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Macromolecules, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1992
1750 1700
Wavsru.rr.be' (cm’}
Figurę 4. FTIR spectra of the EMAA[26J-PVME diffusion couple as a function of time at 110 °C.
to a single homogeneous phase. In our experimental
Polymer-Polymer Mutual Diffuaion 799 Table I
Ezperimental Peak Areas for the Carbonyl Region of EMAA[26] and the Reaulting Fraction of Free Carbonyls
1698 cm'1
1730 cm
fraction of free carbonyls
0.0 |
3.778 N |
0 |
0.00 |
8.9 |
2.318 |
1.022 |
0.41 |
14.3 |
2.188 |
1.089 |
0.44 |
24.0 |
1.458 |
1.681 |
0.65 |
31.0 |
1.396 |
1.669 |
0.66 |
48.5 |
1.406 |
2.202 |
0.71 |
72.7 |
1.293 |
3.235 |
0.80 |
313.8 |
0.996 |
3.456 |
0.85 |
of free carbonyls, the composition, and, ultimately, the diffusion coefficient of this system. We will First consider the relationship between the fraction of free carbonyls and the concentration of species and then later incorporate the relationship between the composition and the diffusion coefficient.
The fraction of free carbonyl groups is a function of the composition of the system. Since the two componenta are diffusing together, the overaU composition of the system is a function of distance along the diffusion path, z, and the time, t. Since the IR measurement is performed in transmission, parallel to the diffusion path, the infrared beam is sampling the entire diffusion path at any given
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