Training Leland Tatum Throne

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Hard Hits 12

Training Leland

Lt. Wittfield “Witt” Falken has just rescued a former classmate
who bullied him for being gay. When Witt tries to pull away, he

quickly discovers that Leland only wants to hold on. Unable to
deny the intense attraction he has for Leland, he stays.

Det. Leland Mathews was a jerk to Witt in high school. At the time,

he couldn’t admit the feelings he had for Witt. Now that life has
thrown them back together, Leland has no plans on letting go of

Witt anytime soon. Will Witt forgive him?

Witt is a Dom who is need of a sub. When Leland begs for

forgiveness, Witt takes a chance on the man who made his life
hell. Unable to ignore the sexual chemistry heating up between

them, Witt wants to take control of Leland. Will Leland say yes and
become his sub?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 21,754 words

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Hard Hits 12

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-714-5

First E-book Publication: December 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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For the Throne boys with all my love.

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Hard Hits 12


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Detective Leland Mathews stared at his nephew’s teacher as

though she’d grown two heads. His pager buzzed twice. He was late
for getting to a crime scene. The checklist in front of him was
supposed to be a formal assessment of his nephew. The checklist was
a generic form that listed the ways the teacher was going to place his
nephew away from doors, windows, and other children. Where was
she going to put him? In another room by himself?

The checkmark that stung the most was the remedial grouping.

There was nothing remedial about a kid who had a photographic
memory. This woman was an idiot but Leland couldn’t tell her that to
her face. This checklist was a complete and utter fucking joke. After a
few weeks of school, she was supposed to know his nephew that well.
After letting her go on for a while, Leland had enough.

“I’m not signing this. It’s not an accurate assessment of my

nephew’s strengths,” Leland said.

“Be that as it may, we just want what’s best for Isaac.”
Leland stood up. He had to get to work. “By giving him a crutch.

Not going to happen. He stays in class with the other students. He’s a
smart kid. He’s not being pulled out for extended test taking time.”

“He needs the help with his reading.”

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“He needs an education. That’s what my sister is paying you for.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for work.”

“You’re making a mistake.”
Leland glared at the second grade teacher. She was an idiot. “Do

your job and teach my nephew. If you want me to sign anything, you
need to have a plan that reflects Isaac strengths and not this generic

Outside in the hallway, Isaac sat on a chair swinging his legs and

reading a book about Minecraft. He looked up. His gold-rimmed
glasses gave the blond-headed boy a nerdy look. “Hey, buddy.

“When’s my mom coming?”
His sister Rose had to work late at the diner. She was just coming

down the hall. “Here she is now. Perfect timing.”

“Am I in trouble?” Isaac asked.
“No, buddy. Your teacher wants to give you some extra reading.”
Isaac smiled. “Oh, okay.”
“Thanks, Leland,” Rose said.
“You’re welcome.”
They headed out to the parking lot where they could speak

privately. They buckled Isaac into the backseat of Rose’s car. She
shut the door as she worried her lip. “How’d it go?” Rose asked.

“As expected. She’s an idiot.”
Rose shook her head. “I don’t understand why she’s singling Isaac


“I don’t know either but you don’t need to take any of her advice.

You know Isaac the best. Not her. I think the extra reading would help
him but not being pulled out from class so much.”

“I know. He just gets frustrated with the hard words.”
“Completely normal,” Leland said.
“Thanks again for filling in for me.”
“No problem.” Leland’s pager buzzed again. “I better get going.”
“Okay. Be safe.”

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Tatum Throne

Leland hurried across town, shutting down the side of his brain

that wanted to tell his nephew’s teacher where to shove her checklist.
It was bad enough Rose’s ex wasn’t involved and there for Isaac the
way he should be. Before he knew it, Leland was pulling up on the
crime scene. It was a shit storm of police cars blocking the bridge.

Wind whipped him in the face as he got out of his Land Rover. He

headed over to TJ and Adam, who were standing near the rail.
“What’ve we got?”

“Not sure. Witnesses said she got out of the car and just rushed

the edge of the bridge. They saw her go over but no one saw her in the
water,” TJ said.

“How long have you been on scene?” Leland asked.
“Ten minutes tops. Water rescue was already on scene from a

boating accident upriver.”

Down below, water rescue was searching the water for the

jumper. Where was she? Still, no one saw the jumper land in the
water. They all saw her go over. That thought had Leland going to the
edge of the bridge to lean over it. He didn’t see anyone. He reached
for TJ’s flashlight and flicked it on, searching the underside of the
bridge. Water rescue trained their lights onto the underbelly of the
bridge, too. There. A woman clung to a beam deep within the dark
shadows of the rusty steel. She looked as though she’d climbed out
and gotten stuck. TJ and Adam came to his side.

“She’s clinging to a beam. I’m going to make contact,” Leland


“Fuck. How did we miss her?” TJ said.
“Everyone was looking in the water,” Adam said.
Water rescue moved their lights just enough to cast the woman in

complete darkness again. It was easy to see how they missed her
there. “Easy. She’s just out of sight with the light.”

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Training Leland


Leland started to climb over the side of the bridge when TJ

grabbed his arm, stopping him.

“Wait. It’s not safe. We need to rope you in,” TJ said.
Leland knew there was little time. “I’m good. I’ll be careful.”
TJ grabbed him as he started to swing his leg over the edge of the

bridge again. “I’m not going to plan your funeral because you didn’t
want to take the time to be safe.”

“Fine. Hurry!”
TJ rushed off to his car, pulling out some rescue equipment. The

man was always prepared for anything. Leland, TJ, and Adam put on
the full-body climbing harnesses. TJ worked the rope around the edge
of the rail, backing it up by tying it off on the beam. When the
climbing rope was secure, Leland clipped into the rope, getting ready
to repel over the side. Adrenaline rushed through his blood. He was a
junky for the high that came with extreme sports. He’d tried them all.
Sky diving was by far his favorite. He didn’t care for rock climbing
anymore but he still had the skills.

Leland climbed over the side of the rail, holding on tight as a gust

of wind nearly took him off the side of the bridge. The woman looked
up at him with glassy eyes. She looked like she was either high on
something or out of her mind. Leland was going with a mental
breakdown of some kind. Most didn’t do this sort of thing unless
something drove them to go over the side of the bridge. Leland gave
her a reassuring smile that he hoped wouldn’t frighten her into

“Hi there. Need some help?”
She bit her lip. Her eyes were wide. The wind made her blonde

hair whip around her head. Her hands gripped the rusty steel bridge.
Behind her, TJ was getting into place just in case they had to make a
quick save. There was a good chance that they would have to. Leland
held onto the steel above his head as his feet made their way across
the six-inch beam. Despite having the harness and climbing rope

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Tatum Throne

locked in, he still felt a bit unsteady. His heart hammered as
adrenaline rushed through his veins.

“I’m just going to come a little bit closer so that we can talk

better. Is that okay with you?”

Her wide eyes looked down at the raging waters of the Ohio

River. Yeah, it was a really long way down. Two hundred feet if he
remembered correctly from the number of times some of his
coworkers had taken a nosedive off this bridge. Leland eased his big
frame along the steel beam, which wasn’t easy at his height of six
feet. When he got within several inches, she moaned and tried to ease

“It’s okay. No one is going to hurt you. I promise you that.”
Thunder rumbled and rain started to fall, making the steel beam

slippery. The rain was cold and biting on Leland’s skin. It wouldn’t
be long before winter was full of cold hard rage and battering down
on Cincinnati.

“Hey, I can help you.”
The woman started to blink rapidly as though she were suddenly

waking up from a fog-induced nightmare. She started to cry. “Where
am I? Oh, God! Not again!”

Leland reached out, grabbing the woman before she fell. His body

swung away from the steel beam as the momentum of the save sent
his body flying. With his arms locked around the woman’s waist, he
swung back toward the steel beam where TJ reached out, grabbing
hold of the rope. He held them in close to his body where Adam could
get the rescue harness around the woman’s waist. She was crying
hysterically into Leland’s shoulder. Once the harness was secure, TJ
eased the woman away.

“We’re going to take you up now,” Leland said.
She nodded, wiping away her tears as she was lifted above the

side of the bridge and taken away to safety. TJ followed her with
Adam leaning his hand over to help him over the side of the rail.
Everything was getting really slippery. Despite their industrial sole,

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Training Leland


Leland could feel his work boots struggling to grip. Even his hands
were starting to lose their hold.

He climbed the steel connector but his foot slipped, followed by

his hand, making his body swing out like a barn door opening. The
rope around his body snapped taut but the harness around his waist
unraveled like a ribbon from a spool. He looked up just in time to see
TJ and Adam’s faces as they realized he was in trouble.

“Hold on!” TJ screamed. “I got you!”
As the harness went flying over his head, so did the rope. Leland

swung his body upward, trying to catch that rope but it was no use.
He swung out again. This time he couldn’t hang on. This time he was
falling fast to the river below. This time when he hit the water,
sinking fast, he was certain he wouldn’t be surfacing any time soon.
Leland reached for the equipment locked down tight on his body. He
struggled to work it off before he drowned. Stars formed rapidly
behind his eyes as he worked hard to kick toward the surface. It was
too late.

* * * *

Lt. Wittfield Falken watched in horror as the officer rescuing the

jumper lost his footing and fell from the bridge. He sped the boat
toward the spot the officer fell into the water and started emergency
rescue procedures. The three guys with him were already in the water
without being given an order by the time he stopped the boat. They
were underwater for a long time before all three surfaced with the
cop. The officer wasn’t breathing and was completely knocked out.

Witt pulled him up on the boat and started CPR. As he pumped

his chest, the boat was flying toward the shore. Witt leaned down,
blowing air into his lungs. Water ejected from his mouth, making him
cough. Recognition registered late on Witt’s adrenaline-pumped
mind. He’d just saved the one man who’d made his high school years
a living hell.

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Tatum Throne

Leland’s eyes fluttered open and panic went wildly through them.
“You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.”
He coughed. “The girl?”
“She’s safe.”
Leland clung to Witt’s hands as they docked. SWAT doc Woods

was there waiting to take the officer to the ambulance. Witt tried to
get his hand free from Leland but he gripped it tighter as though he
didn’t want him to let go. Woods’s eyes went wide when he saw what
was going on.

“Looks like you’re coming with us,” Woods said.
He glanced back at his team, who had it all under control. Witt

rushed with the crew, taking Leland to the waiting ambulance.
Despite being awake a moment before, he was in and out as they
loaded him inside. Witt looked down at Leland as he sat inside the
ambulance. His lips were grayish blue, and his dark black hair was
plastered to his pale face.

Despite all the shit he went through in high school, Witt wanted

him to live. The EMTs went to work cutting off his clothes and
started running wires and tubes. It was hard to watch Leland barely
cling to life. They put an oxygen mask over his face. Dr. Woods
looked over at Witt as he listened to Leland’s lungs and breathing. Up
front, one of the EMTs was calling the hospital to let them know they
were on their way.

“Do you know Detective Mathews?” Woods asked.
Witt shook his head no. “I don’t personally know him but we went

to high school together.”

“That it explains why he won’t let go of you. He recognized you.”
Right then Witt wasn’t so sure Leland had remembered him or

even recalled the perfect hell he’d made his life. Witt didn’t leave
Leland’s side as they took him into the emergency room. It wasn’t
until the emergency room doctor pushed him out of the room that

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Training Leland


Witt went to the waiting area. It wasn’t long before the waiting area
was filled with his brothers in blue from District Four.

As the hours bled together, LEOs from District Four came to visit

the officer. Witt wasn’t sure why he was hanging around. He didn’t
know anyone. He blended into the background with no one taking
notice of him. It was the way he wanted it. He just wanted to hear
how Leland was doing before he left for the night.

The two guys from the top of the bridge came over to stand in

front of Witt, forcing him out of his thoughts.

“I’m TJ. This is Adam. We wanted to thank you for what you did

for Leland.”

“Just doing my job.”
“Well it means a lot to us,” Adam said.
Their words were barely registering. Witt was having a hard time

admitting to himself that he would have taken it personally if Leland
had died. The moment he’d breathed life back into the man, it had
done something to him. Something deep inside of him had clung
possessively to Leland, hoping that he would survive.

“We were just in there. He was asking about you,” TJ said.
“He was?”
“Yeah, he wants to thank you.”
Witt stood up, stretching his tight muscles. He wasn’t used to

sitting for so long. “I don’t know.”

“Just for a few minutes,” Adam said.
Before Witt could stop it from happening, he was being led

through the long hallway of MICU to Leland’s room.

To Witt’s surprise, Leland was sitting up. There was an oxygen

tube stuck up his nose. He was still pale but no longer had the
grayness about his lips. Leland’s eyes seemed to brighten as Witt
stepped into the room. Pure raw sexual heat zipped through his blood
as their eyes locked, leaving Witt completely struck senseless. Sexual
awareness continued to course through his body as their eyes held. It

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Tatum Throne

was then that Witt knew he had to find out if there was anyone in his
life he went home to at night. Better yet, he wanted to know if the
man he saved tonight was gay.

