Tatum Throne Tracking Jase

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Wild Wolves 2

Tracking Jase

When Jase Chambers starts having blackouts and waking up
naked within the Black Forest, he knows something is very wrong.

After seeking out help from his brother, Maddox, Jase believes
everything is going to be okay—that is until he wakes up in the
forest after another blackout. Disoriented and injured, Jase knows

he’s in trouble.

Werewolf Brand Foster’s passion is protecting the wolves of the

forest. When a new shifter goes missing, he must find him before
the wild wolves do. With little time on his side, Brand goes on the

hunt. As a Dom, Brand knows he can protect Jase, if he finds him,
but will Jase submit willingly to his protection or will he have to tie

him to his bed?

Jase is very aware that he needs help while he transitions. When a
big bad shifter comes into his life, he knows the only option is to

submit. Will he?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary,
Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
Length: 29,148 words

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Wild Wolves 2

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-901-7

First E-book Publication: June 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For my readers! Thank you!

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Wild Wolves 2


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Jase Chambers felt like he was dying. He woke up with the rain

dripping down from the trees above, hitting him in the face. He stared
across a river of water and a sea of mud that caressed his body. His
ankle hurt like a bitch. What the fuck had happened? The last thing he
recalled was being in the guest bedroom of that Alpha wolf, Kade
Ronan. Things after that were one big blackout.

At thirty-two, Jase had just discovered his wolf blood and began

transitioning into a werewolf. The problem was that things were not
going well. Jase often woke up in strange places with blood all over
him and with no recollection of how he got there. It was scaring the
hell out of him. He had to do something to make the blackouts stop.

He fisted his hands in the mud and grass, trying to stand up, but he

had little strength. He was absolutely fucked if he didn’t get out of
this weather. His teeth started to chatter. Hypothermia was right
around the corner. Pain shot up his leg when he tried to move his
ankle. Jase looked down, seeing a bear trap locked around his ankle.
Oh, fuck. This was not good.

Jase felt hungover, but he hadn’t been drinking. God, he wished

he had spent last night drinking at the corner bar. He slowly opened
his eyes to the muddy runoff coming down the mountainside. He tried

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to remember how he had gotten the riverbank in the Black Forest, but
he couldn’t. As usual, when he tried to recall the events of the
previous evening it was as though there was a wall in his head. Rain
started hammering down from above, but he didn’t have the energy to
get out of the trap and move for the cover of the trees. He was
completely naked and alone.

The last thing Jase recalled before he hit the mental wall was

being with his brother Maddox and his new lover, Kade. As much as
Kade and Maddox were trying to help him through, they really
couldn’t. Despite having wolf blood, Maddox couldn’t shift, and
Kade just really didn’t know what to do with him. Jase could not
recall shifting into a werewolf and taking off into the night. The
blackouts with his shifting were getting worse. He felt like he had no
control over anything in his life anymore. As one of the top federal
prosecutors within the county, he always had the power to manage his
life. Not anymore. Now, he felt like he didn’t have any balance in his
work and personal life. When the blackouts started occurring, he had
taken a leave of absence with work. He didn’t want it to affect the
cases he had going on.

One day he knew he had to go back to his job, but he couldn’t

think about it now. Not when he needed to figure out how to control
the beast that was living inside of him. Jase rolled onto his back,
looking up into the cloudy mist hanging above him. He let the
rainwater wash over his naked body. Wet mud clung to his skin,
making it nearly impossible to move. Jase loved the feel of rain on his
chest and face. When he was in his animal form, he didn’t like it at
all. There was something about the way the water matted his fur that
really irritated his skin. Jase froze. He actually got past the wall for a
moment and recalled something from when he was a werewolf. Jase
smiled. It was the first glimmer of hope he’d had in a really long time.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

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Jase’s eyes flew open as he looked around at the men circling him.

He immediately felt vulnerable in his position. He did not want to
deal with the strangers now.

“Looks like we caught ourselves a brand-new shifter.”
Cold fear went through him. Jase knew he was in trouble. He tried

to sit up but couldn’t. He felt like his body had gone five rounds with
a speeding truck. What the fuck had happened to him last night? The
not knowing was starting to eat him alive.

“I’ll give you twenty dollars to suck his limp dick while we


Laughter echoed among the group of men who were now circling

him. Jase had a really bad feeling about all of this. He continued to
play in the mud, not wanting to get up to face his attackers. It would
be better if they thought he was still half-dead.

“Only twenty dollars? No. I wouldn’t suck his cock for anything.”
“That’s right, you’ll lick it for free.”
Another round of laughter went between the men. Jase had to

figure out how to get away from them. Despite his protesting muscles,
he sat up. Jase looked at all of his opponents.

“He lives! I guess we do have something to play with for a while.”
A groan of protest went through Jase’s body as he tried to move

his ankle. Jase knew there was no way he could get out of this trap
without help. He was now at their mercy and that scared the fuck out
of him.

“Please. Just let me go,” Jase said.
“Not going to happen. You invaded our territory. What’s on our

land is ours. We own you.”

A shiver went down Jase’s spine. He knew there was no way out

of this, but he had to find a way. “Look, I don’t want any trouble.”

“If you’re in the Black Forest, you want trouble.”
The rumors of disappearances within the forest suddenly popped

within Jase’s mind. He knew that he had to find a way to talk these

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Tracking Jase


men into letting him go. He had a really bad feeling that they weren’t
going to let him walk away without a fight.

“I’ve seen you with Kade?”
A sudden seriousness fell among the men staring him down.

“Kade is our enemy. Are you with him?”

“Yes, I am.”
“Then you are our enemy too. Grab him!”
The rain falling down upon Jase started to pick up. He knew there

was no way out of this without help. With four against one, he knew
that it was impossible to make it out of this without getting his ass

“You don’t want to fuck with me.”
“I don’t think you have a choice in it, mate.”
Cold hard fear vibrated through Jase’s body. What was he going

to do? He had to fight. Jase muscled up the courage he didn’t feel
inside and popped the trap on his ankle. He groaned as the metal
digging into his ankle released. Blood seeped down from the fresh
wounds. He slowly got to his feet. He still had no control over when
and how he shifted into his wolf form. He felt the tingling vibration
that always began when he wanted to shift, but nothing happened. As
much as he concentrated on the tingling sensation, it didn’t happen.

The man looked at him, circling closer. Jase knew he was in big

trouble. They looked as though they were waiting for him to make the
next move. Jase ran his hand through his dark hair, trying to grab hold
of his emotions and figure a way to get out of this.

“Look, I didn’t mean to invade your territory.”
“Well, you did. Now we’re going to make an example out of


Two men came forward, grabbing him by each wrist. They

dragged him away from the river and into the forest. As much as he
fought his kidnappers, there was nothing he could do to stop them
from taking him. He was wet with mud and rainwater. All of his
training came back to him but then suddenly went away. Jase knew he

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Tatum Throne

couldn’t go to a second location. Once he was taken to a second
location, it was over. He would be dead.

By the time he was dragged out of the forest and thrown into the

back of a waiting van, Jase’s teeth were clattering together. He was
cold and feeling suddenly very alone. He had wished he had taken his
brother’s advice and chained himself to the bedpost before he went to
bed. Until he knew how to take control of his shifting, there was
nothing he could do to stay safe. He was royally fucked. The van
started and they drove away fast. Fear made Jase feel suddenly very
alone. He wanted to jump out of the moving van, but he knew he
couldn’t without being seriously injured. Who were these men? And
what the hell did they want with him? How had they tracked him
through the Black Forest? It sounded as though they were the ones
who set the trap.

After a long, winding drive, the van came to a stop. The back

doors opened and Jase was grabbed by the arms and dragged outside.
It was still raining as he was taken into a cabin. He was taken into a
room and tossed inside. He fell flat onto the floor.

“You won’t be walking out of here if you don’t join us.”
Jase pressed his head to the scuffed hardwood floor, wishing for

the rage churning in his gut to awaken the beast inside. Jase stood up
slowly and fisted his hands, knowing he was about to make the
biggest mistake of the night.

“Fuck you! Kade’s going to send his betas for me.”
That got their attention. Jase was slapped across the face and he

staggered backward, hitting a table. His bell was rung hard. The
ringing started in his ears and sang down through his jaw. He hoped
to God that his brother, Maddox, would find him before it was too
late. He hoped Kade’s men, whoever they were, would find him and
save him from the situation. He had a really bad feeling that he wasn’t
going to be the same man he once was when this was over.

“Tie him up!”

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Tracking Jase


Jase’s arms were tied behind his back as he was forced to sit in the

chair. His legs were tied to the chair. Jase was feeling really cold
inside. He wondered what was going to happen when the urge to shift
again came. The man in charge leaned down and got up into Jase’s
face. Jase mentally adjusted his balls. He was feeling like a big
fucking pussy for not wanting to go at these wolves by himself.

“What were you doing naked in the forest?”
“I lost my clothes.”
The man leaned back. He didn’t believe him. It was clear that he

suspected that something was up.

“We’ll wait and find out when the moon rises tonight. No shifter

can refuse to obey the call of the moon.”

* * * *

Rain fell down upon Brand Foster’s broad shoulders like invisible

hands clawing at him. He stood within the Black Forest, looking out
at the mist covering the ground. Brand was trying to figure out how
he’d gotten there. Brand spent a long time running from what he was.
He ran so far and fast that he had ended up on the other side of the
country, before he realized that he needed to be back home in
California. The fact that Kade had called him home was everything
that he needed. As a favor to Kade, Brand had taken off into the forest
to track that new shifter, Jase. The werewolf had yet to master the art
of controlling his shifting. That meant some really fun nights. Brand
remembered how difficult it was when he first started to shift into a
werewolf. It was the scariest thing he had ever experienced.

Rain had soaked through Brand’s clothes to his skin. His muddy

boots slipped along the trail as he hiked. The rain was destroying the
track on Jase he was following. It would’ve been better if he had
shifted into a werewolf, but he didn’t want to attract attention during
daylight hours. All eyes were on the Black Forest right now. There
was no reason to add to that attention. There was a rumor floating

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Tatum Throne

around that the city was going to start culling the wolf population.
Little did they know that the actual population was humans and not
just wolves. Brand followed Jase’s tracks to a clearing. He didn’t find
what he was looking for. There were more tracks that led down
toward the riverbank. More footprints circled around a body imprint
on the bank and a trap that had been pulled from its stake.

Cold fury went through Brand when he realized that something

bad had happened to Jase. The tracks led off into the woods. Maddox
was not going to be happy about this. Neither would Kade. Brand
grabbed his cell phone and waited anxiously for the phone to connect
with Kade. He heard the sound of his rough voice on the other end.

“This is Kade.”
“I found Jase’s tracks. They have him.”
Brand closed his eyes, bringing his fingers up to his eyes to rub

the rainwater out of them. He did not want to go up against the wild
wolves on his own, but he knew he might have to.

“What do you want me to do?” Brand asked.
“Track down who took him and find him. Alive.”
“I’ll do my best. I’ll let you know when I have something more.

Have you told Maddox that he’s missing?”

There was a long pause on the other end. “Not yet. Keep me


“I will.”
Brand hung up his cell, feeling determined to bring Jase home

tonight. There was a good chance he wouldn’t be able to and that
stung. He put his hands on his hips. It wasn’t going to be easy to track
him in this downpour. There tended to be mudslides when it rained
for days on end like this. A sense of urgency moved through Brand’s
body. He saw what the wolves had done to Kade and knew that those
fuckers were not messing around. Brand got back onto the trail and
followed the tracks to outside the forest. Tires had spun through the

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Tracking Jase


mud, leading toward the highway. They had taken Jase someplace

Several sets of footprints were around where the tire tracks began.

Brand hunched down and started to count the individual sets. There
were at least four men holding Jase. They had thrown him into the
back of a car. Where had they taken him? Brand ran toward the
lookout up the road where he had parked his SUV. He got into his
SUV, roaring the engine to life. He was completely soaking wet. All
he wanted was to find Jase before it was too late. He did not want
another death at the hands of the wolves. He had to find him quickly
for Kade. He knew that those wild wolves would fuck with him hard.
There was a good chance that they would rape him. Those wolves
liked to make an example out of the ones they picked up.

Rainwater ran down from Brand’s hair and over the nape of his

neck. He brushed a hand through it in frustration. He was going by
instinct as he drove the winding roads around the forest. The trees
were so thick that they grew up and over the road, blocking out all
promise of sunlight and the rain. He knew that the wolves would have
a hideout somewhere nearby. He hit the main road, heading away
from the forest. He knew that they were probably someplace desolate
and isolated. Wolves liked their privacy. They had started giving
Kade trouble when Brand had left town two years ago. Brand was
feeling responsible for the fact that he wasn’t there when Kade needed
him most.

The truth was that Brand had started running a long time ago. He

wasn’t able to handle the fact that he was a Dom without a sub. Nor
could he handle the fact that he was a gay werewolf. He wasn’t out
with any of his brothers. He wasn’t sure how they would take the fact
that he didn’t like pussy, but he liked having men suck his cock and
balls. Brand knew he needed to forget about the fact that he hadn’t
been laid in months. All he should’ve been thinking about was finding
Jase and bringing him back to Kade and Maddox.

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Tatum Throne

Out of the corner of Brand’s eye, something caught his attention.

He slowed his vehicle as he took a look. There was an old housing
development along the outer edge of the forest that had never quite
taken off. By chance, Brand decided to drive up that way. He had to
find something, anything. The windshield wipers worked hard to keep
the rain off his windshield. Despite it being early evening, it was
getting darker. The cover of night was exactly what Brand needed to
do what he needed to do. He slowly passed by an old cabin sitting
back along a ridge. He noticed that there was a van sitting in front of
it. There were lights on inside the cabin. There was a good chance that
Jase was inside that cabin. Brand pulled off to the side, parking his
SUV behind thick trees where it wouldn’t be seen. He got out of his
vehicle and went to look at the mud clinging to the van’s tires. The
tread on the tires matched the tracks he found.

Off in the distance, Brand heard the quiet wail of sirens coming

his way. All of a sudden several cop cars went racing by, but they
didn’t stop. Brand glanced at the cabin. No one came outside to have
a look. Those cops were going somewhere else. Thank goodness. He
didn’t want to have to deal with police today. It was hard enough
handling the fact that they lived a secret life within society. Brand
eased up around the side of the cabin, looking inside. He froze when
he saw Jase tied naked to a chair. Blood dripped down from his
temple and into his eyes.

Jase had been beaten, but he had not given up hope. Brand

counted the number of men inside the cabin. There were only three
inside right now. Against better judgment, Brand decided that he was
going to do something really fucking stupid to save Jase. Everything
within reach was wet. He needed a strip of dry cloth. Brand eased
open the van’s driver side door, waiting to see if the overhead light
came on. Relief poured through him when it didn’t. He took his knife
from his belt, slicing it through the seat. He cut a long strip of stained
fabric. Brand shut the door quietly and went to the gas tank, flipping

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Tracking Jase


open the panel. He unscrewed the cap, dropping it aside. Brand
grabbed a long stick and fed the piece of cloth into the tank.

When it was completely saturated, he pulled it. He flipped the

fabric around and eased the dry end in to wet it. He left a four-inch
wick and reached for his gold lighter. He flicked it on. When the
flame took hold, Brand lit the end of the wick and got the fuck out of
there. The flame raced up the wick and disappeared. A whoop sound
echoed through the night when the gas caught. Brand dove for cover
just as the flame caught the gas line. The van exploded. A giant
fireball burst into the sky, sending the doors on the van outward and a
tire spinning away.

The men inside the cabin rushed outside as the flames skyrocketed

thirty feet into the air. The flames and smoke kept them from getting
far. Brand raced around the cabin, kicking in the back door. He found
Jase trying to work apart the binds that held his wrists. Panic raced
through Jase’s eyes when their gazes locked and he saw the knife in
his hand.

Brand used his knife to cut the rope that held his legs. “Can you


Jase nodded. He looked as though he had a concussion and was a

little bit confused. “We have to go. You have to move now.”

“I’ll try.”
Brand threw his arm around Jase’s waist. He worked Jase’s arm

around his shoulders as they moved into the forest. Brand ran to the
side of his SUV and put Jase inside. There was no time. They had to
get out of there or they were going to get caught. He turned over the
engine on the SUV. Click. It didn’t start.

“Fuck. Not now.”
Brand cranked the key again. This time the engine hit. Brand

raced his SUV down the side of the mountain. He had to get back to
Kade’s place before the wild wolves caught up to them and had both
of them murdered. Brand glanced over at Jase. He didn’t look so
good. He cranked up the heat.

