tatum throne hard hits 07 training kemper

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Hard Hits 7

Training Kemper

When a high speed chase goes wrong, Lt. Kemper Morrow’s night on patrol goes from situation normal to all messed up. The night
before his SWAT testing, Kemper is critically injured in the line of duty. As his injury takes him out of the game, Kemper can’t pull
himself back together.

Sgt. Shawn O’Leary sees a broken officer before him who he knows he can save, if Kemper is willing to accept his help. He’s not
willing. That’s okay with Shawn. He loves a good challenge. Refusing to walk away, Shawn knows he can build Kemper back up.

As Shawn gets closer to Kemper, he finds himself falling hard. Shawn is a Dom who only wants Kemper as his sub, but can he break a
man in who is broken down? With Kemper’s career on the line, Shawn takes a chance and crosses the line. Will Kemper trust him and
hand over complete control?


Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary


31,382 words

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Hard Hits 7

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Tatum Throne

First E-book Publication: November 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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If you have purchased this copy of Training Kemper by Tatum Throne from BookStrand.com or its
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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For my husband and boys with all my love. You are my everything.
A very special thank you to a veteran who so graciously answered all my questions about living

life after a serious war injury. You are the best!

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
About the Author

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Hard Hits 7


Copyright © 2013

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Chapter One

A grin tugged at the corner of Officer Kemper Morrow’s lips as he drove his patrol car through

the streets of downtown Cincinnati. Everything felt perfect. Maybe it was partially due to having a
date tomorrow night. Of course, it’d been a really long time since he had dated anyone. For the first
time in his life, things were falling into place.

Nighttime pressed in on the city. It was almost eleven. There was only an hour left of his shift

and then tomorrow afternoon he was going to be taking the physical section of his SWAT exam. He
couldn’t fucking wait. He’d longed to be one of those badass guys for a really long time. Kemp drove
through downtown. It was almost time to return to headquarters for shift change.

Leaves tumbled over the road. Summer was starting to fade into Autumn. Fall was Kemp’s

favorite time of year. The holidays were a few months away. Kemp loved the hustle and bustle of all
of it. Black Friday was a sporting event amongst his friends.

Down the road, Kemp caught sight of a car running a stop sign. When it turned the corner, Kemp

saw that it had a busted taillight and the license plate was missing. Kemp hit the gas, following the
car as he tapped his radio, calling in the suspicious car.

“Forty-three-nineteen to Dispatch. I’m attempting to make a traffic stop on 1600 Elm Street.”
“Copy forty-three-nineteen.”
After several seconds, he hit the lights, but not the sirens. The car tapped its brakes, lighting up

only the left light. The car swerved to the right as though they were going to pull over, but then gunned
it. The high speed chase was underway. Habit like muscle memory had Kemp calling the chase into

“Forty-three-nineteen to Dispatch. We’re heading east on Elm. My guy isn’t pulling over.”
“Copy forty-three-nineteen, sending back up.”
The car sped faster through the city, running traffic lights as they raced toward the highway.

Kemper kept Dispatch informed with a play by play of what streets they were on. They hit I-275,
heading toward the Big Mac Bridge. Kemp knew he had to put an end to this chase. They were about
to head into northern Kentucky. Kemp sped up. He needed to stop this car before someone got really
hurt. Kemp bumped the rear corner panel of the suspect’s car a little bit harder than he intended.

Metal crashed against metal, giving Kemper a big fucking jolt to his body. The cars spun.

Everything blurred together as lights raced across the darkness. His teeth knocked together, causing
pain to shoot down his jaw.

Steam billowed up from the front end of Kemp’s cruiser. He used a controlled hit to the rear

quarter panel of the speeding car. The cars slammed against the Big Mac Bridge’s cement railing.
Chunks of cement broke apart, flying against the metal walkway. A piece slammed into Kemp’s
windshield, shattering a spot in the middle the size of a soccer ball. The impact didn’t stop the
speeding car. The man gunned the engine in reverse and took off across the bridge.

Kemper pursued the running vehicle. They went flying across the bridge and into the heart of

Northern Kentucky, racing down the highway. Kemper glanced down at the odometer. They were
hitting speeds up to 100 mph, taking dangerous turns faster than either car should be going. His hands
tightened on the steering wheel as the car took the next exit on two wheels. Kemper slowed down
cautiously as he took the turn. They were heading into Kentucky backcountry. It would be easy for
Kemper to lose sight of the car out here. Kemper knew he needed to do something drastic to get this

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car to stop. He would have to ram it a second time. Kemper sped up, hitting the back quarter panel of
the car again.

This time the suspect’s car went flying off into the ditch and trees. The car spun as the suspect

struggled to maintain control of the car. The two cars were now facing each other. Kemp was out of
his patrol car before the brakes fully came to rest. He slid across the hood of his car on his knees,
getting into position with his gun pointed.

“Get out of the car!”
The suspect kicked open the car door and staggered out. His hands were down low. There was a

glassy, dead look to the suspect’s eyes. A shiver vibrated down the back of Kemper’s neck as though
someone had just walked over his grave. Twice. Sweat dripped down Kemp’s temple as he
readjusted his hand, gripping the gun.

“Driver! Show me your hands!”
Traffic was stopping behind the accident. Other police cars had finally followed up on the

chase. Everything in Kemp’s head felt fuzzy. It was then he was certain that his bell had gotten rung
when the cars had collided. The guy dove back into the car, hitting the gas. Kemper attempted to dive
out of the way by jumping onto the hood of his cruiser. The car slammed into his cruiser, sending
Kemper airborne. Kemp went flying up further onto the hood of car, hitting the windshield. Kemp
rolled off the hood of the car, landing hard onto the forest floor. Something sharp stabbed into
Kemper’s leg. He screamed as he rolled out of the way of the speeding car.

Kemp’s entire body felt numb from the inside out. His body was officially in shutdown mode

from the amount of injuries he had. This was not good. Kemp didn’t bother trying to move. He knew it
would hurt too much if he tried. He reached for his leg, feeling a hard object jutting out from it. It
registered late on his brain that it was a stick. The stick was lodged deep within his calf muscle. He
couldn’t believe the wood had cut through his tactical pants.

Pain shot down his leg. Kemp looked up at the night sky. Stars winked through the trees. It was a

view Kemp knew he wouldn’t ever see again. Desperation had him trying to get up, but he fell back
down hard. Strangers rushed to his side. Sirens wailed like a hawk crying in the distance. Kemp tried
to move his legs and things felt off. He looked down at his legs. His left was at a bad angle. He
groaned as he tried to move again.

Disappointment and fear raced through his blood. He wouldn’t be taking the physical exam to

make SWAT like he planned tomorrow. Everything he hoped and dreamed of was suddenly being
yanked out of sight. This was not what Kemper wanted.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an ambulance roll up. It was then that Kemp knew it was for

him. Darkness threatened to pull him under. All of a sudden, SWAT Doc Woods was above him. His
voice sounded very far away. The only sound Kemper heard was the sound of his heart beating wildly
within his ears. He felt cold and clammy. It was clear that he was going into shock.

“Stay with me, Morrow!”
The order felt like something Kemper should obey, but he couldn’t pull himself out of the hole

that was sucking him down. He wanted to put himself back together, but he knew he couldn’t do that
by himself this time. They went to move him onto a stretcher and Kemper screamed, passing out.

* * * *

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Kemper cried out, waking up. Sweat soaked his body, making him feel clammy and cold. He

awakened with his heart pounding. White walls pressed in on him like a knot tightening around his
neck. He started to panic. Where the fuck was he? He felt groggy, confused, and numb from something
pumping through his veins. Kemp worked hard to recall the last thing he remembered. It was the high-
speed chase and then almost being run over by that car. His eyes darted around. He was in the

On the other side of the room, Kemp caught sight of Chief Anderson talking with Dr. Woods. His

brother, Jake, was talking with both of them. Jake? They had called Jake? He hadn’t seen his brother
in years. Not since they were rooming together and Jake had walked in on him kissing his lover. The
fallout had been swift, with Jake moving out twenty-four hours after their fight. He could not
reconcile the fact that he liked men.

A few moments later, they noticed that he was awake.
Chief Anderson crossed the room. Flecks of black were in his white hair. He came in close to

the bed. Something was really wrong. He had a funny look on his face as he stared down at him.

“You’re awake.”
Kemper was exhausted. He tried to sit up, but was stopped when he caught a look at his left leg.

Kemp felt his stomach roll. Where his leg should have been there was a white bandage and stump just
below his knee. Panic flowed through his veins. A ringing started in his ears.

“What the fuck?” Kemper asked.
Chief Anderson and his brother Jake held him down. Kemper tried to fight them, but it was no

use. He was too fucking weak. Dr. Woods got up in his face, holding his cheeks.

“Calm the fuck down, Kemp.”
Tears shimmered in Kemper’s eyes. Everything in front of him went blurry. “Parker?”
“The trauma surgeon had no choice. There was no saving your leg. They tried for days. The

infection was too bad.”

Kemper felt destroyed inside as he dropped his head back against the pillows. “Fuck. Fuck.


Jake squeezed his shoulder, giving him the support he needed to feel so many years ago. It made

him suddenly feel not so alone.

“Give us a minute,” Parker said to Jake.
Kemper lifted his hands to his face. He couldn’t believe he lost his leg. He watched as the chief

and his brother left the room. “Please tell me they got that dumb motherfucker.”

“Yeah. They did,” Parker said. “He’s going to be going away for a long time.”
The ringing in his head was finally starting to ease. Kemper felt as though his life were crashing

down around him. He glanced toward the windows. “How long have I been out?”

“Four days,” Parker said. “There was a stick in your leg. There were several bacteria that

caused your body to go into shock. You were dying from blood poisoning.”

There were so many questions crashing through his brain that Kemper didn’t know where to

begin. “What happened to my leg?”

“The infection turned gangrene on the second day. The trauma surgeon didn’t have a choice.

Antibiotics were not working. It was a race against time and the infection was winning. I’m sorry.
They did it to save your life.”

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“When can I get out of here?” Kemp asked.
“Three weeks is my guess. You’ll be going to a rehab center for daily physical therapy. From

there, you’ll be fitted with a new leg.”

Images of bad prosthetic limbs ran through his mind. “When can I get back to work?”
“It’s going to take some time. You’re going to have to learn to get your balance back with the

new limb.”

All of Kemper’s dreams of becoming a SWAT member were slipping through his fingers. There

was nothing he could do to grab on to them and keep them from going away. Parker’s voice started to
fade away as he talked about the weeks of rehab he would be going through. As far as Kemper was
concerned, he knew that life as he knew it was over. He was physically fit, but now he wasn’t whole.
He was broken.

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Chapter Two

Kemp couldn’t admit to anyone, even himself, that he was depressed. It was the kind of

depression that made him feel apathetic and alone. He stared at the television, watching but not really
listening to what was going on. He felt numb inside and out.

After the accident, he lost most of his friends. Well, people who he thought were his friends.

Even the guys from the department had stopped coming around after a while. They had lives. They
were busy. He even sent Jake away. He didn’t want or need his brother hovering over him. Of course,
he had stopped returning their phone calls two months ago. Kemp adjusted his prosthetic. Those damn
phantom pains were still keeping him up at night. He wished they would just go away.

Across the room, his clock chimed the time. Kemper thought about what he was going to have

for dinner, but really didn’t feel like making anything. He was feeling tired and unmotivated today. If
he admitted it to himself, he was fucking bored. He thought about going back to work, but just didn’t
see how he could make it work out.

The doorbell rang, jarring Kemp out of his thoughts. He couldn’t remember the last time that

damn bell rang. It stopped ringing a few weeks after he returned from the rehab center. Kemp eased
off the couch and reached for his cane. He wasn’t supposed to be using it anymore, but he couldn’t
seem to let go of the damn thing. He was still afraid of falling, despite all the physical therapy he had
gone through. Kemp went to the door and opened it. Chief Anderson and a guy built like a boxer were
on the other side. They looked like they weren’t going to go away anytime soon. Chief Anderson
looked him up and down. Yeah, he had gained a little weight after the accident, too. He just didn’t
care anymore. Kemp tried to hide the cane along the long length of his leg. He didn’t want them to see

“Mind if we come in?” Chief Anderson asked.
“Actually, I do. I was on the way out.”
He fucking lied. He couldn’t believe he just lied to his police chief. Seeing his chief and the

unknown guy standing on his front porch was like picking at the wound in his heart. He wouldn’t be
going back to work anytime soon.

“I wanted you to meet Shawn O’Leary. He trains in Tactical Defense with the police academy.”
Shawn O’Leary was one of those guys who looked like they made physical fitness a lifelong

priority. He was one who probably always looked good. Today was no exception. Dark sunglasses
covered his eyes. Kemp could feel his hard stare despite the barrier of those shades. Kemp couldn’t
shake the feeling of his hidden gaze giving him the once-over. All of a sudden, Kemper felt
embarrassed about his appearance. Chief Anderson barged his way inside without being invited. He
looked around the house, frowning deeply when he saw the chaos. Shawn followed him inside. He
offered his hand.

“Nice to meet you,” Shawn said.
Kemp had the sudden urge not to touch Shawn. Against his better judgment, Kemper shook

Shawn’s hand. A smile broke the corners of Shawn’s full lips. Warm fingers brushed against his palm
as they pulled their hands away from each other.

“Same,” Kemp murmured.
The foyer was cramped, so Kemper eased back against the stairs to put some distance between

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him and Shawn. There was something frightening about the way Shawn was looking at him. Kemper
pulled his gaze away.

“I’ll make this quick,” Chief Anderson said.
There was no way that Kemp could tell his chief to get lost. Kemper’s house was a big mess. He

no longer cared about cleaning or eating or living life the way it once was. Takeout boxes were all
over his kitchen and had spilled into the living room on the coffee table. In his defense, those were
from the night before and they hadn’t been there for weeks.

“I want to know why you haven’t returned any of my calls,” Anderson said. “Or emails.”
“I’ve been busy.”
“I see that.”
Kemper didn’t care for his attitude or his judgment. “Why are you here?”
“You need to talk with IA about the accident. Grant Hicks is up my ass about getting your


Tension radiated down Kemper’s neck and through his shoulders. Kemp rubbed his neck as he

sighed. He did not want to deal with Grant. The man was persistent as hell. A fucking bull with a bad
attitude. “I’ve been meaning to contact him. I’ve been busy.”

“Uh-huh,” Chief Anderson said as though he thought Kemper was full of shit. “Well, call him.”
Guilt weighed heavily on Kemper’s mind. A small part of him felt as though the accident was all

his fault. Had he not gotten out of the car, he was certain that he would still have his leg.

“Is there something else you want?” Kemp asked.
“I want you back at work.”
“Not going to happen,” Kemp said.
Chief Anderson frowned. “Why the fuck not?”
Kemp couldn’t put voice to the demons now playing tag in his head. They felt too real and too

scary to describe out loud. It was then that O’Leary decided to pull off those sunglasses to show off
those Irish-blue eyes of his. His gaze was all over Kemp like he was his new project.

Kemper pinned him with a hard fuck off stare that he started sporting after his accident.

Something dark and dangerous passed through O’Leary’s eyes. Something possessive and, quite
frankly, sexual zipped through Kemper’s body. Kemp pulled his gaze away from O’Leary and settled
it safely back onto the chief.

“You are to report for training at eight a.m. tomorrow morning,” Chief Anderson said.
“I can’t.”
“If you don’t show, I’ll fire your ass for insubordination.”
This was his life and Kemper sure as hell didn’t like the way things were spinning so far out of

control that he couldn’t bring them back in.

“You can’t fire me.”
Chief Anderson stepped in close. “Maybe I can’t, but I sure as hell can make your life hell if you

don’t show up. Don’t push me on this.”

A grin tugged at the corner of Kemp’s lip. “I’m already in hell, sir.”
Compassion played within the Chief eyes as he considered Kemp’s words. “There are many

layers of hell. You should check yourself before you go landing at the bottom.”

The chief turned, whispering something into O’Leary’s ear before heading for the front door.

O’Leary didn’t follow behind the chief like Kemp expected. The fucker stayed like he was invited to

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a party that he didn’t belong to.

“Your training starts tonight,” Shawn said.
“Excuse me?”
He came in close. “You’ve spent the last four months letting yourself go. We’re going to spend

the next two hours putting your house back together. Where are your cleaning supplies?”

A white-hot flash of embarrassment and anger sped through his blood. Kemp did not need

someone to help him clean up his mess. Most of all, he didn’t want someone who he didn’t know
messing around in his house.

“I don’t fucking think so.”
“I’m not leaving,” Shawn said.
No. He didn’t look like he would be easy to send away. Kemper sighed, running his hand

through his hair. “I’m sure you have someplace else you’d rather be tonight.”

“Not really.”
Kemper froze as Shawn reached for his cane. He took his cane away, forcing Kemper to

readjust his balance. He fought the urge to grab hold of the banister.

“We’re going to start your training now.”
Kemper started to protest. “I need that.”
“No you don’t. I’ve worked with several amputees. You need to let go and trust yourself.”
“What if I fall?”
Shawn glared. “What if you do? You won’t get stronger leaning against this thing. Now, where’s

your cleaning supplies?” Shawn asked again.

“In the kitchen pantry.”
Shawn moved through his house as though he belonged there. Kemper’s old Victorian was once

his grandmother’s. He bought it shortly after she moved into a nursing home. Over the last few years,
Kemp had fixed the place up.

Kemp went to grab the garbage bags from beneath the sink. Leaning down with his prosthetic

wasn’t easy. Kemp gripped the counter, forcing his legs to balance. He grabbed the bags, but lost his
balance when he went to stand. Shawn was right behind him, slipping his hand beneath his arm to
help him up. Before Kemper could protest, he was back on his feet again and eye to eye with Shawn

There was something that sparked within Shawn’s blue eyes. All the air in Kemper’s chest

constricted. It was as though the big kitchen was suddenly too small. Shawn’s hand tightened on his
arm. Kemper’s lips parted and his mouth went dry. The urge to kiss Shawn O’Leary was an
overpowering desire chanting through his body. He mentally gave himself a face slap and reluctantly
pulled his gaze away from those beautiful eyes. He needed to get away from Shawn before he did
something stupid.

“You’re welcome,” Shawn said.
“Don’t fucking touch me.”
Shawn edged in close, blocking him in against the counter without touching him. “Fine. Next

time I’ll let your ass hit the floor.”

Kemp felt his cheeks burn with the sting of shame. He looked away, unable to meet Shawn’s

intelligent eyes again. Kemper gripped the sink as Shawn turned away. It was a really long time

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before he could turn around with the garbage bag. When Kemp finally looked, he found Shawn
watching him.

“Let me help you.”
“I don’t need or want your help.”
“Well, too bad. You have it. You might as well accept what you’re being given,” Shawn said.
Kemp shook out the garbage bag, feeling like something that should be thrown inside of it. He

hated feeling that way, but he just felt useless. He reached for the takeout boxes on the counter and
tossed them into the bag. Shawn grabbed boxes, too, tossing them away. It wasn’t long before the
trash was collected and the dishes in the sink were loaded into the dishwasher. Kemp washed out the
sink and went to find Shawn in the living room.

He had straightened the throw pillows, and the blankets were neatly folded in a pile in the

corner. Shawn must have gone upstairs. Kemp headed upstairs to find Shawn collecting his laundry in
the basket in the hallway.

“I can get that. You’ve done enough,” Kemp said.
“I’ll leave when everything is straightened up and put away properly.”
Shawn headed toward his bedroom. A zip of fear sprinted down Kemper’s spine when he

thought about the magazine he left open on his nightstand. Not to mention the piles of paperback
romance novels he bought at the bookstore. Kemper had always been a sucker for a happily ever
after. It didn’t matter to him if it were gay romance or hetero. He liked reading it all. It was all about
the love affair in his mind that turned him on.

Kemper wasn’t out at work. The bodice-ripping romance novels could easily be explained

away. The gay magazine was a completely different story. Magazines were his go-to for jerking off
when he was alone. The paperbacks gave him the sense of romance he needed. For the love of God,
Shawn was going to see him as a complete pansy if he didn’t stop him from going into his bedroom.

The floorboards in Kemp’s bedroom squeaked from Shawn’s footsteps. Kemper’s heart

hammered. He wanted to ignore the fact that Shawn was now in his room, but he couldn’t. He stepped
inside behind Shawn and froze. Shawn stood on the other side of his bed, picking up the laundry and
tossing it into the basket. When he was finished, he started stripping the sheets from the bed. Kemper
reached for his forest green comforter and tossed it toward the basket to be washed.

“Sheets?” Shawn asked.
“I’ll grab some from the linen closet.”
When Kemper returned, he saw that the magazine was now flipped closed and replaced into the

top drawer of his nightstand. Kemp tried not to think about all his sex toys in there that Shawn
probably caught sight of. Shawn stood on the other side of the king-size bed and helped Kemp pull on
the fitted sheet. They shook out the flat sheet and spread it onto his bed.

