Throne Tatum Training TJ130118 0211

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Hard Hits 1

Training TJ

Late one night, SWAT negotiator TJ Raines and SWAT doc Parker
Woods stumble upon a jumper on a bridge. With no time to wait,

TJ knows he must act quickly. He never expects to have to save
his best friend’s life too. With lives on the line, TJ knows he’s been
given a second chance to have Parker as his Dom.

Parker knows something is up with TJ and it has nothing to do
with the near miss on the bridge. Distracted by the undercurrent

of want as they train together, Parker forces the situation out into
the open. Parker longs to have TJ as his sub, but knows he must

convince TJ he’s the right Dom to teach him what it means to be a

Afraid to open his heart, TJ gives Parker his body to dominate. TJ
knows he can trust Parker with his body, but can he trust him with
his heart too?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 30,540 words

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Hard Hits 1

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-490-0

First E-book Publication: February 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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I couldn’t have done this without my love, AJ. Thank you for being

my soft place to fall. I love you.

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Hard Hits 1


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

She was going to jump.
Detective TJ Raines was the first on the scene with SWAT doc

Parker Woods.

Parker and TJ had been on their way back to the department from

a training session in Covington on standoffs when they spotted the
jumper on the bridge.

Rain slanted off the Big Mac Bridge that connected Ohio and

Kentucky. The bridge was closed with state troopers blocking the
north and south sides with lights flashing. Traffic was backed up for
miles and miles on either side of the river.

There were days TJ wanted to jump off the bridge, too, but he put

the brakes on it to do his job.

TJ edged closer, making eye contact with Parker several feet

away. Parker shook his head no once. Yeah, TJ knew it was a bad
idea to try and grab her, but that wasn’t going to stop him from the
risky decision.

Rain hit Parker in the eyes, clinging to his thick eyelashes. TJ cut

his gaze back to the girl. He was going to do what he wanted anyway.

Vacant eyes stared through TJ. This jumper would haunt his

career if he didn’t get her off the bridge edge and to the hospital for

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Training TJ


help. Parker eased closer as TJ worked his way along the thin, steel

“What’s your name?” TJ asked.
Blank stare. The lights were out upstairs but the power was still

on. They had to make a move. TJ cut his gaze to Parker again. Parker
shook his head no. Yeah, he knew protocol. They were supposed to
wait for tactical to arrive on the scene. Problem was, there was no
time to wait for SWAT to gear up.

Parker eased forward. TJ could tell he didn’t want him to make

the grab he was planning to make on the thin steel ledge. TJ scaled the
barrier that separated the road from the walkway, easing carefully
over the side.

The two-foot-wide grate was slick with rain and oils from the

highway. The river thrashed below his feet. Parker’s eyes were hard.
Yup, TJ knew he was taking a chance that could get him killed, but he
didn’t care. He couldn’t live with another death on his hands. There
were enough bad dreams that woke him up in a sweat at night. TJ
knew he had to go for it anyway. He had nothing left to live for
except the job. TJ took a deep breath. The jumper’s gaze moved out
over the water. She was going to go. He had to move now.

TJ sprung, tackling the woman to the grate. Parker jumped the

barrier, protecting them both from falling over the open edge and into
the raging Ohio River a hundred feet below. Police officers rushed the
side. The woman struggled within TJ’s arms. They needed to get her
off the ledge before someone got hurt. Parker grabbed her around the
waist, helping TJ lift her over the barrier. The cops on the other side
grabbed her by the arms, trying to get her safely over the cement

The woman kicked out, striking Parker in the chest and chin.

Knocked off balance, Parker started falling backward. His arms shot
out to grab the steel supports. Fear spiraled through his eyes.

He was falling off the bridge.

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Everything moved in slow motion as TJ jumped the three-foot

divide that separated them. He reached out snagging Parker by the tie,
yanking him toward safety. It was too late. His momentum was taking
him down to the thrashing waters below. Parker cried out as he
reached for TJ, grabbing his arm that held the tie. Parker’s hand
gripped onto his forearm as his feet left the grated platform. TJ
grabbed his arm, anchoring him as Parker swung backward off the
bridge. TJ flew forward, between the supports to the grate below his

Everything sped up as TJ’s body made impact with steel, cutting

into his ribs. “Parker! Hold on!”

Someone over the wall jumped to the grate, grabbing hold of

Parker’s arm, too. Another officer leaned over the side with his cuffs,
locking the cuff around Parker’s arm and onto his own wrist. The
officer swung his legs around, bracing them against the supports to
pull him back up.

TJ was sliding. He couldn’t stop his momentum from going

through the support beam. Sweat dripped down the side of his face. If
they didn’t move faster, he was going to go over the edge too. Life
flashed before TJ’s eyes as he saw cold fear wash through Parker’s

“Hold on. I’ve got you.”
His words were meant to comfort Parker, but they were little

comfort to either man. Time was running out. TJ knew he couldn’t
hold on much longer. Another cop jumped the barrier, cuffing
Parker’s other wrist. He was slipping from TJ’s hands.

“On three,” TJ yelled. “One, two, three!”
They all grunted as they pulled Parker up over the side and back

onto the grate. Parker collapsed on top of TJ. He shook hard. TJ held
him tight as adrenaline pumped roughly through his body. He almost
lost Parker. He couldn’t believe he almost lost Parker. TJ was thrown
back in time to the day he first met his best friend. He’d been working

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Training TJ


TJ was being arrested.
He couldn’t believe it, but at the same time he could. Things could

go bad undercover so fast that it left your head spinning and cover
blown. He tried to reason with the arresting officer, but it didn’t help.

“You’re making a mistake,” TJ said.
“You have the right to remain silent.”
TJ knew his Miranda Rights in his sleep. The handcuffs were

tightened down hard. TJ’s face was shoved onto the hood of the police
cruiser by the back of the neck. It was with enough force to leave a
dent in the hood. His gaze was trained on the house across the street.
SWAT stormed the building. Blood trickled down the side of TJ’s face.
There would be bruises to deal with tomorrow from the cop and the
hood of the car. There would be life again tomorrow, too.

This undercover operation took him to the edge. This was the

lowest he’d ever been emotionally. The drug operations were usually
the most difficult. He was done. He needed a change. TJ shoved
himself off of the car, resisting arrest. It’d be the quickest way to the
station where he could contact his superiors. TJ was slammed against
the hood of the car a second time. He groaned. This time it rang his
bell hard. He was almost certain there were little stars fluttering
around his head like a Saturday morning cartoon.

He was frisked. TJ lost his breath as his nuts were knocked

together like Sunday morning church bells. He sucked in air, trying to
keep himself from getting sick.

Autumn trees lined the long driveway. Red and dark-bronze leaves

hung heavy on the oak trees. A member of SWAT passed before his
eyes. TJ’s gaze was trained on his heavy belt. There was no gun. He
wasn’t a cop, but a member of the team. Who was he?

TJ’s gaze swung upward to his face. Midnight blue eyes stared

through TJ’s soul. There was pity in those beautiful eyes. It felt like
lightning zapped his brain, short circuiting TJ’s nervous system. Mr.
SWAT had a long noble nose and a square chin to go with his exotic
Native American skin. TJ felt as though he’d been punched in the gut

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too when the man frowned at him as though he picked up on the
emotional workout he was suddenly getting. TJ’s head swam as he
was dragged suddenly vertical. The world spun, ticking like a clock
hand stuck on the number two.

“Do you understand your rights?”
“Do you choose to waive your rights and tell me what the hell is

going on here?”

TJ struggled as the cop shoved him up against the side of the car.

This was going down the wrong way. He said nothing.

“This will go better if you start talking now. Let me help you out.”
“I’m sure it won’t.”
The white tag on Mr. Beautiful’s SWAT shirt said P. WOODS. TJ

was finally eye-to-eye with who he now saw was SWAT doctor P.
Woods. The doc dropped a black bag on the top of the cruiser. He put
on surgical gloves and ripped open a compress, holding it to TJ’s
forehead. Their eyes locked. Something fizzled through TJ’s blood
that made him go weak in the knees.

“Stop resisting!”
TJ was grabbed by the back of the neck again and slammed onto

the hood. This time SWAT doc Woods stepped in by grabbing the
officer by the arm.

“Enough.” The threat was whispered between the two men. “I

don’t want to have to work today.”

TJ was pulled vertical again. “I’m okay,” TJ said.
“See. He’s just fine.”
The officer twisted the back of TJ’s hands up as he was led around

the cruiser.

“You sure?” Woods asked.
Pain fired through his forearms, but he half smiled anyway. “I’m

good. Just another day on the job.”

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Training TJ


Woods’s eyes narrowed. The lie felt thick in TJ’s mouth, but he

didn’t want a trip to the hospital today, opting instead to get to the
station as quickly as possible. TJ suspected it’d be the fastest way out
of the situation. He was shoved into the back of the officer’s cruiser
and spent another fifteen minutes waiting.

They drove across town to the station. SWAT used the same back

entrance as processing. TJ was dragged from the back of the cruiser
and led inside. He was shoved into a holding chair as the cop went to
sign him into the facility. SWAT doc Woods crossed through
processing. Their gazes brushed with the doc’s dropping down over
TJ’s body. Yeah, he knew he didn’t look so hot in his old jeans and T-
shirt. TJ knew that look. The one that said their worlds were miles
apart and would never collide. What would happen when he found out
they were both on the same side?

TJ swallowed hard when he saw that the doctor had long

midnight-black hair tied in a braid that hung to the middle of his
back. He watched Woods until he was out of sight.

Behind the desk, Officer Johnson recognized TJ and knew he

worked undercover. He rolled his eyes and glowered at the cop before
ordering TJ to the back where he could be transferred discreetly into

The beat cop ordered TJ up and escorted him from processing to

the safety of headquarters. Several hallways later and a few right
turns, he was inside. Glass walls separated the briefing room from the
long hall TJ was being led through. Chief Anderson was inside the
room with the SWAT team. He did a double take through the glass as
TJ was pulled through the long hallway. TJ could see the vein in
Anderson’s temple go to work as he took note of the work over the
cop had done to his face. Chief Anderson turned to Woods, who
followed his gaze to the glass windows. Anderson met them in the
hallway, blocking their way.

“Uncuff him.”

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“Uncuff Detective Raines,” Anderson growled. “Is your cover


TJ tried to ignore the way Woods hovered over Anderson’s

shoulder with a case of twenty questions in his eyes. TJ rubbed out his
wrists. “I think so.”

“Fuck. Get cleaned up. Dr. Woods, deal with his face,” Anderson


TJ’s gaze played a game of tag with Woods’s. “I’m fine,” TJ said.
“You’re not fine,” Anderson shouted. “Officer Stone, you’re with


TJ left Woods in the hall and headed toward the locker room

where he could shower and step back into his old life. As soon as he
crossed through the doors, he went to work on unbuttoning the fly of
his jeans. The door opened with the doctor coming in just as TJ
unlocked his locker. He grabbed his towel and shower kit.

“I should check you for concussion, Detective.”
TJ looked at his eyes in the mirror on the locker door. His pupils

were normal size. He slammed his locker door closed. “I’m good.”

“Repetition is a symptom of a serious brain injury.”
TJ rolled out his shoulder as he moved. His arm still wasn’t right

from the arrest. He dropped his kit and towel on the counter. He
spread his arms. “I’m not going to get rid of you, am I?”

“You win. Check away.”
A penlight was shined into TJ’s eyes. They were inches apart. TJ

felt his heart race again.

The doctor frowned. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
Slowly, TJ lifted his gaze to the doctor’s crystal blue eyes. “I just

spent the last eight months of my life pretending to be someone I’m
not. I haven’t been laid in almost a year. I need a beer and a fuck.
Neither one I’ll be getting tonight.”

A smiled tugged at the corner of the doctor’s lips. “It sounds like

you need a vacation.”

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Training TJ


“Prescribe me one and you’ll be my new best friend.”
“I’ll talk to Anderson.”
Whatever Parker said to Chief Anderson got him a week paid

starting the moment he stepped out of the locker room shower. That
was the day TJ knew he could fall in love with him.

The past evaporated away. TJ slid his hand up over his best

friend’s neck as Parker dropped his head into his shoulder. He could
feel the pulse in Parker’s neck pounding in overdrive. For years, TJ
grappled with coming out to Parker, but he couldn’t. TJ couldn’t tell
Parker that he loved him and always had, for fear of losing their
friendship. He always secretly hoped that Parker liked men and would
like him. Fuck him, he was in love with his best friend and there was
nothing he could do about it. There was nothing he could do to
change the sexual orientation of his best friend. TJ knew it was wrong
as he brushed his lips over Parker’s neck, but he couldn’t resist
temptation. He kissed his best friend. He stroked his lips over Parker’s
cheek and kissed him again. TJ’s heart hammered out of his chest. He
couldn’t believe he almost lost Parker without telling him how much
he wanted him.

“I got you. You’re okay,” TJ whispered.
TJ felt Parker pulling away. The officers helped them to their

unsteady feet and back over to the other side. TJ followed them over,
grabbing his side as he collapsed to the ground. He was injured. Bad.

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Chapter Two

TJ watched from the hospital bed as the vein in Chief Anderson’s

temple bulged as he yelled. TJ drew his brows together as he took the
full impact like a boxer against the ropes. He crossed his arms and
pretended that the shit storm didn’t bother him. Half the emergency
room waiting area could probably hear him through the walls. TJ
sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up on the gurney. The emergency
department was humming with the Friday night chaos that came with
a big city hospital.

“I’ve already got RAT up my ass about breeched protocol. Next

time, you wait for SWAT to show up and do their job.”

Their Risk Assessment Team reviewed and assessed all fucked-up

situations. It seemed like they were mostly working TJ’s cases lately.
“If I waited for SWAT to get their asses suited up, she’d be dead.”

“I don’t want any more media circuses. Next time, you wait for

your team to arrive!” Anderson barked. “That’s what we have them

Bruised ribs sucked balls. TJ ran a hand over his bandaged ribs,

trying to figure out how long it would be before he could stand again
without wanting to sit back down. The curtain drew back with Parker
on the other side. His SWAT doc paced his way into the room, taking
a front row seat to the action. TJ brushed eyes with Parker but looked
away without making contact. Parker had changed out of his wet
clothes and into a pair of green hospital scrubs. His hospital badge
hung off his pocket.

“Yup. I get it,” TJ said.

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Training TJ


“You’re a loose cannon, Detective. I’m tired of the fallout from

your shifts ruining my weekends.”

“I get the job done.”
Chief Anderson ran a hand through his graying hair. “Well, you

can’t seem to do your job without stirring up trouble and making the
five o’clock news.”

TJ grinned. They both knew that his file was stuffed full of

accommodations for bravery in the field too. “Think of it as free
publicity for recruiting fresh blood.”

“One more screw up. One more.” Chief Anderson rounded on

Parker. “I’m not sure he’s fit to return to duty right now, Doc. I’d
think twice about making that call.”

Chief Anderson left them with a wake of bitter resentment. Yep,

TJ knew all about the pressure the Risk Assessment Team was putting
on everyone in the department. It didn’t help that they made
recommendations that could put TJ out of a job. Parker was in front of
the hospital’s computer, checking TJ’s chart. He glanced over at TJ.

“How are you feeling?” Parker asked.
“Not great.”
Parker’s gaze traveled over TJ’s chest. TJ swallowed the lump in

his throat. This was the first time Parker was seeing TJ without his
shirt. Thick, pale scars twisted down over his chest and disappeared
beneath the bandage over his abdomen. Parker’s eyes were full of
unasked questions and heat.

“How’d you get those scars?” Parker asked.
“Car accident when I was ten.”
Silence divided the air between them. There was so much they

didn’t know about each other. They always seemed to steer clear from
the personal. TJ wanted that to change.

“My father was driving drunk at the time.” He flinched after he

said it out loud. Maybe there was something about sharing too much
information. “I was the only one in the car with him.”

“Did he get help?”

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“He did a stint in jail to dry out. The last I heard, he’s in prison


“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
Parker pushed away from the computer, logging out. He took his

stethoscope from his shoulders and listened to TJ’s chest. He dropped
it over his shoulders again.

“You’re rocking the boat,” Parker said.
“Yup.” TJ frowned. “It’s what I do best.”
“You shouldn’t have taken the chance on me,” Parker said.
“Fuck. Not you too. Why are you so upset? I’d do it again for you

in a heartbeat.”

Parker shook his head, disgust getting overtime in this play.

Parker paced back and forth at the end of the bed. His silken black
hair would drape around his shoulders if he ever let it out of the braid
that hung midway down his back. Native American blood ran strong
through his veins. TJ remembered him saying that he was Cherokee.
Those piercing blue eyes were a genetic gift from somewhere down
the line.

He came in close, getting up into TJ’s face. TJ was trapped on the

gurney. There was no place for him to go.

“I could’ve lost you, too,” Parker said.
Heat spiraled through TJ’s blood and landed solidly in his cock.

His arousal was so fast and hard that it left TJ feeling suddenly off
balance and breathless. TJ ran a hand through his hair. “You didn’t. I
had the situation under control.”

“No more unnecessary risks.”
“We both take risks every time we go to work. That’s not going to

change. You probably take more than me as an emergency room
doctor and a SWAT doc.”

Parker paced in closer. “You don’t always have to play the hero.

You’re too important.”

There was fear in Parker’s eyes. “I had it under control.”

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Training TJ


“I work best on the edge. You know it.”
“I’m not going to change your mind about this, am I?” Parker


TJ smiled. The risk was worth it at the end of the day. They were

so not going to fight about this. “Nope.”

Parker cursed and turned away. “You’re free to go.”
“You’re not going to recommend bed rest?” TJ asked.
A nurse came in with his discharge papers and then left.

“Actually, I am.”

There was something in Parker’s eyes that wasn’t there before the

near miss on the bridge. It was more than just his anger about the
chance TJ took. He looked as though he was frightened of TJ. Was it
the kiss?

“Thank you,” Parker said.
TJ stared at Parker’s work shoes and slowly lifted his gaze up

over his best friend. Emotion played over his strong face. TJ wanted
to reach out and comfort him, but he couldn’t cross that line again. A
shiver of desire shook his core. He was in love with Parker. Always
had been, but that didn’t mean they would ever be together.

“You would’ve done the same for me.”
It was obvious that there was more Parker wanted to say but he

was holding back. Parker opened his mouth but closed it quickly.
Fuck. TJ shouldn’t have kissed him. It was a slip in judgment. Maybe
he hadn’t even noticed?

Parker let out a harsh breath. “I’ve never been that close before.”
“Close?” TJ asked.
“Close to dying. All those standoffs we’ve been in together and

walked away from. I always knew we would be okay. This time was

“You’re the SWAT doc. You’re not meant to be so close to the

front line,” TJ said.

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It was true. They’d been through everything together over the last

five years with the elite Cincinnati SWAT team they belonged to.
Everyone wanted to be on District Four’s SWAT when they came out
of the academy. Extensive training in homeland security, water
rescue, and standoff negotiations made them the most skilled and
prepared team in the state. TJ stood up, reaching out. Parker closed
the distance, helping TJ stand. “Parker, I want you to know that I’m
sorry about all this. I never meant for you to get hurt.”