“This is Lt. Witt Falken. He’s the man who saved you,” TJ said.
Leland frowned. “I know you. We went to school together,”

Leland said.

Yeah, he knew him. Leland had told him on more than one

occasion that Witt had been born with a silver spoon shoved up his
ass. “Just doing my job,” Witt said.

Leland shook his head. “Man. I owe you my life.”
Uncomfortable with all the attention, Witt moved toward the

windows to look out at the night sky. As he did, Adam gave Leland a
pat on top of the head. “We’re heading out but I think we’re leaving
you in good hands.”

“See you later.”
When they were alone, Witt looked over at Leland. Emotion

played hard through Witt’s heart. For some reason, he couldn’t walk
away from the man who had given him shit for being gay. The
sadistic part of Witt wanted to know if the man had changed or was
still the homophobic asshole who had made his high school years hell.
“Do you need anything?”

Surprise moved through Leland’s eyes. “Yeah, can you convince

my sister that I’m really okay and she doesn’t need to babysit me all

Witt smiled. “I can try. When do you get out of here?”
“Not until I say so,” Dr. Woods came into the room.
Leland rolled his eyes. “How long is this observation crap going

to take?”

“At least another four hours. I can release you then.”
“That will be the middle of the night. Rose can’t come to get me.”
Rose? Was that his wife? “I can give you a ride home,” Witt


“You would do that for me?” Leland asked.

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Training Leland


There was caution within Leland’s eyes that tugged at Witt’s

heart. Witt wasn’t sure why he was being so nice to Leland but he
was. Maybe it had everything to do with the fact the guy almost died
tonight or the fact his mom raised him right. He wasn’t one to be able
to turn his back on someone who needed help. “Yes. I would.”

“Thank you.”
“You’ll need someone to stay with you for a few days,” Woods


Witt felt his eyes lock with Leland’s again. The man really didn’t

have anyone in his life who could help him out. “Would you?”

Oh, hell no. There was a silent pleading about Leland that made

Witt want to say yes. What the fuck was wrong with him? “Not a

“See, I’m in good hands. Nothing to worry about,” Leland said.
Woods indicated the door with a nod to his head. Witt headed for

the door, following Woods.

“No conspiring against me! I am getting out of here!” Leland said.
Something was thrown against the wall. Witt glanced back inside

in time to see a plastic bedpan bounce off the floor. When the door
slid shut, Woods looked up from the file in his hand. “I want you to
stay with him for more than a few days. He’s high risk for infection.”

“I’ll stay with him.”
“Good. I was thinking for a least a few weeks.”
“I’ll work it out.”
“Thanks.” Woods started to walk away but stopped. “I’ve worked

with the department as a SWAT doctor for a long time. I know Leland
doesn’t have anyone in his life. He has a sister but Rose is a single
mom. She’s got enough on her plate. He needs someone he can count
on for a few weeks.”

“I understand. I’ll make sure he’s taken care of.”
“Good. I’ll go get the paperwork started for you guys to get out of

here. You can go babysit.”

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Tatum Throne

Witt ran a hand through his hair. As a Dom, he always had control

of his life inside and outside the bedroom. Today that was not the
case. He opened up the door. Leland had swung his legs from the side
of the bed and was attempting to stand up.

“Whoa.” Witt rushed to his side, catching him before he fell to the

ground. “You need to rest.”

“What I need is to get out of here.”
“Dr. Woods is getting your paperwork.”
Heat moved over Witt’s neck as Leland put his head on his

shoulder. “God, you smell good. I still stink from my dive into the

“I’m sure you have smelled better.”
He lifted his head. “You sure you don’t mind hanging with me?

You don’t have to stay.”

“I’m staying. I made a promise to Woods to take care of you.”
A blush crept up Leland’s neck as he pulled away, getting back

into bed. “I’ll be fine.”

“So, you like to play the tough guy.”
Leland flashed a boyish grin. “I am a tough guy. I don’t need a


Witt leaned in close, running the back of his fingers along

Leland’s jaw. “I’m sure you don’t but I’m still going to be around for
a few days to catch you if you start to fall.”

“I was such an asshole to you in high school. Why are you being

so nice to me?” Leland asked.

There were tears in Leland’s eyes. “You need me.”
Their eyes locked. “Yes, I do.”
The urge to kiss Leland was an overpowering chant within Witt’s

mind. His gaze moved down over his full, manly lips and slowly
moved back upward. The memory of his mouth on Leland’s for other
reasons flashed through his head. He didn’t want to think about
Leland dying ever again. With his hand still caressing his jaw, Witt
moved his thumb over Leland’s lower lip, brushing it seductively. A

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Training Leland


sigh escaped Leland’s parted lips. It was then that Witt started to give
in to temptation.

He leaned in close, putting his lips against Leland’s ear. “Answer

one question for me.”

“Are you gay?” Witt asked.
“I knew that was the reason why you gave me so much shit. I had

suspected that you were gay. How long did it take you to figure it
out?” Witt asked.

“I was nineteen before I stopped fighting the feelings I had for


Witt brushed his hand along his jaw. “I knew you were going

through hell, too, in high school.”

Teasing Leland was the last thing he should have been doing. Witt

pulled away as the door to his private room opened. It was Woods. He
had Leland’s discharge paperwork in his hands. Witt stepped back,
putting his hands into his tactical pants, trying to keep his throbbing
dick from sticking out so far. It didn’t matter. This entire situation
was going to screw him over one way or another.

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Chapter Two

Witt’s eyes were thunderstorm-gray. Leland had forgotten how

beautiful Witt’s eyes were. Of course it’d been a really long time
since he daydreamt about them. Twenty-four hours later, Leland
inhaled the sweet scent of freedom on the air, trying to forget about
the way Witt had looked at him when he was standing over him in his
hospital room. It was dark outside. Hospitals always made Leland
batshit crazy. Having Witt there made all of it more bearable. He
couldn’t stand that too clean smell or the overly invasiveness of the
people he came in contact with.

Leland stood by the front entrance, waiting for Witt to come

around with his car. He pulled up in a Range Rover. Leland slid into
the passenger side. Damn, Witt looked and smelled good. Leland still
felt tired from his near death drowning in the river. And God, he’d
been such a shit to the guy in high school. He’d always had a really
hard crush on him.

“You really don’t need to stay with me. I’m just going to spend

the new few days sleeping,” Leland said.

“I made a promise to take care of you for a few days. I’m going to

do that. Now, tell me where you live.”

A shiver raced through Leland’s blood at the way the order was

given so that he had to obey. “376 Amberly in Covington.”

He really liked the way Witt drank him in with those heavy lidded

bedroom eyes. Leland pulled his gaze away when he felt heat rush
through his cock. He was thankful for the darkness in the car. He
didn’t want Witt to see his hard cock waving in the wind.

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Training Leland


A few minutes later, Witt pulled up in front of Leland’s place. The

old Victorian was a project he needed to get his ass in gear on.
“Thanks for the ride.”

“I’m coming inside.”
“No. You’re not. Go home, Witt. I’m fine.”
Leland got out of the car, not waiting for a response from Witt. He

really liked the knight in shining armor business but he didn’t need
any more rescuing. Halfway up the walk, a strong hand came up the
inside of his arm. Leland froze, looking up at Witt. His heart raced as
the moonlight shadowed his face.

“Don’t push me away,” Witt said.
“You’re not going to leave, are you?”
Witt came in closer. “Nope. So we can do this the easy way or the

hard way.”

Leland’s mouth went dry when Witt’s leg brushed up against his

hard cock. “What’s the hard way?”

“It’s where I tie you to the bed and teach you how to obey my


Leland’s cock contracted hard at the mere possibility of getting

some action. He groaned when a shot of pre-cum shot from the tip of
his cockhead.

“Something wrong?” Witt asked.
“No. Nothing.”
“Maybe we should finish this discussion inside.”
“Yeah. I think that’s a good idea.”
Leland led the way inside, opening up the front door. He was very

aware of the way Witt came in close behind him, touching his hip as
he shut the door. A shudder vibrated through his body, making a
tingle of anticipation ripple over his rim. It’d been a really long time
since he had sex with anyone.

“Are you seeing anyone?” Witt asked.

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“No one serious.” A funny look moved over Witt’s face. It was as

though he didn’t like the idea that there may be someone else in
Leland’s life. “So you’re serious about looking after me?”

“Yeah. I’m not leaving. I have the next two days off of work.”

Witt adjusted the overnight bag on his shoulder. “Which room is

“Upstairs. Second door on the right.”
“You get comfortable. Do you need anything when I go upstairs?”

Witt asked.

“No. I’m good.”
Leland watched that big muscled man go upstairs. He’d never had

another man live with him before. No roommate. No boyfriend.
Nothing. This was going to take some time for Leland to get used to.
That thought had him thinking about returning to work sooner than
planned. He paced through the living room, running a hand through
his hair. This tension between him and Witt needed to break. How
was he going to handle the next few days with a man he wanted to
fuck every time he was alone with him in a room?

He never heard Witt enter the room. He’d been so consumed with

thinking about the man that he didn’t even hear him approach. Leland
moved away from him. “I’m good. I think I’m heading upstairs to
shower and get to bed.”

“You’re unsteady. I’m going with you.”
Leland laughed. “I don’t think so.”
Witt used his size to block the stairs. “I won’t disturb you. I’ll just

be there in case you need me.”

Leland knew it would be easier to just say yes to get him to move.


“All right then.”
Leland led the way upstairs. He got a towel from the linen closet.

He was very aware of Witt following him in to his bedroom. The man

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looked around as Leland headed for the shower, turning it on. He shut
the door, undressing. The door cracked open with Witt coming inside.

“Open door. I want to hear you in case you need me.”
Their eyes locked but they didn’t hold for long when Witt’s gaze

moved down over his chest, landing on his hard cock. Leland
expected Witt to leave but he didn’t. He came inside the bathroom,
shutting the door behind him. He came in close, wrapping his hand
around the back of Leland’s neck. Witt kissed him hard, reminding
Leland he was a man with a lot of needs that hadn’t been met in a
really long time.

Leland groaned, locking his hands down tight on Witt’s shirt. Witt

brushed his lips back and forth until Leland opened his mouth in
supplication. Their tongues dueled as Witt took the kiss deeper,
backing Leland up against the sink. Leland groaned as his cock
brushed up against Witt’s tactical pants. By the time Witt broke his
lips away, Leland was breathing hard and there was a wet spot on
Witt’s tactical shirt where his pre-cum had leaked.

“What are we doing here?” Leland asked.
“I don’t know but I want more of it.”
“Me, too.”
Witt kissed him again, stealing his heart and his breath away.

Leland had never fallen so hard and so fast before in his entire life.
The shock of it left him feeling vulnerable and needy. Perhaps it had
everything to do with the fact that he nearly died twenty four hours
ago. Maybe he shouldn’t get involved so fast with the man who saved
his life. He had a little bit of hero worship going on that could easily
be mistaken for love.

Without warning, Witt broke his lips away. “No. We shouldn’t be

doing this. You had a rough night. I don’t want anything to be
confused for something it’s not.”

Shock vibrated through Leland’s brain, making him momentarily

too stunned to say anything. His cock flapped in the wind, quickly
deflating when Witt pushed him away. When he physically pulled

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away, too, it nearly broke his heart. “You’re really going to kiss me
like that and then tell me no?”

“Yes. I am. We can’t do this. We both work for the Cincinnati

Police Department.”

“We’re in different districts. It doesn’t matter.”
“Not for much longer. I’m going to be transferring to District Four

to train for SWAT.”

Their eyes locked. Leland licked his lips, wishing for another taste

of the man who’d physically rocked his world. He wouldn’t be getting
another taste of him anytime soon. Leland decided then that he was
going to do everything in his power to seduce Witt.

“So we’re agreed. This can’t happen again,” Witt said.
There was a cool dispassionate look in his gaze that nearly tore a

hole in Leland’s heart. “I’m not agreeing to anything.”

Witt shook his head, running his hand through his hair. He had no

idea how persistent Leland could be when he wanted something. No
never meant no when it came to something he was driven to have.
Wittfield just didn’t know it yet but he was going to be his.

“Don’t look at me that way.”
“What way?” Leland asked as he stepped under the hot spray.
“Like you want me.”
“Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t. Either way, I don’t think anything

else is going to happen between us tonight.”

“You can’t handle what I got.”
“Care to elaborate?” Leland asked.
“Not right now I don’t. I’m just warning you that we’re not right

for each other. This thing can’t go anywhere between us.”

Leland grabbed the soap, lathering up his chest and purposely

going lower to clean his junk with long, punishing strokes. “I hear
you loud and clear.”

As Witt’s smoldering eyes stared him down, Leland continued to

stroke his junk until he was rock hard. Once he was hard, he started

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stroking himself and ignoring the fact that Witt was standing there
watching him.

“I’ll give you and your hand some privacy.”
The bathroom door slammed shut with a jarring hit that shook the

mirror on the wall. A grin tore at Leland’s lips as he thought about
how inappropriate his actions were tonight. But he didn’t care. The
man was a guest in his home. It wasn’t like he was going to leave him
tonight. Would he?