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“Stay with me. You’re going to be okay.”
Jase shook his head. “I feel so stupid.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
Without warning, a possessive need to take care of Jase spiraled

through Brand’s body. It was then that Brand wondered if Jase was
his mate. Brand had to stop to make sure that Jase was okay, but he
couldn’t until they were a safe distance from the cabin. He had to find
someplace close by where they could lay low for just a little while.
Brand decided to go to his place instead of going back to Kade’s. It
was a bit further away, but he knew that they would both be safe
there. Brand glanced over at Jase just as his eyes grew heavy and
closed. His gaze moved down over his mud-stained body. Hard
contoured muscle rippled down over his chest. Brand bit his lip when
his eyes moved over his dick. Fuck him. He was a big and thick one.
A low growl moved through Brand’s body when he moved his gaze
back onto the road. He tightened his hands down on the steering

He’s going to be mine.

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Tracking Jase


Chapter Two

Jase woke up to the feel of hot hands taking care of him. A sense

of movement had him forcing his eyes open. He didn’t recall passing
out. Where was he? What had happened? He felt as though he went
five rounds with the most famous boxer of all time. He was naked and
cold. Jase blinked and looked up at the man who was carrying him.
He had the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. His blond hair
was practically white within the darkness and moonlight that was
shining down upon them.

“Who are you?” Jase asked.
The man smiled, but he didn’t say anything. A low growl rippled

through the man’s chest. Their eyes locked and something possessive
passed through the man’s gaze that caught Jase off guard. He couldn’t
recall a time when any man had looked at him that way. The guy
looked away. Desperation moved through Jase’s body. He wanted to
be on the receiving end of that look again. The man didn’t say
anything until they were inside and he closed the door behind them.

“I’m here to help you. Kade sent me. My name is Brand Foster.”
“I’m Jase Chambers.”
“I know who you are.”
Relief purred through Jase’s body. He knew everything was going

to be okay within this man’s arms. Despite knowing that everything
was going to be all right, he was feeling lonely and depressed inside.
He felt like he didn’t know who he was anymore. Yes, he was a
federal prosecutor, but he no longer had a sense of himself anymore.
He was now a werewolf and that frightened the hell out of him. The
man set him onto his shaky feet and held onto his hips.

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Tatum Throne

“Are you able to stand okay?” Brand asked.
Jase nodded, biting his lip. He didn’t trust his voice not to go all

emotional right now. Everything felt as though it were slipping
through the tips of his fingers like water. He didn’t know how to be
something he wasn’t. Emotion played hardball through his body as
tears misted in his eyes.

“I’m okay now that you’re here.”
Longing tore through Jase’s body. For the first time in his life, he

wanted to kiss a complete stranger. He didn’t understand the desire or
the need burning within his heart, but he knew he wanted the man
standing in front of him. He was so much bigger and broader than he
was. There was a hard, dangerous aspect to the man’s eyes that
intrigued Jase. God, he felt like a fool. Why would he ever expect this
man to be interested in him? He obviously had misread that intense
look within Brand’s eyes as something it was not.

“You need a shower. You have a lot of mud on you. You’ll feel

better when you get cleaned up.”

“That’s a good idea.”
Despite the man letting go of Jase, he felt shaky inside and out. He

followed Brand down the hall to his bedroom where he went to the
shower and turned it on. He expected Brand to give him privacy, but
he didn’t. He got towels and waited for Jase to come inside the

“You don’t look very steady,” Brand said. “Do you mind if I


“Sure. I’m not feeling solid right now to be honest. I feel like I’m

about to fall over.”

“I’m not going to leave you then.”
He didn’t know who the stranger was, but Jase felt as though he

could trust him. The fact that he was one of Kade’s men meant that he
was somebody important within his circle. He wouldn’t just send
anybody to find him. Jase was feeling incredibly lucky as he stepped

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under the hot spray. There was something about the man handing him
the soap that made him feel completely at ease. Jase normally didn’t
trust so easily. He had a bad track record with men who used him and
walked away.

“What?” Brand asked.
“Have we met before?” Jase asked.
“I don’t think so. I would’ve remembered somebody like you.”
What did that mean? Somebody like him. Jase felt like his

confidence was a bit shaken. It’d been a really long time since he was
interested in anyone else. Hot water washed over his skin, making
him feel better. There was a throbbing ache within his head that he
knew he had to take care of. When he got out, he was determined to
ask his savior for some pills to make him feel better.

“You’re Maddox’s brother, right?”
“Yeah, he’s my brother. We haven’t talked for a while though.”
“Why is that?”
There wasn’t an easy answer to Brand’s question. There were

several reasons why they had stopped talking, but the most important
was that they didn’t really ever get along growing up. It had
something to do with the fact they were both fiercely independent
men who didn’t know how to communicate with each other.

“It’s complicated unfortunately.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Maddox seems like a great guy. He’s good

for Kade.”

“Yes, he is.”
As Jase turned within the shower, he felt his body and legs give

out. He pressed his palm against the tile and felt Brand’s arm catch
him around the waist. Brand stepped inside the shower, leaving his
clothes on. Heat moved through Jase’s cock as Brand held him from
behind. He just held him close, not moving or saying a word. Jase
sighed back into his arms, loving the feel of his arm around his waist.
He felt his cock kick out and fill painfully fast with a raging desire
he’d never experienced before.

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All of a sudden, he felt Brand’s hands move over his chest with

the soap. It was everything he needed right now. He longed for Brand
to lower his hand over his cock, but he didn’t. He only washed his
chest. He wondered if he knew that his cock was hard and begging to
be played with. Jase’s dick was throbbing for attention and loving the
way water beat against it. Pre-cum dripped from his dick like a leaky
faucet. A shiver tore through Jase’s body as he felt Brand’s lips brush
across his ear.

“Do you mind me helping you?”
All of Jase’s words felt suddenly caught in his throat. It took him

several tries to get the words out. “No, not at all. I like the feel of your
hands on my body.”

A low growl sounded from deep within Brand’s chest, vibrating

through Jase’s body. The sound was so exotic and animalistic that a
shot of cum twisted up from Jase’s balls and flew out against the tile.

“Oh, fuck.”
Another growl sounded over Brand’s lips again. “You’re fucking


“Your hands feel so fucking good on me.”
Brand’s lips kissed their way over the back of Jase’s neck. “We

shouldn’t be doing this. You probably have a concussion.”

“I’m glad to be alive.”
“I’m happy you are too. Kade would have ripped my head off if I

had to tell him that you were dead.”

“Now that would be a bad day.”
Brand chuckled. “Yes, it would.”
Jase wanted so much more with this man he didn’t know. He

wasn’t into casual sex, but suddenly felt like fucking the hell out of

“There’s something you need to know,” Brand said.
“What’s that?”
“I’m a Dom. I only take on submissives. I only top.”

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Jase bit his lip. He knew exactly what that meant. As a gay man,

he always topped too. He never once bottomed at all. He was a virgin
when it came to anal sex. Jase knew he had to be honest with Brand
about his experience.

“I’ve never been a bottom before,” he confessed.
“Oh, God. You’re a virgin. I can’t take you on as my sub.”
Disappointment rushed through Jase’s body. It was over before

they even began. He wanted to beg Brand to take him on, but the
words wouldn’t come. Tears misted his eyes when he felt Brand’s
hands slip away.

* * * *

Water from the showerhead ran down temptingly over Jase’s

body. Brand knew he couldn’t take off his wet clothes now. He knew
if he did that he would want to tie Jase up to his bed and fuck him
hard. After the ordeal he had tonight, he wouldn’t be able to handle
being tied to his bed. It would traumatize him more. That was the last
thing that Brand wanted to do. Slowly, with time, he knew that Jase
would be ready to be taken to his bed, but not tonight. As a Dom, he
prided himself on knowing what his subs needed. He knew that Jase
needed something now. He needed a release that he could only get
from Brand.

Brand reached his hand down over Jase’s cock, feeling its hard,

heavy fullness within his hand. A gasp of surprise echoed through
Jase when his hand stroked around his cock. He arched back, flexing
his hips up and pushing his cock through Brand’s hand. Jase was a big
man. His cock was fucking huge within his palm. Jase groaned as
Brand stroked him. The soap worked as lube as Brand pumped his
throbbing prick several times, twisting and pinching his cockhead. It
was all the pressure and pleasure that Jase needed. He came hard in
his hand and when he was done he fell exhausted into Brand’s arms.

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Despite being rock hard and having his wet clothes on, Brand

never felt so completely fulfilled without having an orgasm. Right
then, Brand didn’t want to look too closely at why he felt that way.
For the first time, he had given instead of taken in the bedroom. It was
the most amazing and exotic feeling in the whole world. And he
wanted another taste of that feeling again, but not tonight. Brand
kissed the back of Jase’s neck. Jase turned just enough so that their
mouths could connect. Jase’s lips instantly parted when Brand pressed
his lips to his. A deep hunger tore through Brand’s body as he swept
his tongue inside Jase’s mouth. Their tongues flexed together in a kiss
that made Brand think about long sessions. With a control Brand
didn’t completely feel inside, he reluctantly broke his lips away. He
could not take this further.

“Do you want me?” Jase asked.
“Not tonight. You’ve been through enough.”
After Jase washed up, Brand helped him out of the shower and

wrapped a towel around him. “Go rest on my bed. I’m going to wash
up and then I’ll be out.”

“Sounds good.”
He could see that Jase was uncertain and lingered within the

bathroom, but Brand leaned in giving him a sweet possessive kiss. “I
promise I will be out in a few.”

A blush crept up Jase’s neck as he nodded and went into the

bedroom. Brand took a steadying breath as he took off his clothes and
stepped under the hot spray. He fisted his hands, closing his eyes as
he tried to get control of his raging hard-on, but he couldn’t. He knew
he had to rub this one off if he was going to leave Jase alone for the
rest of the night. The urge to run out there and take him hard was an
overpowering chant within his mind. He couldn’t do that to Jase
tonight. He wasn’t ready for what he needed to do to him.

Brand grabbed his balls with his left hand and fisted his cock with

his right. He held on tight as he pumped his shaft, purposely stroking
himself roughly. He didn’t stop jerking his cock until his juice flew

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from his prick and landed on the tile. Four long sprays of hot spunk
shot from his cockhead. He groaned against the crook of his arm,
muffling the sound. He did not want Jase to know that he had fucked
himself in the shower. He needed the rest. Brand needed to make sure
he kept his hands off Jase tonight.

There wouldn’t be any more touching until he got the consent

from Jase. After a few more seconds in the shower, Brand got out. He
found Jase fast asleep in his bed. While he was sleeping, he went and
grabbed his cell phone, giving Kade a call.

“Did you find him?” Kade answered.
“I’ve got him. He’s safe, but we have a problem.”
“What’s going on?” Kade asked.
“I have found their new hideout and I had to blow up their van to

get Jase out.”

“That’s going to be a problem.”
“I was thinking the same. I just wanted you to know what was

going on. We’re going to have more issues with them.”

“Where’s Jase at now?” Kade asked.
“He’s here with me. He’s safe.”
“Good. Keep him out of trouble. He just discovered that he’s a

werewolf. I want you to help him transition.”

Helping wolves transition wasn’t something that Brand normally

did, but in this case he really wanted another piece of Jase. He was
going to do everything in his power to help him through this.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Good. Just keep him close. I’ll deal with these wild wolves. You

just protect Jase from them.”

“I will.”
“You should know that they’ll probably come after you as well.”
“I hope they do. I’m planning on stopping them,” Brand said.
“Careful there.”
“I will be.”

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Brand hung up the phone, feeling a sense of purpose run through

his body. Brand was going to do everything in his power to keep Jase
safe. It’d been a really long time since he had a mission worth living
and dying for. He was ready to be responsible for someone else. With
the towel wrapped around his waist, Brand went to the window,
looking out at the forest surrounding his land. He was a ways off from
the Black Forest. They should be safe there. At least he hoped they
would be. There was a chance that they could track them down. Brand
knew he had to be ready if they did.

As a former Army Ranger, Brand knew how to keep people safe.

When he was deployed, he had had a hard time keeping what he was
from the men he worked with. He was almost caught shifting a few
times. That was just one of the many reasons he had to get out the
military. Adjusting to civilian life had been a lot harder than he
thought it would ever be. It was why he had taken off to try to find
himself. All he found instead was loneliness and self-doubt. He was
glad he answered the phone when Kade had called him.

As Kade’s head of security, Brand knew he could take care of

Jase. Would he be able to do it all though? What was he going to do
when he had to leave Jase? He couldn’t leave him alone right now
without getting into trouble. He’d have to find a way to make sure he
wouldn’t be harmed by the wild wolves again or get injured shifting.
Brand put on a pair of boxers and slid into bed next to Jase. He
wanted to wrap his arms around him, but he didn’t want to wake him.
He slid in close, facing him. The hypnotic sound of his breathing was
like music to his ears. It had been so long since he had anybody in his
bed that he really liked the sound and feel of it. Jase moaned within
his sleep and Brand slid in close. He wrapped her arm around him and
whispered in his ear.

“You’re okay. Everything is going to be okay now that I have


He sighed in his sleep and the tension in his body eased. Brand

knew he was going to have a hard time adjusting from what happened

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to him. He needed time to heal and to get over being taken by the
wolves. Brand just hoped that he gave him a chance to make
everything okay. Brand closed his eyes, but he had a hard time
sleeping. He was trying to stay awake in case Jase needed him. After
a long time, Jase fell into a hard sleep and it was only then that Brand
was able to sleep too.

In the middle of the night, Brand awakened. At first he thought

that Jase was gone, but he wasn’t. He had twisted himself up in the
sheets and rolled off to the side. Brand came in close, wrapping his
arm around him. He did not ever want to let him go. There was
something about Jase that made Brand want to protect him. It was all
so new and confusing for Brand. He ran his hand through Jase’s dark
hair, loving the feel of the silky strands. He leaned in close, inhaling
and loving the smell of his shampoo on this man. Brand wondered if
Jase would ever let him have something more. He hoped that when
Jase woke up in the morning, he wouldn’t push him away, but Brand
knew he needed to give Jase time to heal. Until then, he wouldn’t do
anything with him. He was not about to make love to this man until he
got his consent to be his submissive.

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Chapter Three

Jase woke up with a gasping start. The nightmare was all around

him. The wolves were after him. He looked around the dark room, not
knowing where he was. What had happened? His head was pounding.
His heart was racing. He couldn’t recall who or how he had gotten to
where he was. He jumped out of the bed he was in, tripping on the
sheet as he tried to get away. Had those guys come back for him?

“Hey, it’s okay!”
A strong familiar arm came around his waist before he could fall.
“Get away from me! I don’t know who you are. I don’t know why

you’re doing this to me!”

“I’m here to help you. I’ve got you. You were having a bad


Jase wanted to trust the stranger, but he didn’t know who he was.

He couldn’t recall anything about what had happened the night
before. He had shifted, but everything after that was a big blank
within his head. He fought the man holding him, but it was useless.
He was so much stronger than he would ever be. Despite the strength
of his body, he was obscenely gentle with him.

“I’m not going to hurt you. It’s me, Brand!”
Memories from the night before came rushing back. Brand? His

Brand? The one who had pumped him off in the shower. “Brand?”

Without warning, Brand’s mouth descended upon his, pressing

hard. His lips started to kiss him with everything. Jase’s eyes went
wide as heat moved through his body. The memory of this man
popping his cock off in the shower flashed white-hot within his mind.
How could he have forgotten something so intense? Jase’s mouth

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opened wide as Brand flicked his tongue in deep. Their tongues
collided. Jase loved the way that Brand’s tongue muscled his around.

As much as he was aroused, he was frightened too. He wanted to

push Brand away, but he couldn’t resist his kiss. Strong arms came
around Jase’s waist, pulling him in close. Their cocks bumped
roughly together. A groan of need tore from the back of Jase’s hungry
lips. He felt starved and only Brand could satiate his hunger.

Brand broke his lips away. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Jase’s heart and dick hammered. He didn’t know who he was.

There was something about the way he was looking at him that made
Jase want to do everything he said. Brand muscled him up against the
window overlooking the forest. Those sweet memories from the
shower the came flooding through his mind. Shock and pain went
through his head at the same time as everything he had forgotten
came back to him. Brand’s strong arms held him tight.

“What’s wrong?”
“I’m remembering everything that happened when I shifted two

nights ago.”

“You’re still having blackouts when you shift?”
“Yes. It’s terrifying not to know what I’ve done.”
Slowly, Brand’s arms eased around his waist. “Kade wants me to

help you as you transition.”

Jase chuckled. “I don’t think anyone can help me through this.”
“It gets easier. How long ago did it start?”
“I’ve been dealing with this for three weeks. I thought at first I

was just coming down with something and I was sick. It started with a
high fever.”

Brand nodded. “Yes, that’s usually how it starts. You feel like

you’re coming down with the flu. After you shift, you feel like you
have the flu.”

“That’s exactly how it is. Does it get any better?”
“It will with time. You first have to learn how to control it.”
“How the hell do I do that?” Jase asked.

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“What’s your trigger for shifting?”
Jase had to think about it. “It’s usually the moon. Or I feel a sense

of urgency spiraling through my body. It almost comes on like a
tingling sensation.”

“Good. That’s exactly what you need to focus on. I want you to

try to make that tingling sensation happen within your body.”

“Right now? I don’t know if I can.”
“You have to give it a good go. We’re going to do a little

experiment,” Brand said.