A woman rushed through the curtain, grabbing Parker. “Oh, God.

You’re okay. Tell me you’re okay.”

TJ eased his ass back onto the gurney, watching as the scene

unfolded before him. He never knew Parker was in a relationship with
anyone. The woman flung her arms around Parker’s broad shoulders,
pushing her face into his neck. Parker held her tight, putting his hand
into her blonde hair. TJ looked away as a pain stabbed through his

Their eyes locked as the woman eased away. Tears were running

down her beautiful face. Her honey-wheat blonde hair cascaded
around her shoulders like something out of a fashion magazine. TJ
could easily see why Parker was in love with her.

“Cora, this is TJ.”
The woman laughed, reaching out to hug TJ hard. “Thank you!

Parker has told me so much about you! I heard what you did for him
tonight, too. It’s all over the news.”

TJ patted the woman’s back as he looked at Parker. “He would’ve

done the same for me.”

She laughed again. “I’m glad you were there for him.”
“Give us a minute,” Parker said.
Cora stepped out into the hallway just as her cell phone started to

chime. Her voice carried through the hallway as she told whoever was
on the other end that Parker was okay. Tension vibrated between
Parker and TJ. God, he shouldn’t have kissed him. How stupid could
he be?

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Training TJ


“Cora’s my—”
“It’s okay. You don’t need to explain. I know.”
“Good. I didn’t want you to think that about Cora and I.”
“Whoa, really you don’t need to explain it to me,” TJ said.
He didn’t want to hear that Parker and Cora were an item and that

they were going to start making beautiful babies together when they
went home tonight. Near death did that to people. TJ shut his ears off
as he eased from the gurney and slipped his drying dress shirt back
on. He buttoned it halfway before slipping his gun and holster back on
too. His suit coat was too wet.

“I’ll drive you home,” Parker said.
“What about Cora?”
“She brought her car.”
“You’re not on duty tonight?” TJ asked.
“For you, I was.”
They went outside, and Parker jogged to get his Jeep. He pulled

up under the Emergency awning. The rain was easing up as TJ got
into Parker’s Jeep.

Disappointment vibrated through TJ as they headed back to

headquarters. Parker’s hand tightened down on the steering wheel of
his Jeep. It was a sign that something was bothering him. TJ knew
him so well. He thought he knew everything, like how he preferred
apples to grapes, how he liked to shave every day, and how he loved
tea over coffee. Now, TJ wasn’t sure what he knew about his friend.
He never expected Cora. Parker pulled up along TJ’s car in the
parking lot of the big building. TJ knew he should just say something
about the kiss but he couldn’t.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” TJ said.
“You sure you’re okay to drive home?”
“I’m fine.”
“There’s nothing to say. Tomorrow we’re back to business as

usual. We can forget all about what happened tonight,” TJ said.

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Parker swung his face close. “Even the fact that you kissed me

after saving my life?”

Heat flashed through TJ’s body as he saw Parker’s lips quirk. TJ

should’ve known that Parker wouldn’t let that one slip go. TJ
chuckled. “You were lucky it was on the cheek.”

Laughter shot from Parker’s mouth. “I suppose I am the lucky one


Parker’s eyes narrowed with something that TJ couldn’t define

and right now he didn’t want to. He had enough of tonight to last him
for a lifetime. TJ got out of the Jeep but leaned his head inside for a

“We were both lucky tonight. See you tomorrow,” TJ said.
Parker frowned. “You shouldn’t train tomorrow. Not until you

feel well enough. You need at least forty-eight hours of rest.”

TJ’s testing for his black belt was quickly approaching. He

couldn’t afford to take a day off. “I’ll be fine.”

“Famous last words.”
TJ scoffed. “I love you, too, Parker.”

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Chapter Three

“You don’t want me bad enough,” Parker said.
The taunt was like a spank on the ass. They were alone in the

station’s training center. Sweat dripped slowly off of TJ’s temples.
His body screamed inwardly for relief that wouldn’t be coming
anytime soon. TJ craved pain. He needed it. The ace bandage around
his abdomen wasn’t enough to keep the pain away.

Sexual tension cut the undercurrent of annoyance thrumming

through his body. Parker had taken off his shirt when they started to
spar with wooden staffs, distracting the hell out of him. Warm lights
reflected off the sweat-slicked muscles rippling on Parker’s chest.
God, if he wasn’t living the life of a monk, he’d hit that. Hard.

TJ flipped the staff around. He knew he was taking Parker to his

physical edge, but he didn’t care. It was right where TJ wanted to be.
He knew he was punishing himself.

“I want you,” TJ said.
“If you did, you’d have me pinned to the mat by now.”
The taunt struck a nerve harder than a weapon. “Maybe I don’t

want you there yet. Perhaps I like seeing you dance around me.”

The corner of Parker’s mouth ticked upward. “Stop being a pussy

and pin me.”

“I will when I’m ready.”
Parker looked as though he didn’t believe him and probably never

would. They circled. “Prove it to me. Prove to me that you want it so
bad that nothing… absolutely nothing will stand in your way to have

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TJ caught sight of himself in the mirrors. He was shorter than

Parker’s height of six-three by a good five inches. Strands of TJ’s
blond hair fell over his forehead. His green eyes were bright within
the low lighting. His muscles were flexed hard.

Parker attacked, immediately putting TJ on the defense. TJ swung

the staff around, moving back as he did. Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

TJ jumped over the staff as Parker swung it around his legs. A

second too late and he would’ve been flat on his back on the mat.
Parker flipped around his staff, muscling TJ in against the wall. A
shiver of heat seared through TJ’s body. TJ regretted not taking his
shirt off too the moment they started this match. Parker’s dark skin
seared through TJ’s T-shirt and sweats.

They were breathing hard. Want passed through TJ’s body, letting

it run two red lights and a stop sign before he reluctantly put the
brakes on the feelings. Parker’s blue eyes held his and surprise
filtered through them before they hardened. It was then TJ knew he
wasn’t gay.

TJ pushed him off roughly, sending Parker across the mat.
TJ came back hard, taking Parker by surprise. Thwack. Thwack.

Thwack. He disarmed Parker, flipping him onto his back on the mat.

There was a grin on Parker’s lips as he looked up at the staff

resting on his sternum.

Parker was everything in a man TJ wanted but couldn’t have. That

alone was enough to put him in a bad mood every time they were
together. Now that TJ knew he wasn’t gay, there was no reason for
them to ever be together. With that thought in mind, TJ flipped the
staff off of Parker and offered him his hand.

Something wicked passed through Parker’s eyes as he grasped his

hand. Parker yanked TJ off his feet, flipping him over onto the mat.
TJ was momentarily stunned from the sudden rush of going horizontal
and landing wrong. Parker mounted him, pinning his legs over his
hips. All that muscle working over TJ felt too good to think about for
too long. Lust rushed through TJ’s body, landing solidly in his cock.

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“Never underestimate your opponent. It will get you hurt,” Parker


Like a well-choreographed dance, Parker slid his legs over TJ’s

chest and flipped himself onto his back, locking TJ’s arm between his
legs. TJ cried out as pressure was put on his arm. TJ was trapped.
Parker eased the pressure on his arm, giving TJ just enough leeway to
flip on top of him. The position didn’t last long. Parker flipped him
off, pinning him to the mat again.

They were chest to chest. TJ’s heart was racing for all the wrong

reasons. He was not supposed to fall in love with the man that was
training him in Krav Maga for black belt. Parker’s blue eyes were
hard with the fight as TJ fought his hold. TJ dropped his gaze to the
tough edge of Parker’s lips. They naturally formed an erotic sneer.
Only a few inches separated them. The urge to kiss Parker was an
overpowering chant that almost took control of TJ’s rational side. TJ
broke his eyes away from Parker’s mouth before he did something
even the devil would find stupid.

Parker came to his feet, offering TJ his hand. Their hands clasped.

Heat sparked through TJ’s body, making him remember that he hadn’t
had sex in a really long time. TJ came to his feet and dropped Parker’s
hand fast.

TJ flipped the staff around, replacing it with the other weapons in

the corner of the room. He could feel Parker’s gaze on him as he
moved. The training center was on the basement level of headquarters
where classes were taught for officers and the community. Parker
came to a community class and worked with the training center a few
months before he became a member of SWAT. It was one of those
random decisions that brought Parker through the door and into TJ’s
life. At the time, SWAT was looking for doctors to ride along on
calls. Had Parker not had that bad day in the emergency room, they
may have never met.

“Is there something on your mind?” Parker asked.
“I have to go or I’m going to be late for work.”

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“You’re shutting me out.”
He was. How could he have gotten it so wrong? TJ had been

almost positive that Parker was gay before he realized Cora was in his
life. TJ needed to lock down the feelings that were suddenly taking
over his waking thoughts. He was in love with his best friend and
SWAT team member. This path was clearly marked off-limits, but TJ
couldn’t get his brain to fix his heart.

“It’s nothing.”
“Are your ribs still giving you trouble?” Parker asked.
“They’re not as bad as last night. I’m good.”
“What is it?” Parker asked. “It’s not just about being physically

ready to test. You need to be mentally ready, too.”

“I get that.”
“Do you?” Parker asked.
“I’m tight.”
Parker’s glower was like a paddle to his ass. TJ gritted his teeth as

he thought about Parker taking control of his desire in the bedroom. A
shiver fluttered through his body at the thought of Parker flogging
him. God, he wanted and needed it bad. Of course, he wanted Parker
to be the one doing the paddling and the topping. Wanting Parker, his
best friend and coworker, was not a good idea. This was going to end
badly if TJ couldn’t get a hold of the raw emotions running through
his system. It didn’t help that TJ was practically a virgin when it came
to his experiences with men. He had two short-term relationships
before, both of which ended before they got around to the fucking.
The one time a year ago was nothing more than a one-night stand that
left him wanting Parker even more.

“You’ve spent the last three months training day and night. We’re

not training tonight.”

Shock had TJ looking at Parker. He was serious. It was over. Was

it because Parker suspected that he was gay?

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“Be ready at seven. I’m picking you up tonight,” Parker said.

Parker pointed at his temple. “Whatever is going on up here, we’re
going to work it out tonight.”

TJ felt his mouth go dry. What would happen if he confessed the

truth to Parker? Would he push him away when he found out he was
gay? The thought of losing Parker was too much to think about. His
heart wept. “Where are we going?”

“Trust me on this one.” Parker wiped his face with a towel. “Your

testing for your black belt is in two days. I need to work out what’s
distracting you up here if you’re going to pass the test.”

A wide mile of silence lingered between them. TJ was mentally

kicking his own ass as he realized how much he revealed to Parker
with that one long, erotic look. The man was a pro at reading body

Parker stood at the front of the training center with his hands on

his hips. He wasn’t even breathing hard. Parker had a deadly warrior
calm about him that kept him focused in the field and emergency
room. TJ was certain that if Parker ever questioned him about the
undercurrent of attraction, he’d confess and probably get jail time for
being so stupid.

“I’ll be ready.”
“You’re physically ready now, but you’re distracted. We can’t

have that at test time,” Parker said. “Distraction gets you hurt.”

TJ toweled off his face and neck as he watched Parker fold up his

black belt and drop it into his gym bag. He was distracted. He was in
love with his straight friend. TJ dropped down in the chair on the
outer perimeter of the ring. He ran a hand through his hair. There
were days when he caught himself in SWAT meetings glancing at
Parker more than what was necessary. Falling in love with Parker was
probably the dumbest thing he ever did. He should stop seeing him for
the extracurricular. It would be the only way he could get over his
broken heart. He stood up, grabbing his stuff.

“Be ready at seven.”

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“What about Cora?” TJ asked.
“What about her?”
“She’s not coming with us?”
Parker frowned. “My sister’s not coming out with us. You didn’t

want her to, did you?”

Sister. That one word nearly knocked TJ to his ass on the mats. TJ

slung his duffle bag over his shoulder, trying to stay balanced but
having a shit time of it. “Nah.”

“What?” Parker asked.
“It’s nothing.”
Parker took a couple of steps forward as though he was going to

challenge TJ to another match. “Out with it.”

“I thought Cora was your girlfriend.”
Parker shook his head. “My sister and I were adopted together.”
“Oh, see you tonight then.”
TJ was going to change and shower before heading back to work,

but he wasn’t going to do it at the training center. He was going to use
the station’s locker room in the building next door. There was no way
TJ could shower next to Parker without getting a raging hard-on. TJ
caught sight of Parker’s back in the mirrors as he opened the door. A
triangle of muscle tapered from his shoulders down to his lower back.
Black tribal ink spun out over the top of his ass. Parker had a tattoo
stamped on his lower back like a target. TJ’s mouth dropped open and
the door nearly hit him in the ass on the way out.

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Chapter Four

TJ jogged after work. Like clockwork, he could be seen running

through Eden Park.

Parker was asked by Chief Anderson to watch TJ for any sign of

psychological falling down over the next few weeks. The chief called
him personally to ask, since he knew that they were friends. The little
superhero stunt on the bridge raised more than a few brows at the
station. That meant they were going to be spending a lot of time

Parker fingered the steri-strips that kept the healing cut on his

brow from opening. There was an underlying aggression to the man
that needed to be dialed back. Parker needed to put him on notice
before it was too late.

Yet, he saved his life. Had he not taken the risk? Parker shivered.

TJ had excellent skills and instincts in the field. Parker was intrigued
by what TJ could do. He worked off a natural reflex and instinct that
was beyond a normal reaction time. It was the kind of thing one saw
with military training.

TJ played his feelings close and rarely said anything about what

was bothering him. Whatever was going on, Parker was going to find
out tonight. He didn’t like to be left in the dark about anything. It
would all come out in the open eventually. Before it did, Parker
wanted to know what the hell was going on with TJ. For some
irrational reason, Parker wanted to protect TJ from getting hurt.

Rain hammered the bad attitude out of the Cincinnati pavement. It

needed to hammer the bad attitude out of Parker, too. TJ was the only
distraction on Parker’s mind as he sat in his Jeep waiting for TJ to get

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home from work. There were secrets and layers to TJ that Parker
didn’t know. He’d never met anyone so secretive before.

A homicide detective shouldn’t be afraid of anything, but he

sensed that TJ was.

Parker stared up at TJ’s townhouse. He lived in a nice, quiet

neighborhood near Mt. Adams. The view of the city was breathtaking.

Parker knew it was time to deal with the sexual attraction burning

up the air every time they got together to spar. Frustration had Parker
running a hand through his long hair. He didn’t want to feel anything
for TJ but he did. The last serious relationship he had nearly broke his
heart. He couldn’t go through that type of damage again.

Tonight, he was going to put an end to the looks and the heat

between them. He’d let TJ down easy and then things would go back
to normal.

He hoped.
It was almost seven, and TJ was just jogging into his driveway.

Parker let out the breath he’d been holding. He wanted this
investigation into TJ’s psychological well-being over, too. That damn
Risk Assessment Team was reaching in his opinion. They needed to
back off and let their cops do the job they were hired to do.

The rain had changed into a fine mist of fog. It wouldn’t be long

before late autumn turned into a raging Cincinnati winter. Parker met
him on the sidewalk. TJ popped his earbuds out of his ears.

“I’m going to shower and change.”
TJ’s eyes moved down over Parker’s shoulders as though his

hands were fingering his hair. Parker didn’t ever wear his hair down.
Why had he tonight?

“Sounds good.”
There was a hard distance to TJ’s green eyes that wasn’t there

earlier today. Parker should’ve been relieved that it was there but he
wasn’t. It meant things were spiraling out faster than Parker could
control. Tension radiated from TJ. Parker had to curb the impulse to

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rub his hands over his shoulders to work the kinks out. Work must not
have gone well today.

Parker followed TJ inside his townhouse. The place was tidy with

the lived-in look. A few magazines dusted the coffee table. TJ kicked
off his running shoes and sat them neatly in the closet by the front

“Give me ten minutes,” TJ said.
“Take your time.”
Parker heard him moving around upstairs and then the shower

clicking on. The thought of TJ naked under the hot spray made
Parker’s cock rise so fast that his cockhead shot out the top of his
jeans. Parker groaned as his prick tightened down harder as he
adjusted it back down. His heart rate jacked up high. Parker needed a
shot of cold air to get control of his thoughts of getting naked and
stepping into the shower with TJ. He went to the French doors,
leading to the balcony. Parker fumbled with the lock at the top,
yanking it down and flipping the latch, too.

He rushed out, sucking down cold air. Five seconds later, an alarm

sounded. The high pitched drone was deafening. Parker ran back
inside, searching for the alarm box. He found it by the front door.
Reflex had him hitting the deactivate button but nothing happened.

* * * *

TJ was rinsing shampoo out of his hair when he heard his alarm

go off. He finished his rinse and shut off the water at a fly, grabbing
the wrong towel and wrapping it around his waist. His first thought
was for Parker. His second was of those shits with the guns who tried
breaking into his place a month ago.

Dripping wet, TJ ran through the hallway and down the stairs. He

jumped over the railing at the bottom, ready to confront the shits
again. Parker stood by the alarm box. Relief poured through TJ’s
body as he entered the code. The alarm went off.

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The corner of Parker’s mouth hitched up. “I opened the balcony

doors. Sorry.”

“You’re okay?” TJ asked.
“Yeah.” His brows narrowed. “What’s wrong?”
“Some guys tried to break in a month ago. I thought they were

trying again.”

Water dripped off of TJ’s body, raining down onto the hardwood.

The towel gaped at his left leg, leaving a wide opening all the way up
to his crotch. TJ tucked the corner of the towel fisted in his right hand
and ran his hands through his wet hair.

Parker cleared his throat. “You should go get dressed.”
The urge to let the too-small towel drop to the floor was an erotic

impulse TJ could barely control. A drop of water rushed over TJ’s
lips. He licked his lips, catching the dewy drop on his tongue.
Parker’s gaze lowered to his mouth. TJ’s took a shuddering breath as
his cock kicked out against the white terrycloth towel.

“Why?” TJ asked.
Slowly, Parker lifted those crisp blue eyes back to TJ’s. “I don’t

think you want me to answer that.”

TJ took a chance and took a step toward Parker. “Maybe I want to

hear what you have to say.”

They were a foot apart. TJ could feel his heart beating wildly in

his chest as he waited for Parker to make the next move. Parker’s cell
phone rang, making the corner of Parker’s lips lift. He reached for the
phone, stepping away. TJ saw Parker’s gaze drop to the thick bulge of
his cock beneath the towel. “Get dressed. I’ll be waiting outside.”

TJ watched him answer and head for the door. At the last second,

he covered the receiver with his hand. “Nice towel. I like that look on

TJ dropped his gaze to the thick, snaking outline of his cock

beneath the towel. It was then that TJ saw the tip of his cockhead
hanging out of the gap. Pre-cum mixed with water as he drip dried on
the foyer floor. Lust spiraled through TJ as Parker’s eyes fucked him

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one last time before shutting the front door. TJ’s mouth dropped open.
He reached down, stroking his cock through the towel. God, he
wanted Parker.