* * * *

Witt’s heart hammered as he gripped the bathroom door handle.

He could hear Leland moaning as the pressure in his cock mounted.
He closed his eyes as his mouth watered at the possibility of taking
Leland on as his submissive. Witt didn’t normally lose control so
easily but he was today. It took all his effort to let go of the door
handle and not open the door, march inside, and bend Leland over the
sink to spank him for misbehaving. Still, he couldn’t walk away from
that door. He wanted to hear the sounds Leland made as he climaxed.

Through the old wooden door Witt heard the hard grunts that

came when a man was close to coming. Damn. He so wanted to be in
there to catch a taste of his spunk. Witt had enough. He couldn’t take
it anymore. He slammed open the door and crossed the bathroom tile
in two long strides.

“Look at me when you come and say my name.”
“Oh, fuck! Witt!”
Hot jizz exploded from Leland’s cock, spraying against the tile.

Four long lines of cum landed against that black-and-white tile. Witt
reached out, running the tip of his fingers over Leland’s cockhead,
catching a few dewy drops of his cum. He brought them to his lips,
tasting the man he so desperately wanted but couldn’t have.

“Nice,” Witt said and walked away, leaving Leland in the shower

to crash hard from his ride.

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Witt’s cock was brick hard but there was nothing he could do

about it right now. He’d take care of things later—after he made sure
that Leland was settled in for the night. That thought had him heading
downstairs to look for dinner. As to be expected of a man who
worked all the time, his cupboards were practically bare. Witt reached
for his cell phone and called the Chinese place he had on speed dial.
They’d deliver. After ordering enough to feed a football team, Witt
hung up the phone and looked around.

Leland’s house was in Covington overlooking the river and

downtown Cincinnati. The old Victorian had a lot of charm and
antique furniture in the small house. It was the kind of place that
made Witt think of lazy summers and long weekends—not that he
ever took much time off work. The creak of the wooden stairs had
Witt looking over his shoulder. Leland was on the stairs in a pair of
workout pants and a T-shirt. He looked tired.

“I ordered dinner.”
“Thanks I could use it after that bad hospital food.”
“You look like you could.”
The doorbell rang as Leland sat down on the couch, going for the

remote. Witt paid the deliveryman. He went into the kitchen and
found two bottles of water. With the food in his hands, he went into
the living room, setting the bags onto the coffee table. Leland helped
him open the bags.

“So, why are you afraid of getting involved with me?” Leland


Witt nearly choked on his food. Their eyes locked. “Just because

we’re both gay it doesn’t mean we have to fuck.”

Frustration ran through Witt’s mind. “It’s not like that. We work

together. I don’t want it to get out and mess up what we both have
going on.”

“It won’t.”
“How can you be so sure?” Witt asked.

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“I just know.”
Witt shook his head, setting his half-eaten Chinese aside. “It’s

late. We should get to bed. You need to rest.”

“I’m still eating dinner and it’s not that late. I’ll be okay. Go on to

bed,” Leland said.

This entire situation was quickly spiraling out. Witt knew he had

to explain to Leland why this thing couldn’t happen between them.
He rubbed his hands back and forth, leaning forward. “You should
know that I’m a Dom. I only take on a submissive.”

A blush crept up Leland’s cheeks as he slowly lifted his gaze to

meet Witt’s. “I’m a sub in the bedroom. I always bottom.”

“Goodnight, Leland. Let me know if you need anything.”
Witt packed up his leftover dinner and headed for the kitchen to

put it in the refrigerator. When he came back to the stairs, Leland was
watching him closely.

“I think you need to leave, Witt.”
They were not going to do this now or ever. “Goodnight, Leland.

I’ll leave tomorrow. I’m staying tonight.”

Witt felt as though his world were flipped upside down. He

wasn’t so used to having a submissive come on so strong. He stayed
up until he heard Leland climb the steps. An hour later, he was tucked
in and sleeping soundly. Witt crossed the hallway, opening up
Leland’s bedroom door. Leland was out cold. Temptation had him
going into his bedroom to pull the covers up over his back.

The muscles in his back were flexed with hard contours even as

he slept. Black and white tattoos were etched down both arms. Witt
had noticed them when he was in the shower but his eyes had been
concentrated on other things. Now, he had the chance to really look at
Leland. The attraction ran deep. Witt honestly knew it was only a
matter of time before he crossed the line and regretted it. That
wouldn’t be happening tonight. As he crossed the room, Witt vowed
to stay away from Leland at work. He was not about to cross the line
with him again.

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Chapter Three

Early the next morning, Leland woke up early to the sound of

movement in the kitchen. He rolled out of bed and went to the
shower. He was going to work today. There was no chance in hell that
he was going to stay home. There were a stack of homicide cases on
his desk that were quickly going cold and needed his attention. After
his shower, he came downstairs. He was ready to head out the door
with his backup firearm. He was certain his other one was sitting at
the bottom of the Ohio River. There were two plates on the table. Witt
opened up the now stocked refrigerator. He’d obviously hit the store
before he’d woken up.

“Breakfast?” Leland asked.
They sat down together. Leland toyed with his fork. He looked

outside and smiled. Leland was lucky to have such great coworkers.
They’d driven his car home for him while he was in the hospital. That
thought had him wanting to get back to work. “I’m heading in to work
today. I won’t need you to babysit me anymore.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Dr. Woods wanted you to take a

few weeks off for recovery.”

“I’m not the type who can sit around. I can sit at my desk just as

well as I can sit on the couch. This will give me a chance to look at
some cold cases”

“What if you worked from home? I could bring you your laptop

and cases,” Witt said.

“I’d prefer to be at work.”

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Witt frowned. “If you feel bad or get tired, I want you to come

home. I don’t want you to stay if you things go south for you. Promise

“I promise to come home if I feel bad.”
Witt shook his head. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
Leland smiled. “Lucky for you, it wasn’t your idea.” Their eyes

locked. “Thanks for being around for me.”

“No problem. No hard feelings?”
Leland met those devastating gray eyes and felt his heart hiccup in

a funny way. “None. Just coworkers.”

“I hope we can be friends.”
“Sure. Friends.”
Witt smiled. “Great.”
Leland cleaned up his plate and fork, putting it in the dishwasher.

He headed for the door. “Just lock the door behind you by pulling the
front door shut.”

“No problem. See you around, Leland.”
“See you.”
Bright morning sunshine hit Leland in the face, forcing him to put

his sunglasses on as he got into his car. He looked up at his house,
catching sight of Witt through the living room windows. The man had
royally fucked with his mind. The man had saved him and made him
fall in love with him in less than forty-eight hours. Leland shook his
head. He was an idiot for the wrong guy.

Traffic was heavy driving in to District Four. He slipped in

through the back door, heading straight for his office. There was a
new cell phone, pager, and cuffs sitting on his desk. It was the best
welcome home gifts he’d ever gotten. He didn’t want a lot of
questions right now when his head wasn’t really in the game and on
Witt. Despite trying to keep a low profile, it wasn’t long before
someone knocked on his office door, opening it up.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” TJ asked.

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“Shouldn’t you—”
“Don’t say it. I had a hard enough time kicking Witt out of my

house this morning.”

TJ came in and sat down. His long hair swung forward over his

shoulders. The man usually kept his hair in a braid down his back, but
not today. His husband, SWAT doc Parker Woods, was a fixture
within the department, too. Right then, Leland wondered how they
made it work.

“Yeah, he called and warned me that you would be in today. I had

to come give you shit for not taking at least the week off.”

“You’re welcome.”
Leland sat back in his office chair. “Can I ask you something


TJ frowned. “Sure. We’re friends. Ask me anything.”
“How do you and Parker make things work? It can’t be easy

working together.”

A spark flashed within TJ’s eyes. It was obvious he was thinking

about the love of his life. Envy crept into Leland’s heart when he
thought about how he would probably never find that type of love.

“It takes commitment and communication. And lots of love.

Why?” TJ asked.

Leland shook his head. “I’m interested in someone who works

within the CPD. He’s putting the brakes on things before they even
get started.”

“It’s not easy taking things to the next step with someone you

work with. Give it some time. Maybe he’ll come around.”

“I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
“It always is.” TJ stood up. “You still planning on coming to

training tomorrow?”

“That’s the plan. I promise to take it easy.”
“I’ll see you later then.”

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Leland stretched, getting out of his chair. He closed the file on his

desk and worked out his shoulders. Most evenings, Leland spent in
the gym—if he wasn’t working a case in the field. Tonight, he should
go home and rest, but he couldn’t stand the thought of going home
and Witt not being there. So, he went downstairs to the Training
Center and headed for the locker room to change—all the while
promising himself that he would take it easy. By the time he got out
of the locker room, the gym was full with guys going off shift and
Leland was a bit fatigued but he wasn’t about to admit it to anyone.

To his surprise, Witt was in the gym, working out with TJ.

Another shiver of jealousy rippled through Leland’s body when he
saw the way they were working on the ground fighting together.
Instead of dwelling on what he couldn’t have, Leland popped his
earbuds in and hit the weights. With the mirrors in front of him,
Leland had a front row seat to everything happening on the mats.

A smiled lifted his lips when he saw Witt pin TJ to the mat. No

one ever got the better of TJ—not in a ground fight anyway. Pride
filled his heart when he saw TJ tap out. Nice. Witt stood up, offering
TJ a hand. At the same time, he caught sight of Leland lifting weights.
That had Leland quickly looking away.

He did not want to be caught staring. After setting the weights

down, Leland shook out his arms. He headed for the bars to do some
chin-ups. He was very aware of Witt being nearby. It didn’t help
Leland’s concentration at all. After doing several reps, he lowered
himself to the floor. He’d had enough for one night. His body was
tapping out on him for not taking it easy. Served him right for going
back to work before he was completely ready.

Ignoring Witt and TJ on the mat, he headed for the locker room.

He was showering and getting the hell out of there. He went to his
locker and grabbed his shower kit, heading to the corner stall for
privacy. He closed his eyes, recalling the way he’d beaten off in front
of Witt. He’d never done anything so seductive in his entire life. It
had felt good and wildly dangerous. Leland had wanted Witt to spank

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him for being so bad. Steam filled the shower stall. Leland hung his
head under the water, loosening his tight muscles. He was cranky
about the way things were between Witt and him. He didn’t like the
way he ended things. He didn’t like the fact that his body was giving
out on him when he needed it to work.

Locker doors slammed shut, bringing Leland out of his thoughts.

He scrubbed the sweat and uncertainty off of his body with soap. He
let the water rain down, clearing his thoughts before shutting off the
water. He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for his locker
to get dressed. When he came around the corner, he caught sight of
Witt changing back into his tactical pants.

“Hey,” Witt said.
Leland nodded, turning away to his locker to get dressed. He

hated how awkward everything felt between them. He couldn’t stop
thinking about the man he wanted to fuck and wake up next to in the
morning. As he dropped the towel onto the bench, Witt came around
to lean up against the locker doors. Leland pulled up his boxers,
ignoring Witt.

“You going to ignore me from now on?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Leland glanced at Witt. “I’m not

ignoring you. I’m giving you the space you want.”

Water dripped down from Leland’s hair onto his chest. He saw the

way Witt’s gaze followed those drops down his chest. Their eyes
finally locked. There was heat within Witt’s gray eyes. Leland’s heart
raced as his cock flexed hard.

“What are you doing here?” Leland asked.
“Training for SWAT.”
“You looked good out there.”
“Did I?” Witt asked.
Leland didn’t understand why Witt was coming on so strong when

he wanted so much space. “You know you did.” Leland took a deep
breath. “I’m trying to give you what you want, Witt. I’m giving you
your space.”

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Witt frowned. “I’m worried about you pushing yourself so hard.

You should be at home resting. You almost—”

“Don’t say it. I know what could have happened.”
“Leland. Don’t push me away.”
“I thought that’s what you wanted,” Leland said.
“I think we both know what we want.”
Their eyes locked and Leland lost himself in the moment. Witt

came in close, running his hand up Leland’s neck. Leland closed his
eyes, biting his lip as Witt leaned in. Witt brushed his lips against
Leland’s in a soft, unhurried way that drove him crazy. He took the
kiss deeper, pushing him up against the lockers. Leland couldn’t
believe he was kissing Witt again. He grabbed onto his shirt, pulling
him closer, silently begging him not to ever let him go again. His
heart was pounding and the room was spinning by the time Witt broke
his lips away.

“Don’t ever let go of me again,” Leland said.
“I’m not planning on letting go of you anytime soon.”
The locker room door slammed open with some of the guys

coming through. Witt pulled away before anyone could come around
the corner and see them. Leland finished getting dressed as TJ strode
into their part of the locker room.

“Hey, guys. We’re heading out to the bar. You guys game?” TJ


“Sounds like fun,” Witt said.
Leland caught the way Witt looked at him. “Sure.”
“Okay, then. See you guys in a little while.”
Witt came in close. “You’re mine after the bar. So, don’t drink too


“I won’t. I want to be sober for my Dom.”
“Oh, fuck.” Witt moaned, coming in close to kiss Leland one last

time. “See you later.”

