Tatum Throne Hard Hits 05 Training Cole

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Hard Hits 5

Training Cole

As an American Sign Language interpreter and certified expert in
nonverbal communication, Cole Vanstone’s job is to facilitate

communication for a SWAT instructor. Life suddenly changes when
he’s thrown into a SWAT standoff as lead negotiator. Forced to
make a call in the field he’s unprepared for, Cole knows he’s in

over his head.

Master K-9 Officer and tactical instructor Bane Duncan’s job is to

train Cole for future SWAT interactions. Bane quickly discovers
that there is nothing ordinary about Cole. He’s smart, sexy, cocky,

and completely alone. Bane is a Dom, and he wants Cole as his

Cole can’t hide how he feels about Bane when they are together,
but he’s not about to make the first move. One fiery kiss leads to
an affair that spins both of their lives out of control. Cole has

fallen for Bane, but knows they can never be together. Will Cole
tell Bane how he feels before it’s too late?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 27,796 words

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Hard Hits 5

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-292-7

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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I’d like to say a special thank you to Fast Freddie who lost his

hearing when he was a young child. He was not the inspiration for
this book. He just wanted a dedication! x

For the Throne boys. xoxo

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Hard Hits 5


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Cole Vanstone was in over his head.
Rain hammered down over everything. Cole was soaking wet and

shaking inside. The spring storm pushing through Cincinnati was
punishing. Police cruisers blocked off both sides of the Roebling
Suspension Bridge. The car in the middle of the bridge was stopped
but still running.

Cole raised his hands as he approached the car, showing the driver

that he was unarmed. It wasn’t the driver Cole was worried about. His
gaze darted to the kid in the passenger seat. Cole stood on the middle
of the bridge. SWAT blocked both sides. They wouldn’t be going
anywhere without a fight. The guy stepped out, dragging his son with

They were going to try to run, but there was nowhere to go.
Little Simon’s eyes were wide with fear. His non-custodial father

kidnapped him from St. Ann’s School for the Deaf. This situation was
a big fucking deal as the kid’s mother was once an ambassador for
England. As a trained expert in lip reading, linguistics, and American
Sign Language, Cole was the only person who was qualified to deal
with this situation.

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Training Cole


The bullet-proof vest covering Cole’s chest was tight. A two-way

radio was lodged into his ear. SWAT negotiator TJ Raines was at the
end of the bridge, guiding him through the situation.

“Reason with him to let the kid go,” TJ said.
TJ’s voice was cool and calm from years of experience that Cole

would never have. Cole lifted his hands, shocked to find them calm
and steady. “You need to let Simon go.

Confusion swam in the kid’s face. He was old enough to

understand that his day was going very wrong. He tried to pull away
from his father, but was jerked back by the collar of his shirt.

The man shook his head and signed, “No.”
Cole eased slowly closer. He knew if he got close enough, the kid

would come to him. The man pulled a gun from the back of his pants.
A silver flash swung in front of Cole’s face. Cole froze, feeling his
heart sink. Cold fear tightened down hard in his gut. It wasn’t fear for
himself, but for the child. The kid’s world was never going to be the
same. Best case scenario, the father did a little time in jail. End of
story. Cole knew that things were never that simple.

“Easy now. No one needs to get hurt. Put the gun down,” Cole


The man shook his head “no” as he started to back away, pulling

his kid along by the arm. They were heading for the bridge walkway.
The gun was steady on Cole’s face.

A cry of fear tore from the kid. They started backing away toward

the bridge walkway. Cole knew they wouldn’t make it across without
SWAT taking action.

“You don’t want to do this. Trust me. Let your son go. We can

work this out,” Cole signed.

Rainwater dripped from the guy’s face. The gun shook within his

hand. He shook his head no again.

“I’m the only one who can help you out of this. Let me help you.”

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The guy looked at the SWAT team blocking both ends of the

bridge. Cole could see the desperation play out through his eyes. He
glanced over his shoulder as though he considered jumping from the
bridge. Everything around Cole seemed to slow down. He became
very aware of everything, TJ’s calm voice, SWAT’s movement, and
the rapid fire of his heartbeat. Cole’s eyes locked with Simon’s.
Understanding and fear raced through his young eyes. The father’s
hand shook as Cole crept closer. Cole knew he had to change tactics.
He knew the resolution of this situation was through the kid.

“How old are you?” Cole asked.
Simon’s eyes brightened, but quickly dimmed. “Ten. My birthday

is in two weeks.”

The father startled as though he’d forgotten the love he felt for his


Cole smiled. “Do you play sports?”
“Soccer and volleyball.”
“I wasn’t ever good at sports,”
Cole signed.
“Our team is playing in the championships next weekend.”
“Oh, wow.”
Cole looked at the father. “You must be so proud.”
The guy’s hand tightened on his son’s shoulder. He slowly

lowered the gun. Anguish crushed through the father’s face. It was
clear to Cole that this abduction had been a complete act of
desperation. Tears fell down the father’s face, as Cole crept closer.

“I bet you can’t wait to play next weekend,” Cole signed. “You’ll

see all your friends. Run around with them.”

The kid bit his lip as their eyes met. Cole sensed SWAT getting

into position to take action. The father backed away toward the edge
of the bridge. There wasn’t much time. Cole knew he was the only
one who could help this kid. It started to rain harder. Raindrops hit the
puddles of standing water on the bridge with powerful force. The
bridge was slick beneath Cole’s feet.

“I bet you can’t wait to see all your friends. Run around.”

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Training Cole


Cole nodded his head once. Simon’s eyes went wide as

understanding moved through them. The kid broke away, running
from his father. The man screamed for his son. Cole lunged forward,
stopping the guy from pursuing Simon. Cole felt his life spin out
before his eyes. His gaze dropped to the barrel of the gun pointed at
his head.

He never expected things to end this way. There was so much he

wanted to do, so much he hadn’t yet accomplished in his life. He’d
always wanted to go sky diving, and join the mile high club. He’d
never gone skinny dipping or taken that chance on love. He fought the
man as SWAT rushed from both sides of the bridge. They wouldn’t
make it in time.

Cole knew his time was over, but at least he saved the kid.
The gun swung around at Cole’s head. Cole lifted his hands to

block the blows, but they still connected with his head. Cole staggered
backward, tripping over his feet. Cement smacked against his face as
he fell to the ground. SWAT went after the father. They disarmed him,
taking him down to the ground.

Voices were around him and someone was rousing him.
“Stay with us, Cole.”
“TJ? The kid? What happened?”
“We got him. He’s okay.”
Cole moaned. He lifted his hands to his head. His hands. Thank

God his hands were okay. He couldn’t live if he didn’t have his job. It
was the only thing he had left. Sirens wailed in the distance. His eyes
grew heavy. Cole gave in to the darkness pressing in on him and
passed out.

* * * *

“Who the fuck made the call?”
Bane Duncan flinched as Chief Anderson leaned his fists onto his

desk. The man was like facing a fucking pissed-off bull on a hotter

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Tatum Throne

than hell day, Bane thought. Bane, TJ, and Trent were called to the
chief’s office as soon as the SWAT standoff was over.

“I did,” TJ said.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” The chief wrote fast and

glared at Trent next. He quickly held up the piece of paper as he
yelled at Trent. “Why the fuck didn’t you stop him?”

“He has training,” Trent said.
“With who? The fucking boy scouts?”
“He’s been helping us for months on cases,” Bane said.
“What the fuck? This shit is not supposed to happen within my


A knock on the door had everyone stopping. The chief’s office

assistant was there with a woman at her side. “The interpreter is here.
Trent is the officer in the blue shirt.”

“Thanks,” she said.
The woman went to stand off to the side of the chief. The door

shut with a quick click that signaled the second round of the fight to

“His background is as a linguistics expert. He’s been contracted

with the FBI and local law enforcement for years,” TJ said.

“He’s not a fucking cop! He’s not a fucking SWAT member!”
Bane flinched, but TJ just looked away, crossing his arms like

someone had just taken his parking spot.

“This is going to be a PR nightmare when the press gets hold of

this. Not to mention the international implication. The BBC has
already picked the story up,” Anderson said.

“He’s a hero,” Bane said. “And the only one on scene qualified to

negotiate the situation.”

“He’s also sitting in a fucking hospital injured! I do not want

Cole’s blood on my hands and I’m sure as shit you don’t either.”

TJ paced. “I’ll have PR write up his CV and give it to the media.”

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Training Cole


Chief Anderson looked out the window, running his hand through

his white hair. Bane wondered if this would be the final incident that
pushed the man to finally retire. Somehow he suspected that it would
take a hell of a lot more to get Anderson to retire.

“He needs to go through our training if he ever wants to go into

the field again,” Anderson said.

“I don’t know if he’ll go for that,” Trent said.
“You and you.” Anderson pointed at Trent and Bane. “Get your

asses over to the hospital. I want both of you to be the first thing Cole
sees when he wakes up. You’re going to convince him to do the

“What if he won’t?” Trent asked.
“I won’t have anyone unqualified working in this department. If

he wants to continue working cases behind my fucking back, he’ll go
through the fucking training!”

“Understood,” Bane said.
“Now get the fuck out of here,” Anderson said. “Not you, Raines.

You’re going downstairs to meet with London about your actions in
the field today.”

“Can’t wait,” TJ said.
Bane met Trent in the hallway. The interpreter followed them out.

“I’ve never seen Chief Anderson this pissed off before,” Bane said.

Trent grinned. “I have. Isn’t it fun?”
“Not so much.”
“Let’s go get Cole’s training paperwork,” Trent said. “I have a

feeling it’s going to take a lot of convincing to get Cole on board.”

* * * *

Cole tested opening his eyes and didn’t like it one bit. Light glared

through the window. It punched him in the face when Cole opened
them all the way. There was a lot of Get Well Soon crap in his room.
Flowers sat on every open surface. Pain meds pumped through an IV

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Tatum Throne

in his hand. Despite the meds, he still felt like he went four rounds
with the greatest boxer of all time.

“About time you came back to us.”
Trent was across the room. Another guy Cole recognized from the

department was hanging back by the window. He sat on the
windowsill. The guy was all muscle with black hair and the hard body
of someone who worked out a lot. A tuft of dark hair was beneath his
lower lip. Another interpreter, Liv, was off on the other side of the
bed. Cole recognized the woman as a newbie fresh out of college.
Cole hated how he suddenly felt pushed to the outside of the

Cole lifted his right hand and signed as he said, “What the hell are

you doing here, Trent?”

“Checking on you. How are you doing?”
Cole had a hard time meeting their eyes. He didn’t like feeling so

helpless. “I’m doing okay. How’s the kid?”

“He’s good. With his mom,” Bane said.
Cole’s heart raced in a funny way when he looked at the guy with

Trent. He lifted his hand, feeling the bandages on his head. He signed
as he spoke, “When can I get out of here?”

“Soon. I wanted to introduce you to Bane Duncan. He works as a

K-9 officer and SWAT. He does a lot of training for us.”

Bane came to stand beside Trent near the bed. With him so close,

Cole could see the deep stormy green color of his eyes. With the
shifting sunlight fading behind a cloud, Cole could see the color of his
eyes deepen to a passionate green.

“Nice to meet you.”
“Same. Sorry it has to be under such unfortunate circumstances,”

Bane said.

“Bane works with training officers in tactical self-defense. He’s a

certified use of force instructor. He’s going to be training you,” Trent

“Excuse me?”

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Training Cole


“Chief Anderson won’t let you back into the field with me until

you’ve gone through training,” Trent said.

“Newsflash, jackass. No one at the department likes it when one

of their own is injured,” Trent said.

Cole felt scared and oddly wounded inside. He didn’t like the idea

of fear ruling his life. He didn’t like the idea of the police department
ruling his life either. He preferred to be on the outside looking in.

“It’s our way of keeping you safe,” Trent said. “And covering our

collective asses.”

“Let me help you through this,” Bane said. “Once your mandatory

training is over, you can get back to the job you love.”

Trent crossed his arms. “If you want to work with me ever again

or the department, you better do the training. Chief Anderson isn’t
happy with any of us for putting you out there today.”

A thick binder was taken from Trent’s messenger bag and handed

over to him. Cole reluctantly took the binder.

“What’s this?” Cole asked.
“Everything you need to do to qualify to work with me again,”

Trent said.

It looked like six months’ worth of work. “How long is this going

to take?”

“Not as long as you think,” Trent said. “We need you to take the

Academy test. You can take it as soon as you feel up to it.”

“What’s your background in?” Bane asked.
“I have a master’s degree in linguistics and a minor in American

Sign Language. I’m a trained expert in nonverbal communication. I
work several cases a month for the FBI as a certified expert. I’ve been
through the bureau’s training.”

“And you’re my interpreter,” Trent said.
“I only take on interpreting work with law enforcement.”
“So, are you game for some more certification?” Trent asked.
Cole let out a sigh. “Fine. When?”

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Tatum Throne

“Call me when you’re well enough and ready to start,” Bane said.
“Is there anyone you want us to call for you?” Trent asked.
Cole’s family was way out of town and way out of his life. He

shook his head as he signed. “No. There’s no one.”

A frown played overtime on Trent’s face. There were a lot of

unasked questions about why there wasn’t anyone at the hospital
checking on him.

“Need a ride?” Trent asked.
“I’ll be okay.”
“Feel better,” Trent said.
Cole took Bane’s card that was handed to him, but he couldn’t

meet those devastating green eyes again. They made him feel
vulnerable and whole at the same time. When Cole looked in Bane’s
eyes, he wanted to trust him completely. Everyone left, leaving Cole
feeling all bungled up inside. Tears flooded his eyes as he thought
about the gun that had been pointed at his head.

He glanced toward the windows and saw his reflection. Bruises

shadowed half his face and a white bandage covered the other half of
his face. He did not look good. Cole swung his legs out of bed, testing
them. He hit the call button for the nurse. He was getting the hell out
of there right now.

Two hours later, Cole was sitting in a cab going home. His head

was rocking something fierce, but he didn’t want to take the pain pills
they’d given him. They made him feel groggy.

The house was quiet under the moonlight. Home looked really,

really good. He paid the cabdriver and headed up the long walkway to
his wraparound porch. He unlocked the door and went straight
upstairs to go to bed. He was beat. Cole emptied his pockets, dumping
his cell phone, wallet, and keys on the nightstand. He dropped Bane’s
business card on top of his wallet. Cole kicked off his shoes and
pulled his shirt over his head, before falling softly into bed. He
thought about Trent’s ultimatum as his eyes grew heavy. Maybe it
was time for him to move on? Maybe he was a little too close and had

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Training Cole


lost all perspective? Cole took a really long blink and didn’t feel like
opening his eyes again.

Cole gasped awake. His heart hammered in his chest. He was flat

on his back and the room was completely dark. He grabbed at his
chest, feeling only smooth skin beneath his palms. The nightmare
continued to chase after him despite the physical reassurance that he
was okay. The sound of the gun firing continued to echo within his
mind. Sweat slicked Cole’s body, causing the sheet twisted around
him to stick. Cole shoved the sheet aside as he sat up. He ran his
hands down his face, trying to push the last few moments of the
dream away. He wasn’t one to be afraid of the dark or even of a little
nightmare. That was before he was thrown into the middle of a
SWAT standoff. Cole glanced at his clock on the nightstand. It was a
little before midnight. He reached for Bane’s business card, flipping it
over in his hands several times. The motion of the card within his
hands gave him an odd sense of peace and control. It was late,
probably too late to be calling someone he didn’t know well at this
hour. Officer Bane Duncan probably had a family at home.

Cole got out of bed and walked to the window, clutching the card

in his hand as though it were a lifeline. Right now, he was feeling
really alone. He’d give anything to have someone hold him as he fell
back to sleep. He was going to have to settle for calling Bane.

Darkness pressed against the window. He looked down at the card,

brushing his thumb over the glossy print. He should probably wait
until morning, but he was going to call the officer now. Cole crossed
the room and reached for his cell phone on the nightstand, dialing
Bane’s number. Nerves had him pacing back to the window
overlooking his back yard. He pressed his sore forehead to the cool
glass, closing his eyes as he listened to the sound of Officer Duncan’s
phone ringing. To Cole’s surprise, he picked up a few seconds later.

“This is Duncan,” he said.
The sound of Officer Duncan’s sleepy voice was like a salve on a

very raw wound. “Can we start on Friday?” Cole asked.

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Tatum Throne

“Cole? Are you okay?”
Cole closed his eyes, drinking in the sound of the officer’s deep

voice. It reminded him of hot chocolate on a cold day, warm and very
smooth. “I’m good.”

“You wouldn’t be calling so late if everything were okay.”
“I didn’t wake your family, did I?” Cole asked.
“No. I live alone. What happened?” Duncan asked.
“Damn. Do you want to talk about it?”
Cole sighed, walking back to bed with the phone. He sat back

against the headboard, pulling the covers up over his legs. “It was

“About the incident on the bridge?”
“The first forty-eight hours are usually the worst for flashbacks.”
“What do you think will help?” Cole asked.
“Talking it through with someone. So, you’re making a good start

of it with me.”

Cole felt the need to explain. “I wasn’t afraid for myself out there.

I was worried about the kid.”

“We all were, but you saved the day. Remember that tonight when

you’re falling asleep. Don’t think about all the what-ifs. Think about
how happy that kid is to be with his friends and his mother.”

“Is there someone there with you?”
Cole flipped Bane’s business card around. “No. I live alone. I’m

feeling better now.”

“You sure?”
“I just needed to clear my head,” Cole said.
Duncan sighed into the phone. “Are you sure you’ll be up for

training with me?”

“I’ll be ready.”

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Training Cole


“I have time to work with you Friday morning. Around ten. Meet

me in the training center,” Bane said. “You should know, the media is
all over this story. You’re a fucking international hero.”

“Okay, good to know. I’ll see you then.”
“One more thing…sleep well tonight, Cole. You deserve it.”
“I will.”
Cole hung up the phone, feeling as though his life had gotten

sidetracked permanently and sucked inside out. He was putting all his
trust in Bane Duncan to make things right. With Bane Duncan on his
mind, Cole slid his cell phone back onto the nightstand. He curled up
under the covers, clutching Bane’s card. He imagined Bane’s strong
arms holding him tightly as he fell asleep. Cole looked down at
Bane’s card. Master K-9 Officer Bane Duncan was his golden ticket
back to his life. He couldn’t wait to get this training over with.

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Tatum Throne

Chapter Two

Four days later, Cole walked into district headquarters for his

training with Bane. He’d breezed through the police academy training
books and taken the test at the Academy. Now, he was onto the
physical aspect of things. Bane was his go-to guy for that.

