryan opened the tissue paper and saw a rubber cock ring. A small

silver bullet was inserted in between the rings. There was no
connector. That meant it was by remote. Ryan was giving up
complete control tonight. There was another package at the bottom.
Ryan tore open the tissue paper and looked at the Roman slave garb.
The thin sheath was practically see-through if the light was shining
behind it. Ryan’s mouth went dry, and his heart started to pound. Role
playing turned him the fuck on. The fact that Trent knew his fantasy
without even asking told him how perfect they were for each other.

Ryan showered, shaved, and got mentally ready for his third test

with Trent. He put the white tunic on, tying the thin rope around his
waist and headed out the door to the party.

Cars were lined up and down the street. Ryan’s dick hung heavily

within the grip of the new cock ring. He rang the bell at Trent’s and
waited. A few seconds later, Trent answered the door. A drink was in
his left hand. Ryan let his gaze work over Trent. He was dressed as a
Roman soldier.

The party was well under way. Music echoed from the townhouse.

Trent went into the kitchen, handing Ryan a beer. There were only
men at the party. It didn’t take Ryan long to realize that everyone
there was having a good time. Ryan sipped his beer as Trent
introduced him to his friends.

Vibrations suddenly shot over Ryan’s cock. He gasped at the

sudden erotic surge that had taken over his body. It was clear that
Trent was the one in control of his experience. Sweet torture didn’t
even begin to describe what Ryan was experiencing. Beneath Ryan’s
slave tunic, the vibrator roughed up his aching cock. Trent purposely

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kept his distance as he inflicted the sweet torture. Long looks were not
enough to tease Trent into ending Ryan’s suffering.

It was close to midnight when everyone left. Ryan’s cock was

close to bursting. He needed to come, and he needed to come now.

“Come to me, slave,” Trent ordered. “Undress.”
Ryan saw Trent slip his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a

remote control, smoothing his fingertips over the buttons of the
vibrator attached to Ryan’s cock ring. He pressed the button, turning
it on to pulse. Ryan’s eyes widened, dilating fast. His jaw clenched
hard as he cried out, working hard to keep his spunk locked down in
his cock.

Trent undressed, dropping his clothes to the floor. Ryan jumped

when Trent’s hand locked around his painfully throbbing cock. He led
him by the cock through the living room, down the hallway, and into
the bedroom. Trent pulled him to the bed where he eased back. Once
he was on the bed, Trent scooted around to the sixty-nine position.
Ryan’s hips jumped off the bed as Trent’s mouth came down upon his
prick. Ryan locked his arm around Trent’s hips, sucking Trent’s big
cock into his mouth. He took Trent deep inside his mouth, sucking
him hard. Trent worked the tip of Ryan’s cockhead over with his
tongue as he worked his shaft. It was going too fast.

Ryan was close to coming when Trent reached around, rubbing

his thumb over his anus and perineum. Ryan released Trent’s cock as
his orgasm flashed white-hot through his body. He grabbed Trent’s
head as he sucked him off. Ryan was still flying high from his orgasm
when he sucked Trent’s cock back into his mouth. He licked, swirling
his tongue in long, sensuous strokes. Ryan rubbed Trent’s shaft,
squeezing tight as Trent pumped his hips with mini strokes.

Trent cried out, coming hard as Ryan sucked him deep. Ryan

released his cock to stroke Trent’s shaft hard. Four hot lines of cum
shot over Ryan’s chest. He fell back onto the bed. Ryan never felt so
spent in his entire life. Trent eased back on the bed, offering him his
side of the bed. They snuggled in close with Trent wrapping his arms

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around Ryan. Love flowed through his body. He loved Trent.
Something clicked, locking inside Ryan’s heart. He loved Trent, and
he would do anything to be with him. Anything. He just didn’t know
how they could be together.

* * * *

Sunlight streamed in through the windows. Ryan’s cell rang. He

answered, swinging his legs from Trent’s bed.

It was the doctor’s office calling with the lab results. Every

muscle in Ryan’s body stiffened. He hated the wait. He hated the
news even more.

“I’m sorry?” Ryan asked.
“Everything looked good. We won’t need to see you for another


Ryan hung up the phone. He was okay. Everything was going to

be okay.

Trent sat up on his elbow. “Is everything okay?”
The sound of Trent’s voice had Ryan whipping his head around.

Ryan lifted his hands and said, “That was the doctor’s office. My labs
looked good. They don’t need to see me for another year.”

Trent grinned. “That’s great news!”
Ryan laughed as tears misted his eyes. It was wonderful news, but

why was he feeling so sad? He knew why. There were no more
excuses as to why they couldn’t be together. Ryan fell into Trent’s
open arms and kissed him passionately. He pulled away as Trent
wiped away the tears running down his cheeks.

“I love you,” Trent whispered.
“I love you, too.”
Trent rubbed his tears away as he held his face in his hands. “I’m

driving home to my parent’s house in Boone, North Carolina, next
weekend. I want you to come with me. Will you?”