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Leland leaned back against the locker doors as he watched Witt

walk away. Just as he left, TJ came around the corner. There was a
grin tugging at his lips.

“So Witt’s the one?” TJ asked.
“Yeah. Is it that obvious?”
“No. I just caught him kissing you.”
“Damn. Did anyone else see?”
“No, just me.”
TJ shut his locker door. “Just be careful.”
“I will.”
It was advice he needed to hear and to live by but right now,

Leland didn’t give a crap about what other people thought about him.
He wanted one thing and that was Witt.

* * * *

The sports bar wasn’t that crowded for a Thursday night. Witt

followed Leland into the bar, trying to remember to keep his distance
when all he wanted to do was cross the line. The guys were sitting in
the back corner. There was already a round of drinks and appetizers
on the long table. Witt purposely scooted into the back corner next to
Leland. He didn’t want to give him any reason to run away.

“Hey, you guys made it!” Adam said.
“Glad you could come,” TJ said.
The guys around the table were talking sports. Witt pushed his

thigh against Leland’s, loving the way that his leg tensed in response.
Everything around them seemed to move by in a blur. All that Witt
could concentrate on was Leland and the way he smelled so good
after his shower. Witt had a thing for his freshly washed submissives.
That thought brought him up short. He hadn’t officially made him his
sub. Was he really going to cross the line with him now? Witt knew
the answer to that question even before he consciously could process
it. He was going to make his move on Leland tonight.

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Feeling bold by Leland’s receptiveness, Witt moved his hand

under the table to caress Leland’s leg as he picked up his longneck
beer, taking a drink. Leland jumped but didn’t move away. Witt
tightened his hold on his leg as he slowly moved his hand up his
thigh. The chance of getting caught by one of their coworkers was sky
high but Witt didn’t care. Leland slouched into his chair, spreading
his legs wide in sweet surrender. A gasp of pleasure echoed low from
Leland’s throat when Witt moved his hand up over his fly, feeling his
rock-hard cock. The darkness of the bar made it easy for Witt to get
away with touching his sub in public. He loved how Leland had to
work hard not to give away how he was feeling.

“So, how are you feeling since your dive into the Ohio?” TJ asked


Leland cleared his husky throat as Witt tightened his hold on his

sub’s cock. “I was tired the first day, but I’ve felt better since.”

“You were lucky to have Witt ready to save your ass,” Adam said.
“Yes, I was.”
“I’m no hero,” Witt said.
Leland smiled. “You are to me. I owe you my life.”
“I was just doing my job,” Witt said.
A blush crept up Leland’s neck, giving away everything he was

feeling inside. Witt loved how responsive he was. He loved the way
he wore his heart on his sleeve for him.

“So, are you ready for your SWAT testing, Witt?” Seth asked.
“I’m ready. I’m looking forward to working with the team.”
“We could use the help,” TJ said.
Surprise moved through Witt as Leland excused himself from the

table. It was obvious he was going to the restroom. Temptation had
Witt wanting to follow him to the privacy of the bathroom but he
didn’t want to make it so obvious. As he waited for Leland to return,
some of the guys left for the night, leaving only Adam and TJ at the

“I see the way he looks at you,” TJ said.

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Their eyes locked. “There’s nothing for you to worry about.”
TJ leaned forward. “You don’t know Leland the way I do. He’s

been through a lot. More than almost dying in the river two days ago.”

“What kind of things do I need to be aware of?” Witt asked.
“I don’t know, man. It’s not our place to tell anyone about

Leland’s past,” Adam said.

“It seems like it’s common knowledge,” Witt said.
“Not that common,” Adam said.
“He’s only told us,” TJ said.
“What is it?” Witt asked.
Across the bar, Leland was making his way back to the table.

There wasn’t much time.

TJ leaned forward. “You have to promise not to say anything to

him. I just want you to be aware.”

“I won’t say anything until he tells me,” Witt agreed.
“He was in a bad car accident when he was in his twenties. He lost

his younger brother. He’s always blamed himself,” TJ said.

“Yeah. Every time the anniversary comes around…” TJ said.
Leland slid back into his chair next to Witt, forcing TJ to stop

talking. “What I miss?”

It was clear Leland was asking about the football game on the

television across the bar. “The Bengals are still losing.”

“Sounds about right,” Leland said.
Witt’s eyes locked with TJ’s as the man slid out of his chair,

grabbing the check. “I better get going. Parker is due home anytime
now. We can talk more later,” TJ said.

“Sounds good.”
Adam followed TJ out of the bar, leaving Witt cozied up next to

Leland. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Something you want?” Leland asked.
“Yes, there is. Let’s get out of here. Now.”

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The order was said on a low growl that Witt normally saved for

his playroom. Leland scooted out from the table. When they got
outside, Witt came in close, pulling Leland into the shadow of the
building. He kissed him possessively, forcing his tongue inside his
mouth. Their tongues flicked wildly, making Leland groan and twist
his hands into Witt’s shirt. Witt’s heart was pounding by the time he
broke his lips away.

“Follow me back to my place,” Witt said.
Witt got into his car parked on the street. He waited until Leland

got behind the wheel of his own car before he turned the engine and
pulled out into traffic. He drove across town to his house in the burbs,
making sure Leland was behind him the entire way. They met on the
porch of Witt’s Cape Cod house. He unlocked the door and took
Leland’s hand as he went inside. He shut the door behind him,
locking it and not bothering to turn on the lights. He turned Leland up
against the wall, kissing him passionately. Leland grabbed at his shirt,
trying to lift it up over Witt’s head.

A groan tore from Leland as Witt locked his hands around

Leland’s wrists, forcing them up against the wall. He took complete
control of his sub’s mouth by taking the kiss deeper and by using his
body to pin Leland up against the wall. Witt smoothed his hand down
the front of Leland’s fly, stroking his cock. Leland moaned, thrusting
his hips up into Witt’s touch. Things were spinning too far out of
control. He had to put an end to this before he had his sub coming
right now. Hungry for more, Witt broke his lips away and reluctantly
moved his hand away from his sub’s cock.

“We need to take this upstairs to my bedroom.”
Leland moaned. “Are we serious then?”
“Very. You’re not going to be fucking anyone but me for a very

long time.”

Another moan escaped Leland’s parted lips. He licked his swollen

lips, wetting them. “I don’t want to fuck anyone but you.”

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Witt stepped back. “Undress.”
Heat moved through Witt’s cock as Leland unbuttoned his shirt,

kicked off his shoes, and dropped his shirt to the ground. Within
seconds, Leland was standing naked before him. His dark tattoos were
dangerously seductive. Witt wanted to kiss his way over those tattoos
and down over his sub’s cock. Unable to keep control, Witt came in
close, kissing Leland roughly as his hand slid down over his ass. The
tips of his fingers moved between his ass cheeks, sliding over
Leland’s hot rim. Leland groaned, clinging to Witt as he rubbed the
pads of his fingers over his rim.

Witt pulled away, giving Leland several hard spanks to his ass.

“Upstairs. Now.”

When Leland hesitated, Witt slid his hand up Leland’s neck,

locking his hand down into his hair. With his hand locked down tight,
Witt led the way upstairs, not letting go of Leland until he was
standing next to his king-size bed. He turned on the light, casting a
warm glow over Leland’s skin. Their eyes locked and Witt came in
close. Leland was shaking.

“Are you frightened of what I’m going to do to you?”
“No. I can’t wait. I want all of it now.”
Witt smiled. “Soon.”
Witt’s mouth watered as his hand moved over Leland’s hard

prick, giving it a soft, caressing squeeze. Leland swayed toward his
chest as he swooned. He reluctantly pulled away from Leland,
heading toward the closet to change. He changed into his leather
chaps that were tight on his legs. Witt worked leather bands around
his biceps. He slipped a cock ring down over his throbbing prick,
groaning when the ring tightened around the base of his shaft. He
reached for a blindfold and flogger. It was time to go to work on his
submissive. Leland’s prick was dripping with pre-cum.

“Ready?” Witt asked.
“Fuck yes.”

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“Good. I need you to pick a safe word before we get started. It has

to be one you’ve never used with another Dom before.”

Witt smoothed the blindfold down over Leland’s eyes. It was time

to show Leland how good they could be together.

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Chapter Four

With his vision out, Leland was under Witt’s complete control. He

absolutely loved it. He sensed that Witt was moving away as he
waited impatiently for his Dom to touch him again. He heard what
sounded like chains knocking together. A cool strap came down over
his right wrist and then his left. The chain was drawn up above his
head and locked down. Witt’s hand smoothed down over his ass,
giving it a punishing squeeze. Witt bounced Leland’s ass up and
down, making his balls and dick flip up and down. Leland groaned,
arching his ass out for more. He heard the sharp intake of his Dom’s
breath as Leland exposed his rim to him.

The cool leather tip of a flogger smoothed over his ass. Leland

wrapped his hand around the chains that held him up, arching his ass
out in sweet anticipation. Witt brought the leather flogger down over
his ass over and over. Heat moved over his ass, making his rim tingle
for more. Leland was ready to have his Dom mount him but he knew
it wouldn’t be happening soon enough. Witt moved his hand down
over his prick, giving it several hard, punishing strokes.

Pre-cum shot from his dick, landing within his Dom’s palm.

Witt’s hand tightened down on his prick.

“Do not come until I give you permission.”
There was a dark, dangerous quality to Witt’s voice that sent a

shiver of anticipation racing down over Leland’s rim. He wouldn’t be
coming any time soon. “I won’t.”

When Wit let go of him, Leland rested his head on his arm. He

wasn’t sure how much longer he could take of this sweet torture. He’d

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always been good at keeping control of his orgasm. There was
something about Witt that made him want to let go and go wild.
Warm wet heat moved between Leland’s ass cheeks as he felt a butt
plug smooth over his rim. He felt the tapered butt plug push up
against his rim. Witt pushed the plug deep into his ass, filling him up.
He loved the feel of his Dom’s hand pulling the butt plug out and
pushing it back inside. Leland groaned as his Dom smacked his dick
around with his palm. Pre-cum shot from his dick. He wasn’t certain
how much longer he could take.

“Do not come.”
“I’m close!’
“I know, baby. But I’m not finished with you yet.”
Leland moaned when something warm and wet came down over

his prick. It took him only a few seconds to realize that it was his
Dom’s tongue licking off his pre-cum. It was too much. He’d never
had a Dom go down on him before. The moment didn’t last long. Witt
let go of his throbbing prick and came in close, kissing him
possessively. Witt slid his hand down over his ass cheeks, pulling the
butt plug from his ass. Again he pulled away, making Leland shake
with need. The chains above his head rattled violently.

Witt came back again. This time something smooth and cool

moved across his ass. It took Leland only a moment to realize it was a
paddle. He arched his ass out as the paddle moved away from his ass
and came back in hard. His balls jerked back and forth. His dick
smacked against his abdomen. Leland groaned as Witt increased the
intensity of each hit. He definitely wouldn’t be able to sit down
tomorrow without feeling it. It was then that Leland knew he would
wear his bruises like badges of courage. He loved being spanked. It
turned him on way too much.

With each hit, Leland’s cock contracted hard. His cock tightened

down. He was too close. “Witt!”

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Witt’s hand came down over his cockhead, squeezing tight. The

hard pinch was the only thing keeping Leland from shooting his
spunk across the room. Leland groaned, crying out as Witt slowly let
go of his aching cockhead. Again he was left alone. The sound of a
lube bottle snapping open and closing nearly made Leland shoot his
spunk. He heard the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open.
He imagined Witt rolling the condom down over his thick dick. Witt
was bigger than any Dom he’d ever had.

Leland arched his ass out, waiting impatiently for his Dom to take

complete control. He groaned when Witt pressed the tip of his thick
cockhead up against his rim. He slowly pushed inside, stretching his
ass slowly and carefully as he came in for the first time. Witt pushed
deep inside his ass, not stopping until his dick bottomed out. Witt hit
him with short intense strokes that made Leland’s cock bounce wildly
off his abdomen.

“Please! Please! I need you!”
Witt moved his hand up the front of Leland’s neck, holding it

tightly like a collar. He kissed Leland’s neck as he fucked him hard.
He loved the way Witt took complete control. “Hold on, baby. I got
you. I got this.”

Witt gripped his hips tightly as he took his sub with short

powerful strokes that made Leland want to come. Without warming,
Witt locked his hand down over his dick and balls, squeezing them
tightly. Leland cried out as his orgasm spun through his prick,
shooting his spunk from the tip of his cockhead. He didn’t stop
coming until every drop of his spunk was worked from his hard cock.
Leland collapsed within his Dom’s arms, using the chains to hold him
up. Witt pulled his prick from his ass, removing the blindfold from his
eyes. Leland swallowed hard when he realized that Witt hadn’t come
yet. Witt pulled the condom off and threw it away. He released the
chains from the ceiling and pulled Leland to the bed.

“Get on your knees next to the bed.”

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Leland eagerly obeyed, looking up at his Dom. It was then he

knew he could easily fall in love with Witt. He would easily ruin him
for all other men. It was a risk Leland was ready and willing to take.