“Do you have a clean blanket?” Shawn asked.
“In my closet. Top shelf.”
“I’ll grab it.”
They smoothed out the blanket. Shawn tucked in the corners, giving them a military edge. “I

guess we’re done?”

“One more thing to do,” Shawn said.
Kemper followed Shawn downstairs, heading into the kitchen. He went straight to Kemp’s

refrigerator. He opened up the door and sat his arm on top of the door. He shook his head.

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“Beer and cheese?” Shawn asked.
“I’ve been mostly doing takeout.”
“That’s not healthy, especially with you recovering.” Shawn gave him the once-over with a

passing glance. The look was more speculative than anything. “Okay, I’ll take care of this.”

Kemper felt the need to explain something to Shawn. “I’m not normally like this. I’m not usually

a slob.”

“I know. You’ve been recovering.” Shawn stared at him with compassion-filled eyes. “Why

have you been pushing everyone from the police department away?”

How did he know? Kemp shrugged. He felt as though everyone was making a big deal. He

didn’t want anyone fussing over him. “I’m not helpless.”

“No, but you need to know when to ask for help.”
Their eyes locked. Kemp felt as though his soul were exposed and comforted at the same time.

Tears rushed to Kemp’s eyes, forcing him to look away before they fell down his cheeks. He had to
get it together before he made a fool of himself in front of Shawn.

Kemper felt Shawn’s hand on his shoulder. It felt so good. Kemp had to resist the urge to turn

into Shawn’s arms and just let go. It’d been so long since anyone had touched him who wasn’t a
medical professional. He’d gotten so used to the clinical touches that he’d forgotten what the touch of
someone who cared felt like.

“It’s okay to ask for help.”
“I know. It just isn’t easy. I’ve never felt so helpless in my entire life.”
“Are you still having pain?” Shawn asked.
“A little when I stand too long. It’s nothing I can’t handle. My balance is off.”
“I can fix that for you,” Shawn said.
“Can you?”
“Yes, I can. Trust me.”
Kemper did trust Shawn completely. “Okay.”
“I want you ready to work out tomorrow with me.”
The thought of going back into work sent a shiver of fear down Kemper’s spine. He lived for the

job. He couldn’t believe that he was so fucking scared now. There was empathy in Shawn’s deep
blue eyes. They were the kind of eyes that Kemp could get lost in for hours. They so couldn’t go there.

“Thanks for helping me,” Kemp said.
The corners of Shawn’s full lips lifted. There was something dangerous and almost sexual

within Shawn’s eyes. “Don’t thank me yet. We have lots of work to do starting tomorrow morning.”

Kemp felt as though he made a very important friend. “I have a feeling you’re going to kick my


“I think you deserve a little bit of an ass kicking. You’ve let yourself go long enough.”
Kemp crossed his arms. “I almost died.”
“Hardly. You lost your leg. You weren’t anywhere near death. I read your file.”
Shawn read his file. All the air in Kemper’s chest left in him in a whoosh. He knew everything

about him. “Did you?”

“Yes, I did. Now, your assignment for tonight is to write down a goal for the next week. One

you’ll accomplish. It can be anything.”

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Kemper had an idea. He had only goal he wanted to accomplish this week. He wanted a kiss

from Shawn O’Leary. The goal was so impossible it seemed preposterous, but it was the goal
Kemper had in mind.

“Write it down. When you write your goals down, it makes them real and attainable.”
“Okay. I will.”
“Good. Now, I’m gonna go. You get some rest. I want to see you bright and early in the Training


Shawn left. Kemper didn’t start breathing again until he heard his front door open and close. He

went to the nightstand where he kept a notebook in the bottom drawer. He pulled it out and opened it
to a blank page. He pulled out a pen and wrote down his goal for the week, all the while hoping he’d
get to kiss Shawn before the week was over.

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Chapter Three

Kemp sat across from Chief Anderson’s desk.
Sweat beaded down his temple. God, he hated being in the hot seat more than he hated working

out. Phantom pain zipped down Kemp’s right leg, reminding him that he was no longer whole. He
adjusted his prosthetic. It was the best money could buy, but he still didn’t know how to navigate with
it well.

“You start training with O’Leary today,” Chief Anderson said.
“About that, sir. I was thinking I could work out on my own. I don’t need a trainer.”
“Yes, you do. I need you back in shape to take your SWAT exam.”
Kemper felt tired already. After Shawn had left last night, he couldn’t sleep. Kemp kept thinking

about a sexy man who was completely out of his league. He woke up with his cock harder than
granite. Kemp spent ten minutes polishing off his cock that morning in the shower just so he could
function without his prick pointing at everyone today.

“Are you fucking listening to me?”
Chief Anderson’s bark startled Kemper out of his thoughts. “Sir?”
“Do you want your job back?” Chief Anderson asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“Then get back in shape. Get your head on straight and you can have your job.”
“That’s the plan, sir.”
“You better be committed.”
“I am, sir.”
“Good. Now, get the fuck out of my office and go meet up with Sergeant O’Leary. I want you in

shape in six weeks. You will be ready to take the SWAT test in two months.”

“Yes, sir.” Kemper went to the door, but hesitated. He glanced back at Chief Anderson, who had

put on a pair of readers. “Sir?”

“What is it, Morrow?”
“Thank you, sir. I don’t think I would have gotten my head out of my ass had you and Sergeant

O’Leary not shown up.”

Chief Anderson removed his readers. “All of you are like sons to me. Now, go make me proud.”
Kemp felt all choked up inside. “Yes, sir.”
The police station hummed with activity. Kemp couldn’t believe how much he missed it.

Several of his coworkers waved and nodded as he passed by. Kemper headed downstairs to the
locker room to change. There was no sign of Sergeant O’Leary. Shawn. God, Kemp loved the sound
of his name rolling through his head. Kemp took his clothes to one of the dressing rooms in the
showers. At one time, he wouldn’t have cared to change out in the open. He’d been athletic and
ripped. Kemp undressed from his tactical pants, leaving on his police issued T-shirt. Kemper glanced
at his chest. He spent a lot of time not looking at himself in the mirror. The dragon tattoo that rippled
around his thigh and up toward his cock didn’t have the same bite it once had. The dragon’s jaw was
opened beneath his balls, ready and willing to bite his apples.

Kemper frowned. He didn’t like looking at himself in the mirror. It was too painful. It reminded

him too much of his accident. Kemp’s gaze dropped to his leg. He still wasn’t used to seeing the

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Now, he had a gut that went on and on. All the muscle tone he once had was smooth skin.

Kemper dressed in a pair of shorts. He glanced at the scale in the corner of the room. He didn’t want
to step on it. He knew he was overweight. He ignored the scale and went back to his locker to shove
his gym bag inside. The truth was he felt tired of being sick and tired with his body and his life. He’d
given up hope after he lost his leg. He had a really hard time pulling himself back together and facing
the world. The hardest part to get over were the stares from strangers. Kemper promised himself that
if he climbed out of this hole, he wasn’t ever going to crawl back inside of it again.

The sound of the locker room door opening had Kemp looking up. Shawn was heading inside

with earbuds jammed into his ears and a backpack over his broad shoulder. He looked hot and ready.
Kemper gave him a long look that went from his head to his feet and back up again. Shawn gave him a
smile and nod as he pulled his earbuds out of his ears.

“You came.”
Kemp felt nervous energy spear through his body. It was the kind Kemp needed to work out of

his system or he wouldn’t be sleeping for a second night. “Yeah, I’m here. How long are we going for

“At least an hour. Stretch out while I change.”
Kemp headed out into the Training Center. He stretched out his arms and legs. He tried to do a

squat and nearly landed on his ass. He caught himself before he ass-planted on the mat. Shawn came
out and saw what happened, but didn’t rush to catch him. Shawn went to the sound system, picking out
a workout track. They headed to the weights.

“We’re going to start with some lifting. Go for the ten pound weights.”
They started off easy with some upper-body strength training. Kemp positioned himself in front

of the weights. He felt the protest of his muscles as he worked the barbells into his hands. Shawn
stood off to the side.

“Do a rep of twenty-five. Alternate arms,” Shawn said. “Good form. That’s it. You got this.”
Kemp was suddenly distracted by Shawn’s hand smoothing down over his shoulder. Their eyes

locked in the mirror. It felt so good to feel the touch of a man’s hands. He tried not to focus on the
strong contours of Shawn’s forearm.

“Do you feel the positive tension in your arm?”
A shiver of need tore through Kemp’s body. It had been a really long time since he felt like he

wanted someone else. “Yes. It feels good.”

“You can feel the slow burn?” Shawn asked.
“You’ll be getting stronger before you know it. Go until your muscle feels fatigued. That’s what

you want.”

Kemper’s arms already felt tired. Sweat dripped from his brow. He wasn’t winded but his arms

were feeling the burn.

“Twenty-five more.”
The order cut through the fog of pain. The desire to impress Shawn sprung up from deep within

Kemper’s body. Every order he gave, Kemper wanted to obey. Kemper set down the barbells and
shook out his arms.

“Good. We’re going to do squats now. Give me a hundred.”
Shawn showed him the deep squat that he wanted Kemper to do. Kemp wasn’t sure if his left leg

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would balance. Shawn could see his hesitation.

“I’ll spot you from behind,” Shawn said.
Shawn got behind Kemper. He was so much taller than Kemper had ever noticed before.

Shawn’s strong hands settled on Kemper’s waist.

“Go slow for the first one,” Shawn said.
Through the reflection of the mirror, Kemper saw that Shawn’s legs were spread wide as he

squatted down. Kemp felt his ass brush against the inside of Shawn’s thighs as he went down.

“Go as far as you can,” Shawn said. “I’ve got you.”
Kemper came back up and a second later squatted back down. This time he went as far as he

could before his leg started to give. Shawn’s hands lightened on his hips.

“Hold this,” Shawn ordered.
“This is where my balance starts to go.”
“I can tell. You need to strengthen your thigh muscles. It will help your overall posture and


The heat of Shawn’s body pressed in close to Kemper’s back and thighs. It was difficult not to

think about Shawn driving his cock deep inside his ass while he held this position. A groan tore from
the back of Kemper’s throat when his cock jerked to attention.

“Hold it.”
Kemper’s entire body started to shake. Shawn’s hands tightened down on his hips, encouraging

him to hold it.

“You’ve got this.”
“I’m losing it.”
Their eyes met in the mirror. “Stand up.”
Kemper’s thighs screamed in protest as he shook them out.
“On your back on the floor, knees up. You’re going to do good old-fashion sit-ups. Give me


Shawn’s hands smoothed down his prosthetic and his right leg, moving over his shoes. Kemp’s

left leg didn’t want to move like his right. Frustrated, he worked his thighs wide as he did his set of

“You have some nice equipment,” Shawn said.
The corners of Kemp’s lips lifted. “It’s been a long time since anyone commented on my


Shawn chuckled, letting his gaze move up over Kemper’s legs and chest. “It’s all about the

equipment you use when you’re working out.”

“I’m starting to understand that.”
By the time Kemp finished, his abdomen was screaming and felt tighter. It felt good to work out

again. Sweat dripped down Kemper’s face. He used his shirtsleeve to wipe his brow. Shawn
adjusted the weights on one of the machines.

“Have a seat.”
Kemper sat, spreading his thighs so that the machine would work his thighs. Shawn slid his hand

up the inside of Kemp’s thigh. His touch was so unexpected that it had Kemper freezing.

“How’s the leg feel?” Shawn asked.

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“Are you going to tell me about this tattoo?”
The edge of the dragon’s tail whipped around his thigh. The entire piece circled his leg. “I got it

a few years ago.”

“Too bad it’s hidden. I’d like to see it sometime.”
“I’ll show you later.”
Shawn’s hand tightened on his thigh. “Get to work, Kemper.”
Kemper grinned as he obeyed. “What about you? Any tattoos?”
“Just one.”
“Going to tell me about it?” Kemp asked.
“It’s a dragon, too. It kind of looks like this one, but mine is in black and gray. It’s on the outside

of my thigh though,” Shawn said.

Their eyes locked. A shiver of need vibrated through Kemper’s blood.
“You shouldn’t look at me that way,” Shawn said.
Heat moved up over Kemper’s cheeks. “You shouldn’t touch me.”
Shawn spread his fingers over Kemper’s thigh. “You don’t want to go there with me.”
“Maybe I do.”
“The only thing you should be doing is your workout. Now, get back to work.”
Whatever moment they shared was suddenly gone. Shawn was all business. Red highlights shone

in his blond hair. Dark freckles spun their way up both of his arms. Kemp went to work crushing his
thighs on the machine. All the while, Kemp kept his focus on Shawn’s legs.

“Do a rep of fifty.”
“Fuck,” Kemp growled.
“Okay, another fifty after that.”
Kemper felt as though Shawn was punishing him. Tonight, Kemp wanted to be punished for

slacking off for so long. Kemp pinned Shawn with a hard stare. Shawn circled, coming in close from
behind. The tips of his fingers slid down the sides of Kemper’s neck. Shawn gave his neck a light

“Didn’t I warn you about those looks?” Shawn asked.
“Why are you so afraid of me?”
Shawn came in close, brushing his lips over the nape of Kemp’s neck. Kemper closed his eyes

as he felt Shawn’s lips press against his erogenous zone. Shawn’s kiss was the most erotic and
seductive Kemper had ever experienced in his entire life. He couldn’t remember anyone ever kissing
him on a part of his body other than his lips. Kemper’s cock kicked out, filling with painfully sweet

“I’m not afraid of you. I’m trying to decide how to punish you for being so disobedient,” Shawn


Every muscle in Kemper’s body tensed as he felt the heat of Shawn’s breath and the tip of his

hot, wet tongue lick out, tasting Kemper’s skin. A violent shiver tore through Kemper’s body. That
sensual and seductive kiss had Kemper’s body melting into the workout equipment. His cock
throbbed as his body whimpered for a release that wouldn’t be coming anytime soon.

“Give me fifty more.”
The heat of Shawn’s breath nearly made Kemper come.
He finished his reps and was waiting for the next order that wasn’t coming. Heat spiraled

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through Kemp’s body, landing solidly in his prick. He felt his hard cock kicking up against his boxers,
and he adjusted to hide his dick.

Kemper decided to poke the bear. He knew it was wrong, but Shawn had already crossed the

line. “I think I like the idea of you punishing me.”

Pre-cum leaked from Kemper’s tip as his cock flexed out. His cockhead pinched up between his

boxer briefs and his skin. Kemp reached out, brushing his hand over his prick.

“You’re begging.”
“Fuck. I know I am.”
Shawn leaned down close to Kemper’s ear. “You’re not ready to be punished. Soon.” Shawn

pulled his hand away from Kemper’s neck. “Your workout is over for today.”

What the fuck? Kemper looked up at the clock shocked to see that they had gone for two hours

instead of the hour that Shawn had promised.

“Go shower.”
The order was like a hit to Kemper’s ass. Kemper stood, grabbing his towel and wiping his

face. He headed for the locker room. Kemp didn’t like his emotions being toyed with, even if it came
in the form of physical motivation. These workouts were going to end before anything physical
happened that could jeopardize their careers. Kemp was going to have a chat with Chief Anderson.
He’d lose the weight and get back into shape on his own. He didn’t need a personal trainer. Kemp
slammed open his locker, grabbing his duffle bag. He headed for the shower, yanking the curtain
closed on the dressing area. Kemp flipped on the shower, testing the water as he tried to rein in his
emotions. Kemp kicked off his shoes and stripped down to only his titanium leg. He sat down on the
bench and worked his leg off.

Kemp knew he was a fucking fall risk, as the nurse at the rehabilitation center said, but he was

not about to ask for accommodations at work. There were handles just inside the shower. Kemp used
them for balance as he stepped inside the shower.

Hot water washed over Kemp’s body. He glanced down at his throbbing prick. It was bright red

and ticking hard for release. Kemp bit his lip, licking his tongue out as though he could taste Shawn.

Shawn. Fuck. Why wouldn’t he just go away? He was like a fly constantly buzzing.

Domineering. Kemp knew he’d take control in the bedroom. Something sexual zipped deep inside of
Kemper. He had always wanted someone to take control of him in the bedroom, but had been too shy
to ask a lover.

“I don’t like being ignored.”
Kemp could see his shadow through the curtain. Shawn wasn’t about to go away. Kemp was too

twisted up to respond to him. Yes, he was hiding. The truth was, Kemp had always been shy when it
came to his love life.

“I know you’re in there.”
Shawn had lowered his voice to a seductive whisper. What the hell did he want now? Hadn’t

Kemp embarrassed himself enough? Kemper was so twisted up from Shawn’s kiss that he felt like his
jizz was going to fly. By the time his spunk settled, he knew that nothing would be the same. Kemp
heard the sound of the outer curtain move. He froze with his palms pressed to the tile.

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“What’s up?” Kemp asked.
“Are you okay in there?”
“I’m fine.”
The shower curtain was gently moved aside. Kemp glanced over his shoulder to see Shawn’s

trademark hard stare watching him closely. Shawn’s gaze went head to toe, drinking in the dragon
tattoo on his leg. The spiky jaws were spread wide open, as though they were about to snap down on
his balls.

“I love that tattoo,” Shawn said.
Shawn leaned one of those broad shoulders on the tile as though he had all the time in the world.
“Don’t you have someplace to be?” Kemp asked.
“Not really. I kind of like hanging out here with you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
“No, you don’t. You do just fine.”
Hot water rained down on Kemper’s aching shoulders. His left hand covered his disobedient

cock as he tried to keep his prick from Shawn’s eyes. Kemper’s dick throbbed beneath his palm. He
really needed to cool the water down, but he didn’t want to risk reaching for the handle.

“This isn’t safe for you,” Shawn said. “I’ll talk with the chief about this.”
“You don’t need to do that. I can manage.”
“Yes, I do. They need to update the showers. A few handle bars are not enough.”
Kemp pivoted to prove he was steady on his feet. That was a mistake. The sudden movement

caused him to lose his balance. Shawn reached out, catching him before his ass hit the floor. Kemp’s
chest was pressed against Shawn’s. His cock was trapped along Shawn’s thigh. Their eyes locked.
Shawn came into sharp focus as everything else faded away. Water dripped down Kemper’s face,
splashing over his lips. Kemp licked out, catching a drop of water on his tongue.

“Don’t look at me that way,” Shawn said.
The rough sound of Shawn’s voice was like a brutal hit to Kemper’s ego. “Like what?”
“Like you want me to kiss you.”
The heat of Shawn’s body felt too good to deny. He liked being in Shawn’s arms. “Let go of


“I don’t think so. I let go of you and you’ll fall on your ass. I don’t want to be the one

responsible for you getting hurt in here.”

Shawn turned Kemper toward the far wall of the shower, pulling the curtain closed behind them.

Water splashed down around them as Shawn held Kemper close. The corners of Shawn’s lips lifted
as he leaned his lips down to kiss Kemper. Heat moved through Kemper’s body, causing his hands to
tighten down into Shawn’s T-shirt. Kemp knew that he was unconsciously pulling Shawn closer. In
every relationship that Kemper ever had, he always topped. He knew that with Shawn things would
be very different.

“Kiss me,” Kemper said.
“Aw, fuck me. Your cock is so fucking hard.”
Shawn’s hard lips pressed against Kemper’s in a strong, possessive move that left Kemper

feeling off balance. Shawn flicked his tongue over Kemper’s lips, brushing it deeply into his mouth.
Their tongues dueled as Shawn’s fought for dominance and control of the kiss. Kemper whimpered as

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he completely submitted to Shawn’s kiss with his entire body.

A groan tore from the back of Kemper’s throat and the sound was swallowed by Shawn.

Emotion poured through Kemper as Shawn threaded his fingers into his hair, tightening his fingers
down roughly. Shawn used his chest to keep Kemper pinned to the tile. His right hand moved down
over Kemper’s throbbing cock, giving it a few tugs. Shawn palmed his cock, using the pad of his
thumb to rub over his cockhead as though he were flicking the tip of a lighter.

Their kiss spun deeper. A shiver echoed through Kemp’s body. He melted into Shawn’s arms.

He slid his hands up around Shawn’s broad shoulders, taking the tongue-lashing Shawn was giving
him. Voices carried in the corridor near the showers. Shawn broke his lips away, dropping them to
Kemper’s ear.

“Calm the fuck down.”
Shawn’s order was like a bucket of cold water splashing onto Kemper’s face. There was too

much chance of getting caught.

“I’m solid.”
“You taste so sweet. Like the sweetest peach I’ve ever tasted.”
Shawn’s hot breath fanned out over his ear. Kemper knew he needed to get control of his

feelings, but it was too damn hard with Shawn so close to him. He was feeling all of it and it felt so
right within his arms.

