BCM Diagnosis Manual 0V2

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Doc. No.:

2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM



Diagnostic Manual for BCM

PURPOSE: This document details the Diagnostic Procedure for BCM used in Indigo XL and

Xenon vehicles.

NOTE: This document is subject to change based on the BCM Hardware & software changes.

Project: Body Control Module

Copyright © with TATA MOTORS

This document must not be used in any way, such as copying and redistributing to third parties, without our consent

Dept: ERC - E & E

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Author: Anil Joshi

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Doc. No.:

2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


Revision History

Prepared by

Approved by


Reason For Changes


Anil Joshi



First version


Anil Joshi



• The case of Engine not starting due to

Inertia active is added.

• Snapshots of the OBD Connector and

BCM locations are added.

• The Break point information for BCM is



Project : Body Control Module

Copyright © with TATA MOTORS

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Author : Anil Joshi

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Doc. No.:

2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :






Features of the Tool ...................................................................................................................4


BCM type selection ...............................................................................................................4


Read / Write BCM and Vehicle Identification ......................................................................4


Monitor Inputs and Outputs of BCM function ......................................................................6


Force Input or / and Outputs ..................................................................................................7


Read DTCs.............................................................................................................................9


Additional information ..........................................................................................................9


Help on debugging the fault.....................................................................................................11


Steps for debugging the fault ...............................................................................................11


List of DTCs supported on the BCM...................................................................................14


Debugging Help on Specific error cases..............................................................................15


Locking and unlocking not happening through Remote and Engine not starting....................................... 15


Remote functioning is OK but Engine not starting..................................................................................... 16


Appendix A for Indigo XL BCM ............................................................................................17


Connector Pin configuration (Indigo XL BCM)..................................................................17


Block Input Output Diagram (Indigo XL BCM) .................................................................18


OBD connector location (Indigo XL BCM) ........................................................................20


BCM location (Indigo XL BCM) ........................................................................................20


Breakpoint Information (Indigo XL BCM) .........................................................................21


First Breakpoint .......................................................................................................................................... 21


Second Breakpoint ..................................................................................................................................... 21


Appendix B for Xenon BCM...................................................................................................22


Connector Pin configuration (Xenon BCM)........................................................................22


Block Input Output Diagram (Xenon BCM) .......................................................................23


OBD connector location (Xenon BCM) ..............................................................................25


BCM location (Xenon BCM) ..............................................................................................25


Breakpoint Information (Xenon BCM) ...............................................................................26


First Breakpoint .......................................................................................................................................... 26


Reference Documents ..............................................................................................................27

Project : Body Control Module

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This document must not be used in any way, such as copying and redistributing to third parties, without our consent

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Author : Anil Joshi

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Doc. No.:

2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


1 Introduction

This document gives information about the Diagnosis Tool called as Tester, for the Body Control
Module (BCM). It provides the capability of accessing information and functions of the control
unit without disconnecting the cable harness. The diagnosis, thus allows all input signals applied to
the ECU to be read, monitor, force input/output and read-out ECU-internal information, such as
the contents of the fault-memory.

2 Features of the Tool


BCM type selection

The Diagnosis Tool is common for the Indigo XL and Xenon vehicle. The screen is provided for
selecting the Vehicle. With this, the BCM functions, which are not applicable for the particular
Vehicle, are hidden. This helps in maintaining the same tool for both BCMs.

The screen shot is as shown below.


Read / Write BCM and Vehicle Identification

It is possible to Write or Read the following data into / from BCM respectively.

a. VIN (Read /Write)
b. VC (Read /Write)
c. BCM Identification (Read Only)
d. BCM type (Read Only)

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


Note: The VC number is presently unused on both the vehicles.

By selecting Read ECU Data, the following screen is displayed as shown below.

The VIN number can be written into the BCM in case of BCM replacement. Otherwise, it is not
required to be changed.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :



Monitor Inputs and Outputs of BCM function

The screen is provided for selecting one of the BCM Functions. The Read IO status is to be
selected from the tool. The actual status of the inputs and outputs of the selected function can be

All inputs and outputs including analog, digital and pulse can be monitored.

The screen shot is as shown below.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :



Force Input or / and Outputs

It is possible to force or unforce the inputs / outputs and assign analog / pulse input values
independently by selecting the I/O control button. The forced status is reverted back to the actual
status after the communication of the tester with the BCM is lost.

Refer following screen shots as an example. On the right hand side the Inputs are listed and on the
left hand side the outputs are listed. It is possible to force the particular Input or output to either
ON or OFF. The forced status can be reverted back to the actual status by pressing the “Unforce
all” button.

The “Turn Left Switch” input and “Roof Boot Lamp” output is selected in the two screens
respectively, as shown below. Note that it is possible to force the “Roof Boot Lamp” output with
the brightness level fro 0 to 100 %.

