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Hard Hits 9

Training Grant

After years of searching for his father, Grant Anderson travels to
Cincinnati to confront him. He discovers it isn’t easy walking away.

Grant doesn’t plan on staying, but he can’t leave without finding
out why his father never wanted him.

Detective Jack Shallow has been sidelined by an injury. As he

heals, Jack is forced to rely on his coworkers for help. When he
meets Grant for the first time, he’s instantly attracted to the man.

Jack is a Dom and only wants Grant as his sub.

Grant can’t deny the attraction he feels for Jack, but he knows he

can’t stay. When his father offers him a reason to stick around,
Grant accepts. As his attraction for Jack intensifies, Grant quickly

discovers that Jack is a Dom who wants him as his submissive.
Will Grant say yes or will he run from what he feels for Jack?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 32,354 words

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Hard Hits 9

Tatum Throne



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Tatum Throne
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-617-7

First E-book Publication: April 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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For the Throne boys.

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Hard Hits 9


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Rain hammered Detective Jack Shallow’s face. He felt like he was

dreaming. Was he dreaming?

The nightmare unfolded out in front of him. Darkness surrounded

the old farmhouse they were trying to gain entry into. Rainwater
stung his eyes and clung to his eyelashes as he tried to focus on any
movement within the house. The signal to move was given by their
man leading point. They headed toward the front door of the house.

A shiver of fear ran down Jack’s spine. He felt as though he had

experienced this standoff a thousand times before. His heart
hammered. He knew he was in trouble. Jack knew he shouldn’t enter
the house. Something was going to happen. Good or bad, he knew
that he would never be the same. He just knew it. Jack tried to shake
off the feeling as his boots slipped in the mud. They rushed up the
porch. He looked down the barrel of his high-powered rifle as the
SWAT team started to gain entrance into the house. He was bringing
up the rear with a bad case of wanting to top from the bottom.

Sweat dripped down his temple as he focused on everything going

on around him. He looked at his team leader and nodded. A flash
grenade went off inside the house with a bang, disorienting everybody

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inside. They entered the house quickly, shouting commands for
everyone in there to get down on the ground.

Jack could hear the sound of his breathing ringing in his ears as

they entered the house. Shouts erupted as people were taken down. It
was a good clean sweep of the house. Jack was going through the
rooms methodically, looking and searching for anyone else hidden. A
man was in the room.

“Get down on the ground! Hands up and get on the ground!”

Jack shouted.

The man’s wild gaze locked onto Jack’s. Fear made his stomach

go sour as something in the man’s hands was thrown at his face. Jack
turned, trying to cover his face, but it was no use. The liquid hit the
side of his face, burning his eye and his skin. He screamed as he fell
to the ground. Jack blinked several times, trying to shake the fog of
pain that was now enveloping him, but he couldn’t. It took several
more minutes before he realized that something was very wrong.
Whatever was thrown in his face was burning and making it difficult
to breathe. Panic welled up in his mind as he reached for his face.
This can’t be happening.

Jack rolled to his side, squeezing his eyes tight and opening them

again. His eyes watered and burned as though sand had been thrown
into them and maybe it had. He could barely see anything in front of
him from the tears forming in his eyes. Everything was blurry. After
several minutes of trying to fumble for his radio, he called in the
emergency. Something was very wrong with him. After several
minutes of confusion, he tried to pull himself up off his ass. His face
wouldn’t stop burning as though someone had placed something hot
on his face.

Someone hovered above him. “Jesus Christ, Shallow. What the

fuck happened to you?”

Relief poured through Jack when he heard the sound of David’s

voice. “I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t know what I was hit with. I
went down hard. My face is burning!”

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“Everything’s going to be okay. We got you,” David said.
Jack felt as though everything was spinning out of control. He was

scared and completely frightened of what was about to happen next.
His vision, God, his vision. He would never do police work again if he
lost his vision. What the hell was going to happen to him? What was
he going to do if he lost his sight? All he had was the job. That was
everything to him. Hands reached for the right side of his face. Jack
tried to fight them away.

Jack awakened on a terrified gasp. He felt as though he were

drowning. Sweat wet his body. He was twisted up within his sheets.
He blinked his eyes, trying to focus them within the darkness of his
bedroom. Since his injury, his right eye had better focus than his left.
Despite all the treatment, he still couldn’t see clearly out of one eye.
With a shaky hand he reached up, touching the scar that now covered
part of his forehead, temple, and jaw. He’d been lucky to turn his face
away from the acid attack.

Frustration burned through Jack’s body as he swung his legs from

the bed. The memory of the day that nearly killed him replayed like a
bad movie within his head. The antiseptic smell of the emergency
room haunted his nightmares. Jack felt as though his vision should
have cleared by now, but it didn’t. Everything was still grainy and
blurry in one eye.

What’s going on? I don’t understand why can’t I see.
The memory of the raw panic in his voice made this nightmare all

too real. He hated that it was there, but it was there and it wasn’t
leaving anytime soon. He couldn’t deny how frightened he was that
he may not ever get his vision back.

You’re going to need a skin graft.
It was the voices from his dreams that tortured him. Jack touched

the top of his right thigh from where the graft was taken. There was a
scar there now. It was now smooth and healed, but the square scar
wouldn’t ever go away. Jack dropped his head into his hands. The
jagged edge of the scar pressed against his palm. He looked like a

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Training Grant


freak. The stares were the hardest to deal with when he went out in
public. He didn’t mind the children. It was the adults who knew better
that always got to him. Jack needed to get back to work. He was tired
of sitting at home adjusting his balls when he got bored.

Take all the time getting better. Your job will be waiting for you.
He was out. That burned. It hurt more than Jack wanted to admit.

It wasn’t fun sitting on the sidelines while he recovered. He still
wasn’t used to not having the job to go to every day. When his human
resources rep recommended that he go on short-term disability, he
nearly broke his cell phone he was holding. Short-term was the last
thing he wanted to do, but he knew he had no choice in the matter.
Until his eyesight got fixed and figured out, he was practically blind.
Jack felt as though everything was going into a tailspin. He didn’t
know how to do the same things he did once before.

Jack glanced at the clock on his nightstand. His mom would be

coming to help him around the house in a little while. He didn’t like
feeling so helpless and having his mother there to hold his hand. He
was frustrated with himself for taking so damn long to heal. He
needed somebody other than his mom to help him out with the day to
day. He was tired of her hovering.

Despite being wide awake, Jack lay back into bed, crooking his

hand behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling. The nightmares
were starting to take a toll on him. Jack closed his eyes. He was just
going to rest for a few minutes before his mom got there.

Someone touched his shoulder, startling him awake. His gaze

settled on his mom who was hovering above his bed. “Mom?”

“I knocked. I got worried and used the key under the flowerpot

when you didn’t come to the door.” She frowned. “Are you feeling

“I’m fine.”
Jack sat up. At sixty, his mom was widowed and two years away

from retiring from her job at the hospital. She really needed a hobby

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that didn’t involve taking care of him. Her dark hair was peppered
with gray. She insisted on helping him around the house. Jack was
starting to think that it was time to cut the cord. She went to the
windows, opening the curtains.

“Let’s get some light in here. I’ll do the linens today.”
“I brought a casserole to put in the oven for later too.”
Jack ran his hand down his face when his mom started gathering

his clothes he dropped on the floor. “Mom…”

“What, dear?”
“I really don’t need a housekeeper. I’m not helpless.”
“I know. I just want to take care of things for you until you feel


Jack watched his mother walk into the master bathroom. He could

hear her gathering towels. “I’m feeling fine. I’m heading into work

“You’re what?” She rushed out of the bathroom. “You’re still on

short-term disability.”

“I’ve gotten the okay from the doctor to head back to work.”
She glowered. “I think you need to rest.”
Jack got out of bed, pulling on yesterday’s jeans over his boxers.

He could feel her worried stare burning into the jagged scar on his
face. He was tired of hiding from the world.

“I need to get into work. I’m tired of hanging around the house.”
“Let me at least drive you to the station.”
She flinched. “You sure?”
“Positive. I need to do this on my own. I won’t be working in the

field until the chief gives me the okay.”

She worried the towel in her hand. “I’m going to go check the


Jack’s mother rushed out of the room. He could see that he had

upset her, but what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t spend another

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six weeks at home. It was time he got back to work. He missed his
coworkers. Jack went to the bathroom, leaning in toward the mirror to
see the scar damage on his face. God, he looked hideous. When he
turned his head to the right, he couldn’t see the damage. All he saw
was smooth skin and the man he once was. When he turned to the left,
he saw the beast that he had become. God, he wished his vision in the
one eye would clear. It made everything more difficult to handle. Jack
felt like he should bang his head against the wall.

Jack leaned his hands onto the counter. He hated how fucked up

his face was now. Most of the guys at the department didn’t know
how bad his scar was. Jack wanted his job back. His career. He
wanted everything to be the way it once was, but he doubted that
would happen. If he didn’t get his vision back in his bad eye, then he
wouldn’t be put into the field with SWAT again. He lived and
breathed SWAT. He wanted it all back. Jack looked at himself in the
mirror not recognizing the man. Jack knew it was time to stop wishing
for things that he knew wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. He
knew the life he had once had was completely over.

* * * *

Grant Anderson sat in his Jeep as his demons from his nightmares

chased him into his waking days. Despite being a former special
forces operative, Grant was a hot mess. He didn’t want to do what he
was about to do. The psychologist in his head was telling him that he
had daddy issues and that his PTSD from years of military life had
completely fucked him up. Most of the guys from his unit were
dealing with things. Their missions were classified. He couldn’t even
talk about them with a shrink if he wanted to without being pulled
back into the game. That was the last thing Grant wanted. He was out.
He wanted it to stay that way. Still. Deep down he was afraid that
he’d be called back in to duty. What the hell am I doing here?

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Tatum Throne

He had followed the private investigator’s directions to District

Four’s police station. After checking into the hotel, Grant had driven
over to the station. He parked his Jeep and sat there for a long time
watching people enter and leave district four headquarters. His heart
hammered as he looked at the station. He couldn’t believe that he
actually came. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.
He shouldn’t have come. The smart thing to do would be to drive
away, but he wasn’t.

He was an outsider to everyone, especially to the family that he

didn’t know. Despite moving back from Israel to Cincinnati, he didn’t
know where or how to approach the father who had abandoned him.
Grant was quite certain that nobody knew of his existence. His
estranged father had had an affair with his mother and then left her.
She didn’t know at the time that his biological father had been
married with a family. It took Grant years to track down who exactly
his father was. The private investigator he had finally hired had
uncovered the fact that he had two brothers. The father he did not
know was indeed married and a well-respected police chief within
Cincinnati’s District Four police unit.

Grant knew that coming to Cincinnati and confronting his father

would cause major disruptions in their lives, but he didn’t care. He
had to do something, anything to move on from the fact that he was
not wanted by his father. Grant wasn’t sure how long he planned to
stay in town. Probably long enough to screw with them and exact a
little revenge on the man he didn’t know. He hated his father for not
being there, for not being anything to him. He loathed the fact that he
had a life and a family, whereas his mother had struggled to make
ends meet and to raise him. His mother never married or moved on.

After leaving the military and his life in Israel, Grant knew that he

had to settle this aspect of his life before he could go on and move on
with everything else. He eventually wanted to settle down and have a
regular life, but first he had to confront the man who made his life a
living hell. Grant wanted to catch some sign of his brothers who he

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Training Grant


knew were working there, but he didn’t. The photographs the private
investigator had e-mailed had shocked him. Grant was the spitting
image of his father and his older brother, Reed. It wasn’t easy looking
in the mirror knowing that he looked like the father who didn’t want

Grant got out of his Jeep, locking it behind him. Just as he did,

Chief Anderson stepped out onto the marble staircase. His dark hair
was peppered with gray. He looked younger than Grant had ever
imagined him to be. He started down the stairs, but stopped midway
and headed back into District Four as though he had forgotten
something. Grant jogged up the big marble staircase, trying to catch
the man who knocked up his mother. By the time he got inside, the
man was gone. He went up to the bulletproof window and waited his
turn to be seen by the police officer behind the counter. After several
minutes of waiting, he came up to the window. He smiled.

“I’d like to see Police Chief Anderson,” Grant said.
The officer behind the glass looked at him strangely. “Do you

have a meeting scheduled with him?”

“No meeting,” Grant said.
“Your name?”
“Grant Anderson.”
The police officer nodded, lifting the telephone to her ear. She

stared openly at him as she whispered something into the phone. A
shiver of doubt ran through Grant’s mind as he waited for the officer
to wrap it up. After a really long three minutes, the officer hung up.

“Make yourself comfortable. Someone will be out in ten minutes.”
Grant nodded and paced away into the foyer, looking around. He

looked at a huge plaque of fallen police officers on the entrance wall.
He scanned the names. Relief poured through him when he saw that
none had the last name of Anderson.

Behind the Plexiglas, other police officers came up to talk to the

officer manning the desk. They looked out at Grant, giving him the
same look of speculation. Grant didn’t know what the heck this was

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Tatum Throne

about. Whatever it was, he was in no mood for it. He was there to
confront his father and to tell the bastard where he could stick it.

After several minutes of waiting, a woman came through the

locked door. “Mr. Anderson?”

“That’s me.”
“I’m Rachel. The chief’s assistant. Come with me.”
Grant followed Rachel, who could really move on her three-inch

spiked heels. They went through the corridor of offices, down several
halls, and to the chief’s office. The door was open.

“Chief Anderson will see you now,” Rachel said.
“Thanks,” Grant said.
Reluctantly, he stepped into his father’s office. Rage and hate

filled his mind. He disliked the man who denied him and his mother
everything. Pain shot through Grant’s heart as he laid eyes on his
father for the first time. Up close, he saw that his dark hair was
peppered with more white than dark. He had a shockingly white
goatee. He wore readers and was looking down at something on his
desk. This man was the one who had used his mother so long ago and
left her like she was nothing. He wanted to punch him and throw him
out the window, but Grant knew he had to keep control. Despite
having years of training with the Israeli army, Grant felt like losing
control and taking out all the pain he was feeling on this man.

“I only have a few minutes,” Chief Anderson said.
The emotion rushing through his body started to ease. Grant was

not about to let his chance at a new life go now. Several long seconds
ticked by as he waited for Chief Anderson to look at him. He removed
his readers as he glanced up and frowned hard.

“Can I help you?” Chief Anderson asked.
“No, you can’t help me.”
Anderson stood up as though he knew something was very wrong.

It was then that Grant took a steadying breath and started to shake as
raw emotion shot through his body again. He didn’t trust this man. He
detested everything that he stood for. He loathed his stability and

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Training Grant


strength that he wore like a fucking badge of honor. He was nothing
more than a liar and a cheater.

Grant came in close. “I have one thing and one thing only to say

to you. Fuck you.”

Anderson frowned hard. “Who are you?”
“I’m not shocked that you don’t recognize me.”
Frustration burned through Grant’s mind. He had to get out of

there before he did something he’d regret. Grant turned on his heel
and walked out. He felt as though he were losing control as he forced
himself to walk away from his father. Grant had nothing else to say to
the man. He saw enough to know what he needed to know about the
guy. He was finished. He was done with all of them. Grant turned the
corner and ran into somebody, stopping him in his tracks.

“Fuck. Excuse me,” Grant mumbled.
Chief Anderson was behind him. Grant froze. The man who stared

back at him had the same face and eyes as him. And the same
midnight-black hair. They were almost mirror images of each other.
The man across from him adjusted the papers in his hands as he
looked over Grant’s shoulder at his father, who was coming up behind

“Are you okay?” the man asked.
“Wait a minute,” Chief Anderson said. “Don’t go.”
Grant shook his head at Chief Anderson and walked out. He was

down on the steps before he heard the sound of somebody’s voice
calling for him and telling him to wait. Grant hesitated, turning to
look at the guy he had run into. He was coming down the steps.

“Hey, wait a second,” he said.
For some odd reason, Grant waited. He didn’t know why, but he


“I don’t know who you are or what’s going on, but I want to

know. Especially if it has something to do with my father.”

“Not your problem.”

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“If it has something to do with my father, it has something to do

with me.”

Grant frowned. Who was this man and why did he want to know?
“What do you think it has to do with?” Grant asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m certain it has to do with the chief.”
“Bingo,” Grant said.
He turned. A hand reached out and grabbed his arm.
“Wait a second. Don’t leave yet. Don’t go.”
“Why?” Grant asked. “He didn’t want me then and he doesn’t

want anything to do with me now. Why would you want to talk to

“Wait a second. Don’t do this. Let’s talk this out.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Grant said. “My father had the

chance to make things right with my mother thirty years ago.”

With those words, the man across from them shook his head. “I’m

Reed Anderson. Who are you?”

Grant laughed, smiling. “I would be your younger brother, Grant


His gaze paled as the truth of everything settled between them. He

shook his head as silence echoed around them like a bomb.

Grant was done. “We’re not talking about this.”
“It’s happening and it’s happening right now.”
Grant wanted leave this mess behind, but if it was ever to be done,

he had to finish it. He came to say what he had to say to his father.
There was nothing left to say to the brothers he didn’t know.

“Just because my father didn’t want you doesn’t mean that I don’t

want you in my life,” Reed said.

Grant frowned hard, giving the man who was taller and broader a

unforgiving stare. “You don’t know me and I don’t owe you anything.
I came to say what I had to say to him. That man can go fuck himself
as far as I’m concerned. Anybody who is attached and associated with
him can go fuck themselves.”

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Training Grant


Reed’s gaze turned dark and dangerous. “You and I are a lot


Shock vibrated through Grant. He couldn’t believe what Reed had

just said. There were similarities in personalities, but that was where
things ended. They obviously did not have the same childhood or the
same background. They were completely different men.

“I’m done here,” Grant said. “I’m leaving. I came to say what I

had to say.”

Reed tightened his hand on his arm. “I don’t think so. You’re not

running. Not when we just found you.”

* * * *

Life felt good, but Jack still didn’t have his job back. Every night,

he wanted the same thing and only one thing. His job. That had Jack
taking a cab toward District Four. He had tried calling Chief
Anderson before he left, but he had been in a meeting. He had to have
this conversation in person. He needed to talk to Chief Anderson
about everything to figure out what he could do to get his job back.

“We’re here.”
Jack paid the cab driver. “Thanks, man.”
He got out of the cab in front of District Four police headquarters.

The white blurry film was still in front of his bad eye, but this time it
was tinted with black due to his sunglasses. Two men standing in
front of the department caught Jack’s attention. Normally, Jack
wouldn’t have noticed the men, but their raised voices carried on the
wind like a burst of machinegun fire. Jack couldn’t make out what
they were saying, but he sensed that whatever was going on was
escalating. Jack immediately recognized the sound of Reed’s voice
and a similar voice that was almost like Reed’s, but with a slightly
different accent. The man had an accent of somebody who lived or
was raised abroad. A shiver went down Jack’s spine as he realized
that the stranger did not belong there. Who was he?

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Jack walked over to see what’s going on. “Hey, Reed.”
“Jack, good to see you up and about. How are things?” Reed


“Better, man. I’m hanging in there.”
“Are you cleared to go back to work?” Reed asked.
“I’m working on that now.”
“Jack, I’d like you to meet Grant.” There was a long pause. “He’s

my brother.”