“Suck me.”
Leland moaned as he swallowed his cock in one powerful move.

Witt’s big balls slammed against his chin as Witt pumped his dick in
and out of his hungry mouth. With Witt’s hands locked into Leland’s
hair, Witt took control of the way he sucked off his Dom. Leland
groaned as Witt’s cock bumped the back of his throat. Leland locked
his hand around his Dom’s cock and balls as he sucked him off. With
his right hand, he wrapped it around his Dom’s ass, slipping his
fingers down over his rim. Pre-cum shot from Witt’s cock but he
didn’t come. Encouraged by the sweet taste of his Dom, Leland
sucked harder, using his tongue to tease the ridges on the underside of
his Dom’s cockhead.

“Suck harder.”
Leland groaned, obeying his Dom. Witt cried out as he came hard,

shooting his spunk over Leland’s tongue and parted lips. When he
finished coming, Witt pulled him up to his shaky feet. He kissed him
passionately. He pulled him down into the bed, held him tightly.
Leland was breathing hard. He loved the sweet taste of his Dom
lingering on his lips. Their legs twined together.

“I like the way you obey me,” Witt said.
“I love obeying you.”
Leland moved his hand over his Dom’s chest, loving the feel of

his Dom’s heart working beneath his palm. He wondered what was
going to happen next. How were they going to have a relationship and
work together? It was too much to think about tonight. All Leland
wanted to do now was enjoy having his Dom hold him.

“I want you to stay the night,” Witt said.
“I’m not planning on going anywhere.”
“Good. We can talk more tomorrow about where this thing is

going. Not tonight.”

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Whatever rules his Dom was going to put in place, Leland was

certain he wouldn’t have trouble obeying. He was quickly realizing
that his Dom was so much more experienced than any Dom he had
before. His experience turned Leland on in a way that no Dom had
ever. There was a worldly quality about Witt that drew him.

There was so much about Witt he didn’t know. It should have

frightened him but it didn’t. In time, he would get to know his Dom.
All that mattered tonight was how his Dom held him as they snuggled
together. Witt held him tighter. For the first time in Leland’s life he
felt like everything was going to be okay. As he dozed, Witt started to
hum softly. The words mingled in his mind as he slipped into a hard

“I love you. Don’t ever let me go,” Leland murmured.

* * * *

The next morning Witt woke up alone. Annoyance played hard

through his mind. Why had his sub left him like this? Work should
have been the only thing on his mind. Today was the day Witt was
going to find out if his transfer went through to District Four. If it did,
he was going to be free and clear to join the elite SWAT team. After
showering and dressing, Witt drove in to work. As he drove, he put a
call in to Leland’s cell phone.

“This is Leland.”
To Witt’s surprise, he’d actually picked up. “Why did you leave?”
“I got called into a crime scene. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Wake me up next time, okay? I don’t like to worry about you.”
“You were worried about me?”
There was a hint of amusement in Leland’s voice. “I’m your Dom.

Remember that or you’ll need to be punished.”

“I think I like the idea of that.”
Of course he would. His sub was a pain whore and a glutton for

being spanked. As a Dom, Witt liked to give his subs exactly what

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they needed. “I’m sure you do. Have a safe day at work. I’ll see you

“See you later.”
Witt hung up the phone, feeling like the day wouldn’t go by fast

enough. He’d never been so eager to get back in bed with a sub in his
entire life. He drove across town to District Three. Now that his
transfer was official, he had to pack up his office and report to work at
District Four. His leaving District Three wouldn’t be any big deal. In
the year that he’d been at the department, he hadn’t really connected
with his coworkers. Most probably didn’t know that he was leaving—
which was fine with him. He didn’t want all the fanfare.

After packing up his office, Witt drove over to District Four. He

went in through the front entrance and reported for duty. He was
quickly led through the bullpen where he was told to go see Chief

“Welcome to District Four,” Chief Rask said.
They shook hands. “Thanks for giving me a chance.”
“You’re very welcome. Let me show you to your office. Well, it’s

not much of an office to be honest.”

They headed up two floors and went to the last door next to the

stairwell. It was going to be loud with a lot of coming and going. It
was absolutely perfect and exactly where Witt wanted to be in his life.
He set down his bag on the desk.

“Shift change is downstairs in a few minutes. I’d like you to be

present for that.”

“Sounds good.”
The door shut behind Chief Rask with a solid thunk. Witt headed

downstairs, hoping that Leland would be there for shift change. He
slipped into the back, taking a seat at the conference table. He
watched as Chief Rask conferred with TJ. When the door opened to
Witt’s left, he glanced over to see Leland come through the door with
another detective. Leland hadn’t caught sight of Witt yet. As shift

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change got underway, Witt shifted his attention away from his sub to
the front of the room.

One of the officers went to the podium, listing off the new active

cases. His nametag read Anderson. Witt had heard about the former
police chief having two sons that worked within the department. Witt
had met the former police chief several times. He was well respected
and loved within the community. Word had it, too, that he’d recently
come out to his wife and was now living with his lover. The man had
spent his entire life trying to pretend he was something he wasn’t. The
pain of denying himself must have been unimaginable.

Anderson cleared his throat. “I’d like to welcome a new member

of our team. He hails from District Three. Lt. Wittfield Falken. He’ll
be working with SWAT and in conjunction with special crimes.
Please welcome Falken.”

As shift change wrapped up, Witt caught sight of TJ heading out.

He had to know what was going on with Leland. “Hey, TJ. Have a

“Sure. I’m on my way to the supply room. What’s going on?”
“I wanted to finish that conversation we were having.”
TJ opened the supply door. “Let’s talk in here.” The door shut

behind them as TJ went to the shelves. “So, has he said anything to

“Nothing yet.”
“He was in a coma after it happened. Never knew his brother died.

He was in a medical intensive care unit for two months before they
transferred him to a long-term facility.”

“He never woke up?”
“Not at the hospital. He was in the long-term facility for a year

before he woke up. He spent another six months doing intensive rehab
to learn to talk, walk, and take care of himself. From what I
understand there was a friend in the car who walked away from the
crash. Never visited him in the hospital once.”

“Some friend.”

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“Yeah. Things got a little too complicated and the guy ran. I’m

not sure what was going on but I got the impression from Leland that
the guy may have been more than a friend. He’s never said to me.”

“Damn. Thanks for letting me know.”
“Leland has trust issues. Just go easy with him.”
“I will.”
The supply door opened with Leland coming inside. He glanced

between TJ and Witt. “Hey, guys.”

“I got what I came for,” TJ said.
Witt could see the caution within Leland’s eyes and he didn’t like

it there. It was clear to Witt that Leland suspected something could be
going on between them. When the door shut behind TJ, Witt backed
Leland up against the door and kissed him hard. He parted his mouth,
pushing his tongue deep within his sub’s. He loved the way Leland
groaned softly, getting into the rhythm of their kiss. Leland’s hands
tightened down in his shirt as their hips bumped together. There was
something really sexy about the way they were both armed and
stealing a forbidden kiss at work. Witt normally didn’t cross the line
when he was out with his submissives. There was something about
Leland that made him want to break all the rules. That scared Witt.

Witt reluctantly broke his lips away from Leland’s. “I missed

having you in my bed this morning.”

“I’m sorry I left the way I did.”
“I’ll make you work it off later.”
Leland bit his wet and puffy lip. “Make me work it off now.”
Witt wanted to make him work for it now but they shouldn’t.

Temptation and a little bit of stupidity had Witt’s hand sliding down
the front of Leland’s pants to give him a tight stroke. Leland groaned,
flexing his hips up into his palm. They shouldn’t be doing this here
but they were. At any moment they could get caught. And what would
happen then? Witt had worked too hard for this transfer. He didn’t
want to screw it. Despite knowing all of that, his hand continued to
stroke Leland through his pants.

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“We can’t do this here,” Witt said.
“Then why are you stroking me, Sir?”
The sound of sir rolling off of Leland’s tongue sent a hard shiver

through Witt’s cock. A shot of pre-cum landed in his tight-fitting
boxers. He knew there would be a white spot on his black briefs when
he took them off next. Witt looked down into Leland’s passionate and
lust-filled eyes. He groaned, giving in to temptation. Their mouths
connected in a hungry kiss that made Witt forget where they were for
the briefest of moments. Voices passing by outside in the hallway
knocked some sense back into Witt but not much. Again he
reluctantly broke his lips away.

“I gotta go,” Witt said.
“No. We’re not doing this here.”
Witt left the too-cramped supply closet and headed upstairs for the

privacy of his office to cool off. He was taking several deep breaths
when his office door opened. Leland shut the door behind him,
locking it. This was so wrong that it was becoming very right. Witt
crossed his tiny office in less than a second, grabbing hold of Leland
and kissing him hard. He pushed him up against the desk as their legs
twined together. Leland reached down, stroking Witt’s cock through
his tactical pants. The feel of his sub’s hand was more than he could
handle. He needed it now.

“Unzip me.”
Leland licked and bit his lips as though he wanted to taste what

was behind his zipper. Witt suppressed a moan of desire that
threatened to escape his parted lips as Leland muscled out his cock.

“On the chair.”
Leland sat down in the chair across from Witt’s desk, slouching

down as Witt spread his thighs over his legs. He stood over his sub,
slapping his cock against his wet lips. Leland groaned as Witt pushed
his cock deep within his sub’s hot mouth. Witt pressed his hands

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against the wall, using it as leverage to flex his cock in and out of
Leland’s mouth.

The tip of his cockhead bounced against the back of his sub’s

throat. Leland’s teeth scraped against the underside of his ridges as he
threatened to pull his aching prick from his sub’s mouth. Witt felt as
though he was losing complete control of the situation but he didn’t
care. He loved the way Leland was making him feel. He loved
watching his cock disappear down his sub’s throat. He loved the way
his big balls hit up against his chin. He loved how tense his entire
body was as Leland worked him with his mouth.

Leland reached up, cupping and squeezing his balls as he sucked

his cock. As a Dom, he’d never had a sub squeeze his balls. It felt so
fucking good. “Tighter.”

The order came out on a husky whisper that was barely audible to

even Witt’s ears. Leland obeyed by squeezing and grabbing his balls
hard. The sensations that rushed through his balls and cock blew his
mind. It felt so fucking good that Witt nearly forgot again that they
were both at work. He wanted to bend his sub over his desk and take
him hard but that wouldn’t be happening. Without warning, Witt’s
orgasm stole his breath away. It twisted up from his balls and shot out
his cockhead, hitting Leland in the back of the throat. Witt stopped
pumping his dick as Leland started sucking hard on his tip,
swallowing every last drop of his cum.

Witt was breathing hard as he looked down at his sub with his

dick still in his mouth. Very slowly, Witt pulled his dick from
Leland’s mouth. He leaned down, tilting up his chin and kissing him
sweetly. Their eyes locked as Witt broke his lips away. There was a
funny look within Leland’s eyes that made Witt’s heart pound wildly.
He was falling hard for his sub and there was no way he was going to
survive the impact from this fall.

A knock on the door snapped both of them out of their sexual

bliss. Witt came around the desk and sat down “Come in.”

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Chapter Five

Leland grabbed a file folder off of Witt’s desk and dropped it on

top of his lap to cover his throbbing prick. The taste of his Dom’s cum
lingered on his lips and tongue. He swallowed, rubbing his thumb
along his bottom lip to make sure there were no drops racing down his
chin. The door opened with Chief Rask coming through the door. He
glanced over at Leland, giving him a nod.

“Here’s your schedule for the next week of your orientation,”

Rask said.

“I’d really like you to do some ride alongs with Adam, too.”
Rask glanced at Leland, giving him that hard stare that only police

officers seemed to be able to do. “I need to see you in my office.”

“Yes, sir.”
Rask left Witt’s office. The entire encounter made Leland’s cock

deflate fast. There was concern in Witt’s eyes. “It’s nothing. I’m

“Let me know after you talk with him,” Witt said.
“I will.”
Leland stood up and Witt came around his desk, giving him a soft

brushing kiss. When their lips broke away, Leland felt as though Witt
took his heart with him. The depth of his feelings for his Dom left him
shell-shocked and a little bit uncertain about what the future held for
them. Unable to sort through his feelings now, he headed downstairs
to his chief’s office. He hoped that it had nothing to do with his
blossoming relationship with Witt or the fact that he’d just sucked his

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cock off in his office. Guilt wormed its way through his mind as he
went through Chief Rask’s open door.

“Shut the door.”
With the door shut and his pride on the floor, Leland had a seat in

one of the chairs across from his desk. “Sir?”

“I have something I need you to do.”
“I’m listening.”
“It’s been brought to my attention that there is some evidence

missing from the locker downstairs.”

“Missing or stolen?”
“That’s what I need you to find out.”
“Anyone I should be looking at?” Leland asked.
“Camera was conveniently not working when the evidence went


“What’s all missing?”
“About a hundred thousand in drug money.”
Leland ran his hand through his hair. “Shit.”
“Yeah. You’re the only one I’ve mentioned this to. It stays

between us.”