He wanted Parker every way imaginable. There were nights he

stayed up thinking about all those ways. His favorite daydream was of
them in the shower. TJ loved how athletic Parker could be on the
mats. He even imagined one of those times being at the training center
on the mats. TJ tried to shake off the sexual haze now consuming his
thoughts but he couldn’t.

Parker would be a demanding, athletic lover. TJ hoped he

wouldn’t be okay with a simple fuck. TJ couldn’t fuck without a
commitment or his heart, but could he trust Parker with his heart?
Once he decided to love someone, he loved them. TJ ran his hand
through his hair as he jogged back upstairs. He was so unbelievably
screwed. Loving his best friend and coworker was just wrong.

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Chapter Five

A few minutes later, TJ came out of the house with a whole lot of

caution in his step. Parker started the Jeep as he got inside. Things had
changed between them the moment TJ risked his life to save Parker.
There was no denying the heat that lingered between them. Parker’s
cock was hard beneath his fly. He wasn’t normally a man that was led
around so easily by his dick.

Their eyes locked. “Hungry?”
“Starving,” TJ said.
The tension following them around parked itself like a third wheel

between them. Parker headed to Cincinnati’s east side. He had to
figure out how they could both deal with the sexual vibe fucking up
their relationship before it ruined what they had.

“Rough day?” Parker asked.
“Yeah. It was. We’re dealing with a recovery situation. The guy


“That’s tough.”
Parker waited for him to say more but could sense that he was

holding back. The pressure seemed to tighten down on both of them
as Parker drove. Instead of going to the cafe as planned, Parker
detoured to the old farm he was renovating outside of the city. He
hoped they could talk privately there. Oak trees lined the long
driveway. They still had their copper leaves despite how late it was in
the season. The old building at the end of the drive needed painting.
TJ looked around as though he was waking up.

“What are we doing here?” TJ asked.
“I wanted to talk with you. Alone.”

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“What is this place?”
Parker looked out over the old farm. The turn of the century place

once belonged to Andrew Stonewell. He built it in 1832. The picket
fence surrounding the house needed repair and the farm was long
overdue for animals. The stone barn in the distance would be perfect
for a few horses. “It’s my new place. I’m renovating it. It was built in
1832 by Andrew Stonewell. His family farmed the land up until fifty
years ago when it was sold.”

“Nice. It looks rustic.”
Parker smiled. “The outside needs some work. I bought it for the

wraparound porch and the cathedral pillars. The inside needs
everything updated. It’s been a slow process.”

Parker shut off the Jeep and cut the lights, but didn’t move to get

out. The rain picked up again, pelting the soft top of the Jeep with a
musical cadence that always relaxed him. Parker knew he wouldn’t be
able to get through dinner with the distraction of newly acknowledged
desires building between them. They needed to talk this stuff out
before it started to interfere with their work together on the SWAT

“We’ve been friends for five years. I know something is going on.

What’s up?” Parker asked.

Silence echoed back like a volley Parker couldn’t return. Parker

reached out and put his hand on TJ’s shoulder. The muscle beneath
his hand contracted hard as though no one ever touched him and he
didn’t want to be touched. He gave TJ a firm squeeze and then
loosened his hand. He repeated the move until the muscle beneath his
palm eased. Their eyes locked. It was then Parker knew he wanted
things he couldn’t have. Wanting TJ was wrong. Parker’s only job
was to watch him, not want him.

“Out with it,” Parker said.
“That’s the problem. We’re friends. I don’t want to complicate

things. I like the way things are between us.”

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TJ pulled away by getting out of the Jeep. He paced down the

long length of the driveway toward the front doors. He stepped up
onto the stone stairway of the porch and glanced over his shoulder to
make sure Parker was coming. The rain slowed to fine drops as the
oak trees gave them cover.

“I hope you know that you can tell me anything,” Parkers said.
Their gazes locked, but TJ quickly pulled emotionally away.

Parker could almost hear the door slam shut and the lock flip on the

Moonlight cut through the breaking storm clouds, shadowing TJ’s

profile. His blond hair glowed like an angel’s halo in the light. Parker
lifted his hand, brushing his fingers over the drying ends. He pulled
his hand back before TJ noticed. Parker unlocked the door and led the
way inside. They headed through the side hallway to the kitchen. He
flipped on the light.

“Are you out?” TJ asked.
The question surprised Parker and momentarily caught him off

guard. He thought about all the looks his female coworkers gave him
at the hospital and how many times he had to put them off. They
probably thought he was a monk. He thought too about all those long
looks TJ gave him over the years. There were times Parker thought
about diving in without any thought about the tsunami it would create.
Work relationships were not a good idea.

“No. Are you?” Parker asked.
TJ ran his hand through his hair. “I make no secret of it, but I’m

not really out. No one asks. Not even you after all these years.”

The corner of Parker’s mouth ticked up. He could see that TJ was

spoiling for a fight. “I don’t need to ask about what I already know.”

“You’ve known all this time that I’m gay?” TJ asked. “How?”
“I just know.” Parker hung back as TJ walked deeper into the

kitchen. “I need to know what’s bothering you.”

“You want to know what’s bothering me?” TJ asked.

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The sarcasm was a slap of disrespect that wouldn’t go over inside

the gym. Of course, they were outside the gym and it didn’t matter.

“Whatever is going on, I can help you deal with it,” Parker said.
Slowly, TJ’s eyes lifted. “I almost lost my best friend two days

ago and I never…”

“Never what?” Parker asked.
“I never told you what you mean to me. I never told you that I

admire you.”

Parker felt as though his bell had gotten rung hard. TJ wasn’t one

to vent his emotions. Not to mention that the man rarely smiled. “You
admire me?”

Parker couldn’t hide the surprise from his voice or the shock that

TJ was sharing something so personal. That hard cock he saw peeking
out from beneath that thin towel was one of the few times TJ’s
emotions had slipped out uncontrolled.

“I can see by the look on your face that I’ve shocked you,” TJ


The confession was long overdue. They were both denying the

feelings they felt for each other. Parker knew they were taking a risk
by exploring those forbidden feelings, but he didn’t care. He wanted
TJ for better or for worse. “You haven’t. I’m glad you’ve finally
admitted it.”

TJ shook his head. “This is wrong. I shouldn’t have told you.

Now, it’s going to make our friendship awkward as hell.”

TJ blamed himself for the truth of how he felt. There was more.

Parker could see it. “No. It won’t. Tell me what’s bothering you, TJ.”

TJ paced as though he was still upset. “I should’ve waited that

night on the bridge. My actions almost killed you.”

“I made the decision to jump that barrier to keep you safe. It

wasn’t your fault.”

“It was!” TJ’s voice echoed off the hanging pots and pans.
“You can’t keep blaming yourself for something out of your

control. You and I both know that you made the right call. We both

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did that day. Had I not jumped the barrier, you could have easily gone
over the side.”

TJ paced away, running his hands down his face, but he came

back in closer than he was before. He shook his head as emotion
broke over his face. “I could’ve lost everything that night.”

TJ turned away as tears broke free from his green eyes. He leaned

his hands onto the tile counter. Coiled tension vibrated through
Parker’s body as he came in close to TJ, blocking him in against the
counter from behind. He sensed TJ tensing. That was okay. Parker
could take his time and go slowly with him. Parker wanted to cross
the line with TJ but knew he couldn’t go far without damaging what
they had. Parker embraced TJ from behind, holding him closer than
he should and closer than he ever had before. At first, TJ tried to pull
away but Parker held tight until TJ relaxed within his arms.

Parker’s long hair fell over his shoulder and onto TJ as he leaned

down to whisper into his ear. Heat coursed through Parker’s body. “It
wasn’t your fault.”

“I should’ve known. I should’ve protected you.”
“You did. You saved me and that woman,” Parker said.
“I could have killed both of you.”
“Stop second-guessing yourself. All we have is instinct and our

gut in the field. If we lose that, we can lose direction.”

TJ pulled away. “My actions could have killed you.”
Parker grabbed TJ by the coat and muscled him up against the

table. “You are not going to blame yourself for the near miss. I made
the choice to jump that barrier to help you.”

“I could have lost you. I couldn’t live with myself with your death

on my hands.”

The despair in TJ’s voice nearly broke Parker’s heart. TJ struggled

to get away. Parker pressed his body into TJ’s, making his heart race
for a man he shouldn’t want. Their mouths were inches apart. “You
had the situation under control.”

“I didn’t.”

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“I know you did. I know you,” Parker said.
“Bullshit. You don’t know me.”
“Enough of this!” Parker turned him against the wall, shaking him

once to get his attention. His gaze dropped to TJ’s soft, full lips and
slowly lifted to look into his golden-flecked green eyes. “I can feel the
love you have for me. I know you.”

All the air seemed to leave TJ. Parker balanced him up against the

wall with muscle. “I’m not capable of loving anyone.”

“Only because you’re as afraid to love as you are to hurt.”
TJ tried to shove him away but Parker held tight. He wasn’t about

to let TJ go, not when he had TJ right where he wanted him. Their
eyes held tight. Heat sparked within TJ’s green eyes. It was then
Parker knew that TJ wanted him but was afraid to lose it all if he did.
He was afraid to let go of his heart and love.

TJ’s eyes widened with surprise as Parker leaned down, kissing

him hard. Parker groaned as TJ relaxed. TJ’s arms came around his
waist, pulling them closer. They kissed passionately as though they
never would again and maybe they wouldn’t. If it got out among the
SWAT team…

He couldn’t and wouldn’t think about it now. All that mattered

was that TJ was in his arms and it felt so right even though there was
a list of reasons why it was completely wrong.

Parker’s heart hammered as he deepened the kiss, flicking his

tongue over TJ’s lips and inside his hot, wet mouth. He wanted to
know if he tasted as sweet as he kissed. For the love of God, he did.
Parker’s cock flexed hard, punching out against TJ’s dick, ready and
willing to sword fight for the next ten hours. Parker moved his hips
possessively over TJ’s to prove that he was bigger and would take
control in the bedroom. A whimper of desire mewed from deep inside
of TJ, nearly making Parker’s knees go weak. The sound was so
intimate and vulnerable that it made TJ’s soul seem suddenly
exposed. Parker wanted to protect TJ at all cost, regardless of the
consequences that could ruin their careers.

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Parker groaned as TJ’s hands moved up into his hair, kneading

and clenching the silk strands. TJ’s hand settled on the back of his
neck as he tried to take control of the kiss. It was going too far too
fast. The base of Parker’s cock flexed tight, pulling his balls in hard as
his spunk threatened to erupt from his cockhead. TJ moved, brushing
his hips over his throbbing cock.

It was all too much. The orgasm spiraled up the base of Parker’s

cock, taking him by surprise. Parker locked it down but not before he
shot a rope of cum into his boxers. He was breathing hard as he broke
his lips away. Parker reluctantly pulled his body away from TJ. He
would not humiliate himself by coming all over TJ after one erotic

* * * *

The room spun from lack of oxygen as TJ opened his eyes. TJ’s

lips were wet and hummed from their kiss. What happened? One
second they were going hot, heavy, and hard and then everything
stopped. TJ licked his lips, trying to get another taste of his best
friend’s sweet lips over his tongue. Parker looked as though he just
made one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Parker cut his gaze away
and paced around the kitchen as though the heavy cock in his pants
was a weapon that had been improperly discharged.

“I shouldn’t have pushed you like that,” Parker said.
Did he mean the shove or the kiss? TJ stuffed his hands into his

pants pockets and leaned back against the wall. TJ knew he wasn’t
good enough for Parker. TJ was raised on the wrong side of the
tracks. Parker wore dark jeans and a police-issued T-shirt that came
with the job as a SWAT doc. He looked good. He looked like a man
that would take control in the bedroom. He looked like the kind of
man TJ needed to feel whole again. TJ never felt so broken and raw in
his entire life. In front of Parker, he felt exposed. In front of Parker,

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he felt whole. The combination left him feeling shattered and
complete. He’d never felt this way about anyone.

TJ’s prick pounded like a bass drum for relief that wouldn’t be

coming soon enough. Parker kept pacing around the kitchen like a
caged panther. He ran a hand through his long locks. TJ wanted to be
the one running his hands through Parker’s hair. He looked down at
the floor since it hurt too much to look at Parker. God, he couldn’t
trust anyone to risk loving again. It hurt too damn much. The last time
he opened his heart to loving, he’d gotten it played by his boyfriend.
At the time, TJ thought they were exclusive. Later, he found out that
he’d been one of many. He was lucky their relationship hadn’t gotten
past foreplay.

“Damn it,” Parker cursed.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry about what happened.” Parker came to stand in

front of TJ, forcing him to lift his head. “This complicates things.
That’s it.”

“I know it does. That’s why it won’t be happening ever again,” TJ


Parker’s eyes hardened. “Is that the way you want things to be

between us?”

TJ couldn’t think straight with Parker standing so close, and his

cock humming for a release that wouldn’t be happening until he was
at home fucking himself in the shower. “Yes.”

“You’re running from me.”
Silence. “I’m not good for you or anybody right now. I may never

be. Trust me.”

Parker came in close. His voice was low and bordered on

threatening. It turned TJ the fuck on. His cock hummed, begging to be
tugged on. He wanted Parker to be doing all the tugging.

“I decide what I want and when I want it. You won’t decide for


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A shudder of desire vibrated through TJ’s cock, making pre-cum

weep from the tip. His heart raced for all the right reasons that seemed
suddenly as important as breathing air. What if he let go with Parker?
What if he said yes again to another forbidden kiss? TJ got off on
Parker taking control on the mats. It was one of the reasons TJ liked
training with him when he could. Parker pressed his hands against the
wall, blocking him in. He leaned down so close that they were eye to

“I decide what I want. Not you,” Parker said.
Heat shimmered in those blue eyes, making TJ’s mouth go dry. It

felt as though Parker was marking his territory by drawing a line in
the sand. What would happen if TJ crossed that line? TJ so wanted to
find out. “You don’t want a fuck-up like me. Trust me.”

“Say it one more time. I dare you.”
Parker’s threat was too good to ignore. Maybe TJ wanted this

fight. Maybe he wanted to be punished. Maybe he wanted this fight
with Parker to get his mind off other things. He leaned in closer, so
that they were only a breath away. “I’m a fuck-up. You don’t want

A growl came out low from Parker, sending an exotic tremor of

anticipation through TJ’s body. “You asked for it.”

TJ was knocked off his feet and flung into the island with a

controlled force that rattled his teeth together. Parker was holding
back. He could do more damage. He was just proving a point right
now. Parker locked his arms under TJ’s. A thick cock pressed
between the crack of TJ’s ass, making him groan in surprise. TJ had
to buck the urge to rub his ass up and down on that pole. The feel of
Parker’s cock tight against his body had him almost ready to give up
the fight.

Right now, he was scared that Parker was changing the rules of

their relationship without his consent. “Release me.”

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Parker’s lips brushed over his ear. “No. Not until you take it back.

You will not say you’re a fuck-up ever again.”

TJ’s heart raced. He was serious. He wanted him to take back the

truth of how he felt and what he was when the lights went out at
night. Parker’s hold tightened, and his hips rubbed hard. His cock
pressed solidly between the crack of TJ’s ass, thumping seductively
against his anus.

TJ was breathing hard. “Why do you care?”
“I just do.”
“Say it.”
“I can’t.”
Tension eased from Parker’s arms as he loosened his hold. Parker

dropped his hands to the island, blocking them in. Heat licked over
TJ’s neck as Parker dropped his mouth, kissing his way over his nape.
A shiver went through his body as he magically found his erogenous
zone with no trouble at all.

“Turn around.”
The command came on a long husky note accented with a sharp

staccato of hurry up. TJ obeyed and was shocked when Parker came
in fast and hard with a brutally honest kiss. There was an animalistic
quality to his kiss that made TJ feel owned. All the pent-up
fascination and desire TJ felt for Parker exploded into a white hot
need of desperation. TJ didn’t want to chain down the lust he was
feeling. He wanted this, and he wanted it now.

Parker’s cock flexed hard through his jeans, causing pre-cum to

spill from TJ’s cock in response. TJ wanted to get down and dirty, fast
and hard. He rubbed his hand down over Parker’s thick cock and was
rewarded with a groan of approval. How far would they go and how
fast should he take it? It seemed so wrong that their first kiss would
lead to screwing, but TJ wasn’t going to stop this from happening. TJ
cried out as Parker’s hand locked onto his cock through his jeans. He
was on the edge of coming.

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TJ pulled away. “I’ve waited too long for you. Stop, I’m close.”
The corner of Parker’s mouth lifted and fell into a hard line.

“Don’t come yet. I have plans for you. For us.”

TJ was certain Parker could feel the hum of his cock through his

pants as he gripped him tightly. TJ licked his puffy lips as he tried to
make sense of what was happening between him and Parker, but deep
down he didn’t want to make sense of it. He just wanted it with his
best friend. Maybe it was going too fast, and he should put a stop to it
before either one of them did anything they would later regret. Parker
reached for the zipper on TJ’s fly.

Too late.
Parker unzipped him and muscled out his cock, palming it tightly

and giving it a possessive stroke. TJ cursed as Parker stroked again,
using his pre-cum for lube. “We should stop this.”

“Not yet,” Parker said. “I kind of like what we’re doing here. Oh,

fuck, TJ.”

It was the reaction men tended to give him when they saw his

cock for the first time. TJ was thick and long with a big cockhead that
was ready to explode. TJ looked down, watching Parker stroke his
heavy cock. Parker led him by the prick through the kitchen and into
the living room. Like a dog on a leash, TJ didn’t mind being dragged
along. Parker positioned him in the living room in a black leather

“I like to watch,” Parker said. “Stroke it off for me.”
He was serious. “Do you?”
“Yes.” Parker gave TJ a lingering kiss. “Stroke it. I’ve waited too

damn long. I want to see you. Now.”

Parker backed away, sitting in the chair opposite him, spreading

his thick thighs wide. The thought of Parker ordering him around
nearly made his sauce fly. TJ unbuttoned and spread his legs wide. He
pushed his balls down with his left hand as he stroked himself up with
his right. “Like this?”


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Their eyes locked and a shiver went through TJ’s belly as he

moved his hand up and down over his big cock. A groan of desire
shot through TJ as Parker’s eyes moved south over his cock. Parker
adjusted his cock as he watched TJ pump his shaft. TJ bit his lip and
closed his eyes, flinging his head back against the chair as he worked
his cockhead in his fist. He wanted Parker on him, in him, and taking
charge. He wanted Parker’s mouth sucking him off.

“Eyes open,” Parker commanded.
TJ’s eyes snapped open, burning with the need to come as Parker

watched him stroke off. Every muscle in TJ’s body flexed hard. He
wanted to come so bad. His balls tightened up. Parker edged forward.

“Come… come for me. I want to see your eyes dilate when you


Oh, fuck. TJ shouted as the orgasm spiraled up from his toes,

making long, thick veins of cum shoot from his cockhead. He rubbed
himself off as three more eruptions shot from his cock like a long-
dormant volcano. He was groaning as he came down from the hard,
rough ride he gave himself.