Jack’s mind spun from what he was hearing. He reached his hand

out and offered it to Grant. “Nice to meet you.”

Grant accepted his hand, giving it a tense, hard shake that

surprised him. Their eyes locked. Jack felt the caress of his blue eyes
move over his face. Grant gave him a long look that shook Jack to the
core. No one had looked at him that way in a really long time. Despite
that, Jack could tell that this man was not happy. It didn’t take a
rocket scientist or someone with clear vision to see that. Whatever
was going on with him was not going right for him now.

“I’m here to see the chief,” Jack said. “He busy?”
“Always,” Reed said.
Reed leaned in toward Grant. “This isn’t over. Do you

understand? We’re definitely going to figure this out and finish this.”

“No.” Grant shook his head. “It’s over, man. It’s done. I’m not

sticking around for anyone. I’m leaving here tonight.”

Reed cursed. Jack felt as though something significant was wrong

here. He didn’t know what. He felt a sudden urge to somehow figure
out how to make it right. “What’s going on?”

“None of your business,” Grant said.
“Let me help you through this,” Reed said.
“You can help by staying out of it,” Grant said.
Grant turned and started to leave. For whatever reason Jack

couldn’t understand, he kicked his foot out and tripped him. Grant
started to fall, but he caught himself. Grant rounded, getting up in

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Jack’s face. Despite the dark sunglasses and the blurry vision in his
bad eye, Jack could see his dark hair and hard stare.

“You wouldn’t hit a man who is practically blind in one eye,”

Jack said.

There were a few tense moments where everything spiraled out

between them. Jack could feel the wickedly hot sexual chemistry
coursing between them. Jack was shocked when his cock kicked out
hard. Despite that, he had to know what the hell was wrong with
Grant. It was the first hard-on he had in months. The shocking
realization nearly made him come in his jeans, but Jack checked that
urge. He couldn’t wait to take out his frustrations on the man.

“Hit me. Go ahead and hit me. I’ve been spoiling for a fight for

the last few weeks while I was sitting on my ass,” Jack said. “So, go
ahead and hit me.”

Grant shook his head. “This is about my family. I’m done here,

and I’m finished with all of you.”

Jack wasn’t about to lose this fight. He kicked out suddenly,

tripping the man again as he turned to go.

Grant rounded, grabbing Jack by the front of the shirt. “What the

fuck is your problem?”

Their lips were a breath away. Jack licked his lips. The urge to

kiss this man was an overpowering urge he could not ignore. “My
problem is you.”

Jack let his gaze move over his beautiful face. God, he was

perfect. “You need to chill the fuck out. I don’t know what’s going
on. Whatever’s going on in your head needs to stop,” Jack said.

Grant let go of Jack’s shirt with a controlled shove. “I don’t know

who you think you are,” He stepped toward Jack again, leaning close
to him. “I could be your worst nightmare.”

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Chapter Two

Grant didn’t know who this man in front of him was. He didn’t

want to know anything about him. He was getting really tired of being
tripped up by this guy. Despite all of that, there was something about
the guy that intrigued him very much. It’d been so long since anybody
had ever challenged him in any way. Whoever this man was, Grant
wanted to know more. Maybe he wasn’t going to leave as soon as he
thought. Grant looked at Reed, mentally questioning why he was so
concerned about him. No one ever stepped out on the line for him.

“Just don’t go yet,” Reed said. “We can work this out.”
“Your father had his chance to get to know me and to talk,” Grant

said. “He could have done that when I was first born, but he chose not
to. He ignored the fact that he had a mistress and a baby on the side.”

Reed shook his head, running his hands through his hair. He

looked a lot like his dad. That had Grant looking over at the stranger
and away from his problems. Jack, whoever he was, had thick and
wavy blond hair. He wondered if Jack had blue eyes behind those
dark glasses. Grant wanted to know what the hell had happened to
him to give him that nasty scar. He was obviously a police officer. He
could see it in the way he acted and the way he talked. Whatever
happened to him had been recent. That scar looked newly healed.
Grant looked back at Reed.

“This is overwhelming for all of us involved. It doesn’t have to

be,” Reed said. “Just give us a chance to make this right.”

“My father has had thirty years to make it right. It can’t be now.”

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Grant turned to leave. He was going back to his car and getting

out of this town fast. All the sudden he felt a shiver spiral down his

Jack’s words had him freezing in his tracks. Grant rounded. He

looked at the man who was starting to press his buttons in all the
wrong ways. Reed suddenly stepped between them.

“Hey, let’s take this inside and talk this through, Grant,” Reed


Grant didn’t want to go inside. “Neutral territory,” Grant said.

“I’ll be at the café on Eighth Street for the next hour. If you can get
my father to come, I’ll talk to him.”

“Fair enough.” Reed nodded. “We’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Jack looked as though he was about to say something more, but he


“See you in a few.”
As he walked away, Grant resisted the urge to glance back over

his shoulder at Jack. He went down to his Jeep and got behind the
wheel. He watched as Reed and Jack stood there for several minutes
talking, before they went up the steps into the station. Grant tightened
his hands on the steering wheel. He thought about driving out of town
and forgetting about all of this, but he couldn’t. He did as he said he
would and drove over to the diner. He parked his Jeep and went inside
where he ordered coffee.

He couldn’t even think about eating anything. He was about to sit

down and have a face-to-face with the man who abandoned him.
Grant fidgeted with the straw wrapper as he waited. After several
minutes, he saw a Jeep pull up. This time Reed and Chief Anderson
got out. Grant shuddered in surprise as Jack got out of the backseat,
too. Those dark glasses seemed to search the window of the diner as
though he were looking for him.

They all came into the diner and sat down in the booth with Grant.

It was a tight squeeze with Jack at his side. Their thighs brushed

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together as Jack scooted into the booth. Grant couldn’t move any
further away because of Jack’s imposing size. He could barely hide
his astonishment when Jack didn’t make any attempt to move his leg
away. It was as though their legs were suddenly fucking.

Grant studied his father, who suddenly looked as though he was

torn up inside and out. Emotion and pain played over his face as he
sat down across from him.

Chief Anderson shook his head back and forth. “I’m sorry. I’m so


“Not so sorry to help my family and my mother out,” Grant said.
“It was a short thing with your mother.” He rubbed his hand over

his jaw. “It was a fling. We both knew going in that it wasn’t serious.”

“I get it,” Grant said. “You don’t need to explain, but you still

could have been there for me and my mom.”

Jack’s arm brushed Grant’s. He couldn’t recall the last time any

man he just met had gotten so physical with him before. Grant
clenched his back teeth as he tried to keep his cool. He didn’t want his
father’s apology or his pity. He just wanted to run and get out of
there. With Jack blocking him in, he was stuck dealing with the mess.
It didn’t matter that it had happened so long ago. It all felt like it was
boiling up and about to explode.

“How long are you in town?” his father asked.
Grant shook his head. “I don’t know. A little while. Not long,”

Grant said.

“Are you working?” Reed asked.
Despite sitting with his brother and father, Grant felt like an

outsider. “I’m between jobs right now.”

Reed nodded. “What’s your background in?”
Their little chat was starting to feel like an interrogation. He didn’t

care for it, but he knew he couldn’t run. He felt the need to answer
their questions, especially with Jack’s thigh touching him. Jack was
unknowingly giving him strength to deal with his past.

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“I was in special forces,” Grant said. “I spent a lot of time training

within the Israeli army as part of peacekeeping operations over there.”

They seemed intrigued by his answer. Grant wasn’t in the mood to

impress anyone.

“That explains your accent. You’re out now?” Reed asked.
“As of two months ago,” Grant said.
“We have openings within the department,” his father said.
Grant shook his head and laughed. “No thanks. Not my problem

and not something I’d want to do.”

“That’s a bit shortsighted,” Jack said.
“Funny coming from a man who’s part of the family all of the

sudden,” Grant said.

Jack looked at him, taking his sunglasses off. His eyes were the

bluest Grant had ever seen.

“This is a fucking temporary situation,” Jack said. “I’d watch that

mouth of yours.”

His gaze seemed to drink in everything. Grant swallowed hard as

his gaze worked down over his lips. His eyes where straining as
though they could see everything in front of him. As though he could
see through all the bullshit and see into his soul. Sexual energy
undulated between them. It was fucking magical. It was something so
intense that it shocked Grant to the core. Grant tried to pull his gaze
away, but he couldn’t. Jack’s eyes were absolutely gorgeous. They
sparkled within the shifting light streaming through the windows.

“Yes, a little shortsighted,” Jack nodded, putting his sunglasses

back on.

“Think about it,” Chief Anderson said. “I’d like to get to know

you. We all would like to spend some time with you. I feel like I have
years to make up for.”

Grant glanced out the window at the late-afternoon traffic. “It’s

cool. I just wanted to say what I needed to say. That’s it. I don’t need
a job.”

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Emotion poured through his jaded heart. He didn’t expect that

they would want to ever get to know him. He didn’t like how he felt
so emotional suddenly. Grant never expected Reed and his father to
be so kind and open to getting to know him. Grant felt as though if he
opened his heart, he would only get it broken. They were never there
when he needed them most. They would probably leave him and hurt
him again. He didn’t want to take the chance. He couldn’t risk getting
hurt now, not when everything in his life was finally falling into

“You have another brother,” Reed said.
Grant looked at him. “Yeah, I know. I hired a private investigator

to find my family.”

Reed nodded as though he completely understood.
Grant frowned. “Look, I didn’t come here to make friends. I only

came here to tell him off and I have. Now that I have, I can go.”

Jack stretched out in the booth, putting his arm behind Grant’s

shoulders. The tips of his fingers seemed to accidentally brush his
over his shoulder as his arm rested on the back of the booth. Grant
was shocked that Jack was using his body as a weapon of seduction
against him. Heat moved through Grant’s cock as he got hard. He had
to check the urge to adjust his now pounding prick.

“I think you should stay,” Jack said.
“Why?” Grant asked.
“There’s a new job opening within the department. I need an

assistant to get back to work. I think you would be the perfect person
to work with me,” Jack said.

Grant suddenly wished he could see those blue eyes again. He

couldn’t believe he was being so stupid.

“I don’t plan on being sidelined forever, but I need an assistant if

I’m getting back to police work. That means you’re going to help me.
Is that okay, Chief?”

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Anderson nodded. “I had planned on moving somebody from

another department. This is even a better plan. I’ll work this out with
HR today.”

What the hell was happening? Grant was being hired on when he

didn’t want to be another ten minutes in Cincinnati. “I don’t think so.”

“Too late, buddy. You’re mine. I own you.”
“It’s settled. I’ll have things drawn up,” Chief Anderson said.

“Reed, I need to get back.”

“I’ll take you,” Reed said. “Jack?”
Jack smiled. “I’ll catch a ride with my new friend.”
“This is bullshit.”
Jack leaned in close to Grant’s ear, lowering his voice to a

whisper. “Pussy.”

“Fuck you.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
A shiver cut through Grant’s body. He suddenly wanted his father

and brother to come back to the booth, but they were already driving
back to the station. He had to get away from this man before he fell
for his tempting offer.

“I’ll give you a ride back to the police station.”
“I think I like the sound of that.”
Jack didn’t move. He took off those sunglasses again and looked

at him closely. “Don’t leave town or I’ll hunt you down.”

“You wouldn’t be able to find me. I’d disappear.”
Jack ran his hand up over the back of Grant’s neck, giving it a

possessive squeeze. “Are you sure about that?”

Grant swallowed hard. He was tempted to run to see if Jack would

actually chase him. “I’ll drive you back.”

When they were heading to the station, Jack wasn’t so touchy

feely. He had a phone call come through on his cell. Grant tried to not
be so interested in who he was talking to.

Jack hung up his cell. “You start in three days. Reed wanted me to

let you know.”

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Their eyes locked as Grant shut off his Jeep in front of the police

station. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be walking away anytime soon.
That scared the hell out of him.

“I guess I’ll see you in a few days.”
“I can’t wait.”
Jack got out of his Jeep and headed up the stone staircase. Grant’s

gaze landed on his athletic ass and he instantly got hard. A flash of
heat rushed through his body as he thought about having sex with
Jack. Grant’s prick was weeping for release. There was something
about the way Jack handled him that turned him the fuck on. For the
love of God, he wanted more.

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Chapter Three

He wasn’t going to show. A few days later, Jack was glad that he

was finally getting back to work, but his excitement was short-lived
when Grant didn’t show for work. Grant was supposed to meet him in
his office at eight sharp. He was really surprised that the man had said
yes to taking the position in the first place. It shouldn’t have surprised
him when he didn’t show, but it did. Grant didn’t seem like the type
of man who went back on his word. Jack paced out of his office and
down to the entrance to District Four.

Jack was a Dom. Since leaving Grant the other day, all he could

think about was taking Grant on as his sub. He wasn’t sure if Grant
was a submissive in his private life, but he wanted to find out. He
wasn’t even sure if Grant was gay. Jack wasn’t one of those guys who
had good radar when it came to figuring out if someone he was
interested in was gay. He just couldn’t always read the signals that
men threw out there. Just as Jack was getting to the front, Grant came
through the doorway. Relief poured through his body. He showed.
They met in the hallway.

“I didn’t think you were coming,” Jack said.
“Traffic was bad. There was an accident on Elm.”
“I’m glad you made it.”
“Me too,” Grant said.
It was then that Jack suspected that Grant might be gay, but due to

the fact that they were now working together, Jack knew they had to
be careful. Jack wanted to test the chemistry they had, but he just
didn’t know if he should do that at work. There was a fine line, but he

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knew it was one worth testing. They headed back to his office where
Jack shut the door behind them.

Jack could see that Grant was having a tough time being at the

station. “Are you ready to do this?”

“Just so you know, I’m not planning on staying long. This

situation is only temporary.”

There was a stubborn hard edge to Grant that Jack suddenly

wanted to break. Jack let his gaze move over his face. “We’ll see
about that.”

This challenge was exactly what Jack needed. His vision was

improving just a little bit every day in his bad eye. Having an assistant
to do some of the reading would help prevent eye strain that his
doctor warned him about. He was going to use Grant as long as he
needed and maybe even a little longer if he had his way about it.

“What do you want me to do for you?” Grant asked.
“First off, I think we formally need to introduce ourselves. I’m

detective Jack Shallow.”

“I’m Grant Anderson, the bastard son of James Anderson.”
Jack laughed. “You’re going to need to get over that.”
“Yeah, I know, but not today.”
“Fair enough,” Jack said. “I’ve been with the department for

seven years. I was hurt in an accident six weeks ago going in with

Grant stepped forward, lifting his hand to Jack’s face. “Is that how

you got that scar?”

The heat of his palm seared over Jack’s face. His touch was so

shocking that it momentarily caught Jack off guard. As a Dom, he
always made the first move. As quickly as Grant had touched him, he
pulled his hand away as though he were suddenly embarrassed.

“Um. Yeah. It affects my vision in my left eye. It sucks, but I’m

dealing with it,” Jack said. “You’re going to help me read through
things. The specialist doesn’t want me to overdo things with my
vision for a few more weeks.”

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“Sounds good,” Grant said. “What would you like me to do first,


“Sir, now that’s something I kind of like,” Jack laughed. “I need

to get caught up on my e-mail.”

Jack opened his laptop. He told Grant his e-mail and password for

future reference. Jack sat down in the chair next to Grant behind his
desk. He resisted the urge to grab one of the files on his desk to read.
It didn’t take long for his good eye to tire out when he was reading.

“Holy shit,” Grant said.
“You have like, five hundred e-mails.”
“That much? Let’s get started.”
“Okay, let’s get going through these by prioritizing them. Does

that sound good?”

“Sounds like a perfect plan,” Jack said.
He loved being back in his office chair. Jack removed his

sunglasses. He didn’t like wearing them inside. He completely forgot
to take them off after punching in. The dark veil that was over his bad
eye lifted and it was suddenly just the white fog he saw every day. It
was as though he were looking through a mist that wouldn’t clear. He
leaned in closer to Grant, wanting to see him more clearly. Jack felt
frustrated that the healing time was taking so long.

“We’ll start with what came through today. Looks like you get

weekly meeting updates. We’ll start with those,” Grant said.

Jack leaned back and listened as Grant explained upcoming

tactical trainings, new policies, and supervision that came with being
on the tactical SWAT team. Jack felt his leg brush against Grant’s,
but he didn’t move it away. Jack took that as a sign that Grant was
open to more possibilities. That thought had Jack wondering how far
he could take things today. After several e-mails, Grant paused.

“Are you listening to me?”
“I’m awake,” Jack said.

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“It seems to go on and on. Here’s another one from Rick Jones,”

Grant said.

“I don’t want to hear this one.”
“Why not?” Grant asked.
“Rick is my ex.”
Why the hell was he contacting him? The possibilities that rushed

through his head made him suddenly cold inside. They had ended on
really bad terms when Jack discovered what he was doing behind his
back with other men. Jack’s ears started to burn as Grant began
reading the e-mail out loud.

“‘Hi Jack, I was just checking in with you. I haven’t heard from

you in months. Not since we had that nice time out.’”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Jack said. “I don’t want to hear anymore.”
“I don’t know. Let’s hear what Rick has to say,” Grant said.
Jack felt his face redden. As a Dom, he never got embarrassed, but

this time he was. Grant’s voice rattled on.

“‘I’ve missed you. I wanted to get in touch with you. I think we’re

good together. If not for a long-term thing, a short-term thing like
fuck buddies would be good. I enjoyed being your submissive. I loved
having you tie me up and spank me hard. I loved how you flogged me
and used sex toys on me. I especially liked it when we did food

Grant’s voice turned husky. “‘I love it when you make me eat

things off of you.’”

“Are you finished?”
“Not yet. There’s still more to go.”
“I think you’re done.”
Grant went on and on and on. Jack felt his body burning with

pent-up sexual frustration. It’d been so long since he had had anyone.
He was getting angry. He didn’t like how this man was seeing into his
personal life, seeing him as a Dom. He didn’t like how powerless he
suddenly felt. He was a Dom. He wanted to be in control and he

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“That’s a nice one,” Grant said. “I think I like him.”
“You can date him,” Jack said.
“No thanks. I’m not interested in a fling. It seems like that’s all

Rick wants.”

“Think about it.”
Stretching, Grant moved to walk around Jack’s desk. “I think

that’s enough for today. I’m done going through your e-mails. They
make me feel dirty.”

Grant tried to get around him, but Jack wasn’t moving. He wasn’t

in the mood to.

“Can’t you see me standing here?” Grant asked.
Jack stood up so that Grant could get around. “Yeah. I just don’t

want to move.”

Grant came in close, brushing his hand across Jack’s jaw. Jack

pushed him up against the wall. Jack finally was taking control of the
man who had gotten under his skin.

“Why are you touching me?”
Jack could hear Grant’s breath catch. He could almost feel the

heavy intake of his breath brush against his face. He knew that if he
slid his hand over Grant’s neck, he’d be able to feel the fast beat of
his heart. That was exactly what he did. He slid his hand up the front
of Grant’s neck, feeling his heartbeat racing away.

“Are you afraid of me?”
“No, not at all,” Grant said.
“Why not? You should be.”
“There’s no reason for me to be afraid,” Grant said.
“You should be. I’m a Dom. I take control. I go after what I want

when I want.”