Jase wasn’t so sure about this. He didn’t know how he could hand

himself over to a man he didn’t know. He knew he had to find a way
to try though. “What do you want me to do?”

“Take off your boxers. You don’t want anything on when you


Jase pulled his borrowed boxers off, dropping them to the ground.


“I want you to close your eyes.”
Emotion poured through Jase’s body as he closed his eyes. It was

as though he could feel Brand’s eyes caressing his body. Jase took a
deep breath and sighed it out. He focused on the sensation of spinning
that moved through his body when he shifted. Tingling started in the
pit of his stomach and moved out to his extremities. He worked hard
to grasp it, but he couldn’t.

“Fuck. I can’t hold onto it.”
“Be easy on yourself. It takes time. Try again.”
Frustration went through his body as he tried to hold onto the

sensation. “I can’t get it. It’s like it’s there and I can feel it, but I can’t
hold onto it.”

“You will get there. Don’t be frustrated. You need to practice.

Like anything new, with practice you can master it.”

Jase was surprised to see how close Brand had gotten to him.

“How long did it take you to master shifting?”

“About two months.”

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Jase groaned. “I want to get back to work. I can’t have this sort of

thing hanging over my head.”

Their gazes locked. “What’s another one of your triggers?”
“Anger. When something makes me angry, I can feel it burn up

within my body. That’s when I shifted before.”

“Okay, get angry at me.”
Jase tried to think of something that would make him angry. He

couldn’t. Without warning, Brand shoved him back against the

“Get angry with me, you little bitch punk.”
“Fuck you!”
There was a dangerous heat within Brand’s eyes that Jase couldn’t

ignore. Anger twisted through Jase’s body, but nothing was
happening. He felt stuck.

Brand leaned down, whispering his lips against Jase’s ear.

“You’re nothing but a little bitch whore who can’t get it up.”

Despite his anger, Jase could not shift in front of the man he

wanted to fuck. Brand stepped back and shifted before his eyes. Jase
felt his eyes go wide as Brand took up a fighting stance and started to
growl low.

The thought slapped against Jase’s brain like an invisible punch to

his head. Anger roared through Jase’s body and the tingling sensation
spiraled through him. It felt like a dark tornado pulling him apart and
slamming him back together. He shifted, landing with all four paws
on the floor.

We can communicate telepathically?

A chill of anticipation went down Jase’s spine, landing in his rim

as Brand circled around sniffing at his ass. Brand gave his rim a lick
that had Jase bending down, arching his ass and tail up for more. Jase

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dug his claws into the floor, but Brand didn’t mount him like he
wanted him to.

Not yet. You’re not ready for me.
A whimper of need tore through Jase’s body as Brand suddenly

pulled away. All of his attention was focused on the darkness
surrounding his house. What the hell was going on?

* * * *

Fear raced through Jase’s body. All of a sudden, Brand crouched

low, looking out of the windows as though there were an animal
behind his eyes. Something was going on. Brand looked at Jase. His
eyes were intense and hard as he shifted out of his wolf form.

“You need to run and you need to keep running and not look

back.” Brand came in close, giving him a hard kiss on his snout.
“Don’t shift out of your wolf form. You’ll go faster with your limp if
you run on all four.”

Brand went for the French doors and opened them up and pretty

much kicked Jase outside. “Head for the cover of trees. I’ll find you
when I can.”

Won’t I be safer here with you?
“Not this time. Run! They’re coming!”
Jase took off for the tree line, but he didn’t go far. He stayed there,

watching Brand’s house. What the hell was going on? Why was he
sending him away? A twig snapped in the forest, making the hairs on
the back of Jase’s neck stand on end. He resisted the urge to move,
knowing it would catch the ears of whoever was there. It was then
that he saw the two men come out of the forest. Jase wanted to follow
them to protect Brand, but he had sent him away to protect him from

Without warning, all the lights in Brand’s house went out. All of a

sudden, one of the men approaching the house spoke.

“He’s there. Find him!”

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Jase knew that he had to go. He had to obey Brand’s order or they

were both going to be in trouble. Reluctantly, Jase headed for the
forest and the cover of thick trees. It was only there that he started to
run. He didn’t stop running despite his limp. Pain shot though his
ankle, but he kept running. He didn’t stop sprinting until he was back
at Kade’s. He was exhausted and covered with sweat when he got to
Kade’s. It was then and only then that he collapsed on the back deck
and shifted out of his wolf form.

Jase tried to rouse himself, but he couldn’t. He was exhausted

physically and mentally and emotionally. He felt someone lift him up
and carry him inside. He was taken to a bed and set down.

“Jase? Where’s Brand?” Kade asked.
“I don’t know. He told me to run. He’s at his house. They came

for us.”

Maddox looked back over his shoulder. There was cold hard fear

in his eyes. Kade was at his side.

“I’m on it. I’ll send my betas there now.”
“What about you?” Maddox asked.
“I’m going. I have to. You stay here and stay safe.”
“No, I’m going with you.”
“Someone needs to take care of your brother. That’s you.”
The squabble ended with Kade leaving the room. Jase felt

exhausted and thirsty. “I need water. Now.”

Maddox came back with a big cold bottle of water. Jase opened it

up and drank the whole thing down. By the time he finished the water,
he felt like he was getting back to his old self. He swung his legs from
the bed and headed for the closet, putting on a pair of jeans. He pulled
a T-shirt over his head and jammed on socks and gym shoes.

“What happened out there?” Maddox asked.
Jase shook his head. All he could think about was Brand and

hoping that he was safe. He felt so foolish for running and not staying

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to protect him. He wanted to go back out there and find him to make
sure he was okay.

“Jase? Where have you been?”
“I can’t control my shifting. I ran and I woke up in the middle of

nowhere. Brand found me and took me back to his place. The wolves
found me first though.”

“What did they do to you, Jase?”
A cold shiver twisted through his body as he thought about those

wolves hurting Brand now. He knew what they would have done to
him had he stayed there longer. He would’ve been raped and used.

“It’s over. I’m fine.”
Maddox looked as though he didn’t believe him, but he wasn’t

pushing the issue.

“Where are you going?” Maddox asked.
“I’m going back out there. I should’ve stayed there the whole time

with Brand.”

“Wait a minute. You’re not going alone. I’m coming with you.”
“You should stay here.”
“My job is to protect you. Kade will kill me if I let you go alone.”
Jase knew that he couldn’t argue and win with his brother. “Fine.

I’m leaving now.”

“I’m driving,” Maddox said.
Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Brand’s house. Jase got out

of the car and sprinted toward the house. Whatever had happened was
long ago done. Kade and Brand were standing on the front porch.
Brand was holding a bag of frozen peas to his forehead. He looked
royally pissed off when he saw Jase coming his way.

“I thought I told you to stay away from here.”
“I was going to. I had to make sure you’re all right.”
“This isn’t your fight. It’s mine,” Brand said.
“It’s our fight. It affects all of us,” Maddox said.
“What happened?” Jase asked.

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“Short version of it. They put a bounty on your head and

Maddox’s. They don’t like the fact that you both got away from

“God. What can we do about this?” Jase asked.
“We’ll summon all the betas and figure this thing out tonight,”

Kade said.

Jase’s eyes locked with Brand’s. Compassion moved through

Brand’s gaze, making Jase’s heart beat wildly. Who were these betas
and what did they do? How were they going to protect all of them?
Jase followed Brand inside as Kade and Maddox stayed outside. He
wanted a few minutes alone with Brand to find out what happened to

“You shouldn’t have come back to me.”
“I had to. I couldn’t stand the thought of you facing those wolves

alone. I knew what they were planning to do to me. I couldn’t stand
the thought of them doing the same to you.”

“I can handle myself.” Their eyes locked. “That’s why I’m

standing here now and so are you. You need to trust me. I know how
to keep you safe.”

Jase watched as Brand sent a text message to the other betas.

Their eyes caressed again. Jase felt his life turning upside down, and
he didn’t know if he would ever get it back again. He ran his hand
through his hair, looking at the destruction in the living room. Brand
was lucky to walk away from this fight, but would either one of them
be so lucky the next time?

This was not his world, but he was learning to live within it. This

was obviously something that they dealt with every day. The wild
wolves were creating problems for everyone. Something needed to
change. Jase felt like he should have been able to do more than stand
on the sidelines and watch Brand take care of everyone involved. It
was clear to Jase that Brand did this for a living, but he wanted to help
out any way he could. He came in close to Brand.

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“Give me a job. Give me something to do. I’m not about to sit on

the side and watch you boys take the brunt of this. I want to do
something, anything to help.”

“You will, babe. I promise. You need to stay out of my way for

now. It’s the only way to keep you and Maddox safe.”

Jase was starting to feel like the Chambers name was cursed. He

didn’t know how or why, but he had to find a way to help take down
the wild wolves.

“Kade won’t like it if you get involved with this. You understand

that don’t you?”

“I do, but I’m going to try to find a way to help too,” Jase said.
Brand came in close, backing him up against the refrigerator. He

pinned his wrists and brushed his lips over his, but didn’t kiss him.

“Don’t make me punish you for not obeying my orders,” Brand


“I think I like the idea of you punishing me.”
A growl echoed from the back of Brand’s throat and whispered

down Jase’s tongue as he kissed him hard. Jase loved the way Brand
took control of his mouth and his body. His kiss was hot, wet, and
made Jase want to fall on his knees and suck his cock. The room was
spinning by the time Brand pulled his mouth away.

“I’ll be back soon. Keep the alarm on and call my cell if you need

me,” Brand said.

“I will.”
Jase’s heart was pounding when Brand pulled away. Jase watched

him walk through his home and out the side door. He was going to
work and that scared the hell out of him. What if he never saw Brand

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Chapter Four

It was late in the night when Brand got home. He shut off his SUV

and looked at the land surrounding his house. All was quiet, but the
lights were on inside. There was no sign of Jase behind those
windows. Good. He was playing it smart. Brand hoped that the
wolves wouldn’t come back to his house, but he had to figure out
what he was going to do if they did. Maddox was very important to
Kade and whatever was important to Kade was important to Brand.
That meant that Jase was a very important person to all of them. He
had to do everything he could to protect both men from getting hurt.
At the same time, he had a job to do.

As leader of the security team that protected the Black Forest, he

had to find a way to balance his personal life with his professional
one. The only way Brand knew how to do that would be to take Jase
on as his sub. He hoped that Jase was ready. It was about time they
made whatever they had official. Brand went into the house, finding
Jase sitting in the living room. He was sitting on the couch, reading a
mystery novel he found on one of his many bookshelves.

“Hey,” Brand said. “You okay?”
Jase shrugged. “Just worried.”
“Are you frightened?” Brand asked.
“The only thing I’m frightened about is you getting hurt,” Jase

confessed. “What if you’re wrong? What if you can’t handle yourself
in this fight?”

“I can’t run from what’s going on. I have to stay and fight. It’s my

job to protect the pack.”

“It’s Kade’s job to protect the pack.”

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“And I work for Kade and that means I need to help him do what

he needs to get done.”

Tears misted in Jase’s eyes. He didn’t like seeing how upset Jase

was. This was their world. He was going to have to learn how to
adjust to it.

“Come here.”
Brand wrapped his arms around Jase, holding him close. Quiet

sobs wracked Jase’s body. Brand didn’t like seeing him so upset, but
he had to find a way to ease him into this lifestyle and what he dealt
with every day. Gently, Brand lifted Jase’s chin, tilting his lips up.
Brand brushed his lips back and forth, testing the waters. He quietly
kissed Jase, moving his lips over his. He loved the sweet taste of this
man on his tongue. He wanted so much more. The problem was he
wasn’t about to go on unless he knew that Jase was willing to be his
submissive in the bedroom.

With a control he didn’t feel inside, Brand broke his lips away.

“We need to talk.”

“Oh? About what?”
He could see that Jase was twisted up in the throes of passion.

Slowly, the fog of sex began to dissipate within his eyes.

“I’m a Dom. I need a sub. I can’t take you on unless you’re going

to live this lifestyle with me.”

Jase bit his lip as though he were trying to do to decide. Brand had

wished that he was in his wolf form so that he could read his thoughts.
Jase nodded his head once.

“I’ll do anything to be with you. Anything.”
It was exactly what Brand wanted to hear. He didn’t want to

pressure Jase into something he wasn’t comfortable with.

“Are you sure you’re comfortable with this? I don’t want to do

anything you don’t want to do.”

“I’m very aware of what a submissive is. I know what BDSM is. I

know how to handle it.”

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“Are you sure? I’m not into vanilla sex. I’m into the rough, hard

stuff that brings my submissive to the edge. Some even have called
me a sadist.”

“Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah. You need to know that I’m capable of going to the dark

side quickly.”

Jase moaned as his eyes grew heavy. He came in close to Brand,

silently begging for more. “Yes. Yes to all of it. I want to be with you
and I’ll do anything to be with you. Tell me that you want me,” Jase

Brand came in close, wrapping his arms around Jase. “I want you

upstairs. Now.”

A shiver of anticipation spiraled through Brand’s body when he

heard Jase whimper for more. They went upstairs to Brand’s
bedroom. His room was made for fucking. Brand was pretty proud of
all the toys he had in his closet ready to use on his submissive. He
took a long time buying new ones after each relationship he had. Jase
looked around his bedroom, seeing his bedroom differently.

Brand moved him to the center of the room. “Undress right here. I

want to watch you.”

Heat moved through Brand’s dick as he stepped back, watching

Jase take off his T-shirt and jeans. He groaned when he saw that his
cock was heavy between his legs and that he wasn’t wearing any
boxers. Brand came in close. He kept his lips inches away from

“You weren’t wearing any boxers. I’m going to have to punish

you for being such a dirty whore.”

“Oh God,” Jase said.
“That’s right. I am your God and your Dom now. I like my

submissives to wear boxers at all times.”

Brand emphasized the point by grabbing onto Jase’s cock and

balls with his right hand, bouncing it up and down hard. Jase thrust
his hips forward, silently begging for more.

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“Do you like that?”
“Hell yes. I love the way you fucking touch me.”
There was so much Brand wanted to do to Jase, but he had to hold

back. He couldn’t alarm him by using the chains this time. He had to
ease his submissive into the lifestyle. To do that, he knew he had to
start off easy on him. He did not want to scare or frighten Jase away.
As Brand circled around Jase, he looked over his body. He had chest
hair that tapered down toward his throbbing prick. Jase was really big.
He had really big balls, too. Brand bit his lip as he thought about
taking his submissive up the ass. He loved to chain his submissives by
the wrists and ankles to his bed.

“Arch your ass out. Don’t move.”
Brand went to the closet to change out of his clothes. He slowly

pulled on a pair of black leather pants with the crotch cut out. He put
on a black mask that covered part of his face. He wanted Jase to see
his true self when he took him on as a submissive. It was all about the
power and control he had over a submissive. Jase’s eyes went wide as
he came back into the room with a collar and chains. Jase bit his lip
and licked the spot. It was then that Brand thought about the box of
condoms he had waiting to be used. He was going to keep Jase up late
tonight. He just hoped he was ready to do everything he wanted to do
with him.

Jase groaned as Brand put the collar around his neck, sliding it

gently to his skin. He loved the way his Adam’s apple bounce up and
down nervously. Brand kissed his way over Jase’s shoulder. He had
wanted to wait to use the chains on him, but he couldn’t resist.

“I won’t hurt you. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.

Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Jase said.
“Good. I want you to feel comfortable in my arms.”
“I know I will.”
Despite all of that, Brand wanted Jase to pick a safe word. When

he was in the zone, Brand listened to his subs, but at the same time he

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didn’t always know when to back off. It was something he was
working on.

“You need to pick a safe word,” Brand said.
“Safe word?”
“Yes, something you say when I push things too far for you. I’ll

stop when you use it.”

“I think I like the idea of ‘pause,’” Jase said.
“I love it too. Stand at the end of the bed.”
With that, Brand started to chain his wrists and ankles to the end

of the bed posts. Jase was whimpering for more. The chains that held
him captive slowly began to rattle as nervous energy went through
Jase’s body. Brand loved the way his cock hung heavily between his
legs. Brand let his hand smooth down over his balls and shaft. Pre-
cum dripped from his prick. It was time to get a work on him.

* * * *

Sweet torturous anticipation went through Jase’s body as he

waited for Brand to make his next move. Tension traveled through
him as he waited for his Dom to take care of him. The chains shook as
his flexed muscles shivered with pent-up frustration. He loved the
clanking sound of the chains against the bed posts. He wondered if
they would clank when they started to make love. He couldn’t wait
for Brand to take him. Jase watched with wide eyes as he waited for
Brand to return. Brand came back with a lit candle. He lifted it above
Jase’s chest, letting the wax fall.

