Izolacja bakterii fermentacji mlekowej z fermentowanych produktów żywnościowych i ich charakterystyka.
Forma zaliczenia zajęć: Wykład - egzamin pisemny lub ustny Laboratorium - sprawdziany pisemne
Lectures, 15 hours
Food as an ecological environment for microorgsnisms growth. Microbiological degradation of food components and their effect on the sensory ąuality of food.
Food poisoning and other food-bome hazards - characteristics of pathogenic bacteria and toxins, mycotoxins produced by some fungi, viruses transmitted via food. Occurrence of pathogenic microorgsnisms and ways of food contamination, growth conditions, prevention. Microflora of some raw materiał and food products. Effect of different factors food preservation on the viability of microorgsnisms: chilling, freezing, pasteurization, sterilization, smoking, high pressure, acidification, radiation, oxidation-reduction potential, water activity, antimicrobial compounds natural occurring in food and produced by microorgsnisms.
Indicator microorgsnisms - characteristics and applications.
The basics of predictive microbiology: predictive models, methods of their construction and possibilities of application.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) - rules and stages of creating of the system. Evaluation of hygiene in food industry.
Probiotics - characteristics and importance for human health.
Laboratory (45 hours)
Preparation of media and samples for microbiological testing of food. Microbiological analysis of selected food products - evaluation of microbiological ąuality. Estimation of freshness of raw milk using different reduction tests.
Identification of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus in food products according to the methods given in the standards.
Microbiological analysis of water and sewage. Effect of physical and Chemical factors on microbiological State of water.
Detection of antibiotics in food.
Application of ATP bioluminescence test for evaluation of hygienic State of industrial plants. Effect of commercial disinfectants on microorganisms.
Identification of microbiological degradation of food components: Determination of histaminę contents in some food products.
Determination of survivor and thermal time death curves. Comparison of calculated D and z values for tested microorganisms.
Effect of high pressure on viability of bacteria and fungi.
Isolation of milk fermentative bacteria from fermented food products and their characteristics.