“Oh, yeah?” Grant asked. “What do you want now?”
Jack laughed. “Isn’t it obvious that I want you?”
A shiver went through Grant’s body. Jack felt Grant’s hand fold

over his.

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“I’m not interested in a fuck buddy. I’m not a submissive either

and never been a submissive. I don’t plan on being one.”

“I see. You’re one of those guys who are only into vanilla sex and

you like it soft in bed. You are frightened of what I am and what I
could do to you. How good I would make you feel when I spank you

“Is that a challenge?”
Jack loved the husky waver within Grant’s voice. He really

wanted to hear the sound of it when they were in his playroom
together. Jack knew he would have to pick out some really good play
music for their first session. “You are frightened of having something
spectacular with me.”

“I’m not frightened of anything,” Grant said.
“I think you’re wrong,” Jack said. “You use a lot of bravado when

dealing with people so you don’t get hurt.”

“You don’t know me.”
“If you’re not frightened of me, why are you shivering?”
Grant’s mouth dropped open, but he quickly snapped it shut. He

didn’t say anything for a long time. Jack rubbed his thumb back and
forth over his soft, full lips, wishing to God that he could see them
clearly with his bad eye. At least he could feel them. He loved how
smooth they were. How tauntingly kissable they were. He wanted to
find out right now how far Grant was willing to go. Jack leaned down
brushing his lips back and forth over Grant’s lips. At first, he started
to protest, but quickly sighed into Jack’s kiss.

Their lips melted together. Jack flicked his tongue deep into

Grant’s mouth, taking ownership and control of the kiss. Grant
groaned, tightening his hands onto Jack’s waist. Grant tucked his
fingers into the loops of his belt, pulling him closer. Jack’s hot cock
filled with heat, kicking out and brushing against Grant’s. He loved
feeling his thick thighs move with his. Jack moved his hands over
Grant’s face, over his arms, and down his waist, feeling and

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memorizing his body. He was perfect, absolutely flawless. Jack knew
he wasn’t going to stop kissing Grant any time soon.

* * * *

Grant felt as though his whole world were collapsing down

around his shoulders. He held onto Jack tightly as though this would
suddenly end, kissing him with everything he felt inside. Who was
this man and what was he doing with him? Why was he kissing him?
Grant had never been a submissive before. He didn’t know what it
meant. He’d seen enough porn to know a little bit, but that didn’t
describe the dynamic of a Dom and sub relationship. Grant knew that
there was so much more to it than a few swats on the ass. It was about
complete emotional and physical submission. He had always been in
control of any situation. As a lover, he always topped. Would he
always bottom with Jack? He didn’t know what he wanted, but he
wanted to find out. He wanted to explore Jack before he slipped
through his fingers.

With that thought in mind, Grant lost himself in Jack’s kiss. He

was a really good kisser. He didn’t just use his mouth and tongue.
Jack used his entire body to kiss him. After a really long time, Jack
broke his lips away. Grant’s cock was pounding for release that was
too far out of his reach. He didn’t know how to read Jack and that
bothered Grant. Jack had a cool, calm poker face. He wasn’t giving
Grant anything to work with.

“What’s going on here?” Grant asked.
“I don’t know. Something is definitely happening between us. I

want to figure this thing out,” Jack said.

Voices carried from outside the hallway, filtering through the door

into the office.

“We shouldn’t do this. Not here,” Grant said.
Jack ran his hand through his hair. “Maybe I like doing this here

with you.”

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Jack was so much broader and taller than Grant. He was muscular

and beautiful. Despite that nasty scar, he was the most beautiful man
that Grant had ever seen. He wanted to experience more, if Jack
would have him again.

All of a sudden, Jack pulled away. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have

kissed you. Not here. Not like this. If you didn’t want this advance, I
apologize. I have a really bad habit of coming on too strong.”

Grant shook his head. “I liked it. I did. It’s just been a really long

time for me.”

“It won’t happen again,” Jack said.
“Wait a minute, you don’t understand. Maybe I want it to happen

again,” Grant said.

Jack wrapped his hands around Grant’s waist, pulling him in

close. “You do?”

“Yeah, I do. I think I liked it.”
Voices were right outside Jack’s door. There was a knock. Grant

moved away from Jack.

“Come in,” Jack said.
Grant was not ready to face whoever was out there, but he knew

he had no choice. He ran a hand through his hair, working hard to
control his emotions that were running wild.

Reed was at the door. “Do you have a minute, Grant? Do you care

if I borrow him, Jack?”

“Go ahead, take him for a few.”
“Okay, thanks.”
Grant followed his brother out into the hallway.
“There’s somebody I want you to meet,” Reed said.
“Your other brother, David. He’s older than you. You’re the baby

of the family.”

Grant didn’t know if he liked the term, but he knew he had to live

with it for now. They went to Reed’s office where another man was
there waiting for them. They both looked so similar. Dark hair and

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light blue eyes. There was something about them that Grant couldn’t

“You’re twins,” Grant said.
“I do see the resemblance. Welcome to the family, my man,”

David said.

Grant was shocked when David pulled him in close, giving him a

quick hug.

“I’m so glad you came to us. I’m so relieved that we found you.”
Grant couldn’t believe his ears or what he was saying. “It’s really

overwhelming for me. It’s just…I never expected all of this.”

“I’m so glad to have both of you in my life,” Reed said, hugging

both of them and pulling them in close. “I was thinking we could all
go out to a quick lunch and get to know each other a little better.”

This was all too much. Grant needed an out. “I don’t know. I have

work to do with Jack.”

“Let’s bring Jack along,” David said.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Reed said. “Let’s go get Jack now.”
“I don’t know,” Grant said.
“Technically, I’m Jack’s boss…which makes me your boss,”

Reed said. “So, I’m ordering you to go to lunch.”

They headed out to lunch together, going to the diner where they

had their first meeting a few days ago. As before, Jack followed Grant
into the booth. The long length of Jack’s thick thigh pressed against
Grant’s. Grant had trouble focusing on what was being said about
their lives, their lovers, and everything they did in their spare time.
They were making plans for the weekend. Grant couldn’t concentrate
on any of it with Jack so close.

“So, Jack…how is your sight in your bad eye?” Reed asked.
“Things are getting better. I go to the doctor later on this

afternoon. Every day it gets better.”

“That’s great.”
“It’s starting to get there. Things are still blurry. I can finally see

outlines of people and faces. I just can’t see the fine detail.”

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“You can take some time,” David said. “Just don’t push things.”
“I won’t,” Jack said.
Reed looked at Grant. “You should come over for dinner so that

we can get to know each other better.”

Grant shook his head. “I don’t want to impose.”
“You’re family. You are not imposing,” Reed said.
“You can come over too, Jack,” David said.
Jack laughed. “Maybe I’m busy and I have plans.”
Reed gave Grant a hard stare as he nodded at Jack. “We all know

he doesn’t do anything in his spare time. We all know you sleep,
breathe, and live the job.”

Beneath the table, Grant felt Jack’s hand make its way up his

thigh, giving it a possessive squeeze. Grant’s body stiffened, but then
he relaxed into his touch. He was desperate to feel more.

“Dinner sounds fantastic,” Jack said. “You should go.”
“We’re fantastic cooks,” Reed said.
“What about you, Grant…can you cook?” David asked.
“I’m not too bad. I could show you guys a thing or two in the

kitchen,” Grant said.

Jack’s hand tightened down on his thigh. Grant knew he was

pushing the limit and it turned him the fuck on. He wanted to know
how far he could go before Jack would take control of him again.

After lunch, they headed back to the station.
“Do you want to go through more e-mails?” Grant asked.
They got back to work. A short while later, Jack rubbed his eyes.

“I have to get going to my doctor’s appointment.”

“I’ll drive you,” Grant said.
Jack’s gaze focused on him. He was frowning, trying to see him

clearly. It broke Grant’s heart that he was having vision issues.

“You sure?”
“I’d love to.”

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They drove across town. Jack was at Grant’s side as they went

inside to the doctor’s. He didn’t know this man very well, but he was
now the most important person in Grant’s life. He sat down in the
waiting room as Jack registered and was led back to an exam room.

A short while later, he came out with a big grin on his face.

“How’d it go?” Grant asked.

“Well, things are improving. I still have to do my eye drops four

times a day.”

“How much longer will it take to heal?” Grant asked.
“They don’t know. Could be a few months or could be a few

weeks or could be a couple of days. All they know is that my eyesight
is finally improving.”

“That’s great news,” Grant said.
“Thanks. I’m pretty excited about it, too.”
They headed to Grant’s Jeep and got inside. “Where do you want

to go?” Grant asked.

“I think we’re done. You can take me home. I’ve logged out for

the day, so we’re good.”

There was an unmistakable sexual tension between them as Grant

drove Jack home to the east side of town.

“This is me on the left,” Jack said.
The tree-lined driveway winded away from the road. Jack had a

great house. Grant absolutely loved how his log-cabin-style home sat
nestled back within thick trees.

“Here you go,” Grant said.
“Come inside.”
Grant chuckled. “I probably shouldn’t.”
“Why not?”
Their eyes locked. Grant swallowed hard. Jack wasn’t wearing

those dark sunglasses anymore. “You know exactly why.”

“I promise to be on my best behavior.”

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A shiver of anticipation rippled through his cock. Grant’s prick

was really hard. Pre-cum leaked from his tip. He really needed to get
control of his dick.

“Okay. Just for a little while.”
“You in a hurry?”
“Not really.”
“Good. Neither am I.”
With that, Jack got out of the vehicle, giving Grant an opportunity

to adjust his prick. He moved his dick around, relieving some of the
pressure from his fly. He was starting to get a really bad case of blue
balls from being so aroused all day. Jack led the way to the front door
and unlocked it. He shut the door behind Grant. Everything Grant
imagined Jack’s place to be was exactly as it was. Hardwood floors
stretched throughout the house. Brown leather furniture sat near a
fireplace in the living room. His home was completely neat, as though
he had somebody who came in and dusted, cleaned, and straightened

“Nice place,” Grant said.
“Thanks. Where are you staying?”
“I’m in a hotel just outside the city in Newport.”
Surprise lingered on Jack’s face. “I didn’t think you’d be staying

at a hotel.”

“I can’t stay with my…family.”
“They are your family. Have they offered you a place to stay?”
“No. And I don’t want them to.”
Grant nervously moved through his living room. There were two

bookshelves along the wall. Several mystery authors lined the shelves.
Grant liked reading in his spare time too. Not that there was much of
it nowadays. He paced his way from the living room into the kitchen.

“I don’t know how to ask you about this…”
“Just ask,” Jack said.
Heat moved over Grant’s cheeks. He couldn’t meet Jack’s eyes. “I

want to know exactly what it’s like to be your submissive.”

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“You want to be a submissive?”
“I want to be yours.”
Grant’s heart hammered as he waited for Jack to say something,

anything. He wanted to know if he still wanted him. When he didn’t
answer, Grant lifted his gaze to Jack’s. What he saw in Jack’s eyes
made him breathless.

“I’ll show you if you want me to. Take off your clothes.”

* * * *

Jack knew he had to take control of Grant, and he had to show

him that he was the one in charge sexually, always. Grant didn’t say a
word as he began to undress. Obedience was something Jack needed
in a sub. The fact that Grant obeyed his order without hesitation made
his cock fucking hard. Pre-cum leaked from Jack’s prick as he saw
Grant standing naked before him. What really turned Jack on was the
fact that Grant wasn’t turned off by his hideous scar or the fact that
one of his eyes was fucked up. Jack moved closer to Grant. He
smoothed his hands down over his shoulders.

“I’m going to do a body inspection on you using my hands. This

is something that Doms usually do when they take on all new subs.”

“I’m ready.”
“Most Doms just use their eyes. I like to use my hands as well.”
Jack moved his hands over Grant’s tense shoulders, hearing a

frustrated groan tear from Grant’s parted lips. With his hands on his
hot skin, Jack discovered that Grant’s body was scarred from past
injuries. Each one had a story to tell.

Despite the scars on his back and abdomen, everything about

Grant was absolutely perfect. Jack slid his hands down over Grant’s
ass cheeks, giving them a tight, possessive squeeze. He could feel his
hair beneath his hands. He loved the fact that his ass was so hairy.
Jack loved hairy men. It was something that turned him the fuck on.
He skimmed his hands down over Grant’s chest, feeling the short,

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dark hairs of his body. He smoothed his hands further down Grant’s
abdomen, accidentally brushing against his cock. He loved how
Grant’s prick was hard as a rock.

Grant was the most delicious thing that Jack had ever had. It was

then that Jack realized that it had been almost a year since he had
taken on a submissive. Part of it was that he was so busy with work.
The other part was that his injury had shaken his confidence and he
was having a really hard time putting himself out there with men.

Jack slid his hands down Grant’s legs, feeling his thick, muscular

thighs. He moved his hands back up. The back of his fingers brushed
beneath his heavy balls. Jack swallowed hard when he realized that
Grant had really big balls. Grant’s breath caught as Jack caressed that
heavy sack, giving it a rough handling. Jack slid his hand up over
Grant’s legs, giving his cock a possessive, stroking squeeze. Pre-cum
leaked from Grant’s wide dick, diving over the edge of his cockhead
and down his shaft. Jack slid the tip of his fingers up over his
cockhead, catching that pre-cum on the tip of his fingers. He lifted
that sweet cream to his mouth, giving it a taste.

“You taste so sweet,” Jack said.
Grant moaned. “I love you tasting me.”
Jack knew that Grant couldn’t hold out very much longer. Grant’s

cock throbbed within his hands. His prick was thick and had a slight
curve to it. Jack really liked the fact that his dick reached up past his
navel when it was fully erect. Jack brushed his lips over Grant’s ear,
giving him sweet and soft kisses. Jack was going to torture Grant
tonight. Grant shuddered within his arms. Jack was starting to enjoy
the fact that he was so easy to please.

“You love me handling you. You want to get freaky with me,”

Jack said.

“I do. I can’t wait to be with you.”
With a soft touch, Jack brushed his fingers over Grant’s jaw,

tilting up his chin with his thumb. “You need to pick a safe word. A

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safe word is only used when things get a little too hot and heavy. You
can put the brakes on things if you need to.”

“I like it,” Jack said.
“I’m glad you do. I love the idea of pleasing my Dom.”
Jack leaned in close, giving him a seductive kiss. He brushed his

lips back and forth. Grant moaned. Jack flicked his tongue in deep
and fast. He didn’t consider himself a man who loved kissing, but
when it came to Grant, things were different. He loved kissing him. It
was the most seductive high he had ever had. Jack suddenly pulled
away as though cupid had just shot him in the heart. He was not about
to fall in love with a submissive again.

“Turn around. Put your hands on the kitchen table,” Jack ordered.
Grant was quick to obey. Jack came in behind him, pulling his ass

out and arching his back to expose his rim. Jack was tempted to kiss
his way down over Grant’s ass, giving his rim a quick possessive lick,
but he resisted. He knew that if he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop.
He had other things he wanted to do to Grant first. Jack removed his
clothes. He wasn’t sure how far he was going to take this thing, but he
knew he wanted to be naked for the first part. Feeling as though he
was losing control, Jack eased his hands down Grant’s ass, giving his
thick athletic ass a possessive spank that shook his cock up and down,
slapping his balls back and forth.

Jack pulled his hand back, slapping Grant on the ass. He spanked

him over and over and over again, loving the feel of how Grant
relaxed back into his hand, arching his ass out for more. Jack couldn’t
resist the urge to slide his thumb down between Grant’s ass cheeks,
rubbing his thumb against his rim. His rim was hot and ready for him
to take over control. Jack liked the feel of how his lover was giving
him everything.

Uncontrollable lust burned through Jack’s body as he leaned

down, kissing his way across Grant’s ass cheek. He gave his ass
cheek a seductive bite. Jack pushed Grant down by the neck, not

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stopping until his forehead touched the table. He kissed his way
between Grant’s ass cheeks, licking his rim. Jack’s cock punched out,
searching for his rim. He kneeled down on one knee, looking at his
lover’s rim. Grant’s arms started to shake as Jack flicked his tongue
back and forth and around his rim. He kissed him, loving the feel of
his rim beneath his tongue. He didn’t normally rim a lover, but he was
this time. He loved it. Absolutely loved the taste of his rim against his
mouth. Grant moaned, rubbing his ass out for more.

A long time later, Jack stood up, running his hands up over

Grant’s abdomen. He pinched his nipples between his thumb and
forefingers, giving them a seductive squeeze as he brushed his cock
between Grant’s ass cheeks. Grant moaned, arching his back to
expose more of his rim.

“Take me,” Grant said.
The sound of Grant begging nearly made Jack come. “Not tonight,

babe. I won’t be mounting you tonight. Tonight’s all about power and
control and me showing you how good it can be between us.”

“Take me, please,” Grant said.
The temptation to mount Grant was overpowering. He felt like he

had no control over his raging cock. Jack bit his lip. “Lie back down
on the table.”

Grant did as ordered. Jack walked around the table. “Hang your

head off the end of the table.”

Grant slid his head off the end of the table, arching his head back.

Jack’s hand came beneath Grant’s neck, supporting his head and
neck. Jack positioned his legs wide, pushing the tip of his cockhead
against Grant’s lips. Grant licked out his tongue, slipping it around
Jack’s big cockhead. Jack slid his cock down Grant’s throat.

He was so close to coming. His cock pushed deep within his

mouth. His balls slapped against Grant’s nose. A hungry muffled
sound echoed from deep within his lover’s throat. It was exactly what
Jack needed to hear. He let go of Grant’s head when he felt Grant’s
hand move beneath his neck to support his head. Jack pressed his hot

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palms on the table, as Grant sucked him. Jack pumped his cock in and
out, brushing it slowly down Grant’s throat.

He loved the feel of the tip of his cockhead rubbing against the

back of Grant’s throat. He really liked it when his prick slid down his
throat. He loved it even more when Grant used his teeth to control the
tempo. Grant was obviously trying to show his Dom who was really
trying to be the one in control. Jack knew he had to make sure his
bratty little sub knew that there wouldn’t be any topping from the
bottom. A humming sound echoed through Grant’s mouth, shaking
his cock. Jack licked two fingers and reached down, pulling Grant’s
big balls aside as he fingered his rim. The humming sound increased
as Jack played with his sub’s rim. He fingered him with two fingers,
pushing them deep into Grant’s ass.

“Oh, fuck.”
A deep groan tore from the back of Jack’s throat. Jack felt his

cock and balls tighten up. His orgasm spun through his body and he
started to come. Hot spunk shot from his prick and down Grant’s
throat. Jack pumped his cock dry deep within Grant’s throat, loving
the feel of Grant’s tongue flicking along the underside of his
cockhead. His heart hammered.

He didn’t stop groaning until he was completely empty. He loved

the feel of Grant sucking eagerly at his cock. Jack was shaking for
more than one reason as he pulled his cock from deep within Grant’s
mouth. He needed to get Grant off. He reached his hand down, giving
his lover’s cock a seductive twist. With that one simple pull of his
cock, Grant came hard. His hot juice squirted up from the tip of his
cockhead. Jack pumped him roughly. Four hot lines of cum shot
across the table and over Grant’s chest. He leaned down, giving Grant
a possessive kiss. When he opened his eyes, he could see Grant more
clearly out of his bad eye. Jack never had a lover who came with just
one simple touch. It was the most beautiful thing Jack had ever seen.