“Are you afraid?”
“Fuck no. I want you.”
Hot oil smeared over his skin as he felt the wax drip down from

the candle. The wax stung, biting his chest and smoothing into
massage oil. Brand’s hand stroked over the stinging bite of wax on his
chest, rubbing it into his sore muscles. The tips of his fingers moved
down over his ass, spreading his ass cheeks wide. His fingers rubbed

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over his rim. Jase groaned, arching his ass out to Brand’s touch. He
loved the feel of Brand’s fingers on his rim, stroking and pushing
against his rim.

All of a sudden, Brand’s warm fingers pushed deep into his ass

spreading him wide. He felt his fingers stroke in and out. With each
tempting stroke, Jase arched his ass out for more. Pre-cum shot from
Jase’s tip, sliding down over his shaft. He felt wet and ready for so
much more. He arched his ass out, chasing Brand’s fingers as he
pulled them from his ass. He felt Brand push three fingers into his ass,
stretching him wider. He groaned, loving the feel of his Dom taking
control of his ass.

Without warning, Brand pulled away, going back to his closet

where he kept all of his toys. He came back with a thin silver chain
dangling from the tips of his fingers. The chain looked like something
somebody would wear around their neck. Jase took a deep breath as
Brand stood before him, sliding that thin chain down over his shaft
and down toward his balls. He slipped his balls into a secondary
chain, pulling it tight. The effect was immediate and intense on his
dick as it heightened his arousal. He then slid that chain around his
hips and down between his ass cheeks, hooking it to the chain beneath
his balls. By the time Brand was finished, the chain was pulled tight
and rubbing against his rim with any slight movement.

Wave after wave of sensation went through his body as Brand

pulled on the chain, tightening it around his cock. He groaned as
Brand bumped their cocks together. Jase wanted more. Brand turned
away. Jase was breathing hard. He had to rest his head on his arm as
want flashed hard through his body. He felt weak and needy and
completely fulfilled all at the same time. He wanted more from Brand.
He couldn’t wait until he found out what he was going to do next.

Brand came back with a large butt plug. It glistened with lube in

the light. He brought a bottle of lube too. He rubbed it all over his
hands and then smoothed it down over Jase’s rim. Brand tipped that
the butt plug up to his rim, pushing it deep inside of his ass. Five

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inches of silicone spread his ass wide. Jase cried out when the butt
plug bottomed out deep inside his ass. He loved the feel of that butt
plug, stretching him wide. Brand stood in front of Jase. Every muscle
in Jase’s body was flexed and his rim contracted around the butt plug.

Without warning, Brand slipped his hands around his hips, pulling

the butt plug from his ass. He slowly replaced that with a big dildo.
The cock stretched him wide, taking him further than he’d ever gone
before with a toy. All Jase could think about was having Brand stuff
his cock deep in his ass and take him hard. Brand stood in front of
him. He pinched the tip of his cockhead.

“You will not ever come until I give you permission first. You

understand? If you do, you’ll be punished severely.”

Jase shook with nervous energy. He nodded his head vigorously

as he sucked in his lower lip and bit it hard, wanting everything that
Brand had to give him and so much more. Brand turned away, taking
the cock from his ass with a sweet sucking motion that had Jase
trembling with need. Pre-cum beat from the tip of his cockhead. He
was so wet and juicy and ready to explode, but he didn’t dare come
yet. When Brand returned, Jase arched his ass out. Brand smoothed
his hands over his ass, spreading his ass cheeks wide. He rubbed the
tip of his fingers down over his rim, moving the cock chain aside as
he pushed his thumb deep inside his. With this thumb deep within
Jase’s ass, he started to stroke his cock.

Jase loved the sweet torture to his ass. He loved the feel of Brand

taking control of him with his hands. Jase took a deep breath and
groaned when Brand took his thumb out of his ass. It was then that he
started pinching his ass cheeks. The sensation made his rim flex with
need. Brand pulled his hand away and spanked his ass. Hard. A
stinging sensation rippled over his ass cheek as Brand spanked him.
No one ever dared manhandle him before. It felt too good to let go
and have someone else take control for a little while. With each hit of
Brand’s palm, Jase’s cock slapped back and forth. Pre-cum shot from
his thick dick, sliding down his leg and thigh. Brand slipped his

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fingers over those drips, and lifted his fingers to his mouth, taking a
taste of his sweet juice. Their eyes locked as Brand’s tongue slipped
out over that pre-cum. With that, Jase nearly exploded, but he kept his
cock in check. Just barely.

“You taste divine.”
“Oh, fuck.”
Jase felt his entire body balanced on the edge. Brand came in

close, wrapping his hand around the back of his neck. Their lips
connected in a fiery kiss as Brand shoved his tongue deep within
Jase’s mouth. Their cocks rubbed as Brand dug his nails into his ass
as they kissed. He wanted Brand deep in his ass, taking him hard.
Brand suddenly broke his lips away, going back to his drawer in the
closet. He returned with a condom clamped between his teeth. He
ripped the condom open and slipped it down over his cock. Jase’s
eyes grew heavy as he took a long look at Brand’s throbbing dick.
Brand circled around, pulling the chain covering his ass aside. He
tipped his cockhead against Jase’s rim. Very slowly, Brand pushed
the tip of his cockhead into Jase’s ass. He went so slowly that Jase felt
like he was going to explode, but he didn’t. Brand took several
agonizing minutes to push his cock all the way inside. Jase’s eyes
went wide as he pushed his dick deep within his ass. Brand was long
and wide.

When he finally hit home, Brand and Jase groaned in unison. With

his cock deep in his ass, he held him tightly. Jase wanted so
desperately for Brand to move, but he didn’t. Jase started to whimper
and his arms started to shake. Jase started to bounce his ass against
Brand’s cock. It was only then that Brand pinched his ass cheeks hard
and started to fuck him like he’d never been before. Jase cried out as
his Dom took him with short powerful strokes that made him feel
claimed. He loved the sound of the chains hitting against the wooden
posts. He loved it even more when Brand cried out with a deep,
passionate growl. It was then and only then that Jase knew he was

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Brand reached around, grabbing his cock and stroking him hard.

He moved his fingers against his cockhead, squeezing. Brand’s lips
caressed Jase’s ear.

“You may come now. And only now.”
Jase flung his head back, screaming and crying out as Brand

bounced his cock off. Several white lines of cum landed on the navy
comforter on his bed. By the time they were both done, they were
exhausted and spent.

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Chapter Five

Brand felt shaky and completely hard. His cock was still stuffed

deep within his sub’s ass. He did not want this experience to be over
so soon. Slowly, he took his cock from within Brand’s ass and pulled
the condom off his stick. He loved the way Jase looked at him as
though he wanted something more. He came in close, kissing Jase
passionately. He never had a sub who tasted so sweet in his entire life.
He was innocent and completely vulnerable to what Brand wanted to
do. It was then that Brand decided he was going to have Jase again.

There wasn’t going to be any downtime between this next session.

He knew that he should probably take care of his sub more so this
time, but he couldn’t. He was too twisted up and wanted something
more. He waited a long time, watching Jase’s sexed up eyes follow
him as he moved through the room. He left the cock chain around
Brand’s half-filled dick as he went to the closet and came back with a
another butt plug. This butt plug was bigger with four tapered balls on
it. He slowly slipped the lubed plug deep into his ass and watched as
Jase groaned with need.

This was the first time in Brand’s life that he ever doubled up on

sessions. He could see the lust running in Jase’s eyes. He knew he
wanted more too. He knew that they both needed to take a little break
first. Despite the break, Brand was not going to let him out of his
chains. He was going to make him wait and until the next event.
Despite looking exhausted and spent, Brand was going to push on.
That was the sadistic part of Brand that he knew he had to rein in.
With Jase he wasn’t ready to do that right now. Brand wanted to see
how far he could push him and how much pleasure he could give him.

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Sex wasn’t meant to be a onetime orgasm thing for Brand. He was

going to show Jase how good it could be to go further. Brand came in
close, stroking Jase’s dick with his palm. He didn’t stop stroking him
until he was rock hard again. He loved the way Jase was so eagerly
ready for more. He also loved the way he pumped his hips and his
prick into his palm as Brand stroked him roughly. Brand knew that it
wasn’t easy to get hard a second time after just coming, but he was
going to teach Jase how to work his dick to his advantage. He wanted
to show Jase that he could give him more pleasure for a longer period
of time.

When he was completely twisted up and begging for more, Brand

came around slowly pulling the plug from his ass with a sucking
sound. Brand pulled the chain covering his rim open like breaking the
spine on a book. He tipped his cock up to Jase’s ass, pushing it in all
the way. He loved the feel of Jase’s ass cheeks pressed against his
hips. He froze when he realized that he had pushed his cock into his
sub raw. Brand thought about jerking his cock out of his ass, but it
was too late. He was already in. He couldn’t believe his mistake and
the fact that he had done it without his sub’s consent. A muffled groan
came from Jase’s mouth as he silently begged for more.

“I accidentally went in raw.”
“Oh, fuck. Take me! Please take me!”
“You were tested?”
“Yes. I’m clean.”
“Good, ’cause so am I.”
It was all that Brand needed to hear. He started pounding his sub

deep in his ass, slapping his ass cheeks as he pumped his hips. He
moved his hands up around the front of Jase’s chest, pinching his
nipples. He loved the sound of sweet pain echoing from Jase’s lips.
Brand reached down grabbing the cock chain, pulling it hard and wide
as he rode Jase. A strangled sound of pleasure rippled from Jase’s
lips. Brand could see that he was close to unraveling and wasn’t going

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to be able to put himself back together again. That was exactly where
Brand wanted him.

With each thrust of his hips, he yanked on the cock chain hard,

slapping Jase’s dick up and down, making his balls hit hard. He loved
the way Jase mumbled incoherently for more. It wasn’t long before he
started to come. At the last second, Brand pulled his dick out of his
sub’s ass and squirted his spunk all over his back. He moved his dick
up and down between Jase’s ass cheeks, loving the feel of skin on
skin. He really liked the feel of the cock chain rubbing him hard too.

He watched as his hot juice shot from his cock like a fountain,

hitting up against his sub’s shoulders. Brand was shaking hard as he
came back down from the wild ride. He could see that his sub was
begging for release. He came around standing in front of him. Pre-
cum dripped from his sub’s stick. He reached down, stroking Jase
with his right hand as he wrapped his left hand around his neck. They
kissed passionately with deep strokes of his tongue. He flicked his
tongue deeper within his mouth. He loved the way Jase moaned with
their kiss. He pulled his cock up and down with a hard jerking motion.
Jase cried out for more. It was only then that he came hard in his
hands. Three shots of cum hit up over Jase’s chest.

After he came, Jase completely collapsed into Brand’s arms. He

was spent. It was exactly how Brand wanted him. With his arm
wrapped around his sub’s hips, he released him from the chains that
held him captive and dropped them to the ground. He also released
the cock chain around his dick and dropped it to the floor. Slowly he
picked Jase up into his arms and took him to the bath where he started
the water. They got into the tub and sank deep into the hot water.

“You’re fucking amazing,” Jase said.
Brand chuckled. “It’s probably just been a long time for you,


Jase leaned back against his chest and Brand had the urge to hold

him a little bit tighter. He held him close, listening to the water fill the
tub and loving the feel of his sub completely satiated against his body.

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It was the most amazing thing in the whole world and he wondered
why he hadn’t ever bathed with a sub before. He kind of liked it.
Brand turned off the water and listened to the drips of water falling
into the tub. He thought about all he needed to do tomorrow with the
security team, but he didn’t want to think about it now. Not when he
had his sub in his arms.

“Do you think they’ll come back for me?” Jase asked.
Brand knew they would, but he didn’t want to scare him. How

was he supposed to make sure he protected Jase and catch the wild
wolves who hurt him? He didn’t know how he was going to do it all
and that scared the hell out of him.

“They might, babe. I’m going to be waiting for them when they


“Are you frightened of them?”
“No. When evil is in charge, mistakes are made. It’s all a matter

of time before they make a mistake and we get the upper hand.”

“I’m shocked you blew up their van.”
“I’m sure I’ll pay for that one.”
“I hope not. I can’t imagine losing you.”
Brand caressed Jase’s arms. “You’re not going to lose me. I can

promise you that.”

A shiver went through Brand’s body when he thought about

losing Jase so soon after just meeting him. How had he gotten this far
in life without loving a sub? He kissed his way over Jase’s neck. He
never wanted to let him go again. Was it love? He wasn’t sure, but he
wanted to find out.

* * * *

Jase woke up the next day with sunlight hitting him in the face

like a bad attitude. He rolled over to see Brand out cold. He got up
and stretched, heading into the bathroom to relieve himself. After
washing his hands, he headed out onto the upper deck, loving the feel

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of the morning sunshine warming his body. He looked out at the
forest surrounding the cabin and absolutely loved it. He felt incredibly
lucky to have Brand.

Today, he knew he needed to head over to his house. He needed to

check on things he’d let slide over the last several weeks. Despite
leaving his job for a short period of time, Jase knew that were things
at his house that needed to be taken care of. It wouldn’t look good if
he didn’t show up to get the mail and the newspaper.

“Hey, morning,” Brand said.
Jase smiled. There was definitely no awkward moment between

them this morning. He loved the way the sunlight reflected off
Brand’s hair. His morning five o’clock shadow was rough around his
jaw. It looked like it had several days of growth despite being just

“I was hoping to swing by my house this morning.”
Brand came to his side. “It shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll go with


“That’s not necessary. I can take care of myself.”
“I’m going with you.”
“I guess you’re now my shadow.”
“Is this going to be a problem for you?”
“I think I like the idea of you following me around.”
Brand came in close, pushing him up against the wood rail. “You

should know that I’m an excellent tracker. You won’t be able to get
away from me even if you tried.”

“Is that so?”
“It is.”
“Maybe we should make a game out of it.”
Jase could see the wheels spinning, but Brand shook his head. “I

don’t think so. I don’t like the idea of you running without me.”

“I’ll be fine. This will just be a little game for you and me.”

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“Do you always like pushing the limits?” Brand asked.
“All the time.”
“I guess we have something in common.”
Brand crossed his arms. “So how is this going to work?”
“Well, how about I run off and you track me down.”
“Are you sure you can run with that limp?”
“I think I’ll be just fine.”
“Wolf form or human?”
Jase grinned. “Wolf form of course.”
“Are you going to have a problem shifting on the fly?”
“I think I can handle it now.”
Brand stepped back as Jase rolled out his shoulders and his head.

He kicked off his boxers, loving the way Brand’s eyes moved
possessively over his body. He shook out his arms and took a deep
breath. He closed his eyes and focused on the tingling sensation in his
belly. He pictured Brand shifting and that slapping insult knocking
into his head. Ever so slowly energy started to morph out toward his
arms and legs. As he concentrated on the sensations, the spinning
started at the bottom of his feet and worked upward. This was new
and scary, but Jase grabbed onto the tornado and held on tight as he
shifted into a wolf. As all four paws hit the ground, he howled into the

Brand smiled broadly. “Nice.”
He leaned down close, giving Jase a scratch behind the ears. “I’m

only giving you a three-minute head start. You better get going.”

Jase nodded his head and took off for the forest. Three minutes

was not a very long time at all. He knew he had to try to outwit
Brand. That meant he had to get going and get moving fast. He felt a
twinge of pain in his ankle, but he ignored it as he sprinted past the
trees. He jumped over downed trees and fallen rocks and kept going.
He did not look back. When he was sure that he had lost him on the
trail by cutting through the water, Jase decided to take a breather near
a set of small jagged cliffs. He sat down underneath a ledge and

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waited. He wondered if Brand was as good as he said he was and
could really find him.

After ten minutes of waiting, Jase caught sight of Brand walking

down the trail. He was in his wolf form. His animal eyes were up and
looking around, but he didn’t see him within the darkness of the
overhang. A shiver of heat went through Jase’s body as he
remembered how Brand had licked his rim the last time they were in
wolf form together. He watched as Brand put his nose down to the
earth and sniffed around. He stopped at the water’s edge. He looked
across the water, scanning the tree line.

Jase cowered back into the darkness, hoping that Brand wouldn’t

find him. This little game of cat and mouse was really piquing his
interest. He wondered what Brand was going to do when he found
him. All of a sudden Jase felt a thought whisper through his head.

You can run, but you can’t hide.
Jase tried to clear his mind, but was having a really hard time of it.

He didn’t want Brand to catch him from a fleeting thought running
through his head. He worked hard to clear his mind as he watched
Brand find the lowest part of the river and started across. Jase resisted
the urge to jump out of the darkness and take off at a sprint. He
wasn’t going to let Brand catch him. He waited until Brand was
looking the other way and snuck out of the tree line and headed
deeper into the forest. He went quietly, trying to make sure that Brand
didn’t see him go. When he was sure that he was out of sight, Jase
took off at a run.

The pounding of paws sounded from behind. Brand had caught

sight of him and was now chasing after him. Jase didn’t want to give
up this fight. Not yet. Not until he was ahead. He turned the corner at
a sharp angle, sliding in the mud. He lost his footing with his back
legs. Jase glanced back over his shoulder in time to see Brand jump
through the air and tackle him to the ground. They rolled with Brand
mounting him from behind, trapping Jase’s tail up and exposing his

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I caught you. You’re mine.
Jase growled low. Take me.
You’re ready?