“Not a problem. I’ll see what I can find out.”
Leland left Chief Rask’s office, shocked that there was a thief

among them. Who would do such a thing? Who could possibly be
desperate enough to think that they could get away with stealing that
type of money? Everyone was a suspect until he cleared them. Leland
went to his office and started to think about who, if anyone, was
having money issues. No one obvious came to mind. That had Leland
reaching for the phone and calling Witt’s office.

“This is Witt.”
“Hey, it’s Leland.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Chief Rask just needed me to check into something for


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“Anything I can help with?”
Could Witt help him with the case? He was new to the

department. Chief Rask had asked him not to say anything, but Witt
could really help. “Chief Rask asked me to look into some missing
evidence from a drug bust.”

“What kind of evidence?”
“A hundred thousand dollars.”
“Yeah. There’s a thief among us.”
“Not cool. I can help you any way that I can.” Witt sighed. “Any

idea who would do something like this?”

Leland didn’t like the idea of accusing someone he worked with.

Maybe it was one of the cleaning crew. “No one. I’m going to set up a
camera in the evidence room. The one that we normally have in there
was shut off during the theft.”

“Good idea.”
“I’ll catch up with you later,” Leland said.
“I hope you will. We have some unfinished business to take care


There was a dark husky quality to Witt’s voice that made Leland’s

cock hard. “I can’t wait.”

He hung up the phone wishing that the day was already over.

Leland went to the tech department and logged out one of the
cameras. He went down to evidence room. It was a locked steel cage
that had a coded entrance. He pretended to be looking up evidence on
one of his cases as he set up the camera.

He then went up to his office and got the camera going on his

laptop. It was recording so that he wouldn’t have to stare at his laptop
all the time. He’d checked the digital recorders later. There was more
work to be done. Leland reached for one of his cases and grabbed the
phone. Maybe today would be the day he’d catch a break on the
homicide case he was working on. Perhaps today one of the many

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witnesses to the crime would have a moment of guilt and confess
what they knew. Leland knew he wasn’t going to get that lucky.

* * * *

There was a storm brewing. Witt knew there was a good chance

Leland wouldn’t show up at his place. But it was a risk he was willing
to take. This was the last chance they had to be together before Witt
went off for his SWAT testing at Camp Tack. The day had moved
past surprisingly fast. The fact that there was a thief among District
Four had him looking at his new coworkers with more suspicion than
he normally would. He didn’t like the fact that there was a dirty cop
among them. It would only be a matter of time before IA would get
involved and all their asses would be hauled in for questioning.

Witt clocked out for the day and looked for Leland. He wasn’t

around. He was probably working a case which meant for a late night.
Either way, Witt was planning on going home and getting ready for
his next session with Leland. He couldn’t wait to be with his sub
again. He wanted to take things a bit further with this next session. He
wanted to find Leland’s hard edge and take him past what he was
normally comfortable with. As he pulled into his driveway, Witt was
disappointed to see that Leland wasn’t home. That meant Witt would
be dining alone.

The house was dark and quiet. Witt shut the door behind him and

locked it. He put his gun away in the gun cabinet he had inside his
hall closet. He glanced around the house. It didn’t feel like he was
alone. He frowned. Something felt off. He went upstairs, pausing at
the top of them to listen. There. He heard it again. It sounded like
someone breathing. Who was here? It obviously wasn’t Leland. As a
LEO, Witt normally went for his gun but he didn’t this time. He went
into his bedroom and froze. Leland was naked and handcuffed. He
was on his knees and his hands were behind his back. His cock was
rock hard and every one of his muscles was flexed tight. When he saw

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Witt in the doorway, he leaned down onto the bed, putting his
forehead on the mattress and exposing his rim.

It was that moment Witt lost all control. He slammed the bedroom

door shut behind him and crossed the room. “You think you can just
tie yourself up and I’ll take you.”

“I was hoping.”
Witt smoothed his hand over Leland’s ass, rubbing it roughly

before he pulled his hand back, smacking his ass hard. He loved the
way his balls bounced back and forth. Leland grunted with the hard
hit to his ass. Witt spanked him several more times to drive his point

“Don’t very tie yourself up without my permission.”
Leland groaned. “Yes, Sir.”
Witt licked his thumb, pressing it against Leland’s rim as he

spanked him roughly. With each hit, Leland spread his legs wider,
stretching his rim. Witt’s wet thumb slid easily inside Leland’s ass,
going up to the first knuckle. Leland moaned. His entire body shook
from holding the position so long. Witt moved away from the bed,
going to the closet to change. He put on his leather straps that went
around his hips and cock. There was a leather bag that held his balls
tight. He took several seconds picking out a wooden flogger. It had a
bit of give to it that made the wood bend.

When Witt came back into the room, he slapped the flogger

against his palm several times, making the sound echo within the
room. With each hit of the flogger against his palm, Leland jumped
with anticipation. Witt leaned onto the bed, brushing the tip of his
cockhead against Leland’s ass as he smoothed the flogger down his
ass cheeks. Leland relaxed into his touch as he pulled the flogger
away and came back in hard with it. A shudder rippled over Leland’s
ass as the flogger struck his ass cheeks. Witt brought the flogger down
several more times as he smeared the pre-cum leaking from his tip
across his sub’s ass. He was losing control. Witt tossed the flogger
across the room and went for the lube in the nightstand next to the

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bed. He flipped open the cap, rubbing it down over his throbbing
cock. He knelt onto the bed, spreading his sub’s ass cheeks wide. He
rubbed the lube all over his sub’s rim, pushing two fingers deep inside
his sub’s ass. When Leland was breathless and begging, Witt tipped
his cockhead against his sub’s rim, loving the feel of skin on skin. It
wasn’t until he started pushing his cock inside and his cockhead had
disappeared into his sub’s ass that he realized he wasn’t wearing a

“I’m clean. Are you?” Witt asked.
“Yes! God yes!”
“I’m going in raw. Code now if you’re not comfortable with that.”
“Take me.”
There was a husky raw edge to his sub’s voice that nearly made

Witt come. He pushed his lubed cock deep within his sub’s ass,
pushing inside deep. Leland groaned, rocking his hips back and forth
against his cock. No sub had ever dared to take such control. Witt
leaned forward, grabbing Leland by the hair to take control. He pulled
his head back. “You will take what I have to give. I’m in control.”

Leland moaned as Witt emphasized his point by slipping his right

hand between their bodies and squeezing his cock roughly. When
Leland completely submitted, Witt started to move again but he didn’t
let go of his sub’s hair. He used it as leverage as he took his sub with
short, rough strokes that made the headboard knock against the wall.
Witt arched back his head, loving how good his sub felt. He wouldn’t
ever tell him how he’d loved catching him naked on his bed. Witt had
a good feeling that Leland would keep surprising him no matter how
much he tried to keep control.

Sweat dripped down Witt’s brow. He wasn’t sure how much

longer he could hold out. His cock was hitting all the right sweet spots
deep within his sub’s ass. Each hit of his hips sent their balls slapping
together. The leather separating their balls was like magic as they hit
together. Witt released his sub’s hair and grabbed his hips as he took
his sub. Before he could stop it from happening, his orgasm spun up

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from his balls and twisted through his cock. He groaned as his cum
shot from the tip of his cockhead. Four long shots of cum exploded
from his tip, landing deep. Witt reached between his sub’s legs,
stroking his cock hard. Leland’s cock hardened more. His sub cried
out as his orgasm spun through his cock, sending his spunk flying
across the comforter. Witt didn’t stop pumping him off until he ran

With his sub still cuffed to the bed, Witt went for his handcuff key

in the closet and unlocked Leland’s wrists. He rubbed his hands over
his sub’s wrists, working the red marks out. Witt took off his leather
and came back to the bed, pulling Leland down into his arms. He
kissed him passionately. Their eyes locked as he broke their lips

“I liked that,” Leland said.
“I knew you would.”
Witt knew this thing was getting serious fast. He didn’t want it

any other way. It was time that they had the talk that came with
having a Dom and sub relationship.

“We’re monogamous. You won’t be having sex with anyone else

ever again.”

Leland held him tighter. “I don’t want to.”
Witt’s heart started to beat fast. He couldn’t imagine being

anywhere else with anyone else. When had any sub satisfied him?
Witt knew the answer to that even before he asked it. No one had ever
satisfied him the way that Leland could.

“I have to go to Camp Tack tomorrow,” Witt said.
“I know. I’m planning on swinging by to see you.”

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Chapter Six

Camp Tack was busy in the late afternoon sunshine. Leland left

the office to see how Witt was handling his training and testing. He
knew he could handle it. Witt was good at taking control of all aspects
of his life. They were deep within the forest, practicing on the ropes
and platform course. It wasn’t long before TJ caught sight of him
crossing the courtyard between the bunk houses. As Leland joined the
group, Witt looked his way. Their eyes connected, making Leland’s
heart beat hard. He really had it bad for his Dom.

“I’m going to need Detective Mathews’ help for this next part of

our training. Leland?” TJ said.

A shiver raced through Leland’s blood as he set his sunglasses

aside. He was glad he’d changed into tactical pants and a T-shirt
before he left the office. He figured he was going to get a little bit
dirty out at the campsite. Leland climbed up on top of the platform.
He rolled out his shoulders. Knowing TJ, this was about to get a little
bit out of hand and a whole lot of dangerous.

“Adam, you get to play the bad guy. Leland, you’re playing the

hostage, and Witt, you get to save the day.”

The platform was high above the ground. It was high enough to

make the drop a nasty fall if things didn’t go so well. Adam grabbed
Leland from behind, pointing the pretend gun at his head. There was
cold hard determination in Witt’s eyes as he worked to defuse the

“Let’s work this out,” Witt said.
“Not going to happen. He dies if you come near me.”

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Leland grabbed Adam’s arm, struggling to get away. He worked

himself up, pretending to freak out. “Help! He’s going to kill me!”

“Shut up!” Adam growled.
“Easy now. Just tell me what you want. I’ll make it happen,” Witt


“Call your men off!” Adam yelled.
“Okay! Okay! Just take it easy,” Witt said.
Without warning, Leland felt Adam slip. He yanked Leland down

just when he slipped off the platform and the board under his feet
gave way. Instinct took over as Leland grabbed for Adam when he
fell. Adam swung out, hitting against the tree. Fear raced through his
eyes as he reached up to grab the platform. Witt was suddenly there,
helping him lift Adam back onto the platform. Leland’s heart was
racing. Adam collapsed onto the platform.

“Shit,” Adam said.
“We got you.”
Witt helped Adam up to his shaky feet as Leland got to his. “That

didn’t go as planned.”

“It looks like the board was rotted out. You guys okay?” TJ asked.
“We’re good,” Leland said
“Okay. Let’s take a break. I’m going to get maintenance out here

to check out the course,” TJ said.

Leland jumped down off the platform. As the team headed off for

the cabins to change for dinner, Leland hung back, wanting to catch a
few minutes of alone time with his Dom. There was sweat and dirt all
over Witt’s clothing. Leland liked seeing him a little messed up and
off his game.

“You really okay?” Witt asked.
“Yeah. Just a little shaken up. I can’t believe that board broke.”
“I know. It could have been worse. Are you sticking around for

the night?” Witt asked.

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Sexual tension strummed the air between them as Witt danced

them back to stand behind a thick oak tree.

“I hadn’t planned on it.”
Witt smoothed his fingers up the front of Leland’s neck and over

his Adam’s apple. “I was hoping you would stay.”

A rush of heat spiraled through Leland’s cock, making his dick

rock hard. “Why’s that?”

“You know exactly what I want.”
Their mouths connected in a hungry kiss. The chance of getting

caught at any moment was read but Leland didn’t care. He loved the
feel of his Dom’s hands grabbing his hips as he pushed him up against
the tree. The sound of footsteps nearby had them breaking their lips
away before they could be caught. Leland’s heart was beating wildly
and his dick was pounding for release. Leland adjusted his dick before
stepping around the tree. Two of the guys from SWAT were just
grabbing their gear they had left at the site. They didn’t give Witt or
Leland a second glance as they headed toward the indoor training

“That was close,” Leland said.
“I guess you’ll have to be quiet when I take you tonight.”
Leland bit his wet lip as he thought about what Witt was offering

him. “I shouldn’t stay. We can’t risk getting caught.”

“Perhaps I like the risk.”
Yes, he did. They both did. Still, Leland liked the idea of playing

hard to get with his Dom. “I’ll see if there’s room for me.”

“I’ll make room for you in my bunk,” Witt said.
“You’re not bunking with anyone?”
“I am but we can figure out a way to make this work.”
Leland smiled demurely. “I’ll talk with TJ and see what I can

make happen.”

They headed toward the bunks, but Leland headed away from

Witt to chat with TJ, who was standing outside the Welcome Center.
Leland was very aware of Witt watching him as he moved away. This

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was by far one of the stupidest things he was going to do. No one was
ever supposed to mix business with pleasure. God, he hoped he didn’t
make a mistake by staying the night at Camp Tack with Witt.

* * * *

Witt couldn’t believe he was going to have sex with Leland at the

camp. As a Dom he always had to take control. But there was
something about Leland that made him want to lose control. As they
finished up dinner in the mess hall, Witt watched Leland as he
nervously moved through the room. Sweet anticipation moved
through Witt as he thought about what he was about to do with his
sub tonight. They shouldn’t be doing this at work but he didn’t care.

