promocja zdrowia

OSI Network Public Health Program

Grant Application: Improving Public Health Info. Servers in Central and Eastern Europe

Open Society Institute

Network Public Health Program

Grant Application: Improving National Public Health Servers in Central and Eastern Europe


Current national public health servers in Central and Eastern Europe sometimes fall short of meeting the needs of the public health professional communities. Current and accurate health statistics, reports, reference materials, and other health information may be hard to come by and may be difficult to download or access due to hardware, software or Internet connectivity problems. These web servers need to be improved.

As part of an effort to increase access to health data and information available via the web in Central and Eastern Europe, the OSI Network Public Health Program invites those institutions that currently administer a national public health information server to submit an application for funding to improve, expand and market their site.

Project Summary

This project offers a unique opportunity to institutions currently administering a national public health information server to broaden their audiences, and enhance site quality, usability and accessibility. OSI wishes to promote the growth of web-based health resources in Central and Eastern Europe by awarding one-time grants to organizations whose current capacity positions them ideally for further funding to continue their roles as regional leaders in providing Internet-based access to critical health data. Please note the following: Funding may not be used for the creation of a new public health information server. This grant competition is open ONLY to those institutions that currently administer a national public health information server in their country.

Funding from the Open Society Institute

The Open Society Institute (OSI) is a private operating and grant-making foundation that seeks to promote the development and maintenance of open societies around the world by supporting a range of programs in the areas of educational, social, and legal reform, and by encouraging alternative approaches to complex and often controversial issues.

Established in 1993 and based in New York City, the Open Society Institute is part of the Soros foundations network, an informal network of organizations created by George Soros and operating in over 30 countries around the world, principally in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union but also in Guatemala, Haiti, Mongolia, Southern Africa, and the United States.

Together with its Hungary-based affiliate, the Open Society Institute-Budapest, OSI-NY assists these organizations by providing administrative, financial, and technical support, and by establishing “network programs” that address certain issues on a regional or network-wide basis.

Project Description

National public health information servers in Central and Eastern Europe are of increasing importance in providing public health professionals with important health data and information. These sites have trouble, however, keeping up with the pace at which new information is generated and needed. They may also suffer from use of outmoded computer hardware and software, slow connections to the Internet, poor design and inaccurate and expired data. This program seeks to solve some of these problems.

Core Project Activities:

Successful applicants will have a clear understanding of the needs of their national public health communities and will effectively adapt their existing national health public information servers to meet the growing needs of these communities. Successful applicants will be able to quickly identify areas for improvement in their servers and will be able to quickly put into action their renovation plans upon receipt of the OSI grant.

Successful applicants will focus in their renovations on access to accurate health data and statistics, providing access to government reports, databases and text journals, and as many other kinds of health information resources as possible. They will also focus on making their sites easier to navigate and pull information from. OSI hopes, also, that these sites will provide portals for communication amongst health professionals, for whose jobs this health data is so important. Below are listed some core areas of activity.

Two sites in the US serve as models for creating comprehensive web sites for health information. The states of Utah ( and New York ( have done much to make as much health information as possible available.

Selection process

Procedure: Grantees will be selected in a two-round process. In the first round, applications will be reviewed by the local Soros Foundation in each country. In the second round, the local foundations will forward their recommendations on to the Open Society Institute/New York for final selection.


Selection Criteria: scope, clarity and feasibility of your project plans, your current capacity, and your ability to secure ongoing support for your project.

Maximum size of award: $20,000.

Eligibility Criteria

Important Notes:

Part 1. Contact information

Name of organization

Street address


Postal code


Phone number

Fax number

E-mail address

Contact person

Title of contact person

Telephone number of contact person

Total budget

Total requested from OSI

Part 2. Current Capacity Information

For the following, please type responses in single-space lines in the space provided below or in double-space lines on blank paper and attach to this application.

  1. What is the URL of the health information web site you are seeking funding to improve?

  1. Please provide a short history and description of your site, and describe for whom/what the site was designed.

  1. Please list up to three other URLs, if any, which best demonstrate your organization’s ability to design and market information campaign web sites.

  1. Please briefly describe your organization’s current technology and technology support systems, including

  1. How would new technologies included in your proposed project plans intersect with your site improvement goals?

  1. Please list any other grants you may have received for developing your health data server. Please include date, grant amount and from whom the grant was received.

  2. What marketing/publicity efforts are in place for your current health data/information server?

  1. How would you characterize your institution?

     Institute of Health
     School of Public Health
     Ministry of Health
     Other (please specify:_________________________________)

Part 3. Letter of interest

Please attach a letter of interest that responds to the following questions. Please limit your response to 3 pages.

  1. What is the mission of your institution? How will participation in project advance that mission?

  2. Why is your institution well suited to participate?

  3. What are the main objectives and activities of your project?

  4. How will they benefit your audience? Who is your audience?

  1. How would your institution ensure the sustainability of the ongoing development of the health data server(s) beyond the conclusion of this project? We are interested in understanding how your institution might approach:

  1. What will the outcomes of your improvement project be? How will your site be improved?

  2. By what indicators would your institution evaluate this project?

  3. How do you plan to publicize and promote your project?

  4. Please include a timeline for your project.

Part 4. Budget

Please detail below the budget for your project. Please only fill in sections that apply to your project. You should list all expenses related to the project and present them in the appropriate column. Please show exactly how much is needed for each item from Open Society/Soros Foundations and how much is provided for from other sources. Please attach separate sheet if additional space is needed. Please note while completing your budget OSI looks favorably on projects that secure co-funding from sources other than OSI.


Funding from other sources

Funding Requested from Open Society Institute

1. Project Costs

(list items separately)


2. Technology Costs (software, upgrade costs)


3. Staff Costs


4. Marketing Costs


5. Other (describe):




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