Ever so slowly, Brand eased up off of him and stuck his snout

against his rim. He licked Jase’s rim roughly, flicking his tongue deep
within his ass. The twisting laps had Jase’s dick shooting out from its
retracted position. The feel of heat pushing his cock out was at first
painful as though he was a virgin all over again. Brand mounted him
again from behind. The tip of his cock massaged against his rim. Jase
was desperate for Brand to enter him. Brand flexed his hips roughly
against his ass, taking his hips up off the ground, but still not entering
him. Pre-cum dripped from Jase’s cock onto the leaves beneath his

Shift. I want to take you as a human.
Brand shifted out of his wolf form. Jase shifted out of his wolf

form and flipped over, loving the feel of Brand’s hands holding him
down tight. He grinned broadly. “I guess you won. What happens

They were both naked, hot, sweaty, and wanting. Their hard cocks

pressed against each other.

“You know exactly what I want.”
Brand hooked his shoulders under Jase’s thighs and lifted them

above his head. He rolled his hips up, exposing his rim. His dick was
wet with sweat. Brand pressed his cockhead against his rim. He
pushed his cock deep into Jase’s ass in one swift move. Jase cried out
as passion stole his breath away. Brand put his hand over his mouth.

“Quiet, sub. Someone might hear us. We don’t want to attract

attention now.”

Jase’s cock slapped against his defined abs as his balls swung up

and down. Brand took him with a hard bouncing motion that Jase
absolutely got off on. He loved the way his Dom grabbed his wrists
and used them as leverage as he pounded his ass. Brand arched his
head back, crying out as he came hard. It was all Jase needed to feel

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inside of him. His cock exploded, spraying several shots of cum over
his chest. They were both breathing hard as they came back down
from the wild ride. Noise echoing within the forest caught them off
guard. Jase was suddenly aware that they were not alone.

Brand slid his cock from his ass and helped him to his feet. “We

should get going. It’s not safe for you here.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”
They headed back to Brand’s house and washed up in the shower.

Jase had the feeling that Brand wasn’t ever going to let him go
anytime soon. That scared the hell out of Jase. What was going to
happen if he walked away from him?

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Chapter Six

Brand was fairly certain that they were followed when they went

over to Jase’s house. As Jase packed up some things he needed for
work upstairs, Brand stood within the living room, standing to the
side of the window. He peeked out the curtain. Jase lived within an
upscale neighborhood on the west side of town. The houses were
older with some looking as though they’d been recently renovated.
This area was known for being an artsy, eclectic town that held art
fairs on the weekend. Jase came down the stairs.

“We were followed,” Brand said.
“Is there somebody out there right now?” Jase asked.
Their eyes locked. “I think there is. I just have a feeling that we’re

being watched right now.”

“My alarm system is activated. We should be okay here.”
“Sometimes that doesn’t matter. We have to leave.”
“Is it safe to go?” Jase asked.
“No. But we have to go anyway. If we leave now, we might be

able to lose them. We have to move.”

“Where are we going to go?”
“I have the perfect place where we can hide for a little while.”
“Where is that?” Jase asked.
“Trust me. I can handle this.”
Brand could see the doubt linger in his eyes. They really needed to

work on that trust thing outside of the bedroom too.

“What’s with all that?” Brand asked.
“All that stuff.”

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“It’s my things.”
“Are you moving in with me?” Brand asked.
“Yeah. You have a problem with that?”
Brand smiled. “I guess I don’t. Let me help you with that.”
He carried two of Jase’s bags and put them in the back of his

SUV. “We need to get out of here.” A tingling sensation rippled down
Brand’s spine. “Do you feel that?”

“Yeah, I do. It feels like someone just ran their fingernail down

my spine. What is that? Is that the wolves tracking us?”

“It is. We have to go.”
Brand and Jase got into the car. They took off fast. Darkness had

settled hard around the city. It was clear that whoever was out there
was now following them too.

“I don’t like this. Who are they?” Jase asked.
“We fucking need to lose them. Hold on tight.”
Brand gunned the engine and took off, weaving in and out of

traffic. He took little known back roads to the Black Forest, leading
the people who were following them to believe that they were heading
back to his place. At least he hoped that’s what he was doing. Instead
of going straight home like he planned on, they went toward Kade’s.
It was probably the safest place for them. All of a sudden, Brand
slammed on the brakes. A wall of mud and debris had fallen across
the road.

“Fucking mudslide,” Brand growled.
“What are we going to do?”
“We’re going to have to go on foot. Shit. We’re not going to be

able to make it to Kade’s. We don’t have a choice. Leave your things.
We’ll come back for them,” Brand said.

They got out of the vehicle and it started to rain. “Of course!”
“Come on. We need to go. They’re coming.”
“You can hear their car?” Jase asked.
“Yeah, can’t you?”
Jase frowned. “Now I can.”

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They headed for the cover of the forest and hit the trails hard.

“Kade’s place is too far away. He’s on the other side of the
mountains. We’ll never make it now.”

“What do you think we should do?”
“There’s an old fire lookout nearby. We’ll go there.”
“Are you sure it’s safe?”
“It’ll have to do for now. It’s raining too hard. It’s too dangerous

to be on the trails now.”

They were both a muddy mess and wet with rain by the time they

got to the lookout. Vegetation covered the ladder leading up to the top
of the lookout. Brand pulled it aside, and he headed up to the ladder
first, popping open the lookout door in the floor. Brand climbed
through and turned, helping Jase through the doorway. When he was
safely through, he closed the door, locking it down tight. No one
would be getting in or out of there tonight. Brand ran a hand through
his wet hair as he looked around.

“It looks like someone’s been here recently. There’s enough gear

to last for several weeks,” Brand said.

“Shit. I wonder if it was my brother Maddox? He had planned to

come out here and search the forest when he was looking for those
missing hikers,” Jase said.

“Looks like it. No one else uses the lookout.”
Jase handed Brand a towel and they cleaned up. Brand hunched

down, starting a fire in the stove. After they wiped off the rainwater,
they sat down near the fire.

“How long are we going to stay here?” Jase asked.
“Until sunrise. We’ll be able to make it to Kade’s no problem


“I hope the rain holds off.”
“I’m sure it will. Come here, babe.”
Jase got down on his hands and knees and crawled to Brand

without even being ordered. Jase was naturally a submissive in the

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bedroom. There was something about the way he looked at him
demurely that made Brand want to fuck the innocence out of him.

Slowly, Jase eased up onto his knees and reached for the fly of his

jeans. “May I?”

“You may.”
Jase unzipped and muscled Brand’s cock out with his mouth. He

worked his mouth around his cockhead and began to suck and lick his
throbbing stick.

“Oh, God.”
Brand eased his hands behind his hips, pumping his dick in and

out of Jase’s mouth as he sucked his prick. He never had a sub take
control this way before. It felt so fucking good to have a sub suck his
cock. Brand muscled him up against the cot, making Jase arch back
his head as his ass sat on the floor. He used his hips and thighs and
legs to pump his dick in and out of Jase’s mouth. He loved the feel of
his balls slapping against Jase’s chin.

Off in the distance a wolf howled. Brand didn’t even lose tempo

with his thrusts as he listened to the wild wolves communicate with
each other. He heard their cries and knew that they were way off their
trail. They were safe at the lookout. They had lost them in the forest.
And they were probably in the most obvious place of all. They
wouldn’t be found. Brand knew that if they knew where they were,
they would have come for them by now.

Everything felt as though it were spinning out of Brand’s control.

He had to take control of Jase before he shot his jizz down his throat.
Brand pulled his cock out of Jase’s mouth and slapped it against his
lips and face. He loved the way Jase stuck his tongue out and he
slapped it too. Brand jammed his cock back into Jase’s mouth, loving
the way he struggled to take all of him down. With little control,
Brand muscled Jase up from the floor and pushed him onto the cot.
He pulled Jase’s pants down. Brand slowed things down by
smoothing his hand over Jase’s ass.

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Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a book of poetry

on the small table next to the cot. The soft cover was perfect for
spanking Jase’s ass. Brand pressed down on the back of Jase’s neck,
putting his forehead against the cot. He worked Jase’s pants down to
his knees, smoothing Jase’s cock down the edge of the cot. When Jase
submitted completely, Brand eased back on his haunches, using the
book to spank his ass. The whack whack sound of the paper hitting his
ass was like sweet music to his ears. Heat moved across Jase’s ass,
causing it to redden. With each stinging hit of the book on his ass,
Jase made a soft whimpering noise into the blanket as Brand added
pressure to the spanking. With each hit of the book, Jase’s balls
bounced back and forth. Pre-cum dripped from his tip, landing softly
onto the old wooden floor.

“Beg for it,” Brand ordered.
“Please, please…take me.”
“Not.” Whack. “Good.” Whack. “Enough.” Whack.
Jase fisted his fingers into the blanket. “Take me! I’ll do anything

to have you! Anything.”

Whack. Whack. “Still not good enough!”
A sweet whisper dripped from his parted lips. “I need you,


Something within Brand’s heart shattered and he knew he

wouldn’t be able to put it back again. Brand tossed the book aside and
slipped his fingers down over Jase’s hot rim. Jase moaned, arching his
ass out eagerly.

Brand rubbed his fingers down over Jase’s hot rim. Jase moaned,

arching his ass out eagerly. Brand slipped his dick over his rim as he
spread his thighs wide. Brand shoved his cock in fast and deep into
his ass. The cot’s springs screamed and squeaked with each thrust of
Brand’s hips. The edge of the cot hit into the wall, banging it hard.
Vibrations went through the building. It all felt like it was going to
fall apart, but Brand knew the structure was secure.

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All of Jase’s moans were muffled into the blanket. Brand put his

hand on the back of his neck, holding him down as he took him with
short hard thrusts. He loved the way his sub urged him on and
whimpered for more. Brand reached his hand beneath Jase’s hips,
stroking Jase’s cock. He loved the way Jase’s cock rubbed on the
edge of the cot as he took his sub.

Pre-cum dripped from his tip, hitting the floor with each thrust of

his hips. Brand bit his lower lip, groaning as his balls pulled up tight
and his orgasm spiraled through his dick. He reached between his
legs, stroking Jase’s cock until he exploded. Jets of hot spunk lashed
out onto the wood flooring of the fire lookout. Brand collapsed onto
his arms, pressing his forehead against Jase’s spine just below the
nape of his neck.

“What have you done to me?” Brand asked.
“I’ve made you come.”
Reluctantly, Brand slipped his cock from his sub’s ass and pulled

him up onto the cot where he held him tightly.

Brand realized he was totally messed up for a man he didn’t even

know at all. What was he going to do when his sub decided to walk
away from him? He was not prepared to have another broken heart.
He did not want to pick up the pieces again. That was one of the
reasons why Brand had long ago decided never to fall in love again,
but his heart had other plans for him. How was he going to convince
his sub that they were meant to be together?

* * * *

It was raining the next morning when Jase looked out over the

forest. He knew that they should probably get going now. He glanced
at Brand who was lounging back on the cot, reading the book of
poetry he spanked his ass with the night before. A blush moved over
Jase’s cheeks when he recalled how much he liked being spanked

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with that book. Jase’s gaze moved over Brand’s long tapered fingers
that gently turned the page.

“It’s pouring again. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know if we should go out in it. We might need to wait

here for a little while longer,” Brand said.

“Sounds like a plan.”
“So, tell me about your work,” Brand said.
“I’m a federal prosecutor. I go after the bad guys who take


“That must keep you pretty busy.”
“It does actually. I don’t know how things are going to change

now that I know what I am.”

“Things don’t have to change for you. You just need to learn how

to live with it.”

“What if I get angry during a trial and things happen?”
“Well, I would pretend to be sick and get the hell out of there

then. It won’t be long before you learn how to handle it.”

Jase wasn’t so sure. He didn’t know how to control being a

prosecutor and being a wolf. It felt like this one part of him was now
all of him. It consumed him completely. A wolf howled off in the

“They don’t like the rain,” Brand said.
“I don’t like it so much anymore either. I don’t like getting wet.”
“Most wolves don’t like it. They usually hide out until the rain


“I feel like I’m changing.”
“You will some. Transitioning changes everyone. It’s like your

taste buds change over time.”

“How old were you when you transitioned?” Jase asked.
“For me it was when I hit puberty. When you have mixed ancestry

it takes longer to come out. The more pure the line, the earlier it
happens. Kind of like a sliding scale with the start being at puberty,”
Brand said.

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“I’m not pure?”
“When you have blood that’s mixed with nonshifters it takes a

little bit longer for your abilities to come out. Does Maddox have any

Jase shook his head. “He can’t shift. I don’t know what else he

can do. He never really mentioned anything to me.”

“Were there other shifters in your family?” Brand asked.
Their eyes locked. Jase was embarrassed to admit that he didn’t

know that much about his family’s ancestry at all. They were not like
most families that talked about everything and anything.

“It was probably my father, but I’m not sure.”
Surprise had Brand’s eyebrows lifting. “You don’t know?”
“I’m sure it wasn’t my mom. I can tell you that.” Jase paced

around the fire lookout. He looked outside as the rain continued to hit
the windows. The place would have been comfortable and majestic
had they not been hiding out from the wolves.

“What about you?” Jase asked.
“I spent most of my life denying who I was. It’s not easy trying to

be normal when you’re different. I thought I’d find myself if I joined
the military. I was wrong.”

Jase completely understood. Brand offered Jase his hand. Jase

came in close, snuggling with him on the cot. Their hands linked
together. He loved the way Brand held him close when they were
doing nothing and everything at the same time. Jase wondered if it
would always be this way. After things settled down, would they still
be together? Jase wanted them to be, but he wasn’t so sure that would
be the case. Outside, from faraway, the wolves howled.

“They’re talking to each other. They’re still searching for us.

They’re not finding us at all. It’s pissing them off.”

Jase laughed. “Better to be pissed off than pissed on, unless you’re

into that sort of thing.”

Brand chuckled. “They’re idiots.”
“Why do they keep challenging Kade?”

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“They’ve been fighting over this territory as long as it’s been


“It seems that way. He has his hands full as pack leader. You have

no idea.”

“What’s it like being in his inner circle?” Jase asked.
Their eyes met. “You don’t want to be around him when he’s

dishing out punishment.”

“Why is that?” Jase asked.
“Let’s just say that Kade has two sides to him. One good and one

you don’t want to get to know. He knows how to exact revenge a
pound at a time. It’s why he’s such a good pack leader.”

A shiver went through Jase’s body. He wondered if Maddox knew

about Kade’s other side. He wasn’t going to worry about Maddox.
Kade seemed like a good guy who could handle himself.

“Will life get back to normal for me?” Jase asked.
“Everything will settle down eventually. Once those wolves get

bored of us, they’ll find someone else to pick on for a while.”

“Someone needs to stop them.”
“I know, babe. We’ve been trying for a long time. It seems like

when we get one down two more pop up.”

Wolves howled in the distance. This time, it felt like they were

getting closer. “They’re getting closer.”

“I know, babe. It’ll be okay.”
“Will they look for us up here?”
“They won’t be able to get in if they do. The door locks from the

inside. And I doubt they could chop down the door.”

“I hope you’re right. I don’t want to deal with those wolves


“The rain will drive them underground,” Brand said.
The sound of the rain hitting the wooden roof was magical. It

lulled Jase to a light sleep within Brand’s arms. It felt like they had all

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the time in the world and none of it at all. It was as though time had
stopped and everything around them had ceased to exist. Jase loved
nature, the eerie quiet that came from being inside the Black Forest. It
was as though the forest had its own time and energy about it that Jase
couldn’t define. It was something different. Was something living and
breathing just below the surface? There was a dark energy about the
forest that wasn’t there when Jase played there with his brother
Maddox as a child.

Despite being sleepy, he sensed that Brand was wide awake,

listening to the sound of the wolves communicate. Jase trusted his
Dom to protect him at all cost. For the first time in Jase’s life, he felt
like he was handing over complete control to someone else. It felt
good to allow someone to have power over him and have at him for a

“The rain is picking up,” Jase said.
“They’re not coming for us out here in the darkness. We’ll leave

at first light tomorrow.”

“That sounds good.”
Jase snuggled in closer, listening to the way the springs in the cot

squeaked as he moved. He loved the feel of Brand’s long strong body
against his. Despite the dangers that lurked outside in the forest, Jase
felt completely safe.

“Have you ever thought about arming the wolves?” Jase asked.
“Where are we going to put the guns when we shift?”
“I guess you’re right.”
“There’s no use having weapons. That’s about the only thing all

the wolves have agreed upon.”

For the first time in Jase life, he felt as though he were at home.

He thought it had nothing to do with where he was but maybe it did to
some degree. Maybe it had everything to do with the fact that he was
within the Black Forest and everything felt perfect despite the chaos.
Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that he was within Brand’s
arms and everything felt like it was going to be okay. Jase knew that

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whatever was going to happen would happen, and Brand would be
there through it all with him. Jase just hoped that when they were at
the end of this that they would still be together and that they wouldn’t
be broken.