“You’re getting wet,” Kemper said.
“Yeah, I think I like getting wet with you.”
“Do you?”
Shawn pressed his lips again to Kemper’s, taking a really long time to explore his mouth. Shawn

slipped his leg between Kemper’s thighs, moving his hands down over Kemper’s ass. The tips of his
fingers slid down between Kemper’s ass cheeks, teasing ever so closely to his tingling rim. The room
started to spin as the tips of Shawn’s fingers rubbed over his sensitive rim. Kemper arched his ass out
for more, knowing all the while he shouldn’t go so far so fast. He did not know Shawn at all. It scared
Kemper to know that he was falling so fast and hard for a man he met only twenty-four hours ago.

Kemper felt completely off balance as Shawn broke his mouth away.
“We need to talk before we take this further,” Shawn said.
“I was thinking the same.”
When Kemper kissed Shawn, he felt complete and whole on the inside and out. He didn’t think

he would ever feel that way again. Shawn reached out and turned off the shower. He helped Kemper
out of the shower, pulling the towel around his waist. No one had ever been so gentle with him in his
entire life.

“I’ll swing by your house later tonight.”
It was a statement, an order Kemper had no choice but to obey. “I’ll see you later.”

* * * *

There were four bags of groceries sitting in the trunk of Shawn’s car. He was almost positive

that Kemper hadn’t bothered to go to the store since he helped him clean up his house yesterday. It
was dark by the time Shawn pulled up in front of Kemper’s house. The lights were on downstairs.

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They needed to talk about that kiss they shared in the shower. Shawn hadn’t planned on taking

another sub on so soon. He’d just gotten out of a relationship two months ago. He usually liked at
least six months between relationships. It took a lot out of Shawn emotionally and physically as a
Dom. Once Shawn committed to a relationship, the duration always lasted two years. It seemed
controlling, but Shawn always drew up a contract. He went over every detail before he took on his
sub and then they both signed it. Shawn had a copy of his standard relationship contract in his pocket.

Shawn shut off the car and stared at the house for a few moments. Taking on a sub he worked

with was completely out of character for Shawn, but he sensed that Kemper needed him for more.
Shawn had a weakness for men who needed him. The psychiatrist in his head totally went into shrink
mode. If Shawn didn’t put a stop to it, he’d be flushed down memory lane so fast he wouldn’t be able
to stop himself. Being neglected as a child totally sucked. It spawned this need to dominate and have
complete control of his personal life. He was in college when he started practicing the lifestyle. Once
he had a taste of being a Dom, he couldn’t stop.

Some might call his lifestyle an addiction. It wasn’t an addiction. It was all about his

relationship with his submissive. It was all about training his submissive. He hoped he wouldn’t
scare Kemper away when he told him he was a Dom. A few of his relationships had ended when he
confided that he was a Dom.

With that thought in mind, Shawn grabbed the bags from the backseat. He managed to carry two

at a time as he headed up the walk. He hit the bell and waited. Kemper opened the door a few
seconds later. The fresh scent of a man who just stepped from the shower struck Shawn in the face.
Shawn felt his entire body melt when he drank Kemper’s scent in, memorizing every exotic detail. A
flash of white-hot lust sprinted through Shawn’s body when he thought about the kiss they shared in
the shower. He saw Kemper gagged and strapped down with leather on his bed. A possessive need
spun up through Shawn’s body.

He wanted Kemper for everything.
“Are you coming inside or are you going to stand on my porch all night?” Kemper asked.
It took Shawn a few seconds to regain his ability to speak. “I brought you some groceries.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. Your refrigerator is most likely still empty.”
Shawn barged his way inside, heading down the hallway toward the kitchen. “There are two

more bags in the backseat of my car.”

“I’ll grab them.”
It was a physical test Shawn wanted Kemper to accomplish on his own. His balance was getting

better. They still had a lot of work to do before Kemp’s SWAT test. Kemper came into the kitchen
with the two bags, setting them down on the table. Shawn pulled out the fresh fruit and veggies. He
put them away in the refrigerator.

There was something playing on Shawn’s mind. He was quite certain that Kemper didn’t have

any friends. Shawn knew that Kemp was tight with the guys at work, but outside of that Shawn knew
Kemp didn’t have any guys he hung out with. The fact that Kemper didn’t have anyone really bothered

“So, do you have any plans this weekend?” Shawn asked.
“Not much.”
Shawn grabbed the bag of organic apples from the fridge. He opened the bag and washed them,

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placing them in the bowl on the counter. Even after one session, Shawn could see the difference in the
way Kemper carried himself. A few more weeks and he’d be completely back in shape.

“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Shawn said.
Shawn tossed Kemper one of the apples. He caught it and brought it to his nose before he gave it

a sniff. Kemper gave it a bite. Shawn watched his jaw go to work, watching as his Adam’s apple
bobbed up and down as he swallowed. A groan of need echoed through Shawn’s chest as he thought
about collaring and chaining Kemper.

Shawn pressed his palms against the counter. “I’m a Dom.”
Kemper’s jaw froze in midchew before it went to work again. He swallowed before speaking.
“As in leather and whips?”
“I want you as my submissive.”
Kemper crossed his arms, leaning hips against the table. “I’ve never been a bottom.”
“I only top.”
Kemper nervously uncrossed his arms, gripping the edge of the table. “What do you want to do

about this?”

Shawn felt his heart hammering. He had never wanted somebody so badly in his entire life. He

had never wanted to dominate someone so completely that he was afraid of losing him before they
even started. Shawn knew that if he didn’t get the chance, he was going to have a hard time getting
over Kemper.

“I guess the next step is up to you. Do you want me as your Dom?”
Kemper’s long lashes brushed against his cheeks as he took a moment to look down and think

about it. Shawn held his breath as he waited eagerly for Kemper’s answer.

Relief wrapped with excitement poured through Shawn’s body. He reached for the contract

folded up in his back pocket. “I always draw up a contract with my submissive.”

“A contract?”
“Yes. I want you to know everything I’m going to do to you. Read through it and sign it if you

want to take this to the next step.”

Kemper’s hand shook slightly as he took the three-page contract into his hands. He set his half-

eaten apple on the counter. He turned away as he started to read the contract. It was Shawn’s standard
contract. He outlined all aspects of sex he liked to perform on his submissive. The corner of Shawn’s
mouth ticked up when he saw a blush creep up the sides of Kemper’s cheeks. Shawn knew exactly
what Kemper was reading.

Shawn’s standard contract listed spanking, flogging, chaining, rope work, gagging, sex toys, and

collaring with leash. Kemper flipped to the second page that listed the terms of their relationship.
They would be exclusive for the next six months. After six months, they could renegotiate the terms of
their relationship for a longer term. Most of Shawn’s relationships were renegotiated for another six.
Kemper flipped to the final page that listed where they would both sign. It also discussed the love
clause. Neither one had the right to fall in love with the other. This was purely a physical contract.

“Absolutely, no love, right?” Kemper asked.
“No. This is purely a physical contract and a physical relationship. I don’t fall in love.”
“What breaks the contract?”

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“Noncompliance. You will have a safe word. Noncompliance falls in the category of

disobedience. For example, if I ask you to crawl to me and you completely refuse. You are in breach
of contract. Safety and safe words are outside of noncompliance.”

“I think I understand, but explain to me how a safe word works.”
“If things get a little too intense for you, that’s when you’ll use your safe word for me to back


“Have any of your subs had to use their safe word?” Kemper asked.
Kemper seemed to consider that information for a moment as he stared down at the contract.
“The condom clause?”
“I always wear them. I’ve never not used a glove. Have you ever gone without them?”
“When I’m in a committed relationship, I don’t wear condoms,” Kemper said.
“We will use them all the time.”
He nodded and frowned as though he didn’t like this aspect of what would be happening

between them.

“How many submissives have you had?”
The question was a fair one and one an experience submissive usually asked before getting

involved with a new Dom.

“Over my lifetime or do you want the last five years?” Shawn asked.
Kemper nodded. That frown was becoming permanent on his forehead.
Shawn came in close, brushing the tips of his fingers through Kemper’s hair. “How many long-

term relationships have you had?” Shawn asked.

“Two,” Kemper said.
Only two? The number totally surprised Shawn. He never expected Kemper to be so innocent.

“Were they long-term?”

“Yeah. Both of them were.”
Shawn normally didn’t ask about former lovers, but for some odd reason he had to know about

Kemper’s. “Were you in love with them?” Shawn asked.

“I thought I was. I was young and inexperienced. I don’t think I completely understood what love


“Do you now?”
Kemper grinned. “I know what it isn’t.”
“Well, we’ll both know how to keep love out of this relationship then. It will be easier for both

of us to move on when this is over.”

That frown was getting overtime action on his forehead again. Those imperfect lines made

Kemper look really dangerous and sexy and completely uncertain.

“If you need more time to look over the contract…”
“No, it’s not that.”
“What is it?” Shawn asked.
Kemper looked across the room at Shawn. There was cold, hard determination in his gaze. Right

then, Shawn wanted to know what he was thinking, but he knew he shouldn’t ask. Some things were

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better left alone at the end of the day.

“Are you ready to sign with me?” Shawn asked.
There was a built-in wall desk in the kitchen. Kemper went over to it, grabbing a pen. Kemper

signed his name with a flourish. He handed the contract over to Shawn, and he signed it also. When
Shawn was finished, he folded the contract back up and placed it in his back pocket.

“When do you want to begin?” Kemper asked.
“Right now.” Shawn went to the wall, flipping the lights off. “Pick a safe word.”
Moonlight stretched lazily across the laminated floor. Shawn circled in close, smoothing his

hands down over Kemper’s ass as he pulled him close. He hit their cocks together, grinding them
against each other. Shawn threaded his fingers into Kemper’s hair, tightening down his fingers.

Shawn brushed his lips over Kemper’s ear. He released his breath, fanning heat over Kemper’s

ear. “You will obey my commands.”

“And if I don’t?”
“You’ll be punished.”
Kemper shivered within Shawn’s arms. He loved how vulnerable and inexperienced his new

submissive was.

“I’m going to make you come so hard that I blow your mind for all other men.”
“Oh, god.”
“Scared?” Shawn asked.
“Good. The only thing you need to be frightened of is coming before I say you can.” Shawn

licked his tongue out over Kemper’s ear, nipping his earlobe into his mouth. He scraped his teeth
across the sensitive curve of his ear. Shawn took two steps backward and gave Kemper his first
command. “Now undress.”

Complete compliance was the only way this relationship could work. Shadows played over

Kemper’s body as he went to work unzipping his fly and dropping his jeans to the floor. He stepped
out of them. It was then that Shawn noticed that Kemper had a different type of hardware on his leg. It
was then too that Shawn noticed that Kemp was barefoot. Kemper reached behind his head, pulling
his T-shirt off in one sexy move. His muscles rippled to life in a wave that sent heat scorching through
Shawn’s body. The sensation was like lightning striking through his body. Kemper was stocky and
sexy just the way Shawn liked his lovers. He would fit perfectly when the time was right.

Tight white Tommy Hilfiger briefs shone in the moonlight. Three inches of the tip of Kemper’s

cockhead hung out over the band of his briefs. Those tight briefs accentuated Kemper’s balls. Kemper
went to hook his thumbs into the band of those briefs when Shawn grunted in disapproval.

“Leave the briefs on for now.”
Kemper bit his lip, sucking on his full lower lip as though he was having a really hard time

obeying his command. His right hand moved over his prick, adjusting it through those tight briefs.
Shawn’s gaze moved over Kemper’s navel, following that thick happy trail like a cowboy who had
all the time in the world.

“Don’t move.”
Every muscle in Kemper’s body appeared to be locked tight as he waited for Shawn’s next

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command. Shawn hadn’t planned on starting their first session tonight, but he was emotionally weak
when it came to Kemper.

Emotional weakness wasn’t something Shawn ever felt before with a submissive. Shawn always

had complete control of his emotional grid. He was a pro when it came to compartmentalizing his
feelings. He suspected that was what made him such a good Dom. Things were very different with
Kemper. He didn’t know why, and right now he didn’t care why they were different. He just knew
that Kemper was special and unique and completely his to use as he saw fit for the next six months.

Shawn worked his leather belt out of the loops of his jeans. He wrapped the leather back on

itself and gave the loop a powerful snap that shouted through the kitchen. Kemper’s eyes widened as
Shawn came closer. Shawn worked the leather around Kemper’s hips, sliding the belt down under
Kemper’s ass. He bounced Kemper’s athletic ass several times. The tip of Kemper’s cockhead
bounced with each shake of his ass.

A shiver went through Kemper’s body as Shawn slid the leather belt up his back. Shawn worked

the leather up over Kemper’s shoulder and over his neck. Shawn leaned in, giving Kemper a
possessive kiss. Shawn threaded his fingers into Kemper’s hair as he flicked his tongue deep into his
mouth. He worked the leather belt around Kemper’s neck, sliding it in close to make a collar.

After tightening the belt, Shawn stepped back, hooking his fingers into the front of Kemper’s

briefs. Shawn slipped both hands into the window, yanking the soft cotton material apart as though he
were ripping open a birthday present. Kemper gasped as the material ripped apart, exposing his fully
loaded cock. Kemper’s prick slapped out, hitting against his abdomen.

Pre-cum left a creamy wet spot on Kemper’s abdomen. It took all of Shawn’s willpower not to

lean down and lap up that sweet cream. Shawn smeared his thumb over that wet spot, smoothing it up
over Kemper’s navel. Shawn lifted his thumb to his lips, licking the cream off the pad of his thumb.
Shawn felt his eyes go dreamy as he tasted his lover for the first time. He usually wasn’t such a cum
whore but he was feeling like one tonight.

The flaps of Kemper’s briefs hung open like the torn pages of a new book. Shawn reached

around Kemper’s backside, ripping that white cotton so that it exposed his ass cheeks, too. Shawn
couldn’t resist temptation and slid the tips of two fingers up between Kemper’s ass cheeks. Kemper
groaned as the pads of his fingers rubbed over his rim. Kemper arched out his ass for more. Shawn
pulled away, whipping Kemper around.

“Hands on the table. Don’t move.”
Kemper arched out his ass, silently begging Shawn to take ownership of him with his leather

belt. Shawn slid his fingers over the leather belt that was now a collar. Shawn rubbed his hands over
Kemper’s ass, giving his ass cheeks a hard pinch. Shawn felt Kemper relax into his touch. It was then
that Shawn knew it was time to spank Kemper until he was begging for more.

Shawn pulled back his hand, bring it back in hard. He spanked Kemper roughly, making his balls

bounce into his prick. Shawn watched as his cock flexed up, hitting against his abdomen. With every
hit of Shawn’s palm, Kemper groaned for more.

Headlights cut across the front windows. Shawn pressed his hand against Kemper’s back when

he started to stand.

“Are you expecting someone?” Shawn asked.
“Then who could be here to see you?”

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“I don’t know.”
Kemper sounded breathless and annoyed. Shawn grabbed the band of Kemper’s briefs and

yanked, tearing his briefs off. He worked to remove his belt from around Kemper’s neck. “This could
be a problem. Put your jeans on.”

A few seconds later, a knock sounded on the front door. “Answer it.”

* * * *

Another knock sounded on the front door. Kemper had no idea who would be visiting him this

late at night. Kemper knew he was still under his Dom’s control. His head was still spinning from the
fact that he had a Dom. Despite his cock being stuffed inside his jeans, Kemper’s prick throbbed for
more. Kemper went for the door as annoyance marched up his spine. He looked out the window,
seeing the last person in the entire world he expected to see.

“Who is it?” Shawn asked.
Kemper met Shawn’s gaze. Those dark eyes sent a shiver of lust through his body. Kemper

flexed his cock, feeling the rough edge of denim against his sensitive skin.

“Evan Thunder. He’s our tactical photographer.”
“Let him in.”
Shawn headed into the living room, turning on the television as Kemper opened the front door.
“Hey, Evan. What’s up?”
“I was on my way home. I have some photos I took after your accident. I thought they might help

you work through what happened.”

“Come on in.”
Evan looked around, seeing Shawn in the living room. “Oh, hey, Shawn. Long time no see.”
Something passed between the two men that looked a lot like a history. Kemper couldn’t help it

when his mouth opened and things spewed out.

“You two know each other?” Kemper asked.
“Yeah. Shawn was almost the reason why I nearly dropped out of the Academy,” Evan said.
A grin tugged at the corner of Shawn’s lips. “I couldn’t help it if you were distracted.”
Evan’s face turned red. Yes, something had gone down between the two men. Kemper crossed

his arms. “Were you two going out?”

A bark of laughter shot from Shawn’s lips. “No. Evan was distracted by someone else in

training. I confronted him during training. He didn’t like what I had to say.”

“Fuck you.”
“I taught you to keep your head in the game. Didn’t I?” Shawn asked.
Evan ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I didn’t come here to mess up your evening. You can

keep these, Kemp. I thought you might like to take a look at them when you had time.”

Kemp took the binder Evan offered, but didn’t open it. “Thanks. I’ll look at them later.”
“No rush. See you later.” Evan glared at Shawn on his way out the door.
Kemper locked the door behind Evan and set the binder of photos on the entrance table. It was

getting late. Kemp was discovering that he really didn’t know anything about Shawn.

“Were you and Evan lovers?” Kemp asked.
“Jealous sub?”

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“No…I just want to know.”
Shawn smiled. “No. Evan and I haven’t ever gotten along well. We’re too much alike.”
Kemper stood just inside the living room archway. His cock was still rock hard and begging to

be released again.

Kemp pulled his T-shirt over his head and unzipped his jeans. He loved the way Shawn sucked

in his breath as his hard prick snapped out of his jeans. Kemp knew he still wasn’t in the best shape
physically, but Shawn didn’t seem to mind. His ass was still bruised, hot, and sensitive from his
spanking. Kemp ran his hand down his prick, giving it a good squeeze. A dewy drip of pre-cum
leaked from his swollen tip. Shawn settled back into his leather couch, tossing both hands over the
back and spreading his thick, muscular thighs wide. Kemp licked his lips as he let his gaze settle on
the thick bulge behind Shawn’s zipper. A shiver of white-hot anticipation echoed through his system,
short circuiting all thought going through Kemper’s mind.

“Crawl to me.”
Kemper got down on his hands and knees, surprised that his prosthetic went to work. The wide-

planked hardwood floor felt cool beneath his palms. He crawled across the room, stopping in front of
Shawn’s wide thighs. Shawn reached out, running his fingers through Kemper’s hair. Shawn slipped
his fingers beneath his shirt to pull out a thin gold chain. He unclasped it, swinging it from the tips of
his fingers. Shawn eased up off the couch, moving to stand behind Kemper.

“Stand up.”
Kemper eased up off of his knees and onto his feet. Shawn’s hot hands smoothed around his

hips, caressing him sensually. Kemp felt his body melt back against Shawn’s as his eyes closed. He
loved the feel of Shawn’s hot hands on his body. They smoothed down over his prick, giving it a
rough tug that sent pre-cum leaking from his tip. Several drips of pre-cum hit the leather couch

The chain slipped up over Kemper’s throbbing prick. Shawn tightened it down at the hilt of his

cock. He pulled the ring around his cock tight, slipping a loop around his balls.

“You have the biggest balls of any submissive I’ve ever taken on.”
Shawn smoothed his hand down over his balls, giving them a firm squeeze. It felt so good when

Shawn slipped the tips of his fingers up over his perineum. Shawn worked the chain between his legs
and between his ass cheeks. Shawn pulled the ends around Kemper’s legs, hooking each end to the
chain around his cock ring. Kemper groaned as he arched out his ass, causing the chain to rub over his

“You’re so eager.”
Hot kisses were placed over Kemper’s neck. Shawn’s kisses were whisper soft. The heat of his

breath weakened Kemp’s knees. Shawn’s big hand reached around, giving Kemp’s big cock a stroke.

“You will not come until I give you permission.”
Kemp’s entire body shook. “Yes, Sir.”
Shawn spun him around. Kemper was disappointed that Shawn was still dressed, but there was

nothing he could do about getting his Dom naked. Shawn wrapped his hand behind Kemper’s neck as
he came in for a possessive kiss. Kemp felt his free hand reach down and grab his ass cheek as their
lips dove deeper into hungry, passionate kiss. The tips of Shawn’s fingers rubbed the chain
seductively over Kemper’s rim. Kemper whimpered as his cock flexed against the sweet edge of

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Shawn’s cotton shirt. The tips of Kemp’s fingers reached down, pulling Shawn’s shirt aside. The
swollen tip of Kemper’s cockhead brushed against furry skin. He groaned when he realized that
Shawn had a really hairy chest. From the feel of his hair, Kemper was certain that Shawn groomed his
chest hair short.

Shawn grabbed his hand, squeezing it hard. “No touching me.”
Kemper blinked several times as though he were waking from a deep fog. “What?”
“You have a lot to learn about what it means to be my submissive.”
“Teach me. I want to know everything.”
“You will.”
Shawn brushed his lips back and forth against Kemper’s. “I want you so badly.”
“I know you do, but I hadn’t planned on going so far tonight.”
Kemper groaned as Shawn pulled away. “Don’t leave me this way.”
Shawn chuckled as he flicked his thumb over the tip of his cockhead. “Desperate?”
“Fuck, yes. I’ve never been so hard in my entire life. I’m going to explode.”
Shawn shook his head back and forth. “Not yet, babe. I didn’t give you permission to blow your


Every muscle in Kemper’s body was flexed hard. Pre-cum dripped from his tip, sliding down

the ridges of his stiff cock. He watched Shawn. He was calm, cool, and collected in the way he
handled Kemp.

