obowiązkiem ma być tylko i wyłącznie praca, a przecież jednym z elementów człowieczeństwa jest rozrywka, relaks i zabawa, jak również potrzeba marzeń, nawet gdy są one nierealne.

Zofia Sokół

Polish-German women’s journals between 1990 and 1999

Foreign Capital entered the Polish press market in mid 1990s, at the time of the liąuida-tion of the RSW „Prasa-Ksiązka-Ruch” publishing cooperative when a new press and coope-rative law entered into force permitting foreign publishers to set up their editions in Poland.

Foreign publishing moguls invested in Poland in segments which proved successful worldwide, and were neglected in Poland, e.g. in colour women’s journals, family magazi-nes, how-to-do-it journals, young people’s periodicals and tv journals.

German publishing groups: A. Burda, H. Bauer, Axel Springer, Gruner + Jahr and Phenix Press Media entered the press market in Poland with their own titles in a Polish language version, initially as translations, later as licenced magazines.

The article highlights the stages of growth of these journals in Poland, provides statistical data, characterizes the activity of individual publishers, the market of women’s journals in Poland and advertising space content. The author provides a positive evaluation of the effect of the journals started between 1990 and 1999 leading to growing reading rates and im-provement - through the created competition and new printing techniąues - of the standard of other journals in Poland.


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