To sculpt caKe into different shapes. use a Sharp, serrated krufe. Cul a lntle ai a limÄ™. shaving off smali pieces until you have the repuired shape. If you $have off morÄ™ ihan you rteed. pieces of cake can be siuck back on wilh a lntle bullercream bul take care not to do ihis too much because it may cause the sugarpaste (roiled fondant) to skp when applied.
When building up a high cake. make surę that each layer « comptetely siraight and that the cake is balanced.
If part of the cake is left oniy slightly uneven it will look much worse when covered w:th sugarpaste and may cause the cake to lean.
Add food cotouhng to the sugarpaste a iitUe at a time with a cocktail suck (toothpick). Knead it into the sugarpaste. adding morę until you have the reguired shade. wear plastic as the cołounng can temporańiy stan hands. AKcrnatwely. pre-cotoured sugarpaste packs are now readily obtainable from cake-decoratmg suppiers and supermarketS.
Knead the pastę thoroughly until it is warm and piiable before rolling it out onto a worksurface ctwered with a sprinkling of icing (confectioner‘s)
Sugar, Keep motring the pastę around so that K does not st»ck and roli it to a thickness of 3-4mm (Win), unless otnenwse stated.
To lift a large piece of rolled-out sugarpaste. lay a large rolling pin on the centre and flip the pastę over it Lift ii position. then roli the pastę into place. Use a Sharp, plain-edged kmfe to cut the pastę To avo<d the pastę ■pułling’, cut cleanly downwards Keep wiping the blade to remove excess. or a layer of pastę will buikJ up and make cuts untidy When the sugarpaste is dry. polish the surface with your hands to remove excess icmg sugar and to give it a sheen.
Roli out the sugarpaste. then lift it over the board to cover. Use a cake smoother to give a smoolh surface if the pastÄ™ has not stuck to the board. lift the sugarpaste around the edge and moisten with a damp pamtbrush Tnm any excess downwards wtlh a Sharp knife. You may wish to remove the sugarpaste from the area of the board on which the cake will sit Because the cake i$ moist. the sugarpaste beneath has a tendency to become sbcky. Leave boards to dry for at least 12 hours.
Spread a layer of buttercream over the surface of the cake to help the sugarpaste stick. Roli out sugarpaste and cerber the cake where reguired. smoolhing around the shape and trimming any excess. Rub the surface with a cake smoother to produce a smooth surface
Cartoon hands oniy have three fmgers and a thumb because the ammation looks much belter thts way. For this reason. cartoon hands are a littie easier to model than fuli hands are.
A cartoon hand is madÄ™ by first rolling the model ling pastÄ™ into a bali. then into a teardrop shape. The
Shavo off the crust brrfora shaping the cake.
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