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Trent wanted him to meet his family. He was excited and scared.

“Yes. I’d love to.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Trent’s hands were sweating on the steering wheel as he drove.

His nervousness had nothing to do with the man sitting next to him. It
had all to do with bringing a lover home for the first time in his life.
He was doing it for his sister, Mia. She’d asked him to come home for
the party. Shadow’s head was sticking out the back window, loving
the feel of the wind blowing through his fur.

The sun was starting to tilt low in the sky. It wouldn’t be long

before it was dark.

Saturday evening dinner in the South was a formal affair. Going

home for his sister’s birthday was like picking at an old wound that
never healed all the way. Asking Ryan to come home with him was
his way of sticking it to his old man. Now he was regretting putting
Ryan into the middle of the awkward situation. Trent glanced over at
Ryan. He was cool and calm as they drove up the long driveway.

Trent wasn’t. This was too much like going back in time.
Cars were lined up the driveway for Mia’s thirtieth birthday party.

They were running late for the party. The rolling estate was just the
same with vibrant-green grass. Horses lingered in the fields, separated
by the same whitewashed fences. Off in the distance, the big red barn
sat in the field. The long driveway ended in a plantation house. His
father’s kingdom. Trent had always been a failure to his father. His
first failure was coming out to his parents when he was eighteen. His
second was losing his hearing. Sunlight glinted off the windshield,
flinging Trent back into time.

His parents were on the porch, reading the newspaper and having

morning breakfast. Trent knew coming out to his parents was a

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mistake he had to make. His father never approved of him, so it really
didn’t matter what he thought. Their housekeeper was bringing out
breakfast as Trent sat down on the patio table.

“Morning, Mom.”
His mom put down her paper. “Morning, babe. Did you sleep


Trent nodded and let his gaze swing to his father, who, as always,

ignored that he even existed. Trent glanced back at his mom. He
could see the pain in her eyes. She couldn’t help that his father hated
having his only son not follow in his father’s footsteps and become a

“There’s something I have to tell you and Dad.”
His mom frowned. Her long dark hair blew across her cheek, and

she swiped it away. “Is it about school?”

No, it wasn’t about school. Trent wasn’t afraid to go away to

college. Trent’s heart started to pound as his father put down his
newspaper and stared across the table at him. Trent shook his head

“It’s about me.” Trent knew there was no going back once he

came out. “I’m gay.”

His mother gasped and spoke the words aloud. “You’re gay?

What do you mean you’re gay?”

Trent wasn’t expecting his mom to flip out. “As in, I like guys. As

in, I’m not attracted to women.”

Now it was his father’s turn. He jumped up, pointing his finger. “I

didn’t raise no faggot son!”

“Well, you have one, Dad.”
Trent wasn’t going to fight about this. His mother started to cry as

his dad started to yell more. Trent caught bits and pieces of the words
his father was yelling. Disgrace the family. No one would know. No
one. They wouldn’t tell anyone of this dirty family secret. He was such
a disappointment to the family.

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His father rounded and screamed, “So help me! If you tell anyone,

anyone…I will disown you!”

Trent stood, lifting his hands in surrender. “You don’t need to

disown me, Dad. You did that when I was born.”

Trent walked away, not looking back. He saw his mother’s

reflection in the French door windows as she called his name.

Trent slowed the car near the house. It was a mistake to come

home. Ryan brushed his hand over his arm and signed, “Are you

“Speak when you sign. I like the sound of your voice, even if it’s

muffled to me,” Trent said.

“Well?” Ryan asked. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s not easy coming home. My parents…don’t approve of me

being gay. My dad and I don’t get along. The accident with my
hearing is only proof to them that I chose the wrong career path.”

Ryan slid his hand down his arm, interlacing their fingers. “I’m

here for you.”

“Thanks, babe.”
They got out of the car together. Trent let Shadow out of the back.

He ran off toward the trees to sniff around and to mark his territory.
Mia was on the porch. She ran down the stairs, across the yard, and
jumped into Trent’s arms. Trent let his gaze slide to his lover. A few
short weeks ago they’d said good-bye at the training center and now
they were together at his childhood home. Trent wasn’t sure if Ryan
would want to come home with him, but he was relieved to have him
here. Trent needed his support to get through tonight. His father
wasn’t the most welcoming man in the world. He was a hard man to

Mia turned her body and quietly signed, “Ryan?”
Trent nodded.
She grinned. Her excitement was contagious. “I like him. He’s a

cutie,” Mia teased.

“Is Dad here?” Trent asked.

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“Inside,” Mia stepped closer. “He’s changed.”
“I don’t believe that.”
Mia ran a hand through her blonde hair. “He isn’t the same man

since Mom got sick.”

Mia turned to Ryan. “Hi, Ryan. It’s been a while.”
“Good to see you again, Mia.”
Mia signed and spoke. “Dinner’s almost ready. You’ll be staying

in the carriage house tonight. Is that okay?”