After dinner, they went out to the bonfire. Witt made sure to stay

far away from his sub. He could tell Leland was playing hard to get.
That was fine with him. He could be patient to a point. As the night
moved on, Leland went to his cabin first. Witt waited several minutes
before following along. He was going to take control of Leland and
there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening. Witt
followed his sub into the room, locking the door behind him. He came
in fast, kissing him hard and stealing his breath away.

Witt slipped his hands down over his ass, giving it a tight,

possessive squeeze. He wanted to be sure that his sub knew that he
was the one in control. “Hands on the bed.”

Leland turned, putting his hands on the bunk. He flexed his ass

out, arching his ass wide for him. Witt unbuckled his tactical pants
and pulled them down. He came in fast and hard spanking his sub. He
loved the way his balls bounced around as he took control. Witt
smoothed his hand down over Leland’s cock and testicles. He gave
them a rough possessive squeeze. Pre-cum wept from Leland’s tip as
Witt took complete control. Witt licked his thumb, smoothing it over
Leland’s rim. He rubbed his thumb around it, loving the way his sub
arched his ass out and moaned for more.

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Witt came in close, growling low. “Quiet. You don’t want

anybody to hear what you’re doing with me.”

Another moan escaped Leland’s wet and parted lips. Witt was so

hard and ready that he felt as though he was about to burst and lose
control. As a Dom that was not a good place to be. Angry with
himself for losing control, Witt stripped out of his clothes and pulled
Leland’s pants down to his ankles. He pressed his forehead against
the bunk and came in close, kissing his way down his spine. He licked
his tongue over his sub’s rim, loving the taste of his sub beneath his

Witt grabbed for the bottle of lube in his bag on the floor beside

the bunk. He flipped open the cap, generously rubbing it over his
palm and dick. With the extra lube on his fingers, he rubbed it over
his sub’s rim, pushing the tips of his fingers inside to slick his ass,
too. He wanted his sub ready for everything they were about to do. He
closed the lube bottle and threw it onto the bed.

He came in fast from behind. He pushed the tip of his cockhead

against his sub’s rim and pushed greedily in. He loved the feel of his
sub’s ass stretching wide for him. They moaned in unison as their
bodies joined. Witt arched his head back and took his sub with short,
hard strokes that sent their balls slapping together.

As Witt took his sub hard, he reached around, grabbing his dick,

pulling it down and giving him several hard strokes. He pinched the
tip of his cockhead, roughly taking control. “You will not come, until
I give you permission.”

“I promise. I won’t.”
Witt took control of his sub with short hard strokes that sent their

balls slapping together. Their sex was rougher than ever. More frantic.
More desperate. It was as though Witt knew that this would be the last
time they would ever be together. He didn’t know if it was because
they would be caught or something would take his sub away. It was as
though he knew that something would get between them. Pain and

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hurt moved through Witt’s heart as he thought about losing his sub.
He did not ever want to lose his sub.

With those scary thoughts racing in his mind, he took his sub

harder, showing him how good they could be together. He moved his
hands up around his neck, creating a collar around the strong, thick
cords in his neck. He loved the feel of his Adam’s apple bouncing up
and down as he took him hard. It was then that Witt came hard,
shooting his spunk deep within his sub’s ass. Leland cried out as Witt
stroked his dick off. He came hard, shooting his spunk over Witt’s
hand and the sleeping bag on the bunk.

There were both sweating and breathing hard as they came down

from the wild ride. Witt kissed the back of Leland’s neck, placing
kisses around his jaw and finally kissing him on the lips. They pressed
the foreheads together.

“That was nice,” Witt said.
“That’s the best I’ve ever had,” Leland said.
“I was hoping you would say that.”
They both pulled away from each other. Witt led the way into the

shower where he turned on the hot water. They stepped in together
with Witt caressing and washing his sub. They were lucky to be the
only ones sharing a bunkroom and shower. The other guys were
bunking together. As if on cue, the door by him slammed open. Witt
muscled Leland around so they wouldn’t be seen in the shower stall

“Shit. This is the wrong cabin,” Adam said.
“Your cabin is two down. Cabin C,” Witt said.
“That was close,” Leland said.
Witt ran his hands up Leland’s jaw. “Hey, what’s wrong? You’re


“I’m okay.”
There were tears within Leland’s eyes. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing.”

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“It’s obviously something. Are you worried about us getting

caught?” Witt asked.

“No. It’s not that. I just never thought I’d love anyone again until I

met you.”

“Oh, babe.” Witt held Leland close, hoping he would tell him

everything. “Who was he?”

Leland shuddered. “The first guy I ever kissed. He left me after I

got hurt in a car accident. My younger brother died in the accident.”

“I’m so sorry, babe. I will never leave you. I’ll always be there for

you.” Witt held his jaw in his hands and kissed him gently. “Always.”

Leland shook his head. “Don’t say that. I don’t want anything to

ruin what we have.”

Witt held him tight as emotion clogged his throat. What was he

supposed to say? He’d never connected with any submissive this way.
He gave him several kisses on his temple before pulling away.

They washed up quickly before anyone else could disturb them.

They bunked down in separate bunks. Witt was the happiest man in
the whole world. He hoped that nothing ever would get in the way
between their love but right then he wasn’t so sure that would be the
case. He was honestly worried about how quickly his sub was falling
for him.

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Chapter Seven

Work got in the way for Leland the next day. After leaving Camp

Tack, Leland went straight to the office. There was so much to do.
With half the guys out for SWAT training there was a wall of eerie
quietness about the building. It set Leland’s nerves on edge. Outside
rain hammered down upon the city, creating a gray wash, making
everything dark and gloomy. There was a darkness about the city that
made Leland want to stay in bed. It was days like this when shit
usually went down. It was days like this when people were driven
indoors that they started not to get along with each other. Those were
the days police officers were called.

Leland got to work on some cold cases, making calls, but it didn’t

last long. Knocking on doors was one of the best ways to get the kind
of information he needed for homicide cases. Today was no day out
of the ordinary. He had to go into the field to look for witnesses. He
drove into downtown to Over the Rhine. The apartment was in a
revitalized part of time. Leland got out of the car and stepped out into
the rain. He went into the apartment building and knocked on
apartment 2B. He waited for someone to answer.

A guy came to the door wearing only pants and a shirt. He looked

like he’d been drinking since waking up. “What do you want?”

“I’m Detective Matthews. I’m here to ask you some questions

about the murder that happened outside your apartment building
Saturday night.”

“I don’t know anything about that. I was working.”
“I’d just like a few minutes of your time. Anything you can tell

me will be helpful.”

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“I don’t have anything to say.”
It was then that Leland knew he had to back off. There was

something about the situation that felt off. He glanced down the long
hallway and saw a woman cowering around the corner. He smiled and
nodded at the woman. “How you doing?”

The woman’s eyes went wide with fear. It was then that Leland

knew he was stepping into something more serious and terrifying than
he could step out of quickly.

“Everything okay?”
“That’s none of your business! You need to step off.”
“If you would like to join me out here to talk, you can.”
Tears misted the woman’s eyes. “You need to go.”
The guy stopped the woman from leaving the apartment. Leland

knew he had to back off but there was something about the situation
that wouldn’t let him. He lifted up his hands. “All right then. I hear
you. I just want to make sure everybody’s okay.”

“That’s not your concern.”
The gun was lifted up into Leland’s face and everything flashed

before his eyes. His love for his Dom and the fact that they might not
ever be together again. As if on cue, a bright flash of light echoed
before his eyes and he went flying backward into the hallway, hitting
his head against the wall. Blood dripped down his face. The bullet had
grazed his head. He was hit and he wasn’t happy with the guy who
shot him. The guy pushed the woman inside the apartment as she
started to scream. Leland staggered up, grabbing his cell phone and
calling the situation in. He held onto the wall as he worked fast to get
out of the apartment building.

Before he knew what was happening, SWAT was on the scene

and taking over. Witt was there despite not going through his SWAT
training. They had summoned the guys out of Camp Tack for their
help. He watched as TJ and Adam started taking over. Leland tried to
stay back but he knew he couldn’t. He had to help. SWAT doc Woods
rushed over to Leland, giving him medical attention. Leland’s eyes

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met Witt’s across the way. Fear ricocheted through his body as his
Dom came in close. He’d come so close to losing his Dom before
they ever got serious. He did not want that ever to happen again.

“Take care of him,” Witt ordered.
Woods’s eyebrows raised. “Yes, sir.” Witt went back to the team.

Woods looked down at Leland. “Should I ask?”

“He’s a little protective of me.”
“I can see that.”
SWAT entered the apartment building, taking down the suspect.

The guy was dragged out, handcuffed, and thrown into the back of the
police cruiser. The situation was diffused fast but not fast enough. It
was as though something shifted between Leland and Witt and there
was nothing he could do to stop it from happening.

* * * *

Witt crossed the parking lot coming to stand in front of Leland.

There was concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Really.”
“It doesn’t look that way. You need to be careful out here.”
“I am careful.”
“You shouldn’t have come out here by yourself. It’s not safe,”

Witt said.

“I know. I agree with you. I should’ve followed protocol. It’s my


Without warning another guy came around the corner, lifting a

gun. He pointed it at Witt and Leland. He shot several rounds off.
Witt pushed Leland out of the way as he lifted his gun and fired
several times. Everything went bright in front of Witt’s eyes as he
tried to get control of the situation. TJ worked fast to take down the
suspect. Witt grabbed for Leland as he fell to the ground. He was
shot. His eyes were rolling back into his head as Witt started
performing CPR.

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“Don’t die on me! Don’t you die on me!”
SWAT doc Woods took over, running an IV into his arm and

putting a breathing tube down his throat. Adam was at his side as they
transferred him onto the gurney and into the emergency vehicle. They
rushed to the hospital and wheeled Leland into a trauma room. Witt
hung back as Leland was taken away from him. It was then that he
looked down at his hands. His sub’s blood was all over his hands.
What was he going to do if he lost his sub? How was he ever going to
live without Leland?

Right then, Witt wasn’t so sure he could survive without his sub.

He wanted everything to be okay but he wasn’t so sure it would be.
After washing up, he collapsed in the waiting room, waiting for any
word from the doctor. Chief Rask got there and started taking control
of the situation and making sure his guys were okay. He came over to
Witt and sat down next to him.

“I heard about what you did in the field. You saved his life,” Chief

Rask said.

“I would do it all over again if I had to.”
“I know you would.”
Word came an hour later that Leland was out of surgery and in

recovery. They waited until he woke up before they started allowing
visitors back to see him. Witt went in with Chief Rask first to see him.
He was just coming out of sedation and looking around. Confusion
swam through his face as the trauma surgeon discussed his prognosis
with the chief. He’d been shot in the arm and it nearly hit his carotid
artery. He was lucky to be alive. Damn lucky. Witt came over and
held his sub’s hand, taking care not to hit the IV in the back of his
hand. He leaned down close to Leland’s face and gave him a sweet

“I love you. I love you so much. Don’t you ever let go of me.”
A smile tilted up Witt’s lips as Leland grinned. Everything was

going to be okay. As long as he had his sub, he knew that everything
would be just fine.

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Chapter Eight

Leland was so glad he was home. The atmosphere at the hospital

had been oppressive. Witt was at his beck and call, taking care of him
with everything. He wasn’t used to having somebody so ready to look
after him. Witt made sure he was comfortable as he put a movie on
for him. Happiness filled his heart as he watched his Dom across the
room go to the kitchen. He knew that he could see forever with his

Right then, he wasn’t sure where things stood between them. How

was he supposed to tell the man that he had fallen in love with that he
wanted to be with him for the rest of his life? It wasn’t easy to tell
somebody how he felt. Witt was a man who kept his emotions close
to his heart, too. He wasn’t somebody that told everyone how he felt.

As Leland watched his Dom go to the kitchen and come back with

something to eat, it was then that Leland knew he had to tell Witt
how he felt about him. “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“I know you have.”
“So what are we going to do about it?” Leland asked.
Their eyes locked and Witt smiled. “What would you like to do

about it?”

“I suppose that all depends on what you want with me. Do you

want something more together?”

“I always want more with you,” Witt said.
All of Leland’s emotions were strung tight as he waited for his

Dom to give him the answer he was so desperate to hear. As he
waited, his heart beat wildly. He’d come so close to losing his Dom.

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He didn’t like that feeling and he didn’t want to feel it ever again. “So
what do you think we should do?”

“Well, since you’ve been home for several days and seem to be

feeling better, how about we take that long bath you so desperately

A spark of heat rushed through Leland’s cock as he thought about

his Dom taking control of him in the bath. It was exactly what he
needed to take the edge off. They went upstairs together. Witt started
the water in the bath and helped him undress. Leland’s shoulder was
healing nicely despite all the pain. But the pain meant he was alive
and he wasn’t dead. As Witt eased into the water, he reached out,
holding Leland’s hand and helping him into the tub.