“Spread your legs wide. Bend over and grab your ankles.”
Shawn spread his legs and bent over. He groaned when Shawn came in behind him to rub the

pad of his thumb over his chained rim. Sweat beaded at his brow as he worked to hold the position.
He whimpered as Shawn bent down, slipping his fingers beneath the chain between his ass cheeks.
Kemper groaned as the ring around his cock tightened ever so sweetly. Shawn leaned down and
licked his rim. Kemper nearly fell over as Shawn attacked his rim with his rough tongue. Kemp
arched his ass out for more. Shawn used the chain to rock his body back and forth as he licked his
rim. Kemp cried out as Shawn reached between his legs and gave his cock several stroking tugs that
caused his prick to point toward the floor.

“You’re so eager for me,” Shawn said.
“Fuck…I need you so badly.”
“I know you do, but you’re not ready for me.”
Kemper’s entire body shook. His prick flexed in Shawn’s palm. “I’m going to come if you keep

touching me this way.”

Shawn pinched the tip of his cock. “You will not come until I give you permission.”
Kemper groaned. He wanted more with Shawn, but he knew he had to wait for his lover’s

permission before they made the next step. The sound of a zipper flying down startled Kemper. He
felt the silky smooth heat of cock sliding across his ass cheek. Kemper gasped as Shawn smacked his
thick prick against his ass.

Several more hits struck him in the ass cheek. With each punishing hit, Kemper came closer to

coming all over himself. What was going to happen if he couldn’t keep his spunk locked down in his
dick? Shawn was going to punish him if he did come. Shawn slipped the tip of his fingers beneath the
chain, yanking it to the side. Kemper gasped as the cock ring tighten down so hard that it kept his seed
from spilling.

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The thick, silky tip of Shawn’s cock slid against his rim. Shawn thrust his cock up and down

over his rim, pushing it hard until his rim started to give. He was definitely not wearing a condom, but
Kemp was in no position to say anything. His Dom was in complete control and Kemp trusted him
completely. Shawn pulled abruptly away. Kemp heard the sound of foil ripping and the distinct sound
of another wrapper ripping open. Kemp groaned as he felt Shawn’s lubed fingers smooth over his
tingling rim. Shawn pushed his finger slowly into Kemp’s ass. The sensation was amazing. Kemp had
always topped, always loved the feel of sinking his cock home into tight ass. Now, this time, he was
the tight ass giving another man pleasure. It felt so good to be submitting to his lover. Kemper arched
his ass back for more.

“You’re so fucking tight.”
“I’ve never had anything in my ass before.”
A strangled curse murmured from Shawn’s lips as he pulled his finger out and pushed back in

with two. Kemper felt his ass stretch wider. Shawn pulled his lubed fingers out. When he came back
in, Shawn pressed his big cockhead against Kemper’s rim.

“I’ve never taken a virgin hole before.”
“I’m not…”
Shawn smacked his hand across Kemper’s ass. The sound echoed within the living room. “You

are. You’ve never had cock in your ass.”

Kemper groaned, loving the smack of Shawn’s hand against his ass. Shawn pushed his big

cockhead into Kemp’s ass, stretching his ass wide as he shoved himself slowly inside. When he was
inside completely, Shawn held himself still. He flexed his cock up and down. It nearly sent Kemper
over the edge. He whimpered as Shawn reached around, stroking his cock. It was then that Shawn
started to move. He hit Kemper’s ass with short, thrusting strokes that hit everything perfectly.
Kemper’s balls slapped back and forth as their bodies hit together.

Shawn gripped Kemper’s hips as he thrust his cock in and out of his ass. Kemp couldn’t hold the

position any longer.

“I’ve got you.”
Strong hands smoothed down Kemper’s arms, pulling him up. Shawn locked his hands around

both of Kemper’s wrists as he took him hard. With each punishing hit, Kemp’s balls slung back and
forth against Shawn’s balls. The sensation of their balls hitting together nearly made Kemper come.

“I’m your Dom. You won’t have anyone else. Say it.”
“You’re my Dom. Only you!”
At the last second, Shawn pulled out his cock. Kemper heard the snap of Shawn’s condom

coming off. Shawn spun him around, pushing him down on the leather couch. Kemper’s eyes were
bright with lust as they settled onto Shawn’s cock for the first time. Kemper groaned in appreciation,
licking his lips as he drank in the sight of his beautiful cock. Shawn’s cock was thick and tapered
from the tip to the hilt, getting thicker as it went down. Kemp had never seen a prick so big before.
Shawn took off his jeans and kneeled onto the couch, straddling Kemper’s thighs.

Shawn threaded his fingers into Kemper’s hair and pulled Kemper’s hungry mouth down onto

his cockhead. Heat moved over Kemper’s lips as Shawn’s throbbing prick slipped over his tongue.
Saliva rushed through Kemper’s mouth as he swallowed Shawn’s big dick. He reached out with his
hands, grabbing the thick shaft. Kemp loved getting deep throated. He loved the feel of cockhead

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slipping down his throat. Shawn just knew how to take him, giving him time to recover from each
deep thrust. Shawn’s prick throbbed. Kemp knew he was close to coming.

A muffled groan tore from the back of Kemper’s throat as Shawn reached between his spread

thighs, tugging on Kemper’s cock. Kemp was so close to letting his spunk fly.

“Come for me,” Shawn said.
The order was too bittersweet not to obey. Kemper needed to come. He groaned as he bucked

his hips up off the couch, coming into Shawn’s rough hand. Hot and sweet cum pumped down
Kemper’s throat as Shawn came hard. Kemp sucked hard on his prick as Shawn came. After several
long, drawn-out seconds, Shawn slipped his dick from Kemper’s mouth. Shawn tilted up Kemper’s
mouth with his thumbs. He leaned down, kissing Kemper’s puffy and swollen lips. Shawn brushed his
lips back and forth sweetly as though he were savoring the sweet taste of a peach. He licked out,
kissing Kemper deeply.

Every time they kissed, Kemper knew he was losing a little piece of his heart to a man who he

didn’t know well. That scared the hell out of him, but he knew he wasn’t about to stop anytime soon.
It felt too good and too right to kiss this mystery man. Each time their lips parted, Kemper wanted to
dive in for more. With Shawn in control, he knew it wouldn’t be soon enough before he dove back
inside. Shawn used his shirt to clean up the cum off of Kemper’s chest. The move was really sweet.
Kemper never had a lover take care of him before.

“Did I please you?” Kemper asked.
“Yes. I think we’re going to be good together,” Shawn said. “We have good sexual chemistry.”
Shawn edged away, pulling his clothes on. Kemper just sat there on his couch, a little bit shell-

shocked. The romantic in him wanted Shawn to stay the night so that they could cuddle together, but
he knew they didn’t have that type of relationship. By the looks of the contract, Kemper was certain
they wouldn’t ever have that type of relationship.

“Get some rest. I want to see you bright and early in the Training Center tomorrow.”
“I will.”
Shawn froze as though he wanted to say or do more, but didn’t. Their eyes locked and something

Kemper didn’t know how to define passed through Shawn’s gaze.

“Goodnight, Kemp.”
Kemper sat up, running his hands through his hair. Despite having his ass planted on the couch,

he felt really off balance. He didn’t know how things were going to go down now that they were
lovers. Correction. They weren’t really lovers. They were contracted fuck buddies. Their work
relationship was totally going to get fucked up. Kemp knew it even though his mind wanted to deny it.
Kemp slid off the couch and headed upstairs, all the while wishing that Shawn had stayed the night. It
was then that Kemper knew his heart wasn’t in the contract. There was no clause for stupidity.
Kemper was just going to have to be stupid when it came to Shawn.

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Chapter Four

Shawn woke up early the next morning with thoughts of Kemper playing hard on his mind. He

immediately dressed and went in to the Training Center to get his workout in before Kemper showed
up for his morning session. Shawn needed the physical routine to purge his thoughts of Kemper. It
didn’t work. The more he pushed himself physically, the more he thought about Kemper.

It was then that Shawn decided he was going to push Kemper hard this morning. He wanted to

punish Kemper for setting up shop within his head. It was Shawn’s own damn fault for taking him on
without thinking through all the consequences of his actions. Shawn did not normally take on a
submissive he worked with or trained.

Sweat was dripping from Shawn’s body as he finished his final rep of pull-ups. He jumped

down off the bar, shaking out his arms. He needed to shower before Kemp arrived. He was a hot
mess inside and out. Truthfully, he wanted to pull himself together before he saw him.

Shawn went straight for his locker, where he grabbed his gym bag and headed for the shower.

He pulled the curtain closed behind him and turned on the cool spray. He hung his head under the
water, loving the feel of the cool flow soothing his aching muscles. He was punishing himself for
taking things far and fast with Kemper. He wasn’t playing by his own set of rules as a Dom. That
meant he was writing new ones. There was a good chance they were both going to get hurt if he
changed the rules on game day.

Water rushed over Shawn’s body, clearing his mind to see Kemper again. He needed to have

complete control of himself when he saw his sub. He needed to follow the rules if they were going to
make this thing work. Shawn shut off the water and grabbed the towel to dry off. He looked down at
his gym bag and realized he grabbed the wrong one. This one had his clothes for this evening in it.
Shawn cursed as he fisted the bag.

Shawn gripped the towel to his junk, letting it drape down the front of his legs as he headed out

of the shower. Shawn froze as he came face-to-face with Kemper. Every muscle in his body was
flexed hard as Kemper slow drank him in. They should not be doing any of this at work, but they
suddenly were.

“I need to get dressed.” A grin tugged at Kemper’s lips and it instantly made Shawn hard. Shawn

came in close, dropping his voice to a dangerous whisper. “You need to stop looking at me like that.”

“It’s kind of hard not to look at you when you’re only wearing a towel and a smile.”
“Move along.”
“Can’t. You’re blocking my locker,” Kemp said.
Kemper leaned one of his shoulder’s against the row of lockers as though he was not about to

move anytime soon. Shawn blocked him in with a hand against the locker.

“You’re tap dancing on the line,” Shawn said.
“Am I?”
“Yes, you are.”
“So punish me for being so disobedient.”
Shawn knew he needed to take back control. “I think we’re going to do things a little bit

differently today.”

“Are we?”
Shawn leaned his head in close, dropping his lips against Kemp’s ear. He sensed the shiver that

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went through his body as heat blew across Kemper’s ear.

“I’m going to push you so hard today that you’re going to wish you never met me.”
“We’ll see how far you can bend me before I break.”
Shawn smiled. “I’m not interested in breaking you…today.”
Kemper’s eyes twinkled as they looked deeply within Shawn’s. Something tugged tightly around

Shawn’s heart, causing him to lose his breath and part of his mind. Shit, he knew then that he wasn’t
getting either one back anytime soon.

“I’m going to be a little late for our training session this morning,” Kemp said.
The news surprised Shawn. “How late?”
“About twenty minutes. I thought you should know.”
Something was up. Shawn wanted to know what had Kemper tied up this morning. The thought

of tying Kemper up had Shawn’s mind spinning out of control. No, Shawn wasn’t interested in
breaking him. He wanted to tie Kemp up and gag him and flog him and lick his tongue over his rim
until he was begging for more.

The sound of voices carried from down the hall. Shawn backed off and went to get dressed.

Things were not going to spin out of control at work. Shawn dressed quickly and when he turned
around, he found that he was alone. Kemper had left the locker room.

After dressing, Shawn stepped out into the Training Center. He wanted to know what had

Kemper tied up this morning.

Thunder rumbled in the distance. It wouldn’t be long before the rain cut loose again. Through the

long set of windows, the trees were thrashing and getting twisted up into the wind. Shawn wondered
where Kemp had gone. The only thing that should have been on Kemp’s mind was getting back into
shape for work. Shawn didn’t like the fact that something else was distracting him today. It was
totally out of line, but Shawn was going to find him.

* * * *

Kemper looked at the board. There were five openings within the Department. The one that

caught his interest was about the K-9 unit. Yeah, he was going to go out for SWAT, but he was
interested in diversifying his talents. He couldn’t imagine going back to patrol duty after what
happened. Not with IA investigating the accident the way they were. Grant Hicks was so far up his
ass over this that he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get the man off his back. The man was hell-bent on
seeing that he didn’t have a job. Despite Chief Anderson saying that his job was safe, Kemper really
didn’t feel like it was.

Chances were high that Grant’s investigation would block his application for K-9 and maybe

even SWAT if he was unlucky, but Kemper was going to get his paperwork in order and apply for the
job anyway. It would mean more training, but he was ready for it. He was tired of lying around the
house and feeling sorry for himself. He spent too much time not caring instead of getting off his ass
and doing something.

The deadline to apply for K-9 was in two days. He was going to get his resume together tonight.

A door opened down the hall. Kemper caught sight of Cole and Trent coming out of one of the
meeting rooms. Grant Hicks was following up the rear. They were laughing about something and

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didn’t see him standing in the hallway. Kemper preferred it that way. The last person he wanted to
deal with today was Grant regarding the accident. Grant caught sight of Kemper, and the mood
suddenly shifted. For the last several weeks, Kemper had been putting Grant off. They were supposed
to meet weeks ago, but Kemper was not in the mood to deal with the man.

“Got a minute?” Grant asked.
No, he didn’t, but he couldn’t say no to the man who had his career on the line. “A few. I have a

training meeting to get to.”

“This won’t take long.”
Kemper ignored Grant and got Trent’s attention. Cole was at his side. He lowered his voice so

that Grant couldn’t hear. “I had some questions for you about the K-9 unit. Do you have time later on
today to talk about it?”

Trent followed Cole’s signing and then turned back to Kemper. “I can meet with you after lunch.

Does that work for you?”

“Sounds good.”
“Great, see you then,” Trent said.
Trent and Cole went further down the hall. Off to the side, Grant waited for him impatiently.

From what Kemper understood, Grant was not based solely in District Four. The man got around like
a bad winter virus. Kemper followed him into the conference room. Grant shut the door behind them.
Grant’s short dark hair was buzzed to his head. The man was completely anal-retentive. Kemper was
positive the man did not know how to have fun.

“Why haven’t you returned my calls?” Grant asked.
“Been busy.”
“I heard you’re working out with Shawn.”
“Is this about my case?” Kemper asked.
“It is. I’m about to sign off on things and I wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything else you

wanted to tell me.”

It almost sounded like a threat. “No, there’s nothing else for me to say.”
Grant moved around the conference room, slipping his hands into his pockets. “I hope you know

this isn’t easy for me. I don’t like investigating my police brothers.”

Grant looked out the window. His reflection showed the frown and unhappiness on his face.

“Have you thought about getting out of IA?”

Laughter escaped Grant’s parted lips. “Sometimes people are just good at doing the dirty work.

I wish I could, but I can’t.”

“So what happens now?” Kemper asked.
“You’ll get my official report in a week. I’ll make a recommendation. Chief Anderson will go

over my findings with you. He’ll decide on any reprimand if necessary.”

Kemper nodded, crossing his arms. This did not sound good for him. Somehow he knew he was

going to be blamed for the accident that took his leg.

“Are we finished?” Kemper asked.
“Yeah, we are. Don’t take this personally, Kemper. You would do the same if you were in my


Kemper smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Something tells me that I don’t think I would.”
Anger and bitterness undulated through Kemper’s body. He had to get to the Training Center to

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meet up with Shawn. He was already more than an hour late. Shawn was not going to be happy. Now
that Shawn was his Dom, Kemper wanted to do everything in his power to make him happy. He
wanted to show Shawn that he could be obedient in and out of work. It turned Kemper on to know that
Shawn loved it when he followed his direct orders.

Shawn was just inside the Training Center talking with TJ. Long, straight, dark hair flowed

toward TJ shoulders. TJ was in charge of his SWAT testing. The next round of testing was in two
weeks. Kemper hoped that he would be ready.

“Hey, Kemper. How are things going?” TJ asked.
“Not too bad. Shawn’s whipping me into shape.”
There was more truth to that statement than TJ knew. TJ laughed and Shawn narrowed his gaze

at him.

“Are you going to be ready to test in two weeks?” TJ asked.
“I hope so. I’m already feeling physically and mentally stronger.”
Shawn nodded. “He has some more strength training to do but I think he’ll be ready in two

weeks. He’s already lost about fifteen pounds. Another ten more and he will be back to where he

“Keep up the good work,” TJ said. “You’ll need complete focus to pass the SWAT test.”
“I’ll be ready.”
TJ smiled. “I know you will be. I’ll let you guys get back to work.” TJ started to move away, but

then stopped suddenly. “You’re coming tonight, right, Shawn?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. Do you care if Kemper comes?”
“No, the more, the merrier.”
Kemper was certain that he’d just tap danced on a fine line. When they were alone, Kemper

knew that he would be punished. The thought of Shawn punishing him turned him on fast and hard. He
wanted Shawn to tie him to the bed and take him hard and fast. He wanted to be spanked. He wanted
to be rimmed. He wanted to be everything for Shawn. That thought brought him up short. They were
under contract so that Shawn couldn’t and wouldn’t be his everything.

Their eyes locked. “Where we going?”
“You’re going out to dinner with me tonight,” Shawn said.
“I thought there was a no dinner clause within our contract.”
Kemper was teasing Shawn, but there was more truth to that statement than not. “You didn’t read

the fine print.”

There was some fine print on that contract. It was something to do with Shawn having complete

control of when and how he wanted him. In essence, Kemper had completely signed his life away to
Shawn for the next six months.

“I guess I’m yours for the next six months.”
“Yes, you are. Now, let’s get to work. We have a lot to do if you want to be ready for your

SWAT testing in two weeks,” Shawn said.

They headed over to the weights. Kemper laid back on the bench, reaching up for the barbell.

Shawn came in from behind, getting ready to spot him. Kemper’s gaze went to Shawn’s crotch. He
closed his eyes, trying to erase the vision of Shawn shoving his cock into his face. Kemp loved
sucking cock.

Sweat poured from Kemper’s body as he lifted the hundred-pound weight. Shawn encouraged

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him as he lifted.

“Good form. You got this.”
Every touch of his hand on Kemper’s body sent his system into overdrive. He couldn’t wait to

be alone with Shawn tonight. At least, he hoped he would be alone with Shawn tonight. Their
relationship was in Shawn’s hands. Kemper finished up the rep and set the barbell down. He shook
out his arms as he sat up.

“How’s your balance?” Shawn asked.
“It’s been good.”
“We’re going to try something new today. Are you up for it?”
“I’m up for anything with you.”
A grin tugged at the corners of Shawn’s lips. “I know you are, babe. Let’s keep this out of


Shawn brought over a balancing board for Kemper to stand on. He set it on the ground in front of

Kemper. “Stand on this.”

Kemper reached out for support, using Shawn’s broad shoulders to balance him. At first it was

awkward trying to keep his balance, but after a while he held it.

The complement brought a smile to Kemper’s lips. “Thanks.”
After fifteen minutes of working on balance, Shawn released him.
“We’re done for the day. Go hit the shower.”
Kemper hesitated as Shawn put the equipment away. He wondered if Shawn would be joining

him in the shower. Shawn caught sight of him lingering.

“Go on.”
Kemper felt heat move over his cheeks in embarrassment. “What time am I meeting you


“I’ll pick you up at seven.”
With that, Kemper headed for the locker room. By the time he got to the shower, Kemper had a

raging hard-on. He couldn’t wait to see Shawn tonight. Kemper showered quickly in cold water. He
was not about to jerk it off at work, although the thought did cross his mind as he was getting into the
shower. He wanted Shawn. Several minutes later, Kemper was dressed and on his way upstairs to
meet with Trent.

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Chapter Five

At exactly seven sharp, Shawn rolled up at Kemper’s place. Before he could even get out of the

car, Kemper was coming out of the house. He liked that his sub was waiting for him. Shawn’s gaze
went from his head to his toes. He looked absolutely delicious in his dress shirt, jeans, and black
leather jacket. When he got into the car, Shawn leaned across the seat, wrapping his hand
possessively around the back of Kemper’s neck. He brought their lips together in a rough kiss that
quickly spiraled out of control. Shawn forced his tongue into Kemper’s mouth, flicking it wildly
against Kemper’s. They were both breathing hard and fogging the windows by the time they pulled
away. Shawn put his forehead against Kemper’s.

“I waited all day to do that to you,” Shawn said.
“I love kissing you. I could spend all night doing it.”
“All night?” Shawn asked.
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I want you to tie me to your bed tonight. I want you to

have your way with me. I want to be everything for you.”