A sigh of relief moved through Trent’s body. They weren’t

sleeping in the main house. He could not sleep under the same roof as
his father and his new lover. Southern congeniality was smothering. It
was one of the reasons why he left the country for the city.

Ryan grabbed their bags from the trunk and headed for the old

carriage house turned into a guesthouse. Shadow followed, sniffing
around the room. The room was decorated with antique furniture and
cozy little nooks that were perfect for reading during a rainy day.
There was no television. A fireplace sat in the corner. A blue quilt
covered the queen-size bed. Trent ran his hand over the quilt. It was
an old one of his grandmother’s. Ryan set the bags on the bench at the
end of the bed.

Trent reached out and grabbed Ryan, muscling him up against the

wall. Heat spiraled through Ryan’s dark-brown eyes. Gold flecks
were scattered like angel dust in his eyes, but Trent knew there wasn’t
anything angelic in those dangerous depths. Trent teased his lips over
Ryan’s mouth, brushing them back and forth.

Their mouths locked. Their bodies pressed tight. Trent could feel

Ryan’s heartbeat knocking against his chest, and the brush of his
heated breath blowing against his cheek. Trent took control of their
kiss, licking his way into Ryan’s mouth. A groan of need tore up from
deep within Ryan’s chest. Trent felt the vibration rock through his
body, and all the way down to his hard cock. He lived for those sweet
vibrations he could feel during sex.

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They were in front of the windows. Anyone driving or walking

past the carriage house would be able to see them kissing. Trent didn’t
care. He was home with a lover for the first time in his life. He was
not ashamed of who he was.

Ryan flexed his hips up, rubbing their cocks together. It was all

too much. He shouldn’t have started what they couldn’t finish now.
Trent pulled away. They were both surprisingly steady. Ryan grinned
in an arrogant, seductive way. God help him, it made Trent’s cock
flex tight and pre-cum slide down the edge of his cockhead. He
wanted Ryan lapping at his tip all night long.

It was then Trent knew he was going to have Ryan tonight. Right

after this part was over, Ryan would be tied up and submissive.

“You are mine. Tonight.”
Ryan’s mouth dropped open, but his eyes fucked their way over

Trent’s body in a bold way. Ryan’s tongue licked out over his lips.

“You’ll need a lesson tonight on what it means to be a good

submissive,” Trent said.

Trent liked how Ryan pretended to lower his eyes in a submissive

way and looked up at Trent beneath his eyelashes. He lifted his hands
and signed, “I think I need to be punished, Master.”

Trent grinned. “You’ve been bad?”
Trent came in close and whispered his lips along Ryan’s neck. He

kissed and licked his way up to Ryan’s ear. “I’ve been thinking about
fucking you all day.”

Ryan’s legs went weak, and he fell back against the wall as he

stroked his hand over his cock, adjusting it. Trent loved to dominate
Ryan in the bedroom. He just hoped he didn’t scare Ryan with his
needs tonight. There were things he wanted and needed Ryan to do
when they were alone.

“What are you going to do to me?”
Trent grinned, loving how smooth Ryan’s hands moved as he

signed. “Everything.”

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Trent gave him one last possessive kiss before pulling away. They

had to get to the main house. They were already late for the dinner
party. Trent filled Shadow’s water bowl and food bowl, setting them
outside on the screened in porch. He left the sliding door open for
Shadow to roam inside and out.

Moonlight cut through the willow trees as they walked through

the garden. Trent had to curb the urge to kiss Ryan under those silver

“How old are you?” Trent asked.
Ryan stopped, lifting Trent’s hand and pressing it to his chest as

he signed. “Twenty-nine. You?” Ryan asked.

Chills raced down Trent’s spine as he felt the vibration of Ryan’s

voice in his chest. “Thirty-three.”

Ryan grinned, signing, “Old man.”
They were drawing glances from the partygoers on the veranda.

Trent led the way up the path and into the house. Mia looped her arm
into Ryan’s and made introductions as Trent held back. His eyes
locked with his father’s. They were so much alike, tall, athletic men
who loved competitive sports. His father’s hair was white at the
temples. Tonight was going to be an awkward mess, Trent thought.
His mother gave him a hug and turned to Ryan.

“It’s nice to finally meet one of Trent’s friends,” his mom said.
Trent focused on getting through the night and not dealing with

his father. Trent looked over at his lover. Ryan’s lips moved as he
signed. “I’m an ER doctor. I also work with Trent as a SWAT doc.”

Trent’s gaze moved over his father. He couldn’t do this. He

needed a drink. Trent headed off toward the bar. He watched Ryan as
he chatted with his family as though he’d always belonged. His father
headed his way and came to stand with him at the bar.

His father lifted his hands and signed slowly as though he were

thinking about every word. The fact that he bothered to learn nearly
had Trent falling to the floor. Had he changed? “We’re going to have
to talk sometime.”

