Creative Doughcraft0

Creative Doughcraft0




Making the garland

Salt dough

?25g (8oz) plain flour 10Og (4oz) salt

lOOml (4fl oz or Vi cup) water You will need:


Large hole drinking straw 230mm (9in) ribbon 100mm (4in) strong wire for hanging the garland White, blue and yellow paints Varnish

Roli a thick ropę of salt dough, about 90mm (3’4in) in diameter. Cut the ropę to 510mm (20in) and flatten it with the palm of your hand.

Trim the two ends of the ropę with a knife and join them together to form a cirde with a little water. Make a hole either s;dc of the join using the drinking straw.

SBake the garland shape at 120°C (250°F or Gas Mark ’/) for about four hours.



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