IMG596 (2)

IMG596 (2)

294 (De)Konstrukcje kobiecości

Phelan S., Public Discourse and the Closeting of Butch Lesbians, [w: ] But chi femme. Inside Lcsbian Gender, ed. S. R. Munt, Cassel, London 1998, s. 191-199.

PlayingwithFire. QueerPolitics, QueerTheories, ed. S. Phelan, Routledge, New York & London 1997.

Powers of Desire. The Politics of Sexuality, ed. A. Snitow, Ch. Stansell, S. Thompson, Monthly Review Press, New York 1983.

Programme of the 12thLesbianWeek, 5-11.10.1997 [Program z 12 tygodnia lesbijskiego 5-11.10.1997].

Puszko H., „ByćStendhalem i Spinozę...”. Szkic o filozofii J.-P. Sartre‘a, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 1997.

Radicalesbians, „The Woman-Identified-Woman” (1970), (w:] We Are Everyu>here. A Historical Sourcebook of Gay and Lesbian Politics, ed. M. Blasius, S. Phelan, Routledge, London & New York 1997, s. 355— -364 [dum. poi.: Kobieta identyfikująca się z kobietami, prze!. L Piątkowska, „Furia Pierwsza”, Warszawa 2000, nr 4/5, s. 85-90).

Raymond J., The Politics ofTransgenderism, (w:) Blending Genders. Social Aspects of Cross-dressing and Sex-changing, ed. R. Ekins, D. King, Roudedge, London & New York 1996, s. 215-224.

Rich A., Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence, [w:] The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, ed. H. Abelove, M. A. Barale, D. M. Halperin, Routledge, London & New York 1993, s. 227-255 [tłum. polskie: Przymusowa heteroseksualność a egzystencja lesbijska, przel. A. Grzybek, „Furia pierwsza", Warszawa 2000a, nr 4/5, s. 91-127).

Rich A., Notes Towards a Politics ofLocation, [w:] eadem, Blood, Bread, and Poetry, W&W Norton Company, New York 1986, s. 210-233 [dum. polskie: Zapiski w sprawie polityki umiejscowienia, przel. W. Chańska, „Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki" 2003, nr 1, s. 15-30).

Rich A., Zrodzone z kobiety. Macierzyństwo jako doświadczenie i instytucja, przel. J. Mizielińska, Sic!, Warszawa 2000.

Richardson D., Constmcting Lesbian Sexualities, [w:] Modem Homosexualities, ed. K. Plummer, Roudedge, London & New York 1992, s. 187-199.

Riddcll C, Diuided Sislerhood: A Critical Reuiew ofjanice Raymond „The Transsexual Empire", |w:) Blending Genders. Social Aspects of Cross-dressing and Sex-changmg, ed. R Ekins, D. King, Routledge, London & New York 1996, %. 171-189.

Riley D., Atu 1 that Name?, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 1988. Roof J., 1970s Lesbian Feminism Meets 1990s Butch - Femme [w:) Butchfemme. Inside Lesbian Gender, ed. S. Hunt, Casell Wellington House, London 1998.

Rosario V. A., Trans(homo)Sexualityt Double Inuersion, Psychiatrie Confusion, and Hetero-Hegemony, [w:] Queer Studies. A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology, ed. B. Beemyn, M. F.liason, New York University Press, New York 1996, s. 35-51.

Rowbotham S., Woman’s Consciousness, Man’s World, Penguin Books, London 1973.

Rubin G., Of Catamites and Kings, [w:] The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch reader, ed. J. Nestle, Alyson, Boston 1993.

Rubin G., Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality, [w:] American Feminist Thought at Century's End: A Reader, ed. L. S. Kauffman, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford & Cambridge 1994, s. 3-64.

Rust P. C., Sexual Identity and Bisexual Identities: The Struggle for Self--Description in a Changing Sexual landscape, [w: ] Queer Studies. A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology, ed. B. Beemyn, M. Eliason, New York University Press, New York 1996, s. 64-86.

Sandoval Ch., Feminist Forms ofAgency and Oppositional Consciousness: U.S. Third World Feminist Criticism, [w:] Contemporary Feminist Theory. A Text/Reader, ed. M. F. Rogers, McGraw-Hill Company, West Florida 1998, s. 53-65.

Sartre J.-P., Being and Nothingness, Methuen & Co Ltd, London 1972 [tłum. polskie: Byt i nicość (fragmenty), [w:] Filozofia egzystencjalna. Warszawa 1965].

Sedgwick E. K., Epistemology of the Closet, University of Califomia Press, Berkley 1990.

Segal L., Straight Sex, University of Califomia Press, Berkley 1994. Seidman S., Identity and Politics in a „PostmodemGay Culture: Some Historical and Conceptual Notes, [w:] Fear of a Queer Planet. Queer Politics and Social Theory, ed. M. Warner, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1993, s. 105-143.

Siemiaszko A., Granice tolerancji. O teoriach zachowań dewiacyjnych, PWN, Warszawa 1993.


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