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S u m m ar y
The purposc of this paper was to charactcrize compounds from rye flour leavcn, which is uscd for making prepare sour soup.
It was found that for fuli characteristics of flavour compounds various isolation methods should be applied. The volatiles were isolated after 1, 2 and 3 days of spontaneous fermentation by using simultane-ous steam distillation and cxtraction techniąue, static and also dynamie headspace techniąues. Gas chro-matography analyses were performed on capillary column of different polarities connccted to flame ioni-zation detector, clcctron capture dctcctor, mass spcctromcter and sniffing port. The organie acids were analyzed by high performance chromatography on HPX - 87H column and Dual Adsorbance Detector.
Totally 26 compounds were identificd: 6 acids, 7 alcohols, 4 aldehydes, 5 esters, 2 ketones, 1 hydro-carbon, 1 heterocyclic compound. §§