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His father signed as he spoke. The world was finally over. There

had to be a catch. He didn’t do anything unless it benefited his

“There’s nothing to say,” Trent said.
“There are always things to say,” his father signed.
Trent stared at his father. “Like what?” Trent asked.
“Like I’m sorry. You’re my son. It doesn’t matter to me who you

love. I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

This time his father didn’t sign all the words, he merely moved his

fist over his sternum in a circular motion, signing the word sorry over
and over as he spoke. Trent downed his bourbon and signaled for a

As the bartender poured another, Trent said, “I guess that makes

things all better.” Trent lifted his glass and said, “Cheers.”

His father’s eyes broke apart as though he’d been punched in the

face. Trent took a few steps away from the bar and stopped. Trent
grabbed his dad’s arm as he started to walk away. He knew he had to
forgive his father for himself. He could see the pain in his father’s
eyes. Regret played through his father’s gray eyes.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Dad. We’ll get through this,”

Trent said.

His father lifted his hands to sign. “I want to make this right for

both of us, Trent. I’ll never forgive myself for pushing you away.”

“I know you were just scared for me. We’ll get through this,”

Trent said.

His dad pulled him into a tight embrace that nearly had Trent

dumping his drink onto the floor. He patted his dad’s back. There
were tears in his father’s eyes as he pulled away. Trent smiled. He left
his dad at the bar and looked through the crowd, searching for Ryan.
He had to get out of there. He couldn’t breathe when he was with his
family. He couldn’t think about the change in his father now. Trent
didn’t want to question his father’s love or acceptance of him. He had

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always longed to have it, and now he did. Tears wet Trent’s eyes as
emotion played through his heart hard.

Ryan was gone. Trent couldn’t find him anywhere in the main

house. Panic moved through him fast and hard. He needed Ryan. He
needed the comfort of his presence at his side. Now.

A few minutes later, Trent walked to the carriage house, but he

wasn’t there either. He searched the gardens, but he wasn’t there.
Where could he have gone? Trent pulled out his cell phone and sent a

Where are you?
I’m hiding. Come find me.

Need tore through Trent’s body, fast and hard. Ryan pushed the

limits of what it meant to be a submissive by taking control of where
things happened next. It would be the last of Ryan’s control for the
night. Trent was going to have him losing control and begging to

* * * *

The old barn was empty and almost three football fields away

from the main house. Complete quiet enveloped Ryan. He closed his
eyes, drinking it in. After the chaos of the party, it was nice to step
into the void for a long while. He only hoped Trent would be able to
find him.

Ryan held up the lantern.
He could see that the barn hadn’t been used in ages. Wooden stalls

were hung with old leather harnesses. Brick and stone mixed with
weeds and grass. Up above the corridor, there was a loft filled with
bales of hay. Ryan climbed the ladder and tested the beams before
putting his whole weight onto them.

It creaked with age, but it was holding strong. Hay scattered over

the floorboards. There were probably mice burrowed down in the hay.
Ryan scattered his feet around, not finding any. Ryan set the lantern

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on the bale of hay. The soft-white glow came from the LED light

Old weathered saddles, riding crops, and blankets were stored

along the far side of the wall. Ryan went to the whips, running his
hand over the aged leather. He wanted Trent to whip him with these
crops and take him to a place sexually he’d never been. Lust rushed
through Ryan’s blood, twisting through his cock to make him rock

Ryan groaned as moved his hand over his cock to adjust it. He

wanted to be dominated again. He wanted the humiliation of being
tied up, blindfolded, and taken hard. Just the thought of it turned him
on fast. The creak of the floorboard had Ryan glancing over his
shoulder. Trent looked calm and relaxed in his jeans and dress shirt.
Their eyes met. Ryan’s prick flexed hard to the point of pain. From
the look in Trent’s eyes, Ryan knew that release wouldn’t be coming
anytime soon.

Trent lifted his hands and signed hard. “Undress.”
Slowly, Ryan unbuttoned his shirt and eased it off his shoulders,

tossing it onto the hay. Ryan slipped off his shoes. He unbuckled his
belt, unbuttoned his fly, and lowered his jeans to the ground. Ryan ran
his hand over his throbbing dick, stroking it head to base. Pre-cum
wet the tip of his cock. Ryan rubbed it down his shaft, gripping his
balls tight.

“On your hands and knees, sub. Crawl to me,” Trent said.
Excitement poured through Ryan’s body as he slowly got to his

knees. His prick pounded. He lowered his gaze as he got onto his
hands. Ryan crawled to his lover, moving slow and steady. He
stopped with his head against Trent’s leg. Trent reached down,
stroking Ryan’s hair and down over his cheek. Trent ran his fingertips
down Ryan’s spine to the crack of his tingling ass, rubbing his thumb
over his anus. Ryan arched out, enjoying the feel of Trent’s thumb
stroking his anus.