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Chapter Four

Grant was breathing hard. As though he had just run the hardest

sprint of his entire life. He looked up within Jack’s eyes, and he saw
tears there.

“What is it, babe?” Grant asked.
“I can see more clearly.”
“How clearly can you see me?”
“It’s better. So much better now. I don’t know how or why.

Whatever happened between us must have knocked something back
in place in my head!”

Grant leaned in, giving his Dom a seductive kiss. When he pulled

away, he saw his future, his everything. He didn’t know how or why,
but he knew somehow he would be there for his Dom. Jack helped
him to his feet. They kissed passionately. Grant loved the feel of Jack
taking control with his lips and tongue. It always left him weak kneed
and wanting.

They went to the shower and got in together. It was the most

intimate thing that Grant had ever experienced. Jack pulled him in
close under the hot spray. Their lips met as they kissed in a slow,
unhurried way. Grant moaned when Jack’s tongue flicked with his.
With his eyes closed and his lips locked with Jack’s, Grant felt the
smooth slide of soap move over his back. Jack’s hands moved down
over his ass, slipping his fingers between his ass cheeks. Grant spread
his fingers over Jack’s back, loving the feel of his muscles bunch and
flex as he moved.

Jack broke his lips away. “I really like this.”

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A shiver ran through Grant as the tip of Jack’s finger ran over his

rim. He sighed into his arms. “Me too.”

The soap slipped over Grant’s hand. “Wash me, sub.”
The order was given on a husky sexual note that Grant couldn’t

resist. Grant lathered the soap in his hands and then smoothed the
soap over his Dom’s chest, arms, and down his thigh. Grant knelt
down. Water rushed over Jack’s back and around his hips, causing the
water to stream off his prick like a fountain. With Jack’s dick at
mouth level, Grant couldn’t resist the urge to wash his prick with his
mouth. Jack’s fingers threaded through his hair as he sucked his cock
deep within his mouth. His half-hard cock quickly grew rock hard.
Grant ran his soapy hands up Jack’s thighs, holding on tight as he
sucked his Dom. Grant’s cock flexed out, rubbing against the inside
of Jack’s leg. The rough hairs on his leg brushed his sensitive tip in
the most seductive way.

Jack moaned. “Fuck. You have a talented mouth.”
Pre-cum leaked from Jack’s tip, sliding down Grant’s throat.

Grant caressed his balls, squeezing them hard as he gobbled Jack’s
dick. His cockhead bounced against the back of his throat. He was so
big and thick that Grant was having a difficult time swallowing him
all the way.

“Fuck. I’m going to come!”
Jack pounded his cock into Grant’s mouth. Hot jizz squirted out of

his tip and over Grant’s tongue. The sweet and salty taste of his
Dom’s cum was like honey to his taste buds. Grant moaned as he
swallowed him. Slowly, Grant licked his way off Jack’s still hard
cock, making sure to get every last drop of syrup off his tip before he
did. Jack pulled him to his feet, pressing his back against the cold tile.
Their lips met in a hungry kiss that curled Grant’s toes. His pounding
cock pressed against Jack’s abdomen.

“That was fucking amazing,” Jack said.
“I do my best.”
“You’re cocky and arrogant.”

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“You like me that way.”
There was a dangerous look in Jack’s eyes. Grant could see that

he was pushing the limit of what it meant to be submissive. Jack
grabbed his throbbing prick, stroking him up and down. He pinched
the tip of his cockhead hard, yanking him up onto his tiptoes.

“You’re close,” Jack said.
“Fuck, yes!”
All of a sudden, Jack stopped stroking his cock. Grant moaned,

biting his lip and licking the wet spot. Water splashed down around
them. His body began to shake as Jack began to squeeze and release
his cockhead. Sensations crashed through Grant’s body as he was
suspended over the edge. He wanted to come. He needed to come. He
started pumping his hips, but Jack quickly stopped him with a rough
grab of his hips.

“No moving.”
Grant whimpered as Jack continued to grip and release his cock as

though he were doing a new strength training technique for his hand.
Grant whimpered, clinging to Jack as he took control of his dick. He
moaned, pressing his lips against his neck as his Dom tortured him.
He could barely stand the sexual torture to his dick. Without warning,
Jack started pumping his shaft. He arched up into his Dom’s arms as
his orgasm spun through his dick. Sweet torturous relief burst through
his body as his cum shot over his Dom’s chest. Grant clung to Jack.
His heart was racing and he was breathing hard. Jack held him close,
stroking his ass.

“I needed that,” Grant said.
“So did I.”
Grant loved how he could share such a special moment with Jack.

After a long time in the shower, Grant pulled away. It was getting
late. They both had to work in the morning.

“I should go,” Grant said.
“You probably should,” Jack replied.

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“It’s probably best that we try to keep everything professional at


“I don’t want any questions that would damage either of our

reputations, now that things are going good for both of us.”

Grant nodded his head. “Just as long as we both agree that this

thing, whatever it is, is temporary and not long term.”

An angry gleam flashed within Jack’s eyes. “I decide when this is

over. Not you. Understand? I now own you. You’re mine.”

Shivers ran down Grant’s body. He was serious. Jack was

suddenly becoming a very important person within his life. Could he
let go and allow Jack to have complete control? Grant felt as though
this were suddenly a very important test that he needed to pass. His
gaze locked with Jack’s. He couldn’t imagine disappointing or
disobeying his Dom.

Jack came in close. “Are you going to be able to handle this?”
He wasn’t sure, but he wanted more of Jack than just one night of

pleasure. “Yes.”

Grant wanted to feel Jack’s touch all over his body again. He

wanted to snuggle in bed together. He wanted to wake up the next
morning with his body twined and their cocks hard and throbbing and
ready for something more. Grant knew he couldn’t stay. Grant knew it
was time to get dressed.

He was still amazed that he came home to find something so

special, something he never expected to find. Jack was now his Dom.
He was so much more than just a lover. He was his one and only
friend in this city. He knew that this should probably be a onetime
thing and that they couldn’t do this again, but he wasn’t ready to let
Jack go. Not yet.

It was sleeting as Grant stepped outside onto Jack’s front porch.
“You should stay,” Jack said. “The roads are probably getting


“They probably are, but I drive a Jeep. I’ll be fine.”

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Jack brushed his fingers over the nape of his neck. “You’re going

back to your hotel?”

“Yes.” Grant didn’t want to leave, but he knew he had to. “We

can’t risk being caught together.”

Their breaths were white puffs of smoke from the chill in the air.

Grant came in close, silently begging for another one of Jack’s
possessive kisses. Jack’s lips were chilled from the night air as they
connected with his. His hot tongue slipped past his lips, flicking with
Grant’s. It was a long time before either one pulled away.

“Good night,” Jack said.
“Night. Thanks for tonight.”
“It was good.”
Grant didn’t want to leave his Dom, but he knew he couldn’t stay

without risking one of his brothers finding out what was going on
between him and Jack. He reluctantly drove back to the hotel on the
shitty side of town and went to his room. He hated how he was
suddenly feeling and how complicated his life had become since he
had confronted his father. Grant was used to living for himself and no
one else. Now, all he could think about was living for Jack. That was
a bad place to be when a relationship ended. How had he gotten there
and sucked into a vortex of confusion and uncertainty? He didn’t
know when he would be surfacing again.

That evening, Grant had a hard time getting to sleep. He kept

thinking about Jack and how he had left him. He didn’t like leaving
his lover after having sex. He liked the intimacy that was shared
together afterward. Despite how tired he was, Grant tossed and turned
within the scratchy cotton sheets and the stale-smelling room. Grant
threw his arm over his eyes. He needed to find someplace more
permanent to live.

A short while later, he heard a knock at the door. Grant was

hoping it was the one person in the whole entire world he wanted to
see. He tried to not get his hopes up as he swung his legs over the side
of the bed. Grant leaned on the door, looking out the peephole.

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Excitement went through his blood when he saw Jack on the other
side. He opened the door.

“What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to get you and I’m taking you home with me. Pack

your things. We’re leaving.”

“How did you get here?” Grant asked.
“I took a cab, but you’re driving both of us back to my place.”
Within twenty minutes, they were on the road to Jack’s place.

Grant wasn’t surprised that Jack had come for him the way he had. He
loved how Jack dominated him and was now taking control of his life.
It really turned him on how Jack was taking over everything.

When they got back to Jack’s place, they went upstairs to his

bedroom and put everything away. They both changed. Jack turned
down the covers on the bed. He got in first and Grant snuggled in
close to his side. Grant held onto Jack tightly. He loved feeling him so
close and their hearts beating together.

“I’m glad your vision is returning.”
“It won’t be long and I’ll be able to see more clearly. The doctor

seems to think I’ll just need readers or glasses once everything

“When will you be cleared to drive?”
“Not for a while.”
Grant smoothed his hand over Jack’s chest. “Why did you take me

on as your sub?”

“I wanted you.”
“Any other reason?”
“I like my men smaller than me. I like being able to take control.”
“I love the way you dominate me.”
Grant slid his fingers over Jack’s chest, loving the feel of his

warm skin beneath his palm. He was absolutely perfect for him. How
had he found him? He came back to Cincinnati looking for revenge
and all he found was love. Tears misted in his eyes, blurring his

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vision. Emotion poured through his heart. A tear slipped down his
cheek and onto Jack’s chest.

“Are you okay?”
Jack’s hand brushed his chin, lifting it so that their eyes met. Jack

placed soft kisses on his lips, cheek, and temple.

“I’m just so happy I found you. I came to Cincinnati to confront

my father for abandoning me and not being the man who I wanted
him to be. Instead I found love. I found you. I found everybody and
everything that I never thought I would ever have.”

“You’ve spent your entire life hurting, haven’t you?”
It was true. It was as though everything that had ever knocked him

down was now picking him up. “Yeah.”

“Now you don’t have to hurt alone.”
A sob tore from his body as Jack held him tightly. “I know. It’s

just so overwhelming. I’ve spent my entire life playing soldier and
running all over the world. I never expected to find someplace that
felt like home.”

“You are home.” They kissed again. “It’s just the way it’s

supposed to be. You’re meant to be here within my arms.”

Grant wanted it to last forever, but he knew how things in his life

went. They never lasted. He knew he shouldn’t hope for things that
wouldn’t ever happen. He wanted to stay within Jack’s arms. He
wanted things to always be this perfect. He wanted to wake up every
morning with Jack and snuggle in bed with him every evening. How
was it possible to feel this way about a man he had just met? How was
it possible to feel so deeply about what he was experiencing?

He didn’t even know if they were compatible sexually. Sucking

cock was one thing, but taking it in the ass was another. Maybe they
wouldn’t be good together long term. Maybe they just had chemistry.
That wasn’t something that kept people together forever. Grant
couldn’t help but feel like he was jumping the gun and that Jack was
playing with his heart. He wasn’t a man who normally begged for

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attention, but for some reason with Jack he felt like throwing himself
on his knees and holding on tight.

Jack’s arms pulled him closer. “Sleep now.”
Grant started to fall asleep with his head on Jack’s shoulder.

Listening to the sound of his heartbeat was the most beautiful thing he
had ever heard. It felt wonderful to be within his Dom’s arms. Being a
submissive was new for him. He was quickly realizing that letting go
and giving someone else complete control was exactly what he
needed in his life. He just hoped that their working relationship,
whatever that may be, would be worked out between them. He didn’t
know how he could work with the man he was sleeping with.
Uncertainty played overtime in his head. Grant felt as though he had
backed himself into a corner he didn’t know how to get out of. Deep
down he knew he wouldn’t be able to stand another broken heart.

* * * *

The next morning, Jack got into work early. He came in without

Grant at his side. Jack didn’t want it to look suspicious that they were
coming in together. He knew all about how rumors could start flying
around there. That was the last thing he wanted. Every day his vision
in his bad eye was getting better and better. He knew it wouldn’t be
long before he would be able to see Grant clearly. He couldn’t wait
for that day.

Jack went down to the Training Center, heading straight for the

locker room. It wasn’t easy navigating things with clear vision in only
one eye, but he was getting better. Jack was starting to make out the
large objects that were around him with his bad eye. Progress felt
good. The white fog in front of his eye was starting to clear. He
couldn’t wait for it to be completely gone. Most of all, he couldn’t
wait to see Grant clearly.

Jack unlocked his locker and changed into sweats. He went out

into the Training Center and got busy working out on the treadmill.

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After a quick jog, he headed for the weights and started lifting. He
thought about his session with Grant the night before. He couldn’t
wait to get his hands on him again. It was true what they said about
your secondary senses heightening when another was impaired. Grant
had been ready and willing this morning, but Jack had insisted that
they wait until later when they both had more time to be together.
Jack was planning a session that he couldn’t wait to experience. Jack
wasn’t usually into knife play, but he loved the mind fuck it gave his

Jack did several rounds of sets with his arms and then switched to

his flanks with another machine. Laughter echoed through the
Training Center. A few other SWAT team members came in for their
morning workouts before their shifts. SWAT doc Parker Woods was
at his side.

“How’s the vision?” Parker asked.
“It’s good. Things are clearer. It won’t be long before I’ll be okay

and I can get back into the field,” Jack said.

Jack shook out his arms as Grant came through the Training

Center’s doors. Jack stepped around the workout machines so that he
could see him more clearly. One day, he knew he would see him
perfectly. He hoped that Grant didn’t give up on him before that day.
He didn’t want any barriers between them.

Grant came over. “Hey, I thought I might find you down here.”
“I’m usually in here a couple times a week,” Jack said.
“I’m going to go change.”
It sounded like there was an invitation in Grant’s voice. Jack let

his gaze move over Grant’s unreadable face. Jack didn’t want to say a
word right now. The Training Center was too busy to be doing
anything. His sub was tap dancing on that line again. Jack narrowed
his gaze and came in close to Grant.

“Careful there.”
“Or what? You’re going to punish me?”

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Jack ground his back teeth, trying to regain control of the situation

before he had to fling his sub to the mat. “If that’s what it takes.”

“I’ll catch you later,” Grant said.
“Yes, you will.”
Jack didn’t know how to handle working and living with someone

he was fucking. He had to figure this thing out before it blew up in his
face. Jack picked up his towel off the bench and wiped his face. He
grabbed his water bottle and guzzled a long drink. Against his better
judgment, Jack headed to the locker room to see what Grant was up

Grant’s duffel bag was sitting on one of the wooden benches, but

he was nowhere around. Jack went to his locker and grabbed his bag.
He headed to the shower, turning it on and giving it a few seconds to
get hot. He undressed, wondering where the hell Grant went. Hot
water hit him in the face as he got under the spray. He washed up
quickly, wishing all the while that Grant was in that shower stall with
him. Heat whimpered through his body as his cock filled painfully
fast. He was rock hard before he could stop himself from getting that
way. Jack bit his lip as he shut the water off. He needed to get out of
there before he decided to do something stupid like masturbate.

Jack heard footsteps coming down the hallway. He wanted it to be

Grant. He was desperate to hear the teasing sound of his voice. Jack
wrapped the terrycloth towel around his waist and came out from the
stall. All of a sudden, the cloud in front of his damaged eye started to
move as though it were clearing. Jack blinked his eyes rapidly, trying
to get the film to move again. His heart pounded as he pinched his
eyes closed. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw Grant coming
down the hallway. It was then that he saw Grant clearly with his bad
eye for the first time. Everything cleared. Jack looked deep within his
eyes as he crossed the room.

A possessive need to have Grant twisted through his body. Jack

came in close, taking hold of Grant and pressing him up against the
tile of a shower stall. He moved his hot lips against Grant’s, taking his

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breath away. Grant gasped in surprise, giving Jack complete access to
his mouth. He swept his tongue inside, loving the feel of Grant’s
moving with his. Jack flicked his tongue deep, taking everything
Grant was giving him. It was a long time before Jack came up for air.
Their eyes met.

“Hi,” Grant said.
Breathless and out of control, Jack didn’t want to tell Grant that

his vision had cleared. If he did, it would mean that Grant would be
reassigned. Despite having his vision back, Jack felt as though his
depth perception was still off. He was still going to need Grant for a
while longer. Jack wasn’t ready to let Grant go. He pressed his
forehead to Grant’s, loving the feel of their bodies melting together.
The towel that had been around his waist was now sitting on the tile
below his feet.

“What was that for?” Grant asked.
Jack bit his lip. He couldn’t tell Grant just yet that his vision was

clear. “You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

Surprise moved through Grant’s eyes. He lifted his hand to Jack’s

jaw. “You’re even more beautiful.”

Voices carried from outside the locker room. Jack stepped away,

grabbing the towel and holding it around his cock. He tried to keep it
down, but was having a really hard time.

“We shouldn’t be doing this. Not here. It’s too risky,” Jack said.
Jack wrapped the towel around his waist.
“I’ll see you upstairs,” Grant said.
Jack dressed, realizing that Grant was everything he imagined him

to be and so much more. He was absolutely devastating. As a rule,
Jack always took on subs that were less attractive than he was. He
didn’t like to feel inadequate in a relationship. Jack didn’t need to ask
the psychologist in his head to know it had everything to do with
having his heart fucked over when he was in his early twenties. It was

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why he had become a Dom. He had to be the one in control of the
sexual part of every relationship. His heart had been broken by his
first love. Jack wasn’t sure he could ever truly love someone ever

Excitement made his heart beat a little bit faster. He couldn’t wait

to go upstairs to see Grant again. He had to find another position for
Grant within the department. He knew that once his vision returned
completely, Grant would take off without looking back. That burned a
little more than he wanted to admit. He didn’t want Grant to leave
town. There was a good chance he would if he were no longer
employed. Jack was worried that if Grant found out that he could see,
he would run. Grant spent his entire life not forming attachments.
Now that he was, Jack didn’t want him to get cold feet and take off.
That was the last thing he wanted.

Jack went upstairs to his office, pretending that nothing was

wrong and that he couldn’t see well out of his eye. Grant was inside
his office, reading through a training binder. He knew he had to
confess the truth, but he couldn’t find the words. He looked at Grant,
loving the way he absently fidgeted with his tactical pants as he
bounced his leg nervously. The nervous habit was so sweet and
intriguing that it had Jack wondering what else he did that he hadn’t
been able to see due to his eye problem.

Jack knew Grant could tell that he was looking at him. He looked

up from the binder he was reading from.

“What’s the plan?” Grant asked.
It was then that Jack had to tell him. “I can see you out of my bad


“My vision cleared.”
“That’s great!” Grant frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m still going to need you. My depth perception is off.”

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“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. I don’t think we should

work together and fuck. It would be better if I found another job
somewhere else.”

“I think it’s a great idea that we work together,” Jack said.
“What happens when they find out we’re sleeping together? They

will find out.” Grant shook his head. “You can see now, you don’t
need me.”

“This doesn’t change anything. It just means we need to find

another position within the department for you when you’re done
helping me.”

“I’ll talk with Chief Anderson about it now.”
It was clear to Jack that Grant really didn’t consider Chief

Anderson to be his father. He wondered if that relationship would
ever heal.