Shawn groaned, yanking Kemper across his lap, hitting the horn in the process. Shawn dove his

fingers into Kemper’s hair, kissing him without control. He wanted to shove his cock deep inside of
Kemper’s ass right then and there. He always wanted to do it in a car. Shawn’s cockhead pushed
against Kemper’s ass cheeks. It was not enough. He had to have more.

“I need you now,” Shawn said.
A dark, seductive chuckle sounded from the back of Kemper’s throat. “We’re going to be late.”
Kemper was right. They would be late and there would be a whole lot of questions asked if they

were late. It was bad enough that Kemper looked as though he’d just been sexed. Shawn ran his
fingers through Kemper’s hair, trying to fix it. He let go of Kemper and the control he didn’t feel

“Tonight you are mine.”
It was a threat and a warning. Shawn wasn’t going to let Kemper go until he was completely

satisfied tonight. After Kemper settled back into the passenger seat and buckled, Shawn started his
car. They drove across town in silence. Shawn parked the car. Their hands brushed in passing as they
walked side by side toward the Spaghetti Warehouse.

The restaurant was crowded. They found their party in the far corner of the Italian restaurant. As

they headed ever, Kemper leaned in close.

“What are we celebrating?” Kemper asked.
“It’s TJ’s birthday. You know he’s engaged to Parker, right?” Shawn asked.
“He is?”
The news seemed to surprise Kemper. “You didn’t know he was gay?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“I’ve been friends with TJ for years. He’s a great guy.”
Most of the table was filled with the guys from the SWAT team. Shawn sat down next to

Kemper, pulling their chairs close together. He wrapped his arm around the back of the chair, making
sure that everyone at the table knew they were an item. Shawn was out. He was quite certain that
Kemper wasn’t.

Shawn had a difficult time listening in on the conversation going on around him. All of his

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thoughts were on Kemper and what he was going to do to him when they were alone. When the meals
came, Shawn slipped his hand from the back of Kemper’s chair. Under the table, he slipped his hand
over Kemper’s knee, slowly stroking it up his thigh. He felt Kemper stiffen as the tips of his fingers,
running along the inside of his pant leg, made contact with his inner thigh and the tip of his cockhead.

“So, I hear you want to be on SWAT,” Parker said to Kemper.
“Yeah, I do.”
Parker leaned forward, putting his arm around TJ’s chair. “I wouldn’t do it. They’re a bunch of


“Aren’t you on SWAT as the doctor?” Kemper asked.
“Yeah…” Parker sighed. “You wouldn’t believe how often I’m called in to put a Band-Aid on a

scrape or to wrap a sprain.”

TJ chuckled. “He gets paid to follow us around.”
Parker grinned. “They don’t pay me enough. I consider it charity work.”
Laughter echoed around the table. Shawn glanced at Kemper who was smiling. Shawn was

ready to get out of there. He wanted to be alone with Kemper. After hanging out for a little while
longer, they headed out for the night. It was just starting to rain as they stepped out onto the downtown
sidewalk. The restaurant sat right along the river. The three main bridges that stretched over the Ohio
River were glowing with warm lights. They headed down the sidewalk toward the parking garage.
Lightning snapped across the sky, followed by thunder.

They were suddenly caught in a heavy rain. Shawn ducked beneath an awning, pushing Kemper

into the darkness of the alcove. The trendy boutique was closed for the night. Within the blinding
darkness, Shawn found Kemper’s hungry lips. Shawn flicked his tongue into Kemper’s mouth, taking
ownership of him completely. They kissed with a deep passion that Shawn felt all the way down to
his toes. Shawn dove his hands beneath Kemper’s leather jacket, pulling out his shirttail.

The tips of Shawn’s fingers played at the top of Kemper’s waist. He rubbed the pads of his

fingers over Kemper’s skin. Heat settled into Shawn’s cock, filling it with white-hot desire. The tip
of his cockhead pushed out the top of his jeans. Shawn rubbed the tip of his cock against Kemper’s
smooth skin. Shawn felt the tip of his cockhead push into Kemper’s navel. The sensation was mind-
blowing and caused Kemper to burn with need.

“I want you now,” Shawn said. “I fucking need you bad.”
“Take me home.”
“No. We’re going to my house tonight.”
A groan of disappointment tore from Kemper’s parted and swollen lips as Shawn pulled away.

They stepped out into the driving rain, rushing to Shawn’s car. They were going to use Shawn’s
playroom tonight. Shawn knew he had to break Kemper in slowly to the lifestyle. He knew that if he
showed Kemper his red-walled playroom right away, he’d scare him.

Chains and floggers on the walls. Ball gags were at the ready. New rope was ready to tie and

knot his lover into submission. Tonight, Shawn was going to show Kemper how much he meant to
him. They got into Shawn’s car and drove out into the pouring rain.

A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of Shawn’s house. Shawn lived in the trendy historic

district of Hyde Park. Shawn’s house was as old as the neighborhood. After renovating the old
Victorian house, he had planned to sell it, but he couldn’t. He absolutely fell in love with it and
wasn’t planning on falling out of love anytime soon.

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Shawn shut off the car and looked at Kemper, who was watching him closely. There was

burning heat within his eyes.

“Let’s go inside. I’ll show you around,” Shawn said.
Shawn led the way to the front door, unlocking it. They headed inside the octagonal foyer.
“This is nice,” Kemp said.
There were many hours that Shawn spent organizing and decorating his place. Several pieces of

furniture were antiques he bought while driving through Amish country. Kemper looked nervously
around the house. They headed through the living room to the French doors that opened to the gallery.

“I have a heated pool. I put it in at the beginning of summer.”
“I can’t wait to be slipping and sliding naked in that water with you,” Shawn said.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Have you ever had sex in a pool?” Shawn asked.
“We will soon.”
Shawn wrapped his hands around Kemper’s waist, pulling him in close. He brushed his lips

along the curve of his ear. “If it wasn’t storming, we would be in that pool.”

A shiver tore through Kemper’s body. Shawn loved how easily charged he was. Shawn rubbed

his hands over Kemper’s hips, squeezing him tight. With the rain pounding the pool, Shawn opened
the door and they stepped out onto the covered veranda. The sound of the rain falling around them
was musical. Rain thumped against the awning above them and struck the leaves of the oak tree that
towered over his home.

Shawn kissed his way over the back of Kemper’s neck. He smoothed his hand up the front of his

neck and gave him a gentle squeeze. Kemper moaned, dropping his head back against Shawn’s
shoulder. Shawn turned Kemper’s head, and their lips met in a hungry kiss. A groan of need echoed
from deep within Kemper’s throat. Shawn swept his tongue inside, flicking it roughly against
Kemper’s. Everything was spinning by the time Shawn pulled his lips away.

“Inside,” Shawn said.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Shawn gave Kemper an order.
Kemper was quick to obey. Shawn ran his hand down over his heavy cock as he watched

Kemper remove his last article of clothing.

Kemper headed for the stairs. As soon as Shawn saw the creamy white skin of his ass, he could

no longer wait to discipline Kemper. Shawn came in fast, grabbing Kemper’s hips and giving him
several smacks on his ass. Kemper froze, reaching out to put his palm against the wall so he wouldn’t
fall over. Kemper arched out his ass for more.

“You fucking like that, don’t you?” Shawn asked.
“Fuck yes. I love it when you spank my ass.”
Shawn smacked his ass several more times. He was breathing heavily and his cock was

dripping with pre-cum by the time he finished. “Get upstairs.”

They went upstairs together. Shawn watched the sway of Kemper’s big balls as he walked.

When Kemper started to head for Shawn’s bedroom, Shawn stopped him.

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“Next room.”
Kemper went to the next room. It was pitch-black inside. There were no windows in this room.

Shawn had spent a lot of time renovating this room. It had everything he needed to please a lover.
Even a bed to play on. Shawn flipped on the lights and shut the door to the room. Kemper’s eyes went
wide when he saw the room. His right hand slid up and down over his cock. Shawn loved watching
him please himself. Shawn went for the rope and a ball gag. He slipped the leather ball gag over
Kemper’s mouth. Kemp’s eyes went dreamy as the red ball slipped into his mouth. Shawn tightened
the leather straps to his head. Then he went to work on the rope.

Shawn worked the rope over Kemper’s left arm, over his back and around his right arm. Shawn

made rows and rows of lines with the rope, restraining Kemper’s arms as he worked the rope. Knots
were lined up down Kemper’s spine. He didn’t stop until the rope reached Shawn’s hips. When the
rope was down to his waist, Shawn crisscrossed the rope around Kemper’s cock and balls. He
worked the rope between Kemper’s legs, sliding the thick rope up between his ass cheeks. With
Kemper completely restrained, he led him to the bed.

“Put your forehead on the bed,” Shawn said.
Kemper’s ass was up and completely exposed to him. The mechanical hardware of his

prosthetic gave the moment a steampunk quality that turned Shawn on fast. Shawn stepped away from
the bed, undressing. Shawn turned away from Kemper and went to the wall where he picked out a
leather flogger. There were several leather straps braided together at the end. Shawn knew he had to
slow things down, but he couldn’t. He had to have Kemper. After picking out a flogger, he went to the
table where he picked out a cock ring. He needed something tight around his cock to keep from
spilling his juice too fast. Shawn lubed his cock, sliding the rubber cock ring down his shaft, pushing
his balls into the second loop. He groaned as the blood was trapped between the cock ring.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kemper watched him from his vantage point. Shawn thought about

blindfolding him, too, but for some odd reason he wanted Kemper to experience every visual
sensation he could tonight.

For the first time in his experience as a Dom, he was more worried about what his sub would

experience than himself. There was so much more to his relationship with Kemper than anybody else
he’d ever been with. Shawn knew that when the six months were over that parting would not be easy.
He couldn’t think about any of it now. His lover was waiting for him. The rest could wait.

Shawn knew he was close to coming but he had to maintain control. He went over to the bed and

picked up the flogger. He rubbed it over Kemper’s ass. Kemper moaned as Shawn pulled the flogger
away and brought it back hard against his ass. Shawn struck him several more times across the ass.
Redness and heat moved across his creamy ass cheeks from where the leather had struck. Shawn slid
the flogger between his ass cheeks, rubbing it over the rope and his perineum. Shawn pulled the
flogger away, striking it against his back and shoulders. With each strike of the flogger, Kemper
whimpered for more.

“I know, baby. I’ll get you there.”
Shawn reached between Kemper’s legs, stroking his cock several times. Pre-cum wept over his

fingers and palm. Shawn had a thing for cum. He loved the sweet taste and the feel of it against his
skin. He loved coming in his lover’s face. Shawn pulled abruptly away. He kneeled onto the bed,
slipping the tips of his fingers beneath the rope blocking Kemper’s rim. He pulled apart the rope as
though he were opening a book. He leaned down, flicking his tongue over Kemper’s rim. Kemper

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arched back in a move of desperation, trying to get more of Shawn’s tongue. Shawn flicked his tongue
back and forth and up and down, rolling it around Kemper’s sensitive rim. He attacked Kemper’s rim,
loving how much he squirmed for more. He reached around, stroking Kemper’s cock as he sucked his
rim. He felt Kemper’s cock tighten hard. Shawn slid the pad of his thumb up over his cockhead,
pressing down hard. He pulled his mouth away from Kemper’s ass.

“You will not come. Not until I give you the order. Do you understand?” A muffled reply that

sounded like yes whispered from behind Kemper’s ball gag. “Good. You will not come until I’m
finished with you.”

To drive his point home, Shawn pulled aside the rope. Shawn grabbed his cock, rubbing it over

Kemper’s rim. Kemper whimpered for more. Shawn reached for the bottle of lube, flipping the cap
open. He lubed his cock and fingers. Shawn set aside the bottle. He pressed his cockhead over
Kemper’s rim. He knew he should put a condom on, but he wanted his lover raw. Shawn knew he
was breaking the rules to his contract, but he didn’t care. He had to have Kemper. At the last second,
he stopped himself from going inside Kemper’s ass raw. He was so twisted up for Kemper that he
couldn’t think straight. He grabbed Kemper’s hips, trying to regain the control he didn’t feel inside.

Sweat dripped from his forehead and down his temples as he tried to focus on what he needed to

do. His cock wouldn’t listen. The swollen tip of his cockhead pressed ever so sweetly against
Kemper’s rim. He watched as Kemper’s rim started to push wide. He tightened his hold on Kemper’s
hips as the tip of his cockhead was sucked deep within Kemper’s ass without a condom. What had he

He froze.

* * * *

Kemper was breathing hard. He didn’t understand why Shawn was stopping. He wanted him fast

and deep and hard. The tip of Shawn’s cockhead pressed deep inside his ass but nothing more.
Something was wrong. Why didn’t Shawn want him? He felt Shawn start to pull out of his ass and
moaned for him to stop. Desperation had Kemper arching his ass back onto Shawn’s cock. A war cry
tore from the back of Shawn’s throat as his big prick was pushed deep inside Kemper’s ass. Shawn
held very still, not moving at all. What was wrong? Had Kemper done something wrong? All he knew
was that he wanted Shawn now. Shawn continued to hold his throbbing prick deep inside Kemper’s
ass. Kemper wanted him to move. He wanted him to ram his ass with that throbbing cock.

Sweet torture and pure fucking bliss shivered through Kemper’s body. His Dom was in

complete control. He was driving his point home about control and submissiveness. A part of Kemper
knew that Shawn was having trouble maintaining control. Kemper arched his ass back for more,
causing the friction of their bodies to move together. Shawn reached between his legs, caressing his
balls and cock. He pulled it back toward himself to rub it. The sweet sensation of having his cock
tilted back was more than Kemper could handle. He moaned as he felt his orgasm tear through his
body. Shawn squeezed his cock.

“I didn’t give you permission to come.”
Kemper cut his orgasm short, stopping his hot spunk from spraying from his cock. When he was

in control again, Shawn let go of his cock. Kemper’s heavy cock slapped against his abdomen. A shot
of pre-cum sprayed against his chest. It was then that Shawn started to move. He pulled his big cock

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from Kemper’s ass, thrusting it in and out in short, hot strokes. Kemper moaned. Shawn took him
hard, slapping their bodies together. Kemper loved the sound of Shawn’s balls slapping against his
perineum. The tight, squeaky sound echoed within the room. Kemper’s head tapped against the
headboard with each thrusting stroke. The springs of the bed squeaked as Shawn took him hard.
Kemper loved all of it.

All of a sudden, Shawn pulled his big cock out of Kemper’s ass. “On your side.”
Kemper flipped over, going onto his side. Shawn spread his thighs over Kemper’s leg, tipping

his cockhead toward his ass again. He pushed in slowly, all the while holding his gaze. The intimacy
of the situation was like none other that Kemper had ever experienced. Just when he thought he
couldn’t take anymore, Kemper closed his eyes. Enjoying the sensation of his lover taking him in the

“Eyes open.”
The barking order came on a husky groan. Kemper moaned as he opened his eyes, biting his lip

as he watched Shawn take him hard. The man was ripped. Every one of his muscles was flexed hard.
It was like someone out of one of his romance novels had come to life, but like every tragic ending,
the story would end in less than five months. Shawn slipped Kemper’s leg up over one of his broad
shoulders, using it for leverage as he thrust in his ass. Shawn reached down, grabbing Kemper’s cock.
He stroked him hard, using his pre-cum as lubrication.

It was clear to Kemper that Shawn was going to keep him suspended on the edge of ecstasy for a

long time tonight. He was so close to coming again. He groaned, trying to warn Shawn that he was
close to coming.

“You’re close?” Shawn asked.
Kemper nodded once and Shawn continued to rub his prick with his big hand. All of a sudden,

Shawn pulled out of his ass. Kemper’s eyes were wide as he watched as Shawn crossed the room and
opened up the door, going into the bathroom. Kemper watched as Shawn turned on the faucet of the
sink and washed his cock off. He also pulled the cock ring from his dick. It was then that Kemper
realized that Shawn hadn’t worn a condom. He took a big, white, fluffy towel from a hook to dry his
prick off. He crossed the room with a confident, eager swagger that always turned Kemper on.

He leaned down, swallowing Kemper’s prick in one quick move. He heard a groan as Kemper’s

dick slid down the back of his throat. Kemper’s hips lifted off the bed, shoving his prick deep within
Shawn’s mouth. Shawn’s big hands pinched his ass, taking control of how he sucked his cock.
Kemper spread his thighs wide, giving Shawn complete control. Shawn twirled his tongue up over
Kemper’s cockhead and completely released his cock. He reached up, unhooking the ball gag from
Kemper’s mouth, setting it aside.

He moved around, getting into the sixty-nine position. Kemper moaned as Shawn smacked his

cock hard against his face. Kemper opened his mouth, licking out his tongue to catch Shawn’s cock.
He moaned as Shawn’s cock thrust deep inside his mouth. Shawn pumped his hips in and out of
Kemper’s mouth with short, easy strokes.

Kemper thrust his cock up into Shawn’s mouth, loving the feel of his lover’s tongue all over him.

He was so close to coming. He felt the tip of his cockhead hitting against the back of Shawn’s throat.
It was too much for Kemper. His orgasm twisted up from deep within his balls and shot like a
fountain out of his prick. Shawn groaned as Kemper’s hot spunk burst from his tip. Kemper lifted his
head, watching as Shawn attacked his prick. He sucked and swallowed all of his hot juice down.

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Kemper felt emotionally raw. No one had ever swallowed him before. Shawn sat up, wiping his
mouth with his hand. He pulled Kemper down the bed. With his ass in Kemper’s face, he spread his
thighs over Kemper’s head.

Shawn pushed his cock all the way into Kemper’s mouth. His balls pressed against Kemper’s

nose. Shawn thrust hard, pushing his cock in and out of Kemper’s hungry mouth. Kemper knew he was
close to coming. Kemper used his teeth, stopping Shawn from going all the way out.

A twisted cry of pleasure tore from the back of Shawn’s throat. It was clear that he loved it

when Kemper used his teeth on his prick. Kemper continued to gently nibble on Shawn’s prick as he
sucked him hard. It wasn’t long before Shawn froze. Hot spunk erupted from the tip of Shawn’s cock.
He pulled his prick out, spraying his cum over Kemper’s lips and face. The sweet taste of his lover’s
cum was all over Kemper’s mouth. Shawn sat up, moving around the bed. He found Kemper’s lips,
kissing him hard. He finally pulled away, looking deep within Kemper’s face.

“That was fucking amazing,” Shawn said.
“I felt it, too.”
Shawn worked the rope off of Kemper. He laid down next to him on the bed. Shawn held him

close, wrapping his arms around his lover. Kemper was happy. He never thought that anything could
feel this way. Was it love? Kemper couldn’t name this now. A small part of him didn’t want to name
it and ruin what they had.

“You’re thinking,” Shawn said.
“I’m content.”
“Good. Stop thinking and just enjoy what we have right now.”
“What do we have?” Kemper asked.
Shawn wouldn’t meet his gaze. It was then that Kemper knew that he was thinking about the

contract they both signed. Yeah, it was better not to talk about it now. It would only ruin the moment
they were sharing.

“We’re having some fun. That’s it. Are you still okay with that?” Shawn asked.
“I’m perfectly okay with it.”
“Good. I don’t want to ruin our working relationship.”
Disappointment spiraled through Kemper’s body. There wouldn’t be any happily ever after for

them. Kemper knew he’d have to be okay with that. He’d find a way. Kemper swung his legs away
from the bed. He was going home for the night.

“Where you going?” Shawn asked.
“I’m going to get dressed. I don’t think I should spend the night.”
“I’ll decide what happens in this relationship. You are staying the night.”
It was an order Kemper knew he should disobey for the sake of his heart, but he couldn’t. He

would take everything and anything Shawn was willing to give him.

“This bed is a little small,” Kemper said.
“Let’s go to my bedroom.”
They didn’t go straight to the bed when they went into Shawn’s room. Instead, Shawn led

Kemper to the bathroom. He turned on the hot water for the shower. Kemper sat down on the small
wooden bench next to the shower. He removed his prosthetic leg. Shawn offered Kemper his hand as
he walked into the shower. Using his lover for balance, Shawn started to wash Kemper. Tears started
to roll down Kemper’s face. It was then he knew he was in love with Shawn, but he would never

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have him.

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Chapter Six

Sunshine splashed Kemper in the face. He turned his face into the pillow, loving the scent of the

fresh cotton sheets. He cracked a lid to see Shawn’s arm draped around his waist. Kemp closed his
eyes, making a mental note of where their bodies were connected. Shawn’s leg brushed up against
his. Kemp’s ass was firmly snuggled along the curve of Shawn’s hips. He sighed. It felt so good to
wake up within his lover’s arms. He didn’t want to wake Shawn and spoil the moment.

Kemper felt whole, inside and out. The feeling was so new and refreshing that tears sprung to

his eyes. This man completed him in a way that no other man ever had. Shawn didn’t know how much
he was starting to mean to Kemper. They both were breaking that damn contract in different ways.