Leland loved being so close to his Dom in the bath. Witt washed

his chest and gently took care not to hurt him. As he washed him
more and more, Leland’s cock got hard and Witt took control. He felt
his Dom slip his dick deep within his ass. Leland arched his ass,
loving the feel of his Dom taking him from behind. Witt’s big hand
reached out, cupping his balls and dick, stroking him softly. There
was a sweet perfection in the way his Dom control. Leland knew that
as long as his Dom had him in his arms, that everything would be
okay. Everything.

Sensations rushed through Leland’s body as he pumped his dick

in and out of his Dom’s palm. He was so close and loving the way his
Dom kissed his neck, collared him with his left hand, and twisted his
hand up and down over his aching prick. He was so close to coming
that his cock popped off before he could stop it from happening. “Oh,
God! I’m coming.”

Four lines of hot cum shot across Leland’s chest. Witt smoothed

his hand through the cum as his dick hardened deep within his ass.
Witt groaned as he came hard, shoving his dick in deep.

“I love you,” Leland said.
“I love you, too.”

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Everything in Leland’s life was perfect and just the way it was

meant to be. All he needed now was for his Dom to ask him to marry
him. Despite wanting to ask his Dom, Leland had to let his Dom take
control of this. He only wanted to marry his Dom if he wanted it, too.

* * * *

Witt led Leland into the bedroom, pulling back the covers for his

sub to relax. He held him close, caressing his hands down over his
sub’s body. Everything was perfect. He felt as though he had
everything he ever wanted in his arms. He just didn’t know how to
tell his sub how he was feeling. He knew they were meant to be
together but he never crossed that line with anyone before. How was
he supposed to do it now? He joined their hands together, taking care
not to hurt his shoulder.

He heard him softly sleeping and Witt knew that he would never

let go again. He would find a way to make this work—any way that
he had to. They would be together. He just had to find the perfect way
to ask his sub to marry him.


was another workday. When

he was out, he was planning on getting Leland a ring. He wasn’t
going to tell him how much he loved him. He was going to show him
how much he loved him. He just hoped to God that Leland said yes
and didn’t push him away.

It was one thing to talk about the future, but it was quite another to

commit to the future with each other. The possibility scared Witt. He
wasn’t a man who normally made strong commitments but he was
now. What was he going to do if his sub said no? How was he going
to work it out? He knew he would find a way. He just couldn’t figure
it out tonight. With plans of the future lingering in his mind, Witt
sighed—content and happy for everything he had in his life. He knew
everything was going to work out. It was just a matter of time and
patience and love.

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Chapter Nine

Leland wasn’t supposed to me back at work but he ignored the

doctors and went in anyway. There was a hard distance about Witt
that morning that put Leland on edge. He had gotten up early to eat
breakfast with him but then he left. Worry had Leland wanting to go
in to work to take his mind off things. He couldn’t sit home and stare
at four walls all day, waiting for his Dom to come back to him.

“Are you supposed to be here?” Chief Rask asked.
His chief was giving him the third degree but he didn’t care. “I

couldn’t stay home and watch grass grow. I had enough. I’m resting
at my desk and working some cold cases.”

“Any word on that theft?” Rask asked.
The last few days had been chaos, making it impossible for

Leland to check it out. “I put in a camera. I’ll go through the saved
files now.”

“Okay, but just don’t overdo it.” Rask nodded his head, knocking

on his doorframe a couple times before walking away.

Leland was a workaholic before he had gotten to know Witt.

Nothing else had mattered but work. Now that had changed. And the
fact that his Dom had left without saying more than a few words to
him burned a little bit more than he realized.

The video on Leland’s laptop blurred in front of him. It wasn’t

long before he was pausing the frame to see Lt. Austin Wyoming
move into the frame. Slowly, Leland moved it forward. He saw
Austin open up the drawer where the drug money was kept. Leland’s
heart sank as he pulled out an envelope and flipped through it before
putting it back. Shit. They had their man. Now, all he had to do was

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tell Chief Rask but he couldn’t. This was so not Austin. What the hell
was going on?

Unsure of how to handle it, Leland picked up his desk phone

dialing Chief Rask. He answered on the second ring.

“This is Rask.”
“Lt. Wyoming.”
Rask cursed. “You have it on video?”
“Yes I do.”
“Hold onto the video. I’ll talk to him,” Rask said.
Leland hung up the phone and stared at the paused video.

Something definitely wasn’t right but Leland wasn’t going to figure it
out today. Leland packed up and headed out. On the way to his car, he
passed Austin in the hallway. His head was buried in a file in his

“Hey, Austin.”
He looked up. There was distraction and fear in his eyes. “Hey,

Leland. How you feelin’?”

“Not too bad.” Leland hesitated. Austin was once a close friend

and then life had gotten in the way. They’d gone their separate ways
career wise. “Let me know if you ever need anything.”

Surprise moved through Austin’s eyes. “I will. Thanks.” Leland

sighed heavily as he went on to his car and drove home. Truthfully, he
was tired. More tired than he thought he would be at the beginning of
the day. He was desperate to find out where his Dom had gone all
day. He knew that his Dom loved him but there was a distance about
him that morning that concerned him. There was something going on
that he wasn’t telling Leland about and that pissed him off. The house
was too quiet without his Dom.

Witt finally came through the door an hour later. He looked lost,

desperate, and a little upset. It was so out of character for his Dom
that he knew he had to comfort him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing.”

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“It’s obviously something. What’s going on?” Leland asked.
Witt nodded and smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I never

thought I’d meet someone like you and I never thought I would be so

“I’m never going to leave you.”
“I’m afraid to let you go. I’m afraid you’re going to stop loving

me,” Witt admitted.

He loved his Dom’s vulnerability. It touched Leland’s heart

deeply. He could see that Witt wasn’t a man who normally shared his
feelings so deeply. “I’m not going away from you. I’m never going to
leave you.”

“I almost lost you when you were shot. Twice.”
“It’s a risk that comes with the job. We both know that. So we just

need to be careful so that we come home to each other every night.”

Witt nodded and came in close, kissing his sub passionately.

Leland loved the feel of his Dom taking control of him.

“Where were you today?” Witt asked.
“I went into work when you weren’t home to keep me company.”
Witt shook his head. “I knew I should’ve stayed home to babysit


“You don’t need to do that. I can take care of myself.”
“Somehow I know that.”
Witt leaned in close, taking him by the hand and out the front

door. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”
“Some place we need to go. Someplace I should have taken you

weeks ago.”

They got into Witt’s car and they drove across town. Witt came

around to the passenger side door and opened the door, helping
Leland out. They headed up the walkway to a quiet little house. An
older man opened the door before they could knock on it.

The man on the other side smiled. “Is this him?”
“Yes, it is. Dad, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Leland.”

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His dad smiled broadly. “I’ve heard so much about you. Come

inside I can’t wait to find out more.”

Leland smiled, glancing at Witt. “Fiancé?”
“We’ll seal the deal later.”
“Oh, I promise.”

* * * *

Witt loved his family. He loved how they loved him without

condition. Everything was as it should be. With the close calls at
work, Witt knew that he didn’t want to waste any time in introducing
Leland to his family. As they drove home from his parent’s house,
Witt knew it was time to tell Leland exactly what he wanted and how
he felt about him. He glanced at Leland. He looked tired and weary
from the long day. But he was glad that he brought his sub out to meet
his family. He parked the car at his house but he didn’t get out.

“I love you. You know that?”
“I love you, too.”
Their hands joined between the seats as Witt pulled Leland into a

soft kiss. Their eyes met. He pulled him in close again, giving him a
passionate kiss. “I’m so glad that we’re friends and not just lovers.”

“Me, too,” Leland said. “I can’t believe I spent so much time

hating you.”

“Too much lost time.”
“It was all that animal attraction getting in the way.”
“Yes, it was.”
They kissed again and headed inside. Everything was going to be

okay as long as he had Leland in his arms. He knew he couldn’t
protect him all the time but he was going to give it a good try. They
headed upstairs and Witt kissed him passionately.


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Training Leland


He gave his sub the order on a husky note. His sub quickly

obeyed, dropping his clothes to the floor. There was just a small
bandage that covered his arm where he had been shot. Soon there’d
only be a scar. This time they went to the bed, taking care not to hurt
his arm. He came in close with a flogger, spanking his ass hard
several times. He went to the closet in change into his leather pants
and straps, making sure to pull the straps tight around his cock and
balls—so tightly that he wouldn’t be coming anytime soon.

Pre-cum leaked from Leland’s tip as he came back to the bed. A

line had dripped down over his abdomen. Witt let his gaze move
down over his abdomen. Witt leaned in close, kissing his sub as he
stroked his cock. Witt lubed his fingers, smoothing them down over
his sub’s rim. He stroked them inside, making sure that his sub was
ready to be taken. With his lubed fingers, Witt stretched his rim
gently. When Leland begged for more, Witt pushed his two fingers
deep, pushing against his prostate.

“Oh, God!” Leland yelled.
Witt pulled his fingers out of his sub’s ass and pushed his

cockhead up against his rim, pulling him in tight. He bottomed out
deep within his sub’s ass. He pulled his legs up, holding them with his
arms as he took his sub with short, hard strokes that sent his cock and
balls flying up and down his abdomen. He loved the way his sub’s big
dick moved as he worked him as hard as he could.

Witt usually had better control. He was too far close to coming.

He took hold of Leland’s cock, stroking him roughly as he took him
deep in the ass. Leland bit his lip, arching back as he came hard,
shooting his spunk up over his abdomen. It was then that Witt leaned
in, giving Leland a passionate kiss and stealing his breath away. He
stroked deep one last time and came hard. Everything was going to be
okay as long as he had his sub in his arms. They broke their lips away
and their eyes met.

“I love you,” Witt said.
“I love you more.”

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Tatum Throne

Witt untied Lehman and pulled him in close. He loved the feel of

his sub’s soft breath brushing against his skin. He knew he had to tell
and show Leland that he loved him with a ring. But it wasn’t about to
happen tonight. He had plans and those plans were set for



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Training Leland


Chapter Ten

The next day, Leland was busy waiting for Witt to come home.

Leland glanced across the driveway. His Dom was home. A surge of
love filled his heart as he let the last few rays of sunshine warm his
skin. Witt got out of the car, taking a bouquet of red roses from the
passenger seat. No one had ever bought him flowers before. Leland
raced across the driveway, leaping into his Dom’s arms and kissing
him hard. He wrapped his legs around his hips, holding on tight and
not planning on letting go anytime soon. The roses were crushed
between them as Leland kissed his Dom with everything he was
feeling within his soul. Their tongues flicked together passionately as
Leland’s heart raced. Witt’s big hand tightened on his ass. He finally
broke his lips away.

“What was that for?” Witt asked.
“No one has ever bought me flowers before.”
“They haven’t?”
“You’re the first.”
Witt’s gaze turned serious as Leland slid down off of his Dom.

“I’m planning on being the last.”

“You are?”
“Yeah. I have plans for us.”
Leland’s heart raced as the possibilities raced through his mind.

“What kind of plans?”

The flowers were smashed but still beautiful. Leland took them

from his Dom’s hands as Witt reached for something in his pocket.
He took out a black velvet box. “I wasn’t planning on doing this now
and in the driveway.”

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Tatum Throne

Tears rushed over Leland’s eyes, blurring his gaze. The ring was a

platinum band and wide. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

“Will you marry me and be my submissive for the rest of our

lives?” Witt asked.

Again Leland jumped into his Dom’s arms, grabbing his face and

kissing him hard. Witt carried him into the house, slamming the door
shut behind him. They both were breathing hard by the time Witt
broke his lips away.

“Say it!” Leland demanded.
“Say what?”
“Tell me. I want to hear the words.”
“I don’t know what words you’re talking about.” Witt pushed him

up against the wall. “Besides, I don’t think you’re in a position to
make demands.”

Leland groaned. “Don’t make me beg.”
Witt nipped and kissed at his ear. His tongue twirled over the

curve, making Leland shudder within his arms. “Perhaps I like
hearing my sub beg for my attention.”

“I love you more.”
Witt laughed. “You love the way I take control of you in the


“You love taking control of me.”
“Yes, I do.”
Leland couldn’t imagine his life without Witt. He couldn’t believe

he’d come so close to almost losing him. Now that he had him in his
arms, he wasn’t about to ever let the love of his life go again. They
had gotten a few scars along the way but it was so worth it. Leland
wouldn’t change anything. They were going to get married. After
years of running from love, it had finally caught up to him and bit him
in the ass. He wasn’t about to let go of Witt anytime soon. Witt

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Training Leland


slowly eased him to his feet. He wanted children with Witt. He
wanted vacations. He wanted long walks on the beach with their kids
running in the surf.

“How do you feel about kids?” Leland asked.
“You’re serious?”
“I’m open to the possibility in a few years.”
Love filled Leland’s heart. “Me, too.”
Witt twined their hands together, leading Leland into the living

room. They sat down on the couch together. Everything was
absolutely perfect.




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, one rowdy rabbit named Coco, and two
hamsters named Pink Lightning and Sweetie.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate-

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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