“Hold up. Don’t go running out on me, okay?”
“I’m not running.”
“It feels like you are.” Jack came in close, twining his hands with

Grant’s. “I know that working with your father isn’t easy for you.”

“How do you know me so well?” Grant asked.
“I know you. You’ve spent your entire life hating a man who

never wanted you. I’m sorry it’s been so hard, but don’t shut me out
just because we work together.”

Surprise lifted Grant’s eyebrows. “I’m trying not to.”
“Good. Talk to Chief Anderson more. I think it will help.”
“Okay, I’ll do that now.”
Grant left his office. Jack was worried about him. He knew Grant

was going to run from him. He wanted to trust that Grant would do
the right thing and stay in Cincinnati, but he just couldn’t. He knew
Grant too well. He nearly ran out on him when he first came into
town. Now that he had an out, Jack was certain that he would leave.
He couldn’t sit in his office and wait for Grant to come back. He left
his office and headed upstairs. Jack knew that Grant was going to
need him for moral support. He should have gone with him. He strode

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into to Chief Anderson’s office, quietly barging his way inside. Grant
was sitting across from the chief. Both looked as though they were
having a tense conversation. Jack shut the door behind him, all the
while knowing he was crossing the line.

“I don’t want him to leave,” Jack said.
“Neither do I. I want to find him another position within the

department,” Chief Anderson said.

The chief sat back, studying both of them. Grant’s ears turned red

from embarrassment. His sub really couldn’t hide his true feelings for
him. Jack didn’t want to look too closely at the ramifications of his
physical reaction.

Jack turned away, pacing to the windows. “My depth perception is

still off. I’m going to need him for a while longer. I know he’s going
to skip town if you don’t find him another position.”

“Is it true?” Chief Anderson asked.
Grant looked out the window. “I thought about it. To be honest, I

don’t belong here. I’m not one of you and I’m not part of your family.
I should just go so that you all can get back to your lives.”

“You are part of me. I plan on making everything right between

us,” Chief Anderson said.

Jack leaned against the black-and-white marble windowsill,

crossing his arms. He stared at Grant, willing him to listen. The man
was hardheaded, strong, and compassionate. Just like his father. He
wasn’t one to take orders easily from anyone. It was only when he
was alone with Jack that the man ever truly let go. When they were in
the bedroom together, they forgot about everything else that didn’t
matter in the moment. It was what made them such a good couple.

“I need a few days to think about it,” Grant said.
“I need to work out some details with human resources. If you

decide to stay on after your work with Detective Shallow, I’ll need a
decision by the end of week,” Chief Anderson said.

“I’ll think on it.”
“Give me a chance to make this right,” Chief Anderson said.

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“I’ll do my best.”
Grant wouldn’t meet Jack’s gaze as he left the office. He knew

even before he left the room that he was already packing his bags and
mentally planning his escape route. Jack ran a frustrated hand through
his hair as his gaze connected with the chief’s. He looked weary and

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to make this thing right between


“It’s going to take time for both of you to come to terms with


The chief half smiled. “I can see that you have a special bond with


Shock vibrated through Jack’s body, leaving him momentarily

stunned. “Sir?”

“Go after him. Make sure he’s okay with everything. I can see that

he trusts you.”

Anxious to find Grant, Jack left the chief’s office. He hoped he

found Grant before he made a decision he was going to regret later
on. Jack knew he needed to save Grant from himself.

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Chapter Five

Tears misted Grant’s eyes as he left his father’s office. He would

not break down now. He would not break down here. He had to keep
his shit together. He was a trained soldier. Why was he such a pussy
when it came to his personal life? He heard the sound of Jack’s
footsteps behind, but he didn’t turn and he didn’t wait for him to catch
up. He couldn’t face him. Not now, not when everything felt so wrong
and painful. He had to leave town, but he knew Jack wanted him to

Grant hit the stairwell and went a couple of fights down, but

paused midway, taking a moment to breathe. He sat down on the step,
putting his head into his hands. He couldn’t believe that Jack wanted
him to stay despite not needing him anymore. The stairwell door
opening and closing had Grant looking up. It was Jack, looking strong
and sure and devastating. He sat down on the stair next to him.

Jack reached out his hand and twined his fingers with Grant’s.

“I’m here for you. Whenever you need me or whatever we need to do,
just talk to me. Don’t push me away.”

Grant was shocked that he was really considering putting down

roots in Cincinnati. “I never expected my father to accept me. I never
thought that I would be here working with him or working with my
brothers. It just feels so surreal.”

There was pain in his voice. Grant didn’t like that it was there, but

there was nothing he could do to stop it bubbling up from deep

“You’re in good company here.”

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“I know, I just can’t stay, Jack. I don’t know how to accept all of

it. I never expected my father to accept me and to be working with
him. I never thought I’d be here with you. It’s just all so very

“You can work through it.” Jack gave his hand an encouraging

squeeze. “What did your father ask of you?”

“He wants me to work with the tactical response team. He wants

me to go through all the trainings to work with SWAT, too.”

“I think that will be good for you,” Jack said.
“I don’t know. This doesn’t feel like the right fit.”
“Why? Is it because you’ve always been on the outside feeling

like you’re looking in?”

Grant looked up at Jack. It was exactly how he felt. “Yes, that’s

how it’s always been. I’m on the outside looking in and now I’m on
the inside and I don’t know how to handle it.”

“If you really feel as though this job your father’s offering isn’t

the right one for you, just get another job.”

Jack was giving him an out. Grant knew then how special Jack

was. “That’s exactly it. I’ve always been on the outside and here I am
smack dab in the middle of things.”

“It’s not hard to handle. You are handling it. You know that

you’re not alone. I’m here for you.”

“I’ve always been on the outside,” Grant said.
“It’s not easy having a big family and it won’t be easy meeting

mine, but we’ll get through this together.”

“I could take the job just for a year to see how things play out.”
“I don’t see why not. It’s probably the best offer you’ve had in

years,” Jack said. “I’m glad you’re taking it.”

“I guess I’ll have to learn how to communicate with my father


“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Jack replied. “I’ll see you later

on tonight.”


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“I’m glad you’re staying.”
“Yeah, same here,” Grant said.
Jack leaned in, giving Grant a sweet and innocent kiss. When he

pulled away, there was a wickedly hot gleam in his eye that Grant
wanted to explore. Jack offered him his hand, helping him to his feet.
For the first time in a long time, Grant was feeling steady and sure
about his next more. He just hoped that he felt the same way when he
woke up tomorrow morning.

“I have an eye appointment after work.”
“Do you need me to go with you?” Grant asked.
“No. I’ll be okay.”
“Good luck.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you later, babe,” Jack said.
The sounds of Jack’s footsteps echoed within the stairwell. Grant

took a steadying breath and went down to his father’s office. He
knocked on the door. He heard the sound of his father’s voice telling
him to come on inside.

“I’m going to take the job opening in cold cases. I’m still

considering the SWAT position,” Grant said.

“I think you’re making a good move, son. I’ll let human resources

know this afternoon.”

Grant never thought his father would ever call him son. He didn’t

plan on accepting his father into his life when he came to Cincinnati.

He never dreamed of having his father in his life and everything

he had always wanted. He was still afraid of it all going away. His
father looked as though he wanted to say something more, but he
hesitated as though he didn’t know what to say. Grant wasn’t sure
when it happened, but he was starting to think of Chief Anderson as
his father and not just as a stranger he loathed.

“It won’t be long before everything will go through with the

transfer,” Chief Anderson said.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

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Grant’s heart was hammering as he left his father’s office. He ran

his hand through his hair as he went to get his shit and go home for
the day. He was really doing it. He was staying. There was a spring in
his step as he went out to his Jeep. He went home to Jack, finding him
cooking in the kitchen.

Grant still wasn’t used to living with a lover. It was as though the

world was spinning faster and faster and he didn’t know how to slow
it down. He came in close, giving Grant a kiss that could’ve turned
into something more. Jack tasted of expensive wine and Italian spice.
Jack pulled back from the kiss.

“I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me, too. How did your eye appointment go?” Grant asked.
“Great. I’m cleared to go back to working with SWAT. I can drive

again too.”

“Nice. No problems with your peripheral vision?”
“None. The doc seemed to think the eye drops did the job.”
The table was set for two. Flashes of white-hot desire went

through Grant as he remembered when Jack had him pinned on the
table and had his cock shoved down his throat.

“I need you. I need you now,” Grant said.
Desperate to have him in his arms, Grant waited for his answer.

Jack turned him slowly up against the counter, using his size to
muscle him around. One of his thick thighs slipped between Grant’s
legs. His hard cock brushed up against Jack’s abdomen. Grant bit his
lip, licking the soft edge as he thought about Jack pushing his cock
deep within his throat again.

“Have dinner with me first. A quiet dinner and then maybe you’ll

be ready for what I have planned for you tonight.”

A shiver went through Grant’s body as Jack’s hands went down

over his ass, giving it a seductive squeeze. He spread his ass cheeks
apart, making his rim tingle in sweet anticipation. He couldn’t wait
until Jack had his thick cock shoved deep within his ass.

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“Oh? What do you have planned for me?” Grant asked.
Jack grinned wickedly as he pulled away, leading Grant to the

dinner table. “You have to wait and see.”

Dinner was a four-course affair with an appetizer, salad, and

homemade lasagna. Jack was an excellent cook.

“Tell me about your family,” Grant said.
A grin spread across Jack’s face as he thought. “I’m one of five

siblings. Four girls and me.”

“Let me guess, you’re the oldest?”
“The youngest,” Jack said.
“I would have never expected it,” Grant said.
“I grew up with my sister dressing me like a girl for years. My

mom says that’s why I’m gay.”

Jack rolled his eyes as Grant laughed. “I can only imagine how

rough it must have been with your family.”

“Why? To my sisters I was just another girl in the family.”
“Yeah, I completely understand.”
“Instead of asking for a football or basketball, I was asking for

dolls and dresses.”

“I bet that your parents were really proud of that.”
“They were shockingly supportive of me carrying my dolls around

when I was five or six.”

“I can tell you’ve changed somewhat.”
“I have. Ready for dessert?”
“Love some.”
“I got something special for you from the best bakery in town.”
Jack went to the fridge and pulled out a white box. He set it on the

counter and sliced two pieces of what looked like a chocolate mousse
cake. There were white and dark chocolate shavings on top of the
cake with pieces of white chocolate wedged into piles of mousse.

Grant stretched, standing up. He took the piece of cake Jack was

offering. Jack went to the table, relaxing back in his chair. Grant set
his piece of cake on the table and straddled Jack, sitting on top of his

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lap. Grant dipped into Jack’s cake with his fork, feeding his Dom. He
loved watching his eyes go dreamy as the chocolate spread across his
tongue. Jack worked his hands around Grant’s hips as Grant rocked
forward on his legs.

Ever so slowly Jack finished off the cake. He then lifted up

Grant’s fork and started feeding him. There was something really
romantic and sweet about the way Jack was watching his tongue lick
out over the fork. After each bite, Grant moaned a little, licking his
tongue over his lips. They finished off the cake, both looking
ravenous for something more.

Jack reached his hand around Grant’s ass, squeezing it roughly as

their lips met in a hungry kiss. He slipped his fingers down into his
pants, rubbing the tips of his fingers over Grant’s rim. Grant shivered
as the hot pads of his fingers pushed against his rim. He was loving
the feel of Jack spreading his thighs. Jack broke his lips away, fisting
his hands into Grant’s button-up shirt. He yanked his shirt open,
sending buttons spinning and flying across the kitchen tile.

“I love the way you touch me,” Grant said.
Jack wasn’t holding anything back as he leaned in again to kiss

Grant and to take complete control. Jack leaned in to kiss Grant’s left
shoulder, nipping with his teeth and flicking his tongue across the
marks. He did the same to the other side. Grant leaned back his head
as Jack’s palms worked their way over his body. Jack circled his
hands around Grant’s wrists, pinning them behind his back as Jack
came in close again. Grant opened his mouth as Jack kissed him
passionately. Grant moaned as his naked chest pressed up against his
Dom’s. It felt so good to have his hard nips brushing against the
rough cotton of his shirt. Grant’s nips had always been sensitive and
responsive to a lover’s touch.

Jack broke his lips away. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”
“Making love to you.”

* * * *

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The kitchen was hot and steamy. Jack was off his game. He

usually didn’t have sessions in his kitchen, but there was something
about Grant that made him impulsive and out of control. They were
taking it to the next level faster than Jack had planned on. He wanted
Grant on his back and sucking his cock down his throat, but he
couldn’t yet. He had other plans for him that involved going upstairs
to his playroom. Jack speared his hand up into Grant’s hair, fisting it
through the silky strands. He pulled his hair roughly, exposing the
long lean cords of his neck. Jack kissed his way over those hot cords.
He flicked his tongue over Grant’s Adam’s apple, sucking it sweetly.

Jack reluctantly pulled his mouth away. “Crawl upstairs to my


Grant did as ordered. He got down on his hands and knees,

crawling upstairs to his playroom. Jack loved watching the muscles in
his submissive’s back go to work as he moved. It turned him the fuck
on to watch those long, lean muscles bunch and flex. He didn’t stop
crawling until he was all of all the way inside Jack’s master bedroom.

There was a single wooden chair sitting in the middle of the room.

“Sit down on the chair.”

Grant got up off the floor and sat down on the chair. Jack went for

the rope he had on the bed and came back to the chair. He tied Grant’s
wrists to the chair. He then took the blindfold from his back pocket
and put it around Grant’s eyes.

“I don’t want to frighten you,” Jack said.
“You don’t scare me at all.”
Jack ran his fingers over the nape of Grant’s neck, loving the way

that Grant’s muscles flexed beneath his touch. “You haven’t
experienced anything like this before.”

Jack went to the closet and got out a chain collar and brought it

over to Grant. He put it around Grant’s neck and tightened it to his
skin, but not too tightly so that it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for him.
This was all about the mind fuck tonight.

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“I’m not frightening you, am I?”
“You have my complete obedience. You can do everything and

anything you want to do with me. You are my Dom,” Grant said.

“I will have to punish you if you disobey me.”
“I like the idea of you punishing me,” Grant said.
A shiver of need tore through Jack’s body as he went to the closet.

His cock was pounding for a hard release that he so desperately
needed to feel. He undressed, putting on his black, leather studded
straps. He took a knife from the drawer in the closet. Knife play was
the biggest turn-on and mind fuck. It could be completely mind
blowing for a submissive. Jack stood behind Grant, smoothing the
dull edge of the knife over Grant’s shoulder. Grant groaned as he felt
the steel smooth over his beautiful skin. He circled around, moving
the knife down across his chest and down over his abdomen. Grant
groaned when Jack slipped the knife under the black leather of his
belt, giving it a tug. With the knife beneath that leather, he worked the
belt open, sliding it off.

Grant was groaning as Jack slid the knife down over his fly and

down over his right pant leg. When Jack got to his feet, he took his
work boots off, leaving only his tactical pants on. Jack set the knife
down, working his pants off his legs. He left his tight gray boxers on.
Jack smoothed the edge of the knife up the inside of Grant’s leg.
Several inches of his cock were standing up beyond the edge of his
boxer waistband. When Jack got to the edge of Grant’s boxers, he
bunched the cotton fabric up with his left hand as he slid the knife
under with his right. Every muscle within Grant’s body was flexed
hard. Sweat dripped from his temple and his body started to shimmer
from the heat of his sweat.

Grant groaned as the dull edge of the knife smoothed against his

abdomen and the teeth cut the left side of his boxers, leaving a gaping
flap that exposed his cock. Jack smoothed the knife up under the other
side of his boxers, cutting the other side off. Grant jumped as the back
of Jack’s hand accidentally smoothed over his throbbing dick. A bead

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of pre-cum dripped from his tip, rushing down over the side of his

“You’re dripping for me.”
“You’re going to have to do something about that,” Grant said.
Jack tipped the smooth, cool edge of the blade up against Grant’s

cock. He moved it slowly upward to catch the pre-cum.

“Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Don’t stop.”
“You like that?”
“Fuck yes!”
Jack squeezed the tip of Grant’s cockhead, making more pre-cum

leak from his tip.

“Oh, yes,” Grant moaned.
When there were several drops of cum on the knife, Jack pulled it

away. He reached around Grant’s head with his free hand and pulled
the blindfold off. Lust and passion filed Grant’s eyes as their gazes
locked. Jack lifted the blade with the drops of pre-cum clinging to the
edge and licked it off.

“Oh, fuck,” Grant whispered.
He was absolutely breathless and twisted up for more. Jack circled

around the chair and cut the ties that held Grant captive.

“Don’t move.”
Jack returned the knife to the closet and got a leash from a hook in

the back. He came in close to Grant, snapping the leash to his collar.
He gave it a little tug.

“Stand up. Hands on the back of the chair.”
Grant did as ordered, arching his ass out. Jack hooked the leash to

the chair and went back to the closet where he found a leather braided
flogger. The tip was bright red like a snake’s tongue. Jack slid the
leather across his ass and over his rim. He whipped the flogger back
and brought it down hard. A muffled groan sounded within Grant’s
throat. Jack loved the way his balls bounced back and forth with each
spanking motion of the thick leather flogger. He was getting loud with
each hit. Jack knew he had to take complete control. He went to the

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closet and got a ball gag. Jack stood in front of Grant. His mouth
instinctively opened when he saw the ball gag in his hand. He slipped
the ball into Grant’s mouth and the leather straps onto the back of his
head. He tightened it down.

Jack came in close, whispering his lips over Grant’s ear. He

moved his fingers over his rim. “You’ll give me complete access and
absolute obedience. Do you understand?”

Grant nodded his head vigorously as a muffled “yes, Sir”

came through. It was exactly what Jack wanted to hear.

“You’ve earned your first collar,” Jack said.
Grant shivered as Jack rubbed his hand down over his cock,

giving his prick a punishing stroke that brought him to the tips of his
toes. Jack rubbed the tip of his cockhead with his palm as though he
were polishing a brass knob. Jack loved how pre-cum leaked from the
tip of his cockhead and down over his hand. He could tell that Grant
was close to coming. His balls pulled up tight to his shaft. Jack took
his free hand and caressed his balls, enjoying the feel of them
shivering within his hand. He looked deep within Grant’s eyes. It was
then that Jack knew he wanted him.

Jack was a Dom who didn’t think about the long term with a sub.

This was the first time he had ever thought about forever. He felt as
though he had a perfect sub. He couldn’t even imagine having anyone
else ever again. He never thought this moment would ever come and
it did. Jack didn’t consider himself to be promiscuous. He was
selective and open to relationships. He couldn’t let Grant go ever
again. He was going to make sure Grant stayed with him forever.

He didn’t know how it happened, but he was becoming attached

to Grant. It scared him to think that Grant would leave him before he
figured out what they had together. He couldn’t stand the thought of
Grant leaving him without going through all the stages of collars. He
had to keep Grant happy to keep him from running. He was going to
make sure his submissive would stay. Jack wanted him involved in all
aspects of his life. Jack loved to restore old cars. He was going to

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make sure that Grant helped him with the car he was working on. His
grandfather’s car was a 1929 Plymouth. Jack wanted to know
everything about Grant. There was so much he felt like he didn’t
know about his sub.

Jack smoothed his hands down over his sub’s ass. “Hands and

knees on the floor.”

