Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE88

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE88

Test Unit 12

Blockbuster 2

NAME:................................................................................................... DATĘ:.............................................

CLASS:................................................................................................... MARK:-


(Time: lOminutes)

Lndcrline the correct word.

1    Helen Keller was a well-known/little writer, tcachcr and Iccturcr.

2    Mozart was only five when he began to write musie. I le was a brilliant lecturer/eomposer.

3    When my grandfather was young hc can/could play the violin.

4    Although Albert Einstein became a great scientist. he couldn’t pass/run his school exams.

5    Beethoven was complctely blind/deaf. Hc couldnt cvcn hcar his own musie.

6    I can’t/couldn’t get a job as a teacher because I’m still studying at university.

7    Van Goghs works ot painting/art arc vcry cxpcnsivc.

8    Look mum! I can/could sing and dance at the same time.

9    A(n) physicist artist is somebody who draws or paints picturcs.

10    Helen Keller could./couldn't see or hear people. She was blind and deaf.


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