Their eyes locked. Parker’s burned bright within the low lighting

of the room. He crossed the room as TJ finished stroking himself.
Parker leaned down, kissing him hard. He flicked his tongue deep
inside, taking ownership of TJ.

“I’m ordering in,” Parker said. “Chinese okay?”
TJ felt off off-balance and breathless despite having his ass

planted in the leather chair. “Sounds good.”

While Parker was on the phone, TJ went to find the bathroom. He

found it down the hallway. He shut the door and went to the sink. He
washed up and then leaned onto the counter. This was going to
change things between them. Life wouldn’t be the same. Their
friendship wouldn’t ever be the same. What were they doing?

Hell, their professional relationship was never going to be the

same. TJ splashed cold water onto his face. He looked up into the
mirror as water dripped down. How could he be so foolish? He let his

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guard down by confessing how he felt about Parker. He shouldn’t
have. He didn’t want Parker’s pity. Yeah, but you want his love, don’t

TJ groaned as his prick started to harden again at the thought of

having more of Parker. Jacking off in front of Parker had been a dirty
erotic high he shouldn’t have indulged in. What the hell were they
doing? TJ dried off his face and told himself to stop being such a
pussy. They could handle this by not doing it again. This was a one-
time thing. It had to be, otherwise it would strain their professional

Parker was in the hallway waiting for him to come out of the


“Don’t pull away from me,” Parker said.
“This is going to change things between us,” TJ said.
“Not if you don’t let it.”
TJ shook his head and looked away. “We shouldn’t have done

anything,” TJ said.

“Are you finished?” Parker asked.
TJ wasn’t sure what they were, and right now, he was too

emotionally tied up to figure it out. He crossed his arms and took up
space on the wall opposite Parker.

“Don’t destroy what we have before it's even begun,” Parker said.
“I need to figure some things out before this goes anywhere.”
“I’m here for you.”
TJ felt his heart bleed. He desperately wanted to fall into Parker’s

arms and forget all about the last forty-eight hours of his life. How
could he even begin to explain how he was feeling about the near
miss on the bridge? “I know.”

“You really want to shut me out.”
Parker cursed. He was pissed. He had every reason to be. The

doorbell rang, and Parker went to pay the delivery guy.

They stared at each other from across the kitchen. TJ felt an

undercurrent of lust thrumming through his body. Parker was

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beautiful, and TJ should be hands off. He wasn’t hungry but God help
him, he wanted to fuck Parker until dawn came and went again.

“I’ll drive you home,” Parker said.
It wasn’t what TJ wanted but he knew it was the safest thing for

his heart. Parker grabbed the food as he went out the door. They drove
across town with nothing but the naked truth hovering between them.
All this time, they’d both secretly wanted each other, but both had
been holding back due to the job.

Parker shut off his Jeep in the driveway of TJ’s townhouse. The

rain had started fussing again with giant drops hitting the windshield.

“You’ve been torturing yourself over this for the last two days,

haven’t you?” Parker asked.

“You need to shake it off, TJ. You can’t let work pull you down.

You need to find a way to let this stuff go.”

“Exercise helps,” TJ said.
TJ could feel Parker’s eyes trained on his profile, but he couldn’t

meet that intense gaze without giving everything he secretly wanted
away. He wasn’t ready to admit that he wanted all the things he never
had growing up. A quiet house in the country, a white picket fence,
and a man to love him through long, cold winter nights. Over the
years, he’d been saving every penny he made to buy that house.
Parker was the man he wanted, and he had exactly the type of place
TJ always dreamed about.

“Don’t worry about RAT. Just do your job.”
“I’ll try not to.”
“Maybe you need to take some time off.”
“I was thinking the same thing, but I have too many cases going

right now.” TJ glanced at Parker. “Thanks for dinner.”

“I’ll see you in a few days for your testing.”
A shiver stormed through TJ’s body at the thought of being away

from Parker for so long and the thought of him being there for the
test. “You’re coming?”

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“I wouldn’t miss it for anything. I’ve been helping train you for

the last six months.”

TJ had almost forgotten about his testing for his black belt. There

was no way TJ could get through the three hour testing without
having thoughts of whacking off his cock in front of Parker.

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Chapter Six

The buzzing of the prison door took TJ’s eyes away from the

guard that held his badge. The guard looked up from his badge. There
were days when TJ felt as though God took the night off the day he
was born. Yeah, he had it rough growing up with an alcoholic father,
but his mother had it worse. TJ couldn’t blame her for leaving the
way she had. She had promised to come back for him when things
settled down, but she never did.

He always wondered what happened to his mom and often

thought about searching for her, but he didn’t want to know or go
there now. Maybe some day he would. His mother was the one that
took the beatings. She was just trying to survive. He couldn’t blame
her for the situation. There was no surprise that most of his family
wondered how he made it out when his father was the one sitting in
prison. TJ wasn’t here to see his father, though. He was here to work a
cold case. TJ was used to the stares when he visited the maximum-
security facility. He looked exactly like his father in cell block D.

The badge was handed back, and he was waved through. The

guard walked him through to the special visitors section. TJ was led
inside to wait. Five minutes later, the guard came back with the man
that pled guilty to murdering six women.

TJ watched through the long windows as Jason was shuffled in

through the hallway. His brown hair was longer since the last time he
saw him and was now curling around his ears. They sat him down in
the chair at the table. TJ sat down across from him, clasping his hands
together. Like clockwork, TJ came once a month to drag information

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out of the bastard. Sometimes it helped his case. Other days it left TJ
feeling as though he were the one getting jerked around.

“Where are they?” TJ asked.
Jason smirked. “Do you remember how you always used to do

better than me in school? You’d pull the grades and get the girl. Oh, I
forgot, you never wanted the girl.”

Anger vibrated off of TJ. He slowly got to his feet and walked

around the table. He dragged Jason to his feet and shoved him up
against the wall. Jason always seemed to have some reminder of how
they went to high school together.

“Does it bother you that a faggot is out there having sex when

you’re the one sitting in jail with other men?”

Jason blinked rapidly. “Put me down!”
TJ dropped his voice for dramatic effect. “I can say the word.

Have some of my friends on the inside pay you a little visit.”

Jason grabbed at TJ’s arms as fear made his eyes bulge. TJ

couldn’t help but to work his fear. There wasn’t anyone on the inside
that would willingly fuck up this idiot. “No, man!”

TJ could see that the games were finally over, and he had Jason’s

attention. “How many are there?”

Jason shook his head. “I don’t know. Shit, man, I didn’t keep

count. Fifteen. Maybe more.”

TJ cursed. This was way more than he expected. TJ slammed him

up against the wall again. The guard was taking his time opening the
door. “Where?”

Jason smiled. “You’ll never find them.”
TJ roughed him up against the wall in controlled anger. He heard

the door open and the guard come in. “I’d sleep with one eye open,”
TJ whispered.

TJ flung the bastard toward the guard who grabbed him by the

back of the neck. He felt the last bit of hope for solving and knowing
everything about this case drain from his body as the guards pried

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Jason out of his hands. It was over. There was nothing else he could

Later that evening, TJ was heading from his office to the training

center for his testing. He was passing through the side corridor when
he slowed at the training center’s windows. He stared through the
glass, watching as their fulltime instructor, Ayden, worked with a
team of first-year rookies. Work was the last thing on TJ’s mind.

All TJ wanted to do was further explore the situation with Parker.

That was so not going to happen anytime soon. TJ opened the door
and hung to the side to watch their first years go through training.

“Faster, Roberts,” Ayden instructed.
“For the love of all that’s righteous and unholy,” Roberts

complained. “I swear you’re the devil’s second cousin’s bitch.”

Ayden laughed, throwing back his head. “I’m his brother,

actually. Now, drop and give me forty before I put your ass on the

“No. I’ve had enough for today.”
Roberts wiped his brow with the sleeve of his T-shirt as the room

cleared out. This was the first time anyone probably ever questioned
Ayden’s authority. TJ knew Ayden wasn’t about to back down now.
Challenging Ayden was so not a good idea either when he wanted to
make a point or an example out of you. Ayden came in close to the
rookie. The corner of TJ’s mouth ticked up as he watched Roberts

“What did you say to me?” Ayden asked.
Roberts crossed his arms and leaned in closer to Ayden’s ear,

whispering. “I said, no.”

“He’s going to mess Roberts up for disobeying an order,” Parker

said. “I’d mess him up just to make an example out of him.”

A shiver of heat flashed so hard through TJ’s body that it left him

momentarily stunned by the power of it. He’d been so consumed with
watching the exchange with Ayden and Roberts that he never heard
Parker enter the training center. By the looks of things, he’d just come

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from the hospital. A black fleece, with the hospital’s logo, was over a
pair of green scrubs. TJ wondered what it would be like to hear Parker
say those words as he was tied up, with his ass in the air, on Parker’s
bed. TJ’s cock hardened painfully. He needed to get out of there to
work the heat out of his system before his test.

“Hey, you made it,” TJ said.
“I did. Are you ready for this?”
Despite knowing Parker would be there for his testing, TJ wasn’t

quite prepared to be under his watchful eye the entire time. TJ wasn’t
one to allow his nerves to get the better of him, but they were giving
him a mad dash tonight. “I’m ready.”

“You’ll do fine. Go change. I’ll see you in a few.”
TJ went to the locker room and tried to mentally prepare for his

black belt testing. He stretched out his limbs on the mat as he waited
for the class Ayden was running to finish clearing out. Israeli Krav
Maga was known for its self-defense techniques that dealt with real
world situations. It was a staple at their district. Everyone on SWAT
was expected to get their black belt.

There were two other black belts helping Ayden set up for the

three-hour testing. TJ knew it was as much psychological as it was
physical. TJ bowed to the panel as he waited at the ready for the
testing to begin. To his surprise, Parker joined him on the mats. He
was going to work as his partner for the testing.

Parker attacked with a blow toward TJ’s sternum. TJ blocked,

counterattacking with a set of moves that took Parker to the ground.
With a three-second turn around until the next command, TJ offered
Parker his hand to save time.

They went at each other hard, not stopping even when a blow

would connect. Sweat mixed with blood as TJ worked hard to defend
each attacking blow Parker threw at him. They took it to the ground
where they started ground fighting. TJ had to forget that Parker was
his lover and focus on the task at hand. Distraction was not his friend.
Parker pinned him hard against the mat. TJ knew he was about to lose

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this round if he didn’t do something fast. TJ popped his hips, flipping
Parker over his head. A smile broke the corner of Parker’s lips as TJ
pressed his body to his right before he tapped out.

Three hours later, it was over. TJ was breathing hard as he stood

on the mats with the mirror reflecting his worked body.

He passed. There was a lot of hand shaking and claps on TJ’s

back as the other black belts observing the testing congratulated him.
When the dust settled from the testing, Parker was nowhere to be

Disappointment spiraled through TJ as he bypassed the mats and

hit the locker room to change. He needed to exercise the demons
distracting him. He changed into workout clothes and went to the
weight room. A wooden sign above the doorway had the words
Ayden’s House of Pain scrawled in black marker.

TJ had one goal. He wanted to push himself until he forgot all

about Parker. He was going to be so tired after this session that he
wouldn’t want to fuck, fight, or think for the next twenty-four hours.

“What are you doing in here?” Parker asked.
TJ never heard Parker approach. Sweat from the testing continued

to drip off TJ’s temples. TJ wiped his face off.

“I was going to cool down. What’s up?”
“Anderson wants to see both of us. Now,” Parker said.
All the air felt as though it was sucked from the room. TJ knew

something was up. He suspected it had everything to do with his little
monthly visit to see Jason, but why would he want to see Parker too?

“Did he say why?” TJ asked.
“I’m sure he’s checking in with us about the bridge incident.”
TJ didn’t bother changing. He wiped his face and headed to his

superior’s office four floors up. Anderson’s assistant nodded as he
pointed toward the open door.

Chief Anderson sat behind his desk and their house psychologist,

Andrea Moss, was nervously fidgeting on the couch. A few seconds
later, Parker walked into the office, shutting the wooden door like a

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jail cell door sliding with a clank. TJ knew what was going on before
any of them spoke.

It was a fucking intervention.
“You went to see Jason today,” Anderson said.
TJ didn’t say a damn word as he stared at his boss. His white hair

was buzzed short. TJ crossed his arms. “I see him at least once a
month. I wanted to ask him about his dumping ground this time.”

“Did he say?” Anderson asked.
“Nothing much as usual. He said there are fifteen women. Maybe


Anderson nodded as he stood, walking around his big oak desk.

He sat on the corner. “I want you to take a week or two off.”

“What? Why?” TJ asked.
“You’re emotionally compromised right now. You’re on edge. I

can’t have you in the field like this.”

“I’m fine,” TJ said.
“You just passed your black belt testing, right?” Anderson asked.
“Why did you go into the weight room to work out and not out to


The truth hit TJ hard. “I am. Later. I was just cooling down.”
Anderson looked to where Parker was standing. It was then TJ

noticed the darkening bruise on his injured temple from their sparring.

Parker’s blue eyes were filled with regret as they looked to their

boss. “He could use a few days to process what happened on the

Anderson looked over his shoulder at Andrea and nodded.

“Andrea is here if you want to talk.”

“No. I don’t want to fucking talk about my feelings.”
Andrea came around. “Everything you say will be confidential.”
“Not interested.”
“A week. Take the time to work through this,” Anderson said.

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There was no negotiating his way out of the forced vacation time.

This was bullshit. TJ needed the distraction of work to get through the
mess in his life.

“My time will be better spent focused on the job,” TJ said.
“Your time will be better spent not hurting my officers or

yourself,” Anderson said. “Take the time I’m giving you. Your job
will be here when you get back.”

TJ strode from the office, bypassing the elevators and opting for

the stairs. He jogged back down to the training center. He was so
fucking out of there. He was going to shower and grab his shit. Being
a homicide detective on the cold case unit and being on the SWAT
team was all he had. It was who he was. It gave him balance. Taking
the job away was tantamount to taking his life away. This did not feel

The locker room was empty by the time TJ got downstairs. TJ

grabbed a towel from the bin and headed to the showers. He flipped
on the shower to high and pulled the curtain closed. He dropped his
sweats and T-shirt, getting into the hot spray. Water smacked against
the white tile, punishing it for being in the way. TJ pressed his hands
to the tile and dipped his head under the spray. Everything hurt. It
wasn’t just his overworked muscles from the testing. Pain slashed
through his soul as he thought about the possibility of losing his
career. Tears mixed with the pain and slid silently into the water. He
was on the edge and hated being there.

Suddenly, the water pressure changed and cold water slapped him

in the face.

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Chapter Seven

Steam billowed up around TJ’s ankles. The shower was scorching

and causing his freckled skin to turn bright red. Parker flipped the
water, turning on the cold to wake his ass up.

“What the fuck, Parker?”
“What the fuck exactly. You can’t steam the pain out of your


TJ snapped out the towel and held it in front of his package. “Just

leave me alone.”

TJ stared at Parker as though he were caught with his emotional

pants down. Maybe he had been. There was a sensitive part to TJ that
no one got to see. Parker got a glimpse of that man in his kitchen. He
wanted that man back. Parker wanted the man that needed him, that
needed to be held, and the one that need his protection. Parker planted
his hands on either side of the shower stall. Short, dark-blond chest
hair tapered down over his abdomen with a thin happy trail leading
exactly where Parker wanted to be. A single tattoo of a panther curled
around his left bicep and twisted down the inside of his forearm.
Another tribal tattoo snaked around his shoulder and over his pectoral

“Don’t do it,” Parker said.
“Don’t do what?”
Confusion swam through TJ’s eyes as they narrowed. “Don’t go

looking for trouble.”

TJ’s lips thinned. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? Trouble has a

way of finding me.”


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“Do you mind?”
“Actually, I do.”
“Well, that makes two of us. I don’t want to talk about this with


“I won’t let you fuck up your career by not taking care of

yourself. It’s not the right move. You need to listen to what your body
needs. Right now, you’re burnt out. You need time off.”

TJ groaned in frustration. “I don’t need a fucking break.”
Parker didn’t believe him and probably never would on this

matter. “What are you up to tonight?”

“Good. You’re with me tonight.”
TJ’s mouth dropped open and Parker gave him a look that had

him snapping it shut. They would not be arguing like lovers at work
in the training shower.

“Don’t order me around,” TJ snapped.
Parker walked him back against the wall. They were inches apart.

Heat spiraled through TJ’s eyes before he locked it away and threw
away the key. Yeah, Parker knew that TJ was good at running and
hiding. Both knew that there were only so many places one could hide
before they were caught. Parker dropped his eyes to TJ’s lips,
drinking in their puffy, wet texture. They were rosy and full. He
wanted to kiss TJ and make him forget all the pain in his heart. Parker
wanted to make love to TJ right here.

“I’m going to give you orders and you’re going to take them,”

Parker said.

Parker pressed his hands onto the wet tile, blocking TJ in with his

big body. “Get dressed.”

The order was barked like a spank to TJ’s ass. TJ’s Adam’s apple

bobbed up and down once before he said, “I’m not going anywhere
with you.”

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Parker had had enough of his defiance. He snapped the towel out

of TJ’s hand and tossed it onto the floor. TJ’s hard cock sprung free,
slapping against Parker’s pants. A groan sounded from deep within
the back of TJ’s throat, which was exactly where Parker wanted his
cock to be. Parker palmed TJ’s cock, twisting his palm down over his
shaft and tightening his hold around the base. He let his fingers cup
his balls tightly. TJ arched back, offering his cock up for an erotic rub
down. Parker dropped his lips to TJ’s ear as he thumped his cock.
Parker rubbed his fingers down over his balls again, feeling the erotic
heat pulsing in his hand. Parker’s cock filled with heat and flexed
hard against the confines of his boxers. He pulled the curtain of the
shower stall closed.

“You’ll do as I say or I’ll have to punish you.”
TJ whimpered in seductive need as his eyes flashed up. “Punish


A thrill danced over Parker’s skin as he thought about having TJ

tied to his bed in the ultimate submission. “I want you to meet me at
my place tonight.”

“And if I don’t?” TJ lifted his brow in quiet challenge.
Parker stroked him tip to base, twisting his hand around TJ’s big

cock. He fisted his free hand into TJ’s blond hair, exposing his neck.
Parker dropped his lips to TJ’s neck, kissing his way down over his
collarbone. “I’ll come looking for you. You don’t want me to come
looking for you, babe.”

“I’m not afraid of what you’ll do to me.”
A smile broke Parker’s lips as he took the borrowed set of

handcuffs from his pocket. He had lifted them from TJ’s open locker
a few minutes ago. He locked TJ’s right with the cuff and lifted it to
the curtain bar where he flipped the cuff around. He lifted TJ’s left
hand and locked it down. Parker always wanted to play with the hard
steel of real cop cuffs. Heat spiraled through TJ’s eyes as surprise
mixed with uncertainty of the situation. No, it probably wasn’t a good
idea to play tie up at work, but Parker needed to prove a point to TJ.