Jack opened up the nightstand, taking out a condom. Grant’s

thighs were spread wide. His ass was arched out in quiet anticipations.
Bareback was wonderful, but he had one rule that he lived by. Jack
always used a condom. Always. Even though he was monogamous,
he used a condom. Maybe one day he would go bareback with Grant,
but for now they would use a condom. It was going to take time to
build trust between them. Once he knew he had his complete trust, he
knew he’d have Grant forever.

Jack ripped the condom open with his teeth. He rolled the condom

down over his cockhead and then his shaft. He stood behind his sub,
pushing down on the back of his head. He pushed his forehead all the
way to the floor. He came up behind Grant, spreading his thighs wide.
He arched his ass out invitingly, enticing him with a little shake of his
ass. It was sexy as hell. Jack gave him a spank. He pinched his ass
cheeks with his fingers. Jack licked his fingers and rubbed them over
Grant’s rim, loving the fact that his submissive’s ass was smooth with
silky hairs.

Jack pushed his finger in and out of Grant’s ass. Grant’s muffled

moans echoed within the room. Jack’s cock throbbed. He didn’t know
how long he could hold out. He had to have more. Grant was eager
and he was ready to shove it in his ass. Jack thumped his cock against
Grant’s rim several times. He tipped his cockhead to Grant’s rim,
shoving his throbbing cock deep within Grant’s ass. Jack loved how
he urged him on by pushing his hips back on cock. Jack slapped his
hips hard against Grant’s ass as he took him fast with short hard
strokes. Jack loved the feel of Grant’s athletic ass banging against his

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He fucked Grant hard and passionately as he took everything he

had to offer. The metal leash knocked against the wooden chair as he
fucked him. Jack reached around, stroking Grant’s cock and giving it
a rough squeeze. He took his sub to the edge of pain and pleasure as
pinched and stroked his cockhead. Jack knew he was pushing the hard
limit with his sub. He knew he was dancing on the line. Jack reached
between Grant’s legs, stroking his cock from base to tip. Jack loved
the feel of his cock slipping through his lubed hand. Hard shivers tore
through Grant’s body as he started to orgasm. Grant moaned hard as
he came. Hot jizz splashed over Jack’s hands as he pumped him
roughly. When Grant had finished, Jack pulled his cock from Grant’s
ass, taking the condom off his aching prick. With little control, Jack
leaned down and licked his tongue over his rim, enjoying the way
Grant arched his ass back for more. Jack flicked his tongue around.
He pulled away, spanking his ass as frustration burned through his
body. Jack slipped his hand over the leash, pulling him up. Jack took
off the ball gag, tossing it aside. He slapped his cockhead over
Grant’s hungry lips.

“Suck me, sub.”
Grant moaned as he swallowed him deep within his mouth. Grant

flicked his tongue over his cockhead, undulating just beneath the
ridge. Jack threaded his fingers into Grant’s hair as he pumped his
dick in and out of his mouth. Grant scraped his teeth gently over his
cock as Jack worked his prick in and out of his hot mouth. It wasn’t
long before Jack knew he was close to coming. He arched his head
back and spread his thighs wide as his orgasm spun through his prick.
He came really hard.

Cum trickled down over Grant’s chin. Jack reached out with his

finger, catching and cleaning it away. He leaned down, kissing Grant.
He wanted to tell him how much he loved him, but he couldn’t. There
was something happening between them. Something he didn’t
understand or know how to control. Grant looked deep within his eyes
as he leaned forward, licking Jack’s finger clean. Something spun up

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within Jack’s heart, taking over. He was falling in love with his

Very slowly, he stood up, wrapping the leash around his hand. He

gave it a tug. “Crawl up onto the bed.”

When Grant was in bed, he undid the leash, hanging it on the

corner post. He left Grant’s collar on as he got into bed with his sub.
Grant immediately wrapped his body up to his, holding on tight. The
wall Jack had worked so hard to keep around his heart was slowly
starting to crumble. He was so screwed if Grant left him. Jack gave
Grant a kiss on his temple.

“Did I satisfy you?” Grant asked.
“Very much. Sleep now.”

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Chapter Six

Hot hands moved around Grant’s waist, holding him close.

Morning sunshine crept through the windows, but it was mixed with
flurries. The first tentative signs of winter were on the horizon.

“What do we have on the agenda for today?” Grant asked.
“Well, since it’s Saturday, you and I can hang out.”
“What do you usually do on Saturdays?”
“I usually spend the day working on my car. I restore old cars in

my spare time. What do you like to do?”

“I don’t seem to have a lot of spare time when I’m with you.”
“No, you don’t. Tell me. I want to know.”
Grant smiled, curling in close to Jack. “I love reading everything I

can get my hands on about history.”

Soft kisses were placed along Grant’s jaw. Grant arched his ass

back, feeling Jack’s hard cock slide between his ass cheeks. He
groaned, biting his lip as he felt his morning wood press against his

“Do you want something?”
Grant ran his hand down Jack’s athletic thighs, digging his nails

in. “Yes.”

Heat moved over his rim as Jack’s cockhead rubbed his sweet

spot. Grant hoped that Jack wouldn’t stop pressing his cock against
his rim. He didn’t want to be the one to make the first move. A jarring
vibration exploded through the room. Jack rolled over, reaching for
his pager on the nightstand. Cool morning air hit Grant’s backside as
Jack pulled away.

“What’s up?” Grant asked.

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“Work. SWAT is being called in. I gotta go.”
Jack got out of bed but leaned back in, giving Grant a fierce kiss.

Grant pulled the sheet up around his waist, watching as Jack moved
around the room as he got ready to go. He threw on a pair tactical
pants and a T-shirt on the fly. Grant wanted to rush out with him, but
he knew he couldn’t go without the official training under his belt. He
heard Jack’s footsteps running down the stairs, but he heard him
pause at the bottom stair.

“I’ll see you later!”
“Be safe!”
It wasn’t easy being on the sidelines, but suddenly Grant was.

This relationship was more than he had ever expected it could be.
Jack hopped into the shower and washed up quickly. He brushed his
teeth and finished by looking at himself in the mirror. He wasn’t the
same person he had been so many years ago. Something inside of him
changed. He was different. He couldn’t figure out what the difference
was yet. All he knew was that he felt like when he was with Jack he
became a better person.

Grant spent the next several hours waiting for Jack to come home.

After a while, he flipped on the television, looking for live coverage
of the SWAT standoff. It wasn’t long before he found a news channel
covering the breaking news. Grant sat down on the couch, watching
with wide eyes as he saw the SWAT team in the background. They
were going to make entrance from the south from what Grant saw.

The news reporter was going on about how a woman was holding

her family and her children hostage. The husband had called the
situation in. Grant wanted to be there helping, doing everything he
could as part of the team. It was then that he knew he was really going
to accept his father’s offer and take the job within the department.

He wanted to be part of the team. He wanted to be at Jack’s side

protecting him and the rest of the team as they made entrance. He
hated sitting there watching, waiting, and hoping that Jack came

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home. Grant was an excellent shot. He could get the job done. He
knew how to protect and to make sure everybody got home safely.

Grant nervously paced the room as his future teammates made

entrance into the house. The reporter continued to give commentary
as the cameraman panned around the house. Grant held his breath as
he waited, hoping that Jack came out okay. Several moments later,
children were brought out of the house. Grant pressed his hands on
the back of the couch, breathing a huge sigh of relief when he saw the
team safely leave the house.

Everything was going to be okay. Grant sat back down on the

couch, leaning forward and running his hands through his hair. He’d
been desperate to know that everything was going to turn out okay. It
was so unlike him. Would he be able to put all of that aside when he
was in the field? Would he be able to work along Jack’s side and do
what he needed to do? Grant knew the answer to that question. He
would, but was it the right thing to do? Was it the right thing to work
with his father, his brothers, and his lover at the same district? He
wasn’t sure about that.

Grant knew that the district was big enough so that it didn’t

appear to be favoritism, but damn it felt like it was. Grant knew then
that he should probably pass on the job, but he wanted to be around
Jack and he wanted to be around the family he was just starting to get
to know.

He decided to call his father to talk. A woman picked up at his

home. “Is Chief Anderson available?”

A chuckle sounded on the other end. “Reed, is that you?”
Grant didn’t want to break the news to this woman, but he had to.

“This is Grant.”

There was a moment of stunned silence on the other end. “Hold

on just a moment, Grant. I’ll get him for you.”

Grant heard the sound of the phone being set down. A minute

later, his father answered.


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“It’s Grant. I probably shouldn’t have called your home.”
“It’s okay. She knows. It’s just so hard for my wife to understand.

I was married when I met your mother, so it’s been hard for her to
accept things the way they are now.”

It was then that Grant knew that he should probably leave town,

but he just couldn’t leave Jack and his brothers behind. “I’ve been
thinking things over. I’m definitely interested in SWAT. I saw the
boys today on live TV.”

“They do great work. I’m glad you want to work with them.”
Grant could hear the pride in his father’s voice. “I was really


“They’re some of the best in the country.”
“I can see that. It’s why I want to be a part of it.”
“Good. So, you’re calling from Jack’s house,” his father said.
Grant closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against the wall. He

couldn’t believe his mistake. “Yeah, I’m staying with him. Jack had a
room open. I’m living here right now. It’s all temporary.”

Grant heard himself babbling and he tried to stop. “When can you

clear me to start my training?”

His father chuckled. “What you do in your private time is up to

you. It has nothing to do with what you do on the job. Your training
will start on Monday.”

“Sounds good,” Grant said. “See you next week.”
He hung up the phone and paced around the room. It was

something he did when he was nervous. He had to move. He was sure
that he was upsetting his family’s life. Being in the same town was
hurting people he didn’t want to hurt. Grant was desperate for Jack to
come home. He paced around his home, threw in laundry, cleaned the
kitchen, and went upstairs to change the sheets. He made the bed. He
vacuumed. He did everything he felt like he could do to take his mind
off Jack. Grant didn’t consider himself a needy person, but he felt like
one today.

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A few hours later, there was nothing more to do. He went to the

kitchen and made a grocery list. He grabbed his car keys and headed
out through the garage to his Jeep. The garage was neat and tidy.
There were two cars parked in the garage that Jack was in the process
of refurbishing. It looked like a lot of work.

Along the wall, there were expensive tools hanging from hooks.

Grant hit the garage door button before heading toward the driveway.
Dark green forest surrounded Jack’s house. It was earthy, quiet, and
completely serene. Grant could see why Jack had bought the property.
It was tucked nicely out of the way. Grant was unlocking his Jeep
when Jack pulled into the driveway. A grin spread across Grant’s
face. It was then that Grant knew how desperate he was to see him.
He was so glad that he was okay. Jack parked his SUV and got out of
the car.

“You okay?”
“I’m good,” Grant said.
Without thinking, Grant ran across the driveway and leapt into his

lover’s arms, kissing him hard. Jack turned him up against his car,
pressing his body against his. Grant loved the feel of Jack
manhandling him and spreading his thighs wide. His hard cock
pressed up against his rim.

He was out of breath when he broke his lips away. “I’m so glad

you’re here. I was so worried about you.”

“I’m fine, babe,” Jack said.
They kissed passionately again. Grant felt as though everything he

had ever wanted and had was suddenly falling apart. He felt
vulnerable for the very first time and that scared the hell out of him.

* * * *

Jack flicked his tongue deep within Grant’s mouth, loving the way

his sub was welcoming him home. It felt good to hold him within his

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After a long time, he pulled away. “Did you miss me?”
“Desperately,” Grant said. “I saw coverage of the standoff on


“You shouldn’t have watched.”
“I had to. I had to make sure that you were okay and that

everything was going to be good.”

“I was fine. You don’t need to worry about me in the field. I’m a

trained professional, Grant. I can take care of myself.”

Grant nodded, smiling. “I know…” He shook his head. “I know

you are. I just don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you.”

“You don’t need to worry about losing me. I’m not going


Jack could see that Grant was really shaken up. Something was

going on in that thick head of his. With time, Jack knew that Grant
would open up about how he was feeling, but time felt as though it
was fleeting.

“What’s up, babe?”
“I’m afraid of losing you.”
“You won’t. I promise.”
Jack reluctantly eased Grant down to his feet. “I’m going to take a

quick shower. You can watch or join me.”

“That’s a tempting offer. I was just on my way to the grocery


“You can shop later.”
They went upstairs. Jack undressed and headed for the shower.

Grant was inside the bath, turning the hot water on. Jack stepped
under the hot spray and rinsed the sweat off. Jack arched his head
back underneath the water. Jack could feel Grant’s eyes on him as he
watched him wash. He had this way of biting his lip and licking his
tongue out. He made a low humming noise when he wanted
something dirty.

“Is there something more that you want?”

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Jack loved how Grant’s Adam’s apple bounced up and down as he

nervously licked his lips. Grant’s eyes were heavy lidded as his gaze
went down over Jack’s throbbing prick.

A moan sounded from deep within Grant’s mouth when Jack gave

the order. Grant nearly ripped off his clothes as he dropped them to
the floor. He stepped into the shower. Jack pulled him underneath the
hot water, kissing him passionately with long wet licks that stole his
breath away. He ran his hands down Grant’s ass, grabbing hold of his
athletic ass. Jack pulled his ass cheeks wide, slipping two of his wet
fingers over his rim. Grant melted into Jack. He fucking loved how
Grant was so affected by his touch. He worked his finger over Grant’s
rim, pushing the tip of his third finger inside his ass. Grant arched his
ass out, rubbing their cocks hard against each other. With his free
hand, Jack turned Grant around roughly, pushing him up against the
tile. He whipped the palm of his hand against Grant’s ass.

“Hands on the tile rack,” Jack ordered.
Grant arched his ass out, spreading his ass cheeks wide to expose

his rim. Jack slipped his cock between Grant’s ass cheeks, rubbing his
cockhead over his rim. Jack’s balls pulled up tight to his shaft as he
felt his cockhead slip over his lover’s rim. He wasn’t about to do
anything without a condom. He couldn’t and wouldn’t break the only
rule he had when he was with his lovers.

He reached for Grant’s cock, giving him a punishing stroke. He

moved his fingers over his ass, pinching his ass. Grant’s body started
to shake. Every one of his muscles relaxed into Jack’s soft touch.
With his wet knuckles, he started to fist his sub. He wasn’t going to
stop fisting his sub until he came. He fisted him slowly, easing his
knuckles in and out of Grant’s ass. With each push of his knuckles he
made sure that Grant was relaxed and ready. He pulled his fist out of
Grant’s rim and started to spank him. Jack continued to spank him
over and over again. He could feel his body shaking for more. Jack
moved his hands up over Grant’s chest, pinching his nipples.

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It was then that Jack realized that he didn’t have a condom and

was going to go inside his submissive raw. He wanted to fuck his
lover in the shower bareback. He was shaking from need. Pre-cum
started to drip down from Jack’s cock and over Grant’s ass.

His voice was tight when he started to speak. “I don’t have a

condom. I’m clean.”

“Oh, fuck. I’ve never fucked without a condom on before.”
It was all Jack needed to hear. “Have you been tested?”
“Yes. I’m clean. My last relationship was two years ago,” Grant

said. “I always use condoms.”

Jack couldn’t stop from pressing his cockhead against his rim. “If

I take you this way, you can’t have anybody else.”

“I’m yours. Only yours, Sir.”
That was all Jack needed to hear. He watched his cockhead

disappear into his sub’s ass. He wouldn’t forget this moment as long
as he lived. It felt so good to have his sub raw. He could feel his dick
bottom out within his ass. He was home. He loved the feel of his balls
hitting up against his lover’s perineum. With each hit of his hips
against his lover’s ass, Grant begged for it harder and harder. He took
him with deep, powerful strokes. Grant arched his ass back, moaning
and groaning. Jack moved his hands up Grant’s back, collaring Grant
with his hands. Beneath the tips of his fingers, he felt the fluttering of
his heartbeat.

“I love how you’re coming so undone for me,” Jack said.
It was then that Jack knew he had fallen hard for Grant. With his

cock buried deep within his lover’s ass, Jack knew that he would
always take Grant with nothing between them. He reached around
Grant’s hips, stroking his cock. He was about to come. They were
both close.

“I’m coming,” Grant said.
“Oh, fuck.”
Jack came hard as Grant’s spunk shot over his palm. Jack didn’t

stop pumping his lover off until he was coming back down hard. With

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his cock still stuck deep within his lover’s ass, Jack caressed Grant
from behind. It was a long time before he could speak. He was
shaking inside and out from what had just happened between them.
He held Grant tight, kissing him from behind. He never experienced
anything like this before.

Jack washed his lover, loving the feel of his skin beneath his

fingertips. There were scars and tattoos on his back. There was a story
behind each one of them that Jack was desperate to hear about. Jack
knew he needed to hear all of those stories.

There were scars on his abdomen, too. “How did you get those


“I was injured in the line of duty when I was stationed in Israel.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
There so much he didn’t know about Grant’s past. There was pain

within Grant’s voice.

Grant flexed his muscles, showing off his tattoos and battle scars.

“You like the fact that I’m not perfect.”

“Hell yes,” Jack said.
Jack wrapped his bathrobe around Grant as they stepped out of the

shower. There was something dark and unsure within Grant’s eyes.
Jack hated the uncertainty that was within his sub’s gaze. He knew
that there weren’t enough sessions within the day to deal with all of
Grant’s demons. He hoped that Grant would one day completely trust
him and let him inside. Before it was too late, Jack hoped that Grant
would let the demons from his past go.

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Chapter Seven

Grant wondered if his past was ever going to catch up to him. The

guys from his unit had a habit of popping up whenever things were
going right or wrong. It had happened before and it could happen
again. Despite being out of the military, it was as though the military
wasn’t that far behind. Grant was finally finding happiness. He didn’t
want anything screwing it up now.

Monday came, landing hard into his lap. He was pulled into

trainings to get up to speed with the SWAT team. Grant was getting
used to the routine. He liked the job. He liked his coworkers, too. He
really liked the fact that Jack’s depth perception was now perfect. He
wasn’t needed anymore. That was a good thing.

Most of Grant’s day was spent in meetings and trainings. He knew

that he couldn’t seek Jack out without raising suspicion about what
was going on between them. He didn’t want it to look like they were
in a relationship.

Weakened by his desire to see Jack, he tracked him down to see

how his day was going. He felt as though things were going well. He
continued to worry about Jack’s vision. He hoped that he didn’t have
a setback and lost everything that he gained.

Grant went down the hallway and caught sight of Jack in another

office. He was talking with a man he never met before. Jack stood
over the guy, leaning onto his desk as they both looked at a computer
monitor. The man sitting in the chair appeared very interested in
whatever Jack was saying to him. Against his better judgment, Grant
watched the pair together. Grant was certain that the man who was
sitting down wanted Jack.

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From Grant’s point of view, he knew that the men couldn’t see

him watch from the hallway. Whatever was being said to Jack, it
made him grin broadly. Grant couldn’t remember a time when Jack
had flirted so openly with him. It was always serious when they were
fucking around. Jealousy stole his breath away. Grant was fucking
jealous of the way his Dom was showing interest in this man. He
hated being on the outside. Why was he suddenly on the outside when
everything was going so well?

The man sitting down looked out into the hallway, seeing Grant.