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Ryan was shaking as Trent pulled abruptly away. Ryan heard the

rustling of Trent’s clothing being removed, and the sound of his
footsteps moving away. Trent came back with leather harness straps
in his hands, and a riding crop. He set the items down in the hay,
moving behind Ryan. Trent kneeled down, stroking his hand over
Ryan’s cock and squeezing it tight. Ryan groaned as he stroked his
prick into Trent’s palm. Ryan moaned in disappointment as Trent let
go. Trent smoothed his hand over his ass, stroking his anus again.
Heat licked over his crack as Trent’s tongue kissed his way down.
The scorching heat didn’t last long as Trent pulled away again.

Trent whistled, getting his attention. Ryan looked over his

shoulder as Trent said, “You’re my sex slave. Hands behind your

Ryan sat back on his knees, offering Trent his hands. Leather

came around his wrists, wrapping tight. More leather came around his
waist and up over his chest and shoulders. Trent pulled it snug,
showing him that when he pulled on his wrists, the leather around his
chest tightened seductively. Ryan’s cock wept with need. Trent
reached between his legs, stroking his perineum. Pre-cum dripped
from his cockhead, sliding down his shaft.

Leather and wood slid across Ryan’s ass. Cool nighttime air

caressed his ass as he felt the force of the crop come down on him.
The smack of leather against skin sent Ryan’s balls bouncing. He bit
his lip, trying to keep his cry of pleasure from echoing into the night.
Another smack came across his ass cheeks, sending erotic chills over
his heated and stinging skin. Ryan loved it and wanted more. Trent
reached around, gripping his big cock in his hand. He stroked Ryan
hard. Four more hits came across his ass, nearly making Ryan come.
His balls pulled up tight as he worked to keep his orgasm locked
down tight. Ryan was shuddering hard. Sweat glistened on his skin.

Trent smoothed the riding crop over his ass as he kissed his way

over his neck and shoulder. He bit softly on his shoulder, and his
tongue licked out, smoothing over the sensitive spot. Trent smoothed

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the riding crop between his legs, running it up his leg and over his
balls before taking it back down the other side. He ran it up his leg
again and up between the cheeks of Ryan’s ass, rubbing it over his
anus. All of a sudden, he yanked it away and smacked it against
Ryan’s ass, while Trent’s left hand squeezed his throbbing cock.

Ryan cried out as pure, raw pleasure heated his skin.
He was breathing hard. He wasn’t sure how much more he could

take before his spunk would fly across the hay. He did not want to
come before his lover gave him permission. He did not want to be the
reason why this night ended so abruptly. Hot hands rubbed down his
shoulders and down his arms. Trent had the hottest hands of any lover
he’d ever known. Trent’s hands came up his sides. His hands gripped
his sides, feeling the vibrations of his words.

“Trent,” Ryan said. “I need you.”
Ryan got to his feet, and Trent led him toward a wooden saddle

stand. Trent bent Ryan over the stand, spreading his legs wide.
Smooth wooden slats curved along the top. Trent pushed Ryan’s cock
between the slats, anchoring him in place. The tight embrace felt
sinfully sweet on his throbbing cock. Ryan moaned when he felt Trent
pull away. Trent’s big hands pressed against his ass cheeks, pushing
his cock further between the slats and opening his anus up. Heat
flicked up over his perineum when Trent licked his tongue over his
sweet spot. Trent’s tongue trailed upward, teasing the edge of his
anus. Ryan’s heart hammered as the tip of his cockhead rubbed the
cool, smooth underside of the saddle stand. He arched back into
Trent’s touch, but his hands kept him locked down.

Hard flicks rubbed up and down Ryan’s perineum. Trent’s tongue

lashing turned into hard sucks as his mouth slipped down to tease
Ryan’s balls. Trent squeezed his ass cheeks as he alternated between
sucking and licking Ryan’s balls. Trent suddenly pulled away. He
tested the leather straps that held Ryan’s hands behind his back. Ryan
glanced over his shoulder as he heard the sound of Trent’s footsteps

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fading away. From his position, Ryan couldn’t clearly see what he
was getting. A shiver of anticipation made his cock punch the wooden
stand that held his cock captive. Light from the lantern flashed over
Trent’s body as he moved around it. Ryan’s breath caught when he
saw the black bag in his hand. Trent pulled a large strap-on cock out
from the bag. Ryan swallowed hard as Trent walked his way.

Trent strapped the cock to the other side of saddle stand. His hand

glistened with lube as he slid it down the strap-on. He pulled Ryan
from the stand, muscling him around to the other side of the stand.
They kissed with a raw sensual passion that Ryan felt all the way
through his soul. Trent grinned wickedly as he pushed Ryan back
against the strap-on. Ryan groaned as the toy pressed between his ass
cheeks and up into his ass. He was breathing roughly as Trent stepped
back to admire his work. Ryan felt perfectly trapped. Slowly, Trent
lowered himself to one knee, licking his way over Ryan’s throbbing
prick. Ryan jumped as searing heat surrounded his cock. He thrust up,
causing the strap-on to pull out. Ryan rocked his cock in and out of
Trent’s mouth as the strap-on teased his ass.

Ryan felt Trent’s cock brush against the inside of his leg.