Cole’s blue Nike jacket was zipped up high to hide the bruises on

his neck. He was still feeling shaken up inside and out from the near
miss with the kid. Cole passed by the offices. He was getting a lot of
looks and nods that gave him the support he desperately needed to
feel inside.

Cole cut through the building and downstairs to the training center.

The training center was a state of the art facility with the latest and
greatest equipment used to build officers. Cole hovered outside in the
glass walkway, watching the class underway. He wasn’t anything like
these officers in training.

Rock music pumped inside the center. Bane was up at the front,

running the class with another instructor. Footsteps coming down the
walkway had Cole glancing over his shoulder. Trent was headed
down the glass walkway with his head buried in his cell phone. At the
last second, Trent glanced up seeing Cole standing by the doors. He
put his cell phone away.

Cole lifted his hands and signed, “Hey, miss me yet?”
Trent groaned. “You wouldn’t fucking believe how much I miss

you. I feel like I have to be on my best behavior around Liv. Hey, I
have a question about a sign.”


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Training Cole


Trent lowered his voice and came in close. “What’s the sign for


Cole grinned. Over Trent’s shoulder he saw Bane watching him

closely. “It’s going to cost you.”

“Stop fucking around and just tell me. I have to get to a meeting.”
Cole lifted his left hand and made a fist. He made a letter U with

his right hand. With the U he rubbed his fingers over his fist, circling
the top of his fist. Cole parted his mouth, pressing his tongue out from
behind his teeth. To drive the point home, Cole let his eyes go dreamy
as though the U was lapping the rim of someone’s anus.

Trent chuckled. “God, I’ve missed you. Thanks.”
Trent headed back up the walkway, but stopped. “We’re going to

go to the brewery Saturday night. You’re coming out with us.”

“Sounds fun.”
“Bane’s going, too. We’ve already decided that you’re coming out

with us.”

He was about to protest, but Trent turned walking away. The rat

bastard made that move on purpose. He didn’t want an argument with
Cole about why he couldn’t go. Cole glanced back inside the training
center. Class was over. Bane was talking to some of the guys, but his
gaze cut to the windows where he saw Cole standing outside. As the
class cleared out, he came over to the center’s doors. He opened them
up and leaned out into the walkway. Up close, Cole could see the
deep cleft in his chin and a five-o’clock shadow darkening his strong

“Are you going to come inside?” Bane asked.
“Thinking about it.”
“I promise that I’ll go easy on you.” He grinned and paused for

effect. “The first time.”

“Just be careful of my hands. I need those for work.”
Bane smiled. “Any other place on your body I need to watch out


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The corner of Cole’s mouth ticked up as he thought about it. “Just

the standard issued.”

“I’ll be gentle with you.” Bane held open the door, and Cole

followed him inside. “Are you feeling up to training today?”

“I’m ready to get this over with to get back to work. So you train

officers in self-defense?”

“I do. I also work as part of a multiagency task force with the US

Marshal Service as part of their K-9 division.”

“You sound busy.”
“I am. Like most officers we have ancillary duties within the


“How so?” Cole asked.
“Well, the SWAT team is made up of many officers, detectives,

and lieutenants. SWAT trains twice a month to keep their skills fresh.
K-9 is often called out as part of SWAT and high-risk evidence

“I didn’t realize how much you guys multitask.”
“At the end of the day it saves the department money. You ready

to get to work?” Bane asked.

“Let’s do it.”
They started off easy with Bane showing Cole basic self-defense

with knives and weapons. They built on each move with Bane
pretending to be the attacker. Cole used the moves to fight him off.
Bane pretended to stab him with the knife. Cole sidestepped the attack,
striking Bane’s arm. They repeated the moves over and over.

“If they have a gun or knife, jump to the side, grabbing the wrist.

Like this.” Bane demonstrated using Cole’s wrist. His grip was firm
and hot. “Throw your body into the move.”

Cole felt like the moves were coming slow.
Sweat dripped off of Cole’s brow as he went over the complicated

arm moves Bane demanded to follow up on the attacker. Cole used
Bane’s muscled chest as a striking point.

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Training Cole


“Give yourself time. You’ll get this. Here, let’s try something else

for a while.”

Bane grabbed him from behind, locking his arm around Cole’s

neck. Heat seared over Cole’s back and ass as Bane’s hard body
pressed in close from behind. Cole froze as Bane’s breath brushed
over his ear. Cole’s eyes fluttered closed as he felt the heat of Bane’s
body on his and the beat of Bane’s heart through his chest. All of a
sudden, Cole had trouble swallowing and breathing when they were
so close.

“Fight me off.”
Cole’s heart tripped as though he’d fallen down a flight of stairs.

He didn’t know if Bane was gay. In fact, there was a good chance that
he wasn’t. Crushes burned hotter than the sun and faded fast. Most
times, it left Cole feeling like he couldn’t move on after he fell hard
and fast for someone who wasn’t gay. The outline of Bane’s flaccid
cock pressed against Cole’s ass cheek. Cole reached for Bane’s arm,
trying to regain the balance he was no longer feeling inside. He
desperately wanted to get away from Bane.

“Fight me off.”
He didn’t want to fight the desire rushing through his blood. Cole

arched his ass back, rubbing it against Bane’s cock. It felt so wrong,
but he couldn’t resist the temptation to feel more.

“Cole? What’s wrong?”
Heat flooded Cole’s body, landing solidly in his cock. His prick

flexed hard against his boxers and finished by doing a high kick
against his waistband. Bane would know instantly he had a raging
hard on if they dropped to the mats to ground fight.

“Let go of me.”
“No. Fight me off.”
Bane dragged Cole off his feet. Panic rushed through Cole’s body.

He was not about to let Bane know that their sudden physical

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connection was turning him the fuck on. Despite Cole’s protests,
Bane wouldn’t let him go. The heat of his body seared through his

“I won’t hurt you. Fight me off,” Bane said.
Cole was frozen in place.
“You have to think. Don’t let fear take over. You have to be ready

to fight for your life if necessary.”

With every beat of Cole’s heart, he felt the quick tick-tick of his

hard prick. He resisted the urge to adjust. “I can’t.”

“Not an option.”
Bane forced him down onto the mat, flipping him over. Cole

instinctively started to fight him off, by grabbing the front of Bane’s
T-shirt. Bane straddled him, grabbing Cole by the front of his shirt.

Their eyes locked. Surprise moved over Bane’s handsome face.

Cole’s throbbing prick was sticking up at an angle between Bane’s ass
cheeks. A shiver went through Cole’s body as Bane’s legs straddling
his hips locked down tighter. Bane flexed his hips forward, rubbing
his ass over Cole’s cock. The movement of Bane’s ass awakened
something dark and sensual deep inside. Cole felt his cock kick out,
making his balls pull up tight against his prick. He wanted to rock
their cocks together in a very private place.

“Fuck,” Bane cursed, hopping off of Cole. He walked off, running

a hand through his hair. This was pretty much what Cole expected.
Their training was probably over for the day, if not forever. Bane
paced around the room as though he’d just caught the gay. Cole knew
what was coming and didn’t want to be there for the play-by-play
recap of the accidental moment they shared.

Cole sat up, adjusting his cock. “Sorry about that.”
Bane continued to pace like he didn’t know what he was going to

do next. Cole ran a hand through his blonde hair. “Look, I didn’t
mean for my dick to misbehave.”

“Don’t say anything.”

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The order had Cole snapping his mouth shut, but not for long. “It

won’t happen again.”

“I told you not to say anything.”
There was heat and emotion in Bane’s voice. Cole had had

enough of the day. He felt his cock deflate fast as he stood. He
grabbed his gym bag and started for the locker room. “I think I’ve had
enough for today. Thanks. I understand if you don’t want to keep
things up.”

Bane followed him into the locker room, slamming the door and

locking it behind. “Cole.”

“We can call it good. All I need you to do is sign off on things

with Chief Anderson.”

“No, really. It’s okay. I understand. I don’t want to make this any

more awkward than it already is for both of us.”

“It’s fine.”
“Will you just listen to me for a minute?”
Cole dropped his bag on the wooden bench between the lockers.

He closed his eyes. He loved the sound of his name on Bane’s deep
voice. What the hell was wrong with him? There was no way
anything could ever happen between them. There were strict policies
within the department about no dating. Even as a contracted employee,
Cole was subject to the same policies and procedures that the officers
he worked with were.

“I’m listening,” Cole said.
Bane came in close. He was taller and stronger and sexier than

anything Cole could ever be. It hurt to look at someone so beautiful
and to know that it would never, ever be happening. Cole looked
away. His back was up against the lockers. He felt trapped and
cornered by Bane.

“Look at me.”

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He didn’t want to. He couldn’t control his physiological response.

Slowly, Cole lifted his eyes to Bane’s green eyes. It was then that he
saw the flecks of blue in them. Bane came in closer. All the air went
out of Cole as he tried to step back further, knocking his shoulders
against the lockers.

“What are we going to do about this?” Bane asked.
“There’s nothing to do.”
“My job is to train you.”
“I get that. We can call the training done. It’s no big deal. Chief

Anderson just wants to make sure I’m solid in the field.”

“Shut up for a minute.”
“Why? I get that there’s nothing going on here. It was an

accidental hard-on. We don’t need to talk about it.”

“Cole. Close your mouth.”
“Why? You don’t…”
A frustrated groan tore from Bane’s mouth as he pressed his lips

to Cole’s. Surprise shuddered through Cole’s body as Bane took the
kiss fast and deep, owning and controlling his mouth with his
powerful lips. The pressure of Bane’s mouth had Cole instinctively
parting his lips for more. A groan of approval sounded from Bane as
he flicked his tongue across Cole’s lips. He loved the feel of their
mouths locked together. Their tongues flicked, rolling and dancing.
Their hips rocked, causing their cocks to rub against each other.

Bane sexed Cole’s mouth as lovers did who were really

comfortable with each other. Cole dipped his fingers into Bane’s hair,
pulling him closer and closer so that nothing was between them. A
spinning sensation started in the pit of Cole’s stomach. He knew he
was falling hard for a man who he didn’t know.

* * * *

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Bane’s hard cock pressed against the hard line of Cole’s. They

were like two soldiers preparing for a long drawn-out battle Bane had
never experienced before with a man. Oh, he’d been there lots of
times with women and the sex always left him feeling empty inside.
Now, he understood why those interactions had left him wanting more.
He had always needed a man.

Wet. Hot. This was the most intense and erotic kiss Bane had ever

experienced. Their tongues tangled in long licking strokes. Bane
smoothed his hand down to Cole’s ass, grabbing it hard. He slipped
the tips of his fingers up between Cole’s ass cheeks. If he reached a
little higher, he’d be touching Cole’s rim. That thought alone nearly
made Bane come. He’d never fingered a guy before. Desperation had
him wanting to fucking play with Cole for a very long time.

He wanted to find Cole’s sweet spots and play with them until

they were both so twisted up they had to have sex. A moan escaped
from Cole’s mouth as Bane slid the tips of his fingers higher. Bane’s
cock flexed hard. Pre-cum wept from the tip of Bane’s cock. He
shuddered. He was so close to coming after one kiss. As a Dom, he
usually had better control over his emotions when fucking around.
This time was different. This was so unlike anything he’d ever
experienced before. This time he had his first taste of a man. All he
could think about was having more and taking more.

Bane flicked his tongue with Cole’s, loving the feel of their

mouths dancing together. He wanted this kiss to go on forever, but
Bane knew it was time to come up for air. They shouldn’t be doing
this here and now. With his head spinning, Bane reluctantly pulled his
lips away from Cole’s with a sucking wet sound. It sounded like sex
and it felt like it, too. Nothing had ever felt so right to Bane before
this moment in his life. He looked down at Cole’s puffy lips and his
stunned face. He had to have another taste.

Cole murmured something seductive as Bane took a deep breath

and dove in again for more. Their breaths were racing in and out of
their nostrils as though they were two charging racehorses.

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Cole pushed against Bane’s body, wanting and eager for more.

Bane muscled him up hard against the lockers when he started to push
away. A loud bang sounded as their bodies slammed home. Bane
licked his tongue over Cole’s, flicking and probing it hard. Their lips
moved faster the second time and their tongues went wild. All Bane
could think about was getting Cole strapped down and fucking him in
the ass. He could almost hear the slap, slap sound of their bodies in
his mind.

Bane didn’t want to pull away, but he knew he had to or he wasn’t

ever going to stop kissing Cole. He broke his lips away from Cole’s.
Bane looked down at Cole’s parted and red puffy lips. He loved the
fact that he messed Cole up so thoroughly. Cole’s eyes were heavy
lidded when he opened them to Bane’s. He loved how he put that
dreamy look in Cole’s eyes.

Frustration tightened Bane’s balls up close to his body, making

pain sing through his prick. Bane was very aware of the fact that his
hand still possessively gripped Cole’s ass. Slowly, he released his
seductive hold, sliding his hand up Cole’s hip and side.

Passion had Bane’s heart racing away. Bane blinked hard, seeing

Cole for the very first time. His blue eyes were the lightest blue he’d
ever seen. A streak of copper highlights were stacked in the natural
layers of his white blond hair. Dark bruises were scattered across his
skin from his fall on the bridge.

This was the first time Bane ever kissed a man. He had wanted to

for a very long time, but the opportunity never presented itself with
anyone. He didn’t get on with women and now he knew why. Deep
down he always knew he’d been gay, but now he really knew. Like
really, really knew the truth of his fantasies and desires.

Bane hadn’t meant to kiss Cole. It just happened out of

desperation to get the man to listen to reason and to shut his mouth for
two minutes. The powerful connection that followed wasn’t
something Bane ever intended.

“This is going to be a problem,” Bane said.

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“It doesn’t have to be.”
“It will be. I’m training you as part of your job with the

department. That’s a big conflict of interest.”

Bane paced away, trying to get control of his emotions but failing

miserably. He didn’t regret the kiss they shared. They couldn’t be
sneaking around the department like high school kids.

“It’s okay. I get it.”
“Do you?” Bane leaned back against the lockers opposite Cole. “I

just can’t. We can’t sneak around. I don’t want to jeopardize what we
have going on.”

Cole turned around, getting into his gym bag. He pulled out a pair

of jeans and a fresh shirt. “No problem. Nothing will happen here

Bane ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Okay. We’re good


“Yeah. Perfect.”
“Good. I’ll let you change.” Bane started to leave, but stopped. He

froze when he saw Cole pull his shirt over his head. His chest muscles
rippled. Dark blond hair covered his chest. “Hey, I’m picking you up
tomorrow night.”

“What for?” Cole asked.
“We’re going to the brewery, but we’re going to take a walk

across the RBS first.”

“You don’t need to pick me up.”
“Trent mentioned that you live near me on the eastside. I don’t

mind. You’re along the way.”

Bane had a hard time keeping his eyes from venturing south on

Cole’s chest. His nipples were dark brown and pebbled hard. His skin
was smooth and perfect, unlike what was hidden beneath Bane’s
clothes. A picture of Cole spread and tied naked with his ass in the air
snapped into Bane’s mind. He saw his balls hanging low like a sweet
peach ready to be licked and sucked. He imagined the long length of
Cole’s cock brushing the top sheets of his mattress. A strangled sound

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tore from the back of Bane’s throat when he imagined leaning down
and fucking Cole’s rim with his tongue. He coughed, looking away.

“I’ll pick you up at seven.”
The locker room door slammed shut behind Bane. Cool air

blowing down from the vents in the training center slapped Bane in
the face as he stood next to the locker room door. His cock throbbed
hard for release. The image of Cole tied to his bed was burned onto
his mind. He wanted to spank Cole’s ass until he was begging for
more. He wanted to go there with Cole, but he knew it wasn’t the
right time or place. They had to keep things professional. He just
wasn’t sure how that was going to happen when they had to be so
close to each other for the next few weeks.

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Chapter Three

Bane was feeling romantic as he stood beneath the golden lights

of the Roebling Suspension Bridge. He had purposely parked on the
other side of the Ohio River in Kentucky so that they could walk
across the RBS to the brewery.

“Why are we doing this?” Cole asked.
“It’s part of your training.” Bane walked ahead of Cole on the

pedestrian sidewalk. “Revisiting a scene can trigger a fear response. I
want to know how you’re feeling.”

“I’m good.”
Their eyes locked. Bane loved the way the golden lights set his

hair on fire. He never noticed those strawberry-blonde tints before.
“You’re lying to me.”

Having a nice evening out should’ve been the only thing on

Bane’s mind as he walked with Cole across the RBS. Despite Cole’s
protests that he was fine, Bane knew that he wasn’t. He was distant
and shell shocked from the standoff. It was about eight in the evening.
Not quite the same time Cole had been called in to help them, but
close enough.

“It’s normal to be afraid after being involved in a workplace

situation. That’s common.”

“It doesn’t feel normal to me. I used to sleep with my windows

open at night. I’m not used to feeling so helpless.”

“It’s going to take time.”
“I know.”

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They stopped midway down the bridge. They were about in the

same spot the standoff took place. Cole’s gaze went to the middle of
the bridge.

“I thought for sure he was going to jump with the kid,” Cole said.
“I did too.” Bane stepped closer. “You saved both of their lives.”
“It was dumb luck.”
Bane shook his head, disagreeing with Cole. “Luck has nothing to

do with what we do in the field.”

“If it’s not luck, what is it?” Cole asked.
“Good police work.” Bane smiled. “Do you feel safe now?” Bane


“With you, I do.”
Their eyes locked. Something clicked deep inside Bane’s heart.

He felt suddenly possessive of the man standing across from him.

“I can’t be with you all the time. When do you start back up with


“Monday, if Chief Anderson clears it. I’m ready to get back to

work. I don’t like not working.”

“Work will be a good distraction for you.”
“I know. I’m just feeling out of control. Like my life has been

yanked hard to the right.”

Bane could hear the pain in Cole’s voice. Cole was judging

himself harshly. There was doubt and fear in Cole’s voice too. Cole
was blaming himself for what happened in the field. A group of teens
walking down the sidewalk caused Bane to have to step closer to Cole
to let them pass. After the kids passed by, Bane didn’t move back. He
stayed close to Cole as they leaned against the railing of the bridge.
Rough waves of the Ohio River crashed up against the flood walls on
the Cincinnati side of the river.

“You did the best you could with the tools you had at the time,”

Bane said. “You saved that kid’s life.”

A wry grin twisted Cole’s lips. “Now, I have better tools.”
“Add a little self-confidence and you’ll be perfect.”

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Cole gasped. “You don’t think I’m perfect now?”
Bane liked the way Cole smiled. “Everyone has room for


“Listen to you, Dr. Improvement. You should have your own

television show.”