He wanted to punch him for being so close to his Dom. Jack turned to
look at what the man was looking at. The smile on his face faltered as
he frowned, narrowing his gaze on Grant. Frustration burned through
Grant as he shook his head and walked away. He was not about to do
this now. Not here. Not now. Pain ricocheted through his heart. He
felt betrayed by Jack. Grant heard Jack coming up behind him, but he
was not about to do this now. He walked on down the hallway, going
to his office. He was not about to let his jealousy play out in the
hallway for all his coworkers to see.

“Wait a minute,” Jack said.
Grant hesitated outside his office door. “There’s nothing to say


He opened the door, going inside. Jack pushed on the door,

muscling his way inside and shutting the door.

“What the fuck is going on between us?” Grant asked.
“We are not about to have a lover’s quarrel here.”
“I don’t want to get played, Jack.”
Jack came in close, lowering his voice. “Are you jealous?”
Grant bit his lip. He loathed the fact that his Dom was giving

another man his attention. “I don’t want you to play with me.”

Jack lips lifted. “You’re jealous of me talking with another man?”
Heat moved over Grant’s cheeks as Jack muscled him up against

the wall. Grant’s prick flooded with heat, making it rock hard. He
wanted his Dom to kiss him senseless, but anger and jealousy made

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him stupid. With each beat of his heart, his cock rubbed roughly
against the fly of his tactical pants.

He wanted more from him. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was

jealous over his Dom giving his attention to somebody he didn’t even

“I didn’t like the way you were talking to that guy,” Grant


A low chuckle sounded from deep within Jack’s lips. “Remember

that I’m the one in control of this relationship. You are my

“The fuck I am.”
“Right now, you’re acting like a jealous sub. I’m going to have to

punish you later on tonight. We can’t risk being exposed at work.
Shaun will now think that something’s going on between us. Rumors
are going to fly.”

“I know.”
“You’re going to take your punishment tonight and like it,” Jack


Heat moved up Grant’s cheeks again. Jack’s threat was a

seductive warning he couldn’t ignore. Grant was going to love
whatever punishment Jack was going to give him, but he hated that
there was a fierce threatening undertone to Jack’s words. He had
pushed him with his jealousy.

“Maybe I’m busy tonight.”
“You’re not. See you later,” Jack said.
Jack turned away, opening up his office door. Grant slumped back

against the wall. He knew that his jealousy had been out of hand and
totally inappropriate in the workplace. With that thought, Grant was
starting to question his decision to stay on at District Four. Frustration
had Grant flexing his hand through his hair. He had a habit of running
when things got tough in his life. Being in the military had made it

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easy to run across the world. Grant was tired of running. It was time
he grew up and stayed where he was to deal with things.

Feeling a little bit embarrassed, Grant adjusted his cock and went

to look at the agenda for the rest of the day. There was another
meeting to get to. This one was with the entire tactical team. There
was a good chance that Jack would be there too. He was going to have
to sit in the same room with Jack for the next two hours. He wasn’t
sure how he was going to get through it without being stupid again.
Grant waited until his prick cooled off before he went to the
conference room. Jack was already there, sitting down and talking to
the same guy he had been talking to minutes before.

Both of their gazes locked onto Grant as he came into the room,

sitting down on the opposite side of the conference table. Jack leaned
in close to Shaun, listening to something that he was saying.
Whatever he said, Jack shook his head. Grant tried to ignore the fact
that he was feeling like an outsider. There was nothing he could do to
stop the feeling. He was on the outside. He had to pretend that there
was nothing going on between him and Jack. They couldn’t risk
having their relationship exposed.

Over several minutes, the room filled with members of the squad.

His brother, David, came in and sat down next to him. TJ took the
front of the room.

“Today we are going over communication within the field and

how important it is to remain calm and steady when we roll up on a

Jack’s gaze was focused on the front of the room.
“All you have in the field to rely on is your senses and instinct.

We’re going to do a little experiment. Switch seats,” TJ said.

He made everyone move around the room. By the time everybody

had switched seats, Grant was sitting next to Jack and Shaun. TJ
walked to the back of the room and turned off the lights. Everything
went dark. The shades were pulled on the conference room windows.
It was pitch black within the room.

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“I want you to wait until your eyes adjust. I want you to see and

feel the dark. Pay attention to the noises you hear, the sound of your
breathing, and the breathing of those you hear around you.

“You can’t see your partner clearly. You don’t know where they

are in the house. Chaos is erupting around you. Communication is
gone. Now what is your next move?” TJ asked.

Grant felt Jack’s hand slide across his thigh. His touch made him

jump. The back of his fingers brushed over his cock and up the inside
of his thighs. Grant bit his lip, trying not to moan, but he knew if he
wasn’t careful he would make too much noise. The touch of his
Dom’s hand made him instantly rock hard. Grant leaned forward as
the tip of his cockhead punched out the top of his tactical pants. The
heat of his Dom’s palm polished over his cockhead. Grant bit his lip,
coughing to cover up the moan that wanted to escape from the back of
his throat.

TJ continue to go on, explaining the situation without turning the

lights on. All of a sudden, Jack’s hand moved away as the lights came
on. The brightness of the light was overwhelming. Grant’s eyes were
slow to adjust. It was as though a bomb had gone off in the room.
Grant adjusted the tip of his cockhead back into his pants. Grant felt
blinded by the light and by the fact that his Dom had crossed the line
so openly at work. It was then that Grant knew he should break this
thing off with Jack before they were caught. Then again, Grant never
did what he was supposed to do.

* * * *

Jack’s dick was pounding hard from touching his sub. Pre-cum

leaked from the tip of his prick, leaving a wet spot on the front of his
tactical pants. His eyes quickly adjusted to the brightness of the room.
He squinted, looking up at TJ. He lived in fear that he would lose his
vision in his bad eye again. Everything was okay.

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“You have to be ready for anything in the field. Your environment

can have a positive or negative impact on how you respond within the
field. The dark can have an effect on everything you see and
everything you hear around you. Any questions?” TJ asked.

The room was silent. “Good. That’s it for today. Have a good

evening, everyone. Stay safe.”

Jack knew he was walking a fine line with Grant and work. They

couldn’t dick around anymore at work. Jack stopped Grant before he
could leave the conference room.

“I’ll see you later.”
“Sure,” Grant said.
Jack narrowed his eyes on Grant. Something was up with him. He

seemed suddenly distant. “I’ll see you whenever you get there.”

Jack finished up his work for the day and headed home. He made

dinner and waited an hour for Grant to get home. Where was he?
What was he doing? He was annoyed with how secretive his
submissive had suddenly become. Jack kept dinner warming in the
oven instead of getting it out and eating. Jack turned on the television
as he waited for his sub to come home.

It was late when Grant finally came through the front door. Jack

wasn’t angry with him, but he was disappointed that Grant didn’t trust
him enough to tell him what was going on inside his head. He could
see that something was really bothering Grant.

Jack shut off the television and stood up from the couch. “Is

everything okay?”

“Yeah, there was just something I needed to take care of before I

take my punishment tonight.”

“A little, but I can wait on dinner,” Grant said.
Jack knew that there was more to the story, but he didn’t want to

press Grant. He set the package in his hands down on the coffee table.

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He pulled out a sex harness from the bag. It was the kind that hung
from the ceiling. Jack had used one of them before.

“Do you have one of these?” Grant asked.
“No, I don’t.”
“I didn’t think so.”
“I’ve used similar things before,” Jack said.
“I thought it might be useful for my punishment tonight.”
Jack came in close, kissing Grant with long wet licks. He broke

his lips away with a wet sucking sound. “You need be punished for
being so jealous of your Dom.”

“I’m sorry for being that way. I just never experienced anything

like this before,” Grant said.

“It’s a good thing. It means you’re invested in our relationship.

Shaun and I have been friends for years. You have nothing to worry

“I know.”
“So you’ve been a misbehaving sub.”
A shiver went through Jack’s body when he felt Grant’s hand

smooth over his hip. Jack knew he had to take complete control.

“Upstairs now.” Jack followed Grant upstairs. “Take off your

clothes and tell me why you were so late.”

“I got lost finding the sex shop across town.”
“I’m going to punish you for going to the sex shop without me.”
“Oh, fuck.”
While Jack opened the harness and read the instructions for setup,

he caught sight of Grant teasing his way out of his work clothes. Jack
hooked the harness up to the ceiling anchors. Jack put Grant into the
sex swing, restraining his arms and legs. His ass was tilted up as his
knees were pulled back. Grant’s cock was rock hard and jutting up
against his abdomen.

From across the room, Grant watched him with wide eyes as he

went to the walk-in closet and undressed. He opened a drawer, pulling
a black cock ring out from inside. He slipped the ring down his hard

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prick, loving the feel of it tightening around his shaft. He slipped his
balls into the secondary ring. By the time he was finished, Jack’s
swollen prick was throbbing for more.

A brand new flogger was still in its satin packaging in the back of

the drawer. He pulled out the strap of leather, hitting it against his
hand as he walked across the room. Grant’s heavy-lidded eyes were
drawn downward to his prick. Jack hit his ass with the leather flogger,
loving the way his balls bounced up and down, making his prick
smack like a hammer hitting a bell.

With his free hand, Jack reached out stroking Grant’s cock. He

pumped his shaft roughly, purposely taking him to the edge and
backing off. Edging was one of Jack’s favorite things to do with his
submissives. He was sure that it was his sadistic side coming out to
play. Hard frustration played over Grant’s face. He bit his lip as his
entire body trembled with need. Sweat dripped from his brow as pre-
cum leaked from his tip. It was then that Jack was confident that he
was doing his job as a Dom.

Jack released Grant’s cock and wrapped one of his free hands into

the restraints, using it for leverage as he pushed his lubed dick
between his ass cheeks. Grant moaned as his cockhead rubbed over
his rim. Jack fucking loved that sweet spot. He loved standing in the
middle of the room with his submissive suspended from the harness.
He fucking loved taking Grant to the edge, too. Jack pulled Grant’s
cock down, watching it slap against his hard abdomen. Pre-cum shot
from his tip and landed across his chest. He could feel Grant’s balls
tighten up. He spanked his sub’s ass several more times with the
flogger before tossing it aside.

“I’m going to make you come with my hands.”
With both of his hands locked onto Grant’s cock, Jack pushed his

throbbing prick deep within his sub’s ass. He pumped Grant’s cock,
using it for leverage as he fucked him up the ass.

“Open your eyes! Look at me as I fuck you!” Jack ordered.

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Grant moaned as their gazes locked. Passion and frustration

played over Grant’s beautiful face. His face twisted up in raw emotion
as Jack took him closer to that sweet edge they both needed. He
pumped Grant hard, feeling his shaft harden to the point of steel. He
pinched his cockhead and his balls as he started to come.

A few seconds later, Grant cried out as his face and body

contorted in haunting pleasure. Sweet hot cum shot from Grant’s
cock, leaving five long lines across his chest. It was only after his sub
finished coming that Jack let go. He shot his sauce deep within his
lover’s ass, loving the feel of his cock ticking with release. They were
both breathing hard. Grant was still hard as he came down from the
wild ride. Jack kept his cock buried deep within his ass.

Jack couldn’t believe that he had punished his sub so thoroughly

tonight. Jack knew he needed to take care of his sub tonight more than
he normally did. They both went someplace they’d never been before.
Jack didn’t want to look too closely at it or analyze what had
happened between them. He only wanted to enjoy the moment he
shared with his sub. Jack helped Grant down from harness. He was
weak in the knees and needed to lean on Jack as he came down. Tears
misted Grant’s eyes.

Fear tore through Jack’s heart. “What is it, babe? I didn’t hurt you,

did I?”

“No. That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.”
“Me too, babe.”
They went to the bed, curling up together. Jack frowned,

wondering where Grant had gone tonight. He didn’t want to
interrogate him, but he couldn’t help but wonder what his sub had
been up to this evening. It didn’t take four hours to buy a sex harness.
Had he really gotten that lost?

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Chapter Eight

Grant curled up into Jack’s side. He felt completely frustrated and

satisfied at the exact same time. Jack had punished him severely. It
wasn’t like anything he had ever experienced before. It was seductive
and dirty in the most pleasurable way.

“I’ve never had such sweet torture before,” Grant said.
“Edging can be very punishing.”
Grant was in awe of his lover’s experience. “It was fantastic.”
“Had I known you enjoyed it so much, I wouldn’t have done it.”
There was a teasing tone to Jack’s voice that Grant absolutely


“How’s your SWAT training going?” Jack asked.
“I’m going to have to go out to Camp Tack at the end of the week.

I should be there for a few days.”

“I’ll be there, too,” Jack said. “I help with training the new guys.”
“Will it be a problem?”
Jack smiled. “I don’t think it will be. Although I’m sure you will

misbehave while we’re there.”

Grant let his fingers mover through the hair around Jack’s nipples.

“Have you ever been in love?”

The question seemed to throw Jack off for several seconds. It took

him a minute to respond.

“I don’t think I have. I don’t think I fall in love the same way

normal people do. I mean, love and sex are two different things. I can
have lots of sex without being in love.”

Grant wanted to explain that he was a man who couldn’t have sex

without involving his heart. He always put everything into his

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physical experiences, even his heart. He wasn’t a man who could
separate love from sex. Grant tried to hide his disappointment at the
fact that his Dom wasn’t in love with him. Perhaps he just hoped for a
little too much with this situation. Grant knew he should have
safeguarded his heart, but he couldn’t help that he was a bit too
trusting of the men he fucked.

“You should know that when I make love I don’t hold back. I

can’t make love with anyone without falling in love,” Grant said.

“You need to learn how to protect your heart,” Jack said.
Grant sighed. “You don’t need to worry about it. I won’t get hurt.

I know what this is and what we’re doing here.”

“The only thing we should be thinking about is having a good

time and living in the moment and not thinking about tomorrow,”
Jack said.

Grant was disappointed that Jack wasn’t thinking about the future.

He could tell that he wasn’t interested in talk about this thing being
forever. He wasn’t sure that he knew how to handle the fact that he
was in a relationship with a Dom who wouldn’t ever love him. He
needed something more than just a physical connection with his
lovers. He couldn’t be with anybody without loving them. Grant
couldn’t imagine leaving Jack for any other man. Grant had a
sneaking suspicion that his relationship with Jack had already ruined
him for all other men. He couldn’t fathom loving anyone else. He
couldn’t walk away. It would shatter his heart in the process.

A short while later, they went to the living room to watch some

television together. It seemed so intimate and comfortable. Everything
felt perfect, but like all things Grant knew that nothing was truly
ideal. He knew that whatever was going on between him and Jack was
not going to be a long term thing. He just knew it. Grant refused to let
thoughts of the end to mess with his head. He couldn’t.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Grant sat up nervously. “Are

you expecting company?”

“No, I’m not.”

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Jack went to the door. His Dom looked out the window and

looked back at Grant. “Your brothers are here.”

He didn’t want to see his brothers now. Something was up. A

shiver of fear tore down Grant’s spine. Jack opened the door, letting
his brothers inside. He closed the door behind them.

“What’s going on, Jack?” Reed asked.
“Not too much. Just watching a movie,” Jack said.
Grant was suddenly really self-conscious about hanging out with

Jack in nothing but a pair of pajama pants. Something was going on.
There had to be for his brothers to come over this late at night.

“Is something wrong?” Grant asked.
“We need to talk,” David said.
Grant turned the television off as they came into the living room

and sat down. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know how to say this, but we have a problem. It’s about

Dad,” David said.

* * * *

Jack didn’t like the look on Reed’s face. He looked like a

possessive dog ready to bite. The fact that they were half-naked had
obviously gotten under his skin. It was evident to Jack that it was the
fact that his newly discovered younger brother was hanging out with
his roommate practically naked. It didn’t take much to put two and
two together. Jack had wanted to keep his private life private. They
were officially outed. Reed let his gaze bounce between them.

Jack crossed his arms. “Why are you guys here?”
“I’m more interested in knowing what’s going on with you two,”

Reed said.

“Come on in. Sit down,” Jack said.
Reed shook his head. “I really don’t care what you guys have

going on. It’s none of my business.”

“Mom left him,” David said.

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Grant cursed, running his hand through his hair. “It’s because I’m

here he left…because of me.”

“She needed time away to figure things out,” Reed said. “We

thought you should know.”

“He’s taken some time off work, too. We thought you would want

to be aware of what’s going on just in case some rumors started to
fly,” David said.

“This is all my fault. I should have never come back. Don’t tell

me he’s taking an early retirement,” Grant said.

“Stop saying that. It’s not your fault. You being here did not cause

the problems in their marriage. You’re not the result of the problems
in their marriage either,” Reed said.

“I should go. Everything will go back to normal if I just go,”

Grant said.

“You leaving won’t change things, so enough of that,” Jack said.
Jack did not want to hear that anymore. He was tired of it.

Whatever was going on with his family should not affect their
relationship at all. In fact, he would make sure it did not affect what
they had together.

“It’s going to be announced on Monday. We wanted to give you a

heads up,” Reed said.

“We didn’t want you to be caught off guard by any of it,” David


“I appreciate that,” Grant said.
Grant didn’t look like he was leaving anytime soon. Jack came

around to stand next to Grant, coming in close in a possessive way.
They would all know now that Grant was his. David and Reed
glanced at each other, before looking back.

David chuckled. “So that’s what’s really going on here.”
“What are you talking about?” Grant asked.
David whistled low and slow. “Do you think our parents ever

thought they would have three gay sons?”

“Probably not,” Reed said.

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Jack put his arm around Grant’s waist. “He doesn’t feel like he

belongs here. He feels like an outsider. You know what happens when
outsiders come around, they feel the need to run when things get a
little too hot to handle,” Jack said.

“Stop talking like I’m not even here,” Grant said.
“Sorry,” Jack said.
Grant looked between his brothers as though he were trying to

assess the depth of the situation. Jack knew that he wasn’t about to let
go of Grant. He just had to figure out what this thing was and how to
make it work for him. He didn’t know how to define what was
happening or what it meant, but he was going to figure it all out. It
wasn’t like anything he’d ever experienced before. This went beyond
a normal Dom and submissive relationship. This was love.

“We’ll see you guys later. Have a good night,” Reed said.
Jack followed them to the door. Grant paced through the living

room. Jack knew he was experiencing the pain of his family. He was
feeling responsible for being the one to break everything up. It wasn’t
his fault. Jack was going to make sure he knew that.

He came in close, standing in front of Grant. “It’s not your fault.”
Tears shimmered in Grant’s eyes.
“It’s not your fault.”
“I hear what you’re saying. I feel like it is my fault.”
Jack reached out, touching his face. “It’s not. You have to believe

that. Whatever they had going on, whatever ups and downs or chaos
that they created, it’s their mistakes. That has nothing to do with us.”

Grant burst out into tears. Jack held him close, feeling emotion

and pain go through his heart. He couldn’t help but feel responsible
for what happened next to his sub. He was going to do everything in
his power to protect him. He could see that he felt alone and so
completely shattered from their family problems.

“They had problems before you came into town. Trust me.

Believe me, nothing’s perfect. Nobody is perfect.”

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“I want to believe that. I’m trying to,” Grant said. “I just don’t

know if I can. I feel like I caused their problems.”

“Listen to me, whatever’s going on will settle down eventually.