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That point was that he could have him anywhere at any time. Parker
picked up TJ’s sweats sitting on the bench and yanked the inch-wide
tie out of the waistband.

“You should be afraid. When I’m finished with you, you won’t

ever want any other man. You’ll only want me.”

A harsh breath was sucked in through TJ’s teeth. It was the first

time Parker noticed that the front two were a little crooked with a
quirky turn at the bottom. He liked the imperfection. Parker kissed his
way down TJ’s chest, licking his tongue over his nipple.

Parker pulled away and whispered, “Face the wall.”
Slowly, TJ turned. Parker folded the cotton rope and snapped the

layers tight by pulling on it hard. Parker kissed his way over TJ’s
shoulder as he wrapped the middle of the rope around TJ’s hard cock.
He crossed the ends beneath the shaft, threading the ends between
TJ’s thighs to wrap around his balls. Parker tugged, tightening the
rope into a makeshift cock ring.

“Fuck,” TJ moaned.
“It’s about time you stop punishing yourself and let me.”
“Oh, God.”
“I’m going to give you what you need.”
Parker pulled the ends up between the crack of TJ’s ass, rubbing

his anus with his thumb as he did. He pinched his ass with his free
hand, spreading his cheeks wide as he did. Parker rubbed the edge of
his cock against TJ’s hip, causing pre-cum to slide from the tip. He
reached around with his left hand to stroke TJ’s prick. Parker
tightened his hold on TJ’s throbbing cock, squeezing it tight. He
tugged hard, stroking TJ and only stopping to rub over his cockhead
with the rough edge of his palm.

Pre-cum wet Parker’s hand, sending tremors of need through his

belly. He loved sucking cock and it was taking all his will power not
to turn TJ around and lick his fully loaded dick into his mouth. Parker
knew he couldn’t take one taste without being sucked in with no
return. They were already taking a chance by doing this here. If they

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got caught, both of their careers would be over in a passionate
heartbeat. Parker thumbed TJ’s anus, rubbing it hard and pressing in

TJ sucked in a harsh breath.
The sound of a locker slamming had both of them freezing. Parker

flipped on the shower and tossed the towel over the cuffs on the rod.
Parker reluctantly eased away from TJ. He worked the key into the
cuff and freed TJ. He pulled TJ’s mouth to his and kissed him

“Tonight,” Parker said. “Or I come looking for you.”

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Chapter Eight

TJ was about to get fucked tonight for all the right reasons.
He sipped his hot tea at the coffee shop while his hand played

with the letter that came from his father. He couldn’t deal with it now,
so he shoved it into his coat pocket. TJ grabbed for the newspaper
someone left on the table. An exposé on Jason was on page two. TJ
read the story four times, trying to glean anything new from the case.
He got nothing.

Parker nailed it when he said that he was punishing himself for his

inability to solve cold cases faster. The truth was, TJ was tired of
punishing himself. He was ready to put things out of his control
behind him and let them go. The letter in his pocket crinkled as he
moved. What did his father want now? The last time he wrote was
five years ago to ask for money. TJ ran his hand through his hair. He
wouldn’t ruin his evening by reading the letter tonight. It was time he
listened to his doctor and took care of himself. That thought put a
smile on his face.

He spent way too much time running from what was good for

him. It was about time he made love without regret or fear of what
would happen next. It was about time he started living his life.

Of course, TJ wasn’t going to make it easy on Parker. His first act

of defiance was to blow off his invitation by not showing up to his
place when he wanted him there. TJ wasn’t about to sit at home
either, waiting for Parker to walk up to his front door and knock. No,
TJ went out to the bookstore and then got a coffee after dinner. All he
could think about was being tied up and under Parker’s control in the

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showers. God, just thinking about it made him so hard he had to
adjust under the table.

Part of TJ wanted to test Parker. TJ knew it was all about the

chase when it came to the game of love. That made TJ want to see
how bad Parker wanted him. The coffee shop was busy with the
evening rush. Couples crowded the tables. Students worked on
laptops. There was a quiet intimacy about the place that usually put TJ
at ease. Usually. Tonight, TJ was so twisted up with frustration that he
knew he’d have to go home and take a cold shower.

A hand caressed TJ’s nape, sending shivers down through his hard

cock. TJ didn’t have to turn around to know that Parker had found
him. Parker’s hair fell over TJ’s shoulder as he leaned down.

“Come with me.”
TJ hesitated. Parker’s hand tightened on his neck, causing TJ’s

cock to kick out against his pants. TJ pulled the newspaper over his
front as he stood, following Parker out into the cool night. They were
not going to do this here. He followed Parker to his Jeep and got into
the passenger side.

Parker pulled out into traffic. Anticipation heated TJ’s skin.

Everything suddenly felt too hot on his body. He could feel the fight
brewing between them and it wasn’t going to be pretty as it played
out. TJ wasn’t about to roll over and let Parker take over his life just
because life was calling dirty plays in overtime.

“What are your plans for your leave?” Parker asked.
TJ wasn’t about to tell Parker that he had plans to run down some

leads on Jason’s dumping ground. He felt as though he owed the

“I haven’t decided. I was thinking about visiting a friend in


“Oh? For how long?” Parker asked.
“I don’t know. A week. Maybe more.”
Parker glanced at him as they pulled up to a traffic light. His gaze

narrowed. The lie was caught.

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“I want you staying with me during your vacation.”
Street lights blurred past as Parker hit the highway. TJ thumped

his hand on his leg nervously. “I don’t need you to babysit me,
Parker. I’m fine.”

Parker cut the wheel hard into his driveway. “Deal with me on this

or I make a call to Andrea.”

TJ glared. He was serious. Parker shut off the Jeep in his

driveway. “What am I dealing with?”

“Us. It’s about time we took care of what’s between us.”
TJ cut his eyes away. The intimacy between them was so deep

that it hurt. TJ didn’t know how to make love without putting his
heart in the way. It was one of the reasons why he didn’t have sex
unless he was in a relationship. TJ knew nothing would ever be the
same if he handed his body over to Parker. He could easily lose
himself in this moment and it would follow him for a lifetime.

Parker got out of the Jeep. TJ watched him through the windshield

for a moment before following him inside his place. The clank of
Parker’s keys hit the island as he walked through the kitchen. TJ
stared at the silk strands of Parker’s arrow-straight black hair. He
wanted to crush his hands through that hair again. TJ’s cock pounded
as he followed.

He stopped in the archway between the kitchen and living room.

“We shouldn’t do this. If work found out, things could go bad for us.”

“Is that what you really want?” Parker asked.
After a long pause, TJ shook his head and said, “No.”
“Then don’t worry about the job. Interoffice romance happens all

the time. We’ll keep this quiet. I promise you everything will be

Parker smiled and it hit TJ hard in the heart. How could he

possibly explain to Parker that he didn’t have sex without love? He
wasn’t one of those men that could fuck without a long established

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Parker pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it to the couch.

TJ’s mouth went dry as he looked over Parker’s thick muscles he
dreamt about caressing. His gaze dropped to his crotch where he saw
the thick bulge of Parker’s cock. TJ couldn’t go any further.

Parker crossed the room and grabbed TJ by the belt buckle,

pulling him into the room. Parker worked the black leather belt off of
his pants and stepped back. TJ’s heart raced.

“Undress.” The belt snapped together in Parker’s hand.
TJ’s cock jerked at the sound. It was all about power and control.

Right now, TJ wanted to hand the control over to Parker regardless of
the consequences. He wanted to be dominated. He wanted to be
punished. TJ wanted to fall right into Parker’s arms regardless of how
painfully sweet the landing would be.

Slowly, TJ undressed, watching Parker’s eyes dilate in the low

lighting of the room. He worked off his shoes and jacket first,
unbuttoned his dress shirt with slow flicks of his fingers, and eased
off his pants. He stood only in his black boxer briefs with his cock
straining to break free.

“Hands on the back of the couch.”
The order was commanded on a husky note. It was then that TJ

knew that Parker was feeling as undone as he was. TJ braced his
hands on the back of the couch, sinking his fingers into the leather. He
felt a yank as his boxers were pulled down. His cock slapped against
the top of the leather couch. Parker circled the couch, leaning forward
on the front to capture TJ’s cock in his mouth. He sucked hard, taking
long, stroking pulls. He sucked his cock in deeper, twisting his mouth
around as he did.

Parker released his cock, caressing his balls. He kneeled on the

couch, slipping the belt around his waist and up under his ass. Parker
took ownership of his mouth, flicking his tongue roughly inside. Their
tongues fought and rolled together passionately. Smooth leather
rubbed up and down over TJ’s ass as they kissed. Parker took the kiss
deeper, pulling him in tight with the belt.

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It was all too much. TJ lifted his hand, crushing his hand into

Parker’s hair. He threaded the silk strands, twisting them tight. Parker
pulled his mouth away.

“Hands on the couch.”
Heat flashed through Parker’s blue eyes. The thought of

disobeying Parker’s order sent a thrill of danger rushing through his
body. He wanted to explore the dark side of danger with Parker with
the lights off. Slowly, TJ lowered his hand back to the couch and
waited. Parker moved around the couch, standing behind him. TJ
swallowed hard as his eyes closed. He waited with his heart
hammering in erotic anticipation for Parker’s next move.

He wanted to be flogged. He wanted to be spanked hard. He

wanted Parker’s hands all over him. He wanted it fast and hard with
moments of slow and sweet that kept them going long into the night.

As though his thoughts were read, Parker’s big hand reached

around to stroke his cock. TJ groaned, flexing his hips up to thrust his
cock through Parker’s hand. TJ looked over his shoulder, searching
for another sensuous kiss.

“Eyes stay forward.”
TJ obeyed his order by closing his eyes to heighten his hearing.

He heard the sound of a zipper and the rustling of clothing. He sensed
Parker coming in close. Parker’s body heat seared over his skin. TJ
heard the creaking of his leather belt before he felt the strap rub up
over his ass and back down. He shuddered as Parker bounced his ass
up and down with the belt. TJ bit his lip, enjoying the feel of leather
on his skin again. His eyes flashed open when he felt Parker pull

Parker’s hand smoothed down his spine, only stopping when he

got to the top of his ass. TJ moaned as he felt the pad of Parker’s
thumb slide down between his ass cheeks. He relaxed into his touch,
pushing his ass out for more. Parker’s free hand smacked and rubbed
his ass. A slap hit across TJ’s ass, knocking his prick against the back

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of the leather couch. TJ cried out as a stinging, sensual pain heated his
skin. He wanted more.

“Oh, yeah.”
Another whack sent TJ’s dick bouncing and pre-cum dripping

from his hard cock. He wanted to be rutting up inside of Parker. TJ
knew Parker would be topping him today. There was no chance
Parker would give him that much control over their loving this time.
Another spank sent TJ’s cock quaking into the couch. He bit his lip as
the orgasm starting in his balls threatened to shatter his body.

Sweat prickled TJ’s heated skin. “I’m close.”
Parker groaned his approval as he slid his cock in between TJ’s

ass cheeks. Warm wet heat slipped over TJ’s anus. His cock was
lubed up and ready to mount. That thought alone nearly made TJ
spray his spunk all over the leather couch. TJ worked hard in overtime
to keep his spunk in his cock.

“Do not come.”
TJ’s legs were spread out wide by Parker’s. His left hand was

pulled around his back and cuffed and then the right. Parker yanked
him away from the couch and led him down the hallway to a staircase
at the end. The back staircase winded upward and into a bedroom. TJ
was led to the bed. He stood at the edge of the bed.

“Stay.” TJ barked in response. Parker chuckled. “Good doggie.”
TJ pretended to whimper like a dog in heat, shaking his ass

temptingly as Parker walked away. The sound of a wood drawer
opening and plastic breaking had TJ’s pulse skyrocketing to the
moon. He wouldn’t be coming back down to earth anytime soon.

“Want to play ball?” Parker asked.
Parker tossed the ball gag into the air and caught it. TJ groaned as

he nodded. Parker came up behind him, locking the ball gag into his
mouth and tightening it at the back of his head.

TJ kneeled onto the bed and was pushed forward until his head

was resting on the covers. Parker reached around, rubbing his cock.

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With his ass in the air and his hands still cuffed, TJ’s heart hammered.
His teeth tightened down on the ball in his mouth as he felt Parker’s
hair brush over his back.

He heard Parker moving around the room. Candles were lit,

casting a warm shadow into the masculine bedroom. Parker came
back to the bed. TJ could see him through his legs. Pre-cum dripped
from his cock onto the covers. Parker’s dark skin glistened as he came
in close.

Parker’s hair caressed over TJ’s back as hot kisses were placed

down his spine. TJ moaned as the tip of Parker’s cock rubbed over his
anus. TJ wanted to be mounted and taken hard. Strong hands gripped
his hips as Parker’s cock was centered over his anus. Parker pushed
inside, taking ownership of TJ’s body in one stroke of his wide cock.
TJ’s eyes widened as his lubed ass was taken by Parker.

Then he started to move, thrusting in and out in long, hard strokes

that had his body bouncing over the bed. Parker’s fist clenched over
TJ’s cock, stroking him tight. TJ groaned as Parker’s hands moved up
over his abs, pinching his nipples hard. Parker’s lips skimmed the
back of TJ’s neck as he kissed and licked his way over his heated

Parker pulled out, yanking TJ from the bed and pushing him up

against the wall. His legs were spread wide and his hips pulled out.
Parker’s cock pushed into his ass, thrusting in so hard and fast that it
made the tip of TJ’s cock hit the wall. With every bouncing, grunting
thrust, Parker sent TJ’s cock to the wall. Parker’s big hands held
solidly onto his hips as he used them to anchor their bodies together.
TJ’s dick hit the wall with a bang, bang, bang that had his orgasm
spiraling up from his balls. Parker’s hand came around to grip his
cock. He stroked him hard, pumping TJ’s cock with his fist.

“Come for me.”
TJ cried out as his orgasm twisted up his cock, shooting cum out

onto the wall. Parker pumped him dry with five tight pulls of his fist

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that sent more of his cum dripping from his cock. TJ dropped his
forehead to the wall. Parker’s cock throbbed deep inside his ass.

“Ready?” Parker asked.
TJ nodded.
Parker pumped his big cock in and out. TJ’s prick was still rock

hard as it continued to hit the wall in seductive pleasure. Parker’s big
hands came around, holding him tight as he cried out. Parker’s cock
erupted, sending plumes of lust exploding into TJ’s ass. They were
both breathing hard as Parker unlocked the cuffs. He removed the ball
gag and took TJ’s hand, leading him to the bed. TJ snuggled in close
to Parker, loving the feel of their spent bodies together.

He wouldn’t and couldn’t ruin the moment by regretting what

they just did. Honesty was what this moment needed.

“I’ve always wanted you,” TJ said.
Parker leaned down, kissing his swollen lips possessively. “I

know you have. I’ve wanted you more.”

The truth would’ve knocked TJ over had he been standing. TJ

smoothed his hand over Parker’s chest, taking advantage of the
moment to explore his lover’s dark skin. Parker had always wanted
him but did it mean that they were supposed to be together? Doubt
pulled out a chair and sat down with a dirty flop in the middle of TJ’s
mind. The fucker actually kicked up his feet and lit a cigarette. He
wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

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Chapter Nine

TJ pushed aside the sheet covering him and slipped from beneath

the warm covers. Parker’s bedroom was dark. Moonlight slanted
across the floor through the break in the curtain. He sat for a few
seconds on the side of the bed. He glanced over his shoulder at
Parker. He was out cold. Parker’s silky black hair was fanned across
the pillowcase. TJ reached out and fingered those silky fibers.

They had both fallen into a hard sleep after they made love. TJ

rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. Made love. He shook his
head. They’d come at each other like two out-of-control freight trains.
It was lust and it was fucking. Why did it have to be so complicated
for him? Why couldn’t TJ just fuck and let it go?

“Are you leaving me?” Parker asked.
He was awake. “I should go.”
Parker rolled over, leaning up on his elbow. God, he looked so

sexy and messed up from their loving. TJ could easily fall back into
his arms and stay there all day. TJ got out of bed and reached for his
boxers. The rest of his clothes were still downstairs in the living

“I want you to stay.”
There was heat in Parker’s eyes. It was the kind of sex-filled gaze

that promised that if TJ stayed they would do more of the same.
Maybe TJ would stay, but it wouldn’t make their parting any easier
when the sun came up. No, it would only make it harder. It would be
better for both of them if he left now.

“We don’t have to make this complicated,” TJ said.
“Maybe I want things complicated between us.”

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Their eyes locked. Parker was serious. He wanted more. Fear

rippled through TJ’s body. He wasn’t good enough for Parker and
probably wouldn’t ever be. His dad was in prison. The rest of his
family was scattered around the U.S. He didn’t really have a perfect
life. Despite Parker insisting that he was good enough, TJ didn’t feel
that way inside. TJ smiled, trying to play off how shaken he felt. He
leaned down to give Parker a quick, romantic kiss. “I’ll call you

“How are you getting home?” Parker asked.
“I’ll call a cab.”
Parker got out of bed. “Why are you so afraid of me loving you?”
TJ wasn’t expecting the sadness in Parker’s voice. It broke his

heart. “I just need some time to figure things out.”

Parker slipped on a pair of black boxers and crossed the room.

“Let me help you. Let me be here for you.”

“I’ll get through this on my own.”
“You’re shutting me out again,” Parker said.
“I’m not shutting you out.”
Parker shook his head. “Yes, you are.”
TJ cursed. He didn’t want to talk about this now. He didn’t want

to ruin their time together by talking about everything going on with
work. “It’s not worth talking about. I’m dealing with my mistakes.”

“Are you?”
TJ paced away. The scar was too fresh and the wound was too

painful to clean up right now. “I’m solid. You don’t need to worry
about me.”

“Stay. I’ll drive you home in the morning.”
It wasn’t a good idea to stay. It would only make leaving that

much harder. Why couldn’t Parker see that? How could he even begin
to explain it to Parker? TJ was good at fucking things up. There
wasn’t any way TJ could wipe that taint off his skin. TJ rubbed his
hand over the back of his neck. Parker wasn’t about to let him go
tonight. A few more hours together couldn’t hurt him, right?

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Parker came in close, pulling him in hard for a kiss. Their tongues

fought for dominance. TJ wanted to win this fight. He wanted to top
Parker. Somehow he knew it wouldn’t be happening. No matter how
hard he tried to top Parker, TJ would end up on the bottom again
tonight. TJ reached around, grabbing Parker’s firm ass. He pulled
Parker’s boxers off and Parker did the same to his. TJ squeezed,
rubbing his hands around and pulling their hips tight. Their hard
cocks bumped, grinding together.

TJ lost himself in Parker’s kiss. He loved the scent of Parker’s

skin on his. He loved the way he tasted. He loved the way he
dominated. He loved the way he knew how to kiss him so thoroughly.
Parker edged him back against the bed, easing him back down to the
rumpled sheets. TJ groaned as Parker’s long hair cascaded down
around his face.