Bane laughed. “I’ll settle for being the evil genius behind the


Their eyes caressed. Light from the street lamps turned Cole’s

blond hair golden. “We should get over to the brewery. They’re going
to wonder where we are.”

Sexual tension undulated between them as they headed across the

bridge. Bane felt hyperaware of Cole’s presence at his side. He could
feel his body heat as they walked side by side.

“Are you worried about people wondering about us?” Cole asked.
“Not really. Are you out?”
Cole grinned. “What do you think?”
“I’m guessing you don’t make a big secret out of it.”
“Nope. I never guessed you were gay.”
Bane thought about his past experience with a long list of women.

He didn’t know how to tell Cole that he was inexperienced when it
came to men. Bane was a virgin with men. That made him feel
vulnerable. He didn’t want Cole to see his vulnerability. Cole needed
him to be the strong one right now.

“I don’t advertise.”
“I just like to keep my private life private.”
“I guess you won’t be doing reality television with me anytime

soon.” Cole sighed. “I was really hoping you would do Survivor with

“You don’t look the Survivor type.”
“Really? What type do I look like?” Cole asked.

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They were near the end of the walkway and beneath a stone

archway that gave them the sudden allusion of privacy. Bane slowed
down, wanting to savor these last few moments alone with Cole.

“You look like the type of guy who enjoys comfortable things.”
“Do I?”
“You probably would rather spend an evening in than go out to a

bar. You love to wear earth tones. I suspect you have a passion for
nature. But you’d rather see nature at a distance than slog through the
mud. Am I right?”

“Perhaps on a few things. I guess you’ll have to find out


Cole started to move away, but Bane stopped him with a hand on

his arm. “You have something on you.”

There was a petal from one of the flowering dogwood trees in his

hair. The trees lined both sides of the riverbank. Bane picked the off
white petal from his hair. Cole’s gaze dropped to Bane’s mouth. He
was feeling the need to kiss him too, but they couldn’t. There was too
much of a risk that someone from work would see them.

“Come on. We’re running late,” Bane said.
Bane was enjoying the stunned expression on Cole’s face.

* * * *

“About time you got here,” Trent said. “We were ready to send

out K-9 to look for you guys.”

The brewery was packed for a Saturday night. The guys from

SWAT were already there enjoying beers on the balcony. They were
quickly pulled into their group with Bane saying hello to all his
SWAT buddies. Trent was off to the side, but Ryan was nowhere to
be found. Cole went over to him, lifting his hands he signed.
“Where’s Ryan?”

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“Working at the hospital tonight. How are things going with your

training?” Trent asked.

Cole glowered. “Fine.”
“Things don’t sound fine,” Trent signed.
Cole was relieved that Trent was signing. He didn’t want Bane to

know that they were talking about him in front of his face. “What do
you know about him?”

“Who? Bane?”
“He’s not married. No kids. Likes sports. That’s about all I


“Is he gay?”
Trent looked across the room at Bane who was chatting with Lt.

Evans. “I thought he was into women.”

Cole glanced across the room at Bane. “So did I.”
“Hey, that reminds me. I have another question about a sign.”
“Too chicken to ask your new interpreter?”
“Fuck, yeah. You’re my go-to guy for smut. Now, what’s the sign

for fingering?” Trent asked.

Cole lifted his left hand, making a fist. With the fingers of his

right hand, Cole pushed each one in the center of his fist one at a time.
Cole emphasized the point by making his fingers go faster as his face
twist up in erotic pleasure.

“You’re such an ass,” Trent said.
“You love me for it.”
“That looked dirty,” Bane said.
Cole signed what Bane said, making Trent chuckle.
“Cole helps me out with the signs I don’t know,” Trent said.
Trent flagged a waitress, ordering another beer. Cole found him

suddenly alone with Bane. It was exactly what he wanted.

“Can you teach me?” Bane asked.

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Cole let his gaze travel up over Bane’s long muscled frame as he

thought about it. Bane was the type of guy who looked good in
everything he wore. “Sure. I can show you some stuff.”

“So what was that sign you showed Trent?” Bane asked.
“Fingering,” Cole said.
Something dangerous passed within the heat of Bane’s passionate

green eyes, but it didn’t linger long. TJ called him over, leaving Cole
suddenly alone.

Cole went to the crowded bar and ordered a drink. The bartender

was quick to bring the frosty beverage over. From across the room,
Cole watched Bane chat with his friends. That man was incredibly
sexy. He was quick to laugh and smile. Several women walking by
took note of him, but Bane didn’t seem to notice them at all. Cole
couldn’t look at him without thinking about their kiss and wanting
more. Bane had clearly put a stop to anything more happening. Cole
ordered a second drink.

The first drink hit him fast. Cole didn’t normally drink so much,

but he was tonight. He needed to forget the feel of Bane’s lips upon
his. Cole couldn’t resist the urge to search him out within the crowd.
As soon as Cole’s eyes locked upon Bane, his breath left him. As
though he sensed being watched, Bane looked around, searching Cole
out within the crowd. It made Cole’s heart beat a whole lot faster
knowing that Bane was looking for him. Cole glanced away from him.
He didn’t want to be found right now. He wanted Bane to chase him

Cole bit his lip as pain slashed through his heart. It sucked

wanting something he couldn’t have. They wouldn’t ever, ever go
there again. Bane made it clear that they wouldn’t.

“Hiding from me?”
Cole looked over his shoulder at Bane who was now sitting with

him at the bar. “No. Just needed a drink.”

“Mind if I join you?”
“I was hoping that you would.”

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“Why is that?” Bane asked.
“I don’t feel so alone when we’re together.”
There was surprise in Bane’s eyes before he locked it away. Cole

shouldn’t have spoken those words, but there was nothing he could do
to take them back now. After a really long time, Bane finally

“Neither do I.”
Beneath the bar, Cole felt the brush of Bane’s knee against his.

The sudden contact made him instantly ready and wanting for more.
Cole let his gaze move from Bane’s strong hands, up his arms, and to
his beautiful face. The man was absolutely delicious to look at.

Bane took note of the empty in front of him. “I think it’s time we

got going.”

“Is it?”
“Yeah, most of the guys have left. Some of them have to work in

the morning.”

Cole stumbled forward with Bane catching him under the arm

before he face-planted into the stranger next to him.

“How many did you have?” Bane asked.
“One and a half.”
Bane led the way outside. They retraced their steps back over the

RSB and across the street to the parking garage where they’d left
Bane’s car. When they were in the elevator, Cole pushed away to lean
on the wall. Bane studied him closely. There was a funny look on his

“What?” Cole asked.
“You don’t normally drink. Do you?”
“Not usually.” Cole heard the catch of his voice. “I’ll be okay. I’m

just tipsy. You know. Just buzzed.”

The elevator dinged and Cole went to step away from the wall, but

started to fall.

“Whoa,” Bane said.

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He caught Cole under the arm again as they stumbled together out

of the elevator. Cole’s head swayed into the crook of Bane’s neck and
shoulder. He was so much bigger and broader than Cole ever would
be. Cole inhaled the sweet texture of his manly scent, memorizing it.
Cole was tempted to lick out and taste the curve of his neck but
resisted temptation by letting his lips brush his heated skin instead.

They shuffled over to Bane’s car. Bane propped him against the

side as he worked to get the passenger side door unlocked. Cole felt
his body start to slide, and Bane caught him with his thick thighs.
Their eyes locked.

“Kiss me.”
“Not here,” Bane said.
Cole frowned. “Why not? We’re alone.”
Bane leaned in close, pressing his lips against Cole’s ear. The tips

of Bane’s fingers played with Cole’s hair. “I won’t be able to stop
after one kiss.”

Cole’s cock flexed hard. He reached down, gripping his hard dick

before it beat a path to the fly of Bane’s jeans. “Oh, fuck.”

“Inside you go,” Bane said.
Cole slid into the passenger seat. He watched Bane circle around

the front of the car and slide inside. They hit the highway, heading
east out of the city and into the country.

“Are you seeing anyone?” Cole asked.
Bane glanced at him. “No. Not right now.”
Cole grinned. “I’m not either. We should have sex.”
A strangled gasp sounded from Bane. “What?”
“We can use condoms. I’m clean. I get tested after every lover.

You can’t trust anyone nowadays.”

“I don’t think it would be a good idea.”
“Why not? We’re both single.”
“Yeah, but I’m training you.”
Cole glanced out the window. It hurt too much to look at Bane.

There were a lot of reasons why they shouldn’t be together, but Cole

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wasn’t interested in listening to any of those reasons right now. He
wanted Bane, but maybe they really weren’t meant to be together.

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Chapter Four

Bane left the car running outside of Cole’s house, all the while

knowing he wouldn’t be turning it off anytime soon. He knew if he
shut off the car, he’d end up inside Cole’s house for a really long time.
He couldn’t say the truth of how he was feeling to Cole. How he
wanted to kiss, fuck, suck, and lick the man all through the night.
Bane felt as though he were finally surfacing after a long dark sleep.
He was ready but Cole wasn’t the right submissive for him. They
worked together. That meant they couldn’t and shouldn’t fuck around
the way he wanted to. What if they did?

No one would know if they had a one-night stand. A white-hot

need flowed through Bane’s body, landing solidly in his prick. He felt
his cock grow rock hard at the possibility of having Cole tonight.

“Come inside for a minute.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t think you want me to answer that.”
Within the darkness of the car, Bane didn’t see Cole reach out and

touch his leg. Bane jumped from the unexpected contact. His cock
punched out hard against the fly of his jeans. Bane didn’t want Cole
to know that he was his first everything male-related, but he knew he
had to tell Cole the truth. It wasn’t that Bane wasn’t experienced with
women. He’d done everything with a woman. His favorite was anal.

Bane had tried living a straight life, denying who he was inside.

He was ready to live the way he was meant to.

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“There’s something you need to know about me.”
“You’re in a relationship. Oh, fuck. The good guys are always


“No. That’s not it. I already told you I wasn’t.” Bane ran his hand

over the steering wheel. He couldn’t bring himself to say the truth of
his virginity when it came to men. “I’ve been with a lot of people

“We all make mistakes.”
“Well, I’ve made a lot of them,” Bane said.
Cole seemed to think for a long time. “I’m not interested in

getting involved with anyone else unless they’re serious.”

“If we get involved, I would be serious about you, Cole.”
“You would?”
“What does that mean for us?” Cole asked.
“It means that things are about to get really serious. Are you okay

with that?”

“I’m up for anything.”
“There’s something else you need to know about me.” Bane took

a deep breath. It wasn’t easy for him to tell people who he was. Deep
down he was still a little bit worried about lovers rejecting him before
things ever got serious. “I’m a Dom, Cole. I want to be the one to
teach you.”

“Oh, fuck. I’ve never been a submissive before.”
“It’s about both of us giving and receiving what we both need.”
“I’m game,” Cole said.
“It’s not a game. It’s a lifestyle. It’s something I need. I can’t be

with anyone unless they need and want it, too.”

“I guess you’ll have to figure out if I’ll be a good sub for you.”
Bane reached across the seat for Cole, finding him easily within

the darkness of the car. Bane wrapped his hand behind Cole’s neck,

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guiding their mouths together like they belonged. He groaned with the
first touch of their lips. Cole’s lips were as sweet and soft as Bane
remembered. He flicked his tongue inside, tasting Cole’s seductive
flavor. A hint of alcohol lingered on his tongue. Bane put his palm on
Cole’s jaw, angling their heads together. Their tongues fucked. He
didn’t know how else to consider what was happening between them.
Their tongues slicked and pressed in long, kissing strokes that made
Bane desperate for more.

Bane reached down, smoothing his hand over the fly of Cole’s

cargo pants. A strangled sound of pleasure tore from Cole’s parted
lips. Bane swallowed the sound as he worked his hand over Cole’s
hardening prick. It didn’t take long before Cole’s prick was rock hard
beneath his hand. Bane wanted to work his fly down to palm his cock,
but he knew he had to stop before he took it any further. He had plans
for Cole and none of those involved the car. He pulled away fast,
leaving Cole off balance. They had fogged the windows.

“Why did you stop?” Cole asked.
“We’re taking this inside. Now.”
Bane opened up the car door, but noticed how Cole wasn’t getting

out. He walked around opening up the door for his soon-to-be lover.
Bane offered his hand to Cole who was quick to accept it. Cole had
long, tapered fingers that were rough from something he did in his
spare time. The sound of the car door shutting echoed into the night.
Cole leaned against the car.

“That was so fucking cruel,” Cole said.
“Why? I think you liked what we did.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Aw, fuck. We need to talk before we go any further. Inside.


Bane followed Cole up the walkway to his house. An old

weathered wraparound porch stretched like a lazy cat around the front
of the house. Cole appeared to be sobering up from his one and a half
drinks, which was good.

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Dogs barked off in the distance. Street noises carried on the night.

Bane was certain he’d remember this moment for the rest of his life.
Everything felt like it was falling into place. The tips of Bane’s
fingers brushed through Cole’s hair and down his cheek as Cole
unlocked the front door.

Bane wanted him thinking clearly before they went any further.

Cole unlocked the front door and held it open for Bane.

Cole’s place was clean and tidy. There were shoes kicked off by

the front door. House plants were on every windowsill in the living
room. Earth tones were throughout the living room and dining area.
Old oak wide planked hardwood floors reached throughout the farm
house. Bane heard the quiet click of the front door shutting behind

“You’ve been through a lot this last week,” Bane said.
“I’m not broken.”
“No, but to be my sub, you need to be broken in.”
“I’d do anything and everything to have you.”
Bane came in close, putting his hands on Cole’s hips. He threaded

his fingers through his belt loops, pulling him in close. Bane had Cole
right where he wanted. “Eager.”

“For you, I am.”
They kissed, coming in close and moving away fast as they talked

between kisses. “I can tell you are.”

“What involves breaking me in?”
“Teaching you to be my submissive.”
“God, I want you.”
Bane chuckled. “You just want my ass and cock.”
“Oh, fuck. I want all of you.”
Their lips fell together. Bane walked Cole backward into the

living room. They bumped into the back of couch. Bane pulled away.

He ran his hands up under Cole’s shirt. “Rule one. Obedience. I

give you a command, you follow.”

“I like taking orders.”

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“I don’t think we should do this. You haven’t sobered up enough.

You won’t remember my rules in the morning.”

“I’ll remember everything or you can punish me next time.”
Bane glanced up at the exposed wood beam above them. “Hands

on the beam above your head. Don’t move.”

Cole obeyed without hesitation. Bane worked Cole’s shoes and

pants off, purposely leaving on his tight, black boxer briefs and shirt.
Bane moved around to stand behind Cole and kissed his way over the
back of Cole’s neck. He worked his hands lower, ripping the cotton
boxers to expose Cole’s ass. White-blond hair covered his ass. It was
so silky beneath Bane’s palms.

Bane worked his leather belt out from his belt loops. He rubbed

the leather belt down the front of Cole’s chest, smoothing it down
over Cole’s hard cock.

“Are you frightened?” Bane asked.
“Fuck no.”
There was complete trust within the sound of Cole’s voice. Bane

closed his eyes as he pulled Cole closer with the leather belt. He
kissed his way over the back of Cole’s neck, loving the tremors that
moved through Cole’s body as he did.

“Good. I don’t want you to be afraid of what I’m about to do to


Bane folded the leather belt over Cole’s prick, snapping it hard

over and over. The jingle of the belt buckle mixed with the smacking
sound of leather against skin. Cole cried out as he arched back against
Bane’s chest. He reached around, grabbing Bane’s ass cheeks. Bane
smacked the leather harder. Pre-cum shot from the tip of Cole’s cock.
Bane slowly worked the leather up over Cole’s throbbing cock. Bane
took extra time, rubbing the leather over the tip of Cole’s cockhead.

The belt buckle jingled as Bane tossed the leather belt over the

back of the couch.

Bane licked his thumb, rubbing it down between Cole’s ass

cheeks to thumb his rim.

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Cole moaned, arching his ass out for more. Dark blond hair

wrapped around Cole’s balls. Bane got down on his right knee and
closed his eyes, flicking his tongue out to taste Cole’s ass. Bane
groaned as his tongue lapped over his rim. His hand reached between
Cole’s legs, stroking Cole’s cock. Bane was shaking as he pulled
away, standing up. He didn’t want Cole to know how much he was
affected by their foreplay. He smoothed his hands over Cole’s ass,
spanking his ass hard. Cole’s balls bounced, making his dick jump.
Bane slipped his fingers over Cole’s rim again. He wanted to suck
Cole off, but now was not the time. This was about introducing Cole
to the sweet erotic torture of what being a submissive meant.

Cole was quick to obey. Bane walked around, standing in front of

Cole. Bane wrapped his hand around Cole’s head, threading his
fingers into his hair. Cole laid his head along Bane’s throbbing prick.
Cole inhaled deeply, edging his chin around Bane’s cock. Bane
wanted to undress, but knew things wouldn’t last long if he did.

“I want to suck you.”
The heat of Cole’s tongue flicked over the tip of Bane’s cockhead

sticking out of the top of his jeans. Bane felt his prick squeeze hard,
causing a bead of pre-cum to drip from his tip.

“Please let me have you.”
Cole was begging. Bane loved the sound of him so twisted up for

more. “Not yet. Stand.”

When Cole was standing, Bane reached for his shirt, ripping it

down the front. Blond chest hair tapered down over his smooth, hard
abs. Bane’s fingers counted an eight pack. Cole was so beautiful. So
perfect. Bane loved his narrow waist and the tight curve of his ass
cheeks. He led Cole to the couch where he bent him over the back.
With Cole naked, his ass was so open and exposed to him. Bane loved
how Cole’s cock pressed against the leather, pointing south toward

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the floor. Bane edged Cole’s legs out until he was spread wide. Bane
came in close, rubbing his hands over his ass cheeks.

“I’m going to spank you, babe.”
“Oh, god.”
Bane pulled back his hand, slapping Cole’s ass. Cole groaned as

his ass jiggled from the impact, causing his balls to bounce around.
Bane spanked his ass over and over until the creamy white of his skin
was flushed red with heat. With each hit of Bane’s hand, Cole
moaned and begged for more. Bane loved how eager he was.

“Don’t move,” Bane said.
With Cole bent over the back of the couch, Bane pressed his hips

against Cole’s ass. He imagined driving his throbbing prick deep into
Cole’s ass until he came hard. The tip of Bane’s cockhead played at
his rim. Bane reached for the leather belt, reluctantly stepping away
from Cole’s hips. He smoothed the leather belt up over Cole’s ass,
catching Cole’s balls as he did. Cole moaned as Bane bounced his ass
with the leather belt.

