Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE95

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE95

Test Unit 19

Blockbuster 2

NAM K:.....................................................



... MARK:

10 (Time: 10 minutes)

Choosc the correct item.

1    Mc took................acting when hc injurcd his kncc.

A off    B up

2    I think morc interesting than chcss.

A diving    B    swimming

3    I used to wear glasscs but now I wear contact.................

A glasscs    B    lenses

4    I motorbike.

A driving    B    riding

5    I te used to................films about flying saucers.

A act    B    shoot

6    Many people enjoy rock.................

A climbing    B    walking

7 with dolls when she was six.

A usc to    B    used to

8    What did Bob usc to................for lunch when hc was seven?

A had    B    havc

9    Did Sally usc to havc short hair?

A No, she didn t. B No. she used to.

10 The Smiths................a ncw car last ycar.

A used to buy    B    hought


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