Parker sat up, bracing his legs on either side of TJ’s. TJ groaned

as Parker grabbed both of their cocks together, gripping them tight as
he pumped both of them up and down. TJ looked down at their joined
cocks. His was ruddy and Parker’s was darkly smooth. They were
matched in thickness, but Parker was an inch bigger.

TJ fisted his hands in the sheets as Parker worked his cock so

good. TJ bit his lip. He loved being taken by Parker, but he wanted to
be in control this time. TJ flipped Parker to his back, taking him by
surprise as he pinned him to the bed. TJ rubbed his cock against
Parker’s as their mouths connected. With Parker beneath him, TJ
worked to pin his wrists up by his head. Parker went willingly but it
was clear that he was giving this win to TJ.

TJ broke his lips away and kissed his lips down Parker’s chest. He

rubbed his hands down Parker’s sides, positioning himself between
Parker’s legs. TJ’s mouth got to his cock and he licked him, base to
tip. He licked him again, swirling his tongue around the full, plump
tip. TJ sucked Parker’s cockhead into his mouth, loving the sound of
Parker’s growl of approval as he did. He sucked him hard, gripping
his thick shaft in his hand.

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The muscles in Parker’s abdomen bunched and flexed as Parker

pumped his cock in and out of TJ’s mouth. Their eyes met as TJ
licked his way off of Parker’s cock. He sucked him back in, working
his way slowly down his shaft. Parker reached out, fisting his fingers
into TJ’s hair, trying to slow the pace down. Parker’s cock throbbed
hard. He was close to coming. TJ licked his way off of Parker’s cock
and smiled up at his new lover.

Passion-filled eyes stared back at him. Parker flipped him to the

bed, pinning him before TJ could even stop him from reversing their
positions. Parker had weight and height on him. He could pin him all
day long with ease. Both knew it.

Parker kissed him sweetly once before slowly pulling away.

“Don’t. Move.”

Confusion swam through TJ’s body as he watched Parker pull

away and walk around the bed to the nightstand. He took several silk
scarves from the stand before turning back to the bed. He went to the
headboard, working one of the scarves around the corner. Parker tied
the end around TJ’s wrist. TJ gave the material a hard yank. There
wasn’t any give. Parker walked around the bed, brushing the scarf
over TJ’s throbbing cock as he moved. Again, he tied the scarf to the
bed and then restrained TJ’s other wrist.

TJ’s heart hammered as he watched Parker go back to the stand.

TJ licked his tongue out over his lips, wetting them. Parker came back
to the bed, kneeling with the final scarf. Parker slipped the silk
through his hands, running it up over the top of TJ’s legs. He sucked
in a gasp of surprise as the scarf caught his balls. Parker crossed the
ends and wrapped them around his shaft. TJ’s cock punched out hard
against the binds as Parker pulled it tight.

“Oh, fuck,” TJ said.
“I thought you might like this.”
TJ was breathing hard as Parker worked each end one at a time

around his legs. TJ lifted his head looking down at the cloth cock ring
Parker made. Parker tied it up tight with a knot just above his anus

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and below his balls. Parker slipped the backs of his fingers beneath
the silk on his thighs. He looped his fingers and pulled, tightening the
ring at the base of his shaft and balls.

TJ cried out as pleasure shot through his cock. Pre-cum wept from

his tip and slid down his shaft. Parker pulled away, rubbing lube on
his big cock. He kneeled up, stroking his cock up and down with a
slow, easy stroke.

“Do you want me?” Parker asked.
TJ spread his legs up wide. “Fuck yeah.”
TJ moaned as Parker rubbed his cockhead over his anus. He

entered in one quick move, slipping another scarf under TJ’s back.
Parker wrapped both hands around each end of the scarf as he thrust
in short, quick moves. TJ cried out as he was taken fast and hard. He
loved the way Parker took ownership of his body. He was a man that
always had all the right moves.

Every muscle in Parker’s body was flexed hard. TJ hooked his

legs over the back of Parker’s, taking Parker deeper. TJ’s cock
punched out hard as a warm, wet hand gripped the shaft of his cock.
Parker jerked his cock up and down in his fist. TJ turned his head into
his arm as his orgasm built to a sharp pitch he couldn’t deny. He was
so close. He could feel his orgasm starting at the base of his cock.
TJ’s balls pulled in tight.

“Say my name as you come.”
“Fuck,” TJ growled.
Parker’s palm polished the top of TJ’s cockhead. “Say. My.


“Parker. Oh, God. Parker.”
Cum shot from TJ’s cockhead, shooting arrows over TJ’s abs and

pecks. Parker hooked TJ’s legs up under his arms, thrusting deep.
Parker’s hard cock pounded, taking TJ’s ass up off the bed with a
slap, slap of their bodies. The headboard hit against the wall with a
new bang, bang, bang rhythm. Sweat glistened on Parker’s skin.
Their gazes locked as tension built within Parker’s body.

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“Come for me,” TJ whispered.
Parker threw back his head as he cried out. His long hair flew

back in a cascade that landed on his shoulders. Parker’s cock flexed
out and cum shot from his dick. Parker pulled out, shooting his cum
over TJ’s chest. Parker rubbed his hard dick with TJ’s as cum shot in
thick ropes from his cock. They were both spent as Parker collapsed
onto the bed. They turned their heads together, kissing sweetly.

“You promise not to leave if I untie you?” Parker asked.
The corner of TJ’s mouth lifted. “You make it really difficult for

me to leave. I think I’ll stay for a while.”

“Nice. I like it when you smile.”
One by one, Parker untied the scarves that held TJ captive. Parker

brought a warm cloth from the bathroom and wiped off TJ’s chest.
TJ’s heart pounded. No one ever had taken care of him after sex. No
one. TJ grabbed Parker’s free hand and brought it to his lips. Their
eyes held as TJ kissed the inside of his lover’s palm. He wanted
things to always be this way between them but TJ knew life would
eventually draw them apart as quickly as it had brought them

“What?” Parker asked.
“Thanks for tonight.”
Parker grinned. “I should be the one thanking you.”
Parker eased into the bed, wrapping his arms around TJ.

Happiness fluttered through TJ’s body as their skin connected. He
always wanted to feel this way. He closed his eyes but sleep wouldn’t
come. He heard the steady rhythmic breathing that came from Parker
and knew he had fallen asleep.

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Chapter Ten

He was gone. Morning sunlight slanted across Parker’s bedroom.

The scarves he used on TJ still hung from the bed. Parker dressed
quickly and jogged down the stairs. Parker wanted TJ to trust him. If
it meant tracking him down, he would. Parker looked at the calendar
on the wall by his kitchen phone. The date glared back like an
obstinate teenager. Parker cursed and it echoed off the walls. One year
ago, the SWAT team took Jason “The Ax” Chapmen into custody
when they pulled him over for a traffic violation.

Parker strode into the living room and reached for the remote

control on the television. The morning local news was finishing up
with a recap of the top stories. Number one was the Chapmen arrest a
year ago. Chapmen’s story was all over the place because he was on
death row for the next ten years until his death sentence was carried
out. They showed footage of the prison. Protesters and religious
fanatics were outside the prison.

Where would he go? Parker grabbed his cell phone off the coffee

table and dialed TJ’s cell. It went straight to voicemail. Parker ran a
hand through his hair. He needed to get to work. He’d have to do the
searching from the job today.

The scent of TJ’s body was heavy on Parker’s skin as he stepped

into the shower. He reluctantly scrubbed the evening away. Parker
pressed his hands against the tile. He looked down at his pounding
cock. He reached down, stroking the long length of his cock. God, he
couldn’t remember the last time he had to masturbate out of erotic
frustration. Most of the time it was out of exercise.

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Parker closed his eyes seeing TJ’s creamy skin, grinding beneath

his hips. It was all the visual he needed. Parker gripped his shaft,
stroking his cock hard. A second later, his spunk erupted from his
cockhead and shot across the shower, hitting the black tile. Parker
groaned as five white lines of cum hit the tile like hash marks. It
wasn’t enough. He needed TJ. Parker rinsed under the shower with
his dick still pounding hard. Masturbation was never enough. He
needed full, erotic, hands-on completion to feel fulfilled.

Parker shut off the water. He had to go before he was late for his

twelve hour shift in the emergency room.

Between seeing patients, Parker tried calling him


TJ never once

answered his cell phone. Most of Parker’s shift was spent dealing
with car accident victims and a gunshot wound. TJ was never far from
his mind as he worked. Twelve hours later, Parker slammed down the
phone in the staff locker room. He was starting to feel like a stalker.
Where would he have gone?

“Hey, Parker. How’s life as a SWAT doc?”
Parker glanced up as Dr. Ryan Barrow came into the locker room.

“It’s great actually. They’re looking for more doctors to rotate in if
you’re interested.”

“Really?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah. I’ll send you some info if you want. They like to rotate

doctors every four weeks.”

Ryan slammed his locker shut and slung his duffle over his

shoulder. “Sounds good. You still doing the calendar shoot this year?”

Parker closed his eyes. He’d forgotten about the shoot. “I don’t


“Come on. You can’t bail on us. It’s for charity.”
Parker headed for the door. “I’ll let you know.”
Working on a hunch, Parker grabbed his keys to his Jeep. He was

going to the bar on his way home.

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The hole-in-the-wall bar they went to in Newport was called

Cody’s. The place was owned by a retired police officer and catered
to law enforcement.

It was close to nine o’clock by the time Parker got there. Parker

scanned the bar. He found TJ. Parker recognized some of the guys
from district four, but they weren’t sitting with TJ.

TJ was slouched in a corner booth as though the weight of the

universe rested on his shoulders. TJ looked absolutely broken. Parker
sat down in the booth across from him. Glassy eyes stared back. He
was buzzed or very close to drunk. A letter sat in front of him. The
envelope was stamped with a seal from the state prison.

“How long have you been here?” Parker asked.
“A few hours.”
There was only one draft in front of him but Parker was certain it

wasn’t the first and only that had danced across the table and skipped
its way into TJ.

A waitress sauntered over and put a bacon cheeseburger and fries

in front of TJ. “Can I get you something?”

He snagged one of TJ’s steaming fries before he fired the ketchup

at it. “I’ll take a Coke,” Parker said.

“Sure you don’t want anything?” TJ asked.
“I’m okay.” Parker pulled TJ’s letter out of the way before it got

messed up. He folded it back up and slipped it into the envelope.

“You’re not curious?” TJ asked.
“I figured you would tell me if you wanted.”
TJ snorted. “My father’s sorry for not being there and drinking his

life away.”

Parker frowned. “He apologized?”
“Yeah. Part of his steps. So, all’s right in the world.”
“Do you believe him?”
Their eyes met. “Actually, I do. He sounds clear for the first time

in his life. Of course, he doesn’t remember half the crap he did.” TJ

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sat back and pushed his half eaten burger away from him. He shook
his head. “I believe him.”

Tears misted TJ’s eyes. He blinked them away before they could

take hold. Parker’s heart broke when his lover looked that way. “Are
you going to go see him?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I’ll think about it.”
Parker didn’t talk about his childhood with anyone, but he knew

he needed to tell TJ everything if he wanted to take things further.
“You know how I told you I was adopted?”

“Yeah, you and your sister, Cora.”
“I don’t know anything about my birthparents other than what the

adoption agency told me. My birthmother was eighteen. She didn’t
know who my father was. It was a closed adoption. My birthmother
made sure I’d never know who she was.”

“Yep. I was adopted by a wealthy family here in Cincinnati. They

had two biological kids before they got me. I went to the best schools
where I was the odd kid out. My adoptive parents gave me the best of
everything, but not their love or time.”

“That sucks.”
Parker sighed. “They were career people. I’m grateful for

everything they gave me. They just didn’t know how to love without

“It sounds lonely.”
Their eyes met. “It was. Very.”
“Do they know you’re gay?” TJ asked.
“I told them two years ago. They were fine with it as long as I

didn’t tell any of their friends.”

“Yeah. They’re worried about losing social status. It’s okay to

have a doctor as a son, but not a gay doctor.”

“They said that?”
“They implied it.”

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“Fuck. Do you think they’ll ever come around?”
Parker shrugged and sipped his soda. “Cora and my older brothers

accept me. That’s all that matters. I hope that one day my parents will
come around.”

“I think it’s harder to be part of a unloving family than have no

family at all.”

“It can be lonely both ways,” Parker said.
“I’ve always wanted a family.”
Parker felt his heart flutter in a funny way. “Maybe you’ll have

that some day.”

“Perhaps I will.”
For as different as Parker’s family was, he was grateful to have a

stable home and siblings that cared for him. Parker couldn’t give TJ
the past, but he knew he could give TJ a future with love, family, and
commitment if TJ was willing. All Parker had to do was get TJ to
trust him completely without pulling away. He’d been hurt by the
one’s who were supposed to love him. Now, he didn’t know how to
give his heart away without fear of getting hurt. Parker was going to
prove to him that it was possible to love without hurt.

“We should go,” Parker said.
“I’m good right here.”
Parker inwardly breathed a deep sigh of frustration. He didn’t

know how to pull TJ back from the edge he was standing on.
“Alcohol does not fix problems.”

“Nope. It doesn’t. This cheeseburger is though.”
“TJ, let me be here for you.”
TJ shook his head as though trying to clear the last few years of

his life away. “You are here for me.”

“You didn’t have to leave. You could have stayed with me.”
Parker reached out and brushed the back of his fingers on TJ’s

arm. Those golden, silk hairs were beautiful. He shouldn’t have
touched him, but Parker couldn’t resist the urge to feel TJ’s hot skin
again. Their eyes met. Heat spiraled through TJ’s.

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“Let’s get out of here,” TJ said.
TJ settled up the tab and staggered to his feet. Parker was quick to

put an arm around his back for support. They headed outside at a
slow, swaying shuffle. Parker’s Jeep was parked a few blocks down
on the street.

“Stay with me buddy,” Parker said.
“You shouldn’t want me. I’m a fuck-up,” TJ said.
“You’re mine. That’s why I want you.”
“I didn’t think you were so stupid,” TJ said.
Parker leaned him up against the side of the Jeep, using his body

to support TJ from falling flat on his back. He could see that TJ was
sobering up and that he was embarrassed by drinking so much.
“Trying to pick a fight by pushing me away?”

“Maybe.” TJ shoved out hard, pushing Parker. “Fuck off, Parker!

I don’t want or need your help!”

Parker pinned him to the side of the Jeep. “Fighting has always

been our foreplay, hasn’t it? It was one of the reasons why I loved
training with you at the center.”

TJ shoved him hard again. This time Parker let him wail by letting

him stumble forward toward the ground. Parker caught him at the last
second before he gave the sidewalk a high five with his face.

Parker grabbed TJ, holding him close under the street lamp. They

kissed hard with Parker taking ownership of TJ’s sweet mouth, not
caring that they were in public and could be caught by anyone that
knew them. He flicked his tongue inside, twisting it erotically with
TJ’s. When he pulled away, Parker was breathless and off balance. He
needed TJ.

“Why are you running from me?” Parker asked.
“I don’t want you to be hurt by my shit.”
Parker cursed. “You have to stop judging yourself. You are better

than that. You are a good detective.” Suddenly it hit Parker. Why
hadn’t he seen it before? TJ blamed himself for not cracking the case
on Jason sooner. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know it was Jason.”

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Pain echoed through TJ’s eyes. “We went to high school together.

I never told you that he called me. That he asked me questions about
the missing persons.”

Oh, fuck. “You couldn’t have known.”
“He tried pumping me for information. It wasn’t just him, though.

Everyone asked me about the cases. I never thought it was someone I
grew up with and that it was someone I knew.”

Parker held TJ’s face. “It’s not your fault. Do you understand


“I get it.”
“Then let it go. Let it go for me.”
All the fight left TJ in a whoosh. “I will.”
Parker eased him into the passenger side of the Jeep. His eyes

were closing heavily as he buckled him in. Instead of heading back to
his place, Parker drove across town to TJ’s townhouse. Parker shut off
the Jeep in the driveway. With TJ passed out in the passenger seat,
Parker dug out TJ’s keys from his pocket and went to unlock the front
door. He punched in the alarm code deactivating the alarm. He came
around to the passenger side and roused TJ.

They staggered inside with Parker using his foot to close the front

door. Parker hit the foyer lights and headed to the stairs on the right.
TJ’s head rested on Parker’s shoulder as they went up. Parker found
his bedroom, eased him back onto the bed, and went to take off his
shoes. He unsnapped his jeans and pulled them down off his legs. TJ
snored softly in his sleep. Parker smoothed the blanket up over TJ.

Emotionally spent, Parker kicked off his shoes and eased down

next to TJ, holding him tight. TJ mumbled in his sleep.

“What?” Parker asked.
“I love you, Parker. I always will.”
A slow smile lifted the corners of Parker’s lips. Too bad TJ

wouldn’t remember a damn thing about tonight. Perhaps it was a good
thing that TJ wouldn’t remember his confession. The knowledge was
more important than TJ’s memory of having said it. Parker tightened

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his hold. There was no way he was going to let TJ go now that he
knew the truth. TJ loved him.

Parker kissed the nape of his neck, leaving a soft trail to his ear.

“Me, too, babe.”

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Chapter Eleven

TJ’s head pounded. The scent of extra-crispy bacon clung tightly

to the air and nearly carried him out of bed. Memories of the night
before flashed through his head like a silent black-and-white movie.
TJ went to the bathroom to scrub the last twelve hours out of his
mouth. He shouldn’t drink, considering his family history of
alcoholism. He vowed never to go around the bend so hard again.
Alcohol didn’t solve problems, it created them. He rinsed his mouth
and slogged downstairs, all the while thinking about what Parker had
said to him. It was time for things to change. He needed to let go of
trying to control everything.

Bacon was frying up in the pan but Parker wasn’t in the kitchen.

TJ stood in the bright morning sunshine streaming through the
windows and across the blue tile. TJ poured a cup of coffee. The cup
was halfway to his mouth when he realized where Parker could’ve
been. He cursed, lowering the cup to the counter.

He went down the hall to his study. The door was open and Parker

was standing inside, staring at the corkboard. It was a montage of
Jason’s victims. Pictures of all the victims in order of their
disappearance were tacked to the board. Beneath each picture, there
was a list of evidence on the case. Another board held a map with
circles and X’s where TJ had searched the area for the missing.

“Have you told the FBI about these areas you searched?” Parker


TJ went to stand next to Parker, trying to see the information

through his eyes. “Yeah. I put a call in to them two weeks ago.
They’ve been focusing outside the state.”

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“Do you think they’re looking in the wrong place?” Parker asked.
“Yeah, I do. I think he stayed local with everyone.”
“You need to take all of this down so that you can move on,”

Parker said.

Parker was right. He needed to move on from this case, but could

he? “I don’t feel ready to. I want everyone brought home first.”

Parker met his gaze. “Let the FBI do their job.”
“This thing would be solved if the FBI was doing their job,” TJ


“Obsessing over your cases is not healthy.”
Surprise flashed fast and hard through TJ’s body, but he tempered

it with an icy calm that he often used in the field. Parker was right
about letting the FBI do their job. He needed to let this go. He spent
far too many hours working a case that wasn’t even his. “I am

“Box this one up and move on to the next. The FBI has a task

force looking at this one. You’ll be better served working on the small
cases people forget about.”