Half the sheet covered their legs. Kemper felt the solid rise of his morning wood press against

the sheet. He was in the mood for slow, easy sex. The kind that came when two people knew each
other for a long time. Pretending to be asleep, Kemper snuggled in closer to Shawn, feeling the heat of
his cock press between his ass cheeks. The tip of his cockhead brushed over his ass cheek. He felt
Shawn’s arm tighten around his waist as though he were getting comfortable in his sleep. Kemp heard
a light snoring sound coming from Shawn. The man was out.

Very slowly, Kemp turned within Shawn’s arms to face him. He was out cold. They had stayed

up pretty late talking after their shower. Kemp eased beneath the sheet, moving down so that his face
was at Shawn’s hips. Shawn’s cock was an inch from his lips. Kemper exhaled slowly using the heat
of his breath to arouse his cock. A grin tugged at the corners of Kemper’s lips as Shawn’s arm
tightened around his shoulder, pulling him in closer. Kemp looked up. Shawn was still out. Kemp
eased his face against Shawn’s cock, inhaling his sweet scent of pure male. The heat of his cock
pressed against his face.

Kemper was losing control. He eased his lips up to the tip of Shawn’s cockhead and sucked him

inside his mouth. The tip of his tongue undulated and rippled just beneath the ridge of his cockhead.
Shawn groaned in his sleep, grabbing the back of Kemper’s head and pulling it in close. Kemp
swallowed Shawn’s cock, feeling the quick swelling heat of a man getting aroused fast.

Shawn’s curse echoed within the room. He rolled onto his back and Kemper followed quickly,

settling between his spread thighs. Kemper was shocked that Shawn was letting go and allowing him
to take him this way.

“You’re my fucking love slave. You want to suck my cock all day long.”
Kemper groaned, fisting one hand around Shawn’s shaft as his other hand gripped his ass. The

tips of Kemper’s finger brushed between Shawn’s ass cheeks. He slid his fingers down over Shawn’s
rim. Shawn fisted his hand in Kemper’s hair, stilling him. Despite Shawn trying to regain control,
Kemper lost control of his tongue. Kemper flicked his tongue up over the top of Shawn’s cockhead as
his fingers stroked his rim. Shawn pulled his cock from Kemper’s mouth, flipping him over onto the
mattress. He straddled his face, pressing his balls over Kemper’s nose.

“Lick my rim, sub.”
Kemper grabbed Shawn’s ass, spreading his ass cheeks wider as he licked out. He flicked his

tongue over Shawn’s rim, loving the taste of his smooth skin. Kemp was just about to take things
further when Shawn pulled abruptly away. Dazed, Kemper looked around the room for Shawn. He
was digging through the top drawer of his dresser. He pulled out a pair of police-issued handcuffs.

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Shawn snapped the cuff around his left wrist, pulling his right hand up and locking both around

the brass on the headboard. Kemper gave his wrists a tug, hearing the click of metal against metal.

“You’ve been very naughty,” Shawn said. “I think we need to lay down some more ground


Shawn stood at the foot of the bed, rubbing his hand up and down his prick. Kemper’s cock

flexed up, reaching out for Shawn. Kemper’s gaze was trained on Shawn’s heavy prick.

“I’m listening.”
“No, you’re not. You’re looking at my cock.”
Kemper grinned as he reluctantly pulled his gaze away from Shawn’s prick. Slowly, he moved

his gaze up over Shawn’s chest and finally to his face. There was something tragic about the way
Shawn was looking at him. It was as though he had become cold and distant. Kemper didn’t
understand why his mood had changed.

Shawn crossed the room. “Now that I have your attention, we’re going to talk.”
“My ears are open, Sir.”
“I think it’s time we added a few rules. Rule one….No sucking my cock unless I give you

permission. Rule two…For every act of disobedience, you will be punished.”

Kemper spread his thighs wide, pushing the sheet down around his legs. He purposely flexed his

hips, causing Shawn to look down at his cock.

“You are pushing the line,” Shawn said.
The warning was like a stroke to his cock. Kemper knew that Shawn wouldn’t tolerate

disobedience in the bedroom. The fatalistic side of Kemper wanted Shawn to punish him all day long.
Shawn leaned in close, whispering his lips along the curve of Kemper’s ear.

“Do you trust me?” Shawn asked.
“Good. I’m going to need your complete trust for our next session.”
A shiver flowed down Kemper’s spine, sending tingles of anticipation over his rim. Shawn

turned away from the bed, going over to his nightstand. He opened a drawer, taking out a black bag.
Shawn pulled open the drawstring that kept the bag closed. He reached in and pulled out a glass butt
plug. A whimper of need tore through Kemper’s body. Shawn pulled out several more butt plugs,
lining them up on top of the nightstand.

Shawn tipped the clear glass butt plug up to Kemper’s lips. “Open your mouth.”
Shawn pushed the four-inch butt plug into Kemper’s mouth. Kemper loved the feel the glass

slipping over his tongue. With a gentle tug, Shawn pulled the butt plug from Kemper’s mouth. He
kneeled between Kemper’s spread thighs, pushing the butt plug on the edge of his rim. Kemper
groaned as Shawn’s free hand stroked his pulsing cock. As he stroked his fist down, Shawn pushed
the butt plug into Kemper’s ass. Kemper turned his mouth against his bicep, biting and sucking down
on his arm as Shawn pushed and pulled the butt plug in and out of his ass.

Kemper arched his ass out for more. Shawn’s face was drawn into tight, hard lines as he worked

the butt plug in and out of Kemper’s ass. Their eyes met. There was something dangerous and
possessive within Shawn’s eyes. The sweet torture seemed to go on and on forever. Just when
Kemper thought he couldn’t take anymore, Shawn pulled the butt plug from his ass. He grabbed
another butt plug from the nightstand. This one was bigger and thicker, with beaded ridges all the way

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This time Shawn used the lube to wet the butt plug. Shawn tipped the butt plug up to Kemper’s

rim, pushing it slowly into Kemper’s ass. Kemper cried out as this plug stretched him wider and went
deeper than the one before. Sweat beaded at Kemper’s temples. His cock was thrumming hard. With
the butt plug deep in his ass, Shawn spread his thighs wide over Kemper’s. He gripped their cocks
together with both of his big hands. He started to stroke them both, using lube and pre-cum to wet
them. Their hips rocked and flexed together. The friction of the mattress kept the butt plug deep within
Kemper’s ass. Kemper wrapped both of his hands up around the brass rail on the headboard, using it
for leverage with each thrust.

“Awww, fuuuuuck,” Kemper whimpered.
“Do not come.”
“You got me balanced on the edge.”
“You’re going to stay on that edge until I say you can come off.”
Shawn suddenly pulled away, letting Kemper’s throbbing cock snap back against his abdomen.

Pre-cum rocketed from Kemper’s dick, splashing across his chest. Shawn growled, leaning down to
lick the cum off his chest. There was predatory heat within Shawn’s eyes as he stared up into
Kemper’s face. He flicked his tongue across Kemper’s nipple, giving his nip a bite and then swirling
his tongue over the sensitive spot. Shawn leaned up and pressed his lips over Kemper’s, kissing him
possessively before pulling away. He worked his hands down over Kemper’s thighs, pulling the butt
plug from his ass. Shawn reached for the lube, squeezing it over his hand. He lubed his cock, settling
his body between Kemper’s thighs again. Shawn curled Kemper’s hips up high, exposing his ass
wide. He put both of Kemper’s legs over his shoulders as he tipped his big cockhead against
Kemper’s rim.

Kemper whimpered as Shawn pushed his big cock deep into his ass. Shawn stroked him fast and

hard with deep punishing hits. The hits were so hard that it knocked Kemper’s body against the
headboard and the headboard against the wall. Kemper was certain that the headboard was going to
damage the wall, but he didn’t care, and it was clear that Shawn didn’t care either. They were both so
caught up in the throes of passion that neither one saw what was going on around them. They were
only focused on each other and giving each other pleasure. With each hit of Shawn’s body against
Kemper’s, a smacking sound echoed within the room. His balls and cock slapped up and down
against his abdomen. Shawn reached down, giving Kemper’s cock a hard pull.

“Look at me when you come,” Shawn said.
Shawn’s grunted command struck an emotional cord within his heart. Kemper was so close.

Their eyes met and held. Shawn pumped his prick in and out of Kemper’s ass. His big hand gripped
Kemper’s cock.

“I’m coming!”
Shawn held completely still as he pumped Kemper’s cock off. Four white hot arrows speared

across Kemper’s chest. When he finished coming, Shawn pulled his cock out of Kemper’s ass. He
lowered Kemper’s legs to the mattress and spread his thighs over Kemper’s chest. Shawn stroked his
cock, pumping it hard. He pointed it at Kemper’s chest and face. Shawn cried out, arching his head
back. Cum shot from his dick, hitting across Kemper’s jaw and lips. Shawn groaned as he pumped his
cock dry. Kemper licked his lips, tasting Shawn’s sweet cum. Shawn leaned down, giving him a soft
brushing kiss.

“Good morning,” Shawn said.

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Kemper grinned, stretching his arms so that the handcuffs clinked together. “Morning.”
Shawn unlocked the cuffs, freeing both of Kemper’s hands. “What do you have going on today?”
Kemper was off. “I have some errands to run. That’s about it. You?”
“I have to meet a client at noon. I do personal training on the side.”
Things were turning serious within their relationship. There was so much Kemper didn’t know

about Shawn and so much he felt as though he needed to know. He didn’t want to sound needy, but he
was feeling that way. Their time together was short. Kemper wanted as much time as he could get
with Shawn.

“When do I get to see you again?” Kemp asked.
“Tonight. Be back here by seven.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Kemper swung his legs from the bed, reaching for his prosthetic. He worked it on and stood up,

heading for the bathroom. Kemp shut the door behind him, feeling really unsteady on his feet. He
pressed his palms against the counter, trying to regain the balance he so desperately needed to feel
inside. A light tapping knock sounded on the door.

“You okay?” Shawn asked.
“Yeah.” Kemper opened the bathroom door. “I was just about to jump in the shower. Want to

join me?”

They were both naked. Shawn danced him back against the countertop.
“Yes, I think I do.”

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Chapter Seven

Through the front window of the coffee shop on Court Street, Kemper caught sight of Shawn

sitting with someone in the corner. Shawn’s back was to the window. A smile tugged at the corners of
Kemper’s lips as he drank in the sight of his lover’s broad shoulders. Kemp wanted to scratch his
nails down Shawn’s back as his Dom took him hard in the ass. There was a good chance Kemp
wouldn’t get the chance since Shawn liked to tie him up.

It registered late on Kemper’s brain that Shawn was not alone. Kemper had made plans to meet

Shawn there after work. The plus one with Shawn wasn’t expected and momentarily threw Kemper
off his game. The guy was dressed in a charcoal suit with red power tie. The watch on his wrist was
expensive and not military grade like the one on Kemp’s. Kemper had stopped on the sidewalk,
watching the pair chat. The guy across from Shawn was definitely interested. There was a spark in the
guy’s eye that Kemper didn’t like.

Kemper chewed on his lip as he worried over what was going on. It shouldn’t bother him that

Shawn had friends and he made plans with those friends. Perhaps it had more to do with how Shawn
seemed really interested in whatever this man was saying. Kemper couldn’t stand on the sidewalk,
gawking at the pair all day. He mentally adjusted his balls and went for the door. Kemp opened up the
door to the coffee shop, adding a little extra swagger to his step as he rolled up on the pair. Yeah,
Kemp knew he looked intimidating when he was decked out in his police-issued uniform. Kemper
stood next to the table, just a tad behind Shawn for a moment, staring down at the guy. The guy did a
double take which had Shawn looking over his shoulder.

“Is there a problem, officer?” he asked.
“Yes, there is. You’re in my seat.”
The corners of Shawn’s mouth tipped up. “Gabe, this is Kemper. We work together.”
“Do you now?” Gabe asked. “Nice to meet you, Kemper.”
The guy offered his hand, but he didn’t move his ass. Kemper wasn’t feeling sociable, but he

shook Gabe’s hand.

“That’s a grip you have there,” Gabe said.
Amusement danced in Gabe’s eyes as Kemper let go of his hand. “How do you know Shawn?”
“Shawn and I go way back,” Gabe said.
Shawn wasn’t filling in the blanks and neither was Gabe. Kemper was starting to feel like a

third wheel in this little party. Kemper was feeling really possessive of his Dom. He wanted his
attention and his eyes focused only on him. The feelings of jealousy were so unexpected that they left
Kemp feeling momentarily stunned. He wanted to yank Gabe out of his chair and toss him out onto the
street with a swift kick to his ass. Gabe pulled his gaze away from Kemper as though he were the one
that didn’t belong there.

“I should get going,” Gabe said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Shawn.”
Tomorrow. They had plans for tomorrow. It took all of Kemper’s will not to trip the guy as he

walked by. Kemper took the recently vacated seat and glowered at Shawn. The corner of Shawn’s
mouth was ticked up ruefully. The table was small. They were shoved out of the way in a corner,
giving them both some privacy.

“You’re misbehaving, sub.”
Kemper’s heart beat wildly within his chest as he met Shawn’s devastating, intelligent eyes.

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Those eyes could see through all the bullshit Kemp wanted to throw up against the wall. “Am I?”

“Yes, you are.” Shawn slipped his hand beneath the table, rubbing it up the inside of Kemper’s

thigh. “You have no reason to be jealous, Kemp. I don’t play games with my submissive.”

Kemp knew he was getting played with now. The tips of Shawn’s fingers had moved to caress

the back of his knee. Despite Kemp’s annoyance, his cock filled hard and fast. It would be a while
before he’d be able to stand up. Shawn knew how to press all Kemp’s buttons to make him fall fast at
his feet.

“What are we doing here?” Kemp asked.
Shawn pushed his coffee toward Kemper. “Having coffee. Talking.”
Kemper picked up the warm paper cup and took a sip. Shawn’s hand had moved possessively

around his knee. It felt like more than friendship. It felt like romance. It felt like dating. It felt like
commitment and intimacy. It felt like something Kemper wanted more of. The lines were blurring, and
the fire burning between them was getting hotter with each touch and caress. Kemper was finding it
difficult to concentrate when Shawn looked at him with those heavy, lidded eyes. There were
whispered promises in his gaze.

“I’m going to be late tomorrow for our workout session. I have a meeting in the morning,”

Kemper said.

“How are things going now that you’ve been cleared for duty by the chief?”
He didn’t want to talk about how his confidence was still shaken, but it was getting there.


“That’s a good start.”
Kemper hated to ask. He didn’t want to know what Shawn’s business with Gabe was all about,

but he had to know. It was driving him crazy not knowing what they were doing tomorrow.

“So you’re meeting Gabe tomorrow?”
“I am. Does that bother you?”
Kemper sat back, crossing his arms. “It bothers me that I don’t know more about your personal

life. I really don’t know anything about you.”

“You don’t need to know anything personal about me. I’m your Dom.”
So, that was how Shawn was going to play things. He was shutting him out. “Don’t you want to

know more about me?”

“I know how to get you there.”
Kemper felt a shiver of need vibrate through his body. “Don’t you want to know about what I do

when we’re apart?”

Shawn leaned in close, but not so close that it looked like they were a couple sharing a very

intimate moment. There was heat in Shawn’s eyes.

“You’re dancing on the line with me, Kemp.”
“I don’t get personally involved with the men I’m in a relationship with.”
Kemper leaned in closer. “Putting your cock inside my ass and down my throat is getting pretty

fucking personal.”

Shawn reached across the table and took the cup of coffee back, taking a drink. Kemp watched

his Adam’s apple go to work. There were things Kemp wanted and needed to know about Shawn.

Shawn smiled. “It is personal.”

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“Then let’s get to know each other better,” Kemper said.
Shawn brushed the tips of his fingers over the rim of his coffee cup. Kemper couldn’t meet his


“Tell me everything about you,” Shawn said. “Look at me.”
Kemper took a long time meeting his gaze. He was ashamed of his past, of where he came from.

He grew up dirt poor in southern Kentucky. Half of his family was still down in Appalachia, making
their money off the government.

“What?” Kemper asked.
“What’s wrong, Kemper?”
He didn’t want to go there, but Kemper knew he had to. “I wasn’t born in a hospital, Shawn. My

mom had me in a one-room shack. Her friend caught me. I grew up dirt poor in Kentucky.”

“Your past doesn’t define who you are, Kemp.”
Kemper ran his hand through his hair. “No, it doesn’t.”
“Tell me more about your family,” Shawn said.
Kemper nervously bounced his leg beneath the table, shaking it. “Most of my family is scattered.

I have a brother, Jake, in North Carolina. I’m the only one here in Cincinnati. What about you?”

“I grew up in Cleveland an only child. My mom was a stay-at-home mom and my father was an


“Are you out with them?” Kemp asked.
“Yes. They know. I came out when I eighteen.” Shawn grinned wryly. “They didn’t see it

coming. They were surprised, but accepting.”

“I’m not out with anyone at work,” Kemp said.
“Neither am I.”
“So, where does that leave us?” Kemp asked.
“We have a few months left on our contract. Let’s enjoy our time together.”
“What about tonight?”
Shawn grinned. “I have this new set of workout equipment at my place you should see.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“This way you can skip your morning workout tomorrow.”
“I think I like the sound of that.”
Shawn stood. “Follow me back to my place.”

* * * *

The moment Shawn got behind the wheel of his car, his dick got hard. Shawn brushed his hand

over his cock, adjusting as he drove out of the city to his place. Kemper followed eagerly behind. Ten
minutes later, he pulled up in front of his house. Kemper was a few minutes behind.

Shawn headed up the walkway, unlocking the front door. He left the door hanging open and

heard it shut when Kemper came inside.

“Downstairs in the basement.”
Shawn flipped the hallway light on as he opened the door to his finished basement. Off to the

right of the great room sat his workout area. The new weight bench and set was perfect for what he
needed to do with Kemper tonight. Kemper’s footsteps were heavy as he came down the wooden

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stairs. It was probably due to the ten pounds of police-issued equipment he had strapped to his body.
Shawn pulled his shirt off. He took the rest of his clothes off in a flash.

Kemper took his time, taking off every piece of his police-issued uniform. Shawn was getting

impatient, but kept control. When Kemper finally yanked down his tight boxers, he couldn’t hold
himself together any longer. Kemper snapped his cock back against his hard abdomen. It was a short
few weeks ago that they had started training together. Now, Kemper’s body was hard, lean, and
muscular in all the right places. Even his ass had the athletic tightness that came from a man who
worked out every day.

“Hands on the bar like this, straddling the bench,” Shawn said.
Kemper straddled the bench, leaning in to the bar. He arched his ass out perfectly, exposing his

rim for Shawn.

On the far wall, there were floor to ceiling mirrors. Their eyes met within that mirror. Shawn

came in from behind, licking two of his fingers. Shawn reached down, rubbing his fingers over
Kemper’s rim. Kemp groaned, arching his ass to feel more of Shawn’s touch. His balls pressed hard
against the bench. Shawn reached for the lube, snapping open the cap. He lubed his cock and set the
bottle aside. Shawn straddled Kemper’s ass. He tipped his cockhead to the rim of Kemper’s ass,
thrusting in hard in one quick move. Kemper cried out as his ass arched out for more. Shawn grabbed
Kemper’s shoulders as he bounced his cock in and out of Kemper’s ass.

He wrapped the back of his hand around Kemper’s neck as he took him hard, slapping his balls

against Kemper’s perineum. Shawn lost his rhythm when he realized that he had gone inside Kemper
without a condom again. Things were spiraling out of control between them. How could he have
forgotten to put a glove on it?

Shawn tightened his hand on Kemper’s neck, using both of his hands to collar his lover. Shawn

wasn’t thinking clearly when it came to Kemper. That was part of Shawn’s problem. He got
momentarily stupid when he was around Kemper. He thrust deeper into Kemper’s ass, lifting his body
up off the bench with each hard hit. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed within the
room. Shawn met Kemper’s eyes in the mirror. Kemper’s face was twisted up as he got caught within
the throes of passion. His mouth was parted. He was breathing hard. He groaned with every hit of
their bodies.

“I’m close,” Kemper said.
“Fuck.” Shawn jammed his cock into Kemper’s ass, stilling his thrusts. “Don’t come yet. I’m not

finished with you.”

Shawn reached around, giving Kemper’s cock several strokes. Pre-cum shot over Shawn’s

palm. He felt Kemper’s prick jump within his hand. Shawn knew he was losing control. He thrust his
cock into Kemper’s ass hard. He cried out, arching his head back as his prick shot into Kemper’s ass.
He pulled his prick out, shooting cum over the backside of Kemper’s ass. Shawn gave Kemper a

“On your back. Hold the bar.”
Kemper flipped over. He flexed his cock, pointing it up. Shawn grabbed one of the clean

workout towels. He headed toward the downstairs bathroom, washing his cock off.

Sweat dripped off of Kemper’s face. Shawn straddled his body, putting his rim and ass up into

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Kemper’s face. He spread his ass cheeks wide.