Project : Body Control Module

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


Project : Body Control Module

Copyright © with TATA MOTORS

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :



Read DTCs

The tool is capable of

a. Reading and Displaying error messages in the form of OBD codes
b. Reset/clear stored DTC

By clicking on Read DTC the following screen will be displayed. The set DTCs will be displayed
with the error code and the Description. After servicing the DTCs, it is to be cleared by using Clear
DTC button.

There is additional button provided on the screen called “Trouble shooting Details”. It contains the
flow charts for the troubleshooting.


Additional information

The details of the BCM functions are available on this screen.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


Similarly, the functional details are available for the other functions.

Project : Body Control Module

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


3 Help on debugging the fault


Steps for debugging the fault

If any of the output is not becoming ON as expected, the steps involved in faultfinding are the
same. The flow charts are as given below. With the help of the Diagnostic Tester features
explained in the section 2 above, it is possible to locate the fault. The first flow chart is the generic
one, followed by the specific example.

Project : Body Control Module

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Author : Anil Joshi

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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Project : Body Control Module

Copyright © with TATA MOTORS

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


Project : Body Control Module

Copyright © with TATA MOTORS

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :



List of DTCs supported on the BCM


Feature of BCM OBD code

to be





Turn Left Signal Lamp Output Circuit short to Battery / Turn Left Signal
Lamp Output Circuit Open



Turn Left Signal Lamp Output Circuit short to Ground



Turn Right Signal Lamp Output Circuit short to Battery / Turn Right
Signal Lamp Output Circuit Open




Turn Right Signal Lamp Output Circuit short to Ground



Front Fog Lamp Relay Coil short to Battery


Front fog lamp


Front Fog lamp output short to Ground / Front Fog lamp relay coil open



Rear fog lamp output short to Battery


Rear fog lamp


Rear fog lamp output short to ground / Lamp failure



Intermittent Wipe relay Coil short to Battery



Intermittent Wipe relay Coil short to Ground / Intermittent Wipe relay
Coil open



Front wash Motor Circuit short to Battery / Front wash Motor Circuit


Front Wash and



Front wash Motor short Circuit to Ground



Key Ring Bulb output Short to Battery


Key Ring



Key Ring Bulb output short to ground / Key Ring Bulb output failure



All Door Lock output short to Ground / All Door Lock output failure
(Open Laod)



All Door Lock output short to Battery



Driver's Door Unlock Relay Circuit short to Ground / Driver's Door
Unlock Relay Circuit Failure (Open Laod)



Driver's Door Unlock Relay Circuit short to Battery



Level 2 Doors Unlock Relay Circuit short to Ground / Level 2 Doors
Unlock Relay Circuit Failure (Open Laod)


Central Door



Level 2 Doors Unlock Relay Circuit short to Battery



Heated Wind Shield Relay short to Battery


Heated Wind



Heated Wind Shield Relay output short to Ground / Heated Wind
Shield Relay Coil Circuit Failure

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


The above table lists the DTCs supported by the BCM. The list is common for both Indigo XL and
Xenon vehicle except the one. Key Ring Illumination DTC is applicable only for the Xenon
vehicle. The faults are displayed with the code and it’s description.

FAULT LOGGING STRATEGY: Maximum 16 DTCs can be logged in the BCM. Further DTC
can be logged only after clearing DTCs from the Tester.

The DTC will have the status either temporary or permanent. If the Fault has occurred for less than
or equal to 5 times, it is stored as Temporary fault otherwise it is it is stored as Permanent fault. If
the fault gets corrected then the outputs can be made ON.


Debugging Help on Specific error cases

3.3.1 Locking and unlocking not happening through Remote and Engine not starting

Operations: Using Read I/O status the problem can be identified. The three cases are mentioned

NOTE: The Remote Key press status is displayed for one second in the RKE and Immobiliser
functions. Additionally the "RF Frame Received" status is also displayed.

Case A: The Normal case where the RKE function of BCM is OK.

Steps: 1) Go to Read I/O Staus on the Diagnosis Tool and select Remote Keyless Entry Function
2) Press Unlock / Lock key from Remote

Result: 1) Driver Door is unlocked / Locked.
2) Unlock / Lock status is changed to "Pressed" for one second.
3) RF Frame Received Status changed to "RF Frame Received".

Case B: The case where the “Not Learnt Remote” is used.

Steps: 1) Go to Read I/O Staus on the Diagnosis Tool and select Remote Keyless Entry Function
2) Press Unlock / Lock key from Remote

Result: 1) Driver Door is Not unlocked / Locked.
2) Unlock / Lock status remains as "Released".
3) RF Frame Received Status changed to "RF Frame Received".

Action required: Learn the remote with the BCM using the procedure as mentioned in the User

Project : Body Control Module

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


Case C: The error case where the RF Receiver is Faulty.