“You’re thinking,” Brand said.
“Can you read my thoughts in human form?”
Brand chuckled. “I wish. I can only communicate telepathically

with wolves.”

“I kind of like that.”
“Me too. So, what’s on your mind?” Brand asked.
“I’m just hoping that we make it out of this okay.”
“I know we will.”
A chill raced through Jase’s spine as the wolves howled. He

hoped that Brand was right. Some things he knew never turned out the
way that he wanted them to.

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Chapter Seven

Brand was up early the next morning, standing outside on the

wrap around balcony. He was really tired of granola bars, trail mix,
and canned food. He looked outside and watched the sun rise above
the trees. There was an eerie calm and quiet about the forest now that
the rain had stopped. It was no secret that wildlife tended to run
scarce within the forest. It was as though the forest lived and breathed
on its own. It wasn’t always this way. Over time, the energy within
the forest darkened. It felt as though there was a curse upon the forest.
A chill raced down Brand’s spine as he looked upon the darkness that
lingered amongst the trees. It was as though shadows played upon
shadows, making it impossible to see more than a few feet in certain

Despite loving and needing this forest, it felt as though there was

something else there, hiding and lurking and waiting for them to make
a mistake. Brand glanced back inside the lookout and caught sight of
Jase sleeping. He didn’t want to wake him yet. They would have to
move soon though. They couldn’t risk coming across those wolves as
they tried to escape. Brand came back into the lookout and leaned
down close to Jase. He brushed his lips sweetly over Jase’s, kissing
him awake. His eyes opened and he smiled.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Brand said.
“Morning. What time is it?”
“It’s still early. About six o’clock. We should probably get


“I was thinking the same. Do you think they’re still out there?”

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“Not right now. I’m sure they were out late last night. I doubt

they’re still out there.”

“Good. This will give us a chance to get back to the car and get


“We’re not going back to my place. We’re going to push on to


Jase nodded as he stood up stretching. They headed down from

the fire lookout and into the forest. A light mist lingered in the air, as
they headed out into the forest.

“How far is it to Kade’s from here?” Jase asked.
“We’re about ten miles out. We should be there later on this

afternoon if we walk it. If we get back to the car, it will be twenty

They made it back to Brand’s car. They were tired and exhausted

by the time they got inside and drove away. The mudslide that had
happened two nights before was cleared out to one lane, but the
hillside still looked unstable. They drove up to Kade’s driveway
where Brand punched in the gate code to get inside. Brand glanced at
Jase as they waited for the gate to open. After they drove through, the
gate drew to a close behind them and locked. Brand parked the car
next to one of Kade’s. They went up to the front and knocked on the
door. Jase looked nervous about something, but Brand didn’t know
what could be bothering him.

Maddox opened the door and stepped out on the porch, grabbing

Jase hard and giving him a fierce hug. “Where the fuck were you? I
was so worried.”

Brand did not like the fact that his abilities to protect were being

questioned. “We had a tail that we had to lose. We hid out in the fire

“I’m glad you’re here. There’s been a development you should

know about,” Maddox said.

They went inside to the living room where the other betas and

Kade were having a meeting. Kade didn’t normally call early morning

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meetings. Something must have come up. Brand didn’t like being so
far out of the loop.

“Where were you?” Kade asked.
“Our cells were out of reach within the forest. We had a tail we

had to lose,” Brand said.

“You’re here now and safe, that’s all that matters.”
Brand looked around at the other betas. It was clear that whatever

was being discussed was a big problem. Tension vibrated through the
room like a bad case of flu no one wanted to catch. What the hell was
going on?

“Anyone recognize this pendant?” Kade asked.
No one did. Maddox slipped the pendant back around his neck. “It

belonged to my father,” Maddox said. “I don’t know the story behind
it or why, but the wolves are afraid of it. When they attacked me, they
had said it was the power of the Ancient Ones.”

“Does anyone know what they meant?” Kade asked.
No one did. “There’s only one person we can ask about this, but

he’s not talking to us,” Kade said as he paced away to the windows.
“Trip, you need to do some research on this and see what you can find
out. Our enemy isn’t going to let us in on what he meant.”

“I’ll get right on it.”
“Obviously, it’s tied to the Black Forest in some way. It has to

be,” Maddox said.

“Or it’s tied to your family,” Kade said.
“We may never know the truth behind it,” Maddox said.
“We may not. It’s been a really long night. Thanks for coming on

such short notice. Get some rest,” Kade said.

The room cleared out and Brand was feeling a lot like he hadn’t

done his job. He had protected Jase. That was all that mattered. Brand
waited for Kade to speak, but he didn’t. A hard frown made his face
look harsh within the low lighting in the room. He stared out at the
forest, looking as though his entire world was collapsing.

“What do you want me to do?” Brand asked.

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“Protect Jase. He’s important to more than just us.”
“I had a feeling that he was. What is it about the Chambers family

that they want?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. There’s something about

the Chambers family that we don’t understand. We need to keep them

“How are we going to do that?”
“I don’t know,” Kade said. “I’ve a feeling that whatever’s going

on has to do with them.”

“Same here.”
“I’m still having our engagement party tonight,” Kade said.
“You are?”
“Yeah, it’s a little ‘up yours’ in the face of our enemy. We’re

going to make it look like we don’t have a care in the world.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea? You could always postpone.”
“I think it’s the best idea we have. It may draw them out tonight.

The betas are ready if they do come.”

“I think I like the idea of that.”
“Me too,” Kade said. “Be ready.”
“I will be.”
Kade was known for throwing lavish parties. He would generally

invite everyone within the community, but this wasn’t the normal
party that they usually threw. Tonight, this was all about drawing the
wild wolves out and trying to figure out how to take them down.
Brand was completely on board with what they were about to do. He
was going to be ready when those bastards showed up again. They
were all going to be ready to fight. Kade was a smart man. He knew
how to take care of his pack. He wouldn’t put anyone in danger with
this tonight. Brand was going to make sure of that. Brand was going
to prove to Kade that he was worthy of being his head of security. He
knew how he needed to protect everyone in the pack. Brand was not
about to let Kade down. They were going to take care of these wolves
tonight. He knew it.

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* * * *

As the caterer prepared for the party, Brand hung with the betas as

they worked on their security strategy for the night. From across the
room, he watched Jase help Maddox work on the fine details of
getting ready for the party. It was clear that this was a party to
celebrate Kade and Maddox’s engagement. Maddox seemed fine with
the idea that they would be drawing the wolves out too. It was
obvious to him that Maddox and Kade wanted the wolves dealt with
before they got married.

Just before the guests arrived, everyone changed for the party.

Even Brand felt as though he was getting into the festivities. It felt
good to relax and kick back and enjoy the pack just being together.
Brand was certain that this night would bring out more than just their
pack. That was exactly what they all wanted though. They wanted to
draw them out and take them down. Brand just hoped that nobody got
hurt. It was a risk they were all willing to take though.

After everyone arrived, there were about a hundred people who

showed. Music vibrated through Kade’s house. Brand got a glass of
wine and caught up with Jase on the deck. With their stolen moment
alone, Brand slipped his hand over Jase’s lower back, pulling him in
close to his side.

“Hey. How are you?” Brand asked.
“I’m doing okay. I feel like I haven’t seen you all day.”
“No, we haven’t. It’s been a busy day.”
“Do you think this will draw them out?” Jase asked.
Jase’s fingers smoothed over Brand’s leather belt, teasing their

way inside. “I think there’s a good chance it will.”

A lone wolf’s howl echoed within the forest. Brand smiled. “See?

Word travels fast in these parts. It won’t be long before one of them
crashes the party. If it’s a fight they want, it’s a fight they’ll get.”

“Exactly, we will be ready for them when they get here.”

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“I hope we will. I’m ready for this to be over.”
Brand lifted his wine to his lips. Jase looked up at him. Something

tightened within his chest. Brand wanted so much more with Jase, but
he felt as though he couldn’t have it now. Brand reluctantly pulled
away. Now was not the time to think about the future.

* * * *

There was a cold hard distance in Brand’s eyes that Jase didn’t

like. Jase wanted to reach out and stop him from pulling away, but he
knew that he couldn’t without looking needy. Moonlight whispered
down, making Brand’s blond hair momentarily glow virgin white.

“I need to do a perimeter check,” Brand said.
“Can I go with you?”
“No, I want you to stay here. I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes.


“Okay, I’ll be inside waiting for you.”
Jase watched anxiously as Brand headed down the back stairs and

into the yard around the house. He met up with some of the other
betas who were working the perimeter. They headed off toward the
tree line and didn’t look back. Wind whispered through Jase’s hair,
blowing it across his forehead. A violent wave of fear rushed up
through his body and tightened down on his throat. He wanted to call
to Brand, but he couldn’t even speak. He swallowed roughly and
turned away as emotion played through his heart. Brand had a job to
do. He couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to.

Unnerved, Jase finished the rest of his wine and went back inside

the house. He caught up with Maddox to see how his evening was
going. Kade was at Maddox’s side, hovering over him protectively. It
looked like they wanted a moment alone, so he decided to give them
some space. Jase wove his way through the crowd, getting to know
some of the other pack members. He was really just killing time until

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Brand came back. He went and got another drink, hoping that Brand
would be back soon.

After about twenty minutes bled into thirty, Jase went back

outside to have a look around. He caught no sign of Brand anywhere.
Worry had him frowning hard. He was tempted to go out into the
forest and look for him, but he did not want to risk one of the wild
wolves catching up to him. Instead, he went back inside, catching up
with Maddox.

“Hey, have you seen Brand?” Jase asked.
“No, not lately.”
“I know they headed off to do a perimeter check they’re probably

just not back yet.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s the case.”
Despite knowing that Brand could take care of himself, Jase was

nervous and wanted to be there for Brand if he needed him. Feeling a
little anxious, Jase went outside onto the back deck again. He caught
sight of one of the betas returning. He looked calm, cool, and
collected as though there was nothing going on.

“Hey, have you seen Brand?” Jase asked.
“He headed back this way about ten minutes ago,” Trip said. “He

said there was something he needed to do.”

Fear stole Jase’s breath away. He couldn’t believe that Brand

never made it back. “He’s not here. I can’t find him anywhere. He
never made it back.”

“Are you sure?”
Jase narrowed his eyes at Trip. They were wasting time. “Positive.

He’s not here.”

“I’ll do a sweep of the house. We’ll find him if he’s here.”
“I’ll go with you,” Jase said.
Jase and Trip went through the crowd, looking for Brand, but they

couldn’t find him anywhere. After they searched all the rooms, Trip
pulled out his cell phone. He dialed and waited.

“Brand’s not picking up,” Trip said.

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“What happened to him?”
“I don’t know and I don’t like this. I want to talk to Kade.”
Jase wasn’t ready or willing to talk to Kade now. He wanted to

find Brand. That had him heading back outside and down into the
forest that jutted up against the house. Jase felt as though something
out there was watching him. He stepped into the forest, pretending he
didn’t feel it and wasn’t frightened. He waited for the sensation to
increase. He was not about to shift yet. Whoever or whatever was out
there was waiting for him. Without warning, someone grabbed Jase
from behind. A hand came down over his mouth. Fear went through
his body. Who was this? Cold lips touched his ear.

“You will not alert the others. You are to come alone if you ever

want to see your Brand alive again.”

The man was serious. He would kill Brand. Jase knew he had to

follow his directions. He nodded his head vigorously.

“Good dog. I need you to come to this location.” The piece of

paper was slipped into his pocket. “Come alone or we’ll kill him.”

The man took off for the trees. Jase was not about to violate his

order. He knew that if he wanted to see Brand alive, he had to do what
this man said. Jase was tempted to go back inside, but he knew he
couldn’t. He knew that they would be watching and waiting to see
what he would do. He pulled the paper from his pocket and looked
down at the address. It wasn’t really an address at all. It was a remote
part of the Black Forest. It was almost ten miles away. It was a really
long distance for him to go on foot. Jase cut through the house and
grabbed the keys to Brand’s SUV. He got into the SUV and left, not
looking back.

When Jase got to the turnoff that the directions suggested to take,

he shut off the engine and got out of the SUV. Voices and laughter
carried through the trees. Jase knew he was going to confront the
wolves. He cut through the pathway and came to a large clearing. He
caught sight of Brand tied up by his arms between two trees. He
looked as though he’d been roughed up a little and had not gone

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willingly. Cold hard fear worried through Jase’s body as his eyes
locked with Brand’s. He knew that he would not come out of this
okay. Neither one of them would. It was obvious to Jase that they
were going to make an example out of Brand.

“Well, well, well…you came alone. I’m shocked you obeyed.”
“He’s a good dog. Bark, bark, bark!
Laughter echoed among the wolves that sent a chill of raw fear

through his heart. “Why do you want me here?”

“We’re going to make a little example out of your man. We’re

going to teach him humility and hand him back to you.”

“You don’t need to do this.”
“If Kade doesn’t relinquish his territory, I’ll start killing people.”
This man was serious. Jase was certain that he was going to start

with Brand. The man turned away, going back toward Brand. Jase
took several steps forward to stop the man from attacking Brand. He
was grabbed by the arms and a hand came to the back of his neck
grabbing onto his hair.

“You will watch and you will be quiet.”
The man circled around Brand. He pulled a whip from a bag. He

snapped it out, testing it. “You will not say anything or you will be

Jase knew he had to listen and obey if he wanted to protect Brand.

He couldn’t risk Brand’s life. The whip was cracked down upon
Brand’s back and tore at his flesh. Despite the bite of the whip, Brand
did not cry out once. His eyes locked with Jase’s and held on tight. He
was whipped over and over and over again. Tears raced to Jase’s eyes
as he watched his lover being hurt. Despite the pain going through his
body, he did not murmur a sound. It was clear that the whipping was
weakening him though. His feet started to give and his head started to
bounce. Jase knew that he couldn’t take much more of this. Jase had
to do something. He had to stop the man.

“You’ve had enough! You’ve had your fun! Let him go!”

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Laughter echoed from the group. “Oh, man. We’re just starting to

have fun.”

With that, another snap of the whip went down upon Brand’s

back. Jase couldn’t stand the sight of his lover being tortured this
way. He knew he had to do something. A cold shiver of dread raced
through his body. He couldn’t believe the fatal mistake he made by
coming alone and playing by their rules. It was killing Brand. Jase
knew he couldn’t live with himself if Brand died.

Jase fought the men who held him by both arms. It was futile.

They wouldn’t release him. “That’s enough! He’s had enough!
You’re killing him!”

“You be quiet or you’re next!”

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Chapter Eight

With each hit of the whip, Brand felt the stinging pain echo

through his body. A numbness started through his body. It was as
though he no longer felt pain, but felt the intensity of the whip hit his
skin. Jase watched his stony face with tears running down from his
eyes. Brand did not want to die this way. He knew that the wild
wolves were capable of everything and anything. Brand was still
reeling from the fact that they had managed to catch him and take him
away. Brand felt himself slipping in and out of consciousness as the
whip continued to bear down on his back. His knees gave way and his
head bounced to the side.

All of a sudden the whipping stopped. He felt his legs and knees

give out beneath him. The warmth of blood ran down the backs of his
thighs. Brand was determined to live through this. He wanted to be
there for Jase always. They continued to hold Jase as though they
were about to take him away. Brand hoped that Kade would come
soon for them. Brand’s breathing was labored as he stared at the fire
pit raging between him and Jase. He didn’t know if he was going
survive his injuries, but he was determined to for his lover.

The binds that held Brand captive were cut. He fell limply to the

ground with his face planting in the mud. Strong hands came around
him. Jase. Brand felt his lover holding him tight. Hot tears dripped
down upon his cheeks. Brand looked up into his lover’s eyes and felt
his heart swell. He knew that he would never let go of Jase again.

“You all will pay with your lives for what you have done!” Jase


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Murmurs ran through the group. Brand knew that Jase was

walking a precarious line.

“The rivers of the Black Forest will run with blood by the time

this is over!”

Jase stared down the wild wolves as though he had everything to

live for and would die for all of it. Brand was scared for him.

“You can tell Kade that this is my wedding gift to him.” The

leader of the wild pack came down on his hunches, grabbing Jase by
the neck, giving him a squeeze and a shake. “Do you understand me?
This is a warning. Kade needs to back off the Black Forest. It is ours.”

Brand struggled to his feet. He pushed the pack leader off of Jase.

He fell to his knees as he hit him. A growl sounded from the pack.
The leader of the pack lifted his hand, silencing his group.

“You will take him back to Kade. This is a warning. You will

leave the Black Forest to us. It is our territory now.”

Brand looked around at the men who were surrounding them.

They were like a bunch of wild dogs. Whatever humanity they had as
werewolves was long ago gone. They lived by rules that did not apply
to them. Jase struggled to help Brand to his feet. They staggered their
way down the path to his SUV. Brand flinched as he got into the
passenger side of the car.