“Rim me, sub.”
Shawn moaned as Kemper’s tongue went to work on his rim. He bent over and pulled Kemper’s

cock up, swallowing him whole. The tip of Kemper’s cockhead hit the back of Shawn’s throat. He
groaned, sending vibrations down Kemper’s cock. Shawn grabbed Kemp’s balls, squeezing them
tight. Pre-cum shot into Shawn’s mouth and slipped down the back of his throat. He squeezed
Kemper’s balls again, making pre-cum shoot into his mouth again.

He licked his way off of Kemp and flicked his tongue back and forth over his swollen cockhead.

He grabbed Kemper’s shaft tight, yanking his rim away from Kemper’s mouth. He tipped Kemper’s
cockhead up to his rim. Shawn sat down hard onto Kemper’s throbbing prick. His big dick stretched
him wide. Shawn bounced his ass, taking Kemper hard. As a Dom, he normally didn’t take cock in the
ass, but he was done following the rules. He wanted everything with his sub.

Hot spunk erupted out of Kemper’s cock, flying home into Shawn’s ass. They were both

sweating profusely as they came down from the wild ride. It was then that Shawn knew how much he
loved Kemper. They linked their hands together. There was so much Shawn wanted to say, but didn’t
know how. The words were bouncing around within his head. Kemper sat up, embracing Shawn.

Shawn turned his head, kissing Kemper. “You’ve done something to me.”
“I know. I feel it, too.”

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Chapter Eight

Early the next morning, Shawn slid into the back of the Training Classroom, looking around. The

room was full. He signed up at the last minute for the SHT, sexual harassment training, or S.H.I.T.,
Sexual Harassment Interoffice Training, as everyone was calling it. He kept telling himself it was due
to needing the educational hours, not because he wanted to see Kemper. Yeah, right, he was crashing
Kemper’s sexual harassment class to get some time with him.

He took the open seat behind Kemper in the back, running the tip of his fingers up Kemp’s nape

as he sat down. Across the room, Chief Anderson’s son Reed sat along the wall nervously tapping his
pencil on his notebook. The chief’s other son, David, was there, too. Rumors were swirling about
David going through some sort of nasty custody battle. Word had it that his ex-wife took off with their
kid and wasn’t about to come back anytime soon. Things did not look like they were okay in his
world right now. At the front of the room, Rita from HR was going over the signs of sexual

“Interoffice romance is a breeding ground for sexual harassment and is strictly prohibited. There

should be no dating or affairs between coworkers.”

Shawn leaned up close as though he were pouring through the handbook for the class. His lips

were inches away from Kemper’s nape.

The heat of his breath fanned over Kemper’s neck. Kemp slightly turned to see who had

whispered the word so closely to his ear.

“Sexual harassment can come in the form of jokes, inappropriate conversations, and through

inappropriate emails,” Rita said.

“Not guilty on that one,” Shawn whispered.
Shawn was tempted to slide his fingers down the curve of Kemper’s neck again, but couldn’t

risk doing so without being caught. He was already mentally pushing the limit by thinking about what
he wanted to do with Kemper when he got him alone.

The training wrapped up in the late afternoon. Shawn stretched as he got out of the classroom


They needed to talk. Shawn spent all day trying to avoid the fact that he was way out of line with

Kemper. He was breaking the contract with every session they had together. He was breaking his
self-imposed code of conduct. The room had slowly cleared out.

TJ strolled over to Shawn. “I’ve heard you’ve been busy with Kemper.”
“Excuse me?”
“The rumors are going around about the two of you. I’ve done what I can to keep the scuttlebutt

from tarnishing either of your reputations, but…”

“You two need to figure this thing out, whatever it is, and keep it out of work,” TJ said.
Shawn narrowed his gaze as a spinning sensation started within his gut. “Who said something?”
“It’s not important who. I thought you should know to keep whatever is going on out of work,”

TJ said. “Just be careful, okay?”

“Not a problem.”
On the other side of the room, Kemper was chatting it up with Reed. Their gazes brushed but

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didn’t lock. Shawn couldn’t risk the connection now with so many of his coworkers nearby. Shawn
really didn’t care who was talking about him, but he cared about what they were saying about
Kemper. The door to the training room knocked against the wall when Shawn gave it a little extra
shove. Footsteps sounded behind him, but Shawn didn’t stop to look around. Shawn opened up the
door to the stairwell, heading down. He was two flights down when he heard the door above bang
open. He didn’t stop. Someone hauled ass down the stairs, grabbing his arm.

“Are you running from me?” Kemper asked.
“I’m protecting you. People are starting to talk about us.”
“What? Who?”
“TJ didn’t say, but there’s talk. We need to be careful.” Shawn ran his hand through his hair. “I

think it’s time I signed off on your training. You’re ready for your SWAT test.”

“Don’t do this to us, Shawn…”
“Do what? You’re ready. It’s time for me to move on. The talk will die down once I go back to

work at the Academy.”

“And then?”
Shawn came in close, lowering his voice. He lifted his hand, brushing Kemper’s hair away from

his forehead. “We’re not going to talk about this now, babe. Come over to my house tonight.”

Kemper lifted his hand, slipping his fingers into Shawn’s waistband to pull him closer. So far,

Kemper was following their contract with no complaints. Kemper was the most compliant submissive
he had ever had. They never once had to use Kemper’s safe word. The corner of Shawn’s lips lifted.
He wanted to see how far he could push things tonight.

“I have a few things to do before I come over,” Kemper said.
“Be over by eight.”
“I will.”

* * * *

Nervous energy zipped down Kemper’s spine as he lifted his hand to knock on Shawn’s front

door. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen between them when they got together tonight.
Laughter echoed from inside the house. Shawn was not alone. Kemper wondered who was visiting.
Before he had time to puzzle out who could be inside with him, the door suddenly opened with Shawn
on the other side.

Shawn gave Kemper a light kiss on his lips. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey, Shawn.” Kemper’s gaze went toward the kitchen where there were several people.

“What’s going on?”

Shawn grinned, running his hands down Kemper’s arms. “I want you to meet my friends.”
“You have friends?”
“Ha-ha. Smart-ass.” Shawn came in close, whispering against his lips. “I may have to punish

you for that remark later, sub.”

“Um. I think I like the sound of that.”
Their lips met in a quick kiss before Shawn pulled away. He linked their hands together as he

led him down the hallway toward the kitchen. Everyone looked over at the pair. Kemper felt dizzy
inside and out as Shawn introduced him as his lover.

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“This is Kemper. My boyfriend,” Shawn said. “Kemp, I’d like you to meet my friends. Eric,

James, Ty, and you remember Gabe.”

Eric and James had dark black hair. They could have passed for brothers, if they weren’t

already. Ty’s shaggy white-blond hair went well with his loose-limbed surfer body. Gabe still
looked like Mr. GQ in his expensive suit. It looked as though he lost is coat and tie hours ago.

“How could I forget?” Gabe said. “Nice to see you again, Kemper.”
The three men were quietly sizing Kemper up. Gabe, on the other hand, was looking at him as

though he were something of an oddity he didn’t quite know how to handle.

“So you’re the reason why we never see Shawn anymore,” Ty said.
“You are the first Shawn has ever brought home to meet us,” Gabe said.
“Hey, that’s true!” Eric frowned. “Why is that?”
“It’s probably because you guys are bossy and overbearing,” Shawn said.
“We’re just protective of what’s ours,” Gabe said.
There was amusement in Ty’s eyes as he gave them both a closer look. Shawn wrapped his arm

around Kemper’s waist, bringing him in close. “No, I just don’t like hanging out with you losers

“So, tell us what you really think of us,” Gabe said.
Ty laughed. “Nice one.”
The doorbell rang. Eric reached for the money on the counter. “That’s the pizza. I’ll get it.”
Shawn moved behind Kemper, wrapping his arms around him from behind. He leaned down,

giving Kemper a kiss on his neck. The public displays of affection were completely new for Kemper.
It felt good to be so open with a lover around people he didn’t know. He felt safe with Kemper’s
friends. They had dinner together. They chatted long into the night. When everyone had finally gone,
Shawn led Kemper upstairs to his bedroom. He wrapped his hand behind Kemper’s neck, pulling him
in close for a kiss.

Their lips met in a hungry kiss. Shawn’s tongue slipped across Kemper’s lips, flicking it deep

inside. Their tongues dueled. Both were breathing heavy after several minutes. Shawn smoothed his
hands down over Kemper’s ass, grabbing it hard. The tips of his fingers slipped up between
Kemper’s ass cheeks, making him melt and sway against Shawn’s chest. Shawn rubbed his fingers
frantically over Kemper’s rim. Kemper moaned, holding on tight to Shawn’s shoulders. His head was
spinning with lust by the time their lips broke away. He bit his lip, waiting for Shawn’s next
command. Shawn pulled his body away, slipping his shirt over his head. He unzipped his fly, opening
his jeans. He yanked down his boxers, flexing his cock out. Shawn stroked his hand up and down over
his cock.

“On your knees. Suck me, sub.”
Kemper fell to his knees, grabbing Shawn’s cock and sucking it deep within his mouth. He

couldn’t believe how hungry he was for his Dom. Kemper dug his nails into Shawn’s athletic ass as
he took his cock. Shawn threaded his hands into Kemper’s hair, using his hands to guide Kemper’s
mouth up and down his shaft. Kemper undulated his tongue over the ridges just beneath Shawn’s
cockhead. He moaned, sending vibrations rumbling down Shawn’s cock.

Pre-cum shot from the tip of Shawn’s cock, landing in the back of Kemper’s throat. Kemper

sucked hard, wanting more and all of Shawn. He wanted him to feel as out of control as he felt inside.
Shawn spread his athletic thighs wide, using his hips to stroke his cock quickly in and out of

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Kemper’s mouth. All of a sudden, Shawn yanked his dick out of Kemper’s mouth.

When Kemper was undressed, Shawn came in fast and hard, kissing him passionately. Shawn

led him back onto the bed, pinning him to the mattress. Kemper spread his legs wide, loving how their
cocks rubbed together.

“Don’t move.”
Shawn pulled away from Kemper, going to the closet. He came back with a rope and a gag. He

tied both of Kemper’s wrists to the headboard. He worked the metal and leather bar gag into his
mouth and around his head, tightening the straps.

“Knees up.”
Shawn used the rope to tie Kemper’s legs and thighs up, exposing his ass. Then Shawn went to

the nightstand, taking a black dildo from the bag inside. Shawn grabbed the lube, wetting the dildo.
Kemper’s heart hammered as Shawn kneeled onto the bed, slipping the dildo over his rim. Shawn
pushed the dildo into Kemper’s ass. Kemper groaned, pulling hard on the rope that held him hostage.
Sweat poured from Kemper’s body. Every muscle in his arms and legs shook for more. He watched
Shawn closely as he leaned down, taking his cock into his mouth. Shawn worked over his cock,
sucking and taking him deep. Kemper felt completely out of control and completely controlled. It was
exactly where and how he wanted to be with Shawn.

Shawn twisted his mouth off of Kemper’s cock, giving it a hard squeeze.
Pre-cum shot out of Kemper’s dick, landing across his chest. Shawn leaned down, sliding his

tongue across Kemper’s chest. He licked up the pre-cum. Their eyes met. Kemper didn’t know how
much longer he could hold out.

“Come for me, baby.”
Hot spunk erupted from Kemper’s cock, shooting across his chest in four searing lines. Shawn

pulled the dildo from his ass, leaving him suddenly feeling empty inside. Kemper needed and wanted
more. He was coming back down hard from the ride when Shawn mounted him, shoving his throbbing
cock into his ass. Shawn grabbed the headboard, taking Kemper hard in the ass with short, hard
strokes. Shawn groaned, stiffening as he came deep within Kemper. Shawn leaned down giving
Kemper a sweet kiss with the gag still in his mouth. He pulled his lips away.

“You’re doing something to me.”
Shawn untied Kemper, pulling him in close. Kemper loved the feel of their bodies spooning

together. He hoped that it would always be this perfect between them. Kemper smiled. Always.

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Chapter Nine

Kemper sensed Shawn emotionally pulling away. The sun was setting, causing sunbeams to cut

through the living room. They had been going hot and hard for the last several weeks. They were
almost at their two month anniversary. It was no surprise to Kemp that the spark was finally starting
to fade. Kemper wasn’t feeling the fade of that spark though. Kemp crossed the room, feeling the soft
area rug beneath his bare feet. He loved Shawn’s house. He loved everything about it. Most of all, he
loved waking up next to Shawn after a long night.

Shawn reached up, twining his fingers with his. He smiled, but the sparkle didn’t reach his eyes.

Something was very wrong. Fear rippled down Kemper’s body. Everything in his life was finally
perfect. He did not want Shawn to let him go, but he didn’t know how to make him stay.

“You look nice,” Shawn said.
They were planning on going out to dinner. Shawn wrapped his hand around the back of Kemp’s

neck, pulling him down toward the couch. Their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. Kemper felt as
though Shawn was searching for something more or something he didn’t understand.

Kemper settled in next to Shawn on the couch. Their hands were still linked. “Are you going

back to the Academy now that my training is over?”

The news surprised and saddened Kemper. “Why not?”
“I’ve been offered a position in California as lead tactical trainer with the LAPD.”
Kemper felt Shawn stiffen. He felt as though he was losing Shawn. He felt his hand tighten on

Shawn’s. “Will you take it?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”
Kemper knew he lost Shawn even before the conversation began. “It would be a promotion for

you. You should take it.”

Shawn let go of Kemp’s hand and sat forward on the couch. He ran his hands through his hair. “I

don’t know if I can leave you.”

“I don’t want you to regret not taking the job because of me.”
“Kemp…don’t be like this.”
“How should I be?” Kemper asked.
Kemper paced away from the couch, going to the French doors to look out over Shawn’s

backyard. The property edged up along a lake. Their nights together had been the most exotic thing
Kemper had ever experienced in his life. He didn’t want to lose what he had with Shawn, but he
knew he couldn’t hold him back from success.

“Do you want me to stay?” Shawn asked.
“I can’t tell you to stay. I want you to make this decision on your own.”
Shawn sighed, getting up from the couch. He walked over to Kemper and pulled him into a tight


“I didn’t mean for this to get so intense between us. I was trying to keep things easy between us.”
Kemper put his head on Shawn’s shoulder, loving how perfectly they fit together. “I know. I’m

sorry I’m so needy.”

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“You’re not needy. You need someone to take care of you.” Shawn put gentle kisses along

Kemper’s temple. “I don’t know if I’m the one who can be that person for you.”

Kemp felt his heart shatter. Kemper shut his eyes tightly, trying to keep his tears from falling.

His hands tightened around Shawn’s waist. They both held each other. Neither one was willing to let
the other one go first. Hot tears pushed from beneath Kemper’s eyelids and fell down his cheeks.
Those tears fell upon Shawn’s broad chest.

Shawn lifted his chin. “Don’t cry for me, babe. Both of us knew what we were getting into when

this entire thing started.”

Kemper couldn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say. Everything that he always wanted was

completely out of reach. Kemper reluctantly pulled away. Shawn let him slip out of his arms. There
was no use begging Shawn for his love. Kemper knew what he had lost, and he knew that there was
no chance of him ever getting it back again. One day, Shawn would make somebody a very happy
man. Kemper was not that lucky guy.

Part of him wished that he had never met Shawn, but Kemper knew it was because of Shawn that

he was where he was today. Kemper was positive that he would still be on his couch wasting his life
had Shawn not shown up to help him out of the hole he was in.

“Thank you for everything,” Kemper said.
Shawn’s face was tight and unreadable. “You’re welcome. Kemper…I want you to know that I

care for you deeply.”

“I care for you, too,” Kemper said.
“I wish that things could be different and that we could be together.”
“So do I, but we both knew what we were getting into when we started this thing.”
Kemper was desperate to hear the words. He knew that Shawn would never tell him. The sun

was just starting to set. Sunlight caused the red highlights in Shawn’s hair to catch fire. I love you,
Kemper thought. I’ve always loved you. Kemper felt like everything he ever dreamed of having was
slipping away. He wished things could be different.

* * * *

Shawn could see that Kemper was devastated. Emotion poured through Shawn’s body. He

wanted to make things right for Kemper, but he didn’t know how. Shawn knew he was in love, but
didn’t know how to say those three little words that had the impact of a bomb going off. Their eyes
met. Tears glistened in his eyes. How had he let it go for so long without even realizing that he loved
Kemper? He didn’t know how to fix this. He didn’t know how to make things right. Everything in his
life was nice and neat and orderly, except when it came to Kemper. His love for Kemper was messy
and out of control and boundless. Things were not supposed to end this way. Whenever Shawn broke
things off with a sub, he made sure that things ended well. This was ending poorly.

Shawn wasn’t a man who had a way with words. He wasn’t good at articulating the deep

feelings he had for a lover. Most men found him unreachable and too mysterious. They wanted and
needed to know everything about him. Kemper had always just accepted him for who he was.
Sometimes that wasn’t enough. Shawn understood that now. He needed to be more for Kemper. He
needed to find a way that he could have it all. This was going to take some planning. Things would
have to remain the way they were for now.

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He had to find a way to make this right. Shawn brushed Kemper’s tears away, taking his hand in

his. He lifted the back of his hand to his lips, giving Kemper a sweet kiss. Their gazes locked, causing
Shawn to have the urge to pull Kemper into his arms again. It took all his willpower to resist.

Shawn brushed his thumb over the back of Kemper’s hand. “I will always treasure the time we

shared together.”

“So will I. Always.” Kemper pulled his hand out of his. “I should go. I have some things to do

before my SWAT testing tomorrow.”

“I know you’ll do great. Are you coming back here later?”
“No. I should get a good night’s rest at home.”
Shawn knew he had to make things clear before Kemper left. “Our contract isn’t over.”
“Yeah, I know. We have several months left.”
“Don’t forget that, sub.”
“I won’t, Sir.”
Shawn didn’t want him to go, but he didn’t know how to ask him to stay. He watched as Kemper

walked to the front door, not looking back as Shawn hoped he would. What had he done? Why had he
pushed Kemper away like this? He didn’t have to bring up the job offer now. He still had lots of time
to decide. Perhaps part of him needed to know where things really stood with Kemper. Now he knew.
It was so wrong to test Kemper this way, but he had to know. This contract wasn’t how things were
meant to be forever between them. Somehow, someway, he knew he had to find a way to make things
work for both of them.

Outside, Shawn heard Kemper’s car start. Shawn knew he had just lost his soul mate.

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Chapter Ten

Today was the day of Kemper’s SWAT exam. Despite being ready physically, he wasn’t ready

mentally to take on the challenge. A small part of him was afraid of falling and failing miserably. He
sat on the edge of his bed. He’d come so far. He was no longer using that damn cane for balance.
Kemper owed Shawn everything for helping him get his life back.

The book of photos Evan took during his physical therapy sessions sat on the nightstand. Kemp

reached for the book, flipping it open. He froze. There were pictures of him in the hospital. His
police brothers surrounded his bed. Off in the corner of one of the photos, Shawn stood. He looked
absolutely beautiful as he stood vigil over his bed. The tips of his fingers brushed over the pages as
he turned them. There was one of him sitting on the edge of a therapy table. Sweat dripped down from
his temples onto his shirt. He’d been ready to give up at that moment. Kemp flipped the book of
photos shut. He couldn’t go there now.

He’d resisted seeing and spending the night with Shawn. He didn’t want the distraction right

before his test. As far as he knew, Shawn was packing his life up and moving to California.

Kemper reached for his leg, strapping it on. He headed for the bathroom to get ready. He needed

to get his head in the game. A little while later, he was on the road, heading toward Camp Tack.

Sunshine was breaking through the trees at Camp Tack. Kemp drove up through the winding

drive. Every time he got into the car, he thought about how lucky he was to lose his left leg and not his
right. Chief Anderson was with TJ up at the welcome center. There were several current SWAT
members off on the course, going over the site. Kemp’s heart started to beat a little bit faster when he
saw Shawn’s car in the parking lot. There was no sign of him anywhere. Kemper wanted to smack
himself in the head for looking for him.

This two-day test was supposed to push him to his physical limit. Kemp felt ready. He wanted to

get back to full-time police work and not just the paperwork pushing they had him doing. Kemp shut
off his car and grabbed his overnight bag from the backseat. Nervous energy zipped through Kemp’s
body as he went up to TJ and Chief Anderson.

“Ready?” TJ asked.
“Hell yeah.”
“Make me proud, Morrow,” Chief Anderson said.
“No pressure.” Kemper laughed.
They headed out toward the main building where the SWAT team was gearing up within the

locker room.

“Don’t be scared. We’ll go easy on you,” TJ said.
“We’ve only had one guy go home crying. And that was only due to him getting hurt,” Adam


Kemper found his locker and quickly changed into his tactical gear. When he was finished

dressing, the team was outside waiting for him. They hit the obstacle course a few minutes later.

