Creative Doughcraft7

Creative Doughcraft7


Bakę the finished tern at 120°C (250°F or Gas Mark A) for about four hours.

Cut some decorative flowers and heart shapes from rolled-out dough using cutters.

Make three carrots from smai tapered ropes and join them to the log.

.Vet the top ot the body and join the finished heads. Roli out some dough and cut a 150 x 50mm (6 x 2in) rectangle. Wrap it around the rabblts to form a blanket, Crossing the ends over at the front.

Finishing the sleeping rabbits

Once the sleeping rabbits have been cooled completely, you can paint them.

•    Green, for the leaf and carrot tops

•    Orange, for the carrots

•    Lilac, for the flower

•    Yellow, for the other flower and bow

•    Mix brown and white to make cream, for the soles of the rabbits' feet and the whisker parts

•    Light brown, for the noses and the soles of the feet

•    Bright red, for the blanket and hea^s

•    Black, for the rabbits' sleeping eyes and the valentine's message.

Finally, give the rabbits cheeks a little

blusher with watery red paint. When the

paint is dry apply two coats of varnish.

8 Roli four smali balls of dough,

flatten and squeeze them nto ova feet shapes. Join the teet to the bottom of the blanket curling them outwards.



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