Pre-cum dripped from Cole’s cock, sliding down the leather. Bane

kneeled down, licking his tongue up over his cockhead and along the
long length of Cole’s prick. Bane flicked his tongue back down
Cole’s cock. His cock flexed, causing pre-cum to drip over Bane’s
tongue. Bane lapped at Cole’s tip as his big balls pressed against his
face. Bane was physically shaking on the inside. Cole’s muscles were
flexed taut. Bane pressed his hands against Cole’s ass, pulling his
cheeks apart while his thumbs flexed against his rim.

“Do not come.”
“Oh, fuck. I’m close, Bane.”
“Hold this position.”
Cole’s legs were shaking as Bane pulled away. He wanted Cole to

remember everything about this moment. Bane was certain that he
was still touching the legal limit and that meant he’d have a fuzzy
memory tomorrow. Bane wanted Cole to remember everything that
happened between them tonight.

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“Take me. I want it in the ass. I want your cock taking control of


Bane’s cock flexed, nearly making him come. The sound of Cole

begging for more was nearly his undoing. Bane’s balls drew up tight
as his orgasm started to twist up his prick. A shot of cum sprayed
from Bane’s prick, shooting across his abdomen before he stopped
himself from coming all the way. He was breathing hard.

“Not tonight.”
Pre-cum dripped from Cole’s dick. Cole was only used to vanilla

sex. Bane was certain that he needed to be broken in slowly.

Bane smoothed his hand down between Cole’s legs, grabbing his

balls. They were pulled in tight.

“God, let me suck you,” Cole begged.
“On the floor.”
Cole sat down with his back leaned up against the couch. Bane

stripped out of his jeans and shirt fast. He teased his boxers lower,
loving how Cole’s gaze was locked on his hips. He wanted Cole’s
tongue on his prick, sucking him off. Bane kicked his boxers away.
He came in close to Cole. Bane slapped his dick around Cole’s mouth,
hitting him on the cheeks and lips. Drips of pre-cum left wet spots all
over his mouth and chin. Cole groaned, licking out and catching
Bane’s cock with his mouth.

“Touch me,” Bane ordered.
Cole’s hands reached up, grabbing Bane’s ass. He dug his nails

into Bane’s ass. Bane arched back, lacing his fingers into Cole’s hair.
He flexed his hips, driving his cock in and out of Cole’s mouth. He
loved the muffled sound of Cole’s pleasure as he sexed his mouth.
Bane cried out as his orgasm twisted up from his balls. He pulled his
cock out of Cole’s mouth, shooting his cum over Cole’s tongue and
chest. Bane pumped his cock with his fist until he was dry. It took ten
twists of his cock to stop coming so hard.

“I love your taste,” Cole said.

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Bane wanted to taste Cole, too. Their eyes locked as Bane leaned

down, kissing Cole hard. Their tongues flicked together. When Bane
pulled away, Cole looked drunk with sex and lust. Bane reached down,
palming Cole’s cock. His hips jerked upward for more.

“On your back,” Bane ordered.
Bane spun around so that they were in the sixty-nine position with

Bane on top of Cole. Bane swallowed Cole’s cock in one hungry
move that had Cole thrusting his way up from the floor. Bane’s nose
pressed into Cole’s balls. He licked his way off and swallowed his
way back down. Bane came back up, sucking his big cockhead. Bane
lapped at his tip, teasing Cole to the point of coming and releasing
him. He waited several minutes, passing the time by licking and
kissing Cole’s balls. He kissed his legs, balls, and perineum. Cole
begged for more. Bane pressed his ass over Cole’s lips.

“Lick my rim.”
A groan of pleasure tore from Bane’s lips as Cole’s tongue snaked

out over his rim. Bane sat up on his knees, spreading his ass cheeks
wide for Cole. Wet, hot heat spread over Bane’s rim. He loved how
rough Cole was with his tongue. Bane loved how his ass was spread
wide over Cole’s face. With his left hand, Bane palmed Cole’s cock.
With his right, Bane palmed his hard prick. He arched his head back,
loving the feel of Cole’s tongue sexing his rim.

Things were going too fast. Bane wanted to slow this down.


Cole obeyed his command as Bane went to pull a dining room

chair into the living room. “Sit.”

Cole sat into the chair, spreading his thighs wide. His hard cock

curved up over his hard abs. Bane snapped the leather belt from the
couch, whipping it across the floor.

“Hands above your head.”
Cole lifted his arms, crossing them at his wrists. Bane wrapped the

leather belt around his wrists, securing it tightly. He went upstairs to
find the linen closet in the hallway. He pulled a flat sheet out of the

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closet and went back downstairs. Bane worked the sheet over the
exposed beam and knotted it between Cole’s wrists. Bane tested the
beam and the knot. They were both good.

“Do you trust me?” Bane asked.
“Fuck yes.”
Bane kneeled down, slipping both of Cole’s thighs onto his

shoulders and stood up. Cole cried out as his body caught air. Bane
slipped his thumb over Cole’s rim, rubbing it seductively.

“Pull your knees up,” Bane ordered.
“For the love of...”
Cole pulled his knees up as Bane supported his hips with his arms.

Bane licked out, flicking his tongue over Cole’s rim until his arms
were shaking hard.

“Knees down,” Bane ordered.
Cole hooked his legs back over Bane’s shoulders again. “I feel

like I’m flying.”

“You are, babe.”
Bane hooked one of Cole’s thighs under his arm and then the

other. Cole’s throbbing prick beat hard against his flexed abdomen.

Bane took control of Cole’s cock again with his mouth. He

gripped Cole’s ass, pulling his ass cheeks wide as he sucked his
swollen prick. Bane teased his fingers over Cole’s rim as he brought
him to the edge again and released his cock. He kept Cole balanced
on the edge for a long time before he finally eased him back down
into the chair. The muscles in Bane’s arms were flexed hard as he
pressed his palms against the back of the couch. He straddled Cole,
pressing his cock into his face. Bane reached down, stroking Cole’s
throbbing cock.

Bane’s cock slapped and rubbed against Cole’s face. Cole licked

at him, sucking his hard prick. Bane knew he was losing control. He
sunk his hard cock deep into Cole’s mouth again. Cole sucked hard on
his prick as though they would never have each other again. Bane

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groaned, releasing Cole’s cock as another orgasm shot through his
hard prick. Bane’s cum sprayed from his tip over Cole’s chin.

Bane was breathing hard as he sat up, yanking Cole’s body down

off the chair. Cole’s cock was right at Bane’s mouth.

“You may come.”
Bane licked out over Cole’s swollen cockhead. One flick of

Bane’s tongue sent Cole’s orgasm shooting through his cock. Bane
opened his mouth, catching the sweet taste of a man’s cum for the
first time in his life. Bane was coming up from his dick when he saw
Cole’s eyes grow heavy.

“That was fucking amazing,” Cole said.
“It was.”
Their lips met in a hungry kiss. Bane released Cole from his

leather belt, easing him back onto the couch. Bane held Cole tightly,
loving how they fit so perfectly together.

“I loved flying with you,” Cole said.
“Me too, babe.”
Bane heard the sleepy sound of his voice. It was then that Bane

realized how late it had gotten. A light snoring sound came from Cole.
A grin tugged at the corner of Bane’s lips. He loved how he wore his
lover out. He knew that Cole was way too fucking tipsy for this to
happen tonight.

He hoped that Cole remembered everything that happened tonight.

Bane ran his hand through Cole’s silky hair. He picked Cole up,
loving how Cole’s head rested on his shoulder. Bane carried him to
his bedroom upstairs. He tucked him in, all the while resisting the
urge to join him in bed. He could not stay the night this time.

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Chapter Five

“What the fuck happened to you?” Trent asked.
Cole had a major fucking headache. He glared, lifting his hands.

“I drank too much last night.”

“I’m glad Bane took you home.”
Cole popped two aspirin and chased it with a sip from a bottle of


Bane had taken him home. Something had happened between

them. All the evidence was there the next morning. Cole had found
his ripped boxers and T-shirt in the trash. White drips of cum were
dried upon the back of his leather couch. Cole remembered being bent
over that couch as Bane licked his rim. The memory that stuck hard in
his mind was the one of him flying through the air with Bane licking
his rim. How the fuck had they done that? Cole needed to find a
moment alone with Bane. They really needed to talk about what
happened between them.

Cole’s breath caught in a funny way in his chest when he saw

Bane cross the training center with his K-9 partner Mars at his heels.
Mars went everywhere with Bane, and they lived together. Cole loved
dogs. Their eyes locked, but he looked quickly away. It was then that
Cole was certain more happened between them than he could
remember. Flashes of the night before flipped like black-and-white
pictures through his mind.

Trent was working, which meant Cole was working today as his

interpreter. There was a big black hole in his mind regarding all the
events that happened after Bane brought him home. Had they slept
together? Cole awakened alone with a raging hard-on. Cole had

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dreams of wanting and being Bane’s submissive. He’d heard of all the
bondage and “tie me up stuff,” but had never done any of it before.
He’d seen several videos on the internet too. A shiver went through
Cole’s body, landing with a solid thud in his cock.

Trent snapped his fingers in front of Cole’s face. “Earth to Cole.

What the fuck?”

“Just tired. Sorry.”
When Trent finished with his meetings and was doing paperwork,

Cole slipped away, searching for Bane’s office. He found it on the
third floor. He knocked.

A grin tugged at the corner of Cole’s lips as he opened the door.

He shut it behind him. Cole nervously looked around Bane’s office. It
was a carbon copy of all the offices within the department. There was
just enough room to get work done. Bane’s desk was cluttered with
files. His right hand was poised over his laptop.

“Busy?” Cole asked.
“Always. What’s up?”
“Are we finished with my training?” Cole asked.
Bane sat back. “There’s always more we could go over. Do you

feel comfortable going back into the field as an interpreter?”

Cole took a few beats to think about it. “With you guys as my

backup, I do.”

“I think you’re ready. Chief Anderson does too. We talked about

it this morning.”

Nervous energy echoed through Cole’s body. He knew they

needed to talk about what happened last night.

“About last night…”
“What about it?” Bane asked.
“I don’t seem to have a very clear memory of what we did. That

drink and a half really messed me up.”

“I have a clear memory of everything we did.”

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Bane’s eyes grew heavy as they moved slowly over Cole’s body.

A shiver of need vibrated through Cole’s belly.

“Maybe we can compare notes?”
“We’re not going to talk about it here.”
“Where then?” Cole asked.
Bane wrote something down. “Meet me at my place later tonight.”
Cole took the Post-it he had written his address down on. “I’m

sorry I can’t seem to remember everything that happened between

“I’ll be sure to refresh your memory tonight, babe.”
“I’m fuzzy on one thing.” Cole felt a little embarrassed that one

and a half drinks messed him up so thoroughly. “Did we have sex?”

“No, but we came close. We did other things.”
Cole ran a hand through his hair. He hated how he couldn’t

remember everything they did together. He recalled taking Bane’s
orders and there was something about rules. God, he felt like a fool
for trying to talk about it with Bane here and now.

“I guess I drank a little too much last night.”
“The drinks must have been stronger than you expected. It was the

reason why we didn’t have sex. I want you to remember what happens
between us.”

“I want to remember every moment with you, too.”
“Just tell me something about what happened between us.”
“You learned the first rule of being my submissive. Rule one is?”
“Obedience.” Cole’s knees went weak as he fell back against the

wall. “Fuck.”

“On your hands and knees. Crawl to me.”
Cole was quick to obey. He crawled around Bane’s desk, putting

his face within inches of his cock. Cole was breathing hard. Bane ran
his hand over his jaw, lifting his chin so that they were eye to eye.

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“We did this.” Bane came in close, kissing him hard. Their

tongues swept in deep passionate strokes that went on and on. “We
did a lot of that actually.”

Their lips came in close again as they tongue fucked together.

Bane pulled away and Cole found his mouth chasing after his.

“I rimmed you with my tongue. I touched you with my hands. I

sucked your cock and you sucked mine.”

“Oh, fuck. I want you.”
“We can’t now.”
Cole’s entire body was shaking with need. “I can’t wait.”
“It’s too risky to do here.”
“I don’t care.”
“You will if we get caught.”
“I can be quiet.”
“Not with my cock stuffed in your mouth. You’re rather loud


“Fucking tease.”
“No, I’m your Dom and you need to learn to be obedient. That

means doing everything I ask of you when I ask you.”

“What do you want of me now?”
Cole’s heart raced. He wanted to fuck around, but knew they

shouldn’t. They kissed again with Cole opening his mouth up wide
for Bane’s tongue to go deep. Bane’s desk phone rang, jolting both of
them out of their kiss. Bane answered, but kept his hand locked
around Cole’s neck. As he talked, Bane spread his legs wide, pulling
Cole in closer. Cole loved feeling the heat of Bane’s cock through his
pants. After several minutes on the phone, Bane hung up the phone.

“Rule two. Control. I want to control how and when you come.

Are you okay with that?”

“I have something for you,” Bane said.
Cole felt his lips pull into a smile. “You got me something?”

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“Something only for you. You will wear this until I see you

tonight, understand?”

Cole stood. Bane worked Cole’s belt off and unzipped his pants.

Bane tugged his pants open wide and took out his heavy cock. Bane
pulled a chain out from around his neck and beneath his shirt. The
chain was warm from Bane’s body heat. He slipped the mesh down
the long length of Cole’s cock like a sleeve, slipping his big balls
through the loop at the bottom. Bane worked the thin chain around
Cole’s hips, connecting it over the top of his ass cheeks. Bane stroked
his cock, making it harder. Cole bit his lip as his prick pressed tight
against the chain that held him hostage. The tip of his cockhead
bloomed over the tip of the chain. It tightened even more. It felt so
fucking good against Cole’s sensitive skin. Bane leaned down, giving
his cockhead a seductive kiss that caused pre-cum to drip from his
cockhead. Bane stuffed Cole’s prick back into his boxers, pulling his
pants back on.

Bane wrapped his hand behind Cole’s neck, bringing their mouths

together. Cole groaned as his cock pressed against the chain.

When Cole came up for air, he said, “I want to be your sex slave.”
“I like the sound of that. Do not take this off. Meet me at my

house in two hours.”

“I don’t know if I can make it that long.”
Bane kissed his lips sweetly. “You will, babe. Trust me.”
“I do trust you.”
“I know you do.”
Cole rushed from Bane’s office and headed home for the day.

There was no way he could keep working with this chain around his

* * * *

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“For the love of God…”
Cole headed straight for his bedroom and the privacy of the

master bathroom when he got home. He slammed the door shut
behind him and went straight for the bathroom sink. He bit his lower
lip as he undid his belt and pulled his throbbing cock from his pants.
He looked at his thick cock in the mirror. The chain that sleeved his
long thick dick had some give to it. Enough to let the blood flow as
his cock expanded. Cole rubbed his thumb over his super sensitized
cockhead. He groaned as pre-cum dripped from his tip. He was so
close to coming that he had to get control.

Cole jumped in the shower, letting the water beat his cock into

submission. The first caress of hot water was enough for him to shoot
his spunk. Cole locked his hand around the chainmail, feeling the
little beads woven into the chain for the first time. He slid and twisted
the chain until he pumped himself dry. He was breathing heavily as he
pressed his hands against the tile. He watched his cock deflate and the
chainmail contract around his cock. It was the most erotic thing he
had ever experienced before. He couldn’t wait to have more of it with

Two hours later, Cole was standing on Bane’s front porch of his

house. He lived in the historic part of Old Milford. Cole’s cock
instantly hardened as he knocked on the front door. Bane opened the
door. Mars was at Bane’s feet, wagging his tail.

“You made it,” Bane said.
“I did.”
“Have you been good while we’ve been apart?”
“Define good?”
“Is your cock chain still in place?”
Cole came in close. He wanted to kiss Bane but knew he had to

wait. “Yes. Would you like to check?”

Bane ran his hand down the front of Cole’s jeans. Cole swayed

forward, closing his eyes. Heat seared beneath his palms as Cole’s

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hands connected with Bane’s chest. Their lips met in a hungry kiss
that had Bane pushing Cole up against the mirror that hung on the
wall. Bane smoothed his hand up the front of Cole’s neck, squeezing
and releasing Cole’s neck in the most seductive and possessive way.

Bane pulled away, causing Cole to sigh. “I needed that.”
“So did I.”
“Something smells good.”
Bane led the way through the long narrow hallway of the old

Victorian and into the kitchen. They opened the screen door and
stepped out onto the back porch. The grill was fired up and there was
a fire going in the fire pit. The yard was a small postage stamp and
neatly kept. A privacy fence enclosed the back of the house.

Nighttime pressed in close. A crescent moon hung lazily in the

sky. Fireflies fluttered up from the grass. Cole couldn’t remember the
last time he just took all of it in and enjoyed being out among the

“Anything I can help you with?” Cole asked.
“No. I got it. Just have a seat.”
Sitting with the cock chain wasn’t the most comfortable. It didn’t

help that Cole was fully aroused again and needed relief. Cole sat
down with an audible groan. He ran his hand down his prick,
adjusting it.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself.”
“I guess you’ll have to punish me for being a whore who can’t

keep his hands off himself.”

“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Call yourself a whore. You’re my sub. You are not a whore.”
“Maybe I’d like it if you called me your little dirty bitch and

treated me like one.”

Bane brought two plates to the table and sat down across from

Cole. “You’re just begging for me to punish you.”

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“Perhaps I am.”
“Eat your dinner. I want you to have enough energy for our

session tonight.”

Cole wanted to know everything about Bane. He picked up his

fork and started on the salad. “Are you close to your family?”

The question seemed to surprise Bane. He smiled sheepishly.

“Yeah, we’re close.”

“They don’t have a problem with you being gay?”
“They don’t know.”
Cole chuckled. “How have you managed to keep it a secret from


“I don’t tell them anything about my sex life.”
“You’ve never brought anyone home to your parents?”
“I’ve never been that serious with anyone,” Bane said.
“What about you? Are your parents okay with you being gay?”

Bane asked.

Cole should’ve known that a cop would turn the questioning

around on him. “No. I was disinherited when I came out to them.”

“Yeah. It’s been rough. My sister calls every once in a while to

give me the family update.” Cole shrugged a shoulder. “It is what it

“Your sister?”
“Is she married?”
“Single. She’s off saving the world. She works as a border doctor.

My parents are pretty proud of her.”

“I’m sorry.”
“I knew what I was getting into when I came out to them. My

folks are really conservative.”

“Mine are too.”