“Try to keep up,” Adam said.
The taunt felt everything like a threat. A whistle blew and they were off running for the forest.

Thunder rumbled in the distance. Somehow Kemper knew he was about to get fucked every which
way but Sunday.

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* * * *

Shawn was at Camp Tack by request of Chief Anderson. From his vantage point in the

watchtower, he kept tabs on Kemp as he moved through the course. He did not want to be a
distraction for Kemper today. He wanted him focused on only passing his SWAT test. He lifted his
binoculars, watching Kemp go through the ropes course. Kemp used his upper body strength to move
through the ropes without getting his leg tangled up. Shawn grinned. He was doing great. Their weeks
of training had really paid off. Kemper was looking stronger than he had ever been in his entire life.

Heat moved through Shawn’s body as he watched Kemper work. Kemp’s stocky, lean muscle

and narrow hips turned him on in a way that no other man had ever. The thought of their contract
ending sent his mind and emotions into a spin. Shawn did not like the idea of sharing Kemper with
anyone else. Possessiveness wasn’t something Shawn had ever experienced before. He considered
his relationships to be educational. As a Dom, he wanted to teach his subs something new about
obedience and loyalty.

Loyalty. The word was a lot like love. Shawn frowned. He never fell in love with his subs. He

wasn’t even sure what love felt like at the end of the day. Yeah, he thought about Kemper all the time.
He wanted to please him sexually. He loved making him smile and laugh. It brightened his day to be
around Kemper all the time. Shawn loved waking up every morning with him and when they didn’t
wake up together he felt incomplete. Shawn felt like something was missing when he was away from
Kemper. That had him reconsidering his plans for California.

Fuck him. He loved Kemper. He wanted him. He wanted a life with him. Shawn wanted to take

him home for Christmas and snuggle up close to him on New Year’s Eve. He sure as shit didn’t want
Kemper going out with another man. Ever. That thought had Shawn thinking about all the things in that
contract that they had yet to do. Shawn knew he wouldn’t ever get over Kemper if he let him go now.
Somehow being with Kemper had ruined Shawn for every other man.

The truth of how deep his feelings went left Shawn shaken inside. Shawn’s first reaction was to

run from Kemper, but he knew that wouldn’t change how he felt for his lover. Shawn lowered the
binoculars. He couldn’t believe he let Kemper out of the contract without a fight. What the hell had he

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Chapter Eleven

Out of the corner of Kemp’s eye, he caught sight of Evan taking his picture as he suited up to roll

out to serve an arrest warrant with SWAT. Thunder was new to their district and someone who Chief
Anderson thought would help with training. Thunder focused the camera on his legs. His military-
grade titanium leg was hidden beneath his tactical pants.

Kemper pinned Thunder with a hard stare that made him grin and lift his high-tech Nikon. He

snapped several pictures before moving on to the rest of the SWAT team. Thunder would always be
going out on calls with them now.

They were moving out. There was a hostage situation at a heist-gone-wrong at an upscale

jewelry store. Police units were already on the scene. Kemp was riding with TJ to the jewelry store
in the heart of downtown Cincinnati. They came to a quick stop behind the SWAT truck, getting out.

The team moved into tactical positions. Two sharpshooters were on top of the parking garage

across the street. Nervous energy pumped through Kemp’s blood as he followed TJ into position to
negotiate with the men inside the jewelry store. A shiver lifted up the back of Kemper’s spine. He felt
eyes on him from inside the building.

Tension vibrated through the air. Crime scene tape secured the perimeter. Police vehicles

blocked traffic from getting close to the jewelry store. Sweat dripped down Kemper’s temple as he
worked with TJ to secure communication with the men within the situation truck. The line rang and

“We’re going to have to go inside,” TJ said.
“How many are in there?” Kemp asked.
“A total of five. Two armed robbers according to a customer who ran out the front door.”
These robbers were usually smash-and-grab jobs done after hours. This was not right. These

guys were mostly high on something illegal from the corner sidewalk.

Gunfire erupted from inside the jewelry store. The storefront windows shattered. Everything

went in slow motion as TJ and Kemper ran toward the store, pulling their weapons. Kemp aimed at
the guy firing. He pulled the trigger once and he went down. TJ fired at the second guy who dove
behind the counter, shooting as he fell.

A sting pierced Kemper’s arm, he looked down in time to see a second bullet rip through his

arm. Blood seeped from his arm as a searing-hot pain cut through his body. He never felt anything like
it in his life before.

Seconds later, Kemp was flat on his back, staring up at the sky. What the fuck happened? How

had he gotten on the ground? TJ was hunched over him on the radio. TJ’s hand was pressed to his
arm. Kemp couldn’t hear a damn word he was saying. It was as though a bomb had gone off and there
was only ringing in his ears.

“Kemper! Kemper!”
“Keep your fucking eyes open.”
Kemp went to sit up but was shoved back down. Things must have been far worse than he ever

expected. Darkness pressed in on his peripheral vision. A searing hot pain shot down his side as he
tried to move. He blinked hard.


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Everything went dark.

* * * *

Bright lights punched Kemper in the face, waking him up. He was flat on his back, staring up at

the brightest fucking light he’d ever seen. It took Kemper a moment to realize that he was sitting in the
emergency room. It took him just a moment more to assess the damage. His shirt was off and a
bandage was around his left arm. There was also a bandage wrapped around his abdomen.

“That’s a new fucking record,” Parker said.
“Don’t encourage him with the facts,” Chief Anderson said.
“Please don’t,” Shawn said.
“What the fuck happened?” Kemper asked.
“You were hit by two bullets and went down thirty seconds after you arrived on the scene. The

first went straight through your arm and the second grazed just above your vest. Nothing broken,”
Parker said.

Kemper swallowed hard. “Please tell me that I have all my limbs.”
“Every one of them,” Parker said. “It is a new record for SWAT though.”
Chief Anderson came in close, leaning over the hospital bed. “If you don’t stop getting hurt in

the field, I’m going to send you out with training wheels on.”

“Training wheels, sir?” Kemper asked.
“Training fucking wheels. You’ll be working parking enforcement until the day you retire.”
“Yeah. Shit is right. There’s too much shit going on for me to deal with your ass in the hospital

every few months. Now, get your ass better and get the fuck back to work.”

Chief Anderson rounded on Shawn. “You are in fucking charge of his ass. Get him back to


“Yes, sir,” Shawn said.
Kemper sat up on his elbow, trying to swing his legs from the bed. He was stopped by both

Shawn and Parker blocking his ass from moving.

“I have to get the IV out of your arm before you can get up,” Parker said.
Kemper fell back into the bed. Parker snapped on some gloves. Shawn stood on the other side of

the bed, watching Parker closely.

“Plans this weekend?” Parker asked.
Shawn looked like he was going to pass out as he stared down at the tubing coming from his

arm. “Not much. Should you be talking to me while you do this?” Shawn asked.

“Have a seat,” Parker said. “You’re looking a little pale. Deep breaths, my man. I don’t want to

pick your ass up off the floor.”

“Hey, babe,” Kemper said.
Shawn blinked several times as though he was holding it together by a thread. “I’m here. What

do you need?”

“I need you to come over here and hold my hand.”
Shawn came in fast, gripping his hand hard. There was so much that was conveyed by that one

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simple touch. Emotion poured through Kemper’s body as tears wet his eyes.

Dr. Woods moved the blanket and went to work on the tube in his arm. A few seconds later, the

tube was out. Parker held pressure on the site to stop the bleeding. A few seconds later, Parker
slapped on a rainbow-and-unicorn Band-Aid. Parker removed his gloves and washed his hands.

“I’ll give you two a few minutes.”
“Parker?” Shawn asked.
“When can I take him home?” Shawn asked.
A grin tugged at the corner of Parker’s lips. “Give me a few minutes to get his discharge

paperwork together.” He sighed. “He should really be staying the night. I don’t like the fact that he
lost consciousness after his injury.”

“It was fucking painful,” Kemper said.
“If your vitals weren’t perfect, I’d be keeping you overnight for observation.”
“Maybe he should stay the night just to be safe,” Shawn said.
“Don’t I get a fucking say in this?” Kemper asked.
“Take your time finding those discharge papers,” Shawn said.
“I will,” Parker said.
As soon as Parker left the room, Shawn leaned down, grabbing his jaw and kissing him hard. He

broke his lips away, but pressed his forehead against Kemper’s. “I could have lost you today.”

“I’m quick on my feet,” Kemper said.
“I don’t like the idea of you getting hurt.”
“Then protect me. Keep me safe.”
“I wish I could protect you when you’re out there on duty,” Shawn said.
“How about protecting me when we’re together?”
“I think I love the sound of that.”
Their hands twined together as Shawn sat on the edge of the bed. Kemper finally felt like

everything was going to be perfect. He had the man he loved. Now, all he had to do was convince
said man that they were meant to be together.

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Chapter Twelve

Shawn knew he was breaking the contract by falling in love with Kemper. It was late afternoon

by the time Shawn pulled up outside of Kemper’s place.

“Let me help you out of the car,” Shawn said.
“I can walk, babe.”
“Yeah, I know, but that pain medicine is still working its way out of your system. You’re going

to be unsteady on your feet.”

Shawn wrapped his arm around Kemper’s waist, leading him up the walkway and unlocking the

door for Kemper. He balanced Kemper’s weight against his side as they moved along together. They
went to Kemper’s bedroom, where Shawn helped him undress to his boxers and tucked him into bed.

“Hungry?” Shawn asked.
“Yeah. Actually, I am.”
“Anything I can make you?”
“Surprise me, babe.”
“Will do, hon.”
Shawn slid his fingers over Kemper’s hand before he left the room and headed downstairs. He

dug through Kemper’s cupboard, coming up with a can of soup. He heated the can up on the stove and
found some saltines in the cupboard. By the time he came back upstairs, Kemper had flipped on the
television in the room and was sitting up.

“I can get used to this,” Kemper said.
“You better be back on your feet soon if you ever want to keep me.”
“Is that a threat?”
“Maybe it is.” Shawn set the tray onto Kemper’s lap. “We need to talk.”
“Do we? About what?” Kemper asked.
“Us. We need to talk about the new contract.”
Kemper set aside the tray and pulled the sheet up over his hips. “What new contract?”
“The final one I’m going to draw up between us.”
“Sounds kind of permanent,” Kemper said.
“It will be. Do you have a problem with that?”
Shawn paced away, going over to the curtains. He pulled them open to let moonlight filter

through the room. His heart beat wildly as he waited for Kemper’s reply. Shawn turned, meeting
Kemper’s gaze.

“No. I think I love the sound of what you’re offering. What are you offering?”
Shawn knew he had to tell Kemper exactly how he felt and what he wanted. “I love you,

Kemper. I love you like no one I’ve ever known. I want forever with you.”

Kemper smiled. “I love you, too, babe.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, I fell in love with you the first moment you showed up on my doorstep.”
Shawn laughed. “I fell in love with you when I found that stack of romance novels on your


“So what does this new contract entail?” Kemper asked.
Shawn came in close to Kemper, snuggling up close on the bed. “It’s a long-term contract.

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Exclusive, actually.”

“Sounds kind of permanent. You should know that I have commitment issues.”
“I guess I’ll have to work hard to keep you happy,” Shawn said.
Their hands joined. Shawn felt like everything in his life was finally falling perfectly into place.

He was happy, and he wanted to make Kemper happy, too.

* * * *

“You love me,” Kemper said.
Kemper felt his heart swell when he threw those three words into Shawn’s face. The impact

continued to leave Shawn with an amused look on his face.

“You finally admitted that you love me,” Kemper said.
“You’ll want to read your contract closely. This one is binding.”
Kemper felt breathless as Shawn’s hand moved up the inside of his thigh. “Is it? Say it again.”
“I love you,” Shawn said.
Kemper chuckled. “I love the sound of those words rolling off your lips.”
“You’re getting cocky, sub.”
“I think you like me being cocky with you.”
“Maybe I do.” Shawn slipped his hand over Kemper’s jaw. “I think we’re perfect together.”
“Yes, we are.”
Kemper rested his head against Shawn’s shoulder. He never expected to find love after he lost

his leg. He never expected to be whole again. Everything he ever wanted was right there within his
arms. Kemper ran his hand up Shawn’s arm, pulling him close.

“So…what happens now?” Kemper asked.
“I was hoping that you would move in with me.”
There was a waver within Shawn’s strong, deep voice. A waver that was probably due to

Shawn’s fear of Kemper saying no. “I love the sound of that.”

“Do you?”
“As long as I get the right side of the bed.”
“You making a claim on my bed?” Shawn asked.
“I am.”
Shawn kissed his temple, sending shivers down Kemper’s spine. “I’d give you anything and

everything in this entire world if it made you happy.”

“The only thing I want and need is you.”
A sigh escaped Shawn’s lips as Kemper cuddled closer. Their gazes were fixed on the

television. The SWAT team and Kemper’s injury was on the late local news.

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Chapter Thirteen

Two weeks later, Shawn finished moving all of Kemper’s clothing into his half of the closet in

the master bedroom. He stood back, looking at everything. A smile played at his lips. Tonight, he had
a surprise for Kemper. Shawn’s hand touched the ring hanging off the chain around his neck. He was
going to make this thing solid between them.

“Shawn?” Kemper called.
“Up here!” Kemper came around the corner, carrying one more box. “What’s in there?”
“Just some of my books. Do you have some extra shelf space?” Kemper asked.
“Over here.”
It was sunny outside. Sunlight rained down from the skylight into the bedroom. When they were

finished putting the books away, Shawn realized that he was down on one knee in front of Kemper.
They were eye to eye. Shawn grabbed his hand, stopping him from standing up and moving away. He
had wanted to wait until later tonight after a romantic dinner, but right now everything felt right.

“Shawn? Everything okay?”
“Yeah…Kemper…there’s something I want to ask you.”
A frown creased Kemper’s forehead. “Shawn…”
“Kemper…” Shawn took the chain from around his neck, unsnapping the link. The ring twirled

off the chain and fell into Shawn’s hand. “Will you marry me?”

Shock registered late on Kemper’s face. “You want to marry me?”
“Yes. I love you. I want more than just us living together. I want to make it official with a

wedding, flowers, a cake, my family, our friends, our coworkers.”

Tears sprang to Kemper’s eyes. “Say yes, babe. Tell me you want this as much as I do.”
Kemper nodded through the tears, nodding his head up and down. “Yes!”
The white-gold engagement ring was warm from being so close to Shawn’s body. Kemper’s

hand shook as he offered it to Shawn to slide the ring on. Shawn slid the band up over his knuckle.
Kemper jumped into Shawn’s arms, kissing him passionately.

“I love you, babe,” Shawn said.
“I love you more.”
Shawn lowered Kemper to the floor. He stared down at his lover’s eyes, seeing his future unfold

within them. He ran his hands down Kemper’s arms, linking their fingers together.

“How do you feel about spending a quiet evening at home tonight with me?” Shawn asked.
“That sounds fantastic.”
“We can do takeout. A double feature…maybe even a triple if you’re up for watching the Aliens


“It sounds like a perfect evening,” Kemper said.
“First, we need to go for a swim.”
Kemper laughed. “I’m shocked you haven’t gotten me into it before now.”
“I’ve been dying to go skinny-dipping with you.” Shawn stepped back. “Now, get naked, sub.”
Shawn smiled as he watched Kemper undress, lowering his eyes demurely. He loved how

submissive Kemper became when he started ordering him around. It turned him on fast and hard.
When Kemper was finally undressed, Shawn pulled him in close for a quick taste of his lips. Their
cocks brushed together. After a long kiss, Kemper pulled his puffy and swollen lips away.

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“I thought we were going for a swim?” Kemp asked.
“We better go now or we never will.”
They headed downstairs and out the backdoor. Shawn flipped on the exterior light, illuminating

the back porch. They streaked across the patio together. Shawn dove in. When he surfaced, he caught
sight of Kemper taking off his prosthetic at the edge of the pool. He dove off the side and surfaced in
front of Shawn.

Moonlight shined down on the pair like a night rainbow arching from the sky. Shawn came up

behind Kemper, rubbing his cock up against his rim. Kemper bent forward, exposing his ass. Shawn
bit his lip, stuffing his big dick deep inside his sub. They groaned in unison as Shawn bottomed out in
his ass. All of a sudden, Shawn was lost with the motion of the water, Kemper’s cries of passion, and
the feel of Kemper’s big hands gripping his ass. Shawn reached around, taking control of Kemper’s
cock. He stroked and pulled, twisting his hand up and down Kemper’s shaft. Shawn sunk his dick
hard, lifting Kemper up off the floor of the pool as his orgasm spun through his dick. Hot spunk shot
from his prick, landing deep within Kemper. Shawn was still flying high from the encounter when he
pulled his cock from Kemper’s ass. He turned Kemper around, grabbing hold of his hard prick.

“I’m close.”
“You whine like a bratty sub when you’re close to coming,” Shawn teased.
“Put me out of my fucking misery.”
“I will babe. I will.”
Shawn picked Kemper up by wrapping his arms around his thighs. Kemper cried out in surprise.

Shawn worked Kemper’s cock deep into his mouth and sucked hard. It was all he needed. Kemper
groaned as he came hard. Shawn licked his way off Kemper’s dick and slid him down the front of his

“I love you,” Shawn said.
“I love you more.”
Their lips met in a sweet kiss. They held each other for a long time within the moonlight.

Kemper rested his head upon Shawn’s shoulder.

“I’m so lucky to have you,” Kemper said.
“We’re both lucky.”
Voices carried on the night air. The privacy fence kept them hidden from view.
“Are you expecting someone?” Kemper asked.
“I wasn’t but it sounds like someone is here. Let’s ignore them.”
Whoever was on the other side of the fence wasn’t going away. Shawn was certain that it was

his friends coming over for their long-standing game of darts. How could he have forgotten about
their dart league? Half of the team was made up of guys from the SWAT team and from the police

“We should get out,” Shawn said.
“What? Why? We just got in.”
All of a sudden, guys from the department started climbing the fence. They brought the rest of the

party and the beer.

“Oh, fuck,” Shawn whispered. “Hey, Jack!”
“Hey, man. I didn’t know you were having a pool party!” Jack said. “Who’s your friend?”
“This is Kemper. He’s joining the league.” Kemper frowned at Shawn. “Darts.”

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Kemp swam to the edge of the pool. Shawn was certain he was trying to hide the fact that he was

swimming without trunks on. The guys came around to the patio area, setting the food they brought
onto the table.

“Anyone know anything about this new guy Evan Thunder?” Jack asked.
“He’s the new tactical photographer the chief hired a few weeks ago,” Shawn said.
“I heard he once worked in the porn industry,” Jack said.
“Bullshit,” TJ said. “Chief Anderson would not hire anyone who once worked in the porn


Jack spread his arms wide. “Hey, I’m only repeating what I heard.”
“Who did you hear it from?” Kemper asked.
“Just imagine the number of women he’s slept with,” Jack said. “Ah, man…”
“Or guys,” Shawn said.
“Hey, never thought of that!” Jack replied.
“You never said where you heard it from,” Kemper said.
“One of the guys who knows him through District Two,” Jack said. “Hey, maybe he worked

behind the scenes. He probably saw all the action. Who knows?”

“Ask him,” Shawn said.
“Fuck no. Some things are better left unknown, my man,” Jack said.
Shawn swam over to Kemper, lowering his voice. “I’m not sure how we’re going to get out of

this one.”

“You go first,” Kemper said.
The corner of his mouth lifted. “I’ll bring you trunks and a towel.”
Thanks, babe.
Shawn cleared his throat. “Avert your eyes. I’m getting out of the pool.”
“What?” TJ asked. “Ah, fuck, Shawn.”
Shawn had used the ladder to get out of the deep end. He covered his junk with his right hand. “I

warned you.”

Nice tattoo, Shawn, Jack said.
Shawn loved how the dragon’s scales rippled as his thigh muscles went to work. Jack’s gaze

followed his tattoo as he walked across the veranda.

A few minutes later, Shawn came back dressed, with a towel for Kemper. He discreetly

dropped the swim trunks into Kemper’s hand. The tips of their fingers brushed. Shawn waited beside
the pool to help Kemper out. Shawn wrapped his arm around his waist as he headed for the patio
chair where he put his prosthetic on. Shawn wanted to be there for him every step of the way. He
looked down at the white glint of the engagement ring on Kemper’s hand.

Shawn gave in to temptation and leaned down, kissing Kemper fully on the mouth. When he

lifted his head, Shawn saw the love lingering in Kemper’s eyes.

“I love you, babe. I want everyone to know that you’re mine,” Shawn said.
“Me, too.” Kemper stood up, sliding in close to Shawn. “I think everyone knows that I’m yours.”
Pride filled Shawn’s voice as he said, “Yes, they do.”

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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the field of medical social work to

be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious
boys with her husband, Mr. Throne, and two rowdy hamsters named Nibbler and CJ. She also has a
pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her office.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate chip cookies, hiking, spending

time with her family, and spreading awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find me on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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