Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE94

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE94

Test Unit 18

Blockbuster 2



..... DATĘ:.............................................



..... MARK:

10 (Time: 10 mmutes)

Choose Ihe correct iłem.

1 Hc................his bike and hurt himself.

A dropped off

B fell off

2 l saw him lying............

... the ground.

A on

B in

3 She was lucky. She only had a few...........

..... .

A accidents

B scratchcs

4 The helicoptcr crashcd but thcy..............

. the pilot.

A survivcd

B rescucd

5 Hc was running and ...

A slipped

B sprained

6 "My sister is gelting married. She’s so happy.”


A awful

B wonderful

7 Hc was preparing a salad whcn he..........

.....his finger.

A was cutting

B cut

8 She sprained her anklc whilc she.............

... tennis.

A was playing

B playing

9 “My cousin brokc his arm ycsterday.”


A awful    B no

thcy heard thc bad news.

10 Thcy wcrc walking home..............

A whcn    B while


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