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Their eyes met. Cole could see that there was more Bane wanted

to say, but he was holding back for some odd reason. Cole decided to
let it go for now. There would be more time for them to get to know
each other better.

“When did you come out?” Bane asked.
“I was eighteen.” Cole smiled despite the pain he was feeling

inside. “Did you always want to be a cop?”

“I come from a family of police officers. My father and all my

uncles are cops. I pretty much knew I wanted to be one by the time I
graduated from high school.”

Their eyes locked again, causing Cole’s train of thought to derail.

He glanced away as a smile broke out across his lips.

“I love your smile,” Bane said.
“Do you?”
“What else do you love about me?” Cole asked.
“Well, we’ve just met…”
“You don’t think it’s possible to love someone you’ve just met?”
Bane sat back from the table. “Love isn’t something I’ve ever

experienced with a lover before. Have you?”

“I’ve felt love for my lovers,” Cole said.
Bane frowned. “When were you last involved?”
Cole sighed as he thought about it. “Almost two years ago. You?”
“A few months.” Bane let his gaze move over Cole in a

speculative way. “I think it’s time to go over the rules again.”

Cole’s breath left him in a whoosh. “I think I’m ready now.”
Bane wiped his mouth with a cloth napkin as he appeared to

consider what Cole was saying. “You’re really ready to go now?”

“I’ve been ready since the moment I woke up this morning.”

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Bane pushed his plate back as he watched Cole go to work on his

shirt and pants. He groaned when he discovered that Cole had decided
to skip the boxers after his shower.

Cole’s heart was racing as Bane shut the door behind him. Their

eyes met as Bane unclipped the silver chain hanging around his neck.
He came forward, slipping his finger into the top of Cole’s cock chain.
He gave it a possessive tug that drew Cole forward. Bane clipped one
end of the eighteen inch chain to the top of the cock chain and locked
the other end to the chain on his wrist. He pulled Cole by the cock
upstairs. The cock chain tightened around Cole’s shaft and balls,
pulling them up tight around the base of his throbbing prick. Cole
watched the movement of Bane’s loose hips and thick thighs as he led
him up stairs. They went to Bane’s bedroom where he left the lights

Moonlight filtered through sheer curtains, slanting perfectly

across Bane’s bed. Thick black, looping chains hung from the ceiling
of Bane’s bedroom. They were centered in a cluster of about thirty
right above the bed. Cole’s gaze landed on the small queen size bed.
Bane led him to the bed where he took the chain looped around his
wrist off. He locked it around one of the posts of the bed. The pull of
the chain had Cole coming in close to the post.

Cole expected mirrors or something, but nothing like this. He’d

never seen anything so exotic before. The bed was made of a light
honey shaded wood that looked like oak. There were two thick posts
at the end of the bed, but the headboard curved upward toward the
ceiling. The curve hung over a third of the bed.

Cole’s heart was racing as he looked across the room at Bane. He

lit several thick white candles. Their eyes met as he blew the match he
was holding out.

“You need to pick a safe word,” Bane said. “You use it when you

feel the need to stop things, okay?”

Cole thought about it. “Raven.”

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Bane smiled. “I like it.”
Bane came in close, smoothing his hands over Cole’s shoulders.

He brushed his lips across Cole’s. His tongue licked out, flicking over
his lips.

“Are you ready for me?” Bane asked.
“I’ve waited all day to have you again.”
A groan tore from deep within Cole’s body as Bane tugged on his

prick. Pre-cum dripped from the end, wetting his shaft. Their lips met
in a hungry kiss that left Cole’s legs weak. Their tongues licked in
deep strokes. Bane tugged and twisted on Cole’s prick until his legs
began to shake. His free hand wrapped around the back of Cole’s
neck and tightened seductively. Cole loved it when Bane took control
of him. He loved it when Bane ordered him around. He wanted all of
it and more tonight.

Cole was lightheaded when he came up for air. Bane stepped back,

undressing quickly. Surgical scars were knitted down the middle and
side of Bane’s chest, but they didn’t matter. Bane was shockingly
beautiful despite those scars. Cole’s mouth went dry as he took note
of the smooth definition of his lover’s abdomen and heavy cock. A
thick vein twisted around Bane’s cock like an arrow pointed north.
Bane lifted the chain from the bed, giving Cole a little tug to wake
him up. Cole’s gaze moved from Bane’s cock to his face.

They circled around the bed. Bane positioned him next to the bed.

He dropped the chain he held and it dangled between Cole’s legs.
Bane went to his nightstand where he pulled out a butt plug and lube.

“Face the wall.”
Cole’s gaze swung around as Bane came up behind him, grabbing

the chain between his legs. He pulled it tight, causing the cock chain
to tighten ever so sweetly on Cole’s flexed prick. The chain pulled
tight over Cole’s perineum. Bane kneeled down, pulling his ass
cheeks wide. Cole felt his tongue sweep over his rim as Bane licked
him. He felt the tip of the butt plug press between his ass cheeks and

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against his rim. Cole flung his head back as the plug pushed into him
in a quick, solid stroke.

Bane stood, sliding his hands up the outside of Cole’s legs, over

his sides, lifting Cole’s arms as he went. He linked their hands
together above Cole’s head, positioning their joined hands onto the
curved part of the bed. Heat blew over Cole’s ear as Bane kissed and
licked his neck.

“Don’t fucking move.”
There was no chance in hell that Cole would move a muscle. He

wanted more. Cole was tempted to look over his shoulder at Bane, but
he knew that he’d be punished if he disobeyed his lover’s orders.
Something metal slid along the hardwood floors. Cole shivered as
another chain slid up against the front of his body.

The chain was looped through a chain hanging above the bed,

around Cole’s wrists and pulled tight. Bane went away. Another chain
was brought over to the bed. This one was attached to a thick leather
strap that went around Cole’s neck. Bane tightened it to his skin.

“I don’t like it when you degrade yourself in front of me,” Bane

said as he rubbed his hands over Cole’s ass. “You need to be

Cole arched his ass out against Bane’s touch. He felt a whoosh of

air pull away as Bane’s hand drew back suddenly and smacked his ass
cheek hard. The sensation of his hand slapping his ass was exquisite.
Heat flooded over the spot. Bane drew back his hand, smacking him
with quick, hard spanks that sent the chains attached to Cole’s body
rattling. Bane spanked his other cheek harder, causing his balls to
bounce around his legs. Cole leaned his head against his arm, pressing
his lips onto his bicep. He licked his tongue out, tasting the heat of his
skin and wishing it were Bane’s cock. Bane spanked him until his ass
was hot and bothered for cock.

Bane went away again.
This time he came back with a small bullet attached to a wire and


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Bane kneeled onto the bed, slipping the bullet into the bottom part

of the cock chain. He flicked it on to a pulsating vibration. Cole cried
out as his cock flexed so hard it snapped against his abdomen. A
smear of pre-cum was left against his abs.

“I will give you permission to come. You will not come until I say


Bane stood up on the bed, slapping his cock against Cole’s face.

The chains that hung from the ceiling cascaded around Bane’s

“Oh, fuck,” Cole said.
Cole opened his mouth wide, sucking his lover deep. Cole

moaned when the bullet was flicked on sending his cock and balls
jumping around. He sucked Bane hard. Bane wrapped his free hand
around the back of his neck, threading the tips of his fingers into
Cole’s hair. He tightened his hand down tight, pulling his hair. Bane’s
hips flexed as he drove his cock in and out of Cole’s mouth.

All of a sudden, Bane’s hand tightened down hard, stilling him.

Cole could feel the vibration of Bane’s cock spilling down his throat.
Bane was close to coming. Cole undulated his tongue over the tip of
Bane’s cockhead. Bane cursed, pulling away fast. He yanked the
bullet from Cole’s cock chain.

“You need to learn obedience,” Bane said.
He walked around the bed, getting up behind Cole. He came in

close, pulling the butt plug from his ass. Cole cried out as Bane’s
tongue lashed against his rim with quick, flexing strokes that nearly
sent Cole’s spunk flying.

“Are we committed?” Bane asked. “Answer me, sub. Are we


The question momentarily left Cole confused. They were having

the condom conversation. “Fuck yes. We’re solid.”

“Good. I want to go inside of you raw.”
Cole heard the flip of the lube cap striking out within the quiet

room. He always used condoms. Always. There wasn’t one lover

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within his history that he ever skipped wearing a glove with before.
The fact that he wasn’t wearing one this time was a big fucking deal
within his personal life. It meant that they were committed. It meant
that they trusted each other completely. It meant that this man would
probably ruin him for all others if he let him. Cole so did not want to
think about things being over when they had just begun.

Bane pressed the tip of his cockhead over the rim of Cole’s ass.

The smooth heated connection was unlike anything Cole had ever
experienced before. Bane’s hands and body were shaking from the
simple touch of his cockhead against his rim. Bane’s hands tightened
down on Cole’s hips. He pressed his cockhead into Cole’s arching ass
and stopped.

“You’re so tight,” Bane said.
“It’s been a really long time for me and you’re really big.”
Bane’s entire body shook hard as he slowly slid inside of Cole.

When they were hip to ass, Bane dropped his forehead onto Cole’s
shoulder. Sweat dripped down from Bane’s forehead onto his Cole’s
back. He never had a lover take so much time with him before. Sex
was always vanilla. This time sex with Bane was so much fucking

* * * *

Tears slid down Bane’s face and onto Cole’s back. He always

imagined that sex with a man would feel so fucking good. He didn’t
want Cole to know that he was crying. He sucked it up fast as he
lifted his head, tightening his fingers into Cole’s hips. Then he started
to move, taking Cole in the ass with long, hard strokes that sent
Bane’s balls slapping against Cole’s ass and perineum. It felt so
fucking good to be so deep within his lover.

Bane flung back his head, taking Cole and making up for so many

years of going without that it hurt. His balls ached with the need to
release and to hold out. He did not want his first time with a man to be

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over so soon. He reached around, grabbing Cole’s cock. The
chainmail slipped over his prick. Cole cried out from the contact,
arching his ass back into Bane’s hips. Bane pumped Cole’s dick
several times before releasing his cock. He wanted to catch Cole’s
sauce within his mouth. A curse tore from Bane’s mouth as his
orgasm twisted up from the rim of his ass.

“Oh, shit. I can feel you coming.”
Cole arched his ass back as Bane shot his spunk into Cole’s ass.

He pumped himself dry into Cole. He was shaking as he came down
from the wild ride, but it was far from over. He slipped his still hard
cock from Cole’s ass, going to the nightstand to clean off. When he
returned, Cole was dripping with sweat from their sex. His cock was
pinched tight within the confines of the chainmail. Bane knew it was
time to release his lover for more. He unlocked the clip from around
his waist, slipping his balls out from the loop that held them, and slid
the chainmail off his throbbing prick. Cole’s cock jumped within his

“Do not come.”
Bane set the cock chain onto the night stand. He slid Cole’s hands

around the top of the bed. He slid the chains so that Cole could use
the chains as a swing on the bed. Bane sat back against the headboard.

“Feet on the headboard.”
Cole swung forward, spreading his legs wide. Bane licked out as

he wrapped his arms around Cole’s legs. He flicked his tongue over
his rim, pressing his nose into his balls and inhaling his lover’s scent.
Bane flexed his tongue higher, whipping it over Cole’s vibrating cock.
Bane sucked Cole’s prick into his mouth, loving the feel of his dick so
deep within his throat. He twisted his tongue off and sucked back
down again. Cole was groaning with each flick of Bane’s rough
tongue. Cole begged for more. His words were rushed as he was
caught up in the throes of passion.

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The bottle of lube was out and ready on the nightstand. Bane

grabbed the bottle and slipped his hand over Cole’s cock. He rubbed
the lube down over his prick and balls, giving them a seductive
squeeze. Bane released Cole’s arms from the chains and eased him
down from the swing. They kissed with their tongues flicking roughly.

“You want my ass?” Bane asked.
“I’ve never topped before.”
“I’ve never been taken in the ass,” Bane admitted.
“Oh, fuck.”
“I want it all with you, Cole.”
Bane pushed Cole down roughly onto the bed, straddling his hips

and following him down onto the bed. They kissed passionately as
their bodies were pressed tightly together. Bane grabbed at Cole’s ass,
rubbing his fingers up the crack of his ass to play with his wet rim.
Bane felt like a virgin all over again. He kept Cole pinned to the bed
as he mounted his lover.

Bane arched his ass into the air above Cole’s throbbing cock.

“Fuck me, sub.”

Cole grabbed Bane’s hips, edging the tip of his cock against the

rim of Bane’s ass. Bane’s dick hung hard against Cole’s abdomen. He
couldn’t believe he was so ready for round two. He groaned as Cole
pushed his prick inside his ass and started to move. Cole bounced his
ass roughly with quick, punishing thrusts. Their bodies hit together
with a slap, slap motion that echoed into the room. Bane felt Cole’s
balls slap against his perineum. He reached around, grabbing Cole’s
balls tight.

“I want to come,” Cole said.
“Come for me, baby. Come.”
Cole cried out as he pulled out of Bane’s ass. Bane felt Cole’s

spunk whip across his hip in four hot lashes. Bane was breathing hard
as he leaned down, kissing Cole with everything he felt inside. He
never felt more exposed or loved than at this moment in his entire life.

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He could see his future unfold within Cole’s blue eyes and that
frightened him greatly. His family thought he was heterosexual. No
one knew that he was gay. Bane eased down to the bed. Cole curled
up at his side, twining their legs together intimately. The tips of
Cole’s fingers absently brushed at the surgical scars on his chest.
Bane had expected the questions when he had stripped before Cole,
but Cole didn’t seem to care that his chest was all messed up with

“That was amazing,” Cole said. “I’ve never experienced that with

anyone before.”

“Yeah, it was new for me, too, babe.” Bane kissed Cole’s temple.

“I want you to stay the night.”

“I can’t imagine ever leaving your bed again.”
Bane chuckled. “I bet we’ll have to eat sometime.”
“We can order in.”
They kissed. “I think I like the sound of that,” Bane said.
Bane tightened his hold on Cole. After a few minutes, he heard his

steady breathing and knew he was asleep. They shouldn’t have gotten
involved, but Bane didn’t care. He wanted and needed Cole. No, that
wasn’t completely true. The truth of the matter was that he craved
Cole in a way he never experienced before. What was he going to do
when Cole grew tired of him? Bane was scared and excited of what
tomorrow would bring.

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Chapter Six

He was gone.
Bane blinked into the gray wash of rain hammering his bedroom

windows. Thunder rumbled in the distance. It was the perfect day for
sleeping in with a lover. A note was on the pillow next to Bane’s head.
He rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the morning. Cole had been
called into work, but he promised to call later. Bane collapsed back
onto the bed. His prick was throbbing hard with morning wood. The
sound of the rain had Bane closing his eyes and bringing the note to
his lips. The cool fibers of the paper lingered with Cole’s scent. Bane
couldn’t believe he slept through him leaving.

With a frustrated groan, Bane swung his legs from the bed. He

had hoped to have Cole one more time before he left. Bane glanced at
the clock and cursed. He was fucking late. Not for work, but for
letting Mars out.

Mars was at the foot of the bed curled up on the floor. “Sorry,

buddy. I’ll take you out.”

Mars jumped up and ran downstairs. The rain was coming down

hard. Bane opened the back door, but stayed inside. Hot coffee sat in
the coffee pot. A note was on the counter from Cole. I thought you
might be in need of this. ~Cole

Bane poured himself a cup of coffee. He had absolutely nothing to

do today. It was Sunday, a day he should’ve been catching up with
laundry and housework. All he could think about was getting together
with Cole. Bane lifted his coffee as his gaze focused on the calendar
on the wall. He sighed. He forgot all about his night out with his
buddies from the support group. They were going out for beers. Bane

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thought about his fixed heart. He was born with a rare heart condition
that was fixed when he was a baby. He still went for yearly heart
checkups, but there was still that lingering fear of waiting for the
other shoe to drop. Some studies had been done. Children with TOF
were prone to needing valve replacements later on as adults. So far, so
good, Bane’s heart was strong and steady within his chest.

Strong, steady, and did not sound like a normal beating heart. No,

Bane’s made a swish-swish noise when it beat. He grew up defying
the odds. His parents always pushed him forward and never held him
back. Bane even played contact sports in high school. He wasn’t
broken. He just wasn’t built like everyone else. Bane sighed, running
his hand through his hair. He put Cole off about his scars. It was yet
another thing he’d eventually have to tell him. Bane didn’t want to
complicate the relationship that they had. He liked things just the way
they were. Smooth, steady, and uncomplicated.

Mars came up onto the back deck, shaking off. He sat down on his

bed, getting out of the rain. The house phone rang, startling Bane out
of his daydream.

“Hey, babe. I didn’t want to wake you when I left,” Cole said.
Bane loved the sound of his husky voice, whispering over the

phone. “I wish you would’ve woken me. I could’ve helped you get

Cole chuckled. “I would’ve been really late then. Hunter called

me in to read a video he was having trouble with.”

“Are you working late?” Bane asked.
“Probably most of the day. There’s a lot of video to cover. We’re

just now taking a break.”

Bane heard the sleepy sound of his voice. They were up most of

the night playing with each other.

“So, when do I get to see you again? Tonight maybe?”
“I’d like that. I don’t know how long we’ll be. What time do you

want me to come over?” Cole asked.

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“I have plans tonight with some friends. Can you meet me around


“Yeah, I’d like that. My place or yours?” Cole asked.
“Mine. I’ll see you later then.”
“Can’t wait.”
A grin tugged at the corner of Bane’s lips as he hung up the phone.

He was going to hit the hardware store. He needed to buy some rope
for their session tonight. Bane usually worked with chains, but tonight
he was feeling like having something a little bit different.

* * * *

Cole lifted his soda to his mouth. He’d stopped in at the diner with

Hunter after they finished processing the video. They were both
famished. Hunter was a good guy. A little quiet and shy, but funny as
hell. His sandy brown hair fell over his forehead. He was totally
focused on his hamburger and French fries like it was his last meal.

“Thanks again for helping me out with the video,” Hunter said.
“No problem. I don’t mind helping you guys out.”
“Hey, why didn’t you tell any of us that you work contract with

the FBI?”

Cole shrugged. “I don’t go bragging my skills.”
“You should go into law enforcement. You have strong instincts

for solving cases,” Hunter said.

“I like to help where I can. I’m not cut out for carrying a gun.”
Cole pushed his empty plate away and stared out the diner

window. Pedestrians crowded the sidewalks as they moved from
place to place. Cincinnati’s nightlife was making a full comeback.
Kind of like himself in a way, he thought. Cole never expected to be
doing law enforcement work again. He’d purposely chosen to work
with Trent due to the law aspect, but he never thought there would be
a burning desire to get back into the field again. It really made him
feel off balance when he thought about it. He liked working contract.