Suddenly, Trent jerked his mouth away, causing his cock to slap
against his abdomen. He stood, leaning in to take possession of
Ryan’s mouth. Trent slid his hands down Ryan’s sides, gripping his
ass cheeks. He pulled Ryan off of the strap-on and turned him against
the side of the saddle stand. Ryan’s cock slid between the slats on the

Ryan moaned as Trent slid his cock up into the crack of his ass.

He arched back, rubbing his fingers over Trent’s throbbing, wet prick.
Trent pulled on the leather straps over his shoulders, causing his
wrists to yank away. He pulled hard as he pushed his cock into
Ryan’s ass.

The leather reins were pulled tight as Trent pumped in and out in

short, thrusting strokes that caused Ryan’s prick to rub the underside
of the stand. Ryan was so close. Trent reached around, grabbing

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Ryan’s cock through the slats. He stroked him hard as he pumped in
and out of his ass. Ryan cried out as his orgasm exploded from his
cock. Trent held him tight as he pulled out, shooting his sauce up over
Ryan’s backside. Trent eased the leather straps from his body, taking
care of him.

They were breathing hard as they lay down on the blanket on top

of the hay. Trent pulled Ryan in close and held him tight. He kissed
his temple as Ryan put his head on his chest. Ryan brushed his fingers
over Trent’s soft skin, tracing his nipple with his finger.

“I want everything with you, Ryan.”
Ryan heard the rumble of Trent’s words through his chest. He sat

up to look at his lover. “Everything?”

“I want you to move in with me,” Trent said.
Move in? Ryan never expected Trent to ask him to move in

together. This was the first time any man wanted more with Ryan.
The question actually left him speechless. “Move in?”

Trent nodded. “I understand if you need time to think about it.”
Disappointment moved through Trent’s gaze. Ryan was still

trying to process that Trent wanted so much more with him. Would
they eventually marry?

“My place is closer to work for both of us,” Trent said.
It was clear that Trent had spent a lot of time thinking about this.

Ryan did need time to think about it. He wasn’t out with his family or
friends. What would happen if people found out he was gay and living
with his lover? What would happen if anyone on SWAT found out?
Their careers would be ruined.

“Can I think about it?” Ryan asked as he signed.
The excitement in Trent’s eyes died a little. “Sure. I’ll wait for


Ryan put his head back down on Trent’s chest. This time Trent

held him a little bit tighter than before. Ryan closed his eyes, listening
to the steady beat of his lover’s heart. Deep down he was afraid to
lose Trent, and he was afraid to love Trent. He resented how often he

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got hurt in the field. All he wanted to do was protect Trent from
everything bad in the world, but knew he couldn’t with the type of job
he had. Ryan twined his legs with Trent’s. He felt as though he was
losing Trent, and their lives were just about to begin together.

“Don’t be afraid to love me,” Trent said.
Ryan leaned up to sign. “I’m not afraid of loving you. I’m scared

I’ll lose you.”

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Chapter Seventeen

The bomb was going to blow.
Ryan knew it without a doubt. The hair on the back of SWAT doc,

Ryan’s neck was standing up. Someone was going to get hurt today.
The block was cleared to deal with the suspicious package, and
SWAT was called in to work counterterrorism. Terrorists liked to
watch. There was a good chance the person was still on scene.

Three days ago, Ryan had been lying in his lover’s arms. Now he

was back in the city dealing with real life.

Sweat dripped down the side of Ryan’s temple as he watched the

team go to work with the remote-controlled robot. They were taking
too long. Someone wasn’t going to walk away from this. He could
feel it. He just knew.

The bomb squad’s robot lifted the black case and headed to the

containment barrel next to the truck. If all went well, the case would
be taken to their deactivation site. Uneasy, Ryan moved around the
tactical truck to get a little closer. Things didn’t feel like they were
going to go well. The bomb squad was taking longer than they
normally did. What did they know that they weren’t telling anyone?

The case blew.
A fireball mushroomed up into the sky, sending the truck

skyward. The blast blew outward, knocking everyone off their feet.
Glass rained down onto the sidewalk from the buildings surrounding
the street.

Ryan coughed as dust covered everything. Three SWAT members

were on the ground. Ryan grabbed his medical bag and ran toward the
fire-engulfed truck, sliding on his knees to the ground to assess the

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wounded. A quick head-to-toe of his first patient indicated minor
injuries. He was already getting to his feet. Patient B was doing the
same. It was Patient C that got his attention next.

“You’re going to be okay. Hold still,” Ryan ordered.
Blood was pouring from his neck injury. He had to stabilize his

patient. Ryan turned to his medic bag and grabbed compresses to stop
the bleeding. He cut away his pant leg, starting an IV directly into his
leg. His patient was alert and complaining like a motherfucker,
especially when Ryan put the IV directly into his tibia. There was a
good chance the shrapnel missed his carotid artery. Had it hit his
carotid, he’d be bleeding out. There just wasn’t enough blood that
indicated a major bleed.