“Your back,” Jase said.
“I’ll be fine. Just drive. I want to get out of here. Go back to

Kade’s. We need to warn him about what happened.”

When Jase pulled up in front of Kade’s house, he honked the horn

several times. Several of the betas came rushing out, helping Brand to
his feet. They carried him inside and into one of the guest bedrooms.
Kade came up alongside of him.

“What happened?” Kade asked.
“They grabbed me when I was in the forest looking for Brand. I

tried to get away.”

“You did your best. What did they say?”

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“He said that this is a gift for your pending nuptials. He spared my

life to give you a warning,” Jase said.

Kade looked tense. “What else did they say?”
“Their pack leader asked us to leave the Black Forest to them.

That it’s their territory now.”

“Rivers will run with blood before that ever happens.”
“Jase said the same thing,” Brand said.
“That’s not going to happen. It is ours and they know it. How

badly are you injured?” Kade asked.

“I’ll be okay.”
“We’ll tend to your wounds. I’ll send for the healer,” Maddox


Jase helped him to the bathroom. He turned on the shower. Hot

water was turned on and he was helped inside by Jase. Brand wasn’t
surprised when Jase undressed and got into the shower with him.

“I’m not leaving you. I’m not leaving your side ever again,” Jase


“That seems a bit foolish right now, don’t you think?” Brand said.
“Even if it is, I don’t care. I love you and I’m not going


Brand was shocked that Jase told him that he loved him. Brand

felt as though the words should come from his mouth too, but he had
never said the love word to anyone before. He was amazed that he
actually wanted to say them to a sub. As soon as he opened his mouth
to speak the words Jase longed to hear, Kade came inside the

“Are you guys okay? The healer’s on the way,” Kade said.
“We’ll be fine,” Brand said.
Relief poured through Brand when Kade left the bathroom,

shutting the door behind. “Help me wash some. I feel like I’m about
to fall over.”

“Hold on to me,” Jase said.

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Pain went through Brand’s back and down the backs of his thighs

as the water caressed the open wounds. Jase undressed and came in
close. He felt raw, but not broken. He knew he was going to survive
this. The water moved over his wounds, washing away the blood and
pain that he had endured. Tears fell upon his chest.

“Are you crying?” Brand asked.
“I am. I could’ve lost you tonight.”
“You didn’t. I wouldn’t go without a fight.”
“You’re going to be in so much pain from these wounds.”
“They’re battle scars, babe. They’re not my first and they won’t

be my last.”

“Why couldn’t you shift to get away?” Jase asked.
“They gave me something so I couldn’t. I don’t know what it was,

but they injected me with something so that I couldn’t focus on

“How are you feeling now?” Jase asked.
Jase’s hot hands moved gently over his chest with the soap. It felt

so good to be taken care of for a little while. Brand wasn’t a Dom
who normally handed over any control. “I’m doing better now. I’ll be
okay once my wounds heal.”

Brand’s eyes locked with his sub’s. His lips were puffy and raw

from chewing on them. Slowly, Brand lowered his lips to Jase’s,
giving him a sweet kiss. Their tongues connected in a hot caress as
their cocks bumped together. Heat raced through his cock, filling it to
the point of bursting. Brand’s balls pulled up tight as Jase broke his
lips away.

“I want to suck you off. Please.”
There was a sweet, desperate sound to Jase’s voice that Brand

couldn’t deny. “Fucking suck me. I need my sub.”

Jase got down on his knees, swallowing his dick. Brand shoved

his fingers into Jase’s hair, controlling the tempo of how he gave
head. Jase’s tongue undulated beneath the ridges of his cockhead. His
teeth scraped along that rough edge. Jase moaned, sending wicked hot

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vibrations down his throbbing prick. Brand cried out, coming hard.
Jase made a sweet sucking sound as he swallowed his dick whole.
Brand pressed his palms against the tile as his submissive pumped and
sucked his dick dry. There was a wicked gleam in Jase’s eyes as
Brand pulled Jase up, kissing him hard. Brand broke his lips away.

“I’m going to punish you later.”
“I can’t fucking wait.”
Jase helped Brand out of the shower, drying him off gently and

taking care not to rub the wounds on his back. He wrapped the towel
around his waist. When the healer arrived, Jase was pushed to the side
of the room. Brand didn’t like the way his lover was moved aside.
The healers were part of their society. Brand sat on the bed as the
healer looked over his back.

“You don’t need any stitches. Surprisingly. I’m going to put

ointment on your back and cover the wounds.”

It was a long time later when the healer left them. It was close to

midnight. Jase took off his clothes and climbed into bed with Brand,
holding him close.

“I’m not leaving your side ever again. I mean that.”
Brand didn’t want him to leave either, but how was he supposed

to stop the wolves if they kept fucking with him. Brand knew he had
to do something and the only way he could do that was by putting
himself out there again. He knew he shouldn’t have been so risky with
his life tonight, but he had to do something to draw the wolves out.
Putting himself out there for the peace of his pack had been foolish,
but it was the right move at the right time. He found something out
about the wolves that they didn’t know thus far. He found out that
they had grown in numbers. They were no longer just a few men
running around the forest. They were now an army that could take
them down.

* * * *

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Revenge was the only thing on Jase’s mind as he snuggled in

close to Brand. He waited until Brand fell asleep and then slipped
from the bed. He headed out of the room to find Kade. He wanted to
find out what they were going to do about the wild wolves. Right
now, they weren’t doing enough. Maddox and Kade were in the living
room talking quietly.

“How is he?” Maddox asked.
“He’s doing okay. He’s sleeping now.”
“He said they gave him something so that he couldn’t shift,” Kade


“They did.”
“How many were there?”
“Close to fifty,” Jase said.
“That’s an army,” Maddox said.
“It is. We need a plan. What are we going to do?” Jase asked.
Kade got up from the couch and paced away. He ran his hand

through his hair. Jase could see that he was having a hard time taking
back control of the Black Forest. Things in his territory were getting
out of his control.

“For the first time in my life, I don’t know what I can do about

this,” Kade said.

“You need to figure out something. They’re only going to hurt

more of us,” Jase said.

“Someone needs to sit down with them and talk face-to-face,”

Kade said.

“They won’t talk. You know that,” Maddox said.
“I know, but I have to try.”
“The last time you tried, they nearly killed you,” Maddox said.
“That pendant around your neck saved my life. We need to have

more of those.”

“You can’t go alone,” Jase said. “We need to go with you.”
“We don’t need to do anything. You both can stay here and take

care of Brand for me.”

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“You need to take this with you,” Maddox said.
Light glinted off the pendant as Maddox handed it over to Kade

who put it on. “Stay here. I’ll be back soon,” Kade said.

“And if you’re not?” Jase asked.
“I will be. Do not worry.”
Kade left them. Neither said a word as they heard the engine of

his vehicle roar down the road. Jase came in close to his brother. “He
shouldn’t head out without his betas. You need to talk some sense into
him about going out alone.”

“It won’t matter. He won’t listen to me when it comes to the good

of the pack,” Maddox said.

They went to the front windows to watch Kade drive away. Jase

felt helpless as he watched the pack leader go by himself.

“Independent fuck,” Jase said.
“Don’t say that to his face,” Maddox said.
“I won’t. What is it about the pendant?”
“All I know is that it was our father’s. I don’t know what the

inscription on the back means or what power it has. For some reason,
it’s connected to the forest and it keeps those wolves away.”

“Whatever mystic powers it has, we need to harness it to keep

those wolves away.”

“Trust Kade. He knows what he’s doing.”
“If he knew what he was doing, Brand would be okay right now.”
“Something happened tonight. That falls on Brand’s shoulders.

Don’t put that on Kade. He took a chance by putting himself out

“If Kade did his job as pack leader…”
“Brand’s a smart man. He doesn’t do anything without getting

something in return.”

“How do you know that?” Jase asked.
“Kade wouldn’t put him in charge of security if he wasn’t. Brand

lit the fuse to this dynamite. It’s his fault.”


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Jase grabbed his brother by the shirt, pushing him up against the

windows. “That’s not fucking true and you know it.”

“Things have gotten worse since Brand came back to the pack,”

Maddox said.

“Stop placing blame on Brand. Kade’s a foolish fuck for walking

into this trap alone. You should be stopping him.”

“Kade is his own man. He’s not going to listen to anyone. He

makes his own choices based on the good of the pack and you know

Jase shoved his brother away. He ran his hand through his hair. “I

know what he’s going into. They wanted blood. And there’s going to
be if that pendant on Kade’s neck doesn’t work.”

“Trust me, it’s going to work.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’ve seen it in action. Twice. Whatever power it has to protect us,

it works.”

Jase paced away from his brother. He was tired of playing by

everyone else’s rules. He went back to Brand to check on him. He
was still sleeping. A little bit of blood seeped through the bandages.
They wouldn’t need to be changed until the morning though. Jase
went to the windows and looked out upon the forest. It felt deathly
calm now that the rain had stopped. It was a long time before Jase
could settle down and sit back on the bed with Brand.

When he finally slept, it was a fitful sleep. He woke up with a

start the next morning. Sunshine hit him in the face with a biting
sting. Brand was nowhere to be found. Jase got out of bed, looking for
him. He couldn’t find him in the bedroom or in the bath. He went
down the hallway and looked around. The house was quiet and
everybody was sleeping still. Kade’s Range Rover was back and
parked in front of the house. Everything felt as though it should be.
Where was Brand? Where had he gone?

The truth was that Jase felt lost when Brand wasn’t around. He

hated the fact that he left him without telling him where he was going.

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Jase grabbed a cup of coffee and headed out onto the back deck,
looking at the Black Forest. It was then that a wolf came bounding
through the trees and up onto the lawn. A smile broke Jase’s lips. He
recognized that wolf. Heat vibrated over his rim as the wolf shifted
into a man. It was Brand. A smile tipped his broad lips wide as he
crossed the deck.

“Hey, where were you?” Jase asked.
“I was just out tracking those wolves from the night before.”
“What about your back?” Jase asked.
Brand came in close. “I’m doing okay. It’s better.”
“Your wounds are still raw.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“Did you find anything?”
“I found the camp where they had met last night. Nothing more.”
Brand leaned in, giving Jase a possessive kiss that made his toes

curl. Jase was breathless and his heart was hammering by the time
that Brand pulled away.

“Miss me?” Brand asked.
“Way too much.”
Jase felt suddenly desperate to have Brand, but he didn’t want to

push the issue here. Not while they were so close to his brother and
the pack leader. There was heat within Brand’s eyes. He lowered his
lips to Jase’s ear.

“Later, babe. I have things I want to do with you tonight.”
A shiver went through Jase’s body as he thought about all the

things his Dom would do to him again. He could not wait to have it
happen. Brand lifted his palm to his jaw and brushed the back of his
fingers across Jase’s cheek. He wanted to feel so much more of his
Dom, but he knew that they couldn’t have each other now.

‘I’m going to shower and then I’m meeting with Kade to find out

what we’re going to do next. Can you help me with my bandages?”

“I will. Are you sure you’re up for it?”
“I’m fine. My wounds are healing nicely.”

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“You should rest.”
“I’m not about to let them get away with what they did to me.

They were sending a warning shot. You have to hit back hard after
something like this.”

“I know. I’m just worried.”
“I got this covered. Trust me.”
Jase completely trusted his lover. He knew that he would do

everything in his power to make sure that he was going to be okay.
Even if that meant letting go and trusting his lover, he knew that he
could do that. Jase followed Brand as he went to the shower and
washed up quickly. When he was out of the shower with a towel
wrapped around his waist, Jase helped cover his wounds. They were
healing well. Jase watched as Brand dressed for the day. There was
something really sexy about watching a man get dressed for the day.
It turned Jase on.

“What’s your plan for the day?” Brand asked.
“I was thinking about heading into work for a little while.”
“Why? I thought you were on leave.”
“I am, but there are some things I need to take care.”
“What’s that?” Brand asked.
“Just work I’ve been putting off. I’ve decided to go back to work

in about three weeks.”

“It will be good for you to get back to your old routine.”
“I was thinking the same. It’s gotten easier now that you’ve

helped me through my transition.”

“I’m always here for you if you need anything,” Brand said.
“That means everything to me.”
After he worked on his leather belt, Brand came in close, giving

Jase a sweet kiss. “Just call me when you get to work, okay? And
come back here to Kade’s place when you’re done.”

“Not your place?” Jase asked.

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Brand thought about it. “Okay, we can meet back at my place.

That’s fine. Call me before you come home. I want to make sure
everything’s okay first.”

“I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
They kissed again. Jase felt like everything was finally going to be

okay. A wolf’s cry sounded deep within the forest. A chill went down
Jase’s spine. He didn’t like the sound of that wolf but there was
nothing he could do about it.

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Chapter Nine

Jase never called Brand as he was supposed to. He was supposed

to meet him at his place, but that didn’t happen. Where the hell was
he and what was he doing? Despite feeling like everything was okay,
Brand had a sinking suspicion that it wasn’t. He had a feeling that
Jase went after those wild wolves on his own. That thought scared the
hell out of him. Brand was starting to feel a little bit desperate about
the fact that he couldn’t get in touch with Jase.

He pulled out his cell phone, trying Jase again. He was dumped

into voice mail. Brand had no choice. He had to go back to where he
was taken two nights before. Brand ran a frustrated hand through his
hair. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do. Part of
him wanted to wait to see if he showed, but then again he knew he
couldn’t wait. As a former Army Ranger, he knew he had to be
proactive. It wasn’t like Jase not to check in or to tell him if he was
going to be late. Something had happened to him. He was sure of it.

Brand drove to the Black Forest and looked around for any sign of

Jase’s car. He couldn’t find it there. He undressed next to his SUV
and headed into the forest shifting into his wolf form. He strayed
away from the pathways, trying to pick up any sign and scent of Jase.
He found nothing. He followed the trail to the remote area where he
was beaten. He caught Jase’s scent, but it was several days old. He
hadn’t been here in a while. In fact, nobody had.

A heavy fog and mist hung low upon the forest floor. As he got

closer to the werewolves hideout, the fog thickened and became dense
like a cancer. The mist was like a tumor strangling out everything that
was living. It was then that Brand suspected that the wild wolves had

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put a darkness upon the forest. It hadn’t always been this way. At one
time the sound of children’s laughter echoed through the forest and it
was a family place. Not anymore. As Brand went deeper into the
forest, he felt himself getting sucked into the mess. It was like he was
stepping into another dimension.

A shiver raced down his spine. He never felt so alone or confused.

He had to press on. He knew he would find Jase if he did. He just kept
moving. Suddenly, Brand came to a large overhang. There was no
place to go. Brand walked along the rough edge of the forest where it
met the rock. He was looking for anything that would lead him to
Jase. As much as Brand searched, he felt like he wouldn’t find Jase.
He kept looking, but he found nothing.

The mist shifted within the forest as though it were a living life

form. It was then that Brand heard the eerie sound of a lone wolf
howling in the distance. It was an urgent cry for help. Brand took off
through the forest, racing for that sound. It was Jase. He was sure of
it. What the hell had happened to him? Brand caught Jase’s scent on
the trail. He tracked the scent and the sound of the wolf howling to a
clearing just under one of those jagged cliffs. It was Jase. He was still
in his wolf form. He was hurt. What the hell and happened to him?
What had gone wrong?

Brand came up to his face, licking the fur on his snout. He

bumped his head against his. What happened? Are you okay?

I don’t know. I’m so confused. I just got lost out here when I


Brand was sure that it was no coincidence that Jase was lured out

here today. There was something odd going on within the forest. It
was as though the energy that was invading it was reaching out and
taking hold of them. Even now, Brand could feel the dense dark
energy reaching out and trying to manipulate him.

Look at me. We need to shift back into our human form. I don’t

think the mist will bother us if we do.

I don’t know if I can.

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You have to try.
Brand leaned in close to Jase. They concentrated together. Brand

shifted into his human form. Slowly, Jase did the same. He was
unsteady on his feet as Brand helped him to stand.

“Do you feel it now?” Brand asked.
“No. My head is clear. What the hell was that?”
Brand reached out, running his hand through the mist hovering

two feet from the ground. It no longer felt like it had a hold on his

“The mist has power.”
“The wolves are here.”
Not even the magic of the Ancient Ones could protect them from

this curse. This was not good. Brand knew that they would not get out
of this okay. They were surrounded by the wild wolves.

“What did you do?” Brand asked.
Laughter echoed among them. “Played a little trick to see if you

would come and it worked.”

“It only worked on one of them.”
There was division in the ranks. Brand knew he needed to

capitalize on it.

“They’re here now. We won’t let them get away.”
“You’re going to let us walk away from this and not look back.”
The pack circled. “I don’t think so. It’s time that we send another

message to Kade.”

“We want peace,” Jase said.
“You want peace? There is no peace, only war.”
Brand slipped his hand over Jase’s, twining their fingers together.

He leaned in close to Jase’s ear. “Run. Don’t look back.”

