Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE85

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE85

Test Unit 9

Blockbuster 2



CLASS:............................................................................... MARK:-


(Time: 10 minutes)

A. Circle the correct response.

1    A: Where is Milan?

B: a It's in the north of Italy. b lt’s for the north of Italy.

2    A: Wrhere's Romę on the map?

B: a It‘s along the west coast.

b It‘s about the west coast.

3    A: Where arc they going for their

4    A: Where exactly is La Faz?

B: a Its locatcd on the northwestern tip

of Mexico.

b It s locatcd off the northwestern tip of Mexico.

5    A: Wherc’s Vcnice?

B: a It’s in the northeast of Italy.

b lt*s from the north of Italy.

summer nonaay?

B: a Along the centrę of the country, b In the centrę of the country.

B. Underline the correct word(s).

6    It's a lot morę humid in Oslo than/as in Los Angeles.

7    It's much colder/coldest in Montreal than in Romę.

8    Its very cold/much cold in Antarctica.

9    It’s verj windier/a bit windier in Paris today than in Los Angeles.

10 London is much cloudier/cloudiest than Madrid.


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