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It meant he didn’t have to carry a gun. It also meant he could work
behind the scenes without being in the field.

“So your SWAT training is over?” Hunter asked.
“Yeah. I’m certified to go into the field for communication

purposes if they need me to. I doubt it will come up again.”

“You never know,” Hunter said.
The check came and Cole went to reach for it.
“No, let me get it,” Hunter said. “I was just happy to get out with

someone else for some dinner.”

Cole knew that Hunter wasn’t married and lived alone in an

apartment in Mt. Adams. “Thanks.”

They settled the check and headed outside together.
“Hey…I don’t normally do this. Would you like to go out for a

movie sometime?” Hunter asked.

“Oh. I’m seeing someone right now. I’m not sure if we should.”
Hunter’s face turned red. “No problem. It’s not easy meeting

people in this town.”

“No, it’s not. I’ll see you later, okay?” Cole said.
“Sure. Thanks again for your help.”
Cole sat inside his car. He was going over to Bane’s again tonight.

He watched Hunter pull out of the parking lot. Hunter was a great guy.
He just wasn’t Cole’s type. Cole needed a Dom. It was clear to Cole
that Hunter was more of a submissive. A grin turned the corner of
Cole’s lips upward. He never thought of potential lovers that way
before. He kind of liked it.

Twenty minutes later, Cole pulled up in front of Bane’s house. He

knocked on the front door. Bane opened the door wearing only a silk

“You’re late, babe.”
“I suppose I am. I guess you’ll have to punish me for being so


Bane grabbed Cole by the back of the neck, slamming the door

behind. He gave Cole a hard passionate kiss. Their tongues flicked

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together in a deep embrace that left Cole feeling breathless and needy.
Cole found his body swaying to Bane’s for support. Bane broke his
lips away, but his hands smoothed down to Cole’s ass. He gave it a
hard squeeze.

“Upstairs. Now.”
Cole was quick to head up the stairs and down the hallway to the

master bedroom. He froze in the doorway. Ropes hung from the bed
in an intricate pattern that made his cock stomp out hard against his
fly and his ass tighten. Bane came in close from behind.

“Haven’t you ever been tied up before, babe?” Bane asked.
“No. Not like this.”
“Good. I want to be your first. Now, undress.”
Bane watched him, stroking his cock through the silk fabric of his

robe as he undressed. Cole took his pants off last. His heavy cock
slapped against his abdomen when he released his prick from his
boxers. Cole’s eyes watched Bane as he slid his robe from his
shoulders. As always the faint scars on his chest were a reminder that
he’d been through something Cole didn’t know about. That was okay.
Cole knew that one day Bane would trust him enough with the truth.

“Kneel in the middle of the bed facing me.”
The ropes hung from the top curve of the bed. Cole’s heart raced

as he kneeled on the bed. Bane came around to the side, restraining
his left wrist first. He restrained the right one second. Cole’s arms
were spread wide. He looked down at his throbbing cock as it
twitched with each beat of his heart. Bane brought the cock chain
from around his neck. He leaned down, licking Cole’s cock into his
mouth. He sucked hard, flicking his tongue back and forth across his
slit. Cole threw back his head as his cock tightened down hard. He felt
a shot of pre-cum surface at his tip. Bane licked it up before pulling
away. Bane slid the cock chain down his prick, lifting his balls into
the bottom loop. Cole groaned as the warm chain locked down tight
around his prick. It felt so good and tight and silky around his prick.

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Bane wrapped the chain around his waist, locking it tighter than ever

Bane went to the nightstand where he opened a drawer. A wide

leather flogger was brought out. Cole’s gaze flew to Bane’s intense

“Lean forward.”
Cole planted his knees wide, arching his ass into the air. He used

the rope to keep himself balanced. The cool leather flogger was
smoothed over his ass. Cole closed his eyes and relaxed into the rope
as he waited for Bane to spank him. A whack of leather hitting flesh
echoed within the room. Cole’s balls bounced into his cock. The
biting seductive sting of the first spank raced across his ass cheeks.
Cole cried out as second spank hit his ass.

“Fuck yeah,” Cole said.
“You need to learn how to be quiet. Hold your breath until I tell

you to release it. Begin now.”

Cole sucked in a deep breath and held it as Bane spanked his ass

four more times. Bane’s hand smoothed over his ass while his thumb
licked over his rim.

“Release your breath.”
Cole let all the air out of his lungs in a whoosh that had the ropes

knocking into the chains above his head.

“Hold again.”
Cole took a deep breath as the leather flogger came down against

his ass. Warmth surfaced across his ass. Cole’s cock bounced up
hitting his abdomen with an audible smack-smack with each strike.
Just when he was about to lose control of the breath he held, Bane
gave him the order.

“Release your breath.”
A shuddering breath escaped Cole’s parted lips. He’d never had a

lover control his breathing before. It felt so fucking good to put his
body and complete trust into Bane. The bed dipped as Bane sat behind
Cole. Bane’s big hands gripped his hips as his thumbs pulled his ass

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cheeks wide. A hot wet tongue licked between Cole’s ass cheeks and
over his rim. Cole cried out as Bane fucking went after his rim with
his tongue. He flicked his tongue with long sweeping licks. Bane
licked his way down over his perineum, kissing and sucking on his

* * * *

Bane reached around, grabbing Cole’s hard cock through the cock

chain with his fist as he tongue fucked Cole’s rim. He stroked the
chainmail base to tip and back down again. Cole was shaking hard.
He could tell his sub was coming undone. Bane pinched the tip of
Cole’s cockhead.

“Do not come until I give you permission to do so.”
Slowly, Bane released his cockhead, stroking his hand back down

Cole’s shivering cock. He reached down to Cole’s balls, gripping
them tightly as his tongue flexed over Cole’s rim. Bane’s cockhead
pressed against Cole’s leg. Bane reached down, giving his prick a
hard stroke. He wanted to mount Cole and fuck him hard, but he knew
he needed to take his time with his lover.

A whimper of need tore from the back of Cole’s throat as Bane’s

tongue licked his rim. Bane kissed his way over Cole’s ass, giving
him a nip. Bane spanked Cole’s ass several times.

Bane propped his back against the headboard and put his feet flat

on the bed, spreading his legs wide. He slapped his throbbing cock
against the backside of Cole’s ass. Pre-cum left wet spots on his
heated ass.

“Stay on your knees.”
Cole’s body shook as Bane adjusted the rope so that his forehead

touched the bed. Bane moved Cole’s wrists behind his back, tying
them just above his ass. Bane reached between Cole’s legs, stroking
his prick. The tip of Cole’s cockhead brushed against Bane’s sheets.
Bane’s cock teased between Cole’s ass cheeks, pressing against his

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rim until his ass started to open wide. Bane reached for the lube,
spreading it over his thick cock. He pulled Cole’s hips back, sinking
his cock deep within Cole’s ass. They groaned in unison as their
bodies joined together. Bane reached up, grabbing the long ends of
the rope he tied to the bed for leverage. Bane pumped his hips, flexing
his cock in and out of Cole’s ass. Their bodies slapped together. Their
balls rubbed together as their bodies hit. Bane worked Cole’s ass hard,
lifting Cole up off the bed with hard punishing hits.

Bane was so close to coming that he had to stop. He wanted to

come with his lover. “Up.”

He yanked Cole up by the arms so that they were skin to skin.

Cole arched back, pressing his back against Bane’s chest. Bane loved
having his cock so deep as he took control of Cole’s cock with his fist.
He gave Cole’s cock several strokes before releasing it. He unlocked
the chain from around Cole’s waist and slipped the cock chain from
Cole’s prick. Bane flipped open the lube cap with his right hand,
squeezing it onto Cole’s cock. Cole groaned as Bane’s hands stroked
him down to his base and back up to his tip. Bane gripped Cole’s balls
and base with his left hand as his right hand stroked his cock.

Cole arched, flinging back his head as Bane fucked Cole with his

fist. His lips brushed Cole’s neck and ear, licking his tongue over the
sensitive curve.

“Come for me.” Cole groaned as Bane polished his tip hard.

“Come for me, Cole.”

Bane felt Cole’s prick tighten down hard as his orgasm flexed

through his body. Hot spunk shot through Cole’s dick, spraying
across his chest. Bane watched as Cole’s sauce flew up over his chest.
One of the sprays hit Bane in the chin.

Bane’s cock flexed hard as his orgasm spun through his body,

sending his spunk flying from his dick.

They were breathing hard as they came back down to reality.

Bane slid Cole off his cock and released him from the rope that held
him. He kissed Cole, taking his sweet time to taste his flavor. He

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pulled Cole down to the bed where he held him close. The chains
above their head struck together like wind chimes.

“That was nice,” Cole said.
“Mm, it was.”
“I could fall in love with you,” Cole said.
Bane tightened his hand on Cole’s shoulder. “I think I like the

sound of that.”

“Do you?”
Bane kissed his temple. “Yes.”
Guilt ebbed toward the surface. Bane knew he should’ve told Cole

that he was his first everything, but he couldn’t. Not tonight. He
didn’t want to ruin the moment. He wanted to savor having Cole’s
body so close.

“Will you stay the night?” Bane asked.
“I’d love to.”
Bane felt as though everything in his life were finally falling into

place. As long as he had Cole, Bane knew that he could accomplish
anything in his life. For the first time in Bane’s life, he felt
unconditional love from his lover. The idea that it could all go away
in a blink of an eye made his heart skip a vital beat. The tips of Cole’s
fingers brushed his surgical scars.

“How did you get these?” Cole asked.
“Heart surgery as a baby.”
“You’re okay now?” Cole asked.
“Perfectly healthy.”
Cole snuggled in closer, sighing in his sleep. Their legs were

twined. Their cocks were heavy and lying next to each other. Bane
smiled as warmth, love, and happiness spread through his body. He
loved Cole. It was time Bane told him the truth about his experience.
Bane hoped that Cole would completely understand when he came
out about it.

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Chapter Seven

Something was wrong.
Cole stood on the threshold to his house and back porch, holding

two cups of coffee for them. Bane’s gaze was distant as he focused on
the fireflies dancing in the yard. Mars ran off chasing the fireflies and
playing around in the grass. Cole sat down on the porch swing next to
Bane, handing him his cup of coffee. Bane put his arm around Cole’s
shoulders, pulling him in close.

They had dinner an hour ago and were planning on doing a little

star gazing. Tonight was a perfect night for seeing the rings of Saturn
clearly. The brass telescope on Cole’s deck was focused on the sky.
Cole was enjoying sharing his love of astronomy with his lover.

Cole sighed into Bane’s arms, loving the feel of their bodies so

close together. Cole knew that something was bothering Bane, but he
didn’t know how to ask him about it. A part of Cole knew that Bane
had something he wanted to tell him. The frightened part of Cole
suspected that things were over between them. All the signs were
there. Bane was busy with work. Cole was working overtime around
Trent’s schedule. They didn’t have a lot of time to talk when they saw
each other at the station. The whole we need to talk conversation was
on the table. Cole had been there way too many times for his comfort.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” Bane said.
Cole stiffened, feeling tears mist his eyes before he could stop it

from happening. His heart shattered when he thought about Bane
leaving him for another man.

“I’m listening.”

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Bane moved his arm from Cole’s shoulders. He held Cole’s hand,

twining their fingers tightly. Bane nervously brushed his thumb over
the back of Cole’s hand. “I should’ve told you the moment we first
met, but I didn’t want the truth to change your opinion of me.”

“Just tell me, Bane. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.”
“You were my first.”
First, as in there would be many more to follow after they broke

up? Cole couldn’t stand the thought of Bane being with more men.
“Oh, I thought…”

“I’ve been with lots of women, but it’s never felt right. It always

felt wrong, but with you things finally felt right. It feels right when I
kiss you.”

Surprise and hurt tore through Cole’s heart. He pulled away from

Bane, walking over to the railing to watch the fading sunlight. The
swing had gone rocking when Cole suddenly stood up and walked
away. Bane set his coffee on the rail.

“You sure didn’t act like I was your first,” Cole said.
“It wasn’t until I kissed you that I knew I was gay.”
Cole couldn’t help feeling so betrayed by his omission. He didn’t

want to feel that way, but he did. “I wish you would’ve told me

“Why? It doesn’t change how I feel about you and what we have


“Maybe not for you, but for me it does.”
“You wanted me to kiss you that day in the locker room. You

were practically begging for it.”

“I wish you would’ve told me you were inexperienced with men

before we had sex.”

“How does it change things? I’m still your Dom.”
Cole felt a shiver jerk through his body. “You should have trusted

me with the truth.”

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“You would’ve wanted control to teach me what it means to be a

gay man. I didn’t need a teacher. I needed a lover. I needed a

“You should’ve trusted me.”
“I do, babe.”
“You would’ve told me if you had trusted me.”
Mars came up on the deck like a child trying to get between two

fighting parents. Bane opened the back door for Mars, letting him into
the house. Cole wondered if Bane was going to walk away too.

* * * *

Bane could sense Cole’s anger in the way he strode away. Cole’s

feet were bare. His jeans rode low on his hips. Sunlight faded through
the trees, reflecting off his golden chest hair. He lifted up his long
arms, gripping the top frame of the porch.

“I wish you would have told me,” Cole said.
“Had I known how you feel, I would have.” Bane felt like he was

losing Cole. “Does it change how you feel about me?”

“I’m not sure how I feel about everything right now. I feel raw

about this.”

Pain sliced through Bane’s heart. He could see that Cole needed

space about this issue. “I didn’t want you to think differently about
me. I didn’t mean to betray you.”

Tears fell from Cole’s eyes. Bane reached out and caught Cole’s

tears with his fingers. Emotion lumped in the back of Bane’s throat
and tears misted his eyes. He hated how much he hurt Cole with the

“I think I need time, Bane. You need to go.”
Bane’s heart shattered into a thousand pieces he didn’t know how

to put back together. Bane felt oddly numb inside. “You’re making a
mistake by pushing me away.”

“The only mistake I made was blindly trusting you.”

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Cole’s words were calm and stung painfully. “You can still trust


“Can I?”
Bane hesitated, watching the sunlight wink out. He felt his heart

fade with the light, breaking completely. Bane wanted to grab onto to
Cole and hold him tight, but he knew he couldn’t. Cole needed space
to process the fact that his Dom wasn’t experienced with men. “Yes.
There’s nothing else that I’ve kept from you.”

Cole sighed, running his hand through his hair. “How do I know

this just isn’t a phase for you?”

“Try to see it from my perspective, Bane. How would you feel if

you just found out that your lover was playing around with being

“I’m not playing with you, Cole. And I’m not playing around with

being gay.”

Bane muscled Cole up against the rail, using his size to take

control. Bane slipped his thigh between Cole’s legs, pinning their hips
together. “What do you want me to prove, Cole? That I’m really gay?
That I only want your cock in my mouth? That I only want my cock
in your ass?”

Cole’s mouth dropped open as Bane came in so close that their

lips were nearly touching.

“Scared of loving me?” Bane taunted.
“I’m afraid of you leaving me.”
Bane could feel the heat of Cole’s cock beneath his jeans. The tip

of Cole’s cockhead pushed over the top of his jeans, landing just
beneath his navel. “So you want to push me away?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t have gotten involved with you had I known that I

was your first.”

Everything around Bane came into sharp focus. He wasn’t going

to let Cole walk away with such flimsy excuses. “Liar.”

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“I don’t like to be someone’s experimental phase.”
Bane growled, grabbing the length of climbing rope from porch.

Bane pulled Cole away from the rail, walking him backward off the
porch. He didn’t stop until Cole was pinned to the soft grass beneath
his feet. Bane straddled his hips.

“You are not a fucking experimental phase for me.”
“Prove it.”
Cole gasped as Bane reached down unsnapping the fly of Cole’s

jeans, yanking them down his hips and off his legs. Bane took Cole
down to the ground with a controlled fall. He flipped Cole over and
grabbed the rope, using it to methodically tie Cole up. He hog tied
Cole, tying his ankles up to expose his ass. When Cole was tied up
perfectly, Bane stepped back to undress. He came back down to Cole,
shoving his face into the crack of his ass.

“Oh, Bane.”
“I know you want me,” Bane said.
“I want everything with you.”
Bane loved to hear Cole beg for more. Bane licked out, flicking

his tongue over Cole’s rim. He attacked Cole’s rim with everything he
always wanted and so much more. Bane kissed his way down Cole’s
perineum, kissing Cole’s big balls. Cole’s swollen cock was pointed
south toward Bane.

As Bane looked down at Cole’s prick, his mouth began to water.

He leaned down, swiping his tongue from Cole’s cockhead to his
balls. Cole moaned. His muscles flexed tight as he waited for Bane to
do more. Bane leaned down, sliding his prick up and down between
Cole’s ass cheeks. The tip of Bane’s cockhead hit Cole’s rim over and
over as he punished Cole with his hard dick. Pre-cum lubed Bane’s
cock and Cole’s ass. Bane yanked away, using his tongue to lube
Cole’s rim again.

Bane leaned back on his haunches, searching out his jeans. As a

Dom he was always prepared to take his sub. He found the small
bottle of lube tucked in the front pocket of his jeans. Cole groaned

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when he heard the flip of the lube bottle echo within the darkness.
Bane lubed his fingers. He pushed his first finger slowly into Cole’s
ass. Cole groaned as Bane fucked his lover with his finger. Bane
pulled his finger out and shoved two back inside Cole’s ass. Cole
moaned for more as Bane used his fingers like his cock.

“You love my fingers stuffed inside of you. You love me fucking

you with my fingers.”

A moan of desperation tore from Cole’s lips as Bane pulled his

fingers from Cole’s ass. Bane grabbed the bottle of lube again. Bane
palmed his cock, lubing it fast. Bane bit his lip as he edged his
cockhead over Cole’s rim, stretching him with the tip of his cockhead
as he pushed inside.

“I don’t have any confusion about my sexual orientation. I love

cock and I love ass even more.”

Bane slowly pushed his cock into Cole’s ass and didn’t stop

thrusting until his big cock was stuffed all the way into Cole’s ass,
stretching his lover wide. Bane used his knees as leverage, wrapping
his arms beneath Cole’s roped legs. He fucked Cole hard, thrusting
with quick, short strokes that slapped their bodies together. Bane
loved the sound of their loving echoing off into the night. Bane fisted
his hands into the rope, using it to anchor their bodies together. Cole’s
challenge to prove things had Bane losing control. With each slapping
hit of their bodies connecting, Cole moaned and begged for more.

