Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE98

Blockbouster 2 NPP TESTY I KLUCZE98

Test Unit 22

Blockbuster 2






(Time: lOminutcs) the correct itcm.

1    Dogs are morę................than cats. Thcy won t lcavc you!

A stubborn    B loyal

2    I think that a nicc mcal at your favouritc rcstaurant up.

A cheer    B    takc

3    ................down. Things will gct bettcr.

A Stay    B    Calm

4    Our teacher is usually................, but today he is upsct about something.

A moody    B    charming

5    Can you................a secret?

A lie    B    keep

6    ................he'll bc famous. I know hc will!

A One day    B    One hour

7    I m very................. I cant find my handbag.

A scnsitive    B    upsct

8    Mr Thomas is vcry................. I Ic ncvcr goes home t>eforc 9 o’clock in tlić cvcning.

A impatient    B    hardworking

9    You should    other people’s feelings.

A anxious    B    sensitive

10    Sam loves playing sports. He’s so.................

A cnergetic    B    optimistic


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