They will work it out or they won’t. Until then, you have to let it go.
It’s their problem, not your problem. The only thing you need to
worry about is me and you. That’s it.”

Jack could see that the evening was ruined. He came in close to

Grant, pulling him down onto the couch. He restarted the movie. He
pulled Grant’s head down onto his shoulder and brushed his hand
through his hair.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Jack said.
Jack felt his heart open. He couldn’t make sense of what he was

feeling, but it felt good. It felt like warmth and possession, like he had
everything he absolutely ever wanted within his arms. He never
wanted to let go of Grant again. Jack knew that everything would be
okay if he allowed it to be. He just needed Grant to trust that it would
all be okay.

After a while, his breathing settled down as they watch the movie.

Jack was glad he could bring comfort to his lover. He kissed his
temple. Tonight was all about intimacy and comfort. He wouldn’t let
go of Grant anytime soon.

“Rest. Everything will be better in the morning. Trust that,” Jack


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Chapter Nine

Rumors were flying around the station about why Chief Anderson

was unexpectedly taking an early retirement. Despite all these rumors
and questions, nobody was talking directly to Grant. He had a deep
suspicion that people felt like he was the one responsible for sending
the chief away. Grant shook his head. He couldn’t snap out of the fog
he was in.

They were out at Camp Tack today. He was going through SWAT

training. He was convinced that he had to walk away from everything,
from Jack and his family. Once he left, everyone would be able to put
their lives back together again. Right now, he couldn’t be around
them. He was the reason why everything was in chaos. He knew that
after training was over for the day, he’d have to talk to TJ. He was
leaving. This would be his last day in Cincinnati.

They were running tactical drills outside in the rain. Spring was

finally kicking winter out the front door.

Jack suddenly appeared in front of him. “Your head is not in the

game. What’s wrong?”

“I’m solid. Trust me.”
“I know the stuff with your family is busting your balls. You need

to get your head in the game. Forget about all of it for now,” Jack

Tears misted in Grant’s eyes. He turned away from Jack. He

couldn’t stand the sympathy, or what looked like pity, in his eyes. He
headed for the locker room.

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“Until it’s done, I’m leaving. I’ve disrupted too many people’s

lives by coming here. I shouldn’t have ever come. It’s about time I
left, maybe then everything will go back to the way things were.”

Jack grabbed his arm, yanking him around. “You’re running and

you’re being a pussy.”

“You’re not making a case for me to stay,” Grant said.
“I’m not ever going to let you go. You’re home. You need to stop

spinning out of control,” Jack said.

He looked up into his Dom’s beautiful eyes. That morning, he had

fallen hard into his arms after they fucked in the shower, but he
couldn’t keep doing that.

“We can work this out.”
He knew that they couldn’t do that. Things were being said about

him, about his father, about his family.

“Some things don’t work out.”
“I know what you’re thinking,” Jack said.
Grant slammed his locker door open with enough force to rattle

the entire row. “How can you possibly know what I’m thinking?”

“I know you well. You think all this is your fault, and because of

that you’re running from me.”

“It’s over, Jack.”
“We’re not over.”
Grant swallowed hard. “I’m not good enough for you. I’m not

good enough for anyone. If I leave, you get to start over. We all do.”

Jack shook his head. “You’re making a mistake and you know it.”
Grant yanked his shirt over his head. “The only mistake I made

was coming here and fucking with everyone’s lives.”

Breaking up with Jack was only the first step. The next was

leaving his job, and then leaving family and his brothers. It was the
only way any of them were going to get their lives back on track
again. Grant reluctantly headed for the far end of the shower where he
could be alone. He changed out of his dirty SWAT clothes and

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mentally checked out, too. The rest of the team was in there. Their
voices and laughter carried through the locker room.

Grant turned on the hot spray. He spent a long time standing

underneath the water, letting his silent tears flow. He pressed his
hands against the title, wishing for clarity that he knew wouldn’t be
coming anytime soon. Grant wasn’t feeling well right now. He felt
emotionally strung out. He wasn’t sleeping well anymore either.

He hated the fact that he was breaking his father’s family apart.

He should have taken Jack’s advice and stopped being such a pussy.
Grant shook his head into the water. He was going down to the point
of no return and maybe he wanted to be pushed off the edge.
Sometimes love wasn’t enough.

Grant froze. He heard the sound of Jack’s voice vibrate through

the shower. He did not want to deal with him now. Not while he was
naked and feeling really fucking vulnerable. Grant reluctantly shut off
the water and got out, wrapping the towel around his waist. He
ignored Jack and got dressed outside his locker door. He could feel
Jack’s heated gaze on the nape of his neck as he got dressed. He
headed out the locker room, slamming the door shut behind him, all
the while ignoring Jack’s heated stare. He didn’t bother waiting for
Jack as he headed over to the dining hall for dinner.

Despite his protesting muscles, he sprinted through the rain trying

not to get too wet as he went over to the dining hall. Dinner was just
being served. They were having buffet-style spaghetti. Grant caught
sight of TJ across the room.

“I need to leave. I can’t stay here. I can’t work here. My family is

falling apart because of me.”

TJ narrowed his eyes. “We’re all out here for you today. You’re

the reason why we’re all here. I believe in your ability. Don’t let me
or any of us down by running out.”

“I can’t stay.”

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TJ stepped in close. “You’re not fucking quitting. So get the fuck

over whatever is going on in your head. We fucking need you. Don’t
make me tell on you.”

Grant nodded his head. He heard the threat in his voice. “Fine.”
A shiver went down Grant’s spine as TJ strode away. He knew

exactly who he was talking about. Jack was his worst nightmare in the
field and in training. The man would push him to the point of
breaking. Maybe, just maybe he would break this time. He knew that
if Jack played him again, he would shatter. He knew they wouldn’t be
moving back in together anytime soon.

Jack came into the dining hall and headed straight for TJ. Jack’s

heated stare brushed his from across the room. He said something to
TJ, who nodded in response, and then headed across the room to Jack.

“I’m staying,” Grant said.
“It doesn’t mean that we’re back together,” Grant said. “You need

to realize that you and I are over.”

Jack came in close. “The fuck we are.”
“Just because you can’t accept it doesn’t mean we’ll be back


Jack gave him a hard look. “I’m your Dom. I say when this thing

is over. Do you understand?”

Grant understood that Jack wasn’t going to let him go without a

fight. He planned on walking away for good. He had to leave
Cincinnati. Confronting his father was the worst possible decision he
had ever made in his entire life. Grant went through the line, getting
his dinner. He sat down at the only open table with Jack and TJ. Grant
tried to pretend that everything was normal. Beneath the table he felt
Jack’s leg purposely brush up against his, reminding him of the first
time they met. It felt so long ago. So much had happened in their lives
since then.

Pain shattered through his heart. He couldn’t believe he was really

walking away from the one person he truly loved.

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* * * *

Jack was beat from the long day of training, but he was

completely fucking wired. He decided to skip the late-night activities
and to head back to his room. He was annoyed with Grant for pushing
him away when he needed him.

“I have to go. I’ll cause more damage if I stay,” Grant said.
Tears formed within Grant’s eyes. He pushed past Jack and rushed

out into the night. Jack knew he should let him go, but he couldn’t. He
had to go after him. Jack ran out into the rain in time to see his
taillights disappearing down the road. He was going after him. He was
going to prove to him that they should be together. Jack went to his
car and he followed Grant’s disappearing taillights. It wasn’t long
before he caught up to Grant at the only bar in this part of town. He
waited several minutes while Grant went inside, long enough for him
to order a drink. Jack got out of the car and headed into the bar.

The bar was crowded and dimly lit. Peanut shells dusted the floor.

Jack found Grant sitting at a table in the back. Jack crossed the old
wooden floor and sat down across from Grant.

Jack smiled. “You are not getting away from me that easily.”
Grant shook his head. “I’m sorry. It has to be this way. I have to

go. Everything goes back to normal if I go.”

“You don’t know that,” Jack said.
“I hope it will.”
A waitress came by. “What can I get you boys?”
“Two beers. Whatever you have on tap,” Jack said.
They sat there staring at their beers. “I have one condition.”
Jack looked up from his beer. “If you agree to stay, I’ll break

things off with you. That’s what you want, right?”

Grant looked away, but nodded once. “I don’t know if I can.”
“I’ll let you go if you want me to let you go,” Jack said.
“It’s what I want.”

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Pain shattered through Jack’s heart. It was then he knew how

much he loved Grant. By letting him go, he knew how absolutely
devastated he was. Jack gritted his back teeth. He didn’t like how
things were turning out, but he knew that if he ever wanted to get him
back he had to first try letting him go.

“Okay, you have a deal. I expect you to come back to Camp Tack

to finish out your training,” Jack said.

“I will.”
“When you’re done here, head back to the training camp.”
Jack pulled out his wallet and tossed down some money onto the

table, paying for their untouched beers.

Grant’s eyes lifted in surprise as he walked away. Jack went back

to his vehicle, waiting to make sure that Grant head back to Camp
Tack. He gripped the wheel as Grant came out of the bar. Several
minutes later they were both heading to Camp Tack. To Jack’s relief,
Grant went to his cabin with his duffle. He wanted this battle tonight.

Jack wanted to head into Grant’s cabin but knew he couldn’t.

Instead, he went to his cabin that was on the opposite side of the camp
and went straight to bed. He tossed and turned all night, unable to
sleep. He was missing Grant and there was nothing he could do to get
him back. The next day, they would finish up training. Jack wasn’t
going to stay for the rest of the training. He was going to go back to
the station to take care of things and to get his mind of Grant.

Morning sunshine hit Jack in the face as he headed to his car the

next morning. He saw Grant heading for the morning training session.
It was exactly where Jack wanted him to be. Jack grabbed a coffee
through a drive-through and went back to the station to get caught up
on some work he had neglected. It was late in the afternoon when he
realized that Grant was probably finished at Camp Tack for the day.

The entire time, he thought about Grant. He probably was moving

out of his house at that very moment, as Jack sat there working. Jack
tossed his pen onto his desk and leaned back, running his hands
through his hair. Frustration echoed through his body. He should have

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just gone to find Grant, but he couldn’t. He promised him space, so he
would give him loads of it.

Voices raised outside the corridor. It sounded as though it were

coming from the holding cell area. It wasn’t uncommon to have an
unruly suspect come through. They were usually drunk or high while
they were assessed by medical. Still, Jack didn’t like what he was
hearing. From the sounds of it, this guy was resisting arrest and not
listening to the officer in charge. Jack left his office on a sprint,
opening the door to the holding area at a fly to see what was going on.
He rushed inside just in time to see a suspect grab an officer’s gun. It
didn’t take him long to assess the situation and to know what was
about to happen. Without thinking about his safety, he jumped into
the scuffle. Several shots were fired, hitting the finish over Jack’s
shoulder. Another three shots were fired with one hitting Jack in the
shoulder and the rest landing in the glass that separated the holding
cell from interrogation. Despite being hit, Jack tackled the guy to the
ground, kicking the gun away.

Officers swarmed, taking over the arrest.
Pain shot through his shoulder. “You shouldn’t have done that,”

Grant said.

Jack looked up into his eyes, squinting hard. It was then that

everything went dark. He couldn’t see anything. Voices carried
around him. Without warning, Jack gasped, waking as though he were
surfacing from the deepest part of the sea. Bright white light hit him
in the face. It took him several minutes to realize that he was in the
hospital and he could see everything around him.

“You’re back. He came back to us!”
Jack realized it was his mom who said the words. Jack looked

around the room. There was only one person his was desperate to see
and he was not there.

“Grant. Get Grant Anderson, I need him. I need him here by my

side!” A few minutes later Grant was there, hovering above. “You’re

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“You’re going to be okay. I’m not going anywhere. I love you,”

Grant said.

“I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
Jack was in love. He knew he was. He never wanted to let go of

Grant ever again. “When can I get out of here?”

“A couple of days,” Grant said.
“Good. I want to marry you when I get out of here.”
“Rest now. I don’t think you know what you’re saying.”

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Chapter Ten

A few days later, Jack was on his way home with Grant at his

side. He knew he needed to talk with Grant about how he felt about
him. He knew he had said a bunch of things while medicated up in the
hospital, but he couldn’t remember anything he had said. He needed
to find the right moment to tell him how much he loved him. Jack was
in the living room watching a movie. Grant ordered takeout from the
little Italian place that they loved. Their eyes met.

“Thanks for taking care of me.”
“You’d do the same for me,” Grant said.
“I would.”
A smile crept up over his face. Jack loved it when Grant smiled at

him. “I’m feeling better.”

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” Grant said. “I can’t

believe I almost lost you.”

Emotion played over Grant’s face as a shiver went through Jack’s

body. He couldn’t believe that he could have lost Grant before things
even got started.

“I was thinking about this arrangement we have. I was thinking

that since we’re already living together, we should make this thing
between us official,” Jack said.

Grant stopped chewing and looked at Jack. “Official how?”
“I want to marry you.”
The doorbell rang and Grant hopped up to get the door. He was

running again.

“Your mom’s here. She’s got her luggage. I guess she’s moving in

to take care of her boy.”

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“Don’t open that door!” Jack said.
A wicked gleam was in Grant’s eye as he reached for the

doorknob. “I want to see my future mother-in-law.”

Their gazes locked. There were tears within Grant’s eyes. “I

fucking love you,” Jack said.

Grant opened the door. “Hey, Mom!”
“Jack! What are you doing up and about? You should be in bed!”
“I was just telling him the same thing,” Grant said.
“Well, I’m here now. I’ll take care of both of my boys.” His mom

came in close, giving Jack and Grant a kiss on each of their cheeks.
“I’m going to stay for a while.”

She hummed as she went into to the kitchen. “I brought a


Jack shook his head. “I’m a grown man, Mom. I don’t need you to

take care of me like I’m a little baby.”

Grant grinned broadly. “I love your mom.”
Jack shook his head. “Not one word. Not one word to any of the

guys at work about this, understand?”

“Yeah, I get it.”
They went back to the couch, sitting down next to each other.

“Just wait until she finds out that we’re getting married. When that
happens, she’s going to take over all the wedding planning.”

Grant shook his head. “I can’t believe this. Maybe we shouldn’t

get married. It’s probably your pain medication talking again.”

“You’re mine, Grant. We’re getting married.”
Jack couldn’t believe that he had everything he always wanted

right within his arms. He knew Grant had some family issues to work
out, but they would get figured out. Jack was still reeling over the fact
that he’d fallen in love. He was happy, and he could see by the silly
grin on Grant’s face that he was, too. Jack reached over and grasped
Grant’s hand, twining their fingers together.

He loved the feel of his rough hand on his and the heat of their

bodies next to each other.

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“I’m sorry for not saying that I loved you weeks ago. I can be

really hardheaded sometimes,” Jack said.

“I knew all along from the first moment that I heard your voice

that you would be mine. I love you and you’re my best friend,” Grant

A shiver went through Jack’s body. He couldn’t wait until he felt

completely better. He had plans for his submissive. He wanted him to
scream his name when he came.

“I can’t wait until I’m better. I’m going to spank you hard until

you come.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun,” Grant said.
“How long is my mom here?”
“Too long,” Grant said.
He finally had everything he always wanted. “I think it’s about

time we change the locks.”

“I was thinking the same.”

* * * *

Grant had run out to get more bandages for Jack’s wound and was

now on his way home. He was the happiest man in the world. Jack
was feeling better and healing nicely. They were even going to spend
a nice quiet evening home. Jack’s mom decided that he was in good
hands with Grant and left early the next morning after hitting the
grocery store for them. Things couldn’t be better. Grant frowned as he
pulled up to Jack’s place.

Cars were lined up in the driveway. Grant recognized some of

them. He went inside the house to see what was going on. Grant
looked around and saw Jack in the dining room. The guys were sitting
around the table playing cards.

“Hey, Grant! Want to be dealt in?” Reed asked.
“Sure, deal me in.”

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Training Grant


Grant sat down next to Jack. David, TJ, Reed, and Shaun were

sitting around the table.

“There are rumors going around about Chief Anderson retiring,”

TJ said.

“He’s really retiring?” Grant asked.
“Yep. He’s going to make it official on Monday,” Reed said.
“Who’s taking over as acting chief?” Grant asked.
“Don’t know yet. We’re thinking that they’re going to hire from

the outside,” TJ said.

Grant shook his head. He felt like all of this was his fault. Jack

squeezed his leg beneath the table.

“I’m sure everything will work out of the best,” Jack said.
“It’s about time we got some fresh blood within the department,”

David said.

“Yeah, Dad’s always talked about taking his sons fishing,” Reed


“Now he has the time he’s always wanted,” Jack said.
“Shaun? What is it?” TJ asked. “You’re fucking holding out on

us. You know something.”

“I’ve been asked to sit in on the interviewing process. There are

several candidates. I’m not allowed to say anything official until it’s a
done deal,” Shaun said.

“Fucking spill,” TJ said.
“Hell no.”
“You can trust us. We won’t say anything,” David said. “Scout’s


Shaun laughed. “I don’t think so. You fucks can’t keep a secret.”
“Just give us the name of the leading candidate,” TJ urged.
Nervous energy had Shaun shuffling the cards in his hand. “You

shits promise not to say a word?”

Everyone agreed.

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Tatum Throne

As he snacked on peanuts from the bowl on the table, Shaun

leaned forward, keeping the guys on edge. “Well, he’s not from

“Okay...” TJ said. “Where’s he from?”
“Give us a name,” Reed said.
“Don’t interrogate me. I’m getting there. I’ll give you one more

piece of info. He’s currently the police chief outside of Anchorage.”

“How far outside Anchorage?” TJ asked.
Shaun coughed. “Kodiak Island.”
“Oh, hell no!” TJ said.
Reed had his smart phone out. “Kodiak’s population is barely

fourteen thousand.”

“He’s qualified,” Shaun said.
“Says who? The local baker?” Reed laughed.
Laughter echoed through the room as Shaun’s face reddened.

“You guys are such dicks. You won’t be laughing so hard when you
meet Mason.”

Mason,” TJ said.
More laughter rang out as TJ drew his name out hard. Shaun

tossed down his cards. “I’m out. Have a nice night, dickheads.”

A long time later, the guys got going. When they finally left, Jack

muscled Grant up against the dining table, sending poker chips
scattering onto the floor. Grant loved the way Jack kissed him so
passionately. The room was spinning, his heart was pounding, and his
dick was hard by the time Jack pulled his lips away.

“I’ve wanted to do that all evening,” Jack said.
“I fucking needed you to.”
“I love you. You’re my everything,” Jack said.
“You’re my Dom.”
It was then that Grant knew that coming to Cincinnati was the best

decision of his entire life. He finally felt like he was on the inside. He
was home. Jack was his home.

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Training Grant





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Tatum Throne has a master’s degree in social work. She left the

field of medical social work to be a stay-at-home mom and to pursue
her dreams of writing romance. She has three rambunctious boys with
her husband, Mr. Throne, and one rowdy hamster named CJ. She also
has a pet rabbit named Coco who has taken over her office.

When not indulging her fantasies, Tatum enjoys baking chocolate

chip cookies, hiking, spending time with her family, and spreading
awareness of eosinophilic disorders.

You can find Tatum all over the web at:

Find me on Facebook!

For all titles by Tatum Throne, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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