“I think I’m ready to.”
Parker paced over to TJ’s side. TJ leaned into his open arms and

enjoyed being held by his lover. Together they looked over all the
evidence. “You probably have twenty more cold cases waiting in the

“I do.” TJ ran a hand through Parker’s hair, giving Parker a

sheepish grin. “The bacon is probably burning,” TJ said.

Parker headed for the door. TJ stood for a moment looking at the

hours and hours of work he’d done on the case. He couldn’t imagine
letting it go. A sharp pang of fear spiraled through his heart when he
thought about letting it go without solving the case. He trusted Parker,
He knew moving on was the right thing to do. It was starting to affect
his job performance and it was beginning to change who he was. It
was time to take all this down.

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An empty evidence box sat on the floor beneath the windows. TJ

flipped the lid open and started taking the evidence he gathered over
the years down from the board. He didn’t look at it. He just let it all
go. Time would eventually reveal the answers that the FBI was
seeking. TJ didn’t need to hold on to all of this until that day. Ten
minutes later, the board was empty. Years of work cataloged away.
Would he ever open the box again? Probably not. Parker was right.
Sometimes you had to let the bad stuff go to have the life you were
meant to have.

TJ shut the door to his office and went upstairs to get dressed. He

was going in to work for a little while. He wanted to be on the job. He
dressed in cargo pants and a dress shirt, putting on his shoulder
holster. He checked his Glock before putting it into the holster.

“What are you doing?” Parker asked.
“I’m going in to work for a few hours. I just want to square some

open paperwork away. Promise. It won’t be a big deal.”

TJ could see that Parker didn’t completely approve, but that he

wasn’t going to argue with him.

“You’ll come over to my place after work then?” Parker asked.
A shiver of lust vibrated through TJ as he slowly lifted his gaze to

Parker. A possessive heat lingered in his blue eyes that left TJ feeling
breathless. It was then that he wondered if Parker would always look
at him that way. His heart raced with fear. What if things didn’t work
out between them? “Maybe.”

Silence echoed.
“You’re pushing me out.”
TJ wasn’t. He smiled and said, “I’m not pushing you away. I just

have some things I need to do.”

Parker came in close, resting his hands on TJ’s hips. TJ leaned

into his lover as their lips met. He wanted this one erotic kiss to go on
forever, but TJ knew if he did, he’d never get the balls to head into
work today. Their tongues dueled passionately. Parker angled TJ’s
head, taking control. Heart pounding, TJ broke his lips away.

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“Breakfast?” TJ asked.
“We should, shouldn’t we?”
TJ’s lips were wet and swollen from their kiss. He licked them,

tasting Parker on them. He reluctantly pulled away. Parker led the
way back downstairs and into the kitchen. Breakfast was still warm
on the stove. Parker played domestic God by fixing plates. Sunlight
hit the black silk strands in Parker’s hair, turning them momentarily
blue. TJ smiled. For once in his life, he felt as though everything was
going to be okay. Things were far from perfect, but they were on the
right track.

Doubt lit another cigarette within TJ’s mind. The fucker was still

parked in his cerebrum. TJ’s career was on a downward spiral. Parker
didn’t need that dirt.

“Maybe we should cool things off for a while. Take things slow,”

TJ said.

Parker glared. “Is that what you really want?”
No, it wasn’t, but it made sense for right now. TJ’s heart squeezed

tight as he thought about letting Parker go. “Yes.”

Parker shook his head and cursed. “You’re afraid to come out.”
TJ blushed. He was afraid of coming out. Things changed when

your coworkers found out you didn’t like the opposite sex. “It’s

“You don’t need to tell me how complicated it is. I get it.”
TJ couldn’t deny that he was terrified of his bad reputation

rubbing off on Parker’s pristine good-guy image. TJ could see that he
pissed Parker off by pulling away. “Parker.”

“No. We’re not going to talk about this right now.”
The heat of Parker’s words were like a paddle to his ass that had

TJ’s cock filling with heat. Yeah, if they had time, Parker would’ve
had him tied up and dealing with how he truly felt. Lucky for TJ, they
didn’t have that much time this morning. TJ’s cell phone buzzed on
the table. He picked up the phone. It was Jones from the cold case
unit. He answered. The spark in Parker’s eyes dimmed and hardened

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into resignation. TJ listened as Jones talked about one of their new
cases. He needed TJ to come in to discuss some new evidence.

“I’m on my way.” TJ hung up his cell. “I have to go.”
He stood, giving Parker a quick kiss that could’ve easily lingered

into more if they weren’t crunched on time or fighting.

“Anything I need to know about?” Parker asked.
TJ picked up his coffee to down it. “A lead on one of my cold

cases. Do you have to work at the hospital today?”

“Nope. I’m off for the next few days.”
“What are you going to do then?”
“Just errands. I have to run to the bank. I’ll see you later?”
TJ put his empty coffee cup in the sink. “Dinner. I’ll meet you at

your place.”

“Sounds good.”
TJ glanced back at his house as he stood next to his car.
Sunlight shot rays through the kitchen window, striking Parker

across the chest. A shiver of fear rolled through TJ’s chest, causing
his heart to skip a necessary beat. He wanted to run back to Parker
and protect him, but he couldn’t. Dark clouds were rolling through the
city. It wouldn’t be long before it was raining again. He wanted to
stay, but he had a job to do.

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Chapter Twelve

The bad feeling that settled into the pit of TJ’s gut never left as he

drove to work. He tried calling Parker but got voicemail. TJ hung up
the phone and popped a mint into his mouth. He was obviously too
busy to pick up. Maybe he decided to shower before he left? TJ
frowned as he headed into district headquarters.

As an afterthought, he made a quick call to the chief. He promised

to keep his head on straight and talk to Andrea in the near future. The
chief gave him the go-ahead to come back in to work on the cold
cases. All was right in TJ’s world, but it didn’t feel that way.

TJ swung into the operations room just as his cell phone buzzed.

TJ’s heart seized in his chest. It was Parker. It had to be. He knew
something was wrong even before he reached for his cell phone. He
grabbed his cell and read the text.

Parker was at the bank on Main Street and it was being held up.

Everything slowed down as he read the text again. Cold fear turned
his blood icy cold. Five armed. Six hostages. Four bank employees.
I’m a hostage inside.
Death slid his fingertips down the back of TJ’s
neck. Parker was inside the bank. Parker was a doctor. Despite being
part of the SWAT team, he wasn’t meant to be on the inside of these
types of situations.

TJ didn’t need to call in the situation. The text had gone out to the

department. Everyone had cell phone in hand as they got to work. TJ
was part of the SWAT negotiation team.

As long as Parker kept his head down, everything would be okay.

Icy fear washed through his body as he pictured Parker with the
sunlight streaming through the windows, turning his body golden. TJ

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knew without a doubt something bad was going to happen to his
lover. There was nothing he could do to stop it. Fate was in charge

Everything had to be okay. They met in the briefing room as

SWAT was dispatched. They would be on the ground running
minutes before negotiators came on the scene. They got through
tactics five minutes later. They had prepared for this. TJ suited up
with his bulletproof vest at a run as he went to his unmarked.

TJ drove fast through the pouring rain to the scene. The wiper

blades worked overtime to keep up with his police-issued unmarked.
TJ came to a quick stop outside of the taped-off area. Through the
windows, TJ saw the hostages flat on the ground. TJ reached for his
handheld radio.

“Forty-two, fifteen to dispatch, SWAT negotiator on scene,” TJ


“Copy, forty-two, fifteen. SWAT negotiator on scene.”
Thunder rumbled in the distance as TJ opened the car door.

Lightning splintered across the ominous sky. Men dressed in black,
with Halloween masks on, walked back and forth in front of the
windows. They were heavily armed with semi-automatics. They were
professional. They knew to hit just after the bank opened and the safe
was unlocked.

TJ looked up at the neighboring buildings. Sharpshooters were

positioned on the rooftops of the two buildings across from the bank.
No one would be coming in and out of the bank without a fight. TJ
went to his trunk and got out his tactical jacket to keep out the driving
rain. He grabbed the binoculars out of the trunk. TJ lifted his
binoculars and zeroed in on the front windows. Through the glass, he
caught sight of Parker on his belly with the other hostages.

“Play it cool, my man,” TJ whispered.
TJ took his own advice as he headed over to the mobile crisis van

now parked on the far side of the bank. Tim Miller was in charge of

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negotiations and TJ was his second. TJ nodded at him as he came into
the van. Two other officers were with him.

“I heard Doc Woods is inside,” Miller said.
“He is. Anything?” TJ asked.
“Not yet,” Miller said. “I’m calling in now.”
TJ kept his eyes focused on the hostages, through the van’s side

window, as Miller dialed into the bank. Rain hammered the metal roof
of the van. TJ listened to the drone of the phone that was on speaker.
He counted the rings. After twenty rings, someone finally picked up.

“Hostages will be killed if anyone comes near the door.” The

voice was distorted as though a device had been put on the phone.
“You will send SWAT away or we start killing hostages.”

“Let one hostage go and I’ll pull them back,” Tim said.
“You’re not in position to call the shots. Call off your dogs or I

send the first one out in a body bag.”

“Anything else?” Tim asked.
“I want the armored truck. You have five minutes.”
The line went dead. “Fuck!” Tim growled.
Through the fogged windshield of the van, TJ saw the armored

truck slowing down one block away. That was their in. TJ was going
to go in with that truck.

“The armored truck. That’s our in,” TJ said.
Tim looked down the block and shook his head. “TJ, you go in

with another member of SWAT.”

“No SWAT. I want Evans,” TJ said.
Tim got on the radio calling SWAT back but keeping them on

site. Lt. Evans wasn’t new to this type of situation. She worked
closely with the team when going through training with homeland
security. TJ was out the door, heading for the armored truck before he
heard anything else. The plan formed rapidly in his mind. Get in there
with the money and get out with all the hostages. To do all of that, he
was going to plead insanity and stupidity. The Risk Assessment Team

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was going to fry his ass when this was over, but he didn’t care. Lives
often depended on bold moves.

TJ lifted the yellow crime tape blocking off the scene. He jogged

the two blocks down. He flashed his badge to the guard behind the
wheel. He rolled down the window. “I need your uniform and truck.
The bank is being robbed. I need to use your truck to get inside.”

Surprise made the armed guard’s face go pale. “Do you think they

were after us? We’re running late.”

“That’s a possibility.”
The guards hopped out and moved with TJ to the back of the truck

where they wouldn’t be visible to the robbers. “How much do you
have in here?”

“Two-hundred fifty thousand.”
“Empty money bags?” TJ asked.
“Hooked on the wall inside.”
TJ took off his police-issued jacket just as Lt. Evans jogged his

way. The guard handed over his jacket. The jacket was big but not
noticeable. “Give me your hat, too.”

TJ pulled it down low on his head. Evans did the same with the

other guard’s jacket and hat. She pulled her long brown hair through
the back of the ball cap.

“Are we going in hot?” Evans asked.
Going in armed was suicide. Going in unarmed wasn’t the

brightest idea either. “No. Are you okay with that, Evans?”

“I’m good.”
They both were wearing bulletproof vests. “Give me the keys.”
The guard’s hand shook as he handed over the keys to the truck.

“We’ll bring the truck and the money back. Wait for us by the marked
vehicle over there.”

The guards headed away from the action. TJ met Evans’s eyes and

took a steadying breath. “Ready to do this?”


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“We go in with the money. Give them everything they want and

get the hostages out.”

“Sounds easy enough,” Evans said.
“I wish it were. I’m going to pull the truck up to the building.

Follow my lead.”

They got into the truck with TJ getting behind the wheel. He

started it up. Rain hit the windshield hard as they pulled up to the
front of the bank. A man with a gun was waiting at the door. Through
the glass, TJ saw Parker in the same spot on the floor. TJ’s hands
tightened down on the steering wheel. “Let’s get the money and go

They went around to the back of the truck and opened the doors.

They each carried two bags as they approached the front doors to the
bank. The robber looked around before opening the door with the gun
pointed at TJ’s head.

“Give him the money.”
Evans handed her two bags to TJ. This was not part of the plan but

it would have to do. TJ had to get inside. The robber pushed Evans
back with his palm, opening the door for TJ to come inside. TJ
scanned the room, making eye contact with Parker. TJ wasn’t
prepared to feel his heart skip a beat. The doors closed with a bang
behind TJ and a chain was run through the door handles before being
padlocked. He saw Evans heading back to the armored truck. She got
inside but didn’t leave. Smart.

“Put the money on the table.”
TJ went to the conference room they indicated and dropped the

bags on the table. What happened next came in a blur that TJ
suspected wouldn’t end well. Glass shattered, raining down to the
ground as Evans rammed the bank doors with the armored truck.
Parker was up and moving before the glass hit the floor. TJ swept the
stunned robber off his feet and disarmed him before he hit the floor.
SWAT stormed the building.

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Gunfire rang out. TJ ducked, looking around as he cuffed the guy

on the floor. TJ looked through the conference window. Parker jerked
back with his arms flying out into the air. He flew backward before he
landed solidly onto the floor. He’d been shot. A SWAT officer took
the shooter out with a single shot.

Blocked by debris on the floor, TJ couldn’t see where he’d been

shot. Silent prayers flew upward to the fates as TJ prayed he wasn’t
hit in the chest or head.

TJ couldn’t lose him. Ice-cold fear sliced through TJ’s heart. He

couldn’t lose the man he loved, not this way.

TJ ran across the lobby. His shoes slipped through the broken

glass, knocking him off balance. He got to Parker before anyone else.
Parker’s gaze was filled with stunned surprise as he stared up at the
ceiling. Blood seeped through his arm, but nowhere else on his body.
TJ brushed his hands over Parker, searching for wounds. TJ lifted him
up, pulling him onto his lap.

He grinned and looked at his shoulder. “I hit my head. I’m okay.”
He was pale. “You’re not okay! You were shot!”
“Who the hell stormed the castle?” Parker asked.
“RAT is not going to be happy.”
TJ laughed. “Tell me about it.” Parker tried to sit up and blood

seeped from the wound. “Easy now.”

“I’m okay.”
All the robbers were being arrested while the hostages were being

helped out of the building. TJ was pushed out of the way as medics
came to his side and got to work assessing the damage. This would be
an automatic trip to the hospital. TJ stepped out into the rain where
Evans was getting the brunt of it from Chief Anderson.

“What the hell do you mean your foot slipped?” Anderson asked.
“It slipped. I didn’t mean to hit the gas,” Evans said.

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Anderson eyed TJ as though he was the puppet master behind this

scheme. “If I find out you had something to do with this, you’ll be on
meter duty for the rest of your career.”

The chief’s voice was deadly calm. Yep, this was bad.


Chief Anderson looked back at Lt. Evans. “You’re a lot like

Detective Raines in the field.”

“Thank you, chief,” Evans said.
“That wasn’t a complement.”
The chief headed toward the ambulance. Evans came to TJ’s side

with a frown of uncertainty on her face. TJ gave her a pat on the
shoulder. “Great job today. I would’ve done the same.”

She grinned. “Thanks.”
“Don’t worry about the chief. He’ll get over it.”
“What about RAT?” she asked.
TJ smiled. “You’ve made the list. You haven’t made it on SWAT

unless you’ve made the list as one of RAT’s bastards. Everyone
except SWAT doc Woods has made the list at some time in their

“About SWAT?”
There was the heat of ambition in her eyes. She wanted a chance

on the team. He knew what that feeling was like. It wasn’t enough to
sit back protecting the perimeter as the team went to work. She
wanted a hand in the action.

“I’ll see what I can do,” TJ said.
Parker was loaded into the back of an ambulance. There was a

whole lot of hurry up in their step all of a sudden. By the looks on the
medics’ faces, TJ could see that something was very wrong. TJ rushed
to the ambulance but the doors slammed shut before he could get
there. TJ rushed to his unmarked.

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Chapter Thirteen

Parker’s shirt was off. TJ felt relieved at the sight of the man he

loved, bandaged and in a sling, sitting up on the couch. After being
stitched up at the hospital, Parker was given his walking papers. Of
course, TJ made sure he got home safely. He couldn’t believe he
almost lost Parker again. Had that bullet been a few inches to the
left… No, he couldn’t think about that now. He should only focus on
what happened and not about all the other possibilities that would
keep him awake at night for the next few months.

“You don’t have to stay. I’m good,” Parker said.
There was a hard edge to Parker’s voice that wasn’t there this

morning. Could he blame him for the distance and his grouchiness?
Nope. TJ was the one that asked for the distance and Parker was
merely giving it to him as requested. They shouldn’t have argued
before he left for work.

“I want to be here for you,” TJ said.
“Well, I’m telling you that you don’t have to be here. I don’t need

a nursemaid.”

Heat simmered beneath TJ’s skin. “Maybe I want to be your


Slowly, Parker lifted his gaze to TJ’s. “Fine. Then help me up the

stairs. I want to shower the blood off of me,” Parker said.

They went up the stairs together. TJ put his hand at the small of

Parker’s back as he spotted him up the narrow stairs to his bedroom.
TJ went to the bath where he started the shower on high. Parker sat
onto the bed, taking his socks off.

“Let me help you.”

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TJ eased Parker’s socks off and helped him to stand. He worked

the leather of his belt out of the buckle and worked it from his jeans.
TJ unbuttoned his pants and lowered the fly. TJ lifted his gaze up to
Parker’s soft blue eyes. He lowered his pants and his boxers at the
same time. Parker used his right hand to balance as he stepped out of
them. There were dark bruises down the side of Parker’s leg where he
had fallen. TJ slid his hand up his thigh in a sweet, intimate caress as
he stood again.

“You’ll have to take your sling off,” TJ said.
The Velcro on the sling came off easily, slipping off Parker’s

shoulder. The white bandage was tinted with red.

“There’s blood in your hair,” TJ said.
With gentle hands, TJ pulled his braid around and worked out the

rubber band. TJ smoothed the tight braid out, loosening his silk hair
around his shoulders.

Parker looked suddenly unsure. “Will you help me wash?”
“Of course, babe.”
Tiny black tile was floor to ceiling in the walk-in shower. TJ

could see that had been recently refurbished. TJ tested the water with
his hand as Parker stepped inside.

“You’re going to get wet,” Parker said.
TJ yanked his shirt over his head and folded it aside. He undressed

and joined Parker in the shower. His cock hung heavy between his
legs. Parker eased back beneath the showerhead raining down from
the ceiling. Water cascaded over his hair and down over his body. TJ
let his gaze chase that water. He sucked in a harsh breath when he saw
Parker’s cock flexed hard.

Vibrant blue eyes were watching him as he lifted them up to

Parker’s face. “Wash me.”

TJ lifted the black bottle from the rack and squirted shampoo into

his palm. TJ swallowed hard. “Turn around.”

The tip of TJ’s cockhead rubbed seductively against Parker’s ass.