Steps: 1) Go to Read I/O Staus on the Diagnosis Tool and select Remote Keyless Entry Function
2) Press Unlock / Lock key from Remote

Result: 1) Driver Door is Not unlocked / Locked.
2) Unlock / Lock status remains as "Released".
3) RF Frame Received Status remains as "RF Frame Not Received".

Action required: Replace BCM.

NOTE: This software support is available from BCM Number 7001706 onwards for the Indigo XL

3.3.2 Remote functioning is OK but Engine not starting

NOTE: Only applicable for Indigo XL.

Steps: 1) Go to Read I/O Staus on the Diagnosis Tool and select Immobiliser Function.

2) Observe Inertia input

Normally, the Inertia input status is Inactive. If so, it’s OK.

If it is Active then, the Starter is disabled and the Fuel relay is cut off (in case of petrol Engine).
The Inertia switch is supposed to get operated in case of vehicle crash (accident).

To confirm the observation

1) Force Inertia input to Inactive (OFF) by using “Control I/O” screen.
2) Crank the Engine

It should be possible to crank the Engine.

Action required: Make the Inertia switch Inactive by pressing it. The inertia switch is located
below the driver seat.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :


4 Appendix A for Indigo XL BCM


Connector Pin configuration (Indigo XL BCM)

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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Block Input Output Diagram (Indigo XL BCM)

The Block diagram of the Inputs and Outputs is available on the next page.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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OBD connector location (Indigo XL BCM)

The Connector to be used for connecting Diagnosis Tester is located below the Co-Driver Seat in a
RHD vehicle. The snapshot is provided below for the easy reference.


BCM location (Indigo XL BCM)

The BCM is located below the dashboard beside the steering column. The snapshot is provided
below for the easy reference.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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Breakpoint Information (Indigo XL BCM)

4.5.1 First


Change: Started use of the improved RF receiver.

This modification is introduced from Sr. No 700 1900 dated 30.3.2007.

4.5.2 Second Breakpoint

Change: Software modification as a continuous improvement.

The modifications are as below:

CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING (Auto locking) – If doors are opened and closed within 5 sec.
after engine running (RPM >800), doors are not locked.


• If Master actuator is faulty, 4 flashes are given to inform the same, but Remote locking or

unlocking is possible.

• In lock state, if any Door was opened, the system will give 6 flashes as an indication of

intrusion when Unlock on Remote is pressed.

• If the Inertia switch is operated, system will give 5 flashes when Unlock is pressed as an

indication of the active state of inertia switch.

IMMOBILISER – In lock state, if Ignition or Crank was made ON, the system will give 6 flashes
as an indication of intrusion when Unlock button on Remote is pressed.

EMERGENCY DISARMING - For Emergency Pin-Override and Learning of Remotes, the
Immobiliser LED was being used for counting of the digits. Instead, the Side Indicator Lamps
(along with the Cluster tell tales) are used for counting digits.

This modification has been introduced from Sr. No 7003601 dated 25.7.2007. These units are also
identified by updated sticker on housing.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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5 Appendix B for Xenon BCM


Connector Pin configuration (Xenon BCM)

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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Block Input Output Diagram (Xenon BCM)

The Block diagram of the Inputs and Outputs is available on the next page.

Project : Body Control Module

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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Project : Body Control Module

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :



OBD connector location (Xenon BCM)

The Connector to be used for connecting Diagnosis Tester is located in the cabin near the left door.
In RHD vehicle, it is in front of the Co-Driver seat. The snapshot is provided below for the easy


BCM location (Xenon BCM)

The BCM is located on the left of the clutch pedal in a RHD vehicle. The snapshot is provided
below for the easy reference.

Project : Body Control Module

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2101 2313 00 98

TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

Version :



Breakpoint Information (Xenon BCM)

5.5.1 First


Change: Software modification as a continuous improvement.

The modifications are as below:

CENTRAL DOOR LOCKING (Auto locking) – If doors are opened and closed within 5 sec.
after engine running (RPM >800), doors are not locked.

REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY - In lock state if any Door was opened, the system will give 6
flashes as an indication of intrusion when Unlock on Remote is pressed.

IMMOBILISER– In lock state if Ignition or Crank was made ON, the system will give 6 flashes
as an indication of intrusion when Unlock button on Remote is pressed.

EMERGENCY DISARMING - For Emergency Pin-Override and Learning of Remotes, the
Immobiliser LED was being used for counting of the digits. Instead, the Side Indicator Lamps
(along with the Cluster tell tales) are used for counting digits.

This modification has been introduced from Sr. No 700 0176 dated 2.7.2007. These units are also
identified with TWO BLUE DOTS on connector and updated sticker on connector.

Project : Body Control Module

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TML – Diagnostic Manual BCM

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6 Reference




Document Name

Version and date


Project : Body Control Module

Copyright © with TATA MOTORS

This document must not be used in any way, such as copying and redistributing to third parties, without our consent

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Author : Anil Joshi

Document Outline


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