Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE82

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE82

Test Unit 6

Blockbuster 2





(Time: 10 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1    This bic)'cle bclongs................Michael.

A in    B to

2    I live on thc 5th floor of a................of flats.

A błock    B building

3    You can................anytime. We’re always home in the evcnings.

A    drop by    B    go by

4    The Hendcrsons livc.................

A    behind    B    ncxt door

5    We keep all our old fumiture in the.................

A    attic    B    balcony

6    Jill and Ted havc got ncw................for their fiat.

A    views    B    appliances

7    Greg is so funny. Hc laugh.

A    gets    B    makcs

8    My neighbour has his villa. One in each bcdroom

and one in the Iiving room.

A    fridges    B    fireplaces

9    The Smiths havc a (n)................view from their balcony.

A    incrediblc    B    funny

10 My sistcr wants to buy a carpet. She hasn’t hcr fiat.

A    carpet    B    one


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