TJ worked the shampoo into Parker’s silken locks. Parker groaned as

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his fingers massaged the suds into his scalp and through his hair. He
rinsed Parker’s hair. He picked up the body wash, squeezing it into a
soft loofah. He worked it over Parker’s hard muscles. As he worked
his way lower, he avoided Parker’s throbbing cock. He worked the
loofah up under his sac. Parker moaned.

TJ palmed his cock, stroking it base to head. Emotion welled up

inside of TJ. He could’ve lost Parker without telling him how much
he truly meant. Tonight, he was going to make sure he knew how he
felt and how sorry he was for pushing him away.

“Suck me.”
The command almost sounded like a plea if someone were

eavesdropping on their encounter. TJ knew through the heat of
passion that this was a Dom wanting his sub to go to work on him for
a little while. He rinsed the loofah, rolling the rope down over
Parker’s cock. The rope hung loose around Parker’s base. TJ cupped
Parker’s balls, slipping them through the loop of the rope. TJ kneeled
down in front of his lover. Parker murmured something dirty as TJ
licked his tongue over his cockhead, tightening the rope that held him
hostage. TJ sucked his cockhead into his mouth as he rubbed the soft
loofah over his perineum. Parker thrust his hips forward, grabbing the
back of TJ’s head with his hand. TJ moaned, sucking Parker deeper
into his mouth.

A tightening of TJ’s hair and a short yank was the only command

TJ needed to know that he was being relieved of his duty. TJ lifted his
head, looking deeply into Parker’s dilated blue eyes.

There was uncertainty in Parker’s eyes. It was then that TJ found

his weakness. Parker didn’t know how to hand control over to
someone else. TJ stroked his fingers up and down Parker’s shaft. “Let
me do this for you. You need to rest.”

“It was just a scratch. I’m fine.”

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TJ shook his head no as he sucked the plump head of Parker’s

cock back into his mouth. Parker eased his big frame back against the
tile for support. TJ slid his hands up the back of Parker’s thighs,
squeezing his ass tight. He moaned, sending vibrations down over
Parker’s rock-hard cock. TJ flexed his tongue, licking and sucking.
He reached around, grabbing Parker’s balls tight as TJ reached down
to grab his own cock. TJ knew it was what Parker needed. TJ’s hand
clamped down tight on his own cock as he stroked himself. He licked
and sucked Parker hard.

Parker cried out. “I’m close.”
TJ swirled his tongue over the tip of Parker’s slit, sucking hard. TJ

licked his way off of Parker’s cock, stroking him hard with his hand.
Hot spunk erupted from Parker, shooting onto TJ.

TJ’s orgasm shot through his body, hardening his prick to steel.

More spunk shot from Parker’s cock, sending four lashes against TJ’s
chest. TJ shot thick squirts of cum across the tile. TJ slid his way back
up Parker’s body, kissing him possessively. They rinsed off together.

They went to the bed where Parker sat on the edge with the wet

towel around his waist.

TJ brushed the back of his fingers over Parker’s cheek. “How are

you feeling?” TJ asked.

“I’m just tired,” Parker said.
“Well, you need to rest.”
“I’m not that tired.”
His deep voice purred through the room and dripped like honey

with a sweet innuendo that TJ wanted to lap up. It was then that TJ
knew that one day he’d make a man a good husband. Was that day

Parker had the remote to the television in his hand, but he wasn’t

clicking through the channels. TJ could feel his gaze locked on his
body as he nervously moved around the bedroom.

“Sit down.”

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The command was one of a man used to having his way in the

bedroom. TJ had the dirty desire to defy his order and take his
punishment willingly. TJ sat on the chair nearest the bed. Their eyes

“Are you in pain?” TJ asked.
“Just a little sore.”
“Anything I can do?” TJ asked.
The corner of Parker’s mouth hitched up. “I can think of a few

more things.”

TJ’s heart raced. He wanted to be Parker’s everything. “Parker …

we need to talk.”

Parker’s lips fell. His gaze hardened. TJ crossed the room,

kneeling before his lover. “Babe, it’s not what you think.”

“No? What is it then?”
TJ could hear the irritation in his lover’s voice. “I love you. I want

to wake up every day with you at my side.”

“Are you trying to ask me something?”
TJ curled his finger around a silky strand of his lover’s wet hair

and gave it a possessive tug that drew their heads closer. “Maybe I

Parker wrapped his hand behind the back of TJ’s neck and drew

their mouths together. They kissed hard. TJ parted his lips, causing
Parker’s tongue to flick out, taking control of his mouth. TJ groaned
as their tongues flexed together. All he wanted to do was get closer to
Parker. TJ eased up off his knees and pressed the long length of his
body against Parker’s dark skin. They curled up together on the bed.

“I love you,” Parker whispered.
“I know.”
“You’re afraid to say it,” Parker said.
He was. “I’ve fallen hard for you, babe.”

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Chapter Fourteen

Parker heard the rumble of a car coming down the driveway. He

glanced out the kitchen window. TJ was home. A flutter of excitement
raced through his heart. Parker braced his hands on the kitchen
counter. He could get used to having him there every day. In fact, he
wanted him there with him. Parker ran a hand through his long hair.
He never thought about settling down before TJ made his feelings
known. Now, it was the only thing on his mind.

All he could think about was going shopping with TJ and picking

out color schemes for the new house. He wanted TJ to move in with
him. He wanted to know what TJ’s favorite colors were and what his
habits were. Did he prefer the left or right side of the bed? Did he like
to shower or bathe? Parker liked long hot soaks after a hard workout.

TJ got out of the car looking tired and weary from a long day.
His navy suit coat cut the hard corners of his body as though he’d

just walked off a fashion runway. Emotionally, TJ looked as though
he’d taken a beating. He must’ve met with RAT today. Parker’s gaze
moved over TJ as he loosened his tie. Through the break in TJ’s coat,
Parker could see his shiny badge clipped to his belt. Parker was sure
he was carrying, too.

There was something really erotic about an armed and dangerous

man. That thought sent a shiver of want flooding through Parker’s
body before he could pull the emergency brake on this speeding train.
The front door closed solidly behind TJ. Parker was off work and
going stir crazy all day home alone.

He was back to work on Monday no matter how bad he felt. He

was tired of sitting home for a sore shoulder.

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“Hey, babe,” TJ said. “How’s the shoulder?”
“Good.” Parker gave TJ a brushing kiss. He was going to have TJ

tied up in less than two minutes. “Undress.”

Surprise filtered through TJ’s eyes before the corners of his mouth

lifted. He undressed slowly, teasing Parker by taking his bittersweet
time. TJ’s heavy cock was the last thing to be revealed. Parker
reached out, stroking his lover’s big cock.

“Where do you want me?” TJ asked.
“Arrogant sub, aren’t you?” Parker asked.
The hint of a smile left TJ’s face and was replaced by the heat of

want as Parker tightened his hold on the thick prick in his palm.
Parker led TJ by the cock through the living room but didn’t take him
upstairs to the bedroom. He led him to the older part of the house
where he hadn’t yet renovated and probably never would. The
screened in porch was surrounded by a mile of old-growth trees.
Nighttime air blew through the screen, fluttering Parker’s long hair
around his shoulders. He’d fantasized all day about taking TJ here
with nothing but fresh country air around them. Moonlight cascaded,
illuminating just enough for them to see, but not be seen.

The rustic setting was made for lovers who trusted each other

completely. Parker wanted to push TJ into confessing his love once
and for all.

A table was displayed with butt plugs of four different sizes,

whips, and a wooden paddle. Parker saw TJ’s eyes narrow on that
table, and his cock swelled hard.

“Looks like you’ve been busy today,” TJ said.
“I’ve had all day to think about what I want to do with you.”
“Have you now?” TJ asked.
“Yes, I have.”
Cuffs and chains were linked over the wooden rafter. Parker used

the leather bondage cuffs on both of TJ’s wrists and cranked his arms
out wide. Parker gave TJ a stroke, rubbing his pre-cum over his shaft.
He wanted to lean down and suck him but knew he couldn’t. There

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was something more important that needed to be done here. Parker
needed to hear TJ say the words he felt before they could go any
further. TJ had to tell him once and for all how he felt about their love
or their relationship wouldn’t work. By the time Parker was finished
with him, TJ was going to be weeping and confessing his love. Parker
undressed and reached down to stroke his cock several times for TJ to
see. As he watched TJ lick his lips, he snapped a blindfold from the
table. Parker blindfolded TJ.

“Oh, fuck,” TJ said.
Parker went to the table and squeezed a generous amount of lube

onto his fingers. “Spread your legs wide.”

TJ obeyed, and Parker rewarded him with a stroke of his dry hand.

Parker eased his two fingers into TJ’s ass, rubbing the heat-activated
lube inside. TJ groaned and stuck his ass out for more.

Parker chuckled. “Hungry for more?”
“Oh, yes.”
The chains above TJ rattled as he shivered. Cool nighttime air

blew through the open window. Parker eased his fingers from his
lover. He went to the table to wipe off his hands and to pick up a cock
chain. Parker brushed the cold chain over TJ’s cock. TJ sucked in a
harsh breath. He ran the thin chain down TJ’s cock, linking the
beaded ring around his testicles. Parker linked the chain around TJ’s
hips and made it tight. Sweat glistened TJ’s skin as Parker tightened
the cock ring.

“How does that feel?” Parker asked.
Parker went back to the table and picked up a riding crop. He

rubbed his hand over TJ’s ass several times and snapped the crop over
his ass. TJ groaned as his full loaded cock bounced. He snapped the
crop over his ass two more times. Pre-cum dripped onto the old
wooden floors. Parker kissed his way over TJ’s ear. He licked the
sweet lobe into his mouth before releasing it. He reached around,
stroking TJ’s cock.

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“Do you like this?” Parker asked.
“I’ll give you more on one condition. Tell me how you feel about

me,” Parker whispered.

Sweat dripped down TJ’s temple as Parker pulled away and

waited. He went to the table and picked up a massage candle, lighting
it. TJ took a shuddering breath. “You know how I feel.”

“Say it, babe.”
TJ wiped the sweat from his brow with his shoulder. “I love

everything about you.”

Parker went to stand in front of TJ. Their hard cocks brushed.

“What else?”

“I love you, Parker. I want everything with you. I want a home. I

want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to celebrate
birthdays and holidays. I want you.”

“You want sex with me?” Parker asked.
“God, yes.”
Parker dripped hot wax down over TJ’s nipple. He repeated the

move with the other nipple. Parker set the massage candle aside and
went to stand behind TJ. He worked his palms over that oil,
massaging it down TJ’s abdomen, and even lower to caress his balls.
TJ was shaking with need. Parker knew it was time to release him.

Parker pressed his cock into the crack of TJ’s ass. TJ moaned in

supplication as the tip of his cock rubbed over his anus. TJ’s hot, slick
channel parted as Parker pushed his cock into TJ’s ass. He held TJ
tight, not moving.

“Fuck me. Take me,” TJ begged. “Please, please. I love you,

Parker. I need you.”

Those three simple words were Parker’s undoing. He took TJ

hard, making love to him with short, hard strokes that bounced TJ’s
ass. Parker reached down and gripped the cock chain, holding it tight
as he rode TJ hard. Parker reached around, stroking TJ as he held the
chain tight. TJ groaned, kicking his cock out hard. Parker wanted their

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loving to last longer, but he was too damn close. His prick stiffened
hard. He pulled his cock out of TJ’s ass as hot spunk erupted from his
cockhead. Parker cranked his hand down tight on TJ’s cock as he
twisted his hand down on his own. TJ cried out as his orgasm spiraled
up his shaft. TJ’s spunk shot across the floor. Parker stroked him until
every last drop of his cum wept from the tip of his cockhead.

Both were breathing hard as Parker released TJ from his chains.

Parker removed the blindfold last. Their eyes met. Their mouths
connected in a hungry kiss that Parker knew would lead to more
upstairs in the shower.

TJ ran his hands through Parker’s hair. “I love you,” TJ said.
“I know you do.” Parker took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I want you to move in with me.”

A grin slowly lifted TJ’s lips. He pretended to think about it for a

long time. “My lease is up in two weeks. I was hoping you would ask

“I was hoping you would say yes.”
Parker never imagined that his best friend would be his lover and

his everything. Now that he had TJ, he knew that his life was
complete. Two more weeks and they would be living the lives they
were meant to live. Parker hoped TJ wouldn’t get cold feet. If he did,
Parker was going to be right there with the handcuffs.

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Chapter Fifteen

TJ drove the moving van down Parker’s long driveway. Rays of

sunlight cut through the trees, marking the path. He felt as though he
walked through fire to get to this point in his life. He never thought
he’d have happiness. It was so unexpected and wonderful that TJ kept
hoping it all wasn’t a medical-induced dream coma. The thought that
this was all a dream and he was lying in some hospital bed had his
lips tilting up. This was not a dream. This was very real. TJ pulled the
truck around, parking in front of their house. Parker had helped him
load the truck and had gone on ahead to the house.

There was a guy TJ didn’t recognize on the front porch, chatting

with Parker. He had dark hair and looked like a runway model. A
ripple of jealousy stole his breath away. TJ picked up the doubt sitting
in his mind and threw him out the window with a swift kick to his ass.
There was no room for uncertainty in their relationship and there
wouldn’t be anymore. They loved each other.

Whoever the man on the porch was, he was important to Parker.

That meant he was important to TJ. Around the other side of the
porch, Cora swept dried autumn leaves over the edge. There were two
guys with her that looked a lot alike. They had to be related. TJ pulled
his gaze away, wondering if those guys were Parker’s older brothers
he talked about. He hoped they were. It was about time TJ met
Parker’s family.

A smile broke Parker’s lips as their gazes locked. Yeah, TJ felt the

same giddy excitement running through his heart. TJ swung out of the
cab of the truck.

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“TJ, this is my friend, Ryan. He’s here to do most of the heavy


Ryan laughed. “I’ll do what I can.”
TJ shook hands with Ryan. “Nice to meet you. Do you work with

Parker at the hospital?”

“Yeah, I’m an emergency room doctor.”
“TJ’s a homicide detective. I met him through SWAT,” Parker


“Nice,” Ryan said.
TJ studied the two men. He could feel his interrogation skills

coming on and he had to remember to hold back. “You guys went to
med school together?”

The corner of Parker’s mouth ticked up. “Not quite. We did go to

the same med school. We graduated a year apart.”

“Do you want me to tell the story?” Ryan asked Parker.
“Go ahead.”
TJ crossed his arms. “This must be good.”
“Oh, it is.” Ryan grinned. “Before I met Parker, one of my friends

bet me a hundred dollars that I couldn’t turn that hundred into ten
thousand dollars within a week.”

Parker added, “The only rule was that he wasn’t allowed to ask

anyone for the money. He could only exchange goods for money.”

“Did you do it?” TJ asked.
“I found five guys, plus me made six. We hired a freelance

photographer and made our first Hot Doc’s calendar. We’ve been
doing it ever since. All the money goes to charity.”

“I’m the month of June and December,” Parker said.
TJ burst out laughing. “Love it. I hope you kept copies.”
“I’ll even sign this year’s for you, babe,” Parker said.

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He came in for a kiss and a possessive hug, pressing his lips to

TJ’s temple. Surprise filtered through Ryan’s eyes, but it quickly went
away as he smiled.

“Want to know the best part?” Ryan asked.
“What’s that?” TJ asked.
“We’re now printing over two hundred thousand copies a year.”
“That’s impressive,” TJ teased.
“Careful now,” Parker warned. “We may start a Hot SWAT


“I guess you’ll have to try to get me to cooperate.”
Heat flashed in Parker’s gaze before he quickly changed the

subject. TJ wanted to see that look later on tonight.

“Ryan’s interested in joining the SWAT doc program,” Parker


“You’ll have to go through training. Most aren’t up for the long

commitment,” TJ said.

“I’m ready for it,” Ryan said. “I need a change.”
“I’ll have Parker get you the information then,” TJ said.
“That’d be great.”
Parker headed to the truck, opening the back. “You guys going to

stand there all day or are we going to get you moved in?”

“Demanding,” TJ whispered.
“You should see him in action in the emergency room,” Ryan


TJ laughed. “I have once.”
Parker grabbed a box as the two guys with Cora came around the

side of the house.

“Hey, I’m TJ.”
“I’m Brent. This is Jack. We’re Parker’s older and smarter


TJ chuckled. “Nice to meet you.”

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Parker came up the steps, leaning in to TJ’s side. “They think

they’re smarter because they got accepted into med school before I

“You guys are doctors too?” TJ asked.
“I do pediatric research in eosinophilic disorders,” Brent said.
Jack grabbed the box in Parker’s hands and said, “I work in


“I suppose you’re a doctor too?” TJ asked Cora.
She laughed. “Gosh, no! I’m a journalist.”
They moved all the boxes in about two hours and the rest of his

furniture was put in storage in Parker’s basement. They ordered
takeout, but Ryan decided not to stay for dinner. Cora, Brent, and
Jack took off about the same time too.

They were outside on the back patio. The sun was going down.

Orange and pink skies blanketed the horizon. Parker came up behind
TJ, smoothing his hands around his waist. TJ leaned back against his
lover’s chest and sighed.

“My parents want to meet you,” Parker said.
Whoa. “They do?”
“Yeah. We’re having dinner with them Saturday night. You don’t

have to work, do you?” Parker asked.

“No, I’m free.”
Parker’s hold tightened. “Good. I was hoping you’d say yes.”
TJ snuggled closer, loving the feel of Parker’s strong arms. “I’m


“I know you are, babe,” Parker said.
TJ chuckled. “Are you happy?”
“I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. I was thinking about

our next step.”

TJ’s heart raced as the possibilities skipped through his mind. He

wanted it all with Parker. “What are you thinking?”

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Parker turned TJ around so that they faced each other. Their hands

naturally linked with Parker smoothing his thumbs over TJ’s hands.
“You’re my best friend, TJ. I want to marry you.”

Tears rushed to TJ’s eyes. He never thought he’d have it all. He

never thought that he deserved happiness. Parker taught him what it
meant to trust and love. Wind blew Parker’s hair over his shoulder. TJ
reached out, caressing Parker’s hair away.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. I love you, Parker!”
TJ flung himself into Parker’s arms, where they kissed

passionately. Slowly, TJ eased away from Parker.

“What do you want to do tonight?” TJ asked.
Parker reached around, grabbing TJ’s ass. He gave it a predatory

shake. “Oh, I can think of a few things.”

Heat flooded TJ’s body. It was going to be a long passion-filled

night. He just hoped he would always make Parker as happy as he
was feeling today. The sun settled below the horizon and a shooting
star streaked across the sky. It was then that TJ knew everything
would be okay. TJ closed his eyes, kissed Parker, and made a wish.

When TJ opened his eyes, he knew that his wish for a long life

with years of happiness with Parker was about to come true.




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay at home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, AJ, and two rowdy hamsters named Nibbler and CJ.
Their newest addition is a rabbit named Coco.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders.

Find me on Facebook and Twitter!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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