His heart raced as Bane felt his cock kick out hard. He knew he

was about to come deep inside his lover. Tears pricked Bane’s eyes as
he thought about how this was the last time he’d have Cole. Bane
cried out as his orgasm tore through his entire body, sending his
spunk flying deep inside Cole. Bane pulled his cock out of Cole,
shooting his cum over Cole’s ass and back. Bane was shaking as he
came down from the hard ride. He rolled Cole to his side, searching
his swollen cock out beneath the moonlight. Cole jumped when Bane
palmed his prick, polishing his cockhead with his palm.

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This would be their last time together. Bane reached around,

untying Cole’s legs from the restraint. He kept the rest of the rope
knotted down tight around Cole’s chest and arms. Bane wrapped his
arm beneath one of Cole’s legs, positioning his mouth over Cole’s
throbbing cockhead. Bane moaned in unison with Cole as he sucked
Cole’s cock into his mouth and deep within his throat. He gripped
Cole’s shaft, keeping control of Cole as he sucked him off. Cole
flexed his hips, rocking his cock in and out of Bane’s mouth. Bane
pulled suddenly away, releasing Cole’s cock. Cole groaned when his
cock slapped against his abdomen, sending a shot of pre-cum up over
his flexed abs.

Bane reached for the lube, stroking Cole’s cock roughly. He

straddled Cole’s hips, positioning his rim above Cole’s swollen
cockhead. He sat down roughly, taking Cole all the way in with one
move. Cole cried out as his cock was shoved so deeply into Bane’s
ass. Bane reached between his legs, wrapping his hands around the
rope that held his sub hostage. Bane used the rope to control how and
when Cole thrust his prick.

Their eyes locked within the soft glow of the moonlight. Cole was

so twisted up that his mouth was parted and his breath raced. Bane
took Cole hard, using the rope as leverage as he rode his lover.

“Bane…I’m coming.”
Bane grabbed the ropes, tightening his hold as Cole flexed his

cock deep within his ass. “Come for me.”

Cole cried out, shoving his vibrating cock deeper into Bane’s ass.

When Cole had finally come down from his high, Bane released him
from the rope. Bane stood within the moonlight, finding his clothes.

“Was that enough proof for you?” Bane asked.
“I should go. You wanted me to go.”
“Bane, please. Don’t do this.”
“I can’t prove to you that I’m gay. That’s something you need to

decide upon. I’ve done all I can.”

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“I’m leaving.”
Bane couldn’t believe he was walking away from Cole after such

a long session. He knew he wasn’t doing his job as a Dom by not
taking care of his sub after their session. Bane had something he
needed to prove to Cole. This was the only way he knew how to drive
his point home. Their gazes locked. It was then that Bane knew that
he loved Cole, but they would never be together again.

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Chapter Eight

Rain sprinted over the car’s windows. The city was covered in a

gray wash of rain and fog rolling off the river. Cincinnati had a habit
of feeling a lot like England with all the rain in the summer months.
Mars sat in the back of the car probably wondering if they were ever
going to go inside headquarters. Bane couldn’t get motivated to get
out of the car with the rain coming down so hard.

Bane closed his eyes and dropped his head back against the

headrest. He woke up that morning, crying out for Cole as he fucked
himself against his mattress and pillow. His orgasm and spunk
flowing from his cock had awakened him. Both of his hands had been
gripping his cock. The tears that followed had been gut wrenching. He
cried hard for a man who was never going to come back to him again.
He almost called in sick to work, but he needed the distraction.

There was a break in the rain. Tears misted Bane’s eyes as he got

out of the car, opening the back door for Mars. He headed up the back
entrance, hitting the security keypad to get inside. Bane walked
through the department with Mars at his side, secretly looking for
Trent who would be with Cole. Over the last several days, Bane had
expected Cole to call, but he never did. The dead air between them
was really starting to get on Bane’s nerves. He knew he had to win
Cole back but he didn’t know how. Cole wanted space and Bane was
giving him a lot of it. They were up to a week’s worth of space that
was starting to feel a lot like a breakup. Bane wasn’t ready to let go of
Cole so easily. He wasn’t ready to give up on what they had together.
They were good together. They got along great. It felt like they were
on the same wavelength.

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He went to his office where he dropped off his jacket. He needed

to find Trent. They had some things they needed to take care of today.
Bane glanced down at Mars. He yawned and sat down on his doggie

“Come on, buddy. We both have work to do.”
Mars hopped up, wagging his tail into the desk. Bane went

through the maze of offices on the second floor, not finding Trent
anywhere. He went downstairs. He was probably in a meeting.

Everything slowed down as Bane crossed the hallway in front of a

conference room filled with police officers. There were floor-to-
ceiling windows separating Bane from the room. Cole was at the front
of the room interpreting the meeting. Cole’s gaze flew to the windows.

Their eyes locked.
Bane’s heart hiccupped in a funny way. He slowed, checking his

watch on his wrist. He really needed to talk to Trent anyway about the
situation all fucked up within the K-9 department. They wanted Mars
to retire. Bane wasn’t ready to give him up in the field. He had at least
another year left of service. The conference room was quick to clear
out. Mars sat down by his feet. Trent was the last to exit with Shadow
at his side. Cole was at his side. He stood near Bane’s shoulder so that
Trent could read his signs.

“Do you have a few minutes?” Bane asked.
“Sure. I’m on my way downstairs to check on the new dog. He

just flew in with Officer Mink. He’s from Holland,” Trent said.

All of their K-9 dogs came from Europe due to their excellent

bloodlines. Mink went every few years to Europe to pick up a new
dog to train. “Is he another Belgium Malinois?”

Cole wouldn’t meet his gaze. That burned more than Bane wanted

to admit. Bane didn’t like to be ignored, but there was nothing he
could do about it now. They headed toward the back stairwell where
they cut through the basement walkway, past the training center, and
over to the K-9 department. The warehouse was usually busy at this

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time of day and it was. The garage doors were open to the outside.
Officer Mink had the new pup outside, running in the sunshine. They
had an outside grass-covered training area for the dogs to run. The
six-foot-high security fence kept anyone from getting out or in. Trent
tossed a ball out the door for Shadow to chase after.

Bane grabbed one of the chew ropes from the bin and tossed it

across the room for Mars.

“What’s up?” Trent asked.
Bane crossed his arms. “I think Mars has another year left in


Out of the corner of Bane’s eye, he saw Cole’s hand moving with

his words.

“This is standard procedure. Mars is almost nine years old. You

can purchase him for a dollar. You won’t be losing him.”

Pain shot through Bane’s heart as he thought about losing his

lover and his K-9 partner all in the same week. “I am losing him. I
trust him completely in the field.”

“I’ll be setting you up with Chester. He’s gone through all the

training. He’s ready.”

“Chester doesn’t get along well with Mars. I can’t have two dogs

in the house who don’t like each other.”

Trent ran a hand through his hair. They had wandered over to the

edge of the open garage doors. Bane looked across the room at Mars
who was happily chewing on his rope. This was about so much more
than just Mars but he wasn’t ready to admit it to himself. The new pup
came running over to Mars who immediately started to play with the
dog. Mars rolled onto his back taking the submissive position so that
the pup could roughhouse on top of him.

“I guess you’ll have Dre then.”
“The puppy?” Bane asked.
“As soon as Mink is done training him, he’s yours. Mars will have

to retire then.”

“What about Chester?”

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“We may have to retrain him,” Trent said.
That gave Bane another eight more months in the field with Mars.

It was more than he expected. The puppy ran off into the yard,
chasing a butterfly. “Okay then.”

“We still need to go over the incident report from RAT,” Trent


“Not interested.”
“I don’t want London down here screaming for your ass to be sent

for retraining. You have to jump through this hoop with me,” Trent

“Not happening.”
“You can’t blow this off. It’s not going to go away.”
“If you ignore things long enough, sometimes they will,” Bane


“We’ve been friends for a long time, Bane. This is not the time to

screw me over with this.”

“I’m not.”
“Like hell you’re not,” Trent said.
The heat of his raised voice got Bane’s attention fast. They were

often known to butt heads, but they usually didn’t do it in such a
public forum. “Maybe we should take this to your office.”

“I think that would be a good idea,” Trent said.
Bane went over to Officer Mink. “Can Mars and Shadow hang

with Dre for a few minutes? I need to talk with Trent.”

“Sure, no problem. I’m going to be out here for a while. I’ll let

them have some playtime.”

“Great. Thanks.”
Trent’s office was two floors up. It was small, but there was

enough room for them to move around. Bane shut the door behind
them. The click of the door was like a bell sounding for a MMA fight.
Cole was off to Bane’s side.

“Don’t push me on this issue,” Trent said.

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“RAT can kiss my ass, Trent. You and I both know that Seth has

his hands on too many things with SWAT.”

“You’re going to have to discuss this incident with him.”
“Even a broken clock is right twice a day. It doesn’t mean he’s

going to be right all the time on all the issues that affect SWAT.”

“Then take this up with him.”
“London is the only thing standing between you and Internal

Affairs on this thing. So, fucking deal with him.”

Bane was feeling emotionally strung out. He wasn’t sleeping at

night. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw bags under his
eyes. His appetite was shot. Nothing tasted good. Nothing sounded
good. He was eating to live. He couldn’t think about anything other
than the fact that Cole didn’t want him any longer. The stuff with
RAT didn’t matter. Nothing mattered to him anymore. All he wanted
was Cole, and he wasn’t coming back to him anytime soon.

“If London wants to go to IA, that’s fine with me. Fucking bring it


“Why are you stuck on not cleaning up this incident?” Trent asked.
“Because I made the right fucking call to send the guys in.”
“That’s for RAT to decide.”
The heat of Trent’s words probably rattled the windows. Bane

crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. Over the years,
Trent had been one of his good friends, but he couldn’t tell him what
was on his plate with Cole hanging around. At one time, he probably
could have, but not anymore. There was too much sex in the air
between them for Bane to ever be comfortable talking to Trent in
front of Cole again.

“Work this out,” Trent said.
“Fuck. No.”

* * * *

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Their fight was escalating. Cole felt like he was in the middle

despite being interpreter hanging off to the side. Trent didn’t argue
with anyone. Bane’s bad attitude was starting to bleed through to his
work. There was a whole lot of tension due to their fucked-up
relationship. Cole’s hands flowed with signs but were emphasized
hard as the heat of Bane’s words stabbed at the air.

Cole couldn’t sleep at night. He fucking missed Bane. Their back

and forth was snapping fast as they spoke over each other. Trent’s
gaze flew between Cole and Bane like a professional ping pong match.
The incident they argued over was all over the media. A news station
was now conducting an investigation into police tactics and use of
force. It was bad publicity all the way around.

“RAT needs to use this as an opportunity for good PR,” Bane said.
“Well, march your ass down the hall and tell him that. You can

teach a class on self-defense and have some girl scouts learn about

“I don’t have time for this shit.”
“You do now or London is going to push the issue and you’ll end

up in the retraining program.”

“Media stunts are not my priority.”
Trent sat down behind his desk. “No, but they can make or break

an officer’s career.”

Bane strode the short length of the office and back again. His gaze

moved over Cole in a quick, dismissive, and uninterested way.

Bane ran his hand through that silken dark hair of his, making

Cole’s heart beat faster. The memory of their first kiss shot through
Cole’s mind. He remembered the feel of that oh so soft hair twisted
through his fingers. He loved how soft his full lips were. God, he
loved the feel of Bane’s mouth on his cock. He wanted things right
between them, but he didn’t know how to make them right. They
needed to talk, but work wasn’t the time or place to do it.

“For the love of fuck,” Bane said.

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“You have two options. Deal with London or go through


“I guess I’ll deal with London.”
Trent sighed, leaning back far into his chair. “What’s going on? I

know something else is bothering you.”

Cole stiffened, waiting for Bane’s words. He resisted the urge to

look at Bane. There was a lot of dead air.

“It’s nothing. I have to go talk to London.”
Cole felt shaken inside. They both were stewing over things. Bane

went to move past Cole and bumped into him.

“Excuse me,” Bane said.
Heat spread out from the spot where their arms brushed. “No

problem. Bane?”

“We need to talk sometime,” Cole said.
“Can’t right now. It’s going to have to wait.”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“I’m not. I’m just too busy to think about us right now,” Bane said.
The door slammed closed behind Bane. There were times when no

words could bridge the divide. Cole knew that the next move was his.
Bane had looked as though he swallowed something bitter every time
their eyes brushed. Cole remembered his first time with a guy and it
was nothing like what Cole and Bane had together. His previous lover
had experience on his side too. This time, the roles were reversed. He
just wished that Bane had trusted him with the truth. Cole knew he
was treating Bane unfairly. He had to let go of the omission and move

Trent frowned when they were alone. “What’s going on?”
Cole dropped down in the chair and lifted his hands to sign. It felt

easier to sign it than to speak the words he was feeling so deeply out
loud. “It’s fucking complicated right now.”

“Tell me what’s going on.”

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“I’m in love with Bane. I told him I needed space. I shouldn’t


“What? Why would you push him away?”
“He kept the truth of his experience from me.”
“How much experience has he had? It can’t be that much.”
“With guys, not so much. Just me. He’s been with a lot of


“Then what’s the problem? Are you upset he didn’t tell you about

the women before you guys got involved?”

“No. I knew about the women. I thought he had experience with

men, too. He didn’t have any before me.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Trent asked.
“I was his first for everything. I just wish…”
“You wish you would’ve known before.”
“Yeah. It means everything to me. I wish he would’ve told me. I

would have taken things slower with him.”

“Maybe things were meant to go fast between the two of you.”

Trent sighed. “What are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. I think I blew things, Trent. I don’t think I can

make this right.”

“Give it twenty-four hours. Things always look better in the


“I hope you’re right.”
“I always am.”
Trent grinned. Cole wished he could see his future and know that

everything would work out the way it was meant to. All he could feel
was sadness and heartache when he thought about how he fucked up
his relationship with Bane.

“Hey, chin up. You won’t lose him.”
Cole’s hands shook as he lifted them. Emotion poured from his

heart. He tried to keep the tears from wetting his eyes, but he couldn’t.
“How can you be so sure?”

“I know Bane.”

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Chapter Nine

Bane was leaning his shoulder against the wall of the conference

room. His thumbs were hooked into the front of his belt. He was in
tactical clothes today for the job in the field. Some days it felt as
though they spent as much time planning tactical events as they did
executing them.

The guy from the US Marshal Service was in front of the white

board. A map of the city was projected onto it. They were executing a
warrant for a fugitive from NYC who was supposed to be in the area
with his aunt. They were still at headquarters going over the tactical
aspect of their pick up. Mars was anxious to get outside. There were
four guys from the US Marshal’s Service. Two were from NYC and
two were from Cincinnati. Bane, TJ, and Adam were working with
the Marshal Service. It was common practice that local law rode
along on a pickup. It was their playground after all.

“The aunt’s apartment is here on Fourteenth Street. Raines, I want

you parked here facing west. Duncan, I want you and Mars parked
facing east. Compton will take position in his vehicle on Thirteenth,
behind the building. I want visual confirmation before we serve the

The map of the city vanished, replaced by a picture of their

suspect. “This is Smith. He’s been known to resist arrest and shoot at
officers. Consider him armed and extremely dangerous. He’s got a
girlfriend in the area. We’ll be hitting both locations at the same time.
Meyer and I will be hitting the girlfriend’s place. Questions?”

Nothing was standard operating procedure with these types of

fugitives. Shit went wrong all the time. Most times fugitives ran far

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and fast when they saw the Marshal Service coming. Bane envied the
bastards. At least he got to pretend to be one of them for a day. Mars
whined and the corner of Bane’s mouth ticked up. He was K-9 for life.

Beneath Bane’s clothes, his bulletproof vest was tight against his

T-shirt. Mars whimpered again. They were all suited up and ready to
go. So, they headed out of the conference room and cut through the
back walkway. The team headed through the walkway and out toward
the parking lot. Cole was walking into the building without Trent at
his side. His gaze cut to Bane, but he quickly looked away.

Bane found himself reaching for the phone more times than he

wanted last night. What happened next was up to Cole. Bane watched
him closely as the distance closed between them, but Cole didn’t look
up. When they passed, Cole finally looked up at him. There were
questions in his blue eyes. Bane found himself slowing to talk to him.

“Where are you off to?” Cole asked.
“To serve a warrant. It’s all routine.”
“I’ll catch you later?” he asked.
There was hope and uncertainty in Cole’s eyes. “Maybe.”
“Be careful out there.”
Bane felt a shiver ripple down his neck. “I will be.”
Bane caught up with the guys. Excitement vibrated through Mars

as he jumped into the backseat of his car. Bane adjusted his radio as
he got behind the wheel. They all took separate routes to the locations
that were a fifteen-minute drive away. Bane found an open parking
spot in his designated area and shut off the car. Now, it was time to
wait for all the fun to begin.

The weather was stunning and perfect. Blue skies and sunshine

rained down for miles. It was the perfect weather for someone trying
something stupid. It was a cool morning. Through the tall buildings,
Bane saw dark clouds on the horizon. It wouldn’t be long before the
rain started up. The trees were budding. Pollen rained down, leaving
Bane’s car in a thick sheen of green dust. Bane had a clear view of the
front and east alley to the brick building. This section of Over the

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Rhine was revitalized with new apartments in historic buildings. High
crime was still a problem for Cincinnati. Bane watched the building
while his brain played tag with thoughts of Cole. There’d been dark
circles under his eyes. That blond hair of his was mussed, too, like he
hadn’t bothered to comb it that morning. Or maybe he had combed it
with his fingers after he stepped out of the shower.

Traffic was light despite the early morning hour.
Despite the pretty weather, things felt off. Bane couldn’t put his

finger on it. It was a vibe he couldn’t shake. It probably had
everything to do with his ending relationship with Cole. Sunlight
reflected off of Bane’s sunglasses. A light breeze blew between the
buildings and in through the open window in the back. Mars’s ears
perked up as he stuck his head between the seats. He looked around,
too. Bane put his hand on Mars’s head, giving him a scratch.

“What is it, buddy?”
The dog whimpered. A chill raced down Bane’s spine. Yeah, he

didn’t have a good feeling about this either. The chatter among the
Marshals on the radio was background noise. They were checked in at
the girlfriend’s house. Bane looked up at the front windows of the
apartment building. The curtain on one of the front windows fluttered
as though someone had put their hand on it to pull it aside. Bane
grabbed his radio.

“Forty-two-sixteen. I saw some movement on the second floor

window. Someone took a quick glance out of the window.”