Jase squeezed his fingertips. “Only if you come with me,” he


Brand knew that he had a better chance of fighting them off if Jase

ran. Their eyes locked. Something passed between them. Brand did

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not want to see his lover die. Not this way. Their only chance was to
run together. Brand squeezed his hand and they turned, taking off for
the forest. The shouts of the men behind them echoed through the
trees. They ran with all their might, not stopping until they came upon
Kade’s betas. They were ready to fight.

Jase was spent and out of breath as he collapsed to the ground.

The betas shifted and took off down the trail away from them. Brand
held Jase close. They were not out of the woods yet, literally and

“What are we going to do? They’re never going to stop.”
The sound the fighting echoed through the trees. The battle raged

on. “I have to go. I have to help my pack.

Jase clung to him, giving him a hard kiss. “Be careful. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Brand shifted onto his paws and took off for the fight. By the time

he got to the clearing, it was clear that their pack was winning. The
wolves were being drawn back. What was this power that they were
using? And what was the power of the Ancient Ones? There was so
much they didn’t understand and so much they needed to know.
Brand jumped into the fight, pushing the wild wolves away. None of
them would stop until the fight was over and blood ran through the

Brand stood next to Kade as he howled deep into the forest,

signaling the end of the battle. Kade shifted, standing proud amongst
his wolves. They all shifted together. It was then that Brand knew that
they had won this fight. But how many more would they have to win
before this war was over? Brand wasn’t so sure that they had the fight
in them anymore. Every few weeks it started up.

Brand sprinted back on the trail, finding Jase. He grabbed him,

holding on tight. He pressed his forehead against his. “I love you. I
love you so fucking much. Don’t ever leave my side again.”

“I’m sorry. I thought I could handle shifting and going for a run.”
“The forest is not safe right now. We need to go together.”

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“I was thinking the same thing. Let’s get out of here. I’ve had

enough of these wild wolves to last a lifetime.”

* * * *

Jase felt so lucky that he and Brand made it safely out of the

forest. They went back to Brand’s house. Everything felt like it was
finally going to be okay and everything was coming together the way
it should.

“I can’t believe what happened tonight,” Jase said.
“I know, babe. The wild wolves will do everything in their power

to take back control of the Black Forest.”

“Do you think it will ever end?”
“I don’t know.”
“It’s not good that they keep coming back as much as we hit them


“I know. I don’t like it. There has to be something we can do to

stop them.”

“Kade is figuring it out. Until then we just need to help him to

keep everyone safe,” Brand said.

“I was thinking the same thing.”
“Come here. I need to give you a kiss.”
Jase loved the way Brand handled him hard. Their lips connected

in a passionate embrace. For the first time in Jase’s life, he felt as
though he was home. He felt as though he had everything he always
wanted within his arms. Now that Jase had the man of his dreams, he
was not about to let him go. Brand slipped his hand down over his
ass, giving it a possessive squeeze. The tips of Brand’s fingers slid
over his rim, giving it a rough rub. Jase melted against Brand, twining
his hands behind the back of his neck, pulling him closer. He loved
the feel of their bodies melting together. All of a sudden, Brand broke
his lips away. Jase felt needy and suddenly bereft.

“Upstairs, now.”

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Brand gave Jase a hard spank to his ass, getting him up the stairs

quick. When they were in his bedroom, Brand gave him several more
swats to his ass.

“Undress, now!”
Jase bit his lip as he slowly undressed in front of his Dom. He

dropped his shirt and jeans to the floor. He added his virgin-white
boxers to the pile like a dollop of whipped cream.

“On your knees.”
Jase slowly got down on his knees, one at a time. He licked his

lips as Brand undressed. He came in close to Jase. His cock was
heavy and ready. Pre-cum leaked like vanilla from his tip. Brand
slapped his cock against his face and lips. Jase opened his mouth,
licking out his tongue. He loved the way that Brand slapped his prick
against his tongue. A groan escaped Brand’s parted lips as Jase
sucked hard on his stick. He loved the way that Brand threaded his
fingers into his hair and used his hips to push his thick cock in and out
of his mouth. Jase’s cock contracted hard.

Pre-cum dripped from his tip and down the sides of his shaft. He

wasn’t sure how long he could hold out for his Dom, but he knew he
had to try. He wanted something more than a quick blow job. A moan
of desperation echoed from the back of Jase’s mouth. Without
warning, Brand muscled him up from the floor and shoved him down
against the bed. Brand spread his thighs wide and started to spank his
ass hard. He spanked his ass cheeks, exposing his rim as he pulled his
cheeks wide. Jase fucking enjoyed the way his balls bounced up and
down against his rim as Brand smacked his ass. He fisted his hands
down into the comforter, biting the comforter into his mouth. He cried
out with each hit, looking back at his Dom who looked as though he
was losing control.

Brand licked his thumb, rubbing it over his rim and pressing it

inside. There was something about the way his Dom was losing
control that turned Jase on. He loved the fact that he had skipped a lot
of their foreplay for one quick fuck. Brand moved back off the bed.

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“Don’t move.”
Jase kneaded his hands into the comforter, trying not to move, but

it was really hard. His ass was arched up and his rim was exposed.
Pre-cum dripped from his tip with each throbbing beat of his heart. He
rubbed the tip of his cockhead on the bed, waiting for more. He
couldn’t believe how undone he was becoming for his lover.

“I thought I told you not to move.”
Jase groaned as he felt something cool move over the back of his

thighs and up over his rim. A big butt plug was pushed against his
rim. He arched his ass up as the plug was pushed all the way in. He
felt Brand twist and push the butt plug in and out of his ass, loving the
way Brand took control of him.

“Roll over.”
Jase did as ordered, shocked to see that Brand had chains in his

hands. He twined the chain around each ankle and locked them down
to the bedpost. It wasn’t long before Jase realized he wouldn’t be able
to move in this position. He would be under his Dom’s complete
control. Brand leaned up onto the bed, spreading his thighs wide over
Jase’s hips. Brand stroked his cock with his fist. With his other hand,
he slipped the ball gag into his mouth and tightened the leather down.
Jase pushed his tongue against the rubber ball, loving the way it filled
his mouth. Jase was so cock hungry. He wanted his Dom’s dick again.
He knew from the way things were going that he wouldn’t be getting
it anytime soon.

Brand slid his cock up over his chest, pumping it all the way down

over his thighs. He pulled the butt plug out of his ass as he went.
When Brand came back up, he hooked his arms underneath his thighs,
making the chains clank the posts. Brand tipped his cock into Jase’s
ass stroking it in hard. Jase cried out as Brand’s cock bottomed out.
His Dom held still for several moments, not moving at all. It was

Pre-cum leaked from his prick and across his abdomen, leaving a

trail of vanilla spunk. His starving cock bounced on his chest with

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every breath he took. Brand started to fuck him, taking him hard. He
grabbed his cock manipulating it like a joystick as he slammed his
cock home with short bouncing strokes that made the headboard bang
against the wall. Jase moaned with the ball gag in his mouth. Brand
pinched his cockhead, stopping his orgasm from mounting. He was
breathing hard, trying to control everything that was going through his
mind and body. Jase was having a really hard time of it. He was at his
Dom’s mercy, and he wanted more. With every hard pinch of his
cock, Jase whimpered for more.

“I love how you’re pinching my dick. It feels so fucking good!”
Jase was starting to feel like a pain whore, but he didn’t care. He

loved the feel of his Dom manhandling him. Their eyes locked. There
was something about the possessive way Brand was looking at him
that Jase couldn’t let go of. Their eyes held as Brand fucked him up
the ass and pinched his cockhead harder. Jase’s heart started to bleed
with emotions he thought he wasn’t ever capable of feeling. He
wanted Brand for the rest of his life, but he wasn’t sure if it would
ever happen.

Everything felt as though it were finally coming together in his

life. He never felt so whole before now. Without warning, Jase’s balls
pulled up tight and he started to come. Jase’s orgasm spun through his
body. Hot juice shot from his cockhead, firing like a machine gun up
over his chest. Jase loved the way Brand killed him with sex. Jase was
breathing hard as Brand pounded his ass, taking him with short, hard
strokes. Brand grinned wickedly as his hair fell over his forehead. It
was then that Jase felt his heart expand with love.

Brand cried out as jizz exploded from his cockhead, sending it

deep into his ass. There were both exhausted. It was a long time
before Brand pulled his cock from his ass. Jase loved the way he took
care of him. He unlocked his restraints, taking the ball gag out of his
mouth. Brand pulled him in close. Their lips met in a hungry kiss that
Jase felt all the way down to his toes. Jase was certain that it was
something more than chance that brought them together. It felt like

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something cosmic and out of his control. It was as though Jase felt
that they were meant to be together. That he was supposed to be in
Brand’s arms and always would be.

“I’ve fallen hard for you. I love you, Jase.” Brand brushed his

hand through Jase’s hair. “I should have told you a long time before
now. I’m sorry that I didn’t.”

“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Me too, babe.”

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Chapter Ten

The next day, Brand thought about the details he needed to do for

improving upon Kade’s security. As much as he tried to, he couldn’t
get his mind off Jase. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he wanted
with their future together. He loved the fact that he was settling down
with someone he absolutely loved. He hoped despite just meeting Jase
that he wanted something more with him. Brand felt as though he had
everything he absolutely ever wanted in Jase. It was time that he
settled down and had something more too. He spent way too long
traveling and running from his pack. It was about time that he lived
up to all the responsibilities in his life.

Brand caught sight of Jase working off in the distance. His shirt

was off and he was looked absolutely delicious in the sunlight. Sweat
glistened on his body. It was tempting to join him. Brand watched
him work on the neglected garden around his house. There was
something really sexy about the way the man got his hands dirty.
There was something seductive too about the way the man worked as
though nobody were watching him at all. Brand thought about how he
was planning on asking Jase to marry him. He wanted him for the rest
of his life. He was also thinking about having a few babes too. He
hoped that Jase was open to the possibility of having some. Of course
it would be nice if Jase wanted to stay home and raise them. Brand
had come from a broken home. He didn’t want that for his cubs.

Jase’s hands were dirty from the soil he was working around the

Rose bushes. Brand went up to him and got down on his knees beside

“I have a question for you,” Brand said.

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Jase wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his arm. “Oh?”
“I was hoping that you would move in with me.”
Jase blinked his eyes in surprise. “I hadn’t thought about it. Do

you want me to?”

“I was hoping you would.”
A little bit of fear went through Brand as he thought about the

possibility of Jase saying no.

Jase grinned. “I think it’s a great idea.”
Brand pulled Jase into a fierce, possessive kiss. When he pulled

his lips away their eyes locked. “I’m going to marry you.”

“You are?”
Brand nibbled his lips. “Yeah, I am.”
“I think I like the idea of you taking control of me for the rest of

my life.”

“Me too.”
“Hey! Get a room!”
Brand glanced over his shoulder to see Trip coming their way. He

didn’t let go of Jase. “What are you doing?” Brand asked.

“Coming over here to give you a message from Kade. He likes the

new security plan. He thinks it’s going to work.”

“I was thinking the same thing too.”
Trip crossed his arms and waited as though he was waiting for

something. “So what’s going on? Did I disturb a moment?”

“You can get out of here!”
Trip started to laugh and he turned to go. “Don’t forget your

responsibilities tonight!”

“I won’t. I haven’t forgotten.”
“Oh? What’s going on?” Jase asked.
“We have a plan for patrolling the forest.”
“What makes you think it’s going to work this time?”
“Because we’re setting up cameras.”
“That’s a fantastic idea.”

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“I think so too.” Brand eased away from Jase. “I don’t want to

announce our plans to get married just yet.”

“Why not?”
“I don’t want to ruin Kade and Maddox’s time in the spotlight. I’d

like for it to just be between us for a little while. Is that okay?”

“Whatever you want to do. As long as I have you, that’s the only

thing I need. We can tell the pack later.”

“It’s tradition to get Kade’s blessing too,” Brand said.
“Have you?” Jase said.
“Not yet. I was planning on talking to him tonight.”
“What if he doesn’t give us his blessing?” Jase asked.
“Then I guess we’ll have to elope.”
Brand felt as though he were the luckiest man in the whole world.

He knew that as long as he had Jase within his arms that he could
keep him protected. Brand knew that he would always be happy and
feel loved. He wanted this moment to stay perfect forever. He loved
the way the sun highlighted Jase’s hair and the way his body melted
against his. He wanted to remember it all for the rest of his life. He
wanted to grow old with Jase and have young. As a shifter he knew
that he wouldn’t age as quickly as normal humans would. That didn’t
matter. As long as he had Jase at his side, everything would be okay.

“Do we have plans for dinner?” Brand said.
“None planned. What do you have in mind?”
“I was hoping to take you out to dinner tonight, what do you


“That sounds like fun. Where do you want to go?”
“There’s this great place in town called Mateo’s. Have you ever

been there?”

“I’ve passed by a million times.”
“You will love it.”
Brand wanted to take his lover out and show him off in front of

the whole community. He wasn’t ashamed of the fact that he was in
love with a man and that he wanted so much more with Jase. Brand

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came in close, kissing Jase hard. He pulled him up from the ground.
He rubbed his thumb over his soft lips. He wanted to fuck him tonight
and wanted more than just a sweet kiss outside. He knew that if he
took it further now that they wouldn’t be going to dinner tonight.

Off in the distance a lone wolf howled, making a shiver go

through Jase’s body. “You don’t need to worry. That’s one of ours.”

“How can you tell?” Jase asked.
“With some practice, you will get to know the sounds of the

wolves in your pack and respond to them when you’re apart.”

“I hope I’ll be able to recognize everybody.”
“You will. With time, your senses and abilities will expand. Don’t

worry about it now. And don’t worry about rushing it. You’ll get

Brand felt as though he should give his sub a token of his

affection. He had a chain around his neck that he always wore. It had
sentimental value to him. He took it from around his neck and put it
around Jase’s.

“You’re mine. Forever. Don’t ever forget that. And don’t ever

disappoint me.”

“I won’t. I promise.”
Their lips met in a sweet kiss that quickly turned into something

fucking hot. He loved the way Jase held onto him as though his world
would dissolve without him. Slowly, their lips broke apart. Brand was
happy. He wouldn’t change this moment for anything.

“I’m glad I found you that day in the forest.”
“So am I. I know I wouldn’t have been able to last much longer. I

love you.”

“I love you too.” Brand brushed his hair off his forehead. “Let’s

go inside so that you can change. I want to go to dinner. I have plans
for you tonight.”

“Oh? What kind of plans?” Jase asked innocently.
Brand came in close, grabbing his sub’s ass. “What kind of plans

do you think?”

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Jase smiled wickedly. “I have an idea.”
“I bet you do.”

* * * *

After dinner, they swung by Kade’s to talk to him. Sweat dripped

down Jase’s back as he watched his Dom go to the leader of the pack
to ask him for his blessing to marry. Maddox brought him a drink.

“You look like you could use this. What’s going on?” Maddox


“Brand asked me to marry him.”
A grin tipped the corners of Maddox’s lips up. “That’s great. Have

you guys set a date?”

“Not yet. Don’t worry. It won’t conflict with you and Kade.”
“I’m not worried. I’m glad you found someone to love.”
Jase smiled bashfully. “Me too. I never thought I’d settle down

with anyone. I always felt…”

“Exactly. Like I’ve never fit.”
Maddox swung his arm around his shoulders. “Well, now you do.

When do you go back to work?”

“A few weeks.”
“You ready to step back into your old life?” Maddox asked.
Jase glanced nervously at Kade and Brand who had taken their

conversation outside onto the deck. “How do you do it?”

“It’s not easy balancing two different worlds. I’d like to tell you

that it gets easier with time, but it really doesn’t. It’s like you’ll
always be carrying a secret.”

Jase knew exactly what he was talking about. It was going to be

complicated balancing everything, but he knew that he had to try for
Brand. “Do you think Kade will give us his blessing?”

“Yes. I know he will.”
“What’s taking them so long?” Jase asked.

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Right then, Brand looked in through the window, giving Jase a

wink. Jase’s heart started to race and tears misted his eyes.

“I think he just said yes,” Maddox said.
“So do I.”
Relief moved through Jase’s heart. He did not want to leave the

family he just found. Brand gave him a little tilt of his head, signaling
that they should join them on the deck. Jase went to Brand’s side on
the deck. Brand offered him his hand, pulling Jase to his side. It
wasn’t easy facing his Alpha leader when he wanted permission to be
with his beta for the rest of his life.

Kade looked between them. “So, you want to marry Brand?”
“You may marry,” Kade said.
Kade and Maddox headed inside as Brand pulled Jase in close to

give him a possessive kiss. He was smiling when he pulled his lips

“We’ve been talking about sports for the last ten minutes,” Brand


“God, it was killing me. I thought he might say no.”
“I don’t know. Maybe because I’m not good enough for you.”
“You’re just right for me,” Brand said.
Jase smiled, running his hands around Brand’s back. Everything

felt picture-perfect. He didn’t want it to ever end. “As you are for




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, and one rowdy hamster named CJ. She also
has a pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her office.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find me on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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