The Knitters Bible0

The Knitters Bible0


This simplc T-shapcd top has a prctty frillcd bottom cdge macic by dccreasing stitches (scc pagc 28). The simplc tbrcc colour motif is knitted Irom tbc chart on pagc 156 and outlincd in chain stitch (sec pagc 83). It fastens at tbc back of tbc ncck.

To fit age 6 -12 (12-18] months

Actual chest measurement 18 [21] in (46 [54] cm)

you will need


Worsted (DK) yam (wool/cotton mix) - I23yd/113m per bali

1    x I *Aoz (50g) each in colour:

A green

B aqua blue C pale lilac

2    buttons


Size 3 (3.25mm/UK 10) needles Size 6 (4mm/UK8) needles

3    stitch holders

Gauge (Tension)

22 sts and 28 rows to 4in (lOcm) measured over stockmette (stockmg) stitch on size 6 (4mm/UK8) needles


Using size G (■imm/UKB) needles and II. casi on 123(143) sis.

Row I (KS) 1*3. * k7. p3: rep from * lo cnd.

Row 2 K3. * p7. k3: rep from * lo end. Row 3 1*3. * skpo. k3. k2log. p3: rep from * io end.

Row 4 K3. * p9. k3: rep from * lo end. Row 5 1*3. * skpo. kl. k2iog. p3: rep from * io end.

Row 6 K3. * p3. k3: rep from * lo end. Row 7 1*3. *sk2po. p3: rep from * lo end. 91(99) sis.

Change lo A.

Work 3(4)in (*)| 10) cm) in si si. beginning and ending willi a p row.

Siart colour paiiern.

Ncxt row K I7|2I|A. work firsi row of chan. k 17(21 ]A.

Next row I*I7|2I|A. work 2nd row of chan. p 17|2I|A.

( oni in iliis way umil I8th row of chart has been compleled.

Using A only. work 2 rows in si st. SHAPE NECK

Next row K22|29) and lurn. leasing rem sis on a stitch holdcr.

Dec I si at ncck edge on nexi and every foli row io 17(19) sis.

Work stmight umil from mcasures 8|9|in (20.9(23|cm) from beg. ending willi a p row.

Bind (cast) off.

Willi KS of work facing. slip ccnirr 7|9) sis on io a stitch holdcr. rcjoin A and k lo end. Dcc I si ai ncck edge on nexl and cvcry foli row io 17(19) sis.

Work siraiglu umil work mcasures same as other side of ncck. ending willi a p row. Bind (cast) off.


Work as givcn for Front (omiiling chan) umil back mcasures S(6)in (I2.9|l9)cm). ending willi a p row.


Ncxt row K29(29) and lurn. leas ing rem

sis on a stilch holdcr.

Work siraiglu on lliese 29(29) sis umil back mcasures same as front, ending willi a p row.

Bind (casi) off 17(19) sis. Icavc rem 8(10) sis on a slilch holdcr.

Willi KS of work facing. rcjoin yam lo rem 26( 30) sis and bind (casi) off I si. k lo end. 29(29) sis.

Work slniighi lo maleli linst side. ending willi a p row.

Ncxt row K8( 10). bind (casi) off 17(19) sts.

Slip tlicsc 8(10) sis on lo a slilch holdcr.


Using size G (■lmm/UK8) needles and B. casi on 29(39) sis.

Knit 3 rows.

Change io C and coni in si si. starting willi a k row. Inc 1 si at each end of 3rd and evcry foli 4ih row to 41(99) sis.

Work siraiglu umil slcevc mcasures 9(7)in (12.9( 18)cni). ending willi a p row. Bind (casi) off.



Join shoulder scams. Willi KS facing. using size 3(3.25mm/UKlO) needles and B. k across 8( 10) sis at lefl back ncck. pick up and k 9| II) sis down lefl side of front ncck. k across 7(9) sts ai ccnirc front, pick


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