“Copy, forty-two-sixteen.”
Bane glanced down at his clipboard. A picture of their fugitive’s

mug shot was clipped onto the board. He was five-ten with sandy-
brown hair. He had skipped his meet and greet with his probation
officer two months ago. Failure to meet meant an automatic trip back
to jail. Mars whimpered again. Bane glanced back in his rearview
mirror. Mars had his nose pressed to the window, ears perked up.
Everyone was on high alert due to the playtime at the window. Bane
had a feeling that was their fugitive taking a look outside.

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The radio jammed to life. “Our fugitive is running out the back

door of the aunt’s apartment.”

Bane put the car in drive and sped over to the alley where he

parked it on the sidewalk. He jumped out, flinging open the back door
for Mars. Their fugitive was on foot, running down the alley toward
them. Mars took off at a fly, sprinting down the alley after the guy.
Bane chased after Mars. Mars lunged, grabbing the guy by the arm. It
was the same arm that held a knife. They went down to the ground.

Everything slowed down. Mars had his jaw locked on their

fugitive’s arm, shaking it back and forth. Their fugitive snapped
round. Mars lost his hold, but went in again. Bane didn’t have a clear
shot of their fugitive with Mars in the way. The US Marshals were
running down the alley. Bane had to make a call.

“Police officer, get on the ground!” Bane ordered.
The fugitive was fighting to get free from Mars. Mars threw his

body into their fugitive again. Bane didn’t have a good shot. He
holstered his gun, tackling the guy to the ground. He pinned his body
to the pavement. A knife was locked down tight within the guy’s hand.

They fought hard. Bane felt the slash of the knife cut through his

shirt. He locked his arm around the suspect’s neck, taking position
behind. Bane was flipped onto the ground with their fugitive pinning
him on top. The knife came flying at his chest. Bane grabbed the
guy’s wrist, struggling for purchase on the knife. Bane popped his
hips, knocking the guy off balance and flipping him off.

“Drop the knife!”
A gun was pointed at the suspect and Bane. Not good. Bullets

didn’t show discretion between the good guys and the bad when they
were fired. A Marshal came in close, grabbing the guy’s arm. They all
went down hard to the pavement.

The knife spun away. It took them another five minutes to get

their suspect settled down enough to get him handcuffed. Bane was
breathing hard as he sat back on his knees, letting the US Marshals

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take over on the search of the suspect. The guy was probably whacked
on something illegal.

Bane looked down at his torn jacket. The warmth of blood flowed

down his arm and out over his palm. He worked his jacket off his
shoulder. It was bad.

TJ rushed to his side. “Fuck.”
“Sounds about right.”
TJ was on his radio calling for an ambulance. Pressure was put on

the wound by TJ. Bane felt his stomach roll as his arm was elevated
and pain zinged down the nerve on his arm.

“Are you injured anywhere else?” TJ asked.
The pain was too great. He wasn’t sure. “I don’t think so.”
“You’re taking a ride to the hospital.”
“Looks like I am.”
Pain throbbed through Bane’s arm. He felt dizzy from the

shooting sensation through the nerve in his arm. It was his trigger
hand. This injury was going to fuck him up for a while.

* * * *

Something was going on. Cole watched as Trent looked down at

his cell phone, reading the text message that came in. His face went
pale as he responded to the text.

“We have to get to the hospital,” Trent said.
“What’s going on?”
“It’s Bane. He was injured in the field. He’s in surgery now.”
Cole felt the room start to spin. His body went weak as his hand

dropped to the wall to catch himself. “Oh, God.”

Tears rushed to his eyes. Trent came in close, holding his face.

“He’s going to be okay. TJ is down there now. His arm was injured
by their suspect’s knife. Let’s get down there. He’s going to want you
there when he wakes up.”

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Cole wiped his eyes with his hand and signed. “I hope you’re


“I’m always right. Come on. I’ll drive.”
They took Trent’s car. Cole couldn’t think straight the entire time

they drove to the hospital. No one he ever loved had gotten injured
before. They parked in the emergency parking area and went into the
hospital. They bypassed the security entrance and headed toward the
elevators. He hit the up button.

“What floor are we going to?” Cole asked.
“The MICU to wait for him to get out of the PACU.”
The team that Cole saw leaving with Bane that morning was in the

surgical waiting area. He looked around, taking note of all the guys
from SWAT. He didn’t recognize one of the women off to the side.
Her dark hair was the same color as Bane’s. She had the same eyes as
his, too. Cole was usually comfortable in hospitals. Today, he was on
edge. Cole took up a free spot to wait it out. Trent caught him looking
at the woman.

“That’s Bane’s younger sister, Tory. His parents are out of state.

She’s all he has in Cincinnati.”

Cole nodded. One of the guys had bought a giant blue whale from

the gift shop. “Who’s that?” Cole asked.

“Grant. He usually works third shift. It’s probably why you

haven’t met him before.”

Jealousy stole Cole’s breath away. He didn’t have anything from

the gift shop for Bane. He wished he had gone downstairs to pick him
something up. Another guy had a hat with two side holders with beer.
Cole paced away from the group. He went to the window to look
outside at the city. Dark gray storm clouds hung over the city. Rain
misted in a white fog, hanging over everything. Raindrops gathered
on the windows, sliding down in thin streams. He dropped his
forehead to the window.

“He’s going to need you,” Trent said.
Cole glanced at Trent. “I don’t know if he needs me anymore.”

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“Getting injured in the field does something to your confidence.

He’s going to need you while he recovers. Trust me.”

“I don’t know if I’m the right man for him.”
“You’re the only one for him.”
Down below the city skyline rolled out in a blanket of concrete

and old buildings. Traffic was heavy due to rush hour. Cole was
nervous about seeing Bane. He hated himself for pushing the man he
loved away. It wasn’t easy coming to term with one’s sexuality. Cole
spent a long time figuring out who he was and what he liked. He
knew all about the pain and confusion that came from coming out.
When Bane needed him most, Cole had pushed him away. Guilt
played overtime in his heart.

Cole was almost positive Bane wasn’t out with anyone. Cole

wanted to comfort him. He wanted to take care of him and wanted to
be taken care of. Love was hard enough. They didn’t need to fight
about Bane’s lack of sexual experience with men. At the end of the
day, it really didn’t matter who Bane had been with prior to Cole. All
that mattered was that they were together now. Bane’s love was the
only thing Cole wanted and needed. He couldn’t imagine losing him.

Two hours later, a nurse came out to address the group.
Cole signed her words for Trent. “Officer Duncan is out of the

PACU and stable. He’s awake and doing well. He can have three
visitors at a time.”

Some of the guys from SWAT indicated that they wanted to go in

first. Trent put his hand on his shoulder, leaning in close. Grant
indicated that he wanted to go in first. He adjusted the giant whale
around in his arms.

“We’re going in last, okay?” Trent said.
The waiting area slowly cleared out, leaving only Trent and Cole.

It took a long time to shuffle through all the visitors. Cole nervously
paced the waiting area as he waited for his turn to see Bane. A
volunteer with the hospital finally came out to lead them through the
long hallway to his room. They went together into the hospital room.

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Bane was sitting up. His arm was heavily bandaged and propped on
pillows. Their eyes locked. Bane’s eyes softened when he realized
who he was looking at. Trent put his hands on Cole’s shoulders.

“I brought you a get well present. Get better soon,” Trent said.
The quiet click of the door sounded behind Cole. They were alone.

“Are you okay?” Cole asked.

“It’s nothing big.”
“What happened?”
“Our suspect got rowdy.”
Cole came in close, linking his hand with Bane’s. The door

opened suddenly. Cole moved to pull his hand away, but Bane
stopped him by locking his hand down tight. It was Bane’s sister. Her
gaze flew from their joined hands to Cole’s face.

“Hi, I’m Tory.”
“This is Cole,” Bane said.
Tory offered her hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Bane’s told

me all about you.”

Shock raced through Cole’s body. “He has?”
Tory smiled as she went for her purse on the chair. “Lots.”
“Are you leaving?” Bane asked.
“I have to get to work. Can Cole take care of you for a little

while?” Tory asked.

Tory gave Bane a kiss on the cheek and looked at Cole. “Take

care of him for me, Cole.”

When they were alone, Cole asked. “How long are you in for?”
“At least another twenty-four hours. They like to keep police

longer for some reason.”

“Do you mind if I stay?”
“I was hoping you would. Tory did tell you to take care of me.”
A short knock sounded on the door before it burst open with Dr.

Parker Woods coming in through the door. “You’re a lucky bitch.”

Bane grinned. “I guess I’m down to seven lives.”

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“Only seven?” Cole asked.
“You’ll have to tell him about that time when we all went to

Mexico and you decided to go cliff diving,” Parker said.

“What happened?” Cole asked.
“The surf was a little rough. I almost drowned.”
“Almost. You were barely breathing when I pulled you out of the

water!” Parker said.

“So I guess I need to keep you away from sharp objects and

water,” Cole said.

“It’s probably for the best,” Parker agreed.
Cole reached out and grasped Bane’s hand tightly. Parker looked

at their joined hands and smiled. Parker logged out of the computer.
He patted Cole on the shoulder, leaning in close.

“Take care of him,” Parker whispered.
“I will.”
The door closed quietly with Parker’s fading footsteps heard

outside in the hallway.

“What was that?” Bane asked.
“Parker was just giving me some advice.”
“About what?”
“Are you going to take his advice?”
Cole rubbed his thumb over Bane’s knuckles. “I’m thinking about


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Chapter Ten

Cole stood within Bane’s kitchen, tidying up. They had finished

up dinner a few minutes ago. Through the doorway, he saw Bane
sitting on the couch. After spending two days in the hospital, Bane
had finally been released twenty-four hours ago. A movie played on
the television, but Bane didn’t look as though he were really watching
it. Cole loved Bane. He wanted more with him. He wanted everything
with him, but he wasn’t exactly sure where things stood between them.

Last night, Cole brought Bane home and tucked him into bed.

Cole had slept next to Bane and wasn’t planning on leaving anytime
soon. He wasn’t sure how he was going to have the much needed talk
with Bane but he knew that he needed to. Part of him felt like he
should wait until Bane was feeling better but Cole was tired of
waiting for the perfect moment. Bane chose that moment to look up at
him. Their eyes locked.

Cole picked up the tray with the bowl of ice cream and took it into

the living room, setting it on the coffee table.

“Do you need any pain medication?”
“No. I’m okay with the over-the-counter stuff. The prescription

makes me feel wonky.”

Cole sat down on the floor next to the couch and Bane’s legs.

“Here, let me help you.” Bane’s injury was on his dominant hand. “Is
this your trigger hand?”

“Yeah. It’s going to take a while to get over.”
Cole lifted the scoop of vanilla ice cream to Bane’s mouth. Their

eyes caressed before Cole lowered his back to the plate.

“I’ve missed you,” Bane said.

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“I’ve missed you so much. I thought I lost you.”
“I’m not going anywhere, babe.”
A tear slipped from Cole’s eye. Bane’s job was so risky. Cole

knew there was always the risk of Bane not coming home when he
left for work. “Promise?”

Bane brushed the back of his fingers over Cole’s cheek. “You

haven’t shaved in a while.”

“I haven’t had time.”
Cole lifted another scoop to Bane’s lip. Bane’s tongue slipped out,

licking the sweet cream off the spoon.

“I could get use to this,” Bane said.
“I would love it if you would.”
“Would you?”
“Yes. I want to be your everything, Bane. I love being your


Their eyes connected. Bane’s free hand wrapped around the back

of Cole’s neck. Their lips met in a frantic kiss that stole Cole’s breath
away. Bane’s tongue flicked inside, taking everything Cole was
willing to give. They were both breathing hard as they broke their lips

“I love you, Cole.”
“I love you more.”
Bane brushed his hand through Cole’s hair. “I want you here with

me all the time, Cole.”

“Do you?”
“Yes. You’re mine. I want to marry you.”
Tears rushed to Cole’s eyes. He never imagined that he would

find The One. He always expected that he would grow old alone.

“Well? Will you marry me?” Bane asked.

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Their lips met again. They took their kiss further and deeper than

the one before. Cole slipped his body between Bane’s legs, brushing
his hands up over Bane’s cock.

“What do you want of me?” Cole asked.
“You, sucking my cock.”
“I’d do anything for you. Anywhere. Anytime.”
“I know you would.”
Bane sat back. “Unzip me.”
Cole unzipped Bane’s fly, muscling his hard cock from his pants.

Bane slapped his cock against Cole’s lips. Cole stuck out his tongue,
letting Bane slap his cock against it. Pre-cum shot from Bane’s
cockhead and across his tongue. Cole drank him down as he wrapped
his lips around Bane’s cock. He sucked him deep, taking him down
fast. Bane threaded his fingers through Cole’s hair as he started to
move. Bane flexed his head back against the couch as he arched
upward for more.

Cole gripped his shaft tight as his mouth worked his cock over. He

undulated his tongue, flicking it across his slit. Cole scraped his teeth
over the ridge of Bane’s cockhead. Bane cried out as his orgasm spun
through his body. Cole licked him off and slowly lifted his head from
Bane’s dick. Their eyes met. Bane wrapped his hand behind Cole’s
neck pulling him in close. They kissed deeply.

“I love you, Cole.”
“I love you more.”

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Chapter Eleven

Bane relaxed into the shot. His hand was steady despite the

twitching muscle in his arm. Bottles were positioned on the old fence
in the distance. He missed several times before the first bottle
shattered. Mars sat at the ready by his feet, watching him as he went
to work. Somehow Bane was certain that Mars knew things were not
going right.

“My shoulder’s tight,” Bane said.
He heard the frustration in his voice and disliked the fact that it

was there. Bane worked out his shoulder, but stopped when Cole
came up behind him. Cole smoothed his hand over Bane’s shoulder,
easing the tension that lingered there.

“Any pain?” Cole asked.
“Not much since the stitches dissolved.”
“Good. Relax. Concentrate on relaxing the muscle.” Cole rubbed

his shoulder. “There. That’s much better. Do you feel the difference?”

“I do.”
Bane removed the empty clip from his Glock, setting it on the

picnic table. The wind blew Cole’s hair over his forehead. There was
so much he didn’t know about Cole. There was so much he had to
know. He wanted to know everything.

There was something really sexy about seeing Cole looking a little

messed up from their morning passion. Cole walked over to the fence,
setting up more glass bottles and cans.

“What?” Cole asked.
“I like being here with you.”
“Do you?”

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“Very much so,” Bane said.
“We haven’t talked about where we’re going to live. I was hoping

you would move into my place.”

Bane backed him up against the fence. They were surrounded by

nothing but miles of privacy and blue skies. “You want me to move in
with you before we’re married?”

“I think I like the idea of that.”
They kissed hard and passionately. Bane loved how sweet and soft

Cole’s lips were.

A car honked as it pulled up the long driveway. A line of cars

were coming down the driveway. Bane reluctantly pulled away from
Cole’s embrace, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks.

“Are we expecting people?” Cole asked.
Bane felt Cole’s hand tighten on his. They had been kissing really

hard up until they heard the honk of Trent’s car. “Not that I know of.”

“They saw us kissing.”
“They’re our friends. It’s going to be okay,” Bane said.
They did see their lips locked together. There was nothing either

one of them could do about it now. Bane recognized the guys from
the department piling out from their cars and trucks. They were also
grabbing dishes and two liters from the backseats. Bane hoped things
would be okay. He hadn’t planned on coming out so publicly with the
men and women he worked with. Shadow jumped from the back of
Trent’s car and came sprinting toward Mars. They ran off into the
field playing.

Cole lifted his hands and signed as he spoke to Trent. “What’s all


“A get well party,” Trent said. “I hope we didn’t interrupt your


“Not at all,” Bane said.
The party spilled into the back yard. Trent waved Bane over and

Cole came along, too, to interpret.

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“I want you guys to meet someone. This is Detective Nathan Stow.

He’s new.”

Bane grinned as Trent’s voice hung on the word new as though

they were about to perform a virgin sacrifice. Bane offered his hand to

“Nice to meet you Detective. Your name sounds familiar. Did you

transfer from another district?”

“Same here. District Seven.”
“If there’s anything any of us can do to make this transition easier,

let us know,” Bane said.

There was a twinkle in Trent’s gaze as he read Cole’s hands.

Bane’s eyes locked with Trent’s. They were going to have so much
fun breaking this new guy in.

“I’m sure you’ll have to go through some training,” Trent said.
“Yeah, Chief Anderson mentioned that you guys have some strict

policies and procedures,” Stow said.

“You have no idea,” Seth said.
Detective Stow never heard Seth approach from behind. His eyes

widened a little when he turned to see Seth looking at him as though
he were fresh blood.

“I look forward to meeting with you later this week,” Seth said.
A grin tugged at the corners of Bane’s lips when Seth walked

away. “That’s Seth London. He’s in charge of the Risk Assessment
Team. You’ll get to know him well.”

Detective Stow frowned. “Oh?”
“Yes you will,” Bane said.
“I’m not too worried about my training,” Stow said.
“Not now, you’re not,” Trent said. “Any questions for us?”
Stow frowned. “Just one.”
“Go ahead,” Bane said.
“I heard Chief Anderson has a son in prison. Is it true?” Stow


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Silence echoed among them. Bane hadn’t heard anything about

Chief Anderson’s family. Trent looked at Cole’s hands as they signed
what Stow had said.

“I wouldn’t believe everything you hear about Chief Anderson,”

Bane said.

Trent nodded in agreement. “Yeah. I’m sure if Chief Anderson

had a son, he would’ve turned up by now.”

“Hey, Duncan! Do you want me to stop your dog?” Evans asked.
Bane looked at Evans whose face was bright red. Mars had his

nose in Shadow’s ass and was licking the hell out of him. Shadow had
his ass up in the air as though he were begging for more. Bane looked
at Trent who merely shrugged like he didn’t care.

“Leave them alone!” Bane called. “I’m sure they’ll stop


As if sensing the audience, Mars broke away from Shadow and

took off running. Shadow wasn’t far behind, chasing his tail.

The party went long into the evening. Bane locked the front door

when the final guest had left for the night. He backed Cole up against
the banister. Bane was finally alone with Cole. He took Cole into his
arms and kissed him hard. Their kiss quickly became something more
when Bane reached between their legs to stroke Cole’s hard cock.

Their eyes locked when they both came up for air. “Upstairs.”
“I love you, babe,” Cole said.
“I love you, too. Now get the hell upstairs.”
Bane never expected to fall in love so fast or so hard. The impact

on his life was so worth the fall. He couldn’t wait to show Cole how
much he loved him tonight.




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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay at home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, and two rowdy hamsters named Nibbler and
CJ. She also has a pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:



Find me on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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