The ambulance came to a squealing stop outside the taped-off

area. Paramedics rushed the scene as the fire department worked to
put out the truck fire. Chaos turned the street into a war zone. There
were more injured he needed to tend to. He couldn’t go for the ride
along with his SWAT brother. Ryan stood up as his patient was taken
to the ambulance. He looked around. Everything slowed down, and
silence rang through his head as his adrenaline peaked.

There was blood on Ryan’s tactical pants.
Through the chaos erupting around Ryan, a car came to a quick

stop outside the perimeter. A man got out of his unmarked and
crossed the barrier into the war zone as though he belonged there.

“What happened?” Trent asked.
“The bomb blew when they tried to load it,” Ryan signed.
Trent grabbed Ryan’s arm, his eyes going wide for a split second.

He signed with his right hand. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”
“My house. Tonight,” Trent whispered.
The near-miss at the scene had put that possessive and protective

gleam in Trent’s eyes. There was no chance Ryan would disobey his
order tonight.

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Ryan checked on some of the minor injuries that occurred during

the blast. Everyone was going to be okay. Ryan headed to his car. He
scanned the area, looking for Trent. He caught sight of him across the
street with Shadow. The close call was enough for Ryan to decide
what he truly wanted out of life. He wanted Trent.

He was going to his place tonight.

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Chapter Eighteen

Trent was still in his uniform when he came through the front

door of his place with Shadow. The lights were off, but something
wasn’t right. Trent was certain that someone else was in the house. He
looked over at Shadow, who’d gone to his dog bowl to eat. Trent
frowned as he shut the front door, locking it.

Rose petals scattered the floor. He followed them upstairs to his

bedroom. He expected to find Ryan. A bottle of wine chilled in a
bucket on the nightstand. Strawberries dipped in chocolate were on a
plate beside. A note was folded on the stand with Trent’s name on it.
He opened it up.

My love,
Relax. Take a bath. There’s something we need to talk about.

Trent’s heart started to race. He could use a good soak after the

day he had. Seeing Ryan in the middle of that urban war zone nearly
made him lose it. He didn’t want Ryan so close to danger. He didn’t
want Ryan hurt, period. The thought that he could’ve been injured by
the shrapnel of that bomb was too much for him to think about. Trent
undressed and went to the bath. Candles were placed around the edge
of the tub. A lighter was lying in wait. Rose petals were scattered in
the empty tub, waiting for it to be filled. Trent started the water, using
the rose bubble bath on the edge to soften the water.

He sat into the filling tub, holding the note. He read it over and

over. What did Ryan want to talk about? What more was there to

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discuss? Trent wanted him there every day. What happened next was
all up to Ryan.

Trent’s eyes closed as he rested his head back on the wall. A little

while later he opened them to see Ryan in the doorway holding a
bouquet of red roses. Through the open doorway, Trent saw several
bags of luggage resting by the closet. Trent sat up as Ryan crossed the
tile to give him a slow, passionate kiss. Ryan helped him out of the
bath, offering him the towel. Ryan grinned as he drank in the sight of
Trent’s full-loaded cock.

Ryan handed over the flowers to sign as he said, “Get dressed.

We’re going out to dinner and dancing.”

“Where?” Trent asked.
“We have reservations at the Valley.”
Trent’s gaze dipped over Ryan’s dress clothes. His sub was taking

control of their evening out. He pulled him in close and gave him a
sweet kiss. Maybe they would get their happily ever after.

* * * *

Ryan always felt off balance from one of Trent’s possessive

kisses. He stepped away, watching Trent dress. There was something
really pleasing about watching a man putting on clothes. First came
his black boxers and then his dress shirt. He slid his thick muscular
legs into his pants and tucked in his shirt.

“Are you moving in?” Trent asked.
It always excited Ryan when he heard the sound of Trent’s voice.

He understood his reluctance to use it, but he secretly loved it when
he did. Ryan especially loved it when his words slipped out during
sex. “I was thinking about it.”

“Just thinking?” Trent asked. “Your stuff is here.”
No, Ryan wasn’t just thinking about moving in with Trent. He

was thinking about life a year from now, five years down the road. He

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was thinking about growing old with Trent. About buying the summer
home on the Outer Banks he’d been saving for all these years.

“I’ve been thinking about you and me and our lives together,”

Ryan signed.

“What do you want?” Trent asked.
Ryan signed as he said, “I was thinking that we should take it

slow. We’ve been rushing this thing. I don’t want us to burn out
before we’ve gotten a chance to know each other.”

Trent frowned. “If you run from me, I’ll chase you.”
Ryan took his lover’s hands in his and pulled Trent to him, giving

him a chaste kiss. Ryan put Trent’s hands on his chest to sign as he
spoke. “I know you will. I want to date you properly. I don’t feel as
though I got the chance to take you to dinner and to the movies. I
want everything with you. I want to show you how much I love you.”

Tears misted Trent’s eyes. He fisted his hands in Ryan’s shirt,

pulling him in close. He held him tight. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Trent.” Ryan knew the cost of Trent’s words. He

kissed him gently.

