Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE86

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE86

Test Unit 10

Blockbuster 2





.... MARK:


(Time: 10 minutes)

Underline the correct word.

1    We have a(n) spacious/active cottagc.

2    The Street where you live is very quiet/noisy. How can you slcep?

3    Marisa’s new famity gave her the warmest/brightest welcomc evcr.

4    Fran’s new house has many large Windows. It's vcry messy/bright.

5    Angela's garden is beautiful and messy/quiet.

6    She has a beautiful Chinese/China vasc in the bedroom.

7    My living room views/faces onto a beautiful garden.

8    His new house is a bit morę dark/expensive than his prcvious one.

9    Our bathroom hasn’t got a window so it’s a bit dark/airy.

10 It s a good idea to kccp your house cramped/neat and tidy.


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