“Come on. We’re going to be late,” Ryan said as he signed.
The Valley was a gay club in downtown Covington, Kentucky and

across the river from Cincinnati. Trent insisted on driving, which kind
of turned Ryan on. There was something really hot about watching a
guy operating machinery, even if it was just his car.

A few minutes after they parked the car, they were walking up to

the club. Ryan had made reservations for a VIP table. Ryan took
Trent’s nervous hand in his as they went through the door. Red velvet
and black trim poured through the club. Ryan could sense the
trepidation in Trent as they moved inside. Vibrations from the bass in
the sound system vibrated the floors. They were led to their table by
the VIP hostess. A smile tilted up the corner of Trent’s lips as they sat
down. He leaned in close to Ryan’s ear.

“I can feel the music,” Trent said.
Ryan grinned and signed, “I knew you would.”

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After ordering drinks, Trent stood, offering Ryan his hand. “Come


He led Ryan to the dance floor, taking the lead as he pulled him

close. Trent pulled him in closer, grinding their hips together. He
twirled him out, bringing their legs in tight. The music slowed, and
Ryan held on tight to Trent’s hips as he brought their lips together.
They kissed passionately. Ryan pulled away, realizing that they had
stopped dancing and were only kissing. Ryan took Trent’s hand and
turned away from the dance floor, heading back to their private table.
Up on the walkway, Ryan bumped into another guy not watching
where he was going.

“Excuse me,” Ryan said. The guy turned. It was Seth. “Hey, man.

Good seeing you.”

Seth’s gaze bounced between Ryan and Trent before widening in

surprise. A flush crept up his face. Seth lifted his beer, taking a drink.
“I never expected to see you guys here.”

Trent came in close to Ryan, putting a possessive hand around his

shoulder. “Same,” Ryan said. “Did you ever get that stuff figured out
with work?”

His gaze flicked against Trent’s. “Not yet. I’m not sure what I’m

going to do.”

“It will work out. Things always settle down the way they’re

supposed to,” Ryan said as he signed. “You here with anyone?”

“No. I just stopped in for a drink.”
There was something bothering Seth. Whatever that thing was,

Ryan knew he wasn’t the one to figure it out tonight. “You should
stay for a while. Join us for one more drink.”

Seth set his empty beer on the rail. “I have to go. It was good

seeing you guys.”

Ryan watched Seth head down the stairs. Trent pulled him in

close, giving him a kiss on his temple. They headed toward their

Trent leaned in close. “You know Seth London?”

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Training Ryan


Ryan signed with one hand. “We went to the same college. We’re

friends. Do you know what could be bothering him?”

Under the table, Trent held Ryan’s other hand, rubbing his thumb

over the back. “He’s having trouble running the Risk Assessment
Team. His team hovers. The guys on SWAT don’t like it.”

“I hope things settle down for him,” Ryan said as he signed.
“Enough about Seth. I’m sure he’ll figure things out or die

trying,” Trent said. “Let’s talk about you and me and this trip you
have coming up.”

How did Trent know about it? He hadn’t said anything. Ryan

signed with his free hand. “Costa Rica?”

“TJ mentioned you were taking time off for it.”
Ryan liked the grin on Trent’s face. It was true. They needed to

talk. In a few weeks, Ryan would be flying to Costa Rica for work at
the clinic. He wanted Trent to come with him. Ryan’s heart raced as
he thought about asking Trent on the long vacation. Ryan signed,
“Will you come with me?”

Trent smiled, leaning in for quick kiss. “I was hoping you would

ask me.”

Ryan shuddered when Trent’s hand slid up the inside of his thigh.

“Let’s get out of here.”

On the way back to their car, they saw Seth take off on his

motorcycle. A shiver rippled down Ryan’s spine. He wasn’t wearing a
helmet. Worry had him watching Seth until he was out of sight.

“You don’t need to worry about him,” Trent said.
“Seth. He’s like a cat. He always lands on his feet.”
A smiled tugged at the corner of Ryan’s lips. “I hope you’re


“Trust me, babe. I’m always right.”
Ryan loved Trent’s cocky attitude. He held Trent’s free hand as he

drove back into the city.

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114 Tatum


They were going to have a long, happy life together. Ryan knew

that there would be hot lazy summers and cozy winters spent next to
the fire. He couldn’t wait to have it all with Trent.

“How do you feel about kids?” Trent asked.
Ryan’s mouth dropped open. “They’re okay.”
Trent smiled. “I’m more of a dog person myself.”
Relief poured through Ryan, and he smiled. His hand tightened

onto Trent’s as his free hand signed. “Me, too.”

Trent lifted Ryan’s hand, kissing the back of it. “I guess that

makes us perfect for each other.”

Everything felt absolutely perfect, Ryan thought to himself as they

crossed back over the Ohio River and into Cincinnati.




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, AJ, and two rowdy hamsters named Nibbler and CJ. A
rabbit named Coco has recently taken over her office space.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders.

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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